'., EKKTTXTW'Sr'TV? - -- - . ; " -1 k. '. ft V LW hi 11. ' i JiaAv '(! u . -. ? Prttlll JHwcllWttcr $ 4NDKKWJ.BTKINMAN, K; UHAKiiinniiunAn ruLii, Baiters, BOBERT CLARK, Publisher. fHfc DAILY INTELLIGENCER. Published every day in Ihcjear.uulHunday. Served by carrier In this ciljr and surreundl" 4 M.. IK I 4 .. ua lab I W a. m nil Ma .. I f.1 a J. . iunmh KU 1VIIU K WITb !! IIIMll u v uw Ja lanayeartaadvanee; SOcentsameulu. WEEKLY lNTKLLlOKNCKIl-One dollar an ' njr wnl n year. In advance. flrOTICK TO BUIWCIUBKIW-Rcmtt by check erjmi.on.ce order, nud where neither of these ran' be procured cnd In a registered B letttT. kitered nt the Pastofflee, m second class mall ..Halter. ADntiBM, the nrriaueBNcsR, Lancaster, Fa. "LA0A8TER,PA., January 23, 1890. The Thirst for Hanging. Judge I'nttorsen having tnkcii (iccn (iccn vien In court te U-rate the pardon beard and the bar mid te applaud lilmwlf In the matter of the proponed IiiiiikIiik of Jacob and ltudy, and liaitKliiss in jpen jpen crel, the llii..idclp.i..t 7Ymr pats him mi the back and the Xne J.'ra does ditto ; 'hud se fur as these three iitilheiillet k 'it may be said telict-cldcd (hat Judge Pnllcrwm lias played a very noble part iu doing what he could teget up u hang ing in Lancaster and that the lawyers and the pardon beanl would meet only their just dwertM lfihey were hung for their vile cll'erls te postpone wueh hatig inp. New it ispe-J-lble that Judge I'uttei wjn may have dene m ell in peeking te HeCure these hangings In Lancaster, nnd that the lawyers and thu pardon Imard have dene ill iu postjieiiliig them. It It possible that Judge 1'uttcneii talked wisely when lie berated the paiden beanl and the lawyerrt and pmhctl himself ; Iwcau-e there Is possibility iu all things, and human judgment varies as the poles. And jutt he it is peitlble that Judge l'atlersenhrayedasa Judge rather tliati discoursed its a .Solemon ; which Is our opinion of his talk. We have often had occasion te rilllcr with the judge, and te nay m iw plainly as we de new ; always iu (lie friendly way te which plain talk la becoming. And we have net in till" Instance likened the Judge's Inlk Mi a bray, without having a lively enws ,of the accuracy of the description. We have heard the sound before, it U a mark of an exacerbated spirit or a dam aged digestion or muc bodily or spirit ual discomfort due doubtless new In geed degree te la grippe. It took strong held en the Judgu ; and knocked down a few iicw8p:iicn as It spread about. The peculiarly bloodthirsty cf.cet en the Judge may lie attributed te the Beetch Presbyteiian article that Hews in his veins ; a tlrt class article in its way but woefully given te the damnation of ether people. The judge Is wrong In abusing t he par don beanl for slowness iu giving up te the tgallews thet bcntenccd te it, even by our esteemed friend Judge Patterson. The beanl lias been appointed for Just tills purpose. Inte its hands is com mitted the pardoning duty. Te excreta It justly, certainly It must investigate, and deliberate. We have- crltlctad the bcurd because it has established rules which cut away a givnt part of what wc consider te lie lis projier labor, and resolved Hi-elf into a eeuit for the determination of matters which were net paw-ed upon by -fJaJrjul jury. In our opinion It is the function of the pardon beard te de termine the propriety of a pardon from all the circumstances in and about the cese wherever or whenever or however happening; and that it is Its duty te Mike all the time It needs te Impilm and deliberate ; mid that the man, and par ticularly the Judge, who would hasten their decision, or who would jissall the lawyer who, with or without hire, would K.ive a life he believes should net Ikj taken does net maulfct the humanity, the wisdom and the judicial propriety which In.ceiuci him, and which we knew that Judge l'ntteixiu would net jjft have failed te show if tills confounded CSS infltiniiZH linil li't lilui ilium. Iu the.M Laucaxter cases, wherein the grip has caused the Judge te explode, there is reasonable matter te cause long hesitation en the part of the pardon beard, nrnt-te secure, In our Judgment, the commutation of the sentences in each case. Jehn ltudy was found guilty of delib erate and prcmcditatcdly killing ids father, without any motive being as signed Ter the killing. Tills we believe M lie an impossible cilmu te a sane mind, ltudy may have killed his father in a tit of passion ; such a crime Is con ceivable ; but that is net murder iu the first degree. And it was net proud conclusively that he killed his father. The evldeuee was all circumstantial and very notably thin. It did net exe'ude a fair doubt that (lie son had t-liiln the father. The Jacobs homicide was distinctly dene In passion, and he Is te ! hung only under the fata interpretation of the murder law of Pennsylvania, which csuvkts of deliberate murder when a miuute of time has elapsed since the provocation, during w hlch the accused should have cooled (low n, though iu fact he did net. Tliis Jacobs case- shows the felly or Mich reading of the law which makes the highest crude of murder that Wejli isdone by jsjIseii, lylngin waiter W-fetxiB-rJiuer nrcmcdltntcil nml ili.liiu.mir. f'.i; killlllL'. Kvidelltlv thn iIlIIIut,.!!,,,. vMt intended is such as is shown in poison- ffjg. ing or lying in wait. It is un iSa & deniable that hiiiie men cool mnn. M ' quickly than ethers after the at- ''S tnrU nt (lielr ihiuImm r...w.i.-. ...... ..i tobeefuxcltable teniiieroiiieut, and it U a fct Incapable of contradiction that his murderous deed was net done iu ills ihn mind. 1 lis counsel claim tlmt lilh .v. ' cltablllty areM te the degrceef Insanity, sW -""'"vuiuaiexpenssay mat liLs brain f iia ieU-ivil. He whoeannetBec, in the 5f "-' " "is case, cneugii te remove L It from the definition of murder in Mie rL Hhdwf1(frf.., llm-a Iwit I. .. ,...t..t .', '. -"-r-jij , ... . ..v .i. will ujlllliuil 1KH- Eikhs the bound Judgment which entitks ; fy ilia opinion te w elglit. Of eourte this is jbjt mauerei opinion again ; but we are g . quit content that tills community which ?.?' VllflU'll llin ff.l.tb kl.nl! .1,.,. t.l.. I...1.. . ' - t . T -'... uvniig IH.-IW ecu 1 Juuge i-uuerseii ami tint pardon Ismrdas j tewhichis the wiser and mera humane. :e - tyt ----ll If if. , '!!. C-l I t. .... j. W" "' niuim ui rca. l'& It is a Httle i-eiuarkable that whit.. ..li jr of the fcteauibhlps report the most teni-gW-gbte titerni en rewrd there has se far Ikvcii be report or u great dLsuister, although s ftbens are well founded fears for an ever- :dwe cattle steamer. TJie givaU-st fury .v, mvihi u iniuiu-occauen Friday Wd Saturday and nearly all ofthe great PPiiliAinahlns out at that. dim. im..,, i P rdrrem either at llaxlfax or at the lr niw m wie eet-au icrry. tue great Kr or ocean bteam travel is near the rl m4 it Jiild-eceau collision Is mere THE LANCASTER DAILY INMMitGBiNCHBR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, te he reared than storms. The Hnll lng vessels an yet te lie heard freni) however, ami the tremendous seas nnd winds must have been hard en them. With e storm se far nl sea the less ran never be Mimuied up until long after when Hailing vessels months over due a iv at last given up as lest and no trace of their fate ever found. Of these disasters the public hears nothing. The grim tragedy is acted without speotnlers, nnd whether the ship gees down with nil en lieanl far out at sea, or is driven en it distant shore where no rescue Is offered, the only printed notice el the event Is a few lines In acltv paper: "The ship Ocean (jucrii, of Philadelphia for We, with steel rails, overdue live months, lias been given up as lests Inminsl." It may lie mentioned Incidentally that she had n cnw of a ncere of .lerscyineii. Sailors like te talk of the perils of the laud, hut they nre always eloquent enough In describing the (errors of the sea, and ncceiiuts of the recent storm make landsmen thankful that they arc net sailors in spite of tbe small record of fatalities at sea and the railroad acci dents and ether calamities en shore. (r is feared that the entile teanishlp Erin, with ninety inen, has been lest nt 803, but ns slie carrleil no passimgers the dtsnsfcreiild net be se n)ialiing as it might linve been n doen years age when ns a fourteen day ship she was fast enough for the passenger business. Tlie fears for the Kiln are founded en tlie f.icts Hint she In new tweuty-slxdays overdueat Iemlmi, that w rccknge and dead enltle have bison washed nshiini and Hint nun of tier llfe beats was found near the Azores with seme wreckage floating near It. This ovldenco Ie.ivpn plenty of room for hepe that the crew have linen saved or even that tlie steniushlp has cschhh1 with nothing mera than a b.itluring slfullar te that received by nearly nil the sle.iinurs Hint linve tepertcsl since the gie.it storm of Hiliinlay. The nueiitM of the line belluve that the stutinur lias geno te the Ar.nrns. The beat may have been aban doned by the crew for seme rescuing von von Rel, or it may luive been swept away by heavy seas, as wero the ofthe beats of the Catalonia, which steamed Inte (Jiieonstewn en Monday, ieKirliiiK the most torrlble storm oer exporlenced by her olilert sailors, l'verylhltig en the deck of Mils vessel was inore or less wrecked by tlie waves. Her (Ires worn iiuanchnd by them, and llirce inen were killed by a bursting steam pipe. Tlie llrln tnirrhnl soinecatlle en deik. The h'crvln reaehcil Xew Yerk en Wednesday night, nud although Httle dninageil hail mailn her most stormy voyage. She,pssid Meating ditto. The Oallla had a tcrrlhle (line and also lest 11 ve llfe beats, w hlle tlie assungurH were scaled ene cold midnight by the sudden Heeding of thelr state rooms te the depth of threo feet. The pleasun-s of eeean tnivrl de net glow very brightly Just at present and a passenger of the Gallia going te the Hivlera no doubt wished himself tr.u oiling by land te Flerida, lie says that the consteriiatlou of the passengers, suddenly reused from sleep, was awful. Tliey were dashed about from pert te starboard and from starboard te pert like les, and extricated theniselves from the crashing of tables, chairs and betes with much dlflleiilly. lie steed en one of the tables (hat had net biokeu loeso for mero than an hour till the water had subsided. The captain says that the great wave was ever 1(H) feet high, mid had another sna like It struck Hie ship she must have foundered. It will be great geed fortune) if it happens that uoiie of the large steameis succumbed te this pile and se far ery Httle damage te smaller vessels has been reported. III'. TAUtaiTTIIISM HOW TO I'lSII. A YnnUoe Shipper Aimiimw Curiosity In Flerida. Key WestHlKiateh to.lmlcn)nUllc(Klrt.)Tlnies. Cant. Iiue. of the schooner I Initie K. Clarke, owned In liloucester, Mass,, was luillcUsl by me giaim jury en tlie last ilay of tlie last term of the circuit eenrt, the lltli Inst,, and is new under bend te an swer the snme at the net term. Tlie Ttmr.1 I'men'x torrcspemlont called en Copt lanent TIIVs whaif, and thoie found Mini eugaged iu mending .seme seines and preparing te go out for aiiotherhaiil. ('apt. lfciiie spoKeas follews: " l'reluus te coin iiiKdew li here I lished In Tampa Ilay all w hilar and sold my llsh te niercliaiits in Tain pa llav. Last Apiil I came te Key West for a le id of pineapples, and en my wnv up 1 ran into soNeial schools of llsh wldi li I knew lobeSpanlsh maekerel, anil se I came down te llsh ami lishtsl. Since myariival here in N'oember I have ship ptnl several thousand dollars' w ei th iu ice te Tampa and New Yerk." 'Captain, hew camoyeu te be indicted?" "Well, you see, I don't knew; hut a cer tain gentleman came te me and wanted te go into partnership with me. Of course, I could net agice, as I am net tlie owner of the beat, and the crew of ten men are all hired en shoie. This gentleman thou went te the collector of customs ami ioerlod me, and, from what 1 hear, It was net the partnership lie r.ired se iimeli for, as lie said se te tlie collector, but that he w anted te And out hew 1 fished, llowevor, the collector could net de anything for him, uh there Is no United Slates law topieclit iiiofrem nshiiinu the Flerida coast nor any state law, unless I llsh in the rixeis or Clocks. I think I hawiat least as geed a i Ight te its.lt oil the coast as Cubans or Jla hnmlaus." "Uiptalu, liew de you llsh, that you want te keep it ascciel?" "It is no secret, sir. Why, thechlhlicn in (Gloucester catch llsh as well as I cm. There is my seine ipelntliig ten lingo pile of corks, seines, Ac, lying en the deck) ; itiswiiat tlshermeii call a'purse' seine. We ke along until we soe a school of llsh, perhaps a quarter of a inlle etf; tlien we jnepare our seine, which is I Ml fathnms long, and drop it, the ciew taking the dingys, or little beats, and cairylug the seliiogeon each side of the school until they surround it, the seine Iu the uio.ni uie.ni uio.ni time feriuiiiR a purse wiiich incleses the lish. Tills is hew we uilcli them." This is hew tlie Yankee llshnrmau does his hauling, while the Key West llsher muil go out iu Httle beats witli hook and line (as a hey would en a rier hank te catch a tieut), and lish fiem dawn te daik, catching a few huudred, wiiich nre sold here, and eltentiines ene cannot lluil a macUerel In tlie market, although Iho gulf is leciuiiiK with millions. Ne iliiuht if they only had tlie appliances, and knew hew te usethem, the amount icalled fiem the tUheiies of Key West would equal tlioseortho Chesipe-ake Hay or New I'hig laud, and, instead of heliiK only $10,000 or J,'i0,U00 jier iiuiium, would be" at least a ceuple of millions, as Is evidenced li tlie successor tliis new indicted Yuukeoltshor Yuukeeltshor Yuukeoltsher mail. MOl.THN OI.A'sS. Mot'eTliauu Jluiidi lsITeiih 1 1 real; Loese Iu IMtlshitru;. Frem 1Mb I'llUhurg I'est. TiiukH Ne. 'J and :) nt Chandlers A ,Mo ,Me ,Mo Keo's lilg window (lass house at Jeauuette have buret. Incurring n less of seeral tlieusaiid dollars and throwing out of em em em ployiiieut 100 moil. One hundred and thirty-live tens of jjlass ueie lest. The tank furnaces lescmble huge stoue boxes. The walls are ever three leet thick. The Uiuks are about 7U feet long, 1(J feet wiileiuid I'J Inches deep. Knell holds ever 700 toiisef4labs. The hatch, or law ma terial, is lliiewn in nt ene end, and as tlie mass is incited it slowly run down the inclined bottom te n pit at the ether end, w here the glass is gathered and blew n. At ;i o'clock en Niturdiiy the lower fae V.P', ",a llii hiit (low li. Tlie lank w as tilled with glass, but as noue was being taken out no batch was thrown Iu. All Humlay morning tlie natural gas was turned en full, until tlie whole ma be came extremely het. Tlie bottom of the glass in the Jurnace became overheated, and the stones forming tlie bottom of the furnace were caused te crumble ami burn away. One sjKit near the lower end of the tjnk iniiltll a small steam or glass te Ienetrate the crovlces or the stones The molten glaw widoned the breach until tlie stoue gave way, leaving an orlllee fceveral inches iu width. Through this the Klass poured Inte the pit under the tank. Twe iurnnccineu were en duty at the time. AVhcnthey dlbcevcred the break they be- came panic-stricken, and Instead of turning en" the ens mid calling for assistance they ran te tlie rcsldcnce of Manager Moero and told hint of the accident, Ily the time he bad given Mm alarm and obtained assist assist nnce an hour had clapsed. Thn glass ran out Inte tlie pit Inn steady stream. - The heat was se Intense that no ene could go Inte Iho pit. Htreamii or water were turned Inte long Iren ples, and by lid method the glaM and stones alsnit the ejieuing wero cmded. The gas in the meantlme having lecu turned off, the whele inasd congealed, and afler three hours of lalmr tlie Hew or glass was cliocked. The lank had lest, It Is esthnntd by the workman, slxUen Inches of glass equal te 100 tens and ever. Ne attention had been paid te the upper lank, Ne. 2, whlle Iho accident en tholewor tank was beinir repaired. An a result It also liecaine overheaUxl. Tlie inolten glass nrnsn uImivii the belt II 110 of tllO tank Slid burst out through the stenes forming the sides or thn tank. The glass trickled down into the pit. llorero the damage was r r iinlred from llve te six inches or alwul 35 tens of gluss was lest. Or rlrh nnd peer, If you're net wen. Te lirnsh your lecth Willi HOZOIK1NT. You'll ene day siiITcr deep renniisi, Fer seen they'll crumble In decoy, And seen jeu'll cry, "Oil, Isckislny, Tliul I had never rliniwd my course. . . . "There wns nn old man nf Toliace, lived en rlee arnel nnd nse," he had hs-vliiclie se livl. Aner hn med a bettle of Hnlvnllen Oil, he could cat re,it beef nnd plum inddliinll rlrhk 'Iliuy sy tlie wlnUr nderllieuieiils or lienwui will run senniwhnl In tliln stjle. A Inrne nnd cleitaiitt.v nirnlslird lieukn for rout. In eny dlKlaiieuofadruKKliilwhe sell lr. Ilulra Cough Hyrup. Wenry, worn nnd dlsrniirnRpd, Hciirlslek nnd hopeless nnd sad ; Ioiit!ek for help nnd coinfeit When none en Imj hud descrlhes llitt nindltliin of thiwe K-rsens who lire said le hn " Kelnit down lilll." tr Kftluie lnlenihs?lltie." There Is mi IndeiiirlliHlilestpnk nefMdf thn system, n Kcniml luck or ltnllty. They cnuiml tell what the mnlter In with Ihuiii. They only knew that they feel mlnernlile In mind and body. They nre aliMimy and de spondent. They luen tried this sinl Unit rem edy prescribed by their friends or Iho doctors. They hne mllisl le leeehe nny lienellt from Itiein. They rrnch tlie ceiieliislnn llml there Is no help ftir them and that they must din. New the fact Ix Hint the trouble (irlulnntcK, In nlne cnMSnuterteii, In linpurn IjIh.I. Them Is pel pel pel Koiieu,elR'ti)iniillcr Iu It thiitmiElit tobeuet rid of, Ilut hew inn this be done? Hlrnplyliy tnklnc Dr. IMerce's (leldeii Medical l)lsceery. which nets en HieIiIihkI nud Mirleus erunns of the btsly Iu such n wny that the limn or woman ustiiK It mviiis le Is) mndn ever recenstrucUsl. HUliunrniileed te lienellt or cnreull ensei, or dlene for which It Is recommended, or money pnlil for It will he refunded. W.TIiAw n OODHHAIWAl'AllII.I.A. Scrofula. In One (if IU Wernl lhnniA Itomark Itemark able Ciitc, A" white iwclllng " hi onenf lhe very pain ful forms of scrofula nnd mett dinicult te cure. The remarkable effect of Hoed'sBarsaparlllu In tliecne described below, llhutrates the power of this medlilue ever nil illmancs or the Weed. "In 1M7 my ken, 7 years old, had ii white swel ling come en his right les below the Itnee, hlch became very much swollen and painful, and contracted the muscles se that Ills leg was drawn up at rUhl niiRles. l'lijslclensUtieed the swelling, which dlacliargeil freely, but ralld te hel him materially, and I considered him A Continued Cripple. 1 wai shout te take him le Cincinnati for an (iiemtleii, exisjcthm his leg would have te hn biken (n,aml began ulvln hlin lleisl's Kiraa parllta In order te get up hi strength. Tlie inedlcliiovreko up Ids npputlU) ami seen pieces of bone were discharged from Ihusere. We con tinued with Heed's Harsaparllln, us II seemed tebe doing him se much geed, unit the discharge, from the sere deci'ened,lhe swell Ing vv en tdewn, the leg straightened out, and In a few months hn luul perfect me of Ills leg, lie new runs every whcre.us lively as nny boy .and apparently Isns wcllasevcr." Jehn b.Mi-MuniiAY,Netary I'ulillc, Jlavenswoed, W. Va. Heed's Sarsaparilla HeldbynlldruRRlslH. II ; six ferM. Prepared only by (J. t. 1IOOI1 A C1., Utwcll, Mans. Kill IIehvh One Dellar (4) IT IS riNOCH NAII.S CAMEOK1'. 'or it venr I was alllleted Willi a horrible case of hteisl oeImhi, and upnards of live months of that lline I 'was unable te de work of nny kind. Mj linger nails came ell and my hidr dropped eul, leaving my bend as eleiin anil uniHjth as If 11 hail been shaved. I con sulted thn hct local phvslclaux, mid spent hun dreds of dollars for medicines of illlfereut kinds, but without receiving the sllglitet.1 bcncllt. I wasudvliiedtliially tevtsll lint Hprlugs. This 1 did, hut bcieiuliig dhgtisttd vvtth the treat incut 1 whs receiving there, ceminencisl hiking Htt tri's ttpccltlc (. H. H ) The ellcct tlnit H. M. M. hail en iiiu was truly wonderful. I commenced lorccevcrallcr taking thn llrnl bottle, and hy tlin tlinn 1 had taken twelve bottles lwasen tlrcly cured- cured by Hw Ill's HwcltlelH. H. K.1 when thu world-renewncil Het Hiirlngs had failed. WM.H. I.OOMI8, Mlirtivcpert, La." Feuu yi:ails en cuutcium. Kerlllleeii jears I wimnllllcted with rheiiiua tlmii. four ears of which 1 vns coin k lied loge eiicrulches. Words are Inaihspiatu te express lliesullcrliigs I unliircd duiliig that time. Dtir lug tlie- IllO'enjeais of existence (II was net living),! tried every known remedy without receiving mi) IsMielll. I llually began en hw Ill's 8peclll("(H.H.rl.)vtlilcli rrem lhe llrstgaveiue relief, and te-ilay 1 am enjoying the bent of health, nud am u well mini. 1 candidly be lieve that H. H. H. Is the best bleed purlilcr en the market hMhiy. .1. D.TAYbOIt, Cuba, Me. Treatise en lllixxl nnd Skin Dlwnscs malhsl free. MW'lrT HI'CCII'IC CO., ft) Atlanta '3a. (KljiltiUUUVC. K 1UH A MAIITIM. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE AT China. Hall. Wi, aie new eiKiiilug our Hpilng lniportatlen of Qucviiswnrennd will be piepartHl te supply our cimteiucrs with the very IicnI grade of ware at ljowe.it Prints, lleusestlres ris-elve cHxlal attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. JJAlTllWAItKI " HARDWAREI If you waul te buy a Heuse-Stire UO TO Marshall & Eongier's, A 11 KOUTH QUKKN hT. There jeu can get HTOVliS, TlNWAHi:, CiaiAllWAIli:, CUTI.KItV, And a full line of Heusefurnishing Goods. Abe. a l'ull Sleck of Or.NKKAL IIAUU WAlti:, and PRIME NEW CLOVERSEED. MAESHALL&RENGrlEll NOS. 0 A 11 bOUl'U QUKKN 8Tll!:i?r. ftUMvd OYHTKIW I HISST O YHTKItH IN Til B MA K KclM'rvcd In all slylev, nnd meals at all hours nt CHAltl.KS K. HOSTKHH, Iu the tear of the Omral Market. Oysters Iu the shell or eisiied served te private fiuillllcs. Telephone connection, uevWUmdH lPnamkev', FHiLAit.rBU( Thuntey, Jnn. 3), urn. Beeks. A few sets of Standard Beeks, in perfect condition, shall go at quarter and third under our regular prices. These in Cleth : Owr JWsj Jermrr thi nrirti lel. 6 Runkln'a Works. 12vel . 17 60 MM 4 Irving'! Works. 12 vel ....... .. 760 6 21 5 Hhakcspvare (While's Nete), a vels....... ,. - ... ft 00 S B Omsnela lleunte Hand. Uvels... 140 3 73 4 Htrlekland's Ulievns of KnRlniid. a vel.......;. .. nre 6en 3 Carlylen Works. 10 vels... &" 6g 6 llnwlliiseu's tifypl. 'i vels 10 ' 7 Plutarch's 1,1 ve. 3 vels .... .I 115 4 Tennyson's Pectus. 8 vels ..M 4 60 JIM 3 Wm. Illaek's Nevels. 15 vels,. 7 60 000 4 Mrs.llrewnlnK. 5vets 260 17S J Mrs. HmwnliiK. 7 vel 4 0 !IW lilenle Crista. Kdltlen de l.ukc. -ft vels H 2S Our l real Men. 1vel. TOIpnKes.. ..... 75 Kings of Kerliinc. (121 pages ...-. 75 Around the Tea Table. UeWltt . , M Talmaje......... I CO W Bets in Fine Bindings : 1 Wnverlcy Nevels. vels 1 Wnvrrlrv Nfiels. Half calf. 12 10 HO 000 llnlf en If. 21 vels ... 21 2 It Thackeray, llnlf calf. 10 vels 00 (I (leerge Kllet. M vels. Half ciilf.- 7 30 I Uenrge Kllet. IS vels. Halfcalf... 2J60 6 HnU Hours with llest Authers. Chas. KnlehU vels. Half calf. 540 18 be 7M 6(10 1500 4 60 Seme copies yet of the Dere Beeks at 95c each : llltile flallcry Dante's Inleriie Milten's Farad Im I.'wl llanle's Purgatory and Farmllse Fair picking still among the scuffed books from the holiday hustling. Musliii Undcnecar. CTve sample items : '.IS geed Muslin l)own, Mether Hubbard v eka of Una cording and beading, Ham burg edge en neck and slcoves and front, corded and bended nleeves, f I. lrXllmore of the Cambric Corset Cevers, high neck with Hamburg edge, 12c. Net oiiKaletlll 10 A.M. Ribbons. Picet-cdge Velvet and Satin Ribbons in two widths (J and i y2 inches) are going at 8 and 23c less than half prices. Black and colors. Plaled Jeiuelry. About 1,000 pieces Plated Jewelry that have been 50c te $1.25 each go te one level price 25c. lac pins breeches cull' buttons scarf pins earring hair ornament. Fine Table China. About 500 pieces Limoges, flower decorations, added te the at-half-value let te-day. Millinery. Embroidered Felt Turbans and Teques, and Cleth Bon Ben nets. Sensible, serviceable novelties with the grace and style of a Paris hat and the comfort of a Knockabout. Geed for all seasons out of doers. Jehn Wanamaker. (Brm-cric. E XClTKMKNTBTILIi 11UN8 HIGH -AT- -OVEH T1IAT- Fine Cern at 5c a Can. Full Cream Cheesejust In nt 12Jc l1. Hlx IMdoed Dried F( aches rer2Tc KeurtbH NewKviiiioraUdA)iplcsfer25c. Twe and three lbs New I'riuu Man, irte. KxlraOeisl Dried Ileer, loennil ttSieTH lt. lleiieleKs Hams. 12V V "e"1 'bun Iu the world, rjjjey f. Kheuliler.e.xccllentipialtty,Sc. joe tan ei jeuy una rrewrves iu two and thris) pound cans, nt half price. Headquarters ler Ijctlc)'s India Teas. and Ce) leu SAMUEL CLARKE'S TKA.COFFKKAOIIOCKUV KTOltK, BOOTH QUKKN HT NEAK CKNTKK HQUAHK. TllUtlSK'H. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! WUOLKSALH AND UKTA1I KINK ItAMIIO and and a let or (UtKKN 1NOK and HAI.DWINS, and dealers Invited te call. Don't forget our Kine US cent COKKEK. Kina COHN at 6 cents a Can guaranteed. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, I.ANOASTKK. FA. T UKIH'm FIRE, WATER AND SMOKE Out of the Ruins. REIST'S BIG BARGAINS. NOTK WHAT WKHAVI Vouhave no doubt read an account of the lllg Klre alJanncj;, Andrews', Philadelphia, where thousands of dollars' worth of kmmIs " went uplu(.moke."aiidtheus.iiidssawsmoke and waier only. We lsuight largely of the smoke nud water gissls only of a few lines, and otter them te) oil as follews: Four hundred ilez.en Canned Cern at Th) a can. The labels only nre soiled by wider. The corn woguamutcete Iri better than baker's or any ether list or l.'e tsiru It In llie market. It don't J wan tour trade te have ) our time. Don't come piy le hike It up. hutwe wauteur trade te have a ounce in iu new 11 ) unci it. in iiii keiic. Due hiiudrisl dozen Kelld Packed Tomatoes at Te a can, TIicmi teiimtis's are as gissl as any tee or 13c tomatoes mckcd,nnd saw very Utile of the siiioke or water. Kvcry can guaranteed. A big bargain. One himdnsl dozen cans of blackberries at (IJ.eiicau. This Unuetlier big drive. Think of It I Four cans of Flue blackberries for SV, One theiiMiiil cans of French Feas at He and 12!g0 a can. Yeu never heard of the like hererc. UihmI ns any French Peas In the market at ISe unit 'Jtv. 11KIIK WKAltKI Only lirtccii mats Finest Maudhellug Java Celhs-iill w could get. Kiw smoke eiuy and net In the least ulteeicd by it. Tlie price te-day UnViiuid.'siT!1. We will sell I tin) ou ut 'Jsu rill). Kvcry pound must be as represented, leu't inU thlk cluuuv. A FKWOUTHIDBHFKCIALTIKH, Fine llrlght Dates, I tts for 'J.V. Furu Yerk Htahi Heney, 15c, a tt for Sic. M Inccmcat, t se mid lOe Y lb, Drhsl Hist, loe-plti. Knuckle Dried llis'f, IV y lb. Picnic Hams, be V th. And uTheuviud lllg linrgaliiii. WH01.KSA1.K AND HKTAIL QKOCKIt, COItNKH WKST KINO AND FKINCKBT8., Directly Opposite J, 11. Martla A Ce.'sDry Uetsla Stere, and Next Doer te rjorrel Uome Hetel. 0t mnb 9hmtm TJOOni AND BUOH8. Buy the Laird, Shebcri Mitchell Shee -FOB . Ladies, Miaeea aid Children, at D.P.STACKHOUSE'S, Neb. 88 aid 30 Eartlimf Street t AND BUY THEM AT I.ITTI.K MOKE COST THAN TOIt OtHER FINEHIIORKI HUl'Ktlll WOltKMANSHIF! EXQUIHITK PIT I NO NEED TO CIO TO PHItiAURLFlIlA FOB FINK U0OD9 WHEN THEHE 1H MUCH A FLACK AH STACKHOUSE'S, 28 and 30 East King St., kANCAHTKK, FA. FOR HICK ItOOM.NUKSKUY ANDNIOHT WKAUI NOISELESS FOOTWEAR H BlippcrH nud 8hec, mndc from llcavcr Cleth, Llstiug autl Pure Aulnial Weel Felt. Of thcaa we linve nil the best known Aniericiiii makes, nhniics ami sIzt-H for Ladlt-B', Gent lemon's or Chll tlren'B wear. Koiscless in wear, easy nnd comfortable, very light Iu weight, and n perfect nlwerhcut in all iiersplra iiersplra tlen of the feet, keening It continuously dry and In n healthy condition. In them it Ih Impossible for the feet te bo be bo cenio cold ; invnlunblc, tee, for the per fect comfort they give te the miflcriug from the aH'ectieiu be common te one's " uuderstandlng." Hpeclally adapted for the sick room, nursery and night wear for the invalid, the utirsoertho couvalctjceul. These makes of footwear we have iu different grades the com cem com lneucst that's worth buying te the verv ...... ...i . w. . niiesi uienuiaciureu. l'rices 1 rauge as fellows BcuvcrBlinncra.wlth leather Beles. 50c. llcavcr Slippers with heavy felt soles, very durable, $1. All-wool Felt Slippers, with heavy felt soles, at ?1.25 te $1.60. Fine Listing Slippers, with soft, flexi ble calfskin soles, adapted for all the year round service, $1.25. Extensively sold In all the lending shoe stores of the larger cities. Sttuinless Felt BlipjierH ; no scams te hurt feet; mr.de like u felt hat no sow sew ing are meulded ever lasts, uttl.60. Seamless Felt Shoes the llnestmade $2.50. Oiiera Cut Felt Slipiern, for Yeung Ladles, iu elive, fawn and maroon colere, nt $1, $1.2i and $1.60. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Btmeet, Lancas- tkr. Pa. t eductien in hiieks i SWEEPING REDUCTION -IN- s TO MARK 1100M FOR Hl'lUNd AND HUM MER STOCK. hlnce the Holidays 1 Have gene aU through my stock nnd have marked a large quantity of the Sten's Dress Hhees- at nnd TJelew cost te make room for Hprlng and Mummer Goods. Slen's Fine Cnlfskln, Hand-Sewed Hhees, In Knee, IluttonnndCengnss, In two vrldUisnmt all sires, ft te 11, reduced from 5 teH. A cemplete fl line, with Tips nnd Flnln trench Tees, In ijiee, llutteu or Congress, marked down te Fl. A few mere Icrtefthccclebrated Rice All ucli. Ins 11 Hhees, In Jjicv, button and Congress, with plain narrow and plain bread tees, reduced le ti. Alse a let of shoes which we term " odds and ends," being sires left ever rrem regular lines, bought of factories who failed, sold or burnt eul, and as we cannot match them exactly, linve marked them down In the name propor tion. Men's 5 Hhees te l ; 1100 Hhoee te 1350; l Hhees te (:l; piHlns;s teK50; K50 Hhees IOTA This Is a Dena Fide Reduction, and we guar n tee every shoe even at thesa low Figures. V-l)lsphiy can lie seen Iu Kast Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FUEV A KCKKRT) Uie Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOB. 3 & S EAST KINO HTREET, LANCASTER. FA. rpilE FEOFLE'H CASH STORE. THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Clothing made te order dur ing the next 60 days at greatly reduced prices. $30.00 Suits for $25.00 $25.00 Suits for $20.00 gio.eo Pants for $7.50 $ S.50 Pants for $6.50 $ 6.50 Pants for $5.00 A let of Ready-Made Over coats, made in our own shops during the dull season will be sold without regard te cost. GE0.F.RATHV0N, 25 East King Street, I mar-JD-lydK LANUASTEH,FA. Men Dress Shoes '1980. at rr ma. Iuwmaeirr. J. Harry Stamm, H0. 240XHTBX IQUAU. MAY CATCH YOU WITHOUT A FULUBUFPIiY OF Blankets, Comforts AND Flannels. IK IT DOES -WE ARt: ClesingOut BLANKETS, COMFORTS, UNDERWEAR -AND- Flannels -AT- LESS THAN COST. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, 24 Centre Square. NOTICE. One (1) Ball BcarlngSafcty Bicycle, Entirely New, will be sold .cheap te ijulck buyers. T a. MARTIN A CO. , J. B. MARTIN & CO. Dere Beeks. About 1 00 copies of books illustrated by Gustave Dere, at 95c each. Bible Gallery, Dante's Inferno, Milten's Paradise Lest, Dante's Purgatory and Paradise. These who are acquainted with the regular prices of the above will be surprised .at the prices quoted. Cut Price Corsets. A cut for this week only. Dr. Warner's Coraline, 79c ; Dr. Warner's Flexible Hip, 75c; Dr. Warner's Health, $1.05 ; Ball's H. P., 79c ; Ball's Circle Hip, 79c. De you want te pay the regular or the cut prices ? Remnants. Stock taking is ever, and en a separate counter will find the odds and ends of stock. Every thing en this counter at half price. Muslins. Hill, one yard wide, at 7c ; Utica, 10-4 Sheeting, 25c; ethers in proportion. This week te stir up trade, next week at reg ular prices. Toilet Sets, A crate of richly decorated Toilet Sets, 10 pieces without Jar, at $2.25 a set ; with Jar, at $4.50 a set. . J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sis., LANCASTER. PA. yiiotenvaphff R' OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Turee-quaTter Length Photographs. 601-2JM0RTH Queen St., Next Doer te the Postetllee. 'au7-fiinrt 1.LLOR8KND FOR JOHN H. METZLER'S Investment Circular, Ne. 9 SOUTH DUKE STREET. US-lyd m w w mmm store frt' '. itlUrmr I AOBftAMOTKKK. MEN'S AND BOY'S FURNISHINGS -AT- Speeial Cut Prie. Handsome Neckwear Effects, All Shades, mi 75e; reduced from It. Choice Neckwear BSecte, Alt HtapM, at Me ; reduced from fiOc Special UleTeBargahi, Kld-Uned Flncern,at 95c. Heary Lined Astrakhan Olores at .He; re duced from fiOc. Special Bargains le Fine Kid aierea, Latest enaaes, ai iac. Dogskin OloTes, far itreet Or drlrlng wear, at 8Set value II Si. Fine Lined Kid Olevei at 1 12 ; redueed trem 1160. Heavy All-Weel Scarlet Underwear at Me ; reduced from II. Heavy Uray Weel Underwear at Me ; vain Scarlet Weel Mixed Underwear at We ; 1 Fine Dnuble-Brcnxtcd Cardigan Jacket at I iremKuu Special Bargain Uray Merine Underwear at I 23c I Bath Retx, Hoiike Coats and Dreulng Qewm I neuuevu ui VUnii rnrei. Hager & Brether, 25, 27, 29, 31J. King St., LANCASTER, FA. epUtmttUYV, TTENBx' WOUc, FURNITURE STORE, baa removed te 1SS East King street, having a I full line of Furniture or every description at thai lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at-1 tended te. Call and examine our ceeds. mam uj, aS-tfdB u. wolf, im East King street. A Card of Thanks ! We very gratefully thank our cus tomers of the past year who helped us build a successful business. By the means of PRICE, STYLE AND QUALITY We have merited your patronage and given satisfaction. We have greatly ID creased our stock of NEW FURNITURE FOR SPRING ' FURNISHING, . And Invite nn Inspection of our New Stvles and Lew Prickh. -We store goods until wanted. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d A lth Floers. .11 SOUTH QUEEN Bl'REKT. F URNISUINO UNDERTAKER. Furnishing Undertaker ! Nes. 27 ft 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. RESIDENCE, 37 WEST VINE ST. w IDH xER'S CORNER. NOW IS 1HE TIME AND Widmyer ' s THE PLAGE, FOR HOUSESTIRES FURNITURE MADE UP IN INNUMERABLE SETS. ALL PRICES I HUT ALL OF THEM LOW PRICES. WIDMYER'S COMER, EAST KINO A DUKE 8TS. S1' EC1AL BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. FURNITURE! SPECIAL BARGAINS! IllKLL KINDS (IV KITHNITITItK will In. gheii for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. People going te housekeeping In the Spring will tave money ny M-icvunir goons new ana Having them put abide until wanted. W. C. SAPP, NO. 114 SOUTH QUEEN ST. 44-Ncxl In Southern Market. J.iiilVJinWAS JU'ittiatru. "l.lt. NATHORST. DENTIST. 1J S1CENTRE H0.UARE. De net let your teeth decay any further. Yeu de net often tlud a decuyed teeth that can net be saed by fltllnir or crooning. Hae your teeth oxninfiied and attended te at once, it will save sultcrlug uml expense. All operations guaranteed. PlIliiigTcvlhaudl'alnleM Kxtra lleu S(cclalUcs, u30-3niaaw walter 1 Hen. ? At i ATSi iyV-.