iMWiMWim wwpiww -jjsfww.? -."-.-" v -- , ''vfi.'wr gsvr. ' ?--! K-'jf -'-' -.--- u - ' s -'lrM aMl s A V A SSSSnsSsft'Sk SF T'LVMMMT TM MW A MV1 fill f-SV & SMSS WlfcTTT A Vfelf m A 4 Afe -i ' -5 . AtLE JUAHU.A.BXJB..U lAflLlU JLlVl.'JiilJ.lJAtr.EJHU.Ul't, AJttU -lJLiY X . rH.131lUAJVi: JLi, ISWi c J- f Sir T W&'W RSCTj.i" ia&. my 4xr t tan w fcv m ?V. : -i, -u. 5 r i y mmtWRtfTftR: i."r '-:?, trki - '. , , .' - " ItKTIMf If. WW TMfjtT. .. r-r . ' '"-., ahr.VMiasn-Wsi I WatMast f Mta tec- iZ . I. i - ttea Mtd -win LHMir Wiv iv. ' ' - St. James' & H'-MkaBh: wj teat avealM. Rev. Percy PPilWtelMi WM'eleeM rector. The new h iaUr u MtUre of New Yerk aUte. Ha PIHMlll imgtey academy In England, and AaklheA hta achMatlen at Trinity college, xXmVrik. At one time ha waaenthe ,,-iXA hJtll isif of tha New Yerk TVfOMn. '& a mm t ha la stationed at Tewanda. SH same te Lancaster several weeks .:&Tt n4 preached .In St. .James' "ffltximresit tie young iu i jerska thirty years or age. Tnismern- awlsjf William Aug. Alice, esq., secretary ei & restry, officially notified Mr. Robet-'S-lussi'of his election, and hs Is likely te -i& m. James church has been without a i nefctt fer nearly a year. If Rev. Hobettom ! W aeeepts he will net be likely te enter upon ra mm aawes ueiere ome who ... ! wfria" nmwt atrenir onneslllon tolilileftV- arfc .'?.:".. ,VX.rti 13 COMMON I'l'KM l-UUII I . JtaB Patterson JTllea Opinion in Turee Aa. 1 a.... 1l.i.k A no. 'w. mmvm b"w w.m .. ..Bv. L'ft" Ths suit of Abraham u. uanir. Wt TTetinr U. Qantx. was attached M.- lbr trial at neon te-day befere Judge Llv- MS .i UAKH T I. .m ..IIaii Ia rentVAV SI llfl fcV- C. OKU. "." "" ."-.. v L&v damages from derenaamrercircuiaung n !tSf report that plaintiff bad forged a note. $&& Ths snlt of Carey Bres. A Qrevemyer vb. . A. nerahev &Dro.. wa3 attaclaea ler trial VU 'Z . V .. ' mi. 1. - I. i- rh'' before Judge raiisrien. iuni mu iu (i : '' recover for geed sold aud dollverou. Kj&ii About certain articles, among them music irg - """i "" !'-- , R. Judge rattorsen niea opinions in me m), following cases: i.V, Jesenh Krelder and wlfe's nsMened os- Ir'v' tate, the exceptions te auditor's report were W" dismissed and the report absolutely eon- biv nrrnea. J ln tne attachment suit of Susan Landis Kiv vs. Ureneman Brethers, with the Lancns- pH 4'rter' County National bank as garnlsueca, Fi.'J '' Judgment was entored in favor or pisinuii sy.. for 1709.28. v In the sntt of Sarah Feltr vs. the Singer '::' awtner Mirhlnn imtunv. the rule te show ,eaUM why the names of F. S. Ayers and W? w U1V1 PUUUIU 1IU. uv nuuvu ai wuw- "!" nnaanw was aiseaargeu. lia' A netltlen for a A. fa. airalnst Wm. Coff- "-',? matli. of Hllhnrv. for arrearairea due his VZvZ? ii ;4,V sented. The court directed at.a. te Issue IjSJS. n tne replevin milt of Msry A. dsnts vs. iS-J Itinliitn W riant thn lurv f nil nil In favnr fek" of plalntia for M30.83. Brown &. Hensel EK? ' - i.t.i-r. e r iri... .-,i ir n Ti-nlmW-. PTKjtt ( IHWUUUf O. . .UJ UU ". v.. uiuum. feS: ,7, swr HeiwiHii. klRrs ..-. ,..-.-.-, .a Wr J1A.1.1AU i1&'l.AIVXl& IllCli k ".She Suffer n Lenar Time Frem Dropsy. ' Her. Meran Called te Annapolis. Columbia, Feb. 13. Mrs. Hannah Mc Carthy, living en Union atreet, near Fifth, Sfe&isA i... -I L -" aJ A-' ,1 S(?l- M rMn II dealh reiulted from DllOU- aSnla ,shmhU a nrW.4 nfrn- frtllf ttmnthfl 111 if- "- -""""'' ,, ; ,; A Carthy, who was killed en the Pennsylva- f& nla railroad seven years age, bne was Vh, born In Ireland and has lived in town for many years. Twe daughters survive, Miss Ellen McCarthy, at home, and Sister Anna '' Theresa, at the Foundling asylum, New plpj Yerk. The funeral will take place en Sat- thi nreay morning ai v o'cieck ireni ou x-eicr s Mw.'' Catholic church. Kev. F. J. Clay Meran, rector of St. Paul's P. E. church, has been called by the bishop of Maryland te the ofllee of arch deacon or Annapolis. Constable S. Morrison hns been notified by the clerk of the court, under Instruc tions from the judges, te notify borough and township constables that their election last year was for three years. C. C. Knuirman, esq., will address the Franklin lyeeum, of Enst Denegal town ship, en Thursday evening, February 20. Jehn Beldlnger, a four-yenr-eld son of Geerge ReidJnger, living en Seuth Fourth street, took an overdeso of laudanum this morning. The bottle was standing en a sewing tnachine and was picked up by the boy and seme of the contents swallowed. Dr. MarUel was summoned and prescribed . Uw proper antidotes. DEATH OF AS OLD CITIZEN'. William SIoCeinbN l'asses Away After an Attack eflj Grippe. Wm. McCombs died en Wednesday at bis borne near Drumere Centre He bad net betin In geed heaUU for some time and bad an attack of la grippe, which was the Immediate cause of his death. Mr. McCombs was a native of Ireland and came te vthis county when quite-a 7 yesng man ; at the time of bis death he i-u was about eighty years of age. He was a shrewd, careful business man, of strict In ! tagrity, a geed practical farmer and suc ceeded well in life. He gave all his chil dren the advantages of a geed education, and had reason te be proud of his family, which Is as follews: Mrs. Dr. Cooper, of Cleveland, Ohie; W.J. McCombs, who Is a teacher in Pequea; Miss Bella, who teaches In Druruere ; Jehn, who is farm ing for his father; Miss Annie, a "teacher of Drumere ; Geerge, who is In Philadel phia attending a medlcal college, and who was formerly with Jehn Wunamaker. He will be buried at Chestnut Level Of which church he was a member. Anether Freight Wreck. At Falmouth station, which is en the Columbia branch of the Pennsylvaula rail road, a wreck occurred about S o'clock Wednesday afternoon. An nxle in a west ern bound train, drawn by cngiue Ne. 1172, broke and caused eight cars te lcave the rails. The trucks were tern out from each, and although they caused a great blockade, they are net broken. The south track was blocked for an hour, and It was found necessary te run the Harrisburg ac commodation due here at 0:45, back te Mldf; dletewn and down the Mount Jey track. It was ever two hours late reaching Lan caster. An extra train was made up at Columbia and run te this city te make con nection. The north track was net cleared until four o'clock this morning. Beys Complained Asalnat. Complaint was made yesterday before Alderman Hersbey against Jehn Lauer, Lyman White, Harry White, Harry Stevens, C. Btapf, A. Docrsem, Harry Bransby, Harry Fasnacht and Ivy Dart, Tha boys have a house rented en Derwart street which they occupy as a place of Besetiag, and the neighbors complain that they are a nuisance, and Constable May brought suit. They will have a hearing shortly. TaU ere of a Merchant. D. B. Case,' attorney for Illly Ceble, of Marietta, Issued execution late en Wednes day afternoon against Jehn W. Ceble, Merchant of Marietta, for $3,600. The J alga ant en which execution was issued ia 4atad January 1, 1683. but was only en lersstln the prothenotary's etllce late en WaUnaaday, h m Cae Continued, Tha bearing- of Paul Hoke, of Yerk Z&. ' X-ijBty, ehargsd by Henry Blnkley with . I 4)snraiiinTni. uoueiu L Defrauded a Laudlerd. W.W. Whltahaad hue given ball before v'v,t,AMnnaMHalbaehte auawer a charge of i m m. Jl Tjelasa VaJTMIf tT at fu-kal kv tIll mm 4PW1b VSsT W (at erSjiSMM fJliii ' The Hlb M cmertal Fund. Cettnty Superintendent Urecht has ro re atrw) oenlritmtlona from a number of ehoeU In the county for the Itlgbee memorial fend. Up te Monday return were made te Mm from 153 school. Tlie amount wu $133.05, making an average of 69 centa from each achoel. A Grand fully. Iter. Selh P. Y. Smith has made nr rangements for a final grand rally at his church, en Strawberry street, en Sunday evening. The money realized will be ap plied te the payment of the debt contracted by the purchase of a parsonsge. A Trip West. On next Tliundsy evsnlng J. H. Hnbtckcr, of Philadelphia, will lecturs In ths Court Heuse en "A trip West te drive away dull care," for the benefit of Emmanuel chapel and ths Cheral society of HL Paul s Reformed church. A social and literary entertainment will be held this (ThurKtayJerenlngalKminHtiuel ml. Ien, Cor. Pine and Walnut streets. Admlulen free. The riustneM Men's Jubilee. An entertainment known as " The Budness Meu' Jubilee," l In reurae of preparation by the Yeung IVeple's society of HI. Jehn' Lu theran church, and will be presented te the pub lic In the near future. i ' , Corporal Tanner te Jeature. Tha Veteran Union Legien ha engaged Cor poral Tanner te deliver a lecture In the court bouae en the evening of February 18, for the benefit of lis relief fund. Ill Rubjert will be " The soldier' life, grave and gay." It Will be Corporal Tanner' lint appearand) In I-nnca-ter, and the denim te thl much-talked-of !eren will attract a large audience. A O rand Concert. The mualcal event efllie wiuen will certainly be the flint performance In Lnncaitcr of Mev Inl's " HUibat Mater," en n arale or marnlltide and with the accesaerlc that will net only draw a large home, but make It a memorable ecca; Ien In ths Mimical hlitery of Lancaster. A Urge, selected and well-drilled chorus will as- alit in the oberal work, wiiue me soieiau en gaged atand In ths front rank of American ar tlat. Mr. William Courtney, the eminent tenor, whose nice In England we only equaled by the nensntlen lie created Iu America, will auntatn the tenor ele and ha charge of the quartet. In the rendition or oratorio like "Juda Msccabseui," "Meulah," and po pe ctslly the Blabst Mater," thl quartet ha earned a meit enviable reputation. At the Worcester mutlcal fcttlval Carl Zsreshu, tlie veteran leader, declared that the quartet' per per per formnncejef the "Btabat Mater " wa the lel he ever condueted. Mlu llallcttbeck and Mint O'Cenntll (ultoef I'lymeuth church), are name familiar te all mutlclani, and figuring meit uremlnentty at all our great muilcil reitlvaU. In a mlscellaueeu pregramme, forming the ee ee end part of the entertainment, the quartet will b heard Intthelr bent aelectlen, a wellssln the new national hymn," Banner of the Hea," which will be heard for the flrt tlme In Lun eaater, the native home eftlie competer, Messrs. Itnyinend die Whltcemb'a Cali fornia Tours. Mesum. llaymead A. Whltceuib, tha popular excursion manager, announce three mera tour te the Piiclflc Ceait In connection with their winter aerie or trip, the date or departure being March 0, 10 and 'JO. Twe or the partlc (March 0 and 20) will go via Chicago and the Heck Iiland and Hants Fe line, and ths Houth era Paclfle cempauy'i "Hitntel Iloute" from the Creeent City. All three partle will travel In magnificent train or Pullman palacodlnlng palacedlnlng car. Ne greater comfort or luxury can be ob tained In railway travel than thcie atipcrb train afford, and the tranacenttncnlal Journey become In a Raymond Jc Whltcerab tour a meat dellgbtrul experience. Many well-known names are already booked for the several trip, aud the March tour promlee te be among ths pleasanteit aud tnent uccesml of the aeuaen. The cleilng Mexico tour I aailgned ter March 10. Tlle annual alght-aeelng tour te the Paclfle Ceait are announced for April 23. T'Cacrlplhe circular of the various trip may be obtalued by addressing Raymond & Whltcemb, 111 Houth Ninth alrcet, under the Continental Hetel, Phil adelphia. ittntrrlrtnc. MALZNUit McLavehmn. On February 5, l&O, at the pareennge, Ne. 217 Houth Queen street, Lancaster, 1., by Rev. E. C. Verkcs, Mr. Jeseph Maimer, and Miss Carrie McLaugh lin, all or this city. lUUw fPcntha. Mermen. February 12, ISM), in this city, Harry James Messmau, son of Jehn aud Uuriili Messman, In the tlfth year or his age. The relative and friend or the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from hi parents residence, Ne. Vti Rockland street, en Haturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. Brem. In this city, 'en the 11th lust., Mrs. Elizabeth Hrom, In her "ltd year. The relatives and friends of the family nre re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from her son's residence, Ne. 434 Chester street, en Friday morning at S.Mat the house aud 0 o'clock at HU Antheny's church. Interment utHt. An An teony's cemetery. 2td Wilsen. In Kllzaoethlown, Feb. II, 1S'.K), James Wilsen, In theBOth year of his age, The relatives and frlends of the family are ru ru pectfully invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence, en Friday morning. High Mass at St. Peter' Catholic church at 9 o'clock a.m. Interment at the cometcry. 'ltd LAifieirs. Februury 11, 18J0, at Lampvlcr Jehn Lanleus, aged 6J years. The relative and friends or the fiimlly are re respcclfully Invited te attend the funeral, from lit late residence lu Ijiiu peter, en Friday after noon at '1 o'clock. Services at thoheusoaml ulse at the Methodist church, Htrasburg. Inter ment at Strathurg cemetery, "Id Heiiii. Februury 11, 18W, In this cltv. Chris tian B. Herr, president of the Iaiicaster County National bank, In his 81st year. The relatives and friends of the family nre re spcetfully Invited te attend the funeral from his late rC8ldcnce, Ne. Ui West Orange street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services at the Duke Htrect Methodist church nt2-.H0. In terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. Please emit flowers. McCoiu.-February 12, HM, William Mc Comb, In tlieTOIli year of lilsugc. The relutlvc and friends of the family are re spectfully lnvlted te attend the funernl, from hi late residence, lu Drumore, en Haturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, InUrment at Chestnut Level. - aStlavltcte. Ltve Stock MnrKctH. nusFAl.0, Feb. 12.-Cuttle Receipt, 1,720; market steady. Sheep end Lambs-Re eclpts, 0,200 jfiilr demand and lower Hhe'p Choice te extra, K'bt&UW; medium te geed, S5 43&5(!j; enmmeu te kikmI, 5t5 30. Ui ill Lis- geed te choice, S7.Vt700; fair te geed, Id 40&0 70 ; medium te fair, & W& tf 3V Hegs-Recclpts, 7,150; memedlum and heavy, JHajl5; mixed, f)M5; Yorkers, 91401 15; plgs.lllOul 15; roughs, J25.J3UJ. East I.uektv. Cattle Receipts. IOTA : shli ments, 1170; market llrm: prime, SI 50. H 75; fair te geed, SIH33I50; ceiiimuii, SIMUJUJ; stockers aud feeUem, ti 7S33 2j ; no curs shlpied te New Yerk. Hogs Receipts, 1500; shipments. 1100; market firm: medium, H 40i4 50; Yorkers, II2O3I50; Philadelphia, 14 54 45; Pigs, HUMl 10: no cars th(pied te New Yerk. Hhee Receipts, 2uu : shlpraeuu. none ; market fair; prime, t5 50.$5 75; fair te geed, H 7&5 25 ; geed te coinmeii, 12 5033 50 ; lambs, cuicAQO, Fib. 11, Kecelnts, H.OuO; shipment 4,000; steady; biwes, U bOviS 10; steers, U 04 70 ; stockers and feeders. rJ 403.3 60; cows, bull and mixed, II 20c3 00; Texas cattle, r.' eOS3 50 ; Western lUugers, tl 70&3 CU. Hogs RcccIpU, 30.000; shipments, 14.000; mar ket steady; mixed, 13 eft4 00: heavy, ri 75 8400; light, 37534(tt; kll, S3 2533 70. ' Sheep Receipts, bOUO: khlpmenu. 1,000: mar ket strong; natlves,,l504375; Western woeled It U05 00 ; ihern Texans, 13 605 1 ; lambs, 15 00 te 15 70 per hundred weight. ttv SVbwcvtiocmcnte. TUST RECEIVED. ROKDERER RED L.VUEL, The Finest or Cliamiinsnes. ROHRERH LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 22 Centre Hquare. TrANTED-A SITUATION AS UPSTAIRS Y girl or nurte. Apply at this etllce. It ANTED-A QIRL WANTS A HITUA HITUA tleu todegcneral housework. It APPLY AT THIb OFFICE. WAJJTED-TWO GIRLS FOR GENERAL housewerk: euemiddle-aiced preferred, te go te Camden, N. J., In a family of twe: uu children ; waves, tj.50 per week. Inquire at WM. U. lUJY'S Boek Bindery, ltd 16BeuthQueeuSt. UCLIC SALE-TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) morning and afternoon at 9 aud 1:J0 o'clock utirul Furniture of All Kluds.ut VISeuUi queen street. JOEL L. HAINES, ltd Manager for Dclchler d Schauta. UBLIB SALE OF A CENTRALLY LOCA AlCD HOME. OS TCESOAV, FaBBUARYlffi, At the Leepard HeUl, the Twe-Story Frame Dwelling Meuse, Ne. IU East Vine street, con tains kevsn rooms, papered throughout und In excellent condition ; let S by 150 feet, hydrant la yard, a tine variety or rrult. Sale at rAji. m. r . J.R.OIVLER. JegL L. Haises, Auct, fbu,U,lU jlttt anntrmtrtt. flAllM AUK WOBKli DOttfOK 0ABBIAOI WOslKi, Cerner of Duke und Vine Htretti (feraler.jr a,000 OverHlslheusanft pellani tHW0 In Fine Vehicles new an Batilbltleei 180O All tlieliATEHTBTYLlfer 1BBO 1S.OO UOAUCARTH 916.00 .. 49-Tha best of mechsnlcs en repairing at the Doertem Carrlace Works, corner of Puke and Vine streets. dMrdR TUB FINKKT LINK OF 1MPOHTKO AND iMtnesUe Clfsr In the city. Clear Ifa vana Clear, our manufacture, In boxes of SB, te and loe. DKMUTH'S CIOAR BTORR, als-tMB ill Kast King Btrset. "lirANTKD-MAI.K UOAHIJEIU4 AT NO. 114 V Houth Duke alrcet: term lew: awem- nodstlen geed. flO-3W 3rU!E APPLICATION OF JNO. F. FONTZ L for trnnufcr of Uvern license of Albert nlilfiutn. Slli ward, city, will be heard Feb. 30, IMO. at 10 a.m. JanSI AfebfUS, Jl. F. W. URBAN, D. a Q. B, OO LOST-BLACK (COCKER. HPANIEL. Reward errered. tfd 227 NORTH PRINCE BT, 1irANTED-A GOOD COOK.-APPLY AT TV tne; feblS-Std EXOIIANOE ilOTEU milE BEHT VALENTINE IS A BOX OF I cut Flower or a Plant In Bleem. Lille eTtlie Valley, Rese, Clnereriet, Hyacinth, at BOIIKOYKR 4, II Ne. 147 North qaesa Btnet. CJTKRKOITICON AND LECTURE "ROME, J5 THK ETERNAL CITY," by Rev. H. M. Vcmnn. D. .. Friday evenlns. Februarr 14. In DUKE HT. M. E.CIIURCU. Admission. l!ia ; children, 10c. Itd -VTOTICK. 1 LAMCAJ LAMCAT.nC0UNTY NATIOKAI.IIANK, w curuarr j.i. iewi. i February 1 On account eftlie funeral eftlie latePreal- dent, ClirUtlan B. Herr, thl Bank will be rlewd at half-pad one o'clock te-morrow (Fri day) alternoen. F.H.BRENEMAN, ltd Cathler. B ROWN'H HKIN CURATIVE SOAP. A CLKAN, HEALTHY COMPLEXION, A HOFT, SMOOTH BJflN.' ' Brown's Skin Curative Seap! Fer Infants' dellrstu skin It has no superior and few equals. Household Ammonia, 12c a bottle. The biggest and bent liueH or Toilet Heap Iu the city, AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE, COR. DUKK4 LEMON HTS.,LANCAHTER,FA JanM-lyTu.Tli-B-R XTACATION KXCUIWIONH. EAYM0ND8 VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expeuse Included. lie Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Partle or the Hcaien Ter CHLIFORNIH Wilt Leave Philadelphia, a fellow t THURSDAY, MARCH ".-Routs via. Chi cago, Kansas City, Ia Vega Het Hprlngs, Hnt Ke, Albuquerque, Dam tow, San Bernar Bernar dieo, Etc. ' MONDAY, MARCH ia-neute via. Cincin nati, New Orleans, Ualvesten, Housten, Han Antonie, El Pase, Etc. THURSDAY, MARCH 20,-lleute via. Chi cago, Kanan City, La Vegas Het Hprlngs, HantaVe, Albuquerque, Barslow, Hun llcruur dlne, Etc. . The trip te be made In Special Trains or Mag nificent veitlbuled Pulltnuii Palace Curs, with Pullman Palace Dlnlnir Cars. A Cholce of Four Routs Returning, with Fif teen Partlci under special escort. Return TicKOtsaisoueouonaii trams until July 1. in. dependent Ticket, covering all expense both ways, and giving entire freedom te the passen passen ger In Callrernlaand returning. Hetel coupons buppllctllfdoslred. Excursion te Mexico, March 10. Annuiil Hprlng Tour te Colerado, California aud the Paeinc Northwest, April 23. 1Rend for deicrlptlve circulars, designating whether book relating te California or Mexico leurs is ucsireu. RAYMONDS IVHITCOMll. IU Seuth Ninth HU (under Continental Metel), Philadelphia, Pa. feblS-Tll,SftTu W 1L1.IAMS0N FOSTER, HATS I HATSi INCREASING DAILY SPRING STYLES! Oui Sleck erHprlug Htlus Is Iticrcated dully by tH'sli urrlvuls. We are new showing nu elegant Dei by Hut for Ocnts at 11.25, und Gout's liluck Derby, In th ree proportions, at f 1 50. Black Derby at I i The English Comfert Derby, 2 51). Alse Bos Bes Bos eon Flexible " Hllvermnn'SRiid Knox Hats. Beys Light Cleth Hats, silk lined, equul Ui quality te f 1 goods, only Goe. Heys1 Lluht Cleth Hats. anil "V. Chlldruu's Fancy Pull Frent Caps, 25i' and 60c. Child's Hcetch Caps, regular Reb Rey terns, 50c. , 2IJ0 pat- TRUNKS 1 TRUNKS 1 New shapes lu Canvas Covered Trunks, bound with Brass und Bras Lecks. They are net only handsome but veiy substantial. Alse a large assortment of all qualities, from the cheapest te the finest. The Spring Dress Goods AreiuuLliig friends with all who see them and the prltvs are appreciated. Huudseme All-Weel Fluids, 42 In. w ide, 50c ; worth 75c. Eight fchudes In All-Weel Stripes, 3d In. wide, 37Jic. Eight shade in Plaids, 40 In. wide, 50c. New shudes lu Serges aud Henrietta, 3V 111. Wide, 600 ; 43 In. wide, 75c. Ueuulne Arneld Henriettas, the best known made, fuuey colors aud black, 45 lu. wide, fl ):i jniu. Spring Weights lu Idlos'Stecklnette Jacket, Breadwules, Diagonals und Cleth, tZ'-B te Hi All Winter Weight Jackets und Ceals ut greauy reuucea prices. llo)s'Knce Pant Hulls, ." te $j. Heys' Odd I'ants, ull sizes, JSc. ate, Wc, Tic. II. Gent's Stylish Light Weight 0eneuts, f I, sj, 10. JS.SIO, 8l2. ' Gent' Medium Weight Overcoats, J22j,, wbrk'ing Pauls, 75c, Jl, $1.10, $1.25, II JO, $i Heys' Scheel Hulls, $3.50, $1, HM, $5. Gents' Neckwear for ttprlng, new patterns, light and dark shades, 'leeks, Pulls aud I'eur-tu-llands, 2ic te 60c. Neat and Hty 11th Pattern In Calice nnd Per cale shirts, two cellars und eue pair of cuir te each ill Irt. Price, tee. Large Assortment of Doraet Shirts, age aud d'ents' Medium-Weight Underwear, while aud colored, WV. Embroideries and Laces. HAMBURG, SWISS AND CAMBRIC. SwUs and Cambilc Fleunclugs, ' and sMncli Mite. Cambric und Swiss Edging In) Match Pattern. I1 le.Ml5?hf Novelties In Game, Valeuclennea, Oriental Point und Torchon latces. OurSpectal Assortment or Euibrelderlet at 10c er urd, are allies seldom met with. Honest-Made Shoes, 1 or lle)k and Girls' Scheel Wear. Hele Leather Tip Shoes, made of the Best lb ble Grain Morwce, with Gout Butten Pieces, tlurke' patent itay around the button hole, solid leather outer and Inner soles. Bex tee and heavy Up pieces, with the best selected counters, making them a solid aud rtllable KchoelHIioe. Price, 75c, II 00, $1 'Ji. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA., -ANIi- NO. SIS. MARKET ST., UAHRISBUKQ, PA. Williamson & Fester, IHtMr 9Hrttsvitmtnt SV)R chili rtENT KTORE MWH NO. 1.1 KAHT Ins stresv fsrnerlr ercunled-b As- rem. aimi eeeend and third noet resnis, from April 1, use. inquire cf jmuJD-uu II. O. LlPP. FOR RKNT-A" TtfRKB-HTOKY BRICK Uwelllnj Heuse, with modern Improve- Brlak '. liel Ie.21t S-tfd FOR HANDSOME NECKTIES, GoteKIllHMANB, Ne. 42 West King Street. TIME, LABOR AND MONEY HAVF.D BY nilng " Purity Heap." Beld everywhere. e lYRTKRS I BEST OYSTERS IN TH E MAR 1 ket served In all style, and meal at all bears, at CHARLES E. IIOHTER'H, In the rear of the Central Market Oysters In ths shell or opened served te private families. Telephone connection. nevX-Zmdlt me SAVE YOUR BACK AND OLADDEN JL your heart use " Purity Heep." T3ILLY WAITZ HAS THE BEST TWO FOR Tfc aLs a-J Ka a-1t-- St S..SJS-S. NOH. A 108 NORTH iUEEN ST. dMmdM,Tu,Th fTUtOUT SHANK, SHIRT MANUFACTURERS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS, Ne, 140 North Queen Street, Rhlrt made te order as low s I1JX). Perfect fit guaranteed. Through necelty Ws have slarded a HAND Munuiti ana are preparra ie launaryerau 7' lyi inns. meNB-IydH TVNT FOROET IT. 1J We are Helling FURNITURE at and Be Be eow Ceat, te cleee out Ihe bnalnea. W. H. IIOKFMEIER, feblO-lwd Ne. 28 East King HL "IITAHH KVERYTIIINOTHAT NEEDS TO W be waahed with " Purity Heap." You'll like It. e UK MAKE OF QOLDEN LION AND MIA (luerlda se cigars cannot be excelled. ur.Muiun tiuAii nivuE, EsUbllahed 1770. ais-tfdtt 114 East King Street. BEST 6e HAVANA FILLER CIOAR IN Ihe city, at BILLY WAITZ'H, Ne. S& lttl North Queeu St. decMmdM.Tu.Th SUITINGS, OVEHCOATINOS AND TltOU HERINUS. at REDUCED PniCEH. MCQRANN 4NOW1.KN, Ne. 1M North tiuoen Ht. I better prepared than ever te slve you a first. class business education. Our effort the first year have been orewuod with wonderful suc cess. W. D, MUSSER, Prln., tftt&w IS North Queen Ht., ijincRstcr, Pa. -pUULIOHALE. On Haturday, FsnauAar 16, 1800, Will be mid nt publle ale nt the hstel of Jehn B. Keptierllng, In iJindlsvllle, l'n., a fine let of Iowa Horses, geed, nice fanners, drivers or gen ersl purpose horse and heavy feeders, from 3 te S years old. A credit or 00 days will be given. Sale te commence at 1 o'e'eck p. m., when attendance will be given by feblMtdll A. L.NIS8LEY. OTICE TO MY FRIENDS AND CUB TOMERH1 have located temnerarllv mv ofllee and warerooms at the Siiithern Market, corner or HOUTH UUEEN AND VINEHTRKETH,and have In stock a fine assortment of Hlelghs, Bug gies. Phmtens and Family Carriages, aud the Norbeck Kead Carts, all or my own manufac ture. Hpeclal attention I given te repairing. mj mum iiuiii'si ivers; sna lair aeauiigs, always wins JZ-trd J. If. NORIIECK, Agent. ELECTION OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. The qualllled voters of the City or Lancas ter ure hereby notlfled that an election will be held In the several wards, at the usual place of holding state und county elections, en Febru ary IS, between seven o'clock In the morning and 7 o'clock In the evening or said day, rer the purpose or electing twelve persons te serve as school director for the term of three yenra rrem the first Thursday or November next. And the election officer lu the several ward nre hereby required te make the necessary offi cial return eftlie election te the prothenotury. D. IU MCCORMICK. President. 1 1101. V. MCKLMOOTT, SCO. JUn27-7tdM&Th Q K AND 37 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LAN. OD CASTER, PA. Charles Stamm's (OPPOSITE J'OSTOFMC:,) 35-37 CUT PRICES. All our Fine Fur Trimming at one price, ii: $1.50, $-', $.'.50, $J,$1 Muds at $1,11.50, (A .'.50, $300. All our Blanket Shawl at half price. Black Thibet Shawls, $1, 1.', $, $1, $5, $0, $7. Children' Scheel Shawls, 65c, 76c, $1. Torchon Lace, 1, 2, 3, i, 5, 8 cts. Point Laces, 0, 10, UX, 17, 30, 25 cts. Ruchlng, 3, 6, 10, 12J, 17, 20, 25, 37 cts. Silk Ribbons, 2,3, 6, 7, 10, 12;, 17, 20, 15 cts. 50c, 75c, $1 Corset nt D7;c, 60c, 75c. Children' Cerset Wulsts, 25c. Misses' Corsets, 37i. Canfleld NenparicI Dress Shields, 5e and bca pair. Best Linen Thread, Ic a spool Scheel Bags, 10c aud 15c. Best Ammonia, 5e a bottle. Geld Head Umbrellas, S7;e. Umbrellas, 25c, 60c, 75c. 60c, 75c, $ White Shirts at 37c, 60e, 75c. Underwear at half price te clese out. Heavy Canten Flannel, 4c, 0;c, 8c. Curtain Scrim, 6c a yard. Curtain Lace, 10c aud 12Vc a yard. IJght Calicoes, Sc a yard. Indigo Blue Calicoes, 5c a yard Muslins, 3Jc, 5c, die. Dress Ginghams, Hi.; c and 8c. Blanket at hair prlce te clots out. Comforts cheap te close ent. UK SUKE THAT YOU OICT TO THE HIOIIT PLACE, OPPOSITE THE POSTOri'KE, BOSTON STORE. $100,000. INVESTMENTS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES IN BUMS OK $100, $500, $1,000 te $20,000. Interest 0 per cent. Payable quarterly. P - JOHN H. METZLER, kaibC' nree oVtettilwux North Queen Stat. hi hen Stet yen 9ssntHItmmt0 TIIKY CAN AM. COPr BUT NONE CAN Kqeal Billy Walla's Hamna Filler Clsarl at WOi? A 1 NORTH Q.UMBN ST. TJENDER YOUR HKIW HOFT, RMOOT1I tnurn luun nivin nurii hm and .While by utlaf " mrlty Hee p.' TUDOBH HAVE IONO SINCE DECIDED that Billy Walts'a Cigar lithe Best In the Htat. Fer sale at , . .. . NOS. 5 108 NORTH QUEEN tfT. I de4radM,Te,Tli3 TI7I0R PROTUONOTARY, CAPT. W. D. BTAUFFKR, City. , Carried a mitaket for three long year. Sub ject te Republican rule. rg-tfdftw milE WIZARD JL Will Read Your Destiny te Perfection and tell you what you nie beat adapted for. Call. icuwiwu- tre WISH" HTKINUHT. piOR RENT-THAT CENTRAL STAND, NO.20 EAST KINO HT. Inquire within. flO-lwd BEST TWO FOR FIVE CENT. CIGARS the city, at BILLY WAITZ'B, ,.jlji ax. N2r 8 4 101 North UueeuBL decS4mdM,Tu,ThJ4 IT OR JAPANESE GOODS, OoteERIflMAN'H, "ft 42 Weal King Street. FOR HUNT OR FOR BALE ON EA8Y TF.RMH.-Ne. 240 North Wateritreet ml story brick with twoxtery frameback building, butcher hop with refrigerator and nxture. laughter houae and atable. Apply at jftll-w-lia nu. 802 NORTH Mi ARY-BT. THE LAROEST AND FINEST LINE OF Meerschaum and French Briar Pipes, Cigar Helders, Cigar Cases, BnuO Bexes and ali iuu ui aiiiuavr Hrficien. DKMVIUH CIOAR STORE, Ui East King street. alS-UdR A WyjpSC'tOOV-NOTH'NOBUPERANU. J. ated alMitit the Lancaster Business Col Cel Col lege. Our methods are the best, newest, most practical. Our Actual Business Department complete In all Its details. Our student are deeply Interested In their school work, and our attendance the largest since the organisatien or the school, and -.well, call and ee us at the pleasentest achoel-room In ths city, Ne. 84 North Duke ttreet, and convince yourself a te the.truth or the abeve statements. Pleased te have ypn call, a you will speak a geed word rer us U you get acquainted with the school. H. O. WEIDLER, Principal. H AGKU.tllHOTllKR. Unequalled i for Service ! Ten Thousand pieces or thoCelebroted Eng lleb Varnished Tlle Papers, English Washable and ether Banltary Papers. Fer a number or year we have Imported di rectly from Manchester, Eng., large Invoices of Paper Hangings or a aualltvunmnalled tnr servlce and finish ; and niter hnvlng fully tested, we thoroughly recommend them. They arc made or n superior quality or paper and are finished te be Wahhaiu.k when soiled. Many of the pattern are cholce Tlle and N.itural Weed eflects, and nre frequently used Instead of real tiles and wainscoting. These goods me unsurpassed for Hallways, Hestuurants, Offices, Dining Reems, Bath Reems, Kitchens, Passage Ways, In short wher ever a serviceable wall Is desired. We nre soiling this Line of Papers at price which make them them the most economical Wall Paper sold. Our Regular Stock OF .Wall Papers and Decorations FOR 1890, INCLUDES ALLGRADESOFPAPER HANG INGS. 3WORK GUAHANTEED.-tt 26, 27, 29, 31 W.King St. nsr KW YORIC STOIti:, WATT a SHAND, 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST., Ilue found II nccestary te add 50 feet mere of counter room toaccemmodatethclr lurge stock of WASH DRESS GOODS, TOILKDUNOUDS, DRAP DE VENICE, , CLOVER CLOTHS, SACARAPPA, DRESDEN and CHALON, DRESS GINailAMS. OUTINOCLOTHS,BEERSUCKERS, FRENCH PERCALES, NEWSPRINQ CALICOES, SHIRTINGS aud CENTURY CLOTHS. latest Htylcs In OUTING CLOTHS at 8e, 10c, l2Xc u yard. 3,000 Yards WASH BEIGES, 6c a yard ; usual price, 8e. FINE FRENCH 12;c a yard. PERCALES, )ard wide, Stirlnc Styles lu Fluid and Striped DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c, 10c und 12Jc a yard. SCOTCH ZEPHYR aiNGHAMS,.rull width, 20c and 2ic a yard. Several Cases Fine Printed AMERICAN SA1INES, In New Designs aud Colorings, 8e, 10c nnd uytva yurd. " AT Til E- New Yerk Stere. AT CLARKE'S. GREAT SEVENJ)AYS SNAP. Commencing Te-morrow (SATURDAY) 8th, at CLARKE'S. We cannot gle you a Full List of Ihe Great Uargulns, but would gle: Flue Hams (no shoulder), 10c, Bologna, 3 Iks 25c Extra Dried Beer. 3 lbs 25c. Pint Bettles Wercektershlre Suucc, 25c: halr-plnt;betttes, 20c. Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, 15c. California Prunes, 10c. Fine New French Pruues, 8 Bs 25c Geed Prunes, 4, & and 10 lbs 25c Great XXXX Fleur, 75c Buckwheat, 75e for 25 lbs. Snap In Dried and Eiaperated FrulM. Snaps In Canned Geed. Bottled Geed and Preserve, Syrups, Ceal Oil. Llmburger Cheese, 12c. Swiss ChetHte, U'c, Cream Cheese, 12K- A leek at our23cCetleo will convince ou that It lias Soed as any sold eWe where rer 25c, and our tended Collet) ter 2te the ejual or uuy35oCor uuy35eCor uuy35oCer ree In town. A new deal In Peppy Oil been. Call and see IL W Bring all your old checks In at ones and ask for our new rebate curd, SAMUELOLARKE'S TEA, COFFEE 4 GROCERY STORE, NOS. 12 4 H SOUTH QUEEN ST. IM&BEOn f H WK llftw eUsttrcritctrntnt. rpilE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. STRTEMENT The'Mutual Life Insurance Ce. of New Yerk. , v -. KICHARD A. McCtmDT, President, 'Fer the year endlns Deeeraber (list, IHHll. ' ASSK&M, ........ .(.. ..i Increase In Asaets Surplus. Increase In Surplus... . Receipt,, ... ... ........ ......, Increase during year PaldPollcy-Helder...i .3i.... ei i eaau eunng year Risks assumed ;..... Increase during year i , Risks In force.. .......... i. ............... .i............ Inert during year i i PeUglesIn force..... ,. Th crease during year Policies written In 18eV Increase ever 1888.. ..., , ....' .i.., THE ASSETS ARE INA'ESTED AS FOMAW8 Real Estate and Bend A Mortgage Leans UnltedjMtate Bends and ether Securities s Leans en Collateral Securities.,.. Cash In Banksand Trust Companies at Intercut....... Interest accrued, Premiums deferred and In transit, etc...... Liabilities (Including Reaerve at I have carefully examined the foregoing statement and find the same te be correct, A. N. WATERUOCSE, Auditor. Frem the Surplus above itated a dividend will be apportioned us usual. Risk Assumed. ..tIU,881,420.., .. 4,507,13a.., .. MABJID.. .. 09,457,4(8.. .. lM,2U,ail.. Risk Ouitandlng. ..3il,7),28J.. ... 388,981,411... ... S91,K,2(W.., ... 427,6,ai.. ,.. 482,123,184.. ... 6a5,H,934.. Year. 1881... 18i... irusi... 1SS7... 188H... 1SH8... ui,an,vu. New Yeu, January 29th, 1890. HOARD Oliver Harrlman, Henry W. Smith, Rebert Olyphant, Geerge F. Baker, Je. Thompson, DudleyJOlcett, Frederic Cromwell, JullcnT. Davlos, Rebert Sewcll, OF Hamuel F. Hpreulls, Lucius lloblusen, Samuel D. Babcock, Geerge H. Cox, Richard A. McOurdy, James C. Hejdcn, Herrmann C.ven Pest Alexander H, Hlcc, Lewi May, ROBERTA. ORANNIS, ISAAC F. M-OYD, 2d Vice-President. A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor. EMORY McCLINTOCK, , Jk., Assistant Actuary. JOHNTATI.OC1C FREDERIC CROMWELL, - - Treasurer. JOHN A. FONDA, Assistant Treasurer. WILLI AMP. HANDS, Cashier. EDWARD P. HOLDEN, Assistant Cashier. WILLIAM U. DAVIUs, Solicitor. Mf.dical D WALTER OUrtTAVUS S. WINSTON, M, D., ROBERT HOLMES, District Agent, Reading, Pa. WILLIAM H. LAMBERT, General Agent, glrttt &&tetrtiimtcnt. rilUE CALL A LILY IS THE TRADE MARK X ortheFlneUBeap en Earth. "PURITY. -VirE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speetacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you will probably find that there Is something wrong with them, and that glasses will be a great help te yen. We use Inimitable "DlA MANTA lenses, which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. 'hh, r Solid Oeld Spectacle, f3.00 ! usual price, fSS.OO. Steel Spectacles, 60c; usual price, ffl.flO. Artificial Eye Inserted, ffj, ; usual price, f)10. H. Z1IEMAH A BRO.j.30 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS. I PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Street. mK-lyd pi RAND CONCERT. PROCTOR'S OPERA HOUSE, SATURDAY, FEB. 15, 1890. First rendition In Lancaster or ROSSINI'S "STABAT MATER," With the following eminent soloist : Mish Jessamine Hallenbeck, Seprano; Mism Jui.lA O'Cen.nkm,, Contralto ; Mn. WM. Ceurtnkv, Tener ; Sie. Hicoahde Ricci, Bnrl Bnrl tene, New Yerk. Grand Chorus and Orchestra. Walter Bailsman, Conductor; Rev. 11. G. Gauss, Musical Director, Admission Parquet, $1 00 ; Furquct Clrcle, 75c : General Admission, 50c. -Tlckels rer sale at G. L. Fen Dersmlth's, L. M. Flynn, Harry Smith and W. O. Fralley. riO-M.Th.S (1 REATEST REDUCTION, Announcement Extraordinary 1 The Greatest Reduction or all Iu FINE TAILORING AT- H. GERHHRTS, Overcoat made te order at cost price. Trousers reduced rrem $10 te W ; from f i te $5 ; from $6 te $4 50. Heavy Suitings reduced at the tame rate. Full Dress suits of the latest style material, satin lined, at $28. Thl I the most sweeping reduction ever made Iu Fine Tailoring, and will enable the cash buyer te get n first-class article for the same money he would have te pay rer a ready made one. H. Gerhart, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d27-trd rpliE peoples CAsuareiiTi! Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. $50 Seal Plush Coats rer $10, $10 Seal Plush Coats for fUO, $15 Seal Plush Coots for $2a, HO Seal Plush Ceat for $20, $20 Seul Plush Coats for $17. $18 Seal Plush Jackets for $11, lid Seal Plush Jackets rer $12. $ 300 Cleth Newmarkets rer $ 3U). 8 60 Cleth Newmarkets rer tl 00, 1000 Cleth Newmarkets for 750, 12 60 Cleth Newmarket for 50, 13 60 Cleth Newmarkets for 10 00, 13 00 Cleth Newmarkets rer UI 0), 2250 Cleth "Newmarkets for 1(100. One Let Reduced from $2 00 te $ 75, Oue Let Reduced n-em 2 60 te 100, One Let Reduced rrem 4 00 te 2 50, Oue Let Reduced from 0 00 te 3 50, One Let Reduced from 7 AS te 4 0). A large line or finer goods at great!) reduced prices. REMKMBEH-Our Entire Stock or Winter Goods mutt go at once If possible. We will make price te make It go. S-It will pay you te Inspect our stock. 25 East King Street, GANCABTEB, PA. marae-lydK The People s Cash Stere .s)tan,4ni,3se. I10.t,17t4j fSUWSS HssattriMJ .... ...4 ........................i....i ..... "vale ii tl5l,eS2,SMl3 A m'm A a .....SMASSf.SSS ..... SsaM.74tMJ Prl 1 t9H I :::::: hjs7D , N8JWSI3U . seOWSSfSI JHR.8I7( . fSMSLHia 8188,40188 01 4 per cent.), ff 190,744,070 68, Surplus. .84,74.1,771 . 5,01 2,M . 5.0438 . eW4.44i . 7,940,0KI ,.81(M76,1731.. .. 106,UC8,7r,l.. ,. lU,181,tt2l.. .. 118300,188.. .. rjn82,ivi60.. .. 130,401,329 02.. TBU9TEES. B.Van Rensselaer Cru ger, Cbsrles IL Hendersen, Charles Bliss, Rufu W. Peckham, J.HebartHerrlck, Wm. P. Dixen, Rebert P. Orannlss, Nicholas C. Miller, Henry H. Rogers, Jno. W. Auchlncla, Theodere Merford, William Baboeck, Preston B. Plumb, William D. Washburn, Stay vegan t Fish, Augustus D.Julllard, Charles E. Miller, J m s E. Ousted. - Vice-President, WILLIAM J. EA8TON, Hecretary. FREDKRICKHCHROEDKK, Assist. Saety. LL. D.. F.l. A .Actuary CHARLES B. FURRY, '. 'A Aslslaiit Actuary. WILLIAM V. RICHARDS, Comptroller. i hectors : R. GILLETTE, M. D., E.J. MARSH, M. Mutual Life Building, Philadelphia, Pal item 3btcf ttcment. TySSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership lately subslstlns between C R. Keneagy and Jehn Ii. OretT, of Strasbnrd Pa., under the firm or Keneagy & CJretr, wui dissolved en the 1st day of January, 18U0, b mutual consent. 1 All settlements with said firm are te be mad at the old atand, where the business will be con tlnued by said Jehn L. Gren. They extend thanks for the liberal patronage gUcn them ai a Arm, and hope the s.ime will be continued te me successor, i;. n. Ji.uisHA.ux, fl3td JNO. L. GROrF. -pvECORATE YOUR BUILDINGS. Max M. Stuven, OF NO. 1337 FRANKLIN STREETS PHILADELPHIA, Who 1 new decorating tha Trust Building It this city, will be glad te prepare designs, run nlsh estimate and price te these or our clUJ zens who contemplate having their building! decorated. 43-Call en ma nt the Trust Building or CttJ Hetel. f7-lwdR vre POISON OR INJURIOUS COLOafJ a. uscu in runty eap."; H APPYNEW VEARI Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works MANUFACTURER OF HORIZONTAL! VERTICAL PORTABLE HOISTING ENGINES. Horizontal Tubular BOILERS. vertical, Twe Flue, Deuble Deck, Marine. PUMPS. CENTRIFUGAL BOILER FEED MINING STEAM MILLS. Jnnv in ilia, i .Bark Mill, SUJ.OT. 1 Ilia IUOO M1I1S AUTOMATIC TAN PACKERS, BRASS LEATHER ROLLERS, BARK CONVEYER SCREWS, I PULLEYS, SHAFTING, GEARING HANGERS. PILLOW BOXES, CLAMP BOXES,1! COUPLINGS, COLLARS, I MILL BUSHINGS, STEP BOXES, SPINDLES. TOES AND STEPS, PULLEY PLATES, SHIEVE WHEELS, Ac., Ac, AC, 4c BOLTS, TURNBUCKLES, LAG SCREWS, RODS UP-SETT. II SETT SCREWS, FORCINGS,; NUT., Sq. and Hex., CAST WASHERS, PLATE WASHERS, WROUGHT WASHERS. Specialty in Making and Repairing DEEP WELL DRILLING" TOOLS, Viz; Reds, Bits, Reamers, Jars, Sand Pumps, J.,BM.,V. ..UM MnM( UV. Charcoal Hammered f uuraen s uivei Deuble Refined Refined Beiler aud Tank IRON. TANKS-Round or Square, Water or Acids. rer Gas, Oil, Stacks, Btand-Plpes, Water Wheel Casings,! LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES Such as Valves, Cocks, Gauges, Oilers, Cast ana Aiuueame rittiiigs, injectors, Packings, Pipes, Ac, ever carried lu Lancaster. Special Attention Given te STEAM HEATING.! Light and Heavy Iren and Bras Castings. ar-ltcpalrlng Promptly Attended la-Cm Cheap Let or SEC0ND-HANDPULLEY8 AND SHAFTING FOR SALE. 4 Pulleys, 4Sxl2; 4 Pulleys, 41x10; 2 Pulley. 41x7; 2 Pulleys, HxISJ; 2 Pulley s, 40x7J ; i Pulleys, 3Sx7S. 1 Weed Split Pulley, 29JxlCi; 3 Weed Split Pulleys, 44x8, 8-2 1MB Cellars. 62 feet, 2 15-10 Shafting. 1121 Inch Drep Hangs Deuble Braced. Jehn Best, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA. Second-Hand Boilers. 5-30-Herse Power, 0 Inch IMam., 16 feet long, 22x4K Inch Tubes. Price, $175 and Ilia ' 1 Beiler 30 tuch Dhun., U feet long. 21-3 Inch Tube, 12 feet long, with Fire Frent, $126. . t- -nu -."! i - l r l t. i A A? .-