'Jir . V TM LAN0A8TEK DAILY INTJaGrttfOER , SATUltDAY, JANUARY 18. 189a i CHICAGO THEN AND NOW. V BILL NTE WRITES A CHIMER M TIE WESTERN METROPOLIS. . Mid t looked kind of flighty and desperate. Mywlfe hid my revolver and gave the Tnua-h e:i Rats te the della-hted and ever -1REAT IMPROVEMENTS. U Is net many yr ae njople trattled en horseback or tty stagesi newftfly rallt n hour U net tt enough for them. Formerly prep wrote letters that twt wli In reachln their destination j new the telegraph fhuh thpught around tn world. Formerly doctors bled their patient for nearly every cemplalnl toevt they use advanced science of the hlghesterder. Ijer. Austin Flint, efBellevue College, yt "The Judicious e of alcoholic stimulants IspiieeT the sulking characteristics or progress III the practice of medicine during the, last half era lury.'' Pret Henry Mett.Th. D. D..K.C.R, says s " lly a most careful analysis I havp found Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey free from adultera tions of rerelgn inbstnncm, and It deserves te meet with great success." Tim well-known Dr. R. W. Hutchinson, of New Yerk, pars l " I highly recommend Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey and prescribe It extensively In my practice. ' Rev. H. Mills, of Princeton. lowe, seys; I have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey with great benefit te my wire, who Is a confirmed Invalid, Iknew from experience It Is n pure and most valnable medicine, t nm also using It In the ense of my son, who Is threatened with con sumption. I am a Presbyterian clergyman and a doctor of divinity, bull urn net afraid tore-cemmcnd-Pqfr"s Malt Whiskey as the purest and most efficient tonic that I knew of, aud.my experience Is a large one." () giry 0Ot. R EDUCED PRICES. jeyed rats. I Imagined that I was going te die of heart failure or softening of the J.HARRYSTAMM, oral ii. l thought 1 eellia near my urain softening. When I turned ever I thought I could hear It slosh up against the ratters of my head. "All my life came back te two in a mo ment. 1 remembered a geed deal,, that I Would have rmld something te forget, I saw the statement of my account and noticed that large discounts bed been made en ttje credit slde, chargefl te " col lections. " Several hundred new entries had also bean made en the debit side. SLAUGHTER PRICI llerr Loeloo, Daughter or the Great Chief, Hub Given l'lnee te the 1'ale Facs-lii Grlppe Attacks Nye. 24 Centre Square, Lancaster, Penn'a. Bring the Answer Every Tim f ANYONEWHOKNiiWM AWTittwii BOOTS AND SHOES KNOWS THAT i The city of Chicago has undoubtedly willored a ceed ileal liv reason of ilie an an an lntontlennlly tight ntul flippant moniier in wh'e'i her society and literature have been treated by Kugone Field during the pant flve yearn. Mr. Field has net dene this mallcieiifily, but thoughtlessly, for he has n warm lieart, though ruthcr eeld feet, It is wld. He 1ms nt various tlmes touched upon the (bibles of a few of the Parvenu people of Chicago wul conveyed theidca thnt llicre were mere of them thin there reilly nre perhaps. All of this has been detm, 1 ewjvcr. in a pleasant spirit of t. nte' welt calculated te awaken mirth ami harmless laughter among theso who were nut roferred te and a hollow, ghostly smtle en the faces of lliose who wcrg. GOODS Never danced, te a merrier tuns for you than new. The Knife of Redactions nsriush Coats at IIS. M Blecklnett Coats at ft GO. t7 Shawls tt M Shawls atHM. 1M Henriettas nlRV. SOc Corsets ntS7Jc. 25c Woolen Hie nt 17c. Men's While KM Shirts at97,S;c. Men's 2.V: Hese at 12Kc litnh Ornaments at Cost. Stumped Linens at Cost. Cellars, Cuffs, Ruchtngs and Ribbons Less than Cost. BLANKETS, COMFORTS, FLANNELS, UNDERWEAR, And alt Heavy Goods goat Great Reductions. DIIKKB GOODS have received the Hardest Ulew. liargaln In this line arc loe numerous te mention. Pay us a visit and be bene 0 ted by our LOW PRICES. Stackbense Is Offering BargiJ AT . SflDTTOEi BOOR Nes. 28 and 30 East Xing Street r STORE FULL OF CUSTOMERS ALL Has missed bttt few things, se tint our entire stock Is at your disposal AT Reduced Prices. WEEK. EVERYBODY HArPY I WHY HIICIIIt.riVT TIO'V m.- raw M CLANK'S UVMl riLLS. BAUOA1NS AND WE'RESATISFIKD.- ANOTHER BAROAINIXJT JUST IN. OOOM MUlsT MOVE, ANDTHEY ARK '41' i MOVING ! 'l THE GENUINE DR. C. . 7;J tf oei mt 9hetm . s, "HOOTS AND SHOES. . "P, tW WHAT A HALF CENTUM" HAS WIlOt'OllT. Chicago Is In lntttude 41 degs, 52 nilti., 20 rcc. : longitude, 87 dogs, 35 mill. v with a lake cxposure which is especially nptlceableat that season of the year when the small heys de most go in b.ilhitig. The slte of Chicago was dctermincd by the Chicago rlver, up the south branch of which, the historian sa.VB, the Indian itaddlcd his canee ages bofero Sir (Jcorge 'oilman Invented his justly eel ob rut oil hlngeless .steeping car blankets or Philip Armour introduced his juicy side meats and succuleut leaf lard into the great seething marts of trade Here, whero ouce the rank thistle uodded in the wyhd and the dusky warrior, Innocent eyeiher of the kncwledge of gunpowder or Persian powder, warred with the turbulent Sioux or the niore iKxiecful Chinpewa, new a mighty metropolis, laying held upon the entire national system of railway trafllc, sits calmly at tho'feot of a great ehulu of lakes and culls attention te lierself by means of geed readitig notices In the press, prepared by the skilllul hand of such meu as L'lmrlei Duilley Warner, of Hartferd. Conn., and publlsl.e I by our oxteomed contemporary, Mr. Harper, whose neul little Journal of civilization is printed at the west end of the bridge. Although the location of Chicago Is te all appoaranceon a low, Hat pioce of land, it is n matter of fact n sort of watershed none the less and the dividing line between the great vnlley of the St, l.awrence and the Mississippi. Tills makes it healthful and tills the air with vigor, for the city is fully elghteeu feet obevo the level of the lake. Climbing this height by easy stages, ene is enabled te leek down upon the lake which lies at Ids feet, and a sunrlse viewed from the crest of Michigan avonue is well wei th getting up te witness, even Cheugh ene has been up until cpdte Inte the even ing before. Marquette, the Jesuit missionary, in 1G".'I, was the Urst white man te set feet en the site where since se many eminent and ex ten si ve feet have been set. He was en his way te catch a Milwaukee train and get bridged thcre. Subsequently he, Ii Salle, Jollet and Hcnnepln passed down from the lake via the south branch of the Chicago rlver te the Mississippi. In lbOl the government built Fert Dear born at the mouth of the river, and later en (-onto Indians, whose stock of Cau casian polls was running quite low, killed thogarrisen and seut in their report. Aug. 10, 1SI13, Chicago decided te become incorporated, as twenty-eight people had arrived there since the massacre of 181", a ul, alter Incorporating, the cntire popu pepu litl n decided te held the world's fair ut that point in 1MU. Chicago was then getting oue mail nor week via Nilcs, Mich. New Niles is chid te get the most of her mail from Chicago. The first nowspaper was issued bv .lehu Calhoun, Nev. J, 1SI3. Tills was rapidly followed by another copy of the same, which appeared Dec. II. Some of the old subscribers and advortlsers aie still allve and point totheinsclvos with prlde. It was at about this time that e was p.ild, or where paid rather, perhaps as a lawyer's bill by the new city. Slnce that prices hae advanced, however, and new Chicago pays mere than that te lawyers every week, Hen. J. I). Caten was paid for legal sorvices for 1833-1 $75. TIiIh sum, together with what he get for his nni'-krat, s'iins, kept him in geed style. It was about this tiinertliata inre black bear was killed in lrent of the beard of trade build ing, and William llress saw a large gray wolf run by liishouseon Michigan avenue. Within half a century hew all tills lias changed, "'he llttle paper which then brleliy announced the death by masaere of Its choicest subscribers or joyfully loferred te the arrival of the mail from Niles for the current week, has given place te mammoth and haudsome jour nals representing every party and every industry. Whero old Chief Polkadett, drisscd llke a dish of sal id, vir., witli oil, addressed the multitude, new such men as James Kussell Lewell speak briefly en seme occult siibject llke Shakespeare and thou regret afterward that tliey did net speak en the cubject tliey agreed te speak en. Where ence Loeloo, daughter of the chintz-bug tliat-cleans-out-the-cornlleld, was went te deck herself out in the coon skin shoulder cape and burlap leggius of a crude civilization, new beauty In Pa risian gowns mid the rich gear of Mr. Werth, dazzles the oye of the savant and proves that half a century in the liisteiy of a typical American city means a geed deal. Chicago docs net pity lierself. Slie does net feel sorry for herself. Slie accepts her humhle let, pays the park tax en it and f;oes en about her business. She lias been nirned out ence and, like Uoiten, inade n big hit bv it. Se the koresono lamp of Mrs. Mctilnty, or whatever her nameiuay h.ive been, was the beacon light te show the city in which direction beauty and prosperity lay. Slie lias ineil various kiiius ei iiavciiiciii. with sorrow and less and discouragement, but new she Is en the right track. Yeu can ride about Chicago new for a day at n time without Jolting your soul Inte the soles of your beets, and you will sce seme haudsome houses and magnificent public and commercial buildings, tee. I would llke te soe oue Auierlc.ii city, howeior, start! oil" with the idea shat a handsouie building, r vate fr public, needs lets of ground te glve it a proper setting. Ground gtts se valuaulc, however, thai a beautiful building nearly always in our count -v whero laud Is plenty, en the start, Ilia's itself surrounded by bokei lr, rum holes and livery sables. 1 am only surprised that the ojpltel at Wi shingten isn't engulfed In candy, confectionery, under taking, embalming and loe cream, instead of facing a thousand cheap bearding houses, w ith the city and the treasury at its back. The grippe is getting te be an old theme, and se I will touch lightlv en It here. I'm just convalescing, and if it will let me alene I will let It alone. Avoid it, gentle reader, If you can. De n a laugh at it, or treat It lightly. Fight shy of it, lass by It and light out. I was thopleiuro of health wlien it c-uiie along and teuchd me gently en the hirviix. New I am pale and sad. The doctors did net exactly knew hew te deal with It at first. They had te leek about a llttle and sce for themselves. I could net cat anything for weral weeks. It was net for the Kiino reason that I did net eat when I was publishing a paper In Wyoming, hewever. This time I hud the opportunity without the desire. Theu 1 had the desire without the opportunity. Tills symptom was followed by foveriiay fever, oeugii, heaves, dimness of sight, less of sleep and hair, pains in the Joints, back and chest. Kverything that was dis'-euraging. Then I began te hear about pc ple who committed bulc'.de bocatise they had the grip. Friend eame la una CONVALESCENCE, Finally I lest consciousness and ex pected te wake in seme new And undis covered country. When I did awake it was 1830. The boy who brings my telegrams wished me a happy New Year, the dis trict incssenger boy, nine of him. did the same. It cost me fifty cents apiece. The ex pressmen who had worked nights te bring gifts te the heuse went away 2 ahead. The boy who said he delivered the World te ice every morning wanted te wish tne a happy New Year, also the Sun boy and the Herald boy and the 2Vibniic and 37mr boy, olse several ether boys who Hed. Then a boy, who said he held my herse last year while I went into the postefllcc, wished me a happy New Year ; I bought him off. A peer woman, who said she had a l.ime boy who mewed my lawn two years age, wished me a happy New Year and get a pair of checkered trousers, almost as geed as new. An old miner, whom I had grub staked en Douglas crock six years age, steadied himself by the deer and wished me a happy New Year ; said he had scen by the pafiers that my iucome was se much greater than Vanderbllt's that Van had gene away ashamed of himself. I breke into ene of the children's banks and gave him the money tliey had saved te buy a denkey. Then 1 went back te bed again. Every body wishes me a happy New Year at se much nor wish. Hut I de net murmur or replne. The year 1880 lias been geed te me, and cheer fully t pay my assessment, only glad that with its ether victims the grin did net, us it wanted te, gather me in, 1 hope, how hew how ever, that as America grows elder she Will net build up, as ether eldor countries have, an army of whining holiday beggars, se that, Instead of days of rejoicing, the holidays will take away our appetites and bring out the accumulated cripples of 11 ve hundred years. The holidays in Paris ere the most sad and sickening of the year, for then all the sad and sere eyed multitude are turned loeso en the streets, and the man who works and porsplres and bathes is the euly oue wlie doesn't makeanvthing out of It or feel like eating when dinner comes. I hope that cheap rates across the At lautiu and ill udvlsed genorestty en this side will net build up this Coyeto indus try in the land of freedom. Waked Up KfTbetually.' A lethargic, dormant condition of the liver Is hardly te be overcome with drastic ca thartics and uauseeus cliolagegucs. A gentler, pleasuntcr and far mere effective means ex ists of arousing the organ when soinuelent. Thin Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, vouched fur by the medical fraternity, tested by the nubile for ninny ears. A resumption by the biliary organ eflls secretive function, with the activity attendant upon health, a return te regularity of the bowels, and a renewal of diges tion, are the nelens happy and certain results of using the Hitters systematically. Its laxa tlvncllect lsnuver painful mid drenching, Its tendency being rather te pcrpetuate regularity than te produce a copious action. Malaria, nervousness debility, kidney troubles and neuralgia It subdues effectually. 15-22 What's better for a wound than Salvation Oil Eche answers: " What." We answer: "Nothing." ".Se say wc alPef us, seMiy we all." Only 20 cents. A peer unfortunate In Milwaukee Is said te have sneezed Himself te death. Alas peer creature, living In the light or the nineteenth century and never heard of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Well, this U mere than Kgyptlan dark ness ( .V century of progress lias net produced a remedy equal te Ely's Cream Bnlm for catarrh' eeld In the bead and hayfever. It Is net a liquid eraiuitr, but Is perfectly safe and easily applied into the nostrils. It gives Immediate relief and cures the worst cases. Ilen't say thcre Is no help for catarrh, hay fever mid cold In head, since thousands testify that Kly's Cream Halm has entirely cured them. Ilhiipersedes Ihoduugcreus use of liquids slid snulls. It Is easily applied Inte the nostrils and gives relief at once, l'r co SOc. gpcctnl Jleticce, Mothers! Mothers ! I Mothers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of. your rest by a sick clitiu suuering ami crying with the excruciating palu of cutting teeth T If se, goat once and gel a bottle of MH8. WINB IiOW'H SOOTlIINa SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon 11 ; thcre Is no mistake about It. There Is noreniether en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will recu la te the bowels, aud give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic 11 Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Held everywhere, 25ccntsabottle, lune251yd&w The Verdict Unanimous. W. D.Hult, Druggist, lllppus, Ind., testifies " I can recommend Klectrte Hitters as the very best remedy. ery bottle sold has glv en relief In every case. One niun took six bottles and cured of llheunmtlsm of 10 jcars standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Hulvllle, Ohie, af firms : "The best selling medicine! bavecver handled In iny 20 years' cxerlenre, Is Kleelrle Hitters." Thousands of ethers havendded their testimony, se that the verdict Is unanimous that Klrctrle Hitters de euro all discuses of the I.Hcr, Klduevs or Hloed. Only a half dollar n bottle at II. II. Cochran's Drug Htere, 137 & ISO N. Queen HU, Iincasler, l'a. lluoklen's Arnica Halve. Thk HEsrHALVKlnthe world ferCuU.Hrulses Seres, Ulcers, Salt Khenin, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hkln Kruptlens, nnd positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed le give per fect satisfaction, or money rejTuuded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by 11. H. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 13a North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa- lune27-lyd jy AVeninn's Illseovery. " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and thut tee by u ludy In this county. Disease fastened Its clutches ukiii her and for seven j ears he withstood Its severest tests, but her vital organs were undcrmlnd and death seemed Imminent. Ter three months she coughed in. cessautly nnd could net sleep. Mho bought of us ahottluef Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and wusse much relieved en taking tlrt dose that she slept all night and with ene Queen St., I.aucaster, Pa. 3Jh0tefmt)h0. 1OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KtEnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Harkgreunds made especially for Hust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. ROTE. be 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer 10 the l'oleuiUj, Jan7-mtl Ijotllenas neeu iuiniuiu) tu,."il v""" Is Mm. Luther I.utz." 'Ihus write AV.C. Ham rick Jt Ce., of Shelby. N. (V Oct n free trial hot het limit II. It. Cochran s Drug Stere, 1J7 &1.IN. -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! FOR SICK HEADACHE! Mr. end Mrs. Williams, Ne. 278 (seventh street, N. Y., testify that they have both been surfer Ing Willi liver complaint for about flve years, during which time they have snt a large amount or money and tried many remedies, but te no purpose. Finally, hearing or the genuine Dr. C. Mcl-ane's Liver Pills, prepared by 1; lem Ing llres., Pittsburg, Pa., they purchased four boxes, which they took according te the direc tions accompanying each box, and new pro pre pro neunco themselves perfectly cured of that dis tressing disease. , .. . . This is te certify that I ha ve been subject at limes te severs headache; sometimes the pain would be se severe I could rest neither day or night. Hearing of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitts burg, Pa., I sent nnd get ti box, of which I leek two pills en going tebed, for two nights. They relieved me entirely. Some time has new elapsed and I have had no mere treuble from bIck headache. M. JOHNSTON, 118 Lewis Btrect, N. Y. This Is te eertiry that I have had tin liver complaint for six years, and I never could get any medicine te help me until I commenced using the gcnulne Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, l'a. I can uew say te the public, that tliey have com pletely cured me; and I de hereby recommend them te nil iwrsein afflicted with a diseased liver. Try them. They will cure. MARIA EVANS, Ne. l3 Lewi street, N. Y. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mc Irfine's Liver Pills, prepare by Fleming llres.. Pittsburg, Pa. Prlce 35 cents a box. Seldbynli druggist. (3) H UMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fer Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs AND POULTRY. COO Page Boek en Treatment of Animals nnd Chart Sent Free. cures) Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A.A. Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. 11.11. Strulns, Lameness. Rheumatism. C.C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Hots or drubs, Worms. K.K. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. K.F. ColleorOrlpes, Bellyache. Jl.f J. M Iscarrlaue, Hemorrhages. I. II. Urinary nnd Kidney Diseases. 1. 1. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J.IC Diseases of Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Sjieclflcs, Manual, W I tell HarclOll nnd Medlcuter 97.00 PRICE, Single Bettle (ever 50 doses) HO Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and In nny quantity en Receipt or Price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., 100 Fulton St., N. Y. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC NO. US. In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK NESS, und Prostration, from Over-Werk or ether causes. SI per vial, or S vials and large vial powder for te. Sei.n nv Dboeoists, or sent prepaid en ro re ro cclptOOef price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO.,1 Fulton St., N. X. une27-Th,S&w D RUNKENNESS. LIQUOR 1IA1IIT. Ill All the World thcre Is but One Cure. Hit. HAINES GOLDKN HI'GCIFIC. It can 1 given In a cup of coffeeor ten, or In articles of feed, without the knowledge of the patient, if necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, who her the patient Is a moderate drinker or nn alcohol te wreck. IT NEVER FA1I.S. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the'patleut undergoes no Inconvenience, and ere he Is aware, hlscompleto reformation Is eflected. 48 page book of particulars free. CHAS. A. LOCHEU. Druggist. Ne. II Ensl King St., Lancaster, l'a. octH-ced-TTIuUi V " UnDEVEIjOPKI) PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te in quiries w will say that there Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly indorsed, interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., & Swan St., Butlale, N. WJMlhf Tulttle Jlre. fil-lydftw rpEETHINU 8YRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a loltle of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. Ne Opium or Merphia mixtures. Wlllrt Wlllrt lleve Celic, Griping In the Bowels nnd Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared byDRS.D.FAHR NEY A SON, Hngerstewu, Md. Druggists sell it; 25 cents. Trial bettleFcnt by mall 10 cents, lanl-lydeed&w iUtttchce. -yy-ATHEs. HMER1CHN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Specs, Ey Etc., at LOWEST PRICES. e-Qlasse Optical Goods. Telegraph Tttna Dally. Every Article In this Llue Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, He. lODKNerth Queen St.. Near P. R.R. Station. TEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GIL-U Jeweler and Graduate Optician. OURSTOCIC LARGER THAN EVER AND MORE SELECT, AND INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS GREATER. Eyes Examined Free, no drops usi:u. CHAS.S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. w ALTER C.HERIt. Herr,Jeweler. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. AND EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE. And ure prepared te quete the LOWEST PRICES, quality taken Inte consideration. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF 0RAN0E, NEW BOSTON STORE, XTe. 24: Centre Square. Pm cscebft G REATBARQAINS IN- DRY GOODS -AT THE New Yerk Stere. rREVIOUS TO OUR ANNUAL INVENTORY LOOK AT Til EM. DOUBLE-FOLD CLOTH SUITlNGS-a Bar gain at Vl& a yard. Forty-Inch GERMAN PLAID SUITINGS, Silk and Weel, S?c ; reduced from SOc. RILK AND WOOL MIXTURES, 40 Indies wide, OTJc ; were 60c. Firty-feur-Inrh BILK AND WOOLSUITINGS reduced from 75c te 60c a yard. Fine HROADCLOTH SUITINGS, yard and n-half wide, 75c a yard ; never sold for less than 1100. Three Theusand'4 Yards OUTING CLOTHS, Spring Styles, Dcst quality, Be a yard ; worth lc LADIES' l'LUSH JACKETS, most popular Eiirment of the season, 17 each ; reduced from HO. . LADIES' NEWMARKETS reduced from $8 te!10ench teJl&Onndfj. SUSSES' NEWMARKETS, great bargains at J275 each. IRISH PEASANT COATS dropped from (12 50 te JO each. NEW CONNEMARRAW down from tig and fMtelll te15cach. , Special Bargains In WHITE AND COLORED HLANKETSutVery Lew Prices. WATT & SHAND, Nes. 6, 8 & 10 East King St. VITlIiLIAMMON FOSTER. Once mere we come te the front with addi tional and effective bargains in; MEN'S OVERCOATS. IM Chinchilla Reaver. Marked 116 00 2. Menleune " " H 00 21 " " " 20 03 10 Dark llruwii Cuss " 8 60 10 " Gray " " 8 60 ROYS' OVERCOATS. $ 0 Dark Mixed Cuss ...Marked I 5 00 J) .. . y flO " " " Z!"!!""""" " 7 oe 10 " " , " 11 oe 10 " " " " 8 00 MEN'S TANTALOONS. 00 llluck Worsted Marked M 00 4 m " " ' 3 60 3 60 " " " 2 60 360 Mixed Cass " 2 60 4 00Casslmcre " 2 75 500 Extra Heavy Cass M,. ' 3 60 BOYS' TANTALOONS. 1360 Extra Heavy Cass Marked 12 60 3 00 ' . " 2 25 2 60 " " " " 2 00 4 60 " " " " 3 60 HOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS. IS 00 Fancy Cass Marked W 00 8 00 Black Corkscrew- " 6 00 7 00 Blue Tricot " (1 00 660 Mixed Cass. " 4 75 4 50 " " " 8 75 CHILD'S CAPE OVERCOATS. f.i 00 Funcy Cass Marked 17 60 6 00 ' " " 4 00 4 60 " " - " 8 60 3 60 " " " 2 60 LADIES' AMI GIRLS' COATS. flOM Gretchcu .....Mnrked f 900 000 800 700 800 " 20 00 Ladles' 18 00 ' 1700 " NcwmarkcU.. 18 60 IS 00 15 00 14 00 12 00 .160 400 1800 1500 400 500 " Beaver Jacket LADIES' UNDERWEAR. 05CheniUe Marked! 25 " 75 ' " 40 " " 42 Drawers " 70 " '..!!!!'.!....'.!!i.'."!!!'..7.."!.".'!!!! 75 " " 42 Corset Cevers " 40 " " !!!""!!"!!!!"!!'.!"'."" 73 21 65 34 32 28 65 03 84 45 82 23 03 72 44 62 1 10 113 .Vi 30 1 2.5 Night Robes " ue . t .,...... M 50 " " .' - " 1 38 White KhlrU".'.'".'"";;"!.'".'.'.'." " 76 ' " " j ii ti M( ii 60 " " ' '.'".'.' '".. .'.'.!'.'.'.'."!" " 38 " " " DRFJSS GOODS AND MUSLINS, All-Weel Henriettas Mnrkwl 8.5 60c Plaids. 37Kc Ijincaster ainghnms Hill's Muslins, 1 yard wide.. Standard Prints Canten Flannels 7Uc i c 5 0 fa c " 7e " , " 8 c " 1I,I2HJ Smyrna Rugs nnd ChcnllloTablcCevcrs at all prices. Blunkcts, Comforts and Shawls at quirk-sell, leg prices. CENT'S NECKWEAR AND OLOVES. Men's nnd Beys' Silk Neckwear. 13e and 17e 60c Purls and Four-lnHend Scarfs -tne Susienders 6c, 10c, 13c , - 16c Extra Fine huienders 26e Beys' Heavy llevc 15e Men's Heavy Mitts .17e Men's Heavy Weel and LealherOlevcs .26c Lined Uleves and MRU ...3se Uulincd Dress Olevts 25,60,75c Lined Dress Oleves ........': jOc OENrS UNDI'.llWEAR ANDSHIRTH. While or Colored .Merine , 21c A 11-Weel Derby Ribbed ..II (JO Working Shirts 26e Men's and Beys' Deinet Shirts 38c and 60c II 25 Blue HhlrU, All-Weel, marded. . 76e CARDIOANS. IJej s' Cardigans. Marked! 45 .Men's " " ..JO Men's Astrakhan CeaU 1160 Beys' Shirt WulsU 25c and 60e HATS. CAI'S AND LADIES' FURS. The Finest Silk Hat In the city .,..13 00 II 60 Fur Felt HaU Marked 1 U) fj 00 Fur Felt HaU ' 160 Wc Windser Caps .. . . " S5 60! Bey's Steamer Caps . ". 15 Ladles' Shoulder Cuic at tempting bargain All the Ladles' Fur Muffs at prices that am buver's options. BOOTS AND SHOES. A quantity of Fine Hand-Sewed Ladlts'Bbees madelby theihest factories of carefully selected bright Dongola sleck, the prices for which muUethfiiilwrgttliw rarely offered. , .., II KO Square Tee -.Marked II 00 180OicraToe, . " 100 3 60Hnndewed .. - . " 210 3 60IViuiiroTeo " 2 50 S 60 Round Tee. . ..... ........ . ... "2 60 blzc-i lu the last three leU uru I, li und 2. Williamson 6c Fester, 32.38 EAST KINO LANCASTER. PA. NO. 318 " WfiTlva$!' "I1UR0, PA. C M ETZGER A HAUGHMAN. Grreat Redaction in Prices T TO CLOSE OUT OUH HAMDSOME SEAI PIUSH COATS AND t LADIES' AND CHILDREN S CLOTH COATS, Metzger & Haughman's, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPKK HOUSE.) N KXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. CLOSING SALE Te-day we placotheCleilng Price en our stock of Ladles' aud Children's Jerseys, both Black and Celers. All the J2 60 te 3 60 ciuulllles reduced te II 80. All the II 60 te 12 qualities reduced tot I IP. The II quality reduced te 8.1c. The 75c quality redii"ed te 50c. The37e quality reduced te 25c. The Children's II 25 quality reduced te 05c. The Children's II quality reduced te Gttc. All the Ladles' and Children's Coats ul n Sacrifice. Remember also, the Closing Prlce Is en all tlie Woolens, such its Shawls, Blankets, Flannel, Caps and Heeds, Mittens, Underwear, ,tc, .te. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. TJARD A MCELROY. BARE) St McELRbY, Meb. 33 tnd 35 Seuth Queen Street, THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. BLANKETS-RlaukcU at 75c, II 00, II 25, II 60 and up. COMFORTS Our own make of Comforts, large slr.e, geed Calice, Cretonne and Cotten, at II 60 tnk the lead. Count (tout for yourself the Callcoer Cretonne, and the Cotten nnd see whether you could make them nny lower by milking them yourself, aud have the bother yet of making them. AUe Factory CemfurU ut all prices. UNDERWEAR We take the lead for Lew Prices In Underwear In AH Crudes, for Lndlcs, Men or Children. SHAWLS The ineit for your money In Hhii)Vln Hint was ever given In Iiucnster. A Special Drive In a Deublo Shawl. In Green and Black unit lllue Plaid, at U 60. Deuble Shawls from 12 00 up. Slngte Shawls at half the price. FLANNELS Our reputation en FlatiuelH Is established. The best goods nt prices ever sold Medicated Red Twill at 250 J worth 37c OIL CLOTH Yeu can wive money by buying your Fleer, Stair, Tabic, or Shelf Oilcloth from us. FEATHERS We ere really surprised ourselves at the number of pounds of Feather sold Our price Is the lowest en best goods. A lower grade at 60c HOSIERY Yeu will And iw all right In the Hosiery line, as regards te quality and price, either In Cotten or Weel, for Ladles, Men or Children, PRICES Our prices you will find are lower than any ether house In the rl'y. When we started In business, almost tliree ) ears age, we knew ir we wanted te de any trade nt all we would have te offerEeods at low prices. We have done se. We have built up a geed trade. We nre con tinuing en with low prices, and our renard Is a continuous Increasing iriuic. BARDSc Nes. 33 and 3b Seuth Queen Street. &OU0, &c. E LINN A BRENEMAN. "What Minn & Breneman Dells aud Dell Carriages, Hteam Engines, Magic Lanterns, Mugnutlc Toys, Printing Presses, Teel Chests, Building Blocks, Feet Balls, Mcchnulciil Toels, Fine Lamps, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc., FXXITIT & BRENESIAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. SSw39T3C3SnST3Z7r ffiavpet OAROAINSI TJAUOAINBI OO TO Shirk's Carpet Hall I - FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &. Wr. HAVKTIIC LAItQMT AMI IIRI STOCK IN TllBClTV. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. vrz: rtvurte. T ANCABTER CARPET HOUSE. 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO (JO TO SHAUB & V0NDERSMITH. RUaS. CARPETS. ART SQUARES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Etc. FINEST LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES In the City for the Prices, lie Suru te Sce Them. DESTOOODS! LOWEST PRICES GROUND FLOOR I ONE PRICE ! CARPET AND CARPET WORK I BIST AND CHEAPEST I NearCerner of Orange & N. Queen. aug29-)yd OF JERSEYS. Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn. Have for Beys and Girls ! Trtc-helders (New), Savings Banks, Sliced Animals, etc., Iren Toys, Expresx Wagons. Velecledcs, 0 Iris' Tricycles, Sleds aud Coasters for Wedding and Christmas Presents. .iicwj.u: anil. r c zrz IMIttcft. JUST RECEIVED SO Cases Mere 29 East King Street, H, E. SLAYMAKER, Agi. - Special Great WesternWineExtraDry " -?i. ' n d CTArtuniicr I ..rmnvw 28 and 30 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. TTONEST AH THE DAY 18 LONG. Standard Shee. Fer Men's W&r-A number of lines te Mjt siwin ei una 10 recommend te-day.Sft nutns fur nnil rldf, r.ip Hiai aAiiAn.,..f wcarhiK qimlltles. Parllcnlnrly ndnptedvl nir I'eui'ciiieii, leiier-cnrriers, cur driven 3 und conductor!, nnd nil these whose oe-Sjl cupnuen eiuiees mem te lx en their feetf lensuiiuiy. iinve geed stout plump S .tlu.1. It. ..n.... ..l.t. -lit J-L. .Li . Irlple henvy soles. Mnde eyer bre4'5'' ....-, U11.UU1111 wi vaiih niuu uuuevii s m iisthetlny Ieiir for morvlce; great Ibrll niui'iKuiumcomien nicy Kve in wwuj?1 I ng. Price reoennbtc-$2. te 60, i nd - fi. KVrrV finii rtf (hixin mntrna nttt WAnlkVl moremonoy; they4ll te hlghcrbyand jr " S Meil's drill II ('rwviiiTinrfl nnrt nU ?S excellent shoes for teurIi wentlier; tm$ out " that way. n, 82 fiO nnd $3-grade3 iwinmcii vnubu ugure. if Hntlcl r'ninfiirl '. Ilw.lul.n -- mJH!l- a line efextni hrend soled shoe te fit ffct i men's fill feet ; lace nnd Cenitrcss. WeMJ"ii mm siiesiniuiiiiiy mniie; material ibcj them thai stands lltrt tail, nf innrfiMM-' ICusy te slip Inte; wise nnd comfort ferj g the root ylthln. ti te 1 1 10 n pnlr-oedA 1 eeiicr, ursi quulltles. Ihciu ; no Imllallens. These we havef -' from $.1W up. Excellent wearers; keffj thri fHt tri from nt.l ntifl r-,rtlT.' . til. The shoe for "La Orlppe ' conveJ Iccrnts. 1 . &A r i'$ SHAUB & BURN 4 14 North Quken Street, IiAKCAfsJ ,.. n. Jt'M IJ.I. M. At Vrt ll EDUCTION IN SHOES 1 SWEEPING REDUCTION. TO MAKE ROOM KOR SPRINQANDK JIl-.ll STOCK. - Ah' nnu-u inu iieiiunyN i niive tjone all tnresta my stock und hn mnrked u Inrae nuantltyl the Men m Drrss S1hmm nt. i,,l liti..ur .wv-Ic i lnukoreom ferHiirlni-mul Hmnnin. Mnfi.r. ft.-... ( .l. .UlP.I.I .. .. . ... - .'ifiiffl Iyce, ButUiunudCeiiurrss, In two widths M nil sues, e hi v, reduced from te n. , ?. A eOlllldetO fl Mil,- will, Tlnt nnrl French Tees, lu Luce, Butten or CenawiWl mnrked down tell. n3H A few mera Icftorthui-ctrbretcit Rtce&HncI Ins t-i Shoes, lu Ijuc, Bulleii mid Congress, wll (. ii..,, jiniiufv mill iiiaiii ureau leetf, reun .i t. ' :r & ew it iui ui wiwH which we term t- oaesa ends," bcine slz.es Kft ecr fiem regular lln uuiiKin ei mcieries who railed, sela or Da uu,( nu B" nt, i-iiiiuui lllltll'll II1CI1I (IXS1 niiv mnrKea tiiem down In the samepr lien, Men's K Shoes te it; tlM Shoes telSfiOtl Shoes teri; lanhoesleJifiO; rifiO Hlieeatal This Is n Benn Klde Reduction, und we nlee every thou even nt thes low Kleure MrDlspluy enn be seen lu Eust Window. &" ineune-rnceuffsn neui . . . m Unas. H. Prey, (Successor te FREY dc ECKERT) the LMttari Ixiw Prices Itt i BOOTS AND SHOES! KJIU 4 J. C . A U1 tri3fi UTHL'ten LANCASTER. PA. & .. . . , . - r , Mantua. XT tiAMITJ AD1JAIU UUULK), f3 -U" AVJ -. -. m ZZk I I rl T-l CI iW-.?. THE FINE NEW LAMPS: AND "S .&! HRT COODS X' ON SECOND FLOOR JohnLAmeld'sBuildingj;: NORTH QUEEN STREET. JM aM i-&t t ALL AD SEE y THE 3fa. ROCHESTER LAMP!; Sixty Caudle-Llglit ; BeaU them all. ) Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Qun40MVj DIUVVS. THE'" PERFECTION " M ETA L MO UI.DINQ and RUBBER CUHHIOif J Weather Strip. Beats them nil. ThlnstrlpoutwenrsalleUm, Keeps OUl lite com. nujjiniiiiiiB v WIUU Exeludes the dust. Keeps out snow and A,ive,icuuHni)ly It no wastoer dirt ma aunlylni: It Cun be titled anywhere no h te bore, ready ler use. i will net spilt, war shrink a cushion sfrln Is the most perfect: the Steve, Healer and liange Hter or i$ Jehn P. ScnaumSei no. RniiTH miFPN ST.. '" W . W . . . . . . ., y, , Ufluuiiut ra. -T,i,iTi.- mi.viniv iNHEtrr PO 1 .PB'K?l5 iir?JP jrSPl HSFXGliL, AtUUBM-.Y.DRy iS -in- m Men's Dress Shee! 'hJ.- teajE5 V k H - JtWr.