',"" '."tV-,,'- -" jp-'-v' ijr' .- - -v' .. ." 'i,-..' v iy- Xi- THE LAKOASTBll DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATUItDAY, JANUABY 4. 1WO. . 'J Jf-i ?' MjUMV T- SSVVft4 ". I - W. 'Ht t&. "il w rr 2 M, $& WW m w. EV bit S!'v teivr T?' & 4 II. fkfH i,::- M s4v m V.Sr I '-JT ys-'ft uyw rsfv v. '':.;';'' ViLiiiMWr. ., 4Jlhn",bengHf te Beferer rellier. trtM.wWeiwMJen standing On Jserlh. "r- nl.4Ml nnswsvOllS HfterneOH. lifl iH tin down te Cbettnut and thence te North' 'J Qel"lhlcliB0 mn.je centre aqnarc. iJ. rlr ni. .i.i. ir.i. .i. ... r,iipi,..t MSSItlS. Willi WHHjiium " "" "M "" the wagon was light and little damsge was j done. , The Jietr ItetUnd ItaitresuL Werk tm the Kw Helland railroad ii pregrmttng very rapidly, as the weather ki been favorable, X large bed of lime- -.. ..Mls !. Immii ktnmtr Ml til 6 Clin IS lk 'fcrmnesuNew Helland, and rtJPnm ' E'Tr beta need te Mew Hup., Y"! ""' i&ji the new iraeie, wnTw" " Death of Yeunsj Bnrber. - J.-Hwry Oatermayer, eon of J. Henry :OeUrayer, dlclat the residence of life swJrnlng early. He was In the 2lstyear of '.''Minn mr heitih unit ib um umu akkfrem consumption. He was a barber by trade and for a time worked In Phila delphia ; about n year age his health began te fall and he came home last summer. Aaren Snyder lu Pokaeesten. Aaren Snyder, formerly of Columbia, but mere recently of Manhelm, has taken toetaesslon of the St. Charles hotel en ..Chestnut street, and Charles Ochs v ill net go there, ns reported. Appeal Dlaposed Of. The first of the appeals from the tax ation for state and county purposes for I860 were heard te-day. The districts dis posed or were Adamstown, Strasmirg, Manhelm eud Washington borough. Itndy'a Death Warrant. SherllTIlurkhelder has received tlie death warrant fbT the execution of Jehn W. Kudy for the murder or his father. Hew 111 read It te Itudy en Monday. Visit the Great Clearlns Hale nt Astrlch'a lauicc of Fahlen en Monday next. Geed almost given away. ltd FOB preventing and curing Influema or " Ln Grippe," snlphate of quinine, 200 gmtnt ferM ecntt, In any form, at J. C. Houghten 4 Ce.' cheapest and largest drug store In the city, Ne. 20nnd 2 Wct King street. ltd Commit tee Meets Te-morrow. The members of the committee of arrange ments for the scoend rauitcate of the Yeung Democratic society, are requested te meet to morrow, January Ctb, at 8:30 p.m., fit the club room. A full attendance Is desired. It The European Wltard has no enunl In till ing the past, present and future, locating hid den treasure, bring reconciliatiens, and hews you a correct likeness of your future partner, nna tells you wnai you ere i auapicu iur. Call and be convinced. Ladles, 60 cents ; gen tlemen, 1. Ne,tSWMtKlng street, corner of Mary. Jan-3td ' Pnblle Hale of Valunble Stoetas ht'tlis Coepei1 heus at 1:30 P. ta Monday, Jan nary Oth, will ba sold First, Tseplcs, Coneslega and Manhelm National Bank; Northern, Bouthern and Western Market J Marletta, Man helm, Frultvlile and Maner Turnpike, and Columbia Gas Ce. Htecki. Terms payable April let. by JACOB D. LGNO, JMAwJS Breker. "I.n Orlppe" tn New Yerk. The worst treatment for a heavy cold It " let ting It alone," and the next worse Is dosing with drugs and cpide mixtures. The great want then Is, n particular ipcclfle te allay Cever: arreit'coticculten and Inflammation and prevent extension of thedlncose te the lungs. New, since reports irem vurieu pnri ei ins country are te the effect that ths abeve dlieaie Is en the lncreaic, and te prevent Its auuralng a malignant type If attacked, we would recom mend two of the meit highly enderted reme dies In the country, Uampluey'e Specifics Net. t and 7. Hundred of people taken with cough and Influenza and symptoms of what Is new termed "la grippe," linve been speedily and permanently cured by them. Ne. t allays the fever, pain and Inflammation, whlls Ne. 7 get ' In Its geed work upon the cough, hoarseness and sere threat. Hundred of publishers, hav. ' lag found these specifics of prlcelc value In their family, never hesltute te leremmeud them te their many reader. r.xcitAxer. ltd HE BID AXLTHATHKl'ltOMlSKH. ATlendlnsr YemiarMnn Tells a Itrpertct Hew Ilia Life Wns Saved and Bc-i-iime a Htrenff, HealtbySIanAgaln After '" TIve IlendlUK l'liyslclane Had .. l'alled tollelllm Any Geed. Mr. Albert Meyer, of Franklin and Orange 1 street. Beading, Pa., tells a reporter u mere re markable story about his suffering. He eald t " About three year age my hcullli began te fall and grew rapidly woree until I became e weak that I bad te glve up work. I consulted at ' least ttve physicians, who could net give me any relief, my appetite fulled and sleep became very restless. I had pains In back, we languid and ultimately my nervous tyalem became all anatlcred ; from a healthy, robust young man i became a mere wreck of my former self and totally unfit for nny kind of work. Ne caue could be assigned for the trouble ; every physl " clan bad his own theory ; some sold It was nm ,. larla, ethers liver trouble, weakness, etc. About (- three years age I consulted Dr. Theel, of Phlla- r$t4 " dslphla. He gave me a very thorough physical rTvic mir HrlnA With the mlnroscenA nn.t rhrmlfit "i.iKliX-X ,.ri. tiw wctilnli Tlin trxwav IIiati liMv..reBfia.l . , " ...M MW. W . J , .........-.-.. the opinion that my cese we curable and feel ing that If tbcre really wa anything In medl- elns I wanted trie Boueut-of-t myself under his care. I tell you honestly that us kept his premise te euro me ; after two weeks' treatment 1 felt like a new man and was ready for work ngalu In four months' time. I was completely cured and did net lese two days' work en account of sick ness. Ulnee the first tue weeks of treat ment I cannot help praising the Doc Dec Doc eor. Ills scientific, methed of treating dlfcc.ne Is decidedly superior te that of any ether phy sician that ever treated mr, and I believe or any ether. He is very careful by a rigid examina tion, te find out what ths dlscaae really Is, then be will tell you at once If It Is curable. He does net charge a fee for a visit, but for te completely cure the disease. I found him bonest and faith ful te his premise and a great physician. Hliice being cured I hkve learned that the doctor's great success ever nil ethers Is mainly due te tfels combining the science of the Allopathic, Homeeopathic and Eclectic schools of modi medi cine In his practice. I have sent him lemons waowere amictea nitn some intractable dis ease and he never failed te give entire satis faction In every case. 'I he doctor charged ms 1200.00 for the treatment, and I nevcrpent money te a hotter advantage, as I consider my health of the meit Importance and flnt consid eration." Mr. Albert Meyer Is a strong, healthy looking young man, much respected by all who knew him. He Is engaged with his brother, who has a feed store nt Orange und Franklin streets. He says some physicians may feel hurt by him speaking se plainly ns te his experience with them, but at the came time fulls te tee why that should keep him from speaking the truth and pointing out the way for some sufferer te a phy sician who can cure them when nil ethers fall. DR. Taxct., his eon and associates will be in Lancaster, today, Saturday, Jan. 4, und re main until Monday, Jan. 0, atthe AMEniCAN HOUSE. Their .elllce hour nre from U a. m. te 4 p.m. Evenings from C:30 te 8 p.m. We ad vise all sufferers te go and see these learned physicians and specialists, but net te fercet te 5 m j. take a clean bottle of their urine with them. a. i All these who can't make it cnnwnlpnt tnraii V & and see them during their stay should address WVr.O. F. Theel, &3S North Fourth street, Phllu- WVft., w. n Slcuthe. J. J.W KHESir. Junnsrv 51 lQim in ti.i.i... ii.... iKgk A., son of Jehn O. and Anna E. blifni, need -. n .i-bnii..riiii. wAa.4 .t..... m...i ... . m jji ,m,-wm ,v.i., .iMce muiuus Him ieji nays. Sf The rclatlTes and friends of the family ere re- . tspectfally Invited te attend the funeral, from Wbi n iiae pareuts-residence. re. 112 North Mulberry M fV Street, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter K' . L snent at Lancaster cemetery. vi.t. fr FasiLRV. On January 8d, In this city. Amalle Fralley, In the 00th year of her age. ' ?; ueu tires and friends of the fumlly are re- f, spectfullylnTltel te attend the funeral from "j tier late residence, Ne. iSHIgh street, en Sun- v3 dsiv &ftrnne,i fit SeVlrw.tr. lnlr.rinpnf lr. 7l.ia ''- eemetery. -;k sicBKUOLDEa. in west Lami'ter tewnlilp ,. v juuuujj s, in-uv'ix-a iiurxuo.eer, muir 7jIU feyear. Vrr The reUtlves and friends nrtli fainllvnr i. cJvlted te attend the funeral from her nuliteni.. 3$?' 1st West Lampeter township, en Monday morn- r ' ;!. EUetIjs ., .1,0 i..... .. e., ,. ... . Jsetllnger'4 Meeting Heuse u 10UJO. APrJBtAVeav-Oii January 4, 1S00, In this ' jJt.J."8nryOiUnnayer, son of J, tl. und c! . Oeterwaysr.ln the tweuty-flrst year of his ugi. -,Vt relatives and friends of the family are r Ssseetfully Invited te attend the funeral from Site residence or Ms btrcaed iarenu, Ne, 1138 rU Queen street, en Monday alternoen at tSMtl'eleck. Interreeut at Zlen's Lutheran VPSMtswy. ltd lvht. Lire Stock Markets. CittCAOO,jHn.3.-ltccetpt, 7jOMS 'Pm'n" JM active! beeTes, 13 (WW tW"j 5 7j! 9) ; stackers and feeders. W 10cM Jt costs, bull Smd-mlxpd.tl oe t JtVine cattle, tjOXMKM Western Ranters, S3 & set strenet mlsrrt, IS fcea-f 7 heavy, U i SJJI 74 i light, 1 S03 761 skips, S3 0W 0. Hliccpllecclptn. 8X100: shipment. LOOOl mar ket slrenr. natlv.SWS Western wetrted MOIMsSKM shorn Texans.S 10; lambs, tt IOTVIU KAST menta. im..7.1nn! rnir.SJA.vai - -I.Ih.. n MnwA.tlr iiegi - Receipts, SIMi . shipments. 2800 market, slew; lesV light Yorkers. eJtsvjii in, SeVllum and light pfilladelphla, 1 vai 0; heavy hogs, tiwat Ut reuglu, $s3 .5; necarsshlnped te New Yerk. .--. 8heep-KIPt.. Kl hCmenU. 1.200; msrket active! prime, t500i325; gppd.fic 4T3: fair. f3&0l60t common, WOlXi-lOO; 1 inibf , 15 7. Htoelc Marketa. QuoUllens by Itced, McQrann A Ce., bankers, Lancaster, Pa. ..... ,. ,,. kw Tens: list. 11 A. M. M. 3 r. K. Canada Pacinc..... O. U. U. 1. Colerado Ceal...-. AV, .It Central l"acinc......... rjanada Beuthcrn Chi. HU U A Pbg...... Den. A Hln Q.. ....., Del. L. A W Erie - Erie 2nds.. .........- Jer C -. K. AT. Leu. A N.............m. L. Hhere Mlch.Cen Missouri PuclDc- Heck. Valley N. P. - N. P. Prof. .. N. West.. N. Y. 0. New England. ..-. mew .... 20 mi 27 M VA SOU 10G2 10)J 1IJ 75' 111 sf 7r.y .... 1114 r. i'fli Kast Tennessee. Omaha...... ...... Oregon Transcontinental.. SIK Ontario A W I, PacltlC Mall H7. Klchmena Terminal a HUPaul -....- . TAlfll VtlBltlC. i Union Paclfle M Wabash Ueni. ....... m.rt I. .. Wmtern V S-J'- 8!,' West Hhere Bend. , riirr.AnxM'UiA i.isr, Leh. Val II.N.Y.APhlla Pa. It. ..... Hendlnir Leh. Nav....... Hex ten v. Pass P. A U N. Cent. People l"as...... Hdg '... UllstMSIMtHStH'MMIl W . v, ... ms 65 ..19 11-10 19 11-18 , tax 87 LOCAL IIOUSKlIOLll MAllTCKT. LAMCABTEU, Jail. 4, 18W. There was an ever-tupply of butter and eggt at this morning's market. Kjirly In the morn ing the price of butler was CO cents, but before the clesn plenty was te b had for 25 cents. Lggs sold at 18 and 20 cents. Poultry was scarce. Apple-butler, per et 12iS20 Apples, per Hpk Beef Steak, lerlb llcef Beast per 0 Beer Dried (piece), per ft.... Beef Corned, per Bi Beef Frent quarler, per lb., Bccf-HInd quarter, per E... Beldgnn, per It) Bologna (chipped), per lb,,.. 1210 ...ie&m ....Tr.25 ...ll'AU iTa7 7iB ...2!a ..SO ...2S03O .......60 ...dnatw .'."'& IffiS ....810 20 8oan.ee "is -ji 5(35 IS ....ujll ...12315 liuiier, per in. Beem (red) ter bunch Chickens (lire) per rlr.. Chickens (cleaned), per piece, Cup ineesc, per two cups Cubbace. nor head 01 Cernineal, per at celery, per bunch , Older, per gallon Ducks, dressed, per pair..... . Eggs, per dez Ham (piece), per ft Ham (sliced), per lb Herse Radish, per bunch.. Heminy, per quart Lamb, per in..... - ijint.liHir ID Lomens,perdoz Miiftnn. trfir lb....... ..l'aiie Onions, per Kpk ...10 Parsnips. pefK pk .83iip Potatoes perlfl'KvT , 10 Potatoes, pert uusnei.. ... .. .lAreiw 1'otatecs (Surcet) per Ji ixsek. Perk, nor lb Bauer Kraut, per qt. . Sausage (fresh), per lb. Hausage (nmoKeoi Smcarcase. per pi Sausage (Smnked) l tb.. nincarcase. vvv piuvu Scrnpplo.perll) Sides ana Bacen, per D Sbeuldcra. per ft Turkeys, live, each... Turkeys.dressed, jier ft...... Turnips, per f pic Veal Steaks, v Grein nnil Previsions. Furnished by S. IC. Ynndt, Breker. CuicAoe.Jun. 4,1:00 e clock p. in. Wheut, Cern. Oats. Perk. J-ard. Year January........... 78 j Ml -'is 680 877 f. W February. u 10 Ainrcn .... April May lime....... . ti)i iiij 2JJ-; u or, e 02 July .81 S2J. CrudeOil 1 fUJ Consels lteeviiits. Cur irfits. Winter Wheat 20 Spring Wheat M Cern tM Oats - 1W Rye Hurley .,- , Head. Reeclpts-llegs ai.tssi Rvculnts -Cuttle - . 3,1m Pliltndelphla Produeo .Mnrket. I'ltli.ADKi.ritlA, Jan. 4. Noen-Flour dull, IVnn'a miN'rx, 2 50.32 70; nxtrn. 27A38U0; family, 87533W; roller, 4 Wvii 62; patent, It UXiDi t0. Wheat steady; Ne. 2 Red, new, 8le; no. i remriwitui wu u. a uii. n.iiM- Cern dull; Ne. 2, new, U8.4SSU ; old, 4V& 4lc. Oats dull ; mixed. 28i Ne. 2 Whlte HOJJe,; Ne. 2 Brail dull ; Winter 8l22astH 00. Baled hav dull; Jll ttMclH (JO us te nUHllly : loestnw rurfrroree: mixed. Bmiiw: uateu re mruw, iiriv, new, Butter dull; l'enn'a creamery extra 27S28c; Penn'a firsts extra SVi&Sd. Eggs dull; Penn'a firsts, lb10c: held lets, IS S'ilc, ns te quality. Cheese steady ; part sklins, 23.1c; mil skims, Petroleum dull; refined In bbls., 87 GO. Potatoes steady; KKJ.KI0 per bus, as te nuullty. cv tttictrtletMttcttts. A BSOLUTELV PURE. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Til IS pewdcrueer vanes. A tiiiir-l el pu rlty, strength ud wholesemniess. Mere tconemlail than the ordinary kinds, and can net be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate Powders. Mil enJ in own. Royal Hakinu POWtiKU Ce.. l'W Wull street, Neir Yerk. nnrJl'lydAlyw TUST RECEIVED. ROEDERKR RED LABUL, The Finest of Chamiwienes. JtOHREH'S LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 22 Centru Square, JAUER KRAlir LUNCH THIS EVENINO 3 at the Plew Ta ern. Rlekcr's Beer en tnu. ltd COX 4 COPLAN 1). VT NIGHT at the SHAMROCK, 33J liist King street. It J. R. DONNELLY, Prep. OA.UEE KHAUT FOR LUNCH Tllis O evening ul Urn Schiller II en 10, Helb's. Sprenger's, und Rlvker's Beers 011 tap. Come one, coiue all. , . W.M.SPANGLER, "d Proprietor. UNCH.-PANNED OYSTERS WILL BE J served this evening at theStcens lleute Hctuuruut. R D.CMOIIN.Mauagei. JF YOU WANT A GOOD SAUERKRAUT lV..I'ilnc.h U'!' evening go te Kiug St. It. Ill IIouse. Lunch every Saturday eienliur. Bast Beer en tup. r, E. SIIHOAD. ltd Priiurlplnr. GKAND RABBIT LUNCH THIS EVENING at theTreineut Heusa,North Queen street. Sprenger's nud Wacker's brer en tan. ltd JOHN BltUDKR, Prep. rnURKEY FOR LUNCH TO-NIGHT AT ,JL the Maner Hetel, Nes. 217 nnd 21 West King street, opposite the King Street Rlnlt, Itleker uuu Sprenger's Beer cfrawn from the keg. r JOHN B. BISSINOER. ltd 1'roprleter. "I7"E HAVE NOW IN CONNECTION WITH yy our Shirt Factory a Hand Laundry, and are preimred te de outside work. One trial Is all we ask. Our rtnplejes liad 11 years' experi ence in Trey lauudrlen. dSO-lwdR' 140 NORTH QUEEN 8T, 150,'JU 10-tfH M 12..1M 1KJ.U ',!!!'.'.'.'.'.K 17 12 .J1.I5O2.00 10c $.10 10 Item 3Uu0Hr mnt. w- ANTKII. A woman wants h situation at general noiiMwera: ran wann, iron ana unae. ljd Al'l'LY S AllCH AI-tiEY. A ITfrrlONHAI.Knl' TCIYH ANIlCOJIKEC. J TIONK11V. Batlirday nftenioen . and evening, January lib, at 110 EAKT K1NU inr,ri. JanJ-2td rTMIK KINEHT LINK OK WAX HTEniO X Add and faranne Candles for the Uoli Ueli dnys, at MII.LKIl'8 rM)Al CO, T710II nENT.-TUB TOT SHOP, KII.NB AND J2 Teel of the Ute Henry iln.l. An old land of 40 years. Apply at If KbUn MANOIt BTKECT. NOTICE.-A MEETING OK THE HTOCK HTOCK lieldem efllie Farmer' Western Market mmpanywlllbehelden Tuesday, January II, 1MM nlD a. tn.. In IhArnmnnnv' bulldtnir. W.JnENEmrrMrdent. Jenx J I. Mktzlkr, Hec and Trca. ltiliw I' 09T.-tj.MALL 11I.ACK AND TAN TKlt J rlcr, with nickel cellar with lock, and bare spot en back caused by scald. Any Infor mation left et 803 HOUTH PHINCK STBKKT that will lead te his recovery wilt be well paid, ltd BEST TWO FOB FIVE CENT. CIOAIW the city, at BI LLY WA ITM, Ne. S A 103 North Queen Ht. dcc5-CmdM,Tn,Th3 Tan APPLICATION OF AARON MNYDER for transferor the hetl license of Marga ret Flery, 2d ward, city, will be heard en Wed nesday, Jan. 82, ISM), at 10 a, m. jans.11,18 B. F. W. UltHAN, D. C. Q. 8. MKNNERCHOR HALL ARSOCIATICN The annua) meeting of the Stockholders and election for Directors of tills association will be held at their hall, Tuesday, January 7, lxne, between the hours of S and V p. m. ltd GEORGE PFEIFFER, Bcc'y. OU.A.M.-ALL MEMBEttS OF CONES- toga Council, Ne. 8, are earnestly re quested te be at the meeting of the Council en Monday evening next, as there Is business of Importance, In which every member Is per sonally interested. ltd RANDOLPH BUTPLKE, C. "VTOTICE TO HTOCmiOr.DEtlS.-A MEET 1 In; et Htockheldors of the Reading A Chesapsnks Ceal and Hallway Company, will be held at Ne. 618 H. Queen street, en Monday, January 13. 1800, botwecn the hour of 10 and 13 ., for the purpose of electing a president und director te serve for the ensufmr year. ltd HENRY N. HOWELL, Secretory. CELLING OFF TO CLOSE BUSINESS. BARGAINS AT Mrs. E. M. Woodward's, Ne. MX East King HI. WAS XOTIOK TO MY FRIENDS AND cua- TOJIK1US I I have located tcmtmrnrllv my effice and wnreroems at the Southern Mnrket, corner of iiiuriwiMiinuk in sisjisssitrt 1'iiiiniMi sjsiiiici 'i SOUTH OUEEN AND VINE STREETS, and hnve In stock a flnenssortmentof Sleighs, Bug flcs. Phtetens and Family Carriages, and the NorbeckUend Carts. all el my own manufac ture. Special attention Is glven te repairing. My Motte Honest work and fair dealings, always wins. dec-Jl-tfd J. 11. NORBECK, Ageut. TAN, lAR vlted t CASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE. l.ANnAhTKn. rwrimlwr. IRJV). SAn Bin en Madam ! Yeu nre enrdlnllv In. vlted te visit the LANCASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE, at It new quarters, Ne. 84 North Duke street, before entering your son or daugh- ter In January. Convlnceyoursclf of the genu Ineness or Ilia ArflclA he iriicie oerera Investing, six young Indies and Gentleman eung Uidles and Gentleman from this lnstltu lien took positions slnee October 25. AddreM. H. C. WEIDLER. Principal. INSTATE OF II. E. LEMAN, LATK OF U LhuchsUt city, Pa., deceased. ThP under signed auditor appointed te distribute the bal. ance remaining In the bands or A.C.llclncuhl, J. H. Wlckersham and DuBels ,Rehrr, execu execu eors of deceased, second and final aoceunt, te and among theso legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en Fri day, February 7, 188V, nt 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all persons interested lu said distribution may attend. M. BROSIUS, Jnn-4tdS Auditor. A CHANCE FOR A WORKING MAN. BUYKHOU.SE With the Rent you Pay. A Chance for a Working Man, A new plan by which a man, by paying a moderate lent, can secure a home, i'vunlce, new, two-steiy BRICK HOUSES, .!..I.i fouriquarcrief Centra Square, with front Tiirr1lO. Iriiii riitirsui mviits-.t mid lustls cwrviB esrlll - !.. . . t .. h(., its uuitin. nill be finished lu iibeut two months und will ut once be sold en terms within the reach of nny mnii wiiu puj ms rein. llulUllni;s are located at the corner of Seuth Plum mid Chcutcr streets. JOHN W. HIEMENZ. ltd A Card of Thanks ! We very gratefully thank our eu Ininers of the past year who hclid us bnlld a suceensfiil business. By the incatisef PRICE, STJ'Li: AND QUALITY We have merited your patronage und given satisfaction. We have grently in a cased our stock of NEW FURNITURE FOR SPUING FURNISHING, And Invite an Inspection of our Nkw Stylus and Lew Pntcxs. 3-We store goods until wautud. OCHS Sc GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d A 4th rioer", SI SOUTH QUKKN HtitEirr. ft HEAT BARGAINS -1N- DRY GOODS -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. rREVlOUSTO OUR ANNUAL INVENTORY LOOK AT THEM. DOUKLE-FOLD CLOTH SUITINGS-n Bar galnntUunyurd. Forty-Inch GERMAN PLAID KUiriNOS, SliU und n'oel, S7Jc ; reduicd from Wc. SILK AND WOOL MIXTURES, 40 Indus w Ide, 37);c j were &A.. Piny-fiur.Inch SILK AND WOOLSUITINGS rtduccd from 75c te We u uut. Fine BROADCLOTH SUITINGS, yard nnl n hair w Ide, 7ia a uil ; never told for les than Three Thousand Yards OUTING CLOTHS Muring St) In, Best Quality, c 11 yard j worth' i4l". LADir-S' PLUSH JACKETS, most popular garment of the season, J7 each ; reduced fnun LADIES' NEWMARKETS reduced ft 0111 te JU) each tejl W and fe. MISSUS' NEWMARKETS, gie.il hargalnsat IRISH PEAHAST IL! Olie (Uracil. COATS driijipcd from N.EVVMCP:i',:!fKM,A,"ASue, """' ls and (JO te ill letlSiuch. Ppcrliil Bargains In WHITE AND COl.ORL'D HL.YMvLTttnt Very Iaiw Prices. WATT & SHAND, Nes. 0,8 &: 10 East King St Item 3,btvilttnnt: rruiK riNwrr link of wax htkiue I Add and rarafne Candles ter the Holi days, at MILLKRI SOAP CO. ii . . -. . t . . r . . TflARMEHS WANTED TO HUPPLY MILK LANCAHTKR CAKAMRL CO., a-trdAwll see Church St, Lancaster, Pa. mUR FINEHT LINE OF WAX BTERIO J- Acid and Paraflne Candles .for the Helt- Aeiaaud raraflne nand at MILLER HOAP CO nays, i OR BKNT.-THF.I LARGE BOARDING Jleuse,7a.?SPF.ait King street, inquire JanJ-JtdR l East King St., Incntter, la. THKY CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN Equal Billy Walts' Havana Filler Cigar, at NOS. 5 A 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. decfrrndM,Tu.Th.H TvANCINO SCHOOL EVERY WEDNEH. JL davand Haturday.atMnnncrcherHall. Hteey's Full Orchestra will be present. Admis sion, 10 and 111 Cents. FRANK BIALKOWBKI, dlt-tfdB Manager. OYSTERS t BHBT OYSTERS IN THE MAR ket served In all styles, and meals at all hours, at CHARLES E. IIOHTER'S, In the rear of the Central Market, oysters In the shell or opened served te private families. Telephone connection. nev20-2mdIt FOR SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ERISMAN'S Ne. 42 West King Street. BILLY WATTZ HAS THE BEST TWO FOR tc and Se Cigars In the State, et NOH. 6 A 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. deeMmdM,Tu,Th,S F OR RENT-THE FINE HTOttE AND lta.lllaM Ih. JI h nH.t. XX.... street, fermerlr lbs Dais Grocery. Will lm ranted together or separately, stable and wagon shed en premises. Apply te MRH. W. P. BRINTON, Ne. !M Seuth Queen St., Or te EnwAnn P. Biii.iten, Att'y. d21-tfdlt SRIVATK HALE.-THE OLD KHTAIt llshed Flourishing Bakery of P. Karch, at lllcrsvllle, Incaster county, Is ettered for sale. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Rare chance for a young business man. Inquire nt ine unnery or m sc se. t&D Poplar alreet, Lnncns- icr, 1'a. UOCJl-lWU JUDGES HAVE LONO SINCE DECIDED that Billy Welti's Cigar Is the Best In the late. Fer sale at NOS. 6 A 103 NORTH QUEEN AT. deeMmdM,Tu,Tb,S 371 LECTION NOTICE. Il Nertjikrw National Bank, 1 Lancaster, Pa., December H, 1(69. The annual election for Directors of this bank will be held at the banking, en Tuesday, Janu ary It, 1890, between the hours of 1 and 8 p.m. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held the same day and place nt 10 o'clock n. in. dH.giJan4,lld E. J. RVDEIt, Cashier. J710U THINGS J NOVEL, ODD AND USEFUL, Ge te ERISMAN'S. Ne. 42 West King Street. ELECTION OF DIRECTOltS-LANCASTER A Reading Narrow Gauge R. It. Ce. A meeting of the stockholders will be held for the purpose of electing thirteen Directors, nt the otDeo of the undersigned, Ne. It Centre Square, Lancaster, en Mendny, January 6,1 SIX), between the hours of 11:30a. in. and 12m. WILLIAM LEAMAN. dya4d Secretary. T ANCASTERCOUNl'VNATIONALBANK, JU ... December 14, 1889. The annual election for Directors of this bunk will be held at ths banking house en TUES DAY, JANUARY 14, IStIO, between the heun of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. The annual meeting of the stockholders will b held at the same place en the same duy at 10 B, m. F. II. BRENEMAN, dH,21,28J 1,11,13 Cashier. pitOCTOR'S OPERA HOUSE. Procter A Soulier. Proprietors and MnnngerH. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Saturday matinee Mr.Masnn Mitchell In "The Fugitive,' aComedy Melodrama In 4 acts, by Tem Gra ven. Prices, 15, 20, 80, U) and 73 cts. Monday, January 0, ene night only Knte Claxton In " Bootless Baby." 2-3td IVTADAME GUERPILLON W1LI.OIVE IXtSTRCCTZONS IN FRENCH in This City. FROM OCTOBER 1st. Ne deduction for absence. Fer address. M luirtlculars M'.ME G., sitUlydH Ne. lin North Queen Street. M YERS A HATHFON. REDUCTIONS! YOUMAYEXPEUr WHOLESALE REDUCTIONS IN PRICES ON Clothing t"OH THE XCXT XI.VUTY DAYS. We are going te unload nil our Winter Stock at Reduced Prices, and every kind and color will meet the same fate A Quick Selling Price. The value will be Just us geed si ever, but the price must full. Myers & Rathven, Reliable Merchant Tailors, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER, PA. M AllTIN BROS. Wi'!ia eiet out te double our Mlus tills January. Te de this Extraordinary Re ductions In price have been made en nil Visit this Jan nary Cut -Price Clearing Sale. CLOTHING, Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, These Extruerdtnary Prices will be for JAN UARY only. A Mlt will Interest und jay you. Overcoats for men, boys and children for mild weather uml storm. Pellurs te he saved by buytnc new. Men's Buslneiis Suits, 12. This let Is made fieni lines that sold for 11, H, 15 and 818. Beys' I te II years All-Weel Suits reduced te Underwear, Ih-sUry und (Have fet the Qulcketilni; price touch. On a kinall bill of rurnlhln Ooeds you'll saves dollar or two. Men's and Beys' Neckwear Ticks, Pour-In-Hand uud Pulti, I60, 55e, 3Sc j worth oversell ing prlce easily seen. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. H AGEIt A BROTHER.- HAGER & BROTHER, WE Tills Ladies9 Winter Wraps, Cloaks, Shawls and Furs y - Te close prier te Stock-Taking. Purchuen desiring Bargains Invited te examine. Seal Plush Garment. COAT, 14000 .. COATS, MOO ..." COATS, 25 00. 1 J7. " coats; 09 ...:":z.:: JACKETS, t 00 JiZZL JACKETS, i00j J JACKETS 'is 00.Z.ZZ. jACKcm; iaJR.::zzirz WRAPB, Vtt 00 WRAI-S, ae oe , wrai, ie oe ..z;; -.Reduced telM 00 ...Redueedte 9.00 ...Redueedte S8 00 ...Redueedte MUD ...Redueedte 100 00 .-Redueedte MOO ...Redueedte 1200 ...Redueedte 1000 ...Reduced te US 00 ...Redueedte IS 00 ...Reduced te 1200 REDUCTIONS HAGER & 25-31 Tar. Kin? St., Slew abtfetrtfecmsmts. qiHE FINEST LINE OF WAX STERIO i- AShA?n?J1.nranne Candles for the Holl Hell days, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. ITUATION WANTED AS SHIPPING e'erk, salesman, or evsrseei of a manufae- '"""I esiaeusnmeni. Twenty-one years' ex- P"'f;;. Cun give reference. Apply at THIS lerieiice, IFFICE. 12-Slrt mUE MUSIC STORE. THE MUSTC STORE, 14 East King St, Lancaster, Pa. WOODWARD & CO. De the Decker Bre.'s Grand Pianos knew a peer? Ne I De the Haines Bre.'s Upright Pianos knew a superior T Ne) De the Masen A Hamlin Upright Pianos admit any comparison 7 Ne I De we ask you te believe our statement with out proof T Ne I De we make you fair premises which we fail te keep Nel De our guarantees need an endorser? Net De we fjar te stand by the solid merit of our goods? Nel - De we ask jet te pay us mere than a living profit? Nel . De we make fe;tuucs by selling you goods be low cost? Nel De we hump eurseUes en our swell sales men? Ne: De we want Ihi earth? Nel De tl.ose who want It always gst It ? Ne I s ACRsFICESALF-i Charles Stamm, LANCASTER, PA. -OF- Blankets, comforts; UNDERWEAR. Thsse three lines or goods we want te mee eT, as nc have a big stock en hand. WILL SKI.Ti THEM" Regardless of Cost IF YOU NEED BLANKETS, COMFORTS OR UNDERWEAR Be sure te get our prlcci berere you waste money elsewhere. Fer Bargains -UO TO- 30 and 37 Neitli Queen Street. BOSTON STORE. Sert! pen Stat, Great Sacrifice Sale CITY PROPER! Y AT PUBLIC HALE.-ON MONDAY, JANUARY . IsW, the under signed, H. M. Powers. wlll3nYr at public sale, nt the Fountain lull Hetel, in the Cltv of Lan caster, Pa., all that two-story und attic Prauie btere preiwrty, situated at 7H and 718 Beeth Queen street, In the city of Lancaster, together with the Counter Hhclvlnir. "In, Ac, The let extends te Ileacr street, und U Hlk-d with the choicest of fruit, und pump at the kitchen deer. On Bcuer street there is a geed two-story Frame Khop, with cellar under neath; the let has a frontage onheuth Queen street or at feet 2 Indies, mere or less, and en Bemer street or IS feet 2 inchc. mere or less, nnd ever) tiling u lu eoed condition ubeut this property. Hale te commence nt 7:30 p. m., when condi tions will be made known by Juu3-3td H. M. POWERS, ytM rttMtnsmts. DAY MARK DOWN ENTIRE BALANCE Ot Cleth Newmarkets. W0eT..... . Reduced te ll 00 ......Redueedte 1200 ......Redueedte 10 00 .....Redueedte 7(0 use wee.. oe., 600.. .Reduced te .Reduced te 800 100 Misses' Gretchens. 11000...... 800 000 tee ...Radeeed te ...Reduced te ...Reduced te ...Reduced te 800 800 400 800 IN DRESS MATERIALS T BROTHER, Stent 3lbtgrticmentit ptARRIAOE WORKS. DOEBSOM 0AKRIACHB WORKS, Cemer of Duke and Vine Streets (formerly Norbeck A Mllsy), GEO. S. NORBECK, Prep. Manufacturer of Fine Can leges. Buggies, Mar ket Wagons, Ac Experienced workmen en re- pairing. A New Bakr Wagen for sale cheap. ANe wuil I I at Docrsem Carriage Works. 09-lydR B EST. Be HAVANA FILLER CIOAR IN IllS City, at BILiiiY wait. , dec&8mdM,Tu,Th3 ANEW CLASS IN STENOGRAPHY WILL open en Monday, January 8, 1890, In Eshle man'a Law Building. The class Is new forming and a few mere scholars will be added. Apply te MIKS M. A. DAILEY, nt the rooms, Esto nian's Building, North Duke street. dSO-lwdll R RENT-FMOU APRIL 1ST. NEXT, Jt. First-class Blacksmith's Snec with dwell- fngHi ns Heuse, situated at Greenland Mills. In East Lampeter township. Apply te ELIZABETH O. E. BATES, elt-ti dR 44.1 North Duke St.. Lancaster, 1'a. T EDUCTIONS. XV Clothing te your order at reduced price. TftE TAILOltS. MCORAJ4N A NOWLEN, Ne. 138 North QueenSU 1710R RENT THE STORE ROOM, NO. 40 JsJ East King street. Immediate possession. JACOII GAHLE. JUltd Ne. 28 Seuth Duke Street. THE FINEST LINE OF IMPORTED AND Demestic Cigars In the city. Clear Ha vana Cigars, our manufacture, In boxes of 25, J0 and 10 LIS. DEMUTU'S CIGAR STORE, HI East King Street. aU-UdR TTEYBTONE BUINE'M COLLEGE. sae uay course, fjve wignt session. An institution strictly first-class, where young icn and women aiethoreushly audnractlcnllv Instructed In all business branches Typewrit- lnr. Penmanshln. etc W. D. MOSSER, Prln., tfdAw 18 North Queen St., Lancaster. Pa. 1889 AND 1890. We Intend oraantzlneaPrenaraterv Dennrt. ment after January 1, 1800. Yeung Men and Ladles admitted at very low rates te fit them for the Business College Ceuiw. Full particu lars by mall or en application at College Reems, Ne. 84 North Duke street. Pleased te have you call whether you enter or net. d28-lwd H. C. WEIDLER, Principal. H APPYNEW YEAR! j Steam Engine -AN Beiler Works. MANUFACTURER OF HORIZONTAL VERTICAL PORTABLE HOISTING ENGINES. Horlsental Tubular. Vertical, Twe Flue, Deuble Deck, Marine. PUMPS. (Saw Mills, -Bark Mills, U'eb Mills. BOILERS. CENTRIFUGAL"! BOILER FEED I MININU f HTEAM J MILLS. AUTOMATIC TAN PACKERS, UUAA1 LEATHER ROLLERS, BARE CONVEYER SCREWS, PULLEYS. BHAFTINO, QEARINO ILVNQER8, PILLOW BOX&J, CLAMP BOXES COUPLINGS, COLLARS, MILLBUSHING9, STEP BOXES, SWNDLES, TOES AND HTEPH, PULLEY PLATES, BRIEVE WHEELS, 1c, Ac, de., iSc. BOLTS, TURNBUCKLES, LAG SCREWS. ROD UP-9ET8, SE1T SCREWS, FORGINGS, NUTS, Sq. and Hex., CAST WASHERS, PLATE WASHERS, WROUGHT WASHERS. Specialty In Making and Repairing DEEP yfEU DRILLING TOOLS, VU: Reds, Bits, Reamers, Jars, Hand Pumps, Blt.aud Red Catches, ac. r ' Charcoal Hammered f uumeii s in vel Deuble Refined Refined Beiler and Tank IRON. TANKS Round or Square, Water or Acids. for Gas, Oil, Stacks, Stand-Pipes, Walep Wlieil Castings, Het Air Furnaces, &c. LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES Such as Valves, Cocks, IGauges, Oilers, Cast and Malleuble Fittings, Injectors, Packings, Fipts, Ac, ever carried In Lancaster. Special Attention Given te STEAM HEATING. 7Repatrlns Premplly Attended te.-trj Cheap Let of HECOND-HANDPUI.LEVH ANDSHArriNG rOli HALs i IMUeyp, 4Sxi2; irulleyMlxlO; 2 rulleyn. PulWyMU,,l"l0V,?9itl! 3 We,Xl SplU U-2 IWO Cellars. Sjrcet, 2 l.VIO Shafting. 14 feet, '.'I Drep Hanjs Deuble Braced. Jehn Best, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA, "T STOCK OF Weel Leng Shawls All Reduced. ASTRACIIAN CAPES, FRENCH SEAL CAPfel MUFFS, FDR TRIMMINGS, SWEEPINO REDUCTION'S IN PRICES. Tu Th&S $tre btgcticmcnt milE FINEST T.INP. OF WAX HTKRll JL Aeldand Paraflne Candles for the Hei aays, at uiLLtsics soap tx. OUR MAKE OF GOLDEN LION AND MI QUcrlda 5e Cigars cannot be excelled. tlKMtmt'R OIGAIl STORE. Established 1770. 114 East King Streets ais-tmn rTSHR FINFRT MNK OF WAX STERII X Acid and Paraflne Candles for the Hell days, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. rpHE LARGEST AND FINEST LINE Ol I Meerschaum and French Briar Plpel Cigar Helders, Cigar Cases, Snult Bexos and a I kinds of smoker's articles. DKMUTH'S CIGAR STORE. ,18-tfdR 114 East King street. 1 W"!l OR J1 HANDSOME NECKTIES. Ge te ERISMAN'S. Ne. 42 West King Street, j mitt: FINEST LINE OF WAX STERII JL Acid and Paratlne Candles for the Hell days, at MILLER'S soap up. rTUtOUTASOANK, SHIRT MANUFACTURERS AM) GENTS OUTFITTERS Ne. lte North Queen Street. mar20-lydK TTrE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you will prebabli nna mat mere is semeuiing wroeg wun meu and that glasses wtli be a great help te you. We nsn Inimitable ' 1)1 A MANTA1' leni which are made only by us, and recommend. by leaaing oculists as ine uesi aius 10 aei uve vision. - Solid Geld Btectacles. SUl.OO 1 usual vrli 83S.OO. Steel Sneetacles. 8O0.: usnal twice. Sl.OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, sH S usual price, 8)101 H. ZUEMAH ft BRO.I130 S. Rlnth Street! OPTICIANS. j PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. nivf-ljq J. HARRY STAMM'S. REDUCTION -THAT AJIE- Werthy' of Your Attention -AT- J.HarryStamm's, 24 Centre Square. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Dress Goods. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Blankets. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Comforts. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Flannels. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Flannel Skirts. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Calicoes, Ginghams, Cre tonnes, Shirtings and Sacque Flannels. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Children's Knit Sacques. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Woolen Kese. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Shawls. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Plush Coats. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Steckinett Coats. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Stamped Linens. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Underwear. One Let of CHILDREN'S PANTrfatlS, worth SSoteWc. ThPa Reductions are rondo In anticipation of Steck-taklne. DONT WAIT! COME EARY I YOU'LL NOT REGRET IT : lew Bosten Site, 24 Centre Square. kij. "V" v. - gftv, -w l..' 'J.v Vi. M- - H-"rt iii '? -I. i-v )7V l-fcW V- -W, '. .VI J t -v, J-