jeb-geu Tinwwrwwjii'rRLLfA''."frWVTP jjj(t -?--, v tii Kisj'Airst ':3-'Bie.'j,,.Vt.7J.1 jTtWSjjsKjrr T'FiWZfl T, cf far -V '' T -' vfl; v'-'' T " 7 3 U v s ;a7 "-fv' V . 'rF THETIiAKOASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, MONDAY, JANUARY 20. 1800. v.. mrrmw- s f9 r .. W .i s'i.f fe& Wail 'a.- & . ' - 24 i u'Arf. fc?r t?, - v .. M'Tf ?? .'V w Ht. ' O S aU JutUt0imcr. VN0RKW J.8TK1NMAN, CtfARLESSTEIXMAN FOLT2, Editor. KOBERT CLARK, Publisher. f Mt, DAILT IXTEUilOBkcEB. Published every 4 in the year, but Sunday. Served by ewtlen in lhl city ana nurreunaing tewettenenuTreek. By malt Ave dei Hii ft year in adTanee i SO cent. a month. &V WBWCLY IHTELLIGENCER-One dollar and fell, t nycvmiByHuvinauTKun HVlWnO TO HUBSCRIBEIW-Kemlt by check K ec fKwtefllt order, and where nlnf'ff : v MmicM M precurea hdh iu nii' 4 UHtft1 stored t ths iPottefllce, u second class malt matter. AfiOKMt, TBS nrTEtLTOKKCER, Lancaster, lis. LANOABTEX,FA., January 20, 1890. Great Question. The Philadelphia Prcat makes sure of r a aapply of material for its celumns: for leas, rarhar. than n century ahead. In ft iiMilAVln tn nrlnt tlin nnlnlnna of the ll fi"citiienB of this commonwealth upon tbe y lira quesuuns ui mu jv miiu taxation ana tue ngui way ie gciKumt ' reads. One would think that oue of tuwe questions would aatUfy any news paper's present need for news, and that they are each big enough te deserve separate handling. There Is, however, a clear economy in combining in one lutervlew the search for information upon every subject, but in editing the information Itmlght be profitably served ' in separate dishes. We hope our contemporary will per severe in its purpose until it has recorded the opinion of every man In the state upon the matter of taxation and reads. Whether the enlightenment of the sub ject will be equal te the elTert made may perhaps be questionable ; but it will be interesting to.see what all the peep'.o have te say; and it may be that in the great multltude of the council true Rela tion may be found of the serious ulfli culty of making taxation easy and equal, and making the reads geed. The great treuble about taxation always Is te make it bear equally ; and no plan has yet been found that will be as Just in practice as iu theory. It is 'easy enough te say that real estate taxa tion may be equally imposcdjbecausereal estate is a visible thing capable of elose valuation ; but the fact that its valuation is made by many assessors, in many places and of many different ideas, always has made and alwayswlll make the valuation uneven. We wonder wherefore then it will net be wise for the state te give up the Idea of getting an exact tax upon property according te IU value and te determine te raise all taxation from the privileges it grants. This Is iu a manner a Penn sylvania Idea and practice new. The state does net tax realty and gets its great revenue from the corporate privi leges it has grautcd. Be tee new the 'counties and cities get a large revenue 'from the liquor licenses. Why may net 'this practice be extended se as te pro pre vlde at least; all the money needed for state and county purposes, Including the .making of geed reads, from the taxation of privileges? This is an eminently fair taxation, If net an equal one. These who pay the taxes directly may be but a small por tion of the community, but they make their money by the privilege they buy and they collect it iu their turns from the community they seive. Ne ene Is likely te object strenuously te the col lection of taxes iu this form. Ne one growls very greatly at corporation taxation nnd high liquor licenses. The question will be whether these privilege taxes can be te increased and multiplied as te ralse the money needed for all state and county purposes. We believe they can. It is at least amattcr for inquiry. Ke great a state with se great interests and industries Is net likely te lack applicants for busi ness privileges who will be ready te pay roundly te get them. Our corporation taxes can be increased inanyfeld with out hurting the corporations. The liquor licenses can be tripled without hurting anybody or thing. The United States want te drop the liquor uud to bacco taxes, and de net dolt only bo be bo be3use they are such Ideally lovely subjects of taxation. Let them pass them ever te the states. And perhaps even cities can get along without direct taxatieu. There are many valuable privileges within their power te grant which cau be made great revenue producers. These who ask councils for anything should be made te pay for it. When they wauttoeecupy the streets with electric wires, car rails, gas and steam pipes, poles, wires and ether incumbrances, with which they propose te make money by serving the people with theirgoeds, why should they net be charged roundly for the privilege ? Of course they will get It back, If their stuff la worth anything, In the prlce ihey charge tbe people for It. Hut isuet that a geed, easy aud fair mode of taxa tion, and one as likely te bear evenly us any ether? It may perhaps in the first instance be mere of a taxation upon er er ,sens than property. But all taxation In the end gets nreuud te perseual taxa tion. The property ewuer collects it from the tenant in the rent he charges him ; and everywhere aud always taxa taxa teou falls ultimately upon the consumer. If we can find a way te collect the money needed for the state comfortably, aud T16 m net te disturb our feelings and greatly outrage our sense of Justice, just as the United Etates does by its customs and internal revenue collections we will be as haunv as we pm im in this tax-ridden world. Te Ixj sure, people howl about the in justice of the tariff; but they are politicians, hew Hug te keep their lungs in order aud their party li trim. The citizen generally Is net troubled by any imposition ue reels from the tariff". He way believe theoretically that it is an Imposition and his political sense may be outraged by the luck of uniformity, but there is net a man who dee.4 net minK mat his a lovely wav of rnlWt. leg the government moneys, or who would be willing te have the theoreti cally correct system of direct taxation substituted for the theoretically bad sys tem of oufctems collection. As te read making, that clearly is a proper Mate work, te be cared for by state officers, puld for by state moneys and enjoyed by stule people. Senater Brlce nud Sudden Wealth. Several stories, widely diflerlng but w tvHy circumstantial and positive, rjrwess te explain hew Senater Brice , suddenly became wealthy. There is :mere Internum this than there would - lie In iu cxnimi'illnii nr i.r... i. i , j w. ntn uv m-cuum ,i ' seuater. because miu-.n-ii.,v.i ..n .i, , verkl pursues wealth first auddlstiuc- .pJleB aeceud. The millionaire can be Just M distinguished as he pleases in certain '! ud the limits te the power of wealth are only fully realized by the wealthy. Net long age Urlce was A peer unknown attorney j new he Is worth a half dozen millions, a United Btatcs senator, and ene of the most prominent fiiriireslu the country. Of course, every body wants te knew Jusl bow it hap pened, and iu news, s In everything else, the demand creates the supply, but circumstances fix the quality. The sto ries of the sudden arrival of the wealth of Brlce till agree that it came by stock speculation for another man, who gen ereusly snared nun tne peer young ni terney, who had served as the medium of his geed luck. According te ene tnle young Brlce telegraphed te the man for whom he was speculating asking instructions In an emergency. The telegraph ojcrater sent him the wrong message in some quite mysterious way and tbe result was vast profit by mistake. Anether and mere prebable story represents the lucky Brlce as making a careful study of the stocks in which his employer was in terested nnd then deliberately disobey ing orders and making a fortune. The fascination of tbce stories is llke that of the childhood talcs of magic nnd en chantment by which the worthy here finds vast hidden treasures aud many troubles and flually gets rid of the latter aud lives happily. With magical rapid ity a man is rich and famous, and that fact quite eclipses the first essential of the nursery tale nnd the newspaper yarn the pcisenal worth of the man himself". If Mr. Urlce bad net this per sonal value of mind and character he would neverhavc been found by friendly fortune working hard as a trusted agent en Wnll street. The record of ids suc cess will tempt many who lack hli qual ities te try te strike ids luck In stork speculation, but they might n well buy n ticket In the Louisiana lottery. There is fortunately an eluslve character about sudden wealth that discourages Its pur suit or we would all be speculators. The calm observer notes that it Is always coupled with sudden poverty, nnd the stories of Mr. Brlce fall te tell who get peer when he get rich. The barbers of the I'nhner limine, Chi cago, refused te bliuve tlie colored dolegates te the Afro-Aiiierlean conventlon. If tills had hnpponed In tlie Seuth, what a terrible race cenlllcl it would be! Tun Civil Sorvlce Tloferin association of Pennsylvania issues u circular recltliiK tlie pledgcs glven by tlie Republican party and tlie president that civil servlcu reform should be supported. Tlie circular geos en te slate Hint there is Uttnser that In splte of tbose profusiens the party in power will do de feat the aim of tlie law by neglectlng te pro viso the funds needed by the civil sorvlce commission. "The speilsman finds it much mero ocenomlcal te pay his honch hench mcuand healers out of the public treasury, by the abuse of ' patronage,' than te pay them out of his own pocket. Although mero than tlircofenrt!is of tlie public efflcei are stilt at his disposal, he grudges tbe less of the one-fonrtli, and yearns te recover It. He (loes net dare te work epenly for the repeal of the law, for this he knows the poeplo would net forglve, but lie proposes te attain the same eud by re ducing or ienising the nppropilatleiiH uocessary for Its execution, l'revlded he accompli fell ei the end of qimrtwrlng his followers en the public, he cares nothing for tlie brand of f.ilBO pretences self-alllxed by his disregard of the pledges en which he and his party sought and obtalned votes." Souater Parwcll, of Illinois, 1 queted as declaring the civil sorvlce system a fraud of the worst description and thou refiihlng te lutrodiice a bill for its destruction because, he 8-iys, ' Woean de Just as well by refusing te appropriate the funds en which it depends. It was beaten that way before, and we are going te de our host te heat it that way ence mero." The circular cominents en the dishonesty of thus repudiating the party platform and tlm messages of President Harrison which lmve professed te favor civil sorvlce reform, IUi.timeiic Is bragging of tlie Inerease of Its experts, and jealous Philadelphia may wake up that belt line project and try te scramble back te lier old commercial rank. Trade may " fellow the llaj;" at sea, but en land it fellows the ceurse laid down by the railroad king. The city of Indepen dence Hull ilieuld be the llr&t te rebel against this modern tyranny. iNMMU'nxnnxT talk. Third 1'urty te belntlitt l'lelil InThU Stat Tlie Tlme ltlie Ter Jteelt. I'rem the l'lillrnlel jilila ltccerd. "Any candldate for govemor of Penn sylvania w he may be nominated by .Senater Quay or hli adherents will jneet with organized Independent Republican oppo sition." Wharten'Tlarkerput forth this significant ussortlen a couple of days age iu discuss ing the gubernatorial 'situation, but he declined te speak In explanation of his nrephecv, kiylng: "It Is net tlme yet." While Mr. Barker would net speak any further en this topic his recent ulteraneeN through the medium of the Amerimn, and the threats of a Itepublican belt which have been attributed te ox-Senater J. V., of Venango county, clearly indicate the im port or Mr. Barker's prediction. One week age Mr. Barker said iu the American "Te the ordinary observer of jkiIHIcs It might up near that the procets of nominating and electing the governor was heveral months distant. On the con trary, a part of the duli'gite te tlie It.) publican conventlon of ls'JO hawwilreadv been elected, and they ure geuerally, if net entirely, In tlie control or .Mr. Quay te be used for tlie nomination of his men. Of course, the procedure by which the state convention is partly chosen a yrar ahead et time Is a breach iu uub uub stnnce of tbe reform iiriaugcment adopted Iu 1SS.', and Intended te prevent the repetition of such hcaudals as had brought the party te the vorge of completo disruption. It wan the understanding of tlie jurty then that the ubuse should ccasn ofc-beoslng the delegates u year lnmlvniice under circumstances which only the poli tical manipulators had a clue te, and where the issues were net presentcd te the people. But it Is u convenient udlunct of the 'spoils' system, and helps te make It mero easy for Mr. Quay te name the gev orner of the Htute, and reform has had a set-back In Pennsylvania slnce Mr. Harrison entered the White Heuse, se that the geed resolu tions or the party In 18S and ls?3 aie cheaply held new by the dominant leaders. " A gentleman, who was closely Identified with the Republican belt against General Heaver iu lbS.' said yosterduy: "Bight years age General Beaver was arbitrarily presented us a candidate for gev orner by beuater Cameren, and the result was the nomination of. lehn Stewart by the inde pendent element iu the Itepublican party, which rese up against the cut-and-drled method of naming candidates. The cir cumstances new are substantially the same, and If Senater Quay insists ui en ar bitrarily cheesing a m.iu te reeclve the hunnert of tlie nail v thorn will lm iw.n hist as surelv ns thorn una in m. i makes no dilierence who the man may be it in the principle of tlie thing. The Repub lican party in Pennsylvania will net sub ui t te be dictated te by .Senater Quay in this matter. "AlthouBhwedld net elect eight years age we did succeed in defeating Senater Cameren's man by turning the Independ ent vete ever te tlie Democratic candidate and In this way we elected Uovernor Pat Pat tlsen. The spirit of eight j ears age is net dead, and Senater Quay may sie something that will surprise him. It is tee early vet te tell definitely what will be done, anil the ceurse or tlie Independent Republicans depeuds very largely upon what action the Dumeciats uiay take. If the Democrats name a man ler whom we cau vete we tWIturn In for hliu, and with the Inde pendent Republican vote the Democratic jurty could easily carry the state this year." SLAUGHTER IN IUO'8) STREETS. Shetted Ht Ouns Fired Inte Friends of the Kuiplr ami Over A JOO Kilted. A thrilling story of the revolt at ltle Jnuolre en December 18, in which nearly 200 men were killed, I told by Chlof Officer J. lUngdale, of the Kngllsh steam nr Hally, which hi arrived st Brooklyn. ThoeUlcer says: "Frenuvhnt I can understand the trouble had been brewing for sonie time. When the new government took charge It premised te raise the pay of the soldiers, hut this was put off until the regiments beciune oxasperatod. Among the artillery efllccrs were a number of xyinpatlilters with Dem Pedro, who nover lest an oppor tunity te malign the new government and Inclte the poeplo te open rebellion. A number of suiall revolts resulted. Kven the newspapcrs, although printing glow ing accounts of the enthusiastic reception of tlie new Hag In the' various province, had begun fault finding with the govern ment. "This sort of thing continued up te De cember 18. when thoMecend artillery regi ment, with whom Dem Pedre had been very popular, broke out in open revolt. At about 7 o'clock In the evening they hauled down the Hspubllcan flag and heisted ths imperial standard, at the same time firing artillery salutes. Hastily summoning his cabinet, Fenscca inquired the meaning of the cannonading, and en being Informed erdered his officers te suppress It, "Twe brigades of inrantry were ordered out. aud the barracks In which ths re bellious troops were ledged was sur rounded en all sides. The streets leading te the scene of the treuble wnre blocked with soldler. The doers of the barracks had been barricaded, hut were smashed down by the Republican soldiers, and several velleys wero poured into the ranks et the Insurgents with torrible results. "The artlllerymen made seme show of fighting, and ten of the llenubllcan soldlers wero killed. It took nearly two hours te subdue the revolt. When the fighting stepped lit men and two olllcers were found te have been killed. All of the offi cers and ringleaders, together with a number of citlrcns who had Joined them, wero arrested, and the remainder of the regiment was put under guard. Tliose arrested wcre tried by court martial two days later, and fifty meu and woven olllcers were executrd. Thore were elclit I'ltlrens who lelncd In the unrlslm:. Tney were placed en the Merman steamer Lisben and sent te Hamburg with Inslruc- tlens net te return. Sluce this took nlare everything has been nulct. but I think mero treuble will hietk out at the first chance the soldlers get. Hverythtng Is ruled by tlie army, and the people are get ting tired of It." Or rich ami peer, If you're net wen. Te brush your teeth with BOZODONT. You'll ene day miller deep reinenm, Kursoen they'll crumble In decay, And een you'll cry, "Oh, laek-a-Uny, 'I hat I had nev cr changed my course. ' CirnoNie nasal catarrh ieiltlvcly cured by Dr. Bnge'ii Heiuedy. M,Tu.ttw "Hew dlvlnr utlilm,' ueiuiiiiniiiy tin made," when her cold Is ruled by Dr. Unit's Cough Hyrup. " Mether, can I ke out te flili ;" Ne, no, my little sonny, Yeu Icnou-jeu'vcgot hhweIIcu feet, My precious llttle honey." Out they Ret a bettle of Salvation Oil, nnd he went and caught an eel, ami rite It llke u man. r-IAllTint1B13TTL I4VBH l'H.US. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE flick Itendache anil relieve all the tieubles Inci dent te a bilious ittnte of the nyKleui, such as Dizziness, Nuusca. Drowsiness, Distress utter Inline, l'alli In the Hide, An. Wlille their most romurkuble success lnu been shown In curing SICKL Heartache, yet RAKTRR'H J.ITTI.K I.IVKIl 1'1I.IS are equally vnliiiible In Constipation, curlint mill luavciitlng this uhhevIiib coin plaint, wlille they also correct all alsoruprser ihe stomach, Htlimitiite the liver nnd regulate the bowels. Dvcnir they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless te thesu who sutler from Hits distressing eeniplulut: hut fortunately their goodness does nut end here, nnd lliot-e who ence try them will And these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. Hut after ull sick head ACHE l the banc of se many lives thnt here Is where unmake our great beast. Our pills cure It while etheni ile net.; UAUTBlt'H J.irTM: MVKIU'U.US are very small and very easy te take. One or two pills inakuuilese. They ure strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them. I.i vlnlsatZicts ; tlvoiertl. held ev ery where or sent by mult. CAUTKU Mi:i)ICINi: CO., NUW YOlllC. Small PiU. auk.'12-b ilfed Small Dese. Small Price. liUoccllanceno. 1"S6itrniN(is : -NOVKI., ODD AND IJHUKUIi, aoteEHIHMAN'8. Ne. M West K Ins; Street. i?ou JAI'ANllSi: OOODH, Untni:itIHMAN'H, Ne. i West Kliif atreeU tiQK DAY COUUSK : JO KiailTHEM- OrtO hien. ki:ybien1-: uuiNt-;- cei I , I : l H. Yeuiik Men aud I.adles. 'fills school Is better prepared than ever te Klve you a Mrst class business (diicatleu. Our etterts the first year have been crowned with vteuderful sue less. W. D. .MOSSIIR, I'rln., tfd.lw 1G North Queen ht lAiieaster, Pa. TJjTlN K'i Oil.lif HOA 1'. ' Liberian Palm Oil When properly made Inte Huap produces the I'luest Toilet eap limmii. iai.i.erui:nu reit -JOHN n. jraTZLER'3 Investment Circular, no. south inner. sTitiurr. elVlvrt II Kl.1.0 ! POSITIONS TOR ORADt'ATIVI. The LANCASTER ItUHlNKss COLl.EdK dews net held out positions as an Inducement for jemiK men and ladles te enter. Although It bus placed mere j eung men nnd ladles Iu po sition than nuy ether medium ; and, by the way, they are comiietentyeunsmen and Indies, tee. lfclt ul College Reems, Ne. HI North Duke street. Addrurf. 11. 0. WUIUI.KR, Principal. -TJOUSIM'AINTl.Na, ORAINlNa AND 1IYIION J. IIROWN, 'successor te (lee. Urewn, ilervHseil. Practical Painter, drainer and (. lazier. W erk done by contract or iSav as cheap us flrst-cluss work can be done. llet werkruiii, nnd nene but best muterlal used. 1 luaOrutntui; aipetlulty. -Orders by mall ntn-uded. Shei 52 North Queen. Risdtuce-119 Dul Jumesstreeu I JaulMind rutietvu. 1 VI. NATllOltsr. DKNT1ST. J ?JCi:NTRi:hQUARK. De net let our teeth decay any further. Yeu de net often find udecuyrd teeth that cannot be saved by nillne or crowning, lluve your teeth exumfneil and intended te at once. It w 111 kave suturlm; unit expense. All owrallens KUiiranteed. ruling Tcclh and Painless Rxtruo Rxtrue Rxtruo tleu SHs;laltles. iitUmiMw Ti:s'i'wrKv. " 2C Years Practlceln One Ofllce." J. B. McCASKEY, NO. It B4VRTKINO BTREET, Over rirst National Unnk. Dentistry In all Us branches. (Jus administered. Teeth extruded ubeIulel) without pain. All work warranted. nl:M,ndM, ePvU COdObO. lTlbTATE OK MRS? A MA I.I K KHaTlKY, JU Inte of Ijincaster city, deceawjd. letters U-snuiientaryenkaldetutehavliiKtu-enRraiiU-d tetliHUuderslKned.lull erseus liidebtcl tliere tliere tliere re-iut-ktcd te iiiKke Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands ui;ulnt the tame, will present them without delay for settlement te the niiderslened, residing In caster, 1'u. r, AUUU.SI' WKRNKU, 4lUsh Street, . . JQxecuter. CiiABLW j. Iaj, Attorney. JWttdM Wttmntntth': rutULBWLtnik, Meflter, Jan. 39, 1S90. Twenty-first Day. JANUARY SERIAL SALE. Black Dress Goods, Black Camel Hair, 44 inches wide, a grade that originally was $1.50, gees te 75c te-day. Thank the unseasonable season for it. M-lnch Grain d l'eudre, 63c from fcV, 40-lncli Uraln d l'eudre, 7Se from II. 4.1-Inch Oraln de l'eudre, ROc from ft 2 'Hncli drain da l'eudre. II from II GO. 40-lneh Kin All-Weel fierce, T5c rrem II. 42-Incli All-Weel VencUsn Crepe, II rrem II CO. The same sort of lightning has struck all through Black Goods and ether sorts tee. Pictures and Frames. Yeu can save a pretty penny en a great variety of Artetypcs, Photographs andFrames : Artetypes of many Interesting subjects, Rlze 10x25 Inches, In decorated Oak Frames with Hue quality glass, reduced from H te 12. Oreat variety of Cabinet Photograph Frames nt 3e te 11 third and half of former prices. ranel Photographs of a wide ranga of sub jects. New goods. 75c tell 60 about hal prices. l-jwels In oak, cherry and ether weeds, usually sold at U. go te II 00. Easels with folding racks and pictures are marked down te X. Linens. A little list is as geed as a big one te show you hew the price-tide sets. Knotted Fringe Damask Towels, 12aeuch. Knotted Fringe Damask Towels, 16c each. Knotted Fringe Damask Towels, large site, 20e each. I Knotted Frlnge Damask Towels, large site, Knotted Fringe Fine Damask Towels, open work In border, nv, well worth 0c. Knotted Fringe Fine Damask, Memle and Jllrdsoye Towels, new broche borders, Sdc, geed value at 40c. German llnrusley Table Linen, froefrom starch and very heavy, geed patterns. Werth 1 a yard, reduced te (c. JgptMiichlCrcain uermuii Napkins at &Vin deren. Compare with any ether at II 25 aderen, A let of One Embroidered Bureau and Side board Hcnrfs, Embroidered Towels, uud Five O'clock Teacleths soiled and miuied, greatly reduced. from II 2.1 te 1 1 2."i down from 6U0te T"i down from 6 te te 4 2a down from 7 00 te 5 00 from 3 2.1 te 2 75 down from 6 25 le 3 60 down from 0 SO te 4 75 Muslin Undcnvear. We start the week with an almost unbroken line of the sen sational bargains that have made this sale of Muslin Underwear unexampled in the history of the trade. The few items named are only reminders : 41 deren 'Muslin Gowns, plaited Mether Hubbard yoke, with Hamburg edje en neck and sleeves, Aftc. Let of fine Cambria Oewns with Mether Jlubbard yoke of 2 wlde InsertlngsefMed Icls lace and 4 clusters of small plaits, f lathered Blcevcx, pearl buttons, Medlcls ace en neck and sleeves and down front, 1125. Hume, Willi beadlngand ribbon, II 25. Let of Fine Muslin Skirts, with 3 one-Inch plaits and deep hum, SSr. Htlll mere of the II 75 Skirts reduced te It. VI dozen Fruit of the Leem Drawers ut 20c. Jehn Wanamaker. 4fuvuiturc. TTENRi" WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 138 East King street, having a full Una of Furniture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our goods. aX-trdlt U. WOLF. 130 East KlugHtxeet. A Card of Thanks ! We very gratefully thank our cus tomers of the past) ear who helped us build a successful business, lly the means of PRICE, STYLE AND QUALITY We have merited )our patronage and given satisfaction. We have greatly In creased our stock of NEW FURNITURE FOR SPRING FURNISHING, Aud Invite an Inspection of our N'kw Hrvi.r.sund Lew Piuces. 49-We store goods until w anted. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, M, 3d & 4th Floers. Rl HOUTII QUEEN H1REK.T. I? URNISIIING UNDERTAKE!!. 111 Furnishing Undertaker ! Nes. 27 & 29 SOOTH QUEEN STREET. RESIDENCE, 87 WIXT VINE ST. yiDM r-ER'H CORNER. NOW IS THE TIME AND Widmyer ' s THE PLACE, FOR HOUSESTIRES FURNITURE MADE UP IN INNUMERAHLE SETS. ALM'RICEit UL'T A1.LOKTI1EM LOW FRICIZS. "WTDMYERS COMER, EAMT KINO 4. DUKE STS. Waiftp A HftiniK II IfLVVl ill IA Villi IKJ tf (ttts 9ht. B OOTSANDBHOEB. I SLAUGHTER PRICES Bring the Answer Every Tiie AN YONEWHOKNOWH ANYTHING AHOUT IJOOTB AND SHOES KNOWS THAT StickheQse Is Offering Bargains AT . Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street STORE FULL OF CUSTOMERS ALL LAST WEEK. EVERYBODY 11AITY t WHY SHOULDN'T THEY BET THEY GET BARGAINS AND WERE SATISFIED. ANOTHER BARGAIN LOT JUST IN. GOODS MUsJT MOVE, AND THEY ABE MOVING I D.P.STACKH0USE, 28 and 30 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. H ONEST AH THE DAY IS LONG. Standard Shoes. Fer Men's Wear A number or line te peak of and te recommend te-day. Standard grades and makes with re pules far and wide for their excellent wearing qualities. Particularly adapted for policemen, letter-carrier, car drivers and conductors, and all these whose oc cupation obliges them te be en their feet constantly. Have geed?stout plump stock Iu uppers, with either double or triple heavy soles. Made ever bread lastA medium or extra wide. Honest ns the day's long for service ; great for the ease and comfort they give In wear ing. Prices reasonable S- 1260, Pi and (I. Every ene of these makes are worth mero money; they'll be higher by and by. Men's Grain Crecdmere and Bals. excellent shoes for rough weather; es pecially strong, tee, for. roughest URnge. We've tried them ; they " pan out " that way. f2, S2 00 and $.1 grades te match these figures. " Solid Comfert "; that's Hie name for a line of extra bread soled shoes te fit fat men's fut feet; lace and Congress. Well and substantially made; material In them that stands the test of goodness. Eay le slip Inte ; ease and comfort for the feet within. 12 te $1 60 a pair-geed, better, best qualities. Genuine Cerk Sole Shoes-plenty of them ; no Imitations. These we have fremflBOnp. Excellent wearers; keep the feet free from cold and moist ure. The shoe for "La Grippe "couvh "ceuvh leccnts. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 Ner rii Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. -r EDUtT ION IN SHOES I SWEEPING REDUCTION -IN- TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING AND SUM MER STOCK. Since the Holidays I have cone all through my stock and hnve marked a large quantity of ttie Men's Dress Shoes nt and below cost te make room for Spring nnd Summer Goods. Men's Fine Calfskin, Hiind-Rewed Shoes, In I-ace, Ilutten nnd Congress, In two widths una ull sizes, 6 te V, reduced from foteft. A complete SI line, with Tips and Plain French Tees, In ljice, Uutten or Congress, marked down toil. A few mero left of the celebrated UlcoAlIuch UlceAlIuch lns M Shoes, In I .nee, Ilutten nnd Congress, with plain narrow und plain bread tees, reduced te Si Alse n let of shoes which we term" odds and ends," being sizes left ever from regular lines, bought of factories who failed, sold or burnt out, and ns we cannot match them exactly, have marked them down In the same propor tion. Men's i3 Shoes te SI; SIM Shoes te $350; tl Shoes te S3; J Shoes teJJW; S2S0 Shoes te tl. This Is a Bena Fide Reduction, and we guar guar ntee every shoe ev en at these Lew Figures. 44Dlsplay can be scen In East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Chas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKEIIT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.S A 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. I'A. Suva. "OARE UAROAINS. Special Big Reduction -ON- Blankets, Driving Caps, -AND ALL WINTER GOODS. fuh nouns vhem $i75 up. ULAXicirrs it.em 75c. up. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. 3Jhetcmailta. K OTK. I JUST RECEIVED FROM Xcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Uackgreunds made especially for Bust and Threo-quarter Leugtii Photegraptis. ROTE 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te tbe Fostefflos. jan7-6md ins Dress Shoes! mrmctviim. EXCITEMENT WILL RUNS HIGH i -rAT-r -OVEB THAT Fine Cern at 5c a Can. Full Cream Cheese Just In at 12Jic fc. six Bm Geed Dried lVache ter The. Four te New Evaporate! Applet ter Sic. Twe and Uirea te New PrnnellM, Be. Kttra Qoed DrtKI Beef, no and UUe ft. BenelesHmi,UHcft. Beet Barn In the world, I2He ft. Bheulder.exeelleatquJlty.c. Jeb Let of Jelly and Preserves in two and three pound cans, at half prier. Headquarters for Lelley'i India and Ceylon Tea. SAMUEL OLARU'S TEA, COFrr.E A GROCERY STORK, BOUTH QUEEN ST., NEAR CENTRE SQUARE. TBUBSK.1S. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. FINK RAM HO and and a let of GREEN INGS and BALDWINS, aud dealen Invited te call. Don't forget our Fine 2S cent COFFEE. Fine CORN at J cents a Can guaranteed. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, I'A. TREisra. FIRE, WATER AND SMOKE Out of the Ruins. REIST'S BIG BARGAINS. NOTE WHAT VH SAY I Yeu have no deuht read an account of the Rig Fire atJanneyJA Andrews', Philadelphia, where thousands of dollars' worth of goods " went up In smoke." and thousands saw smoke and water only. We bought largely of the meke and water goods only or a few lines, and offer them te you as follews: Four hundred dexen Canned Cern at 6c a can. The labels only are soiled by water. The com we guarantee te be better than Baker's or any ether 10c or 12c corn In the market. It don't pay te tuke It up, but we wanteur trade te have a chance at It, New Is your time. Don't come after It Is all gene. One hundred deren Solid Packed Tomatoes at 7c a can. These tomatoes are ns geed as any 10a or 12c tomatoes packed, and saw very Utile or tbe smoke or water. Every can guaranteed. A big bargain. One hundred dozen cans of Blackberries at C'icacun. This lsauether big drive. Think of It 1 Four cans of Fine Blackberries for 25c. One thousand cans of French Peas at lie and 12.;e a can. Yeu never heard or the like before. Geed as any French Peas In the market at 18c and 20c HERE WE ARE I Only fifteen mat Finest Mandhellng Java Coffee all we could get. Saw smoke only nnd net in the least affected by it. The price bxlay Is 35c and 38c V lb. We will sell It te you at 28c B. Every pound must be as represented. Don't miss this chance. A FEW OUTSIDE SPECIALTIES. Fine llrlght Dates, 4 Bis for 25c. Pure Yerk State ileney, 15c, 3 te for 25c Mincemeat, 6c, 8c and 10c lb. Dried lleef, 10a lb. Knuckle Dried Beef, ISO V St. Picnic Hams, 8e v S. Aud a Thousand Big Bargains. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE STU Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A fa's Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. (Cljtttrtiuavc. H IGU A MARTIN. China, Glass, AND QUEENSWARE -AT- Wk are new epeulng our Spring Importation of Queensware and will be prepared te supply our customers with the very best grade of ware at Lewest Prices. Ueusestlres receive especial attention. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. CJarMxmve. H ARDWARBI HARDWARE! If you want te buy a Heuse-Stire -GO TO Marshall & Rengier's, 9 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN fcT. There you can get STOVES, TINWARE, CEDARWARE, CUTLERY, Aud a full Hue of Heusefurnishing Goods. Alse, a Full Stock of GENERAL HARD WARE, and PRIME NEW CL0VERSEED. MARSHATiTi&REXG-IEll NOS. 8 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. leO-lrd 4rlev. : EVAN'S FLOUR. "HEAR THE CONCLUSION OF HIE WHOLE MATTER." If j en want UoeJ llread right ulei g uud all the time use LEVAN'S FLOUR! Which has ben tried aud NOT found wuutlnt. ylartt of gmmMen. pALACK or r ASH ION. The Great Clearing Sale AT ASTRICH'S Pate of Fashion, 113 AID 117 N. QUEEN ST. Is new going en. BARGAINS GREATER THAN EVER T As premised we give you new a list of prices ler our special ueat Bale. Te-morrow (Saturday). January 18th. we offer as a ntnrter one let of Ceata at the extraordinary low price of $1.08 apiece. This let consists of : Ne. 1. Braided Jersey Ceat, fine rlltalltv. fafiiitltr ii rj Cn nltlnQ Ne. 2. Heavy Steckinette Jackets, sold formerly $4.60 te $0, at $1.98. Ne. 3. Fine tailor bound and Tailor mode Steckinette Jackets at $1.08. Ne. 4. Fine Black Corkscrew and Diagonal Jackets, Tailor niade,fermeriy sold at $0 te $7.60. new $1.08. Ne. 6. Fine all-wool Brown and Gray Striped and Plaid Coats, medium and heavy weight, some of tnm have never been sold at less than $3, new at $1.93 apiece. NEWMARKETS. Between three and four thousand I dollars worth of Newmarkets aud Plush I Coats will be sold regardless of cost. A rare chance. Read our prices en New markets. One let down te $2.50 apiece. The best will all be picked out 11 ret. De net delay. Second let nt S2.08 anlece. Choice styles, some of them have been sold at $0 te $0.60 apiece. They will go seen. ti you ceme into you miss your cnauce. Next let at $3.,5 nnlece. One let at $3.75 apiece, $7.50 and $8 goods. If they don't sell fust at $3.75 uacK tney go te tlie old price. The best of all 1 our Uve dollar let. Never did we eflur such a choice of quality and style at $5 apiece. Staple reeds which breuirht $0 te $10 in season. Next let ut $7.50 nnd $8 Includes some of our 11 nest licuvcr Cleth, guaranteed, made un te sell at $14 te $10 apiece. A surprise te you when you see them. This is only a small let. Anether let still fluer at $10.50 apiece, formerly $10 te $18. At $12 and $12.60 some of our very ducat Newmarkets, iucluilinir. several flue imported garments which cost $20 te import. One let at $15 upicce, our former prlce Then we come te our II nest all im ported garments, some of the styles we only have one or two of. The prices new are $10, $10.50 $18 aud $22.50 ; seme of these were originally from $30 te $40 apiece. These price- are positively limited as te time. They must either sell fust or be kept ever until next winter. Netene of the3e styles nre bad. They are all stuple and desirable styles and are just'as geed next winter as they are new. The chances arc all in your favor. Yeu can be benefitted by them if your eyes are open I All our Children's Cleth and Plush Coats reduced iu proportion. All our Infant's Merine Coats and Cloaks at cost price for a short time. 115 & 117 North Queen St. ev Stele ev Htcut. r-1 REAT AUCTION SALE OF ENTIRE V-H otecK or mew Furniture,! Commencing Satuiidav, Januaiiy- 2, 1890, At 0 o'clock a, in., will Inventory tfl.UOO, nnd will peMthely be sold without rescre. Tlie firm of Dclchlcr & Schauin, 21 Seuth Queen street, Lancaster city, hnve transferred the entire stock te the undersigned, te be sold ut auction, it Is an Immense stock, nnd there's the rub, be cause It will take n small army of house-keepers te buy it. Turn out! Turnout! forhau ferhau stlres. Fashionable l'arler Suits, Bedroom Suits, Hat Racks, Leunf "S, Kawy Chnlrs. Well we lmve everything found In a stock of the kind. JOEL L. HAINES, Jaul8,203,21AUv Auctioneer. s ECURE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family,' FOR SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster uNeiiuc, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Two-utery brick dwelling houses with innn sard reef, perches In front, lets Hi feet deep, en North Tine, between Chestnut aud Walnut streets. Tno-stery brick dwelling houses with front yards, Iren fences, lets 150 feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary nnd l'ina tercets. Twe-story brick dwelling, lets 115 feet deep, en West Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets ISOfcet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West ChCbtuut street, between l'lue aud Nevln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime. North Mary, between Walnut and l.cmeu, and Lemen, between Mnry and l'lne streets. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas nxtures In nil the rooms, water lu the kltchcii.nnd the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for jeuneir, no treuble te (.hew you. JNO. F. aRIEL,liriecutnm. JACOB URIEL, I Executers. aprCO-lyd.M. W.S. SJJ North Mary StreeL -p HAL ESTATK OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATEOFFICE. HOUSHS.imiLDINGLOTS.FARMS.MILLS, Ac,, for sale. Omit bargains. Cull for our new Catalogue Just out. HOUSES and I1USINE.SS PROPERTIES al wajs en hand for rent. RENTS COLLECTED Properties taken charge of, collection of rents, payment of taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without trouble or an an eo) auce te owners. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTdAOES. Fer thene having money te Invest we have first class mortgages en hand and the best of facili ties for Investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared nnd title carefully examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 EAST KINO STREET. nevs 3m d SUtorm'ue. -J" UTHER S. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eshleman Law Ilulldlng, Ne. 13 North Duke Street. aprt-lyd.1 w Palace of Fashion, TESSE JONES 4 CO.. fj Manufacturer CONFECTIONERS' FINK PAPER 1IOXK.S, The met beautirul line In the United states, tli CemiuurwSU. Philadel phia Pa. Write for descrlpllv e price list. , JuuI-7te4 ,. Vm ,.s :- -H w ' , w ' "