". Aff ii $? p ME lAKOASJfitt DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FKIDAY, JANUABY 8,' 1890. jjt.l'K ? m w KA if ;-i- ilfi m i'i StVif & If t. . i. QaUv JnteUtfl-mc. iKDHKWJ.8TEtNMAN, CHARLHS8TK1NMAN reLTZ, Editors. ROBERT CLARK, PubUsfcer. fa. DAILY INTELt.IGESCER.-Puullshed riiii"'.1!; 1 '. -- - - - ntrmaltflVSdOI- K UyMldvaoejMceBUmenth. I)it ,. " K,F vf hi w v mvurnt-riiM dellsr ana ,.-' WBBIIU ..ww.- L-SL'TSSSMRSiSSUii hr , r4 "C er postee order, nod where neither of . : .... i amA ., In n. rvwlfttersd W lMHiin ... - - 1 I k m '"tfstsj at Ins ircatefflcs, as second class mall ' r aiatter. .& ABDMSSS, TBI UlIUUVUliMi Lancaster, l'a. 'LANCASTER, PA., January 3, 1890. Wu It Nobe4ji Fttdt 1 The Jury bes decided thai the cugln cer who fell asleep at hU pest was net , guilty of manslaughter, because of the death caused by his uncontrolled train running Inte a train ahead of it. The reason given by the engineer for being asleep was that he had been en duty for ever a day, and that he had lest control of himself, through fatigue and heat. The Jury believed that it was net possi ble for him te keep awaVe, evidently, else their verdict would net have been one of acquittal. There has been no one ludlclcd for the killing of the man who was slain, of these who were responsible for the long term of duty upon which this engineer was placed. The prosecuting oil) cer docs net seem te have considered that the railroad efflclnl, who gave such a term of duty (e an engine driver as made itphyslcally Impassible for him te stay awnke at his pest, is rcspousIlle te the criminal law for a death caused by that fact. Se that It seems that the law punishes no one for this death. But It is also clear that It was n death that hu man precaution could readily have avoided. Seme one has a guilty respon sibility for It. If it be true that the man who had the engine in charge was rendered lncapable of remaining awake by the fact that he had been tee long en duty, then the man who gave him a duty which it was physically impossible for him te dis charge properly, is responsible for the consequences of this disability. If he, however, Bheuld be placed en trial be would doubtless show that the term of duty was net an unusual one and that it should net, under ordinary circum stances, have disabled thecnglneer from keeping awake. The heat of day la brought in as an additional reason why he was overcemo by sleep. The event would be presented as an extraordinary result of uncommon conditions and It -.would be accounted a providential dis pensation. The result of such e conclusion is te 1 put the railroad traveler under the risk of Injury from the unmanning of en gines through the uncontrollable somue- , lence of overworked and overheated drivers. It la a risk which Is net Justly imposed ; and this case seems clearly te ' point te the need of a law limiting the continuous hours of service of these 2e v of railroad trains. It is well known that mere is latum out ei mews uiuu uinu can safely be required. They are paid for the hours of their work nnd ate Willing therefore te give all that is tic tic mandedlrem them, The interest of the traveling public, however, Is net looked . . . - i. . .i .. at In this arrangement. But new that it has been shown lu court, without any ' dissent from the railroad officials, that 4 a death has been caused by the failure of the physical power of an engine driver te meet the strain placed upon him by his superiors, there appears te be clear demand for legislation that will check the disposition of the railroad official te make such unsafe demand of the rail road cuglnecr. If It Is net manslaugh ter in somebody when dcalh is caused by a locomotive with a sleeping engi neer, It needs te be se made. Beler. Geerge II. Belter, who has just died In Phlladelphln, as best known In life as a vigorous partisan and public character, iUn f a jYa .Q 61 TTiat.tH 1 ah fviui Anil 9 Jri. i .. .7 . " '. i if r ' ti iV JafllUUUlUUUK lUU ,1 ill OWllll. IU A. uiji delphla, the author of war songs and a successful diplomat in Turkey and Bus- : sia. Te coming generations he will be , known, if known at all, ns a poet and dramatist. The high character of his , literary work, and his prominence long before the poets new most famous,makes itw It teem a little Btrange that he could net command a higher place in public favor. PRn critics were Kiua te mm, nuu amine P-$x . means enabled him te devete tlme und eare te his literary work, but in splte of many proofs of great ability, and the ucccss of his tragedies en the stage, ids !.?& name is net familiar throughout tlie skM 'land ns one of our irruat necls. Mlsfer- jfflft VJncmlftht have driven him te fame us great as awe. aie spent ins energy ou war songs popular In their brief day, but passing from the memory of the nation with the heavy war clouds that provoked them. As a diplomat he made himself liked in Turkish and .Russian courts, where his wealth helped him and his learning was respacted. As win ning friends new seems te be the chief business of the representatives at foreign courts, Mr. Beker may be said te have achieved remarkable success. Iu Russia he gave te the famous GortschakelT a chance te turu this pleasing phrase lu receiving his successor : " I cannot say I am glad te sce you, " said the Busslan, "In fact I am net sure that I see you at iXR for the tears that are in my eyes en ac- :te cunt of the departure of our friend, Bdker." He persuaded the Turks te allow thVclrculatleu of the Bible, and In his iV diplomatic career showed qualities that a would have been of great value In deal Mtf itue with international troubles, for he Cf-i, combined suavity and courtliness of manner with dignity and uncompro mising patrletlsm.Hc seems te have been a man who Eomehew managed te miss being great, though living in stlnlng times, and commanding rare natural gifts, a striking presence and hosts of powerful friends. The 'ew Yerk Ball. New Yerk lias Just enjoyed n New Year ball among the upper hundreds, which is Joyously descilbed by the Journals as free from disturbance and altogether serene The accomplish- ,S:t was that of n famous gentle man who is accorded a. special genius for ball management, and is leld te be a triumph of art which covers ''Ma AlltllOr U'lttt n lmlnAf r.1... . a..l. vUaltJavenu!nt is evidently of high -value r; ,flit upper Mclety of New Yerk, which i uai taw e greatest uimcuity te bring together lu social meeting, without quar VJvUag, drunkenness and all manner of illy efieuses. we in the rural dls MtU4 net appreciate the difllculty of the undertaking. Ve arc went te think that the refined instincts or the guests at a first-class cntcrtaltnncut suffice ,te insure pleasure unalloyed te these who participate in it. But it is a different thing where se many differ ent circles are brought together as fur nish the material for a great metropoli tan ball, nnd where the crowd is se great as te call for high talent in its control. Ne doubt the so ciety of New Yerk Is of avcrnge decency, nnd It is no particular dis paragement te it that itneeds a marshal of high accomplishment te keep its balls from disorder. Still we may congratu late ourselves that we move, In smaller places, In a society that needs no extra ordinary control te make its gatherings agreeable. The natural tondency of the prohibition principle te expand from whisky te ether things and thereby become tyrannical Is shown at Frankfort, Kentucky, where the aale of elgarettes has been prohibited by law. Ir Miss Caldwell and Trlnce Murat would go en the stage together Ihey would seen make fortunes large enough te en able the former te buy soine )oer kinglet for a husband nnd the lutter te ceme te America and slay at a great Flerida hotel. Tun American MutMan Christmas mini be r has n hundred nnd ten paROs or il lustrated original matter, bound In a hand some co or, w ith a picture In colors of a scene from Tamt, showing Kmina Juch as Marguerite There are threo supple mental sheets of photogravure portraits ) one of Jonas Chlckerlug, the fattier of the American pianoforte Industry, ene of the promlnent niusiclal nrtlsts under the direction of Abbey & Orau, and the ether of leading musle teachers. PesTMASTcn Onsen u, Jehn Wana maker complncently obscrveu that It la ro tated that " Postmaster General Benja min Franklin was qulte occupied and net a Hltle troubled by the inanngement of soventy-uve postefllccs." Then he glves a table of the postal business, showing 03,000 postefllccH. Possibly Jehn consid ers this fair ovidenco that he is groater than Denjamln, but ethors will doubt It. President Washington was also net a llttle troubled te govern a few little states, but Is Harrison as grout because he does net scorn te treuble himself much In the gov ernment of n great nation. The prosperous nnd onernblo JFranUin Itepotltery, of Chain bersburg, publishes an illustrated New Year's number celebrating its centennial, This Is the second eldest newspaper )u Pennsylvania, having been founded in 1700, nnd the twenty large pages of this souvenir number nre filled with interesting reminiscence of Its long life. The squadron of oveluilon has reached Olbralter, but with forty-eight cases of Intluenra en beard the four ships the sailors are net baring a cheeifnl time. At Tanglcrs they wero quarantined. At the opening of the Portuguese Certes the king announced that the foreign rela tions of the kingdom Mere nil that could be doslred. ARer thus indicating the comparnthe unliiiportance of the diffi culty with England he v ent en te make seething reference te "the ritiietlc rtctlre of Ureal Britain te extend her vat posses siens in Africa." Thin is a tery neat phrase, calculate! t strike the Pertuguese as sarcasm nnd the ljigtlsh as a compliment- lie then Ut e firm posi tion of Portugal vilk 'Sard te her African territory le s Ji be hope te be able te scur KeglUh assent. Frem the klng'a sldoef the African quel quel tlen, the world Is shown njrirresslre lirl taln.wlth African iHistukslen already aM, seeking te take mere, from the long es tablished dominion of Peitugal, In regions which the Portuguese nore the first te ills, cever nnd epeu te Christianity. The Urit Ish press will be quIA te reply that the clvllizlug and Christianizing lutlucnce of Portuguese dominion In Africa Is qulte In visible, and that the Portuguese have de veloped the slave trnde, nnd generally abused their opportunities. The quarrel is Interesting, but thcre Is very small proba bility that it will evor hocemo Hcrleus. Mi: CRAWLS Q. ALIi FOVIU. Hut Me Is a llouinrkuble Muntur nnd Trujier and Can Climb a Troe. Isaac Heffman, of Cternurven township, Ilerks county, new In Ills -Gth year, bus aluaya been atlllcted, his limbs from the knoes down being lifeless, although his feet are net deformed. Ills met hed et loco motion is by craw line en his hands and knees. He bears his ufuictleu without a IJjBiuxuiur, nnd, although-he nevcr -. and. althouiw-be never went te school, he is filrly wall educated, his nieiiicrs nnu sisiers navitig tnugnt linn. He is robust, enjoys excellent health, weighs ISO pounds, is very strong lu his arms, and has aUc-Mce grip. Above all things he enjoys hunting. During the present soaseu he tins killed forty-eight rabbits, bolides n number of pheasants, partrldges, squirrels, ground negs, and ether game. As n trnpixirhe Is the equal of any person in the neighbor hood, and, hawng studied the habits of the various unlmals, he is ery successful. Minks, skunks, opossums, weasels and nuskints in large numbers have been allured Inte Isaac's trap by limtlug bait, llohasne treuble te soil the hides, and fiem their sale he makes cnusidornble money, This singularly uflllctcd young man is ns aglle ulmest ns u cat, and it is no trouble for him te climb u tree, lido or drhea liorbe, husk corn, operate a mower or u hay rake, loud grain or liny, uuil chop weed. He neer gees gunning or trup- iIng en a Sunday, but remains at leuiennd leads the Bible. He does net seem fatigued by dniglng himself ever the hills and rocks, and lias often goue tbree miles aw ay from home in qtie'-t of game. His three beaglu hounds drtvu the gnine in easy reach 01 their muster. Re cently he shot a raccoon which weighed sevcutemi pounds und currlnll it e or Ills sheulder fur e er a mile. llu cars gloves only in cold weather, and whuiitlie ground is frozen or muddy he uses leather pads en his knees. l Issue's locomotion Is varied td a degree. Ou a smooth surface he drains hK1 foul, and changing when tired he bends the knees, throwing the feet towards the body. He can Jump across a stream of water six feet wide without an effort, Iu coming down stairs he descends head foremost. He Is Industrious und economical lu his habits and neer forgets a friendly act. Cleveland Payers IJullet Itefeiin. I'x-PretsldontClevcland, who was a sheit time age elected an honorary member of the Onondaga Democratic club, of Syra cuse. X. Y has written this letter te the club's becretary : Te JamksK. McOctnc, Ksq. Dear Sir: I have received your letter Informing me of my election as au honorary member of the Onondaga Democratic club, and I do de biro through you te express my thanks te the members of the club for the courtesy thus extended te me. I regard it ns an honor te be in any way related te au or ganization formed for the purpose of " propagating Democratic principles," and I am especially pleased te learn that your club Is plcdged te ballet reform. Tills nnd the ether relerms te which our parly is or ought te be devoted furnish a rich field for patriotic ellbrt and for political labor, which, te be effective, must be Instant and continuous. I bone that the Onondaga Democratic club will be at nil times found at the trout iuthls work. Yours truly, Gnevr.ii Clevixanp. Seuth Dakota tauloens lu rull Illnst. Considerable excitement prevails among the leuiiorance people ever the stand taken by the majority of the saloon keepers of Seuth Dakota. All saloon licenses expired with the year. With ene or two excep tions, howetcr, all the places in Sioux Falls weroencu en Wednesday as usual. The Impression prevails among the liquor dealers that they will be permitted te con tinue in busluebs until the law te betuiKscd by the coming Legislature for enforcing tb prohibitory amendment gees into eflect. TUB rSVlATZXZK. Dr. Hlirwdy an the Urlppe Ttie Best Methods or rrovsntlen und Treat meat. . Dr. Shrady, editor of the New Yerk Medical Jtecerd, has propared the follow ing article en the epidemic of influenza, which will appear In this week's issue of that Journal. Tbere is new no doubt that Influenta. or what is popularly known as " the grip," has bocetno opldemle in this city anil is scattered broadcast ever the country. It is also qulte evident that Its general char acters correspond with these noted in con nection with the prevailing type of the malady In Kussta, CJermany and France. Fortunately it ts of audi a mild type that, save for its invasion of large districts and for the large number or persons auacxea, It would scarcely be noticed In the category ofallmenlsconnoctod with the usual ones which occur during winter months, asso ciated with rapid and varied changes of toinperalure and humidity. The type of the present epidemic par takes mero of the febrile and nervous variety than that of the purely catarrhal. The increased tomperature in the be ginning of the attack, with the severe pains in the head, back and lower ex tremities, are the leading phenomena which are noted In the large majority of cases. Only comparatively row .instances are the ceryzal symptoms the leading features of the soizure. This latter is. perhaps, n fertunate circumstance in vlew of the generally accopted opinion concerning the -great lv oxnggeratod danger of bronchitis nnd pnoumeulaas necessary complications. The prostration is oftentlmos exfrnms. but by no means dangerous, and readily yields te the usual remedles. The peried of Ill ness Is comparatively brief, and rarely Is thoerit'narily robust patlontceuflnod te his room mere thau two or threo days, very many, lndeed, keeping up and about from the beginning te thejmd of the Blekness. The ropertsoftho fatality of the disease, as might have been expectcd. have been very much exaggerated. Particularly dees this retnark apply te the alarming re ports of the recent death rate In Paris. In point of fact thcre Is no disonse witli such a nide first alence which haisuch a comparatively ew mortality. In this country, at least, thore ts vet te be ropertod the first case of death which can be laid te the pure and simple attack of the disease. Even the serious complications nre se far as te merely merit recognition nlongsideofthoso which are constantly occurring with the Usual dlsoases of the season. The after effects of the epidemic will doubtless be marked by foellngs of prostra tion, mere or less continued, nnd a lower ing of the health tone. The previously ro bust will roquire stimulants und tonics for variable norleds. The contnirleusnoss of the malady has net declarcd itself, thus corresponding with the general character I of the dlsoase as notlced In provleus epl epl deinics. The treatment has been In accordance with indications and has nocesftarily aried. Thoreinedios which have found most favor are laxatives, anodynes, antl antl pyretlcs and tonics, with stimulating ox ex ox pectorants. Fer the hcadache ontlpyren and the bromides have held their reputa tion, calemel and salines as the laxatives have mniiy advocator while quinlne.ln tonle desea, especially in the latter stages, has the confidence of the majority. Frem prosent Indications and from past history the opldemle is likely te seen pass evor, n few days mero settUng the ques tion of Immnnity from attack. With this epidemic as with all ethers cf Its kind, the foeblo and old have been the first te quccumb and the slewest te recever, sltheugh all classes of cases have aulte generally suffered. There is no better protection against nn attack than the malntonance of geed health by avoid aveid avoid nnce of ever-fatigue, of undue expo sure, nnd of insufllclent feed and sleep. But even these conditions nre net absolute as safeguards, as no ene living in an in in vaded district can have his safety guuran guuran guuran toed. In all probability there will be very few, indoed, who, after the epldomle shall have pissed away, w 111 claim n full Im munity from any of its influences, or who w 111 net be somewhat the werse for an en tirely unsought experience A nrrntmsny remrcllcinrendvcrtlsed te bring them liffure tne ptiimc. who uecmei wneintr thsnrtlrleHiroedorbad. The eoeil retaliation reed or bad, il' llnbv Hi which Dr. Bull's llnby Hyrup onjeyt In n stand- In Eiianinle of lUnicrlti. Frlce only 2S cenU, f-axnder It the ovcrelgn remedy for dyspep la nnd all digestive dlxerders. l'rlcu 25 cenU n packacc. Fer ule by nil druggUtii. I'lnk gumi nnd mouth and dazzltn; teeth And breath et balm nnd lips et rme Arc found net In this world benenth With young or old, ae only theso Whoever wlnely, whlle they may, Uc bOZODONT by night or day. W'iikn everything ele falli, Dr. tarrh Itemed' cures. 8ure' Ca r,8&w itUoccilmtcetto J- Ac.vsn:n iiusinkhs ceu.i:ai:. J liANCAsrEii.Ueccmbcr, 13S0. iJr.AnBiann Madam: Yeu nre cordially in lted te Mslt the LANCASIKH UUMlNE-S1 COI.LLOK, nt Its new ounrters, Ne. 84Neth Duke ntrect, tefore entering our seu or daugh ter In January. Coax luce eurxelr of the genu genu Inencss of the nrtlcle bolbre Investing. Six jeung ladles and Gentlemen from this Institu tion leek DOiltlem slncu Uctuber'21. Addrtcs. II. O. W'EIDLEH. Principal. JTl-NWl' VOLI, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te HO East King street, having a full line of Furulture of e very description nt the lowest irlu. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Cull nnd exninlne our goods. HK-lfdll II. WOI.K. l.JIKiutKlngHtrceL 12 PISH CENT. DEllKNTUHE S"lOCIC Certlflrates In multlnlcs of 1100 the nar ulueefa slmru of fully paid up stock earning a euarnutecd cash duldondef 12 )er cent, per nunmn. pnj able semi nnnually, me Issued by tlie Uulldlng and Ixkiu Assnclntlen of Oakelu. Mcmljcrkhlp tec per share, 5.1 00, Stock may be converted into c.ibh ufter two jears. Seeral thousand dollars ure nicded te nil approved ap plications for leans. Corrtapeudcncc solicited. C. V. MTARI.INO, Mnnsger. Philadelphia enice. Ne. 411 Wnlnut Street, janl-3meed 3jssrATi: or aixmai: uretii, late of It the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of udnilnlstrntlen en said cstute huxlng been ranted te the undersigned, nil ihtseiis In ctitttt thereto nre requested te make Imme diate payment, nnd thec mixing claims or demands ncalnsl the snme, 111 present them without dcluy for settlement te the uuder- slencd. rcsldliiir In snld cltv. uiiAiu.Esditern, Jens A. Celi:. Attorney. Admlnlslrftter. d-7-t)tdF TTAVE YOU A COIiDT DO YOU OAHP 171. ferbreiith at nlKhlT rralle's Hjrup of llloedroot, Wild fherry nnd lloreheund will cure you. Prlce, 23c. FRAILUY'S EAST ENT) PHARMACY, (Opposite Eusterc Market,) The belt bleed purifier Is Fndley's Bareapa- riiia i.uiiipeumi, n couiuiiiaiien 01 me uesi Hi' uniuvts Known 10 ineuicai scieucc, Price. 60a aud SI, M.W.FAW "lARTERH urn.i: LIVER pills. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS 3lck Ileadnchifand rellcc all the troubles inci dent te a bilious statu or tlie stem, such as Dltilucas, Nnusca DnmslncsM, Dlntrcn nfter Eating, rain In (lie Bide, Ac While their metl rcmurnauie success lias ein snewu in curing SICK Headache, jet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS nrc equally nluble in Coustliiatlen, curing und prexentlng this nnuejlng com cem plnlm, ulillethey ulse correct ull dhonlcrsef lliextemntli, stlmulata the lter and regulate the bowels. E en If they only cured HEAD Ache Ihey would b almost priceless te thes xhe kiiilcr from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net -uu here, nnd the-.e who once try them will find these little pills aluable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without Hum. Hut after ull tick head ACECE Is the bane of se many Ues that here Is where we make our great beast. Our pills cure It while ethers de net, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very imnllnnJ ery easy te take. One or tnepllls uinkondese. They are strictly -cgctableund de net grl or puige, but by their gentle ac tion pluisuull who UMJlhvm. iu lats ut 15cU; Uve lur II. sold v cry whiru or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price, nugl3-lyded , VtttMftlte' mtiOMarHIa, rrlaar, Jan. S, KM. Januarv Serial Sale.- The Sustained .Interest dis played in the lets already offer ed indicates complete confidence in our statements that the Price Reductions are Great Quantities arc Very Large Goods are Entirely Fresh. Dress Goods, Linens, Muslin Underwear, White Goods, Mil-, linery will be followed by ether I oeds. New lines et bargains aily throughout this month. Scotch Ginghams. Yard sticks flying and scis sors snipping like mad all day long. What wonders ! Forty five cent Ginghams for fifteen cents I 32-inch Ginghams at that and made by no mat ter who. That isn't te be told. Guess the best Gingham maker you 'ever heard of and you won't be far wrong. 15 cents ! It's as if we gave you 25 cents with every yard you buy. Fer Evening 1tcar. The most dainty and delicate lightweight stuffs in silk and wool, representing the finest line of Paris fabrics. Ivery, cream, pink, blue, lilac, salmon and gray.t French Prlntsd Ulk-aud-roel BcngalInc$,S5c from MS. name, very rich, block printed, f 1 25 from J2. Plain 8llk-and-woel Dengellnes, tl from !1 73. Urec&de HHtln Stripe itangallnsi, tl It from rtllk-nnd-woel Drecads Vcleur, f 1 from Jl 50. Mile Wnrp Figured Hurah, f I from It CO. Hllk Embroidered Vell. 11 from f 1 SO. HI lie Lace Btrlpe Vell, SI from tl 60. Corded Bilk Strip Vell. 1125 from t2. Hlbben Htrlpe Vell, tl 60 from W . Hllk Btrlpe Orenadlnes.tl 25 from K. Hllk-aiid-vroel Unrrce. 51 from tl 60. Hllk-and-woel Htrlpe C'repe Cleth, Jl from Bilk Btrlne Vell, tl from tl 7S. Hllk Figured Vell, tl 75 from t2 60. Silk Htrlpe and Figured Vell, U from tl. Wrap Material. Imported, finest wool, 52 inches wide, in the latest color combinations : Designs that were t760 reduced te IS 00. Designs that were fl 00 reduced te M 60. Designs that wers te 00 reduced te 1360. Designs that were tl no reduced te t3 00. Combination Robes. Every one this season's make a magnificent assort ment of the latest conceits in rich fabrics : Combination Rnbes In a large vailsty of styles, reduced te t7, ts. JH. Hide-band Hoben In nit the lntet Parlaian de signs, reduced le f 7 50, s, $s 60, ttO, ttl 6". French I'lald Hobes In nil the newest color ings, with bands of bilk Persian, reduced from f 15 te 110. French Rerge Hobes with bands of Persian no city, reduced from tlG te tie. French teule Itebcx, with borJsref velvet stripes, reduced from 1 17 50 te 12 60. French Berge Kebe, with panel of brecads velvet, reduced from tJe te tie. French Paisley Ilebcs, reduced from tWBOte French Serge Itebes, with sllk-nnd-woel bor der for garniture, reduced from 1 12 50 te 110. French Berge Hobes. with borders of black moire, reduced from tU5 te S18X0. French Serge Hobes, with silk and lelvet garniture, former price K2 60, new t20. French Serge Robes, with Jacquard Hgure panels, former price 130. new tl8. I rench Bergellebes, with panels of sllk-nnd-woel stripes, former prlce Kt, new tlO 60, h rench Beriro Hebei. win, fi(ri,r,i nir nH.i, former price la, new MP. ' rinesi eumitv ii Frenth Broadcloth Robes, Willi VIiriOUH UDfllirnH In lllllr .mhmil.pn mmm. ,.u , .- . t - -. "". ..-.w.u... fnbreldsrcd with silk and tinsel, and some with sllk-and-woel frlse. Only one of a kind li'SSl?!? "' .H.S, Wi new t. fc2W, f JO, J3t w. trench Armure, with skirt front of silk nnd tlnsel embroidery In Van Dyke pattern, Tas US, new 535. trench Armure, with border of chtnllle In flernl design, former prlce (46, new tJS. Plaids and Stripes. Imported, and net one of these stuffs can be replaced te sell for less than the highest price here given. Bllk-and Weel Plaids, marked down from 11 te aOc ,8."k.:?nJ"W001 Matelasie, marked down from si tosec. Feule Plaids, marked from from 75c te 60c. .Camel Hair Plulds, marked down from tl te "V. Cashmere Plaids, marked down from tl te 75c. Feule Plulds In quiet colon, marked down from tl te 75c. Cheviot Plaid, marked down from tl SO te tl. Ilourette Plaids, marked down from tl 60 te Camel Hair Plaids, marked down from tl 75 toil. Cheviot Wick Plaid, marked down from t3 te 81 23, Feule Stripes, marked down from 76c te 60c. terge Stripes, marked down from SI te 75c. Fancy Serge Stripes, marked down from tl te 75c. Silk Striped Serge, marked down from tlCO tetl. Novelty Silk Stripes, marktd down frcm tl 75 te 81 23. Miscellaneous. These prices only half tell the story. Stuffs that we point te as going from 37c te 30c, for instance, in reality drop from 50c the opening price of the season ; the 20c goods Irem 25c are, in fact, regular 37jc kind. And se en all through the list. Ilulf-woel Figured Reps, marked down from 12e te 10c. Checks, marked down from 25c te 20c. All-wool Plaids, marked down from 115c te 20e. Mixed Suitings, marked down fromtiOctetljc. Mehulr btrliiet, marked down from 37jc le 30c. French Striped Serge, marked down from 37!c te Hec. AU-woelPln-head Checks, marked down from 87,cto;sec. All-uuel Plaids, marked down fromSTk'cte 30c. All-wool Fancy Stripes, marked down from 37Kc te 80e. Habit cloth Stripes, marked down from We te 87Kc Dress Cleth Plaids, marked down Irem 00c te S7c Ombre French Btrlpes, marked down from &0otes7,Sc "uncy wirlpe Teule Serge, marked down from Fancy 'Reuretle Stripes, marked down from 65c te 6&C. Juceunrd I Igured Stripes, marked down from 75c te le 50e. French Feulo llerders, marked down from lic iu uje, jfuslinUndcnvear. There is no weakening of at tractions. One tells another, and the fame of this great sale is spreading through four states. Drawers : Every site and length lu the wonderful " rull nfthe Leem" Drawers, with deep hem and three fine plaits, 20c. (ill flue Muttln Drawers with deep Hum burn ruflle of three-wheel embroidery, six one plaits, 40e. ' Gowns : 411 flue .Viulln Downs, with V-hapcd yoke, eight lnsertlugs of due Hamburg, thirty flue plaits between. Tine Hamburg mule ureuudncck and down fieut, with beud Imr, gathered sleeve, with Hamburg ruille and four plaits, KSc. One let of tlne Cauibrlc Uewns, with Insert li'gs of line Medlcls Luce, sixteen plait, line Medlcls Laoo around ne,'k and down front, guthered cuiref Medlcls Lace and three plutts. flue feather-stitched blading unyoke and two rows ou cutT, Jl. Skirts : 800 geed MtiFlln Skirls, full length and size, with 7-lnch Uauibury ruffle of bllud em- IPattamfcv', bretderr. and four platM abers Me. Wa win ueia mis lei aaui m o'ejecit tT Chemises: ' ' 6S Muslin ChenMst, srttti V-frenVMSM back, nne uameitrg insertion. Ilambun edging and feather stitched bending en neck, yoke and sleeves, 73c Corsets ; Ertrr slss in the wonderful Paris Const bargains. Hsnvlly beued, deabls steels, first quality satin, II . Krery pair f oar ear an teed. Millinery. , All the Winter Millinery is marked for double quick going. What are left of French pat terns are at a trifle of the origi nal cost. Seme Hats and Bon Ben nets from our own work rooms shall go the same way. French Bennets : Down from I Down from I Down from I )00te10K lOOtetlOOO 100 te 14 09 S 00 tot 900 Down from j Our own make: Desrn from m 00 te W 00 Down from WO 00 tots 00 Down from 117 60 te M 00 Down from ill 60 te s oe Just as sharp mark downs in the Untrimmed. Felt Hats that would have cost $1.25 and $1.95 early in the season are new 50c and 75 c. Odds and ends of Children's Goods Plush, Velvet, Cleth that have been $1.75 te $3, shall go at one dollar. Scotch Tarns, one of the best of Winter head pieces for school or general knockabout-wear, are only 75 cents. Whatever is in the way of new things must clear the track. Thirteenth andChMtnut streets corner. Bamsley Linens. Every housewife knows hew thoroughly geed the Bamsley Linens are, but who ever saw them at such prices before ? C7-lnch Cream Damask, 60 cents fremTSc 01-lnch Cream Damask, SS cents from 60c. tl 25 Uleached Ilarnsley Table Linen, at 80c tl 16 Uleached Rarnsley Table Llusn, at 70c II 10 Uleached Rarnsley Table Llusn, at 63c. Jehn Wanamaker. IRisccUanceu. rpiIE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Great Reductions -IN- PRICES -OF- Ladies', Misses' & Children's WINTER COATS -AT- THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Frem te-day we will offer our Entire Steuk of Ceatt at such reductions In prlce as will make tUsm th best goods for the money lu the city. Remember there will b no sham about enr Reduction. We will maka a big dlfferenea In the price et every garment In order te sell every Ceat In stock If possible. GEO. F. RATHV0N, 25 East King Street, mar20-lvdR I.ANOAHTKR. PA. (Bvecevice. VTOW FOR 1800. Clarke's New Year Offering! A NEW YEAR PRESENT FOR ALL I A SET OF CARVERS FREE with one pdund box of the Best Baking Powder tn the market. The Cutlery Is warranted su perior Sheffield make, and Is merely given nwnv te Introduce In this market the Best Bak mi; ieivucr Known, If you wish tellv If you wish te live long and die happy com- mence the New Year by OfCLMUCK. r buying your Urecerlea A Beautiful Calendar for 1800 and a barrel of S.S. .Mnnln's Superior Crackers given free te all who call en New Year's morning. Hcadriuurters for Tetley's Indian and Ceylon Teas. Ne. 1 quality retallsat&Oc V B: Ne. 2 quality retails at 60e V ft. These are the Finest Teas In the world. Bargains In Dried Beef. Hams and Bologna. Spreckles' Sugar In stock at 6Kc V tt. Ask for our Rebate Cards. A Drep In the Price of SUGARS efka cent per pound, a TEA AND COFFEE STOKE, NOS. 12 A 14 SOUTH Q CEEN STREET. jyTelephene. (arvinitc. SLE CIGHBI SLEIUU31 EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BDILDER, 4),42,4JA4S MARKET STREET. (Rear of the Postefflte), I.ANCABTER, PA. . J have new ready the finest nsseitment of ALBANY and PORTLAND SLEIGHS, both Stngle and Deuble, ccr eflered te the public. Prices te suit the times. Cull nnd examine A full line of Buggies, Phietens and Carriages of every description. AlsoSecend-Uand Werk of eerv arletj. Ule me n cull. All work warranted. S-lteutlrlng In all Its branches. One set of werkmeu especially employed for that purpwe. ihotenvnpha. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KDBnigsbuig, Prussia, l"we Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. se 1-2 North Queen St., Nest Doer te the l'oteffice. In74nif1 TRUE DALMATIAN INHhCT POWDKK. propelled by u gexl pe der blower. Is the must Uleclunl detre tr of tiles aud ether small Iumk'U. Fersale AtllUBLEY'H DRUG STORE, - M.WsstKlngBusil. , tf t ett fkfMe A -rTAVMODMJUss5JeKWSr " - "ITB AW -ILL WIND AT BLAsWOUWC TOHABODY." STACKH0USE, 28 and 30 East King St., WILL8tX " soePAramDrsBooa At KM for ths rt ArUets aaet It 79 for the BBCAtMB THEY LOST BOMB Of TBII LUBTEX Ut IH RBCBItT FIR. XO FIR OH WATER DAVA.OE . 8IMPLT UBBLUSTlOC FROM HMOKK. Yen dew't oft hava a ekfw llfc thlf. I. mbIm the oeds Mid you still Jm apt te buy. Yeu wrtelnly will If yen kaew a batiala whta jreu iea It, and w fueaa jren Ae. D P. STACKH0USE, Nea.28 aid 90 ItitKiis Stmt, ZANCASTXR.FA. H OLIDAYBLIPPKRS. Grand DispLay OF- I always had one of the Largest Lines and A A sertmanta or Men's, Bey' and Youth's Holiday Slippers, but the Line and Assortment I bought for this aeasen surpasses all these of the past. I have Men's Embroidered Slippers at 49c. A Line of Mn', Ladlta', Misses', Bey's and Youth's at 50c. The Handsomest 7Se Bllppers In the city. By buying this Slipper In very large quantities I am enabled te sell at 75c. It la a regular II 00 Slipper and surpasses In style and quality any you will sea marked elMwnete at the tame price. , A full line atll In Light and Dark Colen, In Barvards. Everett and Opera. My f 1 25 Dark chenille Embroidered Blip pen you will net aea marked elsewhere lea than II 50. -Handsome line at 11 90 and IS 00 have all ar rived. Men's Patent Leather Oxfords, It 60 and 13 00 : Bey's, 1 60. and Youth's and Misses', II 96. Largest Display In City can bs seen In my largs window. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H.Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader et Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 8 A 8 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. FA. NOTICE Stere open Evenings of December. V&acMntvy s TEAM ENGINE AND BOILKRWORKS. Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will pay yen te call at my Werk and ex amine our Stock of Engines ! Allew u te quote yen price and see facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 norse-Pewsr. ..... ..! 4 6 Herse-Power 475 8 Herse-Power. . 625 10 Herse-Power ,- . 675 15 Herse-Power. - 875 30 Herse-Power 1 ns Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. 6 Hene-Power... 8 Hene-Power... IS Uorse-Power... -.1250 .. 230 ..275 Boilers, Second-Hand. Flvs SO Herse-Power, 60 In. Dlam., 16 feet Leng, 224jln,Tubes. Prlc, 1175 and 1160. One Beiler, 30 In. Dlam.. IS feet Leng, K4 S In. Tubes 12 feet Leng, with Fire Frent Castings, 1125. I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OK ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, Saw Mills, Bark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc Contractor tar Steam Heating, Direct or Indl reet. of. by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, proprietor, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA. 3- gcutUtru. J R. NATHORST. DENTIST. aCESTHK HOIIAIIP O nOt let tDIir feth riav nnv Airtltnr Vnn de net often find a decayed toetu that can Det "? .c uy uiiiuK or crowning, iiae your teeth examfned and attended te at euce. it will save suffering and exr ave surfuring and expense. All operations uarauteed. Fllllug Testh aud Palnl Eztrac- Holiday Slippers ! Suaraiitem. Mill en bpeclaltles. ewuiasw &$ 9ri . J MARRtaVAMM'S. REDUCTION! ' TttAT ARE ' Wirthyef YeirAtttttiM AT J.HarryStamm'j 24 Oentre Square! ' BIO REDUCTIONS IN Dress Goods. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Blankets. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Comforts. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Flannels. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Flannel Skirts. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Calicoes, Ginghams, Cre tonnes, Shirtings and Sacque Flannels. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Children's Knit Sacques. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Woolen Hese. BIG REDUCTIONS IN ' Shawls. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Plush Coats. BIG REDUCTIONS IN Stecki nett Coats. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Stamped Linens. BIO REDUCTIONS IN Underwear. One Let of CHILDREN'S PANTS at 25, wertll OQ IOUW. These Rednctlens are made In anticipation el mecK-isming. DON'T WAIT I COME EARY I YOU'IX NOT RKORKT IT : lew Bosten Stere, 24 Centre Square. ,i. . ... i1 . ' .- mm i sa si SHI I i us isai istsi miiin.-i c LOSINO OUT SALH -OV- Ladies', Hisses' and Children's! FALL MS -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. Ws offer te-day sems of the greatest values I ever snewu in superior quamies at away down 1 prices. CHILDREN'S FINE COATS reduced from J s auu se, i (sjv aim s eaen. MISSES' NEWMARKbTS - Fermer price, f V ; reduced teji50 and 82.75. Ons Let of LADIES' XEWMARKHTs) at J H Ji eacn ; worth 17. One Let or LADIES' NEWMARKETS r-5 duced from W te $5 each. i One Let of LADIES' BRAIDED STOCKINET i JACKETS rtdncad te J 1.50 each. One Let or LADIES' PLUSH JACKETS r duced from f 10 and tlSach, te t3 each. WATT & SHAND, Nea. 6, 8 & 10 East King St flour. EVAJTS FLOUR. New YcATt Is at hand. The forming of new resolutions Is lu order many te be broken before the week expires. We have resolved that If It be pos sible, te make better flour than ever and our patrons can depend upon this resolu tion being carried out all tb year. Levari & Sens. MERCHANT MILLERS. TTIOR BARGAINS - IN RE7XL. ESTKT6 CALL ON JOHN H. METZLER, Ne. 9 BOUTH PUKE STREET. ou-iy 1 ;F s te -r :Xs-&fcr&&$v. gfa (,. -SSv&ifi. J 4iL :..... .. . synstsii m MMt