Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 04, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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' '"V
galls gntcUtgcttccv
BOBEUT CLARK, Publisher.
very day in the year, but Sunday. ""
by errlt In thti city and surrounding
ji wrwns ai ten cenis wee, nj"""""-'
.'?. lmvrlnadvnee:BOccntsBmenUi.
TO "
w "ft. ii' i
p&fe WKKKLY IMT-LLtaKNCRn-Onc dollar and
ix.y inr emu yrt m .
,? . .innn nnlir. nnd where neither or
.f these con be procured send In n registered
Entered nt tlie .Postefflee, nx second clans mall
Lancaster, Pa.
LANCASTER, PA., January 4, 1890.
Pig Iren Prices.
The uncertainty ns te the prices wlilch
would rule In the opening months of
thlsvenr, which irevnllei during the
latter part of last year mid which caused
some nervous manufacturers te fenr thnt
there would net he pig iron enough loge
around In 1S0O, Is rapidly dlnpiarlng.
The present outlook premises stcadlncsi
te pig Iren prices for some time at the
figures of te-day. The president of the
Themas Iren company, who has
achieved a reputation fur leading the
market by making early advertlcment
of Ids following It, 1ms announced the
prices at which his company will sell
during the first six months of the year,
and the whole group of pig Iren makers
will hasten te fellow in venturing town
ahead for the year. Te this tlme they
Jhavc been ery unwilling te de this;
a part of their hesitation lelng due te
their Iguenuicc as te hew the railroads
would treat them and what the cost of
their ores and fuel might bc. There has
been an advance In the cost of making
pig Iren which has gene a long way to
wards eating up the additional profit of
the present prices ; and it is supposed
thnt the end is net yet i cached in the
advance in the cost of coke, which
hai taken the lead of nil things In the
nrlee that has been added te It. It Is
expected te rench two dollars at an early
date, which will be deublejtfl cost of net
long age.
The most notable thing in the advance
of pig iron prices has liecii the manner
In which Bessemer pig Iren has climbed
up. It has far outstripped ether grades
of Iren because of thu demand for It In
the steel Industry. The consequence of
this again has lecn an advance In plcel
prices far greater than In Iren. Six
months age steel or iron might often be
had Indifferently nt one price ; but there
are eight or ten dollars n ten between
them new.
It will result from this, of course, that
the productieu of steel manufactures
will be checked nnd these of ireu be
stimulated. The cheapest material will
be me9t In demnnd. This again will
tend te bring about the les-senlng of the
demand for llesscmer pig Iren and bring
it down nearer te its old level of com
parison with pig irelis that will net
make cheap steel. Anether remarkable
thing about the American Iren market
is its comparative steadiness during the
long continued excitement et tneiereign
markets, where prices arc still sailing
upward. The only effect produced here
has been te relieve our market of any
consideration of a foreign supply. We
have te depend upon our own furnaces,
and se fur no ene seems te have sus
pected that they will 1h unequal te the
demand made upon them.
The political effect of this condition
of things should 1 te induce Congress
te let In free the raw mnterinls of the
Iren manufacturer. It Is clear that the
duty collected Is a tax laid upon our con
sumers. The cheajK-'r the production of
pit iron is made the cheaper It can lie
sold. AVltli this help from Congress the
pig iron makers of the country will
never again suffer from the competition
of foreign irons, entered duty fiee,
unless such ns may be of particular
quality, or at seaboard ports distant
from the sites of the home furnaces.
A l'oelish Thing te De.
Iu undertaking te fix a sum which
shall be paid per car by the street car
companies for the privilege they obtain
from the city, we have said that in our
judgment the councils will net very itn itn
prevldeutly; and exceed their prucr
powers. The sum they fix new may be
u very adequate one ; but if se It will
certainly be very Inadequate many
yenrs from new. They nre undertaking
te name uew a tax which shall be pn!d
for all time upon each street railway
car; and he who does net think that is
a silly thing te de has a very different
comprehension of business conduct from
ours. Each citizen's tax is annually
fixed. The councils of this year de
net and cannot lay the tax for next
year. Se we believe that the coun
cils that assume te fix new the tax
upon street cars and poles for all future
tlme will fiud that they have exceeded
their authority ; and that their work
will net be binding upon the councils of
the future. Hut this only makes the
essay mere foolish. Te attempt te de an
unwise tiling, uliI te afterwards find
the attempt abortive, does net relieve lis
authors from opprobrium. If the councils
of te-day desire te favor the cstnhllsh cstnhllsh
meutef electric htreet car propulsion,
we should net complain If they remitted
the car and pole tax altogether during
their term of otlke; what we de object
te is their undertaking te bell nt the
prlca of te-day a privilege which is te
be enjoyed during a long future.
A Great llesoititieii.
It Is reported from the capital of the
United States that President Ilenjamln
Harrison has declared that Mr. MuKee
should held the head of the line nt
receptions "if it busted the cabinet."
The correspondent adds that in his
earnestness the president actually ued
the word ' bunted." This Is a mere
Important item than may at first
appear. A president of the United
States with (.ulllcient backbone te
mangle the Kngllsh language) and
defy a cabinet led by brilliant and
magnetic Premier lilalne und ttauetlfied
by Jehn Wanamaker must Ihj a prod pred
deut with a dlfetluct impict-slnn that he
is one. Captious critics might bUggest
that tills remark, mi gleefully telegraphed
ever the nation, wus merely n manifes
tation of momentary iutellectuul Intoxi
cation, produced en the firotdiiyef the
year by the taking of geed resolution.
However plausible this theory may ceein
ltlsmoie reasonable and charitable te
assume that Ilenjamln Harrison hns
thus deliberately anneunccd,iu language
cheseu for rugged nnd picturesque en
ergy, that he Is determined te be presi
dent, and has begun en the belld car
dinal principle of subjugating the
ubjugaters of hi domineering cabinet.
'One can almost see with the mlud's eye
! KiiNtv imerauiv wus cveivea
tgtffmj' kttla watter heltered by
the Hnrriseuinn lint. Hy the way, It is
n curious fact thnt the mind Is emitted
with but ene eye in spite or the evident
cress-eyed mental vision of some people.
Asa "mind's eye" could net well be
cress-eyed with, Itself, It Is evident
that this ancient figure of speech
needs revision. Hut it is net
hard meanwhile te Imagine that ilenja
mln Harrison awoke en New Year's
lnernlnir te reflect thnt the sun had
nrNeti iien the first day of the last de
cade of the world's most active century
te fiud one Ilenjamln, of the trlbe of
Harrison, ruler ever the newest
and biggest thing In the way of
nations. Then must have 'followed,
like the choking dregs of a pleasant
draught, the bitter rctlectlen Hint sain
Benjamin was but the creature of cir
cumstance, ntded and abetted hy ene
Qtinv nnd many dollars. Then, no
doubt, he sprang from his couch, wear
ing the famous hat of his grand
father, which Is firmly nailed
fast te his head, and exclaimed te him
hlnielf and te llaby McKce : " T would
rather Iks president than 1 light, nnd
us I new f-eeni te be neither, I de re
solve te be both 1 " The course of Presi
dent Harrison should new lw closely
watched and his every word carefully
pondered, for great things, may per
chance result from a Saw Year's day
resolve, even If there be no great man
back of them.
Tun J'ublle Ledger illumine, a 1th tlie
compliments of Geerge W. C'litdx, Is ns
wolreiiio a New Year visitor nsjiny tried
old friend.
IN (hese winter days or foisting, when
the raw oyster's se pinnihient n leiuler of
bills of fare, nnd Is cooked In se many ways
nnd eaten In vat quantities,)! Is interesting
le netn sotne of the steps tnkan te "iroietit
Ills total extermination. National nnd stula
commissions lmve secured thu passage of
laws governing eyster planting, nnd the
fatuous eyster pirates of the Cliesipeake
wero rebels ngalnst laws of this kind thnt
wcre ten far leaching In tlielr olTect te be ap
preciated hy the Mj-ster dredgers.
The New Yerk commission hns Just
finished a careful survey of the eyster ter
ritory. " It Is inatked out Inte wiuaiesnnd
located ns thoroughly and Hclentlllcnlly asn
corner let en Broadway. An eyster planter
by this nrrnngenicnt can eugnge a enrtnln
number of these Bubinnrlne farms, nnd be
enabled te plant and work, Investing any
amount of inoney he pleases, without run
ning the risk of belng robbed und having
his work all undone."lt 1ms been discovered
that oysters can bonwdeto thrive as well'
In deep as In shallow water, and It is hoped
that the supply or blvalves may be greatly
Increased by the scientific cultivation of
deep water eyster farms.
TnnScranlen Jlrpubliean nlmnnne gives
evldcnce of thought nnd skill In meeting
public need in nlmanac lore.
Crjxsfs' Bulletin Ne. 1 ststns that by act
or March, JtteO, theroareto be ene hundred
und soventy-five supervisors of the census
anil a list Is published of the dlstilcls into
which the stntes liave been divided In
groups orceuntlos. Theroare ten districts
in Pennsylvania, nnd the second district
Is inndoupef Chester, Dulaunre, Lancas
ter nnd A'erlc counties. Philadelphia forms
the first district. Suiwrhitcndcnt Perter
says: " jii tlielurinntinn in inose districts
It has been the otrert of this olllce te study
the geographical advantages or each us te
density of population und railroad ruin ruin
ni'inlcntlen, with a vlew te obtaining the
quickest and most economical resnlts In
erk of enumeration.'' He adds that hui o e o
utler, as Information of public intorest Is
obtained, the superintendent will from
tlme te tlme Issue hiilletltiR, which will
place such lnfei'mnllim befuia the public In
convenient form.
lr is ai.wavs well le hear both sides of
the question, and (here can be llttle doubt
that Americans have heard far mere e( Iho
liberal and Irish side or the Irish situation
than they have of the Ponservutlio und
Tery part of the argument. A Tery iiioiu iiieiu iiioiu
ber or Paillnmeut und large laud holder
n-em n North Ireland county has an Inter
view In the New Yerk .sync In which he
Indicates n possible dovelepiiiout of the
present troubles te ethers even greater
" As seen as the tenants are satlslled at the
oxpense'ef the landlords, the agitators will
begin te put in their fine work with the
laborers, and seen the cry will go up that
the tenant Is net the actual tlller of the soil,
The political agitator has here u grand,
unfilled Held, and he will have no hesita
tion in working it Air ul it Is worth, lu lu
stead of times improving, I am afraid that
things will only go from bad te wero In
Ireland, und Iho outlook le ine Is very
dismal." He admits that en olectlen new
would return the ladicals te power, but
thinks that Parliament will net be dissolved
bofero it itiim its seven years, se that.the
next election would be In IftU. The great
strikes till lilm with alarm and altogether
this M. P. Is mighty pessimistic. When
political struggles are het and bitter the
men en the losing side are usually con
vinced that the country is going te do
st ruction.
Uew te llhle on;tlie Itnll.
Trem thudcrnnteu Truth.
Te pcople who de net care te lead, and
are net Inte ested In a conversation In a
long rlde In the cars thorn may be satisfac
tion In knowing that "wayside crlbbage"
Is a new gatne that most auyoneniav enjoy
en the rapid rlde te anywhere. Fer lu lu
stauce in a two-handed gaine ene pas
senger lakes ene slde of thu car,
and another the opposite and both
keep a sharp lookout ler objects that are
specifled In thu game. A horse counts one,
a cow two, u deg live and a cat ten, but
any soil of schediile can be arranged by
the parties interested in the game. The
usual points nre llfty te decide the game,
and ice cream, soda water or oysters nt the
end of the rlde charged te thn imsseuger
who hnd the fewer objects te his record.
This diversion hns mere in It than simple
amusement. It Impels ene ten closer ob
servation of things generally overlooked,
and after a few attempts at the guiie in
spires ene with a sense of enjoyment thai
rapid piegress, even through a well-known
section of country, has never nroused.
Most all (ussengers en a railway train get
uuearu Willi tne simple nurKsuei "getting"
somewnere. m ney ioek
out of the window
with eyes wide
nnd consciousness
net a .ieki: feh Tin: mtini:.
A NebnihUn (Jlrl llllndly Cees Threuxh
u Mnrrluire Ceremony.
This place Is enjoying nn unlque sensa
tion, says a dlsnatch from Sehujlnr, Neb,
County Judge Themas was called te the
residence of a Mr. Peele, whose dnughtur
Nellie was te marry it Mr. Patterson, ene
day last week. When he reached the
house fleerge Peel, a brother of the
bride-elect, told the judge privately
that Miss Helle Werth and himself were
le be wedded after Iho marriage of his
sister nnd Mr. Patterson, and he suggested
that they perjietrate a llttle practical joke
en the guests by reversing the order of the
ceremonies. The gt.epls, in the meantime,
who hnd been told tliat Oisirge and Miss
Werth wero te act us best man and brides
maid respectively for the ether couple,
were greatly surprised when thev came
out as the star actors In the matrimonial
drama. The ether marriage ceremony
nulckly followed, and then came the sensa
tion. Miss Werth, upon being told that she
was new the lawful wile et Mr. Peele, de
clared indignantly thut she had geno
through the performance with Judge
Themas ou the supposition thut this wus
necessary te the proper performance of
her duties us bridesmaid, aud that the
would never be the wife orOeorge Peele.
Mtss Werth U very handsome. She still
remains under the parental reef and her
father, who Is very indignant ever the
affair, says he will tuke steps te have the
marriage annulled. Peele has been going
with MU Werth two or three years.
AYakkke inKine AnTiiun's Cei'icr,
by Mark Twain, Charles I Webster t
Ce., New Yerk. '
Mark Twain's books are either lntensely
funny te thelr readers or tiresome It do de
ponds upon the read or the author varies
little and his last book Is no exception le
the rule
The reader must have n very keen np np np
proclntlenof hlsgetns of humor te wnde
through the dreary ex pauses or thin litera
ture In which he manages te hlde them. One
orihendvcrllsementor"A Ynnkceln King
Arthur's Court" speaks or it ns"nkeeu
and powerful satire en Kngllsh nobility
nnd royalty," but It can hardly be called
tlmt.ns it deals only with the llrllens of Iho
Gth century, or rather with the legondsef
thnt century, and It might as well be called
a satire en Iho French nobility ns the
Knights or the Itnund Tahle were the Ideal
of Hint splendid chivalry which had reached
Its height nt the French court early In the
12th eentnry.
Mark Twain cannot be said te have
maden happy choice. In his subject. The
legends of King Arthur's court nre the
dearest of all our childhood literature, nnd
ns elder children we ponder ever "The
Idyls of the King," nnd enjoy the
music of the peel's verse; nnd his nrt In the
choice or words In which he rcpeaU te us
the old tales, makes them doubly dear te
ns ; and ene doubts IT any ene likes te
have leeollecllens of this kind touched by
a course hand, much less inade morely
n subject of ridicule. Hut, putting
all sfutlmeuts te ene slde, It Is
always u questionable lastu that satirises
sicred subjects even If they nre considered
simply legendary. Mark Twain's humor
Is often cearse and his language Inelcgant,
and his Inst book Is net free from theso
faults, wlille It Is open te the criticism of
being made up of old material. Thohumet
lu it was all given several years jige in n
lecture dollvcred by thn author before the
Military Korvlce Institution and fully ro re ro
pertedln the New Yerk papeis of that dale.
The Idea or the visit or n Connecticut
Ynukee te n court or the days or chivalry
was humorous enough le sero Ter a lec
ture or short story, but the ellbrt te make a
book or It is an Imposition en the reading
public. He much Ter censure, and rorpralse
it inny be said lhat there nre soveral very
funny things In the book.
The Yankee has been n capable foreman
hi a large Hartferd factory nnd Is n fair
specimen of the shrewd mechanical mi
polished genius se aggresslve und success
ful In this age of invention nnd land of
progress. In a quarrel this man Is laid out
with n crowbar, and en coming te his
senses duds a knight In armor standing
ever him. The surprise or the Yankee, and
his roefings as he gradually realizes that
he lias goue back many centuries, nre well
described. There is n geed deal r strong
philosophy nnd n bracing democratic spirit
In the character of the Ynukee.
In the following extract Mark gives a
hint or the miseries of a professional hu
morist : The Ynukee sat In the king's "pri "pri
vnte be" nt n tournament when Hlr l)ln
ndan, who was waiting his turn te enter
the lists, catne hi and began te talk." 1 had
always responded le his efforts ns well ns
I could, nnd felt n very doepnnd real kind
ness for him, tee, for the reason thnt If by
niallcoeffuto he knew the ene particular
unocdeto w hlch I had heard orlenost and
had most hated and most loathed all my
life, he had at least spared It me. It was
ene which 1 hed heard attributed te every
humorous person who had ever steed en
American soil. It wus about n humorous
lecturer who Heeded an Ignorant iiudience
with the kllllngcit Jokes for an hour und
never get a laugh ; und then whoa he was
leaving, somegray shnplolens wrung him
by the hand and sild It had been the
runniest thing they had ever heard,
and It was all they could de te
keep from luughln' right out In nieelln'.
That anecdote uover saw the day that It
was worth thu telling; and yet I had sat
under the telling or It hundreds nnd thou
sands mid millions und billion of tluies,
mid cried and cursed all the way through.
Then who can hope te knew what my
feelings wcre, te hear this armor-plated ass
start In en It again, iu the murky tw ilight
of tradition, before the dawn of history,
whtle evon Lactuutlus might be rcrerred te
as "the late Lnctcntlus," and the Crusades
wouldn't be bem for (Ue hundred years
yet? Just as he finished, the call-hey
catne; se, haw-haw lug like u demon, he
went rattling and clanking out like a eiate
of loose, castings, nnd I knew nothing
mere, it was seme minutes before I catne
te, and then 1 opened my oyes Just in tlme
te see, Sir Oai'cth fetch him an awful welt
and I unconsciously out with the prayer,
"1 hope lograeleusho'skllledV" Hut by 111
luck, before I had get hair tlneugh with
the words, Sir Oiurcth clashed into .Sir
Sagraniorle Desli eus and sent htm thun
dering ever his herse's erupper, and .Sir
Sagramer caught my remark and thought
1 meant It for him." The result was a
ehallouge te mortal combat when Sir
Sagraiuer should return freui threo years
or Hely ('.lulling.
Ociian, hi a sea blue cover, w itli dashing
waves, shellllsh and tleatlng seaweed is a
very attractive periodical of illustrated
sua travel.
Captain Charles King's forthcoming book
is called ".Stai light Kanch and Other
Storles of Armv Life."
Tin: Feui'M for January has u stieng
article by Jehn f). Carlisle ou "the turill'
and the farmer." lie se ellectiiiilly an
swers the recent article by Senater Ciillein
ou thn same topic, that the reasoning of
thnt gentleman is reduced te hopeless ab
surdity. Majer Powell discusses prehis
toric man in America, iu which he teaches
the conclusion that there nre no evidences
of races or people occupying the country
nuteilorte the Indian tribes. The stene
implements round iu the Tienteu gravel
beds he Insists are or Indian origin, but dis
coveries inade slnce the writing or his arti
cle seem te i erute this. Anether notable artl artl
cle is en air navigation. Prof, (leld win Smith
writes of u einan's plnce in the state nnd
llenry Ijibotiehero discusses democracy In
Tin: Aruna for January has an excel
lent portrait of Dien Ueuclcault. Hugh 1),
Pentecost en "the crime of capital punish
ment" Is vigorous und clear, and Henry
Geerge writes with his usual eloquence
TIu OrlKln of l'lre.
I'rem iheHt. Leuis Uepubllc.
The Jleiuc .SX'tentytiiue prints u curious
paper hy 1'rofesior Jehy, In which he
Iniiulrci hy uhmn mul when Ure was first
illscevertHl. AlltiilliiK te the fiiblu of
l'remetlietis, he IIiuIh It et Indian origin.
In the Vetlns, the geil of lire, -lyii (coin (cein (cein
pure with the I.iitln, ljn(a) is concealed
In n secret plnce whetice the geil
Mctinlsh vim Ibrcei him out, mul
iiiaUeH him voiiitminlcnte the celestial
tire te Minion, thu tint num. The very
uiiine of rremelheus is traee.tble le the
VcUuh, und call te mind the preccbs nn nn
jileycii hy the ancient llrahinlns te obtain
Iho s.icied Ure. I'er thU purpese they
used a slick, callcnl iipiuiii:ith.i, which they
iKiiilrsl hy friction. The prolix praUei
the lilpH of takliie; by force, a clrcuintniice
which htreiiKtheiiH the oildence ett'ercnl hy
the robeinhluiico of that word te l'roine l'reine
theus. There nre bovenil ways of obtain
ing llre hy frlctlnn. Tlie most prlmltlve
Olie ceuslbtH In rubbing two pieces of dry
Tioed UKulnst eucli ether, hut this was Un
proved in course, of tlme. Next u Mick
uasinnde te Nlidu lery fust up mid down
Inn irroevoj thou enme the "llre drill,"
oenslfctiiifr in n ploce of weed having a
cavity in wlilch n wtlcl; wus Inserted, wlilch
wus pressed hy the operator, who ut the
same tlme made It turn very hut, ufter the
fashion of wimble. The ilrahiiiins used
this drill, hut with n cord rolled urmiiul It,
by pulling which they trave nn ullerimte,
rotary motion te the Mick. Anether mode
ofebuiiilncf llre was that of Mrlking two
flint together, etc.
r.vgxKD it ur.
Hew ii Wellington Pbynlctftn Settled
Accounts With Jeker.
Frem the Whlni ten Pet,
If n prominent physician ever In the
northwest hasn't get even with one practi
cal Jeker then It doesn't lie in the telling.
The physician lives In a very modern es
tablishment. Net only is there a special
night-bell, but a speaking tube counects
the doorstep with the head or Ids bed.
The practical Jeker has had Am with this,
He has been coining along nbeiit 1:30 a. in.
and standing en the oppesllo corner mid
laughing until his sides nched thinking
hew funny be was and what n geed tlme he
was having. Then he would cress ever
and ring the night bell nnd howl up the
speaking tube as if a whole regiment or
mothers-in-law en the next block had ten
minute cholera and wcre dying by the
wagon lead, And the peer, tired doctor
would reu se out of his first sweet sleep
and "helle" down the tube Then the
funny man would say;
" I)oes Dr. J llve hore? "
" Yes."
"Have you lived hore long?"
"Fer twenty years. Whoureyou? What
the blazes de you wnnt T"
"Jest want te kriew why you don't meve.
That's all. Ta! till"
And then the funny man bounces down
Inte the street and soeots home, where he
laughs for half nn hour straight.
He didn't laugh half se much the ether
night. The doctor was leaded for him. He
knew that laugh and that yell, nnd he
stuck a funnel In the lube and poured In
two quarts of nqua rertls. Str.tre.d's Indeli
ble Ink, liquid lye, and n few chemical
Whiffs of torment. It gurgled nnd gurgled
for one second then struck Defunny In the
mug Just ns he openod his mouth rer an
other howl. It came, with a thirty feet fall
und a ten pound pressure te the square
Inch, lie swallowed a pint before he could
f;ethls mouth shut, and the Impromptu
icse played nwny nit ever his face and silk
hat and shirt front, nnd dress suit. It was
a reef-raiser, nnd curled him Ilke a cock
roach en a het shovel.
It will cost the doctor $10 for plumbing,
but he grins every tttne he thinks of It.
HeiiBlit n Tut'iiplks,
rniin ihe MliUtlctewn Journal.
It Is rumored that Messrs. Pent nnd
Cutnbler, two well known Steelton capi
talists, have purchased the turnpike bo be bo
tween Mlddletewn and Stcolten, and a por
tion or It will be used In oxtendlng the
branch or the Philadelphia it Heading rail
road from Cumbler's quarries te the uew
brick yards ut thn Whlte Heuse, and from
thonce te Mlddletewn.
If you lime "blgncM" efthvhcnil,
A cough, nnd " ringing cam,"
A het und feerlsli cuticle
And eyes suiriiH'd with tcar,
A bilious feeling 'bout your waist,
Aud nchlng legs and hip,
Though far from well j ou nre net sick j
Yeu have net lest your " grip."
If you have " running" at the nose,
And cenxtnnt fits of aeezlng,
A chilly feeling down your back
As though your spine via freezing,
ir In a nervous, " rocky" stnte
Like one In drunken frenzy,
My friend, you've get the French " I.a Grippe"
Or nnglMi Inlluuui'it.
Ven the -V. 1". Tribune.
Hlniln and external Injuries nre the chief
causes of w-uk auklesnnd Jelutx. llv the free
ure ofHnlvutlen Oil u cure will be cirectcd hi u
short time,
" And there was a masked ball that night,"
yes nnd they kept i up pretty lively until
morning. Yeu see they weren't nfraliloflhe
early front knowing that nil 1U druggists kep
supplied Willi Ur. 11 ti It's Cough Hyrup, the old
reliable standby.
1'lnk cums nnd mouth nnd dazzling t celli
And breath of halm and lips et rose
Are found net In this world beneath
With young or old, wive only ihose
Who ever wisely, title they may,
Use HOZODONT hy night or day.
When everything else falls, Dr.
tnrrh lleinedy cures.
nge's Ca
K.HAw JUUniotte.
TjEuaieus .snuvicE.s wiu, he unui
IV Iu thu rollen lug churches en Heminy, In
the morning nt I0..10, In the c cuing ut 7:15. Hiin
ilny school nt 1:15 p. in. When the hour is dif
ferent It Is epcclally noted !
New UiiCKCif. ncrvlccs nnd Bundny school
te-morrow nieriitng ut the usual hour, 111 Leng's
Cireueil ok Cleu Vemer of l'rlnce nnd Or
nnge. Uew .1. II. Esterlliie, pastor, lteslval
serv Ices at T:I5 p. in., und every evening during
the week nt7:M.
DuursciiK lu.KenM St.'.Tehannks Kiiiciii: Kiiiciii:
Cerner of Orange and Mulberry streets. Serx In,
Iu theOermnn language fiem 9:J() le 10:15 a. in.
nnd from 0 te 7:15 p.m. .Sunday school fiem
12: Mle 1:15 p. m.
Oi.ivi.T IUrriST Ciiuiicii Dist Vine near
Diike street. Itev. M. 1'rnyne, inster. Commu
nion In the evening, The chinch will observe
theweck el prayer commencing Jan. 5.
OMVET Mission 'JJ1 Knst Frederick street.
Hiuulay .school ut 'I p. in. I'reuchlng lu thu
Iti:FeiiMi:n Ht. t.VKE's Murlettn "nvenuc.
Itev. Win. F.l.lclillter, pastor. Sunday school
at - p. m.
Divine service en Bundny morning iu the
llecklnud street school building at 10' o'clock.
Munday school at 2 p. in.
Himpsen CiiAi'Kir North Trlnce street Iter.
V. M. Hurrls, pastor.
Kvaneki.icai. Klrst Church. Iter. 1. r.
Iehr, pastor. Oerninu lu Iho morning. Sunday
school nt 9 n. in.
Ht. Paul's Kkfehjifp Iter. J. W.Memlnger,
pastor. Twilight service at 0:15 p. in. Uvenuig
berineu by Alfred Nevln, U. U.
WESTbiiyM. II. Council. Iler. Win. Noen
Thompson, pastor. Class meeting at
Sunday school nt 1:10 p. n.
Fut-sr llKteiiMKU. Itev. J. St. Tltzel, I). 1).,
1'nr.snYTEniAN Mr.MeniAi. Cliuncil Seuth
Queen street, Themas Thompson, pastor. Sun
day school nt 1:15 p. m. Sacrament of the
Lord's supper and bnpttsin In thu evening.
West Orange and Concord streets. Itev. C W.
Hauler, pastor, l'rnlse service nt0:30p, in. Hi
vlval during the week nt7:30.
Sit. I'AUl.'s M. 11 Cliuncil Iter. H.C. Yerkes,
pastor, u a. in. class. Sumliiy school nt 1:15 p.
m. r.irly prayer meeting ut tt-00 p. m. Series
of special meetings begins at 7:'Hi.
sr. Jehn's I.utheiian Itev. II. F. AUemau,
P. 1J., pastor. Services Hi 11 a.m. In German
Itefermcd church, corner of Orange nnd Mul
berry street. Sunday school nt St. Jehn's nt
Up. in., und nt Uetuuld Memerial Mission at i!
p. in.
Ciiiust I.UTiinuAN. Itev. E. I.. Heed, pastor.
UBAce I.UTiiEiiAN. Kev. C.K. llnupt, pastor.
Sunday school nt 2 p. m. Church services
morning und evening, l'uster's morning Ulbla
elnssat 0.
E'em.icvt. r.uTiiKiiAN Sunday Scnoei.
or i;siiamjki, North 1'lue near Walnut at 2
p. in. Services en Thurs toy e enlng 1117:30.
Kiilst M. H. Cliuncil Itev. S. M. Vernen, I).
P , pastor. Class meetings nt Ha. in, Siinduy
school nt 1:15 p. m. Kicrnnicnt lu the everling.
Meuavian. Itev. J. .Max Hark, I). U pastor.
Sunday school nt 2 p. m. Hely Communion lu
the evening.
Hvaneelipai. CiniRcn. Itev. Il.P. Albright,
pnster. Sunday school at 2 p. in. l'rutse &ci
vice nt 0:30 p. in.
Tiii.mtv I.uriiKitAN. Itev. C. U Fry, pastor.
Systematic bt'iicrlccnce day. Hely Communion
morning and evening, infant baptism at 3.:W.
Qnnrlerly meeting of Huuiluy school teachers
nuoclntleii ai:i.
Ca.ll and See
Jehn L. Arneld's Building',
Hlxty (uurtle-l.lght; Heats them nil.
, Anether Let of Cheap (1 lobes for U.isuudOll
Weather Strip.
Heats them nil. Thlsstrlpoiitwenrsnlletliers.
Kiein out tlie cold. Kteps rattllni,' of uIihIewh.
l'xcludes tlieilusl. Krepi out snow und rain.
Anyone can am!y IV no waste or illrt luailuln
"I'l'Iylnelt. Can be fitted anywhere tin holes
Ut liere, read $ for use, I will net split, warp or
shrink u cushion strip Is the mehl
tlie Htei e, Heater und llauge Htere of
Joki P. Schaum & Sens,
'.fHli.ADii.rtfiA, Bnturdsy, Jan. 4, MM,
Clelhing -1 k
The Men's .ind Beys Cleth"
ing catches the Bargain Mania
that new runs all ever the
Nbt Tjccausc the Clothing is
old it isn't ; net that we are
badly overstocked we aren't ;
net en account of dull sales,
sold mere than 'last Winter ;
but simply that we set out te
make great sales this January,
and Bargain Music is the only
music for double-quick sales in
present trade conditions.
Men's Overcoats. The sorts
for a mild Winter are reduced
in common with ethers. Loek
down the following 300 :
57 Men's OvcrcenU, several sorts. Kersey.
Heaver nnd Cass! mere, at f 10, wert 113 and
115 yesterday.
71 Men's Overcoats, Kersey, Frlexe and Mel Mel
eon, at IIB 00, were tin fiO and 118 yesterday.
07 Men' Overcoats, Oxford and Brown
Kersey, nt IIS GO. were tat) yesterday.
IS Men's Overcoats, Drab, Molten and Ox
ford Kersey, at till, were 122 yesterday.
M Men's Ovrrreiis, Kersey, all colors, at
I.e. were 3 50 and925 yesterday.
31 Men's Overcoats, Kersey, double breast
ed, very stylish, at 123, were 128 yesterday.
35 Men's Overcoats, very choice Kersey at
t2H. wereHl veslerdav.
Men's Overcoats, two styles finest Elyslaus,
nt 135, were H5 yesterday.
Metis Storm Coats. They
will be needed yet, but te hurry
your needs they come down to
day :
tl2 50 from IIS.
122 00 from 125.
A fen's justness Suits:
Suits Willi Sack Coats, In three sorts of
f reeds, ni no from 115,
iree mere sorts nt Sift from 118 and 130.
Three mere torts at 20 Irem tii GO and 125.
Beys' Cape Overcoats. 160
Overcoats, sizes 4 te 10 years,
in three groups :
Orenp one, II from II 75 nnd M 50.
(Ireup two, SO 50 from IS 50 and Vi.
Greup three, 17 50 from 110 and II I.
Custom Tailoring at prices
te keep cutters and hands busy.
We give you all the profits.
Dress Goods.
-The Dress Goods movement
te lower prices includes choic
est stuffs of every quality. Let
two or three from a few of the
lets stand for. all.
Fer Evening Wear :
Corded Silk Stripe Veil,
$1.25 from $2.
Silk Stripe Grenadines, $1.25
from $2. .
Silk Warp Figured Surah, $1
from $1.50.
Combination Rebes:
French Serge Robes with
bands of Persian novelty, re
duced from $16 te $10.
French Serge Robes, with
figured silk panels, reduced
from $28 te $iS.
French Serge Robes with
Jacquard figure panels, reduced
from $30 te $18.
Paids, Slrifics, etc. :
Silk - and - wool
from $1.
Cheviot Wick
from $2.
Plaids, 50c
Plaids, $1.22
Jehn Wanamaker,
China Hall.
Dccornteil Dinner Sets, from Havl
land China (flne ilccoratlen) Setni-Per-cclnln,
"Whlte Stene "Ware teEngllMh
Printed or Plain White, at prices equal
te any In the market. Decorated China
Dessert, Game, Fish, Meal, Trinket,
Puddiinj Set, Ae. Fmit, Oyster und
llone Plates. Celery Trays. Tea, Cof
fee ami Bouillon Cups. A. D. Cefli-en,
from the cheapest te $12 each, lleyal
Worcester, .Tapnnee Ware and ether
Fancy Goods lu large quantities.
Pieced and Kngraved Glassware In
New Styles and In Large Quantities.
Rochester Lamps in n Variety of Styles
and at the Lewest Prices. Don't make
your selection until you
15 East King Street.
Si'tVil Jleticce.
lTlSTATi: Oh
Jlj the city of lnncnster, ileceawd.
teatainentnrv en Milil estate halnir Ihvii
Krunted te the uiulerslKiietl, nil jterseiik Imkhuxl
thereto nre renuesteil te make liiiuiedlutein
luent, and lhe having claims or demand
iiKalust the suine, will present them without de
lay for fcetllemenl te tlie uniti rslvued, residing
lu Iinciikterclty. JOHN KIIIK1-, i:eculer.
Jehn A. L'evlk, Attorney. dll-OldH
13 A. O. K. of M. C, K. of O. K.
i.n.11. m..
O. U. A. Jl., 1'. O. H. or A., 1. 0. 0, t, Klk,
Charms und Tins, go te
Ne. 43 West Kin Htreet.
lwmt m
9ry .
T a. MARTIN ca.
Heavy Reduction In
J. B. Martin & Ce.
Ladies' Directeire Newmarkets
In Stripes, Plaids and Plain Shade.
The Newest and Meat Haleable Oarmenu Made.
Fermer Price. Present Price.
Ill 00 Dlrectelre Newmarkets 411 oe
1200 " " 60
1100 " " ., i. . 8 75
1800 " " .:..... BOO
Cleth NewmarkeU,
Itave bean placed en a aeparate counter, and
every one has been reduced.
117 00 Cleth NewmarkeU reduced te .....413 SO
it no " " " ...... 11 CO
1200 " " " 7b
1000 " " 825
800 " " " 075
060 ' " " SOD
Steckinette Jackets.
18 Ot) Htecktnttta Jackets reduced te ..10 GO
7 00 ' " " 800
0 00 " " " .4 75
500 ' " " 2J
Seal Plush Coats.
These Coats arc made of Walker Plush, thebest
made, and every sjarment guaranteed.
140 00 Heal Flush Coats, new..
8500 " " " ..
2000 . it ii ti
yjoe "
2800 " " " " ..
,..29 00
...IV 00
Misses' and Children's Goats,
That have been geed sellers all of this season at
II, 15, 0 and tS, are reduced te 12, IS, 14, .
Over 200 of Misses' Goats,
That sold nt!A.R, 110 nnd 112, new reduced le
14, 10 nnd 13.
j. B. MARTIN & CO.,
aar Opposite Htnvens Heuse.
With the eloe of trio old year It Is vir
tually the clesa of the busy season In
Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Dry
Goods, Ladles' Coats, Beets and Shoes
and Infants' Coats. At this season of
the year there are nnd there must be
tempting bargains te nttract buyers.
In fact this Is preeminently the harvest
of the present buyer, -ns nil classes of
merchants are nllve te the fact that te
carry stock ever from one season te
another Is a positive less. Therefore the
live men cut down their price without
regard te profit. This seaseu nre have
made reductions that will probably ex.
eel anything of the kind ever offered In
Lancaster. Tlie word has gene forth te
make unsparing reductions In Dress
Goods, Huts, Caps, Furs, Gentlemen's
and Bey's Hulls and Overcoats, Ladlei'
Coats, Children's Bulls nnd Overcoats,
Heets and Hhees, Notions, Underwear,
Neckwear, Cardigans nnd Hosiery. It
would be difficult te say where the larg
est cut downs are made, as everywhere,
all ever the house, there are large quan
tities of goods at heavily reduced prices.
They are fresh new goods that sold read
ily before Xmas at prices much abeve
their present mark. Never lu the exist
ence of our business experience was
there such an opportunity for the pur
chase of Gentlemen's and Bey's Suits
and Overcoats, Ladles' Coats, Dress
Goods, Ilats, Caps, ladles' Furs, Beets
and Shoes, Waterproof Clothing,
Trunks, Valises and Satchels at a lower
than, will be presented at this our un
sparing reduction effer: As goods dis
appear ethers will b carefully sifted
ever, thus bringing a continual stream
of fresh goods te the unsparing reduc
tion counters, amongst which you are
buroteflnd some nttractlie chance for
a Judicious Investment. There are
some goods that are STANDAIlDS, and
arc new marked at such low figures that
It would be Impossible te reduce their
prices. But these nre ceinparatlvely.few
In regard te the quality of goods that
have received such an unsparing reduc
tion that the figures left upon some of
them de net much mere thnu represent
the cost of the material used In their
In order te secure a choice selection, It
will be wise te eome early.
32-38 East King Street,
De net let J our teeth decay nny flintier. ou
de net often Hnd a decajed teeth that cannot
be suied by tllllnvr or crowning. Hale your
teeth examined and ntteuded te at once. It w 111
sine Kiitlerliic und expense. All operations
guaranteed. Killing Tteth and Pulnless Extrac
tion Specialties. n:KJuidAw
" 26 Years Practice lu Oue Office."
Over First NatlennI Bank. Dentistry In all Its
brunches. UrisadmlnWtcred. Teeth extracted
absolutely without imln. All work warranted.
bas removed te 138 East King street, having a
full line of Furniture of every description at the
lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at
tended la Call and examine our goods.
JUfdR Jl. WOLF. 1W KMt King BtrteU
Williamson Fester,
AQneflDCCUCDt Eitnerdiniry I
TheQiTfttcsttlodartlen of all In
Overcoats made te order nt cost price.
Trousers reduced from 110 te IS ; from IS te 13 ;
from te te M50.
neavy minings rcaucca nunc same rata. jl
Vnll Tln.fl fliilf nf ll.A Irtln.l .Ivlft M.l.rl.t I
satin lined, at 124. l
Tills Is the most sweeping reduction ever
made In Fine Tailoring, and will enable the
Mat. t.iivir In erf n nr.t.j.1fia qpHi.Ia fnv IIia
aame money he wfiuld have te my for a ready-
made one.
H. Gerhart,
IPm t300c
Great Reductions
Ladles', Misses' & Children's!
Frem te-dny we will offer our Entire Stock
Coats nt such reductions In prices as will maki
them the best goods for the money In the city.
Remember there will be no sham about oil I
Reductions. We will make a big dlircrcncelij
the price el every garment In order te sell evcra
Cent In stock If rxl'slble.
25 Easrt King Street,
Clarke's New Year Offering
with one neund box of thn Best Bnktnir Pewd
lu the market. The Cutlery Is warranted s
perler Sheffield make, nnd Is merely glvi
away 10 iniroaueo in tins mantel me uesi nn
Ing Powder known.
If you wish tell e lone nnd die happy cel
mence tlie New 1 ear by buying j our Grecerl
OI Ul.iYlllVl..
A Beautiful Calendar for 1SK) nnd n barrel
S. S. Marvin's Superior Crackers glien free
ail who call en New Yi.ur'8 meriiliur.
Headquartcra fur Tctley's Indian nnd Ceyl
Teas. Ne. 1 quality retails at 50c ji lb; Ne.l
quality reians nt euc n. inese are me r ine
Teas In the world.
Bargains In Dried Ii'f, Hams nnd H0I0311U J
wprecKies ruignr in kieck ui isj t' ".
Ask for our Rebate Cards.
A Drep In the Price of SUGARS ofjjsefj
per peunu. A
The gradual deeline of Sugar enables us te
auce the price, and we thin
sugars are ubel
as low as they will be.
Coffees ! Coffees I Coffees
The Coffee market Is very firm, but we hn
Just received 50 bass (ever 0,000 pounds) of!
exceiicni. Jim inucu iuht.ii ut 4ju u imuu
resii neasieu. uue itairiai.
The Yentzer Evaporated Sugar Ce
The finest In the market, aud sold only by
rine lame ireiu, uuiuieu aim jieuie uu
17 East King Stree
All Sugars Redccjd Half Cent a Penl
Our rrcdittiuiH Again Fulfilled.
Twice during the Summer months we j
dieted a drop of one cent a pound each till
We get It. Several weeks uge we told yeiH
keen your eyes en our aieriitemcni, as 1
Himln exneeted il dren of one cent u pound.
Is fast npiireachlng it. We give you the I
cent te-lay leek rer tlie oilier nuir cent it
don't nav us te write in) Huirnrs. but we dJ
for your lntereit. A penny saied lsapei
Riicarnreil ltrtlilH nt 12U.C "ri ft).
Finest Picnic Hums, from 0 te 10 fts, Tc f tbl
Finest Extra Dry Knuckle Urlcd Beef, 151
S. I
Finest Extra Dry Regular Dried Beef, 10c tl
Sumineriioiegna.w r in.
Smoked Fish &c.
Ijinje Sugar-Cured Bloaters, 3 for 60 and 1 1
10c. I
Scotch if erring. 50 te 00 in a box, per box, J
1 (Miiiiiu, ec, ec, 111111 ery cneieesi, luc r m
Pickled Herring, Olbs for 23e.
l'lckled Trine, lu 20-neinid keL's. SI 25.
Mincemeat, 0c, he and 10c V lb.
aoetbsof Sueet Baking Butter at I3e nnd
This U a bargain, und we cull bilkers' attenl
te It.
Finest Pure Yerk State Heney, 15e v tb, S
for liV-
Big line of Finest Flerida Oranges (TI
Fresh Thick or Thin Water Crackers, 4
for the.
h'rpsli XlruncsniuIGInircrSnaiV). .1 lbs fer:
Aeents for Masen's Fnliinus Muter Cluck.
Carload of ball ill te-morrow. Get our prh j
Biggest line or urieu 1 runs in ine cuy. H
Auents ter Chase A .Sanborn's Famous Ii
fees. .
riot mm nf our Cards.
Buy W) worth of Grca-erles In ninety ill
und uet the family rnysici.ui, weriuj
They nre going fast.
Directly Onnelte
J, B. Martin 4 Ce.'s Dry Ooeds Stere, nncl
Hvxi iioer tOMerre. uerw iieiei.
Ne, U Wl King sir
fc y
O -tgiC,