JEW?? -iC-r; -- w " ? irT?j -!r-rW. ?- K?,"!' .w5y.v.rj, rv-m jSVTL'frr ' KHWwur'wi"j i i i " 'i&i.-t: .' - TOT LAKfJABTEB DAILY INTKliUGK JKK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1890. '.,-. ' t Zir.7tfEjvTvwa DYE IN A VARNISHED CAR. i citciEt uvs mm uri axi m HUT IUI W "5UTS." lAlcaeataTratreAr Ib Mm Hetl-WlUlM Wenld Rescue a HelpleM Vernal, But Ite Chaasred Itta Mind. low the Read, with t Bchateii Bixk-k) Mam rneM Nkw Yerk Citt. J A abort time are I net In this car te bm It fnr rlillnir ntiruesm. There were enlr even people In It, and be I picked the lock of the seat ahead or me, thug Riving fall scope, te my lithe and blithe sweep or 1mm. Tt aim nrn rnn chance te write a few luies for the preea, . """ At weat Atcuiiity n rai man wun a dex of earn pie cracker In one hand and a aand bag In the ether came into the car, and tee inst that I had an air of comfort which eent the het bleed mantling te his marble brew Ms marble mantlliijt brew, aa it were be wneppea tnat irem aeaiorer in encn a way i te fracture my legallttle.butldldnetget mid. It deea net nay for one te mt mad. or even two for that matter, ae I weut en writing,' though, of course, the Incident gave a tinge of sadness te my work. i nave a large, vaiuaeie, new iur top cea which I bought in Montreal In Xovember. Imt it Inerder te Insure an open winter. This coat bnug against the window, and, aa the train moved swiftly forward, some times en tnetracic ana tnen again en we reutrh and frozen nralrie. this coat would ever and anon Joyfully knock out the eye of this great coarse man. It ls doing se yet. And I am making a writing desk of his back. A friend of mine is thought lessly using his overshoes aa a receptacle for tils apple corn, and the rest of the people are enjoying it. ITTIMZINO THK CRAMCUR MAX. " In another pait of the car seme young men, en thelr way home from college, are singing. They de net sing well. They are the kind of cel loge beyH who de the hazing and hlre thelr speeches written for them by a peer hey who wears paper cellars. They slug gayly the chaste and beautiful sentiments entitled " Yonplden I die," a Heng, I may truthfully sav. which no man can listen te in tlie right spirit and net go away a better man. Olie of the voices is quite piercing. Mr. Itlley Bays he would llke te borrow It te scour knives with. The volee of tUe tenor, he claims, has a ferule en the end of it, and when the rollicking sophomore strikes Cen fourth added line ubove his mouth leeks like n stab in the dark. The peauutter new cemes te nsk me If I would net llke a pair of embroidered moc casins with colerod beads en thorn, or some ether literary work. He shows me some nice gum arable llgs, while I held his large basket for him. I tell him I de net care for figs, especially the elastic or non-corrosive fig made at the Pullman Car works. Then he tries te Hell me the holi day number of The War Cry. I say no, I de net need it.. He then urges me te buy a copy of a book entitled "Hounded te tbe Southwest Cerner of Perdition and Hack, " by the author of Where Is My dlrl To night?" I tell him courteously that I wouldn't cheese any. He seeks then te seli me a book containing 2,000 words, and alsosemo tables, that he says are qnlte thrilling I draw him out In regards te his books. He Is mere Interesting than his literature. He finally admits, after I have told him hew I dislike these llashy books llke "Leeking Backward, " that no lias net read any of his carefully selected library, although ever ready and willing te enter into a heated discussion regarding these books. It seems that he gets all his information from the iKissengcrs. He does net read the books lnuiself. A man says: " I de net waut that bonk of Zela's; it Is tee prudish." Then, of course, he romembers and treasures up the remark se that the next time through the car he can bring ene that is net se prudish. And se en. There are a geed many tragedies going en almost beneath our very oyes of which we knew little till the papers tell us the denouement. I think it is donencement, Is it net? I heard the sobs of a wemin in the room next te my own at a hotel lust week, and was going te ring for a boy and ask him te flud out aVieut the can se of the trouble, but Just then I heard the low voice of a mini who was evidently trying te hush her up. 'I thought then, of course, if It re solved Itself Inte a domestic spat or cur tain lecture I would net Interfere. I would also try net te listen. Se I went en with my book, entitled "Light, More Light, There's Danger In the Dark." Pretty seen the woman gave u little smotherod shriek, lint the man tried te quiet her, though I could only get his tone and net his words. "Yeu are drunk, " she wailed, "and you are going te kill me. Oh, liave mer cy I Please de net kill me. " He mumbled something or ether, and I could hear him step te the dresser, I thought, and open It. New she cried mero pitifully but net se loudly. I had my linger en the bell in my room, but hesftaled. Then she screamed again, and "I heard a chair full ever. I thought. I oxpected te hear a shot, but was net sure that hejweuld net btab her in his drunken fury. I rang. Twe or three years afterward, It seemed te me. the boy came, but by that time it was all still in the next room, se I sent a a attixu tr.vef.dy. loiter dawn te mull by the ibey and said nothing. Then I heatd u mullled grenu come ever the traiiMjinjUKt as ene inluht groan alter a ion?, hard struggle as lire went out and the tortured soul tlew away te tlnd rest and change of srene. I could net it any longer, feri could hear the man tigh and drop a metallic (I ' BBBWEaBBTSBiSp' .'.! BBMlHBBBfflBBiapVBYXM'lil iiu r.TSr tt . t ! h - . i.i i ,-t!W " 3Z r-. i,4 nhn ea isM marble top efU greaser. imaMtMBliMinytnTNiMbmca f? r that, Mae te saake H hick enewffc. 1 of that, a aa te aaeka It Mark ever leeke aver a traaaasa bafcra. I wmM BtB)6W,eailytwUlBUdetear te he eeUtr rattew win. "Saw I tenkamueai fcalHUeaBrfsMeftra,aatfeatI wmm tmtataad Ml ever baekwarfa. Tfcea BOt I eUsabud tk Br wly. AI klnVef 'Kalwgayeii taste? iMe'vlew, aad was aaala ettt of atcat. X get dewa aad took afall breath. Then I took a glaas of BBOxte, and weedwtd what I had better de. What would yen have done, geatM readerT . ' Idkaaet want te Bare Mm ihm away entirely. I wanted te capture him before at killed aar been hilnli bebm. Jaet teuchta nr lip te the spoepju again, I atewlrfrtad eaee aere te climb the chair, with my own revolver at full took, for 1 aad determlaed that If T waiud IwouktbeaeloaMrlanooaat. Aa I get apallttM MgaerToeaMaMthemeeef we brat. It hardly betrayed the true aatara eftheasan. though the llpa were ttgatJy neBtpreeeed and uer was a alight pallor ea the brew. Aa I rose a little higher I saw a placard en the deer of the room, which went en te state aa follews: 8. MARATHON WELLB, D.U). 8., FBACTICAI. SttBOBOW DSKTIST. Teeth Kztractea Without Fata. Laughing Oaa. Kther, CeenalBe, Chloretorm, etc, etc., administered without risk te either the patient or the operator. We five either, eyethcr, ether or aeyet her. lie was pulling her teeth while she waa under the, influence of some of these drug. We aheuld gradually, each and all, learn from this little incident te mind our own business, such as It la Supposing It had been as I supposed It te be. A frensled man beating out all the brains 'there were In the house, vbu: these of hla wife. Would I have been safe even then In Jn terferingr I wet net That's 'wet I Wet. Fer the chances are mere than ever that when I exclaimed through my clenched teeth, " Villain, avaunt I " Instead of avaunt Ing he would have maimed me the first shot and then pulled me through the tran sient. He would then have knocked out my most desirable bralna and with her dying breath the wife would have encouraged him and cheered him en meantime de nouncing me aa a great big prying, med dlesome, nasty thing. Whom Uedbatb joined together, let no ordinary amateur undertake te put asuuaer. xcy SNOW BONO. Ieek bow the snow tells and (alls On the bare hedge-row and the celd.gray walU ; Till every bush en the read for mUes With a soft, while cushion It piles and piles ; Till every willow upon the green On a plump, white pillow Its head ran lsn ; And the children cry te the flakes that are whirled Prem the wintry sky o'er the Vlntry world, " Oh I tell as whether', as we have heard, Yeu are each the feather of some tet bird, That old Mether Geese, when she kills her ducks Fer old Father ChrUUnas, plucks and plucks ; " Or are you wee pieces of wool that drop, When they clip the cloud fleeces en Cloudland Tep, Or snow, dear snow, are your flakes the flowers That flutter below te this earth of ours "Frem the glittering garlands thesngcli weave In Silver Bt&rtand from morn te eve t'' The aneT kisses, In answer, the nursery pane, Then darts a dancer In atr again. A trrd Perctval Grm in th Bptctater. If veu Intend te travel either for pleasure or Sreflt protect yourself against the change of let and water, by having with you Laxader, the great regulator, and using It In time te pre vent the disorders usually resulting from such changes. Kindness, If nothing stronger, should Indnee any one te use Dr. Bull's Baby Byrup for the re lief of the diseases babies are subject te. Fries 25 cents. furniture. w IDUfKtTSOORNEB, WIDMYER'StlNE Large and Geed, AND Werth Mere Than tbe Price Pet On It. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, CORNER E. King & Duke Sts. F UKNITURK. PLUSH ROCKERS HT COST. f'OU TWO DAYH OUR BACRIF1CU IH YOUR GAIN. COMB QUICK AND SECURE A C1IOICKONE BEFORE THEY ARE (JONK. IXT8 OF OTHER GOOD TH1NCIS AT CUT PRICES TILL XMAH. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. $uvm B IU DISCOUNT FOR JANUARY. BELOW HAMUFACTORERS' PRICE, Will positively go this month. Warranted gen uine AliLtkn, Londen Dye. Tlieiueru rare, but genuine bargains. BIC CUT ON A LI. Furs! Furs! ROBES AT COST. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. J-v 'v.iV- $& X"fi: K.tetv FINITDRE ! for Seal Sacques f ftU str tfttttt. TpORM aWMtn llO altsjbaek URT-FltOlf AntIL 1. MM, TWO store Tessas, nea. as ana aai flaraw h Ke. Hn having rear attachments n rear attachments run- lag Bee aa a mats? aa feel. Can ta used ter aaeaafce- J.W.BYRNE. A DMINIWTRATOR'8 PUBLIC SALE. ,V OH 1SBtkV, J AKCABT 7, MSB, at IM Leepard JIemC Wie one aad Vhafftery , fyeeaeDwsUls aaaietef araana. Me. si Seuth Lis street, ecmtataii In font cm Lime street 74 fcet, sBere or leas thence along ChurcR street 114 awt, mere or leas; thence te Lime street OS nt, mere or less. This Is an elegant building site, aflbrdlag room for two or three houses ; Beuarf1. Bale te begin at T:M p. m., when conditions will be BBeaeaaewa by DAVID MrMULLEN. Administrator with will annexed of Christiana Curry, deceased. Jqbl L Haikbb. Auctioneer. dU Jl JgJUd pUBUC BALE OF REAL ESTATE. en Batebdat, Jaw. 4, we. Will be sold hy virtue of an Order of the Court oreeaaBBon Pleas, of Lancaster county, Pa., at the Lien Brewery Hetel of Jacob Efflnger. In the City of Lancaster, the following described real estate situated In aald city: , Ne. I, a Let of around en Washington street, between Duke aad Church streets, containing In front SB feet, and In depth northward 67 feef, en whlehU erected a twe-stery Brick HUble. Ne. t, a Let of Qrounden the oerner of Church and Meeklaad streHs containing In Renten said Church street SB feet, and extending In nepth along Rockland street, M feet and seven Inches, te a six feet common alley, en which are. erected a tWMtery Brick Dwelling Heuse and Stere Property. This has been a grocery store ter a great many years. Ne. a. A let of Ground en Woodward street, containing In front lit feet anil four Inches, and In depth ) test te a M feet vide common alley, en which Is erected a two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse with Frame back building, Ne. 628. he. . a let or ureund en the corner of Chrls- whlcb are erected two twoetery Brick Houses, Wlja frame back buildings, Ne, set and BOSK. , These properties will be offered separately or together, te suit purchasers. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by C, A. MILLER, Assignee or Henry C. Kelk-r. Jekl L. HAW k, AucU dlS.aiSAJant TUBL1C BALK ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 7,1880, Will be sold at public sale en the premises, In the village or tluarryvllle, Lancaster county. Pa., the following valuable Real Estate, te wit : Ne. I, Ceat and Lumber Yard, containing 2U acres, mere or leas, with 300 feet or coal siding, Including trestle work, nearly new, with ca- Cclty of 100 tens of coal ; 200 feet lum r siding, twotery Frame Warehouse, 08 by 24 feet, with a five-horse power engine and eleva tor for heisting grain and feed, lumber shed tee feet long, three sets of scales In geed repslr, stabling for two horses, wagon shed, and all necessary Improvements en the property. This coal and lumber yard Is the best stand and alie the most conveniently arranged en the line of Lancaster Quarry ville railroad.. Ne. a, A Let or Qreund containing threc4uar ten of an acre, mere or less, en which are erected a modern TwoKtery BRICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with all latest conveniences, sueh as gas, steam heat, with fixture, bath room, het and cold water, stationary wash stands, Ac The Inside or the entire lieune is finished In hard weed. Modern stable, with box stalls, hydrants, pumps and all the latest Improvements, carriage house, large chicken house. The let contains Fruit Trees and vines of the best and finest varieties, all In geed bear ing condition. This Is the most modem, best arranged, best built and most desirable dwelling In the southern part or Lancaster county, without an exception. Alse, at the same time and place, will be sold the following personalpreperfy: Finishing beards, German siding, casings, washboard stuff, hemlock Joists, shutters, blinds, meulding, doers and sash, perch pests, dressed, 6-1, 6-4, 84 planks, scales, safe, office furniture, feed carts, bag wagons, slate, beards and odd lets of lumber of all descriptions, etc. Geed bargains for farmers and ethers In need of repair lumber. Hale te commence at 1 o'clock p.m., when terms and conditions will be made known by W. II. ROLAND, Assignee or 1. llorrenmyer. Jas. Cei.MNS, Auctioneer. d!8,2l,2WtJI,(kl s ECURE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMa Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Two-ntery brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 146 feet deep, en North flue, between Chestnut aud Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards, Iren fences, lets 160 feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Pine sereets. Two-etery brick dwelling houses, lets 146 feet deep, en West Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets ISO feet deep, with all the modern improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut street, between Plue and Nevln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, aud Lemen, between Mary and Pine streets. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water In the kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show yU' 'JNO. F. ORIEL, !-,, JACOU GKIKL, Executers. apr2Q-lyd.M.W.M. ft North Mary Street R EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE, IIOUHES,BUILDINaLOTH,FARMB,MIL!B, Ac, for sale. GreAt bargains. Call for our new Catalogue Just out. HOUSES and BUSINESS PROPERTIES al ways en band for rent. RENTS COLLECTED Properties tsken charge of, collection or rents, payment or taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without treuble or an noyance te owners. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES.-Fer these having money te luveat we have first class mortgages en hand and the best of facili ties for investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared mid titles carefully examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 EAST KINO STREET. IlevB 3md JUtnce. 1 K CENTRE SQUARE. Jacob F. Sheaffer's PURE RYE WHISKY, Distillery, 648 East King St Alse fine old Lltltz Whisky, my own distilla tion. Other fine old stock Expert Orerbelt, Gibsen, ML Vernen, Guckenheliner, Dllllnger, Hannlavllle, etc. Imported Gins, Brandies, etc. Wines. Old California Brandy and Red und White Wines Currant, Black berry, St raw berry Wines. Deldesbenner, Nlerstelner, St. Julian, Claret, Yankee, Jamaica Rum. Wild Cherry, Ginger, Klmmel and Orange Urundy, CHEAP DEMIJOHNS A SPECIALTY. Ne. 15 Centre Square. dzi.trd flHHIHTMAH PRESENTS. Christmas Presents Reigart's Old Wine Stere, NO. 29 EAST KINO bT. I10UCHE SEC. EXTRA CHAMPAGNE. WINK IN BASKETS, at IS for Pints amltlOOO for Quart. Cusenier Celebrated Cordials In Baskets, as fellows : HIJeu.t Hair Litre l!etlle.... . 10(11 In Valise, 0 Quart ltetlle. ... (U In Compese, 4 Quart Bettles .....(3 00 -Tli8 above Wine and Cordials ere the Fin est Produced In Prance. H. E, SLAYMAKER, Agt tfdS S - tv - C . - ",-A' 9m M Kr2QEK UAUOHKAN. Grtat Reduction in Prices T 4 TO CLOSE OUT 0UK H1BDS0IE SEAL PLUSH GOATS AND LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH COATS, Metzger & Haugh man's, Net. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) NJ EXT DOOR TO THJt COURT HOUSB. Our Remnant Sale I The remnant sale, of wbleh we told yen Monday, Is new ready. It Includes the odds and ends of the season Just closed, sueh aa Remnants of yard Percales at Se. Remnants of Red, Whits and Colored Flannels, Remnants of Rest Light and Drab Prints at 5c Remnants of Dress Goods, 60 yard up. Remnants of Black Dress Goods, all qualities, cheap. Remnants of Casslraers and Pant stum. Remnants of Ginghams at Se and kc Remnants or Feather Tickings, 12,Sc ; worth 3V. Remnants of Wide Sheetings. ' Remnants of Hamburg Edgings and Embroideries. Remnants of Rllk Ribbons, cheap. Remnants of Dress Ginghams, go ; worth like. Remnants of Table Unens. n " , Remnants of Outing Cleths, etc., el. ) ou will also find many ether bargains here outside or Remnants. Remember we are selling off our entire stock of lAdles' and Children's Coats at and below what they cost us. Cema at once if you are Interested, as they are being picked out rapidly. FHHNESTOCK'S, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. T ARD MCELROY. BARD A Neg. 33 and 35 lenth Queen Street, Special Bargains in Our Line Ter the Holiday Trade, nANDKEncmEFS-Sllk Handkerchiefs at 10c. 17e, 25e. 30e, 40e, ete. Rllk Mufflers at 75c, $1.11 35, ,160, etc. Imitation Silk Mufflers at 20e, and iBc Bargains in ladles' Handkerchiefs at 3c, 6c, go. 10c, etc Ladles' Initial Handkerchief! at lOe ; extra quality at 18c ; worth 25e GLOVES-Extraerdlnary Value In Ladles' and Children's Gloves, In black and colors, at 15c, 20c, 33e and up. Men's Gloves and Mitts In wool, oil tan leather, or buckskin, at DOC, 250, 30r, 40c, 00c, HOC, 75c, 1100, ,125, etc ' , nqstKITr We U the best Hosiery In the city for the money. Anether let of Children's Rlack Ribbed Cotten Hese, slightly Imperfect In the weaving, at Se per pair, regular price, 12'c liarnlns In Weel Hese ter Ladles, Men or children. One let or Ladles' Regular Made Hese at 15c, mad te sell for 50c, UMlinELLAS-Glerla Bilk Umbrellas, 20 In., II 00 ; 38 ln tl 25 ; 90 In., tl 60. . 111. ANKET8 A pair or Blankets would make snetegant Cnrlstmns present. The best value In the city. t TAHL"RCt,OTns Linen Tabl Cleths, 2 yards long, with 'one dozen' Napkins te match, only r2 60; 2W yards long, with Napkins, only tSW; 3 yards long, with Napkins, only H60. ltar galns In Towels, SITIRTU-Kxtrn Values In Men's Weel Dress Shirts at 75e, II 00, f 1 25, 11 50, 12 00, etc BARD& Nes. 33 and 33 lenth Queen Street. UPatch, H. Z. RUOADS A SON, People who want plain, practical everyday goods, as well as the Finest r Jewelry and Table Wares ! WILT. FIND TH KM CjVatches, Clocks, Musical Bexes, Jewelry, etc., Re paired. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, PA. 0H E LINN A URENEMAN. What EHnn & Breneman Dells and Dell Carriages, Hleam Engines, Magic Lanterns, Magnetic Toys, l'rlntliif Presses, Teet Cheats, llulldhig Ulecks, Feet Ralls, Mechanical Toels, Kine Lamps, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN Carpet B ARQAINMI Shirk's Carpet Hall I - KOR - Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Bag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, c. Ws Hats tub La he est aud Bbht Mteck im tub Citt. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. (Carpet. TT ANCAHTER CARPET HOUSE. 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO GO TO SHAUB & V0NDERSMITH. HUGH. CARPETS. ART SQUARES OIU CLOT1IH, WINDOW SHADES, Etc. FINEST LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES In the City for the Prices, lie Hure te See Them. UEHTOOODSI LOWEST PRICES GROUND FLOOR I ONE PRICE I CARI'ET AND CARPET WORK I REST AND CIIEAPEbT I Near Cerner of Orange & N. Queen. augZMyd .ttermu. y UTIIER H. KAUWMAN, ATTORNKV-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Estilemas Law Building, Ne. tt North DuksBtrasu aprs-iyaaw :i,,j. A sk -r . Opposite Fountain Inn, Opposite Fountain Inn. IN OUK STOCK. & Have for Beys and Girls ! Tree-holders (New), Havings Ranks, Hllccd Animals, etc., ,, Iren Toys, Express Wagons. Vclucliirdes, Girls' Tricycles, Hleds aad Coasters for Wedding and Christmas Presents. ST., LANCASTER, PA. JeU. B ARGAINMI flour. EVAN'S FLO lilt. Nbw Vkah lat IiiiiiiI. The forming or new resolution Is In order many te be broken before the witk ezilres. We have resolved that jrit be pw hlblr, te make belter Heur than cver-and our patron, can rtfi-nil ueii this rcselu. lien being carried out all the year. Levan & Sens, MERCHANT MILLERS. TRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, propelled by a geed powder blower, Is the must enVctual destroyer or tiles aud ether small Insects. Fer sale AtHUULEY'S DRUG HTORK. WIWtKlnHtrM,L TEHHEJONESACO., t) Manufacturers CONFECTIONKIW FINE PAI'KH 1IUX1-X. The meet beautiful Hue lu the Uulted States. 015 Cemmeree St.. Philadel phia Pa. Write for descriptive price 1UU Junsl-Weed f ataet of jfanhteit. IALACE OF FASaiON. I'liliiir of FdiieD, 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST., LAN'CASTEU. On Monday, Jan. 6th, WE START ANOTHER OF OUR Great Semi -Annual Clearing Sales. We arc new busy culling prices, ami will be ready en MONDAY MOHN ING. We Invite you all te conic and leek. Goods which must be sold and will be geld before this month la ever. Goods at one-half and one-quarter of their old prices. Ne price lists this year, as the reduc tions will be tee tremendous, and we ex pect that half of the liargalns adver tised will be sold within one week. People knew what our former efforts in this line have been, and may prepnre for a general surprlse In Lew Prices. Watch our advertisement. Beinethlng new every ether night. The first start Plush Caps, 3 lets. Let 1. at 60e ; formerly 75 te 87c. Let 2, at 7Ce ; formerly 91 te fl.'JO. Let 3, at 91 ; formerly 91.60 te tZ One let of Knotted Fringe Towels, at 10c apiece. One let of extra large Bordered Towels, at 18c apiece, or 36e a pair; for nierly 25 and 30e apiece. One let of Comforts, size 72 inches square, formerly 91 and 91,'Mi, at 76c. One let at 91.125; formerly 91.60 and 91.75. One let at 91.60. Cretonne aud Batecn, formerly 2 and 92.60. One let of Children's Mack Hese at 0c a pair, or 3 pairs for iirx); former prices 12Jc ; lu sires 0 te 8). Next advertisement will appear MON DAY EVENING. Prices advertised te-night go In effect atonce; also all reduced prices as seen as the same Is fixed, Ne necessity te wait till Monday im leas you wish te, aud see a complete line of CLEARING SALE BARGAINS. 115 & "7 North Queen St. SPatchc. W-ATHEH. HMER1CHN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Bpecs, Ejre-Glasse Etc., a LOWEST l'lUCEH. Optical Goods. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article lu this Llue Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ke. ISMNertliQaMaat.. Msarr. R.R.aUtlea. JEWELER AND GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL, Jeweler and Graduate Optician, DI7STCONDS. Our purchase of DIAMONDS, loose and mounted, being made tefore the raise, we eiler our Immense sleck at former LOW PRICEH. A Ueautlml Line or t LAD1EH' GOLD WATCH EH, GENrnaeLD watch eh, IDIEH' AND GENT'H HILVER WATCHER, A Kull Line of NOVELTIEH. OHAS."S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANUAHTEH. I'ENN'A. TTOR HOLIDAY OIl'Th. Herr.Jeweler, KOR Holiday Gifts ! IN WATCHES, JEWELRY AND NOVELTIES. A Nice Line of DIAMOND CJOOIW In Rings, Ear Rings and Combination Sets AT LOWKST PIUCK.H. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OE ORANGE. eCarrtnrjcB. .EIQllHI HLEIGI1H1 EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 49, 42, 43 A 43 MARKET BTREFTT, (Rcnr Of the rostefflcel, LANCAMTER, 1'A. I have new ready the finest aertment of AL1IANY mill PORTLAND HLEIGIlrl, lxtll Hluiile and Deuble, cer enVrl te the public. Prices te suit the times. Call und vxuuilne them. A full line of lliiggles, Phietena aud Cnrrlsgcs of every description. Alse Uecend-Hnnd Werk of every variety. Give me a cull. All work warranted. jbrRepalrlng In all Its branches. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. Palace of Fashion, Ql SLEIGHS! Ctethtng. MMENHE REDUCTIONS. L.GAN8MAN 4BR0. We have Just Inaugurated a Great Redac tion Bale. A Sweeping Redaction I EVERYTHING REDUCED. , Men's Overcoats, former price 112 09, New Sen lug at ). ' " Men,sOvrccts,rormerprlceil4,rfeirell IngatMoe. i HonirMl.rermerprlclS,iroirlWI Men's UulU, former price tn 00, New Setlla al MfnJ Belts, former price HSOO.New BeUlaf .Men's BulU, former price I5 00, New Selllag Sl?BliBi3Tti?Sre,ta' fOTmer ' rM- i no?'!rceau, former price 50, New Bell Ins at 14 7. Bey '; Overcoats, former price til 00, New Sell. IngattSZi. ' Anita made te order that were 118 00, WOO, 125 00 and B7 00, New Helling at 113 00 and jia OB. Trousers made te order that were P00 and 8 en, New Selling at gft en. Children's Overcoats from W cents, upwards. Hen our large assortment of Men's, Bey's and Children's Pants at reduced prices. Every dollar new buys thawertk of mera than two. L. Gansman & Bre.. Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's, Bey's u Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) and S WORTH QWni IT.. B. W. 00&RBK Or 0EAK01. LAKOAtTtB, PA. Kf Net connected with any ether Clethlag Heuse In the city. -Be cautious and make no mistake se that you get te the rich t place. H II18II A nitOTHER. OVERCOATS Immense Reductions ! Are mero than plenty with us. The weather ;'S linsa Iuiuii mtulMal na Ufa t nnt v9 fenv tltcsf liV " but the prices new are such as wilt pay yen te-:" a buy for next mason and many seasons after.!- wards. Many Htyles, Hhapes, Patterns, etc, are In this sale We are sure you will flast y at ssrjaA !!& in ill iais.hI W dkkwarss a tl asissk ! ' 3 nwlllVMIIMK H'MMIt JUUiavih lllin IIDtf V gfH'j.. AFTER STOCK TAKING We tint! we have a numter of leU which ftivijj NAMELY: 'Sa i: Rrnwn, lilue or Rlnck Benvcr and Chla- j chills OVERCOAT!). Were KJ aud 17 ; new IvJ liuvmiu ftf. , 07 Plaid, Htrlped and Check OVERCOAT, i Lined and Unllned, Plain and Hterm Cut. Wat,; se,itsuauuii; uewsibu,ia andgsoe. 49 Melten, Kersey and FlneChlnchlllaeVl LsjAin. rmmenreniiKracea ana wila Hlrnves. Were as, tv, 10 and IU J new m Extra qnalllr, Rcantlfully Finished. Ml Heillil. Velvnt fiillar. Hal In anil Hlllr w,.r. sin sis umi sun I lun SI I SIS USUI se. !;,;. ...... , ,, . tfy. eaThcsA Reductions are- Uena-Flda. Y will And like ones In .jx r m r,...,.g!,Kr. .,. Ve. 4fe . . n . . Sv.3L sous ana earns. raisDiDK n ' "i.jS " "ffi i ftT COST. Sj m m d im ONK-PRICK CIJTUINQ AND FURNISHINd IIOUSK, "rJ WSJ m M. lerth Qdmh Stmt 4 Gntn ws liANCAfiTER. PA. 0i (gavhtvavt t i-t'-n H ARDWAHE HARDWARE ?&.' ii you want te euy a ceT" UsefUl Christmas Present :,? Marshall & Eengief Sm 9 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN ET. M There you can get CUTLERY, GRANrxi WARE, CARPET HWEEPERS, HAD ,$8t iHena, ExiutEsa wagons, Aa ff4$ Steves in Endless Variety, AND A FULL LINE OP General Hardware.!?! MARSHALL &HMG ffir"f nun. susuuiu (ut.ui aiamr-,'jj llhoteavatth. , . R OTE. K &i s nifT npermrn Gfc - i iiii ss;ss nsffrss j.. . FROM m Kcenigsburg, Prussia Twe Uackgreuuds mode especially for I Three-quarter Length Photographs, i tROTE, 60 1-2 North Queen Next Doer te the PosteJsoa. .; In7-fiiiii1 i. F Oil 1IARGAINH L -IN f REHL ESTKTI CALL ON " $ JOHN H. METZLEI Ne. 9 SOUTH DUKE STKKKT. t; r 11 Be fcenteayl B BROTHE V 39 . i: -scVj . ... bi...4t&.&&