TIT T ?":'" s,;n - THE IiAKCASTER DAILY IOTELLI&ENCEK, TIIUKSDAY, JAKUAKY 9, 1800. ,:v 1 "- rtilu afttUUtficijecr. '$ INDWKW J.STBtNMAK, , J " CHARLB3BTEIKMAN FOI.TZ, Editors. i BOBERT CLARK, PebllAer. fHfc DAILY .lNTELUaENCKR,-.Pumlhd very day in the year, but Bunday. Served by earrlen In thU city nnd surrounding towns at ten cenU a week. By mail rive del ten year in advance j GO ccuU month. WKBKLT INTELLIGENCER-Onc dollar and . ttlr cenU a year, in advance. OTICE TO BUBSCRIBERH-Remll by check erpottefflce order, and where neither of theae can be procured tend In a registered letter1 atared al the SPostefflcc, m second class mall Batter. ABDRSW, THB nJTELUOEHCBR, Lancaster, 1. LAK0A8TEX.PA., Junury 9, 1890. 4 Sft. Frtie righting. Governer Lewry, of MUsiwIppl, evi dently fcela bound te make the prize lighten who defied his authority thor oughly sick of their foelUliuess. Net ehly Sullivan and Kllralu arc te be punished, but also tliose who aided and abetted tlie prize, light at IllcUutirg, anil the Issuing of warrants for lx sporting men and the nrrcst of four of them quite astonishes the culprits. They can net ace why the spectators of a prize fight should be punished, but In the light of the notorious fact that the light was In defiance of law and of n governor's proc lamation, aud that these men were net only spectators but managers and active encouragers of It, there should be no treubla in ninklug them suffer along with their tools, the real fighters. It will be a very wholesome lessen te men of their stamp aud may help along the growth of a strong sentiment against prize-fighting. If the whole crowd at the prize light could have been arrested nnd jailed for a long term, It would have been a geed thing, Ter ail accounts agreed that a mere ugly crowd would be hard te gather, and thieves, gamblers aud desperate characters of many varieties far outnumbered the honest men. Boxing may be fine exer cise aud manly sport, but prize lighting can net be freed from brutality. Ath letic clubs and gymnasiums may encour age sparring with ether exercise, but whether their matches degenerate into brutal prize fights will depend upon the character of theclub. An ordinance has Just been Introduced te the New Orleans city council authorizing sparring matclierf uudcr the control of chartered gymnasium clubs. It seems better te discourage the set matches altogether and te keep sparring strictly within the bounds of n geed humored exercise In tin art trying alike te the temper aud skill. There Is plenty of harmless sparring going en all the time, which stimulates a natural Interest in the doings of the professional brulers who abuse n geed thing, net when they abuse ene another, but when they turn what should be trials of strength nud skill Inte bloody and brutal mauling. The Street Car Ordinance. The councils have passed the electric railway ordinance without amendment; aud with but one dissenting voice In common council, with, however, but seventeen of the twenty-seven members present. We consider that the ordl erdl , nance wan net well framed, and does net properly conserve the interests of the. city, though we have net objected te tlie experiment of electric street ear propul sion. If councils had granted the privilege with such reservations ns would have kept the coutrel of the matter In the hands of the city, we should have been ''content. But this grant has net been made with proper reservations and will be likely hereafter te give the city much trouble. The ordinance does no credit te its framers. statement that he had consulted with these who held the Hcpubllcan party In the hollow of their hands, It clearly had a geed deal. . , There is no fair room te deny the scandalous Interference of tiie high In Republican authority te prevent the suc cessful prosecution or Dudley. ItDcrlmps was net te be reasonably expected that n president who achieved his seat through the corruption of the ballet-box and by the devices for which Dudley is accused, would show nny readiness te assist Ids nrosccutien. or even that he would net threw in the way the ob stacles that have been thrown! But he must expect te meet nud endure, with his fellow consplrnters, exposure of the methods of his election and such un pleasant excoriation as that of fc'enater Voerhecs. At the end of the second week of January New Yerk is nctually found complaining of scarcity of ire nnd the dealers talk of sending te Canada for a supply. lie whlnned into cream f tlie big If buffalo nre scarce tlicre seem' te be plenty of grlwly bears, for n rancher of Wyoming lias wagored ten thousand dol lars Unit In anv limiting mason within tliree years he will, unaided, kill fifty grl. ly bears In Ilia Wk mountain and Medi cine Hew ranges. At last tlie thoriiieinctor agrees with llie calendar and cold weather llircalens. Tlie wonderful sprlng-ltke weather seemed te have persuaded even tlie birds that we wilt have no winter, nud many sparrows were scen carrying straws for nest build ing. SprhiK llowers have been jcMrted In bloom, nnd hyuclnlliN and ether bulb plants have forced up grceu sprouts that might, In n few mero days of similar weather, have given lawns and gardens of the city nil the goigeeus colors of a sunny day In March. On Decembcr 2), the first Sunday nfler Christmas, the first snow drops were found blooming clese te the aeutli sldoef St. James' Kplscepid church byallllleglrl rejoicing in the appropriate nnine or Florence. l'x-CexsiTi. Vnhkuwoeii made n happy If boastful rnsponse te a te.ist at a bniupiet In Olasgew en Wednesday. He said : "In America thore nre greater lawyers nt the bar than en the bunch, nnd mero learned men In private life than In the eeuuells of the nation. It is only a happy accident when moil lllte Motley, Lewell and 1'hclps represent the country abroad." riir. PENNSYLVANIA HUTCH. Their W 4S.. fcsVtf That Cider Vinegar. It is very well te held public officers te a strict observance of the law In the discharge thelrduty; and when Prison Inspector Xisslcy sold two barrels of cider vinegar te the prison lie was bound te dolt according te law, not withstanding he was doing the keeper u favor at his request. We are glad te hear that Mr. NU.sley took the precaution te have his elder vluegar sale approved by the beard of inspectors, ns tlie law requires; and te knew that the preccutlnn brought ngninst film has no foundation in fact. It does net take much evidence te show that there was plenty of spite in a prosecution for selling two barrels of elder vinegar te the prison, even though the approval of the beard of inspectors te the transaction had net been obtained. We ere truly sorry that our Republican friends are se filled with bitterness towards each ether as this incident shows them te be. They are getting very ripe for a grand smash-up. University Extension. The scheme for widening the influence of the University of Pennsylvania by establishing many branches In cities and towns of the eastern part of the state needs mere detailed explanation than the trustees have se far inade public, but seems te lie an effort In the direction of instruction by popular lectures such ns nre given In Paris. If that Is the Idea it should first be de veloped In Philadelphia and then gradually extended. Jt seems te be feared that the tcheme will provoke the hostility of smaller institutions of learning, but if properly managed there is no reason why it should. In Lancaster, for example) the uulverslty could probably enlist the aid of Franklin nnd Marshall professors, al ways enthusiastic nud aggressive In the cause of learning. Accord ing te the scheme as outlined professors and lecturers of the university are te be sent out te establish course, but where there Is geed local material It should only be necessary for the mil mil mil vversltytofurnlfchthe financial backing HIUUUUCIUII.O me general supervision uuvi'iiuu ei me work. vii..n..r and r ', E-SSe ffe&r Uh the lectures will draw may le doubted but only practical and extensive trial can settle the question, nud the decision of the university trustees will be awaited with interest. 2'( Iii Chancery. . St-nater Voerhce had Senater Quay in chancery in the Kenute, when he told him of his visit te Indiana te secure the safety of Dudley. fcVnater Quav de nied that he had seen these whe'held the Republican party in the hollow of their hands, or conferred with uuyone in regard te the case of 3lr, Dudley. A moment afterward, however, Sen Sen aeor Quay admitted that he had called te see the president-elect ; and If Senater Voerhecs' statement about bU Interference In the I) ml lev had m njuvh. truth iu it at had the Proitrewn In Thin Ktnto-ein Notulile ChnnielerlstlcM. l'rem the New Yerk World. Jtls new 172yarsslnee tlie Quaker As As semblv of I'eiiiiHVlviiiiln ordered that nene but Ifngllsli-speaklng Immigrants should be the sullied of naturalization. Net satisfied with the workings or this law the sauie body provided a few years later that every foreigner te the F.ngllHli novermnoiit arriving after the passape of the act should pay a tliitv of forty shillings and swear allegiance 'te Great llrltiiln and the pro vince Tlics,e and ether measures dis couraging the prospective linmlirrautH who roll within their scepe were all alined at llin Germans, who, for some reason or ether, seemed possessed era wild ambition le land en the western sliore or Dolawnre. Prier te the year 1727 mero than Ally thousand or them were snugly established In the Quaker province in spile of so se so vero laws mero were coming by every ship, and the rollewors of Penn were greutly disturbed In spirit ut the Invasion. " Strung" Ihbigs have coma te pass sluee then. The Quaker has vanished. Tliore remains nothing te tell the story or his fiirinur ureatness but the uunlnt old bury ing ground en Arch street nud a dozen failed shad-belly coats, heirlooms In en many Philadelphia garrets. He perished In no great tumult or arms, nor by the march of any pestilence. He was neither idoleut nor lacking In shrewdness; hudld net starve te death, nor did the Germans se much a crowd htm. He died simply because hu was tee geed te llviv-n melan choly warning which has net been lest upon his successors in Pennsylvania poll tics. Hut the prescribed German stolidly blded his time. He came, paid his duty nnd stayed. He took possession or the rich farms along the .Susijucliauna, the Lehigh nud the Juulata, and filled the glorious valleys which lead down te the rivers. He began te have things his own way, and when the new order was established, iifter the ltuvolutleu, he held lu his hands the political power of thu great slate which he had turned Inte a imrdcir wlieie the ueils might dwell. Thu most timorous Quaker, fearlut of German ascondeney, could searcely have had it prevision of tlie complete triumph attained by his Teutonic rival nt the beginning of the present cen tury. The Quaker was already llttle mero than a memory ; tlie German llie potent ract or the social nud political elder, ltul le! when the victor proclaimed his con quest It was In a strange tongue; he no longer thought nor full as a German. The fatherland was net beyond seas, but here. Get many, nnd nil its interests nud family ties, was no morn te him than It was le Patrick. Hu had hocemu a Pennsylvania ll'.ilchiiiau. The Teutonic Immigrant brought with him te Penusylvanlii only thu limited vocabulary efu German peasant nearly 1200 years age. Jlis ptouenclatlou or Mm uatlve tengue was olteu Inaccurate, ertliu English worse, uud tlie dovialien from the vernacu lar has Increased with every uoneratlon until all semblance of tlie original Is iu many cases lest. "Tepper," meaning hurry; "int," forward; "nuener," under; " fiittltih," dena or finished, ero u row ex amples or many words net easllv accounted for. Neither u German nor an l.'ugltshman would ninke initeli of "croembora." The former would say knrtellcl, the latter potato, hut our Pcnnsvl until Dutchman examines the tuber, and, . ter much smell- lngiiml tasting decides tin u is n berry, "if it Isn't a berry ves dui leihliikerlslt?" said ene or thorn le me thu oiher day, aud " croembeera," he calls It, de llitlebs led te his word, In spite of my friend's explana tion, through n feguy recollection or his re mote ancestors, who named it dle grund blrnc, the ground pear. With words do de noting hesitancy or doubt the Pennsyl vania Dutchman is well provided nom ever the Ithlne, but when hu wishes te op press the idea or certainty, promptness or quickness or perception he Is obliged te usj tliu languagoeriils Anglo-Saxen neighbor, from whom he learned about nil hu knows of thce qualities. Tothesauio seurce also does he go mr his prefitulty, once he beeume really ugly. lint that proves nothing ene way or the ether. The Kugllsh is, after all, the only language iu which a man can swear and getunythiug Ukouitisfartleu. The proveib which bids us bowuietlio fury of the pa tient man is a geed one te remember in dealing with him, for he is slew te wrath. lie Is essentially n pen.ini ; m its et igiual and least nlfansive meaning a beer. He has no word denoting courtesy, fn geed will and friendliness he abounds ; of the liitle social auuiiiities uud court grades which add se much te the life or nil ether clvilired people he knows nothing. Fer example: Although it may be stated esn generalization that all or them can sneak KnglUh, association w 1th them is likely te preve embarrassing ir you de net knew their language. Yeu may be nil Invited guest at their house, but ull conversation among themselves will be In their own Dutch, without translation or apologies te you. And they are great talkers. It would seem impessible fiir rudeness te go rur thur; yet no otlense has been intended, und they would net comprehend your In dignation if expressed. ur course tney no net neglect you, ami will talk much te you. Hut every com ment, nei parlicuiaily uiltlresscu te von will be In their own language. 'I hey will nrgue und dixpute among thoinselvos with great volubility upon the subject in hand, but no matter hew deeply you may belli terdstcd in the matter you will 'have te guet-s at what they nre saving. Yeu l,e l,e l,e ceme Indignant and reel Ilke picking up your hut and leaving, but , that would be a great mistake if it is nt nil near n meal time. Yeu will never get a better dinner than Ihey serve te the farm hands eicry day ofthe year. Ktay te dinner or supper and you will forgive them everything. Talk about your French cooks humbug! Leaving out the ene item of beef, which thev bell, roast or Iry until It is as dry, Hat and tasteless us n chip, the Pennsylvania Dutch women ure the bet cooks in thu world. If the beef Is unsatisfactory you can have a stlce of fried hum that would almost convert a yegeiarlau j potatoes will it mountain of rmvery Um beans will dis solve at the touch or tlie tongue ; thocernt tomatoes, asparagus all thing that aver grew in garden or In field nava lest net ene breath of their fresh and dainty Haver. The bread is as light and white as uew-fallcu Vmew, the butter was churned yesterday and the proervos and jellies are miracles of delicious aweetness. A I umli n fount, vim furirct vmlrhedllv limi tatiens, but eat as ir you ero a spirit that occupies all space and can nover be filled. GOVKItXOll I.OWKV WIDE AAVAKK. He Cannen tlie Arrest of Tliose Connce- toil With theSiilllvaii-Kllralnriglit. Oovernor fiewry, of Mississippi, has net rorgetlon the Hulllvan-Kllmlii fight at lllcliburg. This Is proven by the arrest at lilslnstnnee In New Yerk en Wednesday of Win. 1'. Harding, Mlke Donevan and Mike Cieary. It Is said nlvi that before twenty-four hours have passed Charlie Jehnsen, .litn Wakelynnd all the ethers who who weroactlvely connected with the fight nnd are at present In New Yerk counts', will be the guests of Inspector Uyrnes. All wero taken into custody en ilm nlil rniitilsltlens sent te Governer Hill. It was only Wednesday morning that Oovernor Hill telegraphed te Inspector Uyrnes te tnke the men Inte custody. The three detectives wero ntonce started out, William K. Hardhigwasfeundnt the iWi'ce aasctte olllce by Detectives Creed and Aioncle. Cottreli caught Donevan in bed. He had been out Inte Tuesday night te a ball, he Bald, nnd was peacefully slumber ing when Cottreli entered his room nnd aroused him. He seemed dazed, but said nothing. Denning his clothing he accom panied the detectlve te jKillcn headquarters. In the meantime CIcnry had been arrested en the street, nt the corner or Fifth avouue anil Twcnty-seveiiin sircei. no mnue no resistance, but manifested grent surprlse llke the ethers. The requisitions bad been In the hand of Governer Hill se long without any netleii being taken en them that they considered the matter ns settled. Late In the uflcrnoen the detectives took tlielr prisoners before .Tustlce Heguu at the Jolfersou Market pollee court. After several miner eases had been disposed of thev were called up befere tlie Judge. Kx Kx Juilge Peter Mitchell npnenred for them. Doteetlvc Creed explained te Judge Hegnn that ha did net have the requisition with him. Lawyer Mitchell said lie would net tnke advantage of that Tact, but asked that u day be set ler examination. At ins suggestion juiige negnn sci me oxnmlnatlen down ter a week rrem next Saturday. The derendants wero held In J.MX) cucli. Chris Clarke, manager or the J)lire Vtitette, furnished ball for Harding nud Donevan. Jlllly Dennett went ball for Clearv. Lnwyer Mitchell said later that he had already telegraphed Governer Hill in re gard te n hearing and expected te hear Irem him lu the morning. He expected te have the case settled there befere it oame up In the pollee eon it. He predicts that his clients will go rree. 'was also arrested. lie wes paroled te pre- euro bull, H0ittamcHct-'-, Philadelphia! Thu radar, Jan. 9, lsn. Twelfth Day. JANUARY SERIAL SALE. What care you when we take account of stock, or whether our stock is loe big or tee small, or for any one of the many points that telfch our private interests ? It would bti scant courtesy te your intelli gence te parade such motives Fer any business move of ours. Therefore we simply say from day te day as we seriate our stock into new Bargains that our great goods-controlling power makes it possible and special conditions make it de sirable te create prices that a Millien Dollars' Merchandise this tf eeim atib $lt0. "I ItKAT CbKAIUNO BALE! Clear the Track -FOR- THE CLEARING SALE -AT- it by riiyMclnni. ljiwvcm ami lluxhicss .Men urn iMithiisluMtle In tlielr IndeniciiK'iit of Hahntleii Ull. Jt cures thu werat canes of rheumatism. KB cin Is. Hhn sat en the plann-stoel with her hands tliihtly rlnHped, luelclnir Initie ami mlxcrablc Micrevilli netsliiK n note. I (icntly nukkcaUhI llr. Hull's CeiiRh Hyriip. The imxt (lay slid wan sIukIiik "int trllllni; 111(0 llie llrnt hlrililn the Hnrlns- hc-nsltile ylrl I will move worth of month. And se we're doing price power, that s all. Never before was our power of retail leadership se com pletely demonstrated. It shows that confidence in our state ments is stronger te-day than ever. Out of it come the ceaseless throng at the Underwear Coun ters, the busy hum in the Car pet Stere, the picking crowd among the Bnc-a-lsrac, the many light-seekers in the Lamp stock, the numerous searchers after Curtains, the Boek-hunters, the Critical Collectors of rurniturc. lhe why is net needed. Given the fact, the Bargain fact, the public does the rest. Whole newspapers would be insufficient for the Bargain Story. Your friend does net send a Menu with your dinner invitation, nor de we with our Bargain bid. D P.STACKHOUSE'S, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Stmt AMjTUKODD IX)TH AND BROKEN HIZE3 IN Beets & Shoes. Must be Held te Make Itoem for VrCThHleck. GOODS COMING IN DAILY. Ne Place for Odd Lets. All Broken Hires will le Held at tlreken I'rlces. GO THEY SlUUT, PRICE OR NO 1'IIIIG I STACKHOUSE, 28 and 30 East King 9rn 000b. J B. MAATW CO. FOR THE DOTH OF JANUARY Heavy Reduction In 9rg 000 G REATBARUAINB -1N- St., LANCASTER. PA. LADIES', Mimarand CHILDREN'S COAT DEPARTMENT! AT J. B.Martin & Ce. Ladies' Directeire Newmarkctb In Stripe. PUIdn and Vlain Shade. . The Newest aud Ment Saleable Garments Made. Ifarmer Prliw. Present Prln. Ill 00 Dlrectolre Newmarket.... ..-..Ill no 1200 ..... HBO 1100 " v" 8 75 1000 ' -... 8 00 Cleth Newmarkets, Have btcn placed en a wparate counter, and every one haa been reduced. .....HUM lift) 7b ..... 8 55 , 0 75 500 DRY GOODS -AT THE f 17 00 Cleth Newmarkets reduced te 1500 " " " WOO " " " loeo " " " a 00 " " " BOO " " " AVertlH iirwimlein. Ne doctor will full te Imprc his p.illcnt " Hint the mouth and (celli nlienM be healthy liccntme It receives the feed nnd prcpniM It for 111 dlgestlve erk." tIe HOZODONT, gratify your family phyalclnii, und enjoy llfe comfortn cemfortn comfertn bly. M.W.KAw Goods, prices which we name Hew te Solect u WITe. (loeil hcnltli. L'oed niernli. ceml ncnie nnd Keed timM'r are the four pMcntliil rei it geed wile. Thr.0 are the lndllM-nmliles. After tliem eemn the miner tulMintiiKOH of iroed look,ni' leok,ni' loek,ni' coiniilltliinentK, family position, etc. Willi tlie unit four, married llfe will he comfortable unci hnppy. lacking either. It will be In mere or lent ilex rep u failure. Upen geed hrallli de ix.'iiiU largely kihhI leuiiwr nnd Reed hielct, nud le come cxtcntened hoiifenlso, i the bct mind must be nllectcd mero or lern by Hie weaknese nnd Mhliiii attendant en fnill health. Yniim; nan, Ifyeur wife Is ralllnn luteu state of Inva Inva lldlem, llrHt of nil IIiIiujh try (e ieUrher health. Ifshe in troubled with iletillllntlnK fo fe nmln wcnkiiPMu'H, buy Dr. Plvrcu'a Kaorlte l'icwilptlmi. It will euro her. W.ThAw TTOOIVHHAUSAI'AIllia.A. TOTALLYHELPLESS l'rem Sclntle ItliniimiitNin Wholly Clll'ixl ly Hoed'H Siii'Hiipnrlllu. The fiict that rheunifttlum In caused by arcu arcu mutatien efncld In the blncxl, und the fact that Hoed'N Haimiimrllln has wonderful power In purlfylut; the bleed, ;lahi the miccuiw of lloeil'a Harnaparllla lu riirlniMliU dlseaRe. " In Muy, 1nS3, I wan taken with wlntlc rlicu miillim lu my lcKsund urniH. It cut Inly pic vented ine from werklus, uud I wni cenllned te my last entirely helpless. I had medical at Icndiiuce nnd In AiDjiist, I wan Just able te moenroiiud. I wan reduced ten mere allele, ten and my nppellte was entirely cone. It wnn thought by all my friends that I could net pev Blbly live. 1 took nlnieit everything I could hear of, hut with no Reed result, during that winter. One duy, rendlni; about taking lloed'n Snrnaparllla lu March, April nud May, I con cluded te try II. One betllu une me e much arelU'fthat I tiHik four bet(lcH,uiid hlncethen I iiiive nei eeen iieuiueii wun rncuninusm, mui my Kcncrnl health lui neer been better. My nppellte In lucre nsliu; uud Inm KnluliiKlii llexh. 1 attribute, my whole Improvement '.te tuklui; line, ft HarKapnrllla, and I carncktly recom mend It te nil u he nre Ireubled with llke ills cane. I consider It tlie uicalest medicine eer put up," W.M. I. TAVleli, Kinporluin.C.iine Kinperluin.C.iine Kinporluin.C.iine ren l'e., I'enii. "Ihcieby certify le the foregoing facts as Mated." Jonathan (urieiin, Justice of the Pence, Emporium, l'ctin. 1 lOOD'.S a.V IlSAl'A itl I.l.A Sold by ull druggUts. fl ; M. for !. Prepared e.ily by C. I. HOOD CO.. Uiwell, Miuh. lOODOSIMONKIMLI.AR. (!) iAitTi:ii's Lirri.i: livkr pii.us. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE Hick Headache and relieve nil tlie troubles Inci dent te it bllleua Mate of theiyMcm,tucli ns Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after I jtl luir. nun in tliesiuc, .tc. While their most remarkable hucccm hn been shown In curing SICK Headache, yet OAllTKR'H I.ITTLI3 LIVER PII.US an, equally valuable In ConMlp.itlen, eiirlug unit preventing this unuetliig eom eem plaint, while Htcy also iiirreet all dlhordersef the stomach, silmiilnte the llxer and regulate the bowels. liven If they only cured I-IEAID Ache they would be nlmes priceless te thoe who sutler from thin distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their RiKsluess docs net end here, nud IIiem) who once try them will find these llttle pills Mtliinble In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. Hut utter ull sick head White The below give but a faint notion of the reductions through the whole stock. 1 lalf and less is the rule, and the prices we drop from were very moderate. Embroideries : 5-lnch Nnlnsoek Embroidery, line, eilgl- null)' (uv, new hoc '.Much Swiss Kmbreldery, diamond pattern, originally iec, new no. D-lncli Swiss Kmbroldery, diamond pattern, originally sic, jiew lie. 5-lncn Swiss Kmbreldery, line, originally COc. new !Kc, i Inch Cambric Kmbreldery, originally 21c, new 15c. i;;-lncli Cambric Kmbreldery, originally 7c, new 4c. :MI yards Kine Point Venlse Kmbreldery, it te 5 inches wide, originally il 'M anil 81 U), new 7rc. 22-lneh All-ever Kern Kmbreldery, origi nally (JU3, new 51. WMlicli Children's Kmbrnldered Nainsoek nud Swiss l'leuuclngs, original price !J, new II Ml. Much Nainsoek Children's Fleuuelngs: reiluced rrem $1 45 te 75, reduced from II 00 to8.e, Fleuncings : 12 Inch French Embroidered Fleuncings : former price 2 75, new SI :S former price SI 75, new tJ former price SI 75, new li 50 10-Inch Kmbreldered Nainsoek. former prlce II is, new !; former prlce II 40, new 75c former price $1 75, new II '.'(Much Figured Marseilles, original price J5e, new 15c. ISO-Inch Plaid nnd Striped Dimity, original price, ISk", new 12Jc. tlS-lnch ltflvcrlng, original price 55e te It newhulf. Duchess Fleuncing: 6;4-lnch reduced from 111 In 1.1 8 -Inch reduced fl ein IS 50 te 1 1 7)-lnch reiluced from 110 te j V -Inch reduced from !IH75.leH l:t!J-lncli reduced from 118 te 110 Point de (lene Flouncing : Cream, White nnd Kern, erlglnnl price P.: 50, new II original price F- 75, new II IT, original prlce J 'Si, new tl 50 Oriental Fleuncing: While nud Cream, 27 Inches, reduced from II 10 tefA; 27 Inches, reduced from II 25 te II5e 27 Inches, reduced from II UT, te75e 45 Inches, reduced from II 75 le Si Laces : Odd let tit half and less. Spanish Uulpure Fichus, erlgtually !.', new It 25. t'lmntllly Scarfs, originally 14 50, new ti Clutntllly Scurfs, originally 15, new t- M Chitntllly hk-arfs, originally tn 25, new 1 1 Cliantilly Scurfs, originally 110, new 15 Chuntllly Scurfs, erlglnully 113, new JU50 Torchon I .nee: 3 te G Inches wide, w ere MV new 40e were line, new 45e were II, now'OOe were II 25, new 05e rilllKSHOKV HTICK A PIN 1IKIIK i MEN'S $1.75 SHOES. There's plenty of Men's Shoes sold iu LuncnHternt$l."5, but the licst abso lutely the best sold at these figures you'll flud here. They eptne from lead ing American makers ; are stylish nnd nttraellve lu tippearance shapely enough te please a (itiile ; ure well made, wen iimsncii, auti nt. snugiy. 11 you nre looking for shoes combining many of the selling points of higher priced footwear, shoes that will give you plenty of geed wear, be sure te see our $1.7S grades. Congress or lace te pick from ; plenty of lengths and widths make it easy for us te lit the feet you have Ut it comfortably and give it u shape you'll admire. Men's SI. GO Shoes ; lets of them te see ; for dress or rough usage, either. .Hetter lenther and better sheemaklng In them than you'll expect. Wilt they wear? Yes, sure. On that scere there'll lie nary n grumble. Try them ; see what von think of them. Men's $1.25 Shoes. That kind we have, tee. Geed grades, geed styles j hard te match anywhere. Men's ll.OO Shoes. These nre the cheapest, and n great shoe value they are. There's net a $1.25 shoe in the town for which we'd trade them even up. Good Goed Geed looking shoes net rough, clumsy, lap stone shaped. There's some style about them and there's mere than a dollar's worth of hard service iu them every time. Wenrers se tell us ; that's why they're geed enough te recommend, geed enough te have a place here. Steckinette Jackets. IS 00 Stock Inctte Jackets reduced te .$6 GO 700 000 500 .560 ...4 75 ...4 25 Seal Plush Goats. These Coats are made of Walker Plush, the best made, and every garment guaranteed. 1 10 Oil Seal Plush Coats, new -.tt4 00 8500 " " " " -20 00 30 00 " ' " " -2500 2500 " " " " .22 50 2300 " " " " -ID 00 Misses' and Children's Coats, 73 CIHLDHEN'8 COATS, That have been geed sellers all of this season at II, se, u aim a, ure reuueeu te z, , n, te. Over 200 of Misses' Coats, That sold ut Kl, 18,110 and 112, new reduced te 84,10 and 13. j. B. MARTIN & CO., CORNER WEST KINO AND PRINCE STREETS, LANCASTER. PA., irOpposlte Stevens Heuse. New Yerk Stere PltEVIOUST.-lOim ANNUA!. INVENTOR LOOK AT THEM. DOUBi.E-KOi.n CLOTH BUITINOS-a IU gain at 12c a yard. Kerty.lnch GERMAN PI.AtD SUITINOt Bilk and Weel, 37Xc ; reduced Irem 50c SILK AND WOOL MIXTURES, 40 Inch, wide, .fTc ; were 50c. Flfty-feur-Inch SII.K AND WOOI.SUITINO 1 1 reaucea irem ,ae u uuc a yara. Finn HROADCTrnt SIUTINOS. yard ail a-half wide, 75c a yard ; berer sold for lea. thali I II uu. Three Thousand Yards OUT1NQ CIX1TH&. Sprint Styles, "est (Quality, 8c a yard ; werfi V ATtft., Ill tint, .r.(m. ... K...t.r. ttnriucut of the season, t7 each; reduced fro till 110. LADIES' NEWMARKETS reduced from te 110 each tell 50 and Jj. MISSES' NEWMARKETS, great bargains i . ,ii eucn. HtlHH PEASANT 112 00 te 10 each. COATS dropped frej NEW CONNEMARRAS down from 118 aiall tOn In til Ilt5nrh. I' I Special Rnn-alns In WHITE AND COLOREIti U BLANKETS ut Very LewPrh-es. WATT & SHANDi Nes. 6, 8 & 10 East King St S ACRIFICEHALKI SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. -r eductien in shoes i SWEEPING REDUCTION -IN- xrecevtc. Mens Dress Shoes A TBUlWK'S. SUGARS REDUCED. The gradual decline of Sucnr enables us te re duce the price, aud we think sugars are alieut as low as they will be. Coffees 1 Coffees 1 Coffees ! The Cotfee mnrket Is very Arm, but we have Just received 50 bags (ever 0,000 pounds) of an excellent Rie Cedec te sell at 25c n pound. Fresh Roasted. (Jive it a Trial. The Yentzer Evaporated Sugar Cern. The finest In the market, and sold only by us, Flne Table Fruits, Canned uud lletlle Uoeds, Ac, AT BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. Charles Stami ki tan fc LANCASTER, PA. Great Sacrifice Sal OF- T71IRE1 FireT FireT Aprens: t!,C30-wltli Plain White nnd Colored Iler- 'JW Embroidered, were II 10 tell 50, new 75c. lAJlef Apron Fronts (embroidered Swiss), originally si te )v, new nan. Fancy Vest Fronts : ACHE Is the banc of se many II ww that here Is where we tnnkoeurgie.it beast. Our pills cure It whllu ethers tin net.' CARTER'S LITTLi: I.IVI'.R PII.I.S are ery Mnall anil ery easy te take. One or two pills make n dose. They nre strictly egetnblunud de net RrlM) or purge, but b their gentle ac tion plcnfceull who im them. I.t lalsut 25cts; Ih e ler 81. held u ery here or M'lit by mull, CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. nugl'.'-lydeed Lact reduced f -ein II IS to50e reduced irem II 50 te 75e reduced from 1J 75 te 1 25 reduced from II te f- Cellarettes : TO MAKE ROOM FOR HIMUNO ANDHUM MER STOCK. Slnee the Holidays I have gene, nil through my stock und have marked it large quantity of the Men's Dress Shoes ut and below cost te mnku room rer Spring and Summer uixids. Men's Fine Calfskin, Hand-Sewed Shoes, In Ijice, llutteu nnd Congress, In two widths and nil sizes, 5 let), reduced from te tell. A complete II line, with Tips und Plain French Tees, in I-nce, llutteu or Congress, narked down te3. A few mere left of thecelcbrntcd Hleeit lliich Ins H Shoes, In Uiee, llutteu und CengrcNS, with plain nariew uud plain bristd tees, reduced leti Alse n let of shoes which we term " odds nnd ends," being sires left ever from regular lines, bought of factories who failed, sold or burnt out, nud as we cannot inntch them exactly, lia marked them down lu the same projior prejior projier t Ien. Men's IS Shoes te It; 14 50 Shoes te 1150; II Shoes te SI; ti Shoes te 12 50 ; 1250 Shoes te 12. This Is n IlonaFlde Reduction, nnd we guai antee cxery shoe even nt these Lew Figures. fsrDlsplay can be seen lu East Window. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FKEY 4 ECKERT) the leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.3 A 5 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Small Price. JANCAHTER BUSINESS COLUUHi J LAMUHTru, DcceuilKT, Is. liKAUKtiten Maium: Yeintn, cnrdiallv In vlted te vllt the LANCAMER BUSINESS COLLEGE, at its new iiiarU'rs, Ne. 31 North Duke street, before entering j our son or daugh ter III January. Coin luce urM.-lf of the genu ineness of the article lie tore Investing. Sis young Uidlesund Uentleiucii from this Institu tion leek position since October 25. Address. 11. U. WEID1.KR. Principal. 1 TtOUBARUAINS -IN- REHL ESTHTG CALL ON JOHN H. METZLER, Ne. OBOUTH DUKE STREET. 015-lyd originally 11, new U' originally f I. new II 50 originally II, new 12 originally 5, new J- 5il 27-inch Oriental Nets : original pi loe 11 25, new !!' original price II 75, new 5e Miscellaneous : 1,'JM Ijidlcs' While Linen Cellars, were He, new 5c were 25c, new Ukt 2,u) yards Asserted ltuehlng: Let Pearl lleuded ltuehlng, down Irem 70c te 35c. l.et I.uce nnd Pearl Beaded, dew n from II te 60e. Slfisii Unda-'cav. Yeu will still llnd all of the most attractive lutrgitlns which te have from da) tuday told en of. TIicm) besides : 250 fine Cambric Drawers, U rows of ucnt plaits nud two wide plaits with deep hem Me. - , tai Muslin Chemises, Kpinre neck of tluu deep Hamburg embroidery, uud neat cdgi en niH'k und lsves, IV. 720 Cambric Corset Cevers, with pearl hut hut tens uud Manure neck, trimmed with I luinhurg embroidery, 25e. 175 line llulln skirls, deep Cambric rutlle with t) tluu plaits In groups uud hem stltchlug between, iV. '.'Ill mere of thOM line Muslin Oevtns, Mether Hubbnid yoke with 12 plaits, gathered sleeves and Hamburg edge 011 neck and sleeves, ".M'. Jehn Wanamaker. Just received a consignment of Canned Cern. LtilH'ls silently scorched nt the late Janney Audttms Klre, Philadelphia. LOOK AT TIIK P1UCB, 5 CTS. A CAN. Remember we guarnnlce the contents of each and every Can te be First-Class. We have a Can opened en our counter nud would be pleased te have you call and examine same. Uoed Tomatoes from our regular stock at 7c a Can, and large 3 lbs Cans at that. Blackberries ut 7c, or 4 for 25c. TEA AND COFFEE STORE, NOS. 12 A It SOUTH QUEEN STREET. i'mnpn. ITVORTIIINOS l? .NOVEL, ODD AND USEFUL, (loleERlSMAN'S. i Ne. l West King Street. RUNKENNESH s LIQUOR HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. i) u. iiainus' jeldi:n SPECIFIC. It can lie given lu a cup of coileeor tea, or In articles or feed, without the knowledge of the luitlcnt, If necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless und will cltecl a permanent nnd si"edy cure, whether the patient Is it moderate drinker or nil uleohello wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se n.uletly and with such ceruilnty that the patient undergoes no liicenvenleuiv, und ere he is aware, his complete reformation U ellected, H luiL'e lHK)k of luirtlcuhirs free, CHAS.A.LOCHER, Drugg'sl, Ne. u East King St., Lancaster, Pa. octeed-TThS N J-EW UVMl-S ANDAltraOODS. Call a.n.d See -THE- HE NEW LAMPS -AN IV KRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR Jehn L. Arneld's Building, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dtt-tfd "1ALLANDSER THE ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Cnudle-Llght; Bents them all. Anether l.et of Cheap Glebes ler OusaudOll Steve. THE "PERFECTION" MI'.TA I, MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsstrtnoiilwcarsallethcrs. Keeps out the cold. Slops rattling of windows. Excludes the dusu KeeiM out snow and rain. applying It. Can befitted unywhere no hole A TREISTM. DOWN COMES SUGAR! All Sugars Reduced Half Cent a Pound. Our I'reilirtieiis Aruiii Fulfilled. Twice during the Summer months we pre dicted it drop of one cent a pound each time. We get IU Severn! weeks age we told you te keep your eyes en our advertisement, ns we ngaln expected a drop of 0110 cent a pound, it Is rust approaching It- We give you the half cent te-day leek for the ether half cent I It don't pay lis te write up Sugars, but we de It fur your Interest. A peuny saved Is a penny earned. MEATS ! MEATS ! Sugar-Cured Hams at 12Jc V Rs Finest Picnic Hums, from (i te 10 fts, 7c V It.. Finest Extra Dry Knuckle Dried Ik-ef, 15c t lb. Finest Extra Dry Regular Dried Beef, 10e y lb. Summer Bologna, Vu V lb. Smoked Fish &c. Large Sugar-Cured Bloaters, 3 for 5c and 1 for Scotch Herring, 50 le ft In a box, per box, 25c. Cedllsh, 0c, 8c, and very choicest, lOe tb. Pickled Herring, tftbs for 25c, Pickled Tripe, In 20-Hunl kegs, II 25. .Mincemeat, Ce, Se and 11V f lb. JU tbs of Sweet Baking Butter nt l'Jc and 15c. This Is a bargain, uud we cull bakers' nttentlen tell. Finest Pure Yerk Slute Heney, 15c tt, 2 lbs for 25c. Big line of Finest Flerida Oranges (Thin Skinned). Fresh Thick or Thin Water Crackers, 1 Bm for 25c. Fresh Nlcnncsand Ginger Snaps H tbs for 25c. Agents for Masen's Famous Witter Crackers. Carload of Suit In te-morrow, (let our prices. Biggest line of Dried Fruits lu the city. Agents ler Chase A; Sanborn's Famous Coffees. Get ene of our Cards. Buy 120 worth or Groceries lu ninety days and get the ' Family Physician," werlh it. They are going fust. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRINCE STS Directly Opposite J, B, Martin A Cu,'s Dry Uoeds Stere, aud Next Doer le Serrel Herse Hetel. Bla.nJk.ets, COMFORT: 1JNDERWEAK. These thrce lines of goods we want te moil oil, as we have a big Meck enhanu. t WILL SKLL TH KM" Regardless of Ces ilF YOU NEED BLANKETS, COMFORTS OR UNDERWEA Be sure te gel our in auey elsewhere. prices befere you was I Fer Bargains ae te- Aii) one roil apply It no waste or dirt made In uuii i niuii unywnere no ueie ly for use. I will net spill, warn or shrink 11 cushion strip Is the most perfect.! A I te bole, ready for use. the Stev e, Heater uud ltauge Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LNCASTER PA. rpiIE FINEST LINE OF WAX STERIO L Acid and i'anulne Candles fur the Holiday-, at MILLER'S taOAP CO. cjl.EIUHSl QCavrinece. SLEIGHS I edw. edgerley; CARRIAGE BUILDER, 41,12,1115 MARKET STREET, (Rear of the Postemcc), LANCASTER, PA. I have new ready the finest assortment of ALBANY uud PORTLAND SLEIGHS, both Single and Deuble, ever ettered te the public. Prieea te suit the times. Call uud examine them A full line of Buggies, Phu'teus and Carriages of every description. AlsoSeceud-Hand Werk of every variety. Give me a call. All work wurntnLif. sU-Repatrluglnall Its branches. One let of workmen (specially employed for that purpose. 36 and 37 North Queen Stree BOSTON STORE m-. B IU DISCOUNT FOR JANUARY. Four Seal mm BELOW MAHHFACTUBEBS' PRICE, Will positively go this month. Warranted gerl ulne Alaska, Unulun Dye, 'Huse are rare, bit g 'iiuliie bargain. BIG CUT ON ALL Furs! Furs ROBES AT COST. i STAUFFER & CO i" 31 and 33 North Queen Street, u LANCASTER, PA. . Sw Sir , IS. -U t. 8&&.3Lrf-5- t ,t.l