T : eJyO-l'V l- hif ' lW ii . U"iv;f&& '. a 'J. 'bul f" "V ' .'ii.. -,f Tgl ?iVu ,'X'" vTATfi.f-Av. ?.,: i!-... "'.V ,lu "ii ''" t Wl " . 31 '' v . . . . , 'i' h;. Fff ma IS,- w-yi m lerwD?; "' .wrtfc'r-rtdt L " " , ftr. -r rr TtMf Owauiiui'jr. J, - v -'st ftWWfcliJ! Owwapusrtsucs OC the St Leuie frOmf Interest k mwilAnkl kera ever MMriMM clrcuRKrtanea whjch has net I ffij!g KoesC When old mm Clay- -.V ( Mil,"Ww vw. m.MW 1MB .WT BV WHS &. ttsfe lllttk WM ten Uftwwndniit In .zi;j .n i vfc.i ifk . V. . . .,j;p rhbiimi vrn it hb wrara mi N MMsWMKfMd hw living In, tlM , wjr7K eeAd HBtll his ei We aJ jmLi sssf.s. . -.U .... . '. A rniSS:' Abetit flv yMn age the old man i .. esrssssH ihibii ssnssv ihii shhisiivis an nwii r'"v UsWP1 "I" 7 "n wun raeumatism, a ttAl'Mf afasrfr'awnftil harrUtateklf.il erw L .ttltw creek, he continued te act went. I. ' -!TmMniMriM'Mtlnilir u lnh mn. t, IjMd, te Ma house and called la a phy.li iai , w 'Aer carefully dhurneelnK the rMM. UK " M oetnlan that InsiaaA nf fay,HWisa.la:ns aMlIng thelnan H we true ;J'Ml Maorea-iScatlon. Nothing oetthlbedone, Md a advised his natlent Itmukumidv ' ter Mm and, although, he might live for' aaMUateV The eM man took the doctor's antrtee and did net neetn te have any fears Of death, but dreaded the. yawning grave ssi Uwoekt, clammy earth.- Te make 111 111 tfcettthta mere pleasant and relieve him of kteealy terror, a friend Mggested crema- sMWM as' an avenue of escape from the r-mva. anlaUWhlrh hehallnd with Inv.amt gavei v . -h . --. "- - j-j, -- 'e airectietu aorefdingiy. 'The disease eentlnned. cemnlntA nwilflpji. Uett took place and the old man died. Hew te carry out the Wishes or the deceased at ' flrtt troubled the bereaved family, until they learned that Stephen Symphony was - burning lime In hla kiln which had been Sred three days' and was. reaching a white Beat. Desiring te save the ashes, they procured a Urge evaporating pan belong ing te a molasses mill. Placing the n mains In this,' they carefully shoved the whole Inte the kiln, which was en open one en top, and being built in the side or the hill wei easily accessible. The sorrow ing family gathered around, -expect- lac! -the rapid, .incineration and dis integration ief, the departed... In a .few minutes the winding sheet was gene uu we ubkeu ueuy was oxpesou ie uie Intense heat Frem the ears, nostrils and mouth came Jets or steam, broken at first, then solid, and lit an hour had ceased, but no change was percelvable In the silent form. Mere weed was fed te the glowing furnace te make the Tigil or the bereaved briefer, but still no change. Mere weed was pitched In. and hotter still the 11 re raged. Heur after hour patsed, and from a glowing red te an epaque white the bed y turned, while en the nouiitenanco seemed te rest an expression of' Infinite poace and satisfaction. Se three days were away, and the fire must be drawn or the llme spoiled. Twenty-four hours later, by means of grappling hooks, the pan and body were raised, and te the surprise of every one the body was still intact and glowing. A greater and mere pleasant surprise, hewever, awaited the family, for when the body became cold it was ascer tained that the Intense heat acting upon the ossified body bad changed It te perfect marble, a. little lighter in color than the natural body, but retaining its natural shape, except en the back, Which, is a little flattened. The only defects are whero there was a bullet wound and In the left feet, which is broken In two. In 1870 Mr. Clayback cut his feet very severely, split ting it between the. second and third tees, and following this wound a rtlpture ap peared, which cautted the less as abeve stated. Whero a small bleed vessel had burst in his leg thore appearcd a delicate tracing of tbe circulation. The family are having a pedestal cut out of native lime stone, and: will mount the "statute," but at present they are using a black gum uiuck. ier (no purpose. lAxader. the great regulator of the human iTHtem does net contain any deleterious sub stance. It is prompt and nafc. 1'rlce only cents. Mr. H. T. Brown, living In Shady Greve, Franklin Ce., Va.. says; Having thoroughly tested Dr. Bull's Baby By nip In my family I cheerfully certify tells uniformly geed effect, .and recommend It is a most excellent remedy. Take Cnee t Tliere 1h Sanger In allowing inactivity of the kidneys te grew through neglect. The deadly shoals of Brighl's disease and diabetes will wreck the goodly bark of health If It Is allowed te drla rndderlcxs upon them. The bladder, tee, ir lniictlve.iind Judicious medication does net speedily direct the nbelm toward the path of safety, will be whelmed by the quicksand of disease, in se lecting adluretlc, let your choice full upon Hos teller's stomach Bitters, which stimulates the renal organs without Irritating. und exulting them, two effect te be apprehended from the unmcdlcated stimuli largely resorted te. 'J'hesj have n tendency te react prejudicially. The Bit ters Invigorate the kidneys and bladder. In common with the nerves and the dlgestlve organs, and se atTerd lasting aid. It al. iid'erds dual assistance In preventing and curing Inter mittent and remittent fever. Biliousness, con stipation and rheumatism It also subjugates. febl8le20 AM, medical authorities agree that catarrh Is no mere nor less than nn inflammation of the lining membrane of the nasal air passages. Na sal catarrh and all' catarrhal affections of the bead are net diseases of the bleed, und It Is a serious mistake te treat them as such. Ne con scientious physician ever attempts te de se. It is held by eminent medical men Unit sooner or later a specific will be found for every dlscube from which humanity sutlers. The facts Jus tify us In assuming that for catarrh at least a positive cure already exists In Ely's Cream Balm. febl3-2n-d Special jfleticca Motliers I Mothers I ! Mothert ! t I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crylug with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle efMHH. WINH IiOW'B SOOTHING SYUUP. It will relieve the peer Bttle sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, SS cents a bottle. . 1une231ydxw A Sound Legul Opinion. E. Balnbrldge Munday, Esq., County Atty. lay Ce., Tex., says : "Have used Electric Bit ters with most happy results. My brother iiNe, was very low with Malarial Kever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved hli life." Mr. D. I. Wllcoxsen, of Herse Cave, Ky.. adds a like tcstlmeny.saylng : He positively believes he would have died, had 11 net been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off. ns well us cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, 1,1 ver and Stomach Disorders stands uucqunled. Price (Me. and tl, at II. 11. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and ISO N. Queen St., Ijincastcr, Pu. Ifi) Buckleu's Arnica Salve. Tti Rext Ha lvi In the world for Cuts. Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Kever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no ds ,yrequirea, ii, is guaraiiirau ui givuficr. ilUfactlen, or money refunded. Price 23 m. satisfaction ss cents per. box. Per sale by H, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North liancaster, Pa B. Cochran. Queen street, luneCT-lyd The New DlHcovery. Yeu have heard your friends and neighbors talking about 1U Yeu may yourself be one of the many who knew from personal experience Just hew geed a thing it is. If yen have ever tried It, you are nne of Its staunch friends, be cause the wonderful thing about It Is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Dis covery ever after holds a place In the house. If you have never used It and should be utlllctcd with a cough, cold or any Threat, Lung or Cheat trouble, secure a bottle nt once and glve It a fair trial. It Is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bettles I'ree at 11.11. Cochran's Drugstore, Ne. 1K N. Queen street, lncaster, Pu. (6) F en JAPANESE GOODS, OoteERlSMAN'S, Ne. is West King Street. mEETHINQ SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRNEY'B TEETHINC! SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorphlamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Urlptng In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. IVepared by DBS. D. PA II I U NKVAKON, Hagerstown, Mil. Druggists sell It; 23 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents, ianl-lydcedtlw A LIVE SCHOOL-NOTHING 8UPERANU J ated about the Iiincaitcr Business Col Cel lege. Our methdarnn-ttm- best; newest, inet practical. Our Actual Business Department complete In all Its details. Our students are deeply Interested In their school work, and our attendance the largestslnce the organization of the school, and , well, call und soe us at the pleasantest school-rooms lu the city. Ne. .HI North Duke street, and convince yeurmlf as te tbe truth or ineaoeve iintemenu. i-icesea te have you call, as you will sicak a geed word fur US If you get acquainted with the school. w u. ;w t u a WKII)WJUi princinai, 3A . JtOTAPIMPLVbHHAMr. itahreae YirOM. Hrnl With 111 All Gene. ScJp 'Oevwe WMh Bmetlnns. Cured iky Cutlewr; Matt ftpteMId and Net Ptma4e eai Him. Oured by Cuticura .. .f j t 1 t f. - " ' n 1 cannot My eneesa riii atatue efths Cert cvxa rUaxBlm. .Jkylbny, when one year of nfe.wassebad.wlmeeaeaaathavhe lest all of Ms balr.T, MM amtp was covered with enipMeM which tks dontersMld was scaM-bd,and that his hair wesld never grew, again. Oespalrliuj of cure ftnm phyMclann, I beian the use of the CtTicvRA Rkmbuibb, and, 1 am happy te say, With the meat perfect success. Mis feafr l Bew spiendld,'and there' is neta pimple en him. 1 recommend the Cutk-uba KisMKDian te moth ers the mest-sticcdy, economical, aadture core for all skin' dlseaaes ef,lnfSnU and chil dren, and Atl that every mother who has an afflicted child will thank me Ter se doing. MBS. M. B. WOODSUM, Norway, Me. rmr ler Mghl Yaw. 1 mutt extend te you the thanks of one of my, enjiemer, whd has been cured by using the Cuticura RKmtmiai,ef an old sere, caused by' a long spell or sickness or (ever eight years age. He was se bad he was fearful he would have te have his leg amputated, bnt Is happy te say he Is new entirely, well eeund as a dollar. He re quest me te line his name, which Is H. H. CA son, merchant. JOHN V. MINOR. DrucalsL Ualeesbore, Tcnti. We hove been selling your Cqticura Remb ni M for years, and have the flmtcemplalnt yet te receive from a purchaser. One, of the worst ceses of wrerula I ever saw was cured by them. lAiiAius iaiiaju, rranaieri, n.an. Otrttrara letelrent The new Bleed and Skin Purifier and purest and beat of Humer Remedies. Internally, and Cirri cuba, the great Hkln Cure, ana Ceticcra Hoai, an exquisite Hkln Beautlner, externally, speedily, permanently and economically cure every dtucase and humor of the akin, scalp, and bleed, with less of hair, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimply, scrofulous, or heredi; tsry, when all ether remedies fall, Sold everywhere. Price, CcticubA. 69c Seap, 25c.; ltmeLVENT, 1 1.00. Prepared by Uie Pot Pet tku Dnue and Oukmical, CouceuATlo-H, Bos Bes Bos eon. ; ,. . . 8end for " Hew te Cuie Skin DlaeaNes,'t 64 pages, W Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DIRVtQ Skin and Scalp preserved and beautl DflOl a flej by CmrlcvKA Seap. Absolutely pure. EVJEHV MUSCLE ACHE3. Sharp Aches, Dull Pains, Strains, and Weak nesses relieved in one minute by the Cutlcurn Anti-Pain Plaster. The first and only Instan taneous paln-kllllng strengthening plaster, 13 cents. Sanferd's Radical Cere for Catarrh. Cure Begins: from First Application, aud Is llapld, lladlcal, aud Permanent. It Is the mucous membrane, that wer.derfu seml-lluld envelope surrounding the delicate tissues of the iilr and feed passages, that Ca tarrh makes Its stronghold. Onen established, It eats Inte the very vltuls.and renders life but a long-drawn breath of misery and disease, dulling the sense of hearing, trammeling the power of speech, destroying the raculty of smell, tainting Uie breath, and Killing the refined pleasures of taste I nsldueusly, by creeping en from A simple cold In the head,, it assaults the membraneeus lining aud envelops the bones, eating through the delicate coats and causing .Inflammation, sloughing, and ether dangerous Mjnipujiiis. .piuiuiiigsiioriei ieuii crauictuien will secure health te the patient, and nil allevla tlvcs ere simply procrastinated sufferings. Han Han feiid'8 Kauicaz. Cdhe, by Inhalation and by 7ifcrnatadmlntstmtlen, rarely falls ; even when the disease has inade frightful Inroads en deli cate constitutions, hearing, smell, and taste have been recovered, and thedlsease thoroughly driven out. Saufbrd's lladlcal Cure fbr Catarrh Consists of one bottle or the Kadicai, Cerk, onebexofCATARiniAi.Soi.VKXT, and one I roved Inhaleh, neatly wrapped In one pack age, with full directions ; price, I. Sold every where. Petter Dnua & Chemical Cori-euation, Uosten. fcbl-lmW.S&w TLY'S CBEAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays I'aln and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY TRE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Prlccnu cents utDruggists; by mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BltOTIIEaS, . BcpH-lydAw Ne. 5(1 Warren St.. New Yerk. ,"V 'UNDEVELO'PED PAIITS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting ndverilso ndverilse ment long run in our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. . interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the EltfE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan St, Buffalo, N. Y.IMlu Teledo Jlce. fll-fyd&w (ffuvycte. c AIIPETS! CAIIPETS CARPETS ! Custom Rag Carpets A SPECIALTY. A PINE DISPLAY OK Rag and Filling Carpets Constantly en Hand. PHILIP SGHUM, SON & CO., NO. 1W SOUTH WATER STREET, LAJiCAhTEH, PA. fcbl5-3md TT ANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. SHAUB & V0NDER8MITH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO OO TO SHAUB & VONDERSMITH. RUGS, CARPETS. ART KQUAHKM, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Etc, FINEST LACK CURTAINSAND PORTIERES In the City for the Prices. Be bure te See Them, BEST GOODS I IO WEST PRICES OROUND FLOOR ) ONE I'RICE I CARPET AND CARPET WORK I BEST AND CHEAPEST I NearCerner of Orange & N. Queen. augZMyd IMcntv. EVAN'S FLOUR. Levari & Sens, DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED, Baled Hay and Straw. Levan's Fleur! HOUHE-PAINTlNfS. GRAINING (1LAZINO. AND BYRON J. BROWN, successor te Oeo. W. Brown, deceased. Practical Painter, urnluer und Glazier. Werk done by coutrnrterdaviis cheap as Ant-clans work enn be done. Best workmen, and none, but lcst material used. Fine Graining a specialty, C-Ordi'rji by mall attended. Shep- 52 North Queen, llesdeuce -11V liiU James street. Jaull-ltmt J-ifa Jri,mS&t4&Jfri&AHi?3&t't& CltHtH. Immbimb luartrcneNB. ft L. GAKSMAK 1R0. Trouser Sale. BEAUTIFUL BTYLBS OF TROUSERINQs) TOMKASUMb A GREAT DEAL LBSSTHAN If ALF PRICE This Is without exception the Cheapest Lroe of Goods in the Piece we ha ve ever known te be offered.. All eslrablklndsaf goods and makes, and although we call them half .price, many et them have been marked down te less than oee eee thlrd their original value. , TROUSERS TO ORDER, 8.S0. TROUSERS TO ORDER, ft.00. . TROUSERS TO ORDER, H&0, TROUSERS TO ORDER, 15.00. Five Hnndre Pairs of Treuserings, no two of a kind, te select from. Men's. Bey's and Children's 8TOKM OVER COATS at Sacrificing Prices. They must and will go, ss no reasonable offer will be-refused. Call and see them. ' L. Gansman & Bre., in n h ', -Tall UllOl t and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and I muaren s vieinmg (exclusive,) Uultl R0KTX Qemr IT., . W.'OOim DF,WAlfflB, LAKAaTsmri. mr Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. , JHrVa cautions and make no mistake se that you get te the right place. jy-fKRS, A RATHFON. HIGH PRICES WONT TAKE. High Prices won't take these times. It's a common saying, and It's a fact tee. Geed prices and light values are common te these times. We've pat down the prices and kept the value up. This Is net common ; It Is customary te put down prices and quality with the prices. Net se here. Examine our Line of Suits at f 10, $12, 113, (II, (15, 110 and 18 and see by comparison If such values are found elsewhere. Here everything must be Honest, Reliable and Geed. It will pay you te buy Overcoats new for next winter's nse. The prices are lower new thsn they have been for years. Myers & Rath von, Reliable Clothiers,' NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. H IRSH & BROTHER. New Tbat tbe Election Is Over Turn your thoughts once mere lu the direction of our store, and take ad van tage of the Extraordinary Reductions Which we have made In the prices of Heavy Weight Qyerceats, Suits & Pants. Overcoats will never be bought again nt such low prices as we are offering them this Winter, and especially new. Paste This Statement In Tour Hat And think ever It, Yeu will de like many ethers have dene who came and get a BAB GAIN for little money. Furnishings at Cost. s-OlJR MERCHANT TAILORING DE PARTMENT la READY FOR YOUR OR DERS. HIRSH fe BROTHER, ONE-l'RICE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER. PA. Ilittmuarc. H IUHAMAUTJN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wb are new opening our Hprlng Importation of Quceusware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best gradoef ware at lowest Prices, leuscstlrcs receive cm pedal attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. OYKTEIIK I 1IEHT OYBTKRH IN THE MAR-ketservi-dln all styles, and mculsutull hours, nt CHARLIE R ifOSTER'H, III the rear of the Central Market. Oysters In the thill or opened served te private families. Telephone connection. nev2tS-2uidR riMlUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, X profiled by a geed powder blower, Is the most cttectual destroyer of flies and ether twali I meets, FerMile AtliUllLEV'H DRUGHTORE, 38 West King Htreet -'--. tJift. '- '.- e lc v fttnt. a , boss mi vsne rssMenee, net i si pews , trees, eantamnsv ii rooms ni i mml AMsUnnfana ai smn runt at "Ml H Klag street. Alse the Deenesa tMstsasa" Matt. Hie aalr ,NI deatrawe ball In the city ter Mis, IsstlTaM, itirnm am,' Alse the large sseterr 1st the rear. Mia strrt. sHltabUi iw aa ktM ami 1st MlMla street, saltabl of manaatetaring, purposes. ' Water aasl gas wnssjaiw wsp emiuingu., will nerannisflH Whole or la aarU.te suit renter, laaarre of GEO. ST NOItMJCK, proprietor of the Kwrseea Carriage Works, corner Duke and Vle street. M1MM. COPLAND HOTEL AT ORPHAJW' COURT BALK. . OH TnusrAY, M ABcn e, MM, at the franklin Heuse, Ne, m North Qttesa street, la the etty of Laaeasler, by order of the Orphans' Court of the Owaty of Lancaster, the undersigned, wilt axpem te public . sale that well-known and le-elabllhed hotel and restaurant, known as the " Copland Heuse," situated Wes, 1 and 117 North tjuesn straeMn the city of Umcaster, The let frente twenty four fret, ene Inch en' North queen street, and extending back two hundred and forty-lire feet te Christian street.' The Improvements are a large lhreetery hotel and restaurant, with all modem Improvements and conveniences, water, gas. ranges, loe houses, and everything necessary for the business. .This property has long been the principal restanrant In the city, and Is well worthy (he ALtMilJnn Af teurers. - Hale te commence at 7 o'clock, when alien nance will be given end terms made known by - . J, H. BAUMGARDNER, Executer of J. Copland, deceased. f8,KU15,17,H,aSVM,9telST5,M SECURE A HOME VOH YOUR FAMlIiY. Secere a Hen fir Teir Faiily. FOR SALE ON THfi MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 130 (set deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. . " Twotstery brick dwelling1 henses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets UA feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. ' Twe-story brick dwelling houses with 'front yards, Iren fences, lets Me feet deep, en West walnut, between Mary aud Pine streets. Twosterv brick dwelllnar houses, lets V feet deep, en west Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets ISO feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut street, between Pine and Nevln streets. Alse houses en Blast Walnut, North Lime. Mertb Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary and Pine streets. All Uie above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In nil the rooms, water In the kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yeurseir, no trouble te show you. Ja&bVK' Kiecutem. apriM-lyd.M.W.H. 8 North Mary Street. T EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATEOFFIGE. HOOSEH.BUILDINO LOTS.FARMS, MILLS, Ac., for sale. Oreat bargains. Call for our new Catalogue Just out. HOUBEM and BUHINESB PROPERTIES al ways en hand for rent. RENTS COLLECTED Properties token charge of, collection of rents, payment of taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without trouble or an noyance te owners, MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTOAGEa-Fer these having money te Invest we have first class mortgages en hand and the best of facili ties for investing. TITLE PAPERU prepared and titles carefully examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE k INSURANCE AGENT NO. 108 EAST KING STREET, uev 8 Smd F OR RENT. Reems for Rent. THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS, -ABOVE- Chas. H. Frey's SHOE STORE. Nes. 3 and 5 East King St. Third Fleer Roem Is handsomely papered and fitted up, having Its own water closet and washstnnd In u small unte-roem, the fleer Is planed nnd oiled, making a handsome room, suitable for dancing, seciables, secret organiza tions, etc, The Fourth Fleer Isnet papered.but will also be fitted up In similar style tesult geed tenants. It has Its own water closet and washstand :ln Its present condition Issultiible for light manufac ture. Fourth Fleer for Rent from March 1st, and Third Fleer from April 1st. Cheap Bent te Geed Tenants. APPLY TO Ohas. H. Frey, (Huccesser te FREY & ECKEKT) the Ieader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 3 6 EAST KING HTREET, LANCAHTER. ,1'A. iiltteic. T HEMUHIOBTORE. THE MUSIC STORE. DECKER BR08. PIANOH, HAINES BROS. PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. BAND (AND ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. KTHINGHANDTHIMMINGSOPALL'KINDH. WOODWARD & CO., 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa. T UMBER AND COAL. J TOBACCO KHOOKS TOBACCO KHOOKS AND CASES. WEST- ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by i). it. iHAiii in a 1,0., n3-lyd 121 Water Street. Lancaster, Pu, B AUMGARDNEHH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orrirm Ne. 129 North QueenHtreet, and Ne. Ml North Prince street. YAiiiMi-Nerih Prince Btrcet, near Heading Depot. auglS-Ud LANCAiJTLUl.FA. ssBTOOHTOTHBCOOMTHOOaB. ' i in i Grand Opening of New Goods. WekvejutretaresNtrremhelll4etphtaaadHw Yerk MarkeU with an KxeetkMt'Aa wertraent efMKW GOODS, which we aroeflVrlat at Uie Lewest Prices lobe teuad f Wew Menrnlng Prints at 6c New Tleklnts at te, worth Me. Mew Outing Cleths. 'JfaW rlaMI Nalnssefcs at ae. We, UWc. New Table Linens at ttc.a9e.a6c.HBn and Me. N Ma.sU Crae,bypteee,KcaadlSe. New Towels and Napkins. New Bleached Muslins at ec, Werth m. Hew Unbleached Mntim at tc. world 8e- New Bisaehed Sheeting, best qaallty, at ate. New UnWeachedSheeUntatsTteandaSc NewOalleeeaatae. New Black Cashmeres, 40 Inches wide, ate, worth ate. Wew Black Henriettas, M Inches wide, at We, WTSe andttoe. Mew Shirtings, u0 end se. New Dress Ginghams at Be and lee ew Cottenades at WWe. We, lie and ate. New Drees Goods at Be, e, ttXe, Me, aee, JSe. New Fast Black Hosiery, e, 19c, B&je. New rait Black Hese, seamless, 20c, V. S9c. New Corsets, SBc, Sec, lc,75e, II 00. NewHsniburg Bmbrelderles.tc, 6e, e, e, 19c, lXc, lie, t9c. A rail sleck of Carpets, Oil Cletaw, Window Bhadea and Feathers Jnst in. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 EattKfnff St., Lancaster, Pa. M BTZGKR HAUGHMAN. Slatztfeir A HAVE THE POPULAR MAKB9 OF Sheeting and Shirtings at the Lewest Prices. ' Tickings Under Regular Prices. Table Linens, Towels and Napkins Cheap. , The Best Steam Cured Feathers at Lewest Figures. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere. 3840 West Kine St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) B ard a Mcelrey. bard & Met. S3 uA 35 levth Qmw MrMt, CARPETS Our line of Carpets this season itaa varneu. ae, , ax, w, e, ev esnis ana up. Btalr at 10, 15, 35, si. and 88 cents. Carpet Rag FEATHERS-Our trade en Feathers has lowest In tbe city. A cheaper grade at 00c. HOUHEFURNI8HINO GOODS-Hpeclal bargains In Tickings at 8. 10, 12K. leand cU. Deuble Width Ticking, requiring only two widths for a bed. Instead of fbur, a saving of two seams, at 2Sc a' yard ; worth s&c. Bargains in Bed Cliecks as low as He extra quality at llXc HOSIERY One let of Ladles' Fast Black Hosiery at lOe per pair; regular price everywhere, Jc The best Hosiery In tbe city for tbe money. ' DRESS aiNOHAMS-We have tbe nicest tine of Press Qtnghams In the elty at , 10 and till rts., having placed our order for them as early as December, when the choicest styles were shown. We are able te show you patterns that cannot be bought new, nor later en. REMNANTS-One Let of Yard Wide Unbleached Mnslln Remnants athUc One Let of Yard Wide Unbleached Muslin Remnants at B)fe. One Let or Deuble Width Blieetfng at lte per yard.. PANTING We can show you the best line of Cotten or Weel Panting ever offered ter tbe money. bard a Mcelrey, Kea. 83 ad 36 Bwrth Qaetn Stmt. Of yorite rmUl Ibb. 9statchc. H. Z. RHOADS A BON. OF COURSE CORRECT TIME 18 MEANT. IN YOU HAVEN'T, , H. Z. RHOADS A SON'S, Ne. 4 West King Street. CAN SUPPLY YOU Eitlier ixiW&tclies or Cleck. A very Urge line of both. Particular attention given te the finer grades of Watches, and the 14 karat article, plain or embellished, Is especially worthy of your attention. Latest In Tablewarc, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and Royal Worcester goods. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA. rtMcutarc XjlLlNN A BRENEMAN A -IN- PLATED KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, ISO Doten A--1 Rogers Bre.'s Plated Knives, Ferks and Hpoeus, beugbtat a Forced Bale and are being sold nt half their value. GOODB GUARANTEED After this let no mere can be had at the same price. St NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN Carpet TT ARGAINB I Shirk's Carpet FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Bag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, e. W HAVE TUB LAUaiMT AND BBHT BTOCK IN THKClTY. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King'and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. eavvlaat. OTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, 0ARRIAQE BUILDER, .. 45 MARKET HTREET. (Rear of tbe ' rostefflcej, LANCABTKR, PA. All the latest styles In Buggies, Family Car rlages, fhwleiu,! Murreys, Cabriolet,. I'liKteus, Biicklards, Tretting Wagons.Htatlen Wugeiu, Market Wagena, etc, new ready ler the ttprlng Trudc. A line line of Second-Hand Werk. New Is the time te order for Hnrlng. Btrlclly nrU-la" work and all work fully guaranteed My nrlcA are the lowest In the county fer tha same ijuallty of work. Glve me a call and ex amine my work. Repainting and Repairing promptly at tended te nnd dene lu a llrstrclass manner. Oue wit of workmen especially employed for that purpose, iterncu T UTHER a KAUFKMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Beeend Fleer Kshleman Law Building, Ne. ii Nnrtn UukaHtrml. aprH-lydAw NOTICE TO TREHl'AHHEHB AND GUN NBRH. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of tbe yernwall ndHpeedwell estates lu Lebanon or Lancaster ueuntles, whether Inclesed or unindebted, either for the purpose of sheeting or nshing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all tres passing en said lands of the undersigned afle this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN H.PEHGYALUEN. EDW. C. FREEMAN, AUcrnsjs for R, W, Ou'etnan's Heirs. 'J - ' ' ' ii i ,j Haughman Mcelrey, OffWstt FehUIb Iii. at the price beat anything we have yet offered' ingrain m au. jd, au, en, Uken in exchange. 07i,s0,tfi,fia cenu and up. Increased wonderful, , Our price en best mode the 19 iUAO sT ST. LANCASTER, PA. flail. -DAftaAINBt Hall I )rtt. OOK UP YOUR SPUING TILE. Yeung Men's SPRING HATS DAILY RRIVALB. AI.b THE NEWEST NOVELTIEH IN THE TRADE. Only place In the city feeding the Wilcox, " Bosten Beauties " and the Renowned "DUN IP HATH." Children's Hprlng Hat and Caps lu large as sortment at prices te suit all. TRUNKS, TRAVELING BACIS UMBRELLAS. AND STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, VA, L, . .. ,. . .. . . . . AH' 'ji s Jig (ssVl'' - iHgV'fi iK tjheoely trains which ran daily, fviv is Ob Handay the Mall train west nwWfW BIWHiaia. . . ' ti .teT CMi WOOD. Genera. CRAa RAaE PUGH. General 1 StetteTeaet...,. fflRSW Hi Jllnt- rss$&3. & alaaevsV mT"'" KaE3Z BBSH BgJMwAwesB-. via sTOay BfiK frteMtwAeeera... .,,. IsfCK gmsSAeeuej-,.. ,,, SCS WmjernJ&BreBi. ,mf.;m.2 Cfl raikvBxpresst..... ,., m egstsVsstf rantMs2w'l'''''''" .';" BSe HJTlsrwraSwisr Mstat!' I SjUStt Ki''s- MRiEi lew DauJsii"' 55? a WtW ratvnea Acoem,..,.,, IMS, .' ;tw. 5W -il DHILADELPHIA MCAlHKUslAlUiOsW aUDINO A COLUMBIA Mya0st; . On ana aAsr Hnnda. Nev IsV ksLl?snBSBBt leave Laneaster (King street), as fcUewii;" 7K, m., U6M,S.'p.m.awMsii ,' AUentewa. mk Sni. T-tt m. :-Us aa.sEmnaay.seeD. m. ' .i.jv- mSSSSHS. dy' "Mk-.. sJ S Fert jban en, weak ays, TM a.sB., P. m. I BaMhur. feel a. BsIfeM n. sa? ' THAXHB FOB LANCABTaW. - S$ ..i1 Reading, week days. 1M, IIM'M 8 M n. m. j Bnndav. 7tl i.mjl.S. . .T mRffA"1' week'sTayaMI, MM .; Fer Philadelphia, week days, 7 a. sm4;is lm.j8enaays;n.: ' -lfr . or New Yerk v(a Philadelphia, week Mk . Ver Mew Yerk via AUentewa, wtkBfsV':J "ii "?F -ri !K r,bzvL"?zr?&WWym?4 "TT "w .hm.wvi ar ! ISiW - Leave New Yerk via Allen town. 49a.mM lKp.m. Leave J wn, week days, Mi k,h. U. 1 ii Leave Peltavllle, week days. Ml a. m-MA-M M. n. ' - ' '. .". r-. -. . . . . s,: ueava Leoanen. waa eara. T-ta a. ..'I week days, 7:U a. aeW'IMI'l i wk il. i. sbs &... l t.v ,h iu, i nunaay, i llav son. n ,-- , , ueave uarrueurg, KU7nV: .... ... i,.:il -A -Xri 7 i; "iwia1ssa;SHSBSsa 'M ATf.ANTin nrrv mvtamw . . JLV aKSiKSTwlfarli "-" "ITM Fer AtlanUe'Clty, week , ejV..i Ma a, ra. and C-flO n. ra.i- Aesesaeas T a. m. and 4:W p. m.j ItandayTTSsB t!80 a, m., AoeemnM4t(ofL SjrLST . . . ..... .?i. AtlanUeanJl Arkansas Avsneis.' WiSj wiiii fi a. in. sn s vnm. uen,!88a,m. and M p. as.1 f t, e p. m. AeeowmeMHesV I Du IO- - i-.: J- ii.' DetAllasi Uma tablM Ma ka ---'-'J a 4tktt, fMsnAAfl . ft.. ..I'. .. ' ' "' A.aTMcLBOD, O.S.HAXO0CK. Vies Free. A den't M-gr. nhtfrXk LK&a&&iAMcAw":R Kgrtiij Arrangemsms or nusenger Trains euniiAT, novmneor w, NORTHWARD. .. jsaS-W i' Il ,1T t.'SFj ManheIm-....... 7 Ije fstt Oernwall............... 7 l3 ,tM Arrive at Lenanea fcll IM BOUTHWAlUX . . Leave. a.m. r.m i upanes) .....M....M... 7iia am perawalt...H.,'.,..4 7:7 BMS Manhelm........... 7M litf Lancaster............ , litf Mi Arrive at Columbia. ..... fcJT MS King Htreet, Lane. Ms Stl rfeWS, 'as -j.-j.."- r Wa &mp. ",a N1 EWLAMlHANDABTOOOD., ?e') rS ' 4vt. ' .... K2T . ; i..,sf. FINI NEW LHHB M;; -AND M''-, -'i 3!a,t! wnT srNi' miri .s.JL3(a,fy'.i tl,'' ?w . ON BECOND FLOOR :& r.V?' ::p. JelmLAraOld'slMdiiig, unrjimr nitvciu aitmwmmls nuniu Huaan naawsena." tALLANDBEK i w J-: llriM J .iE'N l . sslssss. -"! $t -i A II ATlfl KsAamm THE ijwwj fi i-m v ROCHESTER LAMP! Blxty Candle-Llaht : BeaU tassm alL ''- J Anethsr Let of Cheap Glebsa ter OagaaaOst - i, - - -r t ' Utif THE'TERFaCTION'' s . ,$ i METAL MOULDING and RUlUUWOWWIOsW , Weather Strip. Mf- Beats them all. TnlsstrlpentwesMallaeiMgsV, Keeps out the odd. BrnpsratsUaa-aririMeeMb- Excludes UiednsL Keeps out sbew astf MM. (. Anyone can aj 'can't il no waste or trt assssessv! applying IU Can be niua anywi te Dera, reaay rer use. lwiu shrink- cushion strip Is the UisUteve, Heater and 1 vfi JnTiTi P. Snhfl.iim k SnniL ww- -..ii.. i -- w W.J, 84 80UTH QUEEN ST., 'M-t LANCABTKR FA. r, $avbwavt. XTARDWARK I HARDWARE! If you want te buy a Heuse-Stire GOTO Marshall & Eengiefsjg 4 11 SOUTH QUEEN 6T. tfffi There you can get 8T0VEH, TINWAK1 UIiUAIhlVAab, LUlJibni, ,Tv ' And a full line of 'i-ipt i Heusefurnishing Goods. Alse, a Full Bleck of GENERAL WARE, and HAMS PRIME NEW CL0VER8ED). Wt !.. ILLRSHAII &BM6IBt .'vi fesMrt fJhoteavaph. :k R OTE. S': w Jrt1" i iiict Dcrciucn ; M'v J"" "-'-w -mm rnua -jv. Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds mads espeelally Mr Bawtt Three-qaarUr Leugth Photespka. v .TarVTTZi w X .'V' M. Mm t ; .03 60 1-2 North Queen 9r Next Doer te Uie FeeteJUa, r- JB7-6mil ,-. Jtlft' .j ;S,'..,,y .ifctAti r:i jfF i ?x.- ffl&; f. ,