tZTIWT: fryji w ivitw: v :' 3P"3j - v-t "n TH LAtfCASTEU EAILY INTELLIGENCER, THUBSDAY, MARCH 20. 1890. j",jin fj Vf '"' " '"v "' $ntUt0Hcr; .'rahtMAH. UU.WITBHXAN FOLTS, Batten. OBUIT CLJUIK, raOHMW. UATLY WTELUGKNCEll.-Publlshed Cay in the year, but Bunday. Bervea in una city ana surrounding at ten cents a week. By mall Ore del- nar In Utibn t n eentt a month. . LT INTKLLtaKNCER-One dollar and f eents n year. In advance. ETO SUBSCRIBERS-Remlt by eneeK ; ,Ioto( order, and where neither of i paste he procured asad In a registered at the Posteffloe.aa second claw mall Aseaasa, THI DTTSLLiaBMCKK, , Lancaster, Fa. fOASTWt.PA.. March 20, 1890. CMteiaalate The Cera Crep. corn crop of this country In 1869 very large and the price paid tbe was the lowest en record. Cen te expectations of many, Eastern rs the yield per acre in the corn Ing states of the Northwest Is as re- kbla asever.whue the Eastern states w k falling off. In 1885 Fcnnsylva- grew thirty-two and a half busucls .corn te the acre, worth 40 ceuts n , $15.03 an acre. In 18S9 thePcnu- ivanlacrep averaged 29.8 bushels te acre, worth 40 cents or $13.71 an . Nebraska in 1SS5 raised 30.7 Is per aero, worth 10 cents or $0.07 acre, and four years later, witn ly the sarue average yield, Nebraska rs get $6.21 an acre. Frem tbese rea reported by the department of allure it may be seen that tbe air etrTJeWeen the price of corn In risk and In Eertnsylvauia has Inishcd. The cost of trauirportatlen fallen and the Eastern farmer Is g the advantage he possesses of ng nearer te the foreign markets ich take the surplus of our corn crop. ' freight ou corn from Nebraska te iteage was SS cents in 1835, new it Is I, ceuts. Be far as cost of transpertu- gess JNCDrasita seems touesicaany Wing nearer te Chicago, aud that ural protection te the Eastern farmer decreasing, Mere wonderful still, the light from Nebraska te New Yerk la ly 24 cents, nltheuRh ether charges make corn cost 32 cents mere there than IB Nebraska. Pennsylvania farmers de et seem te bnve a very cheerful pros pres jbeet befere them in the corn business a& In fact the states of the far West Are. crowding the market In a way 'tHiat It Is embarrassing te all tbe corn were cost of tlie Mississippi. The Hal- ere American, In commenting ou this Mate of things, finds little comfort for MM Maryland farmer, aud Pcnnsylvu- ,lans are In the same fix. The building f railways rapidly wldeus the corn lands of the Northwest, year by year, ftad vast Indian reservations are te be f thrown open te settlement iu the Dake- and Mentana, whlle the lmprove- invent of theSault St. Marie canal, aud bulldlug or a great cemmurclal Marine ou tbe lakes, assures the further ,beapenlng of transportation. The Can- in government has declared its tu itien te widen aud deepen the St. ,Xawrcnce canals, and an outlet straight a Europe may thus be furnished for .mere leading at Chicago or Duluth. f Jitir. riArhniM tlin TCnstftrn furttini i.mti ule himself after the mauuer of the :, who could net reach the grapes and te believe them sour. Theferelgu kct Is after all mighty uncertain, waxing mere se. Steam Is bringing cultural produce from all parts of world te satisfy the European de al. A mere enlightened tariff jxdlcy encouraging our manufacturers W compete- for foreign trade may restore industrial vigor and widen the homedc- aaand. When Pennsylvania working a In shops and factories can afford te it meat often aud are net obliged te economize iu marketing, the farmers of this region will have u home market tht no railrend klug can threaten ; and Wis bright future will be iu sight when .ire can beglu te manufacture largely for foreign lauas as wen us ler America. & rzr V i iiiL-tiiiig in mc court mseiuwevcniugrortne promotion of itry, and overyeuo who believes in preservation of trees should try te be ere, whlle these who doubt the cyeFtbe mattcxweuld de well te live the question a fair heuriug. Under i auspices or the i'uuusylvuula For Fer ry nssoclatleu. and with Governer irfcver presiding. Profefser D. E. Fer- tr, the biniueut naturalist nnd iirest. ykat of the forestry bureau ut Wnshlng- rvm, win aenver un address. We have Md a great deal of the Mmtlment of trm -jpfchtiug en Arber days, and " Weed- Hpare That Tree," has been isv efteu repeated that the uvernirn Jien probably feels little dlsnoi-ed F;"Pare from massacre any one who t-jgaetes It ; but the lecturer te-night Is a CfMCialist in the mere practical and tcl- minc aiue or the case. This whole state Wjw at eue time covered with a forest of bread leaved trees, uud in turning Mm u wilderness Inte a farming land, we linvi. (wdlcally changed the fuce of nature it i high time te take measures te restore rViyfew trees te William Pcnn'i uwi L-JMr. Feruc-.y will tell hew aud why this teugui te ue ueue. Tiiere is plenty of lund nieng tue water courses aud hillsides ; .which would pay much better in irw nd as our peple are net reaming, and fcHT. "--" mUmivs,uhij uuu bul'k lO tnem, mere seems te be ue reiisnii wllv Kthey should net have foresight enough fe-.te nlant nanlln" ami wnii r,i. .. greP- a - .. .. ,.,v ,i.t n ui-u fe.t Thl.l. n1c .! it. i ... ,. fliV i ev"u Hum ui consider ijiine anuses ei tree trimming, which ure ; siiuBimieu every year in this city in nu trocieus way. Fine trees nlenir treets are ruthlefcslv maiiL'lpd hv iir. bariaus who call themselves tree tilm. r.iners, and electric wire llends hack and nuuiate trees timt bave been planted, 1 petted and watched by peaceful cIMzpub who meekly submit te the outrage. It ije tlme that the cemmunltv get awnkn fra aemethjug mere thuu a mere nauive tiweiKuterest iu trees. Weather ami Mlutcr Resort. JTbe slaughter which (lil ivini i. flnfllcttd ufwn humanity Is certainly fur hove the usual work r n-inini. .....i ,flrmn the old savlntr ilmf ,. Irr,. TJbjbtma8 makes a fat graveyard. It is tue seventy, uut tlie varlable- eai, of a climate that (a,,. iftve te vitality. With an extraordinarily ... ujuu me average we huve sMrraerdlnarilyhiglidL'utli rte ti... pinshlue aud storm have cemblrMl sther for the undoing. March im i worst reputation of alltlm nn,.u,. ribeyear ; aud physlclana are went U lueir leebie patients uway frem it homes te the Seuth or tli a,....i.r.. h, however, doubtful geed eau-t k W- tut climate Is concerned, since there i no great sccadiue&H tn It nmwi.n l-Tie snow fcterm of yestenlav. u-b m I4 by the signal bervice bureau. 1 came up te us from Texas, which Is net much of a recommendation te a Southern town. And when we re member hew last March the Jersey tea coast was under water aud inhabitant cared almost te death at the Invasion of the waves, It seems hazardous enough te resort te the shore for weather and comfort's sake. They say that an equable clime can be found In Southern Califor nia and upon the slopes of the Itecky mountains, and the table lands of Tennessee and North Carolina, As this Is well testified te we expect that these highlands will grew Inte use as winter sanitariums, at Uie cost of Flerida and the low sea coast. Certainly there is ue lack of variableness In the Flerida climate, and with Its en ervating heat and the lack of prevision for its occasional fresta,thcre is llttle rea son te regard It as the land for the Invalid. riisM abck's lotter of resignation Is said te cover some twenty pRges but no hint is given nste wlint it issll aleut. It maybe full of grave, cautions and nie advice, like Washington's farewell uddrcas, but the old clmncoller is net n Wnnlilngteu and Is mere llkely lolmvnrevlewetl hH glorious past. One account of his roftlguatlen repre sents that the emperor asked I) I in te ro re mnln chancellor but resign the presidency of thfr imperial ministry se 'thai the heads efall departments would be directly re sponsible te the oinpnrer. Howevcr this may be It seems pretty certain Hint the newchnnoellor, Qnueral Cuprlvl, will net have anything like the power of Bismarck and Instead of speculating as te the plot' and Intentions of the Oermnn cbaneeiler the foreign correspondent wiuVhcncoferth wonder what Knlser William may be up te. A ceuple of hysterical French news papers are already shrieking war, but ns a rule the Kuropean press seeins te be hold ing IU breath. yS In the current number of the Mugnzine of American History tliore Is an nrticle by the editor, Martlia J. I.ninli, en life lu New Yerk fifty years nge. Frem the diary of Philip Hene, a mayor of New Yerk nnd a prominent banker, many interesting fuels nre gleaned which threw light ou the times and ou the bank pante of 18.10, when "eight stntes In part or wholly fa II ml and thu national goeruineut could net y its debts." IIe tells hew Hanker .fumes O, King went te Kugland, where three of the Inrgoet heuxfts luloreHtod iu the American truda had fulled, nnd nsteuMicd the llritUh capitalists by calmly advising thein te scud several millions In geld te the United states. IIe Mircocded In pnrKiindlng thorn that audi a courne would rcntore confldenco and save the Imperlled IlrltUli intorests, and a million pounds sterling Iu geld was rapidly forwarded nnd sold Iu llosten, New Yerk and Philadelphia. A reaction atonce took place and mlslbrtunes were retrieved. Mr. Hone gees en te tell of n dinner given In Washington In 1KI8 by Daniel h-Wobster te prominent New Yorkers. "Mr. Wise was eleiiieDt and enteitalnlug; Mr. Webxler very line. Old Mr. Itnhlns do de do llvercd a beautiful euleglum upon Wash ington, in a soft and tremiileiiM voice, and iu laiiKiinge classical and pure. It was a glorious nflidr. Wlieti I arese at tlie table at which I hud tlie seat or dlfttlnrtlen I was awe stricken, and for a moment em barrassed, but recovered Instantly. I felt ns It lu nn assembly of the gods. Tlicse were men who can and will save the country. I told thorn se, and they resjvended anion 1 The uext thlug iu erder wan the dinner which the New Yerk purty gavo.The guests uumhored about forty. I presided aud ttiey nil add it was tlie greutest tiling I ever did, but hew could It be otherwise.? I had Clay en my right hand and Webster en my left. I felt inspired myself nnd. in fused inspiration into nil around me. Al luding te my rehillve position I madethem all plodge themselves te mnke ene of us three president of the United States. Hew we apples swim 1 At ten o'clock we breke up and most of the party went te the ball in honor of Washington's birthday, which wish brilliant aijalr. The president was thore, the vlce prcsldeiit, the hauls of de partments forelgn ministers, etc." The journal or the old mayor hceiiis te be full of interust " roveallng," as Mrs. Lamb lemarkN, "clinructcrstimhul ventures that In their reality almost see in borrowed from skillfully woven webs or romance." T r i This cruiser Newark took te the water llke n young duel; en Wednesday. . Scuxrrau Bam helm, of liherty statue fame, Is shocked at the proposal te make a lauding station ler Immigrants of lied Ien's Island. He thinks that it should be n kind of ideal roert where should be kept allve the memories of all that is glorious In tlie history and geography ofthe United Ktutes. "Thus around the buse or the statue or Liberty there should be grouped emblematic- statues ofthe Untied Stateser Ameri ca. In dllloient parts or the island, laid out llke u Greek grove, the statues or all the homes or America should be placed. Tliore should be statues or all the great men who have in ado America what she Is, se tliut people going there would find themselves transported Inte it kind or Amertcun Wal hallu. " And towerlug uliove all would be Burlheldl'n giant stnlue or Liberty en lightening the world. A modest man, this sculptor! It is net probable that Amort Amert cans will fancy the notion of a collection of statues hidden en un island of New xera Harber wliore a fair sired crowd would net have room te stand. Tun world's fair bill, as rojiertcil te the Heuse, limits the cost of the government buildings te four hundred thousand dollars and insists thut ten million dollars must 1)0 provided by the fair corporation lu ample time for the proseeutlon oHhe w erk. i l'KItSOXAL. PiiEMiu,NT Mamusen is in Murvlund trying te sheet ducks. Judee Jehn S. IIaekii, ox-celloclor of tlie pert of San Francisce, died in that city en Wednesday. Assistant Navai, Co.nstiiuctek L'iiak IIuwKsdled uftyplieid fevcrln Noifelk en rueMluy. His remalns wcrutakeiite rhll rhll adelphla for burial. He w as only iM years of age, and brilliant in Ids profession. He had been inunled but six weeks. Themas Hern, of New Yerk, bequeathed $100,00010 found a hospital at 1uighelm, .Scotland, whero he was born. Miss Paula II. Funk, or Brooklyn, lias been awarded the prize of $100 offered by the New Yerk 11'erW Ter the quickest solu selu I en of the" Blocks et Fhu"pii7zle. Her t ine was 8 4-5 seconds. Ilormevos wore: the letters repiesent the blocks moved and the letters lictwuen parenthetic ( ) ure the blocks pushed iu ene moo In the ceiubi ceiubi ceiubi nattmiholiuleu: H(NS)(K I) A It (I It) i a ??Vi( a) (1 ' I (t. 1 h O) IN $) U II m 4j y.w f ji, Minnii: Mapdkiin, the well-known ao ae tross, was marrliHl en Weducsday te Har rison Grey FNkc. the editor of the New i erk Vramiitia Mirror. The new ly-w edded p dr w 111 inuke u short tour lu the West. In May they will go te Kurope. te return next autumn. Miss Mudderu will permanently retire from tlie Mage, en which she had been nearly ull her llfe as a child actiess. Jlcr re,il name berore her marringe was Mary Augusta D.ivey, and she Is de.cenilnd maternally and paternally from a family ei ucters. Miss Madilern's greatest theatri cal suecesbcshae been lu "Cuprlve" aud " .V.' SU,lt0.!f A"'. mH Madderii'h union witn .Mr. riske is her second inarriuge. DIl, WAGNKH'S IMG HIIT. Claiming 91,000,000 by llemull (Jetttug Arrested for Fonrei-v. uud Dr. Harrison Wagner, whose numerous and heavy sultsngainst the Adams Kxpress company instituted in small county courts have lately attracted considerable attention, is locked up in a police station in Washing! ug. .1 i.i laWlu tee pleasure of tlie Huiuvetmu man nnn county, Vu. charge or forger v, n sir..-.?!., r.. en tlie l)r. WagWr says that lie was a inanufae- turer of medicines In Frederick eeaatr, Md., and that he brought suit against the Adams Kxpress company In Virginia, North and Menth Carolina for failure ttr deliver hts tnedldnea, obtaining numer ous Judgments by default. The express company falled te nut In an answer te the soils. The letter acknowledg ing the company's Indebtedness te him tn the sum of $1,600,000 and upon which he based his suit te attach the preperty of the 'express company and the signature te which It is charged he forged, wagner declares cime te him through the malls after he had obtained the judgments against the company. It was signed in tlie name of President Dlnsmere. and, although the letter was postmarked from Houth Carolina, and net from New Yerk, the oenimny's headipisrters, he nevertheless thought It genuine. After walling seme time for the money he brought the attachment suit, which hss resulted In the attention of the Adams Kx Kx press company being called te the esse and In the doctor's arrest. AN UMCONSTITtmUNAIi TIIULE. Wisconsin's Huprcme Court Hules It Out or the Public Hoheols. The Bible has no business In the publie schools of Wisconsin, according te a deci sion Just rendercd by the supreme court in the en se of Weiss against the district school beard of education. Catholic parents hed, as a foundation for this case, objected te the reading of the Scriptures from the St. James orslen In the hearing af their chil dren, pupils in the publie schools. The case get Inte court J tlie Heck county court overrulod the demurrer or the Catholics te the answer or the school beard. The action or the circuit court is new In turn overrulod by the supreme court, giving the victory te tlie Catholics, nnd decfarlng the reading of the Blble in publie schools unconstitutional.'-'' IpjurtVlng nt this conclusion the court iCiys it mattered net that the portions or Ncrlpture actually read wero net sectarian, slnce the Blble as a whole, alined te Incut Incut Incut catothedhluily of Christ and the punish punish jnent ofthe wicked after denth, which doc trines nre net accopted by seme religious sects. The court further says that the pIsce where the Blble Is read Is a place of wor ship, nnd llml as taxpayers are compelled te erect and supiert school houses, uud the children are, under the into law, compelled te attend public or private schools, "the constitutional clauses forbid us In use school houses ns placosef worship." Thought She Drew a Blank. Mrs, Jehn Bewman, of Plymouth, aged "1, ttIie has been mnrrlcd but three weeks, hasdeerted lier husband. She left n nete addressed te him, in which she stated she had drawn a blank lu tlie matrimonial lot tery, that she found she loved another man and se had left hlui. Mr. Bewman and Miss Nerah llealy wero united iu marrluge by Father Mack, of Plymouth, l'a. Tlie wedding was a billllunt affair, ever four hundred guests being prcsent. Among the guests were James Wright, or I'hiludelphla. The brlde was Introduced te the Phlladelplilaii for the llrst tlme. On Monday evening she eleped with him. She took ull her hus band's meney with her. Tlie irate hus band offers a reward for his wife's arrest. The (tcsillly InrrensliiK popularity of Lnxa Lnxa cler, the " golden " rcmnly, with (lynjM-ptlriiaiid M-rsens troubled with Indigestion Is simply phenomenal, l'rlce only 25 ci'iiU. At all drug glut. It mnkrs n person feri sad le licnr a crying baby, MiRcrlnff probably from sIlKht pain, which reulii he easily relieved by Hie nun of Dr. Hull's llnhy 8) nip, which la for saleat all ttercs. Ken BOZODONT all ladles cry, And gentlemen, or hlifh or low, I'er nelhliiK clse that they can buy, Will Rlve the mouth Us freshest slow slew Will keep tin teeth se sound nnd white, And make the breath u sweet delight. marnte-Jt " Knrly te bed nnd rnrly te rise Jlalies a man lii-allliy, uenlthv and wise " says tlie eldcii-tlma nursery rhyme, but we think ttiul " ICjirly te drink from the fountain of health Will brhifi both the wisdom and inuch-lengcd kir wealth," and tliuT fnuntnln Is te he found In Dr. Pierce's (lolden Medical Discovery, the werld-rumid reinedyfur luiiurlttc of the bleed. It rurei Hcrnfiileus Meres and SucIIIiiks. Hkln and Hcalp disrates, 'letter, Hult-rlieum and all bleed taints. W.Th&w ' Frem Ilupubllrau llii(l(unrtrs. Mekavia, N. Y., May 6. 18S7.-0. 1'. Wood Weed ward: I haebren using Kemp's nalsnin and llnd It very itlecthe In relieving a cough with which 1 have been nmtcted of Isle. Our drug glits tell me they sell mere of this tluui any any ether cough remedy. I can cliw-rfully rec rec enunciidlt. Yours tinly, J.J. 1'kask, IMIter Republican. At all druggists. Ijirue buttles Me and II. (2) OWIFTH 81'KUIKIO. MERCURIAL RHEUMATISM. Mr. J.C.Jenes, city inarslnd or l'ulleii, Ar k n nsivs, writes: "About leu jrairs into Ieon Ieen Iraclril unccre chhc of bleed imldeii. 'lliulend lug physicians or Hie elly weie culled In. iiud they iircscrlbed niedlclnu iifU'rinedlclne, h hlch 1 took without nirerdlng me any relief. I nUe tried mercurial mid peinsli remedies, with the siiiue unsuccessful result, but which brought mi mi attack of mercurial rheumatism that iiiiuiumy inueiiu ei unieiii agony. Aucr suf fering four meii lis, IguxMip all former renic- iim'siiiiii riHiunt'iiccti uiKing Hwlll'sl iking Kwllt'sHiM?cltlclH. llrelv euied mid iihfi . rt.) Aiicr laKiUR Merrill beltlis. I was en- no le rismiKi work. I sliler Hw lU's Hneellle (S. H. H.) tlie greatest meet- it;iiiii iui- uiiiuu puisuuiug iciiuy en the mur- KITi. INHERITED SCROFULA. Hwin- HllPCltlclft. H. H.)iMirOil HIV lltlln lint ., , tt. .'. ". 'VA' .-. 7' T "."."' ''"'.' lll-t-illl.irj' ni'iuitliu Which hreki. nut fill nvr ins nice, rerii jenr ue nun simered, and I hud gtu-n up all hopes of his recovery, when at length I was Induced te use 8. H.8. After using a, few bottles be was entirely cured. Net u Kyinptem new remains of the dlMasu. This Mas Ihree jcarsngn. M11H.T. I.. MATHKltH, Mutberllp, Miss. Treatise en Illuediiud Hkln Diseases mailed rree. C'l HWIKTHl'KmyiO CO., Atlanta, Oa. DltUNKKN.IiS. I.IQUOItllAlllT. Ill All I ha World lliere Is but One Cure. l)H. 11AINRS- OOI.DUN HPP.UIPIC. It can be glien In a cup of oelh-oor tea, or In articles of fixsl, wllbeul the knowledge of the patient. If necesmiry ; It Is absolutely harmless and Mill ellect a pcrinauent and six-edy cure, Mhelher the patient Is a iunlernti drinker or an alcohellu wreck. 11' KAIL'S. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergix's no Inceuvenieiue, and ere he Is aware, hlscemplete refonnatleu la ellected. 48 page book efparlicultirs free. UIIAB. A. I.6t'HKlt. Druggist, . .iJ:.0 '",t K1"B 8t- -Lancaster, l'a. KlJeed-lThAS -lAUTKIl'H UTTia: LIVKHl'IUA .GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE .ili'k Headache and rclleui nil the troubles Inci dent te a bilious stain of the system, such as DUrlness, .Nausea. Dreivsluess. Dlslriss alter Ultlnii, Pain lu the Hide, te. Whlle their most remarkable succem ha bwu shown lu curing sick: Headache, yet OAltTKlfH I.HTI.13 l,IVKIt I ILLS nru equally valuahla In ConstliHitlen. curing and ireeiitlng this amievlng coin' liliilnt, Hhllethcy also correct all dlkenteniur the stomach, stlmulate the ller and regulate the bowels. Kven If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless le these who sutler from this distressing ceinplulnt; but fertiiiuiU'ly their gHKlnei does net eiul here, and these who one.) try them Mlllltnd Uiesy little pills valuable In se many uavs that they will net be wllllu-j te de without thcni. But after all sick head Is the bane of se many lives that here is w here w;e make our great beast. Ourptllscure It while ethers de net. OAHTKll'H LITTI.I: I.IVKU PI1.US are very small and cry ensy te take, Onoer twepllfs makendiwe. They nre strictly egetableand ,.i?.."?tiKrlpe,f,r,1'urKe' l,llt hZ tlietr gentle uc uc tleu please all who use them. .i Malant'Scu: inuterjl. Iseld everywhere or scut by mall. CAHTKIt M KUICINK CO., KVAY YOltK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. auglS-ljdeed ei -l.J llllcates In multiples of liue. earnlncii giiurunu-ecam dhldendnr 10 pe? rent S V,",,,,,l.,u)a,,,.e1fccil,1-",lnuy. re Issued Vv the ! ia"'Sul,lJ-'0-llAscK:lallJiiofttketa(lloi no O lee, Aberdeen. Houth Dakota). Ne member. of'.1 t,SS .,J:'i!.0.r,0X.Hn8, '"Chlent te Issuance or stock, stock may be com crted Inte cash at purchase price utter two eers. Invester se cured by icat vtate mortgages te iouelotK amount of tbe lnvcituient Kiwlted with a Truitce. Correipendencelnvlii. C. W.8TAULINO, Manager 1'litladelplila Oltlce, j.uMmeu4 ""''"Ne.'iinvaUmVfet, m.nnmmmHtv' PitAin.nuA, Thursday, March 30, IIM. We make and sell the best Shirts 'for the money te be had in tltts country. That's the pith of the whole matter. Net a bit of guess work. We've seen every Shirt that claims te be best ; seen the outside, which is open te every body, and the inside, which only know-hew eyes and fingers can truly get at There's the test It isn't in the cloth for any maker te get up a better Shirt than we can for the money ; our fault if we're equalled. We don't mean te be. We surely are met new. Just as our Shirts of the past led com petition in the past, se our Shirts of te-day are in the very front of the front rank. Crown, unlaundered, 75c. Crown, laundered, 90c. Conqueror, unlaundered, $1. Conqueror, laundered, $1.15. University, unlaun'd, $1.25. University, laundered, $1.40. Of course It Is an un derstood fact that our Hhlrls-le-Order busl ncss Is a very Impor tant factor, and that Deth ends of we are organized In the store, such a manner that It Is a pleasure for you le even lenve your meas ure. The new neck dressings for men have Just come from Paris, and they fitly represent the gay capital in their form, color com' binatiens and beauty. A large assortment with hardly two alike. That's something te think of. Chestnut street side, west of Main Aisle. A new Night Shirt for men deserves mere than a passing notice. A cotton that feels like silk ; new Paris trimmings in fast colors, made full and long. $1.50. Heth ends of the Hterc. 100 mere of the German China Dinner Sets at $10 115 pieces. A surprise price even for seconds. Becend fleer, Juniper street side. Jehn Wanamaker. nt-ycte. It. MAHTIN A VO. IS NOW HERE. Deu you want te save your self much trouble in this matter? If se, let us help you out. We will take up your carpets, clean them, fit them for the rooms in the new house, and relay them. All this promptly at low cost, and no trouble te you. When tee small we have a splendid assortment of Odd Borders, and all colors of Plain Fillings te help out. Carpet Lining, Stair Pads, &c. All this work is done by expert upholsterers, the best in the city, and all work guaranteed satisfactory in every respect. New Carpets for Spring. Nowhere else will you find se large a line. Everything you want. 40 patterns Mequette. 60 patterns Brussels. 1 50 patterns Tapestry. 100 patterns Ingrains. Twe Special Bargains. 6 patterns Melten Velvets, new, 90c; worth 1.10. 10 patterns Tapestry, 45 and 50c a yard. J. B. MARTIN fe CO., Cor. Prince & W. King Sts. LANCAHTKU. l'A. liUacvllrtiicciu FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East Klug street, having a full line or Kurulture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call aud eiamlne our goods. RH-tfdH H. WOI.K. 138 East King Htreet OH OK. Mr. Isaac Q. 1'faulz, of I.ltlti, Lancaster county, l'a., Is about forming a stock reinpuny nt the preMscU Cepiicr Corporation, In war wlek township. The par alue of u share is one hundred dollars, and the stock will be di vided into one hundred shares, rcrtens wish ing te buy some of thv stock w 111 call en or ad dress, Mil. ISAAC U. l'KAUTZ, r.'Mmd I.ltlti, tAinrastcr comity, l'a. .SIOOOOO IN DONDS AND MOUTOAGES KOIl IN VKHTOIIM, IN HUMS OK iioe. fjue, soeo, 11,000 te rjo.eoa Ileuds 0 per rent. Interest, payable quarterly. Mertgiigcs-Opcr cent Interest, pawible half ) early. Heud or call for full Information. JOHN II. METZLER, We U H. Uilke HU rOriOK TO TKKHl'AtMEIW AND UUN Ll NKIW. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass ou any of the lands of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estates lu tbanen or Ijtucaster unintles, whether inclesed or uiilnclnsed, either for tbe purpose or sheeting or flshliik-, as the law will be rigidly eufeiwl against all Ires, passing en said laud of the undersigned arte this notice. WM. COLEMAN KHEEMAN It. l'KKGY Al.llKN. KlUV. C. rilKEMAN, ltnrnnv fur It W, (ie!mn' Halrt Sltterttcu TT UTUEH 8.KAUKFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-L W. Second Fleer Eshlemau La North Dut-Ueet, Uulldlng, Ne. 3 pr'i-lydw " MOVING TIME " 0i nfr hf . B OOHANDSHOn. THE BACKBONE OP COLD WEATHKR IB BROKEN, HO IS THE BACKBONE OF PRICES, -AT STAOKHOUII'S MOB. 28 AND 80 EAST KINO 8T. IF YOU DOUBT THE ASSERTION ABOUT THE PRICES, CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELF. Seme Astonishing Offers in Spring Goods. D. P. STACKH0USE, Nes. 28 and 30 East Hag Street, LANCASTER. PA. -10MMON SENSE "SHAPES! EASY, G01F0RTABLE SHOES FOR LADIES' WEAK. The "Common Sense" Shoe shape Is one that will always And admirers here and there. It Is made ever patterns nearer in accord with the natural shape of the feet than almost any ether style of footwear, and ensures te the wearer a perfectly flat and uniform tread in walking. Fer absolute oase and comfort In wear "Common Sense "Shoes meet every re quirement aud are specially recommended te ladles looking for shoes possessing such quali ties. These shoes we have lu a variety of makes and lu different leathers. Machine and hand hand sewed, In widths A te E, Inclusive, ranging In price from ftfiO te IS a pair. Having se many widths In stock make It an easy matter for us te fit the feet perfectly without any undue pres sure upon any sensitive portion of it fit It without wrinkling and net present the loose and baggy appearance frequently noticeable In similar shaped shoes. Will net rub at the tee, or chafe at the heel, but fit all parts alike. They will retain their shape until worn eat and are adapted for either fine dress or every-day wear. The material In them li excellent and the mak ing bears every evidence ofgeod workmanship. Try " Common Sense " Shoes for ease and com fort In wear and for long service. Trial invaria bly brings liking. Remember the prices SI 60 a pair, and many advancing step by step In grade and price te the tines t at 16. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Btbebt, Lancas ter. Pa. c HAS. II. FREY. FOR $2.00, IN TEV DIFFERENT STYLES. Tip Shoes In Lace, Butten and Congress, sizes 6 te le. Plain Narrow Tees In Lace and Congress, sizes 0 te 10. ' Plain French Tees lu Lace, Butten and Cou Ceu gress, sizes 6 tell. Plain llroadTees In Lace and Congress, 7wlde. sizes 0 te 11. The last named style are for men who have short but bread feet. They possess a volume of comfort te feet of this description. The Tip Shoes we have sold for three years, the Plain Narrow Tees for two and the Plain French for mere than n year. The excel lent wearing qualities and splendid satisfaction they have been giving has Induced us te put In still another style the Plain Bread Tees, 7 wide. Why can I sell you a Genuine Calfskin Shee for Ti ? Because 1 buy them In Immense quan 1 1 ties aud strictly for Cash, and Slick temy Motte: " Quick Sales and Small PreQts." The One-Price Gash Heuse, Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 8 A fi EAST KINO HTREET, LANCASTER, PA. 4rStere Closed Every Evening at 6 o'clock Except Meuday and Saturday. CMetltiun M AUXIN BROS. LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY ECONOMICAL V RIOES ANI4 LATEST STYLE! ALWAYS. Suits and Sashes for Beys FOUR TO EIGHT YEARS, -AT- Martin Bres. M A 28 N. QUEEN ST. If you would llkea STORM COATer HEAVY OVERCOAT te help) en ever the Equlneellul Storms, you can save f J te fi en one new -AT- Martin Bres., 26 ASSN. QUEEN BT. An early sight of the Novelties te be worn this Spring are Ready lu tbe Merchant Tailor. Ing Devartmnt, Heady-Made Clothing Depart ment uud Men's Furnishing Department, -AT- MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. Genuine Calfskin Shoes, 9W JJKW YOSK BTOBB. BOTrOit NOTCH PKICBS BTUA PREVAIL -AT New Yerk Stere. BLACK 0 ROB GRAIN SILKS, Fully warranted Inch, We i 94 Inch, 7)c and tl ayard OUR FAMOUS SURAH SILKS At old price, B0c,62c, 7Se and II 00. THE HASKELL DRESS BILKS Are popular because they are moderate tn price, leek well, wear well, and the maker guar antees every yard of them. I10O, II 33, tiSJX, II W a yard. HASKELL'S PEAUDE80IE, Warranted, at 11 25, II 60 te 00. BLACK SATIN LUXOR, Elegant Ooeds.At II 00 and US. BLACK FRENCH FAILLE, Bright Finish, 1 00 and 112$. BLACK AND COLORED 8ATINES. SPRING SHADES IN SURAHS. FANCY STRIPED SURAHS. NEW STRIPED VELVETS. ALLTHE NEW SHADES IN SILK VELVETS. WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. c UT PRICES. 35 & 37 North Queen St. CUT PRICES. Of these Three Lines of Goods we have a Big Stock en Hand, which we will sell regardless of cost, se If you want Be sure te get Our Prices before yen; Waste Meney Elsewhere. Fer Bargains GOTO 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. (Sxcureiune. yAC ACATION EXCURSIONS.!) RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expenses Included. A party will leave Philadelphia Monday, April 25, for a tour of fll Days through COL0RHDO AN CALIFORNIA, with visits te leading cities, resorts, and places of plcturesmie Interest, and a return through Utah, and ever the Denver A Rie Grande Rail waythe Great " Scenic Reute." On the same date Monday, April 2S a party will leave Philadelphia for a Tour of 75 IJnjs ever the saiue routes through COLORADO AND CALIFORNIA, Thence through the Picturesque Region of the Pacific Northwest, And heineuard ever the entire length of the Northern Partrlc Railroad, with a week In the Yellonsteue National Park. Until these parties will travel In Special Trains of Magnificent Vestlbuled Pullman Palace Cars, with Pullman Palace Dluing-Curt Included. Incidental trips te the Yesemtle Valley and Dig Tree Greves. 49-Send for descrlptlveclrculars, designating the particular trip desired. RAYMOND vVMTCOMB, HI Seuth Ninth St. (under Continental Hetel), Philadelphia, Pa. mUvTu.ThAS iiliiii Dress Sis CHARLES STAMMS, Iilillltrls Underwear, Werts. Blankets Underwear, Werfe, CUthing. CrRlffstSHERlu L. Gansman & Bra. SPRING 18 HERE. We are rally preiiared for It and Invite friends and the public te examine our beaaUM collection or Sprlnar Orerteats, Hprlrsj Salt and Trousers, WE MAKE TO ORDER: AU-Weel Cheviot Bulls at IU, III. M, All-Weel Fancy Worsted Bulla atM,au,ajT. All-Weel Wide Wale Ceat and Vealallr.fii; All-Weel Camlmere Trousers at M 88, M LK. All-Weel Worsted Trousers atioae;t,F.I . Yen need net hey unless you want la Leak trig at them will be profitable te us and te red, Yr " J "uw mw uricva ana low eneuan. Men'i.Bojra'andUlilldren'sSlteatesuBity low prices. Styles the very latest. English Corkscrew Bulls at W.IW, IW.Ht Wlee Wale HulU nt IS. K, fit fil 'ml Blue and Black Cheviot Bulta at M, 119, 1X Beys' Scheel Suits at 2S. HI. im7 Bey Drew Sul la at M, IS, IM", I0. W&HiMr Bret ,pecU,t'' l " Largest assortment of Men's and Beys' Paeta lntAeelty. Children's Pant from 25c and upward. L. Gansman & Bre., Tallera and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey'i MsA Children'! Clothing (Exclusive.) . 11 tad t H0ETR QVBIH IT., t.W. COUTH OF 0Aai, LJI0AITBt.A, twT Net connected with any ether Ctetfetac Honsa In the cl ty. 4TBe cautious and make no mistake te that yen get te the right place. M EBSAHATHFON. Spring Styles are here In Great Beauty and nandeome Variety. It will Interest yen te see tbe line of ' $20 ' SUIT IMG, r In Nobby Colored Cheviots and A Line of Suiting at TO ORDER. Handsomer than Can be Found A for the Same Meney $23 and. $25 Will buy from our stock one of many very Attractive Styles of Spring Suiting. Tbe Fit U KlrstrClsss. Myers & Rathven, MERCHANT TAiLORrO, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. H IRSII A BROTHER. A PLEASING ASSORTMENT. Let your eye glance ever our North Queen street windows and you will echo the above statement. While you see only about 20 of our 500 or mere pat terns, it gives you an idea of the beauty and the lurge assortment of patterns. We make you Pauts te order from M te $10. Suits, from $12 te $30, and Over coats (light-weight), $15 te $25. We are bound te please you aud It is a pleasure for us te show you through our stock of goods for Merchant Tailoring. Iu Ready-Made Cle tiling our reputa tion is se well established as te need lit tlu talking te corroborate it. Suffice te say that our stock of Hen's, Youths', Beys' and Children's Suits and Pants, Was never se large In assortment geed in quality and low in price as new." A visit will certainly convince you. Many notable Novelties in Spring Neckwear, 25c and 50c. Spring Overcoats, $4.00 te $18.00. Men's, Beys' and Children's READY-MADE CLOTHIERS, MERCAANT TAILORS AND FURNISHERS, Herth Queen Street anil Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. eStaur. SJ NOW ! The first real snow of the season. Hew WHITE, hew t'URE, hew BEAUTIFUL seems like something we have net seen for a long time, aud yet these who use Hae these snme qualities displayed en their hi tile every day In their Bread aud Biscuit. &eal. T UMBER AND COAL. Jj TOBACCOBHOOK8ANDCABES. WEST. ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by B. B. MARTIN A CO., uS-lyd 424 Water Street, Lancaster, l'a, T3 AUMQARDNEKH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Offices-Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. 561 North Prince street. Yards North Prince Street, near Reading DepeL UKllfclM LANOASTRR. P4. rTUtUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, L propelled by a geed powder blower. Is the most cueciuai uesireyer ei uics ana omen mau inaecu. rersaie At H UBLEY'S DRUG BTORK SFffl STTLM 1 n CaM meres, m I $9.00, j misn sis iB HIRSH d BROTHER, ws nil M Weil King SUe. '?. - :p: jt-sfc'r:. ."feiwiiiaii. ft , ti&KgJ w ..(