W i J' tv.1T" 1 ? l 'V- t- O.N- .4 ;.. .-bvwv. ".V &.'' Hmv t ri,li -'Tl ... .. J. Tr ,r. ", -j -. " "' ?.:'?. .u"w' -v"b''2 ' n." .i3n t ' ife --'-&"-a. T"v ?yv- - - '. Kuf: ' rr THB IiAyOABTER : DAILY . iO r IT t'-e f- IX r-t m ' .7. r-ft m -TWO RAILROADERS HURT. rFi' & in. ....is. t f M.I.)N MtfWCI M1UU IT I &&i u irntrMNf. ti. c. -T" -- Vi&V - '' BrKlBLcaeCrMkd That Aftipu? . . : lit y , ry-Jetm M. Btaver Hits Ara at Me meat. m1 .-vr. !5". ; 'OeMbUKA, Feb. 2.-Jotin Hellrlch, a i&ktateMMa en the Readlne; Columbia j-wdlrfJ, net with a horrlble accident en .wwiiuay mfiii aueai is vcieck, m t wv HH. A..ft...... w.t.h lnMlnf K; !, onMsei esnsanu nuinm biciw.-u w imv 1'- 3S :al rf a ear te out en a brake. He made a &Z aUMttp, Jailing te the ground In front of ',jv 'the moving tram. as me cars passea ever 'klakli Miivht th brake rlinrlncr and held : V'k1 MimUI4kalrlnr.fn vl. TTn ilrairerfwt hllTl. --atffrem under the tr It and was nicked r '.iff?, afetbr the trainmen. He was brenght te if; JW'T,beard!ng house here and his lea leg I 'te&!t found te be se terribly crushed that SL is-'uutnitfltlnn was necaia.ir7. Dra. Illnkle ' $&tjimA If IMti. nmnniatMl II.A tni. ItirAA tnlifa k-5 fc..A.tH. tf1r-tl. t. ITTMUHisr.m Ir"' (f;- "r.vs '"'-' - , ij& pany dui iwe menins. ifee , W, ea Uie P. R. It, had his ankle, broken wreck at Rosoment, The iWA, nwui in e &$-"wreck was caused by n broken axleand rUSjSk tteTen cars were wrecketl. Beaver was VftV'ii. WKVn IU IUU ClVIUflUinil UWIIUHI, A hii- (P'iJ. r atHDIllB. UD K rUBlUUllV Ul VU1TI1. I1VIIIK ea Cherry street. The third grand concert of the Msonnor Msennor Msonner ehor was given In the epera house en Sat urday evening whonalargeandlonoo was pnwent. The pregramme was well ren dered and the audlence highly pleased. The Law and Order society wilt organlze a branch league In town this cveulug. The Jfew Yerk Theatre company will open a week's ongngement In the epera house this evening when "Our Wild Cat" will be presented. The order of UallwnyCouditcleis chanced pfTa geld watch en Saturday afternoon. It was drawn by O. W. Panics, who held ticket Ne. 402. The management of the Daily A'cuuen A'cuuen tertained their force nt a removal lunch nt Warren's restaurant en Saturday ovenlng. Jehn Walker, the young man ube made an attempt te hang hlmself, tunds anether attempt eti Sunday and Squlre Evans caused his arrest. He was committed te jail, pending an investigation nhcther he is a subject ferjnll er-nsylum. Omcer Wlttlck arrested Wm. Leckard, a stranger, en Sunday night, en suspicion of Tetnmltllng a robbery nt Qettysburg. He was ncnt te jail for a further bearing. On Saturday three, colored and one whlte man enme te town and landed In Tew Hill. They seen found company with soveral dusky maidens, and ene et the crowd sent a local darkey te get rid of be vera! watches. One of them was disposed of and en the proceeds the creud get gloriously drunk. The gang was arrosted by Offlcers Wlttlck, Morrison and Schill, who committed thctn for disorderly conduct. The men were held for a further hearing for larceny. " They gave thelr names ni niclinrd Hull, white, Jehn W. Grey, Jaines J. Jehnsen and Charlei Sawyer, colored. Tliey were very impudent und hed soveral pawn tickets for clothing pawned in Philadelphia. Seven tramps wcre nrrosted by the local police and sent te Jail by Squlre Evans for five days each. The Kllle club ended their yearly contest In a match en Saturday nnorneon, aud the medal was wen by Martin H. Smith. An alarm of (Ire was caused this morn ing by the burning of the casting houseat St. Charles furnace. The tire department was out, but net In service, as the flninct were put out by the eniployes without much trouble. The Injunction Wn DUselvcd. . Court met specially te-day ted Ispose of the Injunction granted last Tuesday, en motion of City Solicitor Brown, restrain ing B. V. Shaub, J. V. Vondersinlth, Aaren W. Wcchtcr, David LenU und David H. Miller from erecting an nlleged fnime struct ure In the rear ofthe carpet Ktore of Shaub it Vnudersmith, Nes. 18, 20 and 22 East Orange street, because It was a viola tion of city ordinance Thodefoudants put in an answer denying ull the allegations of the plaintiff. The court dissolved the pre liminary injunction. Tliocase will new go te a master and testimony will be taken and reported te the court. J. L. Stelnmclc nnd Jehn E. Maleue, appeared for the deteudauts and W. T. Brown for the city. A Blluht rire. This morning when Mrs. Jehn B. BIs BIs slnger, of the Maner hotel, en West King street, went Inte the bar-room she found that there hud been u slight lire during the night. Against the western wall or the bar-room there Is a small elcctrlc fan which stands upon a platform. Behind It was u paer. The insulnted wlre connected with the fan burned through and Ignited the paper. A picture nbove was coverod W-th tirlctan, nnd it me burned entlrely off. That was the only damage, although It might bave been much mere serious. Tenant Heuse Uostreyed by rjre. The tenant house of Marshall Huntings, iuCelerulu township, was destroyed by tire en Saturday morning between 12 und 1 o'clock. The location of the Iioume was two miles south or Klrkuoed nnd about half u mile from the rosidence of Mr. Hastings. It was unoccupied since Novem ber and the flre was beyend question the work of an incendiary. The heuse was part leg mul part frame aud worth about f tOO. It was insured. Many Deaths In Onerumlly. Mrs. r.lisubeth DeIIart, of Ne. lull Min eral Spring rend, Heading, died en Satur day, aged 60 years. This Is the flftli death in the family during the past eight uoekit. Charles Gitt, a uephew, wna killed at liar risburg en Monday ; Frank Mellcn, a cou ceu mii, or Heading, dled a vhert tlme age ; Henry Fager, a brether, died during tlie holidays, nnd Mrs. Amelia Smith, a sister, died at Columbia recently. Jehn I). Mlahler AksIii en Deck. Jehn D. Mlshler, the popular manager, secured a lease of the Academy of Music, in Beading, aud he will rcsiune niaiiago niaiiage niaiiago ment next June. Everybody iu Heading is glad that he is going back te the house, as the present manngement dees net suit them. Mr. Misbler will have Bartholo Barthelo Barthole mew's horse next year also, and Mr. Hinckley, his assistant, will take charge of Diem en the read. Sudden Death efSnmucl Miller. Samuel Miller, a rctlrei farmer, dieU suddenly en Saturday morning, ut bis residence, West Ea'rl township. Ue was taken ill en Friday at midnight. A physician was tummene.l and he pro nounced congestion of the brain te be the cause of his (loath. Mr. Miller wus C2 years old, aud leaves a wife.but ne.ehlldren. Ills funeral will tnke place te-morrow, w ith In terment at Mehlcr's cemetery. A Surprise 'With u Iiund. Saturday evening D. W. Shaub, residing In the village of Edcu, celebrating his birthday en Saturday evening. The Iroquois band, of this city, went cut te Edeu and tendered him a serenade. Mrs. Shaub served an excellent tupper during the evening. . . Hew lit. Voted. Jehu Jacobs, of the Ninth ward, says that he did nut w erk for Clark at last Tues day's election, as stated In the Intu.li Intu.li UKMCKtsen Wednewlfcy. He say a that he toted for Dflimeanml werked for the Ho He imblicau ikkvtlbe wiiple d.iy. A Little Bey Hurt. This morning, Cenrad Oast, a ten-year-old eon or Ames Uasi, potter, of Wct Lemen street, was Injured. The little fel low was en Mulberry street above Lemen, when one of Illtner's large freight wagons pawed. He crawled en the wagon and niter riding a abort distance Jumped off He did net ace a team driven by Geerge Beeth coming down the street, and Jumped under ene of the tierse. The hoof of the animal struck the llttle fellow en the head, cutting a very ugly gash In it. He was taker, te his licme. Change In Telegraph Managers. A change was inade te-day In the man agement of the Western Union telrgraph oillces In this city. Ferwrjfjral years past V. P. Smith lias been tin manager and he has been succeeded by Charles J. Brltt, The latter gentleman comes from the Phil adelphia office. At Ffaeffla'a Garden. Mlss'Sophle Carre, the young lady who has been singing at the Micnncrcher gar den for two weeks, clecd en Saturday evening, when she was presented with an elegant basket of flewers. Te-day f he led for New Yerk. Ed. Parker also closed and went te New Yerk. Miss Webb, the colored linger, remain. A Clmnire of Hun. Te-day a change was made In the run of Postal Agent Shirk botween Quarryvllle and Beading. Heretofore he left Quarry Quarry vllle each iiieinlng and ret u med In the nflorneon. By the new arrnugoment he wilt lay ever each night In Heading and arrlve here at 0:'ii In the morning. Kolurn Kelurn lug he will lonve en the train which reaches bore at 3:48 In the afternoon. Soldiers' Orphan Scheel eniclnls. At the roirtilen at Ml. Jey en Saturday the graduates of the Keldicrs' orphan schools of the stnle the following efllccrs were ejected: I'resldent, A. U. Lesher, Manhelnij vlce prosldent, EllaH. Weaver, Marietta, and Peicy Culp, Union Cerner; rocerdlng socretarj-, Charle Fitzgerald, Lancaster; eorrespoiidlug socretary, V. W. Smith, Philadelphia; financial secre tary, Charles A.Sneath, Danville ; treasu rer, D. W. Cetteral, Danvllle. Iu lllonsem. Jehn S. Mann, of Maner township, lias In his garden cherry, plum nnd lese bush blosseuiB, which Is very unusual for this tlmoef year. The Kuiplre Danquet. The members or the old Emplre Heek nnd Ladder company, who last year formed an association, will held thelr nn mini banquet In Doersom hall en Wednes day evenlng next. A geed timoisexccted. ltuelc lleuuil. The Scottish Union and National tniuruncii company, of EJlabnrnli, dlallngiilttied by It flrU eovarner, hlr Waller Hcett, new In Its slxty-itxtli J car, with it capital of JO,000,0u0 ltd yearly lnceni9at)0V0 93rVJJ.WXl, with 81,073, 753 In voile 1 lulls Amerlrnn beudit, In cnindly qulppud for lis work of flre protection. 'fne Uaininsrclal Union of Londencapital tUKM.OW.itKMcUliitha United Hltn UflMfitf, and g'jrplui Jl,(X),T8-lsauetliar glfiut. Tite Ilainburic-llrenicn, first (lerman com pany te enter tills country United States up sets II,1VJ,'(0, with record of lees putd Iu United Hlatei ilKX),O00. Osrinnnln of New Yerk asta J2,WS,l3rt nnd surphu 7i3,'J(t). Vllllambursh Clty-iivsets SI,Ti3,3U -mid othereempanlef rvpreieiitel by II. It IIrene- mas, Ne. a) Centre Hiimie, will bear ceinparl- en with any tolheoceltlnifolld Indemnity. "" ltd NO CUIti: NO PAY. It HaJllgWerd te May I Challeuiie the lVerlil. It Is nothing If you can prove whnl you kny. Tlitre Is net a rcmedy eueurlli thalean (hew the same results as have been nccempllthd by Iheusoef my Electric Medicated Maifnctlc ap pliances. I can hew hundred of rcfrrciirc similar te thenfl that will be published In this pnper. lloke's appliances are the only ones of the kind Iu the world. 1 will clve the Electric llelletin week en trlnl wlllin written guarnntoe. If he curs or relief, return the belt and I will refund the money Ies 3) per cent. I linvc cata logues centninlne reference after reference, nnd wilt bn .Ii til d te iciid one te each crsen who will tend their nddrcss te C, U. Hoke, KQ North Hlxth street, Ilcndhig-, I'a., In In veuter and patent of lloke's wonderful up pllaucc. Will be In Lancaster every Wednes day at 313 North Queen slrccf. ltd A rarnlyzcd I.udy .Made te Walk, bhe was paralyzed since October Cth Initie left arm nnd limb. Hemember this lady ceu Id net inove her fingers On the left side nor feet Uli was entirely hclplcu. Tite doctor said i " Thereli very llttle hepa for her," Hoshoa Heshoa Hoshea piled Hoke s nppllnnces, and In ninety mluutci sha could me her little mixers, and In lest limn two wet ks' time she walked te auy part ofthe home en the first fleer. New the doctor cays he will be ull rlfht again. What would she be telay If It would net have lieen for Hoke's up up pllnncesr If any person doubts thenbeu, they can rail en C. U. Hoke, lie can proe the same. H eatlie. AKNOI.S. In this clty.eu the 2,ld lint., Ada P. Arneld, widow of the late Jehn A. Arneld. Funeral from her late residence. Ne. 127 Seuth Duke slrtet. en Wedncsduy afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment prlate. Ne (lowers. 2td HAM-MAX-February 2i, li00, In this city. Anna Cecelia, daughter of Jehn und Hnruli Hnrtinan. The relatives aud friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the her parents' residence, Ne."l3 North Queen street, en Wednesday afternoon at '.' o'clock. Intei inent at Woodward Hill c( meter. HI a v he te. I.I ve Meck l'rlcua. l'uii.AiiEi.fiiulreli.S2. Ihereceipta nt the est I'lillndclphla and North I'eitnsylvunln Dreve ards were: ., , Ik-eves. Klucp. Hekh. J-erthewtk .2,t.i i,eni ie,!u Previous cck .,.a,3SJ T.Ui 11) -en Ueer entile The receipts Inclttdi-d 4U0 bead for shipment In Ulntgew er the strainer Nor Ner ucj;luu,i!i;aliitu total slilpiucutef 701 hiud ler the previous week, leaving lliu local market Ith V','Jvl heail, n dccmine of SJs head from last eek. AllhnuKli tlm Lenten easen ketnuulint Aineiii; the sales nl tliu Writ l'litlmti.tnliin .'U. M . (,,- V.. I, Fa yards te-day st err bheep-Tlte n-cepl cre the hlglust for some time past, anil nllecether the I-iiten ra- eon restricted the lcinnnd prices remained in in. ,, i- iuiur ; lPri AvV"' "-'ae'iej KHNl.5'J,S &y3e; common, tl,$; ; uc: uieiiium, cu N.:trai're. Lambs Here inactlxe and In sjmpithy with Hhcep, iilllieuch rates rliml mm, Wi. iiimtc: Lxtru. 7Jfe7,c: kek1, 01,(570 J llHsllinn, tin i,Ve; common, fivte-v. Ifecs were In lair itiuest. and nrlcosrerall w estem Krades reinalmd linn. 'I h iiuiillty uf I1.U L'HIIII III' late Heis thai nrrlxctl wi-re net mi jjixi.1 n , and prlis-B clecllucd a fraction. Woinieto: .-rn. Wiltil.c : Hlnti. . a,.'.l ' usual. Western, .ut. n Hi-rr iu whit cu-miillil al .',S'.ic. Slippery cows were In fair reiiuet atiiriv. Uolexuu cows were fairly nctiNe at f9g.l5. Milch cows were In Ik-Hit demand at Ji3.5. Milch eales were werenett lit S7,e. City Dres-ed ll.vi. Mere Iu l'ihxI ilenmiul nnd prices closed rtriuer at 637Je. l'hlladelpltlH l'redttc-n .Miirket. I'lUl.AliEM-HiA, Keb. Jl.-Noen-Floiirdiill: l'cnii'a sujicm. 2 W-jj-.! IS ; extra. 2233275- l11u5I,M),3ja3WS r"er' 3 MlS' U: imWu,t ..Wheal steady; Ne. 2 lied new. Ne. 1 t'eitn'u lied, Ulc, j Ne. 2 de, Whi. Cern stead); Ne. 2, new, (sMSe ; old, 81e 30 Oats steady mixed. 2-i'.i. Ne. 2 White 30fc. ; Ne. 2 llmiisUuilyj Winter 111 2-16 00; Spring S1375 llalinl bay dull ; JtO 0013 rt) us le quality timothy 11)00313 00 for choice; mixed, fcaiOWi uu.vm ,W Ml.HM, Htllt 1Q IV. Uutter .weak; l'emi'a ereamcrv extra 2e; l'cnn'a tlrsU extra, 31c ; Jobbing, 31i3.M. ,.??? weak; I'enn'u llrsu, 15'-5c; held lets, lbUOe. into iittallty. .Cheese steady ; puit skims, li);ec ; full skims Petroleum dull : rellned In bbls., 7kc. Potatoes dull; WWe per bus. as lequnllty. -Llve Stock .Mui-Kcts. IlvrrALO, Feb. 22. cattle stronger; ic celiiU, ltfJ uirleada threuitli, i en nxe. hheep und Lnmbs tinner und lilchtr. re ctlpu, 8 cars through, 8 en sale, bltecti Choice te extra, Maaai; pned, le tholce.te 75aJ: common te xoed, 525'S 75. ijimbe Choice l! cxtra,t77 2', fulr te 'geed, M 2VJ5 70. Hogs-Murkel uellve, linn and higher; re ceipts, 23 carloads through, 1. en sale ; medium nnd heavy 2531 DO ; Verkirs, il 2if.jl; pigs, tlWtpi 24. ' l lUfAi.ii. l'rb,22. ltecclpts,2,vU); sblpineuls ISXV, .trady; be, i aH KJ; kkrs. l IMdl 21; tutrker nnd refNlem 2 SOiUAe' cows, bull and mixed, II 20300; Texas calile! J OOtflJ M ; Western Hungers, 2 70ijl 00. Itegs-lU'ctlpt.,l-),7JU, suijimiuu, uuue ; uutr- n-Muviiu iiiLMivinuuii prices auvanceu Hern isc to-J..e-,t hundred. Wu quete; Kxtni, 6ii5Vic: bumI. Vienna; medluni, ii(iiy,c; renuiiuii, set steady i ml led, pi MM hcary. HT9 t X t light, K WJMT1ia,ia aM m Mhep Receipts, Met) awlBietilii.ua i -market steady: tiaUre,e7MrSMt Wnwra weefet te WS per hundred weltht. Grata aaa l-rovuteaa CHICAGO, Keb. 21, MO e-clock l. m.,. Wneab uern. mtia. i-era. Lra. February... Marcb ....... April.. Mar Birr rs; 83 6; June,, July.., August September near . . Crude. OH March. .103 Consels rrnihbrK'K7iviaSu'kefil' rnnainv iTlcm 2:15 e clock D. ra. Wheat Cem Osls. Pera. February M. Manli ,,...- April -. May...... June .......... July August September. YfiRf .. Consels -.. . ... Crude Oil March ... Wlnlr Wheat, Spring Wheat -. vurn. ....... OnU .., Hye Barley Head. ... is,euu ... 14.000 Recel pts Ile;s..... lUeel pu -Cattle....... Htcek Marketa. Quotations by Keed, McUrann A Ce., ban I ra, Lancaster, tt-a. KIW YORK LIST. 11 A. M. Canada Pacific. ...... C. C C. I - . Colerado Ceal t Central Pacific- Canada Southern .... M Chi. HL U 4 l'bg Den. A Hlo (I- Del. L. A W U-Vm Krle - - 25)J FJ-le 2nd . - ..... Jer O - - . VH ir. A T 12 M. .... m" lr. ST. ..... . ...i 45 ia" 25; 12t!i 7'ij's Leu. N- M u Shere Mlch.Ccn Missouri Pacific. ........... Heck. Valley N. V. - N. I. 1'ref. N. West- N. Y. O New Kuglsnd Kant Tennessee.... Omaha Oregon Transcontinental. Ontario A W- t'oclfleMall Hlchtnend Terminal Hbl'anl .....- TftXJU 1'ACtflO .... 101J. nil TiX T$. l?& mu OlI tool- 8 IK si I '4 xu Union Pacific (V Wabnsh Coin ..... Wabash Pref- . 28& Western U 82jj West Shere Uends. PUII.AUKLI-lllA LIST. Ih. Vnl II. N. Y. A Phlla.- Pa. 11. H. ml Headline... - 20 Lett. Nav Hostenv. Pass P. A It N. Out Peeples Pass.. Itdg 4's Oil........ - mi 29 H Lecal Stock and Bends. Tlepertcd by J. II. Leng. Par value. Lat sale. lAticns't fl jwr cent,, lmfl loe 101 110 UXi 100 101 leriK ler, 102 l HH &") 40 100 25 11 an.a- 210.10 LU3 n 70.20 iai aM 107.20 10050 67.60 50 05 45 55 00 SO (10 101 1.15 411.50 117.75 100 110 OT.M 211 bO e " " iniui iue " 4 " " Scheel lean ISO 100 " 4 " " lul or 2U years. 100 " I " " In 6 or a) years. 100 " 4 " " In 10 or 20 years. 100 . " " " Inl5er:i0years. 100 Mui.helm Voretigh lean 100 JIISCKI.I.ANFOim STOCKS. Ounrryvlllell. It - W) MlllorsvlUeStreotCar . H) Inquire Printing Company 50 lalliilit aud Fuel Cemiuiny- Htcvcns Heuse (Uends) Cehnnbln lai Company , Columbia Wuler Company Sumitiehanna Iren Company Marlelln llollew-wiiru. .i... Slecns lloime Mtllerevllle Nermal Scheel Nertlieru Market ....,....;..,.. Kanti rn Market Uu Company Uends (5 pur ct. 1000),. Columbia Iloreugh Uends. Quarryvllle 11. 11. 7's Ilr.idlnu A Columbia It. It.fi's.. i:iilni)ii LiKtii company Western Market Southern Market. 50 Lancaster City Street Hallway Ce.,.. 50 Kust i:nd Street Hallway. Ml West Kud Street Hallway 60 Lancaster Steam ltadlater Ce 50 Helvetia lx-uthcr Ce., 50 Watch Factory O's 100 Lane. Cliiitn. Ce -.... K-0 Ten.vriKit STOCKS 1 Jincnuter A Frullvllle U) Utncaster.V Lttllz 25 iiiii'Htcr ,v Wtlllatnstewn 24 Ijincaster A Maner 50 Idiucastcr A Manhelm-. ." 2-4 Uincaster A Marietta 2.4 liucaNU-r A New Hellaml let) lll,rU,..tl,,. I II..... . . t...ll... DC HIS tl'l lll(. ..,... I HIIDj. ... ... O llridgeperl and Horseshoe I1U 23 .'elumblii A Cheslntit Hill 20 27 8 Columbia A Washington 20 20 Ciintstega A lllg Spring 25 4.75 Marietta A Mount Jey. .. 25 25 UincMLJey AKlluilM'lhlnwu. 100 ttl.75 Ijini'iister ASusiiiiehannu sua aoe LancaOer A New Danville 25 11 Columbia A .Marietta 25 a) Maytnwn A KllraOcthtuwii 25 2 linuciistcr A Klihrala.. . . 25 41.75 Luucuster A Willow Street. 25 45.75 Htrusliurg A MlllHirt . 25 ' Marietta A Maytown....... 25 00 HANK IITOCKH. First National Hank 100 Fanners' National llauk... GO Fulton National Dank ...100 Uiucnstcr County National Hank. .. 50 Northern National Hank... , .. KM Peeples' National Hank 100 Kc) stone National Hank. Maiilietm ion 205.25 1.20 202 llti.75 lfl.75 121.25 11.! 1.15 125 110 ISO 145 141 205 107.50 150 100 141 02.60 105 117 111 124 112 Columbia National Hank 100 Christiana National Hank, 100 Conestoga National Hank 100 ICliliratu National Hunk- First National l'..iuk, Columbia First National Hank, Strasburg, . First National Hank, Marietta First National Dunk, ML Jey.. LltlU National Hank MmtulUUc National Hank Manhelm Nalletiul Hank. . Union National Hank, Mount Jey New Helland National Hank .. (Ian National Hank Ouarryvllle National Hank 100 Kllinbethtewn National Han. 100 Central National Hank. Columbia 100 jUem VbuevHuemrutD. HSOLUIKLY PlTilE 1. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. rilllHMwiU-r never varies. A marvel el pu 1 rlty, strength aud wliolmetnoipHM. Mere tvimeinli-al than the ordinary kind, and run run net be Mild In competition with the multitude of low lest, short weight, alum or pliespbule J nwdeis. tiitii .only in enu. HeVAl, Uakine Peu-liKu Ce.. 100 Willi street, New Yerk. iimrJI-liilAlyw TUSTKUCKlVKIf. " HOCIIKKKIl HKU lMlKL, The Fluet of Chainimgiu-s. IWMUlEll'S LIQUOlt HTOHB, Vll -! (ll.tr Ur........ Ne. 22 Centre Si uu re. lTIOIt KKNT-THHUK-SreilY HOUSK. 1.1 JL? rooms, Ne. SW North Duke streeu Inquire M22tfd NO. 221 UASTOKANOKhT. UOltHF-NT. "" " " .i,l!!,.,,em.0. '"""'t Itoeni uu second lloer. Ne. 1- Wft King street. Finest loeotlou in ''v'V.'.'r ,l'iulroef W.W.AMOS. f-llr: . . Allcr's Uuliery. TrUlIt HENT-KlVeM APHILlTrs90;"fJl" n? .llJ',n",""ri"1 or2e Acres, sltuut.d en the Urell s lewti rtsid, partly iu Uuic.nlerelty mnl Kirlly In Mauhelm lewnvlilii.Miltahlc Ter truck farm or dairy, en account nf clese proximity te illy l rent low. Apply te ' v- . x. '''"ltV LAItPHNTKK, jn3;.lMM.llrll 1,Ukcm" 1'""'. " ITISTATi: OF Mlts7TUEi',ltAil.KY. ill latoef Ijinruster clly, de-iM-d. letters teMamuniaryeiih.ilde.tuleliulngleeiiKranu-il tolheiiuderi.lKiieil,-ull ;erMins Indebted there to arc reiiicMcd tuiuuke Immediate payment and these having claims or demands iigulunt the same, will piescut tliem without deluv for settlement te the untlerklcucd, renlillnc In'Lnii. custer, Pa. 1". AUCTUHT WKItNKH, 4J2 High Street, C'lBLtw I. INnis, Attorney. JtmtdM ITIHTATi: OF CATHAKINK OOllllECHT, ill late of the City of Lancaster, deceased, letters ofailmlnUtratlen en said eUite having been granted te the undersigned, all person In debted thereto are requeslul te inuke lmtne.ll. ate payment, nnd these having claims or de mands agulnst the wiine, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, icsldlng In the salil city. -MAKY IIK11T7., HLN'HYUOltllECHT, Aduilulstraterv. ftbl(M,tdM MMM.........i 75ii 80)i 2)2 ......MM ...H. SI .... x -... Lard ...... Hit Z7J4 lust re an . 75K 27 lii 0 70 6 74 l'.'.'.-77 zf2 mi i'w in" ...... 77 20 an2 loei sn ...... WA SDH WW 8 00 ...... HI six 'ZZZ"lZ"".".ZZ'.lZ'.iiJa"' lleieinu. ear iits t,UIIIIHHItHII,UIM IU mi TZ" .... .... 2W Vlmc .tfgamMett, JL rrimccALLA ultis te trade mark X ortaeriaestBeapMiBarth. "ruHirr. ANTBD-A OIHL-TO DOOKNKHAL TiiiDernuB. ""2TZP" small lamliy. Apply at irnuB. ltd BUST 8? HAVANA riLLKIt CtOAR IW Itae city, at HILLY WAITZ'H, lKMdK.TB,T53- ' m Nrth qDera Bt- "SJTIOR I lOIt RENT-ONIi; EIOHT AND TWOBIX- J2 room houses. Apply at iy nt AST KINO STREET. utsiia ANTKD-NKATOinL ABOUT 14 YBARH eiage ioneipnueuiiioue. Apply at INTKLLIOENCKHt urn PICE. OTICB-J. AONDIIEtMRR HAS RE mnVMftnm hla KlJihlr rm Mirlnn allv te the Merrisaae Heuse stables, formerly oecu eecu pled bv e. Oreasman. en North Prince street. ftMHtrdAw te (hi A MERICAN MECHANICS' UUILDINO J.X. and Lean Association. Reaular monthly meeting te-nlcht at 7i o'clock atNe. 20K Seuth Duke street. 2sd series still open te subscribers. ltd JNO. B. HEHM, BecreUry. FOX CHASE At Usnksen H. Smith's Hetel, llohrsrstewn, THURSDAY AKTERNOON, At t o'clock. The fox Is a larc srey one, shipped her from Texas en rsaiuruay isst. All sportsmen are In- vlted. ICUZf-fllilW SOME ItAIlE DAKUAINS-ODDS AND Ends of Urlc-a-Drac, Art Pottery, Plush Eiisels, Thermometers and Calenders, left ever from the Holiday season, will be sold at great bargains te make room for contemplated change In the spring. FIIAILKY'S EAST END PHARMACY, luppesim Ejuverr Aiaraei,) Frallev's Svrun or me lloedroot, Wild Cherry and , Hnrehennd cures the most persistent nrlp"cetiRh; 2V.60aandtlOO, nrip"cetiRh; 2.V, 60s and f 100. Fraller's Hitter Wlne of Iren Is correct tenl afler the ' tlrlp 1" 60c and f 1 00. M.W.FAw vv 1LLIAAISON A FOSTER. SPRING WEIGHT JACKETS, WRAPS AND COATS, SAXONY CLOTH JACKETS, THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ANY WHERE ELSE IN TOWN. Steckinette, Corkscrew, Diagonal aud Bread- waie jacKcis.j-ia te siz. Watonirnef, Ceunemara and Cleth Coats. uoys ueys Pnuts. dice Punt Suits, Short Waists and Odd Dent's Spring Weight Overcoats. 15. M and !8. ienium neiRin nuiis, w, siuanu si. dent's Winter Overcoats at bargain prices. Working Pantaloons, 75c, Jl and Jl 2.5. New Designs and Celers In Gent's Neckwear Teeks, Pulls, Keur-ln-IIiiiulR iinj Windsors. The E. A W., C. C. A Ce., Spring Styles In Col Cel larsatid Cults. Fashionable Shades In Dress Kid Gloves for II per pair. 25 Deren Gent's Half Hew lii plsln colors, at 25c per pair. Spring 'Weight Underwear. Rhlrlsnnd Drawers, AOiieach. " While Merine Shirts and Drawers, 75c each. Dr. Warner's Natural Weel nnd Camel's llalr Underwear, tl 50 per garment. Dentel and Flannel Shirts, 25c te V 50. A complete assortment of Spring Styles In Hats and Caps FOR GENTS AND BOYS. Fur Felt Derby Hats. Jl. A belter quality In three proportions, tl 25. Finer grades In Philadelphia Flexible", Knox Hats, Bosten Flexible nnd Silverman's Hats. The Sprlne Bleck In Nlckeisen's A Knox's Bilk Hats. Plain and Fancy Jockey Caps for children, 60e. Puff Frent Caps In nil colors. New and Stylish Clelh Tureun Hals for boys, 60c. Ladles', Gent's and Mlsses', Beys' nnd Children's BOOTS AND SHOES That are Reliable In Every Way. Our Butten Shoes for ladles at 1250 ere popu lar nnd reliable. Our Gent's Dress Shoes nt tl 50 are stylish aud strong. Our Ueys' sole leather tip Shee at 75c and tl 25 Is the best for school wear. Alarge variety of Spring Neu-ltles In Dress Robes, including China silks, llcngalincs, Printed Mehairs nnd Einbroldered Dress Hebex- 20 dlllercnt colors lu Uengallnes worth tl, our price U5c per yard, rhlnnSllk,75cte!2 50. 1 Jmbreldercd Rubes, 80 le US. Printed Mehairs, of which we have the ex clusl e sale, 37e per yard. Printed Pengics, nncutlrely new fabric, flve dlirrrent st.ilcs. All-Weel Henriettas. 37J4C. 60c. 75c nnd 11. All the most desirnble spring shades. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., AND NO. 3IS MARKET ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. s SPECIAL J1AROAINB IN FURNITURE. FURNITURE I SPECIAL BARGAINS! In ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE will be iM'it for Hie NEXT THIRTY DAYS. People going le housekeeping In the Spring will sae money by selecting goods new und hating them put nslde until wanted. W. C. SAPP, NO. 114 SOUTH QUEEN ST. -Next te Southern Market JanlV.'mWAS pu OF VALUABLE REAL Estate, OX TlThtfllAY, MAllCH I, ISIO, AT TUB I.KOI-AHU iierui., Ne. I, The Twe-Story Brick Dwelling und two- story brick back-building Mlth balcenv mwl one-story Iniinii kitchen. Ne, IIS Kastomiige street, containing In nil eight rooms, cistern In Mini, let IU feet. mure or Icm, by 113 feet, 0 tilling east Sb feet In-It r,-nl Inches, thence riitmliig east Se wide, en which Is 11 frame stable rreutlnir nn t-hermati stret-l. This heuui la centrally located nnd 11 convenient borne, lu geisl condition. Ne. 2, The Twe-story Brick Duelling and one story frame, back-building, Ne. i&i Shermnii street, well and pump, rain cittern, let 50 by 130 feet, 0 Inches, 11 frame stable, uii abundance of fritlt.it large garden, suitable fur trucking, iuu central luirt of the city. Wule te eeinmenee ut 7:10 p. m., when condi tions will be made known bv the HF.1RSOF JOHN TOb'RNKR. Deceased. Jeli. U IIainjj, AucL ftbl7,22Aml 17W7vTi: OFJI AllY McGOVERN, LATlFeP li Ijineuster city, deceused. letters of ad liilnlktratlnu 011 said estate bavllig been grunted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto lire requested te make liiiineillate aymeut,und IIiem) having claims or demauds against the same, will juvruut them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing lu, Man helm teunthlp, lAnenster county. CATHAIUNK J. McGOVr.RN. Administratrix. Jeun A.Cevle, Attorney. J294tdW Williamson & Fester, Utv 3Hmertlttnt. -1ARRIAQB WORK SOEUOM OA1UAOI WOBKS, Oeraer of Duke and Vine Utreeu (fermsrly Mertwrk Mltrrl, d.OflO Over Six Ihoasaed lelIani9 ,JOO 1 la Fine Vehicles new cm Exhibition. 10Q- AIIOiel.ATBetTHTYLBSlfer " 1HO Iji6.ee read caktw ats.ee. JesThe best of mscrianlc en repalrtat at the Doersom Canute Works, eernsr of DeVs and Vine streets. d-lydK rpO HAVE YOUR BACK AND OLADDEN X your heart use Parity Seap." P00 IAWT-RLA.CK COCKER HPAMIEL. J Iteward effereA Jil-tM 1.7 NORTH PRINCE BT, FARMERS WANTED TO SUPPLY MILK AT THI LANCASTKIl CARAMEL CO., eBS-tfdAwB aM Church St., lAnesuttr. Pa TTIOR RENT. JJ The Stere Ne. 111 West Kins street, op- pOS! ites Ite the Stevens HOniW. mnA nm tft Ih ci 1 eamns: Kstiresa rassenrei naiirvsa s-Bssenrer Htatinn. febZUld APPLY AT THE STORE. THY ,4li A..PP,T DUT NONE CAN Equal Billy Walls's Havana Killer Clamr, 1a-m a JJLV1 mOTH O.CEEN HT. dee5-mdM,Tu,Tbl -TUSPES.,MAy.W5'0 "JNCE DECIDED O , that Billy -Walls's Cigar Is the Best In the State. Fer sale at -. a SWiPi NORTH QUEEN ST. deeVmdM,Tu,Tb3 $35 tjedles ed DAY COUI18B-KEY8TONE BUHI. NISSHUOLLKOK. Ynni Mm .nl educated for tirnflthlA mt,iivtnnt Modern metheds. Course complete and prac tical. Type-wrlllng and all business branches taught. fcO nlgbt session. tfdAw 16 North Queen St. Lancaster. Pa. BEST TWO KOU FIVE CENT. CIOARH the city, at BIIJ.Y WAITZ'H, a -.. . Ne. 6 A 103 North Queen BL dec5-CmdM,Tu,ThJi TTriUnNITURE! FURNITURE I FUBNI- '. ..Tlinl5 ' At Pr,cS! thl mut suit, te close out the business. Ne. 26 East King SL febl7-lwd W. II. HOPFMKIEK. M AHT1N BROS. MARTIN BROS. Is't It satisfactory te get Inte a Clothing Stere where your wants are thoroughly provided for and looked after T Where you can be suited with full variety aud THE UPPERMOST THOUGHT. fair prices T Where you can get anything your Ideas and the Clothier can conjure 7 These thoughts are uppermost In our sleck of Clothing and Furnishing Goods for men and boys. Yeu can save a third of the price en Storm Overcoats, Cape Overcoats nnd Dress and Sack Overcoats new. Yeu can save II te 15 en an Overcoat pur chase of SI te S15 new. Men's Overcoats from geed te handsome, tl 00, S7, tlO. t!2, 116. Beys' Overcoats, 1210 110. Thorenre likewise dollars te be saved en Men's and Beys' Suits. See what SulU fO, ttO Jer tlO will buy for men. tiie what Bulls tl, t7 or te will buy for big boys. Sce what SulU t2, $J ert5 will buy for little boys. Sec our Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves at cut prices. Children's Treusers, Beys' Trousers, Men's Trousers al cut prices. Bee our variety of Worsteds, Casslmers and Cheviots for Suits nnd Treusers te measure at cut prices. Haudsems muke and workman ship the best. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. D RESS GOODS I DRESS GOODS I Nes. 36 & 37 North Queen St. NOTICE ! If your buying thought Is DRESS GOODS, wrlte te us, stating the kind of fabric you have In mind or the purpose for which you desire te use It, with the price you wish te pay, and we will promptly place In your hands samples of the best we can supply ut the price. That should menu the best anywhere, for our sleck of DRESS GOODS Is the Largest and Best Se lected that we knew of. If you de net knew the technical name of the goods, no matter; tell us hew they leek te your eyes, or hew yen suppesa they leek, and we will find them. .Tostseornnythlngel8c; settle en what you want ns near us may be, and write for it. Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Flannels, Underwear, Shawls, Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Pant Goods, Corsets, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Furs, Ruchings, Shirts, Umbrellas. And, ths Ten Thousand of Other Tilings for Heme Use or Wear or Heuse Decoration thai we have a slerc full of. 35 & 37 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, I'A. Charles Stamm. Char es Stain s BOSTON STORE, 9tM atwrttmMt. N BBA80N- The Fine'Tablewar NOW DISPLAYED BV H. Z. RH0ADS A SON, voem, XalTM, Ferka-Ia Oreat Variety. CUT-GLASS AND ROYAL 'WORCESTER. Selected Stock of Art Goods. JTA VIBIT TO OUB ART ROOM WILL PROVE A PLEASANT PA8TIME.-W H.-Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KDfQ BT., LANCASTER, PA. -DOB! IT1VE CUMING OUT BALE. Positive Closing Out Sale -OF- SHIRKS CARPET HALL. ENTIRE Carpets. Window Shades, Oil Cleths. &c.. -MUSTBESOLD- By April 1st., Regardless of Cost. H. S. SHIRK & SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Itcnr 3Utcrtt0cmcti THE FINEST LINE OK IMPORTED AND Demestic Cigars In the city. Clear Ha vana CI (tars, ear manufacture, In boxes or 23, 0 and 100. DEMUTH'B CIGAR 8TORE, al8-tfdR 114 East King atreet. RENDER YOUR SKIN SOFT, SMOOTH and White by using " Purity Seap." PUBLIC HALE.-ON WEDNESDAY, KED. 20, nt 1 o'clock, at Ne. SO East James street, a general line of Household Furniture, such as Reds and Redding, one Range, Uurcau, Tables, Carpets, Chairs, Ac. It AUO. REINCKHL, Auotteneor. BILLY WAITZ HAH THE BEST TWO FOR 5c and 5c Cigars In the State, at NOS. 6 A 103 NORTH UUEEN ST. decMmdM.Tu,Th,8 FOR SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, OOTO ERIHMAN'S Ne. 42 West King Street. SPECIAL. Typewriting Free te nil who take the Business Course nt the Ijtncastcr Business College. We use the Stan dard ncmlnvten. Yeu can complete the course until vacation. Fit ye'trsclf for the positions etrercd te competent parties. Visit us at Col lege Reems, Me. 31 North Duke street. Open day and evening. H. O. WEIDLER, Principal. FORRENT-FROM APRIL 1. TIIEDOEO mmi private residence. Ne. 128 East King street, containing 11 rooms and all the modem conveniences. Alse a store room at Ne. 1M East King street. Alse the Doersom Hall, the only desirable hall In the city for fairs, fcstUals, suppers, etc Alse the large factory In the rear, 120 and 12S Mifflin street, suitable for any kind of msnutlicturlng purposes. Water and gas through nil the buildings. Will be rented as a whole or In parts te suit renters. Inquire of OEO. S. NORHECK, proprietor of the Doersom Carrlage Works, corner Duke and Vlnestrrets. feb!7-tfd ALACE OF FASHION. -AT ASTRICH'S 116 & 117 North Queen St. THE BALANCE -OF OUR Stock of Coats -WILL BE BOLD AT- SACRIFICE PRICES All This Week. Read Prices -IN- SATURDAY'S PAPER. HUNDREDS OF NEW BARGAINS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO OUR ALREADY LAROE DISPLAY. COME AND LOOK AT THEM, The Great Clearing Sale Palace of Fashion, Ne. 4 West King Street STOCK OF $lctu rfVitu;cttBi,'mcut. SUBlIN8dHERCOAT1N03 AN TK00' . REDUCED PRICES. MCURANN A NOWLEN. Ne. 138 North Queen BU TJS.OR RENT STORE ROOM NO. 18 EABT jj . iving sti-ccr, lermcriy eccuplad by AS' trlch Ure. AUe second nnd third fleer rooms, from April 1, 18U0. Inquire of Jan23-ifd h. a. mpp. rfliME. LABOR AND MONEY SAVED BY j. using i-nrity aeup." Heia everywhere. V OR RENT-A THREE-STORY BRICK uweuing neuse, wtiu meucrn improve- metis. Ne. Stable en let, O.. frilAb JtlllK ig street. New occur ttnlnd hv At vy, .iii unujfc I Jenn w. Hei- man. Apply te GEO. D. Hl'RECHER. Ne. 11 I East King street. 18-tfd rpROUT A HHANK, BHIRT MANUFACTURERS AND MEN'S I uu irxt iciuj, Ne. 110 North Queen Street. Bhlrts made te order as low as t)ea; Perfect! nijfuaranicca. I Tit rough necessity we have starded a HAND LAUNDRY and are prepared te laundry of all I '". mane-iyaK e Ult MAKE OP GOLDEN LION AND MIA viueriuauc cigars cannot De excelled. uamUlUB VIUAH HIUHE, Established 1770. IH East King BtreeL ais-tfdlt mHE LARGEST AND FINEST LINE Orl JL Meerschaum nnd French Urlar Pipes, I Cigar Helders, cigar Cases, Hnufl Bexes and all I DEMUTH'B CIGAR STORE, HI East King street alS-tfdR TTORHEAt JD A. O.K. 07 U. A. M., HEADQUARTERS- ersi.c. k. or U.K.. i. e. r. m.. v.. u. fi .ii., . . j. a. ul A.., A.U.U.r., IUUtl ERISMAM'S, Ne. 42 West King StresL TirE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you will prebata find that there Is something wrong with them, and that glasses will be a great help te you. We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA1' lenses, which are made only bv us. and recnmrnenditd by leading Ocullsu as the best aids te defec tive vision. Solid Geld Spectacles, 93 .00 ; usual price, Ulnnl DnAA.nnlAi. ft .... a ..ai.nl no,.. A tA eiwiaiTO.uH,Ka, wu. ubuui pill;, y&.iru. Artificial Eyealnsertcd, 91 ; usual price, 910.1 M. ZINEMAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, ,uria,iAji.-j, i iiiii.AUtljl'lllA. Between Chestnut and Walnut SUeets. mvS-lydl I REATEST REDUCTION. Announcement Extraordinary ! The Greatest Reduction of all In FINE TAILORING AT H. GERHHRTS, Overcoats made te order at cost price. Trousers reduced from J10 te Mi from fs te t5 ; I irem Ki te H ou. Heavy Suitings reduced nt the same rate. Full Dress suits of the latest style material, I baiin tinea, utiai. Tins is me most sweeping roducllen ever I innde in Fine Tailoring, nnd will enable thel cesh buyer te get a first-lass article for thai same money he would have te pay for a ready made one. H. Gerhart, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dZ7-tfd mHE PEOPLE'S CASH STORK. Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. $50 Heal Plush Coats for IK). $10 Seal Plush Coats for (.10, MS Seal Plush Coats for $2, JJ0 Seal Plush CoeU for f 20, m Seal Plush Coats for 117. f 18 Seal Plush Jackets for IU, 110 Seal Plush Jackets for 112. S 600 Cleth Newmarkcts for 300. 860 Cleth Newmarkets for 8 00, 10 00 Cleth Newmarkets for 760, I2.V) Cleth Newruarkets for DSO, WM Cleth Newmarkets for leitt, 18 CO Cleth Newmarkets for 1300, 2250 CJeth Newmarkets for 18 00. One Let Reduced from fc! 00 te J 73, Olie Let Reduced fiem 250 te 100, One Let Reduced from 1 00 te 260, One Let Reduced from 6 00 te 3 50, One LotReducod rrem7A8 te 4 00. A large line of liner goods at greally reduced prices. REMEMHER-Our Entire Stock of Winter Goods muu go at once If possible. We will utake prices te make It go. -Wit will pay you le Inspect our stock. 26 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. mai'-M-l UU The People's Cask Stere -.A A.