)y ImS LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1890. ''if m )& vi F1 RG IV- Ifi a iff I J. f rtilH fnttUUl" urwttrwxsTWWMAW, KOBKRT CLARK, PuMlshar. 3 C"rW TteXiLT nrratxiaEscEK.-pnwithea i1 ir?wsiewttysw,tmtiittjr. bT"1 J fcy'earrkm I UuV erty Ml Mrnmatfln ImMlNeMlilw BymallHvjswJi- f-'if SBWVSiyeMiaMTIUHaM wwuw i V WKsritLT rSTfctiriaiOf CKIt-One dollar d Mone te suBsxmiBKrui-Remit ty cb .. wwIim nddthuT of euH peeared send In a registered at test FosteAee, m second eUM Mali rnnTiLUixiren. Lancaster, Fa ABBUM, LAM0AITEK.PA., rebrmry 6, 1880. B? " Life la Deep VtilcTg. They seem te be having all the winter thk kmed. out en the Recky mountains and the Pacific slope. The unprece dented fall of Bnew which has blocked the Pacific railroads and caused the' rle : ArtiMlva allilt In the canons of tbe ?$$ mountains; and the consequent floods which are new pouring uewn uireugu the Valleys leading te the oceans, rc " Blind us that It Is net summer weather , everywhere, and suggest that per haps there may be a terrestrial cause for the abnormal winter weather we are having and that we may net have dene with winter forever. And there Is asuggestieu in them which reinforces the lessen of the Johnstown tragedy, teaching that large populations should never be located in very narrow valleys, where there is a possibility of a flood or a land slide thntmay sweep them away. There is plenty of lnnd even In regions of narrow valleys, where towns may be built that floods cannot destroy. It Is generally only necessary te seek a bench of tbe hill that stretches above the lowest part of the valley. The cost of laying out a town here may be greater ; but one would think that tbe greater chance of Its permanence would ensure such precaution. It is net easy for people outside of these floedablo districts te understand the cquanamity with which their inhabitants endure their con stantly threatened danger. It is doubt less due te the force of habit. People who live In constant danger or drowning cannot afford te be nervous ever it ; and, as they think they cannot afibrd te move away from It, they seem te take It as one of the necessary dangers of life. Nevertheless It remains that llfe In the bottoms of narrow vales Is net seductive te people of sense. Blading the Minority. The Republican portion of tbe com mittee en rules In the Heuse has at last been Induced te prepare the cede, and it has been considered and approved by a caucus of the Republican members. It makes a number of changes in the rules of the previous Congress, all aimed at the suppression of the minority. The Republican political "mind is deeply impressed apparently with the necessity of strangling, at this . Congress, the opposition of the Demo cratic minority te Its proposed legisla tion ; a circumstance which clearly shows that the Republican machine pro poses te Introduce legislation that will be of much benefit te it, and that will encounter the determined opposition of the Democrats. If there is net a plan ahead of this character, tbe Republican movement te supprefs the minority In tne Heuse is net sensible, for it is a knlfe that will work as sharp upon their threats when their party gets Inte a minority as It does upon the Democratic threat new. It is net te be supposed that the Republican lead ers contemplate the possibility of their always inululalulug a majority In the Heuse. Such u supposition would de little credit te their sense. They never acted upon this Idea in Mho pest, when for many years their cou ceu tluuance.in power was guaranteed by the agencies of the war. The Demo cratic side in Congress did net have oc casion te complain then of the conspicu ous oppressiveness upon the minority of the cede of Heuse rulei. They have this experience new for the first thne ; and it is net u reasonable mipixwUlei) that the practices of a century should be overturned by the majority in Congress ami rules be proposed that use In bothering enterprising citizens who want te lay rails upon the streets with the necessity of apply ing for permission te councils, therefer, new that it Is established as the policy of the city te encourage such use of the streets. We suggest te councils the propriety of enacting a general ordinance letting everybody into the game tliBt want te get there. If we are te have rail-ridden streets, the mere the merrier. Tun story of the ranking of Unlled States sllver dollars In Moxlce Is supple mented by the repert te the treasury do de do partmentofagontloman who has Just re turned from the mountains of New Moxlce. He says that the dollars are belng made there and net in old Moxlce. As nearly all the meney In circulation lu that part of the country Is sllver, and as the schotne of coining dollars exnctly Ilke the real ortlcle and having the into amount of sllver Is pronounced practlcnble thore is geed reasen te rear that somethlng of the kind lias been going en. The chlef difficulties in the way of the counterfeiters would be the cost of the ne cessary inachlnery, the large capital neces sary te carry en the operations and the trouble about gettlng it Inte circulation without exciting suspicion. When the cost of manufacture and the great dnnger erthe enterprise Is considered with these riimrultlca the difference Iwtwoen the seventy-twe cents' worth of silver and the legal dollar does net scam great enough te tempt large capitalists. ', A nniiAT many vosselsusod oil te break the ferce of the waves during the recenl storm, and It is new gettlng te he generally accepted as an established fact that oil Is se useful in storms that every vossel must be equipped te apply It. The New Yerk Herald says: "The ferce of Atlantic waves In a 'wuole gals' has been estimated by Stophenson and otlier engineers nt soven thousand jxmiuls te the sqtiure feet. Yet a flint of vegetable oil, preperly placed, acts en the raging billows as a blanket, trans forming thorn Inte comparatively tnme un dulatiens, and permitting even n disabled ship te rlde out the storm. The sclontlfle explanation of this Is that, us heavy sons are fermed by the "rasping" action of the wind, the thin oleniftuous film sorves as a lubricant te diminish the friction between wind and water. The potency of oil for this purpese has been known for ages. It was habitually used by the old Cireek sailors. But Its application In modern tlmes has been, till recent years, almost a letart." It is qtllte romerkablo hew the world manages te forget geed things, for ene w.uld think that a prnctlce se valuable lu saving human Ufa, and se simple lu Its ap plication, would noverbo forgotten. pley.rs or with the government. Bach a system would enable the werklBgmea te express weir wises ana grievanees peace ably and freely, and would give Uie author ities of the state aa opportunity te inform themselves Inn very direct way of tbe con ditien or the working poepio, tbns Ice In touch with all thnlr activities, senti ments and Impulses. Referring te the state or tilings in me mines, tne emperor says, owing te his anxiety for the welfare of the men, no wishes te see the mines developed Inte model establishments and desires that the moasures shall be taken te that end. The council of state will meet te consider the preliminary questions Involved In carrying out thoe lileas. Kxperts will be called te testify befere It, and the emperor himself will preside. The emperor's rescript and his order toMinlster Ven Ilorlepscb, have caused a great sonsatlen In parliamentary circles. Tlieyare compared with Herr von Boot Beot Boet tlcher's statement lu the Itelchstag that further legislation of the kind could have no better success than the previous legisla tion bad had. Hut when Yen Boetticher made that declaration he was talking te the Itelchstag only, the elections were net precisely en the carpet, and nobody was In presence of an Immediate necessity te porsuade the working man away from the racialist cause by pretending an astonish ing regard for his welfare It Is observed that nelther document Is countersigned by a responsible minister. The emperor reserves te himself the right te nppelnt the experts who are te re imrt te the council of state en labor ques tiens. Huren Ntuinm will be ene or thorn. THK 1ILA1XKH HISSED IN CHUltCH. They Neglected toObservothu Customs of the Catholic Church. Wellington Dispatch te Pittsburg Dispatch, Feb. 4. A peculiar Incldonteccurrcd te-day whlle thetunernl of Mrs. Copnlnger was fn pre- 8 rest at St. Matthew's church. As the rela rela rela vosef the dead lady entered the church, Colonel Ceppinger advanced ahead of the ethers, knelt at the ontrance te his pew, and made the sign of the cress, nfter the habit of deveut Cathodes. When Secretary and Mrs. Blaine, closely following thefr boreavod sen-lu-law, entored the new with- out sign or gonuilexlon of nny kind, feelly auuibie mates came irem t direetly obevo thorn te the right. per-llery .?! sw etii. "w PERSONAL. Okmiuik O.Ticiinven, assistant secretory of the treasury. Is HI at Washington, and was unable te loave his bed en Wednesday. r.x-JuixiK Jehn II. Haii.ky has been nominated for mayor by the l'lttsburg Democrats. I.llIUTK.VANT-GOVntlNOn LAMPION, who was ousted from his Beat by the Dnmcratic Henate of Ohie lias concluded net te curry htsensote the supreme court. Majeh Sf.iifa Pi.nie has accepted the In vitation of the I'ortugueso Republicans te Jein thelr ranks and beconie ene of the leaders of the party. He will threw up his commission in the army, hj that he may be free te retum home and outer upon a political career. lles. II. M. Neivrir. of Columbia, whlle attending the centennial colebration of the supreme court In New Yerk was the only Pennsylvanian of a party of olKhteon distinguished men entertalned at dinner by Kllet 1'. rihenard, son-in-law of Com Com eodore Yanderbllt. The banquet was of regal magnlflcoiice, plates, forks ami spoons of geld and catering te suit thorn. Km Jen eh, a widely-known Quaker firoaeher and philanthropist, dled at Ills ioiiie In Keuth China, Me., Sunday, aged nighty-three. In 183 he married Sybil Jenes, and In 1810 they enmmonced their missionary labors. After travellng ever all of this continent, thelr tours wcre ex- limilmf ... T II. ah... lititlnail l.Alnn.1 T..m way, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain and the Hely Lnnd. He was a member of the Maine Legislature In 1851. ills wlfe died in 1673. Assistant TesrMAsTiMi Qknicual Ci.auknen Is about te resign. One of his friends racently said, "Clarksen will re sign In less tlmn ninety days from this date He is weary of the Phirisalcnl ways of the aduilnlbtrutien. He is n politician who bolluveH in rewardlng, as far aa may be, the men who did the work anil made the election of Harrison a possibility. He llnds the active workers of the party shunted off en te a side track, and thodllo thedllo thodlle tanles who, when the light was en, simply steed around In the way, railroaded Inte ofllce. Te be short and plain, he is dis gusted, and as seen as he can protect souie IKilltical paper he has out he will shake lauds w Ith himself and quit." IMKRUKD 11Y ItKIl HOI" lllONS. Who the persons wero who were se crlev- eusly offended at the failure of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine te observe the custom of Cath olics, could net be discovered. Of course many otuerdisiinguisiiou rroiesiams were nrosent, among thein Prosident and Mrs. Harrison, cabiuet ajid ether high officials et the administration, who did net salute the altar and its emblems, but tbe hisses wero plainly directed against Mr. and Mrs. Blaine, for they only at the time had roached the ontrance te their pew. Ne fragrant wild flower of the lieatti In nwecter than my Julia's lnh ; Ne pearl U whiter than her teeth, Whlle her Heft lips the reacii dj e. Fer BOZODONT I tier delight. It keeps threw charms e pure and bright. Te leek upon a bright, beautiful baby and re member that the euly medicine It ever talcea Is Dr. Hull's Itnby Hyrup, certainly converts another family te the use of the remedy. The slehtofen ugly Intlnmetl bell or sere, te say nothing of Ita Uatigcre'iii tendency, nheuld Induce any sufferer te try Ijtixncler, the lnfulll lnfulll bie rcmidy for tlicse troublesomo bleed disorders. n. Have you get sall-rlirnm or tetlur, Hcrefnla or fuv t r-seres t Yeu will neer be the bettei Fer your faith In iiuacklah bores. Hsk from nature's Mere the treasure Thatwlllsavoyeu freiii IhograNe And gle blessings without mcatii re Net te feel, or quack, or knave, but te Dr. Pierre's Uetdeu Medical Discovery, the world-famed euro for the abevu dlwaMH. It Is guaranteed Ui euro the dlMiaam for which Ills recoinmeudod, or money paid fur It will be re funded. W.ThJtw TT OOD H B.ltHAl'AUU,l-A. Rheumatism Is believed te lie caused;!))' excess of luetic acid In the bleed, owing te the fulluroef the kidneys and liver te properly remove It, The acid attacks the flbreus tissues, particularly In the Joints, and causes the local manifestations of the dts case, pains and uclieslu the back and kheulders and In the Joints at the knecs, ankles, hips and wrists. Thousands of people lme found lu ltoed'aHarsaparlllau positive and iiermanent cure for rheumatism. This medlcinu, by Its purifying and viUtllilng action, ueutrulltes the ucldlty of the bleed, ,and also builds up and strengthens the whole body. Wonderful Proportion " I have taken Heed's Harsaparllla unit found It excellent for rheumatism and dyspepsia. I suffered for many long yeurs, but my cemplete recovery Is due te lloed'u Harsaparllla. I re commend It te every one because of Its w on en derful properties as a bleed medicine." Jehn Kui.l.i.ii an, 6.1 Clmlliuin Htreet, Cle clund.Ohle. Inflnminntery llheumntlsm "I Just want Heplo te knew thatwethlnk Heed's Harsaparllla the best remedy for Inflam matory rheumntlsm lu the world. My husband bad this terrlble affection for two years and lloed'sBanuipurllla helped blm mere than an), thing else. Iumulwajsglad te tell what Heed's Harsaparllla has done." .Mas. P. Atkinson, Balcm, Iud. Heed's Sarsaparilla HnldbyallilmeKists. II j nix for IS, Prciared only by (J. I. IIOOI) vt CO., I-ehcII, Mass. ItUlMmi'SiONKJJOLltAlt (1) Persian Lawns, tic. Gay as the gayest Challis, but they're at a "White Goods" counter. Reses and posies, leaves and sprays in possible and impossible tints, scattered en sheer silky cotton. Stripes tee. That's the new Persian Lawn. 12. i. is. 1 8c! Yeu think of India Silks even while you finger them. Half a dozen mere of the same filmy family. Zephyr Lawns, a little heavier than the Persian, lie In plain colors, 15 and lc In strips. Organdie Lawn In stripes, plaids, and flf uree.aa, 35, , Me. Dimities wltlj colored figures en white R rounds, 39c. kck Plaid Lawns, it, ae, and ate; with lace plaids. 15c Illsck-nd-whlie Lawns, plaids and stripes, 'lie Trite te say never before se many or se geed. True, just the same. Valentines, Little mere than a week te Valentine's day. There's a long counter of just the things you?re looking for if you want anything of the kind. Cute and pretty, with a spattering of love talk, for as little as 3 cents. Cuter, prettier, and leaded with sweet nothings, up te half a dozen dollars or se. Linen Table Sets. Such a line of Hemstitched Linen Table Sets as we have never had before. Besides full sets, there are napkins, runners, tray-cloths, and plate napkins te be had separately. Most el the marvel is in the prices. Measure by one. Cleth 2x2 ii yards, and 12 Napkins, $9.50. The cheapest we ever had before of this size was $12.25. Set prices go te $24. India Shawls. New Indias in sight. $30, $40, $50, $60, $75, $100. We never had better ones at these prices ; net likely te have again. Valleys $150 te $500. Y l np fttmft. REAIi J38TATK UrrtCB. HERR'S GENERAL REALESTATEOM. UOirftESJBUHDINa LOTH.rARMB, MILLS, Ac., for sale. Cireat bargains. Call for our new Catalogue Just out. I10UHKR and BITHINKHB PROPKRTlWial wa a en hand for rent. lf QPBClAXBAJMAWaV HENTH COLLKCTRD - PreMrtles charge of, collection of reals, payment of Uses, repairs, etc, attended te without trouble or aa aa aa noyanee te owners. MONEY TO IJAN ON MOKTOAaES,-Fer these having money te Invest ws haveflrst elass mortgages en hand and tne best of facili ties for Investing. TITLE PAPER prepared and titles carefully examined. Allan A. Hcrr, REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE AGENT NO. 108 EAST KINO STREET. J. Harry Stamrri. 24 Cn.tr. Square n 90h; K w mma mib4S deem. NEWBOSTONSTORE New Spnng Dim Goods ! nevH lead F OH ItKNT. Reems for Rent, THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS, fining Prices Upside Din TiraiDg Prices Downside Up. It don't make mnch difference which you Ilk best, we only WANT TOU TO KNOW THAT WK ARK WATT & SHAND Have received sersral carload of New Spring Goods WITHIN THE PAST WEEK. New Bering Colorings In our Popular CABH-I atstut tiit jtiB.11 Aa, yara wiae, me m yarn. New Hprtng 8hads In these Buptrler CASH- ehk itKniutnfAB, inenes wiae, wimp I yara. HENRI prlnrStuvl ETTAS, 40 Inches wide, 80e a yard. -ADOVE- Jehn Wanamaker. IJalace of ohten. IALACE OP PAHHIOM. ADether Slaughter Ohas. H. Frey's SHOE STORE, Nes. 3 and 5 East King St. Third Fleer Roem Is handsomely papered and ntted up, having Its own water closet and washstand In a small ante-room, the fleer I planed and oiled, making a handsome room, suitable for dancing, seciables, secret organisa erganisa organisa teons, etc. The Peurth Fleer tsnet papered.but will also be fitted up In similar style tesult geed tenants. It has its own water closet and washstand : In Its present condition Is suitable for light manutac. ture. Fourth Fleer for Rent from March 1st, and Third Fleer from April 1st. Cheap Bent te Geed Tenants. APPLY TO Chas. H. Frey, (Huccesser te FREY A ECJCERT) the Leader et Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOB. 3 A 6 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, .PA. GClethtUQ. IN HATS M AitTIN BROfl. ABOUT - 250 REMNANTS OP BLACK HENIUETTAS, BLACK CABIIMERES, COLORED HENRIETTAS, COLORED CASHMERES, PLAIN CLOTHS, FANCY CLOTn8, PLAIN AND STRIPED SERQES, BLA.CK DRESS SILKS, Etc, Etc., Etc., At the Lewest Priees EVER ASKED IN OUR UITY. Shrewd, Quick Buyers will be the Large Oalu ers by Paying Our Stere an Early visit. Twenty Doten Men's 17e Linen Turndown Cellar at eXcBaeh. Ruehlngs, Ribbons, Stamped Linens. OerseU, Jerseys, Towels. Table Linens. Banner Reds, Plush Ornaments, Etc., -AT- LOW PRICES AT J.HarryStamrrTs, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. FINEST nAHHMKRE HENRIETTAS In Old Rese, Ureys, Heliotrope and all the deelrabld sering ehadee, 48 Inches wide. 76c a yard. This is a common dollar quality. We hare opened an Immense variety of COM j bum ATiun uhsssh uwiM in umer mripss and Plaids, beautifully ahaded In every rarlity or coloring, ev 10 ta incnea wiae, sua a yara. PINE FRENCH PLAIDS In New Detlg and Colorings, 0 Inches wide, 75c a yard. 60 pieces Fine All-Weel TRICOT BUITINUtsJ ail colors, siy,v ; worm ok. New Yerk Stere. -AT THE- GREAT CLEARING SALE will hamstring future ns well us present minorities, without souie strong in ducement calling for this tempo rary advantage. There is enough rascality lu the present leadership of the Republican party te warrant the worst suspicion as te the motives that Inspire this movement; and Is a safe assumption that they propose te take lu enough of personal pretlt lu this deal te make them regardless of nny future damage. Let the Issue be Made. Senater Itcyhuru has been nominated by the Ileptibllcaus of Judge Kelley's district te take bis place in Congress. William M. Ayrcs, another Republican, who is president of the Tariff Ilefeis; club, bas been asked te run against blm by ajnumber of voters of tbe district, upon the Issue of free raw mnterlnls. We hope that the ceutest will be made en these Unci. It will be a very lutcrwtiug ceutest if it is irmde, as we trust It will be ; and wcBuppoae that the Democratic voters cau nllbrd te let the fight be made by these Itepubllcans without further Interference en their part than te vote for the side they like best. Iteyburu will net get many of their votes, and Ayres ought te have a fair chance of winning the fight with their support. We de net think it prob preb able that even in a Philadelphia district a fair test of the opluleu of the voters will show it te be opposed te the admission of the raw ma terials of manufacture free of duty. It is a very proper question upon which te array tbe voters lu a congressional election, and there Is opportunity te make a lively tight en It lu this district In the few days that are te pass before tbe election takes place. Let Them be Fre te All. We note the introduej into coun cils of prepositions teLuiix te the street railway such of tbe snts ia they desire te lay their rails upeu, vnu pii,- lege of their use for the planting or poles and stretching electric wires ; all for the mall consideration of live dollar a car and fifty cents a pole per atinum. Te all of which we euter no objection ; coun cils having determined te make this dis position of some of tbe streets, there U ue geed reason why they should net all be placed at tbe service et anybody who wants te lay rails upon them. Let council provide generally that auyoue who wants ; te lay an electric railway upeu any Uwet net already taken up for tbe " pwpeae of some ene else, shall have vv' tk privlUte of doing se upeu the i j)(sMtm and conditions. 'lucre toue '?" Twe Workmen lu n Tronteu Wlre Mill HutTer ITnspoakiilile Torture. Twe shocking accidents occurred en Wednesday at lleebling's wlre mill, Trenten. Charles ChrctHe, aged soveutocn years, was pierced through the body and for un Instant ausnended In the air en a red het red about three Inches In diamoter. Yeung Cheattle Is what is known ns a "hooker up" In the mill. As the Iren loavestho furnncahe sel70s it in u (ulr e( tongs and guides it teu hele, which reduce the slre. As he attempted te sebe n piece of iron it brake near I no tengx, and before he had tiine te again take held, the red het and new wriggling red onterod his riutit side Just abote the hip, and passing through the lung came out beneath the lelt armpit. As the red passed through young Chcattle's body the end ciuiuht In a part of the uiachiuery and for an Instant tun boy wis suspended lu the air en the red het Iren. Ills weight broke the Iren and young Cheattle fell In front of the furnace en his feet. At the uiiie instant nuothcrleng red of het Iren was seen coming through the rollers from the furnace. Cheattle still iteld the tongs s lien the iron left his body, and ns he vaw thofeceud ploce leaving the fur nace hud hulllclent proscuce of mind te ralse the tongs and ward It off, el me tills tee would hae piereed ills body. Medical at tendance was at ence procured, but the case was hostess. Mart Melesky, a fine Ire draw or of the same mill, was nierced lu the stomach about midnight, lie is a new man and did net understand hew te arrange his wlre, which fjreke, tbe end euterlng the pit of his stomach. The "reel" runs very fast, and when the fine wire entored Molesky he was pluned In a comer, and befere the reel could be steppod about ten feet of It had curled up in the man's stomach. Wil liam Mersheu was killed iu the same mill en Tuesday by the breaking of un electrlc wire. The mill clesed down nfter Cheattle re ceived his death wound, and the lirm or dered a corps of six of 'fronton's leading physicians te relieve the men, but they suy muy can nive iue uigm lureugu. H W P1NUKR NAILS CAMKOFr. KeraicnrI was allllcteil with a. herrlliln rnne of liloed iiolxen, mid upwards of tUe months of tliutlline I Hinmuitile todenorkof nny kind. My Anger nulls came eir and my Imlr dropped out, lenlng my head us clean und smooth ns If It had been shaed. Icon Icen suited the best local jitiyMclntm, and Swnt hun dreds of dollars for medicine of dluerent kinds, but without receUing the slightest benefit. I wiisndlHelllnnllyteUlt Het Hnrlnirs. This I did, but Incoming disgusted with the treat ment I was receiving there, commenced taking Hwirt's Heeinc (H. H. H ) The clleet that B. B. 8. hud 011 me was truly wonderful. I commenced U recover after taking the first bottle, and by the thne I had taken twelve bottles I was en tirely cured cured by (Swift's Bpcclflc (8. . 8.) uhen the world-renowned Het Bering? hud fulled. Wit. H. LOOM1H. Hhretenert.La." FOUR VKAItS ON CRUTCH ISM. Ferllfteen years I win u till 1 ted with rheumn tlsm, four ears etnhlch 1 was eempellnl loge en crutches. Words am liuuleijunte te express the sunerlnis I enduretl durlni; that time. Ttnr Ing these flfteeu years of existence (It was net living), I tried cvtry known lemedy without receiving any benetlt. I Anally begun en Swift's bpecinc(S. B. 8.), nhlchfrem the llrstgaveme relief, and te-day I nm enjoying the beM of henlth, and am u well num. 1 candidly be lleethatB. H. B. Is the best bleed purifier en the market tenluy. J. T). TAYLOR, Cuba, Me. Trent I se en Weed and Bktn Dlsenhes mailed flee. bWIFTHPLCIFIOCO., (a) Atlanta 'Je. DRUNKEKNK8S. I.HJUOlt IIA11IT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. DU. 1IAINKS' QOLU1:n SPECIFIC. It can be given In n cup of coflVeor tea, or In articles or feed, without the knew ledge of the patient. If necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless und w 111 ilfect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an aleohello wreck. IT NKVKR FAILH. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he Is aware, his cemplete reformation Is cttected. ii page book or particulars free. Oil AH. A. LOCH Kit. Drugg'st. Ne. V Kut King BU, Lancaster, l'a. twtMeed-TlhiJl -AT ASTRICH'S PRICED FOR QUICK SALES. Palace of Fashion, leuv. EVAN'S PLOUK. THE QEItMAN WOUKIXQ MP..V. Order Frem thoKinperer te thoilluUter et Commerce Imnurlnl Suggestions. The Emperor William has issued an order addressed te Biren Ven liorleisch, the new moasures new in operation for Improving minister or commerce u V.111011 he says tin tnat uowet or vaiuauie or 1111 iiertant are the the condition of the working poepio, they 11 wuai a proper before the new are net te be compared with what a proper puriurniuiicu 01 lue uuiy minister v HI roeulre. lie then specincally directs an oxtenslon iu the application of tbe system of work werk ingmen's insurance, and the opening efan inquiry into all tnuie laws affecting factory labor. The emperor alllrms in the rescript tiiat it Is the duty of the state te se regulale the duration and the nature of labor as te ensure the health, the morality and the supply of all the economic vtants of the werKine men, ami te pros te equallty befere the law. werklne men, and te preserve their claim te equalltv befere the law. Fer the nrnnin. tten of peace between wet king men and thelr employers, legal measures must be taken toward the Oktabllshmeut of regula tions empowering working men te appoint delegates enjoying their confidence te represent them In the settlement of atlalrs, these delegates safeguarding the inter ests of the working tnnn whom they represent In all negotiations with the em- " Prove All Things and Held Fast te That Which Is Geed." Levan's Fleur I 115 & 117 North Queen St., On THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, en this day we will offer all our Hats at the uniform price of 1 1 cents. Ladies' Felt Hats in poed and desirable shapes at u cents, for this day. Children's Seft Felt Tennis Hats at 1 1 cents, en this day. Children's Trimmed Felt Hats, which sold at $i, $1.25, $1.50, at 11 cents apiece, en this day. De net miss, as no doubt every Hat in the store will be sold out en that day. We further offer en this day all our Children's Plush Caps at half price. 75c Caps at 38c 1.00 " " 50c $1.25 " 63c $1.50 " " 75c On FRIDAY, FE13. 7th, we offer once mere all our Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Saxony Vests, in white and scarlet, at 39 cents. All our heavy ribbed Ladies' Cashmere Underwear Vests and Pants, in scarlet, white and natural, at 49c apiece. Friday and Saturday are the last two days for reduced prices en Corsets. Take advantage of it. After Saturday all Corsets will go back te their original price. Fer February at Cut Prices the Special Saloef BblrUaud Waists Is active and gelug. A large let of Percale Shirts, net all sites or any one num ber, f 1 60 and f I 23 quality, going at f 1, Including two and three cellars and extra cufTs and all of "Garner's" Best Percale. Beys' "Btar" Waists, Fast Celer Percales, 60c kinds reduced te 42c. Lauudried "Star" Waists, " Garner's " Percales, B5c reduced te ttlc. Finest Percales and Handsome Plaid Olngham Waists, laundried, II quality reduced te 81c. A let or Men's White Dress BhlrU at cut prices, of Interest te the wearer and the irencr. 1 HE " DAYTON " SUinT AT II. THE "CYCJ.ONE " SHIRT AT 75c. Fit exactly and will wear excellently our Shirts at 60c and SSc. l Smallest lets and odds and euds In Clothing went out with the Jauuary Sate. All the re tnaluder of our winter stock. Is new priced for quick sales and French leave. Many bargains. Custom department Is cutting Suits and Trou sers te measure at small prices. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. 35 AND X7 NORTH QUEEN BT- LAN CASTER, PA. Charles Stamm's m pen Stee t LANCASTER. PA. T J. MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. UpJielstery Department. A large table in this depai ment contains all of the stec that is marked at special price te close out a great many mer articles than we can mention i this ad, but a visit will cenvinc you that the bargains mer ttened here are of. real wertr Furniture Cevering. A chance te cover any edl pieces of Furniture you ma have at a very small outlay About twentv-five pieces shei lengths picked out of the stec of Ramies, lutes, Pept Point! Brocetelles, and Tapestries at marked at Vx and Vi ferme prices. Lengths run from yard te 10 yards. Heavy Drapery. One let 1 5, all told, of heav Chenille and Turceman Li tains. lA pair is all we have each pattern. The marke prices of theseCurtains areawa jelew their value. Suitable fd 3oek Case Drapery, Pertierl ! 7estoeninj? Couch Cevers, & Lace Curtains. Have you a single or a pa of windows te drape i An el pertunity te buy y2iexi pail of Lace Curtains at a low pne Net mere than 2 pairs in ar one let. Swiss, Madras, Nc tingham, Imitation Irish Peij and Sash Curtains. Seme al about their original price. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sli LANCASTER. PA. JttttBiC. rpUE MUHIO STORE. THE MUSIC STORE. DLX'KER BROS. PIANOS, HAINES BROS. PIANOS. $100,000. INVESTMENTS, UONIH AND MORTGAGE IN HUMS OF 1100, lift), 11,000 te 120,000. Intercsl a ier cent. Pa) able quarterly, JOHN II. MKrl.ER, ehVlyd , k SBeuthDukeHU TTOUBE-PAINTINO, CHAINING XX ULAZI.1U, AND llVltriV J. IIUnWN. siiCLlMfmr tn n.i V.' Brown, deceased. Practical Painter. Uialuer andGtailer. Werk done by contract or day as ihean as Unit-clan work can be done. Best workmen, and none but best material used. Fine Graining a specialty. S-Orduri by matt atn nded. Shep 53 North Queen. Reedence 119 East James street. JanM-lmd MASON 4 HAMLIN OKOANS. BAND iAND ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. STRINGHANDTIUMMINGSOKALLKINDS. WOODWARD & CO., 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa. )hotettvaphm. New Spring Goods! New Shades Henriettas. New Shades Cleths, New Shades Dress Bilks. New Shades Cashmeres. New Shades Surah Twills. New Styles Plaid Dress Goods. New Styles Striped Dress Goods. New Things In Cream Dress Goods. New Styles In Fine Black Ooeds. New Pink, Blue and Cream Henriettas. New Styles In Black and White Goods. New Things In Silks for Trimmings. New Shades In Tricot Cleths. New Stripes and Plaids In Outing Cleths. New Styles Calicoes, New Shades or Cheese Cleths. New Things in Silk Ribbons. New Point Laces. New Hamburg Edglugs. New Hand-Made Torchon Laces. New Styles of Ruehlngs. New Things In Lace Veilings. New Assortment (ft Kid Gleve. New SUk and Ltnen Handkerchiefs. New Silk Lisle Thread and Cotten Hosiery. New Assortment of Corsets. New Styles of Shirting Percales. ggrSamples sent free upon application. Coun try orders receive prompt and careful attention. Goods sent te all parts C. O. D., or en receipt e Postefflce Order. 4Jur. R ARE BARGAINS. Special Big Rett ON j ROBES, ! Blankets, Driving Caj -AND R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBnigsteirg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photograph. ROTE, 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Postefflce. JaaT-emd kl pen Street, BOSTON STORE. ALL WINTER GOODS. FUR ROBES FROM" 2-75 Ijl BLANKETS FROM 75c. M STAUFFER & CO 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. Gavptt, -r ANOAHTER CARPET HOUSE. 8HAUB & VONDERSMIT IT PAYS THE BUYER TO GO" TO SHAUB & V0NDERSMITI RUGS. CARPETS. ART HQUARES, i-MWHH. WINDOW SHADES. Etc. FINEST LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIEI lu the City for the Prices, Be Sure te Hee Them. BEST GOODS I LOWEST PRIC GROUND FLOOR I ONE PRICE I CARPET AND CARPET WORK I BEST A HearGorneref Orange &N. Que au2Myd -w-nn ti p rm it a nTF.rm H1 . A i? 7u n u" ninr inn. eT u. aT'm ' p. 6. 's. eir a., i. e. e. f e Charm ana ns, go u mlmlAj,,. Ne. i3 West King Btre ."fefyss'' Vjsg?ihw-n- ZTlZZiX ---ftaT5Mr j. tv-