" - j C ;-ie" THE LANCASTER DAlLtf IKTfiLtilGENOfiR, WEDNESDAY, FEBtttTABY 5, 1890. mt & TROUBLE OF A TAUCKR. k bright little man sat bemoaning the hu ' f the wit that Is tardy And sparkles tee lata 1 M the keen repartee that U strictly oee'e own, Sut comes Inte view when occasion ha flown 1 1 the Idea, apposite, bright and sublime, hat travel like stage-coaches never en lime. sluggish In movement, te slew In the race hat a new topic renders them quite out of place. the bright llltle man. vrlth a serious leek, marked te himself, as he opened bis book, ' Of regrets that annejy a h umeritl's head, rhe saddest Is tilts i It might have been saldt" J. A, Macen, in The Qmtury. A SH1NELE8S POM8H. Though a highly polished gentleman, He was steeped In Inebriety. And he couldn't therefore properly Shine In temperance society. Frem the WaMngten Slur. They're Intelligent Heg. Prem the Lancaster Inquirer. , The porkers In this part of Pennsylvania jre net eniy unusuauy ui una mumi, uu ihnv lim imvn Drnaier intdUiicence than IS usually accredited te hogs. In proof of this is the story wrachftd for toy Samuel Wltmer, who lives near nunrryviiie. lie bought two pigs from his father, who lives eight miles away, at rairneia. in the evening of the day en which the" pigs reached thelr new home Samuel went out te take a leek at his purcha.se, when, te his surprise, he found the pen empty and the pigs missing. He hunted everywhere, but without avail. Next day the search was renewed, wlien Hamuel's father sent word that the pigs wero back in thelr old pen. lust hew the animals found their way eight mllei te their old home, and whether It was reason or Instinct that led them, are questions for readers te ponder. Anether smart pig talked about Is a 400 pounder raised by Mrs. Henrietta Bupp, of Hanover. When this remarkable animal wna liil If It wanted bIed it walked promptly up te the trough, but for corn It had no use whatever and when called te 9at it gave no response of any kind. When the question " Shall I scrntch you T" was put the hog would Immediately He down and put Itself in an attitude of expectancy. Te the questien " Have you black teeth T " would come an angry shake of the head and a display or white incisors. Mrs. Bupp, who has trained several hogs in the past few years, is of the opinion that their minds are asrecoptlve as the most Intelli gent animal. m A IlniinUnl Hoiihe. Tills body of ours has been likened te a tene ment. It often has a linunted npnrtment the stomach. Beared by the eldrlch sprite, dyspep sia, digestion flies and refuses te return, what ran break the spell, what can raise the ban laid upon the unhappy organs ? we answer unnes Itattnelr. HoKtctter's Stomach 111 tiers, and we are warranted In the response' by the recorded testimony of myriads, covering a period of ever u third of a century. A course of -the Hitters, begun In any stage of the affliction, and per sistently followed, will terminate In cure posl pesl tle, net partial. The Bllters restores tone te the epigastric nerve. Srenews and purines the lulcesexudlngfrem the cellular tissue that act-J stomach and bleed, and promotes a regular habit of bed v. Malaria, kldner complaint, ncr- rivousiiess, rheumatism and neuralgia give way ilntklaliieillnlnn f.WvM nl 1 WIIII.411Clllt.tllU ....,.. " What you coughing yet, my friend V " Of en rsi' luv cold Is no better." " Well, don't tand en the order or going, but go te the drug gist and L'Ct n bottle of Dr. Hull h Cough Syrup quick, He went, and he was Btralghtway made nappy. Fer burns, scalds and ether wounds Balvatlen Oil Iibr reed Itself te be the best remedy ever used. All druggists sell It for 30 cents n bottle. m Fer the euro of the Inflammation and con gestien called "a cold In the head "there Is mere potency In Ely's Cream Halm than In any thing else It Is possible te prescribe. This prepa ration has for year) past been making a bril liant success as a remedy for cold In the head, catarrh nnd hay fever. Used In the Initial stages of these complaints Cream Balm pre vents any serious development of the symp toms, while almost numberless cases nre en record of radical cures of chronic catarrh, after ill ether modes of treatment have failed. Special iteticce. Mothers I Mothers I I Methera I I I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your, rest by a Kick child suffering and crying I with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If e, go at once and get a bottle of SIKH. WINS- LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relleve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There Is uel a mother en earth who lies ever used It, who will net tell younteuce that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and nlensant te the taste, nnd Is the nrescrlDtlen of one of the eldest nnd best female physicians and nurses In the united mates, Bern everywnere, 25 cents a bottle, une251yd&w Eupepsy. rYMti I.. !. itnn ..,r.l. , n t.nl'n I .. ti. i, 'n. llUft n Mlllll'Jt'U Ulllilt,lllltlltl-i 111 lUVIi JUU must have It, te fully enjoy life. Thousands uie searching for It dally, and mourning because thev find It net. Thousands upon thousands of dollars aie spent annually by our people In the hope that they iimjJUtivlu this been. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Elec tric Ullters, li useu ncceruing 10 uireciiuns anu the ue persisted In, will bring you Uoed Diges tion anil oust the demon Dyspepsia and Install Instead Kiincmv. We recommend Electric Hit ters for Dyspepsia, and nil diseases et Liver Stomach and Kidneys. Held at 00c and II per bottle by 11. II. Cochran, urugeisi, M, annua North Queen street, 1 jmcuster, Fa. (1) Bueklen'H Arnica Salve. thk ltraTSALVK In the world for Cuts. Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Hies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed toglvepcr teglvepcr fnct satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, J os. 137 ana iei norm iueen sireei, Lancaster, Pa. luneCT-lyd A Scrap of Pnper Saves Iler I.lfe. It van lust nn ordinary scran of wranelne nnner. but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King s New Discovery, and get a sample bettle: It helped tier, sne neugnta large neiiie, uneipea i.a n linnnlil nnnltiAP aniliirAW lu,t far fact 11CI I11UI V. M.JMfc U..U1. ,v. .. B'.-" -... .., centlnueu lis use ana is new strong, ueaiiny, 1 137 and W North U,ueen street, Lancaster, Pa. n gamva. N EW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and tiii: FINE NEW LIMPS -AND KRT COODS ON .SECOND FUJOU d JoluiL.Anield'sBiiildiiig, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dO-tfd IALLANDBGE TllE ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light; Beats them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and Oil Steves. THE "PERFECTION" MHTA L MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them all. This strl peutwears all ethers. Keeps nut the cold. Steps rattlt ng of wl net own. Excludes thedusU Keeps out snow and ruin. Anyone can apply It no watte or dirt made In applylug 1U Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfectAt tne.Bteve, Heater and Range Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. $100,000. , INVESTMENTS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES IN SUM-t OF lioe, taw, ji,oeo te uywe. Interest ti per cent. IM able quarterly, JOHN H. METZLEIt, nlMyd, 0 Seuth Duke St, flUTICUKA REMEDIES. NOT A riMPXJt OX BABY. Baby One Tear Old. Bad TVlth. Kcaetaa. Hair All Gene. Scalp Cever With Eraptleaa. Cured ley Cntlcera- Hair Splendid md 2f et a Pimple ea Itlm. ' Cured by Cuticura I cannot fay enough In praise of the Ctrrt cura Hkmeuics. my boy, when one year of age, was se bad with eczema that lis lest all of his hair. Ills scalp was covered with eruptions which the doctors said was seald-head,aad that his hair would never grew again. Despairing of a cure from physicians, I began the use of the CtrricttRA Hafacnisa, and, I am happy te say, with the most perfect success. Ills hair Is new splendid, and there Is net a pimple en him. I recommend the CPTirttsLA Rmzdibs te moth ers as the most speedy, economical, and sura cur far all akin ' of tnnusts and chit aueai dren, and feel that every mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for se doing. n MRS. M. B. WOODSUM, Norway, Me. Fert ln Htkt Yn. I must extend te you the thanks of one of my customers, who ins been eared by using the Cuticcka Rnureuat, or an old sere, caused by a long spell of sickness or lever eight years age. He was se bad he was fearful he would have te have his leg amputated, but is happy te say he Is new entirely well sound as a dollar. Here , quests me te use his name, which Is H. H. CA CA sex, merchant. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Qalnesbore, Tenn. We have been selling your Cuticura Rcxi- I)Ikh for years, and have the flrsteemplalnt yet te receive from a purchaser. One of the Worst cases of scrofula 1 ever saw was cured by them, TaYLOR A TAYLOR, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura Keaolveiit The new Bleed andBkln Purifier and purest" and best of Humer Remedies. Internally, and. Cuti cura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticuka He a r, an exquisite Bkln Ueautlfler, externally, speedily, permanently and economically cure every disease and humor of the skin, scalp, and bleed, with less of hair, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimply, scrofulous, or hcredli tary, when all ether remedies rail. Sold everywhere. Price. Cuticura. GOe.; Se Ar, 25c; IUselvent. 11.00. Prepared by the Pot Pet tkk Drug and Ciikmicai. Corporation, Bos Bes Bos eon. -8end for Hew te Ctue Bkln Diseases," CI pages, GO Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. BABY'S pure. 0 Skin and ScaId nreserved and beauti fied by Cuticura Seap. Absolutely EVERY MUSCLE ACHES. Sharp Aches, Dull Pains, Strains, and Weak nesses relieved In one minute by the Cuticura Antl-l'aln Plaster. The first and only Instan taneous patn-kllling strengthening plaster. 25 cents. Sanferd's Radical Cure for Catarrh. Cure Regius) from First Application, and Is Rapid, Radical, and Permanent. It Is the mucous membrane, that wenderfu semi-fluid cnvclope surrounding the delicate tissues of the air and feed passages, that Ca tarrh makes Its stronghold. Once established, It eats Inte the very vitals, and renders lire but a long-drawn breath of misery and disease, dulling the sense of hearing, trammeling the power or speech, destroying the faculty of smell, tainting the breath, and killing the- refined Jileasures of taste. Insldueusly, by creeping en rem a simple cold In the head, It assaults the membraneeus lining and envelops the bones, eating through the delicate coats and causing Inflammation, sloughing, and ether dangerous symptoms. Nothing short of total eradication will secure health te the patient, and all allevla tlvcs are simply procrastinated sufferings. San ford's Rauical. Cure, by Inhalation and by ifernafndmlnlslrntlen, rarely falls; even when the disease has made frightful Inroads en deli cate constitutions, hearing, smell, and taste have been recovered, and the disease thoroughly driven out. Sanferd'a Radical Cnre for Catarrh Consists of one bottle of the Radical Cure, oitebexofCATARRitAt.Hoi.VENT, and one Im Im neVKb Inhai.kk, neatly wrapped In one pack age, with full directions j price, II. Sold every where. l'erTEn drug & Ciikmicai. Corporation. Bosten. febl-lmW,HAw TLY'S CREAM UALMf CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages', Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses or Taste and Small, TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. PrlceGe cents at Druggists; by mall, registered, GO cents. ELY BROTHERS, seplMyd&w Ne. G6 Warren St.. New Yerk. WEAA. UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Develeped, Strengthened, etc, Is nn Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about tilts. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y. Daily Teledo Bee. fU-Iyd&w rpEETHINO S RUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR, FAIIRNKY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorphlamlxlures. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DH8. D. FAHR NEYASON, Hagcratewn, Md. Druggists sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by malf 10 cents. lunt-iyaeeaaw SPatchc0. "ry-ATUEs. H7ER1CHN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Specs, Eye-Glasse Etc., at LOWEST PRICES. Optical Goods. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article lu this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. lGSKNerthQuesnSt.. Hear P. B.E. SUUem. TEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GIL-U Jeweler and Graduate Optician. OURSTOCK LARGER THAN EVER AND MORE SELECT, AND INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS GREATER. Eyes Examined Free, NO- DROPS USED. CHAS."S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St, LANCASTER, PENN'A. w tM.TEIlC.UEHR. Herr.Jeweler. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF Watches. Clocks. AND EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE, And are prepared te quota the LOWEST PRICES, quality taken into consideration. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. TRUE DALMATIAN INSECT l"OWDER, propelled by u geed powder blower, Is the most effectual destroyer of flies and ether small Insects. Fer sal AtHCBLErB DRUG STORE, MWMtKlniHtratt n & H AOEH a BROTHER. A Perfect Fit Guranteed. Vtry Decided Bargains IN .SUITS TROUSERS & OVERCOATS, CLAIM TllE SPECIAL INTEREST OK LATE BUIERS. All-Weel Nobby Trouser Styles, II, te order. A ridiculous price for styles worth te. Excellent All-Weel Cheviot and Casslmere Suitings, 112 and tit te order ; worth f 10. Stylish Scotch and English Cheviot Trouser Effects, H, te order ; usual price, $H and 110. Stylish Plaid and Cheek Suiting Effects, ilO te order ; original price f2U Handsome Casslmeres and Worsted Trouser Styles, as, te order ; usual price, 112. Newand Stylish Suiting Effects, fJO, te order, were 125. Klnest Casslmere and Worsted Suiting Effects, affi, ui order ; nsual price, V, A Pull Dress Suit of Fine Black English Worsted, lined with best quality satin, 2s, te order ; usual price, V5. Winter Overceatings te Order at Quick Sell ing Prices. 25, 27, 29, 31 W.King St. VITILLIAMSON A FOSTER. J JHE ENCOURAGING Prices OUR WINTER BARGAIN SALE MEAN SOMETHING TO BUYERS. Men's and Hey's Demel Shirt plain and pleated fronts, V5c, !c, GOV. WHITE SHIRTS-" The Oem,".'iSe; ('The Capital," fiOc ; " The Starhuck," 75c ; "TheW. A P.," II 00 ; The Elghmlc," II 00. ' Full Dress Oih Iris, plain or embroidered fronts, II 00. 9-All are warranted Perfect Fitting. Advance Patterns In SPRING NECKWEAR new ready. Ladles' and Mlsces' Stockinet Jackets, m'edl um weights, warranted all-wool, 2 25 te 17 50. Newmarkets, 15 00 te 18 00. All-Weel Tan Colored Heaver Jackets, 1 1 00. Hey's Odd Pants, 00c, 75c, II 00. Flannel Shirt WalsU, 75c, II 00, 81 10. Demet Shirts, 25c 8bertPantSulls,2 00, t250,noe. Hey's Leng Pant Hulls, 3 00 te K 50. Hey's Overcoats, 1300 te 10 00. Gent's Fine Heaver Overcoats, silk nnd satin finished, 118. Their real value Is tii. Gent's Fine Kersey Overceuts, 112. Their real value Is tit. A Streng Working Overcoat, II 50. Spring Shape Gent's Silk Hats, II 00. Gent's Fine Fur Hats, II 00. Bey's Windser Caps, 15c. Bey's Steamer Caps, 35c. Ladies' Shoulder Capes, 1300, tfi 50 II 0O.J Ladles' Fur Muffs, 25c. The Advance In the Prices of BLACK SILKS Is 15 te 20 per cent. Our Price upon all BLACK SILK HAVE NOT BEEN ADVANCED. FOR BLACK SILK BARGAINS I1UY NOW. We will Display Spring Dress Goods In Our West Wiudew ou FEBRUARY 8. Ladies' Hand-Made Shoes or Bright Doinjela, Common Sense Heels, Square or Hound Teel, plenty or geed sizes te select from, prke II 00. Real value, H 89. . Gleve Fitting Shoes for ladies who can wear Nes. 1, 1; and 2, square or round tees, hand made. Price, 2 tti ; real valus, J 50. A miscellaneous assortment of Ludles' Ho siery, containing rare values In Fast Hlauk aud Lisle Thread ; all te go at 10c per pair. All Silk f Ribbons, Ores Grains, Metro nnd Satins, Ne. 12 all te go at 10c per yard. Ladles' Kid Gloves, Colored aud Black, le, 75eand!100. ' Kid Gloves, 12 and Id buttons, II 75. . 32-38 East King Street, I.ANCASTER, PA., AND NO. 31S. MARKET Sf.. HARRISBURG, PA. OZavpettt. -JT ANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. ' SHAUB & V0HDER8MITH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO (10 TO SHAUB & V0NDERSMITH. RUGS, CARPETS. ART SqUARrX, OII CLOrilH, WINDOW SHAD1X, Etc, FINEST LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES lu the City for the Prices, Be Sure te See Them, BEST GOODS I LOWEST PRICES GROUND FLOOR I ONE PRICE I CARPET AND CARPET WORK I BEST AND CHEAPEST I NearGerner of Orange & N. Qaeen. augZMyd TTOUSE-PAINTINO, GRAINING AND JT. GLAZING. BYRON J. BROWN, successor te Gea W. Brown, deceased. Practical Painter. Uruluer and Glazier. Werk done by contract or day us cheap as first-class work can twrtene. Best workmen, and none but best material uwjd. Fine Graining a specialty, ajrOrders by mall attended. Shep 62 North Queen. Redsnc-H East James street, jatUflmd Merchant Tain. II ti;f:l, Willi lltli Williamson & Fester, CleihlttQ. H 1RSH BROTHER. New Is the time te get a .Pair of Pafltaleans made well and at VERY LOW PRICES. Panlnloem te your order for S 50 " " , , A DO " " " .;""";!z;;.ii! sob ti w ti Q5Q And 110 for tf 0, that were . Hea?y-IeU.t Siltlis ud Ofercettlngs TO Y'OUR ORDER, AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES. WOK AT WINDOW NO. I, N. QUKEN ST., And See the Bena-Flde Reductions, I2H Suitings te order reduced te .....J9I00 t " JO oe IIS and 119 Suitings te order redueed'te.T!! 15 00 AN D HO Til E 11 AUG Al NS RUN. WHITESHIRTS .OUR LRADRHH-The Celebrated "Hurt'' White Shirt at 75e and II : nnd HIIWII A HROTHKR'H "Famous" White Shirt at 500 cannot be equaled for Fit, Durability, Werk' manshlp, Material nnd General Ne lis tact leu. Dlirercnt lengths of sleeves In each site. HIRSH fe BROTHER, esE-rnicK CLOTUINQ AND FVRNISHINa HOUSE, leith Qaeen Street ud Centre Squn LANCASTER, PA. fMMENSE REDUCTIONS. L.GANSMAN&BRO. Great Annual Trouser Sale. BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF TROUSERINGS TO MEASURE. A GREAT DEAL LESS THAN HALF PRICE. This Is without exception the Cheapest Line or Goods In the Plcce we have ever known te be offered. All deslrablnkiudsorgeodsand makes, nnd although we call them hnlf Mirlce, many or them hnvebeen marked down te lens than one third tl.elr original value. TROUSERS TO ORDER, f.1.50. TROUSERS TO ORDER, $1.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, fl.60. TROUSERS TO ORDER, (3.00. Klve Hundred Pairs of Treuserings, no two of a kind, te select from. r Men's. Bey's nnd Children' STORM OVER COATS at (Sacrificing Prices. They must and will go, ns no reasonable otter w 111 be refused. Call and sce them. L. Gansman & 3re., Tailors nnd Manufacturers of Men's, Hey's and Children' Clothing (Exclusive.) 61 and 68 NORTH QUBEJf IT., B.W.C0ENESOFOBAN0B. LANCAITEK, PA. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. -lle cautious and make no mistake se that you gel te tliu rluhtplaca. M VERS A HATHFOK. Ouir Prices -ARE- Your Prices You'll find our prices will meet your ideas. We are net going te held up our prices mid keep our stock. The stock must le reduced no matter what the cost may be. If you avail yourself of ttils.'ehance jeu can surely profit by our less. The quality or the goods Is unmls. takable and our cut and finish Is net surpassed anywhere. VISIT OUR STORE, YOU'LL HE WELCOME. Myers & Rathven, Reliable Clethiera, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. av&iuarc. H HARDWARE! HARDWAREI If yuu want te buy a Heuse-Stire -GO T Marshall & Rengier's, Kill SOUTH QUEEN h,T. There you can gel STOVES, TINWARE, L'EDARWARK, CUTLERY, Auda full line or Heusefurnishing Goods. AIe, h Full Stock of GENERAL IIAHU WARE, and PRIME NEW CL0VERSEED. MARSHALL&REiraiER NOS. till SOUTH QUEEN STREET. fris.lvd Xreficir TOlrHIMPAMSERHT ANDti UN .1! NEHS. All Itersoniare tureby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands or the ;eruwall Dd Speedwell estates In 1-ebauen or Lancaster teuntles, whether Inclesen or unlnclesed, either for tlie purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enfercud against all tres passing en said lands of the undersigned arte this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, ",, ... EDW.C. FREEMAN, AMern7 tar H, IOeUMaM'i Haln. Always tlie Leaders. 5r NJ EXT DOOHTOTHE COURT H0U8E. DRESS GOODS EWS FROM 1 TO 10 YARDS, IN BOTH Rt.Al'K AND COLORS, 5c. TO OOli A YARD. MAN Y OF THEM ARK NOT HALF PRICE. O-WE HAVE JUST FINISHED INVENTORY AND HAVE MANY CLEARING UP BAR GAINS. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. . M ETZGER A HAUQUMAN. IWTetzer 5c Haughman HAVETIIEI'OPUIiARMAKiaOF Sheeting and Shirtings at the Lewest Prices. Tickings Under Regular Prices. Table Linens, Towels and Napkins Cheap. The Best Steam Cured Feathers at Lewest Figures. AT Metzger&Haughman's Cheap Stere, 3840 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) T) ARl) A MCELROY. bard Sc New. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, As the cold snap Is upon ns, nnd the season drawing late for heavy goods, we elTer extra In ducements In Comforts, lllankcls, Shawls, Underwear, Hosiery, etc., rather tlian carry ever until next season. WHITE GOODS-New While Goods, beautiful apron patterns, with woven borders and sides, and shirred tops, only iSOe each ; with plain tops, Itlcvach. Uenutlhil Satin llerdered WhlteOoedx at 10, 20 and 25 cents per yard, for aprons or dresses, PANTING-Our sleck or Hummer Panting opened at I2, 10, Id, 30 and 25 cents. Theso who buy the goods new te make up for the Summer will find a nlce new sleck or these goods te select from. One let Ready-Made Cotteu.Pantaloons or Overalls atfiOe each ; worth 7&e, Just opened, CARPETS-We wish le call your attention new te the fact that we are receiving from new en our new styles or Hnme-Madu Rag and Ingrain Carpets for the Spring trade, at price that bent any of our former elTerts. MUBLIN-Rargalns In llleached und Unbleached Muslin In Pillow Case, Hhectlng or Yard Wide. BARD& Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. SJbtatchr. H. & RHOADS A SON. -WORTHY OF The Cut Glass and H. Z. RHOADS & SON'S, 4 West King Street. CUT U LASS IN KVKHY l'OHM AND FOIt RVKHVUSK. BTKRI.ljai SII.VEH GOODS XVll.Ti ENDUHK VOIl GIHNEItATIONS AND IIECOMI3 HKIKLOOMH. fclCKEI, 8U.VEH, SlLVl'.H-PLATEn, THAT WILLLA8T A UFETIME. FULL aOM)-VTNlSH OOODS-IN SPOONS, FORKS AND FANCY PIECES. SILVER SOUP TUREENS AND COVERED VEOKTAilLE D1SI1-NEW TO LAN- CAfcTER. rxTPLEASn CALL AND INSPECT OUR WARES. -&$. H. Z. RHOADS- & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA. ' OTeua, &r. "KILINN A URENEMAN. Wliat Flinn & Breneman Dells and Dell Carriages, Steam Engines, Meglii Lanterns, Magnetic Toys, Pi luting Presies, Teel Chests, Uulldlng Hlecks, Peel Halls, Mechanical Toels, Klne Lamps, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc, FLINN 5t BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. avfet TARGAINSI TTAHOAINSI GO TO Shirk's Carpet Hall I - Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. W k H av tiic Ls heeht amd Iivrr Stock in tub Crrr. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts Lancaster, Pa. Ei)iuatuavc. H IGU 4 MARTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wk are new ejienlng our Spring Importation or Queenswure und will be prepared te supply our customer with the very best grade r ware at lowest Prices. Heusestlres receive enpeclal attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. I710R THINGS l) NOVEL, ODD AND USEFUL, Ge te ERISMAN'S. Ne. il West King Street. 30eb. -OF- Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain lam. Inducement T Opposite Fountain Ina. INSPECTION- Royal Worcester Ware -AT- Have for Beys and Girls I Tree-holders (New), Savings Ranks, Sliced Animals, etc., Iren Toys, Kxpiess Wagons. Velocipedes, Girls' Tricycles, Sleds and Ceastcra for Wedding and Christinas Presents. Sail. KOR arrianc. OLKlallS! SLE1U1H EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRUQE BUILDER, ta, 42, ilAi'i MARKET STRKKT. (Rear or the rosleffice), LANCASTER, PA, I have new ready the fines t assortment or ALHANV and PORTLAND SLKIGHS, both Single and Deuble, eir ellernl te the public. Prices le suit the tlmts. Call und exumlne them. A mil line eriluggles. Pha-tens ami Carriages or every descrl ptleu. Alse Seund-l!aud Werk or every variety. Glvu me u cull. All work warranted. M-Hcpalringlnall lis branches. One set or workmen especially employed ter that purpose. eutihry; rR. NATHORHT. DENTIST. J J 2SCENTRE SQUARE. De net let your teeth decay any further. Yeu de net often tlnd a decayed teeth that can net lie sated by filling or crowning. Hae your teeth examined and attended te at once. It will save suffering and expense. All operations guaranteed. Killing Teetli and Pululess Extrac tion specialties. uJ(Wiud4w SUtenuu T UTUER . KAUFKMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. 8cend Fleer Ethlaaun Uw BuUdlug, Ne. tt Gvmvtltv 0uls pENNHYLVAmABAtLROADBCHKD JsTIn effect from Nev. 18, ur. rtiI.l.nf,i.l!AT,! H"0"1 n ad a nve at Philadelphia as follewi t f MTsi fWKHTISf sun Laava Philadelphia. gaelfle Expreasf LaneaatM sew p. m. 3su m. 4:93 a. m. nn? tn. las ze MB a. a. Waylvuswniert..:.. S,,Wi?.Ti?!LV"yt Mlaxt kMs. Ht via Columbia . 8:60 a. tn. via Columbia Niagara Kxpress.. Hanover Acoem Van Llnet...... , rrederlck Aceetn... 10:56 a. a 11.-00 a. m ! &. m. MOp. la. 1:10 p. n. 3:40 p. m. fc p. a. ffcSOp. m. T:p.na. 7:80 n. tn. via Columbia Lancaster Aocem. ...... uincasur Aecem... Hanisburg Aeoen, ColarablaAeeoxo. VlaMUJy rajp. m, :p. m. Harrlsburg ExpreasJ p. te. p. n. imwra azpreatr Lancaster Acce Hd0p.BI. tM p. Bt. Ar.CelAlB Arrlva .EASTWARD, tieav Laneutar. 2J0a. m. 4:45 a. m. 635 a. m :10 a. m. fcS6a. m. M0 a. m. lia a, m. lWp.19. ai55 p. tn. M0 p. m. 4:40 p. m. :4Ap. m. ltfxp. n !I:Mp. m. niMl tMm.m. uea.aai MAa. mf rniia. Kxpreast. rast Llnef......-........ Lancaster Aece... ... .... Harrlsburg Ezpressi.. Lancaster Aoeern...... OolumblaAecem.. AUantleKipreset lruSit!ieir. Ua.Ba. PhlladslphlaAocenul KM p. am pw'aa. Ma p. a. MOpiak Ml a. am nssasj Mail.........., DayKrpreset Harrlsburg Aeceu. Mail Trafnt-.-!.." rrederlck Accera.. 10Mp.Bg. tThe only trains which run daily. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way Columbia. n J. K. WOOD, General Passenger Agta. CHAS. E. PUOH.' General mlanager. pHILADEU'HIA READING RAUJtOAfe READING COLUMBIA DIVISION. , On and after Sunday, Ner 10. t, tmU leave Lancaster (King street), as follews: Fer Heading and Intermedial points, wee days.7d a. m., lS0,8.-4p,tn.; Sunday; M a. SD., Km p. tfl, rer Philadelphia, week days, 7:30 a. ai., am, FerNaw Yerk via Philadelphia, weak TM a. m.. 13JH. S-M tv m. days, ret New Yerk via Atlentowe, week daya, lx p. in. JAllMtewn, weak days, 730 a. m.,S: tajHnnday,M6p.m. rbr Petuyllls, week days, 7:30a. m., J.-4I p. m. Bandar, ft p. m. - Fer Lebanon, week daya. 7.-00 a. w., liSti, 5 p. m. J Sunday, tfcOS a. m, 8:55 p. m. Fer Harrisburg, week daya, 7.U0 a. m., U-Jt, MS p. m.s Banday, 0:00 a. m. Kerlluarryvllle, week dayi, 36 a. m., MO. 1.00 p. in. j Sunday, 6:10 p. m. TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. Leave Reading, weekday. IM, 11:65a. m., 5:n5 p. m. i Sunday. 7.-39 a. m.j 3:10 p. m. - Leave Philadelphia, week daya, 4:15, MOSa m., 4.-00 p. m. -t lve New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekdayi, 7:4ft a. ra., 1:30. p. m. 12:15 night. Leave New Yerk via Allentown, week daya 4.-00a. m., 1.-00 p. m. Leave Allentown, week daya, 6:58 a.m.; 4J8 P.BI4 Leave PetUvllle, week days, IM a. m., tM liv liebanen, week daya. 7:12 a. in., Its 7:15 p. m. t Sunday, 7i a. m., 8:45 p. m. Leave Harrisburg, week days, &S a. ns. Baa day, 0:50 a. ra. Leave Unarryvllle, week days, 6:40, 11:46 a. at., 6.-00 1 Bandar, 7:10 a. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. ISv,.?!Lniie,P!,'?i. Chetnut "treat wharf, aud neutn itriet wnar Fer AUantle City, week daya, zpraat, M0.m, and 4KD p. m.; Aoeomtnodatlon, TM a. m. and 4:30 p. tn. 1 Sunday, Express, MO a. m., AeoemmodaUon, 1.-09 a. m., Ut p.m. . Retnrnlng. leave Atlantla City, depot earaar. AUantle and Arkansas Avenues. Weekdays. Kxpren 7::u a. in. and 4 p. m. Aoootn Aeootn Aoeotn nodaUon,8KBa.m. and 4:30 p. m. Sundays Kxpreas, 4 p. m. Accommodation, 70 a. aa. Detailed Urn Ublea can b ebtalnedat Mck. efflees. A. A. MCLEOD. C. G. HANCOCK. VlesPre.AOsn'IM'tT. Uen'l Paaa'r Agt X ERANON LANCASTER JOINT UHB X4 RAILROAD. Arrangements of Passenger Trains en and after SUNDAY, November 10, 1880. NORTHWARD. LeaTe a.m. r.xf. Ring street, Lane- 7:09 KM Lancaster ..,..... IttJ I2.-4S Columbia .. 12M Manbelm........ IM 190 Oernwall........... 7.-N 1:46 . Arrive at Lebanon 8:1 1 1J6 SOUTHWARD. Lsava a.m. t.k. lbanen ...... .7:13 12-.30 Cornwall let 12:45 Manhelm'....... 78 1:16 Bandar. P.M. A.M. P.tf. 8.-06 aial 8:U 1-04 6:38! Ml 8:45 6:26 8-.17 4M 6.-01 6:40 V-JI fcU r. k. U. at. v. v. 7:15 TM :4 7.-M 8:16 COO 7 8:40 4J0 6:18, 0-.U 6.-66 Lancaster............. . nn IM Arrive at Colombia fcTT 2.-06 King Street, Lanes J6 2.-U0 A. M. WILSON, Supt R. 4t a B. . MKFF. Bupt, a ft. H. 8J5!W0 t08 Railroad. fimtituve. TTKNRjf WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 136 East King street, having a full line of Furniture erevery description atlha lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. call and examine our goods. S-UdH H. WOLF. 136 East King Btfasi. s AVE MONEY. HAUSTIRE BUYERS Always Save Meney by Buying from Oclis &Gibb. Immense Stock or Cheaest, Reliable FURNITURE IN THE COUNTY. CHEAPER THAN AUC TION. asrr'ull Line of llome-Made Werk. Goods stored until wanted. Make no mistake In the place, Ochs & Gibbs, 2d, 3d 4 4th Floers, 31 SOUTH QUEEN TITIDM I-EH'S CORNER, HOW? H-owdeyou knew we sell se cheap 7 O-h, I have tried, and get a heup I U ion my word, I never yet M-aw goods se cheap, by plece or set ! E och set, each piece Is guaranteed, T hat tells there's no sharp trick for greed, I's all the same the rich, the peer R eeelve like treatment, I am sure. E mbrace this chance In heustlrcs neat, H-elect from stock that Is complete WIDMYER, Furniture and Undertaking, Cerner East King & Duke Sts. F URNHHING UNDERTAKER. Walter 1 ffinii. Furnishing Undertaker ! Ne. 8? 29 SOUTH QUEEN STRUT. f HIINHMH RESIDENCE, 37 WEST VINEB1Y m m