A ITS? T.kJ. v "':-te- 'Alr'4-C, "fewv'-vK ' tfji: & t C'r TOT LAK0A8THR DA1L1T iNTBLIilGENCIR, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1800. r" . IK AttCADY. A tittle breath from spray te spray That waader with a porpessd quiet. As the' It were te calm a day. Te shock It were unholy riot; A little cloud-wreath In the sky That melts, and then Its shape renewltif , Then lacllt again, a the' en high Twin holiday, and nothing doing; A hum of bee, a little song Vfblrd In praise of endless Hummer. That will net break the stillness long. But leaTet It te a cbanee new-oemer ; A little sound of rippling stream New heard, new hotbed, It deep learee un der, Like murmur of an Infant's dream That barely part tweet lips aiunder; And Ocean's face for many mile In calm, with scarce a wavelet breaking, As sleeping eyelids epe awhile, Then close again without awaking; All ay 'Us neon, and Bllenee sleeps With Beauty. Henee, and leave her sleeping, Lulled by the tiny Fall that leaps Beside her there In stiver leaping. MvinlntlieBeuthl A perrect thing Of love, and light, and warmth, and color, That, drowsy as a vampire's wing, FJe.it round the soul In sloth te lull her. Moen In the Seuth I Then hsste, away, Daar Seul away, we may net tarry I Enough, If hence for many a day Heme sunshine of the heart we carry. Enough, If 'mid our mist and snow We may in darker hours remember, The bliss, the warmth, the Southern glow, That mingled July with December. But new a harp of loftier tone I hear resound te Derian measure, Bay, Arcndy Is rest alone But tell Is strung te nobler pleasurc. Bay, A ready Is fair and fine, Where Fan Is lord of man and nature ; But 'neath his f.iee and form divine Lurks cloven hoof of Faun and Satyr. And sadness sits In'every eye, And cynic youth Is old at twent) '; Who leeks for aught In Arcndy But languid case and far ultntt t Then hence nway, and northward he t Where souls and limbs of men are stronger ; But, O ye powers of frost and snow, Would holidays were somewhat longer! A. O. B. in T.le Spectator. A Milk IMpe Line. Frem the Hebrew Messenger. When it was atated aems weeks sin In the newspapers that the building of a milk pipe line from a point In New Yerk state te New Yerk City wasprojeoted there was rather a general smile, una the matter was treated a a teke. The projectors wet e, however, in sober earnest. A company with capital of $500,000 has, it is an nounced, been formed In Mlddlotewn. N. Y., for the purjose of constructing such a line. The proposed method or forwarding the milk is in cylindrical tin cans sur sur sur ounded and prepelled by water, and the P'imoters of the scheme assert that the time of transportation for a distance of 100 miles win net exceed an hour, while the profit will be about one cent a gallon. Fxre flntl It.u. ,l.lf. irikln an nf Iklnn 1vm j we need net be surprised ere long te ,, New Yerk the converging point net but ' I1, natural gas and milk pipe lines, Belong and beer ducts from Cincinnati. St. Leuis and Milwaukee The pipe manu facturers may well roelchoerlul at the pros pect before them. Less thin half n botlle of Dr. Bull's Cough Hyrup cured me of a savere bronchial affec tion. II. H. HOSON, 46 Hanover St, Baltimore, Md. Don't I If n denier eilers you a bottle of Sal vation Oil without labels or wrappers, or In a mutilated or defaced package, len't touch it don't buy It at any price. Insist upon cutting Si perfect, unbroken, gtnulnc package. Price 25 cents a bottle. Put en the Brakes If you find you are going down hill In point of health. Falling strength, Impaired digestion and assimilation are the marks of decline, Check these and ether indications of prema ture decay with thegrand vitnllzerandrestraln lug tonic, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Begin nlng at the fountain head, the stomach, the Bitters remedies its Inefficiency, corrects lis errors, and sets it vigorously at work. The di gestive organ Is thus enabled te thoroughly separate from the feed IU nutritive principles, which the bleed assimilating, lscnriched. Thus Is the system nourished, una being nourished strengthened, and abuermal waste of its tissues stayed. Appetite, the power te rest well, a regular habit arc also re-established, and the various functions mee once mere In their na tural and healthful groove. The Hitters, more over. Is a speculator and pre enth e of malarial complaints, rheumatism, biliousness and kid ney troubles, m The Children's Health must net be neglected. Colds In the head and snutlles bring en catarrh and lung affections. Elj's CreamlUalm cures at once, It Is perfectly safe and Iseaslly applied into the nostrils. It nlse cures catarrh, the worst cases yielding te It. fcbZ7-2wd Special eUccb. Mothers I Mothers I ! Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at onee and get a bottle of MRS. WINB LOW'8 SOOTHING BYHUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at onee that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, 85 cents a bottle. nne251vdw Epoch, The transition from long, lingering and pain ful sickness te robust health murks au epoch In the life of the lndl ldual. Such a remarkable event is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has been at tained Is gratefully blessed. Hence It Is that se much Is heard In praise of Electric Bitters. Se many feel they ewe their restoration te health, te the use of the Great Altera tit e and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, Seu will surely tliiu relief by use of Electric Blu rs. Held at fiOc and tl per bottle at II. II. Coch rane Drug store, lJ7and 13V North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. (1 Bucklcu'H Arnica Salve. Tin HESTSAi.VKln the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded, Price 26 cents per box. Fur sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, Neb. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. InneZMyd A Sate investment. Isone which Is guaranteed te bring jeu sat isfactory results, or In case of fullure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring relief In every case, when used for any affection of Threat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Urenchtlls, Asthma, whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pleasant and agreeable te taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at 11. H. Ceeb- et.i'b rime store. U7 ana lsd norm uuwu street, Lancaster. Fa, .. - -r--" -V" v.z ... id ttlueic. T IHE MUSIC 8T0HE. THE MUSIC STORE. DECKER BB03. PIANOS, HAINE3 IiriOS. PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN OUO Nt. BAND AND OllCUESlHAL lNSTHUMENTS. BTIUNG8 ANDTRIMMINCtt OF ALL KINDS. WOODWARD & CO., 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa, deal. J- UilBKItANDCOAU J TOHACCOSHOOKSANDCASES. WEST KN UAllD WOODS. Wholesale and Itetail, by B. B. MAKT1N A CO , &3-lyd 24 Water Street, Lancaster, Fa, B AUMGAUDNEKS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricis Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. 6M North Prince street YAK-North Prtnc Street, Mar Hartlng ouaaawneNB reRTKK SEASON, rU4sealJetnsal. BasMetallf eanMaf afcMKhM m4 efaaagM. De net evtnrerk. Of what M is wMllk without fatallh Keep your feet dry, out de net waar over shoes all ta time. . Remember that the pens of your akin, whs In health, are always eps, and that deals them eaasea Heknasa., Dress warmly, but net heavily. Woelm clothing that permit tb. eahalatlen. of the body te eeeamk the best. Rat streBgnthratnr and hearty, botnettoo much grsasy teod. A Is a mistake te suppose that fat feed contains th. most vitality. ir you feel chilly at any tlme.tak. m drink of ura whisky at once. Ibbs Par Malt la the lurest and bast and has the highest inesibw- De net call the deetar ftwumv lltit Kit. menu If you have a cold, feel depressed aad lack appetite and rigor you need something te tens and build np the system. Nothing will de this se readily as th. pars artlel. w. have men tioned. (6) rpEETHINO BTBUr. TO MOTHERS. tnn hat aknula k&a a tmttla n TttL rAHKNEVR TEETHIlTe SYRUP. Perfectly NpOpIumorMerphlamlxturea. WlUrs- UevaCeUe,Br!p!af tntse Bowels and Promote SfiSn Dlfflcnlt Teething. Preparad bv DBS. D. FAHR- NEVA BON, Ha laisntewa. It; at etnts. Trial betUs seat by maiTlO cents. asa. xwasMuis sell lant-lydaedAw TjlLY'M CREAM BALM. CATARRH, "HAY FIVIB. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nam! Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Small. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price b(J cents at Druggists; by mall, registered, 80 cent. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lyaKw Ne. M Warren St. N.w Yerk. w Ot til UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, eta, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there la no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, tha ad vertisers are very nigniy inaersea. interested person may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIK MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan St., Buffalo, N. X. Daily Teledo Bee. m-Iyd&w tf oekm anv Shee. TOOT! AND SHOES. CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. Choice Lets of Spring Goods AT STACKIOUSES, ai30E. KINU ST. THE LATEST AND BEST IN. FOOTWEAR ALL AGES AND ALL CONDITIONS OF . PEOPLE. We nre bennd te have a Big Spring Trade If Choice Goods and Lew Prices will de It. D. P. STACKHOUSE'S Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. pinAS. H. FRY. LEGGINS AND 0VERGAITERS! I Have Just Received a Large Line and Assort ment of Men's Leggins AND Men's and Ladies' Overgaiters. The Men's Iegglns are used for Fex Chases and General Hiding, and a Riding Habit or Outfit Is net complete without them ; they are Just the thing te keep tbe Pautaloens from being soiled and are mad. In about a dozen dif ferent styles and sizes, ranging In price from CUOteHOO. Th. experience of every one using them Is that they wouldn't new be without them at any cost. Men's and Ladles' Overgalters are used th. year round by some people for warmth and by many ethers for style. Men's from 11.00 te ft 50. Ladies' from 11.25 te $2.00. They are made of All Shades and Celer te Match Every Shade of Dress Goods. Full Display of Leggins and Overgalters can be seen In Shew Windows. The One-Price Cash Heuse, Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A KCKEKT) tbe Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.S & 6 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. "Stere Closed Every Evening at t o'clock Except Monday and Saturday. $atiip. NK W LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and See THE FINE NEW LIMPS AND ART COODS ON SECOND FLOOR Jelui L. Arneld's Suildiiig. NORTH QUEEN STREET. dS-tfd "1ALLANDBES THE ROCHESTER LAMP! Blxty Oaadla-Ligbt; Beau them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Ga and Oil Steves. THE " PERFECTION " M ETA L MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsstripoutwearsallethers. Keeps out the cold, steps rattling of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or din mad. In applying It. Can b. fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip is tb. most perfecLSAt the Bteve, UeaUr and Range Stere c Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens. 84 80UTH QUEEN 8T., 9m W 1LLIAMSON A FOSTER. WILLIAMSON I FOSTER -ARK -FOR THEIR- OPENING Second Week of March. WILLIAMSON I FOSTER. DUR HESS QOODI I DRESS GOODS I Neb. 35 & 37 North Queen St. NOTICE ! If your buying theught I DRESS GOODS, writ, te us, stating the kind of fabric you have In mind or the purpose for which you desire te use It, with the price you wish te pay, and we will promptly place in your hands samples of the best we can supply at the price. That should mean tbe best anywhere, for our stock of DRESS GOODS Is th. Largest and Best Se lected that we knew or. If you de net knew the technical nam. of the goods, no matter ; tell us hew they leek te your eyes, or hew you suppose they leek, and we will find Ibcin. Just se or anything else; settle en what you want as near as may be, and writ, for It. Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Flannels, Underwear, Shawls, Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Pant Goods, Corsets, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Furs, Ruchings, Shirts, Umbrellas. And the Tun Theusanl or Oilier Things fur "Heme Use or Wear or Heuse Decoration that w. have a store full of. 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. Charles Stamm. MakiDgPreparatiens Charles MIS BOSTON STORE 9 N1 KWTOMC STOKE. HAVB YOV BEEN THE ((UPirisiciMMJmeySiia AT THE New Yerk Stere? niyruv been received with gnat favor la the large cities aU evr I ir w. eeunur, U. JM.-LkrM' testy Silts. Made of rise Jersey Cleth. Jersey or Blouse and Skirt trlaamed with while or black braid. PRICE-Z7EACH. le. 3Q5.LiftlM' Jeiisy Silts. Basque and Skirt Trimmed with Velvet. PRICE-SJ.75EACH. Ke. SIB.-Udks' Jersey Silts. Basque and skirt trimmed with French Flan, nel, wltli back or side sash. FRICE-4s.Q0.EACU. Made In Ladles and Misses' Rise, of Navy or Fast Black Jersey Cleth. These garments are considered by every one who hasbeught th.m te be the neatest, best fit ting and cheapest sutu In the market. FOR SALE BY- WATT & SHAND, 8, 8 AND 10 EAST KDTO ST., N1 EW BOSTON STORE. GETT1M TOUR SHARE OF'THE- UI AT THE- Great Selling Out Sale -AT THE- NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE ? WHY NOT SPEND AN HOUR IN LOOKING THROUGH Our Bargains ? IT WILL PAY YOU DOUBLY. GET TO THE IUQUT PLACE, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. J. HARRY STAMM. Gljlnatvcivt. H IUH MARTIN. China. Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wc are new, opening our Hprlng Importation of Queensware and will be prepared te supply our customers with th. rery best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Ueusestlre receive .special attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. fTUtUE DALMATIAN INUEUT fOWUfcR, X propelled by a geed powder blower, Is the most effectual destroyer of flies and ether small insects, cue aua tXTOurrsDBuesrieRK, MWMtaUagMrw BMi Sew Med Stere 9m C ARrSTB. CARPETS. LARGE STOCKS, STANDARD QUALITIES, NEWESTSPRING STYLES, SPECIAL LOW PRICES. ' Blgelew Axml intern, Smith's Mequettes, Bauford Wllteu Velvets, Lewell Bedy Brussels, Btgelew Bedy Bruseels, Qlen Eche Bedy Brus sels, Roxbury Tapestry Brussels, Banferd'a Tapestry Brussels, Hall and Stair Carpet, 6, 8 and 0 Inch Borders. Three Ply Ingrain Carpets, Extra Super Ingrain Carpets, Weel filled Ingrain Carpets, Union Extra Ingrain Carpets, Ingrain Hall and Stair Carpets, Damask Hall aud Stair Carpets, Rag and Hemp Carpets. Remnants and Odd Lengths of Mequettes, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets, many large enough for rooms, at about half the usual price. Prices the Lewent for every description of CurpeU, and w 111 be found Interesting te Intending purchasers, whether wishing te furnish a sin gle room or an entire house. Carpets sewed and laid nud relltting promptly attended te. Neb. 25, 27, 29, C HEAP CAIIFETH. 7TBTZCERt3fc Brussels, Ingrain, Rag, neught at Auction and CARPETH At 10 0 UAUPKTB AtlJKc CAHPETH At 15 e CARPETS , ...At20 e UAltPETH... At 25 u -Carpet Rags taken In exchange Feathers, Fleer Oil Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, Na 3840 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THK COOPER HOTJ8K.1 ABD A MCELROY. bard & Mcelrey, Kea. 33 and 39 Seuth Queen Street, CARPETS Our line of Carpet this season at the price beat anything wn ha' Rear Carpets, 23, Hi, 87, 40, 44, 50 cent and up. Ingrain at 20. 23, HO, Oi, U7K, 40, , CO Htalrat 10, 15, 25, SI and 85 cents. Carpel Hags taken in exchange. FEATIIERB-Our trnde en Feathers he lowest In the city. A cheaper grade at GOc. HOUaEFURNIHniNQ OOODB-Hpeclal bargains In Tickings at 8, 10, 12);, I0and2OcU. Deuble Width Ticking, requiring only two widths for 28c a yard ; wen in dm. Bargains in uea cnecu as HOSIERY One let Ledlrs' Fast lllack Hosiery at 10a per pair; regular price i cry where, iyc The best Hosiery In the city for the money. DREBH OINOHAMB-We have the nicest line or Dress Ginghams In the city at 8, 10 and 12J cts., having placed our order for them as early as December, when the ulielccststyles were shown. We are able te show you patterns that cannot be bought new, nor later ou. REHNANTS-One Let of Yard Wide Unbleached Muslin Remnants at bV.e. One Let or Yard Wide Unbleached Muslin Hemuant at C)(c. One Let of Deuble WldthBheetlng at 16c per yard. PANTINQ We can show you the best line of Cotten or Weel Panting ever offered for the money. BiLRD & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUHE. , BLACK DRESS GOODS I Mourning Goods, Black Thibet Shawls, Crepe and Nun's Veilings. 1ILACK ALL-WOOL CAHlIMEREHat37c,40c,45c,&0c,a0,e5cand;5c. ULACK A1.UWOOL HENRIETTAS. 48 Inches Wide, 75c, c and ll.W u Yard. I1I,ACK BILK-WARPlHENRIETTAM, 11.00, IIS, ll.W. IILACK ALL-WOOL STRIPED HENRIETTAS, 60c, 05c and 75c. LUPIN'S ULACK CASHMERE SHAWLS, Single and Deuble, f 1.75 tellZW. Special Bargslns In All Kinds of BLACK DRESS QOODH. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. (Ertulcnmrc F LINN A HKKNKMAN. A GREHT -IN- PLATED KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. ISO Dezen A--1 Rogers Ilre.'s Plated Knives, Ferks and Spoons, bought at a Forced Hate and an being sela at balfatbelr alue, UOODS OUARANTEED-Aftcr this let no mere can be had at the same price. FT-XNXI 5t BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA. vSarciaec. STANDARD CAHRIAOK WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40,42,43dr4S MARKET HTIlErrT. (Rear of the rostemce), LAMCAUTEU, PA, All the latest st) Irs In Buggies, Family Cur-rUt-, Phietens, Surreys, Cubrlelct, Pliutens, lluckbeards, 1 retting Wugons.Htatlen Wagons, Market Wagons, etc., new ready ler the Spring Trade. A One line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Hnrlug. Strictly flrst-class work and all work fully guaranteed My prices are the lowest In the county for tha same quality of work. Give me a call and ex amine my work, Jiepalnltng and Repairing promptly at tended te and done In a drst-class manner. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose, 31 West King St. HHUCHMHN, Hall and Stair Carpets! from the Manufacturers. CARPETS -At 85c CAHPETH- - At 400 CAHPETH At 800 CAHPETH -AtCrt CAHl'ET At 750 Cleth cheap. Window Hhsde. Rest Steamed Opposite Fountain Ins. have yet offered- cent ana up. Increased wonderful. Our prlce en best goods the a bed, instead of four, asulng of two scams, at low as e,e ; extra quality ui u;(c. BHRGHIN VhoteQvaph. R OTB. I JUST RECEIVED FROM' KcBuigsburg, Prussia, Twe Background made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. f-ROTE.-f 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Posteffloe. swT.Sm4 -VTO FOISON OR INJURIOUS COLORS JM used le" Purity Sesb.", rUr 9hr :l': JXFPO- tiftBRlfclMsSiUlf ; I UMjwXiHs.M.T(2sisaMsiWSI O gWWf Isf WBTeeseseseseeeeeeses UtW ft sTste MB tt SeW1 1 nsbatva CcanasblsvAeeein.. Western snstresst. 1 mntmmxtm A mm .eeesa Mt,. is l. sBSSFf " ' tarn fa. i. . . a i . .. a. 9sSJk.ES. Ml i. SSSl,s. iu its isssneeiiinisMi urns M inmniiiiinmiiSM sml 2 tftvJF TiW"1 ittG- fsSSsP HarrtseuimsswMsZ ErederlckAeeem... tTheealy m wfeUk m ami.. XsjJS) MM Itgfc SjSj kM a. sb, kMl,St't" , -! f caster Aeeem..... Ma.sa. tlun.m(W- 1 AUaaUeltapnMi.. lHsss. fbS4C 'I "niihnrslriinass Ms, as. MfLmlf. .m. liivsM. . 'W.f - : , .js - ,l UBBSBe OelBssbla. naasMty ws sfwi wsm westn-issy wssT' v V i'f J. n. wnnn. CHAB.E.PUaH.(HBermI v PHILADELPHIA A RlUPmQIUTUWAl, RXAema oeLUstmiA dxtwem. S .. SSSS9D d m. rerPfiiladel fn AMst SiAaW flNMslasi Af A 41sfjssm A. SMaB rtunasjs HUT M9f WSkssTassl iBhU. weak e-vs. MS a. s a-m.'-'it!-i- -ZW KMPMtea&M. Ssteft 1M a. sn.. l&aL l-t n. m. m wk n - ' - rfej? z-jn , w new xers. Tl Aiieetewn, 13.-39 p. as. roe Allaatmn. week SUts. Mi a. as..s'fe; 2SBB$!m VWMI p.m.1 Fer Sunday,S.-0Sa.m,i6n.m. ' fiv,'-.1 Harrutait, weel. days, 1M m. as ,$& & S3S p. m. i Sunday, SsOB a. as, rerQiiamrTllle, week days, a. B , " 8.00 p.m.! Sunday,lkWp.ni7 srfig. J Tare Readlnc. weak dm. T4B. iisMa. .-, 5 litB.m. Lear I ."- - .." . i- iii i"J . ' " MM MM. .', ,u i?.PA?tT.5- . "C ruiiaawpcus), wssw nays, tus, sssBv m., 4.-00 p. m. Leave New Tork Tla FUladM, wseke-n, 46 a. m.. I:a9j. m. Ifctt SISbT 3 Leare New Yerk Tla AUentewm, week taft 4.-oea.m.,iaip.ml Leave J Alien te wn, weak days, Ml ,sm. tkfa Lear Petisrllle. week (hurs. MS a. "as- Ml s X, V Till Mlf-i . Leavs LehejieB. week stays, jm a. asC.lMIM Ti p. aa. : Bunday, 1M a m., sWl . ea. T ITVHarrlhurg,wkqAys,ea.B,tsB; TaTse.narTyvllle,weektym,lrs,Uig;sB' S.-0B ! Bandar. 7il0 a. m. t. - - n-i.j-. ATLANTIC CITTDIVrSIOW. &4K Leave PhiladsJphla, Cksstaai strsjet irtssi. . J ana seu w street smart. tVn.tl2f ret AUanUe city, week toys, aBSjessw-y;. 9M n.na. and 4.vp. m.) AeeessAMessSC rae a, m. and 4-w p. m.) sasssTuS' (-30 a. m., Aeecvnisedauc, StrLTStm m1 , , ... ,, . ,, 'VJ," 3." MHrtUOT MTf AUHHV VIST. SBBWSM AUaatle and Arkansas Avsase. Week P.SUIU r.au n. m. ana s v. raoaatleo.s.'Oaa.m. and 4J8 p. m Express, p. as. Aceoeusoaail ana sai n. in. p. Detailed time tables can he esUlasI at MSsW. ejssess";--; srll'', a. ASssssVt' nsMsjnMtiH leavTaV m.mJ- A.a7McLE0D. co.hakcec..1' $S Vice Pre, eicUn'IM'gT. (MnTmrTifrf-M J m KHAnuis umtAsian JUiJiI. USSI viCf ' . M.M . MU . .. UM . HMM. M. MMM. 1 JLJ SJUUBUAU, - (& isrAK j. &ir Arraagements or rsssengei SDBDAY.Nevem rtsi " '"f4y. leu um sasssAl - - - - )ji a W NORTHWARD. Leave a.m. r.u. King Street, Lane. 70 IMS Lancaster-........... 1AB 148 Ceiurabla........ OM ManbelmM.....m.M " IdO Oernwall.............. 7-M 1M Arrive at wM8"beDthwa1rd.w' Lsavs a. at. ,v. Lebanon .....,...,.. T:l 180 Cornwall Ml UM FjJfJ hP l Ml mm J!U mm . ' . . t'srfwrv i SLw-Wi. Vi 3$W- W m Manheint ,....., rm i:w LaiieastsiC. . SSW Ml Arrive at Colombia SrST M6 King Street, Lane, fcSS MS A. M. WILSON, BUBt. V A C h. u. ne, Nnpt, a kTb. ! Sallrea-. JJgtetche. TJ-'&. -iU.fc'A TKWELKR AND aKADHATK OPTICXAW. GIL-L., Jeweler md Cnduti Opticlu. Having laid In a Large Line Of HPOOMft,, ,i A CUT PRICE, will give our patron bsaslt ef the same, - ' . ', These goods are all of the BTANDABD BOO- " - CIV3 iilJ.ffiUt UIUUIUIOTI, CALL AND HAVE YOUR Eyes Examined Free. srNe Drep Used s hence no haras te eyas cau occur. OHAS."S. GILL, Ne. 10 Weit Kiaf 8t. LANCASTER. FENN'A, w ALTER C. HERR. Herr.Jeweler. TABLEWARE. Before Buying Your Knives, Ferks, Spoons. OR ANY TABLEWARE, Call and sc cur Immensa Bleck and get Price. Walter C. Heir, Ne. 101 N. Queen St, CORNER Of ORANOE. ffqybwavt-. TTAHDWARE! HARDWAREI If you want te buy a Heuse-Stire 0 TO Marshall & Eengief s, I All SOUTH QUEEN tT. There you can get STOVES, TINWAME, CEDARWARE, CUTLERY And a full line of Heusefurnishing Goods. Alse, a Full Stock of GENERAL HARD WARE, aud PRIME NEW CLOVERSiSD. ATTAT.T. &BMGIEa NOS. A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. w-lr ITlORTHINOir - U NOVEL, ODD AND USEFUL. aateERISMAlCB efllsa H W " arssaiSBl WssrW tftiV ra ft"? eit. m r- ! X3i4& -ifvp - sir.: mi 3&1 m a, - 0S&A . m Jffl & ?c3 m m v r-1 c y i