. rBaaa'i.' . f7 ' YeJBa . e J L t Ji . . lt ."-l V" "". ,' ' .. . ' . . i i 't Ti TBOB XANOASTKR DAILY IKTSLUGSNOSR, TUESDAY, MAItCH 25, 1890. J '$W'l,vsi7Vr.''VW- - "BOSS." 9 nix actseb or "cap cea reLsa," in KIIVBUT. J" Ke, jay bars, thsy don't ranit le ae'trsnt. Frem mil te swat i STaka te teaehla' aad preaebla' aad sash feel Bat my fat, , thar, that l test, She wa all nose, lr; Karroe aad (tepsy kua head te toot; Ress, et'sr aces. Her mother died when she wa a twe-w babe, That thar wa alee TO the gal. Bat ah never cared ter no uch M gal de, , Her rnlnela', nor prlnkln', y NornlrHn'.nerflbbln'. Bat only aj geed honest nees; Blmlghttssthass. "BoytenriedapeBta aeiyireadla. My te Never cv a tees Forechnenae. Oeald threw en harass or . saddle OutekVa any hu en the plae. E'Cddrtv anything anywhere; Trotted 'era. nener any 01 iu, sub wm. Hew, cl'ar hea. "Bays the womenfelka, Yoe must put her te school,' Mtjr they. Let her ram who' be, Or aha won't be geed for nethln'.' Be I took ray t Te a school twelre mile te the north ; .Aad Iseld her pet hea Thirty mltei te the Seuth Beld her he. "Next tnernln' I went out te th liable, and kthar- . Bure'i my name' Ree There steed my gat, all bedraggled, twelre mile from the north ; And thar, thirty mile from the aeulli f With hi halter-rope broke, And hi neee en her neck. Steed her hea t ' Nethln' the couldn't tame ; eye gray a a bawk, Ralr like Hee. Whfpped my bull Bterm ' round the yard Ull he bawled, Forhernln'aewelamb. Whipped him till he bawled ; Blandln' thar ralni, whip In hand. Hess. right though, Fearle hess. , "That winter waal, a family near us took acarlet fever ! Couldn't get no num. 1 I'll go,' ear my gal all the neighbor hang In' back ' I'll go,' Bhe aved the little brats and ahe took It And she died, my gal Em. Hum, ye tee, Jest the same, Cl'ar through, hoes. " Handsomest pale loot ye ever tee. Homehew my gal' face said te me, Dad, what' the less ? Jeat the same old way thin neatrll, fer'ard 'leek, lip cnrled. Me, my boy's ain't much ; but I had a gal once My gal Em that I lest. Bhe was boss, without flaw s' cerle?s hess I" Sarah P. McLean (h reite. Don't He Off Bufbre Yeu Are Heady, Particularly en a long Journey. Be fully pre pared. Yeu cannot be, permit u te say, un less you are accompanied with the traveler' and tourist's iiufe mecum, Ilestctter's Stomach Bitters, meat genlul of appetizers, acellmatlzers ana promoters of digestion. Against sea sick ness, malaria, cramps and celics begotten of badly roeked or unwholesome feed and brack ' LSn. nerveusnew Increased by travel, &7p2llfrx2N& J3, aonstlpstaeh. the lilt! nAievfO, ! f ly- It Impart a rel rel rel UitJtoeipjmJtiX Kn fr te your taste, and preVau.U-lsK'1 disagreeing with you. Never was ihere (VMH a capital thing for the unfortu nate dyspeptic who stand in dread of the best cooked meal. Stemachic trouble caused by 111 prepared viands aboard ship, or steamboats, and rations hastily belted at railway restau rants, la seen remedied by the Hitters, which a quietus al.e te rheumatism, kidney troubles and Insomnia. m24teal It Is said that a great many Englishmen are visiting this country this season. I asked Jink what they came for. He said he supposed "te marry sert-pnted, millionaire women, te talk the fellows out of their money, who want te be tooled, and te lay In a supply of Or. Bull's Cough Syrup." "The greatest cure en earth for pain, Sanatien Oil; take up the strain. We Caution All Against Thern. The unprecedented success and merit of Ely's , Cream Balm a real cure for catarrh, hay feer ' Jt uilil I n ,li. ft. IU1 . ft. n I 4 HMmft ... A . .. .111. MUU t ... IUD 14CAU H IIHIUUM ..U.I.J M venturer te place catarrh medicine bearing some resemblance In appearance, style or name upon the market, In order te trade upon the reputation of Ely's Cream Balm. Don't be de ceived. Buy only Ely's Cream Balm. Many in your Immediate locality will testify In hlshest commendation or It. A particle Is applied into each nostril ; no pain ; agreeable te use. Price GO cents. Special Stettcc. UnelUeu'a Arnica Salve. THE BswrSAi.vcin the world for Cut, Bruise Beres, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Beras, Tetter, Cuapped Hand, Chilblain, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure File, or be pay required. It 1 guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price a cent per box. Fer sale by W. T. Huch, Drug gilt. Ne". 137 and 1 North Queen street. tu tu easter. Pa. Innegl-lyd YYItLIt Really Cure ltheumatlsm f We answer, honor bright. It will cure rheu matism, and the severest eases tee. Dr. Themat' Eclectrle Oil was specially prepared for the rheu matic and lame. Netice letters from the pec yle relative te its merit In nearly every paper In the country. Fer sale by W. T. Hecb, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, la Conaurnpten Iutenrablel Read the following : Mr. C. H.Merris, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phslclans pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Begun taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my fifth bottle, and able te oversee the work en my furui. It is the fluent medicine ever made." Jesse Mlddlcten, Decatur, Ohie, says: "Had It net been for Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption I would hare died of Lung Trou ble. -Was given up by doctor. Am new In best of health." Try It. Sample bottles free at W. T. Hech's Drug Htere, Nes. 137 and 1J N, Queen HU, Lancaster, Pa. (5) GrliiH. Pleasant, hculthy grins are seen only en the faces of healthy iwrseiu. The dyspeptic and de bilitated can smite only in a hair hearted way. Purify the bleed, tone the stomach and tmtnirthen the tissues with Burdock Bleed BU- ten. lfjeu wish te laugh welt and effn. Fer sale by W. T. Hech, Ne. 1J7 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Mether I Mether I ! Mothers 1 1 i Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suUerlng and crying With the excruciating pain el cutting teeth T If ae,goat euceand get a bottle of MHH. WINB LOW'U SOOTHING BYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There I net a mother en earth who baa ever used it, who will net tell von at enre that It will rero ute the bowel, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magle. It la perfectly safe te use In all ease and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of en of the eldest and beat female physicians and nurse In the United Btatea. Held everywhere, K cents a bottle. I uneXl vd&w Cause AetoulHUment. " Completely prostrated for days with Indl- estlen and bilious fiver, rrtic effect or two e'.tlMOfifm JiX-A Bleud Bitleri atenlshed me; visible Improvement right elf." Mr. Neah Bates. Elmlra.N. Y. Fer sale by W. T. Hech. Nes. 1JT and 13U North Queen street, Lancas ter, Pa. Kloetrlo Bitters. This remedy is becoming se well known and e popular as te iie.nl no special mention. All who have used Electric IlltUrs slug the same eng or praise. A purer medicine dues net ex i.t ,m ft ! ftfuaranteed te de all that Is claimed. Electrle Bitters will cure all diseases el the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Bells, Halt Rheum aud ether affections caused by Im- ure bleed. Will drive Malaria from the sys m and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fever, Fer cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Price We and MOO per bottle at W. T. Hmli's Drug Htere, 137 aud 1JU N. Queen HU, Lauraer. Pa. 5) yitoteovatt R en. I JUST RECEIVED FROM' KtBuigsburg, Prussia. Twe Backsrreunds mad especially for Bust and I j Three-quarter Length Photograph. KU1 Jfc5, p i-2 north Queen 8t., SBAJkBAPAIULLA. Peculiar Tmat Heesf Bar TsMilU data Beat Mv taewwr Paeallar te Itself I eeeteiaalvely abewB by th wewdirM eons It hw sTet. amsrBad la Us htttary of aat-atetes. This AolaUtrttlteiiiMbyreassieUteset that It I rpard by aCMMBMoa.Pre aCMMBMea.Pre aCMMBMoa.Pre rtlssiajUrraBsjjSetallarte Heed' Bar aaartlla, known te be ether Btedlelae, aad by whleh the roll medldaal newer of alTtb tagre dlenUtuedU retained. Heed's saafgaajarUi, t aWgUy eeneeatrated extraet efBaraaisssillla, Dandejlea, Mandrake, Deek, JtsttlBsr Barries, aad ether well-knewa vttetaMe reeaedtc. It Heed's Sarsaparilla ha wee ! wart th iaadtasj ptaesasraeBg medicine by Its ewa Intrlnale, MBdtesjBtai rnerij-dsUMBowta(aJUMsaer Unllar preparatlea In the esemtry. If yasthaTs never taken Heed's Bttnaparllla, Bur trial wlU convince yen of It exeallenee aad aaertts. Take It this saawn. . "I have ler a kmg tltae bam taste Heet's BarsapartUa, aad believs me, I weald BOt.b without Ik As sprint aeedlela It Is Invalua ble." K. A. Ruoeas, 139 Ontario Street, ChL eage,HL N. B. Be sure te get moms uarsapeniia. 100 Deses Tta-cLANE-H UVJUtriLLB. THE GENUINE DR. G -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! Iteming Brei.t DxAKHtB. Fer a long time I offered from lief. A very few dose doe th work and I would net be without them. O0. U. HARRIS. Bloux Falls, Dakota. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Cure ilck headache, biliousness, liver com plaint, Indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, ma laria, pimple en the face and body. Impure bleed, etc. by using regularly Dr. C KcLane' Celebrated Liver Pill, prepared only by Flem ing Brethers, Pittsburg, Pa., the market being fun of Imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but of the same pronunciation. Always leek for the signature of Fleming Brae, and C. McLane, Pittsburg, Pa., en the wrapper. All ether are worthies when compared with the genuine McLane'. nov3-lyeedTu,Th,B&w H UMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fer Horses, Cattle, Hheen, Dogs, Heg AND POULTRY. . MO Page Boek en Treatment or Animal and Chart Bent Free. C0BXS) Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A. A. J Bplnal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B. ntralns, Lamenesa. Rheumatism C.C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Beta or Grubs, Werm. E.E. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F. Colle or Gripes, Bellyache. G.O. Miscarriage, Hemorrhage. H.H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I.I. Eruptive Disease. Mange, J.K. Disease of Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Specific, Manual, Witch Haxel Oil and Med lea ter. ai.OO PRICE, Hlngle Bettle (ever 60 doses) OO Beld by Drugglsta ; or Bent Prepaid anywhere and In any quantity en Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., 108 Fulton BU. N. Y. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC v NO. 88. In use SO year. The only successful remedy for NERVOUH DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK NESS, and Prostration, from Over-Werk or ether cause, tl per vial, or 5 vial and large vial powder for f& Beld by DBUaetrm, or sent prepaid en re re celptOBef prlce.-HUMPHREH' MEDICINE CO;, I Fulton SI., N. Y. unc27-Th JSJAw 1 RAY'B SPECIFIC MEDICINE. GRAY'S 8PE0EFKJ MEDI01NE. The Great Exeikh Remkdt. An unfail ing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency and all Disease that fellow a a se quence of Mr-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many elher diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. J-The Specific Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at tl per package or six packages for 5, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THEQHAY MEDICINE CO Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. Held In lancaater, Pa., by W.T. Hech. mars-lyd TjlLY'U CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanse the Nasal Passages, Allay Pain and Inflammation, Heal the Bere. Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle I applied te each nostril and I agreeable. PrlcebueentiatDrugglsts; by mall, registered,) cent. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lydaw Ne. U Warren HU. New Yerk. V Undeveloped parts Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., 1 an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there 1 no evidence of Immbuir about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested iwnnni yyibv . u&ifln rirruian rivinv mil urnn liculars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL persons may get sealed circular giving an par ticular, by writing te the kkik mkviuau CO., 6 Swan BU, Buffalo, N. X.-DaUy Teledo Bee. fil-IydAw T KETUINQ BxKUF. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR, FAHRNEY'H TEETHING HYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorpblamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bewel and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DRH. D. FAUR NKY 4 HON, Hagerstevrn, Md. Prugglsts sell It; 23 neat. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cent, tani-lrdeedaw f VRTER'B LITTLE LIVER PILIA .GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS 31ck Headache and relieve all the trouble Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such a Dlxtlness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Eating, Puln In the Hide, Jrr, 'While their most remarkable success ha been shown In curlug Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLH are equally valuable In Constipation, curing aud preventing this annoying coin- rilalnt, while they also correct all disorders of he stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutler from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who once try them will Olid these Utile pills valuable Inte many ways that theywlll net be willing te de without them. But after all tick head 1 th bane of e many live that here t where we make our great beasU Oar pill cure It while n.fciAwa An tint J- CAHl'Elt'H LITTLE LIVER PILLS are Terr mall and very easy te take. One or two pill make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but b- their gentle ac tion please all who use them. I.t vials at 25 eta j five ter L Held everywhere or sent by rnalL CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK Small PUL Small Dese, Small Price. augU-lydeed Attorney. T UTUEK B. KAUFFMAN, ATTOsUIKYtT-LW. TTOOITI te Itself "I fest Wry raaeh Indebted te Heed's s-art, fer I beHeve It te te the as octal saedl eta that I ews say prssant bealtth. laHMSa-rlag I tot se eesapliUly ran down that X oetttd net eat er steea, sad all taa dreaded Jsass stks sad te havs a nerlsswaaairaBB. I was obliged te abaadea my work, aad altar seeking T-aedleal treatsaesit aad sasaalat arsr ma3rdlMrstpNfsutlona,iaM(4sBMfhe better. Then my wl nersaadsd m te try a bottle of Heed's tsarssvaarlUa. Before the Bret botUe was toast began te amend. I havs new asm twobetUMdbave3anedpoaBd. Can The Spring Medicine sal any thing wltaeat It karUat met my dys usasla and MMeasaam have gene. I asrsrsMt hotter la my. HIS, am at work again aad eon alder myself a well man. The two bottles were worth 1KB te me." W. V. Kclews, U eehvIU. H ateed'i Barsapanila purlned my bleed, gav me strength, and evereame the beadaeb and dllna,e that bow I am able te work again." Ltmtaa Masen, tt Church 8U, Lewell, Maa. Hoed'aBanaparitlal old by all druggist. tl; six for ts. prepared ey c. i. heed m ixk, Leweu, One Dellar 9rn 49oeb. NKW YORK STORE. Extraordinary Bargains IN -AT THE New Yerk Stere. TEN MORE WAUON LOADS OPENED THIS WEEK. HPECIALBAROAINSIN EVERY DEPART MENT. NEW CABHMERE STRIPES, yard wide, SBe a yard. 88-Inch ALL-WOOL SUITING1!, Plaids and Stripe te Match, 25c a yard. SB-Inch PIN CHECK SUITINGS, ISe a yard, made te sell at 25c. ALL-WOOL SERGES, Stripes and Plaids, Wft. 40-Inch ALL-WOOL CASHMERES, Staple Celers, .15e ; worth 60c MOHAIR BHILLIANTINES In Hprlug BHades, 25c, S7e and 60c 8,000 Yards CHALLIE LEVANT, Choice Btyles, 6Vfe ; worth 10c NEW STRIPED FLANNELETTS, Bright Coloring, only 10c a yard. HEAVY CROCHET QUILTS, tl each j sold every where at II 25. LARGE BLEACHED BATH TOWELS, ISe each ; usual price, 20c FINE HEAVY DAMASK TOWELS, Knotted Fringe, Colored Borders, 2Sc each ; usual price, WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. w ILLI AMBON A FOSTER. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! Linens I Linens I A complete line of Table Linens In cream and bleached at our special prices, 25c, 36c, 88c and 60c. 'table Cevers aud Napkins te match. Alse a rull line or Linens at 00c, 03e, 7Sc, WJc, 1)00,1125 and 11 50. TOWELS, NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. Regular 87c Turkish Tewel at 17c, or S for S0c, Regular 76c Linen Tewel at 17c, or 3 for 50c. A Mammoth All Linen Tewel, 25c. All the popular brands or sheetings at the very lowest prices. SPECIAL! SPECIAL I On the 2d fleer will be found our special 110 and 112 Men' Heck and Cutaway Hulls. Among our latest styles ate Black Cheviot, all-wool, lllandiia. Hlngle or Deublo Breasted Ceet and Vest, 118. Black Ceat and Vests In Back, U te $12. A full line or Light PunU at tS and $3 60. We make It a point te please the boys wltli our Leng Pant HulU for fckuoel.ta teftMand upwards. In Beys' Dress Suits you will find a fine as as sertmentment of CheyleU, Mixtures and Plaids from a te 110. Cutaway Bull for the Larger Bey from 110 up. Gem Shirt with Linen Bosem, Reinforced Frent and Back, 3Ke. Capital Bhtit, Wainsutta Muslin, Linen Bosem, Iteenferced renl and Baik, 60c. Htarbuck Hhlrt,76c. W. A F. Hhlrt, II. Our Celebrated KlghnileHhlrt.il and II 25. Just received 60 dozen New Hprlng Neckwear In all the latest styles, from 2&e te 75c. Try our Pure Glycerine Bar Heep at 5c per bar or t ter 25c Hats I - Hats I EVERYTHING NEW IN HATS. Knox and Silverman Fine Hals. Beys' Hmall Hrlin Htlff Huts, f 1 te tl f0. Yeung Gent's Hmall Brim Htlff Hats, fl 25 te 1200. Yeung Gent's Bilk Hats, 3 and 15. All shades or Anilsh Hats, 50c, 75c te tl. Beys' Cleth Hats, all shapes and color. 2Cc tetL '1 runks and Satchels at bottom prices Children's and Misses' Fine, Bright Dongola Shoes wltli sort, pllabla uppers, patent leather tips or plain tees, best makes known, as well as the latent shapes, with spring hel, widths from A te E. our Hprlug Stock In cheap and One grades or Shoes never was se complete. Ladles' Light Weight Jackets. Misses' ana Girls' Jackets and Coats. Ladles' Beaded and HI Ik Wraps. Hllk and Cie'h Coaching Capes. Ladles' Beaded and Hllk Wraps. Hllk and Cleth Coaching Capes. Kilt Hulls, Short 'ant Hulu. Odd Panu and Hhlrt Waists. Ladles' Htecklnette Jackets, tl 25 te K. All the Novelties in Dress Trimmings. Laces, Ribbons, White Kmhreldered, Black Hllk Lace and Bilk Net Flouncing. Heusefurnishing Goods. We are new preared te show you a complete Hee or china, Glassware, Tinware and Wood Weed ware at the lowest possible prices. We have also a fine assortment or steel en gravings with antique oak and silver frames. Don't fall te see our 6e and 10n Counters. A visit te this room of Bargains will pay you. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., ASD NEW SPRING GOODS Williamson & Fester. rTrrtttf. ATCXWkMUni. This Week's Snaps CLARKE'S. mhhhhmhmimmmWKv Dried Beetf.. ..Me Craasa Cheese, ' HHIIHM'Mt'V0 i ssw s swaW NcklMaeksrel. tlMtl(ttt' Me flraaalatad Osrnsnei, Jftte MsBsssV vTbMskVsKsj Or .-- -.-. Par OttM 8es....... W0OS lt9NtM iiiiitrtinHHilMlwii ft Baeketa Appt Battar. asatse ,......Jdes.He ....ststsorsex H a par box MM 9aUX os advwllanjisat lu the JsVnfcsa Jfewt tsr thlaa that will laterast yoe. , TBOittaVa. IrsvpertUd and Dritd Fruit IN GREAT VARIRTY. CALIFOBNIA FRUITB-Prune of All Ma, Rag Pluaas, Pears, Peaikse, Aprtsets, Bsvlalas, Orapss, stew THE YBMTZKR EVAPORATED BUQAR CORN-Th Bneat ta th taarkst t sold only by us s ether dried corn ae eanparisea. BCRCMACKKtVN AKRON MILLH PRO-DUcrm-Relied Aven, eat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Cern Meal, Farina, Ae. WHEATLET-A nw artlct prepared from wheat, make an xeeltent dish. A FULL LINK OF ALL KINDS OF THE BBBT OOODS IN THE MARKET, BURSK'S GROCERY. NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET. TREIBTT. Dead Shots FIRED ATRANDOM. ssrRad Onr Advertisements In Three Dally Paper. LENTEN GOODS. Helland Herring, In ken, very beat, Jl 10. Smoked Herring, In boxes, 16c. Smoked Had deck, 120. Hmeked Cromarty Bloaters, very One, a for 10c. Hmeked Bloater Herring, t for 10c Smoked Cromarty Haddles. 10e ft. Bpleed Hhrlmps. Spiced Oyster. Bpleed Hard and Hea Clams, tee a bettl. Clam Juice, Oyster Juice and Clam Chowder, SOe. Ced Fish. Bened Her ring, Canned Mackerel and Pickled Tripe. Olives, alt sites, Mushrooms, Cajirea, Ancho vies, in finest oil. Anchovy and Bloater Paste, Fresh Lebster, Salmen and Deviled Crab. Bar- uinea ibihi, aaususru i huu ueni nuruium i n oil. Italian Macaroni, Bpahgettl, Vermicelli and n Macaroni, Bpahgettl, Vermicelli and Paste, 12Ke a rack. Finest Imported ir, very finest Llmbnrger, Edara.Hege, l and Parmesan Cheese (ter Macaroni.) iiier rasie, nweltter, English Finest Deep Be Ne. 1 Bloater Mackerel, aoe . Larce Ne. I. verr fine and white, at 15 f. .llCQ TfllllVsBKBiUDIillVV-BVIIUI IIUfll Fish. e ft. Pickled Herrlnc. 8 ft for .! Nice White Mackerel, 5c each or for 35c. White NOW LOOK! Prepared Ham. Its ft. Rkln Rkln nedHam(nefat),Haft. Finest Picnic Ham, 9c Skinned Bhenlder (no fatJ le. Finest Break hut Bacen, MKe. Bummer Bologna, c Flee Dried Beer. 10c Very Finest Knuckle Beef, 15c MIND YOU I Very Finest Dried Pea.7e a qU Large Marrowfat Bean, 8c. 5ft Fin Evap orated Dried Cern for 33c. Lentil, Bplit Peas, Lima Bean, etc. ROLLED OATS, lte pack. Did yen get a saraple of lit We are headquarters. Rolled Oats, Oatmeal and Finest Wheat Germ-all 8 ftsfOrSGc Cerallne, 5c and 10c a pack. Corn Cern meal, 8 qta for 90s. Genuine Yerk County Buckwheat In sacks, 25c Belf-Raising Buck wheat 10, 15 and ISe a pack. "OUR FAMILY PHVhICIAN" and H BRAD BURY'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA, worth tt and 88 respectively, given away. Ask for a card which will explain all. Giving seem te be sec ond nature te us, as the boy said who get th whipping' It I mere blessed te give than re ceive?' 70 Barrels Sagar Just la leek for Bargain. WHOLRSALB AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WRBT KINO AND FRITCE STB., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ce.' Dry Geed Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Hene Hetel. oet anfr $her. B OOTS AND SHOES, THE BACKBONE OF COLD WEATHER IS BROKEN, AND HO IS THE BACKBONE OF PRICES, AT STAOKHOUSE'S NOS. 28 AND 30 EAST KINO ST. IF YOU DOUBT THE ASSERTION ABOUT THE PRICKS, CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELF. Seme Astonishing Offers in Spring Goods 8) D. P. STACKH0USE, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. B 1U BARGAINS IN HIIOEH. Ladies' $2 Shoes -FOIt- $1.75. I have Just purchased Ti pairs of Ladle' llrlgbt Dongola Square Tee Ilutten Shee In C. D. A K. widths, which were made for another Arm te Retail at K 00, but en account or misun derstanding or something else, they would net take them, and by taking the whole let I was enabled te buy them at such a price, that I can afford te sell theu at 11.75. TbeseShoesAreWertb$2 Per Pair. And I will guarantee them even at I.7S. They cannot last very long at tbla price, e don't blame me If you get left aud rail te buy any or this let. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A rX'KERT) Uie Leader of Lew Price In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 8 A 6 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. B-Her Closed Every Evening at 6 o'clock 9n NJ KXt DOOM TO THE COURT HOUSE, CARPET TIME ! Nw beginner t Housekeeping or these changing Hemes will find It te their ad vantage te visit us before buying their CarpeU, be It Brussels, Ingrain or Rag Carpel that I wanted. W art showing Big New Lines of the Fleer Cevering at prices te ull all panes. BRUSSELS CARPETS, at 69c, )e, Tie, tee and II.W. INGRAIN CARPETS, at 90e, 95c, 39c, Me, , 46c, 50c, Mr, 75c RAG CARPETS, at 90c, Kc, te, lie, 88e, ). 45c, 60c, 6Bc RUGS. W have Just received, direct from the mill, a job let of Smyrna Rug, at sxeetdlaglr low priers and beaaUful designs, at 3e, 60c, 88c, 73c, 11-00, tl.W, mm, KJiO, BJjM and 84.60 each. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, In All Width and Qualities. FHHNESTOCK'S, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. O OUNTERPANBH CHEAP. METZGER A Counterpanes Cheap. COUNTERPANES AT Sfic, COUNTERPANES AT 7AC. COUNTERPANES AT R6c. COUNIERPANE1 AT tl 00. COUNTERPAN ES AT 11.25. BARGAINS IN Marseilles Counterpanes at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 and $5. HEADQUARTEM FOR BEST ITXAM FEATHERS. SSetzer 3l Haughman, 38-40 West Kinq 8t., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITK THE COOPER HOUSE.) taud a Mcelrey. " bjlre Sc Mcelrey, Mm. S3 tad 38 Seuth Qqmr Street, Opposite FehbUIb Iaa. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS- Extra value In Tickings at , 10, MU, IS, 18 and 90e. Bed Check Irem ee up, extra quality Indigo blue at ItXc Bleaehed and Unbleached Muslin, In yard wide, Pillow Case or Sheeting width at low price. ' FEATHERS Owing te Uie low price en the Beat Feather our trad ha grown beyond our ex pectation. A lower grade at 80c CARPETS If yoe wish te see the best value ever offered see enr line. New design In Ingrain Carpet, style as geed as you will find In the Best Brussels, that can be turned, and either side will leek like the right Ude, net striped en the one side like the old siyle used te be, at 20, , 80, at, gnt 46, &, 600 ana np. Heme-made Rag CarpeU, better value than ever, at 2tW, 37U. 40, 15, tee and up. -Carpet Rag taken In exchange. An esrgant assortment of Smyrna Rugs at 75e and II ; large sixes at tl and 8! 60 ; worth a geed deal mere, stitched Carpet Lining only 5e a yard. Ol L CLOTHS The best selection and value lu Fleer Oil Cleth In the city from K te ak yard wide, lullabl for hall and vestibule, or kitchen use. WINDOW SHADES-Plaln Opaque or Helland Shade. Me. Plain Oil Shades, 40 and fiOe. Dade Opaque Hades, 40r. Dode Oil Shades, AOc. Alt our shades are the largest site, with spring nature. Paper Window Shade, Oil or Helland shading by the yard alie spring fixture. REMNANTS We have Just opened another let of these Heavy tilngham Remnant at e. This may be the last you will beable te get, a the price no doubt will be higher. Lately they wire hard te get. BARD& Km. 33 ud 30 Strata Queea Street. He Z. RHOADS A BON. NOVELTIES IN PINS -AT- H. Z. RH0ADS a SON'S, 4 West King St. Enameled Broeohes and Bennet Pins ! Set with Diamonds and Other Precious Stones, and Fashioned After the Wild Haac, Hie Pansy the Violet and Other Favorite Flowers. ALWAYS DESIRABLE, BUT " JUHTTIIETHINO" FOR BARTER. H. Z. RHOADS. & SON, Ke. 4 WEST KIN 0 ST.. LANCASTER, PA. )ettr ucttihine f&oehm. STlUNN A BRENEMAN. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS I Flizizi Sc Breneman. Da veu wanl te buv HtevAti or HeiiMfunilihlntrntvisiif If sn. wurttt uvn vnu menv. Our 1VTOVKH and IlANQI are the cheapest In the nMivn wf se ! laviiuHuciiimifci itticu sUattMaiiijiaa ryuwtir. jafv aaiiw Cbandellert. Table aud Fleer oil CleUia, We manufacture the Only Ocuulne Old Htyle Mand Jtada lln ware In the market. 1 here Is no equal te these goods. Baby Carriages, Baby Carriages. The Largest Sleck of Baby Carriage In the City. Prices Lew. FLINN St NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN Carpet. c ARPETHI CARPETS CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY. GOAL! GOAL I GOAL! Ceal of th best quality always kept In stock. Try a Sample Ten. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., NO, IM SOUTH WATER STREET, Lamcaktkh, Pa. fcblMmd rplIE LANCASTER CARPET UOUHK. S.&V. HEADQUARTERS Fer All Kinds or FLOOR GOOD!. DRAPERIES, B1IADINOS, HfAlRRODi, fclc., i:tc TiCarpeU Cleaned and Rcpulrcd at Leuest Rate by best Workmen. QROUNDFLOORI NOHrAUW TOCUilll I ONEPHIChl A HTORE HAVING CONFIDENCE OF ALU 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18. 30 k 22 East Orange Street. angW-lyd TTENKt WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te U8 East King street, having a full Una of Furniture of every description at the lewsstprtee. Alae UBdarlaklng promptly at- (JeefcOi HAUOHMAXT. Opposite Feumteia Iaa. atchc. market. We have Uie largest stock of WOOD fttidj ST. LANCASTER, PA. Qavtmmrc. TT AUD WAKE I HARDWAREI If you want te buy a Heuse-Stire GOTO MarsMl & Rentier's, A II SOUTH QUEEN T. There you con get STOVES, TINWARE, CEDARWARE, CUTLERY, And a full line or Heusefurnishing Goods. Alse, a Full Stock of GENERAL HARD WARE, and PRIME NEW 0L0VERSEED. XaSTTAT,fi&llEI,&IER NOri. A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. feba-lyd Catnrianc. STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. ED,W. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40, 12, A 45 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the Postetnce), LANCASTER, PA. All the latest style In Buggies, Family Car riages, Phwteus, Hurrays, Cabriolet, Pliwteiis, Market Wagen, etc., new ready ter the Spring Trade. A fine line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Spring. Strictly flrst-cluks work and all work fully guaranteed My price are the lowest lu the county ter the same quality or work. Ohe uie u call and ex amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a first-class inunuer. Ope set of workmen especially emple)ed rertbut purpose. mRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, X propelled b) a geed powder Llewer.hLlhe most effectual destroyer of diss and ether sataU luascta. Fer sale AtMUBLarra nana btebue. HvttvtUtvm tttlrt UinnYLVANIARAtLROADeK3UD V iu m irem nor. hl use, -- HiwBwimmi KHIOWSI Xaave WWTWARD. NaSSVSSSf'" ew sxpraatt... FrtllaeMBhat. 4i80a. seu MefltralnvtaMUieyt loam. m. vtaOeiamMa fliJM t ara. I Niagara Expr Hanover Aecem...... rim OelambJali; FastLlnet.. flSSWIIC lfki uneaater Accem... Lancaster Aeeem. HarrlsburgAeeew Columbia Aerem.n.. MarTlsOurt Express.. Western Expressr.. Laneaalar Aoce. 5 EASTWARD. hlla, Kxpresrf. .astLlnef. 1 I answer Acce- Harrlabnrg Express u:ts,a. vlaMUJsy- TTT -.-- I KSUp. IB. 4:40 a. m. MS a. IB. tsJB a. as. "Xeav"' titta., ftSst'ftu !- M0a,m. UMa.m, lMtp. m. Mp. ra. fcOOp. m. 4: 4tp.re. 8:46 p, m. $Mp. m. 1398 p. M. f AtlaaUe Kxpresst-I Beashers Kxpreaa. s-niasaeipnia . Sunday Mall.. phla Aoeem!! Ssy Kxpreasf! ... arrlsburgAccem Mall Tralat. Frederick Aoeom ITh only train which ran daily. . r,, Qn Sunday tbeMaU train watt nut by war ' Colombia. J. u weed, eensrai Paitsr Aaaa.v ti"". c rtuu. eeneral alanagsr. ... - Aw ! tHLADELPHIA READINU RAILROAi READING A COLUMBIA DIVMIOir. -' On and after Sunday, Nev 10. MM, lasslMal Iiiiii I i ii nri I It - - J - M Fer Reading and InUrmedlaU petata, rSJ. a. nu, 13J6, 8.49 p. ax.; aSSup, aBej stga p, aTfle Fer Philadelphia, week days. 78 a. as.. Ir. .P.m., Duneays. sja n. m. ' !' t FerNw Yerjt vfa PhVladelphla, wssk stevtcJ TMa.aIfeM,S:lp.Bi. . rer xsew ietk via AueniewB, wK aaJ asSCTSSST BS BSBBS) V f IAlhwtewa, week days, T a. Bk,Mt;' su Sanday,t!8t p. m. ,:. Fer Lebanon, week day. TW a. ak, lkK,! H W. nHUIMI, KVB m IB. MOB EH US. .Fer Uarrtsburg, week day, 7j80 a. ah, 1 StK a. m. l Bnnda v. KM a. m. . Mrtenarryvtii, week days. t- a. e ft s.wp.m.1 nunaay,KiDp.m. t IRAUIB FVK lAJtUAJBTKH. . liesvs neaaing, weec eays. 7ia. llsia,aa :5Sp.m.t Hunday.7)a.m.; i:Mp.a. it Leave Philadelphia, weak. day7 stU, mm m.. 4-00 n. m. ,- lv New Yerk via Philadelphia, week lan,1 7ia.m.,lA),p.m.lJ:lJnlghU 7j Leave NewYerk via Ailentewa, weak ssifil S7IWH. Itl. 4iWKH in. 'tZM Leave Alleulewn, wssk day, Ml a.a.( M Mm 'Laavs PetUvlll, weak day, Ml tv atl? Lsava Lebanon, week days, 7-.ll a. av, 1 r.i9 p. hj. I nunuagr, q a, m. sssBb u Lave Harrtsburg, week days, ssSa. at.; ar .J0a.m. save uuarrr villa, week days. ttst. llitl v I 8.-00 1 Sunday, 7-10 a. m. s'i ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. yP iiavs rniiaeeipnia. cnastant atrsst aim Bouin irei wnan. Fer Allantle City, weak days, 840 a. m. and 4.-O0 b. m.: Aeeesaa 7:S0 a. m. aud 4:90 n. m. i Rnndav. $M a. m., Aeeommedatloo, f.-Ot a. aC p.m. . rt Keiuming leave Auanue miy, eanea i Atlantic and Arkansas A vnua. Wsskj Kipreas 7:m a. m. ana, t a. an. raodatlen,(.-0A a. m. and MO a. at. Kinresa, f p. in. Aoeoramoaauon, tsbj a, and t je p. la imu p. in. . , . ueiaitea urns ueies eaa os esiaiaaa at t nfllnea. A.A.i4eI,EOn. .... ao.HANOpett. VlMPres.AtJen'IM'sT. eial stiraarri EBANON A LANCASTER JOINT J RAILROAD, Arracgements of Psngr Trains Bombay, November W, last. NORTHWARD. Leave A. at. r.tr. King Street, Ine- 7.-08 lftst Lanesater.... ..... 74T lt Columbia ItM Manhalnv...nu. 7m ltm Oernwall.......... 7iM list Arrive at ... - IlUTH"WAKTi.l!" Cornwall. 747 lt Uahtr. 7M 10J Lancaster....-...-. V IM Arrtvat , Colombia tilt M King street, -Lane. aa A. M. WILSON, Sunt. R, 4 B. si. NEFF. BupU d. K, H. m Ua SHtsTSMt&'i? - .T6 $amt. N- EW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. I, i&i Call and Stt -THE Li -AND ' S ! HRT COODS a; ON BECOND FLOOR i."?--1 JoMLAmeld'sBuilc .Si, NORTH QUEEN 8TRDT. i srtfl UMIllNa.GAS FITTING, Ac m ia Jehn P. Schaum & 11 ;l PLUMBING, ?tfj m GAS FITTING AND R001 20 80UTH QUEEN 8T.. A v. Cl)ittamar. laf , " 8sa.ai Ma. as .jsji a. a-..,' rax .' 'I "a Mia. bb. u 'sAlaJ-fl m FmE NEW IiuiiavAiviid, i 'J China. Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- W are new opening our Spring Importation of Queentware aad will ee prepareu w supply our stususaars y wiui uie very ueas -twum ui wra s i . IawmI 1rlfM. tTniiKMSlrst. rAalva 'Vt i Bipedal attention. tif HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East Kins Street. Ceal. IIMHKU ANDfXIAL. 1JMAtAXIHIlUUKAJIUmilliai Wasnsk EUN uaiiu wuuua. wneiasai ana swats., B. H. MARTINA CXX. ' by nS-lyd 424 water Hireei. i sneaiiar. g, ; i T ADMGARDNERa OOMPANT. COAL DEALERS. erricaa no.ianerwHusiEHiwt,asHs.isa sj 8W NortniTincesireei. j YAsuav-Nerth Prince Street, near Batssai IuglVtM INCAirTt.PA. - I L-L .AWTflEU. BAI Lieaiaer heusvs, v a a ttA w -' s . r -vs M MAMUst sT, MAMUflsWM, fA, r SasTrSi sSSJrwWSVPBj .v """"V.