ILL N1 m . t . fX ' ..ii ?J- . run in L mm, wim writ x arts aa mm i Mrat Isaarsassea of Oscar WUt-n r v-'Tfta'aisai tint hImh cis'asr Tataaa I;;"' lauslraal W Mm MuMrt Teaeatasjs. MtersstbMetrae. mere b m sraaMfsl. if if i, k Itkm mnaA. (uteres by the tree te IHamlaethe llsrrsby the beaa'ttfHl te regenerate the life, ftssaaassr Mm geed te perlsctttn heart. iMMUfelrHvin Jul last I floated taavathaboaemoflMTbamrai Ih a a atadv. alie In acaaes that had tried ktmaiH water of nearly very Americas rueroreueameio tun len qaiss eat , noun KngiiM straasn. narry Be Dte'dted and I sneked an Amerf- etaar. I did net naddla for the reason ill de net knew knw. 1 enjoy Industry, I Basra are line at ladttetry with watch 1 sjaauuar. hmuomei mem. te I a birch bark oanes ae that It will mn i n net ait Indastrr, however. It m Panting aeemed te be mere la tav PuntlM leeks mere aiaiDle. Pantltur Ike Thames la conducted by means of a pete bsni a ns oewomea gonaeia, kAtSBDTMB PUNT PeLH UIQII UP IN Am. e puntlst rams this nole Inte the bet- n or tue river, ana by a dextrous push Ida the beat along" at an even and de- pinugaii. inau peiea a ration tne upper sissippi, DroKen a jam ana Deen a icter en A mm furrv. tweutv-flve vaars i ae I knew otieueh eCnauatlCH te mint. tumid say. Mr. Fisher Bald I ralcbt Int awhlle. se he vloldeil his nlace te me. Teee te my full height, and as t did se, ring my brew te tne soft kiss of the vor scented anernoen, l was recognized aether Americans who were assisting IKsammer In making times easy in and also In bringing ubeut an era of pruy in Lionuen. a reuna erappiause Im almost as well newn abroad as I iray earri country, anu in tact nil Burn ing ij, was nip ana tucK botweon me i uouuieu jay te soe wmen weuiu (most press notices. bowed a Delsarte bow and snat en lands In a languid way. Anether lef applause that ochecit down past ok ana out toward Hampton court i ray neart wun a paruoname priue isedthe punt pole nigh in air and I it Inte the brnnctte besom of the leal stream, The swift and rather ran shot away with its gay and well d burden, but I did net loin them. aalned. ke punt pole has a tendency te stick in War bottom of the Thames, but I did knew this. Clinging te the pole, of se i missea my connection wun tue ana a teua piunic, roiiewoa Dy a r peal of laughter, closed the sad scene. I net furnish the launhter. I suDDlied plank. beautiful but rather Impulsive deg vs u) Airs, anoiaen piungea in anu I my life. He draitseu me out en the rby my clothing, as he thought, no k.. .. Hlnllirn ....... ... un l.tnl. I had supposed. That Is If a deg ever oses. ae jl win always carry me marics Et rescue even te my grove. Dogs are ntelligent animals, but they de net always te n ueati moral certainty ar one uas ins winter or summer la en. Itlng is a very healthful exercise, aaneuirt navea set or ury cietning Hf&e that he may change as been as Mbn nuntinc done. I 1 slarted out te say that among the is I soemod te recognlze was one that b very English, and yet I thought I had lilt in America. It was the face of a i of forty odd, I would say. It was the of a very homely woman en the alders and body of a man. The features ) as plain as tnose el n Hippopotamus eDesc. but when Dented tin with a helhev were as beautiful as theso of a The hair was abundant and about color el'u iniiile caramel that has been knwdtothe eleinents all summer. It ovldently been worn long, but had i cut en atiiienecK uy means ei a pinK- en anu a set ei eurgiars tools, uis exien was opaque ana ms toein nung clusters en tuoeuisiao or nis meuin he smiled, lie wero an Eten can lied back in the canee while a tai lered man at three bob a day and a raaffiiaddled the frail bark along fbames and exhibited this gifted iltv te the wenderinir crowd. .- The 1 curiosity was6scar Wilde. net him In the territories twelve or en years age, I think. He wero mere Dlffureat that time. Since then he inffed a sofa pillow with it. Ills hair 1st time clustered around a horse's lase krently and be wero a genulne store jrere. it was tee new te ioek comier- kas he had bought it at Tie elding, ere a liver colored cravat and a leek nse melancholy. I gave him a large i and sold card of mine, printed lu our job elllce by a bright young artist who pa two or tnroe ei ins meit uesirauie ra te our larce blue ieh nress wlille rib te pick a ucdzer out from among lack teeth. i. Wilde said " Ah ! " I s.tid we have a litlml climate here, and then he repeated former statement. aid. "you can trust me. Oscar. I will betray you. What you say will be as reen man ana man. ii you ue net , ll prlnled auu would uke te Keep it i uacKgreuuu anu niiniiy run ler omce iveusasjfe, Harrison administration, itance, as free lrem turmoil as a great I oatmeal mush in a weary land, I epeci your wisnes. " I OAVK HIM MY CARD. lagalu ahed, and producing a large uxutercmei, tnoceior ei tne coating Isteui ich of an habitual drunkard, he I bis wide waste or nese. mien lie Uiecarand fastened the deer, te lethal the Interview was at an end. b then! I have always regarded Oscar las a greatly overestimalod uian. Lrt is net dead even though Oscar lhas had his hair rut by means of a wner, auu new tbgreat ucisarie lient or cult is sweewni; the country besom of wrath, I was going te say, awetolune thev word hesem nt this rltbeut consulting some authorities lng its meaning. anlng. nave a i movement en HI. W 1 enthuslam and tness. We t soine book, nml an already fal falpWwn n flights of stairs out miuriuc mem. . . 1 .. te are also tnabled te analyze motion VB TIL- f V?A,l,'.s,-' '' i. r-t ilfiafhaft isyMtwa aMMpfOMMillM rMganMint, jsftaalwalnltay taaewayf Wear bow law aaaljrala r mnum or rrtibe hi eleqtt U we wm pay atMH hob. AnrMRNwanriMtM mm in e MM greuiMt oer. The higher ado' Uea epM np a mighty vlat la this dlreo dlree dlreo Uea, all new and aatreddan. It aaewa aa that .what we taWght, for laajaaea, a eeartecms bow, was,- after aM. a' poorly eoaeealed lnwtlt. weaeeaewthat it wa a relaeUai eeapUaaea wHh aa aM eaetem. Iaetaad of meaalaf " I aeknewledfla your worth and lower my eotera te your Mpert ermr"UHHMUtaat "leemphr with the tautwln aaeh aaw made add prdtkled, aadlexteraallybew te yoe while Inter aaHybHIafwy thamb at yea. -1 almaly bow in a way te oenvinoe byaUsdert that Iamagtleaiaa,"waHMryeareorBe4." That Is het true art. That I Ktevated rUllroadetlqiiette-abewwItha atrina te it .TaaMfhttr ed ta raiya reCaed and durable aty te of OhriaHanUy. ItteUte kind that teache ua witwi which wlU ay only be of ue te a herabat also aid ualn estertAlnlDR an angel unawarea. Weleareltere that each organ of the body thu ita algnincance and meaning, when we come te analyse people and their conduct toward aa from day te day; The head, we will aay, Is the mental division. If I bow the bead only te you t signify that I lower my wisdom or mental Jag te yours. I say, externally at least! "Yeu knew mere than I de. It may be an inferior order of knowledge, but we will let that go. I bow te you te signify that I reoegnise your wonderful ability," such aa It la. " Yeu then return the bow by giving a stmilar one, which means : " O no, new, partner. Comeoff. Come off. That it a mistake. Yeu are my mental superior, and se here is year old bow returned with thanks." Te go still farther, if I bow mere exten sively, involving the entire body, or terse as we call It. 1 say by this action i " I am highly Inferior te yea mentally and physi cally. Your eyes are as the diamonds bright, but mine are dull as lead. I therefore lower my eyes te yours snd douse my ocular peak toyeurn. Your hair is superior In quality and knocks me silly as te quantity. I therefore lower my hair te you. I also recognize that my ether features, when compared with yours, leek like a mis understanding In the heuse of represent atives. I therefore make an obeisance with my ether features. My veice also lacks the timbre and ether building material te be found In yours, and se I bow my voice. Sly heart and all its wealth of rich, warm affection I place at your feet. I also bow my sluggish and Inferior liver out of respect te your active and self reliant It vor. I bow my gastric works also, knowing hew peer they are and hew unreliable and prone te keep me awake of nights. I therefore bow my entire system of assimilation, mastica tion, digestion, chyllflcatlen, cbymlflcatlen, lactlncatlen, gastridcatlen, unification, pancriticatien, delutitleu, dentition ossi fication and perspiration te yours. " These are the language of the deep and earnest bow. All physical actions have their signifi cance if we knew hew te analyze them properly, and our Vinegar Hill Delsarte class is gently but firmly gettlng there, as Rufus Clioate used te say. In a short letter like thls'l cannot de the subject justice, but possibly at another time, If the publla demands it and keeps en clamoring for it. I may write mera en this all engrossing theme. Hew Interesting It is, for instance, te study the genesis of a physical movement! We will say that you come te me when I am very, very busy, and you forget te go away, owing te a lapse of memory which asalse interfered with your recollection of the 15 you borrowed two years age, and yen talk te me about yourself all the time when I want you te talk about me and Interest me. or else go away and let me work. Well, a thought wave in iny contra! ofllce gees ever te the operator and writes out a red message which scoots along the main line of the spinal column, flashes In the eye, tells the biceps and muscles of the forearm te open the deer, darts along the sciatic; nerve and tells the muscles and tarsal and metatarsal bones te be en hand, or en feet, rather, and I then, mere In sorrow than in anger, kick you down stairs. What does this mean? Why, it means: "I consider myself your superior. I feel above you. I dislike you in souie respects. I de this te indicate it. Socially you are net my equal. I take this step in order te call your attention te it. '' Tbis is higher education. Jccy HIS CREDIT WAS GOOD. 'Twin n winter night, and the hour was lat, And the snow lay cold and white, But she saw htm us far as the garden gate Te say te liliu there, " Geed-night." The moon looked down with a smiling eye And the bright stars winked with glee; They saw her liliikh and they heard her Mgh (Fer timid and shy was she). Bat they never heeded the sb iluur uTrmln The youth and the inaldenl They reached the gate and uTrrnlng been The lever requested there. What Is t lie been T asked the charming miss In n musical voice nml low : It is that you'll give me a sweetheart's kiss, My darling, before 1 go. Oh, no, she said, as the lashes fell O'er the eyes of fathomless blue : Yeu've wooed me long and I love you well But I can't give a kiss te ou. Then lean me iiklss, my sweet one, pray, And you will never knew regrets. Ye, I will, she said, for my parents say Yeu are prompt in paying your debts. Frem the Het ten Courier. Are you afflicted with dtzzluess, or u dull heavy feeling throughout the forehead and temples T This eften Indicates torpor of the liver, which Laxader will promptly cure. It only costs 17 en Is. Laudanum and opium mixtures only stupefy and seldom euro. Fer dlwaies of Infancy, use Dr. Bull's UabyHyrup which Is safe and sure In IU effect. Price 2j cents. Beld everywhere. Special Jleticce. Ilnckleu'H Arnica Halve. Tmc BKSTUALVBlnlhe world ferCuts.Hrulses Beres, Ulcers, Halt Klieuin, Fever Meres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and ull Skin Kruptlens, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price US cents per box. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 13V North Queen street, Ijancuster, l'a. une27-lyd The Verdict Unanimous. W. D.Sult, Druggist, Blppus, Ind., testifies " I can recommend Electric Hitters as the cry best remedy. Every battle sold has given relief In every ciikc. One man took six bottles and cured of lthcumatlsm of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Ikllvllle, Ohie, nf nnns: "The bent selling medicine I have ever handled In my 30 carsr experience, Is Electric, Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanimous thalKlrctrla Bitters de cure all dlteiute of the Liver, Kldnevs or Bleed. Only n half dollar a bottle at II. B. Cochran's Drug Htere,M7 413U N. Queen HL, Lancaster, l'a. Mothers I Mothers ! I Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain ei cutting teeth T if se, go at onee aud get a bottle of MIIH. W1NB LOW'H BOOT! UNCI HYItlU. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there is no mistake about It. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, aud relief and health te Uie child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and 26 cents a bottle. luneaiydAw A Weman's Dlscevcty. " Anethtr wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by a lady In this county. Dlsetue fastened its clutches uxm her and for seven years she withstood Its severest tfsts, but her vital organs were undcrmlnd and death teemed Imminent. Fur three months she coughed In cessantly and could net sletp. Hue bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery forCon ferCon forCen tumptlon aud was se much relieved en taking tlrstdwiethat she slept ull night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther LutA." Thus write W. C. Ham rick A. Ce., of Shelby, '. C Get a free trial bot tle at If. B, Cochran's Drug Mtere, 137 dclJVN, Queen HU, Lancaster. Pa. WANTKD-LAD1E1 AND OhNTLEMEN li city or country tlshlng te earn PS te Vu dayat their own homes; no cuntaulug; work furnished and tent by mall any dUtaucc. Address with sump. CrysUlIzed Photo. Ce., Hi W, 6th HL, Cincinnati, O. feb2Wuued Lrt ttfh xv )m ."-"' J1 Vi i,: 8CALY eXIN DIKA8E8 5jk 'it . Lil .j. - aaasfe. sti " W afCw Ourd J? eewtlasf pkystetaawas Mtnasttwr. ft hair all Ml ail heaasd: It MM saeataaVs. mUTas euverssl ar reattre SimHtnliil Ha ucnsUiiUyfreai ssj ihs shla wtnM-U iMyaadwaM st tea was araaeuneed Ii ani ticvsa iMXamsn, sedi Of uuvicuaa nan vs and after I had taki nl eared: and when Ii aSi etraa Rssm.vaurr ua and eae cake or cm ices Mtednaarslautaaa mm ter Ave reanv I t mtiif m i ways a vars itsap at r. fiat ( cnaA xstaa eared It with eutanjrl DKaawlth a tn t hall an leaaaatex' Desers asiac avadmvliai the QCTiceaA Bsw coins. Tanf ears my sad I fsel It my dat i te sdUMBS. My hair tsrrab iterea as i niMn and aeltssr eyesight. I knew e ethers wh treat benefit from U sir use. , MRS. ROSA KKl bY, Reck haystsealTM I City, Iowa. OiMnmateMli t The new Bleed and! klnPuiiAetandpurartand best of Humer Remi dies, Intentally, and Cuti vvtuk, the great HI in Oar, land Ctmctnu Heat, an exeuUlte ikln Beaallfler, externally, have cured theuaam is or mm whMa tha afcsd. dlncef scales mnuu red a qnar A dally, the skin entcara, eieeuina, u1 irniOsT sna Itchfac almost beyond human end urance. a r iiRiesa ersuj one, sesenng term ie. Mrhai ether resMdls m lavs made such curfcit Sold everywhere. rlce.CUTid jnA.89e.;8eAr, C; UKSOLVKHT, . i . ey ta rrr BATION, BOS- TBB DBDO AMD CHI ion. aa-Send for HeJ teCmeBl n Diseases," M pages, CO Illustration i, ana ieu t itlmenlals. pirn1 PLES, Black Beads, Chdfked and Oily nam, prevenssa ey uuajt'UKA BUAP. Tit I THE) Raekachs. klndfvsVlns. we rheuma- Usm, and muscular Tuns rellei In enamln- nte by the Cutlcua Anti-i i Plaster. The first and only Instasaaneeus i-Kiuing piat- ter. Sanferd's Radlflbl Cere V Cat&rrlL Uemnleta Kxterna.1 and It krnal Treat- munt for) Oue Del ir. Te be freed from the dangcri i of suflbcatleu While lying aewn ; te ereai freely, sleen roundly and undisturbed ; tj rise refreshed, head clear, Drain active ana n nche ! te knew that no oelnor from nam or is, putrid mat a wav tha dell- ter denies the breath and ret rate machinery of smell, tastj rand hearing; let, through its poison that Is te reel uiai ine syswm nees veins and arteries, suek up tl snreie unaermine ana uesu blessing beyond mast human inueea a Veyments, Te purchase humanity ft m suet tie aneuia ee the object of all afflict -d. u tried many remedies nd pi relief or cure. . wne nave I despair of HAnrenn's Radil'A Cuiik ET'?Ph of Catarrh, from a simple head te uie most 'It is local loathsome and destructive si and constitutional. Instant llevlng, per- manent In curing, safe, econef anu rareiy railing. Sanfbrd's Itadlci ;ure Consists of one bottle of the tADlCAL Cuss, one box of Catarrhal Helvi rneVKD iNitALxii, nil wrappel unu one is JuTOf with treatise and aircctieiiN druggists for 31.09. i lOTTER DlllTCl A C1IEUIC. ind sol CORPOHATIOir, Bosten. kn-ini w 3w Wvescvtti AT CLARKE'S. De Yeu Want a FlneCri bYonrselfer Any of Yeu THEN BUY S.OO ' GROCERIES CL-i Mackerel t Mack? Ne. I Mnckcrel. ii el ! Choice New Island Bloaters. White Fish, 2 for' Haddles, Yar- raeutn ineaicrs, Dlscee nerring, nmeKca iierring. Jusl received. Pr ellUs In Stene Jars, 23c and 03c per' Marrowfat Beans, : Ktch Peas. Meats! MeaU! Meal , 10Kc Bene led Beef. Cal- less Ham. rtolegna,S lbs. '. Drl Cheese. 3 lbs. 23c: 2 25c Fine Cream can. Ktrawber- Cheese, 18c. Canned Cern, t nes, i cans c. uiucKucm s, 4 cans 2Sc. BARGAINS tS EVERYTHING. SAMUEL CLARKE'S TEA, COFFEE 4 GROCERY STORE, NOS. 12 & H SOUTH QUEEN ST. TBUltSK'B. iy of lANdES, Call and see Evaporated Fruiul California Egg Plums, Pears, IV rman Plums, Pitted nes, Prunellas, Cher rice, Aprlcett, etc. AFULLXINEOF Lentexi Goods Jutt received Edem Chcete, Pine Apple, Bar Bar sage and Neufchatrl. A line of Jelllis,Jams"and Preserves, Just re ceived. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINQ STREET. AT t REiBrs. r REIST'S BI BARGAINS i Loek up our advertisement In the .Vcie Era and see what we are giving away. Then take up the Kmmintr and nele what we say there. Yeu will he paid well for the trouble. ROLLED AVENA. Did yougctasaaiplepackazeeritT Weare headquarters for lU' Nothing finer In the mar ket. OUR BIO STOCK OF DRIED FRUITS. Nethlns-llkeltlatheclly. Drep In and take a leek at them. JKeucnii't help but buy them. Fifty Palls i ' Annie ButU is rer jc ,10c lb. .!... Il.nt Macaroni, Vcrn Hi. Spaghetti and I'aste. 12Kc V package, t Finest Comb Heney, 18c Extracted New Yerk State Heney, 2 Jw 2V. Finest Natural Colored Pickles, Uc and go ft dazeu. Codfish, Re and 10c, and very finest 12c. Pickled Herring, 0 lbs 25c. Hmoked Herring, SOnnd 00 In box, only S5c. White Fut Macki rel, Ac each. Deep Sea Bloater Mackerel, 18e and 20e V ft. wiiite nsu, ee aw, Sardines In Mustard. Smoked (ill. Salmen u Cutlets. Ixilister. bs. Anchovies in oil ana anchovy am paste. Mushroom, Pick- led Oysters. Canned M Inckt Table Oils. Cranbcrrl s and Finest Maple Syrup. CONC ED FRUITJUICES. TIicke Jul concentrated that they miiHtberedu east ten times before they flavors. Used for Cream, ce, Jellies, &c. Weliave will show in Custards, Cu All Flavers. OUH BRANCH, Cemer of East King and Duke streets. Is leaded down with a heavy stet k of ever) thing that Is seasonable. It will be te your interest te drop In and sec. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OROCEH, CORNER WEST klNU AND l'UIr'CUHTH., Dlrectly'Oppeslte jiiWarlln4Ce.'sDry Goods Stere, and 4jPitDoertoHorre Herse Hetel. Ixxk for the Rig Sign across (he pav emeut. WaLIi.:.1fuT0...THKHlAaERS AND UUN Ua, NEKS. All persons are hereby forbidden le trespass en any of the lands or the" vernwall nd Speedwell estates in Lebanon or Lancaster umntles, whether Inclesed or unlnclesed, tbei fw tha purpose of shoeUng or Ashing, as the. law will be rigidly enforced against all trea. passing en said lauds of the undersigned ana this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDKN, EDW. U. FREEMAN, Attorneys for K. W, Celeman's MaUs, toy Oullcur , VHHWB ljPVVnasBw awssW aPaaH MIwB aawjv ssh.israisfcisasssiyawataassisst myaMsu Bt lass saw assa. a Mss sataaj an rs anaasaaa. sssa aar LitMiiH f raaaaaaaaaw sala tTi 1 1 s assaaaaaaaasnrs It i jTi r jBssssssrk m sjr,- aaaaHVTSrjnt AsaaaaaaavMBSiysf ataaaaaaafTSCTi rtcvaa. A ORANGESIHLe 860 0aaaaaaaaaaaaVa l'INK ;afBBBBBBBBBBH OSBaBaBaaaBKcii eursaBaBaV VrV' Haaaaaawi ccSBaWsii iSSBBMU i" i- - -?A'-?-ff 'i .. j- y ' ViA, -tr Final Cleslfw . i " i ,? , aa y-ai mA ,V C j . r. . i . r,, ' U0UR- Or, ALL OUR f SUITS At- ASTRICH-S PalaiefFishi -tJl T 1154 117 VeriklQiMsilt. In order te teU out the re maining balance of our stock of Beys' Clothing and Knee Pants, we have concluded te offer them en Saturday, March ist, as fellows : All our Beys' Suits in 2 lets. Let Ne. 1 Your choice for $1.00. Let Ne. 2 Your choice for $2.00; All our Beys' Pants.m 3 lets. Let Ne. 1 Your choice for 25c. Let Ne. 2- -Your choice for 50c. Let Ne. 3 Your choice for All our Beys' Overcoats in two lets. Let Ne, 1 Your choice for $1.00. Let Ne. 2 Your choice for $2.00. READ THIS ! On Saturday, March ist, we offer en sale any Newmarket in the store for $5. Alse the balance of all our Children's Coats at 69c apiece. All our Felt Hats at 7c apiece. One let of Straw Hats at 1 ic apiece. We also take pleasure te an nounce that en this same day we make our First Display of Spring Millinery. We are already showing quite an extensive line of New Spring Hats for Ladies ; also some fine Novelties in Chil dren's Fancy Straw Hats. The best selected stock of cheap and fine Flowers shown in this city. Alse some elegant Novelties in New Fancy Rib bons. Twe-toned Satin, Scotch Plaids, Fancy Edges, &c. We extend an invitation te all our patrons te visit us en next Saturday and see our First Display of Spring Mil linery. Sty (Beet! N EW BOSTON STORE. 1 t aETTLff a YOUR SHARE -OFITHE AT THE- Great Selling Out Sale -AT THE M0. 24 CENTRE BQUABE 7 icVHV NOT SPEND AN HOUR IN LOOKING THROUOII Our Bargains ? IT WILL PAY YOU DOUBLY. OET TO Til E RIGHT PLACE, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. J. HARRY 8TAMM. . "AMHji m mm Sew Bosten Site, Y 'V. . t ...J.AtM a. ..-All IMHMtMIMHHIIMlAilj 9 iltMiltWlMIMlAI W 0 TCariHltaaalasseaat. nssfOUCtetaseasaa. WlatW Baaasa. 4 MetzgerA Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, S40 Wmt Kinq at., Lancaster, Pa. (OTOOHTB TH COOFKK M0USB.) flJU ateaUJlbr.. MJLXD A CAJsPKlS-Osr lias of Cartstts Uis saasea at las yrks asat anything we hara yet effsrsd . yKATHEBB-Oqf irOe en FMtm tuw lMMnea weMfrftal. OurprloeobMicootfae lewwi la Im ettTs aA. chiaVpsHf gtMt bbe WMM TJefclBf. jcsulrlna ealy tweVrldias for a bed, instead of foer, a saViiwpr two seams, at ateararai wenhafe. BrslBslaB4Caeoks4lewMHoi extraqiialllystlc. . DIUaWaiNaBAMB--WehavatasnloMtllBsef Dress Olnbams In las city at R, leaad law ets., aarlaa PkMsa enr order ter Uiern as early aapeeerabsr, whrn the ebeteeatttylss were shown! We are able te saew yea patterns Uiateaanel be beucht new, nor btUr en. MCMKAMTS-Oae Let of Yard Wide Unbleaehed Hnstln Remnanls stfcWc. One Let of Yard WldsUBblaeBedMatltaBeaiaaBlaats)e, One Let of Deable Width BaeeUni at UayardT PANT1NO We eaa show you the best line of Cotten or Weel ranting eyer ettered for the money. b jlrd a Mcelrey, ITeS. S3M4aeM((MaMrMt, Ofmatt Iwaltaia Iwi. NJ XT DOOHTOnU COURT HOUSE. BLACK DRESS GOODS I Mourning Goods. Black Thibet Shawls, Crpc and Nun's Vtilings. BLACK ALL-WOOL OAUtMERaW at k7Ke.e9e,efe,a, , and 7Se. BLACK ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS, e) Inches Wide, He, mifi and II JO a Yard. BLACK SILK-WARPIHENIUETTAB, t., ,tJ6,l.fiO. BLACK ALL-WOOL STRIPED HKNRI ETTAS, 60e,66e and nc LUPIN'S BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS, Single and Deable, 11.78 tonus. Bpeelsl Bargains la All Kinds of BLACK DRRaS GOODS. FRHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East Kins; 8t, Lancastar, Pa. pos 1T1VE CLOSINO OUT BALE. Positive Closing Odit Sale or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL.. ENTIRE STOCK Of Carpets. Window Shades. Oil Cleths. Ac, MUST HE BOLD By April 1st., Regardless of Cost. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. Weit King and Water SU Lancaiter, Pa. ii.'. .x. e tfnbicumve F LINN BHENBMAM. K GREKT PLATED KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. lAODexen A-l Rogers Ilre.'s Plated Knives, Ferks and Spoons, beagtitata Forced Sale and are being sold at lialf their value. GOODS QUARANTEED-Afler this let no mere can be bad at Uie Mine price. & NO. 162 NORTH QUEEN 9KiccUaneu. OYSTERS I REST OYSTERS IN THE MAR ketservedln nil styles, and meslsslall Hours, at CHARLES E. IIOSTER'S, In the rear of the Central Market, Oysters In Uie shell or opened served te private families. Telephone connection. nev3-2mdR NOTICE. Mr. Isaac O. Pfuuti, of LIUU, Lancaster county, Pa., Is about forming a stock company of the proposed Copper Corporation, In War wick township. The par value of a share Is one hundred dollars, and the stock will he d. vlded Inte one hundred shores. Persons wish ing te buy some of the stock will roll en or sd- ureaa, nit.mAAUU.lTAui., nt-ima Lltltz, itncasler county, la. $100,000. IN I10NDH AND MORTOAOES FOR IN VESTORS, IN HUMS OF 1100, 1300, '500. $1,000 te 120,000. Bends 4 per cent. I nterest, payable quarterly. Mortgages d per cent, interest, payable half yearly. Send or call for full Information. JOHN H. METZLKR, Ne. 9 S. Duke St. -TTACATION EXCURSIONS. RAYMOND VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expenses Included. A party will leave Philadelphia Monday, April 2M, for a tour of 61 Days through COLORKDO AND CALIFORNIA, with visits te leading cities, resorts and places of picturesque llnterest, and a return threucli Utah, and ever the Denver A Rie Urande Rail waythe Great "Scenic Iteulv." On the same date Monday, April 2S-a party will leave Philadelphia for a Touref 75Das ever the same routes through COLORADO AND CALIFORNIA, Thence through the l'lctunnie lU-glens of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST, And homeward eier Uie entire length of the Northern Pacific Railroad, with a week In the Yellowstone National l"urk. Reth these parties will travel In Special Trains of Magnldcent Vcstlhuled Pullman Puluce Cars, with Pullman Palace Dinlng-Curs In. eluded. Incidental Trips te the lesrmlte Val ley and KJk Tree (ireres. Ist Cullferula Excursions lu Winter Series. March 8,10 and 20. avSend for descriptive circulars, designating the inrtlcular trip desired, RAYMOND & WniTCOMB, 111 (teuth Ninth St. (umler CentiutiiUtl Hetel), Philadelphia, Pu. ftb27-ThaTu waaTaa?I9t,t( u - McXLItOY, BHRGHIN V -IN- ST. LANCASTER, PA.' tfuvttituv. g ECIALRAROAINS IN FURNITURE. FURNITURE I SPECIAL BARGAINS! In ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE will be I ven for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. People going te housekeeping In the Spring will save money by selecting goods new and bavins them put aslda until wanted. "OT. C. SAFF, NO. 114 S0UTB QUEEN ST. aVNext te Southern Market, janlS-ZmWaS XpURNlTURE. LANCASTER'S GreatestFurniture Heuse. 27 ft 29 Seuth Queen Street WE AIM 1IIOII DY MAKINO PRICES LOW AND QUALITY OF THE REST. Red Roem Suites from f 17 te 1300, In all New Styles and Weeds. Purler Suites from t3S te l0, In All Cover Cever Ings Heme Made. Dining Roem Suits from 138 upward, In An tique Oak, 18th Century, Ae aVOutflt buyers will find special advantages hire. Uoeds stored until wanted and delivered free. HEINITSH'S Mammoth Furniture Depot, NOS. AND a SOUTH QUEEN ST., IANCASTCJI, PA, THBLATnT ' " . y"'!S&tf ALL AOH AMD ALL OaTMTMMit , raerut ,. jsm !, 7 Ws an brwad te aays a CMlfli Clss1fl umA Xmim of JJlt V , imty ' D. P. 5TACKH0U5E - .---.. vjSr&n:.a mm. i mm iv mm aim; mnmU'X ;? tAMOAsnm, rx. . t VfS A H ANDSOMK SHOM rOR riKB Wt.4 uM- 2 ,V,ii' ? x'PMft i$S T.,lI.WisYJ ,-ii--is2iA5Gr. . ' rjt V'aM- ssew assay gtisinuii lasasrsv FaassT or aged, Mrs ws today. h,-la ttss aaar,fiilttrS jeeatsmalats baytas) Basa $ for Una dress handsome slwiid jfcssa, -u crass, aasy sma tpmwfwiBis awiisl, Ban ble, aa saasenleal la , arteaT ft s theas gsnHsaisa ws kapa ts sasat; Wsya footwear te salt taeas, isus-4aittaasa' better Hum they eaa as aay wasrs ataa. ; we nave it new lias or gessss n saws. duce, eessbiulng alt las destraMs aetaai enumerated above, te wWA sssswt tH- tenuen iseaitea vnrss rrenrh, Londen sad or ptala-wlde, snedlsMM The aeatrs are of sissasaj grade of calf skin. etaaaTi ws!lflBlsaed,atasas Iktht at tegtreiaewaarerMiiasas fart of gsaalas KsaaarM I bottom steekassls sad c eat from samrier eak-Uaaat. the wearlagqualltyef wMaasfl fMlBlWI a7aM" awfri MMMM shoes fwa have In' aala aai ' and la rear dlgefaatiaiataa, aa iH-aaaasa net aa saaBSt aa a lrem aiini . 'V.i'ft-'a S -1 ,.S J Shots saM ia Laacaeter. . Lisa aaj havs aerer basa saM fsrless taaal tsatr. .Ssaauaatlea saaaessta aaasaasa - tha nart aksatle taatsasr ars'ssaasll mers the eralnary marlt. &W&& ,'cul-f TitS SHAUB & BU T" ."-r,T" J-J7TT2 i7 .7. "v-"r ?t'"i I&i'? HKOaWKQOMBt ",.- rm fls(W-H 5. - -r-iifMM "ff - Ai.iT&WSWli-. .' J T-i ASIWi M ,ss -AND J&gL Men's and Ladies' On XL ijt&l The and CI is Men's Leg tins are, used for Fa Ueneral Riding, and a KkUng : lit is net complete without laeaa t Outfit is net complete without the. lust tha thine le keen tha nsuti being soiled and are made la abeat a i lereiil styles and si see, ranglaf ItVfl iuvhisus, in. esperwaoseisvsr them Is tkst they wouldn't aew. wi. , ...a.-..,; Men's and Ladles' Overgalters art as year round by soma people aw waraatst f many ethers for style. Men's BremlMli uuiics rrem f i ja HJ ,,- -' Thev are mada-er All ilhsisasaars Match Every Shade of Dress Uoeas, tr,' FullDUsJayeflieggins and On be seen In Plew Windows. ';1 K . SI ? The One-Price OmE i Chas. H.Fri (Soeesssor te FREY KJKamT) Iks I Lewraceeia -,vi H4.H1 BOOTS AND SHO vl NOS. J A S BAST KIK9. WtUMBtA LANKAKrsTJL.FA. VA e-Hten Closed Every Eveaiagfat.t's V.vrant Mnnfla v and Saturdar. . i y mu-ic. :mt&j nnHE MUHIO store. ' " frh ' THE MUSIpJI DECKER BROS. PIANOS. HAINES BROS. 1 uAtmtt jtiityuN ennANH. hamdl ORCHESTRAL INSTHUMEMTb. ,i . . ..'1 STRINOSANDTRIMMINaSOFALbl WOODWARD ic C4 14 East King St, Lancaster. iFsV lhetd0ratlt. K OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM- Kcenigsbnrg, Twe BackKreunds made especially ter Tbree-quarler Length Photographs. ROT'Er 60 i-2 North Queen 81 Nest Doer te tha PaslcaVa lsn7Jlmii ireNUf wuu, FURNITURE ST has removed te IM East Kliu. full Hue of Furniture efeveryj lewesv I'rive. awj uwih lexuusi iu. n vu vs as-uiut n. wv Wpm 19M