Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 15, 1890, Image 6

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.Utawry Picture Frem "W
fwnmci hvlmivs mets book
k Mmi i min khm nii
RM A4flfw4 atsAU-Whar H
tOewrlcfcted. 1M6, by Auther.)
-- . - w streams mretigii
Sthe cabin window and through the
chinks of the cabin wall.
It is the Kiino sunshine as thnt of the
Weekday. Yctns the miner wakes mid
WwalUes it Is Sunday it lias n dlirercnt
"S6 i .urr. .. I...
5s ppearnnce, aim uui uj tuui-i en -
nressien from that of the weekday sun.
g Af Everything teems mere (itiiet, mero rest-
9rVuiil ati.l nrnn mnm st'iibl mill Kerinus.
-. There belongs te it nnd te the landscape
P-iSM he leeks out n flavor of far-away
r If eastern Sabbath bclN nnd Sunday morn-
Eating's hush and longer family prayer
I'-JT&'tlian usual and Sunday school. But
!gt there is net a church bell within ten
IJS milts, and there liever will be ene heard
v1srcen mis tint, .Liiuru la iiuv uiu leinv p-
lpreach te church society or religious
Jk oreanlzaten or observance. There is
Shnet, se far as known, be much as a man
sHjSte the least religiously inclined. We
re a nam ter,, no worn ou me ciuiiu
mW-- j in..i.i .1 1 ...ill .
TiWi wwiay. ied lucis uiiu biiuvui ivui il-pi.
ff'$&where thrown Saturday nftcrnoen, and
$jewy a trickle of yellowish water fiem
t rf the reservoir will Beep through the long
ti?$Hne of sluices instead of yesterday's
r.lBuddy surge rushing through sand,
&gravcl, eud grating pebble nnd liewldcr.
V-Jf- UUHI.III.-1U IO "Ulik 111 111U11K.1 DUI 1U
i'-'be dene nnd a great deal of it. After
? breakfast, shaving. That small mirror
ie( most imperfect glass, whose rcllcc-
-ration distorts the features, screwing up
JO.WU B1UO Ul lilU IUUU 11JI1I l'UJilllll UlU
fl-ether in en unnatural fashion, is suit-
h SWy adjusted. A smell of wwp pervades
it Jsi the air. He lathers and shaves and 10-
J7 tethers and reshaves with a tedious nnd
-M) painful precision, the whiie making
Slacea at himself iu the glass as he brings
utftnn nnrflAn nf I, la pnnntunnnpa nftrtv
,iet the razor. 'In some cases he cornea
. 4i !L r . I
i ti ou wiid a lew scnticnes or leaves a
?; hirsute oasis here and there of uncut
' ..bristle. Black pantaloons, a w hite shirt,
,fe felt or btraw hat, n linen duster and
;mtha Sunday beets, This is his dandy
feCfeutfit In his pocket is n buckskin
: purse, ence yellow, new fadid te n dull
R'"J uuiuiug guiu uusi, ii lew uiiucea
!$.More or less, perhaps live, perhaps ten.
g' atf It is the company dust and is te be
Jsfield and turned into bright, yellow geld
jrVSi'plece8' A,'d why ull thb prepaiatienl
P "10 go te camp." Uaiup is three miles
i away ever the mountain yonder. A
i ST' group or ramsiiacuie cabins, alternating
, jfewlth saloons, tluee grocery stoics, a
pf hotel, an ejcnress olllce and a justice of
r' the peace, all iu a het gulch, with hill-
r'ic'" fllrlpa lnnf ncn Klvntif. rtf trrrta kniriAil
Z t." wltli niita nnl eli-ntilAil , ttl. ..ttnliiie rt
Ujt - M..V1 .,1,11 IKUVfllVi) VI
dry yellowish ledge. "Camp" te him
i;'"' has all the importance anil interest of a
1 1' great metropolis. It is the center el
'$& the way te a larger camp. Twe hose
)v gamblers reside there. There is a fare
-JLrf HtllVH. X11H HII1UH llUKHt'H llirflllUII II. fill
fc JL game ou occasions, n billiard table with
Wff a mountainous sort of bed, where the
KV i .. .. . ...
trans roil ns tacy picase ami after an ec
centric fashion of their ou n.
The camp is for him the first nerve
center of civilization and the only outlet
te the great world which he has left.
Yeu, fresh from the great city, regard
tlltft rlllflllulntftfl rtliwn no nil nut nf 4lm
B Sf smF i-nrnitri lull- in 1. 1... ll,.!.,., .. 1.1.
,1 J .....i, ..v iw .1.111, iiiiiiK Vl 11,3
u A . A 1A 11 1 .- . . i
r?i rviuuLd ii:ii. lvmi nut lun i-niiitm in f.ifrm
vfr for as many miles, camn is n e(
$J- importance.
k5f He repairs first te the Magnelia. He
has long in imagination seen it from afar.
EKjpt Hew cool is the big barroom. The land
lord keeps the fleer well ct down. That
r,'J. Magnelia fleer is ene of the few places
.:? where water, unmixed with ether lliilil.
Vs? k useful and crateful. Hew cemfuriini.
J. and seething is the first diink. A long
drink in u long tumliler, with nlentvef
rice, soda water and whisky. If heaven
be anywhere as n material locality it ia
t"& jnthat first cool drink after a three mile
hJT July tramp ever the kiln dried hills nnd
fisL herbage of thu California foothills. The
FjSJF Magnelia is the social heart center e(
j j?5X. camp.
$ There he finds the doctor. The doctor
tf. drinks with him. The doctor dilnkn ith
? lnrrVirvlT- linrit Irui la ll.n Inc.;., i ..,
. -.-.-j, ..wv, iw, in lliu JtlOtllU II,
KJjI jivavu. Aim jUHlvu urillkg w Ull UIIU.
J The justice holds his court at the Mag-
e j nena. i ne proprietor of tlie Magnelia is
e uie camp cenEiame, ana between drinks
Lv durintr trial calls vir.-i vnrn tlm u-if nncjc
hVr;J in the case. The judsc drinks with him.
r,' The judge generally drinks. The in in
R'icjpaicampgamuier is ai me -Magnelia.
W.rk He takes a licht drink. He is a wlsn mm
'VI1.W -! i . . .
St,and knows the advantage and profit el
g-jvif vcvpui u tuui iicuu. inu ii-guiur camp I
0i vruuKaru sua in me rear in ene cii inii
?arm chairs back of the billiard table.
",,.. leeks be humble, se respectful and
Jv'ae dry, that our miner's heart moves te
f'wkf and he "asks him up." He com-
"-11 U..i i lit. .1 t a- im-i-
jwfe, uut uuii wiui unuue nasie. una
" warn t nf Mm i i i 1 i 1 inm nnrl 1R70
s i.iiAHa c&eiD urunKaru nan iiel men se '-iehl
.mm j i i i i a it - -..ti
k,Wgrip" as te be unmindful of a certain
awwness, deliberation and dignity befit
ttbuc a gentleman. But when he does or-
yi'f ! at the bar he takes a "feur-flngtred"
r ill They stand in a row at the bar. The
', ftWkeeper is mixing the "long" and the
j)' ?." J 1 ., T 1. l.
,. iingn annul, r-acu man wans, says
frtfeingand eyes every motion of the
Wrifin.if- Thn Rtlnnrn (a imiirefintrfi
x , A11 Ut ready. Each glass is grasped and
lateec, ana men irera cacn te eacn, anu
than all, from all te the drink
there is a nod, that incontaterf
fa uttered, "Well, here's luck,"
m4Um poison U down. Aa it rasps,
ttMyeall "Ahcml" with varied degrees
'Modulation. But this 'is a caret ul
M4 prudent miner, and he new repairs
' te tM store. There his dust is weighed,
,tfeM,aad the week's prevision ordered.
.JW oewwned xirtuers" "dlvvys are
J? IbA lJ1dft Cafe A lltatlftfc Ahil . lfelkv a inhji.1
wiup iu ii" anu It-llCJ DIUIKl.
pew the weight is oil U mind. He re
wh te the attractions of camn.
It are net numerous. '1 here Is the
Magnelia the BclU Union, the Court
Exchange, the pest nnd express office.
There are the "boys." He learns the
bows of Uie county or district. The
Mount Vernen Is pay'K M P dly'
Leng Shertmnn has gene en another
eproe and hasn't dene any work for the
last ti days. Jimmy McNeil has Rent
for his wife's sister. She is unmarried.
Sullivan has had another row with his
wife and she has complained te the
authorities. Sam Gcdncy Is going te
run for county clerk en Iho Democratic
ticket. Beb Delmarae lest 200 at the
game the ether night. A San rrancisce
company have bought the Crazy gulch
quartz lead and will put a ten-stamp
mill en it. The schoolmaster was drunk
lest Friday night. Ferd shot at McGIIUs
the ether night, but did net lilt him.
There, is scandal nnd talk concerning the
Frenchwoman who keeps the peanut
stand, and the justice of the peace, The
Wiley girls, two sisters, who have re
cently moved into camp, nre making a
sensation, and their small parlor at time
won't held the crowd of semi-bald nnd
unconsciously iniddle aged miners nnd
ethers whoare calling en them with pos
sible matrimony in prospective.
They may pass along the street ulwut
the ralddle of the nftcrnoen, mid such
"ragging out" was never seen licfore in
this camp. The curious have investigat
ed the tracks made by their llttle gaiters
in the red dust of the upper read, nnd
report them the smallest feet ever seen
in this section. Billy Devlns, of the
Blue-jay claim, Is thought te have the
best show with the eldest, and UoldlHjr UeldlHjr
rv. of the livery stable, with the noting-
est. Ne. He won't let his best horee
nnd buggy te anylwdy new, and takes
herettt riding three times n week. But
thcy're snappy and uncertain, nnd no
body can count en them for n certainty.
Se runs the week's news, which he picks
up with sundry drinks.
He enjoys the luxury of a hotel din
ner a dinner he is net obliged te pre
pare with his own hands a decidedly
plain dinner Iu mctreiwlitan estimation,
but te him, commencing with soup and
ending with pic, a sumptuous repast.
It is moonlight, and he takes his way
back by the old trail home. Old net in
yenrs, but In association. It is but the
track of twenty jears or se, yet for him
hew- old is it iu thought. Hew many,
many times he has traveled ever it.
That poker game is going en in ene
corner of the Magnelia. The "hard
case" from ever the hill is trj ing te licat
it. He lias been be trying every Sunday
night in that sumo saloon and in that
same comer for the last twenty yeans.
He has grown old in trying. It has kept
him peer, jet he thinks he can play
poker. IIe is encouraged iu this im
pression by a cousldernte few. Ha
works for them. They "scoop him in"
regularly. He will go home te-morrow
morning, nnd during the week wash out
a ceuple of ounces mere for the benefit
of "Scotty" nnd "Texas."
It is It o'clock and time te go home.
That three mile walk is licfore him; he
has taken as many drinks as is piudent,
possibly ene or two nunc. The camp
saloon reelries am beginning te quiet
down. Most of the prominent diunUs
have fallen in the cause. The chronic
drunk of the camp is talking nt (he bar.
But he will thus talk all night; he never
steps talking or drinking. He has been
here mero or less drunk ever since 1852.
IIe is phenomenal and net a standard for
ordinary iutcuipcrates. Almest every
camp has known such a drunkard. Some
nre nllve ye(. They nre of the immortal
few net born te die. It would ba mad
ness te compcte with such,
Se he sets out en his lonely walk. Of
hew much has he thought while plod
ding ever it. Here the same big buck
eye brushes against his fnce as it did iu
the "spring of '50," when he was twenty
years younger and had a sweetheart in
the "States," whose incuieiy was ftenh
nnd warm. It has nil died out since.
The letters became less I'litl less, the
years mere and mero, and then nil came
te n dead standstill, nnd he received the
village paper, and there, appropriately
below thu column of deaths, he lead of
her maniage, wheirat lie went te camp
nnd plunged wildly into nil the conceit
saloon could give, nnd m.tde things htl
and lieldly challenged the chronic jwker
game nnd wen.
The trail turns suddenly. It has run
ever the locks by the river, its tiail tit
times for many feet almost illegible, a
vague, smoothly worn streak ever ledge
and loeso liewldcis), polished mid strewn
with new- white sand mid pebbles by
seme unubiialh high freshet. But heie
the shelving bank suddenly censes. It
becomes a precipice. Up the haul wein
path in thu red eaith lie climbs forty,
fifty, sixty feet. It is closely hedged
with chcmisal. New he emeiges near
thu brew of the high, iccky blulT. In
till its moonlit gleiy surges, bubhlcH and
rears the river below. Its yellow iniulili iniulili
iiehS of the day is new changed te n dark
shadoef brown, with ticiuuletis silver
Inrs. Night and the moon niethonrt niethenrt
lits. Pkkxtick Muu'eim.
Mongolian Iilt'in r llir "Nuliln Art of fid I
llerrli.,-H'Klr3lhlti; Clin 4,
A Cliini'se (lght Isn jitx'ulinr ultalr; It dif
fers from tlie Auieilcan mill I.ugliMi nrlw
tight nmterially. Tim Amei leans use their
fit8, wliich the Cliineke cenuder hiutnl; the
Celestial lives hU ftvt uiul rensiilvis Hint
inetliml, wliich te ery American ii'iiiit
inlminan, jwrlVctly fntr nnd nllownble. Tlie
clmniplen Chnu'vi fighter, tlm Jehn It, Kiilli
n of New Yerk's Jlett stieet, Is Ah Oimii;,
eIm funmle liii.Ttn:iter of tlie Hum Tien
Iek Tbratrical ceniiiauy. Im Tey, n heat y
weight tiiungel, ami l'oe Jung, henil nerehnt
of the ceiiijiiiiiy, will testify that Ah (Jiang I
a ilumly with his KHlal ixticniitlc. Tliey
hae IiuiiiikiI up nguliist him te their son en.
sruniiEt) w the urns.
Oinng nnd Jung (ought icceutly In the
Chlnete quarters hi New Yerk. They njv
jieared iu full ring costume, which, by the
way, is ery clutioriite. Jjicu of Umng legs
was iii)h1 iu nlieut ilfteeu jnrdt of black
tweed, nil Inch wide, his green bilk blouse
was hleevelCMi, but tight tltting, nud his arms
were bare Half a dozen ynuli of teft cotton
material wns twitted around his head, nnd
his feet were incased in thin sandals, hound
with thongs. Koe Jung wns similarly nt
liied. The lighting costumes nre ery costly.
The one which Glaug were was worth $1M.
The Chinese boxing rules will allow a man
te de e cry thing but Ute.
The only unfair advantage which can le
taken of nn opponent is te kick him when
down. EverytbiugeUe gees. (Jiang's meth
ods are peculiar. Here is ene:
Jung reached for Giaug's face with lieth
bands. In an Instant he was seized by one
w list nnd made te spin around like a top, and
as he came face ulieut he received a swinging
right bender en the iheek bem and a kick
which was landed by the agile GLiug Kimo Kime
w here undi r the right i.rmpit. It w as almost
a kuockeutut the sturt, fur ns be fell te his
knees (Jiaug rushed ut him and struck him
uudurUie cWu with bis knee. U fell ever
backward, and U tw tpsctatert
steels stgniOed appretali
"IIe he hnjr.B
ea tat
Anether Kbems was te drop suddenly en
the kneel and butt Jung In the stomach.
Here tlie ability of the acrelmt was brought
Inte piny. Jung Jumped ever the kneeling
form with en bound, at the same tlme giv
ing Olang n tcrride kick Intherihs. Thin
miule (llnntt mad. He kicked, cuffed, punched
nnd butteil the unfnrtunate Jung unmerci
fully. Frequently Jung would le obliged te
Jump ever Olnng In order te escape punish
ment, but the wiry nthlote was en the look
out, nnd he would no sooner gain the fleer
than n kick back of theknra Joint would scud
hlrn rolling ever nnd ever. Although It inny
seem ridiculous te call such style of fighting
scientific, iicerthelc It Is 10 considered by
nit Clilne, who In return stigmatize Ameri
can Inning ns brutal, Inhuman and utterly
devoid of telence or merit. The cuts with
which tills sketch is Illustrated nrn tnken
from The New Yerk Kvenlng Bun. They
gire ene n geed Idea of Chlnev) ngility.
A IlimiiA or fi ill nil Aren Which Wilt He at
flenernl Interest.
I H. flllisen's iKiek, "Fifty Convenient
Heiims" (Themas Y. Crewell i Ce., New
Yerk), contains many tilings of sieclul Inter
est te intending heuse builders. Here is n
description with Meer plans of n very com
pact, convenient heuv. The liedy of the
ttnictiire Ii te lie :K)x3IJf feet, Tlicre nre
right avnilnhle rooms Uldes the bathroom
and tlie nttic.
On the first fleer, ns wa enter, there Is a re
ception or sitting hnll, which in se common
in tlie mero modern nrrnugonients of dwell
Ings. Thl receptien hnll mny be Mpnrnted
from the pnsMige by curtains or jierticrcs or
sliding denis, In which event tlie opening
from the room into the passage would hnve
te I hi u llttle narrower than that shown in
the. ilrnw lugs.
Tills loom would present nn tittmctive fen
tine, Thu windows iu this part of thu room
could U pliceil nheut four feet from the
Doer, in wlurli eent lKKk sheltvs reulil be
nrruuRi-d hulen them. Tlie window In front
gees te within seventeen Inches of the fleer.
Under the stnii'wny, nnd leading from this
room, nmy be placed a cry liberal cleyt, In
which tbcie should be a small window.
Lidding from the passage Is the stnlrwny
nnd two cleu1!, The llttle mssage in which
ene clettt is plnceil Is M imrntnl from the hnll
by a deer. Thcie is nnnthcr deer eieniiig
from tliii nnMige Inte the kitchen. Thus
tl:eic me two loeis l'tnin the kitchen nnd
the front put of the hoiise. Thtsniraugo Thtsnirauge
ineut hai in mind the isolation of the Mtrhtn
from the ether rooms in nwnyte prevent
the pn-iMige of the usual kitchen odors.
Tl e ttnirw ays iu this heusn nre of the class'.in ai eomblnatleii stnirwnjs; while they
nre ceiiM-uient nnd eny of construction,
there Is n certain amniiiil of complication in
tin ir arrangement which them tlifll
cult of description sons te be undcirtoed by
tlicre net nccusleuicd te einmluiiig fleer
plans Theie is thestnirwny from tlie front
Imll te thu fleer ntxiic, nnd ene from the
kltchi'ii totlie landing of the front stnirwnj.
The lnndlng of the f i out. stall way nnd that
from the Mtclun stnirwnyls In common
Unit Is, it is the mine.
1'er the urOM of making this under
stood, it inn be well te say that ene tiny go
up thestuiiwny fieui tlie front hall te the
landing, tome tight steps, nnd from thence
down Inte the kitchen, ei he can turn right
fnce nnd go te the lauding en the second
fleer. This Kirt of the stalls Is used coming
up from tlm kitchen ns well ns from the
front ball. However, the kitchen ktuirwny
Is K'jmrnted from the landing by n iloer.
There Is nnether deer nt tha feet of thU
kin. hen Mnlrwny,
In coining down stnlrs, ene tuny turn te the
right, open n deer nnd go down Inte tha
kitchen; or, he mny turn te thn left nnd go
down the front ttnirw ny into the hall, lly
this pi in everything is concentrated, nnd
without the serious dinw hacks which extra
cost or n smaller number of rooms would
imjily te theso who li.iie only n little ever
$".3,000 te sjiend for n lioiise without nppur nppur
tciMiices. The bend room for the stal.-wny
coming up from the kitchen is secured under
the hath tub in the bathroom immediately
'ihe cellar kUirnny Is clearly indicated ns
going down imiallrl te the kitchen Mairt nud
under the front stain. The cellar iu this
hoiise should lie under the kitchen, stalrwn)
nnd the leceptien hnll that is, it would oc
cupy nil of ene side of the house.
The imrl'ir Is 11x171, feet In slze. It Is
cenntvtul with n hnll by wide sliding doers,
se tliut nbouteuo-half of thissideef the loom
may he open. The gnite opje-'ito the sliding
doers in the parlor would J)reellt n very
ixaiutiful view from the hall nnd stnirwny.
Our dining room his nn independent con
noctieu with the front hnll, te that we de net
have te go through the jiarler or the sitting
room te reach It.
The doers leading from the (mssnge Inte
the dining room uud kitctee n should be hung
ou double tw Inglug hinges.
The windows ill tris kitchen should be
placed nlxiut three feet from the fleer, se
that tables may be placed under them
Theie Is a jdace for n gnssbne b'tweeii the
two windows, or evtn under them If desirable.
The eicli at the rear nt the kitchen muy be
inclesed with litlice work, or, w lint is bet
ter, cuarse leiuernl slats, like IIiemi of it
The deer which leads from the perch Inte
the pantry HnsurUI one, pUced qIkjve the
iif chest, and I for the use of the Icemuii.
The errangcmi ut-ef looms up stairs will lt
rtta.lilriiul(vsl fuhifiiit (if Uim hnl
Parler ' ' FIB J
I I iwfir 1
H is 9, , J
I I0I4- I
Is a steM chart ler bNhllnjj, ult. It Is locate.!
je ns t1 In ntTfstalbta frtrrt nil rooms. Frem
the front end bf the hnll a deer leads Inte the
itnlr passage te the nttle.
all tunepe.
The Duke nt OrUani, Who Thinks It
Ought Id U King at rraecr, Gets Inte
I'orlsrrlsen H Wanted te Knllst,
nnd Ihejr Wilt Pnnlth Him for It.
Tlie king of France, se the old ballad
tells us, with 40,000 men marched up the
hill nnd then marched down again.
And se Prince Leuis I'lilllppe Bebcrt,
due d' Orleans, who thinks lie has a right
te be king of France, celebrated his
twcnty-flrst birthday by marching into
Paris and offering te scne as n privnte
Beldicr as ether Frenchmen of thnt age
nre required te de. But there is n law?
forbidding any member of nny family
which claims the ttirone te ro-entcr
France; nnd se the duke seen found
himself in the Conclergerie prison, mid
new the government gives out that he
will be sentenced for a time, nfter which
President Carnet tnay pardon him if he
aces fit.
The duke is the son of that Coinle de
Paris, who, with his younger brother,
served nwlilloeii the stall of Gen. Me
Clellan. In theso days it was no little
nmtiRcment te Americans en the stall te
observes the nxtreme deference paid te the
count by lils younger brother, who acted
precisely ns if Ins
elder were tlie
king of France.
It is matter of
common knowl
edge that "tlie
French princes,"
as they were call
ed, seen get tired
of se democratic
n country as l',GS2jn
united niHicn. t)7mr77
They wcre grand- III If
hnim nf I iii ii in '-
Hilllppc, thu Inst
acknowledged king of Fiance, and the
Cemte de Paris took high rank ns n
scholar and wilier.
Iu 1607 be married bis beautiful and
talented cousin, Isabella, datlghteref the
Due de Meiitpcnsicr, and this boy was
liern te them Feb. 0, 1809. All these nre
"of the younger branch," for the Cemte
dodinmbeid, as the direct descendant
of Charles X, Ii by strict law of descent
nearer the throne. When, bowever, in
18IW, the piople overthrew Chailes X,
they ruled out that line as n finality anil
gave tlie crown te Leuis Philippe, who
was nseii of Philippe Egallte, who was
a descendant en bis mother's bide from
Leuis XIV, nnd en hta father's from
that king's brother, and thcrcfore had
concentrated in liini a little mero of the
bleed of the original and beloved Bottr Bettr
Imiii, Henry IV, than any ether claim
ant. In the enrly days of the republie little
ntteiitien was paid te these kinglets the
mere claimants tiiere wcre of that sort
the less likelihood there was of nny of
them uienncing the government the
boy the Ilepublicans really dteaded was
the priuce imperial, son of Ixmis Napo Nape
leon. Veiy opportunely he went te
Seuth Africa with the British troops and
get killed by thu Zulus, and he his cousin,
j eting Victer Napeleon, became his heir,
nnd Ihat piactlcally ended the imperial
ists' chances. Mcnuwhile thu kinglets
hnd lieeit gaining popular favor, and ene
of them, the Due il'Atimnlc, had attained
te the high olllce of division general in
thu Fieneh nimy. The Cetnte de Paris'
family gradually set up n sort of court
in their iiiagnillcent mansion in the Fait Fait
lieurg St. Germain, nnd the attempt of
the se called "lleniy V," or Cemte de
Chatuberd, of the elder branch, te asseit
his claims te the throne of Spain brought
en a crista.
Tlie cxmiloien law, which was the net
result of the agitation, futbade the re
turn te France of nny claimant, and
when, theiefore, the duke piesented
himself nt the Bureau de Becrtitement
early in the meiniiig and gravely an
nounced his nninu, that he was a citizen
of France and liadcomens ti patiiotie
Frenchmen, iu cemplinncu with thu law,
te begin Ids three ycais' hervice, the offl effl
rials wcre completely shaken fieui their
propriety. Onu can but regret that
there wasn't a Yankee or an Irishman in
control there te have piemptly euleted
him into barracks with tlie "toughest"
let of recruits that could be selected;
ene night of such u practical jeke would
hae made him hail the government ar
icst as a lelief. The prefect of Paris
police arrested him that e ening, and he
spent thu night in tlie Concergeiie in
stead. It appeared in the pieliiuinary
examination that he entered France by
night and in disguise.
His iutimate fiicud, the young Due
de Luetics, had been spending seme da a
with him nt Lausanne, where be was a
fdudcut in the Swibs Military ncadeiny.
When he announced his intention the
Due de Luyuc3 assured him the punish
ment would be sevctc. Philippe, etc.,
deelatcd that imptlsenuient had no ter
rors for him; Finuce had called her
ahle lKidied young patiietu te the lanks;
he was one nf them nud must go.
The two friends proceeded te Geneva.
Philippe, who is a blonde, concealed his
hair witli a brown wig and changed his
clothes; they took thu night expicsa and
by daylight were iu Paris. After bieak
fast w ith the De Liiyucs, nt their elegant
mansion, he proceeded te "eulibt" net
for three yenis, but for ns many months
nsthe government may think it policy
te ('online him. Se strongly de old ideas
held sway in l'urope, and t.e strongly
(fiem the American standpoint) de peo
ple thcie leaseu, that journalists and
ministers from ether nations have dis
patched te their journals and anxious
ineuarchs that the government of France
"docs net appear seriously shaken." Peo Pee Peo
ple en th'ui bide of the water hardly knew
w bellied je biiecr at a government which
can iinagiue danger in a Jie.ulstreng boy
or laugh nt euu which bauds of net be
ing "seriously shaken." All L'urope agi
tated by a liey's freak is 6ticli a ludicrous
comment en recent iuuruucc3 of "sta
bility" that the American can only fall
back en tlie Califeinian's cemment:
Is their citillzatlen n failure.
And is the Caucasian ilajeJ out!
Seme Feielgn Illnhes.
Vienna, Jan. 28. In tiaveling ever
l'urope one meets, ns n matter of course,
many dishes net often found in Ameri
can restauiniits and hotels, nnd ninny
dishes oue is fniuiliar with tue cooked
and served wins te be almost as novel ns
tlio&e entirely new.
In Liverpool I get n rcclpe for Yerk-
thire pudding, nnd this is it: Twenty-IHe
niinutes licfore dishing up your roast
beef, pour out of the pan one-half of the
gravy into a dish for fiiture use. Beat
up two or four ejjgs with as much (lour
us will make n light butler, with three
tablespoonfuls, or six, of milk. Lift out
jour meat and pour this batter into the
dipping pan, and thu meat and
luku it the twenty-Ill minutes, and
serve het with thu meat, The pudding
will be light nnd permeated with the
taste of the meat and gravy, and Is de
licious. At Sheebtiryness, at the home of one
of the ulllccra of the Scheel of Gunnery,
I found tliis new and taverv nianner nf
7 J
serving cold roast mutton, when it had
been carved until the bone was net sight
ly, and the slices wcre tee small te send
te the table. Fer ene pound of sliced oil
cold mutton take ene quart of onions
and fry them until the rank smell is
gene and they are almost half dene.
Take one-lmlf a pound of stale bread
crumbs, and then put a layer of onions,
oho of meat and ene of Crumbs, until
they are nil en a deep earthen dish, fin
ished with a layer of crumbs. Of course,
salt nnd pepper; then put this In the
even for a geed hour, and it Is enough
te give ene a Ceney Island appetite te
smell It, and it is thoroughly geed.
There is something in the way of cook
ing the Yarmouth bloaters and kippered
herring thnt we cannot achieve, and I
think it is becausueur fires are different.
The English toast them down In front of
a fire, net ever it, hnd then put n bit of
butter nnd a dust of pepper and you have
a savory morsel which leeks nnd smells
temptingly nnd Is cheap. There also they
toast their meat befere the grate, Instead
of baking it, and though there seeing te
be no dilTcreiice, the meats tastes quite
differently, nnd nil in favor of roasting.
Louisa DAt.nvM vtn.
Chess problem hve. 49-Dy I). Meisten
Whlte te play nnd mate In two moves.
Checker problem Ne. -10 By A. Hannah;
id JcMki v&& ' a64
m mtm m
m m m m
11 Wl (3 1 Eg
mm Mm
m tas iet vtt,
! pKji iQii ji
II M M m
Whlte-li.', !, 'Jt.
Whit te play nnd draw.
Chess problem Ne. 48:
Whlte. Black.
1 .11-118 K-BS(l)
2 .Q HOch K moves
3 Q mates
Or (1) P meve3
3..P-H5 K moves
U..Q mates
Checker problem Ne. 45 By C. Btclger
wnlt: White-'J, 1G, 27, 29, 31. Black 1,5,
It 22
2e. Whlte te piny and win.
IVhite. Black.
.SI te 20 1.. 23 te 31
.SI) te 22 2.. 31 te 21
.22 te IS 3.. 14 te 2:1
. IliUi'J) W wins
Slinwliie Ileiv i:aar It Is te Make
If Yeu 1 1 lite tlin'lliuids.
The hands nre ns fellows, A and B playing
ngninst C nnd D;
A 10, 3, 2 ta, k, 10, 7, 4, 3 diamonds,
10, 0 clubs, 10, 7, 0 tpadc.
B A, tl, 7, 0, 5 hearts, q, , 5 diamonds, 8,
0, 5 clubs, n, 2 spades.
C IC, 4 hentrs, n, 8 diamonds, k, In, 7, 4
clubs, k, q, 0, fi, 3 Epades.
D Q, Un, S hemts, l:n, 0,2 dinineud, a,
q, 3, 2clubf, ku, S, 4 spades.
0 Fpndcs turned up by A.
Hound 1 C 5 s, B 2 s, 1) ku, s, A 0 s.
Round 2 D 8 s, A 7 s, C q s, B n 8. C
mlsht hnve finessed hUOef sheie success
fully, but he played th q correctly, because
he would have earned iiethiiiR In the end by
finessing, nnd the 10 might have lain iu B's
Round 3-B a h, D 8 h, A 2 Ii, C 1 h.
Round l-B (I h, I) ku h, A 3 h, C k h.
Round fi-C k s, B 5 c, D I s, A 10 s.
C hns new succeded In exhausting nil the
truiurn in his opponents' bauds, and bes two
left te prevent them fiem making nn estab
lished suit. I would call the render's attention
te the fact that C, when he led trumps in the
first place, was net specially stieng in plain
suits. He relies upon his pai tner te supply
this deficiency.
Round fi C I c, B 0 c, D q c, A 9 c
Round 7 D 3 c, A 10 c, C kn c, B 8 p.
Thoeo two last rounds illustrate the I'messe
well. I) fincssen his q c, and B his kn c.
Round 8-C 7 c, b fi h, D n c, A 10 h.
In thU round B holds back his diamonds iu
tlm hope that he can make his q lu thu third
i mind of tlie suit.
Round ll-D 3 c, A 3 d, C k c, B 7 h.
Round 10-C a d, B 5 d, I) 3 d, A I d.
Round 1 1-D q h, A 7 d, C 8 d, II U h.
The lest two ti icks nre made by C w ith his
remaining spades.
Kcetl(0 nml I lr.fll.-e r. liv nelnts
The Saventh Netr Yerk Regiment's Com
pany Frlre for Rifle Werk.
The "Kdwnid Kemp Tiephy," of which an
Illustration is hei-e given, was presented te
the Seventh regiment of New Yerk last
spring ns nn annual prlze te bonwnnled te
tlie company making the liest scores with tlie
rule. It wns wen for the first time by Com
pany Bin the match which closed Jnn. 2-1.
The arrangement Is thnt the trophy shall be
shot for iu the armory during a contest which
shall Inst through two weeks of overy Janu
ary, The tcanR must consist of twonty-flve
men each, selected from the ceniianles re-siK-ctively.
The winning company holds the
prize dm ing the year. As the picture show s,
this trophy isn drinking horn. It is of silver
and geld and of rure nud peculinr vvorkmnn vverkmnn
ship. There nre only three of the same kind In
existence, The ntiginal is in the possession
of the Duke of Oldenburg by wIieh name nil
three are known. The second Is in Rosenberg
rustle, while the third is the Seventh's. It
was purchased in Copenhagen just in time te
prevent Its passing into the possession of the
czar of Russia. The price jaid for it waj
4,:00 Danish crown-. $1,110.
The workmanship en the trophy Is se elabo
rate that no one has ever questioned thu
statement thnt it took the goldsmith nearly
live, years te finish this copy of the original
horn. The horn standi In a glass cese ou an
ebony pnlestal It i ttbeut feui teen Inchta
high, has a silver Ixxly overlaid with geld
ornamentation, which is relieved by colored
enamel. It lepresenU u mvdiEOSill stronghold.
Is believed te be causcdiy excess of lactic ncld
In the blecl, owing te the failure of the kidneys
nnd liver te properly remove IU Thencld attacks
the fibrous tissues, particularly In the Joint,
and causes the local nmnlfeilatlens of the dU
case, pains and uclirs In the back nnd shoulders
nnd In the Joints at the knees, ankle, hips nnd
wrists. Thousands of icoile hnve found In
Heed's Harsaptirlllnn positive nud permanent
cure for rheumatism. This medicine, by It
purifying nnd vitalizing notion, neutralizes the
acidity of the bleed, and also builds up nnd
strengthens the whole body.
Wendernil l'repertlcs
" I hnve taken Heed's Hnrwipnrllla nnd found
It excellent for rheumatism nnd dvsfiepsla. I
suffered for many lemr s-enrs. but my complete
recovery Is due te Heed's Bnrsnparllln. I re re
reiiimend It te every one bccnue of Its wen
derful proertle ns n bleed medicine." JetiN
Inflammatory Illieiinintlsin
" I Just wnnt iieople te knew thatwethlnk
IliKsl's Hiirsnpnrllla the best remedy for Inflam
matory rheumatism In the world. My husband
had this terrible ntreclleu for two jears and
Heed's Snrsupnrllln helped ilm mure than nn;
thing else. 1 mil atwnys glad tetrllwhnl Heed's
Hnrs-npnrllln hns done." Mns. K. Atkiwwin,
Hnlem, Ind.
Heed's Sarsaparilla
Held by all druggistn. ft j six rer f&. Prepnred
only by C. I. HOOD A CO.. Lewell, Mass.
la01IOMK8ONi:iKUAH (1)
ki.rnvenrl vm nltll'ted with n horrible
case of bleed poison, nnd upwards of live
months nf thnt time I wu unable te de work of
nny kind. My linger nails came en" nnd my
hair drepix-d out, leaving my bend ns clenn
and smooth as If It had been shaved. I con
sulted the lieHt lecnl plivslcinns, nnd spent hun
dreds of dollars for medicines of dlttcrent kinds,
but without receiving the slightest benelU. L
wns advised finally te visit Het Hprlngs. Till
I did, but lieeemlng disgusted with the treat
ment I wns revel vim? there, commenced taking
Hw Ift's HK'clllc (M. H. H ) The etleet that H. H. H.
had en me wns truly wonderful. I commenced
te recover lifter tnlilnrf the first bottle, and by
fim limn I iind tjikpii lueirn hollies I was en
tirely cured cured by Swift's Specific (H. 8. 8.)
when the world-rciiewiieit Het Springs had
failed. WJI.H, LOOM IS.
Ferlirtecn jenrsl wnsiinilctcd vrlth rhctima
tlsm, Tour curser which I wns compelled loge
en crutches. Words nre Inndeuunte te express
thORiiirerlngsI endured during that time. Dur
ing these fifteen jenrs of existence (It wns net
living), 1 tried every known remedy without
receiving unv benefit. I finally begun en Swift's
Specific (S. K. s.), which from the first gnveme
relief, and te-dny I nm enJelng the best of
health, nnd inn n well num. 1 candidly be
lieve that S. S. H. is the beit bleed purifier en
the market le-duy.
J. I). TAVLOIt, Cuba, Me.
Treat I se en llloed uud Skin Diseases mulled
(i) Atlanta 3a.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Williams, Ne. 278 Fevenlh street,
N. Y., testlfi that they have both been eufier
Ingwllb liver complaint for iibuut five jenrs,
during which time they have seut a large
union nt of inenev ntnl tried man v remedies, but
te no purpose. I Innlly, Inuring or the genuine
Dr. l McI.ine'M Liver Pills, prepared by Flem
ing Hrei., Pittsburg, l'n., thcr purcliafced four
beves, which they took necerdlng te the direc direc
llens iiceemiHinv leg eitclt be, nnd new pro
nounce themsUvcs perfectly cuied of that dis
tressing disease.
This Is te inrtlfy that I have been subject ut
times te severe liendnihe; senietlines tiie pnln
would Imi se severe I could rest neither dny or
night. Hearing of the genuine Dr. 0. McLnne's
Liver PUN, prepared by Fleming Pres., Flus
hing, Pa., I sent nnd get u box, of which I took
two pills ongoing te bed, rer two nights. They
relieved me ent relv. bem,. Hum has new
elapsed nnd I hnve hud no moie treuble from
sick headache. .....
M. JOHNSTON, 118 Lewis street, N. Y.
This Is te fortify that I hnve hnd the liver
complaint for six ) cum, and I never could get
unv medlcine te help me until I commenced
using the genuine Dr. l McLnne's Ltvcr Fills,
prepared bv Fleming Hre., Pittsburg, Fu. I
iMiiiiewsaj te the public, thnt they hnve com
pletely cured mn; mid I de hereby recommend
them In nil person- nlllleted with ndlsensed
liver. Trvtheiu. Thev vv til cure.
MAItlA EVANh, Ne. 1)5 Lew Isstreet.N. Y.
Insist upon having the gtnulne Dr. C. Me
Idine'R Ltvcr I'll K prep.iree by ITitnlug llre..
I'ittsburg, I'j. Frlte 23 cents a box. Sold by nil
driigglstH. (3)
Fer Horses, Cattle, Sluep. Dejjs, Hogs AND
aOUI'ngu Heek en Trtntmeiit or Animals nnd
Chart Sent Free.
cuiiKSl Fevers, Cengestlc
A.A. JSplnnl Mcnlnglll
lt.ll, .SlrnliiH, Ijimeness,
(ins. Iufiammatlen,
N. Milk Fever.
C.C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
D.D. ISfite or Drubs, Worms.
E.E. Coughs, 1 leaves, Fneumuulii.
F.F. Celic or CIripes, llclljuclie.
(I.O. Mlsiarrlnge, Hemorrhages.
H.H. Uilnary iiiiil Kidney Discuses.
1. 1. Eruptive Diseases, Mungc.
J.K. Diseases of Dlgtstlen.
HTAI1LE OAHE. with Specifics, Manual,
Wltih Hael 1)11 and .vledlcnter .. .jT.0
PRICE, Hlugle Het tle (ever 50 deses) (
Rold by DrugglsU; urHenf Prepaid nny where
nnd In unv iiuniitlty en Receipt of Price.
HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., I0U Fulton St., N. Y.
NO. 2S.
iJn use :)) ears. Tbeiuilv successful remedy
NESS, uud Piostr.itlen, fiiim Over-Werk or
ether e.iuses. 81 per v lul, or 5 v lals nnd lnrge
vial powder rer !e.
Sei.n nv Dittnmisirs, or sent pnpildonre pnpildenre pnpildonre
celpteilof prlci-.-lIUMlMIHEYh' SIEDICINK
CO., 1 Fulton St.. N. Y. une27-Th,SAw
Sick Hendachfi nnd relieve ull the troubles Inci
dent te n billens state of the sj stem, Mich ns
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
Kiting, Pnln In the Side, .te. While their most
rcmnrkiiblu success has been shown iu curing
FILLS nre equally valuable In Constipation,
curing nnd preventing this uunejiiig com cem
plnlnt, while they ulse correct ull disorders of
ihe stomach, stimulate the liver nnd regulate
the bowels. Even If the only cured
Ache thev would be almost priceless te theso
wiui suiter from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does net end
lieie, and llioe who ouce try them will find
these Utile pills vnlu ihlt In se many wnv x tliat
thev will net be willing te de without them,
llui after all sick head
Is the Imneer se ninny lives that In re Is where
we make our great beast. Our pills euro It while
otlursde net.;
small uud very easy te take. One or two pills
make n dose. They nre slriell) vegetable and
de net gripe or puige, but by their gtutle no
tion please ull who use them. I.i lals tit Sets;
ttvolerSl. Sold ever where or sent by mull.
Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price.
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses the Passages', Allnys Fnln nud
Intl.inimalleu, Heals the Hei-en, Restores
the Senses oITnste nnd Sincll,
A particle Is implied te eiuh nostril nud Is
ngrei'iible. FrlceW cents nt DrugglsU ; by mall,
registered, I) cents.
seill-lydAw Ne. 6(1 Warren St., New Yerk.
Ar " Undeveloped fari-s
Or the Human Uedy Eulurged. Developed,
Strengthened, etc., Is un Interesting ndveriUe
ment long rim iu our paper. In reply te In
quiries we will sny Hint there Is no ev Idence of
humbug nlieut this. On the contrary, the ait.
virtlsersare very highly Indorsed, Interested
person may get sealed circulars giving nil par
ilfUhirs, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL
CO., 6 HttttU bt., HuttHle, N, Y.-lMlu ThUde
iff, fll-l)diw
A Fine Portrait KftEB te nny Helder of On
Hundred Wrappers or Peppy oil Bone
and Powder, at
The Picture of any person you select Made te
Order. Call and Sec Hnniple.
Although Dried nnd Kvmreted rrulUhav
ndvniicffl, we still eftt-r 3 am Prunes for 25c ; 4 1
rruucsiurztc. rine Apneeu. isc.
pies, lOe. Kine Apples, 6e, linm,
Wlmln AA.
lOkr. IMI-
rnrnm lintns, sc. Slinulder, 6c.
Bologna, S ft
.fust received, a cargo of Ceftees which will
discount anything ettvred In thlsclly.
the w erld-5, Id, 15 and 23 cent bottles.
Crackers which were never offered for less
than 9c, for 6c V n-
Dig Drlve In Buckwheat 7$e a Hack.
A T BUriSR'8.
The Inten Season will seen be nt hand. Ws
desire te call the attention or our customer
and ethers te our line of these goods :
MACKKUEb-Wohave the large Ne. I Bloat
ers; Ne. 1 Mess; Ne. 1 uud 2 Mackerel.
SMOKED UISCOKS-Thls Is a lake fish
smoked nnd very fine.
CODiasit-Ueneless Codfish of several dlDcr
entgrndes. BAltUlNEH-QcuuIne French. Alexis Oodll Oedll Oodll
let In quarters, halves nnd whole Ibexes. Alse
American In qunrter and half boxes. Spiced
nnd Mustard Sardines.
SALMON Canned Salmen, Dew Drep brand
Salmen Cutlets, lu flat cans, very fine. Alse a
geed Fresh Salmen at 15c a can.
Fresh Lebster, New Olives, Imported Maca
roni nnd Vermicelli.
Kdem, Pineapple. Koquefert, Sapsnge and
Yerk State Crcnm Cheese.
-Telephone Connection.
A T ItElbTS.
Meats Sc Fistfi.
Finest Dried Beef Knuckles, 15- ft.
Finest Regular Dried Beet, 10c V "
Finest l'lcnle Hams, 8c Vi lb.
Finest lleneless Hams, lc tllb.
Finest Regular Hklnucd Hams. 12Ve f ft.
These Hams have ail the skin and fat cutoff.
. Finest FUie siuinincr Bolegiui. 0c. V H.
Finest Portland Herring, fie, or 6 fts for 35c
t White Fish, cleaned, Oe -pft.
Evtra Fine Whlte Mackerel, fie each.
Finest Bloater Mackerel, Vt te 1J.J fts, 20c ft.
One hundred buxes Hmeked Herring, 50 te 90
ber.'iiCB box.
Finest Helland Herring, Vkcg.ll.lS.
Twenty-pound kegs or Tripe, keg, il 20.
Canned Cern, 5c. cnn.
Cmined Cern, very line, 4 cans for 25c.
Cinucd lllnckbcrrles, fie. V can.
Canned lllnckberrics, very line, 4 cans fer2Sc.
Canned Htrnwberrles, four cans for 25c.
Kxtrn Fine Toinatecs, Belld Fucked. 8c. can.
Very r inest l'le I'c.ieues, a cans ier ec.
Extra Flne French Fens, two cans for 25c.
Fine French Feas, lie l cnn.
A big let fir Creamery Butter nt 20c and 25c
V lb. '1 his is u decided bargain, and you should
net miss It.
By nil means see our Immense display Jef
Dried Frulls. Yeu never saw the like. Any
thing nnd everything, nt prices that will make
veu tniiiK. vvneie ireui uiruwii
Inte Fruit.
lllg let coming lu te-dny.
Loek up next week's
ndvertlftmeni en it.
Directly Opposite
J. B. Mnrtln A Ce.'s Dry Uoeds Stere, and
Next Doer te Herre Hnrse Hetel.
Loek for the Big Sign ncress the pav cinent.
Watches, Clocks,
And nre prepaied te quote tlie LOWEST
PRICES, quality taken Inte consideration.
Walter C. Herr,
We. 101 N. Queen St.,
Jeweler and Graduate Optician.
Having Inld In n Large Line of SPOONS'
KNIVl.s AND FORKS, which wu bought AT
A CUT PRICE, will give our patrons bcnilltef
the same.
These goods nre nil of the STANDARD HOM
ERS' I1RAND, Guuinplccd.
Eyes Examined Free.
ir-Ne Dreps Used -, hence no harm te eyei.
can eccui,
Ne: 10 West King St.,
China, Glass,
Chiina Mall.
Wb are new- opening our Spring
Importation of Queenswnrennd will
be prepared te supply our customers
with the very best grade or w ureal
Lewest Prices. HeusestlrtH receive
cspuclnl attention.
15 East King Street,
-;, -
-t t
tt3flVlgg?JJT''"',y!JMri"?7T tgW "gyij