'Jf- .'V J . e ,.? ' u Vi ,., ,lt- -g" ; Si "fjtX L wy3 "3 . s '- ' . V JfVfvkiyv.iViV ' ?.' ' r T ?'i'3r'7:.,fc., V il 'Ai .i-'rWi. '' " 5KB !- "Wi a rvi '- J1 W" 1 . (4 .: TM4! LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE, THCTBSDAY, FEBRtfABY 20. 18W. . "? rt Vf"'1 I AttK&SP? tn-" j?.. jr- W .,..-:iu:"vtr., '1" W for ??, 'Mm . itSSt." S Khet. 3l, tfjwS&r && 2V., vrj.1 t 5ft. feVJ?tT fj-m $s? PS", r& BWf f m M., &tv m ft s. PV- m. m- tA .at r ftUlgfwc rtTff AMIRVMAM. tf innnuNiwn,MiM t- . '.'!. LT."lllTKLlJaCWl-PHMM -aM MtnM,tat8aMr: Mrv" HWHW ,iautlrta ty M wrewaiag ' .'Mil nil la a4Vf ul MmbMkimbUu WMlttY WTIIUJaSKCKR-One dollar and MMM'rHf, aaa wnw iww fc recr ml In a registered i at Um FosteaMaeeooaolaas snail ns nmtxifltitent. Lancaster, Pa. !AllOAim,PA., rebnmy 80, 1890. jfcSP' IMenrttv MlgwtlMu " $rf hlntuntlnv in HfllA the indlfma- V fetjwi which permeates the Bepublican k, fttAHet'n besom, or at least Hews from his 'psaat the contemplation or tne acineus f Sayef the Ohie IX-mecraUC legislature ' Vitimn divide the Btata Inte congressional f'dlstricts as te revcrse the order arw 1.1). tli itnliilpnl n.irtles v"sii -new represented In the lower ISHeiwe, where the striking per- ' formance of Speaker Iteed has beeii sg'sinde posslble only through his election ;jyly these Ohie Kcpuuucau cengrcsameu, 3 w? -i..j ,..ni tn lie niite Ilcrmhllcan f 4yvJgllature'8gcrryraandcref the congres cengres M,h lenal districts j whereby only six Denio Denie ? 5?T crats have been rcturnetl te the Heuse te rteen Jtepuuncaxis. As Ohie Is a state which Is carrletl by Iho Democracy and Republicans with frequent alternation ; and as at present it te Democratic, It will strike the aver age mind that It Is Just as proper mid fair for the Democratic Legislature te mnke the congressional districts se as te return llftceu Democrats, as it was fur the Republican Legislature, when 11 liad its chance, te create fifteen Republican districts ; and mere Justifiable, because the example of taking such advantage of their power was taught the Deme crats by the Republican prccetient set them; and rammed home te them in a most offensive way by the present performance of the ln fuuiVnAf i lin llntlntlfll TTniioe. tvlin CTriL IUC eui.iiki.1 uwv. ,., ,. -. Svwaa elected te his seat of power as the ro re JfW&j suit eftlm Ohie Renubllcun Lcelslature's "fsjfilirerrvmandcr of the congressional dis- iS'rtrlcts. With all this influence exerted fiSs- "Pn Ul 0U, Democratie Legislature -5 districts that they can, new that they 1f t?5y?faave the making, of them, 11 is net atrange that they proceed te de it. .wt4' -'And anvone who undertakes te con- - &&!&. jUmn 4Knni ftT It will fin wfilt In nnll trlni vriflf litil llm twinln nm vel. nf itm iefe'mlnd te demand fairness in politics I, fift,. from party managers. That such falr fe ?;.' ness Is right and that It should been- OKi'Jereed Is net te be denied ; but is it the i?t s question m;tbe case 7 which is rather as Jlis te whether the people are disposed te p -'..J insist upon Its practice. m liW I' the voters of the country are ready ste acquiesce in such methods as the Re- f,J ' 4 puuucuii party lunuiiguni ireuiy pruu ; i4 vtlce te keep up their power In Congress, .-'? ( u unreosenauio te nsn 1110 .Democratic party managers te abstain from these methods when they have a chauce te Vjtl vl lftMt t It Kftva f PliAai 1 nmm tli miilinli $& "". n-v 'BV ", ,-;,. ie conciuue tuattiie staioei puuuescn. uuiciit is net sucu us 10 can ier luiniess In politics, and that the devil take the hindmost practice is the one that the people want. It is true that this Is net a practice which is likely te wear forever, and that the perty leaders may be the wlscut who let the walk of their party be conspicu ously virtuous in every hour nnd at every step. Rut such self control 1 net te be looked for from the average man, and doubtless is net te lu expected from the Democrats of the Ohie Legis lature. If they can control their action se as te cxclude the question of party Interest from the congressional appor tionment, they will be a geed deal titter for heaven than the majority of men whom the people select for their law makers. Ward Representation. The distribution of ceuncilmcu te the several wards of Lancaster is conspicu ously out of proportion te their voters, and it should be reformed. We can say this without suspicion of partisan prejudice new that the Flrst.ward, which ,1s the smallest in its vete and has the most members of council, has been carried by the Democrats. Tills wurd polled but 430 votes, while the Sixth polled 1012 and the Eighth 1017. The total vete of the city gives about iiX) Veles as the allotment for each of the 27 common ceuuciltuen ; and under this distribution the First ward would have but two members, whlle the Bixth and Eighth would have four. Be also probably should the Ninth ward have four members for its 805 votes, ns it is a growing ward. The Fifth ward has new but two members, though Its vote is 604, which is mere than the MS of the Third and the' 6S7 of the Second and is about the name as the G71 of thu Fourth. The First, Second and Third wards, with two members of common council : the Fourth, Fifth nnd Seventh with three, and the Sixth, Eighth nnd Ninth with four each, would fairly distribute the numleccerdlng te their voting impu tation ; and it is timu that measures bu taken te make this fairer representation of the people In councils. What is needed is the division of (lie larger wards into two wards ; or at least thecreatieu of two election precincts in them. Five hundred votes is enough te be taken at one precinct. Women and Fire Insurance It is said that foreign lire insurance eempaules delug busiucss iu tills coun try refuse te insure the property of women, and the New Yerk Star quotes a New Yerk manager of oue of the com 'panics as explaining this curious rule. He asserts that when a lire dcstreisn stock of goods belonging te n woman she always demands n sum largely In excess of the less, and if the company refuses te pay there Is a law suit. Then of courfce the weeping American woman commands the sympathy of the jury rather than the licit corporation witli stockholders Iu a foreign laud. If these facts are thus, and bused en this argument, it liehoeves the Ameri can business woman te rise und explain. Is she mere grasping and unscrupulous than the business man, or is it that she knows her rights, und, knowing, dare maintain tjiem y A man may limit his demands by wt .he thinks he ought te have or supposes he cau get, while a woman may without reatemijg arrive at a understanding of her rights by the qulek Intuition that uevelUtt continu ally talk about. Then it takes a forma trial and all the machinery of law toset teset Math matter, but at last the minds of MmauMH jury reach the same con- gr mm mere wow and dHMcuit 730"" -n reit. The insuranea cempftBies might aelvs the problem by employing women U. uUust losses 1 then there would M in teresting tangles of eenfllcUng intul intul tlens and Juries might perpctrate ver dicts suggestive of temporary Insanity. TTIth Thanks. The senior editor of the Intem.ioek Intem.ieek cpk thanks the Carlisle Volunteer and its friendly correspondent who flatter ingly suggest his name for the Democratic nomination for governor of Pennsylvania, but assures them that he Is net a candidate for the honor, exalted as he believes it te be. Ite is a firm believer in the maxim that the otliter is dlsablcVl for office candidacy, the position belhg Incompntlble with his duty as public critic and censer. The Intelmeenceb moreover seems te have Its hands full In providing mayors for this city from Its business office; and does net propose te venture out of this modest field, in which it has se brilliant success, into the broader domain of the state, whatsoever the temptation. m m Kx-SEcnCTAnr Vilas bes been telling n Chicago ropertor what he thinks of the political situation. He was asked hetlinr (he cAinnnlsn of 18S3 stronethcnetl or weakened the cnuse of tariff reform and thought that thcre could be no question of the strengthening elfect of the struggle. It mlRht happen, as In the lant campaign, that meney, sectional feollnger memen tary frcmy would pnalcli away a (icmwiiu state, but this cannot be when the poeplo are awake te the perll. "This Is well estab lished by the returns of 1888, tariff reform having inade gains and progress whorevor discussion was most plenteous, nnd fulling whero argument necessarily meves slowly te the reach of all." " At midnight In geed weather Jehn L. BulllvAii (?ecs out for oxeitIho nt the llnt tery, In New Yerk. IIe was recently dis covered by a nowspnper man running r.t full speed In ills shirt sloevosalong the sea wall path te the wall of Caslle Garden. The trouble with this story Is that oxerclso at midnight Is net Benernlly approval, and theso who have tried running In the night air ogreo that they can net de as well ns by day. If the collcge lltorery seclellas w 111 oller a geld medal in a free for nit imelical con test, they will receive seme sneclmonsef rhyme worth studlng for the nuiMeum. Tjoeallv. we have oxnerloncod Iho re- suit of division. .Should this sanie factional spirit he csrrled Inte our state politics the restm may de uisasiruun. jimmjur j-i-amlncr. Net at all, esteemed and distressed con temporary; the result will be qulte as do de llgbtrul as It has been in Lancaster, where the mle of domineering bosses hns been sharply reproved nnd the right of the voter te Independent Judginent vigorously os es os sertcd. The Jltumincr finds ene cnuse for sat isfaction with the local cnmpnlgu Just closed, and that 1 that "the contest wns froe from theso gross porHenalilloa which froqueutly dlsgrace our local nnd general elections." Geed citlzens of all parties can glve a hearty anion te that, nnd the fact is a high compllinent te both candidates. ANkw Yeiik physician calls attention te the geed effects of the mild winter, nnd among them naines the geed health of the Infant population. Hesays: "Their mor tality has been less than ever before In the time we have kept statistics of the death rate in New Yerk. I, and nearly all the inoinbe'rsef the profession with whom I huve converred, have had comparatively nothing te de for babies, but much for adults. This simply roerscs nil experi ences." The w Inter has been blamed for a great denl of sickness that would luue been (in ltd ns sovere in zero weather, for the grip and pneumonia hive been very sevore in the North west, whero the winter has been remarkable for oxccnsIve cold long continued. ' An Intelligent jhtheii when hurl will iitonce procure n Imttloef Huhiitleu oil. Jtls Itiuuixl thine tecuruKWillliiKH, liurnn or wound. All UniKslHU null It at lM?!ity-floreiitH(ilettln. Dr. Hull's L'eukIi Hyrup Mieuld be l.pl In eery fiunlly. A Mlelil ceiirIi, ir tinrlieckeil, eflull the liiHtrilliiiMit of eoninuiiptleii, Una iIoke or this wiiiulerml lnetlklue tins P'nciieiI ninny from lliecrue. Cema let Ihcjoyeiix IUIIiikh roll I'rein raat te west, from pole te pole, That vrenmii'H tceth, nnd llw, nnd breatli, Ne mere ulinll Hitlfer wen limn death, KerHOZODONT with iiiiibIc Bttay, l'reserc them new Ireux foul decny. fol)17-l)deeilAw Vliat n Diiuue t I cullercd with fewr, het head und foul breath, With Ktemncli disordered vim xlek iintedenth. I bore It u week nvirely I wns a dunce Then I took b few " l'elleU " Ihey cured 1110 nt eucu. What a duiice. Indeed, te neglect iuch n remedy' nnd sullcr n week, when quick relief eeuld lme Imhmi found lu l)r, l'rlco'iil'leiinunt lurButle I'ellcU. W.TliAw TTt OOIVB HAIIH At'A III U.A. Scrofula. In One of It Went J-hrmsA Remark able Care. A" whllcswelllne" lsoneof the ery pain fill forma of scrofula nnd ment dllllcult te euro The remarkable elTect or lloed'HBnrxapnrllln In the case dexcrlbed below, lllimtrate the power of this medicine ecralt disease of Iho bleed. " In 18S7 my neil, 7 J ears old, Imd n white iiwi'l llng come eujili right leg lelew theknee, hleh became cry much hweIIcu and painful, and contracted thu muscles se that bu leg was drawn up nt right nugles. Physicians lunced thu Nelllng, which dUchargtst freely, but failed te help him materially , und I considered him A Confirmed Cripple. I was nbeut te take him te Cincinnati for an Gjwrnllen, exiiectlug bU leg would luue lobe Utken eir, nnd began gl lug htm Iloed'a Sarsn parllla In order le get up lila strength. The medlclne weke up hU upiwtlle nnd seen pieces of bone were dUchurgid rrem the sere. We eon tinned with HetHl'aSarsnpnrllla, as It seemed lobedelug him Kemiich geed, nnd thodlscharge from tliOForedecrensed.the swelling went down, the leg straightened out, and In n few mouths he had perfect use of hU leg. He new runs e irjwhere.iis lively tin any bej, and nppareiitly Is as wcllaxetcr." Jehn U McMcitu , Notary Public, HauiiiWO(Kl, Y, Vn. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by nil drutglsts. Jl ; six for l'n punsl "only by C I. HOOD i CO., Uracil. Mass. Kill lee Oue Dellar (I) UUMKUNNISS. LIQUOK HAIJIT. In All the World thore Is but One Cure. Dlt. HA1NUS" UOLDUX HI'JX'IKIO. It can be gheu Iu n cup of cottceor ten. or In nrtldeser feed, vltheuttha knowledge of the INitient.lfiH'ceiisary; Ills nliseluulj barmless and will cneet n ennunent nnd siHinlyc lire, whether the patient U it mwlcrute drinker or an nlcoliello wreck, IT KKVKIt KA1IX It einites M quietly nnd with such cxrlaliity thut the isitleiit undergoes no lnceneiilenct. and ere he Is aware, lilscomplete reformation Is eirected. l& pate Iwek of leirtlculars frw. CIIAH.A.lt;ilUU. I)rugg)l, ectcT ,vlus HU' u""!ukUr' JiNVKsreusi llJL,l5rll.VIJjI.,,,ia A.ND AN ARSOCIA ON of Dukate Is n large real csUite mort mert gufe tennwiiy making hmi.H eHm l0 w,ue principle us (he klllai i, building aMucla aMucla liens of the Kest. It Issues pald-u S ste?? in certificates ranging Iu amount from 150 te M.0U0. Karnlngs range from 6 is-r cenute W per ceutisj? aitiiuiu.dciieiidliiKuiiualviiEili offline owner carries stock. A K.rttu of dividends are pa d KemUiuiiualljr In casli. Hleck ulwajs lias a fixed cash Aalue le be rwld stfKkhel5?rs bv the uskTM-latleii In case furiuerwlshes tesell. All stock Issued oil dtbtnture pluu beluic bueki4l by iiierlgagva dveslUst wltlm trustee. uul"m OjrreiKjndeuce Invited. PhlUd,lphlaOmce. O-W-WAUUNQ. W". ll Walnut Hlreeu lanl.lmced FURNITURE STORE, full tin of Kurnlture of every eWipUuu at fli JojVfiee. Alse Uuderukln preVapUy i tMuMta. Call aadesamlne our iuu. BMaUT lLWOl.lMlsastluifiiLiMt. JHt&wt wjnr. vt - - .,-r-, --y (,,,. . .I, ,' TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. kesclt w nt luriu luciMfiif m BIBIL ltimCTS. Seme Clese CentesU Fer 8npervlsera and Scheel Directors Ths Hstures ns Filed With the Court Clerk. Following are the returns of the town tewn ships: BAKT TOWNSHIP. Judge 1 HebcrtE Thompson, 128 j Henry Glrvln, 100. Inntioelers J 1) Jehnsen, 132 ( Win Rice, 00. Tax Collecter: Jehn Keen, 132; Ovid (llrvlni DO. Justice of the Peace i Frank 11 Trout, HI; Win I) Itussell, 81. (school Directors t J P Leech, 110 II naughman, 1 17 1 Uenl Fritz, Jr., 102; Thes McOlure. 127. Huporrlsersi K II Kmery, 117; It M Coulter, 121; J F Jehnsen, 131 ; Hamuel HfcChire, 80. Auditer: Chas K Helm, M D, 131 ; Jehn urnnsm, vt. Town Clerks i C N Qreff, 101 ; J Milten Heep, 123. HtlECKNOCK TOWNSHIP. J lid ge: KII H Geed, 187; Henry A Hern, 180. Inspecter: Levi Weiuheld, 220; Bonno Benno Bonne vlllo Yeh, lir.. Tax Collector : Daniel A Shlffer, 108 ; D W llcnder, 22; Iteuben Schlabach, 187. Superviser: Christian Messner, 238 ; Goe Sprocher, 203 ; Ueorge lxrah, 200. Scheel Directer: Isaae Hteffy, 310; Mat thias Herst, 21)0. Justice of the Peoce: FSStover, 108; S O Scifrlt, 174. CoiiHtshle: Jehn Oramer, 308. Auditer: Isaae Iluynnl. 225. Town Clerk: U II ltenningcr, 323. OrTIItNAHVON. Judge: William J McCaa, 103; Milten Yebn. '. Insiiocter: Pearson Sample, 170; Eben Yi.lin, 80. Tax Collecter: Martin W Weaver, 171 ; ilonsen Irwin, 8.1. Supervisers: Jehn Clark, 157 ; fleorge Katr, l.V); Nathaniel rUyer, 80; Ssiuuei Palton, 105. Scheel Directers: David Gchman, 158; SiMiiuel U Seuder, 102; Kouhen Oarinau, 0J; James (J DeIIavcn, 8J. Censtable: Levi Yohn, 70. Auditer: lteger Lincoln, 178; James Ilyman, 77. Town Clerk : Frank Cllnzler, 170 ; Will iam xeun, bi, CLAY TOWNSHIP. Judge : Jeseph N Helnly HO ; J H Wolf 140. Inspecter: Reubcn Wenrlcii 01 ; Harvev i: Itemlg 140; Lincoln O. Furlow 10 ; A ll IIormelKon 40. Supervisers: Jehn E Edwards 128; W. II IIMoEllienny23; Peter M. Kepler 13(1; Jehn W Uerry & ; Solemon II Eherly 117. Scheel Directers: JOvl II Wissler 212 ; Samuel H Wolfe 89; Jee I) Zortman, 201. Justlce of the Pcnce: Samuel Nlssley 211; II II lllngaumn 240. Auditor : Simen 11 Snyder 258. Town Clerk : Win K Furlow 251, . C6CALICO (EAST) TOWNSHIP. Judge: J W Ernst, 253; E U Eherly, 233 ; Jehn L Schlott, (10. Inspecter: Abraham S Ilare, 20; Isaae S Ghidlkunst, 88; Henry Firestone. ICO; David Celdren, 215 ; A S Sharp, Jr, 30. Tax Collecter: II W Bard, 412; Samuel Clarman, Ir, 1?). Supervisers: Sauuiel Wlsser, 103; Mon Mon Men eoe lJerry, 107; S L Swlgart, 51; Joel Carpeuter, KJ; llenlatnin Weldner, 114; Geerge W Swlgart, 30; Isaac M Staver, 143 ; Jehn Garman, 00. Scheel Directers: Isaae T Zortie. 200: Jehn S Hever, 204: Henry anrner,-210; Ellas SWolnheld, 274. Justlce of Peace: A R Shirk, 252; R 11 Schlott, 118; WW Haiti, 110; Andrew E Shhup, 235. Auditor : A It Reyor, 403. Town Clerk: Era It Welnheld, 07; E R Potery, 200; S II Miller, 150. COCAL1CO (WEST) TOWNSHIP. Judge: Daniel M Reet, 291: Henry S Mumma, 01. Inspecters: E 8 Hagy. 135; Jehn It Sloher, 40; C W Kassnacht. 115; Charles AV Swelgert, 87. Ceushible: Moses R Geshert, 203 ; Iwis W l'etter, 0J. Scheel Directers: Jacob K Shirk, 218; Evan S Dornbech 2IS ; Jehn Wulter, 18.8. Tax Collector: Solemon Wcinheid, 171 ; Henry Rnhehl, 31: Samuel Hedger, 20; llenry W Stuber, 35 ; Henry Pennebecker, Supervisers: Jacob Pnsnncht, 251; Henry Lelay, 259 ; Jehn 11 Hewor, 131. Auditer: Lonien S. Shirk, 301. Township Clerk : Adam Usner, 3.17 ; Jes Whitiuoyer, 3J. COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Judge: Marlen Harrur, 187; W S Martin, 101; Jiim R Jacksen, I. Inspecter: Ellswerth Ilurnlte, 189; Goe. W Cellins, 00, Henry Swisher, 0. Tux Collecter: Abraham McCennell,213; Jus M Wright, b3; A J Hnrrar, 2. Supervisers: J II Swisher, 152; Isane Reath, 181; AV R Fergusen, 110; Ren G Herr, 107; II M Cellins, 2. Scheel Directers: TllWenU, 203; Hill G Davis, 202; J C Maule, 0J; AV J Hastings, Censtable: AV J McNIss, 185; Adam Reek, 1; James Roop, 1; M Hinin, I. Auditon C Ulackhurn, 187; F M Stevon Stovon Ben, 103; Jnines Scott, 5. Town Clerk: James Roop, 101; J E Kll lian, I. " CONESTOGA TOWNSHIP. Judge: II. F. Hoekov, 287. Inspecter: FruiikllnUFeutr,70; II. AV. Hess, 137; Owen F. Ilruner, 70; Jacob Morrison. 89. Tax Collecter: Yalontine Knelsley, 281 : II. L. Martin, bi SuiorvIser8 : Jacob Rurkhart, 43; Geergo R. Gsrrct. 121 ; Daniel R. Slienk, 152; Henry II. AVarfel, 40; Michael Lo Le Lo fevcr, 130; Jehn Rankin, 21; Mlehael Rencdlct, 171. Scheel Directers: Geergo AV. AVarfel, 115: Adam Geed, 220 ; Minis H. GrelV, 07 ; Frederlek ShelV, 100; David H. Miller, 50. Justlce of the Peace: II. II. Kurt, 312. Censtable: Edwc.rd Ouke, :iir. Auditer: Jehn M. AVarfel, 147; Andrew Geed, 220. Town Clerk : Theoderb Jenes, 230 ; Al bert Caldwell, 135. CONOY TOWNSHIP. Judge: Herace Depew, 212; Harry Sny der, 100. J J Inspecter: Milten Mundle. 217; N R Morrison, 101. Collecter: (1 AV Hawthorn, 221; Ames Banner, 00. HuporUsers; Jacob Arthur, 110; Geergo lolteuliorgor, 200; Adam R Smith, 171; Jehn riuud, 100. Scheel Directers: Samuel Elietsole, 217; Ephralm llrinser, 218; Jeshua Kayler, 100: UranvlllaShocmnker, 102. Justlce of the Peace: Christian Gess, 185; Jacob K. Stever. Ui Constable : B W Burkheldcr. 210: Chris- tl.iu Hoever. 100. Ail " Auditer: Goe W HockenUorECr, 210; Clerk: M AV Smith, 210; D I) Ruth, 101. DONE. VI. (AVllST) TOWNSHIP. JudRe: Henry Ober, 138; Scbabtlan Ul rlch, 07. Inspecter: Henry R. Reller, 137 ; .Sam uel Sides, 08. t'ollet-tors Jehn Duvcler, 1)0; Herace T. SupervUers: Adam Geistwlle, 121; Chris tian Baruhait, 103; Iaae Rutt, hi; Jacob M. Shenk.Ut. Scheel Dlrocters: Ell AVelipmiith, 131 5 Henry T-:.Grber. 111; Philip l'isher, 08; Martin AVinters, 00. ' Censtable: Matthias Shank, 113; Ilenla mln Kayler, 77. Auditer: Hess, KO ; Martin .Sweljrart, 09. Clerk: A Intlcld S. Helsy, 101 ; Jehn Mc Rrlde, 81. DRUMORE TOWNSHIP. Judge: T. C. Boyd 120; Enes Carrlgan 08. , Insiecter: J Ed Breun 119 ; J A AVimer Ce. Collecter: M AV Harvey 120; Peter Smith 01. SiiorNers: Bpii Fllmve 121; Alliert MeCardell 121 ; AV S Hastings 01 ; P Mess 01, Scheel Directors : AV P Bolten 113; Jes J 1-eiijr 112; Jes Carrlgan b2j Jehn 1) Penny 09. ' Coiihhtble: Juiiiem H Beeth 119. Auditer: J M Hess 120; H Blackburn C8. 'fewnshlp Clerk : Rebert LMoerollO; Henry AA'eldley 00. ' DRUMORE'EAST) TOAVNSIIIP. Judge: Samuel, Martin, 105: Q K Pusey, 00. - Inspecter: ltsa N Oreft. infl ft Omm riiUlfpal6S. F ' aiTaCoilMerHlt iuMBt, 171; WU-" wMrvtasni M tlMa 3(M; Ames OrafTlMi Jaeb Frtta, t)Them Mer- - Sehoel Wfieterjri. J Maxwell, 1C0; AMm Aumaat, 1H 1 Themas K Puscy, 84 ; 1 flalM LeHsvre, M. Tewaaklp Auditor i Geerge- Evans, 107 j R J Barnas, 86. . t Township Clark t Thee K Hear. 100 Hayes Kdwarda, 80. KARL TOWNSHIP. Judge : Jacob ft. Iloebcr, 308 ; S. A. Zell, Inspectera; E. U Sutten. 300; AVm. Grlmley, 81. Supervisers: Jehn Slough. 338; Oeorge Bear, 17 ( EUaa GreflT, 2IS. Scheel Directers: Jehn Myers, 108 ; Isaac Martin, 367; Ellas Q rati, 305. Constable ; Henry Nsgle, 57; Jehn If. Lewry, 6. Township Auditer: Ixivl Geed, 450. Town Clerk i I). H. (Iralie, 437: Jacob Scldemrldge, 20; scattering votes, 10. EPHBATA TOWNSHIP. Judge: Bambright Reet, 311 ; LL Red Red Inspecter: Phares Wsltman 307 ; Aaren R Landis O30 ; Aaren Eitnler 240. Sunervlsera ! Edwin Nnsle 421 i Imee tl y.wally 108: Albert Melllnger 405; Jacob O Sbaeffer 409. Scheel Directors : Jacob Klehl 282 ; Jacob II AVIssler077 ; Jehn M Reyor 019. Justlce of the .Peace: Samuel L Sham L757. Township Auditer: Abraham B Hess 819. Township Clerk : Martin 8 Fry 767. LE ACOCK TOWNSHIP. Judge : II B Slack, 202 ; David Taggart, te. Inspecter: J M Ayers, 273; AV AV Herst, 84 Supervisers: William Blsir. 100; J V 229; uersney, zh ; it L,musey, vez. Scheel Dlrocters: Jacob F Eby, jeiiii 11 iiiair, inr, 11 b liniter, jbv. ConsUble : J S AVarfel, 237. Township Auditer: Henry Horshey, 275; Al Eaby, 5. irnwH.kin r..i. . t r v-i... mn .uniiniiii.ium ; a jv r.niiv, will. Assesser: EMRanck, 20; IRLlghtner, C. ELIZABETH TOAVNSIIIP. Judge: Harrison Shlssler, 181; Henry Snaxely, 1; JohnStenor, 1; Prank Senli, 3 Inspecters: Augustus Habocker, 130; Benjamin Adair, CO, Supervisers: Ames Rlsser, 07 : Dawsen Iinssler, 21; Emll Heller, 21 ; Peter Riant?, 48: Isaae AV. Hull, 7; Urias Denimy, 55; Jehn Hulier, 89. Scheel dlrocters : E B Brubaker, 120; Samuel S. Hess, 129; Jehn AV Stauffcr, 0J. JubIIce or the Peace : A B Relst, 178. Constable : Jesse Buchter, 115 ; lCdwnrd Lingle. 75. Auditer: Joint M Kehlor, 70; Edwin Elser, 118. Town Clerk : AA'm Marks, 187. KDEN TOAVNSIIIP. Judge: Adam Keen, 125; Josepli M. Hess,120. Inspecters: Isaac Altheuso, 125; Geerge AV. lionsel.Jr., 129. Tax Collecter: Elmer Lofevor, 78; Geergo Beck, 170. Supervisers: Geergo AV. Blrelv, 100; Jehn Lcfevcr, OS; Geerge CrcsswcR, 128; Jacob Myers, 79 ; Jeslah Keen, 00. Scheel Directers: Geergo Lcfevcr, 111; C. lMIecrr. 122; Geerge McElhauey, 111. Justlce of the Pence: Jeseph 1omeii, 110; j. 11. uiioen, iae. Censtable: Daniel Oatman, 101; AVm. Murphy, 150. lewnsmp Auditer: T. M. Uolirer, 122; J. P. M. Raub, 132. Town Clerk: Micliael Wclmer, 127; Frank Krolder, 120. EARL (EAST) TOAA'NSHIP, nt.UK 11A1.I.. Judge: S E AVaiiunr, 301. Inspecters: ESGiest, 212; Lemuel Cor 1 ell, 74. Collector: Harry S AVltmer, 270; Daniel Schnader. 30. Supervisors : Solemon High, 279; Semiah Klllian, 42; llenry D AVeaver, 101. Scheel Directers: DS Kurtz, 270; Samuel AVochter, 0; AVm M Cllme, 01: Relaud AA'oller, 70. Justlce of the Poace: R F AVeaver, 20S; S B Feils, 112: J J Kershner, 17; 11 B llecker, 12. Auditer: Samuel Zimmerman, 277; Samuel Mull, 1. Town Clerk: E M AVallaee, 307. Timni: 1111.1.. Judge: B Frank Ooeil, 80; Jehn AVCaul ler, 85; Emanuel Kllllau, 70; Jehn M Sla ter, ii; 11. u Aiuier, 17. Inspecter: J L AV AA'eiler, ISO; Jehn L Amnion, 108, Milten E Klllian, 01. Justlce of Iho Poace: S B Feltz, 271; B F AA'eax or, 205; Jehn J Kershner, 115; II It Becker, 111. Supervisers: Solemon High, 01; Semiah Klllian, 251; Henry D AVeaver, 212. Scheel ITtrecters: AA'm M Clime, 251; Sam uel AA'cchter, 181; 1) SKurt, 112; Reland AVoller, 120. "Tax Collecter: Daniel Sunder, 208 ; HS AVitmer, 112. Coustable: AVm Swelgart, 102; A K Sol Sel Sol lenbergbr, 41 ; Jehn Oetz, 89. Auditon Hamuel Ziininermaii, 352. Town Clerk: K M AVallaee, 30J. CON.SOUDATEI). Tax Collocter : Daulel Suader, 307 ; II. S. AVitmer, 382. Superviser: Solemon High, 373; Semiah Klllian, 290; Henry I). AA'eaver, 34J. Scheel Directers: AVm. M. Cllme, 315; Samuel AA'echter, 103; D. S. Kurt, 418; Reland AVoller, 100. Justlce of the Peoce: S. B. Feltz, .183; B. F. AVeaver, BOJ; Jehn J. Kershner, 132; H. B. Becker, 01. Township Auditor : Samuel Zimmerman, G29; Harry Muckle, 2; Samuel Mull, 1. Town Clerk : E. M. AA'allace, 070. DONEGAL (EAST) TOWNSHIP. MAVTOWN niSTltlCT. Judge: David L Paules, 187; Jehn S Brooks, 108. Inspectors; Geergo AA'arncr, 103; Harry Bewors. 102. Tax Collector: Frank Paules, 83; Jehn HeuHOal, 215. Superviser: Eli Pertner, 200; D B Brandt, 158; Geerge T Gresh, 137. Scheel Directers: Q Mable,(3 vears),170; M II Engle, (3 years), 102: S fj Kreyhlll, 1-ycarsi, jui ; nainuet iieunoe ji;i. Constatile Myers. 100. Heraco II Klugli, 1IU; Jacob Auditer: BLGurber,J00; Hurry Shlro Shlre niau, 10J. Town Clerk: 1 E Eborsole, 103; Isaac Carpenter, lut. hi'm.vnvii.i.K nisTiiicT. Judge: Lc I Rutherford, 121. InsHHtern: Ellas S Nissley, 82; Frauds Nniiiiian, 27. Tax Collector: Frank Paules, 00; Jno lleuseal, 71. Supervisers: Ell Pertner, St ; David B Brandt, 88 ; Gee T Gresh, 03. St'hoel Directers: Gee Mnble, 109; Mlehael Engli',,117; S s; Kmyblll, 130; S MeBridc. 22. Coustable: HoraceHKlugh, 111; Jacob Myers,23. ' Auditer: Ben) L Garbcr, 121; Harrv Slilrcuian, 17. Town Clerk: I E Ebe; sole, 122; Isaau Curienter, 15. MNtxii.N msruirr. Judge: Gee II Lindsay, 120; Jehn Clatke' 07. Inspecters: Harry Hoever, 132; Jehn Campbell, 58. Tax Collecter: Frank Panics, 130 j Jehn HoiiHea, 52. Suorlsers: Ell Pertner, 155; Bald B Brandt, OSj.Gee T, Gresh, 71, Scheel Directors; G. Mnble, 133; Michael II Engle. 120: S S Krabiil,75; ham1 1 Mo Me Mo Brlde, 107. Censtable: Heraco Kltigh, 102; Jacob Jacob Myers, 81. Auditer: BenJ I. Garber, 132; Henry Shireman, 51. Town Clerk: I E Eborsole, 133; Isaac Carpenter, 61. conseliihtkh. Tax Collecter: Frunk Paules 2i5 ; J lleuseal 3.18, Suporlsers: Eli Pertner 415; D B Brandt 311; (IT Gresh 271. Scheel Directers: GoeMablo421 : Mhh Mhh ael Engle 438 ; S S Grablll 300 ; S McBride Censtnble: Heraco Kltigh 319; Jacob Myers 204. Auditer: B L Garler410; HSIiireman 171. Town Clerk : I. E. Ebcrsole 4 IS ; I Car penter 172. F.ARL (AVUST) TOAVNSIIIP. Judge: Thud. S. Bear, 313. Inspecter: Samuel Huuerd, 05; J. K. Zally, 00; M. It. Reyer, 108; Al. J. Hclii del, 4U. Siiporisers: AVilllain Gress, 214, Jeslah Adams, 2s.S; Meuue Burkhelder, 75; Sain- uei e, jusnej, ,hj ; jaeeu ii. jirewu, 20. Scheel Directers: Henry S.StaulIer, 101 : Isaac R. Reyor, 82; Mich. E. AVenger OS; C. U. Hess, 08 ; Jesse L. Mumma, 103, Township Clerk: H. M. Seldemridge, .135. Auditor! David H. Martin, 343. ' UpailtllttMliMv ait " rwfcAiuttFHtA, Thnraaar, Xh.as, MW, i , After all, what is ; there in dress goods that for quiet rich ness and solid worth gees ahead of finest Broadcloth ? Beauty unadorned, quality with out claptrap, a patrician of the loom. The fleece must be the choicest, the spinning most pre else, the weaving ,fulT of wit, the dyeing an artist's work, the handling from start te finish ex actly right or the stuff will show it. The very best Broadcloth only a little time back couldn't be had under $3 ; here it is nmv at $2.50. Smeeth and soft as a baby's check. In all the new est shades twenty-two of them in the let just en the counters, mere than as many mere in their fellows almost as neAv. Fine Broadcloths at $2, Northwest of centre. ?erseys at two-thirds cost. Manufacturers' samples, fancy and plain ; tailor made or silk braided. Seme Avith reveres and .silk Federa fronts ; Gari baldi waists with plaited yoke and sleeves. Handsome eoeds that Aveuld cost from $2.50 te $6. Yeu shall take them at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. A feAV Black Jerseys, braid trimmed en front, and plain cuffs, at$i. Second fleer, Chestnut street side. Four etc- alers. Accordion Plaiting 25c a yard. Delivered within two days after your order is re ceived. Boeond fleer, eer Chestnut street mlddle en trance. We only neAV and then step te held up a Stocking, but there's almost always some thing Avell Averth telling of. Here are tAve sorts : Women's Lisle Thread Hese, 8 different shades, 25c a pair. Men's French Printed Cot Cet Cot eon Half Hese, unbleached, and colored grounds : polka-dots plaids horseshoes ring and dot rlnzs cluster of dots blocks slrlMHl 25c a pair, regular price, 50c. Chestnut street side. Jehn Wanamaker. AT CLARKE'S. - A l'lnn Portrait FRKK te nny Helder or One Hundred AVranerser Peppy OUHenp and.I'ewiter, at CLRRKE'5, The Picture of nny person you select Mnde te Order. Call and Bee Sample. Altheueh Dried nnd nvnperntcd Fruits have ml wim ed, we still eiler aths Prunes for 2SC ; 4 n? Prunes for Bie. Flue Apricot. ISe. Whole Ap pliw, lOe. Kine Apples, fie. limn, lejic. Cali fornia II(im, 8c. Shoulder, fcc. lloleirna. 3 fts 2Sc. DrleiUleef.aRsvac. Just reeeled, n cargo of Coffee which will uiNi-eum mi) iinng enereii in tins city. A'ANCAMP'H CATSUP-The finest Catsup In the world 0, 10, 15 nnd 25 cent bottles. Crnekcra which were never eirered for less than He, for lie V lb. lllg I)rlc lu Hiickvlient-7JeaHnck. SAMUEL CLARKE'S TnA.COPFEE&tlROCIlRY BTORE, NOS. 12 & H HOUTK QUEEN HT. 'A TUUltaK'B. FOOD FOR LENT. The Lenten Season w 111 seen be nt hand. We deslre te call the attention of our customers and ethers te our line of these geed : MACKEREL Wehne the laree Ne. I Bloat ers ; Ne. I Mess ; Ne. I and 2 Muckercl. HMOKEIJ UIMCOEH-Tlils is a lake flsh smoked and very line. CODFISH Boneless Codfish of several differ ent grades. HAUUINES-Qenulne French, Alexis Godll Gedll Godll let In quarters, linhes and whole boxes. Alse Aincrlcan In quarter nud half boxes. Spiced and Mustnrd Bardlucs. SALMON Canned Salmen, Tew Drep brand Salmen Cutlet. In flat eans, very fine. Alse a geed Fresh Salmen at 15c a can. Fresh Lebster, New Olives, Imported Maca roni and Vermicelli. Edem, Pineapple, Roquefort. Bapsace and Yerk State Cream Cheese. A FULL I.rNE OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KUJQ STREET. S-Telephone Connection. A T UEisrs. CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT, HANG IT UP. Meats St Fisli. Finest Dried Heef Knuckles, 15" V It). Finest llettulnr Drleil Heef, 10c V lb. Finest Pli ula Hums, Se lb. Finest Boneless limns, L'CWB). Finest Regular Skinned ilnms, 12'c w R. These llams lme ull the skin and rat cut eir. Finest Fine Summer Bologna, De. w B. Finest Portland Herring, 5e, er6 lbs for 25c. White Pish. cleaned, (lev . Kxtnt Fine White Mackerel, 6c each. Finest lllealer .Mackerel. Ij te IV tt, SOa "H lb. One hundred boxes Smoked Herring, 50 le 00 bnx,U.ieV box. Finest Helland Herring, keg, H.15. Twenty-pound kegs of Tripe, l keg, fl 20. CANNED GOODS. Canned Cern, 5c, ft can. I'luinid Cern, er Hue, 4 cans for 25c. Canned lllueKIerrlt'Sl&u. "p can. Canned Blackberries, cry tine, i cans fer25e. liuiiieU Stmwberrles, four cans Ter 25c. Kxtru FIiiq Tomatoes, Solid 1'acked, Se. can. Very Finest Plo Peai lies, 3 cans for is;. Kxtru Fine French Peas, two cans for 25c Flne French Feus, lie can. CREAMERY BUTTER. A bl a let or creamery llntter nt 20c and 25a Ihls Is a decided bargain, und you should . '1 net inW-s It DUIEDrilUITS.Ac. By ull minus see our liniiiense dlsnlav of Drliil rrults. Yeu necr saw the like. A ny thing and ecr thing, at price that will make Inte Fruit. lllg let coining lu te-dny. ou iiiiiik. wneiu trenl thrown 1xh)Ic up next week's aueriiemeui en iu WHOLESALE AND RETAILUROCER, CORNEIl WEST KINO AND PRIFCESTS., Directly OppeslU J. B. Martin A Ca'iDry Ooeds Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. I.oek for the Dig Blgn acrets the paement, SVttentfue. T UTllKlttJ. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Bead Fleer Kihlemaa Uw Balldleg. He. Miirih Uuka html aasMraaw :P 9r,Vi & Tf EMeftn 'J T V Bargains. Bargains. tW ftaal riash Ceat fsr 90), Ml BmI Mash Cesta tar IBK MB Mai flash Onte tot t. an Real Mash Osato far M. W Betd Mash Osata ter MT. HSBeainash JasketefcrlK, lit Baal Mush Jaeksti fsr 41. BOB Cleth Meinaarltets far 1 80s, IMCIothNewaaarkstlfer 60S, MSB Cleth. Newmarkets fsr 746, a M Cleth Kswasarkata fsr If. MM Cleth Xswaaarlwia fsr MM, UM aeth Mewaurketi ftr MM, SM Cleth ltawasarksU tot MM. OnalxHBsdaoalfremMMtot It, OnsLetRcdueedmra into 1W, One Let Reduced from 4 00 te 9, One Let Reduced from ite taa, One txit Reduced from 7A8 te 40a, A large line of Oner goods at greatly rtdaced prices. REMEIIDER-Oer F.ntlre Stock of Winter Ooeds mnst go at ence If possible. We will make prices te make It go. M-lt will pay yen te inspect our stock. 25 East King Street, LANOABTER, PA. msrae-lydll N KW YORK STORE. New Yerk Stere. DEPARTMENT Offers a variety of Standard Goods and Nov elties seldom found outside of the largest cities, and better values for the money cannot be found anywhere. Our Spring Importation of Black Cashmere Henriettas Have no superior In finish and quality. 40 Inches Wide, Ail-Weel, at &0e, WJic, 67c, 75e te 1 00 a yard. BLACK CASHMERE HENRIETTA, 48 Inches Wide, at 60c, 75c, 87Jc te f 1 25. SILK-WARP HENRIETTAS. 40 Inches Wide, 75c, It 00, II 25 te 11 75. SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, 48 Inches Wide, 100 nnd It 25. BLACK BRILLIANTINES, 25, 37 60 and 75 Cents a Yard. BROCADED AND BTRIPED RRILLIAN- TINES lu Solid Black and Black and White. BLACK STRIPED HENRIETTAS, 40 Wlde, 75c a Yard. Inches BORDEHED NUN'S VEILINO, BORDERED VEILS IN PATTERN.-, COURTAULD8 MOURNING CREPES, In All Widths and Qunlltlcs. WATT fiTsHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST., J. B. MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Tabic Tumblers. About 40 dozens Table Tum blers Wine, Champagne, Sherry, Claret, Punch and Bar Glasses, of all kinds, at 5c each. If they go as quickly as the last odd let advertised Monday customers will be tee late. Corsets Until Further Netice. ' Dr. Warner's Coraline, 79c. Dr. Warner's Flexible Hip, 79c. Dr. Warner's Health, $ 1.05. Dr. Ball's H. P., 75c. All sizes new in stock. One let of the above Corsets slightly soiled at 60c each. Thompson's Gleve - Fitting Corsets are net included in the cut price list. Remnant Counter. A collection of short lengths from every department in the store; one-half regular prices. Wall Papers. An importation order just re ceived, and the newest designs are being shown. Ne Fancy Prices. Geed Patterns at 12c apiece. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sis., LANCASTER. PA. -II7-AHH EVERYTHING THAT NEED TO TV be washed with "Purity Seap." You'll -1ALIFORNIA. J Hs?clal Parties. Semi-monthly. Tourist sleeping cars. Cheap rnUs. Southern Pacide Ce. Address, E. 11AWLEY. Ueu'l Eastern Agent, an Broadway, New Yerk ; K. J. SMITH Agent, 49 8. Sd SL, Phlla. Janle-lyditta w aaisBTema. k ii UK & uaut bt. uei. .. Bargains. ' ThePeeple's Cash Stere Black Dress Goods 8100,000. ,N ONDS,AND MmTflAGESKFOR IN- 1100, tMO, $500, 11,000 te 120,000. Rnnds-6 percent. Interest, payable quarter! v. Mertgnges-6per cent. Interest, payable half, yearly. Bend or call for full Information. JOitN H. 1IETZLEK, Ne,8.Duk.ik ,-K. 4 . IU 'BimMmmhm ' v-' tit U WrWHM,rA. , laalllCd wUlifiifi m A (OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CM, New Goods -AT- I-OW PRICED 40-Inch All-Weel Black Cashmere, 46c II 00 Black Henrietta, 4e lncuce wide, 75c 40-Inch Black and Colored Henriettas, S7fc, CO-Inch Weel Snrah, All Celere, II Oa Cream, Tricot, Cashmere, Heavy Twills, Hen riettas ana stripe Cleths at &ec Batln Finish Henrietta, 75c. 50-Inch Serges, All Colen, 75c Beit II 00 Berahi at 75c. Broadcloths, All Celers, at SOc.1 Big Assortment of Bleck and White Goods, at wc. New Shades or Henriettas, S7Kc, 60c Big Assortment of Red Goods, S6c, 87e, 68c, 75c. All-Weel Tricot Cleths, double width, 26c. 40-Inch Striped Vlgenrenx Suiting, 12c. New Plaids and Stripes at 10c Bleck and White French Saline, 39c. Best Outing cloths, 10s. New Kid Gloves. 60c, 07c, 75e, II 00. 10,000 New Handkerchiefs, 6c, 10c, WHC 20c. New Dress Ginghams, 6c, 8c, ICe, ttc New Pent Goods, ITt, 18c, 20c,26c,87c,60cl DON'T FORGET THE PLACE,! .North Queen Street OPPOSITE THE POSTOPPICE, BOSTON STORE. N EW BOSTON STORE. G-ETTIIf & TOUR SHA1 -OF.THE -ATTH Great Selling Sale Ou- -AT THE: NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE? WHY NOT SPEND AN HOUF IN LOOKING THROUGH Our Bargains rt IT WILL PAY YOU DOUBLY GET TO THE RIGHT PLACE, 24 CENTRE SQUARE North pen M BUT BA11 few Besk Stere J. HARRY STAMM, '.' . iA -..-rVsij&W -..,- - - '"