.,VwrrjTr.-5 -"' , -.. jtf','OAw-si. t-'J"' .' '- t-H -'., k"7Tn gJ fcAffCASEB !AtLY 1KTELLIGEK0ER, WEDNESDAY,, 4JAKIJABY .22,' iSOO. V ,- r - . 1 ." - . " t " . 1 . 'SW V WV e ;'Vv-: v t'- v e 7 F- 'AT FV. . ,' fctftf ' k3& '?'' E V' V1? KTi" "f- f'atf A fjp if - !:. IflrSSWIKDLER. -. W 'V, ' it us uru nintf m a TM1CCI Mill. Si Contract Bem With tliMM1 TVhe Atae FuratrtiM.nim -II- - - iMtwMkftjrea&g warn, -heitare hta M CMrtes Procter, arnveu - -- u he waa tna t Of Baltimore rm of dialerm In lf ma. ftfid ke had oeaw te that neighbor- Wtele. H. want te tne ,t kaa yn YaaWtRKer, miui "" ?A - k,'"DwniBL.l0.-b?!i: V??j! un,n" ?.; yatamend among tna larraeraw tha wp of tobacco. t purcuaauu MDbM Of iota OI lf " ..-. at farmers and agreed te pay MtcM that ware bellevad at the time te be ratiMrkigh. When the farmer aaVed him let contract, which the; desired te sign, they feand that he had none printed. He -rata them In hU own atyle and had the faraMra te sign them In two or three cases, bat he would net give a contract unless pressed for It. He told the farmers that he weald meet them In Lancwtar en Monday T thlt week and pay them some money In advance for their tobacco. On Monday Procter borrewod an ever coat from Maris D. Woarer, which he did Mt return, and he Is also said te have so se eared some money from another party. He Induced Yunginger te drive hlin te Lancaster en Monday. Ynnglnger had asked him for seme meney for beard and horse hire, and he slated that be would .Imw mmi mono? from hank. Upen ar riving here the tobacco mln gave Yung Yung iefler the slip and has net been scen since Yunginger waited In vnln for lilm for some time and llien dreve te his home, convinced that the fellow wi a fraud. When Procter dealt with the farmers he told them that he could refer them te the cashier of the First National bank of this city, but nene of the efllclsls et the bank knew anything about him. On Saturday or Monday Procter sent a man around the neighborhood te tell the farmers with whom he had dealt that they had better meet him in Lancaster en Tuesday instead of Meuday te get their advnnce money. The man did net succeed In noti fying all of the farmers, be seme came te town en Monday, and the ethors en Tuesday. They were unable te find the tobacco buyer, and when they ibund that he was unknown here they were are that he Was a fraud. That the man was a beat tnere is no ueiiut, anu although he fooled a number of peeple he did net succeed In gettlngaway with much. Be would probably have remained In the neighborhood for a longer time hed the men te whom he owed meney net pressed him se closely. While In Lampeter the Allew exhibited several $20 bills and asked different parties te change- thorn. Tliey ;- had se little confluence in hint that they jvr, reraaea 10 " DreaK " me unn, iniuxiug fJ they were counterfeit g-v, Tee man was unknown te the tobacco Myt buyer of this city and thore are very few 8 who are net known bey. It Is net the .i? custom for entire strangers te go into the Ha country and obtain tbeir beard and driving tgf hones from farmers. Thore Is little or no r.iV atstnht that th fellow I a framl a nil 1m $ Nvttiatiltf nt anrnv In ffnnd (tine. 'V ' ".'-?.; .:."'"" ." :.: .",;-, , i- AS H WUU IV IWVD jiuiuuuavu fvuurvn Ul '.V tobacco. At one place be followed a Lan i'i easter buyer into a farmer's heuse and '? .offered 5 cents mero per pound for the ' "" . rv. a m.vi rnnTirrv. Ar c.A.LiniiAnv. ;V CanattoBemnrksaatethoJlefbnseortho Stomseb and Notflect of the Drain. ft measbk. KDirens: The managers or 4";the Y. M. C. A. library are at present .jv aisa.iu( iuu Birungnsv cueris in iiieir power i,te improve It, That they should receive i the most generous encouragement from all Tf mr clllsens ought te go without saying. f IBul It does net. i -'-"-" fim "The best university In these days, " collection of :! bbjs vanyte, -is a goeu s books" and all who are caiable of per .? ISarmtnff that ram ajl nmnntr thn anna nf , men,a mile uonesithitiKingrer themsoives, ,V, knew that the rugged Scotch Iconoclast Is '& light. The university 1, of a erlty, n a geed collection or books; or rather and ckthis Is what the philosopher menus a geed t? Anil AMlnn nfcrfVMl ltnnlra 'jV "e consider thU city of ours, rich In q.'i tMWKs, ncn in market noases. iicii in men Ff?f wealth, and se wretchedly peer in pub- reue libraries i u our eansi presiuems, ai ai w'tecters and depositors, our market house 2 Stockholders and our wcallhv mnrelinnta iaaid mannfiartnrara nre ranahln nf n nralun. .-......-,... , , wenny spirit ei einuianen, let tnein go te i.? WllbuiMaM T..M AwnmK1 . -1 ....IJ kw WtVl lll Kft Wlui fiha la In ri.Mnnw. rJ, $KT " .v .. w. wuw , wiiiwi- ;awn, peer eueugn in uanKS, maricctlieu.es , and even wealthy men, yet she possesses a Jaaagnlflcent building in which is ctmhrlncd a atVaepabUe library or ten thousand (10,- : jj'sW) volumes, only ene-tenth of which Is tawHen a rree uerary or new books, se- tooted with the greateU care and contain centain ;1C the cream of the literature of all nations 'ad of all ages. ...iflaltnetau abselute dlsgrace, thorefero, waettyaaeia and as wealthy as Laucas tera city which was once the capital of the Vatted States and which Is te-day the antre of the richest agricultural county in the nation that its oducated peeple and the members of its churches, all of whom ostensibly in sympathy with the Y. M. C A., should permit its library te lack net (alyse msny of the mastorpleeos of modern Uierature, but scores of the classic works f antiquity r r'Jtatt net possible te nrouse our piople te ATaruv v uuij iu iuvuiaui C9 f euiill it "aaaajunue ie ue saiu uiui in uiis city you i get all me money you want te erect i for tee sale of perk and cabbnecs, or far the building of strong-boxes te heard the "filthy lucre" gained by the sale of these things, but scarcely a penny for library helves filled with books T Millions for awense of the stomach, but net ene cent rtriaute te the brain shall this be the SjMttoefthe city and county which gave te the world a Fulton, a Buchanan, a Steven nadaNevlnT .'De we net ewo something better than , net only te ourselves, but te the fair of our city? De we net ewo It tfinr chlldren T We give them, free of fimug, the rudiments or an education, but i they graduate at our bleb schools aak for Intellectual bread, we give I a atone ; ana tne money paid for even etene.-auch as the trust company Is rfhatinginfrontef its new building, would jgaajshsse many a leaf of bread for the K-HBtn. Oar publie libraries should be a Mrceef pride, net a cause of shame. Let eiusens see 10 it that when they call tbey de net call In vain. Oeo. R. VASDAtrxn. ii V OnuEye Destroyed. Tateatineaerdler, aged 77, ofBalnbrldge, t weraea in a stone quarry, was struck ngateye uya small piece of lime" The missile was removed en Tue.- t by a Harrisburg ecull.t, but the sight I aet be restored. Cb Grippe Tackles a ConsUble, ile Christ nerr. of the Kixlith , ti eoeflned te his house. He Is ur- i an attack of la grippe. -V w...'..:- aanuriura. Ittwrnlng the pay car of the Heading I evsapany passea aewu the read te llie, ana the empleyes were nald tafteath. West te FJerldi. . Dr. Mary JC WiUen lea te-day for .Lake scanty. Flerida. Sbswillra. IttTaiesterabeat M,arch 19. jehx QAisEn mrs styppE-si r. A Tenne Man a Victim of Consumption. Ixula Ileiaer Jfien in itvwiinaj Columbia, Jan. 22.-Ieuls Leuden'jergcr, jred 83, eon of Leuis Ixmdenberger, died or consumption last night at 12 o'clock, at bis home en the old Wolfe farm, In the eastern portion of town. He was 111 sov sev eraljwecks.1 He wns born In town. The, iMt'placelie worked was al the Columbia flint mllL When eight years of age he had ' his leg cut off en the railroad, but he was very active for a man with ene limb. Jehn Gelnor egwl 82, who lived en Har ber street, with his son, Merris uaincr, was found dead In bed about 8 o'clock tills morning by his daughter-ln-law. His son speke te him about 7 o'clock and he then appeared in usual health. Deputy Coro Core ner Hershey was notified and erapannelled the following Jury : Gee. Tllle, Oeo.Yeung, Frank Holchern, K. E. '.Carter. H. H. Lelthelser and Wm. Loudenborger. The verdict was that heart fallure caused death. ' Louisa Helner, nged 10 years, formerly of this place, but eflate a resident ei ncwi Ing, died In tbe latler place this morning. The funeral will take place from the Gor Ger man Lutheran church here en Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Thoe. L. Urban, In the absence of Super intendent Hefl'uian, who Is confined te his home by sickness, is superintending the schools. He canvassed evcry school with a vlew of ascertaining the oltendanco. The absentees numbers less than forty per cent, and the beard decided te contlnue school work. The Philadelphia A Heeding piy car was In town te day, Deputy Corener Hershey held nn In quest en the child of ChrlMlnn Habeckcr, of Maner township, and found the death due rrem convulsions. The P. H. n. relief statoment for Decem ber has been Issued, and shows boneflts paid In town ns fellows! Ter sickness 8212.80, and accident $201. Total amount, 473.b0. Olllcer Wltllek arrested Jehn Days, Gcerge Smith and Josepb Jehnsen, tramps, last night for disorderly conduct. Squire Evans gave thorn five days each In Jail. Geerge K. Smith, who was Injured en the 11. ft C. about a month age, arrived home yesterday from the Itcudlnghespltnl. Hlit leR hand was terribly erushed and that member was saved with the Ions of a portion of the middle flngcl, Chas. P, Wilsen and wlfe returned rrem their wedding tour Inst evening. Win. B. Given, esq., Is en a legal trip te Wllllomspert. Jehn Kllnesmlth Is attending n meeting of the Democratic state committee rvt Har risburg te-day, E. S. Stair Is attending thn annual moot meet ing of the Most Excellent Assembly of Ar tisans Order of Mutual Protectiount Phil adelphia. Grand Past Clilef Itarnea, or Knights of the Gelden Eugle, will held a school of In struction In town during Tebrunry. Death of a Vormer Luneimtrliin. Danlel Brown, shoemaker, or 531 North Queen street, received a telegram this morn ing brlnglug him thonews of his father's death in Phamlxvllle. ills uame was Daniel Brown also and he died this morning, aged 83 years. He uns born and raised in tills city and lived here, carrying en shocmak shecmak ing until 12yoarsnge when he moved te Phconlxvllle. Whlle In this city he was a inomberoftlio Dukostreet M. V.. vliurcli. He leaves a wile, who has rcuclied the ngn or 82 yearw, and Hiere chlldren, viz: Daniel Brown and Mrs. Angellne Derwart, .lfe or Martin Berwart, or this city, and Mm. Mary Kepplinger, wlfe or Jehn Kcppllngcr, of I'heenlxvllle. Mr. Brown start oil rrem Lancaster at 12:58 te-day te bring his father's body te this city. It w 111 be lu lu lu torred In the Lancaster cemetery. Tbe Colored Meil Meet. The colerod men of the city held nnotlier meeting en Tuesday ovcnlng.Tlieso present expressed tliomReIvos In favor or acting Independent of the Itcpublican parly until the colerod race Is rocegnlrod by It In the distribution or patronage. Meetings will be held weekly for the next several wcekR. The meetlngs thus far held have been attonded by the prominent colored men of the city. Death or Mrs. Charlette Clark. Mrs. Charlette Clark, colerod, widow of Danlel Clark, died this morning, ut Jier rostdenco en North street, nged 67 years. She was attacked with the grip n few days age t this morning she felt well enough te get up and went down stairs. Whlle ro re cllnlng en a leunge she dled suddenly. Sholeavosauumberof chlldren.- Among thorn is Edward, porter or the Ainerlcan house. Suddeli Denth el nil Old Man. Christian Gray bill, a farmer and well known cltizen of Drutnore township, whose home was near Hepkins' Mill, died very suddenly en Sunday. Ha had bcen te Yerk county en a visit and came home en Sat urday. Soen after getting back he was taken with a streke which resulted In his death. He was 80 years of age und leaves four children. He was buried ut Mt. Hepe M. 1 church te-day. Sale of City Properly. Aug. P. Koliieuhl, auctioneer mid ical estate agent, 01 North Duka street, sold at private sale for Fred. Heefel a. two story brick dwelling Ne. 007 Nertli Lime, for 82,800 ; a two-story brick dwelling, 009 North Lime, terms private, and a three story brick dwelling, 131 Kast Lemen street, for&l,500. Cbosen Assistant Paster. Geerge W. Richards, a student In the theological seminary here, has been chosen assistant te Itev. A. J. O. Dubbs, pastor of Salem's Reformed church, Allen town. He will graduate next June and be ordained this year. Writ omeplovlu IhKiied. Prank A. Itioker Issued a writ of replevin te-day for all the machinery In the bottling establishment of Geerge Wvber, at Hock Heck land and Qrconstreots. Mr. Hieker claims te be tboewnorof It and gave bend in the sum of 81,400 belore Issuing the writ. . lle Is Lew. Heraco Henuhcr, the Christiana news boy, who was shot ever two weeks age, is lying very low, and thore Is no doubt that he will eventually dle from the wounds, Funeral el William Par roll. The funeral of William Purrell took place this morning from St. Jeseph's hos pital. The services at the hospital wcre conducted by Itev. Puther Schmeltz, and at St,' Mary's cemetery by ltev. Puther Rcllly. Appointed Stor-lCeopor. Jacob L. Nljsley has been appointed store-keeper of the Ninth revenue district. I CHALLEGI! THE WOULD. The Above Sounds War Hut I Mean It If Ne Cure or Itollef Ne Pay. There Is net a remedy en earth te-day that can show the results acceiuiillnhed by the use of my wonderful Llectrlc MoUtcuted Mugncllc Appliances und as positive proof that 1 imun what I say, I hereby agree and glie a written guarantee with eery belt I sell iuj self, and If after ene week's trial you are net benefited or cured I will refund the money less 20 per cent Will give the sufferers all the chance they want ' theycaupultbe money wherever they pleaw till they have a trial. Remember )0u are net dealing with an sgtnt. I am he Inventor, pro pre pro prleterand manufacturer, I have net com te this city tedeceheand defraud Incurable siuTercrs.I Iim e net ceiimj here claiming that my Electric Appllauces will cure everr auiictlen man Is belr te. What I de claim Is that my Electric-Medicated Appliances are the only appliances of the kind In the world, and that they have accom plished mere cures and given better reulu than any ether knew n remedies. I hae catalogues containing reference after reference te prove the above, and will be pleased te give one te each person who will honor me wh a oil, J have come te stay here long mouth te glvemy Ap pliances a flslr trial en all purchasers, lhave ceme here te sell these Appliances and expect te de se through the cures they will ftlrrU Weak men should net fell te wear Hoke's IlclU andButpenserles. All these sarTerlnc with any of the following diseases shenld net fall te give the Appliances n trial : Jtheumatlsm, Nenrslf In, Drfpepsls, NereuntM, Coruttpatlen, Headache, Back ache, Dlarrhnm, Paralrsls, Asthma, Cramp In the Htemach and Limbs, I.lver and Kidney Disease, Urinary Troubles, Female Weakness, Irregularities, Change et Life, and all kinds or aches and pains In the body. O.U.HOKB. On second fleer of llerrs Furulture fltere, Nn. 841 North Queen street, Lancaster, I'a., every Wednrday and Haturday. Janl!WUW,MAW Mr. J. W. Jenes, assistant superintendent or the Metropolitan Life Insurance Ce., has dur ing the last two wita pem a nuinncr or claims. Alse this morning for Elsie King, of Lafayette street Mrs. Tillle Alies, of 40 Fulton street, 1128, who will tie burled itomerron j also Mrs. Unroll V. Cunningham, of 483 Jehn street, 1101, who will be burled en Friday; also Mr. J no, Kochenderfer, 01 Beaver street, tti. ltd' A Oontle Itemtmler. Y. M, C. A. Library Fund Bupper January 2, aOandSl.lnDocrsem'slIall, Ne. 13 Bast King streeU j23-3td On Thursday, Friday and Baturday evenings the Ladles' Aid society of the FresBVlerlan Memerial church will give a supper In Odd Kel lows' Itnll,Heuth Queen street. Oysters, chicken and waffles, cake, Icecream, nuts, etc, will be serted. glcatlts. A II. F.i In Ih Is clty,Mrs.Harnh Matilda Alles, wife of Isaac W. Ailcs, In the seth year or her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the runeral, from her hutband's residence. Ne. 40 East Fulton street, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ltd Ili'er. On January !, IkM, In this city, Jehn lluef. In theCDth year or his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also the members of BU Jeseph's Hcneflelal society, are rcipeclfully Invited te attend the funeral from Ills late residence, Ne. 219 Locust street, en llmrsday morning at 8,W o'clock. High mass at 0 o'clock at BU Antheny's church. In terment nt Antheny's cemetery. 2td ItAXsisn.-Jn this city, en thoSeth lust,, Jehn lUm-Ing, In the Slsl year of his age. The midlives and friends of the faintly ; also, HI. Jeseph's, Bt, Antheny's and Bt. Bernard's societies nraresieclfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his Inte residence, en the corner of Bt. Jeseph and Der art streets, en Friday morn ing" nt 8J4 o'clock at the house and Requiem Mess at 9 o'clock at Bt. Antheny's Church. In tenncnt at Bt. Antheny's cemetery. std Allentown and Ixihlgh papers please copy.) HIKOKI.. January 21, 1890, In this city, Rebert Duncan, son or ltev. O. w. I'., and Annie K. Blegel, uged 1 ear, 0 months and 23 days. Tl.n a1 ii , I in. Mii.l frlAtirta f,r fliA fnmllv mva .a. spectfully Invited te nttend the funeral, from I the residence of his parents, Ne. 738J Marietta I avenue, en Thursday afternoon at 2 e clock. In terment private, ltd UlnrJicts. l'lillmlelphla Produce Market. 1'ltlt.ADKf.rilIA, Jan. 22. Noen-Flour dull J I'enn'a supers, 2iVS2Wj extra. 27S310U; fumlly, aoelj.J75; roller, 4 004 20: patent, II Ml 09, Wheat dull; Ne. 2 Red, new, SOe : Ne. I I'enn'a Red, POej Ne.2d(i,7a8He. Cern easy; Ne. 2, new, 0(lX3fe; old, 4.1 Oats steady; Ne. 2 Whlte CSX-JIc. J Ne. 3 mixed, 27c. ilrandull; Winter tl2MQI3 W). Haled hay dull; 111 (XMl. Ulas tnaualltv ; timothy 1 1 01X1.4 00 for choice; mixed, UuJlI 00 ; baled rye straw, new, 1560100. tlulter dull; I'enn'a creamery extra 2rtf)e ; renn'ii firsts extra, 2Se ; Jebblinr, &WI. Eegs steady; i'enn'a Ursts, lie; neiu iuis, 13 lie, ns te niutllty. Cheese dull ; pait skims, 'igSc; full skims, Petroleum dull ; refined In bbls., 7ic Potatoes iulet; x3-Wc per bus, iu te quality. Grain ana Prevision). Furnished by B. K. Yundt, Urekcr. Cikcaoe, Jan. 22, 1:00 e clock p. m. Wheat. Cern. Oats. Perk. Lard. January.. 20 February 7tH 2l'( March 'MX April 31 Mny 80'i 31 June -. SHI July my, 3305 Year - Crude OU February (i 87 M)i l)W & 85 asj. ie-27 ii'i'i .'.".".' .,.'."'.' "a5 . 1 07i consels Closing Prices 2.16 o'clock p. m, w u en i Cem Oats. l'eru. 990 10 10 10 12 Lnrd &92 5 W 003 January, January,... .I's, February "UjJ Tllji 29 20J1 f 201 Aiarcn,. April May Wj; June... July...- 79, Year Consels Crude Oil 3IM 22 10 W l)W (ISO 107)1 Cur l.ets. U 110 1M 91 llcteipta. Winter Wheat. Bprlng Wheat.,, Cern , Oats ltje.... Hurley Head ..- 3,(M0 11,000 Ileretpts Hogs... llecelilCultle.l Ltve Stock Markets. CniCAoe.Jau. 21. Receipts, 9,000; shipments 3,000; strong; beaes, II VOnii 25; steers, j IW4J4 se ; Htenkers and fteders, t2 lS'i.'l 20; cows, bull and mixed, SI ttXiM 10 ; Texas cuttle, f2 OOiitiS 80 ; Western Rangers, t2 75.J3 40. Hogs Recclpt.4(l 000; shlpmeuts, 9,000; mar ket lower; mixed, 3 COQI 85; heavy. S3 00 (liJ87J; light, S3 IIOSM 8.5; skips, D00f 80. Hhevp Rrcvlnts. t'J' shlrmenU, 1,100; mar mar ket strong ; natives, U 605 40 ; Western woeled IITtKl'liJi shorn 'lexans.sJ 60(04 80; lambs, S5U0 te te a per hundred welirht. , feteuU Murkuia. Quotations by Reed, McOrunn A Ce., bankers, Lancaster, Pa. MKW YOIIK LINT. 11 A. M. 12 M. 3 P. M. Canada Pnclllc C. O. C. l. t'olemcto Cenl Central Pnclllc. Canada Bouthern Chi. Bt. 1 Pbg Den. di Rie a Del. L A W Erie Erie 2nds Jer O K.AT Leu. A N..... U Shere ,.. . Mich. Cee Missouri 1'iieMc Heck. Valley N. P. N. P. Prer. N.WesU N. Y. O New England Kast Teuiiosce Omaha Oregon 'lYansceiitlneutal Ontario A W Pacific Mnll 4HJ, IW 1WJ 117 2i Mil 2GK ii) lej'j iej's w M'J ml lej mil 105 "" iiS 31 74 71 70 J IU HMJt l(si, lOUJi iSil 45 45;J 3.VJ 5i" )'; 2i' " iSjj i'i"' 2llJ 2lO 21W (v.? ui uiU nJ isJ is? 2S 28 2S Richmond Terminal 21 Texas Pacino 2l(J Union Pacific Ru: Wabasli Cem Wabash Prof- Western li WestBhere Ilenils. ... , l'llIUAUKLI'lltA I 1ST. Leh. Val. .. . a II. N. Y. A Phlltt ..... I'a. R. 1L I4ti 85 Reading . lM lh. Nav. ...... 5J 31 31 Hestenv. Pans P. A R..... N. Cent. Peeples Puss-, Rdg 4's Oil ... 31 w ilciu SbucvtlDcmcttte. TUbT RECEIVED. ROEDERER RED LAUEL, The Finest of Champagnes. ROHREira LIQUOR STORE. Ne. 22 Centre Bquarc, 171 A11MER8 WANTED TO BUPPLY MILK JFj ATI HE- LANCASTER CARAMEL CO., eSMMAv. 11 S.15 Church HU, Lancaster, Pa. rpUE .FINEBT LINE Or WAX KTEltIO Acid and Parallne Canillcs rer the llell. i, at MILLERS SOAP CO. days, j. WANTED-A OOOD, BTRONO, XI'ERI enced girl for general housenerk, In a ....... w. ,...v ,..UU3. W'l'IJ Ufc It 228 E; AhlM ?ORANOEST. 171011 ItEM'.-I'ltOM APRIL 1. 18.10, THE ' Held situated comer East Chestnut mid Lhrlstlanstitets, Al present occupied by Theo dora Wendllr, Apply te , ,,.,, E. O. E. BATES, Jiin22-tld 411 North Duke Htrect. DANCINO SCHOOL EVERY WEDNES .''"y?.",1 Tuuri,By.-.atMunnercherHall. Slecy's 1 till Orchestra will be preicut. Admls Admls fcleu, 10 uud 15 Cents. FRANK HIALKOWBKI, .Manager. ltd "pUULlOBALE. 0" PniPA Y, J AKUAltr 31, IMO, "!lln)if J0?,"1 u' rMldenie of Mrs. Shiibert, Ne. 200 East Iinen street, opibIte the Luucusi ter cemetery, the following persona! property i One bedsteail und beddlng, marble top bureau, marble top table, dining mul ether tables, cone cene statand ether clulrs. sink bench, pnrler heater. m.i"10' ,nrfe mlrer' washsfand, sewing machine. Ingrain and rug rurpet, tubs, stand. ntlklnds'tc ,U B ruU ""'' aihi" or Sale te begin at 1 o'clock p. in. ,,m U.F. HOWE, Auctioneer. llttt &stcHfcmrnt. miteL'TAMllAhK, m, IIIT MAN'UFARTUtllCM AND MEN'H OUTF1TTEK8, Ne, 140 Nertli Queen Htrect. HhlrU made te order as low as 1P0. Perfect li KimranuW! in I, AD iTiretith neeestlty we have starded a HAND AUNDllY and are prepared te laundry of all Inds. maras-fydll kinds. rpuu PJNKht LINE OF WAX HTKRIC JL Acid nnd Famnne Candles for th llell- nne Canal HOAF CO. aays, at M1L.L.KK'1S HOA T00 lX)RT-nLACK COCKEB HFAN1EL jur iiewaru oncrea jii-ua m nehtii rniNCE bt, rpiiR L in HOA1M nytfMTlASKIiV l!ANIir.V H1IITA- lil for Candlemas Day, lit MILI.KU'H COi XpOll RENT-A TltnEBUTOKY BK1CK JD Dwclltnr Ilensc. with modern Improve ments. Ne. ah KnsL Kim ing street, wiiu iiricK nfedbT Jehn W.llel- HUbla en let New occupied b; man. Apply te QEO. East King street. V. BI'ltECUER, Ne. 213 jH-ira rTtHE FINEBT LINE OF WAX HTKRIO JL Acid and J'sraflne Candles for the Holi days, at MILLEU'B HOAP CO. anilK LAROEHT AND FINEST LINE OF L. Meerschaum and French Briar Pipes, gar Helders, Cigar Cases, Hnufl Boies and all kinds of smoker's articles. DKMUTU'B CIOAR BTORE, aU-trdH 114 East King street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A UOOD First-Class lledrmukcr, at the Doersom Carriage Works, corner or Duka and Vine streets. Bteadywerk. OEO. B. NOHDECK, Prep. IOR RENT-FROM Al'RIL I, THE TWO large basement rooms al the Eastern Mar Mar Heuse, with three vaults, first-clans elnvn. Kit I ter, counters, etc. Alse, the shedding and yard adjoining the market house. Apply te ALLAN A. IIERK, Becretary, J22JtdR 103 East King Btrect. PFLIUATIONH FOR TRANSFER OF Tavern Lleem will be heard Casper iter for trnnfer of A. W. Nell's llrenu.. "rl Kehl! ward, city, en Hnlurdny, February 1, law. at 10 a. m., and of Walter Myers for transfer or Chas. Cox's license, 5th ward, city, ou Monday, Feb ruary 8, 1890, at 10 a. in. I1ENJ. F. W. ITRI1AN, Janl3,22,ZM D. C. Q. H. CjQK DAY COUILSK: liee NIOIITHEH tJOO HION. KEVBIONEIIUINESHCOL LEUE. Yeung Men and Ladles. This school Is better prepared than ever te give you a flrst class business education. Our efforts the llrst year hae bcin ciewnid with wonderful suc cess. W. D. MOSHER, Prln., tfd.tw 10 Nerlh Queen Bt., UincesUr, Pa. TTELLO I i-uxiiiu.n run uiiauuawk. The LANCASTER 1IUBINESS COLLttQE does net held out positions ns an Inducement for young men and ladles te enter. Although It hus placed mere young men and ladles In po sition than any ether medium ; and, by the way, they are competent young men nnd Indies, tee. Visit at College Reems, Ne. 31 North Duke street. Address. 11. C. WEIDLKR. Principal. s ELLINOOFFTO CLOSE BUSINESS. BAROAINSAT Mrs. E. M. Woodward's, Ne. 28J East King Bt. WAS OYSTERS I REST OYSTERS IN THE MAR MAR ket served In all styles, nnd meats al alt Hours, nt CHARLES E. IIOSTER'8, In the rear of the Central Market. Ojsters In theshcller epened tier cd te private families. Telephene connection. ne20-2mdR A AHEAD OF MICHIGAN AND ILLINOIS HORSES. Hie undersigned has received at Longeneck Lengeneck er's Sale nnd Exchange Stables, Mnnhelm, 40 head of flue Michigan nnd Illinois Henes. Among them several fast horses, match teams, and some heavy boned feeders, which will be sold cither at private or public sale. Sale te commence at ene o'clock p. m. Satur day, January 25. A. I IAJNUENKCKER. Act. 8. O.Bummy, Auctioneer. J22-2I iia TJUIILIO BALK OF VALUABLE CITY A UWKL.I.INUS. O.nTuehday, FEnnvAnv 11. 1890. by vlrtuoefanOrder of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned will sell at public sale, at the Leepard hotel, en East King street, the following Real Estate, te wit: Ne. 1. All that certain Let or Piece of Ground situate en the nertli side or East Orange street, In Lancaster, numbered 25, beginning nt point en the north slde of East Orange street, and running north 20 feet and 2 inches along a n all en the west slde of a three-feet common nlley ; thence east three feet along property late of Ames Ml ley, deceased ; thence north along the same as feet and & Inches ; thence east along the preierty or Mrs. Doesh, 18 feet nnd 10 Inches ; thence south along property of Cyrus Celvln 31 feet and 1 Inch ; thence cast along the same 4 feet and 10 Inches; ttionceseuthnlong the same 30 feet and 6 inches te a point en the north side of East Orange street; thence along said street 20 feet te the plnce or beginning, en which are ereoted u threc-slery IlrlcU Dnelliiig Heuse and two-story brick back-bulldlng and ether lm- firevemcllts, being the resldence of the late en). F. Shcnk, deceased. This property Is In lenj. F. Shcnk, deceased. excellent repair, commodious, with all modem conveniences. Ne. 2, nil that certain let of ground, situated en the north slde of West Chestnut street. In said city, containing In front en snld West Chestnut street 25 rcel, mere or 1cm, and extend-' Ing northward In depth 1W feet, en which Is erected a three-story green stene nnd brick dwelling house, numbered 035, with ten looms, bath, het nnd cold water nnd ether modern continence, iuis ueusc is eranu new Ne. 3, a let of ground, numbered 218 en the Plan or lets laid out by A. N. Brencmannud Jese IjiiuUs, culled the Chestnut htrect Truct, en tile In the Recorder's elltce of Raid county ; said let containing en the north side of Fulton street, In said city, 22 feet, and extending in depth 112 feet ten 10 feet wide alley; bounded en the north by said alley, en the south by Ful ton street, en the east by property or Jehn Mc Mc Ueusk, nnd en the west by property of Ueorke Ai Marshall. These properties will be sold te settle the es tate or said deceased. Purchase money te be paid en April 1, 1890. Sale te commence at 7K o'clock p. in., when attendance will be given uud terms mude known by CATHARINE C. HIIENIC, .I.W.U. 1IAUSMAN, AdmlnlttratoMet llenj. F. bhenk, deccased. JOM. L. llAINka, Auetleueer. Ja2!,25,29,fl,5,R.lld T B. MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Dere Beeks. About ioe copies of books illustrated by Gustave Dere, at 95c each. Bible Gallery, Dante's Inferno, Milten's Paradise Lest, Dante's Purgatory and Paradise. These who are acquainted with the regular prices of the above will be surprised at the prices quoted. Cut Price Corsets, A cut for this week only. Dr. Warner's Coraline, 79c ; Dr. Warner's Flexible Hip, 75c; Dr. Warner's Health, $1 05 ; Ball's H. P., 79c ; Ball's Circle Hip, 79c De you want te pay the regular or the cut prices ? Remnants. Stock taking is ever, and en a separate counter will find the odds and ends of stock. Every thing en this counter at half price. Muslins. ' 1 Hill, one yard wide, at 71c ; Utica, 10-4 Sheeting, 25c; ethers in proportion. This week te stir up trade, next week at reg ular prices. Toilet Sets. A crate of richly decorated Toilet Sets, 10 pieces without Jar, at $2.25 a set ;' with Jar, at- $4,50 a set. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sis., LANCASTER, PA, Hew &h$ieH0nint. rrtK FiNnrr lin or wax btkriei js- Acin una rsnnm imnaies liar lee days, at MILLEIIM HOAF CO F en HANDSOME NECKTIES. Oe te ERIHMANfl, Ne. 41 West King atreet. 31IIB FINB4T LINK OF WAX RTBRIO . Acid and Faraflne Candles for the Helt ys,atMILLEH'H80AiCO. i THE KIN EOT LINK OK 1MFOKTKU AND DemesUe Cigars In the city. Clear Ha Tana Clsars, ear manufacture, In boxes -of X, 00 and 100. .. ... BKMUTHIt CIOAR STORE. alS-UdR mKastKlas Street. I WISH TO EMPLOY A FEWLADiaHON salarr tel laJrs rhaaaa nr tn linilaaaa at iclr hpniea. Light, very Caaclaatlnc and lieBllliful. Wages 110 per week. Reftirenee glen. Geed pay for part time. Address with Stamp. t .MRU. MARION WALKER, ne4-lmdM,W,F Louisville, Ky. TTAVEYOUHADTHE"ORlPr, JjL Take rareef the cough It leaves I Fralley's Ryrup or Iiloedrnot, Wild Cherry and Hore Here hound Is the best thing for ceaghs aad eetds. 21c, 60e and II per bottle. FRAlLErM EABT END PHARMACY, n , (Opposite Eastern Market.) Fine large Chamois Skins for making under clothing and chest protectors. Lewest prices. M.W.FAW O1I0EH AND SUPPERS. BARGAINS FORThE HOLIDAYS. Yen could net make a mere acceptable Christ- miu iTrwni man m, goeapairorni tiers. We have received another ihoeaerBllp. ei these Celebrated S3.00 Bhees for Men. In all the tees and widths, and the best shoe for S2 00 that Is made. We have Ladles' Bhees al all prices, nnd you cannot fall te be suited. Plenty of Beets coarse and nne. Ooedyear's OIove Rubbers are conceded te be the best In the market, and these are what we sell almost exclusively; a full line en hand. We have a nice let of Holiday Slippers that we are anxious te clew out. OI0UsaCall. wm. hTgast, WA V NO. 105 NORTH QUEEN BT. M ART1N BROS. IFl'IUCE WILL BELL IT, NOT A DOLLAR or Winter Clothing IF YOU WAHTl A HANDSOME ONE. Shall be Here when the Ap ple Blessem. ' BIGGEST REDUCTIONS NOW. Tliere are handsome Bults and OverceaU In our stock at a handsome saving te you going and going during this JANUARY CUT-PRIOE Clearing Sale. It's net safe te chance It tee long If you want ene of the handsomest. 110 buys thirteen dol lar Hulls nnd Overcoats. On 120 Suit and Overcoats you can sa e four shining dollars, or f 16 net. All sorts of Neckwear at greatly re duced prices. There are active buyers and quick bargains meating every hour among our Underwear and Hosiery. SOe Cashmere Hese going at two pairs rer 75c. SI 59 White Weel Underwear, tl. These two examples stand for about fifty kinds and qualities at like reduc tions und Invite you In. Th.) price-push all through the store Is telling an outward story. Bey's Weel Flannel Waists, SSc, GOc, 0c. A big let of Bey's Overcoats reduced te 15. Men's Storm Coats, $18 and tX, reduced te 113 nud f 18. Cape 0crceats, tee. InCustomTallerlng Excellent Werk at Cat Prices. Keep the Cutters Busy. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. QU .04INO OUT. J. Harry Stamm, NO. 21 CENTRE SQUARE. MAY CATCH YOU WITHOUT A FULLSUl'FLY OF - Blankets, Comforts AND Flannels. IF IT DOES . REMEMBER wkari: ClesingOut BLANKETS, . COMFORTS, . UNDERWEAR AND- Elannels AT- IiESS THAN COST. DON'T FOROET T1IK PLACE, 24 Centre Square. NOriCE.-Onc 0) Ball Be.irlugSi.fcly Bicycle, Entirely New, will be snld cheap te quick bujers, 1 SIP NEW BOSTON STORE Htm MhTHIf mtttt ) TJALACK OF rASstlOH. i The Great Clearing. Sale AT ASTRICH'S 111 AUD 117 V. QUIHf IT. Stiil keeDincr ud the excite ment and Great Prices de the work. Mere Bargains added daily te the already large list This week a Beem in Rib bens. Te give it force we announce for Te-morrow, Thursday, Janu ary 23d, 1890, all day, a great one day sale of Ribbons, at given away prices. LOTS. Let 1 Ne. 5, 7, 9 and 12, satin, gres-grain and moire, plain and fancy edge, in all colors and black, at 5 cents a yard. Let 2, at 9 cents a yard. The balance of our stock of Ne. 1 2, all silk, Satin and Gres- grain Ribbon, picot edge, in all the best colors. Let 3, at 10 cents a yard ; Ne. 9, 12 and 16, Silk Gros Gres grain, Satin, Watered Ribbon, plain satin and crown edge, in all the best colors, and black. Let 4, at 15 cents a yard; colored and black, Gres-grain, Satin and Meire Ribbons, for merly 25c te 35c a yard. One let of Wide Fancy Rib bons, at 19c a yard ; former prices 30c te 40c a yard. One let of Ne, 60 Fancy Rib bons at 29c a yard. One let of Colored Satins and Surahs at 39c a yard; regu lar price 75c. Remember the day, THURS DAY, JANUARY 23D. Great one-day sale of RIB BONS. Come early and secure the best. 115 & 117 North Queen St. S AC1UFICKHALE. Charles Stamm, f 1 LANCASTER. PA. OF- Men's White Merine We goods go at iSc. Men's White Merine 75c goods go at 50c. Men's White Merine SI goods go at 75c Men's All-Weel White II 75 goods go at SI 25. Men's Scarlet SI goods go at 75c Men's Scarlet II 25 goods go at II 00. Ladles' White Merine 90a goods go at 37c. Ladles' White Merine 75c goods go at 50c. Ladles' White Merine 1 goods go at 75c Ladles- White Merine 11 25 floods go at II. Ladles' White All-Weel 1 75 goods go at II 25. Ladles' Scarlet geed goods at HJc. Ladles' Bcarlet II goods go at 75c Ladles' Bcarlet II 25 goods go at 11. A big let of Odds and Kuds and seme slightly soiled goods will be sold at hair price. BOSTON STORE. rake of Vail, Palace of Fashion, North pen Street, iirai fctli hen Stat, VMiciHmnte. QASSUSB WORK. OOBsWM OAJUUAOX WOUI. Cerner of Dke and Viae. streets (formerly! HertweK a MllrlL UGU. B. MOfWafCK, atfl.l urer nix i neuaana Hollars In Fine Vehicles new qn BxhlMttaB. 1 "WO All the LATBMT 8TYLcM ter i aaThe best or mecnanics en retains) at I v1S5eurrte" Wor-,rerapg?ae4 I rfWK FINH1T LINE OF WAX ftTKJtiOl I JL Acid and Faraflne Candles, ler tha Bait-I sys,aMILLKR'SKOAPCO. "t- e UK MAKE OF GOLDEN LION AND MAI Hueriuaec vigars cannot ee exeeue. vsauiua uiuak sniHS. KstablUhed 1770. aM-tMh 114 East King Btresi. "UT KX AMINE KXm FRKK. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Tm TklakTev Sjtm An Ooedl Whleh are Bade enlrhr ns. anil rannmnv by leading Oculists aa the beat aids te delee. tire Tlateii. -8eUl Qeld Spectacle, 8.00j uraal prlM, l ZHEIAI I IH0.I.30 S. Hfitk Stmt, Between Chestnut and Walnut Street. mvx-lyd I lilOlt. HlIIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, GOTO KRISMAN'S , Ne. 43 West King Street. BUSINKS8HU1T8 AT COST, DREH8 SUITS reduced, Treuserings very low. OverceaU I at any price, and all trimmed and made up Iu I UUi UVB..IJIV. McQRANN A NOWLEN. Leading Tailors, Ne. liM North Queen Bt. TJURLIO HALE OF CITY DWELLINGS JL anu liunuing jjei. OJ WKDNKSDAT. JXNCAnY 22. 1800. At the Leepard hotel, will be sold these two Twotery Brick Dwellings, Nes. 72J and 728 East Orange street, having hall and six rooms, with let 50 feet, 9 Inches front, and extending te waiiuiinHucbwiiCCU uwu DriUK einujc, wen with Dumn. etc. Alse, Valuable Building Lets, fronting 2MVS feet en Orange street, and extending te Marlen street about 237 feet. Alse, a let en Marlen street 30 feet, or 121 feet. Fer particulars, see sale bills or call en !the undersigned. Hale te comence nt 7J p. m. ALLAN A. IIERR, .. .. Agent for Mary A. Denllnger. B. F. Rewk, A uctleneer, Janl5,17,18&22 . Announcement Extraordinary I The Greatest Reduction or all In PINE TAILORING -AT- H. GERHHRT'S, Overcoats made te order nt cost price. Trousers reduced rrem 810 te S3 ; from IS te 15 : rrem SO te St CO. Heavy Suitings reduced at the same rate. Full Dress suits of the latest style material, satin lined, at 123. ThU Is the most sweeping reduction ever made In Flne Tailoring, and will enable the cash buyer te get n nrst-class article for the same money he would have te pay for a ready made one. H. Gerhart, 43 NORM QUEEN STREET. (127-tfd TTAPPy NEW YEAR I Steam Engine AND Beiler Works. MANUFACTURER OF HORIZONTAL VERTICAL PORTA I1LE UOISTINO ENGINES. Horizontal Tubular. Vertical, Twe Flue, Deuble Deck. BOILERS. (.Marine. CENTRIFUGAL IJOILEKFKED MINING STEAM MILLS. ' PUMPS. ( Haw Mills, -niurk Mills, I Cob Mills. AUTOMATIC TAN PACKERS, HKA3.S LEATHER ROLLERS; BARK CONVEYER SCREWS, PULLEYS, 8HAFTINO, GEARING IIANUERH, PILLOW BOXES, CLAMP BOXES, COUPLINGS. COLLARS, MILL BUSHINGS, STEP BOXES, SWNDLES, TOES AND STEPS, PULLEY PLATES, SHIEVE WHEELS, dc., Ac, Ac, 40 BOLTS, TURNBUCKLES, LAG SCREWS. RODS UF-SETT, 8ETT SCREWS, FOROINGS, NUTS, Sq. and Hex., CAST WASHERS, PLATE WASHERS, WROUGHT WASHERS. ' Specialty In Making and Repairing DEKP WELL WILLING TOOLS, Vii! Reds, Bits, Reamers, Jars, Sand Pumps, Bit and Red Catches, lc. Charcoal Hammered f xiuruuu h uivei Deuble Refined Refined Beiler and Tank IRON. , TANKS-Round or Square, for Gas, Oil, Water or Acids. Stacks, Stand-Plpes, Wuter Wheel Casings, Het Air Furnaces, Jtc LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES Such as Valves, Cocks, Gauges, Oilers, Cast and Malleable Fittings, Injectors, Packings, Pipes, -c, ever curried In Lancaster. Special AUentlen GIveu te STEAM HEATING. Light and Heavy Iren and Brass Castings. i-Repalring Promptly Attended te.-S Cheap Let or SECOND-HANDPULLEYS AND SHAFTING FOR WALE. Pulleys. 3xl2; 4 Pulles, tlxlO; 2 Pulleys. 1 Weed Split Pulley, vay,xzyt ; 3 Weed Split Pulleys, U x&. 8-2 U-ltJ Cellars. 62 feet, 2 15-10 Shafting. H 21 Inch Drep Hangs Deuble Braced. Jehn Best, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA. Second-Hand Boilers. If ret hat tham examined you will probably flndltiat there la something wrong with Usem. and that glass i will be a great help te you. We nn Inlmltabl "III A maivta1 imSaf 5 30-Herve Power, SO Inch Dlam., lfl feet long. iSxlH Inch Tubes. Price, S175 and S150. 1-Beller30lnch Dlam., 13 feet long, 2i-8 Inch Tubes, 12 feet long, with Fire Frent, 1135, 'U iyjitliaitV 'teCAaM y&fS.,u,-w it t,'