-"n,!-.'"?!' " t-.V'i' v, ',), -i. TI1K LANCASTER DAILY IKTIJLLlGJByOBB; SATUBDATt JANTTARY'28: 18901 i--": ,u(''.v Vl j.jaf' ITINERARY OF BllL NYE. IAT MM IF SENT1IEXT 9.1 TIE Will INI WMLY WEST. Upper MlMlMtppl-DhrersantKdUe 1W Writing-Flamboyant gar of a sjoaaucter sorrows en scotcmnae. Copyright, 1890, by Edw W. Nye Im thk Ozene Country, i ' THS Hakds or A 1'ertkh Wlte Drastic V U IMHRLr AT MT EXFESSK. I We are new at tbe bead of navigation In m upper Mississippi country, wnicn renin winter In most beautiful. I herxs next Rummer te take a beat -at Buffalo, and tbe length of tbe takes te Dulnth, acnea down tbe railroad I leave kbe name blank till I can aet a renlv te the letter I Just wrote te the superintendent hu r aui ana tuonce down te su Leuis. rretn St. Leuis te Omaha nnd the ineun- in. The upper Mississippi has never n adoeuafelv described. Theuch I Rived tbere twenty years, I was always se fiusy trying e solve great national quew lens that 1 did net sol a chance, I was endeavoring pirt of the time te preve that ireeiraae weuia Keep peopie peer anu treak up happy homes, nnd a 'part of the kltne I was proving that a high tariff would je tee same, une w ai easy as tne ether ml tbe salary the same. V I TOOK OFF MY TI.UO HAT. GeltKr un the read the ether dav. with the bread and docellotto besom of Lake Pepin gtistenlng in the crisp air and pul sating beneatb the bright, declining sun, and swIRly darting by the historic Maiden Reck from which the bountiful but plainly educated Indian girl leapt te her death, i ineugni ei 1 11080 dear old days when Minnehaha had net been embalmed in uenir and lnterurban lets between St. Paul and Minneapolis could be bought for a string or glass beads, even as William Penn purchased the slute of Pennsylvania. it was in rcnnsyivauiaemy a snort tlme age that we met, running out of 'Alteena, the justly colcbrnted conductor who can extend his cars, like ajnek-in-tho-bex, at Will. I de net recall bis name, but I de remember that alter I had asked him something about whether we wcre late or net soveral times, be held his head down te my lips and shot his ear out at tne like the warm, dank nese of a baby elephanl. He has a national reputation that way, It seems, but I did net knew It. Others wRe Knew both or us enjoyeu the mectlng very much. Slnce that I have been lesslnnuisl- tlve about trains. One can hardly rcalize bow strange the honsatlen Is when he is greeted In that way by ene te whom be as no lotter of introduction. I also took a ride out of Philadelphia in the cab of ti locemottvo cngine later en. It was the Hen rv K. Bhawet the Baltimore eV Ohie, and I nod te get up at 6 o'clock n. in. te de it, but as I went te bed at 5.48, having been te the Union League club te see some friemls the everling boferc, who had detained me, It did net inatter. Secur ing a pound of cotton waste I de net mean this in the society sense, for that kind or cotton waist has llttle te de with this letter I went down te the U. it O depot, and, looking ence inore at my little voliime of mechanical terms, se that I could talk intelligibly with the engineer, I clambered up the front steep of the cab. We rede out te Chester and back. That Is nil I knew about It. I heard a rear, a hiss, a snort, a whistle, a ring, the quick rumbloef the pilot, the gasp of the mud valve, the low vibration of the crown sheet, the surging of the cut oil', the sigh of tbe menkey wrench, nnd we wero off. " Is net the life of the engineer ene of extreme perll ? " I naked Harry S. lturatl, our bandsome engineer. He did net hear me, for It was a suburban train, and as we worequlto busy stepping and starting he wetted net what I said. " And, as we way in Knglaiul, de you net enter with hearty zest, after awhile, upon this Jelly life as you gayly tool your trap down the weld nnd out ncress the mere, like pordltieu beating tan bnrk ? " At that moment the ruddy fireman, Mr. J. II. Metzgarjcswung wide tire Ure deer, opening H. U. K. , ran a poker into the hetrmaw of the engine, letting out u llainu which reached for my lithe and guzelle like limbs, gently scorching the ombreldory nt the base of my Dr. Jigger underwear, rearod at the top of Its lungs and drowned my voice. " And de you nel nt times have te threw her ever and run for the woedbox or Jerk the peer child of teme unknown Pennsyl vania duke from the track, handing her back te her parents unscathed and receiving J'.'.SO therefer, at the satne tlme gettiug laid off for thirty days for net koeplugontjof the way 01 tne regular turougiiexprcMs, oeiuos having te pay for a Pullman cur, which Is worth far mero than u child especially whereltwas a peer child with soveral brothers and slsterw? And de you net think, seriously, that a child or two, mere or less, especially among working paople, should have llttle te de with the running time of trains?" At this point I wns qulte exhausted, and se was the engine. Se the engincer did net hear me. I took off my plug lint, put out a llttle flre that had started en the top and said : " I suppese you have leved ones who recogmze vourwhlstle and at night put a lamp in the window two times If well, three times for croup four tiines for worms and flve times te indicate 'buckwheat rakes for breakfast. ' " He pulled the handle of the under feed throttle and threw a large lump of bitu minous coal at a deg who wus net of gontle birth ns we scooted into a tunnel, nnd nil conversation wus drowned In the turmoil efnn echoing yell nnd screech nnd rear and spit and deuble shuttle as tne eccentric chased the drawhead ever the swia flying cylinder otcapenient with n doubly ocheod statement like that of Wall btreet en a busv day. Se he lest that remark. ""But eh, sir, " I oxclalmed te the flro flre man. who loves a beautiful girl named Annie, " can you net tell me something brave und beautiful that you have done, something that I can make a dear little story of nnd print, something that will bring tears te eyes unused te weep, some thing that I can put in the holiday num ber of a nice paper with pictures In it T Did veu nover kjve uny ene ? " Yes, " he said, ns he mopped his brew with a fireman's handkerchief. " I used te knew a gontle old cuss here en our run who did odd jobs and worked faith fully. He had a sweet llttle flaxen hnired child. Can you use that ? " "Yew," " Well, he used te come down town evenings and we would meet nt ' The Busv Uee. te visit and play a game of 1 Old Sledge. ' We never played for the driuks, but we would often, w lien It wus . time loge home, eircr te shake each olher for the drinks. I de net drink new, even beer. " " And wli'at wus this shaking for the drinks?" " Why, nothing nt nil, only we shook poker dne for the beer, nnd the ene who lest paid for it. Soe ? " " And hew-old was this flossy haired child you speak of? " " She was then lii years old. At the tlme of the accident, however, blie wasnoeut 18. It wns a foggy ulcht. Wa were late. Yeu will notice that I uw geed grammar. Put the printer en that, will you, please? Story fireman and engineers always iibe peer crninniar and spoil a llttle queer. Tliey lit - 4"i also Swear little and lie. The actual An An naner egtaetr does notde that unless he Is filling up a young person. We gener ally talk very Utile te viMters In tbe cab, for we have te leek out for our trains. We re net here te sit ter our photographs or teU pleasing prevarications te people who get large prices per column for them after ward but we nave a little open stretch of read here, and se I will talk between work as you seem te be a plain man, baTring the high hat, which has no busi ness en a locomotive. " "WcllT" 14 Well, It was a foggy night, and we had te hustle net only te make our regu lar time but te keen out of the way or late trains. It was right along here that I looked ahead between scoops of coal and saw a slrl Kelsa down the track with heH back this way, and I concluded she was crying a geed deal, for he had her reuff up te nor eyes all the tlme, and, -of course that kept her from hearing the train. We whistled, but she didn't hear. I told Harry, and he revsrsed and all that, but I saw rd get te get out en the pilot and help, no doubt ; ae I crept out there Just in time te catch this fair young girl by her blonde and beautiful Psyche knot and swing her free of tbe track. " " And did you save her T " Yes, I saved her; It wasn't romantic, nnd you'll have te change It a geed deal If you print It t but that was the way it happened. " ''Who was It V " It was this little blonde girl of Mitoses. " " And what did he say about It T " " Well, first he didn't knew what te nay, and then he says, for he is net a man of many words, nnd also he Is a peer man, but he did catch me by the hand and his chin trembled, for she wns his only child and her moth or is dead, but he took n scrap of cotton waste out of my pocket and wiped his eyes with it and Bald, ' Old man, I cannot recall what fathers de when their dear and only daughters are Jerked from the. laws of denth, but If yen will excuse the bluutness of a plain old man I will shake you for the drinks. " At St. Paul I met a very tall Scotchman. I am six feet high, but he leeks down en my bread and desolated skull as de the gallery people when I hobnob with the orchestra en an opening night containing a dlvortlssement. " I WILL SHAKE YOU FOR THE DRINKS. " " Veu must be very fortunate te be se large nnd tall, " I said j " you certainly command the respect of overy one. " " Yes, I get nil the respect I want, but I get no comfort. I travel a geed deal nnd I sailor u geed deal. My wife is quite short. Yeu knew tall men always marry short wives. Well, she cannot touch her feet te the fleer, and I am knocking my brains out nil the tlme. In ustreet car her fcet swing like u pendulum and my legs reach across the nlsle when I sit down and my silk hat leeks like un acrimonious porcupine all the time. The straps en a street car make a tall man buy a new hat every six weeks and a short woman can't reach thorn without tearing out horsleevcs. 'Ident knew hew we nre going te remedy this thing, but I suder especially, for I can't sleep in nn ordinary berth nt all. I have a bed made te erder at home, but I can't put It in n shawl strap nnd travel with it. I lte diagonally, like an unprincipled politician, all night, nnd then In the morning, whlle I tle my shoes, all the poe pi e In the train wnlk ever me en their wuy te the dining car, and a stout mm In the upper berth falls out of it astride my neck. Hu says. ' Kxcuse me, ' und t ion falls ever my feet, sits in my lap, and geos away, and the man oppeslto steps en me through the curtain, brains me with Ills vallse, swears, thinks Unit makes it all right, and keeps en dressing till psople ceme in and tell hlm'that we ure In the round house. " I hear peopie saj- all the tlme ,hew levely te be se large and tall ; but the world Is net made for large peopie or small people. It was made for iniddle slze poeplc, mentally and physically, They get en the best. This Is no place for extremes. If you nre a feel, go te the Institution for feels. It you aru a genitis you will be tolerated as un eccentric but diseased mind. It is better te keep in the iniddle of the read. " By the way, " said he, in conclusion. " I soe that you ure lit ene way the supe rior of Chauncey M. Depew. " " Thank you, hew?" " Well, lie says that the fatal mistake of his llfetlme was In making a humorous speech. There's wliore you have the ndvantngoef Chnuncey, I think. " 1 thanked him again and then strede down the walk, flerccly kicking the frozen debris from my path. WE AJflJ THE WORLD, The world Is the wnne the whela world e er, In every country and every clime, Men love beauty nnd lccs love clever, And will te the dUtnnt end of time. The world Is thcsamoeld world ferccr. There's Jey In truth und there's piiln In vice: The fruit forbidden we taste nnd sc er Our held en the heart's pure paradUe. T The world's te-dny Is the world's te-morrow, And both shall be Its yesterday j Our Jey nnd grief, our love nnd sorrow, Like our father's thoughts shall pass away. Them's nothing new and there's nuthlng olden, Each day Is born en the dawn's fresh wings' Our hearts ha e music sweet nnd golden, Or rtUcerd, Just as we touch life's strings. Frem the Chicago If era! J. The safest mid most reliable remedy for the usual diseases of the baby Is Dr. Hull's Jluby Syrup. It contains nothing Injurious. Price ) cents a bottle. If you llve In n low, marshy district, where thu miasm. i arising from decaying cgctable mnttcr, pollutes the atmosphere, the use of I jix jix jix oder becomes an nlHolule necessity. It drives malaria from the system nnd costs only 25 cents. Ijlmnuarc. H iail&MAHTIM. China, Glass, -AND- QUEENSWARE -AT- Chiina Hall. Wk nie new opening our Hprlng Impertatlpn of Queenswarc und will be prepared te supply our customers wllh the very best grade of wure at lowest Prices. Heusestlres recelve cspeclul attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. rillE FINIT LINE OF WAX HTEItlU I Acid und 1'nrallne Ciindles for the Holi days, at MILLEH'rt SOAP CO. .V J M.uV'tf'Mniy''rtA''s-V'a ,i- i r -a tat3f fciK. jh HEAT IMPROVEMENTS. a4 man rairi Am nretlle traYeled en horseback or by tlacM 1 newfifty mllM an hour Is net ten enough Ter them. IVrmtrlr People wrote letters that were wwki In reaching their destination t new tnc tcicirnpn "'"" "'."M"'." around the world. Formerly doctors bled their rwllenufer nearly evcrr cenipUlntj newtney urn nil vanecit ncier.ee of the li Iffhest order. Prof. Austin Flint, of JJellevue CeHcire. MJ I "The Judicium no of alcoholic stimulants Is pay of the striking characteristics of preftrcss III the nrnnllM nt mtwlliMltn rHIMnff K.- t ii..t. tt n ti Ll V, U H.. te. tl 11 tf n ihimI aturnflil niinlVftlA I IlthVO IUUUU '. ' - & !-..--- sf.A A,vm n A til fnVn tlens of foreign substances, and It neserrcs te meet with great success." The vrcll-knewn Dr. K. W. Hutchinson. or New Yerk. i ! highly recommend Uully's I'ure Mnll Whiskey snd prescribe it extensively In my practice." Itev.B. Mills, of Princeton, town, says,: "lhave used UufTy's 1'iire Mnlt Whiskey with grent benefit te my wife, who hi a continued Invalid. I knew from experience It Is n pure and .most valuable medicine, t am also using Hln the case of my son, who Is threatened with con sumption. I nm n Presbyterian ejergy mnn and adocterordtvlnltr.but I nm net nfratd tore commend Inury's Mnlt Whiskey as the purest and mestemclcnt tonic that I knew or, and.my experience l n lnrge ene." tl niHnCENNIW IZ. WQUOK HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. DR. HAINES" GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given Inn cup of coflecer tea,or In nrtlclesef feed, without the knowledge of the patient, If necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless and will effect ft permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an nlcohelle wreck. IT NEVKK FAILS. It operates se quietly and with such certnluty tlint the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, nnd ere he Is nwnrc, Ills complete reformation Is effected. 48 pntre book of particulars free. CIIA8. A. LdclIEIl. JDrugglsJ. Ne. 0 East King Bt., JUincnster, Pa. tcteed-TTH.vM s WIFT SPECIFIC CO, Scrofula in Children. "Intlie early past of lMi? "crefula nppenred en the head of my llttle grandchild, then only 18 months old. Bhertly nner breaking out It spread rapidly nil e0i' her body. I he srabs en the sores would ixal off en the slightest touch, nnd the odor that would arise would mnke the utmesnheru or the room sickening and unbearable. The disease next attacked the eyes and we feared she would loe her sight. Eminent physicians or the country were con sulted, but could de nothing te relieve the llttle Innocent, nnd gnve It ns their opinion, 'Unit the case wns hopeless nnd Impossible tesuye the child's eyesight.' It wns then Hint we de cided te try Nwirt's Hpcclflc (. M. H.) That med icine at once mnde a siwedy and complete cure. Fer mere thnn n year past she has been ns healthy ns nny child In the land." Mns. Hutu BEnKLEV, Bclmn, Knnsns. Cancer of the Nose. In 1875 n sere nppr-nred en my nose, nnd grew As my father had cancer, aim my nils- band died or It, I became nlarmcdnudceusultcd my physician. His treatment did ue geed, nnd llie sero grew larger nnd worse In every way, until I wns iiersunded totnkeS. 8.H.. nnd a rew bottles cured me. This was arter all the doc tors und ether medicines had failed. I have lind no return of the cancer. Mus. M.T. Mahkn, Woodbury. Hull County, Texas. Treatise en Cancer mulled free, SWIFT SI'ECIFIO CO., Atlantn, Oa. 028-ljd (1) gev jjyulc ev jlcnt, TTIOKltENT-FHOM APIHb 1890.TWOHTORE J; rooms, Nes.tfJ) nnd 822 North Queen street, each J20 cr month. Ne Ml Is 180 fcctdccp,und Is nell adapted feru fnrnltiire storeor cigar fac tory. Ne. 312 has counters nnd shelving. Apply en the premises te daO-MAStrd J. W. I1YIINE. CJECUKE A HOME FOK VOUK FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE ON THE MOST MBEKAL THUMB. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 root deep, en ljincustcr avenue, between Wal nut unit Iicmeii streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 145 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut und Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling beuses with rrent ynrds. Iren fences, lets 150 feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and 1'lne scrects. Twetry brick dwelling heutrs, lets 115 feet deep, en West Ijenien street, between Charlette en west ix-n fury streets. aim ii Three-story brlclc dwelling houses, lets 130 feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestuut street, between I'lne nnd Nev In streets. Alse beuses en East Wnlnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and Ix'men, nnd liemen, between Mary und l'lne streets. All the ubeve houses nre In geed order, newly fiapercd, gas fixtures In nil the rooms, water In he kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show you. JNO. F. OIHEL,!,,....-. JACOB OKIEL, Executers. nprai-ljd.M.W.H. SM North Mary HlieeU T3 EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE. IOUSE,BtnijDlNGLOTH,FAUMS,MILI.H, Ac, ter sale. Great bargains. Cull for our new Cutulogue Just out. HOUSES und BUMNI&S PIlOl'EUTIES ul wnys en hand for rent. ItE.NTH COLLECTED Properties taken charge of, collection of rents, payment of tuxes, repairs, etc., attended te without troubloornn treubloornn troubleornn noyuiice te owners. MONEY TO IX)AN ON MOKTGAaiS.-Fer theso hnvlng money te Invest we have first class 'mortgages en hand und the best of facili ties ter linestlng. TITLE I'AI'EIIS prepared nnd lilies carefully examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 EAST KINO STKICHT. nevS 3md PUI1L1C SALE DWELLINGS. OF VALUABLE CITY , OSTUKSIlAV, FEIIItUAllY 11, 1K00, by virtue of uu Order of the Orphans' Court of Iaucaslcr county, the uudcrshined will sell nt nubile sale, at the Leepard hotel, en East Klin: street, the following Ileal Estate, te wit: Ne. I. All that certain Let or Piece of Ground situate en the north side of last Oranue street. In iJincustcr, numbered 23, beginning nt point en the north side of East Orunce street, uud rimnlin; north 'M reel and 2 Inches along h mill en the west side of a three-fiet ivininiiii alley ; thence cast three reet alent; preerty late of Ames Mlley, deceased ; thence north uleni; the sumo faA feci nnd S Inches; thence cast along the pioperty of Mrs. Decsh.lti feet uud 10 Inches; Ihcuce south ulem; prejicrty of Cyrus Celvlu 31 feet and 1 Inch ; thence cast nleiiK the sumo 1 feet nnd 10 Inches; thence south iilerii; thesunie DO fret nnd flinches ten point en the north side of East Orange street; thence along said street 2il feet te the place or hcKlnnlnir.en which urn erected n threostery lirlrk Dwelling IleUfcOiuid two-story brlelc hacU-bulldliig nmi ether Im Im preM'iuents, being the residence of the late llcnj. F. Whcnk, deceased. This nrejierty Is In excellent repair, commodious, with all modern conveniences. Ne. 2, nil that certain let of ground, situated en the north slde or West Chestnut street. In said city, containing In front en said West Chestuut street 2- fiet, mere or less, nnd extend ing northward In depth 109 fwt.en which Is erected u three-story green stene nnd brick dwelling house, numhcied (M, with ten rooms, bath, het ami cold water uud ether modern conveniences. This huuse Is lirund new-. Ne. 3. a let of ireiinit, nninlitreil 2IS en the 5 lun of lets laid out by A. N. llreiiemnuund esse ljindis, eullcd the Chestnut Htrett Tnict, en llleln the Itecerdcr's olllce of said comity; said let containing en the north sldu of Fulton street, In said city, 22 feet, nnd extending In depth 1 12 reel te a 10 feet wide alley; bounded en the north by said alley, en the south by Ful ton street, en the east by proivrtyef Jehn Miv (leusk, uud ou the west by preiwrty or (UergH A.. Marshall. These properties will hoseld te settle the cs tuti) or said deccuMl, 1'urcbni.a money te be paid en April 1, 1MX. Hule te ceiuineni'u nt tJoYleck p. in., when nltenilaucu will be given uud terms mndu known by CATHARINE C.HHENK, .1. W.ll. II.M'.SMAN, Aduilnlstnitorsef ltenj. F. Mieuk, deceased, Jeku li. HAlNhs, Auctioneer. Ja22.23,Z.flAs.lld IALLOKHEND FOK- JOHN U. METZLER'S Investment Circular, Nu.9 SOUTH DUKE STHEET. iLVIyd lALirORNIA. f P Hm-cl.il Parties. Semi-monthly. Tourist sleeping cni-k. Cheap rates. Heuthcrn l'uclflc Ce. A Mil tew, i;. IIAWLI'.Y. Cleni Eastern Agent, Sli IlKHulu'ay, Ne AKCUtt4VB.8mt.,rll. cvr inns ; u. j.e.hii ji, jnnuHyajtaw , V.i'r title cWik' M ARTUI BROS. BEATS ALL THE PAST. JANUARY CUT-PRIOI Clearing Sale. OvcrceaU are taking leare at calleplng prices. Try what power a IK) Greenback has. All-Weel Kersey, Melten, Bearer and Diagonal Overceata going at that. Overcoat at IM and $15. Western mortgage went prove se profita ble, Yeu get an Irilereat here of four and five dollars en sight- Geed OrerceaU for Men, fine ones for boys, 95. MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S SUITS. Inductions, Reductions, Reductions. Taking ITIces nnd Btylea. Taking Pneea and Styles. Taking ITIcea and Styles. BOY'S BUIT3, BOY'S SUITS, BOY'S SUITS. It's hard te tell whether the Bey's or Men'a De partment lead In Lewest Price. Bey'i AU AU Weel Suit, K0. You'll be surprised at the values 15 and K will bay. If you'll let the styles catch your eyes they'll catch your Interest. Men's and Bey's Underwear and Hosiery at prices you would net expect. Easy te save one, two or three shining dollar en what you'd went. Neckwear reductions were never se In teresting In style and price. Ne value greater than our Trousers te Order at $3. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen Bt. fMMENSE REDUCTIONS. L.GANSMAN&BRO. Great Annual Trouser Sale. BEAUTIFUL 8TYLE8 OF TROUSERINGS TO MEASURE. A OUEAT DEAL LESS THAN HALF PRICK. This Is without exception the Cheapest Line of Ooeds In the Piece we have ever known te be etrcrcd. All dcslrabloktndsef goedsand makes, and tilttieuah wacall them halflprlce, many of them have been marked down te less than one third their original value. THOUSEBS TO ORDER, 13.60. TROUSERS TO ORDER, f.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, H.&0. TROUSERS TO ORDER, S.O0. live Hundred Pairs of Treuserings, no two of a kind, te select bum. r Men's. Hey's and Children' HTORM OVER COATS at Hncrlficlng Prices. They must and will ee, us no reasonable efler will be refused. Call and sea them. L Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 68 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B.w. CORNER OF 0RANQB. LANCASTER, PA. 49-Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. 3-l)e cautious and make no mistake ie that you get te the rUhtplace, H HUSH & BROTHER. " And What A Fall Was There, My Countrymen !" la u Quotation specially fit at the present time as regards the unprecedented CUT that has sent the prices In every ene or our departments fly ing, und by means or which we INTEND te close out our LAIIUE STOCK or GENTLEMEN'S WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS. A Few l-openers ! 7 Finest Moutagnae Fur Beaver Overcoats, lined thniughnut with satin and satin sleeve linings reduced from 125 te flit. 41 Flne Caster Heaver Overcoat, madnand trimmed first-class, were Hi ; new 110. All the latest designs nnd demands of fashion, are em bodied in them. 31 Elegant Kersey Overcoats, strap-scams, stitched edges, silk velvet Jcellar, silk sleeve lining uud silk racing, wcrellA ; new (11 CO. Ooed Heaver Overcoat, wcre 110 ; new V 60. Melten and Kersey Overcoat all greatly re duced. "Last, But Ket Least." Our Incomparable fl Iturltun Chinchilla Bea ver Overcoats, our own Make, Hlack. Blue, Drab and Drewn In color, sent thunderlug down te ir thnt doesn't take them out or the store, and quickly tee, we don't knew that Lancaster City und County's iicople appreciate a BARGAIN ! Our MADK-TO-ORDER DEPARTMENT Is busy with orders under this Bargain Blast. Will U Let It Slip By? ONE-PRICE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square LANCASTER. PA. SMterttcy. J- UTJIER H. KAUEKMAN, ATrORNKV-AT-LAW. Hecend Kleer Eshleman U Hullding. Ne. Ne'ili linkeHlrwl, fri-tyaw Jb 011 JAPANESE OOODS, Ue te ERIHMAN'H, NO. CWwtKIiigBUeet. v HIRSH k BROTHER, 9m Ge N XT DOOM TO THE COURT HOUBK. Celd Wave LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS AT HALF PltlCE. WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS AT HALF PRICE. BARGAINS IN HOME-MADE COMFORTS. ALL. KINDS OF UNDERWEAR AT A SACRIFICE. SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHAWLS GREATLY REDUCED. WOOLEN FLANNELS, HOSIERY, MITTS AND GLOVES VERY CHEAP. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. 33 fCeu, F LINN A BRENEMAN. Wliat FUnn & Breneman Dells and Dell Crrlaes, " BUam Engine, Mngle Lanterns, Magnelia Toys, Printing Press, Teel ChssU, Building Blocks, Feet Balls. Mechanical Toels, Fine Lamp, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc,, & NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN CCavpet B AHQAINB! Shirk's Carpet Hall I -FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Bruisels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damaik and Venetian, Bag and Chain Oarpets. OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, Ice. W Hats th LmeBrr and Brr Btecx in thCitt. H. S. SHIRK Si SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. y alact of jftfhtett. IALACE OF FAHUION. SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1890. (ALL DAY AND EVENING). Great Special One - Day Sale Of H KT S , AT THE GREAT CLEARING SALE AT ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST. Every Untrimmed Felt Hat at 19c apiece. This includes 25 dozens of New Hats, ir. black and colors ; all desirable shapes which we closed out especially for this sale, and which we offer for the benefit of these who were unable te attend our last Hat Sale at the uniform price of 19 cents. The regular prices of these Hatsare 75c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 apiece. Alse all our Children's Trim med Hats at 19c apiece, includ ing hats, the regular price of which is sec.jji and $i.5eapiece. On this same day, Saturday, another Special Sale of Hosiery. Seven lets which must be sold. Let 1, at 4c a pair. Ladies' Plain and Ribbed Colored and Black Cotten Hese. Let 2, at 10c a pair. Ladies' Fancy Cotten Hese, some full regular made, all odds and ends. Let 3, at 7 cents a pair. Ladies' dropped stitch Fancy Hese, Children's Black Ribbed Hese ; all sizes. Let 4, at 10c a pair. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Cotten Hese, odds and ends. ' Let 5, at I2c a pair. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Cotten Hese, all styles. Let 6 and 7, at 15c a pair. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Cotten and Weel Hese, black, colored and fancy ; these were all 25 cents. Come early and get the best of these Great Bargains." 115 & 117 North Queen St. Ccntietvu. NATHORST. DENTIHT. 2JCENTIIE HtlUARE. lien net let our teeth decay uny further. Yeu de net often Und u decayed teeth that can nel be saved by nlllnir or crewnluir. Jlae your jnce. It will tt-etli examined una attended te at once. It will nave suturing euurunteed. H and exiwi All operations KIIIIuk Teeth and l'alnles Extrac- mesa cxirai uMKtmd&w Uen Kpeclaltlcs, pvENTISTRY. " St Years Practice In One Office." J. B. MeCASKEY, NO. II EAST KINO STREET, Over First National Hank. Dentistry In nil It branches. Ge administered. Teeth extracted absolutely without rlu. All work warranted, 0lMmdM.84w Palace of Fashion, Bargains I & Have fei Beys and Girls I Tree-holders (Nw), Ravings Banks, Sliced Animals, ate,, Iren Toys, ExpiM Wagen. Velocipedes, 0 Iris' Tricycles, Bled aud Ceaster for Wedding and Christmas Present. ST. LANCASTER, PA. flail. B ARQAINS I HJPatcltc. MTATHEB. nMERlCRN WatchM, Clocks. Jewelry. Bnec. Er-OUM Etc., at LOWEST PRICXH. Optical Ooed. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Me. 1BIX North Qumb It., XMr P. ft. ft. Itetlea. JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL, Jeweler and Crtdntte Optician. OURBTOCK LAROEU THAN EVER ANDMORrfBELECT, AMD INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS Q HEATER. Eyes Examined Free, NO DH0P8 UHKD. CHAS.S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St.,- LANCABTElt, l'ENN'A. w ALTER C. II ERR. Herr.Jeweler. WE HAVE A KULL HTOCK OK i Watches. Clocks, -AND- EVERYTHING IN 0UE LINE, And are prepared te quote the LOWEHT I'RICEH, quality taken Inte consideration. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OK ORANOE. gamp a. N EW LAMPHANDART QOOD8. Call and See -THE L -AND HRT COODS ON BECOND KLOOR J0I111 L. Arneld Building, NORTH QUEEN STREET. de-tra "1ALLANDBEE -TIIE- ROCHESTER LAMP! Hlxty Candle-Llfc-lit; BcaU them all. Anether Let of Cheap Ulebes for Oa aud Oil Bteve. THE "1'ERrECTlON" METAL MOULDING and RUBIiER CUSHION Weather Strip. ISeaU them all. Tblsstrtpoutwearsallether. Keeps out the cold. Htep rattllnir of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow aud ruin. Anyone can apply It ue waste or dirt made lu applying It. Can be ntted anywhere ue bole tebure, ready for use. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip I the most perfect-JlAt the Hteve, Heater and Range Htere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER HA. fTUlUE DALMATIAN INSECT IOWDEK, A. propelled by a geed powder blower, 1 the inett effectual destroyer of tile aud ether small luseel. Fer kale AtllUBfY'SDRUaBTORK. ' -Jiewe:, King Street te-rfj.vC.ryv : &&& t-vigjr?wV--v'-? tMj-J Ml m MIPS 00t n &tt. "OOOTB AKD BH0S8. Buy the Laird, Shobti Shebti Mitchell Shee -KOR- Ladles, Misses and Ohlldrea, -AT- D.P.STACKHOUSE'S, Nm 28 aad 30 luiiiftf 8tiMt AND BUY THEM AT LITTLE MORE COST THAN FOB PINE 8HOK8 1 erm HUrERB WORKMANSHIP I EXQUISITE FIT t NO NEED TO GOTO PHILADELPHIA FOR KINEUOODSWHEN THERE IS BUCK A PLACE AS STACKHOUSE'S, 28 and 30 East King St., LANCASTER, FA. FOR HICK ROOM, NURSERY AND NIGHT. WEAR I NOISELESS FOOTWEAE! Slippers nmi Shoes, made from Benvar Cleth, Listing nnd Pure Animal Weel Felt, or these we have all the beet known American makes, shapes and ixes for Ladlca', Gentlemen's or Chil dren's wear. Noiseless In wear, easy and comfortable, very light in weight, and a perfect absorbent In all perspira tion of thu feet, keeping It continuously dry nnd iu n healthy condition. In them It is Imposstble for the feet te be come cold ; Invaluable, tee. for tbe per fect comfort they give te tne Buffering from the nflectlens se common te one's , "understanding." Specially adapted for the sick room, nursery and night wear for the Invalid, the nurse or the convalescent. These makes of footwear we have In different grades the. com monest that's worth buying te the very finest manufactured. Prices range aa fellows : Heaver Sllppers,with leather seke, 60c. Beaver BUnpers with heavy felt soles, very durable. $1. All-wool Felt Slippers, with heavy felt soles, at $1.25 te tl.fiO. Fine Listing Slippers, with soft, flexi ble calfskin soles, adapted for all theear round service, 91.29. Extensively sold in all the leading shoe stores of -the larger cities. Seamless Felt Slippers; no seams te hurt feet; made like a felt hat no sew ingare meulded ever lasts, attl.eO. Seamless Felt Bhecs the finest mad 12.60. Opera Cut Felt Slippers, for Yeung Ladles, In olive, fawn and maroon colors, at $1, (1.25 aud (1.60. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. -TkKDUCTlON IN SHOEHt SWEEPING REDUCTION -IN- s TO MAKE ROOM FOR BPRINO AND BUM MER HTOCK. Hlnce the Hellilnv I have Men Dress Shoes Sena all throech -)'i rge quantity of -$ ind below een te K- mr stock unit huve marked a I thn Men's IlrcsM JShec nt nnd mnke room for Muring and Hummvr Uoed. Men' Klni Culhklu, Hand-Hewed Shee, la Iicc, llutlim und Congress, In two wldUt and nil sixes, & le 0, reduced from V te H. A comnlete ft line, with Tip and Plata In Lace. Uutten or Uetwrea. Ercncb Tees, In Lace, inaracu uewn ion. A faw inore left of the celeb rn ted RleeaHueh Ins K Hhees, In Lace, Uutten and Crnitre, with plain narrow aud plain bread tee, reauee let2. ' Alse n let of shoe which we term " odd and ends," beliiK size left ever from regular Unas.' bought of factories who fulled, sold or burnt out, and a we cannot match them exactly, have marked them down lu the asms propor tion. Men'l3Hhoetett; HBO Hheea te SIM; M Hhowtett; W Hhees te 12 60; WW WtoeateSf, Thin Im n rtanaKMe Reduction, ana wa nlec every shoe even at the Lew Kigarea. avDIsplay can be seen In East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse. 'M Ohas. H. Frey, (Muccener te FREY A EOKERT) the Leader of . Lew Price la BOOTS AND SHOES, NOH.S A 5 EAST KINO BTREET, LANOAHTER. FA. 1-rluaic. rpHE MUHIC STORE. Masen & Hamlin Organs. Highest Distinctions for Demonstrated 8uf riurny. World's Exposition, Parls.1897. Inttriialletial Exhibition, Vienna. 1873. Grand International Exhibition at Santiage 1875. Sweden and Norway, 1878. United Htwles Centennial Exhibition, rhlbv delphla, 1870. . Universal Exposition at Furl. 1878. Iluliun Muslrnl Exhibition, Milan, 1881. International Exhibition, Amsterdam, Neth erlunds, 18S1. , FOR SALE AT THE MUSIC STORE. 14 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. WOODWARDidyO. 4Jleuv. y EVAN'S FIX)UR. "HEAR THE CONCLUSION WHOLE MATTER." OF THB If you want Ooed Bread right along sad all th 2B ' time us . fs I FVAM'R V; fc-i r-ii - vr j-z FLOUR 2 Which luw bn trUd nnd NOT feand waatla ,' j i ) m t-1 $& r&i O." fH If m