Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 07, 1890, Image 1

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C.The Msreh meettag of till Ltwetster eHy
sebeel beard wm held en Thursday avealag
la eemmdn council ekarater with the. fol fel fol
lewing member pnaenti Meaira. Belealua,
Brlnten, ceearaa. DarmataMar, uriaat.
JadlUi. Johnaea. Llektr. LIbdeM. Mar-
takall, MoCemaay, MopennUl, MoElligett,
(MeKiiupa, MuHuuan, Febu, Katbrea,
Kaub, Ralllr, Reynold, Reland; Soareyari
, jBhlrk and Dr. McCeralck, praatdeat
Tha oilnutea of taa Fabrnary tnaaUng
wara read and approved.
,'lAt. McOemaey, of the eaperlBteadlnjr
fOirimlttee, reported that tka crowded eoa eea eoa
'enMoa of the' primary aoheola nadared It
aaeaaaary te erganise a aehoel of that
grade la the Weat Ckeatnnt atreet balldiag.
Tklanew avhoelwilt rellere tbapraarare
ea the Maner, Walnut and Jamea atreet
aehoel. Mlaa Wylle haa been placed In
charge. The aehoel relieved atlll have an
attendance pt alxty. On his motion tha
aoUea of the auperintending' oemmlttae
waa approved.
Mr. Cochran presented the bill for op ep
pUea' famished during the 'past, month,
and lea'hla motion the treasurer waa an
th6rlaM te pay the same.
Mr. Cochran offered the following, which
waa; adepted: '
Jtetelved, That for the purpose of pay
ing the balance of the Indebtedness con
tracted by order eftbe beard for the erec
tion of the West Chestnut atreet school
house, registered bends of this beard te
the, amount of $10,000, shall be Issued In
denominations of S0O. The said bends
frail bear Interest at the rate of four per'
ent. per annum, from April 1, 1800, paya
ble quarterly, and shall be payable en
April .1, 1000. Each bend shall beelghed by
tha president, secretary and treasurer, and
the corporate seal of tha beard shall be
attached thereto An annual lax of ona ena
sUUeth. drone per cent, en all subjects of
taxation for school purpose Is hereby re
quired, te pay the principal and interest en
the above lean, collectible aa ether aehoel
Cochran aald there was new 3,600
reasu ry. Tbe salaries of the teacbera
knltera for March will mere than
I this amount, and the lean referred.
I the above resolution Is an absolute
tort op ciTYT6?lUJ'a,D,n,T'
lowing Is the report eftaaJ!uP'-
TmvrfAwrvB. Pa., famti A 1AQO.
II $! Beard if Scheel Dlrtttert:
Kfrakkrvxuxn Veur city auperintendent
u urn lis me loiiewing report ei me pueiic
schools for the month of February :
Tbe number of pupils in attendance waa
873 In the high schools, 881 in the grammar,
688 la the secondary, 46 In the ungraded,
M3 in the intermediate and 1.50S In tha
f) primary, making a total of 8,891. and ad
i dlng.te.. these, 118 attending the algbt
I aoheolae-tha srand total waa4.O00.
I' .TheTaVerage dally attendance was 259 In
tbe Blgh schools, 343 in the grammar, 89
in thj secondary, 36 In the ungraded, 822
la the Intermediate and 1,201 In tbe
primary.. Total, 8,960, aad adding 82 te the
number In tbe night schools, tha grand
total waa 3,842. Tbe number of pupils
present every day waa 1,213 ; the average
percentage or attendance was 92 ; the num
ber of teachers In attendance at tbe meet
ings waa 64. The following were absent:
Misses Mary Quthrie, Kate Sharp, A. B.
Spindler, C. O. Spindler, M. Underwood,
E. Buydam, M. Zug.
'Because ef.tbe absence of the city super
intendent attending the meeting of the
department of superintendence of the Na
tional Educational association at New
Yerk, for which permission waa granted
him by veur honorable body at the Feb-
l ruary meeting, no teachers' meetings of the
high school grade were called.
The number of visits made by the city
superintendent was 110; visits made by
directors were reported as follewa: Wm.
McCemwjy, 42! Dr. M. W. Kaub, 39: J.
McKlllips. 24 ; W. Jehnsen and O. N. Rey
nolds, each 22; Dr. O. Reland, 21; J. B.
Waxfel, 16 ; II. A. Schroyer and Chaa. Lip-
EId, each 16: W. D. Stauner,9; J. F.
autz, 7 j W. R. Brlnten, 6 ; H. R. Brene
man, 6 ; R. C. McDonnell, 1. Total, 210.
Having obtained tha permission of the
superintending -cummiose; your city su
perintendent epeued a new primary aehoel
In the Chestnut street building, last Mon
day, and placed Misa Grace Wylle In
charge. The opening of this school provi
ded a way of relief for the overcrowded
primaries In the Maner, the Walnut and
the James atreet buildings.
The. monthly lectures en the history of
tbe United States, given by tbe city super
intendent te the pupils or the higher class
In tha grammar schools, have been brought
te a close for this term, because of the In
crease of work toward tbe close of the
The final examination of these pupils In
physiology will take place next Saturday
the boys at 9 a. m. and tbe girls at 2 p. in.
In the girls' high school room en West
Orange atreet. The members of the beard,
specially tbe superintending committee
and the com inlttee en tbe oeurse of Instruc
tion, are cordially invited te be present.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. K. Buehblk.
The resignation of Miss Mary E. Under
wood, teacher of primary school in Lemen
atreet building, waa presented. It waa ac
cepted and a vote of thanka waa tendered
Mlsa Underwood for faithful performance
of duty.
Te fill the vacancy caused by the resig
nation, Miss Wolf, previsional teacher, waa
All the candidates en the secretary's list
were placed in nomination for the vacan
cies In the force of previsional teachers.
MlasCelia Gable and Miss Ida Hall were
Mr. McDevitt tendered his resignation as
a member. In his Jetter he states that his
business engagements are such aa te pre
vent his attending with regularity the
meetings of the beard. The resignation
waa-accepted. J. P. Winewer was elected
te the unexpired term of Mr. McDevitt.
President McCormick made tbe follow
ing changes in committees te Mil vacancies:
Mr. Rellly transferred from committee en
buildings and grounds te finance; Dr.
Jtaub from text book committed te that en
buildings and grounds; Mr. Judith en
text book committee, and Mr. Brosey en
dietary committee.
'Old, Hut Geed.
After the test of the new Eureka Iiesa at
Ne. 1 engine house yesterday afternoon,
some of tbe fire committee were anxious
te test some of the old hose of tbe same
make which has been in active service for
the past eight years. A section was taken
down from the rack and aubjoctej te a test
of 290 pounds with the hydraulic pump and
it steed It without bursting.
Aid for Churches.
The Evangelical conference appropriated
76 te the Akren church, $100 te the Adams
town, $100 te the LitiU, $256 te the Lancas
ter, Mulberry street, $100 te tbe Lancaster,
Water street, $125 te tbe Manheim and $50
te the Millersville.
Ilefbre the Marer.
Tbe mayor bad three cases te dispose of
kthla morning. Twe of them were ledgers
1 weredl
irged. Tbe third was Jehn
aelsn, a
refslnntl vagrant. He was
ibws ms ledger ea Wedaes-
1M Attracts
Waa. at TaHaa
Tkara waTa'
Far e a aaaea let avaalaa te wHaaaa
BeaeteaakVa elsdwau'' After Dark k
W. A. Brady eaaaaaar. All aW eK
lag aad. t aleaaa. Mr. Bra
atayad tha aart of Ofat. Tm, taa
aad aero ef aha ateat, vary aatialably.
Mr. J. W. MeCeaaall as aVraVa C8mOay
aasaaaai tha elswaeterla a' aataral
aad easy bmbbct. Mlaa iAara'Blfaar aa
KHta acted the aart la a aalaatektag
way. Taa east waa waM'aaddad out
aad many of taa' aetata aad axlateaea aa
the house bill ealy. BeaM eT aaoaawae
wara ea kaaeV la real teak aad Meed
wera very weak; -.
Taa railroad aad eeneert kail aeenea wara
geed, wklla thai of taa gambUag kaU waa
taate aad dtaappelating. la tka eeaeatt
aeeaa people with apeekdttsa were seen aad
thsy made aa big akit aa tka star or any
people la tka play.. They wara tatradaead
by a tough leeklag tadlvMeal, who looked
like a property man, aad ha made tka an
nouneementa la a vary natural out "I'll-blte-your-ear-ea"
style. Maria Rene
did tome vary difficult dancing, mak
ing rapid change. Kelly and Murphy
two clever young kexara, who are about
tka only pair that have been aaeeaaarbi!
enough te travel together for years, gave
their uaual spirited aet-te, and wara re
called time and again. Bebby Gayler la a
very funny Irish comedian, and his pecu
liar manner of telling stories, giving imita
tions aad hla nimble dancing made him a
favorite te such aa extent that the audience
did net want te leave him' go. Among the
people who saw the show were Ike members
of Frank Llnden'a company, who are the
attraction for the remainder of tha week.
They were bunched In parquette seats.
A large Crowd Knjera tha Spert The
Vex Takes Allva. ,. "
On Thursday afleraoea there waa a fox
chase at I. N. Werat'a hotel, at Leaman
Place, and the crowd waa large as they al
ways are In that section of the county,
where fox hunting la very popular. Lan
caster aa usual turned out a big delegation.
After the uaual big dinner, and It waa
an excellent one, tee, the fox waa dropped.
Notwithstanding tha enew, Reynard ran
very well. The pack of dega that were
started after him waa joet ae large, but
they came from one kennel, and therefore
ran well together. The fox waa given, a.
close chase, net only by the dega, but also
by the rider. He finally took refuge In
tbe barn of a man named Hoke, near
Strasburg, where he was caught alive by
JaV& B11! Jr., eon of Jacob Balr, the wall
knewlaihnnter or Willlanutewa. The
Lancaster peepi9Xt!rgd heB n the
evening trains. AltegellAtVgaYM"
one of the beet of the year. -.
A Man Attempt te Step the Animal
and Is Gored.
On Thursday afternoon Saraael Den
linger; who resides at Leaman Place, pur
chased a pair of cows at. the publle sale of
A. Hershey t Bra, at Gordenvlll. He
atarted te drive them home, and near
Brua'a mill, between Paradlae and Gor Ger Gor
denvllle, one of the animals became un
ruly and turned te run back. Denllnger
called te Jealah Melllnger, who was In the
read, te head the cow off. Melllnger at
tempted te de ae, but the cow ran Inte him
with her horns. One of the horns pene
trated hla lower Jaw, paselng through It
into hla mouth. He waa badly Injured and
waa at once taken te hla home by Mr.
Denllnger. A phyalcian waa sent for, who
dressed tbe wound.
The Baee Ball World.
At the meeting of the National League of
ball clubs yesterday there waa a big fight
and it waa finally decided te have ten clubs,
which is two mere than for years before.
They will be stationed at Cleveland, Cin
cinnati, Indianapolis, Pittsburg, New
Yerk, Brooklyn, Bosten, Washington
and Philadelphia. Other members of
tbe League tried In every way te
above Jndlanapells and Washington eat
of tbe League,but all te no purpose. They
ware obliged te make It a ten club circuit
and they are already disgusted with it.
The schedule Is unsatisfactory te every
body and all are blue.
Tbe Brooklyn and Philadelphia Brother
hood clubs played In Charleston yesterday.
The Phlladelphlans wen by 10 te 7.
Neighbors Quarrel.
Seme days age Mrs. Henrietta Oerrecht
waa prosecuted by Mrs. James Moere for
surety of the peace. Mrs. Oerrecht then
made almllar complaint against James
Moere and his wife. All the above cases
were returned te court by Aldermen Barr.
Tbe last of tbe hearings was en Thursday
evening. After the hearing Mrs. Moere
entered s suit for tbe same offense against
Mrs. Oerrecht, and this suit will'be heard
next week. Tbe parties are neighbors and
live en Seuth Water atreet.
Snow Delays Malls.
New Yerk, March 7. Tbe peetal author
ities of this city have been seriously Incon
venienced by delaya In mails caused by
recent heavy ane w storm. The districts
affected are Southern New Yerk; Northern
Pennsylvania and Southeastern Ohie, and
the Erie trains which sre carrying malls
are already nine hours behind time. There
is also a postal car attached te the train 12,
of the Lake Shere, which was wrecked last
night near Hamburg.
Found Geld and Sliver.
Geld and silver have been found en the
farm of Jeremiah Stauffer, near Scottdale.
Stauffer employed a geologist named
Stanten te examine tbe supposed geld and
silver strata. He found the rock te yield
S278 in silver and anywhere from fiOO te
$1,000 in geld. Heaaya be has met with
the same vein in examinations elsewhere,
and believes it te extend as for south as
North Carolina. The. rock also contains
ether valuable mineral. In one part of
Mr. Stauffer' form Iren or and ether
metaia exist In abundance. '
Yerk's New Hetel.
Yerk is te have a large hotel which
will be built during the coming sum
mer. It will be made or brick
and atone, will be alx stories blgh
and will have one hundred room.
Tbe hotel la te be located in Centre Square
and its cost, besides ths site, will be $75,
000. It will be named "Hetel Yerk."
'Columbia Is also greatly agitated new,
and they want a big hotel, tee. '
Ohie Redlstrleted.
The Senate en Thursday passed tbe
Heuse bill redlstrlctlBg the state for con
? regional purpose, and It Is bow a tew.
t places MeKlnley snd Butterworth In
strong Democraite districts, and will give
about two-third or the congressional dis
tricts te the Democrats after the next elec
tion. Sold by the Sheriff;
Deputy Sheriff Stener this morning sold
the stock or J. Harry Stamm and wife,
en executions issued against bim by
Heed, Bonbright A Ce. The execution
creditors tmieaased all tbe stock aad the
price paid waa 18,136.
Far Widows.
. e1-":
yiatAjnpg M'jumm pAt
laWMaf JaHflv . MMlMM
a hit BBttnui urn mum,
'if-BTiiiti.3' "
.Tare Mea Wklla
aa Ma .Waeer The
a MeM aia laaaeat.
i i
Aa aadevekwed child. Ire ateatka aid,
WMfoaadlntheCeoaliceoreek, below the
taraplke bridge la tka village of Kaareta,
te-day at aoea.
It was dleoe voted by Wm." ZeHase,
Harvey Millar aad Jehn Miller, who saw
It lath water as theycrensed the bridge.
They breaght It te shore.
Deputy Coreueraeraperllng was aetltai
sad 1m empanelled a Jury te bold aa la
Aa investigation made by the coroner's
phyrietan shows thst the child wss deliv
ered through aa abortion.
The child Is a female. After hearing the
testimony of these1 who found the body
the Jury adjourned until this evening,
when a verdict will be rendered.
By that time the deputy coroner ex
pects te have testimony te show who the
mother of the child is. The appearance of
the body Indicated that it waa net long In
la the water.
"The news of tbe finding of the body
spread rapidly, and eaused a great sense.
Uen la this Usually quiet village.
New Helland Notes.
Nsw Helland, Mar, 6. The execution
against the hardware firm of DlUman A
Balr haa been stepped, sad A. W. Snsder,
esq., bss been appointed assignee.
Workmen sre busily at work en the new
Odd Fellows' hall. Earl Ledge some time
age rented Wltwer hall and are buay
Waking important changes. Whan com
pleted it will be one of the finest ledge
rooms outside of the'cltles. They expect
te occupy them about the first of next
Mr, Franklin Raster, the barber, has
been confined te the house with an attack
of the "grip."
Several tobacco buyers visited this vicin
ity te-day. Few crops were bought. They
report the quality aa being Inferior and
prices low. Five cents through Is about
tbe average price.
F. M. Line, of the theological seminary
at Lancaster, addressed the missionary
,' society of the Reformed church last Thurs
day evening en the subject or missions.
He is an earnest speaker, who haa a large
number of friends here, and hla talk waa
highly appreciated.
Efferts are being' made te bare Rev.
Walter King, secretary of the Law and
Order society; conduct a meeting here In
the interest of that society en the 23d.
9y the Yeung Felks at the Ilaraenle
t f , 'Club Reems.'
t The Feast of Purim, which is celebrated
by the Hebrewa everywhere, began Wed
nesday evening. In honor of the feast a
dsnelng sociable, by the Hebrew Sundsy
school wss given last eyenlng in tbe rooms
efthe Harmonic club. There was quite a
large number of people In attendance, net
only or children but also or elder
folks, and among the strangers were:
Miss Vogel, or Philadelphia; Miss LUlle
Rosenthal, efCleveland ; MIssTlllle Ryder,
of New Haven; J. Llebach, or Yerk, and
Mr. Vese and Murray GeMsmlth, of New
Yerk. The little folks only had possession
or the fleer In the early part or tbe evenlng
and they danced until 11 o'clock. Tbe
promenade was led by Master Albert
Mess and Mlaa Fannie Hirab. Master
Julius Lederman danced a Bailer hornpipe
andMissLuluFissdaneada fisher's born
pipe snd s Spanish dance. Beth were very
creditable exhibitions and the youthful
performers received storm or well
merited applause. A supper waa aerved
at 10:80, and altogether It waa a very pleas
ant evening.
Tbe Eflbets of Jehn A. Brltten geld by
the Sheriff Fer aO,87S.
Sheriff Burkhelder te-day .sold ths per
sonal property of Jehn A. Brltten, ef the
American house, en execution issued by
GstelyA Brltten, of Reading, and ether
creditors in the same city. The furniture
and fixtures were offered first by rooms
and In thst wsy the aggregate amount bid
waa $2,832. It waa then put up as a whole
and sold for $3,375. Gately A Brltten were
the purchaser.
Mr. Lauer, whose Judgment wss net
entered against Mr. Brltten until after the
furniture had been levied upon, will con
test the Judgments entered prier te his.
Ths mensy realited by tbe sale will be
ruled into court, and It will then be deter
mined which of tbe creditors Is entitled
te It.
Walking Match at Ephreta.
. A 72-hour walking match was begun in
the band ball, at Epbrata, en Wednesday
evening at eight o'clock. Tbe pedestrians
are Abe Nelan, Augustus Rine and Geerge
Kauffman, of this city. In tbe first hour
Nelan and Kagffman each made 71 miles.
At neon Thursday the score was: Nelan,
01 miles: Rine, 46 miles, 9 lap, and Kauff
man, 08 miles, 3 lsps. At 8 o'clock In the
evening it was Nelan, 103 miles; Kauff
man, 95; Rine, 69. The match will end
te-morrow evening at 11 o'clock. Thirty
eight lap are required for a mile. Tbe
attendance thua far has net been large.
ThOBOereat neon te-day was: Nelan,
ISO miles 4 laps ; Kauffman, 137 miles 10
laps, and Rine, 113 miles 4 laps.
Before Alderman Uersbey.
Jehn W. Bauer, charged by bis step
mother, Nellie Bauer, with the larceny of s
geld ring, had a bearing last evening.
There' was no evidence te sustain the
charge snd the esse wss dismissed.
Peter Judge, who claims te be from Har
burg, waa found very drunk en West King
street, yesterday, by Constable May. Al
derman Hershey gave him ten days.
Received a Contract la Ylrglnla.
Hugh Keegb, railroad contractor, of this
city, returned at 8:10 this morning from
Roanoke, Virginia, te which place he went
te leek after some railroad work en tbe
Ohie extension of the Norfolk A Wextcru
railroad, which was let yesterday. Mr.
Keogh succeeded in getting ten mllesef the
werk,lncludlng s small tunnel, and be will
commence operations at once. Tbe wbole
line of new read Is 190 miles long. Mr.
Keegb work 1 In Wayne county.
A Cruel Canard.
The Ngrristewn story of a death bed con
fession ermhe murderer of Dr. Levering I
denied. The man credited with making
It died in liarrisburg four years age and it
haa been rumored that he then made a
confession, but this has net been aubstan
tlated, and tbe story of domestic infelicity
Is emphatically contradicted.
The Papers Late.
News Express, due here st 6:23, was
delayed for two hours tbla morning and
people did net receive their Philadelphia
papers st breakfast Urn. Tbe delay was
caused by the truck pulling out from
uederteae of the ears between Hoke's
P- h:
i T.--.-- I
ktaaajer, U'IBm.',' WbbbIbb; aad Balesaa.
la saa Fiiiaas ecus casr.
Tka: Mtevrlagf letter' has bee given t
the press: ; -
I kav Jest resolved, free a Bass tab.
asQwalataace la lale, the foltewia letter
with reaard ,ta tka rsatrtad BagJag'ta
deatk eTMadar aUgtdVat tlMBaea ef
Kara, m watttra Biberav I have every
rates te aauev aay eenaeaaadeM;.
tratwrtay,ead tkat ka has reeet ved 41
really- free tha wravlae of. the Traae
te aeutve aur turns naint;ie
Baikal the information that he
Tka story of the flagging:
SigMaaad (he suicide of her
haa been eraelaUv denied bv
d9L JMersoeitr the araaaeftae
siaaforeigaefnee and by taa St Peter-''
eurg novo rrrtaye, wu toast aeaisie,
anfertunately, de, net carry aa mask
weight aa they would If tha Hessian gev
erameat had net denied the story eTthe
Btaaghter of political Yakutsk,
last March, a story tkat I at new jHepared
te prove before a committee of the later later later
ntflonalPrisea aatoeltUea.
Gaenaa Kknhak,
., ., JA'. SWwaary IS, laM.
itv Dear Mr. JTmnem :
I hasten te send yen the details that we
received here nsierday, from Siberia: of
Uie tragedy at Kars with regard te which
I wrote yen briefly a few day age. We
leera from a trustworthy source that, upon
the suggestion or Initiative ef Barea
Kprff, governor general of the Ameer
provinces, it waa decided sems months
age te put all the political offenders st the
mine ef Kara upon the footing or com
mon criminal convicts, see
Mere than balr of the male political con
victs proposed st once te commit suicide,
but, as sU would net agree te this, it waa
finally decided te await definite action en
the part of the prison authorities. The men
gave notice, however, that they would kill
themselves st the first attempt te carry the
order Inte execution. ,
Baren Kerff paid a visit of Inspection te
the women's political prison atUst-Kara,
and entered the cell where Madame Kaval .
aksya wss lying sick in bed. It is a strictly
enforced rule In all Russian prisons, that
when an officer and especially an emr
of high rank eaters a cell every prisoner
shall rise te his or her feet and stand la the
sttltuds of attention. Madame Ksvslsksya,
who is In an advanced stage of prison con
sumption, neither rose from her bed 'nor
noticed in any way the governor geaeral'a
entrance. Baren Korff.lgnerant, perhaps,
of the unfortunate woman's physical condi
tion, asked her roughly whether she did
net knew who had entered the cell and
why she did net get, up. Madame Kaval
akaya replied, wearily: "It makes ae
difference te me new whether you are the
governor general or only a turnkey; I am
unable te get up." '
Baren Kerff, Irritated apparently by
what seemed te him Impertinence, ordered
that Mme. Kavalskaya be taken te the
-Yerkhnl Udlnak prison and there, be putt
Inte solitary confinement This order waa
executed by Maalukeff, the commanding
officer of the Ust-Kara prison, with great
brutality. Mme. Kaval Jcayadeclaredher
seir unable te walk, and aba waa thereupon
taken out or her bed bv two soldiers, car
ried down te the bank or the, 8M- river
IlMfelmlirAe'small. bes', for
1 transportation te the Yerkhnl TJallMk
prison. , , j. -
The weman'e companions held CemrB.'":
dent Maalukeff resnenstblaand annatl
te tbe higher authorities for the letter's rdV
mevsL When their appeal wm disregarded
thev nreceeded te enforce It bv raHniefi
hunger strike voluntary starvation), and a
hunger strike of unheard-of ' duration.
They fasted ths first tims 16 dsvs. whan at
last Commandant Maalukeff tendered his',
re-agnation, viae mgner suwenues re
fused te accept it, and tbe hunger striks
was renewed for eight dsys mere, at the
end of which time the women were notified
that the commandant, Maalukeff, would
be removed te another pest. Tbe premised
removal, however, did net take place, end
again the hunger atrike waa renewed.
This time it continued 22 dsys, but most of
the women were kept alive, in spite of
tbeir refusal te eat, by the administration
of feed artificially.
At the end of this terrible hunger strike
only Madame SIglda and Madame Saleva
were able te stand en their feet. Mme.
Sigida asked for n interview with tbe
commandant, and In the oeurse of It struck
him in the face. Whether the blew was
provoked by something thst he said te htr,
or whether she intended te sacrifice herself
with the hope or bettering the condition or
her companions, la net known. The hun
ger strikers were net aware or her Inten
tion te strike the commandant, ir she bad
such an intention when she left them.
Madame SIglda was removed te the com
mon criminal prison st Ust-Kara. aa were
also Mesdamea Kalusbnaya and Smlrit
abaya, and according te one account Mme.
The result of the blew given by Mme.
SIglda te Commandant Maalukeff was' a
telegram from Governer General Kerff,
directing that she be flogged. The prison
surgeon made the customary examination
of her, and reported that aba was net In a
condition te endure the punishment.
Baren Kerff was notified of the surgeon's
decision snd of bis refusal te be present at
tbe flogging. He thereupon telegraphed :
" Carry the order Inte execution without
tbe presence or tbe doctor."
Mme. Sigida waa then flogged under the
direction or the assistant director or tbe
common criminal prisons an officer
named Verbefskl. Anether letter gives
thenameertbesssistant director as Bob Beb Bob
refski. She died two dsys later from
heart failure, and almost immediately Mas
dsmes Smlrekskava, Kalutbnava and
Kavalskaya poisoned themselves. Tbe
ether women were se Isolated that they did
net knew what had happened.
When news or the terrible tragedy
reached the men'a prison, socerdlng te
Information furnished by the procurer, 80
of tbe male political convict took poison.
Only tw of them, however, Kslucbnsya
and Bobekof, died. The ethers were saved
by medical treatment.- Hecker, who was
living outslde the prison, in the "Free
Command, " shot himself in the head, but
a his pistol was a very small and cheap
one, the wound was net fatal.
Iu tbe words or one or the Kara political
convleta, " Tbl i the beginning or the
end. " Tbe governor of the province f
tbe Trans-Baikal, tbe procurer, the
district surgeon and two geu d' armes from
Irkutsk have gene te Kara, but for mere
than a week, my correspondent says, no
news hss been received from there.
Very truly yours, A. B.
An Old Couple Die Within A Short Time
or Each Other.
Last Sunday morning Susanna Burk Burk
eolder, wlfe of Jehn Burkhelder, died at
her home near Lititz, from pneumonia.
Her husband, who bad been sick from a
complication of diseases, died en Monday
morning, exactly twenty-two hours after
hla wife.
The ceuple were buried together at He'
meeting beuse en Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Burkhelder wss 76 year or sge
snd his wife 74. The former was a
tall man, or geed figure, and the
Litltc Rteerd tells this story about him:
While at Lancaster en a Whit Monday, he
took bold of a pulling machine te test his
strength, vrueu he tore the machine te
pieces with one hard pull, a thing unheard
or before. But this experiment caused
such a severe sprain In his back that for a
year be we a helpless Invalid, and never
after that was as healthy as previously."
Twe daughters sre the only surviving
children of the aged ceuple. They are Mrs.
Paul Ulngeman, living near Kissel Hill,
and Sirs, l'eter Ktauiler, renlding near
.The Celd Huap.
Last night was the coldest of the season.
At 2 o'clock this morning the thermometer
was one degroe above aero atScbieyer's
en tbe Harrisburg turnpike. At 7 o'clock
this morning tbe thermometer ranged from
five te tsa degrees above aero, according te
location. Ths coldest weather before yes-
. wss ea March V.wkea taa average.
struck :m mt tunnel
k im mm nt man m xnmu
i ' "'m mmiY,
wesjaersa asava jnsaa a BSwireaa saajtaa
attdsr Otrt-M la
Cat aadBraletd.
I Aa'lrewBaeder I aeVlu theLtaeaattr
aaaat heealtal ea'sacaaatef tatlartsa ra
reaaayiraata railroad la the tunnel aa
twaea Oetamal aad Chtekles ait Thareday
evealag. JUeder waa walking aa tka
south' track tewarda Marietta, when ka
stat HarrlsbargAecommedaUon, wktehle
due -la. Laaeaeter at 6:45. When h
sawthetrala appreaehlng he stepped ever
te the north track. Hsrrlsbure- Aceomme-
dsUea east aad the train eT the ssms name
going watt attet sbeut this pelat every
evealag. Raeder waa about half way
threagh tha tunnel, ea the north track,
whea the western bound train cam up
behind him. The engineer sew him but
net la time' and the locomotive
struck him, knocking him from In front
aad off the trsek. Among the passengers
ea the train going west were Railroad Offi
cers Pyl and Kennedy. Aa seen ss ths
train had beta stepped the offleertgotoff
aad took the man In ehsree. They placed
him en the train and took him te Marietta,
where he was attended by Dr. Mowery.
He wss afterwards taken te Columbia
and thence te Lancaster, by ths railroad
bfflcerSfWhe bad htm placed In a passenger
ear attached te a freight train. He was
taken te. the eeuuty almshouse and Dr.
"Kline, the resident pbylcln,attended him.
He did net speak a atngls word from the
time be wss picked up en the railroad track
until after he was given a drink of liquor
at the almshouse, and that .seemed te
be what' he wanted, as he wst
net unoenecloua at any time. The
doctor's examination showed that he
had received seventl cute about the baad.
and face and alight bruises en the body.
Ne beats are broken, and, as hts Injuries
are by no means serious, he will likely be
sbeut seen again. about 47 yearafcf sge and claims
te be from ML Jey, where he haa a family,
He la little better than a tramp, however,
aad he' has frequently been arrested by this
city's police. He wss only released from
prison en Wednesday morning or this
Majer Isaac 11, Brown, Deputy Beers
tary or Internal Aatstrs, te Be the
-' The Memerial Day committee, made up
of members of Geerge H. Themas and Ad
miral'-.Reynelds Pests, met en Thursday
evening, st the office or Alderman Barr.
Majer Isaac B. Brown, or J. J. Andrews
Pest, Ne; 70, Cerry, Pa., and dtputy secre
tary or Internal affairs, wsa atleeted as the
orator. The oration will be delivered la
TM evening at the opera beuse. Alderman
BatTwfsaPpO'nte as a cem-nlttee te st
mn the .m.nrrrw1'" occasion.
.- ww vywa s-aaaa ww "S"aaSjBSek
The following wss decided upei
pregramme for Memerial Day:
Foreneon: Decorating eeldlers graves In
outlying cemeteries by squads from Pests
84 and 406.
Afternoon Parade at 2 p. m, by Pests
and ether organisatiens, snd services at
Lancaster and Woodward Hill cemeteries
foyer graves te be selected by Pests 84 snd
Evening: Oration and ether services st
opera house or court beuse as fellows)
Opening prayer, musle by blgh school
orchestra and select choir, oration, select
reading, benediction.
Majer O. H. Fatnacht, of Geerge H.
Themas Pest, waa elected ehlef marshal.
Themas Gllgerewaa requested te pre
vide a choir for tbe evening exercise.
A communication was received from the
Union Veteran Legien asking te be repre
sented en the committee. It wss decided
te allow this organisatien te name a com
mlttee of three.
The Ladles' Aid society, Women's ReUtf
Cerps sad Sens of Veterans were Invited
te co-operate with the committee in si-
rsnging for Memerial Day exercises.
Sevsn Cars Off the Track at Coaeetega
Tower Nobody Hurt.
There was a large and troublesome
wreck ea the Pennsylvsnis railroad, which
occurred, at one o'clock jthls morning, ti
the telegraph tower Just west or the Big
Conesteg bridge, about a mile seat or this
city. Seven leaded cars or n eastern bound
freight train were thrown from the rails
and piled across two trscks. Twe of the
car had their truck tern completely off.
The track was tern up for a long dlstancs
and the ties were badly cut. Pacific Ex
press, dus here st 1:20 this morning, wss
ever three hours late and ether train were
badly disarranged. Tbe Columbia and
Psrkssburg wrecking crews worked sll
night snd at 7 o'clock this morning they
succeeded in clearing off tbe north track.
The south track waa net cleared until some
time during the forenoon. What caused
the sccident Is net known, but no ene was
A Quartette Bent Out.
Samuel Rapley, Jeseph Brlgg, Charles
HUlard and Wlnfleld Bender are the name
or four tramp who attempted te steal their
way east ever the Pennsylvania railroad
last night. Unluckily for them they se
creted themselves In the water closet or a
passenger car In which were Officers Fyle
and Kennedy, who were bringing an In
jured man te Lancaster. The officers st
once took tbem In charge and Alderman
Deen gave them 20 daya each thla morning.
A Sheriff's Lucky Shet.
Detroit, March 7. A dispatch from
Marquette. Mich,, says Warden Tompkins
shot tbe four fingers from the right hand"
of Itelmund jieUhay tbe train robber and
inurdeier. Helr.bay.liad in aoine wsy
obtained possession of a sharp pointed
knife snd bad Belted a fellow convict and
threatened te kill him when the warden
with a well directed rllie shot tere the
fingers off his hand. He was then eaillj
overpewerod and lecked in bis cell.
Under Ball Fer Trial.
PuiLAPKLrniA, March 7. Frank B.
Rehr, of Harrisburg, the Reading railroad
baggage master, who waa arrested yoster yester
dsy at Allentown en the charge of robbing
mall, was given a hearing before United
States Commissioner Craig at neon te-day
and waa placed under $3,000 ball for trial
A Weman's Head Hent te a Prince.
Moscow, Mar. 7. A ghastly tragedy has
come te light in this city. A parcel was
left at tbe residence of Prince Dolgerouff
which, upon examination, was found te
contain tbe head of a woman. With the
parcel was left a note bearing no signature,
aayiug: "This is our first exploit We
will seen outdo 'Jeck the Ripper.' " It Is
believed that the woman waa killed for be
traying Nihilist.
Failed te Ceine te Time.
Bpcdal Dispatch te the lsrct.LluxscXR.
Peacu Borrev, March, 7. Mr. Wm. H.
Breslu failed te appear In the tariff debate
with D. F. Mtgee at Oxford ea Thuradsy.
... j
Tea Indians Perform a Wonderful rest
aad Thsaetae eCDeUars change
t Heads.
Frees the Mttwtaktt aeatlnel.
, Did e aver ketr of the meat remark
able race ever raa la Wisconsin, or .any
where eles, for that matter T" asked sn old
Ham tea ether day; "Ne WJ I will
tellytMabeatRVfer t w It tayatl. la
Ltae -maimer of 1844, with say aneis, I wss
raakiag a business trip te what te bow
tMOtMMartserrttlea. ASt Louts sports.
seen, Henry Btsnten, wsr atoppteg there
at the Hate, having been taken stes? white
one aaatlng trip, and P the Indians were
taking eare of him. Stanten en day. wit
assart a feet rata, by tome of the young
bucks, aad aa Idea struck him. It after?
ward struck ether te their Berrow, He"
as tae bucks try their speed, and seen was
seedlag letters te his friend East and
Seuth. They were confidential letters, but
the aMwsrs premised him all the money
hsaetdedi H then teat out notlers te the
eperUag fraternity that en a' eertela day of
that summer (1844), he weatd wager hit
all that a feet rat of tea .Miles could be
made In ten minutes. It teemed prepos
terous. Bat few loeemetlvee kav ever
made such Urns.
"Stanten, however, knew, whatih waa
about With a trusted buck, 'Peep-e-Dey,'
he engaged ten lndlsnssiid put them ea
the trail, en a hair mils straight atreteh'
and return, the Indians te relieve each
ether at the end of eaeh mite. He bad them
practice in secret st night One morning
'Pep-e-Day' Informed' Stanten that a
stranger bad offered him a bribe te let him
see alrlal race. 'All right,' said Stanten,
Hake his mensy and let htm tee it' But
Stanten had his men make peer time, sad
thus deceived the briber.
. "The day of the race srrlved, and with it
about fifty or the sports of Bt Leuis, New
Yerk snd ether cities. The betting ran
high, with eddt against the feat being ac
complished. Among the party wasayeung
man named Detneyers, from Detroit, en
hts way te Green Bey, with $90,000 In
money and accepted, paper te pay debts,
and contracts for furs. The race wst duly
opened, tb first young buck making his
miis in et sseenas, jus nur second snort.
The next young buck wss about te stsit
warn enter -one-Eye-Uen' grasped
him In his arms, snd said he. was his son
and .the .'run would kill him.' Stanten
hastily sxnlained that In their attire, with
clouts like circus rider and a belt tightly
strapped ever their stomachs, no harm
could be done them. But ths' time waa
wasted In the controversy, and the young
buck retched the stand with Stanten, thirty
seconds behind.
"The betters against Stanten and hit
crowd aew begtn te laugh and Jeer, and
freely offered 10 te 1. Stanten snd his
fritnds looked aad and dejected enough.
But they took all the bete offered Just the
same,1 snd right hers young Dssneyers lest
his head aad put up t40,tfw or kis mosey
against the making of the. race en time. It,
is said sems $800,000 changed' handt there
and then, but I, don't knew about that
Tha sum Is probably exaggerated, but It
was largs sueugb. Ths race .went en.
The third buck mads bis milt' In fifty
seconds, reducing tbe losses te twenty
second. This wsa kept' sbeut ths asm
until the ninth, buck stepped te
the front with a total gala of five seconds.
The last buck must make r up the fifteen.
seconds new lacking. Hs waaa tall, gaunt,
wiry Indian,-and seemed te be all legs.
Ths betters against Stanten began te waver
and new calls for svsn bete and even adds
by Stanten and his frisuds failed te .bring
respense: Ths buck started en time.- Ana
sueb strides I Frem six ' te'stfeht feet each.'
and he went like a whirlwind let loose. He'
must maice ais mue in forty-live second
y-tt.ta lnat. It .vu an axMUnir Vvw
msnt butthTO&mih?. with H,
feet, and had Just two seoetuty---There
wss no arrest excitement ever thai
suit Ths gamblers present were accus
temed te winning and losing large
amounts.. One St Leuis man, however,
did mske a remark about a put-up Jeb, '
and even drew a Deringer and demanded
hia money returned. Stanten raised his
arm, snd the fifty or mere bucks who steed
sreund te witness the race dropped their
long blanket and steed calmly leanlngen
ugly looking guns. That settled it The
race wss ever. The young racing bucks'
spent money freely for a while, as did
also the chief who Interfered with the race.
Yeung Desneyers was never seen again,
either in Green Bay or Detroit It wss sild
he went Seuth te redeera bis lest thousands.
It wss the most remsrksble feet-race ever
held In, tbe world, and were tbe newspspers
or thst day what they are new, columns
upon column or its report would have fol
lowed. As It Is, this is, I believe, tbe. first
tiuis It has been In print "
Suffocated By Gas.
Philadelphia, March 7. Jehn Olbney,
sged 25 years, who, with hit wife and'
seventeen-year-old niece were feuud at
their home last evening almost atpbyxl
ated by escaping Illuminating gas, died
this morning. Mrs, Gibney remains un
conscious, aud the physician entertain
alight hopes of htr recovery. The girl,
who wss least affected, Is Improving, but
sbs remain In a dated condition. The
catastrephs Is believed te have been das te
ths carelessness or Mr. Gibney, who, it la
thought, again opened tbe gas key after
having extinguished the light it la
known that he cams Inte the house under
the Influence of liquor.
Funeral of Abraham Llnoeln.
Lokpen, March 7. Funeral services
evsr the remsint of Abraham Lincoln, sen
of Mr. Rebert T. Lincoln, were held
te-day at the residence or Mr, Lincoln
and were conducted by Rev. J. Monre
Gibsen. Among these present were
sll the member or the American
legation and consulate except Majer Pest,
tbe military attache. They were all ac
companied by their wive. The coffin was
hidden beneath a mas of, flower. After
tbe service were concluded the body wss
ptaeed in the catacombs iu Kensal Ureen
cemetery. There were no cerecnonlea at
ths cemetery.
The Conference In Yerk.
Yeuk, Pa., March 7. The secend day'a
session of the Central Pennsylvaulu con
ference of tbe Evangelical church wss
opened by Chairman M. F. Caretbera. A
half hour devotional services followed.
Rev. B. V.' Smeyer, ,'presldlng elder
of the East Pennsylvania conference,'
and Rev. J. Max Longsderf, of tht
aame conference, were received as
advisory mombers of this conference. Re
ports of committee en church affairs snd
en delinquent missionary assessment wera
heard. A letter from Bishop Dub, el
Chicago, (tbe reading of which caused
much display of emotional feeling) together
with ether letters, were referred te a com
mittee of thirteen for action. Bishops
Eher and Bewman, It has been learned,
will net visit thi conferenco.
Three Children Ilekeued by i'lt'emen.
Berrow, March 7, Three young children
of Moses Feldman, a peer Russian Jew
peddler, will probably die or suffocation
the result of a flre believed te have been
atarted by ene of tbe children while play
ing wiih matches. Four cblldren occupled
one bed and were left alone by their mother
this morning. Soen after smeke waa seen
Issuing from the attic window. Firemen
carried an elght-months-eld babe down
the, ladder and later two ethers were re
moved. The fourth child was feuud run
ning about the ball. The three rescued
children appeared te e dead, having in
haled smoke. They were partially restored
te consciousness and taken te the hospital.
Net Guilty or Murder.
U.VIOSTOWN, Pa., March 7. The Jury
In the case of Captain Cate Abrama, charged
with the murder of Hen. J. M. Bewel),
brought in a verdict te-day of net guilty.
I:j,a pentenal quarrel several months age
Annue picked up a cobble stone aud
track BeweU, klUlag hUu at one, , ,
mi biuj ui rirnu Dunn
"-'' wsj wsa '
aad 1-lwagee lata th Other 0r,
' , , "" u$mu
BtrrrALe. N. Y.Marek 7.-iAlr B.
was horrified last .slant 1feV news .'UsstsTI
terrible disaster had eeeurred eta'lAki
oiiere railway near Bay View, aatata!
about n!at ml! from this city. AUUaaaWl
.-.. " ovweg IMIIliHKf-W.
"". iiiing Man taa.iesvsaevat BJk
" true in swea cases, n was aisaeataa) , get any lawrmaweat BJ
the railway people. ,:A
The ill-fated train wss bound'
and dot here at 9-.M at u. It waa t
or three Itamegscers, foureesohestaall
sleepers. Bem mllse west nf H
tht train Parted between ths issiViititi
t first steeper, thus destroying th ,-Sm
"""j ui we ur Drear, as SMrs'-ta mm
pan or ia traia was concerned sad i
It in SB almost anerumfni4nMiAm
It was en a down ssd whr;ws.
curred, and two carta r thai aus ,
press thundered eawsrdvWltk.laMtaaaasi
peeawua im leaq or presiett aataami
death and deetraetl en.The fitat seatkua 4
along' at usual until Ceadtctar : Jekjal
1VmmI-1I-.- 1 .Ll r-lLiZ?Lm'
nuwuug ui-wTtna wasfiaasi si
pcued.and pulled theoellieord, .Jti
pniMuijjHH wnsv meei snea.watM
done under the elrcumetanees; kag
was auenaea with disastrous c
Ths first tecUea om?te.a;
aud a memsnt or- two;? total
section ertsasd Inte it
feres sadveteclty aa4 tke, wrtk tJtatii
Sietea. xwis jc Test, a tlMatg
trala'te dlsMvsrttkaldaBJ
parted siidln-4aBt1y polled vtkT
cera eaiy, te aa;.K MB
ran te ths thr
,rBte.,a4Wati-iistlB5a), the lttad ,bnka '
celllslen eeeurrsd, TWsststeasi
gather with tuck ferwKtkatialt i
sisspsr, aiiaavr iiimibbh thsi
or .ins suauingstcHe,vl
nuna, na-.inja'i-isji.anessi.i
cars were Piled ln'allsaai
of one rMieAlter,iwkUv"
una" -was almost' tetnal
from sight The.-wh?t
bravely set sbeut ketplBsT Ih
ferraaete.r' The'senataa i
maay oftbess ia UMwrsekv
te task eaVs bleed raa eeld.
eleven pMtMMlata akdlMni
them, J. Bwtlntai aaJnjad TM
hurled rrem the.cara dtateaaa i
aad au tht, rest war taera avi
The ettBrs kUlsd wtr 1 4tkBl
nttsasid, Mass., waaaasg
for D. M. Cellins A,Oe,, of
aaa Nrs.B.twrt.f
Jessnhi D. 'BamMa.'jer
as a -biecs; Ms raeraini
pls( brought- the bedlea f
the,(ntrVdputfihtit 'C
at ahiA imBiaaliee' tassa.
Lt.a. --.- 4Taa-
with the'exesi
a bride of anwtekwr?tBaf
morgue.. Mrs. Bsnea.r-'-ri
taken te Bftdy - DUUard'a
rooms, flea wst M ysars'.'afi
merly lived st.ReasfcvWT.'
fly bodies werettakeaXtO-tHia
loose or me tweinu.resai
fied.i It was seen learaed.!
oneefthtru was that of Jeha.W.
Canten, Ohie. ,. " T. : .'$&
an nancus uaut;ai3 roe,,i
bruised and hss btim 'takes' W
pita). ' A"
Among the wUierttaJar! te:
Allen, of BurUle aeamalW
senger agent of. th Krt r4 1'ft
nlcb, of Philadelphia, asdhte'rl
rrusksd. H waa iMeaght'b! i
hospital ana the area was ampataaaj
m a;iuajBU.Twa amm
CKABLasreir, W. Vs.(:.,Maa;;!
Ksmnf. St vsars of ..'saw: ma.heau
st eleven o'clock this moralagfetl
eer or bis daughter, Muyfj
sudhissenwiiium. wrss
Owlag te thttr father's i
positleB th son aad daaakterl
aad war keeptng kaast fvr:
sbeut s quarter mile from bis'
Decern b r 4. 1889. Ksmpf miM
tleles and going te his daughtet '
htr of the theft and then stebtedltar
a large dirk knife. Herbretaartf
te defend her when be tee' waa i
Beth died within 34 hours.: Th at
was ths first tkat ever took, '4etY
aanawna county. ;-
Reaterlaga Thlefe Pleader.' ;
Chicaoe, March 7. A dlPtck
uauaa, Texas, te-day, says : Saat,q
oriuei-acine isx press company.-.
father of F. H. Walten the ah
agent, are here and hsve secured :
house or lll-fauie s package oenfc
940. Walten left this packsflels)
woman's charge when he ran away.'f-;!
with the $8,000 gtven up by tka .'ahas
in New Brunswick, makes $34,940 Of I
original $33,000 stelen. ,- h.
Th Celdeet Ntaht.
Wasiunotek, March 7. 12 m. Thai
nal efflce furnishes the follewlag
bulletin te tbe press thit tm
Weather reports show that la Ma
setts, Rhede Island' and Conn terl tail
tbe Middle At Untie states from NswY
southward te Northern Vlrglala 'asaf sag
ward te Eastern Ohie, last ateM
colder than any night during Ja
winter. :,-..
An - - -W- '!
Cincinnati, March 7. At
yesterday, ex-Treasurer Celemaa,
been convicted of embessltsitat.
amount being fixed at $12,G0A, wat.'l
tenced te pay double the amount sail
sled, tbe cost or prosecution, and, I
Imprisoned In the penitentiary tw I
hair years. Celeman'a fUmily ia ea af I
most wealthy and respectable la th
and they are beart-breicen.
A Big Werk Burned. ; " :
ANDKn-wj, ind., March 7. Tha Ai
wire red and nail railla of tblteKy
last nliiht. Tbe establishmeat
lamest of tbt kind In the Ualted
and tht less will reach $199,990 ) partty
sured. About sue men sre uurewr.
HmninTinnni. .. . .
Baltimore omeea FIlIed.HS.
WAsni.NOTO.v, March 7, Th
te-day sent te the Senate tht
noinlimtlen : William M.Maria,
ter of custom at Baltimore; Wllkaaa
Biircblnal, surveyor of outteaas at!
mere; Milten u. timer, aay.i
customs st Baltimore : Cecil J.
appraisers of merchandise at BaUJ, .
tVTtAXIIKU lfOal'.;,', J-..
PWASBiaoTeaJL ' , .'' . Vn.