W'Z'SK? if -v -lM rf M . vnhll. ITI T" I iTJif" A' L " " J. ' ' v. W"r "r ' -J r j-,f vr 'ew -" i. u- li'iij a -;- ' - f ' t jL AjrM ewv ' i , iftYsi V ft ''JL ' w V H, - " ""- ' "- - ' , .-v,?!;.! .J tV "V' - "& F fJVi; 1 iv . rrv - ,rs- -t- m. ift ,..-.. ' Vi " Ti. r x;. . S . -' V THE ULNOASTEB PAILY IKTMLtilGEKOEB, TUEDAY. JAN0ARY 7. 100. it fc, . n -tv( - j . - .! w?- ; i - .v- ,.,, F1 S .rr-i -.sj -v."' TWV 1 i .. ' K 'X r,W i-i W 7V ,." '7 V - 'if & A SwW S j ffi 1-&5: W .A PA- m L. Jr B&-- fi m 3H & if s&: ' Wf-t S?w- . $fc Pt-P ' m SSSj iSStf .. . - sv yew iV KK ttiftflu KiticLLidsiijecri, Y s ittMICW 1. BTKINMAN. i i - .w' T ' V CKARLW STKtNMAN POLM Miters, ROBERT CLARK, PaMMMT, Ml, DAILY IXTKLtiaKltCWl.-Publlihed every dv m the sresw. bat bunder. Served fcj eMrtcn Ib this eltr swid surrounding towns at ten U week. By mail five dei- leM a, er hi advance 60 cee tea mourn. f SS fiyentsi year, in advance. V'42 iMmcB TO SUBSCRIBERS-BeniU DT cneea tr pacteflce order, and where neither or then out be procured send In a registered totter. at the '.Poslemce, at second claw man dfer. Admum, TBI rHTELLIOIKCSK, Lancaster, P. LAHOAiTIR.PA., Jurauy 7, IWO. ' Tfc flgfctlHff FMtlMt. It nay or may net be a matter of In- 3,1 terest te the community te nole that ;i?'; S-VOIH5 Republican faction has tumbled out jMr the ether at the county prinen. There lb . i j ,, M iucii a constant lumieu Detwcen incse people, and the county efllcen are se steadily snatched by them from ench ethr, that probably most people would tie, aurprlMd if there should be peace among the politicians when the feast is spread. Upen this occasion, however, there docs happen (e he something afforded for comment In the fact that an old underkecper of the prison was supplanted by a fresh country hayseed, who had ventured up te apply for seme 'petty piece of the spoils and te And ene of the biggest places Hung nt him. The countryman may find himself equal te tbe dituatlen, but as these who elected Jilm te it did net have any previous acquaintance with hi in, it will be a sheer piece of luck if the new underkeeper proves efficient. It docs net Impress the public with a high idea of the intelligence of the majority of the new prison beard that .they should undertake te put out nn efficient man with one nbeut v horn they knew noth ing; nor should mc think that the political associates of these men would be very much pleased with the stupidity of their performance. The matter illus trates very clearly hew very stupidly peeple may act, when they surrender the guidance of their reason and permit themselves te be animated only by party feeling. The majority faction in the present beard, having a pull Dick and pull Devil tlme,ln selecting their friends for office illustrated their headless help lessness by appointing a man whom none of them knew and nobody wanted. In the het fights of the factions, ha tred of each ether seems te be the con trolling feeling. It is safe te say that the heat of each side toward the olher is greater than it Is toward the Demo crat, who Is here In se steady n mi nority, that he does net afford any ex citement te the Republican politician. It is his brother who grabs his position ; and It is a lighting family as naturally as sparks fly upwards. It has the happy result at least of ex-" posing te the public the misdeeds of their officers, which these who nre nut out are net slew te tell. We hear te-day 'that Inspector Xissley sold two. barrels of cider te the prison, whlle the law clearly says that no Insitocler shall sell anything te It without the order of the beard first being had. That was a for bidden act, clearly ; and we would net have heard of It, If the Ins Had net been put out ; but we must say that it is net a very big disclosure, if inspector Nissley sold nothing mere than two barrels of vinegar te the prison without ma approval or me imam, his ease Is net s- Tteyeud forgiveness, Help for the Housekeeper. A Philadelphia builder, Mr. Hancock, proposes te erect houses en the four sides of a square with a kitchen and laundry in the centre te de the cooking and washing for the surreuuding dwell ings ; and It will be a very geed piau of building In the outskirts of a city where vacant squares remain te be built up. It is net, however, essential te the plau that the houses shall be newly built around a cen tral kitchen. The snme Idea may be carried out nearly us cen-A-enlently iu the built-up sections of a city by locating cook and wash houses within convenient rauge of the dwell ings they seek te serve. Mr. Hancock's plan mey have the advantage of com pelling the houses te use the central cookhouse, but it is doubtful whether this is an advantage. People nre of e many minds nbeut housekeeping that it may be very difficult te find a colony occupying the houses en four sides of a city square, who will be unanimous In their desire te use a central coakheus; and laundry, One would thluk that this would be n been te housekeepers, in these days when the scarcity of geed cooks and servants is se great os te make housekeeping into a real terror. Ail manner of ways hive been tried te overcome the ditllculty, and in greet cities apartment houses have measurably solved It. But in the smaller cities, where people want their own separate houses, there Is no relief from the need te each of nrevldlncr their own meals. The Eurejean sys tem.whlch furnishes at reasonable prices meals wrved by a cook heu and car ried te the customer in heat preserving cates at any hour at which they may be asked, has net liecu Introduced" te any extent here, though It furnishes the pre cise remedy needed for the complaint. Why this accommodation is net eil'ered can only be explained by the belief that it would net be profitable te ellerlt. The customers who would thus order their meals are supposed net te be sufllclently numerous te enable it te be started upon a scale and with an equipment that would make it profitable te maintain. Probably this is the case ; the evil Is net yet great enough te demand the radical remedy that will meet it. The people who are without cooks struggle along while looking for them by raaklug shift te get their meals at hotels or bearding houses; or they order from the club the hashed and decorated things with flowing names tbnt ,een satiate with their cetly sameness. when our housekeepers nre ready for it there Is a full remedy for their troubles in the patronage of a neighborhood cookhouse. The washing nuisance is already tulseii care of by the neighbor hood laundry. t'all'A Itesolutieu. , That Is a strange resolution of ford by jferj Jfcter Call, respecting German Inter i wis in Cuba. Germnn li-ml,. i,n,. & ,rBe quantities of Cuban bends, I ' ltll the Willi ter fln.lii il.., .1., r- . it7 ' fl"Ml thereby becomes Interested Ki,!ff-,Dt",Dlll8 tbe pr"lsh sovereignty s ;.'' audition which "constitutes a , W 1m (he best Interests of the United U4." It is net plain that the Ger- jrWeut would have te protect vy NMinumiug Spanish -,' sovereignty. It could simply Insist that any government must honestly recagnlre the bended debt, nnd we cer tainly could have little te say te such a position. Jfe doubt the matter Is tcom tcem plicated by the mlsgevcrnment of thet islund'and the draining of Its wealth te Spain, but that Is Cuba's misfortune and no fault of the German bondholders. The late Mr. Corcoran, of Washington, was at one time aluiMcr of Mexican bends te an enormous amount and placed mauy In Kngluud, and yet the Mexican government struggled with formidable revolutions while neither Great Britain nor the United States gave nny sign of Interference te upheld the cxlstluggovcrnmcntferthcbencfltoftho bondholders. It is true that Egypt has virtually beceme British property by reason of England's extremely vigor ous measures for the protection of her bondholders from the revolutionists under Arabl Pasha, but the stronger motive In that case was the securing of the Suez canal route te India, nnd Brit ish statesmen might well take desperate measures te prevent the control by France or any ether power of the short est read te her Eastern empire. Ne argu ment of the kind nppllci te Cuba, and Senater Call's suggestion that the United States should discountenance aud pretest against German leans there seems quite uncalled for. Germany bes quite enough te de in Europe, v, itheut reaching out In our direction for quar rels, and her bankers will have te take chances like ether mortals in their bend speculations. It Mill be time enough te talk of protesting when there Is some aggressive sign from the German gov ernment, and meanwhile the very secret and long silent Samoan agreement may claim a little attention. Tin: cnbl e tells ns that (he queen has rev cnlled te Knglnnd PrlncO Henry of Button Butten Button b'irg,tliehusbnnd of tliodnughter who was said te have been eent out of tlie country by the quecn, upon the discovery that the pVlncehnd been in the hands of a matri monial agent u he had undertaken te ne gotiate Revcrnl alliances for him bofero he fell te Victeria's daughter. The story was lately miule public In this country, and .probably there was seme foundation for it. It has net appeared In the English Journals and Is net very discreditable, te the prince. anyway, who was undoubtedly in necd of a ricli wlfe te share his title, nnd person. It is quite a shock he made fur Ktirepcan nobility ; nnd the only wonder Is that Ainerlcnu girl te whom he is said te have been offered, did net accept him. It may be a mortification te the queen te have It known that her daughter took n rejected man, and that slie wns the subject of an Intermediary's nego tiation ; but what Is tills but the mission of all princess' matrimonial cngagotnents, which are made tnatters of negotiation? They nre habitually marked oil ever Eu rope) and l'rlncn llenry Ilattcubtirg was altogether In the real funhlen In his wooing. Tut Pittsburg Dispatch lias nn account of ahewly dlscoercd light for which the Inventor, W. J. Norten,of that city, claims great things j as this light is still In an ex perimental stsge unlimited faith is net te 1)0 yielded te the claims ; he says : The light In qnoitlen is essenlially a chemleal discovery rather than it mechani cal Idea, nnd censtats of i peculiar tane that is fed by a tmuple cleUf work. Whlle it is peculiarly adapted te street or ether stationary purpeses of Illumination, vel it Is said te be also applicable te portable or hand lamps; nnd, whlle In point of luton luten tlty it is net surpassed by electricity, its light Is much softer nod far easier te the eyes. It feeds itself, icqulrcs neither pipes, wires nor ether connections, nnd in hi 7 en may be produced from 300 te 7,000-candle power. It Is absolutely uoji-explosivo, etnlts no smoke or objectionable vapor, Is applicable te any purjose, and can be handled wltheqli.il safety by a child as by an adult. DO YOU I.lKn OA.Sl)Vf If Yeu De, Linten te nnd Heed a lMiysl cIuii'h Words of AVlndem l'ura Condlon Are Healthful. Frem tlie.HUburj Dispatch. The candle of te-day nre made of flve main Ingredients, uane sugar, glucose, gum and coloring nnd flavoring mutters. Other substances are often added, ns staicb which, though ofteu considered ns nn ndul ndul ndul toratlen, should be looked upon as a lcult- lmate ingredient. If nit the substances nre pure nnd geed, the confection manufactured therefrem cannot be otherwise, than wholesome and nutri tious. The sugar, glucose aud tnrch are fat forming, and he.it producing principles nre nrosent In many of our diet nry staples. This fact should net be lest sight of by consumers of candy, Doing feeds, the various caudles should nevcr be eaten netween meals, a they nre equlva lent te a-liiiicli, and overyone-4-nwaro of tue uolcterious elleet of constant lunching. The proner tlme for all kinds of confec tionery Is ns n dessert te the regular meals. ITsnd In this nv tbnv nre nftrm iWlilmllv beneficial In Inducing one te step partaking ei me mere uuiuy eiemunis 01 me meals before the stomach becomes overloaded. They odor thus a nutritiens, dlgastllde dessert of little bulk, a dessert which, by all the laws or nature and humanity, ought te substitute for all tlme that Indigestible American conglomeration niiuce ple. Geed, pure candy, eaten In moderate quantity ns a dossert te a meal, even te every meal, nevnr hurt anyone; aud such certainly Is the logical, rational wav te eat it. lint children must hive something te keep them quiet, and ladles with nothing te de must have something te amuse them Reives; nnd further, blunted tatttcs must have something oxccedlngly sweet te tickle Jaded palates for theso reasons It Is HUely that candy consumers will go en eating their dozen nnd ene lunches n dny, in spltoef nil their physi cian may say te tiie ceutrarv. Yet It is an Indlsnutable fact that no ordinary stomach can de its work quietly nnd well if re quired te digest mere than thiee meals per dny, or if it receives within it anything umiT mini v.tiur uuiween inose lliroe meals. True, thore nre peeple who are always eating and lunching, consuming candles nnd cakes by the pound, who vet scorn healthy and well; but It Is doubtful if these poeplo evor eat a meal with relish ; and it is certain that sooner or later dvs dvs pepsla will overtake theui and induce n dira repentance. Practically, the best wav te give confec tionery te children is te allow thorn, nfter each meal, such a quantity of candy as they will be likely te eat within a half- hour or less. Then they should li.ive no mera until nflorlhe next iue.il j nnd they will net usually want It, If they get it thus regularlv. As te the kind, It should be such ns will net readily dlssolve or " melt dewu." Seft ercreamv candles are apt te be consumed before the palateis Batlslled; whereas the harder, less seluble kinds remain longer in the mouth, yieldlng their SHcetness fera mere' protracted period, thus Inducing satiety, with a far less consumption of candy. Per the snme reason, teach your children te dlsiohe the candy slew I v in their mouths net te chew it. Partaken of in this way, and at theso tlmes, the harder candles, Ifpure, nre net only net Injurious, but nre Indeed often decidedly bonetlclal, and for Uicmj reasens: They are easily digested feeds rich Iu nutriments they are an Inducement te tane the meal short of satiety, nnd they assist digestion. The latter assertion may be questioned by some, but it la n demonstrable fact that anything which promotes the Hew of saliva, nt the same time, through the sym pathetic, nervous system, promotes the Mew of thepstrlc digestive Juices. The saliva, tee, that is swallowed with the dis solved candy may aid digestion semew hat ?l?ei;.,t.ha,ir,0'1el.'e,1 ,no Ktemneli, though In the light of latoinvestlgatlens this Is some what doubtful long held opinion te the contrary notwithstanding. Persons inelined te adlpose nnd w he nre opposed te it, had better let candy alone as, for tliem, nothing is se fattening. ior ier sUtently slender people, howevor, need notgergo themsehes with candy in the hepe of getting stout, for in thorn, hoiiio heiiio hoiiie thing mere than fat-fermlug feed is noces neces wry fur an Increase in weight. Children under two years of ege are hotter off without any candy whatever, , because their nutritious apparatus Is, net equal te the task of properly asstmltaUBf cane-sugar and glucose. If net dlcestM both these substances are exceedingly apt te fertntnt ) and It is formentatlen .of In gest that Is the Kcmesls of baby's second summer. ' In order te ascertain the parity of we candy new manufactured, the writer ex amlned SI samples of the product, taken rrom'lhe goners! market. In general, it may be staled that these examinations showed as clearly as anything could that It Is felly te expect te get something for nothing. When the price or tbe candy was se low as te preclude the possibility of pay ing for thn making and the sugar with a profit ben I de, there was added seme cheap foreign substnuce, usually pipe clay, te bring the thing up te a paying basis. Es pecially was this the case with the very cheap imitations of fine goods. It was In this class of products, tee, that the most in jurious coloring matters were detected. AOUI.TKRATIOXS IN CANDY. , Here Is a list of the Impurities and adul terations found in ID of the CI samples of candy examined : Chalk In five samples. , I'lp clay (term alba) In ten Hnmplcs. Pronte (copper and line alley) In one umple, I'rntslnn blue In one sample. Vermilion In one sample, Fuchtln (aniline red) fn three tuimples. Chrorae j-ellevr (eliminate of lead) In one sample. It Is preM)r te slate here that these SI specimens of candy were net fair average samples, but were such as seemed by their appearance and price te merit suspicion. Heme kinds of confectionery are wrapped in brilliantly colored pnpetit. As children frequently put theso In their mouths and even chew them, the writer analyxed 15 of such wrappers for poisonous coloring mat ters, Willi the result of finding arsenlc iu four, nnd chremate of lead In two, With regard te the probable effects of the Impurities found, It may be stated that chalk, when pure (and it usually does net contain harmful impurities), Is net especi ally Injurious, though possibly it might form concretions In the intostlnes If large quantities were taken. Pipe clay Is analo gous te nlosterof parls,but does net harden or set llke the Intter when mixed with water. Llke chalk, it also may form con cretions In the feed tract, though It could net be called poisonous. Nevertheless it is an adulteration and u fraud ; It is net an essential ingredlent of geed candy, but is added for the sole purpose of gain, llronze coloring mattrir, an alley of zinc and copper, It is need less te say, Is n dan gerous compound te swallow repeatedly, be the amount ever se small, for llke ether metnls, theso tend te accumnlate In the system, se that small doses repoated may seen exert n combined lufluonce. Prussian blue Is furre cynulde of Iren, n salt net poisonous, but certalnly objectionable. Vermillion found in ene sample, is a bl bl snlphuret of mercury a salt of n metal that ought never te go Inte the human stomach. It. tee. Is cumulative In Its ac tien. Anlllne red Is net poisonous If pure, yet, llke ether nulline colors. It is objection' able en account or Its liability te contain arsenlc nt times. It dees net soeui foaslble for confectioners te have eacli package an alyzed for the mineral, but manufacturers of theso dyes might easily put them up free from it for such purposes as confectlonory. Ne arsenlc was found, howevor, In the samples containing the anlllne red. Chrome yellow, or canary yellow chro chre chre maeo of lead, found In une sample of candy nnd in two of the wrappers, is of ceurse a cumulative .poison, though the quantity present, is the candy nt least, was small. That in the candy was mixed with Prus sian blue te make n groom Most of the foregoing poisonous coloring matters were nainted en the surface or the candlos,theugu in seme Instances they were liitimately mixed with the entire mass. New the remedy for this ntate of things is net in letting candy alene. The writer lias recolved many letters stating in effect that: "If the advice given in the adultorn adultern adultorn tlen nrtlcles recantly publlshed in the Vhpalch were followed, one's dally die tary would be narrewed down te air. and It Is questionable Ifoven that Is pure." Ne such ndi ice has, howevor, been given in theso columns; what has been urged Is te pay reasonable prlces ler things, or de without thorn. This is doubly true of candy. If yen want te get pure goods of this kind don't oxpect te get thorn for less than glucese is worth; if you de you will get nlpe clay nnd werse. Ifyourmenoy is limited buy clear, uncoletod goods such ns rock c.mdy. TLe geed old eld old rashtenod taffy is ns whofesomo ns anything in the Cindy line ; though com monly conslderod ns very proneto ferment In the Btemieh, it is net se. Nevor buy cheap Imitations of line grades of confoc cenfoc confec tlonory, such ns the no-called French can dles; ler they are pretty certain te contain plpe clay or similar substance. Highly llavored preparations should bonveldud for the reason that they contain large quanti ties of ossential oils or artificial OHSonces, both of which nre objectionable. The oils are irritating te the stomach, and the arti ficial ossencos nre made iu most instances from fusel oil, nn nuld, and oil of vitriol. Tew if any of the " pure fruit ossencos'' used for flavoring confectionery nnd vurl vurl eus ether things contain any frultjulce whatover ; they are products or the chem ical laboratory. Ter Instance the acid of rancid cream cheese, when mixed with methyl, alcohol nnd oil or vitriol, ylelds en distillation n fragrant essonceof nluoiinle. Helt is with the rest of the cemmnrcl.il " pure fi ult Julces.'1 J.'11'OE Bamnlosef "cetmli drens'' worn unit. lvzed for opium nnd Itsalkaleld, morphine. The latter was found In two of the live sain- nles: and in ene ether snecimen thorn nt geed ground for suspecting the presence of ipwMuuauun. J uose nre poweriui drugs te be sold Ter iudlscrlmlnate use under the impression they nre candy. On roidlnglhe foregoing list of Impuri ties and ndultcrntlens found, the skeptical wlllask: "if theso things be, why de we net hear of seme ene belng poisoned overy day?" In the first pluee the quantity of oisen is usually small, se that immcxllate effects ure net produced, and ultimate effects nre overlookod or attributed te something olse. A short time nge n Phila delphia baker was coin Icted of poisoning n number of peeple by chremate of lead, which he had put Inte rolls te glve thorn a somblasce of eggs, which were nbsent. The s.uue poison had been used before, but it was only when used In cempirntlvely larger quantity than usual that inunodlate toxic effects were produced. Again, many cases of sickness in children supposed te be due te ovoro.it evoro.it overo.it ing or candy nre doubtless duotolmpurl duetolmpurl duotelmpurl tlos iu the confection; and there are numer ous nutlientlc eases of poisoning by'eonfeo by'eenfeo by'eonfee tlonory colored with poisons. Of ceurse thore me many colors which are qulte un un un oblcctlenabio. nnd from theso cnufectlrmnrv of nil tints may be produced ; fe that It may net de lulerieU from the foregelu that all colored caudies are nolsennus. 1 'it is only the very lowest priced that Justlrv. .i,'.ww,.. .iiuiiji'iv iv aiiuuiu uu muiuu that confectioners who use poisonous colors de se in most cases lgnerantly j for they are notnware'of the true nature or the prop-iratlen, knowing it only by"its com mon name. The same cannot howevor be said or the man w he puts plpe clay iu his chocolate cre.ims. A prominent confectioner told the writer recently that If n geed adulteration law were passed in this state and enforced, quite a number of confectleiiorv nuimrm would have te gc out of business, u3 thelr only trade was in goods .vhich, by reason of adulteration, were placed en the market at a low or prlce than gouulue goods could be produced for. The writer's analyses cer tainly confirm the candy man's opinion. Cnr.VAumt Q. Jacksen, M, 1). . . A I'lfncbur lles n Drunkard. CAirsen Parker was found dead in a saloon in Pueblo, Colerado, en .Sunday, At ene tlme he wns ene of the most emlneut pnnchorsertho MethodistEpiscepal church in New Yerk state. He became a drunk ard itud outcast and wandered te Pueblo. He hut c a family in Indiana. Nature's efforts are iihvas directed nrlclit : but fceinutlmex occasional nasl.itnnce of the proper klml preies eminently kcrvlccuble in uercllerts. l-jundur ceintjinHetiry qualllv in render It of iccutlar i'ri lie In rv nmiiv.!!. eases. ' The rtlw.ii.es of baliOioed nre te rapidly ncakenliitf Unit the quicker menus elieula be u.edtei-lieclt tliun. l)r. Hull's llaby Hyrup Is !!'? miailllnit remedy for these leiiiplalnts. Price 5 1 en t. AVeiiU of WlMleni. Ne doctor vr fall te Impress his patients "that the mouth and teth should he healthy berttuse It receives the feel and prepares It for Its digestive work." Use HOZODONT, gratify your family physician, nnd enjoy life comforln cemforln comferln Wy. M.W.FAw "On. why should the spirit of mortal lie proud T' We hme often wondered why, and have concluded that we don't knew, unless It eejhnt the iiforeald mortal Is conscious or the fact that at his disposal, at ull times, nre Dr. I'iei-ce's IMIcts, te relleiehlm, should hn suffer from torpidity of the llier, lek or nervous headache, djspepsla, constipation, ete. Drug. If'"" iI,Tii4w JJOOD9 tAMATAMTLA. Th. Plain Truth iU iHarXeasTs MttssjwrMla hM enred thesj. mmam w.nupis'wae swnrea severely rr AeaMMssa.rItMsilMllses tke Uctleacldln M Meesl, .wltMi eatwes these terrible pa4ns AMaeiMs, ssWI atee vitalises and enriches the Woe4, tftsjs (WersaUat the recamnce of tbe law . TIM UeU warrant us In nrjlnjyeu, IfycmsifAwwIUi rhsumaUsra, te give Meed' SarsefartHaa trial. "I' rears I have suffered with sclatle rheaasatlSHi. Last November I was taken Worse than ever, and ih-cj unable te tvtoutef thebeew. I was almost Ilrlpleaa for 40 Days sufferlnj great, ateny. In December I com menced taking Heed's garaaparllla. After the second bottle I was able te be eat and around and attend te bnatness. I took five bottles, and am new se (res from rheumatism that only oc casionally I l it slightly en a auddn change of weather. I have great confidence In Heed's BarsaperllWi.H-CaARLBS lUMNAtf, Christie, Clarke Ce., WU. T InfUmBsatery ItheumntUni "Having been troubled with Inflammatory rheumatism for many years, my favorable at tention was called te Heed's Barsaparllla by an advertisement or cures It bad effected. I have new used thre7ettle of Heed's Barsaparllla and ean already testify te beneficial results. I highly recommend 1 1 as a gnat bleed purifier." J. C. Arans, West Bloenineld, N. Y. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Sold by all druggists. II; six for $6. Prepared only by C L HOOD d- CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 POEM ONE DOLLAU (3 Q Wil-THPECIFIC CO. -Scrofula in Children. "In the early part of 1887 acrerala appeared en the head of my little grandchild, then only IS months old. Hhertly after breaking out It spread rapidly all ever her body. The scabs en the sores would peal off en the tllgbtcst toech, nnd the odor that would arise would make the atmosphere of the room sickening and unbearable. The dlseate next attacked the ryes anu -we icarea sne weuia lese tier sight. Eminent physicians of the country were con sulted, bat oeald de nothing te relieve the little innocent, and gave It ea their opinion,' that the case was hopeless and Impossible te save the child's eyesight.' It wns then that we de cided te try B wilt's Specific (8. S. 8.) That med icine at once made a stieedy and comnlete cum. ITa n rm .l.n.. a .. ... .. . ... healthv ns nn v child in tfi Intnl " ui iiiwie uwii n jesr uuni, sua lias KMn as Mas. lleTM BtBKLKV, Selmn, Kansas. Cancer of the Nese. In 1875 a sere appeared en my nose, nnd grew rapidly. As my father had cancer, and my hus band died of It, I bccameelarmednnd consulted my physician. Ills treatment did no geed, and the sere grew larger and worse In every way, until I was persuaded te take H. H. 8.. ami a few bottles cured me. This wes nner nil the doc tors und ether medicines had failed. I have had no return of the cancer. , .. Mas .M.T.Mauks, r., rr. n" ? Texas. a a...., .mi .,. ...i.ivi iiin.ivu in-u. HWH-r SPECIFIC CO., Atlanln, On eSJ-lyd (1) e?V ffiOOb F" f AMMON d KOSTEK. A WIND-FALL -or- BARGAINS! The number of people that are taking ndvsn. lOKeef the Ucmurkuble Ilargulnswu Are New Ofltrlng -l.V- U.VIKnWKAK, DRESS GOODS, NO TIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURS, LADIES' COATS, OHILDREN'S DRESSES, ROY'S KNEE PANT SUITS AND OVERCOATS, MEN'S AND LARC5E BOY'S CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, CARDIGAN AND BOY'SSHIRT WAISTS, Is an KvlJeiu-u of the Unexceptional Value of i no uchhw. Hhrcwd buyers are eagerly snapping up the choice lets: the casual visitors ran mm f..r themselves that we have mode unsparing re- uuciiuus in an aireciiens or our large stock, nnd the rapidity with which the goods are going Is evident the quantity of pronounced bnrgulus cannot stand the demands made upon them for a long period. Therefore ladles who want Dress Goods, Serviceable Undcrgnrments, Pretty Tidies, Ribbons and Hosiery, will be wlsote come us early as possible aud secure them. There are Children's Garments marked at ro re matkuble Imw Figures, nnd It wllljiayaiiy larcm te come ana leek this assortment of iiargnins ever, rer there nre niauy very nice Dresses and Coats marked at a price less than it would cost te make them. The extensh c Reduction In Prlce carries with Ita largequauttlyofLadles'.MJsses', Bey's and Gent's Beets and Shee. In this department nleat lslters will And many lets at prices that will pay handsomely as a future investment. Many of them being standard styles If net needed new w HI pay te buy for future tike. A special feature of this liberal reduction Is a very large umeunt of fins Dress Suits nnd Over coats for Gouts nnd Youths. They are mads In the ery latest style, of nne material nnd work werk maushlp, and are really a great bargain. But It Is Impossible te enumerate the many astrac tlve bargains In this advertisement, se ceme and ime for yourself. 49-Dlsceunts te Dealers aud Clerg) men will net be allowed en reduced goods. Williamson & Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASrER. PA. NO, 318 MAHKI7I Sr.,HAUltlHl!UltU, PA. ill lit ce. 1 K CENTRE SQUARE. Jacob P. Sheaffer's PURE RYE WHISKY, Distillery, 648 East King St .i.,"e.?.,J0 el,I " Wbr. my owndlslllln ewndlslllln owndlslllln tlen. Oilier Hue old Meck Expert Oicrhelt (ilbsen, ill. Vernen, Quckcnhelmer, Dllllucer! Hnnnlsi I le, Ucr imperted Ulns, Brandies, ac Winn,. Old California Brandy and lied and Whlle Wines Current, Hlnckherry.Htruwbcrry JJ i hies. Ucldcshenner. Nlerstelner, Ht. Julian. Claret, ankce, Jnmalca Bum. Wild Cherrv Ginger, Klminel nnd Orange Brandy. ' ' CHEAP DEMIJOHNS A SPECIALTY. Ne. 15 Centre Square. dJl-tfd TS TIOIl BAltGAINS -IN- REHL ESTKT9 . CALL OX JOHNH. METZLER, Xe, bOUTU DUKE STREET. ' elWyd Wmnnmmkt' rutuLBauvM, TBSsstar.'JAe. 7, g. V, TENT!DAY. V" A januarV serial saSe. - i-; v j, " - . V rubiic cennaence in our printed statements was never se strongly displayed as in the present Serial Sale. The re sponse te our announcements is fjuickand decisive at every point. Yeu need recall the offerings in Dress Goods, Silks, Muslin Underwear, if Men's and Beys' Clethingl Jir Women's Wraps and Clenks? Warnt Feet Wear, Beeks, Curtains and Cevers. These columns ha,ve the new stories of the day. Carpels, Wind up of the season. Yeu knew what that t means drag out prices en everything that is in the way of new goods. We have cut closer te vthe bone than ever before reached deeper into the stock? dropped prices further. Whatever has held back in any way the lonely patterns, odd pieces and styles that we won't keep again have been put at prices that reduce the cost of artistic fleer covering te a point never reached before. In a large carpet business like ours, with a dizzying num ber of patterns in every grade, we must be severe in closing out the odds and ends every season. iNe ether way te keep the stock clean. Where there has been a doubt we give you the benefit of it. The larger part of these marked-down goods are of the present season's styles, and in every way desirable, -borders with many of them, and some .have matching Hall and Stair Carpets with 9-inch bor ders. Axminster : 19 patterns (110 pieces) down from 1-2 te 11 50. Wilten : 17 patterns ("2 jilece-s), dewu from r.' 2.. toiler Mequettes : 38 patterns JUn pieces), down from , llWtellli Alse a large number or Moquetta rem uants of ft te 40 yards at 75cle DSc. Brussels : 36 Patterns (107 pieces), Blgelew. tawell nnd Hartferd, down from 35 te II 10. ' There nre also 28 patterns (W pieces) of En llsh Brussels, down from f 1 60 te II an. The short lengths of Brussels Include 7 Vhilf 1, fro".1 1S le w yards-or mere than 4,20) yards of regular ft 25 and fl 85 goods which shall go at 75c, 85c aud 5c. Tapestries : (K'Jy73.1'1?-00' H"" have been 85c te Wc, go down te We and 70c. Tl5K"l!X.r.!m,na"lsJ"lraber 1W Patterns of 15 teft) yards each-mere than fl,30O yards Inall. They are new 65e te tBc from fcc. Smyrna Rugsn Jehn Bremley 4 Sens' Iteyal Smyrna Hugs and Carpets reduced like this : 2 2 J feet .K 50 from W 15 2.8x5 feet W 00 from 00 3x6 feet. (4 25 from 15 00 7 feet fj oe from t oe Carpets : Si9 ff,0.1 r-""iU re "" 830 00 7.6x10 0 feel.. S2t 50 from ta 50 VxUteet J02 50 from JI5 00 Ingrains : Extra Supers, down from 75c and Sie te OOe. fiec Ingralus down te 45c. f'c Ingrains down te Sriie. . 0"In"ralnH down te 522e. Jeli?cUed tti'c0cle"C,lan,' for "u" l"' Oil Cleth Remnants : Mere than five thousand yards of Oil Cleth Remnants, many of the pieces big enough for a kitchen or hallway, and any of them ample for vesti bule, pantry, closet or like : '!? rarJ,?nN.arTOW " Cleths, down from 40c and 50c te 20c and 25c. 2,000 yards Mieet Oil Cleths and Lineleums . S ,rem "a l te 60c and tlOc "u,euu" 1,500 ardsLtgnums and extra heavy sheets go from II 25 te 70c and sec. y , In this sale there are also a large number of English and American Art Squares, all kinds of Mats and Rugs, and in short almost every sort of fleer covering. Jehn Wanamaker. lothftte. Q.H BATES r REDUCTION. Announcement Extraordinary ! The areatest Reduction efulllu PINE TAILORING AT H. GERHHRTS, OierceaU made te order hi re.f nri bSnu$r f,'" ,10 te ; rrem meK' Heavy Suitings reduced at the same rate. Jm'edTa '&' "f ,he 'a'eSt tlyi" Wa'r,al' This Is the most sweeping reduction ever made in Klne Tailoring, nnd will enable the cash buyer te get a nrst-class article for the same money he would hae te pay for a ready made one. H. Gerhart, 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d.' -tfd BKUNKKKXUM. uyueu HABIT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. nu. HAiNKS' oei,m;.v specific- It ean be given In n cup of cofTeeer tea, or In articles of feed, without the knowledge of the patient, If necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless aud will eilect a permanent aud speedy cure whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an ulcohellc wreck. IT NKVKH FAlt. It operates se quietly and with such certulnty that the patlt.nl undergoes no Inceuienlence und era he Is aware, his complete reformation Is elfectcd. 4s jwke book of purtlcuUrs free. ClI . A. LOCHKIt. Drugg'st, jJtSL il r. i - -f HAsWTfMsUUrt., 7r U'& REDUOTIQN WtfYnrAttii 1 iTf Jj v AT . tf J.HrryStamm's, 24 Oentrc Square. BMRaoucTiemrM IUU 1 , i BIIUDCTI01MIM : ilanktU. BIO EKDUCTIOMIN Comforts. BI0RKDUCTI0M9IN Flannels. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Flsnncl Skirts. BlaitEDUCTIONSIN Calicoes, Ginghams, Cre tonne, Shirtings and Sacque Flannels. . BIO BEDVCTIONH IN Children's Knit Sacques. B1Q REDUCTIONS IN Woolen Hese. Ufa REDUCTIONS IN Shawls. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Plush Coats. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Steckinett Coats. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Stamped Linens. BIO REDUCTIONS .IN Underwear. Onaliutef CHILDREN'S PANTS at 25, worth 45ete&6c. u .J?f Rfdnellens are made In anticipation of Stock-taking. DONT WAIT ! COMEEARYI YOU'LL NOT REGRET T: 24 Centre Square. T B. MARTIN a CO. "" FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY He-ivy Reductions in LA6IE3', MISSES' and CIULDREN'H COAT DEPARTMENT ! AT J. B.Martin & Ce. Ladies' Directeire Newmarkets I n Stripes. Plaids and Plain Shades. Tlie Newest and Most Maleable Garments Made. Fermer Price. M 00 Directeire Newmarkets . 1100 ' ii 1000 Present Price. Ill oe a SO 8 75 -... 800 Cleth Newmarkets, Have been placed en a separate counter, and every one hat been reduced. 1I 5 c,Stn Nwmarku reduced le f 13 GO loeo " " ii se U00 1000 1176 82S ' ". 8 76 " " ,. 500 800 050 Steckinette Jackets. 00 Steckinette Jackets reduced te 700 6 00 " i 500 ' ...4650 ...650 .... 76 . 'J3 Seal Plush Coats. These Coats are made of Walker Plush, the best made, and ovary garment guaranteed. fWMSeal Plush Coats, new SO 00 " " .i saoe "i 2300 ' " .....fHOO iM 00 3600 ....SI GO It 00 Misses' and Children's Coats, 75 CHILDREN'S COATS, f l, i, tl and 8, are reduced te i, 83, l, 6. Over 200 of Misses' Coats, That sold at $0,18.110 and 112, new reduced te $l,f0audts. J. B. MARTIN & C0.t CORNER WCST KINO AND PRINCE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA., fir-Opposite Stevens Heusa. Sleuv T EVAN'S KI.OUR. N i.w Ykab Is at hand. Tlie forming of new resolutions is In order many te be broken before the week expires. We have resolved that if it be pos sible, te make better Heur than eer and our patrons can depend upon 4hls resolu tion beluf carried out all the year. Levan & Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. a1,,i5.i5',n"fST LiNEJ): WAX 8TEKIO AV?.ttP?lnn Candles for tbe Mell. S, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. r & vs 8 THAT AM Sew Bosten Stere r ' sUMAINS l -m , m ?i 'i DRY fJOd i ATTUI Yerk Ste ' , t Vil PRkviOltSTO OUR AWNITAt INV A. DOUBCR-reLD CLOTH 8UtTlNrm-a I k tataatHHeayard. 1 J!2"& .a5SMAN- plaid nurriif ilk affCLt7fc;rtdtics freest. 1 JttUt AKD WOOL MlXTORBS, ai V WfJsTW uw. mtrwus.fKAfa ff:4r iunurnni atftwt sAssisMsfl --- - - - .. - .ynwwPw! JSSf JMOADCLOTH 8UITINOS. yard -balfwls)e,Tearal! Mver sold for leas t -2 -HI nm fFliWMI HiMUAmS Vad. .f.fM.tfil'l tfn. SrlB Styles, Best tiuallty, Se a yard ; liAntKH1 Pl.t rati tirirnn ... . MWSMBt of tbe season, r each'; reduced! fH. A LAptES' NEWMARKETS reduced Ira w eiu cswu te ss w ana (a. MISSE NEWMARKETS, great bargain .,JW8H PEASANT COATS dropped I v.. w, mi v vacn. ?B?CP0fN,IQARWA8dQwii from 111 Wtotlstettteach. f .P-JS'AlSSntalns in WHITE AND COLOf .-'...e .crjr tjuff rncvii WATT & SHANI Nes. 6,8 tUO East King St s ACRIFICK SAXE.I Charles Stami LANCASTER, PA. & OP- COMFORT: TJBDERWEAR. Tacse thrie Hnej of goods we want te nl off, as we have a big stock en band. WILL SEI.Ti TUEM Regardless of Ce: IK YOU NEED BLANKETS, 00MF0RT80RUNDERWE Be sure te get our prices before you w money elsewhere. Fer Bargains -OO TO- 35 and 37 North Queen Slrej BOSTON ST0RI Svtvm, B IQ DISCOUNT FOR JANUARV. BELOW MANUFACTURERS' PRICE, Will positively go this months Warranted g Ulne Alaska, LondetUye. These are rare, I g inulne bargalnr. BIG CUT ON A.I.L I Furs! Furs ROBES AT COST. STAUFFER & CO: 31 and 33 Nerta Queen Street, i - ." ?.Vt . ' j&um -V i j - WHEjCs t :W ' T6 ' 'W All . ms hi Queen Str Great Sacrifice Four Seul ki '-..V. -"irnjf- L tMfS t'lSteVf Xff m" i''dtt.AL-'ZfXi9 .4fi r eJX-sjJfctJjtBfea in.T'.,wins'. vjijr