,1 v?i rtwr 'Af, l& If s. m fC mi im Vssr M VM. m & 'Hi- i ey ti." M & X, ;! y ,-CSVK"1 1.15 ..- V. aeSBBSr fflEPARIKG- FOB A CONCERT. fff CIHlLSI-imTlElfJlGE'i (I'll. 1 "'ifTTIWJlEWTMITMmSTS. CltariMP. Wilsen, BMdlnjr A Celum- M 0eU1. Marries MU Emily ' Merer, of Lebanon, Ttanraaay. COLTOBU, Jan. K.-The Cheral seclrly htMRBiMUng last erenlng In the lecture room of the Prebytrln church and de i4kd te give a grand concert In the opera fconae en Friday evening, February 14. lb eclety U composed of about fifty et tfa meat prominent young ladle and eetlewien, and their flrat concert la .till remaateereu a 01 uiju uium. occaalen four celebrated vocal artUta from NewTerkwlUbeeniragcd te aaalat. The sMitttte will be Mr. Win. Courtney, tener: Mr. Perry AverllU, baaaej MIm Hattle CUpper, contralto; Madame Ilallenbeck, dramatle soprano. Tbtt quartette have been elnglng before the meat select audi eaeee of the large cities and the musical treat will be of a high order. Adrtttofcareraneit of siding Ne. 3, In the coal yards of th3 P. It. a, last night Inte another draft of cars. Four cars wrecked, and the wreck crew were In ser vice. The tracks vrere cleared In a short time, Samuel Ilogenteglor, brnkemsn en crew He. 23, of the P. R. IT., was coupling car Inthe yards last night, and had hit right arm painfully squeeicd. The Injury Is net serious, and will keep him off duty for a short time. The oyster supper In Trinity Reformed church last night was a decided succeiS, and will be continued te-night. Arthur Zlnn was sued by his slop-father, Foter Ooveryer, living en Lawrenes street, for assault and battery. Ue had a hearing last night before Squire Selly and gave ball for 9200 for trial at court. Cearles P. Wilsen, asilstant IrnlnmaU.r en the Reading Columbia railroad, was married yesterday In Lebanon, te SIIm Emily Meyer, of that city. Tue wedding was attended by only the family and their Immediate friends. An unrortunate feat ure of tue pleasant occasion was the nb Hence of the groom's family, caused by the la grippe. Superintendent Wilsen mid ether members of his family liave been keep In doers for soveral days past. Jehn Watsen has accepted a position with L. W. May and will succeed F. O. Jehn, who will beoeme manager of W. A. King's branch store In Lancaster. The Aurera eeclal club w 111 attend a grand ball la Reading te be glven by lue Order of the Goats." The Pennsylvania Railroad com pauy has purchased all the property of tue Reading railroad company lying west of their tracks en Frent street. This Includes the coal chutes, wharves and approaches. The In formation, though lacking details, cemes from a P. R. R official from this place. nnanlnnr of Proanaet Street. The viewers te nssess damages cauied by the proposed opening of Prospect street filed tbelr report this anernoen, awarding the following damages i Henry O. Llpp, $100 by county; Adam Wise's heirs, J 100 by county and $150 by city j Jehn Kirch nor, $70 by the county and 160 by city; A. W. Russells ostate, $100 by county. The following te be paid by ceunty: Antheny Lump, $50; Henry Xlckcl, $200; August Liebach, $135;, Geerge Walter, $150; An An teony Lump, $50; Stephen Yeager, $7A; Antheny Klese,$150) Jehn Spoldel, 8150 ; Jacob Banner, $00 ; Ceurad Relneer, $125 ; Mary Elreman, $225; Jeseph Krllne, $200 ; Jacob Coop, $80 ; IXeury G. Leut's estate, $400 1 Jehn llershey, $200, te be psld by the county. The viewers report that the Improve ments and necesaities of the nlghborheod de net require Immediate opening, ozcept between Maner and St. Jeseph street, which part is rocemmendod te be opened. i i A Cesn'a Eseapa. Mai tin Snyder, formerly of Lancastar, and new proprietor of th Washington he'-el, Menhelm, had a Jive coon which has figured qulte prominently In the Republi can parades. On Tuesday night the anlmtl made bis escape, the chain by which he was tied having worn out, The coon was caught when quite young nt Lima, Ohie, by the late Michael Snyder. A Co.ne Presentation, Last evening Jeseph Uncffner, the well known brewer,was presented with a beau tiful geld-headed cane, which came from his customers in Columbia. J. L. Stein metz, 6sq., made the presentation pooch in the presencoefa number of Mr. HaefT ner's friends. On the hejd of thu cane Is this Inscription. "Presentcd te Jeseph Haeffnerby his customers at Celunt bla.'" The Surplus 14,000. There was a mistake in an item about the Quarry vllle bank in the correspondence from that place yesterday. It stated that the bank baa a surplus or $121,030. It .should have read $14,000. Maliene "Was Ket Indicted. Petersburg's grand Jury failed te tliul a bill against General Maheue for the alleged election night sheeting affair, and the prosecution was dismissed. The Ceyles After 80,000,000. One hundred heirs of Manasreh Ceyle, a revolutionary here of Westmoreland county, Fa., have organized a syudlcite te Investigate their claim te nfonuue of &0,. 000,000, said te have been left by William Ceyle, of Dublin. iUnvi-lneca. Oaerr PeitDKer. Juuuary 16, IsnO. at Oruw Lutheran parienage, tbli city, by the Rev. c. Elvln Hatipt. Mr. Oicar B, Orerf. and Mtsj Emma F. Perduey, all of Lancaster city, ltd Staathe. McVet. January 15, 1W, In tlikclly.Uoerj', son of the late Jobu MeVey, In the thlrty-nlnu. year of bn age, Fuuexal firem the reildcnee of J. P. McCaikey. Ne. KM West King itrcet, en Monday at 10 a. m. Interment at Laurel Ulll cemetery, Pblladel Phis, 8td OATXS.-January 18, 18, in Uili clty.CUrn Helen Uatci, daughur or It. S. uudsariull. Uat. Blessed are they who die In the Lord." Tbe relative and Mends of the family are re spestfully Invited te attend the runeral, from lbs parent' mldince, Ne. 611 West Chestnut street, en Monday artcrnoen at 2 o'clock. In terment private. 2tJ. CSMsa.-Janury 17, IOO, In Ihli city, Han nam Chesier, aged 40 jean, 2 mouths una 13 days. The relative and frlendi of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his 1st residence, Ne. 08, corner Lime and Chester streets, en Sunday afternoon at !, 'clock. Interment at Woodward HUl ceme tery. 3ttarhct0. Philadelphia Prodaeo .Market. FHIIADE1JIIIA, Jan. 17. Noen-Flour dnll- Penn'a super. 2ii2 70; extra. 275S81W: ftse4,a73W; ' ' W31 2Si Wheat quilt: Ne. 2 Red. new, 81KS82e: Cern steady : . v.... .. ..'.m, wv , . w. u., niqu. Ne. 2, new, Z6'i2X3e ; eld.tia OaU dull; Ne. mixed. 27l'. 2 White itylZlc.; Ne.! Bran dull ; Winter I1J004I3 00. Baled hav weak; IIOOO(3I3lJai teqiiallty : UmethylOOOSlJUQ for choice; luixtd.tHilKW; baled rye straw, new, lu 00. w euiw- uuii; icuuH ereameiT iiuu ,4KM . n.n..l. M... . a.-... ' ' F V r. . a.wi "xua riwi. 4 dull ; I'enu'a firivi, ISKa Se i h(.ld leti, 15 !,ote quality. "" r a I-VSgy dull ; pu t tlUiai, 7Q7)jC", full sklins, ' : tSK!lum.du " "Ined In bbli.. 7Kc 'fe. ee iWedy J SigtOe per bus. ui te quality. iX 'x 1- - t-iv j Uvd StoeU Market. . xiWessMlsleekers and feedTr. J2'20a8i5 ifeee4pU,lVW;Ulpmut.,l()! mar- f-. . . iy - - .fi ktt strong; ml red, a fiWH 77KS heajfr, W 65 heep Relnl,tMw4: shipment. 1,000! mar ket ttren j naUTs, H Mas 80 1 Wnl ern woelod Il50oei shorn Texan,) fiea4 40; lamb,tllP0 te MM per hundred weight. ., Saw I'"ibtt. ctue-nipi. saw: ebip menu, 2100! dull: tirlrae, fl 40.34 MM reed, MOOirfii inlMlerdtSTi; bulls, 1 1 tOS W cars shipped te New Yerk. .. . . market Mr I beat light Yerker, ftftvas 75j- medium una light Philadelphia, '? 4 heavy hogs, M e&M 75 1 reugbl, H3 71: ue cars shipped te New Yerk. Sheep Receipts, 800 s shipment. .JWOJ markcldulli prime, K 85051101 eoed,4J 4W ftilr. HSCQlsOt common, rJHXJIM; Iambi, MsaiJSO. Grain and rroruieiM. Farulihed by B. K. Yundt, llreker. Ciiicaoe, Jan. 17,1:00 o'clock p.m. Wheat. Cern. Oats. Perk. 1ard. January. -.. TIH H renruary., 9 W fi7 5M March April..., May....- June July 81 Sljj 1 1)87 0 07 .80 toot Crude OU February ........ Consels " ninalnr I'rlnei 5:1.S o'clock P. m .iesx wtiMt fvim eaijl i'erff. Mrd 6 80 lit S3 Jannarv 76K Vtii XH February 77 j&i u.rii ntt te SO 9M 9 6J April J, . May M. . ? ! a u ee ee7 June 8if J" July- ... 7K S2! Year - - Conneli .... -........ CrBde0" uSSSSu Winter Wheat ....- - - Mprlng Wheat eiu.'.V.'.3..V.V.r.!!!Z'.!!"'-r."!!..... Itye - ...- - Barley - - - - RceelpU lles Ilecel pta -Cattle....... - ICXVi Car um. 4 178 te ' iTei'd 27.0M , 1JM Bteclc Marketa. Qnotntlenii by Heed, McOranu 4 Ce., batiken, KKW YORK tMT. 11 A. U. 12 M. 1 P. M. Canada I'iicIUc..., O.IX4 1 - Colerado Cl Centrnl l'ucllle... , OitiHila Heuthern Chi. Ht. lu A lbg. Hen. A Rie U.... IX-I, h. k V Krle - - Erle ZuUa K. A t7ZZ""Z"ZIZ""'.'.". Ien. A N- U Mhere ........ ...... M Icb. On , r. Mlxiieurl l'ncine - lleclc Vnlley N. 1. N. 1". l'rcf. .... N.WenU N. Y. O -.. New England .... Eiutlenueatce.... Omaha..... Oregon Transcontinental. Ontario A W Pud fle Mall... W "IK W'J a 87 MX Wi 87 10IS 101 y iy. ny, vy, 7J -; no fij'j ti st Wi 1KH Richmond Terminal HU ltil....... Texa Paclrlc- Union l'acine..... Wahanh Cem , Wabauli l'ref Western U Wwttthore Henili....... rUII.AOELrUIA LIST, Ih. Val - k n. y. a ruiia.. Pa. II. R. - Heading.. 21 WW 21 wabauli 1'refJ'.".'...... Sij Dili 3IH .. 8 Of ..18 6-19 Si Iflll. NAT .., Hentenr. l'au., 83 I. A K N. Cenu People l'au. nag i . MX UU I Jeal Stock and Henda. Reported by J. D. Leng, Par Lnxl value, inle. Unwis't 0 per cent, 1450 -.. 100 let e " ina , ioe no 4 " Hchoel lean IK 100 lttl " in 1 or 20 yean. 100 lin i i " In ft or 20 Tear. 100 101 " 4 " " In 10 or a) year, ioe " " " In ISerdOjear. 100 Mauhctm Borough lean ltM JIIICULXAttOUa STOCK. Qnarryvllle R. R -. M Mlllenvlllc Htrcet Car tt) lttlX 105 102 1 04 M 40 1110 23 11 SUSS 210.10 1.U5 Is 71 M Kit 103.50 107 imse 67.00 00 85 45 05 (X) IW li) 101 lltt 40 50 IM.50 100 1JS0 117.23 ae w Intiulra Prlnllntr Cemnanr . Giullght and Fuel Company. Stevcni Heme (lleudi) Columbia (ai Company. Columbia Water Company..... Susquehanna Iren Ceinpuuy jlarletta Hollew-waro Steven. Heuso Mtllerivllla Nermal Scheel Northern Market 60 Eaitcrn Market fie Gai Company llendi (S per ct. 1V0UJ.. 100 Columbia Borough Ileudi .... 100 Quarry villa R. It. 7'i. 100 Rendlnx A Columbia U. It. 5 . 100 Kdlien Light Company M Western Marltet 00 Seutliern Market. - W iAncaiter City Htrcet Railway Ca,.. 00 &Bl r.nu eLrtmii iaiiwayH., ui WmI End Street Rallwav.. Lancaster Htcam Radiator Ce Helvetia Leather Ce. Watch Factory ' . Ianc. Chem. Ce . On W 100 , 100 00 25 25 00 2u 23 TUIINl'IKK MTVCKS. Lancaster A Fmltvllle. Lancaster A Lltltx Lancaiter A Wllllamstewn..., tincailer A Maner lancaiter AManhelm- l.aucnitcr A Marietta Lancaster A New Helland. Ulg Hprlnr; A Beaver Valley- UrldgeiKjrl and Horseshoe Jelumblit A Chestnut Hill Columbia A Washington.- Coneitesa A BIe Hnrlne 1WI ffi 5 UK 21 20 27 20 20 25 20 2i H2 60 2W 11 20 02 I75 IW M JO Marietta A Mount Jey. 25 LancMU Jey AUllzubethtewu. ll) Lancaster A Husquehanna. 800 Lancaster A New Danville Columbia A Marietta Maytown A Kllzabelhtewn .,., Incaster A Lnhrata... Ijtnnister A willow Street, Htrasburg A Millport . Marietta A Maytown HANK STOCKS. Flnt National nnnk... . Farmers' National Uunk. Fulton National Unnlc I jincastar County National IUuk Northern National Bank . 000-205 25 00 US 100 00 100 IOO 200 US 1) 122 00 112 1S6 125 IIS 175 145 144 205 104 150 1U) 141 (12 50 KB 117 123 ir 111 I eeplei .National llanic... Keystone National Hank, Mauhelm loe Columbia National Bank 100 Christiana National Bunk.......... 100 Coucitega National Bank 100 Enhratu National Bank- 100 First National Bank, Columbia 100 First Nutlenal llank.Straiburg. ..... 100 First National Hank, Marietta IOO First National Hank, ML Jey.. 100 Lttltz National Hank 100 Meutmllle National Bank... 100 Muhhelm National Hank 100 Union National Bank, Mount Jey .. 60 New Helland National Bunk. . loe Gup National Bank, . 10) Quurryvtlle National Hunk 100 Kllzabcthtewn National Bau. loe Central National Hank, Columbia ., 100 ilciu MmcvtiocmcHte. A njOLUTEL PrrRE. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. THIS powder never varies, a tn:irl et pu rlty, strength and wholraemciiess. Mere economical than Uie ordinary kinds, and can can net be sold In coiniwlltleu with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate l'ewden. held only i,i ea;w. Royal Bakine Pewnsa Ce., 100 Wall ttreet, New Yerk. wurgM.il.Uyw TUSrilliOUtVKD. nenDERER RED LAIJCL, The rincit of Champa stne. ROURKIt'S LIO.UOR STORK, N.22Ccutre hguare, "tlFANrCD-A UOOD QIRLTO DO nns. cral housework. Ne washing or Iren ing. Apply at JalSJtd S02 NORTH MAItYRT. TUKFlNlMTLINi:OF CANDLE Ht'ITA D .,'.,u,fer CaudKma. Day, ut .MILLl.It'S bOAl CO, OJIT-AOOLD AMETHYST RINO. TJIIi ttnder will pleue leave It at this edlce. It T5 fED A SITUATIfiV -l'n n iipv. trul housework. Annlrat laSOUlH BEAVER HT. A MIDDLE-AGEU WOMAN WOULD LIKE -CX. te de washing at home or In private houses, bend notice te Ne. C15 Fremont street Luncuster, Pa., up italri. td CTOP.-THQSE LOO KINO Kllll A nrn kj investment w uercey money Investment w hereby money cau l.e made ut once, should net fall te call at the Cooper Heuse any time this x.k. junie-zi- A. L. LANDIS. ITtOR 3 SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, GOTO ERIHMAN'S NatSWeitKlugetrctt, ... wij; ... raw .. 05J TttE LANCASTER ?IAJLY DTTEtAmEyOEIt, FHIDAY. JANUARY 17. "lirANTED. A LADY AHOUT M YEARS V efane who U well and favorably known In Lnnnuter, te represent Wntem Houaej mutt be able te command the attention of pee- rile el Influence ; salary, 110 tt 113 per week le he right party. Addre, " A.. B. U.," care of iKTBLLteKNcsn Omcc )ant-2t OR RENT-DWELLINGS AND OTHER PROPERTIES with and without cenve- nTei ences Krem Awll 1. and for Immediate bes- CHilnn. Call for printed lists. RAUSMAN A BURN. Heal EitateAtt., JanK-U Ne. 10 Wet Orange Ht -T WISH TO EMPIJY A FHW I.ADIKH ON JL salary te) take cliarqe of my buslneas at very niiiclnatirjg.ana tiMlllifiil. Wacm tlO tier week iiivrenre given. Uoed pay for part time. AddrcM wltli tamp. MRS. MARION WALK ER, PQN't-lmdM.W.y Leulivllle.Ky. WANTED-IMMEDIATELY, TWO GOOD carriage body makertand one experienced mill hand te worken weed working machinery! ateady employment te geed men. Alie four mnlth nnlihem. Apply at 22 liat King street, Lancaiter, l'n., Baturday until Monday. llULLTT CARRI AGE CO.. janlt-trd Bel Air, Md. pnocneifa OPERA HOU8K. Procter A 8ouller....uPreprletor and Managers, Friday and Saturday Jan. 17 and 1. and fiat urday Matinee, MARIE HII.KOIIDK, In the Romantic Military Drama, "The Enemy." Price, 15, 20, SO, 50 and 7ft cenla. Monday, Jan. 20, EDWARD HARRIOAN. Janl7-2t TTA VK YOU HAD THE" GRIP 7" X-L Take care or the cough It arrup or li oedroot. Wild Cherry a and llere- hound li th be thing for coughs and colds. 25c, doc and II per bettle. KRAILKY'h EAST END PHARMACY, (Oppmlte Eastern Market,) Pine large Chamnli Hklm for making under clothing and chisl protccten, Leweit prlcei. M.W.PAw irANTED-A MAN OK KXCEITIONAL V ability and puih te take charge of a work In Lnncaiter county which will yield from 11,800 te 12,000 per year: lalary erfJO per month guaranteed te the right party ; muit be of excellent addreM, full of buifniii, and have 100 te Invcit : only thoroughly competent men need apply. Give age and occupation and ad. dress " 0.," care of Imtki.liuenckii efflce. Jnnl7-2td 1 O rnR CENT. DEIIUNTURK STOCK 1 ill Certificate In multlnlci of 1100 thenar vulueefaihare of fully paid up stock earning n guaranteed cash dividend of 12 per cent, per annum. payable leml annually, ait limed; by th llulldlng and uea Alioctatleu or Dakota. Membcrihlpreeperihare, 13.00. Hteckmayba converted Inte cath aner two yean. Heverar theuhntid dellari are needed te nil nppreved ap plication! for loam. Correspondence eellcltnl. C. W.HTAItLINO, Menagsr. Philadelphia Olllce, Ne. 411 Walnut Slrcet. Janl-3med I3URI.I0 8AI.E OP CITY DWEM.INUH and Dulldlng Let. 0 Wednesday, Jamuaky 22, 1890, Atth Leenard hotel, will be ield tuene two I woJtery Brick Dvrelllngi, Nes. TU and 725 Eait Orange itreet, having hall and MX room, with let W feet, e lucbci front, and extending te Mavtnn Bfrju. frfl tnt flw.1 t.l1 ua.l. ...All with pump, etc, ' aiie, vaiuaeie iiuuuing ixu, rrenttng .M fet en Orange itrcst, and axtendlng te Marlen trset about 2X7 feet. Alie, a let en Marlen street 80V rest, by 124 feet. Per particulars, e tale bills or call en 'the undenlgned. Bale te cemcuce at 7 p. m. ALLAN A. IIERR, Agent for Mary A. Denltnger. B. T. HOWE, Auctioneer, Janl5,17,l!tA22 T) A ROAINB IN UUOES. GREAT HOLIDAY BARGAINS AT- Hiemenz's. Men'lJIM, II JOnnd 175 Embroidered Sll pen all reduoed te 75c. Among them are souie cry (Ine Alligator UUpperi. Alse, great bargatni In Rubben. Lndlcs' double thick sole and heel Croquet Rubbers reduced te 25 ccuti. Children', 25 cents. Men's, 40 cent. Tlicie rubber are of the bunt iiiullly. Men's Rubber Heets, $1 2.) uml U. Be)s' attl,9123aud 1 1 00. Jehn Hiemenz, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET.I feblUfdF S" ECIALBAItQAINS IN FURNITURE. FURNITURE I SPECIAL BARGAINS! lu ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE will be given for theNEXT THIRTY DAYS. People going te heusekieplng In the Spring will save money by selecting geed new aud having tlu in put atltls until wanted. W. C. SAFi?, NO. 114 SOUTH QUEEN ST. -Nxt te-Southern Murket. Jnnl5-2mVAS TltOP03ALS FOR bTONE. ,S- eenieu Street Comm proposals will be recehvdby the lttce up te Se clock p. m. en Mou Meu ' 27, 18W, for stoue for use en thu day. January stieeu or Lancaster, said stone te be broken le lie ni uirecieu ey me street commiltee. Bidders will state price at quarries per Ien of 2,000 pounds, with and without use of city crusher and engine, and price of stone deliv ered en the streeU where needed, or froe en beurd cats at Laucuster, aud ulte state location of quurrlri. Bidden muit furnish te the cemmllta net less than three samples or the stone they pro pose te furnish, which simple shall btt tool. Ureased te a cuboef 2 Inches, and, Ir net homo genous, must be out parallel with the clcav clcav age, inch lampleste be subjected te any test nii iuy u uuvuivit proper uy ue column tee la order te determine their tolatlve alue for the purposes for which they are te be used. The quality us te determine ii must be fullv maintained uurln In the term of centrucL In cemmitter, lu t h v.il,. cuse or dispute, the committee. Is te be junge ei uia quuuiy ei lue none rurnished. Contract te bettln en and te be mads for one or tbrie ears, at thu option or the committee. AllbldtmUNt be accompanied bve ccrtlfled check In the sum of JlOO.uiul upon the award or the oenlract a bend In a suitable u mount, with uppreved security, must be furnished for the lullbful performance of the same. lhe Commlttee tk.erci the right te reject any or all bids. Bids te be left at the ofilce of C. A. GaM, Ne 11 North Duke fttreet, beloreOn'ileck p. tu , en Monday, January 27, and uddrosed te the street Commlttee of Lancaster. By order et thoCeminlttee. W. ltmi)Lr.,nialrmin. a A. a HT, Clerk. Junl5,lV22,25 s CCURE A HOJIE FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE OX Tim MOST LI11EKAL TT.IIMS. Two-ltery brick dwelling houses, leti 120 feet deep, euLuncaster ueuue, btlwuvu Wul nut ana Lemen itreet. Twe-story brick dwelling heusen with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 143 feci deep, en North l'lue, betweeu Chestnut uud Walnut street. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards, Iren fcncen, let 150 fet deep, en 'ct Walnut, between Mary ami 1'lue kcri'etf.. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 113 reel dwin. en West Ia-uieh strtvt, betwetn Charlette audMury strtets. Threc-eterv brick dwelling Iieusm, lets 150 feet deep, with nil the medi rn linpreeiutnU, rrent yards, en West Chestnut street, between l'lue and Ne In streets. Alse hoiibcseii East Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut und Lemen, uud Lemen, between Mary and Pine streets. All Uie above houses are In geed order, new li ra pered. gas flu lures In all the rooms, water lu the kttcben,und the cellars wurrnnted tu be dry. Call uud sse for )euneir, ue trouble- te show y01'" 5A8bS-oWe.ers. npr2(Hyd,M.W.S. S20 North Mary Street. M ADAMK aULRPlLLON WILL GIVE INbTHVCTIOSS IN FRENCH in This City. rROM'OCTOBER 1T. Ne deduction for absence. Fer particulars address, M'ME U sJs-iyaH Ne. ltd North Queen btrest, Vlft 9i$tUmin$itim, rpHK riMEwr link op wax.btkrIc A ASld.f!'?r"ne Candle .for the Holl Hell Iay,atMlLtitmWSOAPCO BusmHrtKpiTB at cost, drew Hum . leduerd, Treusering very low, Overcoat ny prlae. and all trimmed and made up In our bet style. MtORANN MOWLKN. leading Tailors, . . Ne. IS8 North Queen Ht. F OR HANDSOME NECKTIES, Ge Ui KRIHMAN'H, Ne. 42 West King Btrect REMOVAL-THK OFFICE OP THE HAL HAL tlmere Mutual Aid Society he been re moved from 211 West King afreet telMEait King street. All members will present tbelr claims at the new efflce. ltd F. C. nUOF, Supt. ATBURHR'S. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. , FINE RAMHO and and a let of ORERN INOH and BALDWINS, and dcaleri Invited te call. Don't forget our Fine 25 cent COFFEE. Fine CORN at i cent a Can guaranteed. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. H ON1MT AH THIS DAY IS LONG. Standard Shoes. Fer Men's Wear A number of lines te Ieak of and te recommend te-Jny. Standard grades and make with re putes far and wide for their excellent wearing qualities. Particularly adapled rer policemen, letter-carrier, car drUers and conductors, and nil these whose oc cupation obliges them te be en their feet constantly. Have goedlstout plump stock lu upper, with either double or triple heavy soles. Meda ever bread lasU-medlum or extra wide. Honest ai the day'i long for ierv Ice ; great for the eaie and comfort they give In wear ing. Prlceireasenable-2,t200,t3nnd M. Every one of the se make are worth mere money; they'll be higher by and by. Men's Oral a Crcedmere and Bals. excellent shoes for rough weather; ei. pcclally strong, tee, for, rougheat usage. We've tried them ; they " pan out " that way. 12, tZ 50 and M-gredes te match these figures, " Solid Comfert "; that's the name for a Hue efextra bread soled shoes te lit fat men's fat feet ; lace and Congress. Well and substantially made; material In them that stands the test of goodness. Easy te slip Inte ; case and comfort for the feet within. J2 te 14 00 a pair-geed, better, belt qualities. Genuine Cerk Sele Shoes-plenty or them; no Imitations. Tbeie we have from i 00 up. Excellent weareri; keep the feet free from cold und moist meist moist ure. The shoe for "La Orlppe"convn Orlppe"cenvn leccnt. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 Ner.m Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. ALACK OFAHUION. The &reat Clearing Sale AT- ASTRICH'S h 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN S1Y la hew going ou. BAIK1AINSOREATERTHAX EVER As premised we give you new n lUt of jirices for our Special Cent Sale. Te-morrow (Saturday), January IStli, we offer as a starter one let of Coats at the extraordinary low prictref $1.08 aplere; This let consists of : Ne. 1. Braided Jersey Ceat, line quality, formerly 14.50 te fe, at 1.08. Ne. 2. Heavy Steckinette Jackets, sold formerly $4.00 te $0, at $1.93. Ne. 3. Fine tailor beuud aud Tailor made Steckinette Jackets at $1.08. Ne. 4. Fine lllack Corkscrew nnd Diagonal Jackets, Tailor made. formerly sold at $0 te $7.60, new $1.1)3. Ne. 6. Fine all-wool Brown nnd Grey Striped uud 1'laid Coats, medium nnd heavy weight, some of them have never beeu sold ut less thnu $5, uew at $1.03 apiece. NEWMARKETS. Between three aud four thousand dollars worth of Newmarkets nnd 1'lush Coats will be sold regardless of cost. A rare chance. Read our prices en New markets. One let down te $2X0 nplece. The best will all be picked out llrst. De net delay. Second let at $2.03 apiece. Choice styles, some of them have been sold at $e te $0.60 apiece. They w 111 go seen. If you come late you miss your chance. Next let at $3.2.5 apiece. One let at $3.75 uplece, $7,50 nnd $8 goods. If they don't sell fast at $3.76 back they go te the old price. The best of all ! our live dollar let. Never did we eiler such a choice of quality and Htyle at $5 apiece. Staple goedti which brought $0 te $101nbeasen. Next let at $7.50 and $S Includes some of our llnest Beaver Cleth, guaranteed, made up te sell at $14 te $10 apiece. A surprise te you when you see them. This is only u small let. Anether let still lluer at $10.00 apiece, formerly $10 te $18. At $12 and $12.50 some of our very llnest Newmarkets, including several line Imported garments which cost $20 te import. One let at $15 apiece, our feimer price $25. Then we come te our illicit all im ported garments, eeme of the styles w e only have one or two of. The prices new arc $10, $10.50. $18 and $22.50 ; some of these were eiiglnally from $30 te $-10 apiece. These prices ure positively limited a te time. They must either sell fust or be kept ever uutll next winter. Net ene of these stvles are bad. They are all staple and desirable, styles and urejtist as geed next winter a, they are new. The chauces uru all In your favor. Yeu cau be benciltted by them If your eyes are own ! All our Children's Cleth and Blush Coats reduced in proportion. All our Infant's Merine CeaU anil Cloaks at cost price for a short time. 115 & 117 North Queen St. w of Mi, Palace of Fashion, pEDUCEt 11UCCS. ,211 CentrevqLi nr, GOODS Nu er danced te a merrier ttune for you ttian -2i xsti wy. The Knife of Redactions Hai mliscd but few things, se that ear entire iteek ii at your dltpewt AT Reduced Prices. NEW item ei?cvHfmettt. OTICE TO MY FRIENDS AND CUS- 1U31CIIM hove located temterarllv tnv , ofllre &nd tVAHMAMS at U..a 4 - SOUTH OUEKN AND VINE 8THfcS, knd have In stock a fine assortment r,fHi,ih. nn. "'" w i" nuumrrn mi fcrket. corner of Blei. Pbsitens and Family Carriages, and Uie Norbeck Read Cart, all et my own manufacture- Special attention 1 clten te renalrlnr. My Motte Honest work and fair dealings. always win, dec2l-tfd J. H. NORBECK, Agent. rrU? ,?,NST LlNE ev WAX 8TERI0 - A5ld.f.n?Jara0ne Candles for the Holi day, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. 171 ARM KltS WANTED TO SUPPLY MILK 2 . AT TITS , LANCASTER CARAMEL CO., e29-lfd&wlt C36 Church SL, Lancaster, Pa. OYSTERS I BEST OYSTERS IN THE MAR keticrvedlnall styles, and meals at all hours, at CHARLES E. ifeSTER-S, In the rsr or the Central Market. Oyster In the shell or opened nerved te private families. Telephone connection. nev26-2mdR HE FINEST LINE OF IMPORTED AND Demestic Cigar In the city. Clear Ha- jana Cigar, our manufacture, in boxes of 25, DEMUTU'S CIGAR STORE, 114 Eat King Street. alS-tfdR rpHE FINEST LINE OF WAX BTERIO JL Acid nnd Paraflne Candle for the Holi days, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. 3710R HI3NT-A THREESTORY BRICK : Dwelling Heuie with modern Improve- ,,,v .a, a.,., a., ban, jvin IV Itrmt. with llrlnlr utaoiaeniot. Noweccup: man. Apply te GEO. D. East King street. New occupied by Jehn W. Hei- SPRECHER, Ne. 213 JS-tfd H ELLO t POSITION8 FOR ORADUATFH. The LANCASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE does net held out peult Ions a an Inducement for young men and ladles te enter. Although It has placed mere young men aud ladle In po sition than any ether medium ; and, by the way, they are competentyeuuKtnen and ladles, tee. Visit at College Reems, Ne. 31 North Duks itrcet. Address. If. C. WEIDLKR. Principal. TJUBLIC SALE OF BUILDING MATERIAL ON Saturday, January 18, 1880. will be sold nt the Grlel Mansion, northwest corner of Duke and Walnut streeu, the follow ing material : Window nnd deer 'frame, deem and trim- minim. fttillrwnVB ttarlila nnrt twmt ...i..l.. kltchen dresser and closet, marble steps, root? lug elate, balcony, bnth tub and water closet, two-ntery frame attachment, perch, range and circulating boiler and sink. Sale te commence at 9ii a. m. Heuse will be open r riaay i.wiuj ana Maturaay anernoen, jll-lwd e JACOB UUNDAKKR, Auct. CHOES AND SLIPPERS. BARGAINS FORTHE HOLIDAYS. Ien could net makea mere acceptable Christ mua Present than u ceed pair of Shee or Slip per. We have received another Invoice of these Celebrated $3.00 Shoes for Men. In all the tees and widths, and the best shoe for (2 00 that 1 made. We have Ladles' Shoes at all price, and you cannot fall te be suited. Plenty or Beets coarse and tine. Goodyear' Gleve Rubber are conceded te be the brst In the market, and these are what we sell almost exclusively; n mil line en hand. Webaea nice let or Holiday Hllpperi that we are anxious te close out. GIN eush Call. wm. hTgast, WAF NO. 103 NORTH QUEEN 81'. R ,VHK BARGAINS. -ON- Blankets, Driving Caps, -AND ALL WINTER GOODS. ruR ROiins rneM. BLANKETS TROM .$2.75 UP. . ,73c. UP. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. M ART1N BROh. I'uicc giving ends, aud Things te In lets.u moving push. A few examples of the many bar gains moving and active In this JANUARY CUT PRICE CLEARING SALE. terest Every Thrifty Buyer. .MEN'S FLANNEI-NIGHTSHIRTS, Sic, Extra Leng. ULOVia-AU Kinds a Third Oirthe Price. UNDERWEAR! MENS AND BOY'S SIZES. It will pay you te take a minute te see qual ity aud price 25c. 37K &ec, te, II 00. Your ejes and lingers will tell en quickly that what w enell rer Jl 00 uplece is uerlh II W. 52 73 and $3 00 Lamb's Weel Uuderwcar ut COOaplece. Men's Demot Flannel bhlrta, 2ie and S7ie. A large let or l'launel ShlrU, 10); ulue Jt 25 and J 160. Men's Working Pants and 0eralls at reduced prices. First-Class Men's nnd Yeung Men's Suits at !0 75,iS60,flO,12uud tU. HiuhHeiiic Overcoats at 1775, S550 teI5. Llltle Bejs' Bulla and OierceaU ut moving prices ; II EO te JO 00 will buy outfits fiem geed te hanrt.eine. Alarve let of Rey's and Little Be)' Extra Trousers. Men' Storm Coats, Cape Coats and Satin Lined Oxerceuts. A haiidsetue lotutuhuud letutuhuud lotutuhuud seme sa lug te you. Special Price en MADE TO MEASURE Suits, Overcoat und Trousers. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St, Special Big Reduction lSflO: Unw &tnMrttMmetitt. J. HARRY STAMM, teSPInsh Coats at 115. M Stecklnett CeaU at 14 90. tt Shawls at it. te Shawls at $4 60. 11 SO Henriettas at Sc. fiOoCersoU litlXfi. e Woolen Hese at 17c. Men' White dee Shirt at27Xe. Men ate Hese at 12He. Mush Ornataenta at Cost. Stamped Linens at Cost. Cellars, Cuffs, Buckings and Ribbons Less than Cost. BOSTON STORE Ne. 24: Centre Square. 8Un JlfcpevtUcment. TflOH RENT. N0.28H BAST KINO ST. Apply next deer at Ne. 24. J14-3td F OR JAPANESE GOODS, GoteKRIBMAN'H, Ne. 42 West King Street. QQK DAY COURSE: HO NIOHTHES JSOO SION. KEYSTONE BCINrWS COU LEQK. Yeung Men and Ladles. Thl aehoel I better prepared than ever te give you a first class butlnes education. Our effort the first year hae been crowned with wonderful suc ces. W. D. MOSSER, Prim, tfd&w lBNerthQueenSt., Lonceiter. Pa. WANTED.-TEACHER IN WEST HEM P neld tewnihlp. Salary, ISO per month rer permanent, with Ne. 1 In teaching. Net permanent according te mark. Scheel beard meets at Irenvllle en Jan. 18. Successful ap plicant toqpenicbeol. Jan. 20. S. L. HE1T.EL. sec., Meuntvllle. Janll-lwd West Hempneld Scheel District. rpROUTASHANK, SHIRT MANUFACTURERS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS, Ne. 140 North Queen Street. Shirts made te order as low as 11KX). Perfect U.IIMI.UKW. tci Through necessity wa hsve starded a HAND LAUNDRY and are prepared te laundry of all laundry or a marts-lydll K1UU. OU8E-PAINT1NO. GRAINING AND OLAZINO. 'RON J. BROWN, mnwunr in nn W Brown, deceased. Practical Painter, Oralner and Glazier. Werk done by contract or day a cheap a first-class work can be done, licit workmen, and none but best material used. fineuraining a specialty. 49-Orders by mall attended. Shep S2 North Queen. Hcsdence-119 East James street. i JanlMmd mHK FINEST LtNE OF WAX STERIO JL Acid and Paranne Candles for th Holi day, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. OR THINGS NOVEL, ODD AND USEFUL, GoteERIBMAN'S. Ne. 42 Weit KlngBtreet. TDWNE TOILET SOAP. Liberian Palm Oil When properly mnde Inte Seap produces the Finest Toilet Seap known. MILLERSOAP CO. "TTTE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yen Think Your Eyes Are Geed I I f you have them examined you will probably find that there Is something wrong with them, and that glasses will be a great help te you. We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA lenses, which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. Solid Geld Spectacle, 3.00) uiual price, Steel Spectacles, fiOe.t usual price, 91,00. Artificial Eyes Inserted, 94 ; usual price, 10. H. ZIHEMAN & BRO.I130 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS. I PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. mvMyd r REATEST REDUCTION. Announcement Extraordinary I The Greatest Reduction et all lu PINE TAILORING -AT- H. GERHHRTS, Overcoats made te order at cost price. Trousers reduced from 110 te U ; from $3 te 15 ; fromteHW. Heavy Suitings reduced at the same rate. Full Dress suits of the latest style material, satin lined, at 2S. Thl Is the most sweeping reduction ever made in Fine Tailoring, and will enable the cash buyer te get a first-class article for the same money he would have te pay for a ready made oue. H. Gerhart, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d27-tfd T HE PEOPLE'S CASn STORE. THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Clothing made te order dur ing the next 60 days at greatly reduced prices. $30.00 Suits for $25.00 $25.00 Suits for $20.00 $10.00 Pants for $7.50 $ 8.50 Pants for $6.50 $ 6.50 Pants for $5.00 A let of Ready-Made Over coats, made in our own shops during the dull season will be sold without regard te cost. GE0.F.RATHV0N, 25East King Street, marJO-lydll LANCASTER, PA, M VII X-Axicaster, Ptnn1 BLAtfKETS, COMFORTS, FLAXMILI UtfDERWPAE, Aud all Heavy Goedigoat Great Reductions. DRtas GOODS have received the Itardel Blew. Bargain In thta line are tee numcroe mention. Pay u a vlilt and be beneflted by our LOW PRICES. Stem crUitiertt.cmrnt 1 ARRIAOE WORKS. DOEESOM OAERIAQE WORKB. Cerner of Duke and Vine Streeu (fonner Norbeck A Mlley), OEO. 8. NORBECK. Pren. 0,OOO pverBlx'lbeuiand Dellar M.IJU In Fine Vehicles new en Exhibition. 1 1 8UO All the L.ATEST STYLES for ISM WThe best of mechanics en repairing at u Doersom Carrlage Werk, corner of Duke ari vine itreet. dMydRI e UK MAKE OF GOLDEN LION AND MI Hucnua ec wiirer cannot de excelled. UMllUIUfl L'lUAH HTOIIK. published 1770. 114 East King Street! fTIHE FINEST LINE OF WAX STER jl Acinsnq raranne candle for the Ue "), at OUI,Ut,UB BUAl' CO. rsiUK LAIIUWT AND FINEST LINE Ol j. e reTOiiuura anu French. Urlar Flrxf Cigar Helders, Cigar Case. Snufl Bexes and uf muua ui BiuejKer' anicic. DEMUTU'S CIGAR STORK alS-tfdR 114 Eest King itreetJ rpHE FINEBT UNE OF WAX STEK1 jl acui aim i-aranne Liinaics rer the days, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. T HEISTS. FIRE, WATER AND SMOKB Out of the Ruins. REIST'B BIG BARGAIN! NOTE WHAT WE SAY I Yeu have no doubt read en account of tr Big Fire ntJanney: Andrews'. Phlludeluhl! where thousands of dollars' worth of goet " went up In imeke." and thousands saw sinel AM1 IvutaM Mil.. tt,. I. ...!.. . -a .. M.. nn.. wiuj, ,?a wilful, largely OI 11; meke nnd water geed only of a few lines, he offer them te you as fellows : Four hundred dozen Cannel Cern at 5c a ca The label only are soiled bv water, nam we guarantee te be batter than Baker's or ar ether 10c or 12e corn lu the market. It den pay tetakeltup.butwe wantourtradetoha Kviiuuceawi. new 11 alter It 1 all irene. I your time. Don't con One hundred dozen Solid Packed Tomatoes 7C a can. Theie tomatoes are as geed a any IS or 12c tomatoes packed, and saw very little i wis muc or waier. i; very ceji guaranteed, big bargain. One hundred dozen can of Blackberries 6Ucacan. This 1 another big drive. Think It! Four can of Fine IllaukbBrrlen for 2S- One thousand can of Fntnch Pan nt lin 1200 can. Yeu never heard of the like beferl u"Vi" ny rencn i-ea jn me market at 18 SL11U M'. HERE WE ARE I Only fifteen mat Finest Mnndhcllng JaJ Coffee ail we could get. Maw meke only aiJ net In the least affected bv it. Th nricn tn-.inl lX5candS8CTitt. We will sell It te you at 21 n. Every pound muit be as represented fVU lr IUISS 1,1 ! V,UttUWs A FEW OUTSIDE &PECIALTIF.S. Fine Bright Dales, 4 Bis for 25c. Pure Yerk Slate Heney, 15c, 2 ns for 23c. Mincemeat, Sc, 8e and lue V tt.. Dried Beer, 10c ft. Knuckle Dried Beef, 15c V B. Picnic Hams, be lb. And a Thousand Big Bargains. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UROCEK, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE 8TS Directly Opposite J, B. Martin A Ce.' Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. H IRSH A BROTHER. tap the Figure! Of our price and of ether' prices aud ou will find that we sell the Cheapest, Best Made and Longest Wearing GL0THING IN LANCASTER COUNTY. Special Bargains -IN- MEN'S, BOY'S & CHILDREN'S Overcoats I AND- Heavy Weight Suits. Prices that cannot be equaled for lewneis. I Geed uncqualed for fit and make. Quality always the best. Extra Pant Sale New Going On, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, .MUFFLERS, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, WHITE. FLANNEL ASI) DOMET HltlllT4. 'I OVERALLS AND BLOUSES, HANDKERCHIEFS, JF.WELR ONK-PRICF. CLOTH INO AND FUUNISHINa HOUSK, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. HIRSH & BROTHER, f JK. -i4 W-Jx Jat J - i1 . 1- -, . - - ' VJ