P-MF? $v$t" ;;' rf-f ; v V-JTi . . -41- v Pw ' , ..gpfe jLA, tAlh INTBLLtGENORR, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 4890 UK BATS COXii TO 1XVTS. Thf Mmace Hery of Jakttatawa Hee Victim at Tacoma, Waahlactea. A half demented hermit, -who U np MHd te be a victim or tha Johnstown flood, baa been found living In a hpvel In a gulch near the Carben Hill bunkers, notfarfrenr Tacoma, Washington. 1U name U Jaape Milten, and he declares that soft coal la all that he eats. -. . ,-, Jasper's home, If rach U can be called, hi neither house nor hole, tat a combtaatie of both. It la located half way up the hJH aide, and la both dlfflcnlt and dangerous of access. A narrow, winding, reck-atrewn path, twisting In and out among the dwmrf pine and eyer fallen leirs, leads front U bottom of thsKulchtoJaaper'adoor. The Tlalble half of the dwelling Is built cf beards, weatherbeaten and aUIned by tee. A rank growth of grass nd bright ajreen Biess grows en the reef and in the joints en the aides and end. There Is no window or ether means of admitting light and air ex cept by way of the deer-a rickety affair hung en beet-leg hinges. In fair weather the old hermit sTu with the deer epea, but when the cold winds blew In 'from the aeund he crouches ever aertali Are of ticks, built en the earthen floerof his wretched, hease. One Joint of rusty pipe projecting from the roefallowa some of the emeke te escape when the wind Is In the right direction Jasper Is a feeble old man efTO or thereabouts, with snow-white hair and whiskers. .... .. . " I've grown se thin since the flood," he wined" as he tightened the strap an other hole, " that I can't wear suspenders any mere. My shoulder blades are se sharp they cut the suspenders in two." The old man made this remarkable state ment with an air of great sincerity, fol lowed by a burst of maniacal laughter. Recovering himself, he frowned at his felly, cursing the while like a pirate. "Were you shipmate with Neah T" his visitor finally asked. " Ne, no," he replied. It's the Johns town flood rmthlnklngabeut. The burst ing of that cursed Conemaugh dam ruined me forever. I was one of the richest men in the valley," he went en excitedly, ' but new I'm a beggar Felks say I'm rich-, get geld hidden away but It's a lie. There's nothing here but coal, and-Tve had a hard struggle te get that, because they watch the bunkers se close." . " At the time of the disaster," continued old Jasper, after a long pause, " I had thousands of money In my house wnen the flood came rushing down. Before l knew what was up me and the house went floating down the tlde. Sixteen million tens of water had broken loose from the resorvelr. It went leaping and foaming down the valley, leaving death and ruin en every hand. I lest my money, family everything: then I came West. If I can get what coal I nced I'll slay here until I dle." "Hew much coal de yen needT" "But very little newj my teeth alnH what they used te be." . . "Yeu don't mean te say that you eat cealT" "Te be sure. Ceal and slugs is what I llve en. Ceal for breakfast, dinner and supper. Ceal en Thanksgiving Day and en the Fourth of July. Ever eat any yourself? NeT Finest kind of diet When you get it fresh. I lived altogether en anthracite, Lehigh Valley small egg being my favorite. Sometimes clinkers found their way te my table. But new my teeth are gene, and I'm content with soft coal. Seuth Prairie screenings is what I use when I can get at the bunkers. There's enough In that can by the deer te last me two days. Every Sunday I try te have a mess of gasuouseceko for dinner, but the weather has been se bad of late that I couldn't go after it." Te jjU Ceal and the Conemaugh flood .,,, two great hobbles and he talks of n" olse. Several attempts havs been maa draw from him his history, but without avail. It Is net exactly known when he came te Tacoma, but he was first seen in the gulch along In the summer. lie makes regular trips te the bunkers for "provis "previs ions," and can be seen almost any after noon creeping stealthily about, picking up bits of coal and putting them in his pockets. Nature in Convulsion Is terrific. Volcanic eruptions, cyclones, earth earth earth quakesorcawfullyandtremendeuslyplcturesque but scarcely desirable te emulate la action and effect by the administration of remedies which produce convulsion and agony In the abnormal portion of the human frame. Bach Is the effect of the old-fashioned violent purgatives happily falling mere and mere lute disuse, and of which Hestcttcr's Stomach Bitters is the wholesome, pleasant and far mere effective succedaneum. They weakened the Intestines the Bitters In vigorates them. They left the bowels Inactive, because incapacitated by ensuing feebleness. The Bitters, en the contrary, and because it en ables, but forces, them te act a vast and fortu nate difference perpetuates their nctlvlty and regularity. The liver is beneficially stimulated, as the kidneys also are, by this medicine, which easily conquers, also, malaria, nervousness and rheumatism. Drastic medicines almost always de harm. A mild cathartle like Laxader, the "golden" remedy, meets the requirements of the great minority of cases. All druggists sell It for only t cpntg When you see a baby, which has suffered for a long time with summer complaint or dysen tery, suddenly Improve and grew fat, you can rest assured that Dr. Bull's Baby Hyrup has been used. A century of progress lias net produced a remedy equal te Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh .cold lu the head and hayfever, It Is net a liquid era snuff, but Is perfectly safe and easily applied Inte the nostrils. It gives Immediate relief and cures the worst cases. Don't any there Is no help for catarrh, hay fever and cold in head, since thousands testify that Ely's Cream Balm has entirely cured them. It supersedes the dangerous use of liquids and snuffs. Its cesllyjippllcd Inte thenestrllsand tlves relief at once. PrleeWc nnt Special $tetfcc0. Mothers! Mothers i Mothers ! ! I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINB LOW'S SOOTHING BVRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about 1U There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tetl you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and reliei ana ueaiui w wa cuuu, uikjivmue um magic It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States, Beld everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. Iune251yd4w Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and pain ful sickncks te robust health marks au epoch In the life of the individual. Huch a remarkable event Is treasured in the memory and the esency whereby the geed health has been at tained is gratefully blessed. Hence It Is that se much Is heard In praise or Electrle Bitters. Be many fuel they ewe their restoration te health, te the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely And relief ly use of Electric Bit ters. Sold at 60e and II perbettleat II. B. Coch ran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa. (1 Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tuk BESTBALVElnthewerld for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt llheura, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hkln Eruptleus, and positively cures Piles, cr no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 138 North Queen street Lancaster. Pa. luneifMyd Their liuslnea Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a gen eral revival of trade at II. B. Ceehran's Drug Htere as their giving away te their customers of se many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In this very valuable article from the fuel thut It always cures and never dUappetnts Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all tnreut and lung discuses quickly cured. Yeu foil test It before buying by gettlngatrlal bottle free, large size si, every ueiue warrania av It. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 1ft North' Urge size II. Every ' I r.wlirun'a DruirSten Queen street, Laucaster, Pa. W Geal. UMIlEIt AND COAL. TuliAUiu nnuuivn An uunnrji. w tr- ERN) HAltD WOOIW. wueiesaie ana Retail, Dy ji.ilj,AniiiiatVi nS-lyd 121 Water Street. Lancaster, Pa. TJ AUMQARDNEB3 COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orr ices Ne. 120 North Queen Street, and Ne. 661 North Prince street. Yard North Prince Street, near Reading Depot. auglMfd LANCASTER, PA. HOUHK-P.UNTINQ. OUAINlNU AND ULA7.INO. B-VRON J. BROWN, successor te Gee. W. Brown, deceaned. Practical Painter, (Jraluer aud Glazier. Werk done by contract or day as cheap as first-class work can be done. Beat workmen, and none but bent material uwd, Fine Oralnlng a specialty. Si-Orders by mall attended. Shep C2 North Queen. Resdence-119 East James street, lnl-lm4 BAsWAPAIULLA. KOOD'S SAMfsPAlTTsM Is carefully prepared front BanaparfUa, Dande lion, Mandrake, Deek.Plpetssswa, Juniper Ber ries and ether well kaewaaad valuable egets bUrsMlea,by peenllar combination, pro pre pro pnrtten and process, giving te Heed's Hares pa rllta curative properties net possessed by ether medicine. It effects reaaarkabte cares where ethers ML'.. "1TJ . ,."?- $ , oedi JMsvyain.!.. Is the best bleed partner before the public It eradicates every Impurity, aad cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, BeHs, Pimples, all Humors, Dys pepsia, BHteasness, Blear Headache, Indiges tion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Complaints, overcomes that tired feeling, creates an appetite and builds up system.--', HOODS SsMSATAlTTJ.A Has " a geed name at heme," Bach has become IU popularity la Lewell, Mass,, where It ts made, that whole neighborhoods are taking It atthe.saras time. Lewell aruaslsts say they sellmere of Heed's Banaperllla-shen of act ether saraaaarillas or Mead irarlAJrs. Xt same 'sueeeestaexteadlagetlever the country, as Its real merit eeeatnee Known. .. ' MOOa'AiAMAJAJtlLLA. Is peeaUar In the eeaJasaea It galas among all classes of people. Where It taaac used It be come a favorite remedy, and is often adopted as the standard medietas. De net be Induced te buy ether preparations. Be sure te gst Heed's Barseparllla. Sold by all druggists. 1; Six for a. Prepared only by C L HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 DOBBSONE DOLLAR (3) s WIFT8 SPECIFIC. MERCURIAL RHEUMATISM. . Mr. J. O. Jenes, city marshal of Fulton, Ar kansas, writes : "About ten years age I con tracted a severe case of bleed poison, .The lead ing phystelana of the city were called la, and they prescribed medicine after medicine, which 1 took wltheat affording me any relief. I also tried mercurial and potash remedies, with the same unsuccessful result, but which brought en an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of untold agony. After suf fering four months, I gave np all termer reme dies and commenced taking SwJft's Specific (8. B. s.) After taking several bottles, I .was en tirely cured and able te resume work. I con sider Swift's Hpeclfle (8. 8. 8.) the greatest med icine for bleed poisoning te-day en 'the mar ket." ' INHERITED SCROFULA. Swift's Bpeelfle (S. 8. 8.) cured my little boy of hereditary screrala, which broke out all ever his face. Ter a year he had suffered, and I had given up all hopes of bis recovery, when at length I was Induced te use 8. S. 8. After using a Ifew bottle be was entirely cured. Met a symptom new remains of the disease, i This was three years age. - MRS.T..L. MATHERS. Matbervllle, Miss. TreatUe en Bleed and Skin Diseases' mailed free. (2) SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. T EETHINU SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Everr babe should hava a bottle of' DR. til P. tVHW-tlv FAHKNEY'H TEETHING SYRUP. mmv. xtoupinxnernorpmainixiure. will lleve Oetlc, Griping In ivni ,e Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DBS. D.FAHR- IHB.D.KAIiK- Druasjlst sell NBYASON, Hi Hageretewn. Md. Druasjls iiewn, he. , anuvaiia. Trial bettls sent bymairXO cants. lanfrlrdeedAw f Of Uu EAIV. UNDEVELOPED PARTS the' Hnman Bedv Enuuvnd. navalened. Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting adrertlse- nirai long rnn in our paper, in reply le in quiries we wlB say that there Is no evidence of humbua about this. On the contrary, the ad. vertlsers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., Bet, s nwn m., uu uffale, H. V. Daily Ttolede iii-iyeaw TjlLY'a CREAM BALM. CATARRH, "HAY FEVER. Da Ely'stivoefiam Balm tiUSl Cleanses the , ges. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heaisthe Bares, Restores uie eenses ei lmsie ana omen, g TRY THE CURE. ' A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Prlcebu cents at Druggists; by mall, registered, 60 cents. : ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lyd&w Ne. 68 Warren ML, New, Yerk. $ev ale or jlettt. EORRENT-FROM APRIL 1M0.TWOBTORE rooms, Ne. 330 and 322 North Queen street, each 130 per month. Ne.320 Is 180 feetdeep,aed Is well adapted for a furniture store or cigar i fac tory.. Ne. 822 ha counters and shelving. Apply en the premises te v ' . d30-S14aud J. W. BYRNE. s ECURE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FORSAIiE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling" houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards, iron fences, leta ISO feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Pine sereets. Two-tery brick dwelling beuses, lets 115 feet ueep, en weai-Liei and Mary street. . i en West Lemen street, between Charlette and Kevin streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, between Mary and Pine street. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water In' the kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show you. JNO. F. ORIEL,! v--.lnrm JACOB ORIEL, Executer. apr2e-lyd.il. W.H. 820 North Mary Street, T EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE, HOU8E8,BUILDINQ LOTS.FARMS, MILLS, c for sale. Great burgalns. Call for our new Catalogue J ust out. HOUHES and BUUINE.SS PROPERTIES al ways en hand for rent. f RENTS COLLECTED -r Properties taken charge of, collection of rents, payment of taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without trouble or an neyance te owners, MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTUAOES.-Fer theiie having money te Invest we have first class mortgages en band and the best of facili ties for investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared and titles carefully examined. Allan A. Hcrr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 EAST KINO STREET. cev S 8md imtitvit; DR. NATHORST. DENTIST. ! CENTRE SQUARE. De net let your teeth decay any further. Yeu de net often find a decayed teeth that cannot be wived by filling or crowning. Have your teeth examined and attended te at once, It will save suffering and expense. All operations guaranteed. Filling Teeth and Painless Extrac tion Specialties. iU3MdfXW TAENTISTRY. " 36 Years Practlcelu One Office." J. B. MeCASKEY, NO. 11 EAST KINO STREET, Over First Natfenal Bank. Dentistry In all It branches. Gas administered. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain. All work warranted. Ql2-8mdM.HAw fTlRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, L propelled by a geed powder blower, 1 the most eflectual destroyer of files and ether small Insect. Fer sale At KUBLBY'8 DRUG STORE, MWartKlagfttmt tewrB Pm . H AOBR MOTHER. 25, 27, 19, 31 Weet King Street, OFFER Ladies Winter Cloaks and Wraps. JWeeptjn tc-day In all slies F.lcgnnt FLUSH COATS, WRAPS and JACKETS. The balance af BBMufactttnr'a stock closed at a great sac sac rifleeluBcieea; WK WILL SELL SKAL PLUSH COATS worth IW, at .. SEAL FLUSH COATS worth 165, at t5. MAIi PLUBH COATS worth fS, at f IS. JHdft? J ACJS.Era werUl W' ,5i P"eht prices lis, all, no, LPIH WBWMABKETS and RAOLANM SPSW ,u ,u' 10 i Present price, 112, 110, fdi IB, Ws CHILDREN CIX)AKS worth $8,M,tJ, H, 3: present price, fJ6,H,t3,2, $160. ' ' ' ' wLtl!e8P.RJSCESUwl,,ProV0llfelINVE8T. MENT te PURCHASE a Cleak for next winter, enjoying Its comfort for the remainder of this sVCsUOQe WE OPEN ON MONDAY OUR SP1UXGI IM PORTATION OF EMBROIDERIES. SiSa,ykntJ15fmbrlC' Nn,"IOOlt 0"d Hager & Brether, 25, 27, 29, 31 W. King St, LANCASTER, PA. - "1HARLES STAMM. VJ & X Hew Things Are Going -AT- Charles Stamm's 37 LANCASTER, PA. 'j . t .i n 75e HENRIETTAS at 37ic 17 New Spring enaues. II 25 SATIN RHADAMAS at 87ic 24-lnch tl 50 BLACK SILK at il 00. HEAVY COLORED SILKS et 87e Black Shawls I 11 00, 12 00, t3 00, ft 00 and KW. SILK RIBBONS, 2c, 3c, ic, 8c, 10c. LACES.lc,2c,3c,e,G0,0c,7c, te 25c. v 87Kc. 60e, 75c. PLUSH BALLS, lc, 2c, 5c, i- & POCKET BOOKS, 5c, 10c, 12c, 17c, &e. . bLankets, 75c, $1 00, $125, ft 00. UNDERWEAR, 25c, 370, COc. COMFORTS, 75c, 31 00, tl 25, $1 60. WHITE QUILTS, 75c, SI 00, tl 25, SI GO. Umbrellas! 25c,60c,75e,87Kc. 1 00. DARK CALICOES, 3Jc, 4c, 5c TOWELING, 2Kc', Kc, 5c BEST CURTAIN POLES, 18c, 25c CLOSING OUT LACE CURTAINS. FOR BARGAINS ! Ji -OO TO- BOSTON STORE. Itirmnmrc. H IOH MARTIN. China, Glss, -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- We are new opening our Spring Importation of Queeimwure and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Heusestlres recclve especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 16 East King Street. HAGER & BROTHER feri tan Stat, Wli pn Stat, CliHlMf. Tyrrit9 HATHTOK. RELIABLE CLOTHING -AT- ATTRAOUVE PBI0I8. Our Line of Men' Bull, Youths' Bull, Bey's Suit and Children's Suits, all REDUCED. You'll Find BARGAINS In Every Line. Have been put down te nut selling price and they are moving en at a lively rate, We'll un the geed sold. enu oeiere it It cost us Uie profit euall Myers & Rathvqn. Reliable Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING BTR1ET LANOABTKR.PA. TMMEN8E REDUCTIONS. " ' " L.GANSMAN&BRO. G-reat Annvial Trouser Sale. BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF TROUSERING TO MEASURE. A GREAT DEAL LESS THAN H A.LP PRICE. This Is without exception the Cheapest Line of Goods In the Piece we have ever known te be offered. All Ucslrubleklnds of goods and make, and altheuih we call them half :prlce, many of them have been marked dewu te less than one third their original value. TKOUSERS TO ORDER, 13.60. TROUSERS TO ORDER, 1.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, 14.60. TROUSERS TO ORDER, 5.00. Five Hundred Pair of Treuserings, no two of a kind, te select from. 'Men's, Bey's and Children's BTORM OVER COATS at Sacrificing Price. They must and will go, as no reasonable eOer will be refused. Call and see them. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's aad Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 6 and (B H0RTH QUEEH IT,, . W. CORNER OF ORAHQI. LAHOAITBB, M. air Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. XirBa cautious and make no mistake se that you get te the right place. H IRSH & BROTHER. " And What A Fall Was There, My Countrymen I" Is n quotation specially fit at the present Urn ns regards the unprecedented CUT ibathesMnt the prices In everyone of our department fly Inf. and by mean of which w INTEND te close out dtir. LARUE BTOCK Of GENTLEMEN'S. WINTERSU1TSAND0Y.. A Few l-openers ! 7 Finest Motitaguae Fur Beaver Overceats, lined throughout with satin and satluslesv llnlifHs reduced from S25 te 119. 41 Fine Caster Beaver Overcoats, made and trimmed first-class, were tit ; new SlO. All the latest designs and demands of fashion are em bodied In thsin. al Elegant Kersey overcoats, strap-warns, stitched edees, silk velvet 'cellar, silk sleeve lining and silk facing, were lie ; new til SO. Geed Beaver Overcoats, were 110 ; new 17 CO. Melten and Kersey Overcoats all greatly re duced. "Last, But Jfet Least." Our Incoinpnrable ta RarlUn Chinchilla Bea ver Overcoat, our own Make, Black. Blue, Drab and Brown In color, sent thundering dewu te $4.50. If that doesn't take them out of the store, and quickly tee, we don't knew that Lancaster City and County's people appreciate a BARGAIN ! Our MADK-TO-ORDEIt DEPARTMENT Is busy with orders uuder this Bargain Blast. Will U Let It Slip By? HIRSH & WIWL ON'E-I'RICK CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centra Sqaarr" T.AKCAHTKR. PA. Slttcvttcu. -T UTIIER S. KAUFFMAN, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Brcnnd Fleer Kshleman Law Building, Ne, tl North Duke Htrwt. apra-lvdAw 3j TIOIl JAPANESE GOODS, OoteKKIHMAN'B, Ne. a Wet King BlreeL 9ry ( NJ MXT HOOK TO THE COURT HOUSE. Celd Wave LADIES' AKD CHILDREN'S COATS AT HALF PRICE. WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS AT HALF PRICE. BARGAINS IN HOME-MADE COMFORTS. ALL KINDS OF UNDERWEAR AT A SACRIFICE SINGLE AND DOUBLE snAWLS GREATLY REDUCED. WOOLEN FLANNELS, HOSIERY, MITTS AND GLOVES VERY CHEAP. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. M1 ETZOER A HAUOHMAN. & HAVE THE POPULAR MAKES OF Sheeting and Shirtings at the Lewest Prices. . TickingsUnder Regular Prices. Table Linens, Towels and Napkins Cheap. The Best Steam Cured Feathers at Lewest Figures. -AT- Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, ' ' 38"40 West Kinq St., Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE B AHD MCELROY. bard & Mcelrey, Net. 33 and 35 Seuth Qnean Stmt, As tha cold snsp Is upon us, and ths season drawlns; lata for heavy goods, w offer sxtra In In dueemsnu lu OomfetU, Blanket, shawls, Underwear, Heslsry, ste., rather than carry ever until next season. WHITE GOODS New Whits Goods, beautiful apron patUrns, with woven borders and sides, and shirred top, euly 30c each with plain tops, lfle each. Beautiful batln Bordered Wulu Goods at IB, a and aft ent per yard, for aprons or dresses. PANTINO-Our stock of Summer PanUn opened at k. It, M. 30 and 38 cants, The who buy the soeds new te make up for U1 Bummer will find a nles new stoek of thss goods te select from. On let Iteady.-Made Gotlen.Pantaloons or CARPETS W wish te call your attention new te ths fact that we are receiving from new en our new style of Heme-Mads Rag and Insralu CarpU for ths Hprlng trad, at prices that beat any of our former effort. MUSLIN-Bargalas In Bleached and' Unbleached Muslin In Pillow Case, Bheetlmr or Yard Wide. bard 6c Mcelrey, Kea. 33 and 35 Seath Quean gtreet. eavptt B ARO AINU I Shirk's Carpet Hall 1 Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Bruueli, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Bag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, led WaHAVBTHaLABem axd Ban Stock dj xsa Orrr.. H. S. SHIRK & Cor. West King and Water Sts Lancaster, Pa. F UNN BRBNEMAN. What Elinn & Breneman Dell and Dell Carriages, ' Bteam Engines, Magle Lantern, Maguetle Toys, lrtnllng Presses, Teel Che), Building Blocks, Feet Balls, Mechanical Toels, fins Lamp, Carvers, Nut Pick, etc., Hj,. tSollcee. kEIRCE COLLEOE. r OF BUSINESS AND Short-Hand. Recerd Building, 017-018 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, i'a. Second, Third and Fourth Floers. Morning and Afternoon Sessions every week. dmvexcpuL Hundav. . nensiuns, eiuuuuy, Tuesday and Thursda iy Evenlntcs tin April i. Twelve hundred and nlxty-nliie(ia)U) students last year. Early applications necessary. Bend for enrollment uiana. Technical knowledge qualifying for business engagement. Full Instruction for commercial and general business vocatleus, Alse Short Hand and Type-Writing. A faculty of mere than a score of practical men who have practiced wnut tney uiacn. Bookkeepers out of counting houses teaching bookkeeping ; lawyers teaching law and busi ness forms : successful high school principals teaching English branches; taw reporter teaching short-hand and type-wrlling, etc, etc This Institution has been exceptionally for fer tu'iate in the success of the student who nave graduated therefrem." times open every week day during business hi.urs and also en Monday, Tuesday and Thurs day Evenlnrs for the Enrollment of Students. Al nneuncement. etc. sent when requested. Visitors always welcome. Address, THOMAS MAY f EIRCE, M. A., auglMmMdti Principal andKeunder JJhoteflraph, R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KeBnigsl)iiig, Prussia, Twe Background made especially for Bnst and Three-quarter Length Photograph. fROTE.-f 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Posteffloa. )an7-smd NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND OUN NERH All persons are hereby forbidden te treapas en any of the lands of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estate In Lebanon or Lancaster uoentle, whether Inclesed or unlnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, a the law will be rigidly enforced against all tree, passing en said lands of the undersigned arte WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN K. PERCY ALDEN. tU)W. O. FREEMAN, (VVtanara fc . wTOelssaaa'i Xalra. PEM I III I HI.H Bargains I Haughman COOPER HOUSE.) Opyeflita rosatels Iaa. MEOOdl , fust i Ovsrall at Ma each ; worth 7oe, epsnsd. Ovpoaite PebhUIb Iaa. 9 all B AHGAINBI Have for Beys and Girls ) Tree-holders (Nsw), Saving Banks, Sliced Animals, etc., Iren Toys, Expieas Wagons. Velocipede, Olrls' Tricycles, Bleds and Coasters for Wedding and Christmas Presents. JEENST., LANCASTER, PA. c$amtsf. N: EW LAWPS AND ART GOODS. Call and See -TUK FINE Wl LAMPS -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JolmLAmeld'sButtding, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dO-tfd piALLANDBEB TOB ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light; BeaU them all. Anether Let or Cheap Olebes for Oa and Oil Steve. . , THE "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsitrtpoutwearaalletbers. Keeps out the cold. Steps rattling of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anyens can apply It no wait or dirt made In applying it. tan k befitted anywhere no boles te ire. ready for use. 1 will net sDlit. warn or shrink a cushion strip Is the most pcrfeckjIAl IKJI rin thtBteve, Heater and Range Btere of JeIlu P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCABTER PA. tfarriaee. riLElUHHt SLEIUUSI EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 49, 12, 43 445 MARKET HTUKCT. (Rear of the rostefllce), LANCABTER, PA. I have new ready the finest' assortment of ALBANY and iVUTLAND BLE1UHH, bath Single and Deuble, ever offered te the public Price te suit the times. Call and examine them. A full line of Buggies. Phstten and Carriage of every description. Alse Hecend-Uand Werk of every variety. Ulve lue a cell. All work warraa f Repairing In all 'U branches. One set of workmen espeeiauy employ M (or last purpose. ttlr' tftrUtt TDENNHTL0tNIARAILlOADCat' A JTIb street freaa Net. M Uss. -,: .Tnin uura IweaaTaa soil Uavaasat rtr at PbiUdeipkia as ssUew i Leaves Philadelphia. News Kspnasti.., WayPasaensBil..., jiwp. as. !Sa. as. t.-SDa. m. SiRTSyrt i3 kfLM TiaOe4amMa sOa. m. via Columbia lagara Kiprt. ViasiarlsjK Aoeesa,H... Laueaatsr Aeeera....... iiieu a. m. laOetaBsbla UISBB.S. uucasisr Aeenea., TlaMuisy.. ill narrwenrgAi sflsp. m. S,,,IB M0p.M. M0 p. a. Celusabla DDia AM Harrtsburg Kxprsssu! western Et-prsat... LanoastarAeoo..MMj Ar.OeLBssir . Leave !i -5. KABTWARD. ?"i raiisw tcxpresst- Fast Ltner........ :S a. .m. a.m Ma a. as.' It a. as. 12MP.BS. laanasfT ftnnn Harmamrg Express. LueatarAoeom... MaabievAeeeaii AUaaUs ftxpt es.. Heeahere Expresa... ruiiaawpnus ai Banday DsrEr ataii., Hamsberg oeeia... Mall Traln. Frederick Accem..... p.at Tha ealy trains whleti run eaily. h ' IsMlsVasV'- ' tsssK ik lasssT .. B. JKPOD. Osaaral Pasaangar Agsa , , '& vana a. yuwn, uwiail sipiwaw. r'1 I "... . ' aV-i TJHlUADKLPMIAaREADUtqKAILSlOA . B1UDWQ COLUMBIA DIVBMOW. j& mi; On aad after Bnnday, Ner : leave Laaeaster (K lug street), as fellows t xu guiH BBsaifsBsr ciuuubt. xiut ju. i . rer weaning ana intermedial dayjjT JO a. fiu, VOt, :S p. m. t tniats. wsasf m.iaundaj,tesak Fer Pfiilaeelphk, week day Jp, m.; Benaays, ZM p, m. Fer Nw Yerk via PhUadel datp. 9sA sl in.. llstjL ,,v. s. S'i -, , in,. - TflOa.sn..iasm.a-ain.tn. . Fer New Yerk via Alleutewm, week dan. kfasfisV I lsasfaisssslss sfl.aw States A m a.m J'Pfi are amfiwaf wwsss wUsi BKaea Klssl V'S days, M0 a. m., lJ a, av wertMimnvu, P-J5i'S22t sp.as.iSwMsay, Fer Quarrmila. Up.n.i Bunday.fclOn. TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. Leave Reading, week days. 7M, 1146 a. aa., &M p. m. i BundSy. Taea. mfj kiWpi m. Ti't. Leave Philadelphia, week, days,, tilt, mf in., ixe p. te. ft Leave New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dam wees: nays, twb a. as., uaa, sss) , sWa.mrutp.Ba.. MS a. SB. 'ri Tr, week davs. t4i a. sa aa.r " vXe T: a. m., l:ae. p. ra. 12:13 night. -frf! S Leave New Yerk via Allentown, weak saM-V4i Leave AUSBtewn, week-days, ea a.aa.t M '"'Leave Petterllle, week days, 6J0 a. sa., MVi P. SO stj-i 1 . ! f.h..Mi hbaIb 1... .! a BA .AAA " 7:Wp.ui.tBunday,7a.mTlaA.su ' a -ifa'rTHarrtsburg.weekaaVs, ta.sa. ffasf day, ksd a. m. i sSi Leave Uuarryvllle, week days, tHO, IL-sf a, ah. ' M0 2 Bunday, T:10 a. m. , ;-f ATLANTIOCITYDIVMIONJ ' ..SE,."2"K"J -aa wkastv : Fer AtlaaUe Ol ty, week M0 a. m. and 4.-00 fa. m.i . 7: a. m. and 4M p. m.j Bunday, KW JU., si. m. .Returning leave Atlantle City, depot earaar -Atlantie and Arkansas Avenues. Weekday- Bapress 70 a. m. and p. m; Aeeesa moaaueo,Siaa.m, and ia p. ra. swaaafsw, ExDrea. d. m. Aoeammo3atlati. MB a. sa. and:aep,m. . '' ,' . Detailed time tables can be obtains, ai Uefca, , ; aTaIeLSOD. C. Q. RAHCOCK. . :P Vice Pre. Aden'lM'gr. Uen'lPaafr AgL;, f EBANON .LANCASTER JOINT LUTa) ". pt sssp i Al HAXUItUiVU. v.;,- .Si Arrangemenu or raasenger Trains en ana antr HUKDAT. November laiasa. '.- nUSTHWABIL I sassss liaavv a. a. r. --, mi 'a. at. King Street, Lane 7 Laneatr.......... 7OT Columbia Mauhlm....... 7.-sf OerawalL....MM.M.... -7isa 1&M ttm 1M6 Let idb sua set Sir ttT MB rtisn!!." ,u rn MMa0B jwliTHWARD. Leave a.m. r.K. Lebaaen ......... . Till li Oerawall....... 7f it-M Maabelm...Mm.M.... 1M Ills Lanealr........ . M7 iM Arrive at Columbia. MT &9S Ktnsr Street. Lane Sd8 MB A TO if 19 S ill v: i vH A M. WILSON, Btwt K, & Railroad. .sUNEFF.apUO..R. - .t,s aW l Hstti;ta .-a . V' -W-ATHBS. "IfiffiVSSiJS Kys-aiasaa Optical Goods. TeJegraphTlai Dally, Jty Article luthULweCaremuywpsir. I muss lAcssert mW!V Ke.l6Klirik(saMsVL.sTttr.i.R.Ms4s JKWKLKU AMD aRADUATCOPTIOIAK.v5 w-ww f m U1LL, ,, J Jeweler . and Graditte Ofticiu. . OURSTOCK LARGER THAN KVKR p K AND MORE SELECT, AND INDUCEMJtNtll TO BUYER OREATER. Eyes Examined Free,' NO DROPS USED. ?. CHAS. 8. GILL Ne. 10 West Kinf &., LANCABTER, PENN'A W-ALTER C, UERR, RERR.JEWECEft WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF Watches. Clocks -AND EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE, And are prepared te quota, the LOWROT'rA PRICES, quality taken Inte conslderatlea. fj Walter C. Herr. Ne. 101 N. Queen St, ; CORNER OF ORANUE. mHE MUSIC STORE. Masen & Hamlin Organs. iiignesi jJiuncuens rer ujaXoeiiraia 8UM7l;Yi3 vlnpitv t.Vl World's Exposition, Paris. 18e7. ' International Exhibition, Vienna, U73. t.ranainieruaueaat jkuuuiueu tt nnnilSgtr vf ISO. Sweden and Norway, 187. Uulted Htate Centennial EihlbltleD, rail. delulila.lSTU. Universal Exposition at Paris. 18T. Jm Italian Musical Exhibition. Milan. ISM. fy iniernauenai rvxuiuiuen, Amsterdam, Net erlands, ISSi, FOR BALE AT- THE MUSIC STORE, 14 East Kiig St, LsjmmUs, Fa. WWDWAWsJfsJpe, ? '' il JS- M i$j iu'fa i V.t yss m W tjr (Ttf y-. "-5-' ' iff fri-Jt-S" ' & . . 3 J- ' ,