wir -"-Ti.-Jft. V v-;e""'-x-. WWJli" Wl W-TBTt VJW 'j" ','3 '' '"V 'V. M ". V 'rf i, r ? i I KPter L'f, CHRISTMAS IN-COLUMBIA. " " (- lit TIE CHURCQGS WELL ATTIHIE D TIE HEIGHT DAT PASSES QUETLY. Yellow Sum ninjc lias Bolstcrenn Cus tomer Who Demandants Linen With entOtrtng a Check-Twe Wcdillnca CetUtfnt.v, Dec. 23. Clirhtews Day observed li Columbia bs a general holiday. All Ui churches celebrated the festival with apedal exercises. The morning fwrrlcca included sermons. In the eve alng the churches ivore writ filled te listen te the exercises of the children, the pro pre grammes of which vrcre published en Tuesday. The day was quietly spent with many social gatherings by the young people. The woather was extremely mild and the streets were tilled with poeplc On Christmas eve the laundry of Ham Hlng was made decidedly lively by a customer demanding his linen without n check. The man Insisted en geltlng his wash and Sam was dctermined that he fcheuld net. The man made the sulphur fly and greatly amused the crowd by call ing the peer Chlnee a Hungarian. After hme tlma the man gave his name and address and obtained the goods. An amusing scene was onacted attlie Reading railroad station about ttiosnme ttme Wiiere an irnta Berks ceitntian was hunting for a snulre. He clalmed that an error was made In his change, but In a short time found the meney in his vest pe.k't. He male profuse apoleglos te ibeitgent. , Edward W. Soarfess, of the dcpirlment of publle printing, Washington, V. C, and Miss Katie Rcthelser. daughter of Daniel KetlK-lsT, were married en Christmas iive at tfaa hjma of the bride's parents. Iler. W. H. Ulnman, of the Second strcet Lu Lu theran church, performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by-i large iitiinher el friends. Win. Courlnev was the grooms man and Miss Mollle Meckley the biidos biides maid. . , , Hav. F. X Clay Mernn was prnsonted with a bcfciulful geld waVch by Mr. and Mr. Urubaker, of the Tretnnnt hnune. The gift was found asld of the plute of ltev. Mernn at the break fut table. Daniel P. Celin was 60 years old yester day, and t"ie mombers of the Lark club presented him with a pair or geld cye- Jehn Ferry, of Clieatnut Hill, had a gob geb lcr stelen from him a few days age, which had a. private mark In the insldoef the wing. Mr. Kerrv asked a friend te buy a turkey for him at market, and purchased the one stolen from Mr. Terry. The mat ter has been placed In the hands of nn olll elll cer. Squire Evans sent Jacob Tobias the no torious " coon " from Marlfltti, te Jail for 30 davs for being drunk and disorderly. Fred Kempfer was bofero Nqulre Uvnns for oruelty te animals unci was discharged by paying the costs. Susan Sweeney was sent te Jail for trial by the saine squlre for assault and battery. The colored, ball In the armory last even ing was well attoiided and a big success. Adam Qeltz, a threo-year-olil seu of Jehn Ueltx, died yosterdny with croup after a short lllnes. The funeral will be held en Saturday at 0 a. in. from Hely Trinity Catholic church. Sherman Dauin, of Cordelln, and Miss Minnie Walker, daughter of Wash. Walker, were married Inst evening at the bride's home by ltev. W. S. Ulnman. A small nudlonce witnessed "Pavoments of Parts" In the eper.i limise last night. The .show was very peer, the company being a let of amateurs. R. . Williams was proientod with a handsome set of bronze ligures by ruilieud empleyes. The Columbia Oun club had a sheet yes terday afternoon at Statnan's farm. Messrs. Tayler, Broeme, Hogeuteglor, FrancWcus ana Oessler were the wluners. The Saleme U.B.Sunday school enter tainment will be repeated te-night. THE KIXZBIt ACCIDENT. Tha Weman Whose Child Was Kllle.l Alse Vies or Hep Injuries. Annie Mcllvalney, who with her child was struck by a train while crossing the railroad track ut Klnzer's en Tuesday, llugered until Christmas morning, wheu she died of her Injuries. She was terribly used up by the accident and It was known een afterwards Ointshe could net pesvllily survive for anv length f lltne. Thnre was a verv luree and uclv cash ever the right eya and the back part of me ncau was crusueu. une leg mum broken .In thren places. lJepmy Corener Ilenrv II. Itehrer, of I. an in Place, impanelled a Jury and held nu In quest. They found that the girl cainu te her death by being struck by cuglne Ne. 405 going west, and they attached no blame te the railroad company or its empleyes. The family of the girl, who are peer wite given the fees of the Jury by Ilia members of It. The Jurers were e). 1'. Burger, 12. M. Bewers, Ouorge A. Phenegar, A. 11. L'uy, M. Eckinan and J. Koeliler. The dead girl was but 1H yeais nf nee, and when she was struck slie had a deg vlth her which had his head cut oil' by llie 'same train that struck her. Henry W. Orudy llurlcd. The funeral or Henry W. Gnuly took place WodnetiJay allorueon from thu First Methodist chiireli In Atlanta. Five min isters participated iu thoMirvIees, mid the luuernl processlon was the largest ever seen In that city. Pre Ions te tint services the body was vlowed lu the church by thousands of pcople. A meeting of young men was held en Tuesday, in Atlanta, at which the sum or $5,000 -a as subscribed towards the election efu menument te Henry W. Or.uly. They issued n n address te nil admirer of the deceased editor throughout the country asking contributions for the pttrjKne. i IIu "Was Surprised. Lait eveulng a surprise patty was given te Steve J. Oweus, at the liouse of his brother-ln-law, II. II. I.uckenbach, ut Ne. 212 East Walnut street. A large number of gueats were present and they bad a splendid time. Mr. Oncns us presented with a BUile by his mother mid Mm, Iiuokenuach, his sister, gave him mu antlque oak stand ttinuned in plush, ltev. J. H. Esterllne. pastor of tlxeitetlicl Church of Cled, m.ulethe inc&Hifntleii bpecch, A . flnswippcrjnuji 6fgfe-.it u re. 0 Christmas Tragedy In neadln. In Iteadlng en Christmas dnv Austin Hubert, aged 9, nnd his brother (Silver, 15, were sheeting at a mark in the yard of their father's resldcnce with a rille which had been prosented te Oliver for ii Christ mas gin. Austin stepped between Oliver, who had the rille, and the target. Thu weapon was suddenly discliargcil and the ball struck Austin ami ledged iu his heart. He ran a few steps, crying, "I'm nlmt, " when he fell ever and expired Iu the arum of his mother. Oliver took te his bed aud 1ms been 111 ver since. Presented With u Oold-Ueadea runv. On Tuesday evening William Wetrel, president of the L&ncaster branch of the United Brotherhood of Curponters, wus presented by the members wllh a gold geld headed cane. The presentation speech was made by Strlckler It. Everts and Mr. Wettel, although greatly surprised, ni ni tarned thanks for the huudseine gift, after which he entertained his brother workmen t E. C. Hall's hotel. Masonte Eltnitten. At a meeting of Chapter Ne. 43, It. A.M.. held at Masonle hall, last evening, the fol lowing officers were elected : M. IX H. P Geerge B. Wlllsen j king, Geerge A. Mar shall; scribe, Jacob P. Shirk; treasurer, Cbas. A. IIe!jilti.h ; secretary, Hugh H. Gara; trustees, Henry Baunigarduer; Christian Wldmyer, William A. Moiten, Iten. te Grand Chapter, Jeshuu h. Lvle. The offlcers were iiibtalled by P. "11. P. Jcel a Eaby. An Attuoliment ImueJ. O. P. Bricker, atterney for David 11. Laadls, has issued an attachment against Gserge H. Wettlg, defendaut, and the Lan Lan QMter County Mutual Insurance company, trnlsbee. Wettlg's barn was destreyetl by flr a few days age, and It was insured in tilt Lancaster County Mutual Insurance eapany, nod te get the lusuranee due the above attachment, was Utucd. ri-ebable Murder By u Hey Frank Weldor was fchet and iirebably fatally Injured In Iteadlucen Wedneday by 15-year-old Walter Eiler, because lie rtsftwed le tike the boy out carriage rid- MMimn t.ecai. Yeslenlay Ernest Zahin had en his Chrlst Chrlst masdlnner table a bouquet of swoet vio lets that he gathered In his garden. Jehn Best rtreenled each of his em pleyes with a Christmas gin, and they .In return prcsentd him with a cemplete lull ing eutllt, consisting of n bamboo t-ane, a lAtlUtng liei, A'C. 11 lllis line wcamur L-ini- tlnucs, that outfit will be getting anxious te go te the river. Ilellly Brethers .t ltatlb are bennd te keep their men out or the wet, and they gave each oue an elegant silk umbrella as a Christmas present. The uownev mothers, proprietors ei me bending works nu Uurrismirg avenue, gave oath of their muii n tuikey or Its equivalent. At the soup liouse en Sunday morning 160 rations of excellent bread were given out and te-day the soup was steamlng hut and very geed. "Aloneln Ixmden" was given In the opera liouse Tuesday and Wcdneslay evenings at a Christmas matinee, nnd the audiences were satisfactory. The Ncflsvllle Union .Sunday school will held lis Christmas excrclses en KilaWay evenlng next, at 7 p. m. Tliore will be no Sunday school In the onerneon. A line pregramme bus been nrraiiged. Mary Lunday, daughter rf Ofllccr I.nn day. lest a valuable bracelet tills morning en her way from her home en West Walnut street te the 1'. 11. 11. htatlen. Apdrew J. Beeth, city, has been grunted an Incroase of ponslen. Iler. Stanley L. Krebs, of this city, hns received and uccopted a call te the pastor paster ntn of the Calvary Itoferincd church, mail ing. DEATH OF A ItEMAniCAUI.t: MAX. Clinrles A. Ashburtiur Dead nnd ruinous at Thlrty-flve. Charles A. Ashburner, the famous geolo gist, died In Pittsburg en Tuesday, nged S.. A few weeks age he went te Arizona and in the mountains was attacked with a severn cold. When he roturned te Pitts burg the cold hnd boeetno worse. Every Chrlttuias Eve he has onterlnlncd his friend , and he had sent out cards for the Christmas Eve festivities. When friends telephoned te h's rosiilance' en Tuesday, inquiring about his condition, Mrs. Ashburner repllcdthiit lie hail pissed a restless night, but scorned te fear netlilng sorleus. Tlieprlmiry can se of his dnatli was acute Brlght's dlsouse. Tim attack was se sudden thai, he was dying nlinest bofero the physicians woie cegtiUuut or the gravity of the case. Mr. Ashburner was born In Philadelphia February 0, 1S5I. lle was n graduute of the University of Ptinnsylvaiiln lu 1871, ranking first. He aocepted a place lu the lighthouse survey, but wheu tlie geological survey of Pennsylvania was rcuiganlzed he became nu assistant In that work. In l&SOhe was appointed goeloglst lu charge of the surveys of the anthrucite coal Delus, whero he originated a method of survey ing aud reiilbnsurlug which has received the approbation of mining cnglnoern and goelogits, both In the United States and Kurejx). The ability mid skill with which the undertaking was performed led te his belug appointed goolegist In clinrge of oil the olllce and Held work, lie was nu authority en oil, coal nnd minerals of overy class and his sorvlces were ongerly sought by coal oporaters who were Uoslreus of having a mlue lecated. He was n proinl preinl proinl nent momber of many learued soalctles uud a voluminous writer en goolegy. nei.n itemtKUiEg. Twe Men nu ve Their Wntches .Stelen en the Streot by Unknown Persons, On Tuesday night ubeiit inliliilglit n countryman from the vicinity of Iiiler Iiiler ceurse was robbed of a watch and 8I5, lle was en Middle street near Itecklainl, when a man approached as if te speak te him. Whan he get clese te him the man knocked the countryman down and btelu Ills watch and the abeve named about of money, lie at mice gave an alarm nnd netlilud the efllcers, but the thief could nut be found On Wednesday Fred Uretzler wus nr nr nr rosted by Olllccr Flaiinerd for ilrunkon ilrunken ilrunkon ness and dlsorderly conduct. Iu his pos session wero two watches, und one or thorn Is supposed te be the property of the man robbed, lle Is expected In" town te-day and In the meantime Uretzler will be held. Jacob Mehlur, en hid man who lives Willi his son-in-law, Michael Gardner, en Maner Mreet, started te vlelt n relatUe ut -II West Vine street lust evening afler dork. Near the cot nor of Strawberry nnd Mulberry streets i stranger ciime up te him and taking his arm began talking le him. Dot'ero Mr. Meliler kneiv what was going cm the fellow hnd snatched his watch. The old gentleman gave thu alarm, but It was loe late, us the fellow micccuded lu getllngnway, Tlmwatc'i wnsufsllverwltli a closed face nnd Mr. Meliler vuliied it highly. The watches found iu the posses sion of Giotzier were examined, but Mr. Mehlur could net identlfy either one. Injured by u must. William Kent, working ferS uniiel Pew I, In the utoue qiiuiry un thu Hemy Hess farm, along the Oregon turnpike, met with a very gainful accident en Tuesday about neon. The blasting Is being done with dynamite, uud a rluirge that wus made net going eiriis speedily us was evpuctml, Kant went te soe what caused the delav, and whlle steeping loculved the oxpleslnu lu his face," burning It lu n painful manner uud knocking out r.c oral iceth. It wus ut flrst fearcd the slglu of one eye would be lest, but bueIi will net be the case. The mitlercr was cnuvuyed te his home at Neusvlllc, whero Dr. E. II. Winner at tenrrmi him. A ChiUtmiis Ituuiiwny. Gcerge Shaub, who works for Arneld Unas, en North Queen Htieet, hired u le.iui of Levl Pewl yesterday afternoon uud started en u trip te NeU'svUle. When near that plaee he attempted te turn into n read leading from the turnpike, lie turned tee short und the buggy was upset. Thoher.se started for town nnd ran the whnle way lu. At iliu corner of Diikuiiuil Wulnut Mtinets he foil verv heu lly upon the p ivement ut Mrs. Keiidlg's bearding liouse. The top was broken from the buggy, one shall was oil' und It was otherwlso piettv badly dam aged. The hoi se was but slightly Injured. ' The Wluil Blew Through. 'lliere was a high wind this afternoon which is bulleved te be the foreiuuueref cold wcither. A large show case, tilled with barbarsupplles, that bleed in fient of I.lllci's barber shop, en North Queen street, was blown down anil suiashed te pieces. The deer of KuiilTiinu it Keller's coil efllec, neit deer te I'llun it llrcnemaii's store, wus blown shut with great foice and the large paues of glass lu It woie broken. Served Him Itluht. Jacob McDonald was Htandlng talking te a man at the Pennsylvania railroad en Tuesday evening when a tramp mixed In nnd wanted te have n say lu the con vers i i Hen. Tlie result was that he wus nnluretl etf und became highly insulted. He drew u knlte and wanted te cut McDonald, who promptly knocked him down. The tramp went away biitlsflcd that hi uanie was " Dennis." Vlattlnirltelutlve uud l"i'lenl. Mr. Trank Urlest, ex-clerk of the county commissioners, b Uitlng his relatlvcs lu this city and county. He has been living for the past two yearsaud a-half lu Warren county, Virginia, where he bus u large f.iriri v (Irinat liiu ...il.w,.l ......... pounds Iu weight hince his icstdciicu in the Seuth. Doubly 1'utut IteMitt nfn lluimwny. While Squire Aaren Kuchel uud hli wlfe were out riding lu llicckueck teunshlp, Berks county, en Wednesday urteruneu, the horbe ran uwav. Mrs. Knehcl, an uged woman, was ulmest Instantly killed, and her husband received Injuries which will undoubtedly result iu his dcalh. A Family Pound Stun Iliff. A family of eight pemens, futlier, mother and six children, near Meyor, In the Con Cen Con nellsUUe region, were found en Tuesday evening in such a condition lreni starva tion that It Is feared none can loeevur. The father and mother were prostrated ,v fever, und, as they lived lu nn Isolated place, the children could net bceure aid. Fruit l"i"em Flerida. Hen. Wui. M. McCermlck, of Jacksou Jackseu llle, Flerida, sends annually about Chi Ut mas time u geed lupply of orunes and ether tropical fruit tejifs cousin, Mrs. M. McCermlik, West King street. Upen each occasion he Includes a number of erunges, Ac, for the reporters of the Intixliucxciiiu Te day the apportionment came and thu ubiquitous news gathercrs devoured them with guite. Thanks. THE lANCASTER DAILY iyTMiLt&gyOEB, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. SHOUT BIIOUI.OEft CAPES MUST GO r Paris and Txinden Society Hns Dlncstrded Thcm-l'hyslclaim Have le- elnrtvl Against Them. Frem the Philadelphia Inquirer. If you sock "laGrlppe" In Us most vio lent form, wearu short cajx), particularly If It be made of that excellent non-conductor sealskin. Obrerve en a day when the wind Is particularly koeri and searching, hew the wearers of sliort-slieuldor capes Instliutlvely hug thcmselves, as It were, orinero properly, fold thelr arms te keep the chilling blasts from striking their practically unproiecieu cuests in us wnu sweep benealh the cni)e. The arms are loll without adequate covering as compared with that which envelepes the nhoulders,nnd this is In itself a dangerous fault. The waist also Is ex posed; Twe tctnnoralures are thus Induced upon n very small surface The shoulders are snug In their mantle, and are several degrees warmer than the uncoverod arms and waUt. Bronchial affections, lung treubles, nnd particularly that dlstreyer of peace, erysipelas, are thus engendered. In the old world these faults were quickly discovered. Eminent speclallslsln modlclne haralded the dangers of a con cen con tlnuance of the style. Their warning provatled and sheulder capes there are no mero, Modlstes fait the blew, but bowed te the superior knowledge nf the phvsl clans. On this side the fashion Is spreading and physicians step in the hurry of their professional duties ts Issue, a proclamation jnlust It. lit. T. Ilelllngswnrth Andrews, ox ex demonstrator or anatomy in the Jelforsen Medical college, was unqualified in his denunciation of the short cape, lle said! "I utn familiar with dorens of cases In my own practlee whero the allllctleu wiis dlreelly traconbleto the capes new worn. They nre usoless as a covering, beenuse dolicnte j)ortlens of the body nre left ox ex ox pesod. My ndvlce te wemen Is te abandon them. A prominent West Walnut street physi cian whose practlee among society lenders Is extensive, for which reason he asked that his words be ti ted anonymously, said: "Just tell the wemen that ifthey vnlue health und detest su doling above the rulings ufstyle they will seen roleguto thu short cape wliencn It came, or pack up their sleck en hand aud ship thorn te the untu tored heathen." a rum: rieHT i.v a cuuucu. All Sorts of Wonpeua Used ut u Christ inns Coleuration. A fiee fight took place at the Christmas colebrutlen in Eagle Creele church, near Sliawuoetown, III,, en Tuesday night, nt which clinlrs, chilis, knives and pistols were used. Themas Burroughs, the church 'doerkecpor, and ene of the most respcctuble fanners iu the county, was dangerously stabbed In two places, Htettt Celbert was hit lu the chin with n bullet, nnd several ether persons iccelvcd miner Injuries. The light nrose from a mlstnke lu dis tributing the presents, As Ih usual nt such entertalniucnis. parents lu the neighbor hood had taken their gilts te the church, whero tliny were properlv lubellud nnd hung up en the tiee. "Heme of the tags were Insecurely faslcned and diepped efT, but were replaced as securely ns possible. Tuesday night u large crowd ussembled te witness the dis tribution. When about u dozen of the presents hnd been handed te the children a fanner named Jehnsen grabbed a sled from a child's hands, aud declared It was ene he had brought tliore for his llttle boy. The sexton attempted te explain his mis take, but farmer Jehnsen pushed him rudely aside and started for the deer, cur rying the sled lu his hands. Heme young men, who hud been drinking, tried te suiitch the sled from Jehnsen, and he struck ene oftheni.nud wnsiilmsclfhit with a chair and felled te the lloer. The fight thou became general, nnd for a Hme It looked as though u number of the combat ants would be killed. NEEDED CHOKING. Hew n Weniuii Cut tlie Ilvst or u Thentre Usher. Ieiii thu N. Y. Evening Sun. A young woman, quite pretfy, bought mi ndmlssieii ticket te one or the big theatres the ether night, walked calmly te the front of tlie liouse and sat down. It was early and tliore were row in thelr seats. Tlie llglitful owners of tlie seat occupied by this young woman did net arrive until very hourly time Ter the overturo te begin. At Unit hour the house wus well illled. Tlie play en the beards for tlie night wus niie of the most successful before the public. The overture was Just beginning when nn ushur nnd the owners of tiie seat occu pied by the young woman, n theatre urty efslx, three ladles uud Uuee gontlemcn, cumodewu thoalsle The usher looked nt the cheeks ngaln uud then sild very pelitely: "I beg your pardon, madam, but I fear tliore must bu some mistake. Will jeu kindly let mu seu your cheek?" "I haven't uny iheck," replied the woman calmly. "Then this seat doesn't belong te veu. lHyuu kindly let theso ladlei have It?" "Ne, sir," c.iuie coolly from tlie young lady. "I de net intend te moxe ene Inch." " Then nindani, " exclnlmcd the usher, " I w ill have te put veu out. " "Oh, no, you won't, olther. Yeu will net touch inn." "I won't, eh? If you don't get up new I will put veu out. " Theu this young woman calmly nnd coelly-Mirveywl the thousands of souls In the house, und n queer littlu smllu crept ever her face. "If you touch me de veu see the thou theu suiils or persons In tills beuse? De you see hew denuely packed It Is? Well if Veu ntteiupt te put me out I will ery ' l'iie'l "' Shu kept her Mint. A MMA1.1. Fllti:. Which Was Iu llnteninu'n Pulut slieji lu the Gnble lluIliUnu-. Theie was n small llre en Tuesday night which brought out thu llie dopartuient by nn wluiin sounded riem bexT.ut East King amlDukeMicelH. It wus iiithoGuble build lug, Ne. SO East King street. The base ment Is occupied by W. II. llitnman nsn ikitut shop, tlie llrst lloer by I). P. Staek Staek heusn us u shoe stere, uud the second story us a billiard room by Goe. Dlllnr. Shortly bofero mldiilKlit soine young men were leaving the billiard room nnd us they went down stairs they sawsmeku which seemed le be coining from below. They notiiled Olllccr Crn ford, w he struck nn alarm and the llremen w ere seen en hand. Chief Von Ven Von dersmltli located tlie llre Iu the back part of the paint hhep nnd through u dense Niiiokenplug stream was put en und it was seen extinguished. Whero tlie llre started tliore were a let of paint rags und seme sawdust, und it la sup posed te havu resulted from spontaneous combustion. Quite u geed sized hele was burned lu the wainscoting or the shop. Sexural htcp ladders were ulmest entirely destroyed uud the wall was smoked. The iluiiuge te the building wus net grout. Mr. Slnckhoube's stere was tilled with smeke, but little or no damage wus done te llie goods. (iveii uu Olllce. Mr. II. It. Hobiusen, of Mount. Ille, was very agreeably surpilsed en Tuesday morning lu a very peculiar wav. About sK months uge he entered the "telegraph olllce nt Dlllerville. which Is lu churge of his brother, D. A. ltohlnsen, te luaru Unit tedious art, telegraphing. Without going uueuK'i uny iumiimiiuii iu me main olllce lu Philuilelplila, us is llie custom, he re ceived orders from Division O'Hiratnr 1'on 1'en 1'on dersmltli te ke te Cellins station and tsW cliarKOet the olllce there. Mr. lloblnseu Is glilcd will Ml tlie requirements efu llrst class operator. ' ihe Hiiriiioule Club Hull. The llnrnionle club, a w ell-knew u social organization of this city, held a ball lust evening ut their rooms In Eocher's build ing, Centre Square. They had u highly un)oynble time und there wus u large at tendance, Including a number of strutigers. Keiidlg's pailer orchestra furnished the music and Bismarck thu supper. Sued Fer Larceny. llerman Bellinger, the young man who stelo a let of Jewelry from the liouse of u man named Mlller, ut Clav, has been com cem com plalned against bofero Alderman Demi for Iurceny. lie Wllthavea heai lug te-morrow nieinlng at 10 o'clock. ' Ilnrutim Kid's Cases. In the case of false pretense against Jehn Fehr Aldermen liean and Spurrier hare reudored thelr decision. A number of the charges wero dismissal nnd these held for court wero brought by Metzger s Ce., W. D. Stauirer, J, Frank llelt uud Jacob King. JESSE JAMES' AVKXOEB. Ilia Attempt te Murder the Man Who Killed the Outlaw. In Iluchntian's gambling liens, Kansas City, Jnst befere daylight Wednesday morning an unknown friend of Jesse James attempted te avenge the death of the famous outlaw en Beb Ferd, his slayer. Ferd has been around Kansas City for several days, and en Christmas eve came evor from Hichmend, Me., where he had yeen visiting his parent. lie went te the Windser hotel, and, unfortunately, ns he new aaya, left his revolver In the room. With a party of frlenda he went te Buchanan's fsre bank about midnight and took a seat ut a fare table. Early In the morning he noticed a num ber of friends of Josse James lu the room, but refused te leave. Whlle he was Intent en the gaine an un known man grabbed him by tlie neck and struck at him with a knlfe as ha hissed "ieu bloody murderer, I'll tut your threat. " The knife went through Ferd's cellar, but did net draw bleed. He was en his feet In a moment and grappled with the avenger. The Utter was thrown down and begged Ferd te spare bis life. The avenger hur ried from tbe room, and Ferd calmly An An Ished the deal. Marriuge Elconse lloem. The clerk or the orphans' court had a geed week of It In Issuing marriage liconses Fer the woek preceding Christ mas day forty-flve liconses were Issued. Tnatt beautiful pianos and four splendid or er nans for sale at lets than cost s t the factory. We leave en January Int. HOHMEU 1'IANOH, Ne. IIU North queen street. dW-'Jld European Wizard nt Ne. 4V1 Went Kln street, was recently made the recipient of a valuable present for etrcctlng a reconciliation between a well-known lady and Kcutlemsn of thliclty. Hhe shows you a cor rect likeness of your future partner, etc Can nnd lie convinced, d2l3td Scathe. IAMKit.-In this clty.en the auiilniL, Annie, niece nnd udopted dniiuhler of Jrncph utiil Annie V. Datner, aged 2 years, e uieutiu and n days. The frlends of the family are respectfully In. vlted te attend the funeral, Irem the adopted parents' residence, Ne. 419 East Orange itrset, en Halurdny afternoon at 2 o'clock, Interment at St. Antheny's ccnietery. 2td ItXrtrhctB. i'hllnilelphln l'roduee Mnrket. l'HtLADEM-illA, Dec. l.-Noen-KIour wenkt: I'eiiu'a supcru, 2 0X12 75; extra. 275(33 OU: faintly, 37iaaiJ; roller, 4 OOvil 62; patent! Wheat ' null; Ne. 2 lied, new, BOUc; Ne. 1 1-enn'a Iteil, 0c ; Ne. 2 de, K7a3sc. '" ' Cem dull; Ne. 2, new, tWiie; old, 43 41c. Oats steady; Ne. 2 White 32c. ; Ne. 2 mlxcdSse v llrnn dull ; Winter msin 00. llnlist havdnll; fll&eaHOO as te eunlltv ; timothy loi9i:ieo for cholce; mixed, ail W baltsl rye straw, new, HnGO. Hatter dull; 1'enn'a creamery extra 2.V420O ; Penn'a firsts extrn KM) W. Kkks steady.; Penn'a Orts,24'Jk!; held lets, 13 'iie, nste iiuulll)'. C'lusMa dull ; past skliim, 78Xe; full skims, Petroleum sleanjr: refined In bbl V TO. Potatoes dull ; 8.'?(fle per bus, as teiiunllty. . CIrnln nnd Prevision!. Kiirnlshed by H. K. Yundt, Hreker. CllICAiie, Dee. 20, 1.-00 e clock p. in. Wheat. Cern. Outs. J'erk. Ird. December. Stjf 5 77 Year . ... Jimiinry.. . t; wijj au v id 8 si February . 30 6 sj Mareti 7t)3; ... , . 5 IU April , May - my, airs "M'S M u oe June, -.. i us .. . July SeJi 32K' CrudeOII " Consels ie3 Ileccipts. Cariait-s. Winter Wheat 5.1 Hprlng Wheal M Cern , 6ih Oaln..... no Hye liartey . . Head. Itceelpts Hers Itccelpui -Cattle- Hteck Aliirkets. Quotutlen by lleed, MeUrann A Ce., bnukers, 12 i. Jr. m. Auuciisiur, ru, KKW VOIlK LIST. Canada l'liclOc. , U. U. O. A I , Colerado Ceal Central l'aclfle. , Canada Heutherii Chi. Ht. U A I'bg. Den. A llln O Del. U A W Krle Krle 2uds. Jer U - K. AT , Leu. A N 11 A. M. S7,' 57 57 1 -lltj . 27 jjijv; 7 " ii?; H3i u Hnere ..,., Mich, Cen .'. . . Missouri Pacific 71. Meck, Vulley N. 1' N. I. l'rcf. - 713J 71-; N. West Ill's N. Y. O lwSJ iu: Mi DIM 1WW s New Kimlnnd... "3 41 "ustTeuucssee Omaha il Orcenn Tritiureiitlueutal.. 85'S ssyi l'acina Mall itlchmnnd Terminal.... Ht. Pa ill Texas l'aclfle Dnlen Pacific . Wabiwh Cem Wabiuh l'ref. Western U WcstHliere Ileudu. , 87 2I 7 8.1'J ml 2 HXi HJ5J 1'llII.AnKI.rilIA MST. idlrVKlmi-Tin : r 52 61 1'IK 621 H. N. Y. A l'hlla Pa. It, )U Hnadlnic jyj' Leu. Nav . Hosteuv. 1'uj.s P. A 11 N. Cent, Peeples l'ass IMk 4's .. .. en : .:.:::: : 19l Lecal yteek und llends. Hepei ted by J. U. Lene. Par . , Milne. laincni't 0 per cent., lsce IU) ' 0 " ' lvaj no " 4 " " Hchoel lean lsw 100 " 4 " " In t er2Dyer. 1(X) " 4 " " ln5 eriMjeart. 100 " 4 " " In 10 or 31 cars. 100 " ' " In 15 or JO j ears. 1W Manhclm UoreiiRli lain, UU iisci.i.iojtei's srecKs. Qimrryvllle It. It . 60 MlllorsvllleHlreotCur 60 Iuiulru I'rlntlnif Ceinpuuy 50 (laslluht nnd FiielCemuuiy 2.", Htcen lloiiketllouds).. HO Columbia (Jas Cempiuiy 25 Celuinlita Wuler Company 10 Husiiiuhnnnn Iren Company lim jt arietta Hellew-Mart; KX) Htevens Iletixe M IlllersllleNormaiacheol 20 Northern Market .... te Kan tern Market te Oas Company llends (5 iht et. 1'JOOJ ltu Columbia Iloreueh tleiuU In) Ouarry vllle It. It. 7's - 100 lU-itillne A Columbia It. It. S'. .. 1U0 Kdlseu Lltiht Cemiuuy 60 Western Market 50 Heutherii Market. 60 lAIicjislerCltyHtreel Hallway Ce.,.. SO Kjiat i:nd Street llatlwuy ... .... se Wi-sl EndHltvel Itulluuy &e IjinensterHteum KadtaturCe. 60 lleleila Leather Ce., . . se Wutch Factory tt's uy Lane, Chum. Ce.,. ipe TUUM-IKh STOCkS. ljineaster A Fnill lite , . 50 laincusterA Lltltz 2", JjmeasterA Wllltamstewn 25 Ijinruster A Maner w Ijuu'iMter A Manhclm 2." l.incuiter A Marietta a Ijineiuter A New Helland. loe i-nsl sale. let 110 lirt ltu 101 lut'J lO'i 102 1 w 6 2S lue 2j 11 205.2". 210.10 1.05 Is 75 M nu litl.50 no KM 50 67.50 60 85 45 ta te CO m 101 l.v 48.50 W.50 UlO 13.5 SXJ.90 il 3,U-iu jV&ucvttBcmt'ute. A USOLUTELV I'UHK. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Tit IS powder never vanes, a marvej'et pu rlty, streiiKtb and whnlcseineniss. Mers rcuneinleul than the entluary kliidn, und can can net lj leld In cemiwtlltuti with the multitude nf low tent, hert weight, alum or plioplmte Powder. WuM only u cum. IterAL lUk'i.se l'ewuut Ce.. 100 Wull ktreet, New Yerk. uiniSI'lydAlyw TrjOllltKH'rt LltiUOltaTOUK. DUO TIE MONTCHKLLO CHAMPAONKIu halt bankcU.tliiiisrUer IJplnla. Alaeflneund iheaii Wines, Ht HOUKEH'tt LIOUOU HTOHU. Ne. 22 Centre Bquare, LancasUr Ia, H AOEB 4 BIMmiEn, WE Swiss Tambeured Lace Curtains, Uffl WIS, HEAVY MI1S, DRAPERY STOP erusseisiace curtains, Keal Kenaissance Uice Uurtains. Dotted and Em broidered Swiss Muslins for French Curtains, etc. Heavy Draperies for Windows and Doorways. Plain Chenille in six colors, 95c. nine, valeurs or billc lurceman in AH-Over Patterns or plain Tops with Dadoes. Many Special Attractions. UCS-Curtains Hung and Portieres Draped te produce the best HAGER& BROTHER, 25-31 MiT. Jtctu 3&ucrttemcntB. JUST HKCKIVKD, A FINK HTOCK OF IM .1. 3PVS1 ?n.1. Uomestle Champagnes, Hlicr. rles and Pert Wine. Hcetcti and Irish Whiskies, Mcetcti and Bnun Ale, llrewn Htent, Fine Hu- 30c?nt.Wa beltie:n"f0r,"a lUi an1 Wl"U Wlne' dlg-lwdlt Ke. 23 Centre Mquare. ITIAUMUltH WANTED TO SUPPLY MILK J . AT T1IK m ., LANCAHTEH CAIIAMELCO., e2)-tfdtwH S3J Church Ht,, Lancaster, Pa. rriHE FINFJJT LINE OF WAX HTKIUO X Arid and Paraflne Onndles for the lloll llell Jays.atMlLLKlt'H SOAP CO F lOtl HimtTS, COLLAKS AND CUFFS, OO TO ERIFIMAN'H Ne. 42 Went King Street, WANTED -KAHM Kits TO MAKE CON tmct for Milk for the coming year. Must apply befere January let. ,. ,M?iSAS,',:l1 t'AHAMCL CUMPANY. dlt-litdi.2twlt THE FINEST LINE OF WAX STEtllC Aeldnnd Pnranne randies for the lloll llell duys, at MILLEK'S HOAP CO. PUJ!L'.ICl H.A,'E ev FAUMEIW AND UntcherV stalls will be held In the Furm en' Seiithern Market Heuse en Saturday. De cember 2Sth,atll o'clock a. m. The minimum prlee for farmers' nnd Truckers' Stalls has been fixed at the low rntoefH iter annum for Tuesday market, and $7 for Saturday morning and after noon markets Inclusive. Hatchers' stalls In the kainn proportion, llv order or the Beard. dll,M),M.27 H. L. FltAILEY. Secretary: IJUI1LICSALE.-ON PKEM1SEH.ON WED . .nesday.JuiHiarvl, WiO.-a Farm contain ing 74 Acrei, mere or lesi ; 40 acres cleared, the ret sprout land: In Manic township, one mile southeast or lUwlluvllle, ndjelnliig farms of Jehn Hart, Samuel Wiggins. Mrs. Dugan nndeUiers. A iwo-stery Krume Houve, Stable. Tobacco Ilarn, Wagen lleune, Yeung Orclmni and running water are en the premises. One half purchuie money can remain charged. decKU2G Excouter of ilenry Meyor. -OllOCTOH'S OI'EIIA HOUSE. Procter & Soulier Proprietors and Managers. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights and Saturday matinee. Dee. iw, 27 nnd 28, the Intent mieecsHnil MuMcnl Comedy, "THE SHANTY QIIEEN." Prices. 15, 20. 3e; ie and 75 cents. Monday, Dec. 30, Johnnie Prlndlc In " Kenben Olne." dJiMtd R EDUCTIONS. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS -AT- Clarlsie's T -OF- BALANCE OF HOLIDAY GOODS BEIOrtE STOCK TAICINO. If you want the blijest dollar's worth of (Ire- cerles, CALL AT TEA AND COFFEE STOKE, NOS. 12 It SOUTH QUEEN Sl'HEET. 1. S. Call nnd get a New Calendar for lstw. ITlOIt SALE.-VALUAIILE HOME IN THE J Cumberland Vulley. Valuable Country beat and Heme, located nt the edge. ofMeclmnk'sbup', en llie reed leading from Harrliburg te Carlisle, known as Trlndla Spring read. It really has no comparison for 114 deslralitltty, location and surrounding Ter a cumrbrtnble borne. The limine tunds back from the read ubeut 200 feet, en a little rise, und a lawn lu trout slopes grad ually te the read; stands right upon a corner of prominent crossroad, tilt ene lead ing te William Greve, the ether? te Harrl burg pike, te Mcchanlcfcbiirg and te Carlisle. There Is ubeul eight acres of land te this home, partly covered wllh fruit tree apples, peari, peaches, plums, gages, nprlcelx, gruMM, rrulw, ie. This place has only te be teen te be appre ciated. The property adjoins the DUUburv 4 Hurrlfcburg nillread station, nnd postetllce within 200 jnrdj. The famous Trlndla Spring church property Joins this property In the rear. Scheel near by, or can go te .Meclmnlculnirg schools ; only about ten minutes walk Inte ti chantcburg. Fer n retired farmer or merchant who wants te siiend the balance of his days with pleasure this Nene of the places set apart rer him. The premises can be viewed by taking tmlu nt Harrlsburg Ter Dlllnburg, und stepping est ut Trlndla Spring station, or stepping at .Mrclinnlcsuurziind walkout. Fer particulars, address .I.L.ME1.0Y. deJI-3tdTii,Th,Si2tw Carlisle. Pa. Q KATES AND SLED. When the Celd Weather Cemes Don't Ferget That We Are Headquarters Fer SKATES -AND- SLEDS. 40-42 N. QUEEN ST., NEXT DOOR TO POdTOKFlCE. litillj Br. d M, 26. 1889. ASK YOU TO EXAMINE HANDSOME LltfES OK Brussels Effects in Nottingham, per yard. Overdrapery Fringes $ten 3ttttctii0cment0 BEST 6e HAVANA FILLER CIOAIt IN the city, at BILLY WAIT.'S, Nes. 5 i 103 North Queen St. decfr8mdM.Tu,Th,H IJtOR RKNT-THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, with stabling, nt Mount Jey. The hotel contains 27 rooms; the stabls has room for 20 horses ; carriage house, hog pen, chicken house, large let of ground. Privilege of buying furni ture, dltl-lwd "ClOIl HENT-FKOM APRIL 1ST. NEXT, A ,LJ First-class Blacksmith's Snep. with dwell ing Heuse, situated at Greenland Mills, In East Lampeter township. Apply te .. ELIZAUETl'lt O. E. BATES, 0l4-tldR 443 North Duke St., Lancasler. Pa. rilHE FINEST LINE OF WAX STER1C L Acid and Faraflne Candles for the Holi days, at MILLER'S SOAP CO. OYSTERS 1 BEST OYSTERS IN THE MAR MAR ket served In all styles, and mcalaalall hours, at CHARLES E. HOSTER'S, In the rear of the Central Market. Oysters In the shell or opened served te private fumlllcs. Telephone connection. nov2e-2mdR rrtHE FINEST LINE OF WAX 8TERIU 1 Aeldnnd Faraflne Candles for the Holi days, at MILLER' SOAP CO. rpiIKV CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN X Equal Billy Walti's Havana Filler Cigar, nt NOS. 6 A 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. flMr-ilnif1f Tn Tli u dec&0mdM,Tu,Tb,S BEST TWO FOR FIVE CENT. CIO ARS the city, at BILLY WAITZ'S, . r .. -. Nes. 6 4 103 North Queeu St. dec5-flmdM,Tu,Th,B T UlE LATEST Trouser Patterns At MCORANN A NOWLEN'S, Ne. 13b North Queen St. milE FINEST LINE OF WAX BTERIC X Aeldnnd Puranne Can dies for the Holi days, at MILLER'S HOAP CO. rriHE FINEST LINE OF WAX BTERIO 1 Aeldnnd Paranne Candles for the Holi days, ut MILLER'S SOAP CO, rpiIE FINEST LINE OF IMPORTED AND JL Demestic Cigars In the city. Clear Ha vana Cigars, our manufacture, In boxes of 23. CO und 100. ' ... ..-. DEMUTU'H CIOAR STORE, als-tfdR 114 East King Street. I7IOR HENT-THE FINE STORE AND Dwelling, Nes. 41 and 43 Seuth Queen street, formerly tlie Dalsr Grocery. Will be rented together or separately, stable and wagon shed en premises. Apply te MRS. W. P. BRINTON, n . ... Ne-w Heul" Queen St., Or te Edward P. Buinten, Att'y. dal-tfdlt t ' ' rpitOL'T i SHANK. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR OENTLEMEN, OO TO . .. . TROUT A SHANK, mar20-lydR Ne. 140 North Queen Street. NTOMElWMY FRIENDS A-N'n CUa I have located temneinrlly my office nnd warerooms at the Heutherii Market, corner et SOUTH QUEEN AND VINE STREETS, unit have In stock a tine assortment of Sleighs, Bug gies, Phcetens and Family Carriages, and the Nerbcclc Read Carts, nil el my own manufac ture. Special attention Is glen te repairing. My Motte Honest work and fair dealings, always wins. dcc2l-tfd J. n. NORBECK, Agent. "DURE II YE WHISKY, DISTILLED AT Groffstewn Distillery. Alse ether brands, such as Mount Vernen, pougherty, Hennlsvllle, nnd the leading brands of Gin and Brandies. Pure Scotch and Irish Whiskies. Alse ull kinds or Wines, do de mestlc and Imported. Alse the old 'genuine Orange Wine, formerly sold by Mr. Krelder. Anj thing lu our line can be bad at A. B. SHEAFFER'S Liquor Stere, d20-lwdlt 61 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. piALL AND WINTER, 1889. Fer the Latest Novelties, Largest and Most Complete Assortment or Fall and Winter Suit ing, Overceating uud Treusering, gote H. OEH 11AHT. Nene te enunl It. Nene te surpass the make up. The correct Fabric for Full Diess Hull, and the price the lowest, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 43 North Queen Street, WOnly Direct Importing TBller In the City of Lancaster. j; M ART1N BROS. New thut ChrUtmus is past and we've been stim ulated by a largely Increased trade, our work - icople are ready uud we ugalu go forward with greater actl Ity t inline I juinue AMD VALUES OF INTEREST. te furnish the best MIIN'S AND HOYS' Clothing and Furnishing Goods FOH THK LI'.YST MONKV. Webue some Interesting things te say about hulls, Overcoats, Underwear and Gloves, utter minds nre net ke preoccupied by jestcrdaj's enjeymentf. We would only remind you to day that money and regreUcau be uned If you don't buy until you leek ever our etrerlngs, MARTIN BROS, NOS. W AND 28 NORTH QIIEEN ST. $2,G0() 7 WILL BUY Four Twe-Story Brick 6-Roomed Dwellings. In llrst-eless condition. Almest new tX rent j er mouth. Cull for ether bargains In real estate. JOHN H. METZLER, Ne, feOUTH DUKE STREET. 015-lyd 3, v Irish Point Lace Curtains, R te match. Tapestry and CI effect. Experienced Drapel Lancaster, Pi Tu TIkSS I Slew bucvtlBcmcnt. 4O ARRI AGE WORKS. D0ERS0M CARRIAGE WORKS,! corner or Duke and Vine Streets (ferml OEO. 8. NORBECK. Pn ManiifaeturerofFlneCarilaireR. Hucsles. 1 ket Wagons, Ac. Experienced workmen oil pairing, a ew uaRr wagon for sale chs) mh ai uoersem uarriage works. uy-iyu milE FINEST UNE OF WAX BTE1 a. Acm ana i-arunne i;undies for the days, at MILLER'S HOAP CO. TTtORHAlIii 13 Tiie three-story modern Brick Reside! rn. de 1 .norm iiime bireei; i.ns all the vcnieneeK. Annlvte dI4-2wdtt W. D. SPRECHEl milE LAROIT AND FINEST LINK 1 Meerschaum mid French Briar I'll cigar Helders, cigar Cases, SnuU Bexes and kinds of smoker's urtlcles. JJEMUTH'S CIOAR BTOHEJ aitt-uun, iu Kast King sired TILLY WAITZ HAS TIIE BEST TWO II jur ec anunc cigars in ineHinie, at I NOS. 6 A lttl NORTH QUEEN sfl UUUOIIlUAl ,i U,X 11,9 F IOR HANDSOME NECKTIES. Ne. U West King Streel Coin l-'IITHMAK'U rrtHK FINEST LINE OF WAX STEl jl Acin ana rnrnnne candies for the III uays, at aiiL.Lt.il a suai' CO. TUDOES HAVE IXINO SINCE HECir J that Billy Walti's Cigar Is he Hest In State. Fersnleat NOS. ft & 103 NORTH QUEEN SI -ITIOR RENT-FHOM APRIL 1, 1800-Tl A) Stere Roem and Heuse occupied! Hlilrll's tlirnel HLnrA nnd Vnnfnri- Mm,lU King and Water streeU; uhe RethwellJ tieivi uujeiuing. Apply 10 r ... W.U. ROLAND, aii-2wa Ne. lx Seuth Duke stn OUR MAKE OF GOLDEN LION AND j OuerlduSe Clcnirs cannot Im exmlliul. I DEM.UTUS CIOAIt STORE,! iv.uiuiuim ,v. 114 jmmi jiug Bire ItlO-IIUJI 1 1 1 1 . .I... I "DALACE OF FASHION. 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST. Come And Examine the Grc Bargains Offered in Our COAT DEPARTMENT Our entire stock of Cea must be closed out reeardle of cost. Ladies' Newmarkets, form price &1.75, $4, 4. se. at 2.0 former price $5 and $6. at$3.d lermer price $7 and $8, $4.98 ; former price $10 $12, at $7.49 ; former price $ te $15, at $9.98 ; former pri $16 te $20, at $14.98 ; form price $21 te $35, at $19.98. TsV' I 1. t 1 misses iNewmarkets ai nuaren s ieats at tiie san reduced prices. All our Ladies' Cleth Jacket at S2.Q8. Ladies' Steckinette Jacket!! at 52.49, $2.95, $3.50, $5, u; wards; worth mere than at tl prices sold. Cut prices in Plush CeatJ and Wraps. Short Plush Iackets. form price $q, reduced te -S7.eS : fe mer price $10 and $12, reducer te Sie.40 : former ericn reduced te $12.98 ; former pricy $20, reduced te $16.98, fj Husli Wraps, former pric $12 te $15, at $11.98; ferme price $16 te $20, at $14.98. BOYS' CLOTHING! Twe thousand dollars wertl of Beys knee Pants must be sold. Prices must sell them. Beys Suits reduced frerr xi. vc m ci in n em-. . . , S'-9S ; S34S te 2.69 ; 4.49 tcf 3-49 ; 5.49 te 4.29 ; 6.9Sl te 4.98; 7.9S te 5.98 a.9S te 6.49. XT 1 1 1 r .1 1 iNOTicE we take stock era January first, and all this week we shall be busy putting up uaiyaiu i.uia in cvuiy uepart- ment. Come in and leek at them. Our whole stock of Comforts will be offered Belew Cost. rake of Faslrie Palace of Fasliien, 115 & 117 North Queen St. Jl I e "S-rJT- c-.-?.4m. ''tHWf'i ff ifcet