T'U :- .;.r . s r kf A ts- ,!..;, r V kW.s. V ' tvfc S-iAT V, -01. Kiy v '-...'' II I i 'J" .L' '.. J.1, ' ; -l ,, - , - .,- : ! 1 XUmmWmmrvtttmmnwmtwmt. httw" r tiii mi iMif ia riiiiiMnii ft i tjt ; ;;' - gf.,tf iy. IWWIIwm ej Mee.a r m r5 I lil'.i1. . -. ..-'J - - " ....... A- '4t' Smmmem Of COMCTMMMMI, IMMUMVf ,r- IMttU had a candidate ef Ma prf r; $& smss ircEJ&s.'cw?. ."Mr Mage, wiTkiiiittMM eta! MB.DWII BM ailUSJBIIIOI BWBWMR w 5Vt . MMflMMB M UM iIpINIBn stems in ienu T.'ZSiLt. n.l.lrflmveriklLMlav'laac -W Coteaet Bayna had writta a Utter, mwm $.. AW te Um ttaaearr, depart. protMttet ft MilMt the coneMeratteti or mm apptieasten W WI ar, IB . Miw nnm '"" "" "" Mimiwat.wwiDcia,Mi'iwt awa af IMlMmMt would directly e-eearif- eat aUiaace between a dlaffected.lUpBbUeaa " AMUen Mid tha Domeoracy. Mr. DalseU wm varjr. lndlf Hit whan ha Veeraed of tale letter, BOtM'doeUiwdte talk for pablioauen. tarta than mi ay the MM ebMM MMIMt MCM trae, Md that ha wm griav that OemmI - BtjrM aheuld harawriMe- eeehaatal- aaeat. Mr. DeUell wm vMMterMMta -v-djren aceeant of Mf or; muck of( '!!' " The trUtcap en earth ter ptiln, BaWkUesOU; ktagtbaNtakte. "Yei nut te-day. nr trtH: te tfcte.eeM wind r I thoecht you vara alek n bed wlUi a eeM." Haaaiaaewi 47BothlMtmtamllMaJellrkmll i the apoUMearfaalian, adpalBt dvertlMaantei Dr. BelVa OeMh uidUdmate In tn m tilff mA vmrilamanMnt Hymn Mld:uTaerrbjr banc the Ule; that MM the aterr." Tha Grave Geta TtreA Tawatac- . Seemingly, ter certain wretched laTallda who eddle feebly alen. theuch alwaya leektacaa If they were aeln( te die, but emltUn te de Ik They dry up, wither, dwindle away 8nlly, but In the meantime never having rebuat health, knew nothing of the phyalctal enjoy. 4uat,thetetlofthataxUtenea;to which they cling with ur.h remarkable tenacity. They are Stwaya te be toend trying te mend by tinkering t thenuelvea with some tnuihy remedy, tonic or pick me up te give a nlllp te digestion, or "help the liver." V uch misguided folk would resort and adhere te Hosteller's Htemach Bitten it would be well with them. This superb Invlgerantsupplles the stamina that the feeble, require, by permanently reinforcing digestion en and assimilation. It overcomes nervousness, Insomnia, malaria, kidney' com plaints, blllleuiness, constipation, rheumatism and neuralgia. Janl-S TIie usual treatment of catarrh Is very un satisfactory, as thousands of despairing patients can testify. A trustworthy medical writer says t " Proper local treatment Is positively necessary te success, but most of Uie remedies In general nse by physicians afford but temporary benefit. A cure cannot be expected from snuffs, pow ders, douches and washes." Ely's Cream Balm Is a remedy which combines the Important requisites of quick action, specific curative power with perfect safety and pleasantness te the patient. $fcctal iletUef. Mether 1 Mewaerstl Mether! It Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOWB SOOTHING BYBUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend npen It : there Is no mistake about It. There la net a mother en earth who haa ever used It, knniiinnt Lull veu at once that It wlllrecu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use in all eases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the uniteaaiaies. -deiu every wnre. 36 cents a bottle. Inneauydaw Tue New DUtoevory. Yeu have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it Yeu may yourself be one of the many who knew from personal experience Iusi new goea n iuiuk ii . t jwu uiijvi risd l. veu are one of Its staunch friends, be- it tried It, you are one of Its staunch friends, be- cauw the wonderful thing about it .is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Dis covery ever after holds a place In the house.; If you have never used It and should be afflicted "... - ..1.. . m.... nt. ma. . V ...... m WIW RCOUEIl, L'UIU I Uiijr iiuwiUui m Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It Is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bettles Free at H.B. Cochran's Drugstore, Ne. 138 N. Queen street, Lancaster, l"u. () Bneklen'a Arnica Salve. Thx Best 8 alvk In the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Kever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Cerns, and alt Bkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It U guaranteed te give per; feoteatlsfacUen, or money .refunded. "Price 36 cents per uex. rer shie uj . . viwu.au, Druggist, Nes, 137 and 1 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Icne77-lyd A Sound lgn Opinion. K. Balnbrldge Munduy, Esq., County Atty. ley Ce., Tex., says i "Iluve used Klectrlc Bit ters with most huppy results. My brother also, was very low with Mulurlal Kever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medlrlnc. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life.' Mr. D. I. Wllcoxsen, of Herse Cave, Ky.. adds a like testlmeny.snying : Hepesl lively be'le.v?" he would have died, had it net been for Eloctrle This "great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Btemach Disorders stands unequaled. Price Wc. and tl, at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 N. Queen HU, Lancaster, Pa. (6) lituawave. H IQH A MARTIN. Decorated Dinner Seta, from Havl land China (flue decoration) Semi-Per-celaln, White Stene Ware te.Engllsh Printed or Plain Whlteat prices equal te any! n (he market. Decorated China Dessert, Clame, Fish, Oat Meal, Trinket, Pudding Set, Ac. Fruit, Oyster and Bene Plates. Celery Trays. Tea, Cof fee and Bouillon Cups. A. D. Coffee, from the cheapest te $12 each. Royal Worcester, Japanese Ware and ether Fancy Goods In large quantities. CUT GLASS IN NEW DESIGNS Pressed and Engraved Glassware In New Styles and In Iarge Quantities'. Rochester Lamps In a Variety of Styles and at the Lewest Prices. Don't make your selection until yeuvislt HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. Jjfetuetc. rpHEMUHIC STORE. THE MUSIC STORE, 14 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. WOODWARD & CO. De the Decker Ure.'s Grand l'lauea knew a PeTthe lialne Bra's Upright Tlanes knew a ""pe'the Masen A, Haralln Organs admit any cemparl" T Ne I pe we k you te believe our statement wlth- CDePweniake you fair premises which we fall tDoeeur guarantees need an endorser T Ne I -De we fear te stand by the solid merit of our peweuk you te pay us mere thau a living '"pe we make fortunes by selling you goods be low cost? Ne I , . - De we hump ourselves en our swell sales men? Nes ...... De we want the earth? Ne I De these who want It always get It 1 Ne I lhoteoratlt K OTE. I JUST RECEIVED . FROM KcBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarUr Length Photographs. .4. X VV A A-e 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Postoffice. janT4tud Cfi( SALARY, IW EXPENSES IN AD SJtJLF vauce, allowed each mouth. Steady employment at home or traveling. Ne solicit ing; Duties delivering and making collections. Ne Postal Cards. Address with staietv HAFER &, nana, Ohie, : - ahnflTa,The $ . ..-' ILZZ - JZ" - -fii.THH IiALHOABTlK "ji, Ji cTixnU .'-- tfJttmMm f Cmmm Vyeia. War tTsaWraa. ''"Iteaely every esssat asjlriaaelsMaeeU,"- tfjatHaaark vea aae te a party e(Mea4e te.aa aMraaMve lair walai m Weh at, WeirTerfc lhateveasat ahesWaatekHagla ser iiMvai a aHejirt aata aefejssj 'Nst ajaesji, aas t,;nw awktaayaM aa4rk'aiaeal- ealtyhi ihteg. T4ay aae la aaMHa fteaa itva,itMBBBfea, asOyasetUaia. Herei SmZ viibttaaaiely. M ta aade.ef .eUera era aa iisshlae eh Isl en he aisi waeaaaas, ibtstfa aeeaa IsakainffA that raeaatly.. iaVkat ease deM.aadttelUhytbesjMar waiea mnm max aae wttTRJyTKrV attmalaat te. the venssu. is i neUeaV .-It weraa eat aaeMae. i .nss-i'a. aaya t i aave wauaia 9atSlrffi: mm aattAll iifirf ! . ta ej m.heaMk ead aahawTlaasZ-Taaia liflQM teM mm ajni taaiaa nr Mtemu aa have teaa .eeaatted by It i, aaeTwaUe TTde w siaw na use ny mm s ysinssi very susy women eenM he saa4e heaJtaleraayracTsaT itraettve te. their haabaMs, levera. frteada and auniHea tf they would e likewise.7 j (1) -JUTCUANE-fl UVaWrtUA " TRBQKirtTLNBOS.Ct ' ' -CXUTjUtATXD LIVER PILLS! .Intemperance a Disease When th'e celebrated Or. Rush deeUred that drunkenneaaja-aa a dlieasa, he enuadated a troth which the expertenee aad observation of medical men Is every day eeaflrsalag. The many amerently Insane eceesste oTthese who Indulge Id the aae of svlrllueua Hquets may ttus be accounted .rbr. The trueeause of con cen dect, which Is taken ter imhtaatlea. Is very trequenUy a diseased state of UUv. Neer- Sn la the human System when eraaged, pro pre pro nees a mere IMchtftal catalogue erdlaeaaes. Ana ir, insteaa of applying remedies te the manlfsetatlens.Qf the disease aa la tee often natead of applying remedies te the the ease i te the original eaaae, fewi mm piiiiciuui woeu preacnee wiw a view original caese, .fewer deaths weald result Usee sea ladneed bv a derejurai staiaef tha iresn uieeasee Liver. Three-fourths of the diseases , enumer ated under the head of Consumption have their mmv in uuaen uvtr, in genuine in. J. MeLase'e Ldver Pills, prepared by .Flaming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa. are a aare care, ; Mr. Jonathan Ueughaaaa, of West Union, Park Ce.. Illinois, writes te the proprietors! sufTered firesn a severe and protracted attack et nfrrvia healthMb: fever and ague, and was completely restored te UMpy theuse or the aenunle Dr. C. ate: 's.Lilver PlUa alone. These Pills unques- Lane's L Ueaahly possess great prepsrtlee, and taken with deeldedd vantage far saany requiring invigorating remedies, but 11 t prepsrtlee, and can be i ! for Mn v axmmmmmm ; InvlsTOratlnsT remedies, but the Liver nis stand preeminent aa the means of rester- ing dlserganlaed liver te healthy action; hence the great celebrity they have attained. insist en having the gsnuin Liver Pills. Drenared bv Flei Fleming Bres., Pitta- burg; Pa. All druggista keep them. Price X cenuaDex. (2) H UMPHRBY'S DR. HUHPHBEra 8I'KC1F109 are sclentl eally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with success and for .ever thirty years ased by the people. Every single Specific Is a special cure for the These Hpeerfles cure Hies care without dragging, purg ng the system, and are b ftwi and VEHiaUN ubuediehTef TUB ing or reaacini ueea we wjv. WUIUuJ, list or r-HiKcirxi. kes, ctraas. pbiem 1. FBVERn, Congestion, Inflammation...... i J .. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic...... J 5. CRYINO COLIC, or Teething of Infants, tt .DIARRHCKA,ofChllarener Aflulu..Z M 6. DYBBNTBBY, qfiplng. Bilious Celic. .26 .CHOLERA MbWUB,VemlUng .' 7. COUOHB. Celd. Branehltls .2S , 8. NEURALGIA Toothache, Faeeaebe . H . HEADACHE, BlckHeadache, Vertigo... JS iu. u inrtu-ai a, anions swrecn. JO ILBUPPREIsSBberPAINEULPBRiODll, M U. WHITESj tee Profuse PeVteda .as is. CROUP. Cough, Dlfflcult Breathing . J5 It HALT RllKUM. Erysipelas, Eruptions... JB 15. RHEUMATIBM.Rheumatle Pains as If, FEVER and AUUE, Chills, Malaria. M 17. PILES. Blind or Bleeding? , M 19. CATARRH. Influenza, Celd In the Head, M aO-WHOOPINOOOUaH, Violent Coughs... M 21. QENERAL DEBIUTY, Physical Weak ' nees.'...;....'. .......... .50 27. XIDNEY DISEASE JO 28. NERVOUS DEBILITY 41.00 30. URINARY WEAKNESS, Wetting Bed, M 82. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Palpita tion .'. 11.00 Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid Orf receipt OI price, vs. uuariiKKi'anASUAii (IU es) richly bound In cloth end ae ;eia, rnaiu Huxprrcts' MEDlcina Ce., 108 ultenHUM. Y (2) SPECIFICS. Tu,ThAtw TTtLY'S CKEAM BALM., . , CATARRH, "HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Paasages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres; Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price W eenta at Druggists ; by mall, registered, Ot) cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lyd&w Ne. 66 Warren HU, New Yerk. rpEETHINQ BYBUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a betUe of DR. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP. FerfecUr safe. NoOplumerMorphlamlxturea. WUI re lieve Colle, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Dlfflcult Teething. Prepared by DRS. D. FAHR NRYASON, Hagerstown, Md. DrugglsU sell It ; 85 cents. Trial bottle aent by mall 10 cents. tan-Lrdeedw AV Undeveloped parts. Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened,-etc., la an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very blghly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., a Swan BL, Buffalo, N. X. -Daily Ibtafe Set. ' fll-fydw Sampm. N: KW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and See tJe FINE NEW LIMPS AND KRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR JolinLAnield'sBiiildiiig, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dt-lfd e ALL AND SEE TnE ROCHESTER LAMP! Blxty Candle-Light j Beats them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and OU Stores. THE "PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION, Weather Strip. Beats them alL This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Steps rattling of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anyone eon apply It no waste or dirt made Iu applying it. Ces be fitted anywhere no holes tobere,reeayioruae. jwiuneispu shrink a cushion strip Is the most pc theBteve, Heater and Range Stere of srper L&At JeM P. Sehaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER PA. SVtternru. T UTUER a JCAUFFMAN, ATTORNKV-AT-LAW. Second Fleer fahlaataa Law Balldtn,Np. at M MM Ml WMJ0 MM teafiacMcesef ten imeaeataie awasee tteatfcerjedleavsry MMasaiymrrei tlC c namvaur. i. - " v.- FURNITURE STORE, SK W" WtDMYER'S LINE Lara and Geed, IlftlIrflTa4ltfcPriKht lilt. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE. CORNER K. King Duke SU. I A Cird if mils ! We very gratefully thank our ens. temsrs of the past year who helped us build a successful business. By the means of PRICE, STYLE AND QUALITY We have merited your patronage and given aatlsfltcUen. We have greatly In creased our stock of NEW FURNITURE FOR SPRING FURNISHING, And Invite an Inspection of our Nw Htvmm and Lew Pnica. aw We store goods until wanted. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, M,SdA4thrioers,SI SOUTH QUEEN ' STREET. F URNITURE. PLUSH ROCKERS HT COST. KOR TWO DAYS OUR SACRIFICE IH YOUR . GAIN. COME QUICK AND SECURE A CHOICE ONE BEFORE THEY ARE GONE. LOTS OF OTHER GOOD THINGS AT- CUT PRICES TILL XMAH, HEINITSH'S ' Furniture Depot, Neb. 27 89 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER. PA. Srecjcrt. A TBUHHR'a SUGARS REDUCED. The gradual decline or Sugar enables us te re duce the price, and we think sugars are about, as low aa they will be. Coffees 1 Coffees i Coffees 1 M The Coffee market Is very Arm, but we have Just received GO bags (ever (1,000 pounds) of an excellent Rie Coffee te sell at BOe a pound. Fresh Boasted. Give It a Trial. The Teatzer Evaporated Sugar Cera. ..The finest In Ihe market, and sold only by us. Fine Table Fruits, Canned and Bettle Goods, v, BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. A TRK1BT-M. DOWN GOMES SUGAR! ill SBeirs Reduced Half Cent a Pound. ear PrtdletieBi Again Fulfilkd. Twice during the Summer months we pre dicted a drop of one cent a pound each time. We get It. several weeks age we told you te keep your eyes en our advertisement, as we again expected a drop of one cent a pound, it Is fast approaching 1L We give you the half wuv u-uy iuoe. ter ui euier nail cent I it don't pay us te write up Sugars, but we de It for your interest. A penny saved, is a peony earned. MEATS ! MEATS f SugarCured Hams at ViY,a ft. Finest Plcnle Mams, from fl te 10 tm.7c it fc. Finest Extra Dry Knuckle Dried Beer, Uc V Finest Extra Dry Regular Dried Beef, 10c V R. Summer Bologna, V V Smoked Fish &c. Large Sugar-Cured Bloaters, 3 for 6e and 4 VO. Scotch" Herring, 60 te 80 In a box, per box, 2Sc Cednab, sc, 80, and vary choicest, II, 1UC B. Pickled Herring, Be for 25c Pickled Trle, In ae-pound kegs, II 26, Mincemeat. 6c. 8c and 10c ti. 300 bs of Sweet Baking Butter at Uc and lie This Is a bargain, and we call bakers' attention telU Finest Pure Yerk State Ueney, lie v ft, 2 M for 25c. Big line of Finest Hfcjrlda Oranges (Thin Skinned). Fresh Thick or Thin Water Crackers, t fts for 25c Fresh Nlcnacsand Olnger Snaps, 3 fts for 2&e. Agents for Mateu's Famous Water Crackers. Curlead of Salt In te-morrow. Get our prices. Biggest line of Dried Fruits In the city. Agents ter Chase Sanborn's Famous Cof Cef feesT (Jet one of our Cards. Buy 120 worth of Ureeerles In ninety days and get the ' Family t'hyslcluu," worth id. They are going fast. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND FKINOEBTS., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ca's Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Herre Herse Hetel. entitru. It. NATHOIWT. DENTIST. 2VCKM1 HK BVIUAKK. net let veur teeth decav any further. Veu i net de net often And a decayed teeth that cannot be saved bv rllllnc or crowning, Have your teetli examined and attended te at once. It will sare suffering and expe: ne. Ail operations cuaimnteed Filling Teeth and Painless Eztrae Uen Specialties. naeamaaw T7I0R IIEADQU lj A.O.K.efM. 07 U. A. M., P. C OAltTF.KS- . . . l.C. K. Ot U.K., I.U. K.M., CUarm.aadhn.,,010 ERIg NcetWestiOBfitreet, r. j c. ui f.. . r. . w.. riin. Migaisieat-sMaaaaasTAaaetraea.ai VfjasaajB BsjpjsjgjgjgeL mssB VrVsSeWWMMBsW paTWalBPfav FDRNH iiiiiiiniiwim A' V i ii "i " j'i ' I ,VM'4 IU !! es eUWeOtAlT. j GrtaJit Rdu.ctiezx in ( TO. CLOSE OUT OUR H1IDS0IE SE1L PLUSH GOATS AND LADIES AND CHILDREN S CLOTH COATS, Metzger & Haugh man's. Net. 38 and 40 West King. 8tret, Lancaster, Pa. (Oppesrnc tmr cooper meubk. JTacr DOOM TO TstB COURT HOUSE. Our Remnant Sale I The Meanest sale, et which wa (M mn tttrntm.. U iu m4 v. tl lnetui1s tha adds and ends of the season Jeet closed, euehaa . ibbbw as yara isinusa et ec laanu of Red. White and Colored Flannels. laaata of Beat Lhrht aad Drab PrlnU at Be. inanu of Drees debaa, isanla e Hlaak " - 4 HemnanU of Cesslmars MemnanueriMnanesBSMScaaaesc Neasaaata of FeaThv Tleklngs, IMjeT worth 90c laaata of Fee laanta or wide heatings. iBaau or Hambwrg sMglaga and Embroideries. aaanu of Bilk RlWbeaa. aanuer press utagaaau, te: worth lJSe. its or. Table Llaeaa. RMSMOBta of On tin Cletlia. Yeu will also lad aaaar ether bargains here outside of Remnants. Remember we are seulae off our entire stock of Ladies' and vix What tbey coat us. Come at once If you are Interested, aa they are being picked out rapidly. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St, Lancaster, Pat ARD AMcELROr. bard Sc Mcelrey, Mm. S3 aid 35 Seuth Qhm Street, Special Burgtins Id Our GLOVES EttrBerdiaary Value In Ladles' and Children's Gloves, In black Ste, 3te and up. Men's Gloves and Mltu in wool, oil tan leetlier, or buckskin, at 50c,6cTSc,II,a4ai,etc ' ' Value In Ladles' RT We sett the best neslery In BteckRIbbed' Cotten Heae, slight! 'eet In Bargains in wool Hese ler Ladl mode te aeii for 60c Bargains In Weel Hese for Ladies. Hen or children. rMBRELLAS-Olerla Bilk Umbrellas. 20 In., ll 00 ; JS In., 11 2B j no In., II GO. BLAJOCETS A pair of Blankets would malManelegant Christmas Present, The best value In the city. t - TATtLE'CLOTns-Mnen Table Cleths, 2 yards long, with 'one dozen Napkins te match, enty (2 SO ; 2 yards long, with Napkins, only 3 00 ; 8 yards long, with Napkins, only 13 GO. liar, gains In Towels. SinnTS-Eitra Values In Men'a Weel Dress Shirts nt 75c tl 00, II 25, II SO, 12 00, etc. bard & Mcelrey, Heb. 33 aad 35 Seuth Quaes Street. Sfcrntche. He B. HHOADS 4 BON. People who want, plain, practical everyday goods, as well as the Finest - a. Jewelry and Table Wares ! WILL FIND TUEM fcgWatches, paired. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4W1BTENGST.. LAN0A8T1E, PA. CEagCt See E USX A BRENEMAN. WMt Minn & Breneman Dells and Dell Carriages, Steam Engines, Magic Lanterns, Magnetic Toys, Printing Presses, Teel Clients, Building Blocks, Feet Balls, Mechanical Toels, Fine Lamps, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc., k NO. 162 NORTH QUEEN Carpet T9ARGAINS I Shirk's Carpet - Wilten, Velvet. Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Bag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, 'WINDOW SHADES, ke. Wa Hatb thb LaaeseT and Bst Stock in tb Crrr, H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Bts., Lancaster, Pa. Carriage. s LEIOIISt SLEIGUBI. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER. H), 2,43 441 MARKET STREET, (Hear of the ' Postemce), LANCASTtat, PA. I have new ready the finest assortment of ALBANY and PORTLAND SLE1GUU. both Mingle and Deuble, ever offered te the public. iTices te sun me uwva. Call and examine them. A full line of Buggies. Phsstens and Carriages of e vary description. Alse Second-Hand Werk of every variety. Give me a call. All work warranted. riupalrlng In all IU branches. Oue set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. Coel. T UMBER AND COAL. JJ TOBACCOHHOOICHANDCA8EB. WEST KRN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, br n U U A t.T1I A f. n3-lyd 121 Water Utreet. Lancaster, i'a. -T AUMQARDNERM COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Omcae-Ne. 1 North qaeeeetreet, and Ne. bU North Prince street. Vajaae-NerUi Priaea Btnet, aear Reading DMfW LAVOABTsW,PA. ' 111 Se yard op, ' - .i. -l(U.. rhi.ii. aad Pant BtaSk. ehsaD. ale.. fv Opposite Feutaia las. Line for the Holiday Trade. xr..mmm- . a Handkerchiefs at worth JBe and Children's Gloves, in black and colors, at 15c, we, sec, sue, sue, ihe city for the money, Anether let of Children's Uie weaving, at Seper pair, regular price, HKc One let of Ladles' Regular Made Hese at ase, Opposite Feuatala Xaa. IX OUll STOCK. Clocks, Musical Bexes, Jewelry, etc., Re- Have for Beys and Girls 1 Tree-hnlders (New), Savings Banks, Sliced Aulinals, etc., Iren Toys, Express Wagons, Velocipedes, Girls' Tricycles, Sleds and Ceasttra for Wedding and Christmas Presents. ST. LANCASTER, PA. Qall -T ARGAINS I Hall I FOR $ev gale or ftent. XI EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REALESTATEOFFICE. IlOUaES.UUII.mNaLOTO.FARMMIILLB, Ac., fr sale. Gnat bargains. Call for our new Catalogue J ust out. 1I0UHK4 and I1UHINKHH niOI'ERTIrS al ways en luiiul for rent. RKNTft COLLECTED Properties taken churge of, collection of renU, paymentef taxes, repairs, et., attended te without trouble or an noyance te owners. MONHYTO IJOAK ON SIORTGAOKH.-Fer lbusj having money te Invest we have drat class mortgages en band and the best of facili ties for Investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared aud title carefully examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE 4 INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 ajAHTKINQ STREET, (tote Band. faj, 1800. Vltihln0 M ART1MBROS. Sharp Mark Downs Stock-taking and,,, prlea breaklag waa the work or last week. Clearing sa'.e bow In activity ai prices unpar alleled en CLOTHING AND Furnishing Goods ! These prices for Januarj' only. Visit this sale aad aae tha Interesting amounts te be aaved by buying here new. " Dea't ferget te go te MARTIN BROS, for yeurBult" waa heard echoed en the telephone the ether day.' Bech prices make an Interest lageeae. They were atlr last Fall, yeur-slded BOW. Baterday's sales started doubling our record of a year age. Men'a White Lamb's Weel Underwear, as 75 aad as grades going at eg. Beys' Weel Flannel Shirt Waists, 37(c. Men'a Seamless Half aleee, t pairs, Ste. Streng Overalla and Jumpers, 36c. Men's Heavy Orerceau, Raretan Beaver, blae k aad blue, fttat color, at 80. Men'a Blaek Corkscrew Bulla, Mt Beys', 14 a Corkscrew aad Wldewala Bulls, 118, meat all 'Usee. Fine Overcoats and Cape Coats get this in. terestlng price touch. The prices are pushing out Storm Overcoats Without the storms, 110, f IS, til. Custom Tailoring at prices that keep the tape and shears going. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 2$ N. Queen St. fMMENHE REDUCTIONS. L.OANSMAN&BRO. I i We have Just Inaugurated a Great Reduc tion Bale. A Sweeping Reduction I EVERYTHING REDUCED. . Men's Overcoats, former prlba IIS 00, New Bell Ing at H 80. Hen's Overcoats, former price SHOO, New Bell Ing at MOO. Man's Overcoats, former price I IS 00, New Belt. ImrattSSA. Sen's Suits, former price te. 00, New Belling at 0678. Men's Bulls, former price tlSOO, NOw Selling alKee. Men's Suits, former price tlS 00, New Selling at 1738. Bey 'a. Storm Overcoats, former price, 1760, New Selling at 18 28. ' .. ney s uTerceais, rermer prien sv aw, a aw eeu- ing at t 87. . "? i Overcoats, former price IU 00, New Sell lag at Sft as. at 'ulta made te' order that were SIS 0), MO 00, HaDanaaT7ag.NewSelllnffa 800 and ti7. New Belli at in ou ana sieuu. -iTenewre idhe ie nrae M 00, Mew Belling at tA 00. Children's Overceata n Trousers inade te order that were 1700 and ntilldran'a'OVBrMmta rrem Bfl Mttita. nnwards. Bee our large assertmeut of Men's, Bey'a and bTniarea s rants ni reuucea prices. Every dollnrnewbuvs the worth of mere than two. L. Gansman &s Bre., Tailors and Manuteciurara of Men's, Bey'a aad Children's Uethlng (Eaeluslve.) N aad 16 KOMI QBIU T., .w.oeMitoretUatai, iawastib.pa. ggp Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the rltr. sSPBe cautious and make no mistake se that yen get te the right place. TtTfERS A RATHFON. REDUCTIONS ! VOU MAY EXPECT WHOLESALE REDUCTIONS TNTRICES ON-" cietiiiiAfir FOn THR NKXT NINKTY DAYS. Weare going te unload all our Winter Bleck at Reduced Prices, and every kind and color will meet the same fete A Quick Selling Price. The value will uejuitaxgoed ss ever, but the price must fall. Myers & Rathven, Reliable Merchant Tallew, NO. 12EASTKINGr STREET LANCASTER. PA. QavMvavc-. TTARDWARE I i. HARDWAREI If you want te buy a UselUl Christmas Present GOTO HarshaU & Rengier's, tx 11 SOUTH (IUKKNE.T. There you can get CUTLERY, GRANITE WARE, CARPET SWEEPERS, HAD IRONS, EXPRESS WAGONH, ie. Steves in Endless Variety, AND A FULL LINE OK. r' General Hardware. MAlHiiliL&llEMIEll NOS.I411BOUTH QUEEN STREET. feb'-lyd IN M ERS. All persons ere hereby forbidden .Trrvrinc! te TRESPAHSEKS AND GUN ie trespass en any of the Bd Speedwell estates In UHintler, whether lncle of the lands of the Cornwall ilea In Lebanon or Lancaster Inclesed or unlnclased. either for the purpose or sueting or nsning, asine . " T . . . ' .. Uw will be 11 De Ugluiy Wiviim MMtua m .vm idly enforced agalust all tree. passing en saidianus ei uie ueuersigueu aive tntsm notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN ILPKMUYALiDIU'l, AUeraafa im llw.Wasaaa'i JtH.'t",h. i-"t.,Srf . .A'Trti., T . - i Km Reductions I .. t Vvmtnlf' mm wsssam !aIihti5uew ? -JK?SAlip. Leave niladelrhla, h.witu'S sB.-r.r': MB a. at. en! n. iin iH& - laa K-ni l" vtaOaiasBM en . vUOalaai Frederick Aeeera., iAucaater Accem...... LancaaterAeeeea. HairlrturgAeeem... Columbia A coon !! sw sa. via Columbia WaMtiey u!m. one p. an. jls '"ZeavJ"'-, Laneaetar. S-Da. .' .'Ma.aa. a-a.aa Harrisburg EximaeJ n viru Axpiissi, Lancaster Acce... KABTWARD. rnna. Kxpresst, v. I I ml ' UIII.MltiMMW)Wni uuicaswr acoe.- Harrisburg Express, Lancaster Acoem...,, VxplSSt:: Seashore RxDreasl. Ua,sa. 1-atp.m. fctapTca. Mp."aa. gags. Phltadelnhla Aoeam. Sunday Mall.. .eceta 3?:: 1! ccem.. rrne eniy irains wnicn run daily. v??, (in Bandar tha Mat! train west ranabywarK --. k 5- 3KP Oeaerai Paeeeager Agea CHAS. E. PUQH.Oeaeral tawagar. 3.-:; PHILADELPHIA A RBUDmOmAHJaOA-t RC4T)TVri mi.ttusirs tuvmia. 1jJJ , ..-,. . On aad after Sunday, Net Ml save LAncaxter (King street), aafollewai .w,. rer mooing and intermediate potato,' an, aae d. b Fer PnlladelBhla, weak daya, TJt a. m 1 imp. ra.j Sundays, p. m. Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, weak i iw -, u: Ks p. m. , Fer New .erk via Allentown, weekaa ' s-Bp-aa. 7 Fer Allentown, week daya, 7M a. aaM 1. 1 Sunday. SB n. n Fer Pettarilie, week day, 7:30a. at., t: p. ski,; Bnadar,S!8ep.aa. BT. TL an. , ., -r Lebanon, week aya. 7ie a.a,Ita, i,tSunday,ftOSa.airMSp.sB. - 7 c Harrisburg, week1 daya, 74a) a. m tk p.m.1 Si Fer HarrUburg, week daya, FerQuamrville.'jreek aya, t fc aa 1.00 m.lHundy, 8:10 p.m. TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. LeaTa Reading, week days. 730, 11 a. .). w.iiiuuiuif . lih n.j Wivpl m.. 4. n. m. Leave New Yerk via Philadelphia, week 7:5 a. m., 1:80. p. m. 12:18 night. . Leave New Yerk Tla Allentewa. week i AriB. m i4ne- m Leave Alienlewn, week days, el.aa.4 -f ...... . . ii Leara PetUvllle, weak daya, ScM a. aa.. Leara Lebanon, week :U a. wu,-: T:ia P. m, : Sunday, 7k a. m. BBa. Vf ueeye uamseurg. week days. Bsa.ia.tBBB BS a. tn. ai ve ttuarrrvlUe. weak dara. fce lba. sa ; fgafln fttflHifttls. TflAai m. " "'l ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. aseuthTtrffiarl Tn ' "Fer Atlantic City, week, aa t) a. ra. and 1KB r h. m.: AeS a. ni. and tee p. m.; Sunday, viw m. iu., avwunuMHiMf wev . Returning leave AtUnUe City, deaet .?H . . .. Atlontle am iSrSl and Arkansas Avenues, weeki Express 7sa a, m. and 4 a. moaaUea.s.'OSa.ra. aad fegfl n. m Express, p. m. AoeommodaUoau and lae p. in. y Detailed Ume Ublee can be obtained at MlTO-ft. -. s.!. A.A.MeI.EOp, C.O. HANCOCK. VIeaPrea.den'IM'CT. Oen-lPaarAg, LKBANON LANCASTER JOINT RAILROAD. Arrangereenta of Passenger TnUaa'en mmA I BCJroAT,Nevemterl8,leBa, NORTHWARD. ' , Leave . A.w. v.ar. King Street, Lane. 70 Ut Lancaater.i,. -..., 7 UM Columbia.,....,......, I2A8 Manhelrru. .. TM liX Cornwall... ....M. 70 l:t Arrtveat Lebanon 1:11 11 SOUTHWARD. Leara a. at. r.n. Lebanon ...-... 7iU lk9 Cornwall..... ,1M TOM Manhslm;...... 78 1:M Laacester.... ...u . SSj Lai Arrive at Columbia............... t:7l 8:08 King Street. Lane, m a ksmssM iltatche. ' A , t't't.rSi'. .,-. ; T 'AIT e-2 t 1 s--? T INI A& watchK, stgny Optical Goods. Telegraph Time pally, avvax Article in this Line UrerullyBpahfaCiT . Leuis Weber, Bo.ll9iWertQuaealt.,TearF.B,. XEWELKit AND GRADUATE OPTIOIAM,'" . a , i TT I "-i VJ1 J-k.s--f Jeweler and Grtd.itc Optic W-'A 'm . DIAMONDS irZ$ i ,' J Our purchase of DIAMONDS, loeae meunica, Doing maee eemre we rate our immense stock at former LOW PI ABeaullfulLlaeef LADI t QOLD WATCHES, '. SS;- GENTS QOLD WAT LADIES' AND GENTS BILVEB WATCHiBVi A Full Line of NOVELTIES, .jA . . V. eaasaasBea . CHAS. 8. GILI Ne. 10 West King St.;.:. LANCASTER. PENNA. K& F I0R HOLIDAY QIFTS. M HERR.JEWELEff m FOR Holiday Gifts ! ? IN- WATCHES, JEWELRY AMD I0YEL1 A Nice Line of DIAMOND OOODf) In Rla Ear Rings aud Combination seta AT LOWEST PRICES. Walter C. Herr itT. 4f T4T r-.Mm., afia 3;' ti- - mi Sn;.B seKtM m .km smh Ml! .ane j asS maUieaAtCTI BaaaaMeMsssjlteaail XJ. AWA H.VfUBWaa CORNER OF ORANGE. Gavpett, T ANCASTER CARPET HOUSE. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH ! IT PAYS THB BUYltJ .V TO GO TO ;4? K" SHAUB & VONDERSMITH. HUGH, CAJll'KlV. ART BO,UAKM, OUAa CLOTllrl, WIN VOW PJBAJJJ 1,'IVlST LACE CURTAINS AMD POS In the City for the Prices. Be Baia I See Them. BEST GOODS t LOWEW PICIb Jil GROUND FLOOR 1 ONE PRICE I .' j OARl'irrANDCARPirrWORKl BBeTAMa CHEAPEST! , v Mur Cemer of Ortng A M. QiiA aa-i' I'-llff jIV- - "" J"-?,-.,..:,r;it"? t?jj- -r ., '" P av-jj 'A m -1M.--,3 y?m m .Mrl ?J i $ ry,3 m --f -' A i $& iV t- v hk&&r& -Ar- -?fe i&ti.tt&;rt t4'"1 -. . , 2 h'h: f4'J- 8ii tl .if - w Jf fW Jr kxJSkAm