1 ru. i- .S "'.. j 1 " " - j ...j v-ik. i-'n- iiiij THE IiANOASTBlt DAILY INTELLl-frBKOEK, PBIDAY, JANUAUY 17. 1800. -"jfe ft A m . '-?- Ifs& "".. KirS KSr L W Pt . &L ws ti vv ffaiiw Jtetelltfi.mc.nr rlWDBKW J. HTKtNM AH, OT CHARLES HTKINM AN FOLTZ, Editor KOBKIlT CLARK, Publisher.. ,. nstt.v TVTirT.t.tnr'vr'tTO iiit.luiiii V. every day in the year, but Sunday. Served " few -tfvtM Iti ttila 14v anA tnfmnniltnff w tmraa at ten cents week. By mall five del ? Jew a year In advance; 80 cents a month. JflfJEKLY IKTELLIOENCER-One delUr and UVOmx TO BUnsCRIBERS-Rcmlt by cheek "t hiit ccnw jwr( mwnM"n I? ,f .. . . .1 ,..- .lll..l. f 1, ssr postemce eraer, srau nm " sy thweeaa t rrecnrea sena in a regiswreu 'k'! tetter. S,fBerd at te .rostefflcc.M second classman Kt : Butter. S ADDRBW, THS WTBttlOEHCE, E', UtDCMlCr, f. CAN0A8TEB,PA., January 17, 1890. Senater Butler's Preposition. L" Senater Butler proposes that tlic "f TTnttiu) RlntrMt ahnll ntil tlin npcrre tO jp emigrate. lie doe net propose that the p&aegre thall be deported without his con cen pdrMDt, but that he shall be encouraged lM"nd helned te cet out. And If the Sfseutheru ttatca deslre tne depiction 01 ,KI ' m - v ... thelr negre population, It will clearly be wise for them te nlu negre cmigrauen ; ftJieuffh this seems rather te be a matter of their own concern aud care than that lH t tlin TTnlfnrl Rfntna Tlin fivlernl irnv & prnment lins no rlcht te ohlcet te any &&? effort made by a state te bccute the emi gratien of an undesirable surplus or population. It is for the state te Bay .. wlietlinr If. 1ms inn inanv nptfree 111 It : whV ,""' ,' - -- -- - ..... 0. -- , at& ,wl a 1,1 tliMvi ri,f If film nvrt Mfllltl(r te go. iS-1 Senater Butler's argument was fair HI pleased with Its tone, while deeming its i- had ever heard. Senater Hear thought the Declaration of Independence te be a lie and the constitutions rotten if Sena, ter Butler's position was sound that the white race and the black race could net live together In peace and prosperity for both, where the negre greatly outnum bered the white. Senater Butler de clared his observation te be that such a condition was bad for both black and white ; hat the negre Im proved In condition and intelli gence when he lived in a com munity where the while race was in Undisputed supremacy by reason both of its number aiid Its natural force; whereas the black race failed te advance where it steed in superior numbers amid thesuperler force of the white race. This observation of Senater Butler is that of every intelligent witness of the .l.WI...r. f .1... ...... ...lAA. In tllA (llffi.h.llf f IKiULlUUS VI LUU inu luii-a lUlUUUIUVlVllb 5&T portions of tue country. The negre gj race is in superior condition among !$ the wulte communities of tue JNertU te ',: j luui. uicu it Iliaiiuuiu3 ueiu u ia ill numerical superiority In the Seuth. - There it has the sense of the power of ' numbers and 'of brute force : but this Iff power does net suUlcc te maintain It In iv superiority, aud the sense of It only !&T Mrve tn keen It In lint wninr n-Hli flin governing and superior race. i It is impossible that the neme race 'e, can ever be superior te the whlte lace $ Id any part of the country, whatever its at numbers. Senater Butler notes the :kL rlgldncss of the cxclusieu of the negre t. iruiu deuui'ui uuuusDceiniiv rcnresciiin- '" ii.ii i in . '::, the position in both North nnd Seuth, ,g". the sentiment lu cam section being gj' pronounced against any semblance of i, negre 'government. He notes, tee. the manifest subsidence of the influences, which, after the rebellion was ever, served te put the negre Inte onlce aud even Inte Cenirrpsa. Tim mini-nil innn lm new dropped entirely out of these places : It and the sentiment which keeps him out may be expected te se act always. Against it Senater Hear In vain sum mons the Declaration of Independence and the constitution. Declarations can not overcome nature ; and when Sena Sena eor Hear reads the Declaration of Inde pendence te be that all men are created equal, he needs te conclude, from the obvious fact that all meu arc net equal in condition, that this wes net a declaration that the superior white man and the Inferior black race would everablde together In political equality, however the laws may ba made te level them. AVhcn Senater .Hear sees none but white representatives In Congress, theidea should force Itself even upon his understanding that It taKcs mere tnau law, Ueclarlng equality -zlvL-4 . tt ly r;yj iw moo it. Ana no need net fret at the fact. It would be wise te re cognize it and te see whether Senater Butler's plan of nuttlntr the white moo W , la numerical, as it is in real, suncrleritv felt "may net be a wise one : te the end. '& J nothing mere, of relieving the Dcclara- W tionef Independence and the censtltu- g Mieiis irem conirenung tue inct tlint X") auncrierltv In Illlnilmrslj lint mnmrlnrltv '0,, in fact lu a republic where the whlte y auu U1UWU Ittl'US IIIIUKIC. A .. .1 l.li inl. ma rn.t ... !.! Tlie rreier.'cV Claim. The city of Frederick, Maiyland, h:is "fe claim before Congress which Is watched with great interest by many ether cities. It is for the repayment of a two hundred thousand dollars contri bution levied en the city of Frederick by General Jubal Early, during his famous raid. It is claimed that the government should have protected Maryland, and as it failed te de se, it should pay nil damages resulting from this fullure of dety. It Is easy toseethat If thisaru. stent prevails there will ba a perfect y avalanche of similar claims, und Early's ; war raw will 00 duplicated lu cost by a frW' raid en that tcmntiuir surnliu from nil $i ttiA tnu'tia ntnl vlllmwd nf tlin Iwirrlni. aa.Tr. a ;----e - .-- v. vistaics. uur neignuer ierK is wide st awake te the force of Its own claims for fe'r&tUe restitution of a, lartre sum disbursed si Js. under similar circumstances. Carrying ufcsB" qjuu;uv nuruier ceuui, n migui :,.' a very nara te acicnnine whether the f jiaali inTit.thiilnf1 lnltmpAMfA(l...in ......... , iAT" "-' v..-.v. w .uvvuuivuwuw V.UU3U E, 7wH given with sufficient reluctance te '&",Jwstlfy the demand for Us return. The li xalders had a wavef lcwlmrunnn imn. ljQt doubtful loyalty, and It would be a Hsgjv Bretty state of things if cash assistance ; the Confederacy should new be re- L L warded by the government. It will be M' JllH..lr in ,1 ...... il.n linn l.l... .!.! 1. n wwvuu UJ Ul imv 1IUU WilMt II11VU -elalmsef this kind shall net bold, nnd 'tU the Frederick contribution is refunded Atbere will be a flne mangling of town $ Histories in thescramble for cash. JviPievenueiess, iucro6eemste be sound AMQtllld fill 'PriMlprlf.lf 'a nlnttn Tf CZnn. Xljy iii. " w.v..w. . ....... VU - mu Auny wus permuieu ny tue united SUUste seize upon 200,000 belonging " Frsderlck's citizens, wherefore should SMK UM united States repay the money ? Ir.H net Its clear duty te keep ether armies than its own from preying upon Ms people? Aud as it would clearly (save te refund any cash seized by its vku army, Is It net much mere the fact that it must refund the meney seized by M alien army that it was Its business te p wit of tbe country? At tne meeting of the Stale Horticultural society In MHUintewn, Dr. Warren, of Went Chester, recalled attention te the worthlessneM of the l'ngllsh apnrreWa What he Mid Is admitted te be into, ills book en the bablts of birds or Ibis section is recoguUed as 'a meritorious work. It Klvrm.ln detall the characteristic of tha Kngliah sparrow. The ornithologist of the United Slates also coinplles reports from various sections, all agreeing that the Im ported bird Is mischievous. Ne ene doubts that the English variety of sparrow Is as wicked as represented. In suinmer It gorges Itself lth garden seeds and all kinds of fruit. It was oxpected te assist the nntlve birds in exterminating Insects, but its 1 11st 0 for bugs Is net se narked as for seeds and fruit. But what does the sparrow' subsist upon during the winter? On the under slde of the limbs of trees the larvtu of various lnsects nre deposited In the fall. The sparrow at this season cannot precure the feed it gets In suinmer, and its neck Is long enough te bend round a bough te peck en" the eggs thore deposited. While Its migratory frlenils are revelling In tlie tropics It remains nnd by eating prevents countless millions of Insects fieni develop ing te Impair the annual liarvests. 1 his credit has net been gUcn te the sparrow before. It Is due It. Wstch this llltle cronlure at work upon the bOrry cane in tlie garden and upon the limbs of tlie trees. A sTENean.iriimi is te be placed en each train of the ronnt.ylvanlalltnlted, between New Yerk and Pittsburg, te tnke the dic tation nnd transcribe) en a type-wrltcr tlie correspondonco of tlie pnuscngcrs who de. slre te avail themsclves of such sorvleoi. Compartments will be fitted up for tlie purpose, and the letters will be nailed from the train. Thlstrnln Is patronized by business men of large Intorests and accus tomed te tlie use of slonegrnpliors nnd every labor and time-saving devlce. As railroad managers beleng te that class tljomselve,Il Is qulle natural that accommo dations for them should be made pur pur feci, but It would belter business te glve equal attention te the great bulk of travel In tlie ordinary trains. Tlie light ing and heating and tlie commit of jiasson jiassen jiasson ger cars might be cry greatly improved. 4 A nrLKV voluine of Heme IweHe hundred pages li tlie mpert of tlie com cem com mlsslenor of oilm-atlen for the your 1897 te 8S, Just Issued from tliegovernmcul print ing elllcc. Tioe publications always loie In value by delay, nnd although thore Is much Information of present Interest In the repert It Is a inntter for regret that it did net appear n year age. In this velume may be found oxhnustlve Information con cerning education in tlie stute nnd city schools, lu private nchoels and collegee, tlie education of tc.icheri, lclndergartcns, mnuunland Industrial training schools, of law, theology, medicine, pharmacy and dentistry, business colleges, nurses train ing schools, education of the deaf, blind and fecble-mlnded, of the negrees and the Indians ; in short, thore looms te be no tople that could be looked for in n velume of the kind that may net he found treutid in this report. ' . - 'At hxsx, in Susqueliaiina county, tin) grass is as froth and green as in early spring and swarms of hungry mosquitoes nre reported. When mnsqullecs appear in the middle of January thore Is no ue at tempting te conce.il the fact that the woather hurc.ni has leit 11m grip en the clhnate. TnxSecluty for the Prevention of Cruelty te Animals is determined te dcliultuly scttle tlie question of cruelty lu spurt, and will carry. its fox and pigeon cases te tlie supreme court, no matter hew they maybe decided, The pigeon case arese about two years age when the "society attempted te atop the sheeting of tame plgoens let loeso from a trap, A. Nelsen i,eWs, a member of the North Philadelphia Gun club, veluu tarlly submitted te arreit and agreed te all the facts In the ease, lu order te have It legally determined by the Ducks county court whether or net It was cruel te sheet pigeons in the manner described. Thu ease was argncd a low days age befere Judge Yertcesund the doclslen is awaited with interest. The fox case is docketed ler the Match .term of the Montgomery county court. Hex. David Flcmine, who was burled In llnrrisburg te-day, was a prominent lawyer, conspicuous In politics, halng served a tern, as speaker of the Seuate, and was Idcullfted with numerous buslnets entorprUes in Uarrlshurg. He is sdd te have left an ostate valued at $7113,000, Threo children survive him. Iv YeitK a man was found sitting in n recUlug chair with u bullet hele through his heart, caused by a illlecartrldgc, which was found uuoxpledod near his spinal column. In the next room was found a s'aetguu from which it is ..supposed the cartrldge was tired by the man himself. This rather beats the Oowen mystery, us no ene can tell hew the gun and thocerpso get se far apart, as death must have been lustautauoeus. Anether Intorestiug mys eory Is hew the widow and nlue small children of the unfortunate man will manage te get along without him. American Clll Cnulueurs. In the annual mottling of the American Society of Civil Unglneerx, new In session in New Yerk, it wus reported that tlie membership is new 1,210. A report by special commlttce en the bursting of the Johnstown dam, coutaiulngeplulonsoftlio best experts, has been prepared, but in view of the many suits iHindmg ler dam nges growing out of the disaster, it was dei'ided te seal the document and koep It n secret among the members of the com mittee. In regard te the efforts te effect u general adoption of the 21 hours' notation ler railways the eomtuitteo en standard time reported that they had received ra phes te their Inquiries from nearly 000 men prominent hi rallwuy niralrs. Only a few of ihcsQwore opposed te the adoption of the new scheme. Sema 378 railroad officials picsIdeutH, vice presidents, gen eral managers, superintendents and chief engineers favored tlie adoption of tlie ne.v system. Thcso378efllclulsionrosented 135,000 miles of railway. Appointed te the report was u memorial te the goverumont asking thut notion be tuken in tavoref the 21-hour notation. Dentil of nn jmlnent Inventor. M, Lebel, the Inventor of the rille whose adoption has caused such an increase in the effectiveness of the Trench army, is deal. M. Lebol has net long survived the adop adep adop Met by the Trench army authorities of the rille of his invention, which is destined te muke his nume as familiar te newspaper readers in the next great Continental war as was that of Cimsscpet in the war of 1S70-71. The French authorities ndopted the Lebel rifle in the summer of 1S77, and immediately began the mauufueture of this destruclive weapon en n large scale, tlie rlllcs being Issued te the Infantry branch of the servlce as futt as manufactured. The whole army has by this time been fitted out with the new weapon. According te all accounts the I.obel rille must be the most deadly weapon vet in vented, with the possible exception' of the Maenulicher repeating rille with which the Austrian infantry is new being fitted out. The Lebel rille, it is expected, will effect a cemplete changetn the battles of the iuture. Itsurntnunltien produeosnosmoUe.andtho report of its detonation can hcarculy he heard, se that Its ut.e will net betray Iho position of troops armed Willi it. It will carry its bullet mere than a mileandahalr, and itli a mera certain1 aim than has been iKihsible wltli ordinary rilles. Captured 'While Ablcep. William llrummer, a burglar, was eaj t tired at Iho residence of James Bright, of St. Leuis, under peculiar ciicumstauees. He had robbed the house, eaten a lunch and then had fallen asleep, and in this con dition was dlMjevered in the morning by the wi-.-ant, who gave the alarm which led te his arrest. ASV1CT1M OF TOBACCO. Ceng-rtxisman Kelley'a Death Alleged te De Due te the Weed. Tlie New Yerk Iferfd, commenting en Judge Kclley's death, ssrst Judge William D. Kel toy's death was nnddubtedly caused by tobacco. Fer the last threo or four yeftra he has net used ths weed in any shape, but prier te this time he wns nn Inveterate smoker and chewer. He smoked steadily for two goneratlons, and, net content with getting away with a humber of cigars during the daytime, he would go te bed at night with n quid of tobacco In his cheek, when he ttm he would take another chew, Bnd afler break fast ha would smokeanign-pricou uavana. The result was that his system became saturated with nlcotlne, and a cancerous growth arese In his cheek where the quid rested at nlghU This cancer became ap parent about the lime that Grant died of tee much nlcotlne, and about the lime that llnneeck passed away. Judge Kelloy's doctors told him that this cancer would have te be cutaway, and that he must step the use of tobacco If he would wire his llfe. Thore was no man In tha United States who had a stronger will than had Judge. Keller, and though ever TO he consented te the operation. It was a very painful one, but he grew better Im mediately the cancer was cut away, and he said abciit n year after thin time that he never had felt belter than he did then. He said, howevor, that the dcslre for tobacco was at times almost maddening, and that lia had te avoid places where he had te brcnthe tobacco smeke, as this Increased his doslre for It. 'Wlien the craving became se strong that he cenld hardly stand It he would Komelhnos blte olTthe end of a cigar and held It In his mouth ferafew mements nnd then threw It away. He is probably tbe only instance In history of a great man who wus se fur master of himself that he could quit the use of tobacco after the hourly smoking of mere than ilfty years. Heys or tlie Trntnlnir Ship. Twenty or thirty half-grown lads sal about ii table n night or se nge upon ene of the splendid steamers of the l'nll ltlver line enjoying a geed supper. They wero the garb of common sailors. All of them necmed linppy aud healthy. Theso boys are naval apprentices en their way te tne training ship New Hampshire, at .the Portsmouth navy yard. Te-day they will Jein about three hundred aud 11 fly com rades nlready thore. "Theso boys," mKI the officer In chnrge, "beglu the service at $0 a mouth, and nre well taught lu all grades of common Heamaushlp. They may reach the grade of petty ouicers, but no higher oxcept lu case of war, when the best of them might bocenio volunteer oDlcers. We are getting aery geed class of lads for this servlce, and most of thorn American born. Seme of thorn have well-to-de parents. Theso who come are usually wild fellows, w he noed dlHclnllnlntr. This naval servlce, as applied te them, is h great lamer, u may nei de very elevating, butit tenches the boy a geed lessen in the art of behaving. The great preachcr Talmnge has a boy in this servlce, und se lias Judge Ondordenk, of Leng Island. While the oillcer talked with me, tlie ladBfrolicked and seemed as full of mis chief us though they had net yet been cured efthulr kittenish ways. Some of thorn Hcemed bright, smart fellows, who could grew above the grade of a petty .officer if thev had a chance. Thure is ene of the radical deflclncics of our naval system, Thore Is no liope for n Bosnian te grew into n commission. In a republic whero the low are suppesed te have the same chnuce ns the high w e have an aristocracy mera arbitrary than lu Tnglaud." The Dominion 1 Afler redress. Lord Stanley, of Treston, govorner gen eral of Canada, in opening Parliament, en Thursday, made Iho following address : In calling you togclherngaiii for the con sideration of public affairs, I may fairly congrutulate you en a continuance "of pro pre gross and proBperlty of the country. During the recess I visited Manitoba and Iho Northwest territories and llrltlsh Colum bia, nnd evorywhero I found myself re ceived with the loyalty nnd geed will which I have learned te be characteristic of Canada. A comparison of my own ob servations with theso of my predecessors show m clearly the great progress which has marked this part of Iho Dominion In the Nottlenient of the country and In the de velopment el'lts great nKrlcultur.il capabil ities, of Its mineral w calth aud of Its natural resources. In consequence of the ropeated seizures bv the cruisers of the United Slates navy of Canadian vessels, whlloemploycd in tlie capture et souls in thai part m tue uoniiern Pacific ocean known ns Ilehrlng sen, my government has strongly represented te her mnjesty's ministers the necessity of protecting our shipping while engaged lu their lawlul culling, ns well us guarding against the assumption by nny notion of exclusive proprietary lights lu these wuters. 1 feel conlldent that theso repre sentations have had due weight, and I hepe te be enabled, (luring the present session, te assure you that all dlllercuces en this question are in tlie ceurse of satis factory adjustment. TwelMuml. Tieiii the New Yerk Sun. Nathan Levy I say, Jaceb: dot Ikey Klnsteln vas u mean man. He ves tee grasping for his own geed, Jacob Solomons Hew ves dot 7 Nathan Lew Vy, yesterday I gave him my note for 8100 ut dirty days, uud py a uustake I dated It 18S9. Yen I remembered vet I did, I vent te him te get dot nete back, aud he savs " I don't regtlfy no mistakes after you leavos my olllce. I've get your nete dated January 2, 1SSU, ind it is 11 mouths overdue, uud Til clutige you a year's Interest. Jacob Solomons Det vas net right. Yet haf you done? Nathan Levy I told him dot I nuld abide by hisdeeislen, but detas I falled last March und only paid my gredlters '1 per com), dot nete would have te go mlt der old debts, and as dese atlalrs of dot old linn was veuud up he would haf lesue der creditors for der money. He ves u meuu man, dot Ikey Klnsteln. Oil, nuiMcn with grim teeth, nvaunt I Though fulr you seem te leek upon, Hcciium) you don't use SOZOUONT. The swcclucsa of your mouth u icoue ; Your breath Is heavy, ami, from tills, Your lip. no mere Invite a klit. JU-vmUw The steadily lncrcaMwr popularity of Lnxa Lnxa iler, the"gelilen" remedy, Mltlulspeptlcs ami xrseus treubluil with luillirostSeu, Is simply phenomenal, l'rtce only ij cents. At nil Uruij k'Mtv. It iuhIcs n person feel ul tohenrecrjins tmliy. siinVrluc probably from oine slight pain, whlili could ee easily relieved by the uve of Ur. llull'a Uaby Wyrup, which U for sale ut all Urui; stores. A (ioeil Invcstment lstiiat nhlcli yields large retuius from small enlhiy. Header, the way Is clear I Nu specu lation, no chance, bl; returns ! H you ere like most of mankind u have somewhere a weak. nets ileu't frcl ntull times Justus you like te headache te-ilay, backacha to-merrron, Mown sick next wi-eU all because your bleed Is out of order. A small outlay and w hat larpe re turn I Yeu Invest In Ur. l'lerce's Uelileu iled leal Discovery nnd seen pure, fresh bleed courses through our Mill, uud veu nre another bilm' 1 l'.aAw H OOD'3 SAU'SAI'AIUTI.A. The Plain Truth Is that Heed's Barsaparllla has cured thou, snuds of people who sullered severely with rheumntlsm. It neutralizes the lactic nrldlu the bleed, which causes these torrlble pains and aches, and also vitalizes and enriches tbe bleed, thus preventing the recurrence or the disease, Tluuefuct warrant lis lu urglncyeu, If you sillier with rheumatism, te glw Heed's ijimiipurlllaa trial. "Ter 25 jenrs I hate suflercil with sclalle rhcumatUm, Lust .N'e ember I was taken were than eer, and whs unable te tetoutef the house, 1 was nlme&t Ilrlpless fbr 10 Uny-s ttUTerins greut ngeny. In Deeeniber I coin cein luenced taking Heed's Sargapurlllu. After the second bettle 1 was able te be out und around und attend te business. I took live bottles, aud am new m tree from rhcumatUm that only oo eo oe caslouully I feel It slightly en a sudden chauge of weather. I have great confidence In Heed's hnrsaperllla." CitAr.i.M lU.vx.wt, Christie, Clarke Ce., Wis. Inflammatory Itliciiiuatlsm "Having been troubled with Inflammatory rheumatism for many years, my fuuruble at tention was called te Heed's Sursaparllla by an advertisement of cures It had elfected, I have new used threc;bettles of Heed's barsaparllla and can already testify te beneficial results. I highly recommend It as a great bleed purifier," J. O. Ayebs, West nioemQeld, N, X, HOOD'S SAItSATAItlLLA Beld by all druggists. tljtlxferSS. lrcpared only by C. 1. HOOD J: CO.. Lewell, Mass. 10Q DOKSS O.NE D0U.AU lsttiMtk.t' nttus&nitA, FrltVur.Vaa. 17, WO. Nineteenth Dav. JANUARY SERIAL SALE. The quick things Are all ever the store. Seme we have told you of ; new ones added te the list te-day. They arc the few. The many arc slipping ouMvith euMvith ouMvith eut a word in the papers. " Millinery. Black and Colored Felt Hat prices reduced almost te the vanishing1 point. Scotch Tarns and ether headwear of cloth, plush, and the like are where a short pockctbeok can reach them. Evening Bennets and Hats, dainty all fresh as new blown roses. All the shapes that Fashion favors are here plenty. Leather Goods. Sample line from one of the best makers of Card Case?, Letter Cases, Wallets, Pocket books, etc. Mostly one of a kind. Prices of Card Cases In Alligator, Morocco, Heal, nnd Uenulue Llzznrd-run llke this: II 00 kind for V) K70klndfor75e .l 00 kind for We UOc kind for SOe I .otter Casas, In thb sains leathers : fl 75 kind for 75a S3 00 kind for II 00 12 25 kind ler f I 25 tJHOklndferllBO I'oekclheoki, some with real silver corner, In nrleus leathers. Most of them nre innde from ene piece, Iho finest manufac tured ! 11 kind for 12 2". II kind for 12 60 15 kind for H 75 With white metal corners, 1125 from $.1. Ileal Sen! Heeks, wlthoutcernerH.tcero (ft 10, new 71c, Fancy Imported leather without corners, were tl 20, new 75c. Heavy Cowhlde Heal, without corners, wcre ?rts nnn fLs Fine Ileal Ueu'l Hand llag, vras II. new 117V Hair Brushes. Every ene warranted all bi Islles, quarter te half eir: e rows bristles, 30e 11 rows bristles, 2Je 11 rows ltusslan bristles, 4Vi 11 rows Husslan bristles, oec 8 rows bristles, solid hack, 40e ' 11 rows bristles, solid back, (We Wicker Furniture. Always welcome where light ness and strength with beauty are appreciated. Choice styles." Wicker Rockers down from II 50 te tl 00 down from 5 75 le 4 00 down from 0 00 te a 00 down from (ICOte 4 00 down from fl 73 te 4 75 down rrem 8 50 te 0 00 down from 9 00 te 5 75 down from 10 00 te 7 0U down from II 00 te 7 60 town from 12 09 te 8 00 down from 11 50 te 7 50 down from 12 CO te 8 00 down from H 00 te A 50 down from 10 00 te 11 00 down from 17 60 te 12 00 WIcketHUindlng Chairs dew n from 12 50 te 8 50 Chinese Wicker Chairs down te W 00 each Wicker Tables down from 17 60 te 11 00 down from 8 2 te 6 00 down from 8 00 te 4 0) down from 8 60 te Ba) down from 18 00 te 10 00 Combination High Chairs from 11 50 le 73c. Cane Hentltockers down te H2e nnd 5.150. Perforated 8cat Hookers down te 12 UO. llent Weed Arm Chairs, scrat -lied In dcllx cry, down te half prices. Down Quills. Daintiest of all the warm bed coverings. Ne weight that bur dens. And we put them within reach of almost everybody : Down Qui ti, with handsome ratccn covers, muslin Interlined se the down will net shed, (475 down from 108x8 fcet square, Down Quilts, English Turkey lied cers, II 50 from to-tliefect square. Twelve fine English Quilts, each a striking exemplification of the highest development of Kensington Art, shall go at a thind under regular price. Muslin Undenvear. Plenty still of the reduced things te interest every thrifty housewife. Pictures and Easels, Today we start a merry racket among Pictures, Frames, Easels and thelike. The price clipped things have mostly been put en tables where you can see them'at a glance. When you pitch upon anything that suits, never mind the pricetag ; what is te pay will, be tee insig nificant te worry you. 5 Artetypes of many Interesting subjects, size lUVi Inches, lu decorated Ouk Frames with line quality glass, rednced from U le Great variety of Cabinet Photograph Iruiues at Je te tl-thlrd and half of former prices. runel Photographs of a wide rnnga or sub jects. New goods. 75c te SI 60-ubeut half prices. Easels In oak. cherry and ether woedr. usually sold at ft), go te si 50. Easels with folding racks aud pictures are marked down te f.'. Jehn Wanamaker. ev tU or flcnt. T KAL ECTATi: OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE, iieuBt,mmMxa LOTs.r.vHMs, mills, Ac,, for sale. Great bargains. Call for our new Cutaleguejust out, HOUBK8 and BUSINESS PllOPEllTIKSal. wn)s en hand for rent. KENTct COLLECTED Properties taken charge of, collection of rents, pa ment of tuxes, repairs, etc., attended te without trouble or an. uoyunce toeuuers. MONEY TO LOAN ON MOHTOAOES.-Fer tlie having money te luest we hineiirst. elans mortgages en hand uud the In-sl of facili ties fur InNesllng, TITLE PAPERS prepared nud titles eurerully exumliii-d. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 108 KASTKIXQ STREET. ""V Hind ctttiettu; YVt. NATHOaST. DENTIST. XJ SSICKNTltUbQUAHE. De net let your teeth decay any further. Yeu de net often Und advcu)ed teeth Unit cun net lie Stte4 by nillng or crowning. Hne jour teeth examined and attended te ut once. It will suve sunerhiL- uud expense. All ojiemtleua guaranteed. Filling Teeth and PUnless Kxtruc Kxtruc llen Uueclattles. nJCKJmdiw fPvit Heehm J. B. M AHTIJt CO. BLANKETS. A Speelnl Blanket for a chilly night, at 13; weighs, 8IU) slM,72x purs wool; awsek age tha prleswa H6a Anetbar pan wee), tlxe, 00x71, at II a pair; was our K Bhuakat dar ing tbs Kail. Net many of a kind, but an odd let should always bring an odd prles.and tusllOandllJ nechesUrUUnd Lamp art new sold at M. A metal Heehsster Table Lamp, whlU shade, down from tt GO te It EC. TABLE TUMBLERS. Cleaning tip, and a Praneh Thin OUuTnmb ler, with Ave narrow bands engraved en tide, at COe each : redueed from tl 25 a deaen. A wreath of fern engraving at Me perdeaen, re duced from II GO. Quantity limited. TOILET SETS. A crate newly opened gives us a 10-ploee dee dee erated Eugllsh Toilet SeU-10 pieces at 1225. One week only at this price ; after price will be ti. A number of Toilet Beta, with a piece or two chipped or missing altogether, hare been marked at a bargain price fl 50 te N M. Cor. W. King & Prince Sts., LANOA9TEB. PA. itacltincru, , TTAPPY NEW YEA 111 Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. MANUFACTUKKlt OF HORIZONTAL VERTICAL IMHTAIILK HOISTINU ENGINES. (Horizontal Tubular. BOILERS. eriirni, Twe Fine, nnillilnlWu.b- l Marine. ' CENTHIFUOAL "10IL.UI l'l-.f.U M IN INC HTE.UI PUMPS. (Haw Mills. -Mlnrk Mills, (Cob Mills. MILLS. AUTOMATIC TAN PACKERS, URAaS LEATHER ROLLERS, 11A11K CONVEYER 8CREW8, PULLEYS, 8HAFTINO, OEARING HANOERH, PILLOW BOXES, CLAMP BOXES, COUPLINGS, COLLARS, M1LLBUSHINUS, STEPBOXEH. SI'INDLES, TO Ed AND STEPS, PULLEY PLATES, HIIIEVi: WHEELS, Sc, Ac, Ac, &c BOLTS, TURN'BUCKLES, LAO SCRKW8, RODS UP-SETT, BETT SCREWS, FORQINQS, NUTS, Hq. end Hex., CAST WASHERS. PLATE WASHERS, l . WROUailT WASHERS. Specialty In Making nnd Repairing DEEP WELL DRILLING! TOOLS, Vlt : Reds, flits, Reamers, Jars, Sand Pumps. Blt.ttiid Red Catches, ac. "uw, Charcoal Hammered f i.uruuu . kivei Deublo Refined Refined Heller and Tank fe?cfrSrcIul,U.nd f Sl""e' for ". 0. LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES Such as Valves. Cocks, Gauges. Oilers fast and Malleable Fittings, IiOi'ters" FackmSs! 1'IIkss, tc, ever carried In Laucaster. '" Special Attention Given te STEAM HEATING. Light aud Heavy Iren and Brass CasUngs. S-Repalrlng Promptly Attended te.-t Cheap Let of SECOND-HAND PULLEYS AND SHAFTINa KOll HALE, i ruUejs, 4Sxl2; 4 Pulleys. 41x10: 2 I'ullara puneVs.8' iixvy ' v",,ei' ?n PullTyMl)it.1'U"O5''!9K,,,0yj: " W0ea 8pl,t 8-2 lilfl Cen'ars. G2 feet, 2 15-10 Shafting. H -21 Inch Drep Huugs Deuble Braced. Jehn Best, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCA8TER, PA. Second-Hand Boilers. ...57S".ne,T.?. l;wcri? 'nch Dlam., 16 feet long 22xli Inch Tube s. Price, $175 mid 1150. " 1-Oeller 30 Inch Dlam., 13 feet long, 2W lush Tubes, 12 feet long, with Tire Frent. 1125 Kenl. XUMHKRANDCOAU J TOIIACLOHHOOKSANDCASES. WEST. i.ilN HARD WOODS. Wholesale ,m KeUll b', . ... " MARTIN A CO.,' nS-lyd CI Water Street. LancaMtr. I'a. T AUMU ARDN ER8 COM PAN Y. COAL DEALERS. YAKos-Nerth Prluue Street, near Heeding silllIMM I.ANCAHTKIt. HA. T"OriCE TO TKErtPAHrtElW AND UUN , L N ERS. All persona are hereby ferbl ddeu te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster ixmntles, whether Inclesed or untnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rU-ldly enforced against all tre. (visaing en said lauds of the underslgLed arte this uellre. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDKN, KDW. C. FREEMAN, Atterneyi for K. W, Culeseaii'i Httn. auflntii 9nr .. u 'AOEBBBOnmi,t .V f DECIDED REDUCTIONS HAVE BERN MADS TMROUOHOtTT OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DCPARTMENT Late Buyers of Overcoats. SUITS OR TROUSERS. HOULD NOT FAIL. TO EXAMINE OCR STOCK AND COHPAUt PRICK, . AH-Weel Nobby Treaaer Styles, , te order; aalprlee,U. - ftWttfttttefcand Sneilsh Cherlet Treneer acta, M, te order j waaj prlsw, W aad HA. -S?-!?" Off1'" WersHs Tnweer Electa, m, te order ; turn! prtea, Ki. Ezeelleat AU-Weel Cheviot and Csvaetmer ulUngs, f U and IM, te order. Stylish ,Plald and Check Salting Effect, 110, te order; were NO. NewSultlag Kffeete, K, te order ; were Ms. . Plneet Caaslmara and Worsted Suiting Ef. hcU, MS, te order ; usual prlee, MS. A Feil Dree Salt, of Fine Blaek Diagonal Bag lUh Worsted, lined with beet quality Satin. Mi, te order ; usual price, Mi. Winter Overoeetlnge te order at greatly re duced prleee. Examine spoelelly ear $25 Over Over eeeta te order. Lined with beet quality Quilted Satin and Satin Slevef. Hager & Brether, 25,27,29,311. King St,, LANCASTER, PA. s ACIUFICESALE. Charles Stamm, LANCASTER, PA. Great Clearing Sale. SSc and 50c Woolen Caps at 10c. II All-Silk Mufflers atGOe. Plush Ornaments, 1, 2, 3, 4, ft cU. Misses' Corset Waists, 23c, Children's Weel Hese, 8, 10. 12 cts. Misses' and Ladles' Weel Hese, 12fe. We and 75e Corsets at 37cand&0c TSe and tl Kid Olevea at 60c and C7c. Infant's Weel Bootees, 12c and 15c. S pleees Toilet Seap for 5c. Dress Shields at 6c and 10c. Flue Dress Buttens at 2, 6 and 10c a dozen. 7-Inch Black Rubber Combs at Ce. KestSklrtbraldatsc, Best Ammonia at 5c. Ne. Silk Ribbon at Se. Ne. 18 Striped Satin Ribbon at 10c Torchon Laacs, 1, 2, S, , 5, , 7, 8, e, w cts. te and 17 Menkey Muffs at 83 80 and te. Ruchlngi at 1, S, 5, 10, Ufa 17 cts. Dells cheap te close out Black Thibet Shawls cheap. Blanket Shawls cheap te close out. Laec Cellars, 5, 10, 1S, 17, 20, 25. cU. iWhlte Aprons, 20, 23, S3 te 75 cts. 6-lneh Feather Trimming at Se a yard, Fur Trimming at half price. Yen Are Always Sure te Get a -AT- 35-37 North Queen Street. CarriagcB. s LEIOUSI SLEIUU9I EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, iO, 12, U A 15 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the Posteflloe), LANCASTER, PA. I have new ready the finest assortment of ALBANY and PORTLAND BLEIOllH, both Single and Deuble, ever offered te the public. Prices te suit the times. Call and examine them, A full line efBuggles, l'hit'tens and Carriages or eery description. Alse Hecend-IIaud Werk of etery variety. Ule me a cull. All work warranted. TRepalrlng In all lu branches. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. TESSE JONES A CO.. Va pff,'JnS,rWiJrVNrECT,0NE,i FINE PAPLR BOXES. The root beautiful Hue In KS.USLtdsS'5 6i5 Commerce St., Pt dUdel p,a pf, Write ferdescrlpUve price list. Junel-78teed TTENUx' WOUr, FURNITURE STORE, SWiTmoTS?te.1.M Eai't King; street, having a full llu of t urulture of every description at Uie lowest prices. Alse Uuderuklng promptly at tended te. Call aud examine our goods. Jt-UdR U. WOLF, m East t laglltreet. leii pen Stat, w mm, . sftmtttttYt. A Cird of Tbanks ! We very graUfally thank enr eat eat temers of the past year who helped m build a successful business. By the means of PRICE, STYLE AND QUALITY We have merited your mtrenare aaA given smtlsawUen. We have greatly la- i ear stecjc or NEWrURNITURK FOR8PRINO FURNIBUINO, And Invite an lnipaetlen of our Maw .BTTtaeand Lew Paucaa. 49-We store goods nntll wanted. OCHS ft GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealer, 2d,'3d 4 1th Floers, !1 BOUTII QUEEN Sl'ltEiCT. vr DMfKB-SCOHKLit. " DOWN WENT VcGINTY " MAS GROWN PRETTY THREADBARE FROM CONSTANT USE ; BUT IcGlnty Gould let Have Gene Much Leier THAN THE PRICE AT PARTICULARLY IN THE MATTER. OF HOUSE-STIRES. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING, CORNER E. King ft Duke Sis. F URNISIIINQ UNDERTAKER. Walter A. Heinitsb. Furnishing Undertaker ! Neb. 27 ft 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. RESIDENCE, 37 WEST VINE ST. (Svpcsvism. T7URE1 FireT FireT Just received a consignment of Canned Cern. Labels sllidiUy scerchi'd at the late Jaiuiey Andrews Fire, Philadelphia. LOOK AT THE THICK, 5 CTS. A CAN. Remember we guarantee the contents of each and every Can te be First-Class. We have a Can opened en our ceunternnd weuldbe pleased te have you call and examine same. Geed Tomatoes from our regular stock at 7c a Can, nnd large 3 lbs Cans at that. Blackberries at 7c, or i for 25c. TEA AND COFFEE STORE, NOS. 12 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. &avycta. T ANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO 00 TO SHAUB & VONDERSMITH. HUGH, CARPETS. ART RQUARES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, EU;. FINEST LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES In the City for the Prices, Be Sure te Sce Them. BEST GOODS I LOWEST PRICES GROUND FLOOR! ONE PRICE I CARPET AND CARPET WORK I BEST AND CHEAPEST I Near Cerner of Orange & N. Qneen. aug29.1yd EVAN'S FLOUR. "HEAR THE CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MATTER." If you want Ooed Bread right along and all the time use LEVAN'S FLOUR I Which has been tiled and NOT found wanting. Seoul iiotfcce. "TJISTATE OF UEOHOK (iltOril, LATE OF XU the city of Lancaster, deceased. letters of administration en said estate halng beeu rauted te the undersigned, ull persons In ebted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and tlice huMng claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under slgued, reldlna In said city. Jehn A. Cevlk. Attorney. v;ji Aiu.M unui ii. Administrator. d-7-CitdF ESTATE OF J. J. FITZPATRICK. LATE of Lancaster city, deceused. Letters tes tamentary en said estate hating been granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these halng claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, at the b-uWlug house of Heed, Mcdrann Ce.' . , B. J. McURANN, Exeeuter. J. L. STKIX-tCTZ, Att'y. JauWtdF . s ttT "a- . JO" r ) .-1 . i! .,f !- - T XsrJtX.. t .T- -i-sejfcT