t.-!' fi.f ji JZ THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. 1890. 'A raiTiTtfrTTnTjRri ir! WH.KC8 ItOOTII'S END. A Diary or Ills I-nt Dayn nnd Ijist Thoughts An Interesting Document. Tlie department of lustlce has in Kb Jossesslen the diary which wnt found In elin Wilkes Itoeth's ocket when he win killed. Frem It llie following extract has; Just been made public : , " Al-mt, 14 Prlttav, the Idea. Until to day nothing vran ever thought of sacrificing te ear ceantrv's wrong?. Fer nix month we luve worked te capture, hut eur-cause being almost lest neinetlilng decisive ntid greater must le dene. lint It failure was owing te ethor, who did net fclrlke for their country with n hearU 1 struck IkjMIv nnd net hi tlie naiiers nay. I (walked wltli a linn step through a thousand of hln friends, was stepped, but pushed en. A colonel wan nt hit side. I shouted .lie item tier bofero I II red. In jumping hrokeiuy leg. I passed nil his pickets. Itede sixty inllesthat night with tlie bone of my leg tearing tlie llcsli nt every Jump. I can never repeilt It. Though we hated te kill, our country owed nil our troubles te him, nnd Cled simply made me the Instrument of Ms punishment. "The country Is net what It was. This forced union is net whut I have leved. I care net what becomes of me. I have re dosire toeutllvomy country. The night before the deed I wrete a long article and left It for ene of the editors of the National Intelligencer, in which I fully set out our reasons for our proceedings. He or the Seuth." Friday, 21." After being hunted like a deg through swamps, weeds, and last night being chased till I was forced te return, wet, cold nud starving, with every man's hand against me, I urn here in despair ; and for why T Fer doing what llrulus was honored for, what made Tcllnhure; nud yet I, for striking down n greater tyrant than they ever knew, nm looked tipen as a common cut-thrent. My net was purer than either of theirs. One hoped te be great himself; the ether had net only his country's iml ills own wrongs te avenge. I hoped for no gain. I knew no private wrong. 1 struck for my country, and that nlone a country ground beneath this ty ranny and prayed for this end. And yet, new beheld tho'celd hand they extend te me. "Ged cannot pardon me if I lnive dene wrong. Yet I cannot sce any wrong, ex ex cept in serving a degonerato'people. The little, the very Utile. I left behind te clear my name the government will net allow te'be printed. Se ends all. Fer my coun try I have glven up nil that makes llfe sweet and hoi v. breiuht nivserv upon my family, nnd am stire there Is no pardon In the heavens for me sluce man condemns me se. " I have only heard what has been dene (except what I did myself), ami it tills me with horror. Hed try and fergive me, nnd bless my mother. Te-night I will ence woretry the river with tlie Intention te cress, though I have n greater deslrennd almost n mind te return te Washington and in n measure clear my name, which I feel I can de. I de net repent tlie blew I struck. I may befere my Ged, but net te man. l tiiink i nave dene wen, iiieugn 1 nm abandoned, with the curse of Cain upon me, when, If tlie world knew my heart, that one blew would have made me great, though I did desire no greatness. " Te-night I try te ose.ipe tliese blood hounds ence mere. Whit can re.id his fate? Ged's will be done. I have tee great a soul te die like u criminal. Oh, may lie. nnv tie, snare me mat, nun lei medie bravely. I bless tlie entire world. I have never JuitcU or wronged any one. This last was net n wremr. unless Ged deems It se, and It Is w ith Him te damn or uiess me. "And for this brave boy Hareld with me. who often nrnvs (ves. bcfoienud since) with n true ami sjucc.re heart was it crime In him I If se, why can he pray tlie same? I de net wish te shed a drop of bleed, but I must light the course. 'Tis all that's loll me." Theso are the last words in tlie diary, nnd orebahlv the last he ever wiete. as lie was shot very shortly afterward. I wonder hew It Is that Lawrence llarrctt always keeps his veire se clear nnil resonant ?" "Why I suppose, llke every ether sensible man. lie keeps u supply of Dr. iiuH's vteugh Syrup." uueumnusm nan nun mini ei me ier iwe or three jeari. 1 trleil K.dwitlnn Oil: It utiickly truve me lei It f, unit 1 have net lind It since. if f i..4 im.- Cliften, naltlmoie County, Md. - Veor Humanity I The common let Is ene of sorrow sny at least -the pessimists, tlicy who leek at the worst Hide. Certainly vhnt would otherwise be a bright existence, lsjlertcn shadowed by some ailment that overhangs It llke a pall, ebscur ing perpetually the radiance that else would light the path, Such an ailment, anil a ery coiniueu one, Is nervousness, or In ether words, weakness et the nervous system, a condition only IrrcmedlablewhcreiiiuiUelenter lniprejier means are taken te relieve It. The concurrent uxiierlence of nervous people he have per sistently useu iiesicuers nieuntcii jhiiitk is, that It eentiuera entirely supernensttlM-ness or tlie nerves, as well as diseases se called which ure invited tind sustained by their chronic weakness. As tlie nertcs gniu stamina irem the great tonic the trouble disappears. Use the Hitters ter malaria. iheuuintUiii, biliousness uml kidney troubles. The iisiinl treatment of catarrh is ey un- I satisfactory, as thousandsef despairing patients carl testify. A tmstwertny meaicni writer says: l'rener local treatment Is positively necessat y te success, but most of the remedies in general use by physicians atlerd but tenitnrary lienetlt. A cure cannot be expected from snuffs, unw- ders, douches nnd washes." Ely's Cream Halm Is a remedy which combines the Important requisites of tjulck action, specific curatUc power with perfect safely nnd pleasantness te the patient. grytfciitl Itotfcce. Mothei'il Mothers!! Mutliei-M I I ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of veur rest by a kick child euOerlng and crying wllli the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If ,H, gout ence and get a bottle efMHH. WINH- LOM HOOTlllJiiU Blllllf. Jl will relieve the peer little sultercr immediately aepena upon It; mere is noiiwsuiiie uuimii. iu iuwdw net a mother en earth who has ever used It, WllOWtlinOl ICH JimtlUJIirauiiHH "Uiirsu- lata the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and rellel anil uchiiu ui me .uii.,, wj nii, '" magic. It is pel fectly safe te use lu all cases and i.vrl,,n m iim tusii' and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United Btates. bold everywhere, 25 cents a bottle, luueSSlydAw The Xexv DlHcevery. von nave iuuru jum h,-hmi .... jiub.iU..n talklujfiibuutit. Yeu may yourself bi uiiu of liuthowReoaaililntflt t. If m !moeer ITlHl Hi 3 (HI UIW "IIU 111 ill "Uium" i ii .ue,v- cnube tlie wonderful tliliiK about 1! is, that When imi'w k'111 ..'i y. ;? --- " --;-cevery e er alter holds u place In the house. If you nave iiuicr " " "' " ";::, . , Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and gle it a fair trial. It is KUiiniiiteisl eerylline. or money refuiuleil. Tilal Ilettles trie at 11.11. Cochran's Drugstore, Ise. 1AI K. tjuien slnvt, Unicaster, la. (') UucUIeii'm Arnica Salve. m. Ile.u. t 'tr In (liMrnrlfl fnrPnts. ltriltsAS Beres, Ulcers, H;ilt ltheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Clianiied Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, nnd ull V. . I. ......i n nr, ...... 11... I m.mu llllna Ii. HKIU r.rUpilOIlS, 1.IIU l1,1ll,tlj l.H(. I"VI nepay nsjiunsi. n (ui.im 1" ,'.' f '..; f.wi utucictlen. or money refunded. I'rlce 25 cents per box. Ker s.ile by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 wud V3U North (Jueen street, lancasttr. 1M. JuneL7-lyd A miuiiiI l.esnl Opinion, v lininbrldKO Monday, Uq., County A tty. .",:.. ;,- k.nvi- "llae umsI r.lectrie iiit- 13) IIiIWm"T' ,.l,a Mv l.n,ll,,.r !!.,. WUHer low ltllll .. . . tlilim,ll,liu lull wascuren uy iiuiei.- "'":,,:,;,. ;, Am kiitlslled Klectrle Hltt.nsfted hl "life." Mr. 1). 1. Wlieesfkuii, in iiu ;",", 'V'l ' "" n like testimony. salng! liepeiltitelj '?Ilc''' he weuiu uauuieu, nau uuui uw . ...v,..v l!!.,.ie.r.'1, . 1 II .......i n ,r,.ll l litis urini i.-iih-iij (ii ,.,. I..,,.'. ,,v, ... cure all Malarial Dlspsikes, nnd for all Kidney, , ikjti.mni.il I t!t.i.ril.iti kin, nl a iiniuiiinlfl. ,,ler uiiu niuiuuvn ........... ...,..'. .. ... .......... I'rlce We. and 81, at II, II. Cochran's Drughtere, 117 anil I Ci N. U'lecn St.. Iinrnster. I'a. (II) VliotnnvrtVlte. K OTfc I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kemigslmrg, Prussia, Twe Ilackgreunds made especially for Uust and Turte-ijuarur Length l'liotegrapus. ROTE,?- se 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Postefflco. lanTmii T7I0RHBADOLARTK11S i A.O.K.efM.L.. K of (l.li. I O. It. M.. O. U. A. M., P. O. 8. of A., i.O.O. F., Elks, Cbarrn. and l'liu, go te Ne, U West King Httret, UTlCUrtA IIEMED1ES. Scratched 28 Years lledy cevcrcil with scale. Itching trrrl bio. SulTerlnirendirM. Xe roller. Ioc Iec Ioc tern nnd medicine mil. SpecdII)' cuwxl by Cut ieu ru nt n cost of 93 Cured by Cuticura If Iliad known of Ihe Cimctml Brmrpiks twemy-llii years kgd It would have saved me fJiO (two hundred dollars) nnd nil Immense amount of lufTerlnir. My dlswuie (psoriasis) commenced en my head lit n ..pet net tnncer than a cent. It kprend rapidly all ever my body and cot under my nails. The ecales would drop olTerine nil the time, and my suffering wiu endless nnd without relltr. One thousand dol del Inrs would net tempt me te have this disease eTtrnir.iln. I nm n txter man, but feel rich te tie relieved of what Heme of the doctor ald was leprosy, some.rlhgworm, psoriasis, etc. 1 took and....Harsaparlllaaver one year and n-tmlf, but no cure, I went te two or three doc tors, and oecure. X cannot praise the Cirricu iiAltKMKDira toeinucli. They have made my skin m clear nnd free from seal as n baby's. All I used of them wcru tliree boxes or Cuti cuiia, nnd tliree bottle et Ceticuba Hesol Hesel vknt, nnd two cake of cuticura heah. If you had been here nnd Raid you would have cured me fur 1200, you would have had the money. I looked llke the picture In your book of psoriasis (picture mimbertwe," Hew teCure Hkln Diseases "), but new 1 amaa clear M any ls'rsen ever was. Through leree of habit I rub my hands ever my anus and legs te scratch once In n while, but te lie punswe. lam all veil, I scratched twenty-eight years, and It Ret te le n kind of second nature te me. 1 thank you a thousand times. DENNIS DOWNING, Wnterbury, VU Cuticura Reselvent The new llloedandHklnl'urlOerand purest nnd best or Humer Remedies, Inturnnlly, nnd Cvtu ftntA, the creat Hkln Cure, and Cuticuka Seap, nn exquisite Hkln Heautlncr, externally, speedily, permanently euro exery species of IicIiIdl', burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofu lous, nnd hereditary diseases nnd liumers of the sklu, scalp, nuif bleed, with less of hair, from pimples te scrofula.; Held everywhere. I'rlce, CUTieitltA, 60c.; HeAP, Sic,; Kk.sei.vknt, J1.00. Prepared by the 1'ot 1'et TKH DKUQ AMI) CllKSllCAL COKPORATIOX, Hus Hus eon. -ftend for " Hew te Cine Hkln Diseases," M pages, 60 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. MI'LKS, Black Heads, Chapped and Oily Skin, prevented by CUTICUKA MGDI. OATEDBOAI'. ntKK FROM Ilirr.UMATISM. In one minute the Cuticura Antl-Paln Pias ter relieves llheumntlc, Hclatlc, Illn, Kidney, Chest, hud Muscular Pains and Weaknesses, Phe nrst and only paln-kllllng plaster. Sanferd's Radical Cure for Catarrh. Hellcf Instniitnnceuis CureH Rapid, Ttiul-. Icul nud l'criunuent. Ne single dlscnse has entailed mere suffering or hastened the lireakliiR up of the constitution than Cnterrh. Thosenseof smell, or taste, of hIkIU, of hearlni;, the human voice, one or mere, and sometimes ull, yield te Its destruc tive Influence. The pelsnu It distributes throughout the system attacks every Mtnl rerce, unit injures the met robust of constitu tions. Ignored, because but little understood, by most physicians, Im potently nssnlled by iiuacks and charlaUius, these sutTerlng from It have little hope te be relleved. It Is time, then, that the popular treatment of this terrible dis ease by remedies within the reach of all passed Inte hands at once competent nnd trustworthy. The new nnd hitherto untried method adopted by Dr. Hanrnrdln the preparation of his KADI. CAI, CUKK has wen the hearty upprevul of thousands. It Is Instantaneous In atterning re lleflu all head colds, sneezing, Htiutlllngand obstructed breathing, nnd rapidly removes the most eppresslNO symptoms, clearing the head, sweetening the breath, restoring the senses of smell and taste, and neutralizing the coustltu ceustltu coustltu llenul tendency of the disease towards the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Sanfbrd'H lladlcal Cure for Catarrh Consists of one bottle of the IIadicai.Cuhk. one box of CATAimilAl, Helvkst, und Im Im I'keVkii iNitAl.Mt, all In ene package : price fl. Aslt for SAM'eitu's KAiiical Cuue. Sold every Mere. 1'ettkr Dnua i Ciiemicat. ConrettATtoN, UebTON. Janl.lmW.S.Vw WlrT-SSl'lX'IKIcr MERCURIALRHEUMATISM. Mr. J. C. Jenes, city marshal of Fulton, Ar kansas, writes : " About ten years age I con tracted a ceTcrc case of bleed poison. The lend ing physicians of the city were called In, and they prescribed medicine after medicine, which 1 took without nllerdlng me any relief. I also tried mercurial nnd potash remedies, with the same unsuccessful result, but nhlch brought en an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of untold agenv. After suf fering four months, I guve up all 'former reme dies nud commenced taking Swift's Specific (H. S. S.) After taking several bottles,! was en tirely cured nnd able te resume work. I con sider Swift's Specific (S. 8. H.) the greatest med icine for bleed poisoning te-day en the mar ket." INHERITED SCROFULA. Swift HpecidetS. 8. 8.) cured my little boy of hereditary scrofula, which broke out all ever his face. Ker a year he had suflered, and I had f liven up all hopes of his recovery, when at cngth 1 was Induced te use S. 8. 8. After using a few bottles he was entirely cured. Net a symptom new remains of the disease. ThU was three years age. MHS.T. L. MATHEKH, Mathervllle, Miss. Treatise en Uloed and Skin Diseases mailed ('J) BWIFTSPKCIK1C CO., Atlanta, da. JULY'S CREAM UA1.M. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and iuuauimutleu, Heals thu Seres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell, TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Prlc.ehOcenbtalDruggl.itK; by mull, registered, 00 cents, ELY UKOTHERH, seplMydiw Ne. CC Wurren HU, New Yerk. V UNDEVELOPED PARTH Of the Human Undy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is uu Interesting advertise ment long run in our pner. In reply te In quiries we will siiyrthnt there la no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers ere very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving ull par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan SU, Uullale, N. '.I)allu Teledo Jlee. fll-fydAw rilHRMUHlO STORE. THE MUSIC STORE, M East King St, Lancaster, Pa. WOODWARD & CO. De the Decker llre.'s Grand Pianos knew u peer? Ne! De the Haines llre.'s I'prlght Pianos knew a superior 7 Ne! De the Meiiin A Hamlin Orguny admit any cnmparlxeu '.' Ne I De we ask you te believe our statement with out proof? Ne I De we make you fair premises which we fall te keep? Ne I De our guarantees need nn endorser? Ne I De we fear te stand by the solid merit of our goods? Ne! De we nsk j en te pay us mere than a ll lug pretlt? Ne I De we maku fortunes by selling you goods he low cost? Ne! De wh hump nurkctves en our swell Miles men ? Ne : De we want the earth ? Ne! De tl.oewhe want It always git It? Ne! (lil)tuttuirtrc. H 1011 A MARTIN. China Hall- Doceruttnl Dlnuur Seta, from Ilavl luuil Clilnu illne decoration) Beini-I'er-culnln, Wlilte Stenu Witre te Kutjlinli l'linteil or Plain White, at tirium citiul te liny In tlie market. Decorated China Des-ert, Uanie, l'Uh, Oat Meal, Trinket, Pudding Pet, &c. Fruit, Oybter nnd Bone 1'ltiteri. Celery Trays. Tea, Cof fee anil Heuillnn Cups. A. D. Colleen, from thu eheajiest te $d- each. Keyul Wercchter, Jajianeie Wure and ether Fancy Goods in large quantities. CUT GLASS IN NEW DESIGNS Pressed and KiiktuvciI Olassware in New Styles nnd in Large Quantities. Keehester I.aniiis In a Variety or .sty leu und at the Lewest Prices. Don't make your election until yetiviit HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. Slttevucue. T UTHLR s. kauffmanT " ATTORNEV-AT-XiAW. Second Fleer Eihlemaa Uaw Dulldlng. Ne. U North uak HtrMU aprj-lyfli w jfuvntturr TTENitr weiar, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 1.16 East Kln street, hatlnr a full line of Furniture or every description at the lowest prien. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and eiamlne our geed. MJdH H. WOLF. 1S Eut tln BUmk w IDM iV.HH CORNER. WIDMYER'S LINE Large and Geed, AND Werth Mere Than the Price Pet On It. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, CORNER E. Kine; & Duke Sts. A Card of Thanks ! We very gratefully tlinnk our rn rn teincra of tin? pint year who helped 111 bnllil n Micccssftil Imil iicu. lly the melius of l'RICK, HTYI.K AND QUALITY We have merited your patronage and glven iHtlNfactlen. We have grciitly In creased our stock of NKW FURN1TURF. KORHl'RINU KURNIHHINO, Ami Invite nn Inspection of our Nmv Htvi.es nml Lew 1'iiiCKs. 4-'e store goods until wnntcd. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturer and De.iler.i, 2d,SdAllliKloer,ai HOUTII QUKKN fctl'RKKT. "PIURNITURK. PLUSH ROCKERS HT COST. KORTWO DAYS OUR HACRIFICK IS YOUR OA1N. COMK QUICK AND 8KCURK A CHOICKO.NK IIF.FURIS THEY AUK OONK. LOTO OF OTHKR GOOD TIIIXdH AT CUT 1'RICESTILL XMAS. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, I'A. Het: alc or &ritt. R HAL 11STATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATEOFFICE. HOUSK8,UUILl)INULOTO,FARMS,MILL.S, ilc for sale. Great bargains. Cull for our new Catalogue Just out. HOUSES and HUHINESS FUOI'HRTlKMal ways en hand for rent. RENTS COLLECTED I'repertlci taken chargu of, collection or rents, payment of taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without trouble or nn nn ueyaucu te owners, MONEY TO WAN ON MORTOAOES.-Fer thoe having money te Invest we liuctlrt claiut mortgages mi hand and the best of facili ties for Investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared und title eaieftilly examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 KAST KINO STIIKET. nev8 3md SK1 CURE A IIOMU FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, FOIt SAI.H OX THU MOST I.IIIKHAI. TKK.MH. TwoHitery brick dwelling heiiw, lets 120 feet deep, en ljmrasler avenue, between Wul uuland Lemen streets. TwcMiterj' brick dwilllng houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, mi North I'lue, between Clietnut and Wulniit streets, Twolery brick dwelling houses with front yards. Iren fences, lets Ijil feel deep, en Vest Wuluut, between .Mary und 1'lne sereets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 1 15 feet deep, en West U-iiien stieet, between Churlutte and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling homes, lets 150 feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut stieet, between l'lne and Nevln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime, North Mury, between Walnut and l-emeii, und Lemen, between Mary und 1'luu streets. All the nbove houses are In geed order, newly flered, gas fixtures In nil thu rooms, water In lie kitchen, nml the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show aprlHH yd.M.W.H. XU North Mary Htreet. i'lettr. EVAN'M FLOUR Nmv YKAiitsathnuil. The forming of new resolutions Is In order many te be broken before the w eek expire. We have resolved that If It be imiv Klhle, te make better Heur than ever and our jiatreus raudeciid upon this resolu tion being curried out all thu year. Levari & Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. FURNITURE ! ffrir M ETZUER A HAUfJHMAN. Great Redixctien in Prices T te ct.osi:etrrouu HANDSOME SEAI PLUSH COATS - Axn LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH COATS, - AT Metzger &. HaughmarTs, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OrrOSITK THK COOl'KR 1I0USK.) N- KXT UOOHIXITUU CXJURT 1IOU8K. Our Remnant Sale ! The remnant sale, of which we told you Monday, Is new ready. It Includes the ediW und ends of the season Just cloned, such as Remnants of yard Percales nt 8c. Remnants of Red, White and Colored I'lnuncK Remnants of Rest Light and Dnili 1'rliitsnlbc. Remnant or Drrss Goods, Ce yard up. Remnants of Illack Dress Ooeds, all finalities, cheap. Remnants of IMssliiierHiind l'niit HtutN. Remtinnts of (llnKlmins at Se nnd (lc. Remnants of Feather Tickings, 12vJe; worth "JV. RetnnanUef Wide Sheetings. Itemimnts of llamlnirg Edgings nnd Embroideries. Remnant of Silk Ribbons, rhcap. Remnants of Dress (Itnghnms, Sa ; ierth l'-Kc. ltemnnnts of 'l'alile Linens, Remnants of Outing Cleths, etc., etc. Yeu will also find ninny ether bargains here outside of Remnants. Remember wu nm selling ntreur entire stock of Ladles' und Children's ('eutsat nnd below what they cost us. Come at ence If jeu are Interested, as they ure being picked out rapidly. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. tard Jt Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Special Bargains in Our Line for the Holiday Trade. lIANnKKRCIirEF-HllkHnnlkerchtersiitlOc, ITe, 2,V, SOc, 10c, etc. Bilk Mufflers at 7.V, Jl, JI i'i, Jl.'iO, etc. IniltatleiiHIlk Mulllers ntlAle, and U.V. llargiilnsin Ijulles' Hiinilkeichlefsat :ie, &c, c. 10c, etc. Ladles' Initial Hnudkcrchlefs nt loe; extra iiinllty nt 18e; worth ae O LOVES Extraordinary Viilue In Ijidles and Children's; Woven, In black nnd colors, at IV, 31c, -) and up. Men's (1 lines nud Mitts lu uoel. oil tun leather, or buckskin, ill '.Vc, '-k 'A; 40c, SOc, (Uc, Tie, f ItW, f 1 25, etc. IIOSlKltV We sell the best Hosiery In the city for the money. Anether let of Children's Illack Rlbbisl Cotten Hese, slightly luierfect lu tlieweiivlng.nt Scikt pair , regular price, 12Kc. llargalua In Weel Hoae for Ijulles, Men or children. One let of Ijulles' Regular .Made Hese, n ills', made U sell for 60c, UMIinELLAS-aierla 811k Umbrellns, 2H In., tl 00 i 21 In., Jl IU ; SO In., Jl 60. HLANKKTS A pair of Illanltcls would nmkeiin elegant Clirlslinns Present. The best valliu In the city. TAllLK'CI.OTIIM-Llnen Tnbln Cleths, !!yaril4 long, with ene dn7cu Napkins te match, enlyfiOO; -i aids long, with Naiklus, only jail); U) mils long, with Niipklna, only JIM. liar gains InTeuels. SHIRTS-Kxtra Values In Men's Weel Dr.s .Shirts at T.V, Jl 00, Jl 'St, Jl M, J-'HO, etc. bard & Mcelrey, Ner. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, JLUatcltce. H. RIIUADS A HON. People who want plain, practical everyday goods, as well as the Finest Jewelry and Table Wares ! WlUil'INDTIIKM IN OUH STOCK. l$Sr1'Vatches, Clocks, Musical Bexes, Jewelry, etc., Re paired. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. (Coye, Sc. TJILIN N &. URKNKMAN. What Elinn & Breneman Dells and Dell Cnrrlaaes, Htenm Knglnes, Magic Ijinterns, Magnetic Toys, 1'rlntlug Tresses, Tisil Chests, llulldlnc lllecks, 'oet Halls, ileelmnlc.nl Toels, Kine l.ampis, Carvers, Nut Ticks, etc., NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN (gfirpct TJARUAINH! 1"ARUAINHI Shirk's Carpet Hall 1 - KOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. Wvt Have thk I.Aituiefr and Jir-HTBTecir iw tiikCitv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. artianc0 S LKIUHH! HI.UIUI18! EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, II, 12, II Aii MARKirrHTRHKT.tRcar or the restijUlcc), LANCArtTKR, l'A I have new ready the finest assortment of ALliANY and i-ORTLAND HLHIOHM, heth Hlngle nud Deuhle, ever ettered te thepuhllc. I'rkes te suit Iho Hints. Cull and examine them. A full line of Ruggles, l'lnrtnnsiind Carriages of every description. AUxiHeceiiil-liHiid Werk of every urlety. Ule me u c.ill. All work warranted. 4Tltepalrlnglnnll Its hranches. One set of workmen especially employed for Unit purix-e. i.ea. T UMHKRANIK.'OAL. Jj 'IOIIACCOHHOOKHAN1)CAHII. WIST KUNllAlll) WUOIMS. Wholesale unit Retail, by II. 11. MARTIN A CO., u'Hyd 424 Water btrtct. Ijnusuter, I'a. IAUMOARUNKR.H'JOMl'ANV. COALDJEALERS. Okkicis-Ne. Iia North Queen Hlreet, nud Ne. 601 North l'riuce street. YAKUti-N'erth i'llnte Htreet, uear Reading Depot. UU-Ud LANCASTER, FA. oebB. - - Oppesite Fountain Inn. Oppesite Fountain Inn. Have for Beys and Girls ! Tree-holders (New), Savings Ranks, Hllccd Animals, etc., Iren Toys, Hxpress Wagons. Vt loci pedes', Olrls' Trlciclcs, Hleds and Coasters fur Wedding nud Christmas Tret-cuts. ST., LANCASTER, PA. flail. (Jnxiwarc. 1 1ARDWARK! HARDWAREI If you want te buy it Useful Christmas Present (JO TO Marshall & llengiex's. Kill HOUTH (IUHKN r.T. 'I here you can get Cl'TLKRY. (1RAN1TH wark, cARi'irr hwi:i:i'i:rh, had IRONH, KXI'RriW WAOONH, Ae, Steves in Endless Variety, AND A KULLLINHOK General Hardware. 1AESHALL&EEIG-IER NOM.0 ill HOUTH (iUKKNHTUKKT. leb-lVd TttiSU JI)Nh34 i CO.. Munuracturers CONKHCTIONKRH' KINK 1'AI'KR 1U)XI. 'J he most U-autlful line lu the United Htnte. til'j i.-eiuinercent..iiiuauei- phiR i'a. write ter auscnpiive price in juuei-sjswea &tetltittn TMMENaK REDUCTION8. L. GANSMAN & BR0. I .,We Jytve Jnst tnaugiimlcit n Ureal Hcdtie Hcdtie Hen Mule. . A Sweeping Reduction I KVKRYTH1NU HinwCKD. Men'sOverceats, former price 11200, NewHclt. lug at II .si. In nl wal0"1' rnncr ,,rlce ' ' New Hclu Men's Overcoats, former prlce 11300, tlew Hell Ingnt&X'ri. Meii'i Hulls, former prlce MOO, New Helling nt 13 7S, Men's Units, former prlce $1.1 00, New Helling nt Vt UK Men's Holts, former in lee !1,1(X, New Selling ntt72e. Hey's Werm Overcoats, former price, $7 SO, NewHellliunlHa-i. , Hey's overcoats, runner prlce te SO, New Sell ing ntf I iff. ' . Rey's 0-creeaLs, former prlce 111 00, NowScll NewScll lngntMlU. Hulls ninde te order that were IS00, rJOtm, I2TiIU nud (21 re. New Helling nt 11.1 W and tin Ui. Trousers made te entrr lluil Mcret7lUuud J.S m, New Helling nt IS 00. Children's Overcnits from Bl rent, upwards. Hee our large nssettmeiit of Men's, Rey's nud Chlldri n's I'auts nt reiluced prices. I'.very dollar new hit) s the Merth of inorelhnii two. L. Gansman & Bre., Tiillers and Manufiictiircrs of Men's, Hey's and Chlldrcu's Clothing (Kxcluslvc.) 6 and 68 NORTH QUEEN BT I. W. CORNER OF ORANfJE. LAN0A3TER. PA. -Net connected wltli any ether Clothing Heuse lu the city. v-Hocnutleus nnd make no mistake se Hint you get te the right place. M YKR3ARATHFON. i YOH MAY KXl'KLT WHOLESALE REDUCTIONS IN TRICKS ON Clethingr KOll Till: NKXT N'lNr.TY ll.VYH. Wenrn going lelinhKidiill our Winter Hleck Ht I ted need Prices, and every I; I nil and color will meet the same fate A Quick Selling Price. The value will he Jutt as geed iim ever, hut the price must full. Myers & Rathven, Roliable Mercliant Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LAN'CASTKH. PA. TTIRSII A RROTHICIt. ESTABLISHED 1854. See for Yourself. I'lnln llgiiresnre te he sccn-trrnurHlinw Win dows. In seeing tliem you hue an inkling of the IMMK.NHK IliSDULTIONH which tire he lug Hindu in our Reudy-Mude und Mado-te-Order Departments in Men's, Beys' and Children's 49-I'LAIN FIUUIU34 never deceive. All goods our own make. Our price, Is ene price, and that tlie lenesL If you are lu need or any of the above, CJALL AND HKK UH.nndirwe cannot please J ou, no ene can. We ran show you anything lu MHN'rt HUIIV, MHN'M OVHRCOATri, MKN'H l'ANTALOONH, HOYH'HUITH, ISOYrt' OVKRCOA'I'H, HOYH'l'ANTAIXleNrt, ClULDRUN'H HUl'I-H, ClIILDRKN'riOVr.RCOATH, CHILDRKN'H KNHK 1'ANTH, BHIRTrf-riauntl, Wlilte nud l'ercule, HUHl'KNDHItS, HANDKHI'.CIlini'H, iie9Ikry,ni:cicwi:ar,ac. ONIMMUCK CLOTIUNO AND Fl'KNISHIN'O IIOUHK, Herth Queen Street and Centre Square, IANCASTr.lt, I'A. Kl OT1CK TO TRiai'AHHHILS AND OWN N l-lll-All i,n.iiiis ure hereby fnrlilddi-u lu trespass en any of the lunds of the .'eniwull udHiieiHluellesUiteslu llmueu or Iiiicester Keuntlvs, whether IiicIimhI or unlnclesed, either for the purisise of sheet hb or tl.tilni;. as the law will be rltfldly enforced iigaliiHl all tres tres iiahsluiceusululauiU of the uuderslgued afts this notice. WM. COLKMAN KREEAI AN R.I-KROY ALDKN, KDW. t'. VRKEMAN, Attoretyi for U. W. Oelma'i Hlr. Retluct H1UCTIRS Suits.O vcrceais fe Pants HIRSH (I BROTHER, fSv rtuclcva (Suibe. "pKNNHYLVANIA nAILROADSCUKD J. lncfrectrromNev.10, 1889, nva at Philadelphia as fellows! tvnvj. Wa. rhlladelphla. Lancaiter) J-ew Expresst: Wny ressengert J. MafltralnvlaMUeyt iai m. bi. 6.-15 a. m. 6 je a. n, e-si . B 4:30 a, m. 4:30 a. m. .,N .'mi, Aniiny,, Niagara Kxpren., Hanover Accxmi.... Fast Llncf.... Krederlek Accem... Irfiucnster Accem... Ijinniuler Amim. via Columbia BiK . bum n. in. ,vta Columbia I0-J5 a. 11:00 a. m 2.-00 p. nt. 2:10 p. m. V: 10 p.m. 2'SO p. m. 6:30 p. m. 7:41 p. m, 7?M n. m via Columbia ll'L, n. . vln.Mt.Jey. Hnrrlttiurg Accem. Coin intila Accem....... Harrlsburg Kxprcss.. Western Kxpressf.. eki p. in. 4:10 . m, S:Sn p, m, UiM p. 111. 11:10 p. in. 6M p. m. Ar.CdJi-m Miiicuier cee.,.w. l-iive lAncaster. 2.J) n, m. 4:41 a. m. B:'JTi a. m 8:10 n. in. S:.'5 a. m. 9:00 a, in. 11 Ala. m, 1!M p. m. a:.Vi p, m. IWM i. m. 4:i1 p. in, li: p. in. Kill p. in. 12:M p. in. Arrlv . KAHTWARl). Mill. Kxiirvsst...... KnslLlnct J. , lAiiciuter Acce...,. Harrlsliurg Kxpress.. 1 Jinrester Accem..... Columbia Aeeem... Atlantic Kxpresst... Heasliore Kxprcss... rhlladelphla Accem. Hunday Mall...... Day Kxpresst.......... llarrlshurg Accem.., Mali Tralnf. ... Frederick Accem , riiiiai 4.-2fi a. m. 6:M a. mt . tnf 10:20 a. m. viaMUIey, ll:4fi a. m. 1:25 p. m. 8: IS p. m. 6:45 p.m. 5.-VS p. m. 6-M p. m. :: p. m ,10-45 p. m. IThe only t ratns m hlcli run daily. On Hunday the Mall train west nimby war Columbia. J. IL WOOD, Oenrnii 1'assenger Agen. CHAH. K. l'UOH. acneml iilutiaggr. THlLAI)liLl'HIA A RHAUING RAILROAi RKA1MNU iCOLUMIHA DIVISION. On nnd nfler Hunday, Nev 10, 1889, trauu leave liucastcr (King street), ns ml lews: for Rending and liitermcdlnte imlnU, we days, .SM n. ui., una, 3.4S p, in.; Hunday, 8.03 a m.. R.M p. tn. ' for l'filladelnlila, wrtk days, 7:00 n. m., 12i3S, 3:ISi.m.iHundiiys,.Mp. m. Ker NOW Yerk Via PliUiiilMnliln wV ilnva 7i"a.m., lili.1, R:(8p. m. .nK.?r N,1W Yetk- 'la Allentewn, week dayg, 12:!p, m. ' Fer Allentewn, week dayi, 7il0 a. m.,8:44 m.: Hunday, .- p. ui. r or l'etuvllle, week days, 7100. nt., Mi p. m Hunday, 3:55 p. m. ' Fer Lebanon, week days, 7.-00 n. m., Ii35, fcS p. in. ; Huuday, SKtt n. m, 8:'1 p. m. Ker Harrlsburg, weeli days, 7.-00 a. m., 12:33, 5:'i. p. m. ; Hunday, 8.-00 n. in. Fertlunrryvllle, week days, -25 O. m 2.-00. 8.00 p. in. ; Hunday, 6:10 p. m. TRAINH FOR LANCAHTKR. lnve Reading, week days, 7:20, HAS a. m 5:.V p. in. : Huuday. 7.-20 a. in.; .1:10 p. m. Uiive rhlladelphla, week days, 4:15, lOSOa m., 4.-00 p. in, lave New Yerk vln I'lillndeliihla, weekdays. 7:4.1 n. m., 1:S0. . in. 12:15 nlglii. ' ' lavoNewierk via Allentewn, week dayi 4:tWn, in,. IKd . in. IivoAllcutewii, week days, 6:52 a.m.; 4:30 p.m. I-wive I'ettivlllc, week days, 6:50 a. m., 1:39 p. in, lieave Ibanen, week days, 7iH n. m., 12J0 7:15 p. in. t Huuday, 7:M a. in., :kl5 p, in. IsMive Harrlsburg, Week duys, 0.25 a. m.; Ban day, ti:S0 n. m. Leave lluurryvllle, week ilayi, 0:10, 11:45 a. m., 3:00; Hunday, 7:10 n. m. ATLANTIO CITY DIVISION. Lwive l'hlhitlelphltt, Cliratuut trct wharf, and Houth street whnrf. Ker Atluntln City, week dajm, express, M a. in. and 4:00 p. m.j Ancommedutlon, 7:.t0 iu in. and 4.S0 p. nt.; Hundny, Kxpress, V.OO a. ni., Accuiiiuiodnllen, 8.-00 n, in., 4:30 p. m. lUUiirnlng leave Atianlle City, depot corner, Atlnnlle uml Arkansas Avenues. Weekdays. Kxprcss 7;:il n. in, nnd 4 p. in. Accom Accem Accom ineilallon.K.ain. in, nnd 4::ui p. in. HiiudayK Kxnress, 4 p. in. Accommodation, 7:30 n. in. und iit p. in. Detailed Uine tables can be ehulticd nt Ucke, elllees. A.A.MnLKOD. CO. HANCOCK. Vice Pics. A tleu'l M'gr, Ueu'l I'ass'r AgL LKI1ANON A liANUAMTKU JOINT LINK RAILROAD. Arrangements of l'nssenger Trains en and after HUNDAY, November 10, 1KM), NORTHWARD. Hnnday. I'.IVO A.M. P.M. P. M. A. M, P. K. King Htreet, Lane. 7:(M l'.':.'.". 6:2.1 8KB U-M lAiintster 7.-07 12:41 6i MS 4:04 ceiiimiiin.. Ksn Mniihclm 7:rtl 1'JJ CM 8:15 U-.I7 4:ri 6.-01 Cornwall 7:U) 1:10 0:23 Arrive at lxbauen R:11 1:5S 0:10 0-3 6:15 HUUTI1WAHD. I-nve a.m. r. M. Ibnnen .....- 7:12 12M Cornwall.., ... 7:27 L!:I1 Mnnhelm',.... 7:.'.S 1:1ft Lancaster. , , 8.-27 1:52 Arrive ut rnliimlilu 0:27 2-0", King Htreet, Uinc 8:115 2.00 A. M. WIliKlN, Hupt. U. ft C, H. W. NKKK. Hupt. C. It. R. P. H. A. w. r. K. 7:15 7:5f. a:4 7:2(1 8:10 4.(10 7A1 8.-40 4M 8:18 :U 6:01 B.2.V, 0:30 Railroad. 6:10 iUatcliCH. "irATHKH. KMER1CKN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Hpecs, Kye-Ulaisi Ktc., ill IMWEHV I'lUOKH. Optical Heeds. Telegraph Time Dally. Kvery Ankle, lu this l.fiie Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, He. 1B0K North Queen St., Near P. R. R. Station. "TEwKLUlt ANl7aitADUATi:0?riCIAN. " GILU Jeweler and Graduate Optician. dikmqnds. Our pureluisn of DIAMONDS, loose nnd mounted, being innihi liefnre the raise, we eiler our Immense, stock ut former LOW I'HICRtt. A IleniltlrulLliKief LADIIiS' OOLD WATCH1CH, OHNT'H OOLD WATCHCT, LADIUS'AND (IKNT'H KILVKR WATC1IEH. A Full Line or NOVKLTIEH, 0HAS."S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., I.ANCAHTKR. l'KNN'A. F OR HOLIDAY UUTlti. Herr.Jeweler, FOR Holiday Gifts ! IN WATCHES, JEWELRY AND H0YELT1ES. A Nlce Line or DIAMOND 000 D3 In Rings, Ear Rings and Combination HeW AT LOWICST rmcKs. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OK ORANCJE. (Savvcta. T ANOAHTHR CARl'rH' HOUHri SHAUB & V0NDER8MITH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO GO TO SHAUB & V0NDERSMITH. RUOH. CARI'iriV. ART KQUAUfM, OIL CUn'HS, WINDOW HIIADhX, Ktc, K1NIMT LACH CURTAINHAND fORTIKUKH lu tliu City for tlm 1'rlces, lle Hum te Bee Them. 111SST aOOIM 1 LOWEST I'HICKS OROl'ND l-'LOOR I ONE I'RICH I CAitri-rr an d (uiti'irr work i jjbst and UUUl'KHTl au2-yd f. " Hi v: & i?jvi w HI m M m J& Wl -.$ y i?:i? ssi vM M ii: iS - m fl I I '4, A--q '- ' . Zrrjliii