ix , -v 5- llfffgi s;P'V ." - -f, J, ft Skd' Sfe' ST' fi .-f 5, ' IK Xv i m -k YA v' m -rAUV ram una tikkti Tut IPWmw.V,. J KSf y ltk Datsert eMlytte. war., ' " V aUW'K- fr HMOTM MTm"Tni m imiw department stating swltl net be removed 'MM IM M MaMatnteMuM. Tee, uptown ' - - - - - - tit ilnarttlAWn ; -V.ajlii, . i I1J MfM tha decision. JftlM.'IMHa Snlffler, widow of Um late r- Wte. anMter. died yesterday anernoen a , WBiM;MtPfr7 street, aged 72 year iR'ftMk'm d te pamlyals after a 'lakikMiM. Twe arrevrn cminren ,... .. The fuusral will be bald en Wladay at 2 p. m., from the Methodist ;Jrc- -' : y V. A 'nesr 01 vweru area urpuiHu " Minerva Ledge Ne. IS, K. or P., last night, v, Irkea. 'three (rand ledge offleera from ' "PlritaJclpWa were present The efflcera ffifcwnmwerei P. C, Cues. W. Jasen : C. 3X, . W. Swailes: V. C, C. W. Clcgfettt j3F.iP.W.Johnaen;M. of A., Gee. Clstei ,laT, efR. and a, Jeseph M. Stafferd $ M. of ;K.?Pany Moere; M. of P., C. W. Johnaen ; 41.'O.OeergeFarlter O. a., wm. iienis. t BWSVBffO buiticu niiu oe uiuuiiui. iw lira commenced lasmignvni uciuvk ami S: - V" MMimI thl tnnrnlnsr mt 4. ,"- dfctfe. A AMA.,fA.. vrafl ttrAtl frnm til r11rnai1 ' $Sdepet last evening In S. Campbell's hack. ITm driver left the hack standing en Union f : atreet while he went for change for the (kfre. When be returned the hack was . v J mlaalng. A aearch waa wade and the hack -JVwaa found thia morning In front of the 255nteelck property, at Second and Walnut rKi streets. The horse and back were all right. $$ K ' The P. It. R. relief etatement for January '.',;; ahewa the following boneflta paid te om em jf pleyes In town : Accident, SI men, $320.50 ; T ckneaa,102 men, fl,3S7.40 : total, $1,710.00. & Dealh beuerlts were ealil as fellows ! (Jee. " M'tK. Pray, $750; P. B. Melllnger.JSOO ; Jehn algjSinHb, S00; W, S. Flndley,7W; grand Xf. total. $3,210.90. . $ ''Scheel beard will meet thla OTening. Jj&VfcfOflleer Wittick went t New Helland LVJtile, against the colored men nent te JhII en PtrFnlkinnav Tin luilUum lml lin limn cicvr-"' , ::-. ,:" r .. ..-. ". " lit were part of the plunder. r?t rO-p "W. PaaWsfwhe drew the watch &"Sf chanced off by the IlHllay,Cot)Jucters,lia t'tf. turned It te the order. '4?$T Ueut, Cel, Case leR yosterday afternoon C?7irbCr oepany ltwpectlen of the 4th regl- ",f,Z- ment, (.'empany A, or iteamng, waa in- H raperted laat night. Companies B and D, pi2$i Allentewp, will be Inspected te-night, and ptyvjZi.wwuiimny -as, eiHiuyivui wuiutrun nielli. J-'ivCapt. Bennett and Lieut. Eckman went te S'V2Allntawn te aslt at the Inspection. ztzKpfiu, . H. M. Sample was drlvlmc the horse of :"yP. A-ltonnettup Locust street yesterday ,7---' afternoon, when the animal became frluht- 4t?5iJened at Second street. It ran un the street U t' m . ranill mttt nllfl wrnit flnnllv nMnnml nt 3Ha4h by tbe driver, Mr. Sam pi e was !i umuj Bunnell up uuu is cenunea le nil ueu "S?tJ5?,day. VvS-jft ''S,' iThVur VnrV TI.aI Minn.ni, nrn. Jfcii ntl "OurWllr!rat" 111 II. n nimrn tinimn J."W w. ....tt ..V. rtl.l,..i. .V vvT r"" "- . , ...- - -- v,.v. v1...v D-y.'t UK Alffhl A tt WAll nlAaan,! umllAlteA 1IA 'JCbSZLTllT: ...r.!. .'.:-"""".. . jwwawiu iiiik. in inu progreuimo ler io ie , Bight. Carrie Selly, a daughter of W. U. Selly, mi aewn a night or stairs yesterday after aftor aftor noen and was considerably brulsed. m 't$$l- fK B. Kantnnan, an empleye of the WiJ- S "! . ami Tjlllnrlrv Mnr-hlnn wimmni, lixl lila JV-E ,s, ..v...u VV...'H , UWM .(.d j& left hand injured IhU morning by having tt'K h It'caught in the machinery. :&' ' . ... . The stones Are Doing Tested) fM.. ..-.. 1. r . . s iiv" nirw-v i-uuiiuuieu ui councils inei feiWji atatediy en Monday evening. ttWit, 1WUS8,0 was given te Cliarles Talk, ' --XV"- "i uuuu uv ma own ozpenso an IB inch sewer en l llbert stroet te St. Jeseph and thence te an alley, a distance of 2111 feet, where it will be oennocteil with the city hewer. The bids for the furnishing of stone te the city for the season of 1S00 wero opened. A partial test of stenes from the quarries In the vicinity of Lancaster has been made nt a Pittsburg laboratory, with a vlew of ascer taining their resisting power. The test is net quite completed mid the ceutrant will net be awarded until it is. The result of the test and the successful bldder will be announced at the next meeting of the street committee. Death of An Old Lady. Frem the lUadlnjt Times, MnuHanuah Hunter, widow of Nicholas V.' R. Uuuter. died ntthe residence of hnr daughter, Mrs. H. H. Mnhlenheig, 34 North Fourth street, agedUl years. She waa the motherof six children, four sons and two daughters lute Frederick Hunter and Nicholas Hunter; Daniel Hunter iCyrua Hunter, Mrs. H. II. Mulilonberg, of thla city, and Mrs. Henry 8. Eckcrt, w he died semetime nge. Within the past week bcr granddaughter, Mrs. Augusta Mnlilen- v berg, died. 1 The funeral of Mrs. Augusta Muhlen berg took place yestcrduy end was largely attended. Ilov. Frame Fry preached the aermen. ' ren A XATIOXAL JAWNBUQI'. j. A BUI Introdueed In the Senate te Ifelp -Needy rarmsrs. Senater Vance has Introduced a Mil te establish in every county of each of the several states a United States agricultural depository te be under llie control or the treasury department uud under conditions which prow;ribe that the noraxe unjs amount nor annum of cotton, wheat, corn, outs aud tobacco preduced and sold in each eeunty. for two years previous, oxceodod 000,000. - TJie bill pre ldes that any owner of cot cot ten, wheat, corn, cits or touacue mny do de do pewt the same in the nearest depository and receive tiiorefor treasury notes equal te 80 per cent, or the market price or the products, Tite malinger or the depository shall glve te the depositor a warehouse re ceipt showing the amount, etc.; its value, Uie amount et notes advanced; but the in terest en the money he advanced is at the rate of 1 per cent. These deposits or cotton aud ether sta ple may be redeemed by the holder of the warehouse rocelpt at nuy depository Jjv the surrender of the receipt aud the payment In lawful money of the amount originally advanced by the depositor and such fur ther amount ns may be necessary te dis cbarge all Interest as may have accrued against it, and all lusurnuce, warehouse nd ether charges. The term of elltce for a manager of a depository shall be two years. Thesum efJjO.000 fs appropriated te carry out the previsions of the bill. A Geed Shew. There was a large audience at the Mien Mien nercher garden last evening and the new performers were Miss Emma Berger and Herbert Crew Jey. Miss Webb, the colored lady, remains ever this week. There was large audience present and no less than eighteen musical numbers were glven. Each of the performers was seen tlnej time and repeatedly encored, Misa Berger has a geed voice and 'Salley In Our Alley" and ethers songs wero admirably rendered byber. Miss Webb madeutro madeutre madeutro weadeus hit with the"8uwanee Itlver." Mr. Crowley is an oxcellent female impcr impcr impcr onater and he fooled mauy of the frc queetera of the garden, w he mistook him Lu ler woman. WILL OO BACK TO WADELAI. rr XmluI'ashM Will Uoeoaqner III. Vrer ! V . 'nee for Geruuiuy. f .. ltstattl from Berlin, savs Jlmln v.riha hiw written te a friend that he has 4aetmed (he Khedive's Oder of the cev- ! rHerahip of Fjistera Soudan, with bis resl- 4Mwa4uakiins and that he is resolved f-sjBtWuSSSS.',,d r,xx,ua,,er tuat WatV-4 ScsMrtM? Jatm F. Sales, eharged with "efebeaallnf ftM from E. If. KaeWTman, waived hear hear Int.teay at i Aldarmaa Halaaeh'a eMce. Ha gave ball la the mm of 99M Ter trial at the April term of the quarter sessions court. Clark Must Haas. Governer Beaver baa refewed te farther Interfere la the case of Geerge Clark, the flreone county murderer, and be will be hanged en Wednesday, February 30. St. rani's M. K. Cbnreh Fatr. The fair fet the benefit of the Mite society of St. Paul's M. E. church at Doorsem's hall closed en Monday night. The fair was a success and a handsome sum was re alised. A Great Surprise te tlie Docter. A lady was bedfast with rheumatism for Un iUV-s sad get wen every day Inst t better. Se she applied the great remedy, which Is Hoke's Electric Medicated Appliances. On the second day.the lady was able te leave her bed, and when the doctor called he wss surprised te see her eat Of bed. He said t " Did you (ret pow-wewedt" She says: "If it would net be ter Hoke's appliances I would still be In bed.' She was alae a sufferer with a severe pain In her Id for rive years ; she Is entirely cured of the same. The address of this lady will be given te any sufferer's friend who will call en O. U. Hoke. H m The Mether-ln-Law's Statement. Ferycaramydaughter-ln-lawhadbeenasTMt sufferer with rentals weakness, and her husband was required te spend alt the money h could earn for medicines. Last March I procured a Hoke's Electric Abdominal Supporter for her and In a short time after wearing the same she felt like a different woman and was able le at tend te her household affairs, and the husband did net find It necessary te bay any mere se called remedies. I will, with pleasure, tell any suffering lady all the circumstances concerning this cure, and my name anil address will be fur nished te anyone who will call en O. V. Hoke My husband and myself also used Ifoke's ap pliances with great success. ltd New Ehelahd Accident Cemtakt paid Henry A. Oiesi$2 Indemnity from a fall, re calved through J. M. Westhaeffer, agent (ltd Grewing in Popularity. It Is no matter of surprise te these who have used the llhlne Wines Imported by Mr. Teler Dersbelmer, of Iltrd-ln-iland, 1'a., that they are meeting with snch general favor, because they ars exactly what he represenU them te b pure and beneficial. These wlnes the Ass Ass reanushauer and NIOMtelner were selected by Mr. Dershetmcr when he was In the Khlue dis trict Inst year, and ns they nr new Un months elder than that sold from his first Importation, the fine and heavy quality of his Inter Impor tation enn readily be noted. Ills Inst Importa tion was that of twn hogsheads, mid his sal of :H7 deren bottles within strcn mouths Is an In dication of the popularity of llie wines. ills Imported Herman Prune llrundy Is new being ordered by physlclaus for dyspeptics and ethers. Mr, Dershclmer Intends making another trip te Europe early this Spring, and will visit Hol Hel land, Oermany and France, with the Intention el making n selection of Helland O In, Cham Cham jiagne and Khlne Wines, and they will ned no further recommendation than the fact that they were perseunlly selected and Imported by him. ltd 1- . . - M . gCrttlt. AitKOUi. In this city, en the 2.U1 Inst., Ada P. Arneld, widow of the Inte Jehn A, Arneld. Funeral from her late residence, Ne. )27Heuth Duke- street, oil Wednesday afternoon ul 3 o'clock. Interment private. Ne (lowers. 2td Hahtva.!. February 22, 1X00. In this city, Anna Cecelia, daughter of Jehn and Surah Unrtmnn. . The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully lnvlttd te attend the funeral, from the her parents' residence, Ne. 213 North Queen slrcut, en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. r McDadk. In this city, en llie 2UIi1iikL, Mrs. liuthnrlne McDailp, wife or the lulu Arthur Me Da le, uged 80 yours. The relatives und friends of the family nrn respectfully Invited le attend the funeral from her late residence, Ne. 60S Church street, en Thursday morning at S, o'clock at the house, 0 o'clock ul HI. Mary's church. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. fcb25-2td KEMDia.-Fcbruary 21, 1800. In this ally. Katie M.. daughter or Jehn U. and Kllznbclh Kcnillg, lu the fourth year or her age. Katie was a flower tee sweet and fair Te llve among thorns of sin and care, (ied atlled her from this world of vlee Te bloom among the flowers lu Paradise. The relatives and friends or the family are re spectfully Invited te ntlend the funeral, from her parents' residence, Ne, 801 East Krrdarlck street, en Wedncday afternoon at 8.80 o'clock e'clock o'cleck ntcrment private. l isr , 1 a- iilnrJtct. ratladelphla l'rodueu Market. Philadelphia, Kcb. 25. Noen-Klonr dull : t'enii'n supers, 2lKKaJ2J; extrn, 225W273: iiiuij, ewiw roller. U 40S44 90. 3 60il 00; patent; Wheat steady; Ne. 2 lied new, Sle: Ne. 1 1'enn'a lied, UOe : Ne. 2 de, 88c. Cern steady; Ne. 2, new, 35S8c; old, 3 4IC Oatssicndy; Na 2 White 80Wc; Ne. 3 mixed, neaije. ' Uran stead); Winter J14250IS 00; HprlnglS76 ll 25. Haled hav steady; 110 00(913 00 as tenuallty; llnioUiylOOOCilseu for choice; mixed, SgilOW; buled rye struw, new, tltiOa Uuttijr dull; I'cuii'u crcamerr estnv 2728e; l'enn'arirsU extra, 3le; Jebbluir, sihtSO. l'KS Rifle, 15Glfle. as te nunlllv. quiev; rnnna nrsu, loc; held lets, L'heese llrin; part skims. 48e ; mil skims 1(3 2e. I'otreleumTTHll : refined In hbls., 7Jc 1'otateos dull; bOwe uerbus. ns niqimlity. Grain ami iroviteus Cjucaoe, Kcb. 25, 1.00 e tleek n. m. Wheat. Cern. Oats, l'erk. ijird. ICUI LUUft.ni, March... 2tfi B70 April May. 774 June 77?5 July 742 AllKllSl . JtJi 21K 20 0K7 aijj aim le tu :wjj 2 low (QJO Hepleinbcr: , ., , Octeberl Year . Crude Oil-March Consels Kurulshed by H. K. Yuudt. llrekvr. Closing Trices 2.15 o'clock n. m. I 051.J Wheat Cern Oats. pera. Iard 6 7J 6 75 5 00"' 5114 1,00 February 7i March .. 75 ? U 70 ? 070 n,iji. ........ May June ... July......... Aunusl . T7Jf . 78 2"K aK : aw KMf 2l5i I) V7 10 02 10 07 Heplember... October...M- Year . , Consels Crude Oll-Mureh Winter Wheat Hprlng Wheat ...... Cern . ,...,.... Oats .... 11 e . llarley 30 0 22 105)J Cur uiu fit .11 8.17 lleteipls. Head. .. il.OlU ... ,000 Itecetpts Hees ... Heeelnu -Cattle . Htoeu MnrKetH. Quotation, by lleefl, McUrann 4 Ce , haukere, Laucaittcr, l'a. ' MKW YOUK I. TUT 11 A.M. 12 M. S . M. Oiniula Tiicmc.- O. U. C. & I. .,., Colerado cml ., Ci'ntral Puclfleu. Canada Keiittii'rn Chi, HU U A I'bg M.S W, I'l-ll. ii,iu u Del. L. A W .. Erie ... "e Erie 2nds , , .. Jer C K.4T . Un. A N , stU L. Hhore...M . lay Mich. Cen J. , . Mlnseurl lttcinc , " Heck. Valley N. l ... .'..". N. I', l'ref .,.., ,.,,; N. West.. . iu,i v. y.e :::.:n: liCij New England.. 4iJ Easl'lenntsM.'e.. Oinaha ., ,, ' Oregon 'trauscentlneuUtl.. Ontario A W . Pacific Mall ... M Itlctimeud Ternilnal.... aeji HU Taul.... .... ' mV Texas Tacltlcu aelj Union l'uclde ci? Wuhash tiiin ' 20 hit: ml 108 'us. 105 107JJ aij Wabah Trer . . Westt.ru U ........ West Shere llends , rillLAOELrUIA I ist. Uli. Val .. H. N. V. 4 1'hlla.JTJ. L Pa. it. it .....l.;;. uhf ns'vv:.'z:'.z: -20 "" ffl ''li lleatenr. INuiriiilZ!"!!! "" P. A It . " " N.CenU. .... """ peepu Pas,:.;7.'.'z'.i7 r..: lldg 4's...w,...... """ en izzrz : 8JJ ae ilia 20 Llve stock .M a r it eta. IlL'rrALO, I'eb. 21 Cattle Kecclnta 4 urn hejd ; dull'and heavy ;che?e W& U U& 4 75 : prime toihelee native shlpnlni, 14 I5V4 4? tneilluin le geed expert grades, it leii S5 ; fair te choice canning and butchering urades faSLi 4 " i "'.'"iV0 Bd caimlii" an,f rbSuLfrmS grades. i 75a4; geed te choice Uilpnlug, can. ulng aud butcherlug grades, 3 45aJ75; very 0MBIAOfl sUlfl All aWBCWs StOnKTRftll sail Michigan steers TtaffisUrla' te goea native snipi CH(H(n cows ns m reed eew aad hsii prime cows and heifers, 1Mi as; mllrhcews and springers, 11340 ; calve, HStWI te. Hheep and Lamb lop gradl Arm and fairly active ; ethers dull ; receipts, 7,950, hep Choice ta extra, sake 201 m4lani fa geed, as TSrfWta; ecmMoalegpe,Masaa aa. .imbs Geed tohelce,r7; (sir te aped, se n negs-Market steady; receipts, 11,240! me dium and heavy, t4 SOiat Mi mixed, stint I'SST.'!; w.Ml,-5A Pjtn, W tSi ; roughs, S 338)8 i ; stags, Va U. CHiOAUe, Keb. 21. Hseelpts, WOTO-.shlpments 4M0; steady: beeves, M 704 SO; steers, 604 COS stockers and feeders, IB 40Mt cow, bull and mixed, II aOeMOO; Texss cattle, Wi vusja an : w esicrn itangen, uh "" Hm-ItAmtnla ISJVSh ahlnmrnU. SJV Hogs Reoelpts.Web; shipments, iVMOt mar- ket strong; mixed, SMI 05 1 heavy, a 90 fS05; light, H tDflWl skips, I HhMin KMlAlflfA. lemn! ntlltlll U9 in 1 ssips, ss usf m ta, 10000; shlpmenta.8W; mar. kl wa" timtlVM.aitVflemAni! WMBUtrn WOnled 505 00 ; shorn Texans.18 OOtas 00 : ISnsfi 1, KOS seasperbandred srelglit. , .S jV . . East Lvaaairr-CatneIUeelr.Mltt ship! ment,l4li;marKCi neining aeing 1 an wireugn renstsnments necarssnippea 10 new lern. line KeaelDU 030J; shipments. 6400; mnairfttAl utl tnnclfnm. S4 VDtaA SO t Ye 4 lnctl t Philadelphia, U J6i SO : Pig, s eraera. ss 2614 00 1 no cars shipped te new xera. Hheep-iterelpta, 1,900: shlnmenU. iJXO; market steady: prime, J 7034 w): fair te geed, tSOOOSSO; geed le common. t 0044 00) Inmtis, H75. D Ixcnl Rtoek and Bends. Iteperted by J. B. Ixing. vslue. sale. Lanras'l6percent.,ime 100 101 " B " " 1806 100 HO " 4 " " Hchoel lean 1W3 100 10 4 " ' Inl or 20 years. 100 100 4 " " in 6 or 20 years, tee 101 4 " In 10 or 20 years. 100 W'i ' ' " In 15 or 30 year. 100 105 MftLhelm Borough lean... -. 100 102 MISCKLLAMKOl'S STOCKS. aaarryvllle II. It......,-...,... M I IllersvllleHtreetCar .,.. W te Inquire Printing Company, SO S5 Hasllght and Kuel Company. 25 40 Btevens Heuse (Bends) 100 100 Columbia Gas Ceminny. , 2 25 Columbia Water Company 10 II busquehanna Iren Company ,.u 100 205 25 Marietta Hellew-ware.. 100 210.10 Htevens llonse . 60 1.06 MlllorsvllleNennalHchool 25 Is Northern Market ..... 60 76.20 Kustern Market . 60 6 Gas Company lieuds (5 per ct 1W0). 100 100 nelumtila UoreiiKh llends 100 10:1.60 euarryvllle H. It. 7's 100 107.20 Heading. A Columbia H. 11. 6's. 100 100 60 Edisen LlKht Company 60 07.UU 60 45 Western Market nu Heulliern Market, 60 Lancaster City Htreet Hallway Ce,.. 60 East End Htreet Hallway 60 Weil End Htreet Itnllnrnv 60 60 lAncasterHteam Kndlater Ce 60 v SO Helvetia Leather Ce. 60 60 Wntch Pacterr 0 s............,........ 100 101 I.anc. Cbem. co 100 1.15 TfllNI'IKE STOCKS Ijtncaster A Krnltvllle. Ijiiicnster A LlUts Lanraster A WllUamstewn Ijincnster A Maner Lancaster A Msiiliclin-.......... ...... 60 48.50 25. 07.75 25C 100 W 1(0 2.5 37.25 Imcester A Marietta. t!t 2H lanraster A New Helland. 100 80 8 lllg Hprlng A Heav ir vane, llrldgepert and Horseshoe. lllg Bprlng A Heav ir Valley- 25 uriugeperi aim jiorncflnett. Columbia A Chestnut Hill llKZl 20 V 20 20 25 4.75 2,'r' 25 100 64.76 900 30U Columbia A Washington.. Conestoga A lllg Hprlng.. Marietta A Mount Jer.. .-, Lane ML Jey A Ellxabetbtewn, Lancaster A Hiisquchanna. i I jincaster A New Danville . 25 II Columbia A Marietta ., 25 20 Ul 'a.75 45.75 '10 00 Mavlewn A Ellxabethtewn 25 Uincastcr A Ephrata. 25 Lancaster A Willow Htreet , 25 Htrasburg A Millport.... - 25 Martettu A Maytown. 25. 11ANK STOCKS. Elrst National Bank 100 205 25 Knrmcrs' National Hank 60 1.20 Kulton National Hank loe 202 Ijiueaster County Natlennl llank.... 60 11U.75 Northern National Hank 100 UI75 Peeples' National Hank 100 121.25 Ke stone Katienni iiaiiK, Matnielm 100 III Columbia National Hank 100 135 Chrlstluna National Hank 100 125 Conestoga National Hank 100 HO Kiilirntn National Ilank- iuu ISO 100 115 100 14.1 100 205 100 IS7.60 100 150 100 100 100 14.1 First National linnk, Columbia Klrst National Hank, Htrasburg Elrst National Hunk, Marietta First National Hank, ML Jey,. Llllts National Bank Meunlvllle National Hank Manhclm National Hank Union National Bank, Mount Jey ... New Helland National Bank. , (laii National Hank Ounrrj vllle National Bank Ellzatifltlitimu National Him Central National Hank. Columbia . 60 eiM 100 165 100 117 100 181 100 125 100 112 SB Jtcn gVbticrtiocmcnte. A B30LUTELY I'llllE. ROYAL BAKING Jr A POWDER. TIIIH powder never vanes. A marvel el pu rlty, strength and wholcseineiiess. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phaxphate Pewdirs. AWI e,ifu (n cam. IteVAL Bakinu I'ewdlh Ce., 108 Wall street, New Yerk. martMylAlyw XUHrHECElVED. ItOUDEHKH HED LABEL, Th Finest of Champagne. HOHHEK'H LIQUOll HTOHE, Ne. 22 Centre Hqunre, TtlOlt KUNT-TIIHUrTOnr IIOUHK. 13 X" rooms, Ne. S30 North Duke street. Inquire feli22-tfd NO. 221 EAhTOHANUKHT. fTlOll KENT. v n,Jl,,rt,0".,.. ,'re"t ,lt"' n sewud flcxir. ?!? lr, Wc,u K.lnS lecL llnest location hi this elly. ludiilriief U'.U'.amim KUvWltl II 1. 1. .1 i..i - . .-. . -- it Aller's Uullery. SIX GOOD GIHLH WANTED IN 'HIE IN-Ing-roemunillroulng-inoniuttlio Millers Millers vllle Nermal bthoel : geed clrls nwd n,.u. Wit-15 " ., V-EISEMAN, ' lnrdiVllw Steward ut the HclioeU. IT Oil HANDbOMTJ NECKTIEH. Ge te EIlIBMAN't), Ne. 42 West King BlrecU 1TANTEU. i7j .A 'iey te learn the Drug Business. Must bj bright und active: net less than 10 or 17 y.-.u efr.nbK2Wr,i. AVl'Ly A"in3eFK.cE.'" 7I8TATK OF ANTHONY KllEHHUArit I late or the city or Lancaster, deceased, tern of intuitu itrntliwi 1 .. .... V....I '. .. ' Lett ,iwiim t iii un nil 1V1 t til It hav lug been granted te the undersigned, all iMTsenH Indcbied thereto are requested le inake Inunedlute payment, and theve hav lug claims or 'demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under, signed, residing lu sabt citv. tiri UOm.lKII THEIElt, , . Admlulstratnr r. t. n. Jehn a. Cov i k, Attorney. febiVflldTu B OOTSANDHHOIM. CONSTANTLY ARRIVINO. Choice Leis of Spring Goods -AT STACKHOUSES, 28 A SO E. KINO ST. TnE LATEST AND BEST IN FOOIWEAR ALL AOES AND ALL CONDITIONS OF PEOfLE. We are bound In ham u III CholcXlecUanil Lew Prfces wllfda 'lU Ig Hprlng Trade If D. P. STACKHOUSE'S Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANOAHTEIt, PA. WANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN iJ."?1.'.5 ?rceul,,!l' wishing te earn ft te a daynt their eiyn homes; no canvasslug; work furnished und sent by mall any dl.tanee v?lfS?llJ "?, Crv sullied Photo. Ce., II j W. utli at., Clneluuntl, t). fiWllmeea !miUAM,WOMCIi ' DOBbsWM OAllliei WOIII, Cerner of Deaeand Viae Htreet (Inrmerly 19,990 OvwIMxriioamed Dellar 1)1,080 . In riae Vehicles new en Exhibition. . 1MHI AIIUeLATEnTsiTYLEHrnr IfltrO "jfl.IIO HOADCAKTH tfi.OO , r ' Dowem,Cam4rs Works, corner of Duke and -Vine streets., dWydK mURCALLA ULY IB THE TRADE MAHK JL or we nnest Seap en Eartn. " rumiT. TIEST 6e HAVANA KlI.t.tfR f!lfl All m j vna cuy, at HILLY WAITZ'H. N,w. r, A lai North Quean Ht dee6mdM,Te,Th TTIOR RENT-ONE EIGHT AND TWO MX Si.. 2Pn houses. Apply at . i i iii.fi.,i, . ii i XrOTlCE-Jr'rJONDHEIMER HAS RE- XI moved from his stables en Marlen alley te the Merrlmac Ilonie stables, formerly oecu- pten ey a. wesunan, en North rrtnee street febM-lwddlw -RENDER YOUR SKIN SOFT, SMOOTH nxLrn leun usin ours, nMin and White by using " Purity Seap." BILLY WAITS HAM THE BEST TWO FOR t,6eahi6nClMrsln thHjate,at - - 'NOH.T1A 103 NORTH 0.TJEEN ST. dec&AmdM.Tu.Th.S J? SHIRTS OOLLAR4 AND CUFFS, 10TO ERIHMAN'S Ne, West King Street. TIME, LABOR AND MONEY SAVED BY using " Purity Seap." Sold everywhere. F AIIMEHS WANTED TO SUPPLY MILK AT TTI Muniurvii n.u.uirr.m e29-tfdAwR 835 Church SU.Lancas't'er, Pa THE LAROEHT AND FINEST LINE OF Meerschaum and French Briar Pine. Cigar Helders, Cigar Cases, Snufl Bexes and all kinds or smoker's articles. DEM UTU'8 CI OAR STOKE, alMfdlt 114 East King street I710R HENT-A THREEflTORY BRICK Dwelling Heuse, with modem Improve ments, Ne. 317 East King street, with Brlek Stable en let. New occupied by Jehn W. Hot Het mail. Apply te OEO. D. HPRECUER, Ne. 21S East King street. 8-tfd milOCT A SHANK, HHI11T MANUFACTURERS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS, Ne. 140 North Queen Street. Shirt made te order as low as I1IT0. Perfect fit guaranteed. Through necessity we have starded a HAND i.iimuiti nna are preparea te launaryernii yc lyi Kine. mar28-Iydll JTIOR HEADQUAKTKHS 3 A. O. K. of M. C. K. of O. E., I. O. H. M U, A. M., P. O. 8. or A., I. O. O. F., Elks, Charms and 11ns, go te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 42 West King Street A' T PRIVATE HALE. New Heuse. HubatAntlally built. Thirteen Hoema. Med- rn Improvements. Ne. 20 North Lime street. Apply WALTER M. FRANKLIN. Ne. 120 East King UL, Lancaster Pa. reb2MwdTuATh s FECIAL, TypenTrVriting Free le nil who take the Business Course at the l.uncnstcr Business College. We use the Stan dard ltemlnsten. Yeu can complete the ceurse until vacation. Fit yourself rer the positions oirered te competent parlies. Visit us at Cel. lege Henius, Ne. Jl North Duke street. Open day and evening. II. C. WE1DLER. Principal. 1710RRENT-FROU APRIL L-THEDOEIl- soul private residence, Ne. 120 East King street, containing 11 rooms and all the modern conveniences. Alxoastbrereom at Ne. 12SEast King street. Alse the Docrsem Hull, tlicenly desirable hall in the city ter fairs, festivals, suppers, etc. Alse the large ractery In the rear, 120 and 128 Ml 01 In street, sultable for any kind or miiiiurticturlng purposes. Water uud gas through nil the buildings. Will be rented ns a whole or In part te suit renters. Inquire or v.iv. c. .wivucv.jv, I'rupnuier ei ine Jjocrseni vurriiige eras, corner u Juke und Vlnestrrcts, rbi7-tra PROPOSALS WILL BERECL'IVEDATTHE Mayer's office until 6 o'Lleck p. m., Feb ruary 20, 1890, rer the me or the city water rer street sprinkling purposes, for one year, com mencing April 1, ISOO. Bidders will state amount for tno-herso sprinkler; also, rer one-horse sprinkler. Uldders will be required te give bend, with nnpreved security, and enter Inte ngreement with the Water Committee rer the careful imoer llie wntcr and the responsibility or any damage done tonre hydrants. The Com Cem Com mlttce reserve the right le reject any or all bids. By order or the Water Committee. EDW. KDUERLEY. Mayer, Chairman Water Committee. Attest: Jacob Haldach, Clerk, ri5,20,22,25d "OKOWN'H. Brown's Pereus Plasters. The best plaster made, containing the best known healing, strengthening nmf seething medicinal agents known. A balm rer till aches or nnlns. Price, 15c J two rer 25c. Rell Toilet Pnper, first quality, two rolls for PackngeHTellctPapcr,nrstiiuallty, larke, two packages for 25c. Packages Toilet Paper, nrsl quality, small, three packages for 25c. Brown's Hkln Curative Seap rer nil skin dls. cases, Use Cremolcne for rough, red and scaly hands, face or lips. A delightful cream of almonds. Nothing greasy or Micky, Sold at BROWN'S DRUG STORE, COR. DUKE & LEMON BTS., LANCASTER, PA Janl3!ylu,Th,S-lt N JKW YORK STORE. -HAVE YOU SEEN THE- La Parisienne" Jersey Suits -AT THE- New Yerk Stere ? They hav been received with great favor In the large cities all ever the country. He. 350. Ladles Jersey Suits. .aSli1ifi?.f.F.1"Jf'.rkfy,.cl0!l,iJcrs'' or lllese and Skirt trimmed with while or black braid. rnicE-M75i:Acii. Me. 306. Ladies' Jersey Suits. Basque and Skirt Trimmed with Velvet. P1UCE-I2.75 EACH. Ne. 316. Ladles1 Jersey Suits. netaia.KeVelVlu.'riu4 """ Ff"lch "Q-PRICE-HOOEACH. Made In Ladles' nnd Misses' Sire, or Navy or Fiifct Ulsck Jersey Cleth. These guriuenls ure considered by every one who hii bought them te be the ncaUJit, bfit fit ting and cheapest suits In the market. FOR SALE BY WATT & SHAND, C, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST., DRUNKENNESS. LIO.UOR HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. nit. hainuv (iei.di:.v specific. It can be given tn n cup or coffee or ten, or lu articles of feed, without the knowledge or the patient. If necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless and will ellect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or un alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. U operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he Is nwnre, hi complete reformation la eflected. page book or particulars free, cTiAS.A.LOOHEIt. Druggist, octed&As11 K,UB ... , - a i. , TJ EADY-MADE CLOTrtmS-ritnfO, -Ml vt I . . J . r RHDY-MAlJi CLOTHING WE OPEN THE SPRING SEASON WITH THE LARGEST AND MOST CAREFULLY MADE UP STOCK OF CLOTHINOt MEN'S, YOUTHS AND BOYS' THAT WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. ' THE LATEST STYLE! VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES! (Your Careful Examination and a Comparison of Qualities and Prices Invited.) BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS. New Plaid Styles tn Knee Pant Halts at BOO, 12 60, S3 75 and H 00. Kacellenl Weel, Plaid Cheviot Anita at SB 25 and MM. Finer Cheviot aad Caulmere Suits, All-Weel, Choice Styles, W, U M and f& Beys' Knee Pants, Ceed Values, at 80c, 75c and 1100. 8PBINO OVERCOATS IN MELTONS, KERSEYS AND WORSTEDS, NEW HAGER& BROTHER, 25-31 friteST KING ST., LMNCRSTER, PENN'H HEY CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN Equal Billy Waltz's Havana Filler Cigar at NOS. 5 A 108 NORTH QuEKN ST. decfi-6mdM,Tu,Tb,g TUDOEH HAVE LONG SINCE DECIDED (J that Billy Walts' Cigar is the Best In the State. Fer sale at NOS. 6 A 103 NORTH QUEEN dT. decemmdM.Tu.Tli 835 Ladles ei DAY COURSE-KEYSTONE BU8I NESSCOLLEQE. Yennir Men and educated rer profitable employment. Modern methods. Course comnlete and Drao- tlcal. 'fype-wrltlng and all business branches taught. L night session. W. D. MOSSER, Prln., tfdAw 16 North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. EST TWO FOR FIVE CENT. CIO ARM the city, at BILLY WAITZ'S, Nes. 5 A 103 North Qneen St. dcc54mdM,Tu,ThA THE FINEST LINE OF IMPORTED AND Domestle Cigars In the city. Clear Ha vana Cigars, our manufacture, in boxes of 25, 60 and 100. DEMUTU'S CIGAR BTORE, alS-tfdR IU East King Street TO SAVE YOUR BACK AND GLADDEN your heart use " Purity Seap." TAOG LOST-BLACK COCKER SPANIEL. XJ Reword etTered. Jil-tfd 2Z7 NORTH PRINCE ST, TyE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles I WE EXAMINE EYES FREE 1 Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined yen will probably And that there is something wrong with them, and that glosses will be a great help te you. We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA'' lenses, which are made only by us. and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te detec tive vision. Solid Geld Spectacles, aa.OO usual price, 9B.OO. Steel Spectacles, COe.t usual price, 91. OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, ai ; usual price, BIO. 1. ZIHEMAN & BRO.I130 S. Ninth Street. OPTICIANS. PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. . mvK-lyd H IRSH A BROTHER. As explained by Webster, means a wearing awny as by water, etc.; as explained by us means the wearing away and lessening by con stant sales of our large stock of Winter Cloth ing. AS REGARDS Overcoats, Suits and Pantaloons, The prices have sufTeicd considerably by Ero sion and by Erosion as 3 ou can see by these prices. .Men's Overcoats from J2 50 upwnrds. Chinchilla nnd Heaver Oeroeuts, II 50. .McRen Overcoats, JO, 17, 8, 110, reduced from $8. $9, 310 nnd JH. Fur Beavers, te 08; reduced from $16. Wldcwules, 13 and 112 ; reduced from 12 nnd Men's Buslness Suits, II, H 50, !"i. Casslmere Suits. 18, 17 50, 18. DresM Casslmere and Cheviots, 7 60, 18, 110 and 114. Diagonal Suits, 17 60,18, 110, 112, 111; reduced from tS, 111, 112, JIG and 118. Pants, Pants, Pants. Men's Working Panta, 80c. 11, It 50, II 75, 12. Cnsslmcre Pants, !.' 50. S3, 3 50, It, H 50, (5 Ma-Hpcclals en our Bargain Counter at Half Regular Price. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING AND FrRNKUINQ HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. TpRETTY SHAPED FOOTWEAR, CHEAP I Ladies' $1.50 Shoes! A late arrival or theie le tell or te-duy. Ladles' Butten Shoes, with GENUINE GOAT DONUOLA LEATHER upper, trimmed, fitted, lined nnd finished Inn superior mtiuncr ; solid leather Inner and outer sous and heels; sole leather counters te strengthen und preserve the heel shape. Are cut by the same pattern and made ever the sumo lasts us the finer grades costing 2 uud 12. M lK?r pair, 'I hey are splcudld lilting nnd Invariably preeeryscrlceable. Of this mage or geed our sales steadily Increase ; at times we'e round It dlfllcult te keep nil sites complete. New arrangements hae been made itli the manufacturer, which ulll enable us te supply every In quiry lu the future without disappoint ment. Henceforth the material lu them will be better aud mere pains taken In tbe making, while the prlce will remain tliesame. Once worn, ladles will want nothing better ; they never disappoint the wearer. Twe new grades of ladles' Shoes te Introduce this week MjlUli, well made, well trimmed, well finished, at tl.'i'i a pair. Opera Tee style, solid leather throughout, excellent wuirer, tee. We've a Ladlts' Shoe nt II U) upalr nent loeklug, tlttlng snugly aud wears strongly. The cheapest geed tlioeteld In Lancustcr. See lliee te see hew pretty and hew well shoes cm be made for se little money. It Is surprising. The material lu them alone seems le be worth the money asked for thebhees complete. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Britt'ET, Lancas ter. Pa. ill l BROTHER, t'9ksviMHtmMl. HHOBRrS BROTHER. (eun OWN MANUFACTURE.) YOUNG ION'S SUITS. f In. te 35 In. Breast.) Excellent Casstmere Suite at IS, 10 60 and 17. Stylish Cheviot Bait. All-Weel, at 17 00, 17 te and MOD. Fine All-Weel Caaslmere and Worsted Suits at 110, 111 and 113. Very Stylish Black Diagonal Cheviot Suit, Lapp Beams, at 111. Handsome Black Wale Diagonal Worsted Ceat and Vests, Stylish Trousers le rnateh, 111. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. BLACK DRESS GOODS I Mourning Goods. Black Thibet Shawls. Crepe and Nun's Veilings. BLACK ALL-WOOL CASHMERES at 87c. 40c, c, 60c, 00c, 65e and 78c. BLACK ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS. 48 Inches Wide, 75c, Siy,a and 11.00 a Yard. BLACK SILK-WARPjHENHIETTAS, 11.00, 11.25, 11.50. BLACK ALL-WOOL STRIPED HENRIETTAS, 60c, 65c and 75c. LUPIN'S BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS, Single and Deuble, 11.75 tetllSO. . Special Bargains In Alt Kinds of BLACK DRESS GOODS. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. OBITIVE CLOSING OUT SALE. Positive Closing Out Sale -op- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. ENTIRE Carpets, Window Shades, Oil Cleths, &c, -MUSTBESOLD- By April 1st., Regardless of Cost. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts Lancaster, Pa. Stem 3lbcvti0vmintt. s U1TING8, OVERCOATINGS AND TROU SERINGS, nt REDUCED PRICES. McGRANN A NOWLEN, Ne. 130 North Queen St. TJ10R RENT-STORE ROOM NO. 13 EAST Jj King trect, formerly occupied by As trlch Bres. Alse second and third fleer rooms, irum Auni i, mv, inquire ei jan2.Mfd TL O. LIPP. OUR MAKE OF GOLDEN LION AND MIA QuerldaSc Cigar cannot be excelled. DEMUTU'S CIGAR STORE, Established 1770. 114 Eatt Klug Street. alS-tfdlt "I REATEST REDUCTION. Announcement Extraordinary ! The Greatest Reduction or all In FINE TAILORING AT H. GERHHRTS, Overcoats made te order at cost price. Trousers reduced rrein 110 te 18 ; from 18 te 5 ; rromtSteUM. Heavy Suitings reduced at the same rate. Full Dress suits of the latest style material, satin lined, nt 123. This is the meat sweeping reduction ever made In Fine Tailoring, and "will enable the ctuli buyer te get a first-class article rer the same money he would have te pay rer a ready made one. H. Gerhart, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d-T-tTd FTUIE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. ISO Seal Plush Ceat for IK), 110 Seal Pliuh Coats rer 130, IMS Seal Plush Coats rer Bi, ISO Seal Plush Ceuta for 120, 20 Seal Pluih Coats rer 117. Ill Seal Plush Jacket rer 114, 111 Seal Plush Jackets rer 112. I 600 Cleth Newmarkets rer I 3 00, 8 50 Cleth Newmarkets rer 6 00, 10 00 Cleth Newmarkets rer 750, 1250 Cleth Newmarkets rer 050, 13 50 Cleth Newmarket rer 10 00, 18 00 Cleth Newmnrkita for 1310, 22 50 Cleth Newmarkets rer 16 00. One Let Reduced from 12 00 te I 75, One Let Reduced from 2 60 te 100, One Let Reduced from 1 00 te 260, One Let Reduced from 6 00 te 360, One Let Reduced from 7 A 8 te 4 00. A large line of finer geed at greatly reduced rrlec. nEMEMBER-Our Entire Stock of Winter Geed mut go at once If possible. We will mnke price te make It go. -It will pay jeu le Inepect our stock. ThcPeeple's Cash Stere 25 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. martO-l)dK rtf , -8PRING:90 Mllf'S SUITS. Excellent Caaslmere Salts at Nobby Plaid and Check Cheviot Baits, All Weel, at tie. Stylish Black Cheviot Suit, All-Weel, at IM. Fine Hair Cwd Casslmere Belts In three'eaaaea of Qrey, All-Weel, ahjlt Fine All-Weel Casslmere and Worsted Salts. Stylish Plaids and Checks, at Ms, Handsome Black Wale Diagonal Worsted Ceals and Vests, stylish Trensers te match, at. j SHADES, AT $10, $12 AMD $14. STOCK OF- -i7-A8II EVERYTHING THAT NEED 3 TO YV be washed with " Purity beap." You'll like it H APPYNEW YEAR I Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. MANUFACTURER OK HORIZONTAL1 VERTICAL I PORTAHLE f HOISTING j BOILERS. CCNTRIKUOALl IIOILERKEED I MINING f 8TEA51 J MILLS. ENGINES. fHorlzental Tabular. Vertical, i Twe Flue, Deuble Deck, I Marine. PUMPS. (Saw Mill. -Bark Mill, I Cob MlUs. AUTOMATIC TAN PACKERS, B BRASS LEATHER ROLLERS, UARK CONVEYER SCREWS, PULLEYS, SHAFTING. GEARING HANGERS, PILLOW BOXES, CLAMP BOXES, COUPLINGS, COLLARS, MILL BUSHINGS, BTEPB0XE8, SPINDLES. TOES AND STEPS, PULLEY PLATES, SHIEVE WHEELS, Ac, Ae., Ac, Ae BOLTS, TURNBUCKLES, LAG SCREWS, RODS UF-SETT, SETT SCREWS, FORGINGS, NUTS, Sq. and Hex., CAST WASHERS, PLATE WASHERS, WROUGHT WASHERS. Specialty In Making and Repairing DEEP WELL DltlLLINQ TOOLS, VI : Red, Bit. Reamers, Jars, Sand Pump. Blt.and Hed Catche. dc. Charcoal Hammered f uurueu m ivivev Deuble Hell lied Re fined Beiler nnd Tank TANKS Round or Square, for Ga, Oil, Water or Acid. Stacks, Btand-Plpes, Water Wheel Casing, Het Air Furnaces, Ac. LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES Such a Valves, Ceck, Gauges, Oiler, Cast nnd Malleable Fitting, Injectors, Packing. Pipes, dc, ever carried tn Lancaster. Speclnl Attention Given le STEAM HEATING. Light mid Heavy Iren and Bres Casting. 9-Repulrlng Promptly Attended taSa Cheap Let of SECOND-HAND PULLEYS ANDSHAFTINa FOR SALE. .MtPtykt?12'' 4 Pulley, 41x10; 2 Pulley. I Weed Split rulley,29ixl6J; 3 Weed Split Pulleys, ilxbi-i. ' 8-2 15-16 Cellar. 5.' reet, 2 15-16 Shafting. 14-21 Inch Drep Hangs Deuble Braced. Jehn Best, 333 EAST PULTON ST., I.ANCABTER. PA. Second-Hand Boilers. on6T??'.He,r,vlowertMlnf1 niam., 10 reet long. SSxIH Inch Tubes. Price, 173 and 1150. ' Tubvi, 12 feet leujr, with FJre Frent. 1123,