."".i" ml? w r,Li i ir-t!i?-.- '- ' 'rfJ ,. t.T Ih If .i. ?n JL 2-l W" ? .- x KM 5.1. J' wi . M w, m. rf r- f alia -'fliiWUtiicitccv. -T ...ii in 'unHUmr j.steinman. iV . OHAKLIWHTKINMAN FOLTZ, Editors. JtOBKKT CLAKK, IIIDIHBW. .tm DAILY INTELLiaENCEtt.-Publlshed , rwy day in the year, but HundAy Bertcd fcr carrier In Hits city and iurrbundln ,'l! towns at ten cents a week, llymallflvodel-''-'- tan a cr In advance t 60 cent a month. w-. i ti imiMrai ,r) . fifty cents n year, In advance .HOTICE TO SUUSCHinERS-Rcnilt by euro ' '( wwt..m.w. .. ..! rltrrrt neither Of Ummmn h i.mcnrrsl send In registered ' letter. . , I fiv niftm At Urn itmbnice. m second clw mall Abbbmb, TBS nfTEtltOENCEX, Lancaster, Fa. W-g', iAJrOABTBB, PA., December 23, 1889. Why Whs Hnrmcr rounded J Sneaker Heed's committees p;ein te fS'Lave created necpcclnl criticism wive In "5 tbe ejection of Mr. llnrnier, of Plillntlel- -S phla, .from Hits nnval committee, of & A which lu wns bv usam? entitled te tlie ife chairmanship; but he wns net given a Zi, place upon It at all. Tlie reason given Is te' that he voted for McKlnley for p speaker. This reason lmrdly explains, ffir Air. iianner ucing ureiipeti net umy tfrem the chairmanship of the commit Pfjtee but from that ceinnlltteeniid nil im PfMwrtnnt committees tinil positions. If Mr. 1 Hied had hacked as savagely at eveiy ?'& , member who voted for JlcMhiey lie E. i . . . .I.. 4 1 4..t..1 ... l. would nanny iinvuiinii iiiiiiurKiiuuuugu fnr lila tyrvut 1ilnrHt ait Hint. It Is evlflcllt &. that Mr. Ilarmer was iluiig down se Bfe hard because he was particularly ob- tVk . . i . ii. i .,!. ,..!.. SSV noxious 10 iiiu Hpvunur r in wuunMij else. The general supposition is that Senater luny had a finger In the pie ; but Mr. Harmer assures a Prcn reporter that Quay and he nre as thick as ducks in a puddle, and that Quay told him that he had told Heed that he would make a great mistake In taking Ilarmer oil' the naval committee. This may be, though we take It tets: a talc te n marlne and green reporter. Wu arc net Inclined te the belief that Congressman Ilarmer fell se heavily when Quay was trying te held him wp; and we suggest te llumrcr that he had better camp out hereafter with the anti-Quay forces, who uns be coming se numerous nowadays In the Pennsylvania weeds and valleys. a Think of Tlicni. r II lx . ....... .. ....!.... ,1..., I...IC II... ...!.! it IB (1 lllltf BflJIII; limb Jlilll llJUttWIlll does net knew hew the ether half lives, and it Is certainly better for the comfort M- of one-half that this Is the case. If nee- 9 ple welt-to-de and happy In home life Eflft. and friends could sec lu thu faces of these they pass uimu the street nil tlie litird- KajgS? 'ships and troubles that give u gloomy shade te ether lives they would le ap palled by tlie volume of misery ami discouraged from all ell'ert fe relieve It. Te aid thu distressed by a kind word or deed would seem as foolish as te Ihmicvo Ihmicve lently attempt the destruction of all lite iue4(piilH's in the world. Distress like mosquitoes is supposed te serve a useful purpose in the economy of thu world by turning men's thoughts te another. Dis tress in these Christinas times should be sought and relieved by every one who has little of It. net only becautu it will lie a kindness te ethers, but because of .ky i,.n i.iti tn ......J. .,..,r iii.. i ..I........ r.ii- i iiiu uviit-iib lu uuu n nvu I iiiu uiiiii.tr, iur il. ...... ..... ..... ......... ..... ,va, lows cuaruauic notion, uiuiu u nine jjr ,of ethers net se happy in Christmas 3kf time and try te make I hem niore checr '4 ful. mmm fA, 'lliat Kciitiltlic. ceimier .lergau hiieuiii eeiurui urn Imnatlcnce te acknowledge the renublle lW et 1,raz"i which Is a republic only in AjiWDie, and has a mighty peer show of Si even kecnlmr the name ever the winter. tne out emperor was a lateral ninii, ami was emperor only nominally, lie put en no imperial airs, and always showed himself ready te de what thu people wanted mid what seemed best for the country; which Is a vast wilder ness generally, with hcaeeat cities and river-reached communities. It has no railroads binding its scattered people together or even telo tele S graph wires holding them in com ''' muuicatleu. it is us big a country in i acres as our own, but it Is very weak by reason of Its small development and , population. It is a collection of many " ceuutries held together under one name; and held by hardly anything else, sae n litt'e bit of an army, which seems te be able, however, te de wonders for lis size, as it list the old emperor awav and ;y e. started the new government ; the itce- ple seeinlng te huve llttlu Interest lu the matter, or se great fear of lielng shot us te make a single nuiskel a mighty englAc of persuasion. Them has Ucn no icasen given for the upsetting of tlieeninire te ulve nlticu te jgi&j- a republic, just after It had abelNlied slavery and Just before the meeting of a newly elected legislature; mid the revo lution has changed nothing but the name; unless It has Increased the des potic character of the government; as In fact it seems te have, done; for the new concern rests entirely upon the bayonets that built It. Her little army went a'galii.-l Dem Pedre for no particular icaseu that we knev of, save tlieiiatiiral.Iiicliiiatiuii of the decrepit little thing te 'eiis.-ed- MCSS." As thu liuw icpubllc rests upon the army, and the army is Insignificant lu size, it is net probable that it will rest long. The probability is that the empire will be resolved into Its original states for a while ; which wjuie time again may cemu into confederation, when their Interests deniund It mere m strongly than they new seem te de. m i A Diminishing Ue or Anthracite. The dullness lu the anthracite eeal trade is niore remarkable than the mild weather, te which It Is being ascribed, but which does net half explain it. It would account for a great decrease iu retail sales, but it is tee early in ine season ler such decrease te .'.- affect the lnlnlncr tnilnlri. w,. ... etlllbut ontheeveof winie'r, and It Is r nanny mere- tiuui tliue for us te expect '.-' Ha' Piilil u-eiitlw.i- MM... ... .. . . : . 7 . '"" niuiu-B ui eeiu T& wuicu liavu been laid In ut thu yards iVi- ler me winter s uenmud have preb- J. . "'J IK.-VU uejneieii up te (, Wa time nearly as much as ever bviim householders laylug iu their winter supplies. The tiine for a mild win ter te affect the mining Industry would naturally be further along in the season, when It wrnilil ennui n lmll- ! n.n f. e. " . -"" ..m.k ut iuu li . ..untii Ky .wl.lll lf.ii.1 1 .......nr mi x;y"v"""" " "iiuuiiui i-ujipiifH. j lie fe'vJnT36"1 B'el'I,:,i0 of milling ls!catire of ipe siacKticss or (leiiiand k'ciiis te Iw nL. auibutccl te something e!e than the ff weather H Indicates a fallliiL'dlt in the um f (We'tw eeal, Ufause of Its be! in !f V-iMinnliiti(l ,v lilin..,!., ,,..., i i ,. I .y?10 t,,!,t ,ll(i nnlhraclie mh;ers had JWHWKcniueiigut or any such dlmln 'vlhed demand but had stocked tbecoun tbeceun .try In autlcljiatien of an Increased de- AMtua. 'jifie fact seenw te be that an- tliraclte vyiA Is yearly lieceitilng mere ami mere restricted te family use. In this Hue lis sale Is exceeding J but as n slcam maker and nil ere smelter It H giv ing way te the cheaper bituminous coal and the mrirc efficient coke. Anthracite coal can never a as cheap as bltumtuuus coal, IttCause it is in much mere limited supply and much mere expensively mined. It will pay Its owners better te lei It lie In the greiind.where It wllleenstniitly increase in value ; but It does net pay the coal carriers te de tills; mid tliey arc also coal owners and miners. They need the coal te make their railroads pay ; and what tliey leso In thecealthey cxjK-ct te te make upon the reads. It would be a mere economical arrangement In the long run, probably, te destroy the rail roads and save the coal, than te destroy the coal te save the reads ; but the result of the policy is te make nutliraclte coal eheaiwr than It naturally would lie ; which Is geed for the consumer. .SVi'ciirc makes n furious nstault en the appropriation by Congress efn tnllllen mid a linlf for nn irencliul designed by a incin incin ber of the Heuse. Tlie Theinns Ironclad cruiser hns attracted a geed deal of curious attention, bcentise, se fur as tlie gencrnl public knew, It Is the creation of (he brain of the limn wIione iminn It bears; but Neiencr, though using no name, casts n doubt upon this by protesting Hint niicIi a construction could only be safely nltompted by engineers or naval architects ofoxcop efoxcop ofexcop tlonnl oxjterlcncc, and possessing eotubl eetubl eotubl natiens or taleuts vastly niore rare than tliose of tlie successful goneral : " The story, If told abroad, will undoubtedly be lecelvcd with nbsolule Incredullty, ns ene of tliose liiniuiprehoustble Atunriean 'Jokes' which the avnrage Kureic.iu mind can never liope fully le apnrcclate ; but, wcre It bollevod, tlie nvorage Amerlcaii ran probably as llttle eoiicelvo the nstonlsli nstenlsli incut that It is likely te awaken." The crllle geos en te hint thai the extcut le which the speelllcatieus are published Kiiggesls that " belilml the great lawyer and hidden by his grander proportions is sotno setno sotne whoro a naval architect" who for seme mysterious reason eonsents le reiiinln un known. "Could It be possible that the wliole porferiunneo reproseuts the cater ing of a bureau of the navy doiart deiart doiart iiient te the political friend rolled en te promote its inteiests?" As tlie scluutlllc writer dees net attack the plans It may soeni le he soma assurance of their cxrel- lence that they arc no thoroughly published, but hardly a man In a million could mi mi mi dortnke te explere that mass of details for errors, and Ills iptlte true that " the poeplo of the United .States cannot all'erd te hand ever a million and a-half te no ainnteur and le rink Its success iu battle en any such wild experiment." Let the iiamoef tlie red designer be puhlMied, and if it Is Themas or any ether amateur he may be llrst required te duiuunstrate his ability by building a tug beat. ' Tin: engineering dup.irttnunt of Vnndor Vnnder blll unlverslty at Nnshvllle, Tenn., renews Its eiler of fermer years te aduill free of charge le a cIiihs lu read engin eering one principal or deputy highway ellleial fieni eirh county iu Tennessee, and If litany ceuuly tlie eiler Is net accepted the chairman ol'llie county couitlste appoint an applle.iul from any stale, tin id engin eers are needed In thlscettntry, anil thickly settled, wealthy I'enusylvanla tdieuld be the llrst slate te plaeu men usjiecially edu cated for the work In charge of the con struction and tiiaiutenauee of highways. Yauderbllt uuivursity Is pushing Teuues Teuues Teuues soe ferwaid lulhls matter, bittlf the county and state efllelals are net inade le realize n popular demand for nioie lutolllgeut read inanagciiiuut there will be llttle piegress. The course at the university will e.tcnd from February 1 te April 1, and will eon een slst of lcctmes ami weik en tlie economical location of reads, the building and main t doing of reads, the recmihliiictieii of old reads, drainage, letaluiug walls, culverts, shnple luldges, Held skclehlug, Instru mental location and estimates of cost, and a studr of systems of highway administra tion. Tin: quarterly treasury niert en Im ports, experts, Immigration mid naviga tion for tlie thiee months ending .luuolie, is a very bulky volume, and If ipiaullty llxed the value of statistics, It must contain great wealth of Inhumation. There me Heme thbteen hundred pages el a perfect Sahara of llgures unrelieved by a single oistseflutercsllug comment. A courage ous investigation cm, howevor, llnd ugoed deal that will rejuy exploration, or these Interminable expanses of mathematically dry fact. Thorels, for example, i statement showing Iho routes and descilptieu of steamers maUliig legular passages between our six chief ports and peits in Mexico, West Indie:, and Central and Seuth Amer ica, Frem this It appears that of thu ene hundred mid eighteen steamships iegu. lnrly engaged en tliose lines, only thbty thbty llve are under the American Hag. The heik contains elaborate statistics or im im peils and experts, and prices which must hoof value iu studying thu working of Iho (arlll'laws. The free dado In "..ilirye citi zens is shown by the statement that" lu the second iiuni ter of I8.U we iccelved neatly ene bundled and eighty-IHe thousand Im migrants, of which number tnore than ene bundled and thirteen thousand mini mines. Or the male immigrants about eighteen thousand weie under lilteeu years efage, and twelve thousand ever forty, showing an addition of nearly eighty-four thousand males between fifteen nud feity te the weiklug forces of the country. .Mit.r Whlle In i.i:vi:i.am vintv .101, i.y, lluppy Humer lle Addroe lernelt Alumni. What has heretofore been Iho Cernell Alumni association of New Yeik turned Ilseir permanently Inte tlie Cernell t'ni crlty club nt its tenth annual dinner lu the Hetel Hriiuswlcl. Mntiud.iv night. About l&U alumni were present ami Hie invited guests Included President I'hailes Kendall Adams, of Cernell unhersllv; President K. llenjiuiiln Andrew n, of llrew-n university: ifrever Cleveland, fieuei-al AUrtsl C. Harucsnnd .Monre It. Cernell. Mr. Cleveland seemed happier tliiuen uny recent nubile occasion, aH he sat at the left of Picsldcnt Jehn DeWItt Warner, or the club, at the centre oflhe table of honor and right in fient of the big mantel in the iMiiquet room, against which he leaned back, pulling 11 cigar between laughs at thu huhbuhul' college merriment before hlin. He responded le the toast of " The Na Na teon, tlie Ntute, and thu I'uiversliv," and bepiu bv saving that the subject was ene that illicit have uppalled him had he net learned by actual uxpciieiicn hew easilv ihe nation and the stale could he Ket rid of That little pleavmtry tickled the cellege men immensely, nnd U was a long tliue lielore Mr. Cleveland could go en. When he did he said : X am cemldeul that, no matter hew caro care fullv a man may compute his social assets, an item here unit there Is cerlainly te be left out, and lie is likely at any ilme te W'ke un and llnd hlmsulf famous en ac count or something of w lilch he noverkno.v bpfere. If I am net the Inventor of this Idea, I claim at least, te he a striking exam ple or its truth. When the coininlttcec.uno te ask iiiu te Ik) present here, 1 mav ns well cenless that whlle 1 listened le tluir nniii nniii meats uKu the luagnitude of the occasion el, that patient fortilude that n man uequiresby loug-centlnned oxerlonco In hearing men oxpress their anxiety te pre e UiulriMtneliMii by lining reilural elllces. tl.aughter. My thoughts were actiinllv engaged iu framhig thu most courteous phrases In which I could decllue te i0mp llut ene oniieiu called my attention te il10' fact that I hed been tlie only jjovernor of New Yerk who had evor attended u meet ing of the beard of trustees of Cernell lu his eaj aclty as ni ex-olllcle inciiiber. When I thus found that I had done smoo thing that nene of my predecessors hid ovcrdeno, I was se Impressed with my own Imiiortaiice that I had le coiiseiit te come here. Se I came here te-night te In sist upon the fullest recognition of the rela tion I bear te the unlreriUy, and te exploit my new found honor. Laughter. JJtit, nner nil, seeing this body of men and re re re inomberlng what Cernell has dotie for the advancement of the best Interests of the state and the nation, I am entirely cured of any vanity as te my own share in It, and am willing te rest my presence here solely upon the tame of the unlverslty and the merits of the occasion. Shaking of the trntlen, I find that In the granter federal aid, wlilcJi se largely as sisted lu the foundittleu of Iho Institution, It wns provided that special pains tire te be devoted te this promotion of agriculture and the mechanic arts. In the charter granted by the stale. I find a precisely similar prevision, and the further require ment that tidiiilMen should befree, uKn the smallest reasonable pavilion te all nlike without regard te previous condi tion. Thnse facts mean that Iho education of the poeplo lu agricultural and mechan ical nits la a iireKir sublect for gov ernment aid. Them Is also a recogni tion of the fact that the geed of the nation nnd the state Is subserved by the education of alt the poeplo, without regard te rank or class. Tliey rocegnlzo the fact that the pcople are the rulers of the land and that their education Is the surest safeguard for Iho progress nnd prosperity of the nation. Iluithisasslstnncn tendered by the state exacts a compensation in the wny of geed citizenship. Theso who accept tliose benellts Incur an obligation te the nation and the state that can neither be avoided nor compromised. It la nil obli gation te real 1 7.0 the duty of citizenship, te Inform themselves en publlu questions, and te perform imlltical duties with n purpose te secure the wolfare of the ontlre country. Your diploma Is ovldcnce net alene of the faclef your graduation, but also of the fact that you ewo a scrvlce le the nation. Of this the alumni of Cernell should til all times be proud, for everywhere, if true te duty, tliey are among the foremost ranks lu the nolile labor of aehlevlnc the ernlid and ultlmate destiny of the freest and host nation the world lias overseen. Ifthey still ewo allpglanre le Iho state of New Yerk thelr prlde should be Increased, for they will be working for the geed of tlie grandest commonwealth lu all that the nation can number. Se, In Iho state and in the nation, yen wear a badge of geed citi zenship (hat wns put upon you lu the hulls of Cernell. Conceruiug the affection due from you te the unlverslty, It Is unnecessary for me te say hew much te your alum mater you ewo of roveronco and love, but let ine Icivu with you ene thought. That is, that you cannot honor your alma mater meto than by keeping a tlve, active and sober appre hension at all times of the duly you ewo te the nation, te the state and te the unlvor unlver slty. President Adams answered ler "the Unlverslty," and Stewart 1 Woodferd, iu rosMmse te " Kjirn Cernell." iiuuh) a speech about drover Cleveland, with seme casual references te Mr. Cernell, and wound up with the hope that the alumni would " never beashained of being citizens, never be ashamed of being vtrllsans, and never forget that the successful party of (he future will be the ene that works for the advancement of thu truu Interests of the nation." HOW IJUAY'H NOWl'HONOUNCKI). Tliey de net whisper It by night, Tliey shoal It out by day, Thai pri'slitriillal tides an, curbed lly Matthew Hlnnley nu.y, Yrl better were Quay's iiainn pronounced As If It fun ml the sea. 1'er Ilunlviii Ii but a lock, And JI.H. Q.'h the Itey. Vew the tUlltbury Dkpateh. We liae heard many of our old friends say Unit HjiI vatlen (HI ciirril tlicni of rheumatism. ThOMiwhe him, mil tried It uneuM desn. (Jur ilriiRidiitsiicll It for tweiily-IUccciilsti lioitlenll the time. Why sillier with a had celli when una bottle of Dr. Hull's CetiL'li Mvrun will emu hieiikIi of the neist Iclnil. !r. Hull's Hyrup Is seli! for 'St routs is;r hettlehy all itriiRKUt lu Iho United Hialex, It 'I'eiiKheuH. Ht).ijliri r teuitheiiM the Kunis and makes thrill health)-, se that they held In the teeth firmly. It icineves the lartar, ulvcs ifert, U economical of health and money, and when once imed will never he lvrn up. Try 80Z0 DONT. A Tint Contradiction. Neme ene has told 3011 that jour catarrh Is Inctirtihle. It Is net m. Dr. Huge's Catarrh Hemisly will euro It. It Is pleasant louse anil Italuaysdeci work thoroughly. Wohavejct le hear of a ca e In which it illil net accempUMi a cum when lalllifully used. Uitiuih UailU eisi) which II IpiiIiiukcieus teueitleet. A certain leiiiedy lint your command, Avail yourself of It before tliecemtihiiut assumes 11 mere wrleus form. All drugs sIk. M.TuAw Pei'lmps 110 local disease has puzzli-tt and hatlled the medical prnfei.leii mere limn nasal catarrh. While net Immediately fatal It Is ameui; Iho most distressing unit illxgustliii; Ills the llcsh Is heir te, and Iho iccenls showery few or no canes of radical cure of chronic ca tarrh by any of the mult Ituilti of modes of treat ment until Ihn lutroiliictleu of lily's Oca m Halm 11 few ji'iii age, The success of this preparation has hceu most Kratlf tin: ami Mir piNtns. I lOOIVHHAILSAPAHIIibA. Rheumatism Is believed te be cmiMslJiy exeens of lactic acid lu Ihobleml, iiuIiik te the failure or thekiilnejs and ller te preK'rly remove It. TheacidaltaeltH the tltiroes tissues, particularly In Ihojelnts, and causes the I mill manifestations of the dis ease, pains and achcsluthch.tckniul heuhlers anillu Ihojelnts at thulcuees, unities, hls and wrists. Theiisauils of issiple have fount In Iloed'sHarsap.irlllaa iiosltlve and iicnnanent ciiie for theumatlsin. This medicine, by Its purifying and Wtallilui; notion, neutralbes the acidity of the hlissl, ami also builds up and strengthens the w hole body. Wonderful Properties " 1 hac taken HisKl'MHaisaparlllaand found llevcellcnl for rhciiiuatlsm and d)s'psla. I siiircicd for in my bun; yours, but my complete recovery Is due le Heed's Sarsaparllla. 1 re commend It le ecry ene because of Its w on en ilcrlul properties us it bbsil nicdlclne." Jehn Cl'l,I.I.MAN,S"(fll.lllljllr,,.,,l It .c..t,iJ,Ohle. Iullitmniiitery- Itlii'iiiimtlsm "I Just waul K-ople te knew that wethluk Heed's iSarbiiparllta lluilicbt remedy for Inlhiiu Inlhiiu miitery rheumatism lu the world. .My husband hud this terrible altectleu for Iwo years anil Hoed'uKarsaparllla helped him liioiollianauy liieiollianauy liioiellianauy IhlnceUf. luiiiiilMaysulad letcllwhut lleisl's HurMparlllu has done." .Mils, p. ArMNses, Salem, ml. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by all ilniKeiktit. SI ; six for Se. Prewired only by (, 1. 1100 II .t It)., lanwll, .Mass. KK)I)OSIiSO.MJI)OU,All (1) ltitica. c 1IIUIST.MAH PIlIXnNTS. Christmas Presents AT Rcigart's Old Wine Stere, MV.il UAST KINO ST. neuciii:si;c. iltka chajipaenk. WINK IN llASKirrS, alts for Pints nndJlOW for IJuarb-, Cusenier Celebrated Cordials In baskets, as fellow : llljeu, 4 tluir Mtre llettles son) lu Valise, 111 ear I Ilettlea (in) luCeiuiHise, t luart llettles .no 3-The above Wine and Cordials are the Pin est Produced la Prance. H. E, SLAYMAKER, Agt, litiCCCllrtUCOUO ieiuii:aihh'.uii:iih- V A. O. 1C. ef.M. ,, K. r e. 1:., I. e. n. m ; ' A. M., P. O. H. of A 1. O O. P., Pll'; t'hurmsaudPiiu, Kote PUISMAN'H, Ne. U Went KIiik hlrs.'t. iTisrATi: op maedai.pn.v" iivksinTh:!! Ill l&toiirUsiveck township, ihsj'd. la'tters of iidmluUtratleii en kiUI eslute hav hit: been ;",".' "."I,1" .,h0 undcndBiied. all ivrsem lu UcliU'd thereto are nsiuiiKtisl te make limucdl ate imyim-nl. nntl theso havini; claims or lt- iln'i"1?,."8!",1"'1 r,h" k"".'u w, tTew-'nt them without delay for kettleinciil te the under ilgnctl, rckhllug lu Ijiticasicrcliv. 11. UlANK Ustll.EMAN, AdmliiLtrater. Attvniey. dwitdM kt(ttmAkcr', riilLAna-LMfla, Monday, Dec. 33, 1M, Santa Claus will keep the doers a-swing for you te-night and te-morrow night. Almest time for the dream te come true. Wednesday and the leek will be twelve months ahead. If you haven't found that present, time is short. Un and down the miles of aisles both side lined and heaped with a Holiday harvest. At almost every step you sec the gift things you've been try ing te think of. As fine a Handkerchief as any man need care for : hand hand eorked initial, hemstitched, pure white linen six of them in a neat box, $2.40, or 40c singly. Your Handkerchief money is like te de a third mere than you expect of it. That's one reason why we find almest'yftv hundred fed of Handkerchief counter tee little these days. Hnutliwrat of centre. One Blanket is as geed as a dozen te measure the stock by. 75x86 inches, 6y te 7 pounds pure wool, and the price $5. Near Women's Waiting lloem. Alaska Seal, Martin's dye. Tep notch for Quality. All the fashionable shapes and put to gether exactly as they should be. Jackets and Coats, 25 te 60 inches. Little Furs and Fur trim mings all of them. Hceeiul fleer, Chestnut street. There is no reason in the goods themselves why genuine Alligator and beal blippers ler men should go from $3 and $3.50 te $2. It's a gift with the gift you get. The regular Slipper stock has 8 colors of Geat, 5 colors of Alligator, 2 colors of Seal. In all sizes for men. Market Btieet front, west of Main Atnlc. Jehn Wanamaker. SflJ (fjfoebo. rpil U PEOPLE'S CASH BTOKE. CHRISTMAS. BKRGK1NS IN THE HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. Ladles' Ilcmstlleh While, Printed Borders and Oicn-Verli Ilenlcn, nt fs', 8e, lOe te 00c. IjuIIcs' Whlle Embroidered, III large assort ment. 10c, 15e, aec, 2'm! le Jl m. Pull lines of (louts' Handkerchiefs, In Plain White Hemstitch and Hemmed, frnm&e lotee. Ijullcs' Heallepcd and I'mbreldered Hllk, In White and Celers, atU.ic. Usual price has been for llioe goeils 50c. IjidlesKcalleped Embreldereil, with Deuble Ileiilntltclusl, at &0e J worth TV'. Ijulles' Open-Werk and Etubreldcicd White Hlllcitl'Sc. Held one week age at St. Oents' Ijtiyo-HIre Whlle China Hllk Ilnnit kerchiefs at JJi'jc. llesular jirlce almost etery w here fWc. Oeut's Japanese Whlle Hllk Handkerchiefs lit Me. Itegular price te-day, 75c. Pull Hues of Ijullcs'iiiut (lout's Hllk .Milliters, In Cream, Whlte and Celers, al unusually low prices. Many of the Uartaliis nboe cannot be ris pi, iced at Iho prices mimed. Purchasers would de well te Inspect oursteokcarly. We carry In stock full lines of Colgate's Celebrated Extracts, TOILET WATEIW, COI.OUNES, Ac GEO.F.RATHVON, 25 East King Street, martiviydlt LANCAHTElt. PA. AMeux. T EVAN A SON'S. If Yeu Have Net Vet Deae Your CHRISTMAS BAKING, Send te Your Grocer nt Once for a Sack of Levan's Fleur! And (let Hlght le Werk, or Christmas .May lle Here llofero Yeu Are Iteudy. gictttietvu: DU. NATIIOILST. DENTIST. .NC'ENTUE StJUAHE. I'llllug Tis?th ami l'alnlcs Extraction Sio Sie ehdtles. New hets made, broken ones mcuued and remisleled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pl ettsl. etc. Yes, eery thins pertatmia te DeulUtry will rocelve prompt attention at very .Misleratn Terms. Itemembcrtliat Dr. Natherkt IslbeONLY l)'ntlt In this county wlinlin graduateuf Medlclueas well as of Dentistry, 1111 advantage that Is uhleus. nUKlmdAw- Dl EN'TlhTltY. " 26 Years Fractlceln One Office." J. B. McCASKEY, NO. 1 1 EAST KING STREET, Over First National llank. DcntUtryln nil Its branches, (las administered. Teeth extracted nb.selutely without pittu. All work wiirranted. elisJmd.M.s.Vw rpltUE DALMATIAN JNSUCT POWDKIl, X pros'lled by a getsl peudcl blotter. Is the meet ctlcctual destroy or of tiles unit ether small lusecliCs Korsale At HUHLEY'S DIIUO STOIIK, wt West King Street. ' WILL IIUY Four Twe-Story Brick 6-Roomed Dwellings. In ttrnt-eless condition. Almest new S.'l rent )sr month. Call for oilier bargains In real estate. JOHN H."METZLER, Ne. 'J SOUTH DUKE STKEirr. elS-lyd Wrtttt, A TBOKHR'B. Holiday Specialties ! Fer Kine Flerida Orange, Fer Fine Banana, FnrKxtra Choice White Urapc, Fer Fl ne Table or Cooking BaUl n, Fer Fine Iycr Kle, Fer Candles of all kind, Nuts, Nut of all ktnd, Fer Fine Canned Ooexls, Fer Pickles, Bailees, Ketchup, etc, FerFIneOllveii or OltveOlli, Fer Plum Pudding, Fer tlie Finest Coffee nnd Teas, Fer Choice Cranberries, etc, TO HE WF.bb SUPPLIED WITH OOOD aOOIMFOHYOUIlHOMDAYTAriLE, OO TO BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. yTelcphone connection. C IirtlSTMAH (IHKETINU I Willi your pockets full of meney Anu yeurspirna 01 Koea ci I wish you n Merry Clirlstums And your spirit of geed cheer, - inn Teti n xicrry tnrisima And h Happy New Year. Samuel Clarke ExteniU.it Cordial Invitation te All te Visit Ills Stere lloem, Nes. 12 & 14 Seuth Queen St, Where his stock can be examined, nnd your substantial recognition of our ctTerts te please you be shown In Iho bestowal of your valued orders for CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. Our Unking nutter, without Lard, 15, 18,20 nnd 25 Cenls. New Citren, ISc per pound. Coceanutnnd Almend Macaroons. Shrllbark and Walnut.Kernels.'JOe per pound. Oranges and llaiinuns, lsen dozen lip. Extra Pint) Cranberries, 10, 12$, 16, 18 cents is;r ijuart. HUOA11SI 8UUA1WI Confectionery, New Orleans and Dark Drewn Sugar for Hakim; your (llnuer Cakes. Try our XXXX Fleur nt We lwr quarter, and New Orleans llaklne Molasses, the finest In the world, at l.ewest Prices. CANDIES! CANDIES I r,1, H',6, 0, 10, IS te 23 cents per pound. Spe clal i'rlces te scbisils. Loek ut our CH1USTM AS OHEKTINa Cards. The llnest ever plven away In Ijtiicnster. .lust the thing le deconite your Christmas Tree with. AT TEA AND COFFEE HTOltE, NOS. SOUTH QUEEN 8T11EET. 12 & li Telephone. Free nnd Prompt Delivery. P.8. Plenty of extra help te wall en you nil. Ne Delay. Suva, Ii EALSKIN COATS AND JACKETS. FOH Christmas 7 Best Sealskin Coats and Jackets, LAKOIWT AND HANDSOSHWT VAIUETY OP SHOULDEIl CAPES. COLLARS and .MUFtS IN ALL THE LEADING FUHS. 39 West King St. e2U-2md f TANDSOME, USEFUL AND DUHA11LE A HE THE Acceptable Gifts. Our line Is especially adapted te suit purchas ers who dcslie te elve durnble and useful presents. Could 5 ou lniHL'Ine a mere appropriate ene than a Seal Sacque or Jacket. A NICE MUFF, STOLE, FUR HOOD OR UMBRELLA? Could Iho Men or Hots be mere TlCklcd than te ltceclve A NICE NEW HAT, A SEAL CAP, FUIl COL LAR, OLOVES, UMHRELLA OR TltAVELINO HAG? CHILD'S TOY TRUNKS. All Size. as-Highest Prices Paid for Raw Furs. stauffFr & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. (Ertvvirtoce, IJLEIUHS! SLEIGHS 1 EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, n,t2,i" MARKET STREET. (Rear or the I'Oktentce), I.ANCASTER, PA. I have new readv the lluesl assortment of AL1IANY aud PORTLAND SLEIGHS, both Single it ltd Deuble, eer etlered te the public. Prices te suit the limes. Call and examine them A full line of lluggles, Pluctnus and Carriages of every description. AlsoSeeend-Hand Werk of eery variety. Gle me a call. All work warranted. 4-tcpnlrlug In nil Itsbraiiehe. Oue set of workmen especially empleyed for thai purpose. .illettfrH'iU'ltO. Rem I JUST RECEIVED . FROM Keenigsliiirg, Prussia, Twe llarkgreuuds inade eseclnlly for Hest and ThrixMjuartcr lugth PholegrapUs. 50 i-2 North Queen St., Next Peer le the Itwterilra. ln7J'inii SVttovJtrue. y UTHER S. KAUKFMAN, A1TORNEY-AT-LAW. Beeend Fleer Eshlcmau Ijtwllullilliig, Ne. II North Duke UlrvuL siir;t-lyd4w ILIURT F1S Vtarktnttrtt A RBASOWABLK BVOdBSTlON. The certrlng of lara pipe with reliable material insures drr atnaai and taive fuel and attentien: the cost of the covering lielng some- umisirnnaf)iiiin a ninaioyenriuKaTinirei iqci lnai alone, inenen material e Btr uflerratelhe public I tl Megeesia Sectional CeTering, Fer Btcain Plpen, Belleni, Brine Pipes, Etc, and Is for sale only In Iuicestcr aud Lebanon counties, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARKE CUMMINQ8, Prep., NOS. Ui & 130 NOHTH CHItlSTIAN ST., Lancaster, Pa, Price llita nnd discounts and directions for applying en application. Special terms te the unne. Alse vnive at Jobbers' Prices. lse Valves, Pipe, Cocks, Fittings, Etc, UUTO-Ulllt S' TEAM ENGINE AND UOILEKWOIIKU. Steam Engine -ANrj Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It wilt pay yen te call nt my Works and ex nmlne our Sleck of Engines ! Allew us te quote you prices nnd see facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. i Horse-Powor t 425 6 Horso-Pewer 475 8 Herse-Power 625 10 Herse-Power 675 15 Heme-Power. R75 20 Horse-Powor 1,175 Portable Engines, BECOND-HAND. 6 Herse-Power.. H Herse-Power.. 15 Horso-Pewer.. ....2a .... 2V .... 275 Boilers, Second-Hand. Five 30 Herse-Power, 60 In. Dlnm., 16 fcet Lene. 22 451n.Tubes. Price, 1175 and 1150. One Beiler, .10 In. Dlam., 1.1 feet Ixing, 21 S In. Tubes 12 feet Leng, with Flre Frent Castings, 1125. 1 CARRY THE LAROEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, Saw MIHh, Hark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, PKOPRIETOll, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA. ..- -- 1. 1 n Ijhmumve. H IOH & MARTIN. -AT- Docerntetl Dinner Set, from Hnvi Iiimi Cliiuu (line tin-nation) K'iiii-Per-i-uluin, Whlte Stone Ware tti Eii(;lihli Printed or l'lnlti Wliite, at iiriees eqiin 1 te any in the market. Decorated China Degxurt, (iiiine, Kish, Oat Meal, Trinket, Pudding Set, &e. Krnlt, Oywter -uid Jlone Plates. Celery Trays. Tea, Cof fee and IJoulllen Cup. A. D. Colleen, from the ehenpcMt te $12 each. Iteyal NVerccater, JaptuiOHj Ware and ether Fancy Goods in large quantities. CUT GLASS' IN NEW DESIONS. Pressed nnd Engrnvcd Glassware in New Styles and in Large Quantities. Rochester Lamps iu a Variety of Styles mill nt tlie Lewest Pricts. Don't mnke your teleetieu ntil you VISIT HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. . "YflLLER'S IIORAX SOAP WJLL WASH llj. Clethes and e cry urtlcle under the sun. D Vr Vrn e HRMTMAH PRESENTS. Urand Meetlnj of the Believer In Santa Claus -AT THK New Yerk Stere. Suitable Presents Fer Yeung nnd Old. Blocks never were Larger, the Variety Greater, nor Prices Lewer. ElegnntRilk Plush Plush Albums, BVe, 78e, II, 1125 teW 75c Each. ' Plush Werk Bexei, 25c, 50c, 75c, f 1, f 1 25 te 15 Each. Plush Toilet Cases at fl, II 25, II 50, It 75 te $10 Each. Manicure Sets, Smoker's Bet, Shaving Bet. Ladles' nnd Gentlemen's Umbrellas, Geld, Silver, Nickel nnd Natural Weed Handles, at II, $1 15,11 25, II !T ft 60 te 15 Each. Colored Uerdcr Handkerchiefs nt6,8, 10, 12W te 50 Cents Each. Embroidered nnd Hemstitched Handker chiefs in nil the Latest styles. Colored Silk Handkerchiefs nt 25c, S7Ue, 60c, 75e te It 25 Each. Cream Bilk Mufflers at 75c, II, 1125, 11 60 te 13 Each. Fine Wax Dells, 12J, 17, 20, 23, 37K te 75 Centa Each. Bisque Dells, Wash Dells, Drcwcd Dells, Toys, Games, Teel Chests, Ilaskcts, Tables, Black boards, Christmas Cards, Illustrated Hymns. Hundreds of 12 ine. Bound Beeks Poetry, History, Adventure, Travels, Fairy Talcs, Fic tion, Ac, c., 22c each ; only hair price. Shakespeare Complete, large edition, 50c; worm ti 3. TC-att &Sliaxil Nes. 0, 8 & 10 East King St N EW BOSTON STORE. J. Harry Stamm, 24 Centre Square, IB OFFERING MOST EXTRAORDINARY AND WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OK GOODS. 1 Observe ! Observe ! Ladles' and Children's Black Ribbed Hose at Gtc a Dnlr. 00 Inch Turkey Red Table Linen at 2 a yard. 40e Fnuey Ribbons at 5e a yard. 6c HuchtiiKS nt 3c a yard, fs Haudkerclilefs al.'ica yard. 7ic Red Underwear nt 50c each, tl 25 Flannel Skirts at two ench. Men's 50e Flne White Shirts at :J7!c each. Jten's 25c Half Hese at 12c n pair. T5e Flannel SklrtsatOOe each. 50e Pantaleon Goods at 33c a yard. 37Je FlnoTewels nt 2 each. Je Linen Setts (Cleth and dozen Napkins) at BfiOnSett. &0e Corsets nt tntjjc each. 8c, 10c, 12Je Ladfes' Linen Cellars nt Be each. 25c Cashmere Olevcs at 17e a istlr. 3.1c Woolen Hose at 25c a pair. 75c Nankins al 50e a dozen. $1 Napkins at 75e 11 dozen, tl 25 Napkins at 51 a dozen. Jewelry l.ace Plnsat5c.Sc, lOe, 15c te 25e. each. Children's ' Solid Geld Rings " at 25c each. White Bed Spreads. 82 00 Spreads nt f 1 CO each, fJW Spreads at !2 50 each, SI 25 Spreads at Wccach. Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufflers At Most Reasonable I'rlces. WONDERFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL RE DUCTIONS IN DRESS GOODS Which you will de well te Inspect. In the Nick " O " Time tve come te yen with a " Great " Closing; Out Sale of TOYS. Net ene Tey will be carried eter If low prices will rid us of them. Come Early ! Come Early I -TO THE- few Bosten Stere, 24 Centre Square. Jbnbvcllite. TyM URELLA HEADQUARTERS. HEADQUARTERS -FOR- DA IWld ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 11 EAST KING STREET. e3-3md X.TOT1UE TO TRESPASSERS AND 11IIN t3i NERS All persons are hereby forbidden te tresistss en any oflhe lauds of the Jeruwall jiaeiwcutteii estates in iiianen or Utncaster ueuntles, whether Inclesed or iuilncli.sii, cltlicr for the purpee of sheeting or rlshmic, as the law will be rUldly enforced atfalml all tres passing ou said lands of the undersigned arm tuts net WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN H.PF.RCV ALUEN, EUW.U. FREEMAN, Atlemey for U. W. Coieuutn'i Iltlrs. Christmas loci imii 11)5 i'Wbi mxm?-:- - -fVir tfn.i .-.