f"r ! ?' jt v w . - 1-.V THX LANCASTER tAf Lt tlttELllQENOER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1890. ! V . JU t V' '"" ," Xt-' . ' T . 55; ixur texe. , twtrttsrStesasjMMMrasardese, , ttsdUe she s-Us bright; uektaectitaeftelsi)earess ilil she laughs la the iters' dim light. , tglewwenn'elampIhldelaUiedeaip, Meal the wild bee's tllac i pinch th toad till hit left are a-cramp, AM dip the beetle's wing. " Oh het O hey t My pranks I play With never a Bete of warning. t a mar ter the moonbeams fklr All wrought of spider-web twin ; I tangle te naughty children'! lialr In a t&ars)ef rare design. I ail through tha house without any oelie, "There's never aa elf se sty: 4 break the toys of bad little boys And tie crew little girls who cry. . Oheyl Ohel I work them wee. Till crews the oeek la the morning. -A It. Petk, in . JftehtlaM. THE ROAD TBOBLEM. Fer Scraping; Mad la SO Years tit Stat Uae Spaas 900,000,000. Frem the Pittsburg Dl match. Before tha Pittsburg dumber of com cem com Biarea en Monday, Colonel T. P. Reberta, who represented tha organisatien at the recent read convention In IlarrUburf, made hi report. Ha aald: Tlie Philadelphia gentlemen appeared te favor the taxation or corporate Jroperty,new exempt, te assist, If need be, n the construction of better roadathrough readathrough roadathreugh out the state. One thing la certain, namely, that wa can hope for no improvement in our country reada se long aa the unit In their control e( construction and manage ment is the township. On this point tha convention agreed unanimously, but there was a difference of opinion aa te hew far the state should go independently of county action. The majority of the convention favored, I think, a general law applicable te all counties, vesting In the hands or the' commissioner in conjunction with an en gineer, which last named official be ap pointed by the court In each Judicial or county district, the authority te classify the reads, and te determine from year te year upon which highways the proceeds of a Seneral county tax might be expended.and trther empowered te supervise the work and harmonize the system of improvement en the less traveled read with a view ulti mately 'of bringing all of the public reada into a proper condition. A atate beard un der this system might be organized te ad Just difficulties liable te arise upon reads connecting county seats, and te assist the poorer counties which have such rocky roadbeds, and finally te make taxation uni form throughout the state. We have during the last 60 years squandered, It is estimated, in thla state for scraping up mud from our reada upward of f20O,BO0,0O, about 7,000,000 being new annually expended for this same purpose. This system might be pursued te the end or time with no geed effect in making permanent improvement. In Allegheny county we have 2,000 miles of reads, net a single ene of which Is equal te the worst mile of the National turnpike in Washing ton county which was built C3 years age. We should have geed reads Intermediate between the lines or the railroads entering this city te the agricultural regions or Washington, Beaver, Armstrong, Butler and Westmoreland counties, but must pay a fair share or the cost, and must ask the legislature te authorize the counties te assist in their corporate capacity. If com missioners by la1 1 are authorized te main tain and constrict county bridges, and ir county aid be extended te the constant improvement ( bridges, why should it net be given for re 'da also? In referring te the labor of convicts en the reads the sptaker said the subject was net considered te any oxtentattbe conven cenven conven teon: personally, he was net in favor or it, and bad been Informed by an official at the Western penitentiary that there were net enough convicts in the state te de the work and the cost of guarding them would result in very llttle economy. In conclusion, the speaker remarked en the importance of Immediate action en the read question and stated that It was net a holiday work te re build the reads, but years of time, labor and the introduction or the latest machin ery, and the annual expenditure of mil lions would alone accomplish It. A Haunted IIouse. Thl body of ours has been likened te a tene ment. It often has a haunted apartment Uie stomach. Scared by the eldrlch eprlte, dyspep sia, digestion flies and refuses te return. What can break the spell, what can raise the ban laid upon the unhappy organs 7 We answer unhes itatingly, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, and we are warranted In the response by the recorded testimony of myriads, covering a period of ever a third of a century. A course or the Bitters, begun In any stage or the affliction, and per sistently followed, will terminate In cure posi tive, net partial. The Bitters restores tone te the epigastric nerve, renews and purines the Juices exuding from the cellular tissue that act upon the feed dlgestlvcly, expels blle from the stomach and bleed, and promotes a regular habit of body. Malaria, kidney complaint, ner vousness, rheumatism and neuralgia glve way te this medicine. fecMeU) "If humor, wit, and honesty could save" from the Ills flesh Is heir te, what a geed price they'd bring In 'ie market. Well, twauty-flve cents will buy a panacea Salvation Oil, A merchant down town sells mere of Pr. Bull's Cough Syrup than all ether medicines togelher. It surely must be the best remedy for a cough, cold, and ether similar affections. Price 25 cents. Ter the cure or the inflammation and con gestion called "a cold In the bead "there la mere potency In Ely's Cream Balm than In any thing else It Is possible te prescribe. This prepa ration has for years past been making a bril liant success a. remedy for cold In the head, catarrh and hay fever.- Used In the Initial stages of these complaints Cream Balm pre vents any serious development of the symp toms, while almost numberless cases are en record of radical cures of chronic catarrh, after all ether modes-of treatment have failed. Special fjtettw. Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MKH. WINS LOWS SOOTHING BY11UP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It- There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like mule. It Is perfectly sate te use in all cases and itleasant te eue taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Bald everywhere, Mcents a bottle. JuneasiydAw Eupepsy. This Is what you ought te have, In fact, you must have It, te fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for It dally, und mourning because they flndlt uet. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people In the hope that they martittatn this been. And yet It may be had by all. We guarantee thathlec trlc Bitters, If used according te directions and the use persisted In, will bring you Uoed Diges tion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and Install Instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bit ters for Dyspepsia, and all diseases et Liver Htemaeh anh Kidneys. Held at 50c and 11 per bottle by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1.19 North tlueen street, Ijincaster, Pa. (4) Baeklen'e Arnica Salve, Turn Bast SALVBlnthe world for Cuts, Bruises no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give iper iper gSSuScUen, oLmenerKrefundfd. "Pr ce 1JEl.VsUBi North Queen. treet, Lancaster, Pa. (uneSMyd A Scrap of l'aiier haven Her Life. It was Just an ordinary scrap or wrapping paper, but It aed her lire. Hlie was In the last stages or consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could Ue only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece or wrapping paper she read of Dr. King s New Discovery, and get a sample bettle: It helped her, she bought a laree bottle, if helped Ber mere, bought another and grew better fast, continued It use and I; new strong, healthy, reev. plump, weighing 110 ueuuds. Fer rultcr p,t culars send stamp te V. H.Cole, Druggist. Kit yillitli. Trial bottles or this wonderful 137 and 1& North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. IS &0(l. T,UBIIA?H&AWD0A8K. WEST &NHARD WtHJIWhelandJUta.., nS lyd CM Water Htreet. Lancaster, Pa, -TJAUMOARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricxs Ne. 129 North Queen Street, nd Ne. 644 North Prince street. ., Yabus-Nerth Prince Street, near Heading "tntVtM T.ANrUTT,K VS. F Oil JAPANESE fJOODS, UoteEIUHMAN'H, Ne, U West King HUM t. vjaamw urmriUM. TstB SsVHTOHB OB, 0, McLANE'S LIVER PILLS t Intemperance a Disease , When the celebrated Dr. Rash declared that drunkenness) was a disease, he enunciated a truth which the experience and observation of medical men te every slay eenarralng. The many apparently Insane excesses of these who Indulge In the use of aatrltueus Uquera may thus be accounted ter. The traaeeasa of con duct, which la taken tar lalslaaU, Is very frequently a nasu state of the Liver. Meer- aan la the hasaaa svstess when deranged ie eTaiM pre- dsteaa a mera frtcfetral isnelnsae Aad.tf, tneteai ear apjttrlac resaesUes M Mm raaalieeUUesM of Ike t&saaa, aa U tee often a view rents artM af aaaer the head of cesisgssawsii have their seat la a diseased Liver. The .teeahte Dr.O. MeLane's Unr Pills, iwepaied hytleisilnt Bit)su,Pltts4uTg,I,arasurcare. Mr. JwaUssK iessriirM, af Wast Vaten, Park ,OaUnes,jrrilee te the MoMieters! Kjiy Brethers, of Plttsearv, Pa..haVhe had Usiua from a severe a seattaetst attaefcei nvee sussl asnsa. KnJ aslstslv rastetssl te IIMMT Of MM m.e- Lane's. Liver Plus alone. These pills aaques aaques Uenably possess great properties, and call he taken wttfdeeldeddvaatarersaanyduieases reeBlrlBf tavlgeraUag remedies, but the Liver Plus stand pre-eminent aa the means of restor ing a diserganised liver te healthy acties; uraw iu grv vKijnvy umw raiTe auainee. Insist ea ha vtng the gen IB tine Dr. C. MeLane's BresTPltts- Liver Pills, prepared by PletBlag uuiv, rm Ml uraggl lata keep thesa. rnn as (t) osaUabex, H UMPHREYV DR. XUBPHRBrsj SPEdPIOB arsselSBtl tally and carefully prepared prescrlptleBs; need for many years In private practice with success and ter ever thirty years used fey the people. Every elnglsBpeclfle la a special cure ler the disease named. These speel Ins or redact deed the BOV WUKliO. h.ltlZ2?.!X1,ClAt' J08- CUBES. PBICBS 1. PKVEHH,CongesUen,Inflammatlon.... J6 X WORMH, Werm Pever, Werm Colle . J5 f S?YN.9.2LIC!i Tithing of Intents, M !'5LSSSff:AJ0'ch,,,lrn Adulte..Z M 5. D Y8KNTBRY, Orlplng. Bilious Celic... X 6.CHOLRRA MORBtlS: VemlUng Jb 7. COUOHB. Celd, Brenehltls...... x 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache, Psceache ..i J5 9. HEADACHE, Hick Headache. Vertigo... JS 10. DYHPEPHl A 'Bilious Stomach .as It. BUPPREMSED or PAINPUL PERIODS, .25 It. WHITES, tee Profuse Periods. JS 18,CI)lJP,OOTgh,Diiiieeit Breathing-- li. SALT RHEUV, Erysipelas, Eruptions... J6 15. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatic PauVs.!!r.I JS 18. FEVER and AOUB, Chills, Malaria. JO 17. PILES. Blind or Bleeding.! .60 10. CATARRH, Influensa, Celd In the Head, M ao.wueoPiNb ceugh: violent ceughT.' m U. GENERAL DEBILITV.PhystcalWeak. a7. K?D?ETDiBA8"K!rzn"""."";:";;;;!;; Je . NERVOUS DEBILITY 41X0 SO. URINARY WEAKNESS, Wetting Bed? M 92. DISEASES OP THE HEART, pjlplte U0B...M. H...M...t...M....'.(...M.....mS10 Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt of price. Dr. Humpiibky's M Au AM1M pages) richly bound In cloth and geld, mailed free, Hdmfhbbys' MemcikbCe., lib ultenBL N. Y W SPECIPICS. Tu.ThJrw "piLY'H CREAM BALM. CATARRH, llAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain snd Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price M cents at Druggists ; by mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lydAw Ne. 66 Warren St.. New Yerk, V UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, la an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan St, Buffalo, N. X.Daitii Teledo Btt. , fllTydAw mEETHINU SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. PAHUNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NaOplnmorMerphlamlxtures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DKB. D. FAHR NP.Y A SON, Hagerstown, Md. Druggists sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents. lani-lydeedAw HJPatche. w ALTER C. HERR. Herr.Jeweler. WE II AVE A FULL BTOCK OP Watches. Clocks. -AND EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE, And are prepared te quote the LOWEST PRICES, quality taken Inte consideration. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANaE. gatttpa. N EW LASH'S AND ART GOODS. Call and See -THE FINE 1W LIMPS AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JoLmLlrneld'sBuilding, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dtt-tfd f-tALL AND BEE THE ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light ;,Beata them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and OU Steves. THE " PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsstrtpoutwearsallethers. Keeps out the cold. Steps rattling of windows. Excludee the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made In applying It. Can be fitted anywhere no boles te bore, ready for use. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfectnAt thsBteve, Heater and Range Stere of Jehn P. SclLaum & Sens, 34 80UTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. TRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, propelled by a geed powder blower. Is the most effectual destroyer of flies and ether small Insects. Fer sale At HUBLEY-S DRUG STORE, MWtslKlncaimt tee ease snyneiass wesuei aveeenae wiui te ww erigiaai eanss, arsrer aasias wwua rreaa eaaeasas istaeeeei try awraafea stsat Liver. Three Snurtlis ssT tka SUslasssi aa lOOTCAHDBaen. '' ' WHY? folks are always.wenderlng why T-hers's J eat eae place when they can buy A-s they cauaet at ether place, C heap toads that would a Princess grace, K new then, my Mend, the reason why ! W e mm by knotting hew la buy I O n this depead-yeull never flad TJ-pOB hi shelves the shoddy klad I 8-heuld you net knew who this stay be, K ndeaver down these lines te ass 1 STACKH0USE, Leading Shee Dealer, Met, U ui M Eut Kiif Stmt, LANCA8TZB,PA. G OINU AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. Odds and Ends ! Hewsver perfect the system of trans acting business. In the best regulated stores odds and ends I n merchandise will accumulate. Te this rule our store la net an exception. Odds and ends we have (ewer than you'll find anywhere else. These here, however, we mean shall And buyers, If a low price will sell them-a price that Is just half former values. These goods are clean, smooth, and well finished and worthy the attention of economical buyers. We de net have them In alt sixes, but for the owner or the feet they'll fit, we've decidedly the best bargains In leather and sheemaklng offered In Lancaster. BARGAIN Ma 1-Beys' Calf Beets, sixes l's and ft only. Were. H SO and ft a pair; cut In price te fl a pair. These Beets are strongly made and well fin ished excellent goods for school or knock-about usage. Solid leather throughout-heels, soles and counters. BARGAIN Ne. 2-Youth's Selar Tip Grain Butten Shoes solid leather throughout no shoddy. Neat looking, easy fitting, nicely finished, strong for wear. All 3"s In sitesnene ethor. Never sold ter less than II 35 and II 60. The price te-day Is cut te II. BARGAIN Ne. S.-Mlsses Opera Tee Butten Shoes-all l's In sixes-no ether. Stylish, snug fitting, durable, the pro ducts of best American makers, lu these R grades are cut te 1125; lj grades te II SO ;l grades te 12. BARGAIN Ne. 4-Men's Butten Shoes -pretty shapes, first class makes, excel lent materials. Bites, te IPs, Inclusive. 2 grades cut te II 25; 3 grades at II 60; U grades at 12 ; te grades at 12 60. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. Cfceccrte. c UT PRICES -IN- Groceries, at Clarke'g. nirFee5lleDB.0.t,t,s,J5 Worcestershire Sauce, Me. Small Site Bettles Worcestershire Sauce, 30c Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, Mr can. Se. Fresh Salmen lO0l2e per can. French Peas, few pets or rust en can, 12c. Imported Bpagnettl Sfi?llKUed?2rJclt- rkallfornWAml rkallfernWAml rkallfornWAml eou.acsifc. Bright aa a Dellar Apricots, lSe - New Prunellas. Se and 12e a . WhoisAp WheisAp ple.' 7'Ah cerea eqh enT le . Pared Evap orated Peaches, aoe v ft. Unpared evaporated Peaches, fc ft. The best Frenchbr Csfernla ru2.?' t0ey.ft- Tie best GOe Mixed Tea. S ft. The bejlRle Coflees, 23c ft. Three i Heg ulsr Dried Beerrerasc Extra Dried Beef sCnScE row only-February I. se make no mistake, but come te-morrow and secure bargains. SAMUEL CLARKE'S TEA, COFFEE A GROCERY STORE, N08772 A U SOUTH QUEEN BT. TBUHSKS. RELIABLE GOODS. We aim te furnish Geed Goods at Reasonable Prices. BUCKWHEAT I BUCKWHEAT I We have Choice, Pure, Plain, Buckwheat, that with Fleishman's Yeast makes the finest Buckwheat Cakes. We also have Heckefs and Stevens' Heir-Raising CORNMEAL. Granulated, Brlnser's KUu-Drled and White Cornmeal. OATMEAL AND AVENA, Cracked and Rolled Wheat, always fresh. 1m 1m perted Macaroni and Vermicelli. CHEESE Dutcbbead or Edem, Pine Apple. Sapeage. Roquefort, and Yerk State Full Cream' XTIaBLOAD i OP BALT.-Just icilveS a car of Coarse and Fine Salt, of superior Quality. HONEY I HONEY I Fine Comb Heney; also. Orange Blessem Heney In bottles, ana Rendered Heney by the pound. BTJTRSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. 49Telephene Connection. T HEIST'S. Step I This Is Relst's Advertisement I Don't read It unless you want te save meuey. Canned Cern, 6c. Canned strawberries, four cans for 2Gc. Canned Blackberries, 6c. Canned Blackberries, four cans for 25c. Fine Whole Canned Tomatoes, He. Finest Pie Peaches In cans, 10c. Finest French Peas, two cans for 25c. Fine French Peas, Ilea can. Evaporated Apricots, three pounds for Hie. Evaporated Apricots, Bright Celer, ISe a pound. Gelden Egg Plums, 10, X2V. and 15c a pound. Fine Large Gelden California Pruueti, 20c a pound. Fine Country Dried Apples, 6c a quart. Fine Evaporated Apples, three and two pounds for 26c. Peaches, Bright New Goods, five pounds 25c. Peaches, Evuperuted, three and two pounds for 25c. Prunellas, Fine Fruit, two pounds for 25c Fine Large Muscatell Raisins, 12c. Flue Large French Prunes, three pounds, 25a. California Prunes, require no sugar, 10, 11, 12 and lie a pound. New Large Figs, two pounds for 25c. New Stewing Figs, three pounds for 2bc. Crystallted Pigs, two pounds for 25c Finest French Fig Paste, 15c a pound. Dales, never saw the like, four pounds for 25c, Mincemeat. 6, 8 and 10c a pound. Oranges at 10, 15 and 20c a dozen. Finest Line or Flerida Oranges. Fine Yerk State Heney In combs, lc a pound. Finest Yerk State Extracted Heney, two pounds for 25c Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli and Italian Paste. The abe euro all New Italian Goods at lZKc a pack. Heme-Made Apple Butter, 8c a pound. Skinned Hams, all fat cut off, 12e a pound. Picnic Hams, 8c a pound. Dried Beet, 10c. Dried Beef Knuckles, 15c. Finest Summer Bologna, Vc. Boneless Hams, from four pounds up, 12c Scaled Herring. 60 te 00 In a box, 25e a box. Finest Portland Herring, six pounds for 25c Tripe In 20 pound kegs, 11 26. Finest Qenutne Swiss Cheese, In ten-pound lels,8Sc ' Cersllne, 10c a pack, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KIK0 AND PRINCE STB., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ca'sDry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. Loek for the Big Sign across the pavement. CQR DAY COURSE: .20 NIOHTSES 500 HION. KEYHIONEBUINKHS COL LEGE. Yeung Men and Ladles. This school la better prepared than ever te give you a QrsU class business education. Our efforts the first year have beeu crowned with wonderful sue eliv .7.. . ' w D MOEK. Prln.. VMw II North queeu St., Lancaster, Pa, sTIatihasaai Always the Leaders. Nttrutt.tlM.e ti llr or PrtUloebi m4 wll &4 at very low riucm P1U.ta.0oei te year onter tar...... .,.... fle MM si Oft esHeseeseette 5 s 9OT ........ s se And H9 far ftm, that were H. TOTotmeKont, AT RIDICULOWILT LOW PRICaB. LOOK AT WUfOOW Ma I, N.QUIINBT., And 9 the eBsVFIee BMneUeas, M BbJUbcs te order reduead te... ...! w pi and SalUags te ereW reaacadte...... U W AND BO THE BARGAINS RUN. WHITE SHIRTS OUR LEADRRB-The Celebrated "Burt" White Shirt at Tea and II : andlllRSH A BROTHKR'S "Famous" WJilte Shirt at SOe oaaaet ha equalesT for Fit. Durability. Work manship, ataterlal and General HatTsBMtieu. Different lengths or sleeves in each else. 1 n CLOTniNQ AND FTRNBHWa HOUSB, lirth Qmi Stmt ui GNtN Sun IiAKOASTKK PA. rMMKNSK REDUCTIONS. L.0AN81UlfBB0. Trouser tale. BEAUTIFUL BTYLRS OF TROUSERING TO MEASURE. A QREAT DEAL LBSS THAN HALF PRICE. This Is without ezeentlnn th PhMnutUn. or Goods In the Piece we have ever known te br enerea. aii aesiramesinasorgeoasand makes, and although we call therh hsKfprlee, many of thsm have been marked down U lees than one third their original value. TROUSERS TO ORDER, 93.GO. TROUSERS TO ORDER, 4.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, $1.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, 5.00. Five Hundred Pairs of Treuserings, no two of a kind, te select from. Men's, Bey's and Children's STORM OVER COATS at Sacrificing Prices. They must and will go, as no reasonable ener will be refused. Call and see them L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Reclusive.) Httill M0n QtBtst IT.. .w.oesurnoTOxuaai. ueaitib,pa. Net connected with any ether Oielhtaf HeusstBthectur. gay-Be cautious and make no mistake se that you gst te the right place. M88 ARATHFON. Our Prices; -ARE You'll find our prices will meet your Ideas. We are net going te bold up our prices and keep our stock. The stoek must be reduced no matter what the coat may be. If yen avail yourself of thlslchance you can surely profit by our less. The quality of the goods Is unmls. taxable and our cut and finish Is net surpassed anywhere. VISIT OUR STORE, YOU'LL RE WELCOME. Myers & Rathven. Reliable Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET LANCASTER. PA. SavMvav. H ARDWAREI HARDWAREI If you want te buy a Heuse-Stire GOTO Marshall & Rengier's, A 11 SOUTH QUEEN ET. There you can get STOVES, TINWARE, CEDARWARE, CUTLERY, And a full line of Heusebirnishing Goods. Alse, a Full Stock of GENERAL HARD iVARE, and PRIME NEW CLOVERSEED. MARSTTATT.&BM&IER NOB. A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. tMS-lTd XfOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND UUN ,131 NEKS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Xruwall nd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster bounties, whether Inclesed or unlnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the tew will be rigidly enfareed against all tres passing en said lauds of tha undersigned arte " WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN Attdrm.. m i BROTHER Vr NJ RXT DOOM TO TKJs COURT HOUSR, .ev 4DRESS GOODS ENDSt FROM I TO 10 YARDS, IN BOTU BLACK AND COLORS, 60. TO (Or. A YARD. MANY OK THEM ARE NOT It ALF PRICE. PWK HAVE JUST FINISHED INVENTORY AND HAVE MANY CLEARING UP BARGAINS. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King 8t Lancaster,. M RTEOBR A HAUQHMAN. MotXagrer A HAVE THE POPULAR MAKES OF Sheeting and Shirtings at the Lewest Prices. Tickings Under Regular Prices. Table Linens, Towels and Napkins Cheap. The Best Steam Cured Feathers at Lewest Figures. -AT- Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, 38-40 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) T AHD A McELKOY. bard a Mcelrey. Ne. 33 sud 35 SeutiiQneen Street, Opposite FetlB Xrr. Special Ixidicem.exit T As the cold snap Is upon us, and the season drawing late for heavy goods, we offer extra In- aucemenia in unmierui, uianaaia, nnawis, unuerwear, nuaiery, tiu., ruiucr iiisu uii ,, uu... sieas WHITE GOODS New White Ooeda, beauttnil apron patterns, with woven borders and sides, and shirred tops, only e each ; with plain tops, ISceach. Buadtlhit Satin Bordered WhlteGoeds at U, 93 and at cents per yard, for aprons or dresses. PANTING-Our stock of Summer ranUng opened at 13U, 18, UI, 99 and 9fi cents. These who buy the goods new te make up for the Summer will find a nlre new stock of these goods te s.lect from. Oue let Roady-Made Cotten, l"aulaloeiis or Overalls at 60c each ; worth 75c, Just opened. CARPETS We wish te call your attention new te the fact that we are receiving from new oil our new styles of Home-Made Rag and Ingrain Carpets for the Spring trade, at prices that beat any of our former efforts, ' MUSLIN-Bargalns In Bleached and Unbleached Muslin In Pillow Case, Sheeting or Yard Wide. BiLRJD& Km. 33 and 35 Sonth Queen Street. SJPatcltCs). He Z. 1UIOADS A SON. -WORTHY OF The Cut Glass and Royal Worcester Ware AT H. Z. RH0ADS & SON'S, 4 West King Street. CUT CLASH IN KVERY FOItM AND FOH EVERY USE. 8TERMNQ SILVER GOODS WILL ENDURE FOR GENERATIONS AND HF.COM K" HEIRLOOMS. NICKEL SILVER, SILVER-VLATED, THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME. FULL OOLD-FINISII OOODS-IN SPOONS, FORKS AND FANCY PIECES. SILVER SOUP TUREENS AND COVERED VEGETABLE DISHES NEW TO IAN- CAbTER. "PLEASE CALL AND INSPECT OUR WARKS.- H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. QEeBst, Sec, F UNN A BRENEMAN. WMt ELLan & Breneman Dells and Dell Carriages, Steam Engines, Magle Lanterns, Magnetic Toys, Printing Presses, Teel Chests, Building Blocks, Feet Ralls, Mechanical Toels, Pine Lamps, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc., FLINN & BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN Sri LANCASTER, PA. Carpet B ARGAINS I Shirk's Carpet Hall 1 - FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. We IUvbtub La he est akd Bsst Stock imthkcitt. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Ijtnaitmrc. Vavrtane. TTIGU A MARTIN. QILEiailSI SLE1GI1S SLEIGHST China, Glass. EDW. edgerley, am CARRIAGE BUILDER, 40, 2, 43 A 16 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the HIIFFNWARF Posteffloe), LANCASTER, PA, jc " ""tilw ejwwfsjsi j have new ready the flnest assortment of ALBANY and PORTLAND HLKIGHH, helh AT Mingle and Deuhle, ever offered te the public. ' Prices te suit the times. Call and examine them. m m A full line ofBuggles.Phastens and Carriages rV V m Sk I 1 of every description. Alse Second-Hand Werk sJLXJLAACL sVAqais or every variety. Give me a call. All work warranted. -ltpalrlng In all Its branches. One set of workmen especially employed ter that purpose. Wb are new opening our Spring Importation of Queeusware and will he prepared te supply our customers fiPs?tltts)tT. with the very best grade of Mare at . . . , Lewest Prices. Heusestlres receive FR. NATHOR8T. DENTIST, especial attention. AJ ,, WCENTRE SQUARE. r De net let your teeth decay any further. Yeu . .. de net often rind a decayed teeth that cannot be saved by filling or crowning. Have your ...-.,. sssasi spswssss teeth examined and attended te at once, It will J I r LI HJi A M 1 I kl save surferlng and expense. All operations nilln Or IVIMK I I HI. guaranteed. Filling Teeth and Painless Extrac IHWll llinill 111) tlen Specialties. uSKluidAw 15 East King Street. awetrmy ,,.' T UTIIER B. KAUFFMAN, pOR TH wem odd and uflEKui ATTOBNKY.AT-LAW. ae.iJ:u.,H!AIii?- . en1F42r 5WsWM Uf Building, Ne. Ne. ii West King street, North Duk street. aprWyddw . Haughman Opposite FoeataiR Iaa. INSPECTION- Have for Seys and Girls f Tree-holders (New), , Savings Banks, Sliced Animals, etc., Iren Toys, Ezpiess Wsgens. Velocipedes, Girls' Tricycles, Sleds and Coasters for Wedding and Christmas Presents. flail B ARGAINS I vsttrfltir ttisMe STnaiaH lMAVllaafsMst!aLsBl atsttafl sstAsBsm sssalBal ssV J -J3JMnrAJU! iiyihTktelUjTiiri j fcjxpreait... lbaa-as. Taa. 1 atte."aSl2J5i-""' '1tSf'",' . 1 a 1 3 s?S!?fN--" . " a. a. I sm as 4 Pi-Mtt-' uie, ss. Is, -as. A I Karrtsbaiw Aesusa... Ms p, mt. ism i, aa. , 4 WMabte Assess.... f-esCss. 8 Si 1 HarrisfcurjgKpwiav. kmfim. m JSlT'J UWOWSn aVS,H.M.Nt M.M.M.M.M.M.MMM SSSf BV JBW, .-.-.. Ar.Mf Jaw ti, i gg HI j UrrtekufKprsss.. I0lf JHm5i5 3 Maeaster Aeeeaa...... Mfsvaa. Mlwavv fe.rr. .Star lmE&4 AanHeKspreest.. IDJa.ss,, UBsBsk'- JS jeashere Express... slp.'as. y H PhipSia Aeeessu fk sa. SI C m. Jk & SpayMajL. aSEaa. ERas.J e sis llil rrserlekileee.r lSSS V S fTMeMybataawMehraaiaaiur. On Hastate lkallail tl mSrlimMm Onlnmbur .-, CHA8. K. PUGH7GeBeral -PHILADELPHIA a MUBWaaUUIJsOAaO ' SUEAUUIU tWLUAUUA DtVswMMI. Oa a4 after taaejar. Hat MV s. PfcSteAalBkta. asssss steasT T a. ss,, !,:, as. " . . rVj ret new tote Vsa Aiwatewn, kalllabn -- da ea m - SbJS .Ts;'.s7.aa,.wJ, '" .-. vc SW PnttnAlla. l-m stse b 'i',;- M""a im tewBsV, UssMswmipSsteTisSat KrPfiilMelsliWL week am. Tilt Miml. sstt.! KikSB.tMBays.a rarKsw Yisrk via 8ania W pTsa. ' - -M affnr r ih sill iTm !: 9m m aa. tAsfM mmlj r wit aualay M i mVk'iTj: ,1 Wet Harrtabarg, was days, 1M KMimk?, lAraSRsr " - TRAINS FOR LAM OABTaS. .Leave i 5:dd p us. Leave! Readlaf, week days. 7A IDs a. a4' m.. Asxlti. i - Leave New Ters: via nllsdelsala.wastsMB, 7:45 a. u.. imp. m. 12:1ft night, leSBB am aaat BOilB. salaltt --I Leave New Yerk via, Allanton. weak CVW SIS f ? i!!"fc2: 'i ussit AiiMiKiws, wesm mmjm, esse sksswi ssay;,. B.BA, . . .. i- Leave PettsrUte, max ys, mi a. ak, m:'- Leave i 7:15 p. u. Leeaaea. weak tlan. 1M b-.au kail U2S2StE'&lM!.mJZ$- aajr,Sjtta.Ba, i n 'T."?1 Teave ftaarryvUte, srssk ays, 1MI a, mtf, tisstve J AHiANTlb'ciTT TMVniOM, ayra "ftSSmrMm. CTisstaat sweet Leave aaat Beatk street wkait . as. ' yd V ssnussxi ,Twm.wmmmw vsr rkansaa Aveaeea. IRSsti AtlanUeandArl Express 7:se a. saAaUae.Sie6s.m . aUscess, 1 p. m. Acoea Kfieis?ls.Umtableaeaa TxKisTga.- taekatlatwaaMeaw, A?aTmeUKD. . C.O.HAKCOCK. ' Vlesrras.Adea'liraT. GesttsWrAsTsVft X stBAWOW A LAHOABTCm JWKt IsUM AJ HAiLiWAW. ' & Anatusmants of Passenger Tralv aa aaa aJsa- - sWiidat, November W,Maa, j:. XOBTHWARD. Lear A.K. tyst. r.x,A.m, aLsJMsasVsTeMeeMeee JrW f?J5 waH wUI Columbia .. u astainha.la. flM OsXBWalLeeeeaeeMee 7eiS IjIS Arrive all "aeffifxiwlkii."" Laare a.m. r.u. r.j II Cornwall... jsauhetsaj. aassxsBflawsnssaTeeeeeeeees4 Armvsiavr. ceiaunbi tm m XlaffltriMt, tAftne. M Ml f ttVtttttMPat H fCMRg-WOUr, FURNITURE flftORSg 'c. s AVE MONEY, c f)n V.' STl Wl HAUSTIRE BUYERS Alwayi Bvt Mentr br Wrtag trma V OcIidk A Gibte. bTbswaa aJitA si s as & aa & "l -i uuacius mws in svaeapesi, weiiaws) n lg ir-va ...... .- 'M rUKN UKhl IN THK COIWTV. CHJUTHAMAOwV TION. ,.-'5 sKull Line of Heme-Made Wet. Oeaslas stored until wsnted. Make no asiataka lat&a p wM i Ochs & Gibbs, 3d, Sd A 4th WoewtPBOinPii tltnUeT w IDMfER-SOOBNiai. 1 HOW? II-ew de you knew we sell se cheap t O b, I have tried, and get a heap I If pen my word, I never yet 8-aw goods se cheap, by piece or set I K ach set, each piece Is guaranteed, T hat tells there's no sharp trick for greed. l's all the same the rtcb, the peer K ecelve like treatment, I ass sure. E mbrace this chance In beustlres seat, H elect from stock that Is complete. WIDMYER, Furniture and UndsrtaUsgJ Cerner East King Dnki Sts. Furnishing a Undertaker Nes.27 A 29 SOUTH QUEEN I $.; liBbsTsv ssTaaw UaW jm Assist aal Miw m Iss tss a Mi utfcM wUI ' " - l MMMI ,Mi Buisraast. -- tJ sssisssisssn ,r 1 1 v laaswasca .WSy. -piURNISlIINU UNDERTAKER. " Walk 1 HeMshl RESIDENCE, 87 WSBT VINE ST. 5?1 wJtj Ki m?wiZ4 f.-i ?v '"ta .- ..v Jrn ' -O A K-.W1 Vl