AW J p -V- .a, wail or . RMN VVUP HMMMW ffSWa e say wait ec tee, f MS BtaSB ST M Mfwt MM 1 ! ft MMkWtW . kS ttSsS Was (MHMtt.4), n vHIPJBBV911 eiew, faa im iMae welMfsm m in IHNMt), ISatfasI TlsSSraSf7 '" MtMitMrWlNtN. iaskas ft mat la Ike eat at Mm bsw, usaaasssaywaHcf tee. Lft ft MftftWiUl ftMUMT Mftt la VMW he Ma Oswald, beet i her kaageroe, jsVwksw! Oa.waewl umm 10 my wui or mm. c -roeiH warnings xv-. XlUed WkllO BebWac. Oa February 17 last, thskems of F. J. beagle, an aged termer resldls near trastetv Iowa, was visited by twebarfrs. With- drawn. rsvelvers te anferas tfcalr hwli tM orders Frew mm bis win b keep afloat. Oh el the seen, took old of FrenKM whoa bio aged win ka te aaelet aim. A aaraaRM ml (med. and the aged eupls wen necked te ths Boer, oae saaa lyta anon keh. FfOttft-le get his rarehrar fremkJa OQKOt ana ene ui awn neuung u wier. hall went threnah the heart. Tbe lead ansa's oemnoaloB ran from tbe keass. fke object of the burglars waa te ebtala SLOW id te be la the house. 8 The Chambersbura Valleu Seitit savsi Phs aewa aew oemoa te thla county from rmer residents that the burglar wbe was let rj Geenre Devlnnrv. a aea of Perter OTtnnor.ef librae Valler. in the neitutra liertefthe county. Hla waa ft peculiar I edlng te meet peculiar life. Over la 10 anenn'a emce in we court aeuae are of human benea whleb for several years sre thought te be these or ueerge uevin U; In 1878. when he waa fifteen years iletea Id. Devinner . .. M A ... rea ana ae. ftarwarda found In the mountain was be ared te be hla. Ilia father waa arrested ir hla murder but afterward released. On fevember 5, 1885, Geerge Devlnney mid ! only appeared at hla father's home. Hie rri val waa en the night of hla sister's wed- ling and the occaalen waa doubly tqyeua. Is had worked In Indiana, Ohie and West rn rennaylvanla duiing bis anaenee. rward be went west again and the heard of him was that no had been Set after felling an aged woman te the ler. ' An' Ohie Congressman's Opinions. Congressman Ben Butterwertu waa In ew Yerk en Wednesdar. and was dla- esed te talk somewhat freely about the dlatrlotlen of Ohie. " My district," aald e, ''will new gire at least 1,600 or 2,000 ntboratle majority. It waa Democratic emje ten yeara age, but by careful nurs ir waa made ReDublican. De I croDeae irunasainf What Is theuseef trvlnste ,efeat such a large Democratle majority. t would be a vain effort. Majer McKlnley'a ijistricthas been changed Inte a Democratle rongheld, and be will be defeated, no wiub uiiie's reoresenuiuen in uenirresa till be at least two-thirds Democratle when In next electi ct eloctijieccurs." z,2gletlcnetechange Djme- u. Fritz SliOOt hllll. ,'. naml ntllaf. RnmXBiiST- BueriiL. - iik reduce the tantr. I am an i i..' ". -. 7". -"- n Smlt Th: nj list, but the tariff. I think. 'n)ed. net tinkered with in a unde naii -enain way." th PH hea ineei 1, Vs. I sell a Brest deal of 1' Hyrup .and And that It gives I than uny ether CeughHvrup. XON MOHELKY, Drugslit. iml(lnlKht dreary." when I him nien, It, a did TJ and weary, uoen my bed halfmad a mend bought ma a bottle of Hal- den nil. It cured me. i neeaea iu, ana ruotblnrmero." . Shaken Out of Gear y malarial dliiease. the human machinery meet half perform Its offlea. Digestion, aeore aeere aeore en, evacuation are disordered, the bleed be. mes watery, the nerves feeble, the counte ceunte counte anee ghastly, ileee disturbed and appetite ca- rteleus. Terrible Is the disease, fell Its cense- aenees. Vhere Is, however, a known antidote i the nil,mstle poison, and a esrtaln safe lard against it. In malarieus regions of our ath ana West. In Seuth Amerlea. Quatemala ad en the Isthmus of Panama as well as In atumanne countries where the scourge exists, lis lnlral tiililn tire ventlvs and remed v. Hentet. ir eujuiacn iiuwrs, nai. .. u. riL ..;. j" v j --,--i:z .1 - durlna the last ilrty-flve years been constantly widening Uie rea of tn usefulness and demonstrating Its JVerjwgn .value. Liver complaint, dyspepsia, rasnpatlen, kidney trouble, rheumatism and ability are nil remedied by it. marttell ,THK Children's Health must net be neglected. olds In the head and snuffles bring en catarrh ad lung affections. Ely's CreamDalm cures I once. It Is perfectly safe and U easily ;applied ite the nostrils. It also cures catarrh, the erst cases yielding te It. feb27-2wd Special itetic vBueklen'a Arnica Salve. Turn Mais B ai-vk 1 n the world CarOnts.Brntsea ores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Kevcr Beres, Tetter. kln&uptlens, and positively enres Piles, e pay required. It Is guaranteed te give p et satisfaction, or money refunded. Tries uappea nanav, wuiiutaiiu, uurua, uiu u ,ur per ils mts per box. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, rugglst, Nes. 137 ana iw ertn uueen street. aneaater. Pa. uneZ7-lyd The Tordtet Tnanlmeus. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppns, Ind., testifies I can recommend Electrle Bitters as the very est remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief 1 every case. One man took six bottles and ured of Bheumallim of 10 years standing." .braham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohie, af rms : ' The best selling medicine I have ever Hflll Im rtv X vd.N'a.M.lMM la RlAlrlf. M.W.W.. ... ... ...n w..w. .V..W, .h .wv..w IMers." Thousands of ethers have added their Mtlmeny se that the verdict Is unanimous iiatElectrle Bitters de cure all diseases of the Aver, Kidneys or uioea. uniy a nair aeuar a nttla at H. H. Cecliran's Drua Btere. 1ST A UB If. Queen HU, Lancaster, Pa. c ' Metbera! Metberat! Mether! 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of our rest by a sick child suffering and crying dtb the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If J, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WIN8 OW8 BOOTHINQ BYRUP. It wUl relieve be peer little sufferer lmmedlately-depsnd pen It ; there Is no mutate about It. There is nt a mother en earth who has ever used it. rhowlllnet tell you at once that It wUlrega its the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and lief and health te the child, operating like iagie. It IS peneeuy aaie m ubb ia ati para aaa laasent te the taste, and la the prescription of na of the eldest and best female physicians and nrses In the United States. Beld everywhere, Scents a bottle. tuneJBlydAw A 'Weman's Discovery. Anether wonderful dlaceverv has been made Ind that tee by a lady In this county. Disease listened Its clutches upon her and for seven ears sue wumioea its severest tests, out ner I ltsl organs were undermlnd and deatti seemed Imminent. Fer three months she coughed ln- esssntiy ana ceuia net sieep. one oeugnt or us L bottle of Dr. King's New Dlncevcrr forCen- lumptlen and was se much relieved en taking Erst dose thst she slept all night and with one etue nas Deen miraculously curea. tier name Mrs. Luther Luts." Thus write W. O. Hun. Ilek A Ce., of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bet- as at h. b. ceenran's urug mere, 197 a lal w. auven m.. uncaair. ra. - ' gPatchea. 1INE AMERICAN WATCHES. Positive Bargain te the Watch Buyer. W nrr REI.OW ALL COMPRTITIOM. a LranAnew line of fine American Watches, Just uurchasea at a uuv rn;r.. i n. y are mem- tlua, ruLlj JKWistieii. rATMi iic.uui.a nun. HKKGNKT HAIR Hl'KINGH. and will ive a Guarantee with every individual movo mevo move aenutorunwlthlnaosecondsaweekand even I letter. In either Hunting or Open Face Cases. InOOLDCABES-gtO and up, acccerdtng te velgbtand quality. 111. In UOLD-F1LLED CASKS, fJO te til, li i.., zt year guarantee. In Lewer Qualities of FILLED CASES, 118. The above are all genuine American Msnu hftnree uoeas or a iiimi uraae. wiih whirii re give our personal, as well as matter's, guar- atee. CHAS. S. GILL, IEWELKH AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN, nrji m.iu ninui. LANCABTER. PA. UTUEU U. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKT-AT-L W. end Fleer Esbleman Law "alldlng, Ne. 41 erlh llnS'''reet prWydw rANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in city or ceuuuv wuuiug te eant vj St meir Wu Huumrnv nn.HiiH i shed anfi awv yy wan anj ewtaace. i staray.yrrsiaHM rswM,iu mt", BasBMBeela THE March April May v.:? tufAiu. .?.? mfS wm9 IM sVMsVJaH.MwVHB wFwlW "'f! . is.. a.f J -- " - -' - - - - ' - - -J swst, Mr at a esaer seassa aess we arssaaa se laeeataeais era rs was 11 sMeasias aaa la aitssaHaa, as aew. Dartag tkalsag, Bsaflgkassa thafalsMMgl ta--,-Maja ! tislfl IdMaMMal MnMSVBBg a MBBJBI SBVMMPBa SMMMMSBaSBBl MBBaBBa MSMaSl SaSSWSBgfVWa bMsW r sMsVaVMst- WIM ftaM HersMf MMI flafMjsjVnsF rbslsat. Heea's aisaaarllM la seeallarly adastid teartssrfesasktMMsa4ssNais a goad aaasMtesad te sTateesii tkat Wred waV teg. It te a latter sals tkaa aayetks aarsa aarlHa W aiaad partdsr, aad It laereaMa la fepataclty every jear.sjrltia tke Ideal 8pring Medicine "RsriylaetaprUHl was vwy mask raadewa, kad aenaas fceadaeke, Mt MlsscableaadaU that. I was vary mask ksaedled by Heed's Bat-, sasarins aad raaemaasad It te my attenda," Mas. J. at . TATtea, UN Badld Avwns, CSsvslaad,0. "Heed's ajatsasarlUa has eared aas of salt rksasm, wklak I kave kad ft years. - I da Odafe It Is a aslsadld SMdtelas. I am yean, sf aaa aad my skia la Jatt asMaestksad ftdr asaaleea of glass. I kave six ekUdna,aad wkekaay tklagtathstrMMewlUitkeaitM afsttklagl go for la Heed's aarsBBariUa. Mas. Vex cuam, Beatk irewanc, oeaa. Heed's. Sarsaparilla BeldbyaUdraagisla. sttslxrerss. Prepared only by C. I. MOOD CO, bowel), Mass. MODOBHS ON DOLLAR f Cstrptt pOB itivk cLoaute our bale. Positive Closing Out Sal -OF- SHTRK'S CARPET HALL. -ENTIRE' Carpets. Window Shades. Oil Cleths. &c., -MUBTBEBOLD- By April 1st., Regardless of Cost. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Oer. West Kinf and Water Sti Laneuter, Pa. O WIFT SPECIFIC CO. Screftila in Children. "In the early part of 1W7 scrofula appeared en the head of my little grandchild, then only 18 months old. Shortly after breaking out ft spread rapidly all ever her body. The scabs en the sores wenld peal off en tke slightest touch, and the odor that would arise would make the atmesphera of the room slekeaing and unbearable. The disease next attacked the eyes and we feared she would lese her sight. JSmlnent physicians or the country were oon eon oen sulteaVfTailUSild de nothing te relieve the little Innocent. and'cSK" It as their opinion, 'that the case was hepeleS SSdJmposslblstessve the child's eyesight.' It was!0ieC-l&&!-Cr4r-clded te try Bwlft's Specific (8. H. 8.) That med. telne at ones mad. a speedy and complete cure. Fer mere than a year east she has been as healthy as any child in the land." Mas. ruth Bsaxunr, Selma, Kansas. Cancer of the Hese. my physician. His treatment did no geed, and the sere grew larger and worse in every way, uatlll was persuaded te take 8.8. B and a few bottles cored me. This was after all the doc tors and ether medicines kad stlled. I have had no return of the caneer. . Mas.M.T.MAaair, Woodbury. Hall County, Texas. Treatise en Cancer mailed free. 8WIFT BPJCCIFIO CO., Atlanta, Ge. eflMyd (1) ""I RAY'B 8PECIFI0 MEDICINE. GRAYS BPEOfrTO MEDI01M1!. Tux Obmat Ehelisr Bkmiet. Anunkll Anunkll leg cure for Hemlnsl Weakness, Bpermaterrhea, Impeteney and all Diseases that fellow as a se quence of Bel f-Abuse ; as Less of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. Sai Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. S9 The Hpeclne Medicine Is sold by all drug gists at II per packsgs or six packages for K or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, ws have adopted the Yellow Wrapper : the only genuine. Beld In Lancaster, Pa., by W.T. Hecu. marS-lyd TOLY'B CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price W cents at Druggists ; by mall. registered, se cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lydAw Ne. M Warren HU. New Yerk. UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Unman Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise- mini long ran in our paper, in reply te le qulries we will say that wers is no eviaenee et ere Is no humbug about this. On the oentrar: ry, tneaa Intarastsd vertisers are very highly indorsed. persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Bwan BL, Buffalo, N. X.-Daili Daily ZMsde m-fydAw net. rpEETHDXO 8YRDP. -TO MOTHERS. Everv baba should have a betUe of DR. FAHRNEY'H TEETHIMO BYRUP. perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorpblamlxtures. Will lleve Celic. Griping inlna In the Bowels and Prnmnta inuu DlfOeult Teething. Prepared by DR8. D. FAIIR- niki a nvn , xti airerstewn. Md. rrarrii ;erstewn, Md. rrugglsU sell lb, wcvuia. Trial bottle sent bymalfle cents. lant-lydeedAw BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. .CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Blck Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after Eating. Pain In the Bide, Ac. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, r j 1.1x1 are equally vainaeie in ixuisiips curing and preventing this annoying Elalnt, while they also correct all dlserdi is stomach, stimulate the liver and reg ring com cem com Iserdsrsof reaulala the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who suner flrein this dlitrauliu eemnlalnt but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who one try them will find these little pills valuable in se many ways that thywlll net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head is the bane or se many lives that here la where we make our great beast. Our pills cure it while ethers de netl CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy te take. One or two nllls make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by theft gentle ac tion please all who use them, la vials at X eta : five ler L Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill Small Dese. Small Price. augU-lydeed S4TOTICK TO TRESPASSERS AND OUN ,IX NEKS. AH persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall ad Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster bounties, whether Inclesed or nnlnclesed, either ler the purpose or aboeung or ashing, as the Uwwul be rigidly pasatna ea saldlaaa wui de ngieiy eamrcea against all tree. es tae unesragnea an tauaeuee. mMTlz: AV'ft ,ffi .- . TJCJLim nJLY Xead'a rlss. aad att atkat ktada sr tawlilli nati sdlslsal talasaf aasfc. ItwUl eats,' tke aawsf. sf SMdMas, ssrarala, aaM ssrea, kalbv atasptea, all kai deMUty.satarrh S8aS H. IK SjaUBfeaassdl ,naS bv - of allaaata. aaaaaa mt iMaa syilem. itfcalMaartillsTaalewsagtkts tkswfcals Bleed Poiten Mrr years at trragakw latamla laadi tk laieaa IfC 'saaesy Mr ii dapSrsaaasa '.SMbn.Weai ." Oai Tta 'eatwetik, "I kad bails kV.arsr.aay aaAaadkaek, tfaaaUafMawiM keadaisMad,"aer rlllaearsdaBalal bast Meed awil Otty.Me. inwsnwiBf sr. Heed'a Warssas rttlaeares ass la two weeks. I tktak K Js m ssataioea parmsr." vaaiaii hbad, vity'ae BttdbyaHdraartats. aijstxajrtB. Presarsd only by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. MB DOSaaOMK DOLLAR (1) 0U STOCK OF- Crjtnatttavd. H IQH MARTIN. China, Glass. AND ..EINJSWARE , -AT- Wl are new opening our Bprlng Importation of Qneensware and wilt be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heussstlrss receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 16 East King Street. J. B. MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Corsets, An era of Cut Prices en Dr. Warner's and Dr. Ball's Cor sets, and te-morrow, Thursday, March -6, we will sell Ball's Corsets at 6ec each. Every size in stock. A clear saving of 40c en every Corset. Blankets. Purchase Blankets new, even if you de net need until next winter: It will be a paying in vestment. About 250 pairs of Blankets in stock, and as the room is needed for ether goods we prefer te lese money en every Blanket rather than carry ever. Dinner Sets. Every Dinner Set in stock reduced during the month of March, and you can pick up some great bargains in Havi land's French China Sets of 125 pieces. Chamber-Sets. A crate opened te-day of a full set of 10 pieces at $2.25 a set decorated. China Silks. Stripes and Blocks, Birds and Flowers, at 75c a yard, regular price $1 a yard. Suitable for tidies, .screens, fancy work, &c Beaded Bamboo Curtains. 10 pairs at ft 1. 50 a pair: no mere after this let for less than $2.50 a pair. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts,, LANCASTER. PA. HHtftc. rpHE MUSIC STORE. THE MUSIC STORE. DECKER BROS. PIANOS, HAINES BROS. PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS. RANDlAND OHCUESTltAL INSTRUMENTS. STRINGS ANDTRIMMINOS OF ALL KINDS. WOODWARD & CO., 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa. rTIRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER. A. propelled by a geed powder blower, U the most eSeeteal destroyer of flies and ether small tasacta. rer .ale . At HUBLEY-S DRUO STORE, . .inininm rASH EVERYTH1NO THAT NEEDS TO wiww sue i-uny aeap." Tea'U aaaa, 1 saaarsa tae lauiwaaia .aaiaiai aaa Unl imfiMm wtdh aa tkaaakt at It li .?- . AtfiKW, - , , ?Jf c T im!mAAiJ j'', 'ifcfr-y v5 Jt$M alL'patMsv Jlf At Lew Expend t-t yil'y ' l"' K - ' 1 . , TlsssaaatajatwaAeaaamraisbMasaaMMWaellUHtg . MUkujB, a a1MaaaBaaatkaaJ da Raassa aaaadsasa sa.' BMBigafj a fdkai apaaAaaAakafJ aut lgM aftgSsavksaAaA Jst PsjfJsVMn . VsVaffMsSBVPsVasVaj ifJW SalOTsI VsMjMBsBBMssjMjMax. mbbj saajssraxMSMM msb svsmb samsiMPafSBBBBa & Vskaagtgk VggBaVsMssVai tsaVgaAl BUT SUsXV gafaw fjahtAttst. TBOOSAIDS M P1K8S OF BIKBT, DEI rATTBUB Popular Pricf. msryffassadssariaweaeMsdlasaaadt PaMsraaSresa adTeeaatsaersieesaawarda Kaaks,rsaaM,aasaessdSjwss, lagrata, rsHa,aaf; Hsb Wssbsbls, aad Baatairy Paasra, Wssdtesae Mateb Berdsts aad JrrtesMvDsfa tleas, eetasts aad Centre Wqqm Hetats Had aad awa MsalMaad at. aas basf, aas- vsUaTel fMMI VTmB OWMfclaalJ VMaeMsT ydMsn ' WlbTaitsMseaaisidsMasUatireaBSttblsiisisa an aaataal oppor eppor opper taaltf te bars Paper Kaaglaf daas at lew east. I aieesaais givaa te Lassie, smiUm, taass. WASHABLE WALL PAPERS, unequaxjed fek aitkvicit. Tea Taeasaad PieeM eftlts Oslsbrated aftlah yaratsbed Tile Papers, RaglUh Washable aad ether BaaHary Paasra. Far a aasabsr of years ws bars Imported directly ft Maaekfetsr, Battead, larae taveleaiaf Paper Haagiacae a quality Uneqealed ter ervlee aad Ftntsb;aad after aavbai rally tsatsd, ws taoreatbly reeeamend taeaa, Are dalsbed tabs waebabls abea soiled. Many sf the patterns are Tile aad Kataral Weed sabots, sad are frequently aesd ! stead af real tiles aad walaaeeUaf. Tkeas goads are unsurpassed far Hallways, Restatuaate; OMees, Dlalaf-Roeass, Tlatb Raeaaa, Kitchens, Passage Ways, la short, wherever a est rlasabls wall la deslrsd.; Ws are stlUag this Lias of papers at prices which make tbsaa lbs most seeaesaleal Wall Papers In the market. DECORKTiyE WORK. We have beta sueeessrul with Deeeratlve Werk, and are oensUntly Introducing aevsltlss. Staeee Cornices aad Centre Pisces Tinted. Paper Tfaaders aad Dessratsra wbe are preeUaa! sad oempeteat workmen aeat and thorough aad'earsfal work guaranteed. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS! By making early selections for any work you may desire te de, we w 115. be pleased te reserve you any date ahead. HAGER& Nei. 25, 27, 29, ru c HEAP CARPETS. 2MTETZCERt3i raragseVlQgiuiii, Bag, Bought at Auetl nd at 10 -Atlte ......At 15 S .......Atae e At e a-CarpstRagstaksnlnsichangs. Feathers, Fleer Oil - CARPETS CARPETS..... CARPETS CARPETS........ CARPETS.. AT - Metzgerft Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, 38"40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THK COOPER HOTJ8K.) B abd a Mcelrey. bard 6c Mcelrey, Vea. S3 aid 35 Seatk QpMm Stnat, OARPETB-Our line of Carpets this season Rac Cantata. X. M. S7K. 40. if. U cents and un. Stair at 10, IS, 35, 11 and as cants. Carpet Rags taken in exchange. ' FEATHERB-Our trad, en Feathers has lowest laths city, cheaper grade at 60c HOUBEFURNI8HING OOODS-Upedal bargains In Tickings at S, 10, UK, UandSDeta. wmiu aicanaa svquiriua; uniy lira wiaine loraecu, insisaaei tour, savins: n 38c a yard; worth asc. Bargains In Bed Checks as low as SXe; eatra quality at BHe. HOSIERY On. let of Ladles' Fast Black Hosiery at 10c per pair ; racular price everywhere, UKc The best Hosiery la the city for the money. -. .-. DRESS OTNOHAMS-W. have the alesat line of Drees Ginghams In the city at s, 10 and US eta., having placed our order for them as early as December, when the choicest styles were shown. We are able te show you patterns that cannot be bought new, nor later en. REMNANTS-On. Let of Yard Wld. Unbleached Mu.Ua Remaaala atX One Let of Yard Wide Uableaehed Muslin RsmnanU at SKc. one Let of Deuble Width Sheeting at lte per yard. PANTING We can .hew you th. best line of Cotten or Weel Panting ever offered for the money. bard Sc Mcelrey, We. 83 Mt 81 tkmth Qnaam gtraat. OfyssiU Fastttaia Is. WaUhtm. H. Z. HHOAD8 A BON. RINGS ! NOT ONLY FOR WEDDINGS, BUT FOR THE PEOPLE GENERALLY, AT, H. Z. RH0ADS A SON'S, JEWELERS AND ART DEALERS Ne. 4 West King Street. Finger Rings in Every Design and at All Prices 1 S9- A Speelsl Drive In these Finger Adornments Just new. Take a Loek at the Latest De signs In the Geld aud Platinum Combination Chaste, Durable and Fashionable. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. Vablcwavg XjlUNN A BRENEMAN. 7 PLATED KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. ISO Dezen A--1 Rogers lire.'s Plated Knives, Ferks and Spoons, bought at & Forced Sale and are being sela at half their valus. OOODS OUARANTEED-ARer this let no mere can be had at the same price. Sc "NO. 152 NORTH QUEEWST. Ceal. T UMBER AND COAL. Jj TOBACCOSUOOKSANDCABBB. WEST. CRN HARD WOODS. Wbelessls and Retail, ey w b. b. junun uin B.B.MARTINACC., M Water Street, Lancaster, Pa. ns-iya T AUMQARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. OfTlcaa-Ne. U North Queen Street, and Na SM North Prince street. YAsns North Prince Street, near Reading Depot. susl-tM f.VnASTKK,l'A. xriei e9u: OR HEADQUARTERB- A.U.sL.efM. C K. of O. E.. I. O. H. M.. A. M.. P. O. 8. of A.. LOO.V.. ICIke! Charms aad Pins, go te Na. m Wset jRagslreet. JlMaiIt M.Jk.IJtt. - irdintfMlUtr; 5 a, Than Formerly. s u BROTHER, 31 West King St. j0eb. HHUCHMHN. Hall and Stair Carpets! from the Maauaveturars, irxarxm' JUS ..tS9e",' UAnraia CARPKTH...... CARPETS ;yf.Are Cleths cheap. Window Shades. BestStsemed Oppeaita Poutala !. at the pries beet anything we have yet offered ingrain at w. se, mi, se, atfti w, se, w nui auu up. Increased 'wonderful, Our pries en best goods the Deuble at RINGS ! -IN- LANCASTER. PA. avH(0Cs QTANDARD CARRIAOU WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, OARRUei BUILDER, 0, 12, IS 4 4S MARKET STREET. (Rear of the PosteStce), LANCASTER. PA. v All the latest styles In Buggies. Family Cir rlages, Phetens, Surreys, Cabriolet, ;Pha?ten. Buckboards, Tretting Wagons,BUUen Wagen. Market Wagons, etc, new ready ter th. Sprln, Trade. A fine line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the Urn. te order for Spring. Strictly flrst-class work and all work fully guaranteed My price are the lowest In th. county fer the soma quality of work. Give me a call and ex amine my work. Repainting and .Repairing promptly at tended te and done la a Srst-cTas manner. Oae set of werfcasea essoelelly emWeyed. far thai e. XI imaa ur "" ' f yvtv isaiii 1 m? . t ' 4i A,.M Sariai ibitlua TteM AT-t D.P.1TA0KH0U1I8, M08. AMD Se EAST KINO STREET. Nevel la Sty Is sad Is Price, Ana or Superior Excellence. T17 tBKtkef Blis Peihli ! NOTHING L1KK IT I D. P. STACKHOUSE'S KKNtMN laaHIilf StTMt, , LANCASTER, PA. e HAS. H. FRY. LEGGINS ry AND 0VERGA ITERS! t Have Just Received a Large Line aud Assort ment of Men's Lcggins -AND- Men's and Ladles1 Ofergaiters, Th. Men's Leaatns aad General Riding, wma bes esmpi eat styles and etaes, raagiaa la price worn tessjw. The eaiMnmee or everyone, using t ts that the wouldn't aew be without emataayoeat. Men's aad Ladles'. Oversalters are used the year round f a ey soma people mr warmtn ana or naav ethers tar sUrli ter sty is. Msn'srromii.wtefiju. tiJ6oaa.eo. Ladles' from UMie sa.00. Thas are aaada of All Hhadaa and Oolera Id Mateh Every shad, of Drees Goods. Fall Display of lagglha and Overgallsrs caa be seea la Shew wtaaewa. Th- Ont-Price OMh Heui, Ohas.H.Frey, sJCCIPsser te FRBY A sXJKERT) th. Leader of 'y kew rneaa ia BOOTS AND.25HOES, MOB.! S XABT KINO STREET,. IJsNCAaTER, FA. " Sbrmorsaeasd Every Evening at o'clock Except Monday aad Saturday. . iw r as ffavifi. c ARPETSI CARPETS CARPETS! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY STBAM DYEINO WORKS are second te none la Pennsylvania foraaUbefworkof all kinds, eajars will rs eetve prompt atteatloe. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO,, NO. IW SOUTH WATER STREET, LAMCASTKX, PA. fsblMmd mHK LANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. BUY YOUR CARPETS Of 8HAUB A VONDERSMITIf. HAVE YOUR Carpet Werk Dene By SM AUB A VONDERSMITH. Beautiful Draperies At Popular Prices at 8HAUB A VONDER v SMITH'S. ONE PRICE ! FAIR DEALINO I IX Minutes from Postefflce. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 A 22 East Orange Street augtMyd ffttrfcttrqge. TXAHDWARE I HARDWAREI If you want te buy Heuse-Stire (JO TO Marshall & Eengier's, A U SOUTH QUEEN ET. There you can g.t BTOVES, TINWARE, OEDARWARE, CUTLERY And a full line of Heusefurnishlng Goods. Alse, a Full Stock of GENERAL HARD WARE, and PRIME NEW CL0VERSEED. MJtESHHiL&RMGIEE NOS. 9 A U SOUTH QUEEN STREET. febMvd enttatru; TB, NATHORHT, DENTIST. 9 W CENTRE SQUARE. rilling Teeth and Painless Extraction Spe eUltles. New Sets made, broken one mended and remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plate and pivoted, etc. Yes, everything pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, nl very Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Naihemis the ONLY Dentist In this county who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Den tistry, an advantage that Is obvious. aaarS-lydaw wimb JJ' HANDSOME NECKTIES. (fcVjteERIBMANJB, are used for Fex Chases and a Riding Habit or re asaAa In about a deaea dlf- " A - WA'(feii. : 1 'sawai a 1. WiS 1 ill i'liilSl CsT Iillmmiiii...tMM ' HieV lU sVasa "- flsl b MaV 39 ITassrtekAeeea.. vbtOateHMS kaS. m Lsaeaeter Aeeem....... . -'! irmasstsr Aesma,.,. vtaMwey. i.S M .MajtjabaAseeav. diaiur I.K IS MMIMamAja)esaM.MM F99'', V sj." tk WSMfl ."sZfsfedjM,, TiW Mrs War I DP If Bsmi i&J "'"iOiafra. nMMasaaaai MJkJk tl iinisiiiMestnsiS)a m9JQKMHKw?'lt& KAffTWAlUt. aJglJJIK.'1'l 4llJ ,.J gIT-T??y eeseaseeaeesse VLV awssaMd VrMST "Js BBhBQU 'MSSibI' 1SE'M1 Mr& y' ns?4y Ilea raa aauy. v if. a, s, , tfaia atatiuaWaM'-. Can UBBI Snaaaytas bk i&tvk CHAS. pHUJUKLFHIA READUfaRAUJbaAA. ' READWa ACOLDMBIA DmsMstl'': SIh ; r.--"V.Kjy -J m street), as Mlewbt --. uwi nur n. smm.iy TCpfitaekah c4aya,TMa.av,Mbt BKwksVtV VHaSTSVl ABsaWwa, !a&S3. week 'dan. nH.a.talsamu w awa , "r-v ' weaaeaya,TJia.aagiaf4 reek daaa. V ;sa.as7iMS Urn aMp.rn.iSu TRAUJS FOR LANOABTXa. . Leave .ReadtHc. wertc eaya, TisX'LMIss f sa . . staflB am ffsja.- r v ej(..s, LeaveTf ew Yerk iia Failadslpkla, wasi Tris vasiB.IJaH. - - :" Leave Alien Wwa, week says. Mi a.aa.1 . Lsats' PattmBe, waek'saysy IMib i v iK' ;ji-V:' zx KOQI aaCasaa spklA sa aaa1. -' 7-tlt.avsv , - la p Hi ill wiim fc' '' Leave Phi rs& V at I aaa Hen ta street w Fer AUaatiegty, Tweak Sag a. as.-, aad .j a. aw .M as saa. 'maaJtlataail tmT sa a Af eturalag leave Atlaatls Cltr, AtaM a AtfaaTaArkVniasAvesjBeV (Wsslj mela!hM.lia.VBLn1 W BBBBL. A ilk-1.4 .( . r-1 1.. , jll ,-. - KZVnH. fl P m AMQIst9HMslNsa J 1 Cll tULM flMM M H !iM.S$S -T BBANON LANCABTBR MOI 7 JJ RAILROAD. rt ' A Arrangwnsni. et s-aaseasar ti HvjraAT, November HORTBARU.?fjf Leave IaaSafiVaal Me.Heffl"Ft, 3Sf iwall,., Taa jh lies; Arnvaat -i i'rsS? BVH1TH WARBl :., eS. nrv-xxurL&!x ,! ' Arrtva at " - W- 2i t t: aaSBBal ) gaBSBBW JOlWBrMsseea.siaeea Pisat -f PWA'J'iLJ Ju lTwTLqN. Baa. aVft efl .. .. . . a aaaaaa TsaSBai - SJ. B. NBFF. Baat. a R. R.'vtA ' ' Wfti8&8$Lr8 I ,..11..". w S1 PRINU BTYLB :tm -IN- V J SSMfti-t'. . w-:-' -. W DUNLAP & COS 'S 2 uw; CELEBRATED &:'$ Wa.-M New Ready;1 a.m.Haaaay wsx ssasnseuiBj nw eskya,'TawBSaagec axp.m.1 uda,lisTa,'as. -- WirZTA Tiis flaiiniTlihi asiS aava'ael a.,a:.?aaau: aaay.tiMPt'at. .t.iSSiis -. ai titt 'S:-u5'."2Lifr; ' ii.;-aSj7' IjaMsjeWMff.aee aTSAaHSBBBBarSasaAAAaAAaaLh TffSBBV utMgaOB.! i aeesM . esa TewT ' PH'Jfli wrsyK-1 '18L'li ..m'm m& Select yeurSPntNO TILE wkUe the! New and Full. ., . ..Rest FUR STIFF HAT In U. Mty,attJi e . "i Our tLH STIFF HAT Unsurpaases. T. .PtJ, ' mi a ,vv '. "S -m, W' TRUNKS, TRAVELING BACW,K17BH COATS AND UMBRiUXAaV:;.;4 . mii. 5TAUFFER&COJ ., . ... H . . ''Mk'' - - i-Msnsai 31 aad 33 North Qmm Strtft, jgj2Ttm .fl.. LANCASTER. FA." -(!-? Santpm. cr . ".It JSMI a'jfS1- N; EW LAMPS AND ART OOODS. M Call and GLmm -a - "sw aav , -THE v..ii( HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR FIE NEW Wm and -m, ; TaIitiT. Aimnlfl'a'RriflTiI U VALU JJ JU. ALUAU, a AJ uuiAAsama -Vi NORTH QUEEN STRUTT. wv; rALLANDBEE ' m J Tira rt'jSS. '4 ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Caadla-Llgbti Beau them slL' . Anether Let of Cheap Glebes (r Ossas4 atevea, -i THE " PERFECTION M - r micta 1. unm.TirNe and RtTBBEH miaandsf i i Weather Strip. TM- Itxt. tham all. Till I ill I la 11 lllkMSl I Keens out the cold. Stene mtUlna of Excludes the dust. Keep out snow aad wianawakj. -" "' -------- --- W .-." ' T -T w 1 il aa saam. - Anyone can apply it no wast, or dirt sefCalas PI ei vina il tea de dun ssrwsai befitted anywhere nn te bore, ready for use. I will net split. VZEXR hrlnk a cushion strln Is the asast tbeBteve, Heatar aad Kant Wsm O; Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 84 SOUTH QUEEN 8T., ''. uajiiuuiiam rsViV'- --.-. -i'r.ii. -- 9hstssrrth -r.vpr -. It I JUST RECEIVED FROM V'n-n-lfaa'rATiwa T)lnCMrisi.' 1- m axumAfieuuis, Axuuwsa, ,, Twe Backgrounds made espeetally Sar Three-quarter Length Phntearsaas. ROTR; 60 1-2 North QltTif v "FWfJsvJ ySaSBJ SBMI ajaaaa asaRgagas BsagSr '' r3 1 m : fcfc? s: EVhS ,-V'W3 rJ iw'ix; . 3K?J yt?m tj -V I f.: .r; 1S' 1-. T iW is..aj j. ,-0l sa' . ;.rsjapgB .-... . . Vs.! west suae i , -sjsmgi--. -w i .. , - . - j . , , V-' Y 4'fr. , ,-!