IWL!iWWjWWTV ' H"fl ,s , y. f . t " - .vu ? - ..,,. - r u-j' V.T e-r' 'V'WY! V T"U1 V IKY, U e I 'TV Jt1 vl"',fT'. v" A. s -'JJ '"? f ffil.". .L 'HjV '. ,; tv j .tv KVTiSl ?. 5-J-j 'I V f. litTi 1 iJLKOlSTTO DAILY ttmiiaLJraEll,JPKIDAY, JAKUAHY 3, 1890. ES 1 TKItMHTflOMOrr. Ttar yr teBe' ltd Mbarmla' with etaarM' HMf SBr), AV4t mm mm ter alclttr, bat It's Alten '.atriam' bright: TWItihaaalt ray Mbrekra (w-athmuMV . lkFMr.ar- ftsrtr Tim te ever tarata' own ItMCvtek ' , that feed her blaae. ttetitwarty te yc 4uly If ye' get A thing ' tarda T pat rr shoulder te thtrwfcatt tuVtryt POM her through ; Bf yr upon 'wayward track yw batter tara beat Tew v leat (bar chanc tar de It whan ta Light Qeea - Oat. I'd ralliar dia with no thin' then tar bar Iter paopteMy That 1 bad get y money In a rebblB', graptL! wayj Me warda abev ay raatla' ptaea weat ay tongue or pea Weald her a deeper meanln' then "Ha helped hie Mlsem.n . oaf yea bv a fortune and yea want te help the peer. Don't keep a stavla'eeT until yen getallttla Kf yar upon a miser track yea better tarn aaeat Yer reeerd keep oe burntn' when the Light Oeee eat. Frem tht CMeage Int4r-Oemn. Prem Richmond. Va I eell a treat deal of Or. Buli'i Cough Syrup and And that It give eiser sausraouen roan onjreinrvo"no7rup. 1. W1UUA HUBSIiSI . llfUBHl. "Once npen a midnight dreary." . when I ae aad and weary, upon my bed half mad with pain a friend bought me a bottle of. Bel ra asaBaaanu au bbu "" sw m uuuu asr W BJBA i ei wn Ulll, and tien oil. it eurea me. I needed " nothing mere." The a rare Geta Tired Yawning;. Seemingly, for certain wretched Inrallda who eddle feebly along, though alwaya looking aa U they were going te die, but emitting te de it. They dry up, wither, dwindle away finally, but In the meantime never having robust health, knew nothing of the pbydclal enjoy. went, the teat of that existence te which they cling with euch remarkable tenacity. They are alwaya te be found trying te mend by tinkering at themselves with eeme trashy remedy, tonic or "pick me up " te give a fillip te digestion, or "help the liver." If euch misguided folk would resort and adhere te Hosteller's Stomach Bitters it would be well with them. This superb Invlgerant supplies the stamina that the feeble require, by permanently reinforcing digestion en and assimilation. It overcomes nervousness, Insomnia, malaria, kidney com plaints, blllleusness, constipation, rheumatism and neuralgia. Janl-8 The usual treatment of catarrh Is very un satisfactory, aa thousands of despairing patients an testify. A trustworthy medical writer says : " Proper local treatment Is positively necessary te success, hut most of the remedies In general nee by physicians afford but temporary benefit. A care cannot be expected from snufft, pow ders, douches and washes." Ely's Cream Balm Is a remedy which combines the Important requisites of quick action, specific curative power with perfect safety and pleasantness te the patient. Special Static. Mether I Mothers 1 1 Mether tit Are yea disturbed 'at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of catting teeth T If se, go at once ana gel a bottle or mhb. wxnb LOWS BOOTHINQ BYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it ; there Is no mistake about It. There la net a mother en earth who haa ever need It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating Ilka magic is penecuy Nue w use id ail ! ana pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United State. Bald everywhere, M cente a bottle. June251ydw la Conanmplen Iateurablef Read the follewing: Mr. C.H.Merrls, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,. am new en my fifth bottle, and able te oversee the work en my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Mlddleten, Decatur, Ohie, says: "Had it net been for Dr. King's New Discover for Consumption I would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new la beet of health." Try It Sample bottles free at H. B. Cochran's Drug Htere, Ne. 137 and l N, Queen HU. Lancaster, Fa. (6) Bneklan'a Arnica Salve. The Ban Balvk in the world ferCuts.Brulses Seres, Ulcers, Bait Bheum, Fever Bena, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bain Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded, rrlce 26 cents per box. Fer sale by 1L B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. une27-lyd A Scrap of Paper Savea Her Life. It was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but It saved her life. Bbe was In the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and get a sample bettle: It helped her, she bough t a large bottle, It helped Aer mere, bought another and grew better fast, pentlnued Its use and Is new strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te v. H. Cele, Druggist, Fert Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at II. B. Cochran's drugstore, 187 and m North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. UPatchCw. -TTFATHEBi HMER1CHN Watches, lffiJSb&gg!& Optical Goods. Telegraph Time Dally. Rvery Article In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ko.lBHerUiQneenBt..MearP.K.B.IU,Uo, TEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILLa, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. DIH7-TONDS. Our purchase of DIAMONDS, loose and mounted, being made before the raise, we offer our Immense stock at former LOW PRICEH. A Beautiful Line of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, GENT'S OOLD WATCHES, LADIES' AND GENTS SILVER WATCHES. A Full Line of NOVELTIES. OHAS. S. GILL, Ne. 10 Weft King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. TpOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Herr.Jeweler, FOR Holiday Gifts ! IN WATCHES, JEWELRY AND 10YELT1ES. A Nice Line of DIAMOND GOODS In Rings, Ear Rings and Combination Sets AT LOWEST FMCE.H. tyalter 'C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANQE. -frOR HEADOUARTERS Ij A. O. K. e?M. U, K. Of G. E., I. O. R. M., 07 U. A. M P. O. S. of A, L O. O. F., Elks, Ch.rm..uan.,geW , Ne, West King Bueet, 'rroeo'8! TOTALLY HII,PT,ftH eTPHI . evQMMtV eiHMaMaWHlMaB,alVHBMl 'Ca toy MaaeVa aatgaaaftlla. Tbaatetttsat rnsaeaaW la eaaasd by aeea- 1aiailAsM ga Baatfafl Is ftlas kiasaal amat ftteaa AftM. tgeaaaA aaWW (Ssl MM BIB Wf a9tjjMsa eMBa MOT aW Han ifet'i MjfjtMllaa bftaC vvmAmIM yvwvr Ui JaWJsJafiB BBamaafHnlHs) UI OTnfftlf UUa CMSaWM In Mar, ttm, I was taksa with seUtle rata auMsaam say lata aad anas. It aetlraly pra veatad SMfrsenwarklag, aad I was eeaAaad temybadeaHralyaalpleaa. Ikad medleal at tsfiasaea aad la Aagast, I was Jatt aMa te mevaarsat..I traa reduced teamereekele. son aad my aaaatila was entirely gene. Itwaa thaeght ay aU my trleade that I eeakt net yas. MMy live. I tee almost everytklag I eesttd aeare(,Btttst a god rralb),darlat that wtattr. OMaaifaawMabeat taking Haea'a f4arsaaarU)a tn.Mareh, April aadMay.Iaoa aadMay.Iaea eluded te try Ik Oa bottle gave me se much relief that I took foer bottles, aad alaeethaal have at HiaariqilU with rtMataattam,aad aVaaf VJaVMsnH nvvnasMI BM awsnW t MsVt aVKMa H JT appMte la taereastniaad I am galalag in dash, laetrttata aay wheta impraTemeaf.te taking Heed's -.nnrmaarliUV and X earnsaUy reeeav mend it te an who are treabledwltt like dls eaee. Xaanatder it the greateHmadlclaeever putu' W, r. TATten, Emporlam,Came Emperlam,Came ran Oev, Peen. "1 hereby eertlfy te the toregelBc facte aa etatad." Jekatkax Otryone, Jaatica of the Peace, "pwrlaia, Paan. HOOD'S SAJtSAPAlOXLA Heldbyalldrntglsta. Mjalxferla. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD CO, Lewell. Maas. MgDOSneNBDOLIAR. (J) s wirrsBPBcif'ia MIRCUKIaVL RHjTOMATm. - mAtm fciafc.l -iIShI4m Ar- kaaeae, writes: "About ten years age i trace a eerere ease lOtDioea poteeew The lead ing physicians of the, ctty were eabed la. aad they prescribed medicine after medicine, whleh I took without affording me any relief. I also tried mercurial and potash remedtea, with the same ansueceasrul result, but which brought en an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of untold agony. After suf fering four mom hs, I gave up all termer reme dies and commenced taking Swift's Bpaetaem. B. b.) After taking several betUearTwas en tirely eared and able te resume work. ' I con sider Swift's BpeclOe (S. & 8.) the greatest med icine for bleed poisoning te-day en the mar- INHERITED SCROFULA. t BwlR's Specific p. B. 8.) eared my little boy or hereditary scrofula, which broke out all ever bis face. Fer a year he had suffered, and I had K van up all hopes of his recovery, -when at ngthl was Induced te use B.B.gv After uatns a ifew. betUes he was entirely cured. Net a symptom new remains of the disease. This was three years age. MRS. T. L. MATHERS. Mathervllle, Miss. Treatise en Bleed and Skin Dlseasee mailed free. (!) SWIFT BPECiriO CO., Atlanta, aa. TJJkTa CREAM BALM. CATARRH, "HAY RVIB. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Alleys Pain and Inflammation. Heel the Beres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Small. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and is ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lyddw Ne. M Warren BU, New Yerk. "WJ'JnDBVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed. Strengthened, etc., la an Interesting advertise ment long ran In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will ear that there 1 no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested eealed circulars rlvlnr all nut tlcalars, by writing te the ERIK MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan St., Buffalo, N. r. Detty Teledo -Be. fU-Iydw rpKETHING STROP. ' TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of DR. rAniuibi e iuiinuiu sinur. . Pnf-ftyliw m nuvi)iuiiwiuryainuanii will ileve Celle, urlplng In the Bowels and Premi Dlfflcult Teethfur. Prenarad hv DHM. T. PA U 1 PmmntA ng. Prepared by DRS.D.FAHR- NRYASON, Hagerstown, Md. DruggUU mil It; 36 cents. Trial bottle sent by malflO cent. lane-lydeedw Kttvpttm. T ANCABTER CARPET HOUSE. 8HAUB & VONDERSMiTH. IT PAYS THE BUYER TO GO TO SHAUB & VONDERSMITH. RUGS. CARPETS, ART SQUARES, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Etc. FINEST LACE CURTAINB AND PORTIERES In the City for the Prieee. Be Sure te See Them, BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES GROUND FLOOR I ONE PRICE ! CARPET AND CARPET WORK I BEST AND CHEAPEST I Near Cerner efOrange & N. Queen. augW-iyd jfurnttmr. w IDMfER-8 CORNER. WIDMYEFTS LINE IS Large and Geed, AND Werth Mere Thin tbe Price Pat On It, WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, CORNER E. King & Duke St. 1C1URNITURE. PLUSH ROCKERS HT COST. FORTWODAYSOURBACKIFICE IS YOUR GAIN, COME QUICK AND SECURE ACH0ICE0NE BEFORE THEY ABE GONE. LOTB OF OTHER GOOD THINGS AT CUT FHICK3TILL XMAH, HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. 2IUE FINEST LINE OF WAX STEKIC . Add and Paraflne Candles for the Holt Helt yi, at MILLER'S SOAP COs FDRNITDRE Clltt. TMMaWSC BanWCTKIM. L. OaUTlMAlf B10. mn Rfductiens ! We ibara jnst Inangurated a Great Redue- A BwMpinf Bwdnetienl EVEkYTHINa JUHWCCD. Owweala,Masf pileelUW, Hew Sell Sell Sell y9jsjreHametwoaM4ee;HewaM. jjsfftmaaai. an am xleemaXHowsaB xleemaXHewsaB jea" salta tenaer price M Ct, New stHat at f j"A wi snita, Mat ii price IU en, New Heiiiag in suta.asrnMV prieagga,NewseHla 'a Bsseaa QseMSs an in win Msn. Vm.'BIJ tf M w-w. " -", " Jfteeate, tanner prlea mm,V0wmt laW'aOrMMata, fernter prica Ml N, Hew Sell- tBOIandlsYee. Hew SelUag aTlU 00 aaaJW en! Trenssrs ijasAa te ertsrltiat were RN aad Children's Overeeata sreasNetntev upwards. am -large essei tiaaate? Maa'aTkeyH aad Children's Pante at reduced prlesa. EverydoUarnewbuya the worth of mere thaa two. L Gansman A Bre.. a e Tailors aad Meanfcctaren of Men's. Bera and CbUdran'a Clethlag (Czelusl ve.) M aad M VMTH tVBBI tfl .W.CWUrneraSaatH. UMAITIB.PA. dgfMoteeaaeetadwita any ether Clothing Heuee tn the dty. r-Be eautleus and maka ae mistake ae that yen get te the right place. M ART1N BROS. The Power of Price te Move Things. FOR PRESENT WANTS AND , FUTURE HEEDS IM CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS FOR Men and Beys. Reedy-Made or te Order, 1 1 will pay you te buy new. VISIT THE CUT PRICE CLEARING SALE That will mark an epoch of bargains started new and te continue for JKNUHRY. AT MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. ftflTKRS A HATHFOR. AFT1R-0HEI8TMAS BARGAINS There Is a geed assortment of DESIRABLE CLQTHITO TO PICK FROM YET. At all prices and In geed variety, U 00 te 00. Men's Suits, 110.00 te $22.00. A geed chance te buy Clothing below lis fac tual value. The.quallty Is always "RELIABLE." Myers & Rathven, Reliable Merchant Tailors, NO. 12EASTKING STREET LANCASTER. PA. Samp. N EW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call andL See THE- FINE NEW LAMPS AND KRT COODS OK BECOND FLOOR JotaLAmeld'sBiulcLing, NORTH QUEEN STREET. dS-tfd plALLANDSEK THE ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Ugbt; Beets them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and OU Steves. THE " PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. BeaU them all. Tblsstrlpoutwearsallethers. Keeaa out the cold. Stene ratlllna of wlndewi. 'Kxcludee thedusU Keeps eat snow end rain. Anyone can appiy it no waste or airi inaas in applying It. Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready for use. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the roost perfecLIAt tbcHteve, Heater and Range Htere of Jehn P. Scnaum & Sens, 84 SOUTH QUEEN 8T., tANCIAaTJttPA, 9jf M STMBK HAUGHMAN. Great Reduction in Price, TO CLOSE OUT OUR HAimSOIE SEAL PLUSH GOATS -AND- LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH COATS, - AT - Metzger & Haugh man's, . Nes. 38 and 40 West Kinq Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THK COOPER HOUSE.) -DARDAMcKLBOi'. M. SS a4 N MlXk QMsl Mmt, Speciil Birains in Oir MATtmnntCH I ra-aillr Hm1hyhU Lt.lK,llB0,etc ImlUtlen Silk Mufdere at gee, anrtiBc Bargains in Ladles' Handkerchiefs at lie, Jc, ac Me, ate. Ladles Initial Handkerchiefs at We ; exlra quality at Me ; worth ate SLOTM-Estraerdlaary Value In Ladles' and Children's Gloves, In black and go. He and up. Mes'e Olevee aad Mltta In wool, oil tan leatherfer buckskin, at 90a, . fQnCiTw " h " Hosiery In the city for the money. Anether let of Children's Black Ribbed Cotten Hese, slightly Imperfect In the weaving, at 8e ier pair, regular price, 12VCC Bargalna 'tt Weel Hese for Ladles, Men or children. One let or Ladles' Regular Made Vleee at ifc, TJaf BRELLAS-Glerla Silk Umbrellas, M In., II 00 j in., f I SI 5 30 In., 1 6a BLANKETS A pair of Blankets would make an elegaut Christinas Present. Ths best value In the city. , 9 TABLETCLOTHS Linen Tabte Cleths, !fl yards long, with 'one dozen Napkins te match, only M 80: J yards long, with Napkins, only 3 0) j I yards long, with Napkins, only 13 te. Bar. puns in Towels. intRTS-Eatra Values In Men's Weel Dress Shirts at 75e, II 00, f 1 25, 11 80, IS 00, etc BARD A Km. 33 u435letliQiiMBltreet. Sstatcht. He 2. RHOADH 4k BON. People who want plain, practical everyday goods, as well as the Finest Jewelry and Table Wares ! WILL FIND THEM Watches, Clocks, Musical Bexes, Jewelry, etc, Re- paired. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WIST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, PA. eVnvulturc XfTE'LL MAKE A PRESENT TO YOU OP A GOOD SHARE OP THE PRICE FOR Beautiful ! Useful ! FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GIFTS I ONLY TWO DAYB YET le sell, se we bare CUT PRICBB HALF. OCHS & GIBBS, 2d, 8d and 4th Floers, Ne. 31 Seuth Queen Street, tCeUO F UNN A BRENEMAN. What Minii & Breneman Dells and Dell Carriages, Hteam Engines, Magic Lanterns, Magnetic Toys, Printing Presses, Teel Chests, Building Blocks, Feet Balls, Mechanical Toels, Klna Lamps, Carvers, Nut licks, etc., FLINN 3t BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN 8T. LANCASTER, PA. fficurprt TJARUAINUI ae te Shirk's Carpet Hall I FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Bag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. W Hat teb LABeasT akd Bbst Stock in tub Crrr. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. QarDnmr. H ARDWARE I HARDWAREI If you want te buy a Useful Christmas Present OOTO Marshall & Rengier's, 11 HODTU Q.UEKN CT. Tbrre you can get CUTLERY. ORANITK WARE, CARPET 8WEEPMR8, HAD IRONS, EXl'KEiH WAOONU, da Steves in Endless Variety, AND A FULL LINE OF General Hardware. MAJHALL&REIJ&IER NOB. 811 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. letn-lvd Ceal. -' T UMUEK AND COAL. Jj TOBACCO BROOKS AND CAB EH. WEST ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and ltetall, by B. R. MARTIN A CO., ns-lyd 421 Water Street. Lancaster, Pa. "AUMUARDNEKil COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orrice-Na 12 Nertti Queen Street, and Ne. M4 North Prince streeL Yabw-Nertlt Prtnva Braat, near Reading liaWOaaTTamrA. . Oppetta Foeatala 1st. Line for the Holiday Trade. .I IfW 1e. ana- av. av. t. Rllk Mafflm at TV. colors, at 18c, Kc, tee, eOe, Oppoaite FenntaJa Ian. IK OUH STOCK. &? Have for Beys and Girls ! Tree-holders (New), Havings Bnnks, Bllred Animals, etc., Iren Toys, Express Wegens. Velocipedes, Girls' Tricycles, Sleds aad Coasters for Wedding and Christmas Presents. flail. -rjAUUAlNSI ev (tle or Unt. TO EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S GENERAL REAL ESTATE OFFICE, IIOUBES.UUILDINOLOTS.FARMH, MILLS, Ac, for sale. Great bargain. Call for our new Cutuloguejusteut. HOUSES and BUSINESS I'ROl'ERTI IS al ways en hand for rent. RENTS COLI.ECTED Properties taken charge of, collection of rent, pa) meut of taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without tieuble or an. neyance te owners, MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTOAaES.-Per thee having money te Invest we have first class inerticugrs ou band and the best of facili ties for Investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared and titles carerully exauiliied. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 103 EAST KING STREET. novo Srnd NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND OUN NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden te treepass en any of tbe lands of the ernwall Mid Speedwell estate In Lebanon or Lancaster ueunues, whether inclesed or unlnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or tuning, aa the law will be rigidly enforced against all tree, pasting ou said lands of the undersigned aft this notice, WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. FEItCY ALDEN. KDW.UFUfCMAN, f I M K. WTttlUMM'l AUdTBtfl tWfg, Prg tfoefe. J. B. MARTIN CO. FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY Heavy Reductions In LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S COAT DEPARTMENT! AT J. B.Martin A; Ce. Ladies' Directeire Neimirketb In Stripes. Plaids and Plain Bhades. Tbt Newest and Most Naleable Usrrasnu Made. former Price. lis Directeire Newmarkets... nn noe " H00 " Present Price. .... m411oe . tu S7S . soe Oleth Newmarkets, nave been placed en a separata counter, and every one has beeu reduced. 117 00 Cleth Newmarket rednced te HSU 1(00 " " " HBO noe ' , 7 1000 " ' ' ...... g85 00 " " 675 W " " " ,... STO Steckinette Jackets. MOO Steckinette Jackets reduced te., te CO 700 ' W BOO ' " ' .,...,..... 75 ft 00 " " ' . .4 35 Seal Plush Coats. These Coots are made of Walker Plush, tliebest tnade, and every garment guaranteed. 140 00 Seal Plush Ceals, new 8600 M " " ......... 1009 " " " " . , , 8600 " " " ,. ggOO " " " " , -wee ...m wee MOO SOW .. 11)00 Misses' and Children's Goats, 75 CHILDREN'S COATS, That have been geed sellers all of this season nt 4, 6, and ft), ars reduced te f, til, f I, te. Oyer 200 of Misses' Goats, That sold at M, IS, 110 and 112, new reduced te ii,8auds. J. B. MARTIN & C0.f COBWEB WEST KINO AND PRINCE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA., gVOppeslte Stevens Heuse. B ARUAINS AT C1TARLKS HTAMMU After Christmas Prices I lilt riiuliss,39c slllkVelveU,g7Sc Surah Bilk, S7Kc. 21-Inch 11.00 Black Silk at ne. (Oe Plain Omss Bilk at Sic. .7-lnclill 00 Black Htnrlettuat74e. Black Velvet at 10. 60c Dress Goods at 25c. AU-Weel 40-Inch Serges at 20c. 40-Inch Tricot Cleth at !2Ke. 21-Inch Bilk Plush at 7tc Bead Trimming at Half Price. fl 00 and 1160 46-Inch Black Lace Flouncing at 760 and fl 00. Quilled Lining at 25c. 82-Inch Half-Weel Cleth atJOe. Deuble Width Cashmere at Se. 10c and 12Xc Dress Goods at S. Fur Trimming at Half Price Cleslug Out Ladles' Llnsn Cellars and CuOs All at One Price, 5c, Ne. 9 Bilk Ribbons a 6s a yard. Ruchlngs at , 6, 10, 12, 17 and 26 Cents , Black Ilalr Muffs, Mc, 76c, tl 00. Children's Lace Cellars, 6, , JO, 12W, 17, 20 and 25 Cents. Feather Trimming, 6 Inches wide, 12c a yard Black Thibet, Breche and Blanket Shawls Cheap te Clese Out. White Aprons, 20,26, (3, S7X, 60, 62H and 75 cts. Children's Scheel Shawls at 67c, 13 50 Steckinette Jackets at tf 60. Unbleached Muslin at8He and 6c Napkins, 26e and 60c per desen. White Flannels at , 10. 12S te 60 Cents. Blanket Cheap te Clese Out; Comfert Cheap in Clese Out. Underwear Cheap te Clese Out, WhlUQullt,78c,tlOO,126,sl &. Heavy Striped Shirtings, flc. UndlgeBlue Calicoes, 6c. Lace Curtains. 75c, II 00, l 26, II 60 a pair. 60e and 76e White Shirt at l7Xc and 60c Geld Head Umbrellas, tlfte. Umbrella at 23, 60 and 75 cent. Curtain Lace, 10, lil& 17, 20, 25 ceut. Best Plns-14 rows for 6c Linen Thread, 4c a spool. Toilet Soaps, 6 piece for 10c Bklrt Braid, S!4c Dress Bblslds, 6c and 10c a pair. Best Spool Cotten, 8c a spool. Spool Bilk, SSc a spool. Best Ammonia, 8Jc a bottle. Knitting Silk, Het for 25c Plush Albums, 60c, 76r, 1100. Misses' Corset Waists, 2&c Llnsn Handkerchiefs, 2, S, 6, 8, 10 cents. Silk Handkerchiefs, 12H. 15, cants, Silk M ufflers, 60c, 76c, II 00. Plush Ornamsnts, 1, 2, 8, 4 and 6 cents. 60c and 76c Corset at OTXeaudOOc. Menkey Muffs at la 60. Heavy Canten Flannel, 4, 6J, 7, 8, , 10 ceuls. Dark Calicoes, SHc and 6a. Smog Setts, 60c, 75c, 11 00. Charles Stamm, LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. nutate. rpilK M USIO STORK, THE MUSIC STORE, 14 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. WOODWARD & CO. Tbe Great Holiday (Christmas) has coins and gene, and among the throng of purchasers our old friends remembered lis, while hundreds or new eues found us out. 'Ibe old Pioneer Muile Dealer of Lancaster was net forgotten. And new we thank en. Fer the future we shall still use our best endeavors te merit your patron age ; and If the most rellablogeods, at the letr. eat prices, ran make you our friends and pa trons, we shall certainly retuln) our trudeaud confidence, WThe World-Renowned Decker Brethers' Ftaues, Haines' Brethers' Pianos, Masen A Hamlin Organs. Magnificent Stock of Orcnn Sertli pen Street, ICvavtltv' 8utt TJENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHIB JTln effect from Nev. 10, IMS. rtiil'.ni,5Ay" kAKcaaTEB and leave d rlveatPhlledelphlaa fellows I lm. rwnrnyxjun l0KW Philadelphia. viuur.xpress Jjews Expressf Way Paener u p, m. 4:30 a. m. a, m. 9S)L tn. iSSS: Mafltralnvl&iiL wmm, as Ne.fMallTraintv. Niagara Express, Hanover Accem... Fast Llnet........... Frederick Aecem.... Laucaster Accem.,.. iAncaster Innn VI Columbia , a. ra. via Columbia MHB USMSWB ii: a. til. ep. as. 7:41 p. as, via Columbia ii:a.m. TteMtJay.. Uarrlsburg Acoem. Columbia Accea... SL'siSHir-- xeep, m. 4:40 p. m. 9cs0p.m. 838 p. -a. t se ee see ) Lsav Lan caster, 230 a. tn. 4:Ua. m. 8: a.m 1:10 a. m. MOa m. lHa.m. 128 p. m. ja6p.m, 8:00 p. m. 4:46 p.m. fcJ6p.re, 12:58 p. m. Lancaster Acce... EARTWARD. Phlla. Expressf.... .-?B.."i Lancaster Aeee. uarrtsbunr irimiw Laneaster Accem.... wotemoia Aocem, Atlantle Rxpreest. Meashera lrinri Phlladslphla Aeoem. nuneny Mail., Dav Kpr I llarrlsbunr Amaia I Mall Tralnf-. ..J VMlf).Ba. reaerics: Accera.... fine only trains which run daily. On Sunday the Mall train west run by way Columbia. J. It. WOOD, General Passenger Agsa , CHAS,E.PUUU.Uenerallanager. IHU.ADELPHIA A READING RAILROAi. READING COLUMBIA DIVDUON. On and after Bnnday. Nev 10, 18, Fer Readlne and lntarmadls.ta tMlnt. days,7:W a. m., 1ZS6, 8.-48 p. ts.; Sunday, 8588 a., ',, mu?.ft.:.. . J mr. a. aa. .-..- 1L-4J a. A -A?. Mp.Ba, ,;f; tjip.aa. J'lM ur riuumeiDaia, ens nays, r;m a. m DTSB, 45," 8:48 p. m.j Sundays, 8J5 p. m. it riMl Ynrk l Phllartalnhla .V Am i"1 7J0a.m.,12:i,:tSp.m. Fer New Yerk via Allentown. week davsv Fer Alle'ntewn, week days, 7:30 a. m.,M i aa.tBnndar. 8.-60 e.m. ' xa Fer PetUvllle, week day, 7 JO a. m., 8:48 p. ssw X-, eerunu . . TTT --. ' Lebanon, week day. TK a.B., 12JL6JB ; Sunday, 8.-06 a. m, : p. m. Harrisburg, week days, 7K a. rsu, UfcK, 'M p.m.1 Fer 53 n. m. s Bundar. 8.-06 a. m FerQnarryvll week days, tat a. M 8.00 p. m. ; Bunday, 6:10 p. m. TRAINS FOR LANOABTER. Leava Reading, week day. 7:20, HJtsv t-M p. tn. 1 Sunday, 730 a. m.: 8:10 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, week day, 4:15, M Leava New Yerk via Philadelphia, weak days, 7:45 a, m.. 1:30, p. m. 12:15 night. 7 pi Leave New Yerk via Allentown, weak day 'Imvb Aliantawn. week itiva. fraf m.mm.t saa t'S P.m. 'jjt! lieavs reiuvnie, weea aays, eae a, aa aiw P.BI. JV'p mn uuuun, wwi eaya. tiis b. ssu. ussb "?-. 7:15 p. tn. t Sunday, 7:! Leave Harrisburg, 1 day, 1:50 a.m. Leave Quarryvllle, 7:oea,m.,s:op.iB. . s ,. ., vw . mmrnn, B rtBT din. bbjm mm. bSssmt " Diiamnrllli mmmlr Amwm ja tldl. .m Jv!!I 8.-00 : Bnndar. 7:10 a. m. -Wt-3 - J - .mw. w. 1 j m mem ....., ..... i a Au... .ju rf .j. va.v.. 1 .f iirl.iluvinnmvTilVfatAH J: . i licave s-nnaaeipnia. uneeinut iubm wan.'; and Seuth street wharf. ., Fer AtlanUe Cttv. weak dava. assssaa ,.- . M0 a. m, and 4KX) p. ra.; AmwsnmodaUea,.! 9M a. m., AccommedaUon, 8.a, bsTB ; J Returning leave AUanUc aty, depot err,vi J AUantlc and Arkansas Avenue. Weekdeya-.'iy Exnrea 7:80 a. m. and tp. a. Aeaeaa. J; ., moeauon, s:wa.m. ana 4:su p. m. saasukn Express. 4 p. m. Aocemmodatlos. 7:81 a. a.'V . and 4:80 p. in. Z-'ri wmuiet. hu wuiw vtM urn wwim.1 tavOT. w m Vice Pre. Gn'l M'gr. Uen'i Paas'r AgL . -W tCRANON A LANOARTRR JOINT T.IMK i.i . JU RAILROAD. ' , S iisnifiniiinlsnf fa iin.nrTretns - - ' BUMDAT, November 10, 1888. -ii J;''0 NORTHWARD. IBVO A.M. F.Bt. King Street, Lane 7.-00 UM Laneaster....... 7.J7 12:48 Columbia,.. . 12.-36 Manhslm ..... TM ldD Cornwall IM 1:48 Arrive at ''BOUTHARD.1 Leava a.m. p. v. Lebanon ................. 7:12 12M Cornwall .- 7:87 12:46 Manhelm.'... . TM 1:11 Lancaster............ , 847 11 Arrive at Columbia.............. vi27 01 KlngStreet.Laiie.8d6 8.-00 8iMi A. M. WI LSON, Bnpt. R, A C. Railroad. S. B. NEFF, Bust O. R. R. i,&t Cliinmuav. -?. H IGU A MARTIN. -AT- Decorated Dinner Seti, from Hvl-J laud China Jine deoeratlon) Baml-Per- AWmmmmf.fi 'kffiaJt1--1 .tit fill, I MM Ml "MJI'. I Fttt.a.M..Fa,8&' 7:8! 8-4? iMij; iiil lilllllK cclnln, White Stene Ware UtEngVmM Printed or Ptaln White, at priced eqwlWl in fttiv In tfiA tnarlrnf TVrvrfi Plilnam M rf TVMnrl rtrnni t?Ut. n.l Vfe.1 rplnVm4 '?.!& -., , . , ?l ruuumg Bei, ac. rnrn; uytwr ui Bene Platct. Cler' Tray. Te, CM3 fee and Boullleu Cups, A D. CefKMf, 8UiU lliv .lfbrvali hI fVw JVj4 wVly Wnti Aa (ap Tn rn eua 1Tb m a nw ai iA r M WVV. VUaIHUVI7w If ( BUU WtV f J iaucy uckmu in large quantities. -u -a CXJX GrT-ASSi IN NEW DESION3. Prgssed and Engraved GUuiWate la New Btvlcg and in Lanre Quantltlta. tfkl Rochester Lamm in a Variety of Style) mm av tue xxirtcait jrnucs, inut uiaa iz 1 .111.. T L Tk-I Y.L .1.. your selection until you visit si mi A mm a. ffAi niien A muKiir .--: b b b w a a v, ...... a . . . IB East Kintr SltrmmtTM SCtitte. -I K CENTRE SQUARE. Jacob F. Sheaffer'a PURE RYE WHISKY. Distillery, 648 East King St & Alse Ane old Lttlts Whlsky.mr ewndUUIU.fJ tleu. Other tlne old stock Expert Oyerhelt,S riii..nti Kit v.mnn. Ouckenhelmer. Tllllliiaas 1 u.v-w.., r... . ,-. ---,--.,, --.LLJTi, i-. . llumilsviiie, eic. imuurwu uim, swiuw, ... winu. old Cnllfernlu Brandy and Had asu WbluWlnts-uiTant,Blackbrry,8trawBetj',w whim. Oeldeshenner. Nlerstelnar, Bt. JalMus. . , ..." . ---l.A- l.m.lM l,n. U7llrl rkaww A Ginger, Ktmmel and Orange Brandy. ;;i CIIEAP DEMIJOHNS A SPECIALTY. f. Ne. 15 Centre Square. tmn-mm. Fit erVttevttcu. T UT11ER B. KAUFFMAN, . AITORNKYT-LAW. as!w,wg T Jl 1 : IJ ?f I ff'S 41 3E vM m 43 1?iS 8 M i 1 M -! )3 j m -,$ aa 5 .-Sfcl m rm ss iM- 'Bffl fi, .V. ng -v ,.W" . ? "i-SL ' H'.Xt, StC g.-ar-a $ ' v " ".',-, . H r . ..t.:' -i ir't. or - .i. ..' V.,.