i )j . .,- "'"" . ",.. ?..-" tiE idAsflfaS 1aiLy iNfLiitaBdit, AtubdAy, Mcfcitefeft 21, 1889. . 0 !35P5S?S Wi . Sf fw?" ' P"1 fy re kjv. ,'' . al cyt f9 9T. $i 'M fr W im m "si ;f , f -. m - JMtte afntetltgww ? i, if ' tMDMCW J. BTKINMAW, sV - . ... OKARLH8KTE1NMAN FOL1T, Editor. KOBERT CLARK, TODUMaT. rUli DAILY IKTELLlaENCKRv-rubllsbed vary day in the year, but Bundnjr. Served yesarlera In this ttty and nrreuiidln town at ten cents a week. By mat I five del Ian year in advanc 5 80 csmtsa month. WEEKLY IKTEtMOKNCKIt-On detlur and llfty Willi a year, In advanc. Ketice te BvaacniBBm-ntmitbrchtcx orpestofflee order, and where ! f tfctsMOM be procured tend In a registered afttrc at IhoIVwlefflce, as Mcend claw mMI Altera abbmm. TXI ntTELLIOEMCER, Lancaster, Pa. LANCASTER, PA.. December 21, 1889. Christmas l'mcnta. Cbrlstmns la coming fast niul comes but once a year, for wblch latter fect many buyers of Cbrlstmns presents nre very grateful. What te gtve te who, and bow te de it, are questions puzzling a great many people Just new, and they will ball Cbrlstmns morning mere Joyfully because the work of eclect lnst presents will be ever. Te these luflerlug poeplo a word of caution 1 ventured. The giving of Christ mas presents Is n very dellcnte matter. The exchange of gifts should be se accomplished thnt neltbcrvpnrty may feel that his gift is greatly over balanced by what he rccelvcn,uiit if thnt should happen it must'be remembered that the geed will expressed by the present is the real cause for happiness. This is n season for the general exchange of geed will and should also be n time for the eternal burial of memories of small wrongs and the ending of petty qunrrcK Little troubles make mere than hnlf the miser ies of life and new tbey may be ended. Apart from its sacred meaning Chrlitiniis is a great Institution for the general ex change of steed will. The busy world pauses in the wild scramble for fortune and ever fleelug happiness, te pretest that selfishness is net triumphant after all, and thnt every ene lias time for kindly thought of ethers. Let Cbrlstmns gifts be chosen with this thought of goodwill prevailing, and the dny will be mere cheerful than millionaires could make it by the exohauge of the most costly gifts or the consumption of the most expensive Christinas dinner. We Agrce Win The Family. We are glad te see that the family of Mr, Gewen dcclure authoritatively that they resolutely maintain their belief that he did net dle by Ills own hand ; aud that they will se bellevc until proper evidence appears te the contrary. We are glud of thl3,bccau90 the idea that has geno out that Mr. Gewcu's own family considered ids end suicidal has been the only fcature in the case, in our Judgment, upon which te base an intelligent opin ion that Mr. Gewen slew hlmself. If they had se bollevcd there was ap parently that within their own knowl edge, which was net within that of the public, that made Mr. Gewen a uulclde; but as they de net be believe, we may assume that they have no mere knowl edge as te the possible caute of death than the public have. This knowledge, as we have summed Hup, does net lead te the conviction that Mr, Gewen died by Ills own hand, the opinion te that effect of many of his friends te the contrary notwithstanding. The most remarkable advocate of the suicide theory seems te be a l'iukerteu detective, Linten, who, eh Mr. Gewcu's friend has employed himself in look ing into the matter with the re sult that he has satlsfled himself that there is no mystery whatever in the case, but that it is a plain miicldc. Unfortunately Mr. Linten does net give the facts upon which se decided a con viction may be maintained ; and as an opinion, we de net see that it is entitled te any mero respect from ourselves than is our own, which runs quite te the con trary, and finds the death of Mr. Gewen te be u very great mystery, which can not be reasonably explained upon any theory of suicide. A steadily hravf , honest aud rational man docs net drop in a moment into cowardice, dishonesty and insanity ; but 11 brave, honest nnd p""'"rf"' limn Im nlwnji open te the assault of the assassin. Mr. Gewen has been the champion of the right against the wrong j of the law against the lawless; of the oppressed against the oppressor. Ife lias been the David who steed up against the M0III0 Magulre and the Staudnrd Oil Geliuhs ; aud the lust legal battle of his llfu was ene of these corporation contests. That a man who never showed a sign of in Eanlty or moral cowardlee should slay himself without known cuuie Is the ene preposition ; that such a man, battling with beasts, should be slain Is the ether. ' 1 r7 - - irv-:. vuuunt? n immwi'I'ii iiiimii. in vi iiiivii The Tarty Constitution. Our city contemporary the Ucauilncr views with an impatience akin tedisgust, the aspect of our respected fellew-cltlen E. K. Martin, esq., coming forth from the stable of Senater Quay groomed, and resetted for the race for the lieutenant governorship. The Jlxamtncr lina the opinion that the choice of this nominee is the business of the Republicans of thib state, and uet that of Senater Quay alone. But the JJjcaminer falls te note the constitution of its party In this state, which has never been without a boss, since when the memory of its eldest member remembereth net. Mr. Quay is the legitimate product of the Pennsyl vania Republican organization as li was born from the hands of its flitt w ct nurse. Blmen Cameren, whose proper successor Ouav ! the rMlla linvln.r fnILm from . the hands of the beh, te whom the sv. j4""" iimi.1 vuiuiucu muni, mm wuem 11 is Interesting te bee trettlug contentedly wvmuv ... wuuivt.ui mm puiiueal ju nior. Tke rule of the boas is eesentinl te the maciilue ; which could uet run without it. What really trouble the Jlcamlner, is that this boss is net of its choice. It belongs te the party minority, which lias been created by the uueompromlb uueempromlb uueompremlb Ing methods of Quay. Whether they are geed methods the future will show ; iih at present boss Quay Is sweeping the uci:& turn nuius uuuispuieii control 01 the national spoils for his ammunition. He is net Biiarlni; his fees, nor fetennlncr 3n.i ,.i '... - ,.',. . -miuiuurinem. msKinioeut V. ud proposes te slash hiswav tlirenth F te victory. tr.' It te quite likely that he will come te -7 grief In the end, but for the prebeut he ,-c' Iim the field ; and Lawyer Murtiu steps 'out gaily aud with a fair assurance of f getting what he is after, in running as tbe representative of the Ouav fciuliln. ,fclt may net by Just the nicest thing in ''tUa world te run in another fellow's v clothes aud colors, but still it is such an fXPvrUnce hi politics often ell'm its votaries. It is net the line of business In which Independence flourishes. Mr. Quay has a very clear conception pf Republican government "as oho Is ipoke " by his slni of politicians. He considers the government te l held for the use of the governors; that these governors are the fcllewB M'he can " get there;" that all means of getting there are" proper ; and that no fellow should be cress when auether fellow trips him up or hits him below the belt, or threw him In the mudt no matter by what hook or creek; but that he should pick himself up smiting, embrace cordially, maintain friendly intercourse aud await his opportunity te fleer bis political fee. Quay, having Just " downed ' Dalzcll nnd Dalzcll's Pitts burg postmaster, takes occasion te de clare his admiration for Dalzcll's great abilities and te predict for him a suc cessful future ; the candidate for post master whom he has felled he also de clares te be a geed man. Rut lie Mas net his man. See the simple law : " I lead ; ye that fellow will 11 ud reward J ye that rebel will starve." Dicitnss' Christmas enrels are prescribed ns the best of rending for the Sunday be- fere Christmas. Tnn designs for tha nrmeicd coast de de fenseshlp new building nt Sim Kranclwe havobcen altered, nnd the dynamite gun that was a conspicuous fcaturoeflior arma ment has been abandoned. This Is ovl evl ovl denco that the dynamite gun Is losing favor nt Washington. This vemel wns te novo carried a ene lmndrcd nnd ten ten gun which would be the heaviest gun allent, but two smaller gnus nre te be uiounted in plnce of the menster. 1 As Christmas approaches don't forget tlie poeplo who can't nll'erd te nmke itn very inerry day. TirAT Is n HlrniiRe story of tlie man who returned te Johnstown attern visit te his birthplace in AImice, Germany, nnd beard for tlie llrst llmoeftbe great disaster, and the probable destitution et his family. Very little nttctitlen Is ulveu te American nens abroad, but Itsceins almost lucrodlble that soine rumor of se great a disaster should nut have reached it man who had left his wife and llve ehlldien nt Johns town. 1 CirAnirY begins at beine, bitttruecharity nover stays thore only. A counLsreNDENT bends us a brief of the ordlnance by wlileli theelt.v of Heading granted te 11 Direct r.tllway company tlie right te put up lien pelcn and wlies for olectrlo propulsion. It w HI be scen that much mero care has been taken In the framing oftbe ordlnance linn Is appaicut in tlie ene which has been picsented in the council chamber. In a grant of this kind, which Is expected te run forevor, tee great precaution cannot be tnken te pretect tbe people's Interest and te reserve the power te make needed changes. - in It Is stated that the btnuley expedition has cost n lmndrcd thousand dollars and half as much mero will be needed te clear all oxpunses. Stanley is Indignant at news news nows piper criticism or his oxpedltlon, and it mty he hoped that he. will get angry oneiigh te ex plain someof the mystoiles onnectod with It. New Yenic and Philadelphia aiu crying for mero turkeys, and bigger ptlies mu jiild than ever before. If our cllmate con tinues ns rainy as 11 has been, It may pay te establish het heuses for the rearing of turkeys by steam beat and olectile light. The turkey Is 11 hoiisIUve bird and noeds bright sunny weather. A WKfiir nge this city was nflllctcd by the telling efu bell of very molauchely tene carrted around the streets hi an advertising wagon. All day long, up ene street and down anether, astirolessassatanand mero annoying than a hungry mesquite, this lulurnal devlen was puriultted te operato. The melancholy regular dlng-dengl ding dong 1 would dle away In the dlstauce and a few moments of ipilet might encourage the hepe that it hail geno forevor. Per il ips the bell ilu,;lu hid at last broken down the long sullurlng hoise that drew the vehicle, l'eihaps the wretched animal liul bocemo u raving maniac aud wrecked the wagon and killed the bell rlnger In a furious runaway. Per haps the whele precession had been run down by a train at the James street cross ing of the Reading railroad, whom It Is ovldently necessary tosacillicelit'ulu ouler te secure protection. Again And ngatii did hopes llke these arise In the minds of the suirerlng citizens, but wuie alnaytt suioth suieth suioth erod In a very short time by "lliore'H that bell again t" The misery, bad touiper and profanity that might be traced te that u 01 smmdlng, melancholy bell would Justify the organisatien of a luuuaue society for its suppression. Many a man went home that night with headache that might have been called bollyache with almost eipial propriety. Fer a week this bell has pared the citizens of Lancaster and many had dared te hepe that ictrlbu ictrlbu tieu, romerso or a policeman had at last evertaken the authors of the outrage, but this morning the bell again resumed Its de vastating pregress.sprcadlugwath aud dis may In busy Htiects where Christmas busi ness had lieeu rushing merrily along. That It does net occur te the mayor te check this shameful nulsance is certainly ery strange. He Is rcBpectfully lemlnded that Lancaster is net u village and that a perslsten! nuls nuls aneo of this kind should net be alle.vud te disturb the peace of the community. Tun Yerk Daily publishes a cartoon of Its own manuficture, wherein t.e oral man of peculi ir nrchilocture ure g izlng tliietigh tolescejios towards a highly excited sky, whlle a damsel at n window jiltigs her left oye with n lelescepa and gazes upon the ptsser-hv with tlie right. Tiiroe typical citizens of Yerk consult a chart of the Milar system, w hile a small boy stute.l calmly In t'ie centra of the street reads an almanac This graphic sketch of village HTe Is ex plained by the distant fig.ire of a man beiriugnslgn, " Lest, the win." Hut the sun came out this morning in full splendor and weins te be laughing irem tlie bright blue bky nt tlie blunders of mortals In wte'.iier guessing. a- 1 A Oeercta Duel With rotr.teeu, reui the Atlanta Constitution. Hill llewman, the preacher, denounced n certaln tough fiem the pulpit, aud the next day iccPhed n cliallunfe te meet llnlly lliew n In onen combat. Jlrother Hew man was net bacliward, aud having the ohelco efwcnxuH, honetifletl Uullv Urewn that he would meet him at n specified tlme and place, and that a half bushel of Irish pota toes, selected the slze of a man's llt, bheuld bothe weapons. 'J'hese were te be picked up 0110 ut a tlme nnd the duellists wero te threw thein at each ether, at n distance of 15 paces, until the potatoes were nxliiiuslud or the duelllbts wero hatlslled. This selec tion infuriated Ureun. Hut be was com pelled te accept, and en the day appointed there wa an imnicnse gathering at the iilacu appointed. Hewmmwas an expert hand ut throwing, and w hen the principals took their places and Iho word was gheu Urewn threw at Hewinan with ull bis might and missed. Hew man bad reserved his lire, nnd ns Brown btoeped te pick up another potato liewiii.111 let ilriMi und tlie inlsslle went straight te the mark. It raised u hunt 011 Urewn ns large as n potato. Then the light bocaine hotter. lliewn -km wild with anger, and his potatoes wero thrown at random. JSewmuu was cool and bclf- iiossessed 11 ud lie marle eery bhet tell, 'or flve or ten mlmitcs the battle raged, but about the tlme tbe sixth potato raised its lump en llrnwn's IwhIv the latter cried eneugh. He was brulsed and bunged uii te sucli an extent that hu hud te be carried te his bed and a physician was summoned. When, he get up again he was the worst cowed man lu (jrayseu ceuntv, and after that he was never known te oller a chal lenge again. A USEFUL litre. Funeral Sermen el Ilov. Dr. Atple ever the Lata J Jr. 1!IkIoe. Tlie fnneral. Mermen delivered by Itev. Dr. T. (1. Apple evor the late Or. E. L. lllgbce has much of lasting Interest and Is here published with a few passnges emitted! 8 Cor. V. 1. Fer we knew that If His carthlr boinwef our labernncle." (erhwllly rrnmel "be dlMelvert, we liave n hnllillnz from Ueli lieuw net made with linn(l,ctfrnnllu tlie heavens." The hepe of a future lire for man after the dissolution of the hotly. Is Ingrained In our very nature, nnd it has been n guiding light for the prosent earthly oxlstence In nil agesnnd nmeng nil oeplo. Whother we nllrlbute It te the dce)est spiritual in tuitions of our nature, or te the surviving tradition of a prlmltlve religion, or both combined, the fact remnlns that in nil re ligious the hepe of Immortality has evor pointed man te nn order of oxlstcnce be yond the prosent. It Is ns 11 very Intlmnte nnd warmly nt Inched friend of the deceased that I at tempt te volce the general sontlment, In Ker and feoble words, In regard te his life nnd llfo-werk. I would utter no fulsome eulogy en nn occasion llke tills whonstnnd whenstnnd Ing In the prosence of death, for I knew It would net lie the wish of him whose ro re ro llned, scnsltlve nature would shrink from nnv such display. Thore Is such nn Meal Inthollfeof overyono and we osthnate his llfe by the care nnd dlllgonce with which he seeks te reach It, evon though thore are Imperfections and shortcomings In evcry one of us lu this elfert and strug gle Dr. Illghoe possessod a combination of mero than ordinary Intellectual endowment en the ene hand, and 011 the ether n strong Ideallztng power which verged towards the poetlc. Ills intellectual powers wero cultivated te the hlghest degroe by n thorough classical education nnd centin ueus nam ninny nurillg ms iuaiiirer niu. Ills intellectual attainments wero mere varied and unlversal than In the case of most scholars, lie was a line mathemati cian, having innstercd Its most Intricate abstract departments In the highest branches, niul he wns nlse a suporler lin guist, being ontlrelynt home In the Latin and Greek classics, whlle hoalseeulllvated the natural sclouces, weaving nreund his study of nature the 11 nest artistic, concep tions. This Idenllrlng pewer It was that devel oped In him nn Intensity In reaching nfler the highest perfection In whntovereeciiplod his attention. Along with this thore was an enthusiasm Unit made him whele Mottled In all bis work, nnd communicated ltself te the students during the porled of Ills llfe In which he oecupled the professor's ch dr. Ills students readily caught the en thusiasm of his own n.iture, beeaine attached te him ns their tnacher persenally and at the sanie time Imbibed an enthusi astic Interestln their studies. With his bread, philosophic, grasp be nt encn saw that the highest Ideal of education Is net Inconsistent with Its usefulness, Its tmictlcal imnertnncu. In Ills mind educa tien, whether in Its higher or lower erder, was an end In ltself, nnd carried lu llselflts ew 11 cccccdliiggre.it reward, because it had tode with the tiiilulug of Imiuettat souls. Abovenll its enithly use, which he was quick te icallze and encourage, he novor nevor nover theloss nlways held 1111 thocducatlen of the man, the formation 01 character, as llrst nnd foremost n geed In Itself, nbove the nlue et sllverand geld. In tills vlowhe grasped cleirlv the liarinenv betwoen education In Its ruiiiuumtary feinisaud ilshlghorferms In tbe collnge and university. They nre In no sense antagonistic; tlie ene Is simply the completion of the ethor. Dr. lllgbce poi formed well the duties of blsotllce. Ills misterly ability aud dili gence wero scen in all his work. Ills ster ling Integrity could net imaglne, much less tolerate, any want of honesty in adminis tering the interest of tlie schools of the state, he far as lie was able te reach them In his supervision. Hut It was in his oharncterns minister of the gespel, both In Iho olllce of pastor and professor, that his spiritual oneigies received their hlghest oxerclso. He ro re ro celved the mysteries of grace In bumble, chlld-llke faith, aud give thorn most effect ive utterance, whether In the pulpit or In the professor's chair. He was n speaker of rare ability, and he was nble te olectiify Ids hearers by his Incisive, well chosen words, and by that rare combination of proton nd thought and beautiful Imigery. Thore was 110 boisterous declamation In his oratory, l'reni the llrst words he ut ut ut tored every one felt that he was listening te ene who was master of his subject, ami that he could net only sitlsfy tlie intellect, but also warm the heart. Tim 1lur'i-ttir ..iliili tin ui.v I.Mti'nAti 1iti I own Ideals ami their luiperfect realization lu our human llfu and lu the movements of history, often led him totaUen despond dospend despend Ing view of things. It is se with every profound thinker, but especially ene glfted with a lively imagination. Whatover of geed Is actualized In their own lives mid lu the movements of history, they see yet far higher Ideals that ought te be rculled, and evor the failure te real I .e thorn they lament. .Such discontent is pralsowerlhy. The highest genitis Is often Iho most de spondent of men, restless and dissatisfied until he has reached his ideal, and this, if an artist, he docs realize lu his own realiu nftruaail. Tim poets 1110 the seers, who in this tospect cei respond te the prophets of rovelatlou. 1 emph islze this point, be cause his nearest friends saw and knew this artistic toudeuuy, this Idealizing pewer in Dr. Higbec, which explained much in his utterances and In his llfe that other wise could net be prepmly appreciated. There Is an ldeil for the believer in Christ which Is never actualized in this lite, because of the lnllrmlty of tlie physical ceiistitutliMHtud Iho evil environment of the world ; but as death releases the soul from tliese Impediments te the higher life, we may holleva tli it this ide il boeemes no' tu.allzed odor death. The soul, principled in love, then unfolds its powers In the new anil butter enIionmeiit, and reiches out with better ptnmise of success te that per fection which Is te he fully attained lu the llnal state In Haien. The piocess of edu cation dees net step nt death. hut it geos ferwaid until tlie w hole Kingdom of right right right oeiiMjess and glory shall be dually usheied lu nt the list day. Ills attachments wero warm and Intense. Tnore was about him a personal magnetism that wen upon theso w he came te be num bered among his Irlenils. In the social clrcle he was billli.iut in bis utterances. Ills heartv shake of the hand mid the blight smile which lighted up Ids counten ance when meeting 11 friend testillcd te the Intensity of his filendship. There are scenes of ether days that couie up te me, wlun he was the admired and beloved in circles of attached fi lends, where his genial qualities wen upon nil heails. It was the sunny side of llle for us then, as we met In the social cliele or liler.iry club te discuss subjects in science, literature aud art, nnd w lien, In the enthusiasm of youth ttlll lin gering 111 us, we enjoyed ihe warm nym pithy and fuendshlpofthe hour, and U10 lututeef life spimiud our hoiizen as with the rainbow of lich promlbe nnd blight hepes. Ker seme days previous te his death, he boomed te be going about taking leave of his Irienils. It was a blight, beautiful Saturday ten days age, when, us bv a sim ultaneous Impulse, he and myself Mailed each fiem his home te visit each ethor. Vn met mldw nv and started together for a walk, and lu talking of atfalrs lu church and state he slid very emphatically that his faith lu Pre lilouce was se unbounded that he could net entertain a doubt as te success of the rlghtand the geed under the guiding hand of Him who rules nil things both great and am ill. Whilst realizing his failing health, yet he seemtsl te have a mero than usually bepelul low of llfe nod its result In history. He spent the morning of his last Sab bath en earth with us lu the Chapel com munion bervice, and when the work of the following w eek began he leek his way te a distant pest of duty, novermero te return te us in the ossesson of consciousness. He wns smitten down tit the pest of duly with ills harness en. His weik en earth was done, and well done. He has expended his energy and btrengtli In his arduous w eru, nun 01 1110 enil 01 his luurnev he lad nslde his " pilitrim stall' and sandal shoen ' and entered Inte his rest. His lust htnnrgle was brief and, ns we may believe, without coubcieiis.sutVeiing. His midden death isn solemn admonition te us who remain as te the uncertainties of life, tlie solemnity of its responsibilities, and the need of Dlvlne help te meet them. May Oed belli us in the weakness nnd lnllrmlty of the body te be faithful unto death, se that when our hour comes we may be ready te join tlie great congregation w'he have koiie befere, and with thorn reach the eomrniu eemrniu eomrniu inallen of redemption 1 Te InstrucfCailets. 1'rem the I.ltltz Itecerd. Lieutenant Umunesreutlier, U. K. X., has received mid acccpl.Hi u call as in in strucler lu a military school at Wheeliug, . a. We heartily cnngratulate the gentleman en bin" geed rertune, for he Is eslreiu or hugging the nhore alter an extended cruUe of forty-one months, nud te spend some time, at least, with his family. The engsgoment Is for three years, but may readlly be extended, if the " high contracting parties" deslre it. Tlie lieutenant, in accepting this call, docs uet quit the government service. Mr. II. ban been noleurnlng among ns for several months and expects te loave In a few days. The Uimoftflenablo tVonther. The Pittsburg Timu has received reports from its correspondents in &" counties of KAstern Ohie nnd Western Pennsylvania nn wie cueci or me unscasonnuie woaiuer. In HOVOrnl localities grass is growing as In spring, buds are burstlngnnd winter wheat Is no i'sr ndvnnced that farmers fear It will he ruined when a cold snap comes. Fruit will undoubtedly be greatly damaged. Ju I'"ayotte county, tills state, butterflies are flitting around j in Columbia county, peer troes are In blossom. The open win ter has had a disastrous effect upon the general health. Typhoid fever Is en the Incrcsse in the Ohie Valley, and a xconrge of pulmonary diseases Is sweeping Hlair county. Duslness donreslo.a is reported from overywhore, and two buslness fail ures In Hlnrk county, Ohie, are due te the bad wcalkes. Vojransvllte anil Vlelnlty. Communion sorvlces In the Union church 011 the first Sunday in January will be cenducted by Itev, J. Stewart Uartman, pastor of the Reformed congregation. Baniuel Ream ships quite a nutnber of cigars te Texas. The rocent and contlnueusdnmp weather has been favorable for stripping and taking down tobacco. Most of the farmers have Soed crops and the texture of the leaf Is no. Airs. Fannie Davidsen, who hail been suirerlng with pneumonia, is convalescent. A geed movemoiit lu town, that would be very sensibly felt Just at prosent, would be the clovatlen and relaying of the pavo pave ment. Anethor street lamp lias been added te the western pnrt of the town. Bay, maiden, with tliuriucn hair, Holwautlmlntidllthennd tall, With eyc se bright and cheeks se fair, Why let your teeth destroy It all T Ter they are dark, and feci tlie want Of a soft brush nnd BOZOUONT. no sure and call for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup If v.nl urn trfttililml with n linil fntifh f.p : com. Mr. Ij. 11. iviercr, or laincnsicr, ra., writes us : llusliig n sprained lei; of almost thirty days standliu, nnil after trying hair a dozen adver tised preparations In tlie market without satis fneturv results, I tried Salvation Oil, niul In less limn llireeila my le; way ull right again, 'there's nothing like It. A Ctire op Ne Pay Is guaranteed te these who me Dr. Plcrce'i Oelck'ii .Medical Discovery for catarrh In tlie lifnd, or for bronchitis or threat affections, or consumption (which Is lung ferefuln) If taken In tlme and given a fair trial. Heney promptly returned If It docs net cure. F.HAW t.iclinU"Me. R -i:biaieus snuvicns will 111: nr.id) In tlie fellow liur rlmrclies immimlav. In Ilia niernluiratlO.SO. lu theicnlni!ntT:l. bun- lay school ut 1:1 j 11. 111. When tlie hour Is dif ferent Ills especially noteil : Ni.w Uiiuiiuii. (services nnd Sunday school te-morrow morning nt the usual hour, te I.eus'd hiilldliiR, Ne. 10 North lluceii slris.t. Ciiuiii it ec (Ien Cerner of 1'ilnce nnd (r nngi'. Itev. J. It. Ijilerlliie.paster. Iibuischk KnteitM st. jeiiannhs KtncitK KtncitK KtncitK Cornvref Urauseaiiil Mulherry streets. Horvlce In tlie Oeruian IniiBiiuge from 0, X) te IO.O11. m. and from II te 7:15 p. 111. tkmilay school Irem U:tOtel:l'p. 111. .MCNseNiTic uerner 01 lasi cutstnui aim filicrman streets. l're,ichliig ut 2 11.111, In both Iiiiikiuikcs. Ui.mrr lUrrtiT Ciruitcn nast Vine near Duku street. Ilex. M. Kriiync, pastor. Olivet Mission '.Ml liist l'rtdcrlclc strcet. Hiinduy school at 2 p. in. llr.teitMim Ht. I.ukii's Marietta nemie, Ilov. Win. I'M.lclilllur, pastor. Hunday school nt 3 p. in. rrcparntlen ler Hely I'omuiiiulen In tlie ewulni;. Tctlval scixltu of the isundav school en Llirlstmas ccnlni;iit7o'cleck, with mi address by ltev. A. I), tiring. Divine service en hunday inernlns In the Iteckland street kclioel liiilldlni; ut 10 o'clock. nuuuay nciioei hi i p. m. i:va.nei.mcai. Ciiuncii. Ilov. D.D. Albright, pastor, hunday scIiimiI nt 2 p. m. I'rate ser vice nt C.ai) p. in. 1 he ordinance will be admin istered lu tlie evenlnc . Br. Jehn's Luiiieiias Itev. D. r. Alleman, 1). D pastor. (Services ut 11a.m. In Ucrmnii Itcfeniipd church, corner of Oningennd Mul berry street. Hunday school at HU JeIiii'h at 2 p. in., aud nt (ietwuld Memerial Mission at 2 p. in. Hr. Paul's HrpenstFP Itev..!. W.Memlnger, pastor. TwIllKlit rcrvlce at U.lSp. m. L'linsl m is day serlccs nt 10.31) u. in. buuduy school cutertalumcnl In the vm'IiIuj;. Kins r M. i:. t:iii;iicii Itev. S. M. Vernen, D. D., pastor. Class meetings at u. in. biuiday HII1U.M IlL lilJ . III. l'llKSIIYTKIIIAN MEMOIIIAL ClIURCII Seuth Queen street, Themas Thompson, pastor. Hun day school nt 1:15 p. m. rrcuehhig by Hev. V. W. P.. Hlegel. U.siteh llnimiRRN iNCliitisT, Covenant. West OraiiRO and Concord streets. ltev. C. W. llutsler, pastor, l'ralse service nt i). M p. in. Hiwse.v CiiAfEL North I'rlnce street ltcv. 1'. M. Harris, lust ir. Kvamiki.iual Klrst Church. Itev. V. V, jQltr, i isler. licrmaii in the lnuriilng. Sunday Kchoel nt U a. m. Wi-stbcnM. Ii Church. Itev. w"m. Noen Tliompsen, pastor. .Miss I.. Sharp will pieaih In the morning und vwiiIiik. Himday hcrvlie atd. t'lirlstmus meriilmtaerilcantd. Herilecii cuery night, led by Mix 1.. Hlmrn. Hr. Paul's M. l:. Ciiukcii Uei. K.C. Yei ke, pastor. t) a. in. class. Hunday nciioei at 1:1 j p. i i:u p. l.'hrlst- in. ijiriy prayer iiieuiiui? in un.u ji. in inns heriiiuii in nit lunruiug. Kiiist ItLtOHMr.li.-ltev. J. M. Tllzel, D. D., pastor. Iiirly song her leu ou Chrlslm.ii) mom lug at (i o'clock. Meiiavi an. Itev. J. Max Hark, D. 1)., pastor. Sunday tchoel ul 2 p. m. Tiunitv l.tTlinitAN.- Itev. C. U Try, pastor. Christmas morning at 10:.I0. Sunday tclioel lCHttal Christinas eenlngut 7. CHRIST 1.UTHHIAN. ltev. K. L. Ilecd, pastor. Ne evening service. Christmas sen Ices nt tin. m. Hunday school festival ute p. m. l'KF.suvrhiUAN. Ilov. J. Y. Mitchell, D. D. jiafcter. On ck Lunirn vn. Hev. CM". Houpt, pastor. Hiinduy kchoel nt 2 p. m. Church iericc morning nnd eienlng. T I OOD'.S WAIWAPAIHTLA. The Plain Trvith Is that HoeVh Sarsaparllln has cured thou sands of peeple who sullerel severely with rheumatism. It neutralizes the lactic acid In the bleed, which causes these lerrlble pains and aches, and nlse vitalize nnd enriches the bleed, thus preventing the recurrence of the disease. These facts warrant us In urging you, If en suiter with rheumatism, te glxe Heed's Harsnptirlllan trial. "Ter SH jwirs I have sintered with sclatle rheiiniatlsin. laist November I was taken worse than ever, and was uuublu te M'toetof the heiue. I was uliiieit Jlelplcss lei -ttl Ilnys iim.rlnc great ngeny. In December 1 com menced taking Heed's Hnrsaparllla. After the second bottle 1 wasuble te be out and around and ntteinl te business, I took tle bottles, and nm new seti ee from rlieiiuiatl.m that only oc casionally 1 feci It slightly en n sudden change of weather. I have great conlldeiice In Heed's Haraaparllla." ciiaiills IHnnah, Christie, Clurl.e Ce., Wis. Iiillummutery Illieiiiuatlsiii "HiiNlng been troubled with Inn.iinmatery rlitiumiitlsm for many j ears, my favorable at tention Mils railed te Heed's Harsuparlllu by an advertisement of cures It had effected. 1 have new liked th rec'.bet lies of Heed's Sarsapnrllla und can nl ready testify te beucllelKl results. I highly recommend It ns a great bleed purifier." J. C. Avcns, Went nioemtUld, N. V. HOOD'S SAlt.SAl'AltH.I.A Held by all druggists, fi ; six for S3. Piepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO.. Lewell, Mns. 100 DOIT'S ONUDOl.I.AU (.1) Jtlluccllaucone i.eit ui:AUQUAitri:its l?..A.O.K. ef.M.C, K. of O.K.. I, O. H. M.. . u. a. M., l u. rt. ei .., i. if. u, 1 ., fii!s, i go te Charms and l'l l.lllSM.XM, Ne. 42 West King Htrcet. r iti mfi u'n.NiAi ta n iNHhcf" T'e w iiil u, l niH?IIct by u geed powder blevver. Is the lniwt (llivtiuil destroyer of UUst and ethersmull tuviH:tH. PersalH At llUill.UY'S DP.UU HTOUK, ml W'Ht KlncHtrccit, QKAI.r.l) PltOlM-lAUS Wild. UK ltl J celved nt Iho Jixamintr olllce up te two u clock p. Monday, Deis'inber t5l, Issii, for tvieut (il) bends ircgUlcred) erimy part there of, of CW each, te be Issued by the IJinonMer Cltybchoel lleurd, dated January 1, 1MO, lioar liear Ing four il) iK'rcent. Intercut, payubleiiuiirttrly. Ueuds jsi s able In n u (10) v ( ars, TH0.S. II.COCHUAN, Cliulrmnti rinaure Coiumlltee of liucaster CltJ Hchoel Heard, d0,lt),21d tiramlntr Oltlcc, Ijuicaster, I'll. Mi u.piti)Trr.HTVA.s'Dciii:AMi:itVhii'i : loll HAI,l--Tlie best business stand Ter nrullerinlll lu thecuuuty. The water Is used twlcv. The property reiisUU of grlsl and mer chant mill, stable, dwelling linusu and II Acres of land, silium-d one mllii southeast of West Chester, Chester county, Pu., en lluuef 11, It., uud Is elegantly sultisi for u rush of business, A Ne. 1 stand for a i-eal .verd. Iirgu Ice house und creamiry. Hve acres of Irrigated truck luiteh and all within, ten minutes drl oef West Chestur, A heme marlitt of ever S.tuJ lulmlil. tiints. 1 will positively sell this property away bo be bo levr cost. Cull ut mill or uddrcss, WJI.8. M0UI.DUU. dl,2Uld Wt Chi.ter, Chester Ce., Pa. Vtnantakv'm. Puif.aDBU'iitA, Baturtay, Dee. 21, UB. Stere open evenings till Christmas live. Liglit-weight prices en heavy weight Clothing for Men and boys. And real Winter come before Christmas ! may Thirteenth and Market streets. A Dell for a cent. Net very much of a Dell, te be sure, but a reusing big cent's worth. Bigger, better Dells at 5c; thousands at 10c, armies at 25c, 50, 75c, $h $1.50, $2, $3, $5, $7, $10, and se en up. llasement, northeast of cantre. The Men's Handkerchiefs we arc selling at $7 a dozen were $10.20 a few days back and under the market then. Six ether grades down te $3.50 a dozen that you can save big money en. Women's Embroidered and Scalloped, in new effects. The assortment from 40 te 75c is the best wc ever had. Houthweit of centre. A Brocklehurst pure white Silk Muffler for $1. As geed as anything in the market at $1.50. Southwest of centre. At least one hundred and fifty titles in the line of cloth bound iamo.Beoks at twenty Jive cents. Scott, Black, and everybody's favorites. Northwest of centre. Styles the best. Qualities the best. Prices the leivest. Wc say these three things of our Men's Slippers gener ally. The rest of the story teuencs color and materials. Geat (S colors), Seal (2 colors), Alligator (5 colors). $2 te $4 the price limits. Twe very special lets among them a genuine Alligator and a genuine Seal, regular $3 and 3.50 styles, but the price is $2. All sizes. Just a hint for the men Elegant Evening Shoes for Women are $3 te $6. Murkctrstrect aide, west of Main Aisle. Jehn Wanamaker. yrtlacc of jfaghien. 12AI.ACU OI' FA8UION. Palace of Fashion, 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST. Selling Off Our Stock of Christmas Goods ! All goods, of which we have tee many, must be sold. Writing Maps, 10c. Portfolios, 10c. Brass Picture Frames, 5c. Fancy Baskets, 19c. Nigger Dell Babies, clown te 5c. Small Patent Head Dells, down te 3c. Bisque Jointed Dells, down te iqc - Dressed Sailor Dells, down te 15c. Three Fancy Handkerchiefs, in a fancy box, down te 25c a box. Cologne Pitchers and Vases filled, down te 10c. Bettles of Bean and Hurlbut Extracts, en Wire Stands, down te IOC. Fancy Colored Picture Frames, down te 10c. Bronze Stand Mirrors, down te 19c. Round Stand Glasses, 2 for 25 cents. Glass Beats, down te 10c ; larger 19c ; largest 25c. Bronze Vases, down te 15c; larger size down te 25c. Plush Match Safes, down te te 15c. Brass Trimming Rattles, 9c. Plush Picture Frames, down te 37 and 49c. Embossed Leather Albums, new long shapes, 2 cabinet pic tures en page, down te 50c. Figured China Silks, down te Se and SSc a yard. Plush Ornaments, down te 3 and 4 cents. Our whole stock of Comforts away down te cost price. All the Cretonne Comforts, 72x72, down te $1.50. Excellent large Comforts, with border, 72x72, down te 75c. If you want any of the above goods bring this advertisement with you, otherwise you pay the old price. All reductions in fu ture are only for these who prove that they read our adver tisement. PALACE OF FASHION. 115 & 1 1 7 North Queen St. dfl( HALAIIY, (1) I-CPENSEH l.V AD OvlvJ Miie1, allowed euili inentli. bUndy riiipleiiieiit at lioineor traxelini;. Ne solicit selicit I114. 11111164 delicrln und nniUlni; collmlenn. Ne Pelul C'aidn. AddiCMi with stamp, 1IAKKII CO., Plciuu, Ohie. nS-iuidl'u.Thia VKtWMft SEASONABLE SUOeMTION. Th earnrlac of ateam Mm vlih wilabU laMerlat Insvrea dry itcain Mid saves fuel aad aNentlMi Mm .it of ma eewrtng being iea tlmeamadatiplBa lnte year la aavlnir offset lone. The beat .material ae Car offered te tba JJUIHHJ IS W1V MegDesii Sectfeml Mug, Fer ftteam Plpef. .Hun ..... Ma. andUforMletllu lAUeMter and Lebauen oeuntlM, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARK CUMMIKM, Prep. NOS. IM A ltt NOItTn CHRMTIAN ST., lAncftiter, Pa. Prtea llita and discounts and directions for applyln en application. Hpeclal tormitethe trade. Alse Valvea, Pipe, Cocks, Flttlnta, Etc, t Jobbers PrleM. decS-tfUR s TEAM KNUINE AMD BOILERWOBKU. Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will pay you te rail at my Works and ex amine our Stock of Engines ! -A!!?,r.,, te lete yen prices and see facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 Horso-Pewer....... . 425 6 Herse-Power. 475 8 Herse-Power 62" 10 Herse-Power 575 IS Herse-Power 87s 20 Herse-Power 1,175 Portable Engines, BECOND-IIAND. 6 Herse-Power. $2.10 8 Herse-Power fiO 15 Horse-I'ower 275 Boilers, Second-Hand. Five 30 Herse-Power, M In. Dlnm., M feet Lenir, 22 ty;iu. Tubes. Price, 1175 end 1150. One Heller, SO In. Dlnm., 11 feet Leng, 2t 3 In. Tubes 12 feet Lene, with Fire Frent Castings, J 125, I CAUItY THE LAKUEBT 81'OCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer or Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, Haw Mills, Dark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc Contractor ler Klenm Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IB Till: DUST INTHE MARKET. Eepairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, rnoriuuTen, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANO.VSTBR, PA. CTl)iMrtunvc. H IQ1I A MARTIN. -AT- Dcceratcd Diuuer Set3, from Ilavl luud China (flnu tlcctiratlen) Scml-rer-celalu, White Stoue Ware te English Printed or lMiilu AVlilte, at prices equal te any in the market. Decorated China De&scrt, Game, Fish, Oat Meal, Trinket, Pudding Set, &c. Fruit, Oyster ind llene Plates. Celery Trays. Tea, Cof fee and Bouillon Cups. A. D. Coffees, from tlie cheapest, te $12 each. Royal Worcester, Japaue30 Ware aud ether Fancy Goods hi large quantities. CUT CxLJLl IN NKWnUSIlINrf. Pressed aud Uugraved Uliuriware ill New Styles mulJii Large Quantities, Rochester Lumps in a Variety of Styles and at the Lewest Prices. Don't make yourhelectlen until you VISIT HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. Miy.EK'8 1IORAX KOAP WILL WA8U Clethcanud every article l lidr thsuu. 11 a m U tSt?0b. rpac vBevuvn uabu bteiie. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS INTQE HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMI Ladlm' Hmnstttrh While. IVInlr.,1 fte and Open-Werk Berden, ct be, 8c, lOe te OOeTI LdlM White Embroldeivd, in large as ment, 10c, 15c, 20c, 2Je te II CO. Fall linen of OenU' Handkerc htfti, In lit n uihi ucuuuica auu uommeu, irem be te 0 Ludle' Scalloped and Embroidered BllkJ n one una joiet, BIXJC usual priCO H8J I for these goods GOc Ldles Rcalteped Embroidered, with Deul Bemstltchcd, at COe ; worth 75c 1 ladles' Open-Werk and Embroidered ' ouaBt.ec. oeiu ene ttcck age ai II. dents' erchlcn TjuveJUtM Willi, rhlna RIIV fT.J kerchiefs at SiYic Itcgular prlce almost eve where 60c. Gent's Japanese White Bilk Itandkercbll at GOe. Regular prlce te-day, 75c I . Full lines of Ladles' and dent's Bilk Mufflel in ream, vvniie ana uoiers, ai unusually if Many of the Darralns above ninnet ha placed at the prices named. Purchasers weil ue wen 10 inspect our stock early. We carry In stock full lines of Colgate's Celebrated Extract TOILET WATERS, COLOUND8, Ac. GEO.F.RATHVOI 25,East King Street, marSO-lydlt I.ANCABTKU, PAJ Bvecsvlc, A TUUlUSR'S. Fer Fins Flerida Orange?, Fer Flue Bananas, Fer Extra Choice Whlte Umpes, Fer Fine Table or Cooking llatnlus, Fer Fine Layer Figs, Fer Candles of all kind, Nuts, N11U of all kind, Fer Fine Canned Goods, Fer Pickles, Sauces, Ketchup, etc, Fer FI no Olives or Olive Oils, FerFlum Pudding, Fer the Finest Cedecs nnd Teas, ForClielco Cranberries, etc., TO HE WRLL RUPPLinO WITH OOOI 000D8 FOK YOUR HOLIDAY TAI1LE, OO TO BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street LANCASTER. PA. 3Telephone connection. CHRISTMAS GREETING I With your peekct-i full of money And eurlrlU of Koedcliccr, I wish you a Merry Chrlstinns And a Happy New Year. Samuel Clark Extenls'a Cordial Invitation te All te Vlsll HlsUtorelteoiu, Nes. 12 & 14 Seuth Queen St, Where his stock can be cxamlned, and yeul substnntlul recognition of our ctlerts te pletisl jeu be show n lu the bastewal et your valued erucrg ler CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. Our Baking Iiuttcr, without Lard, 15, !$, nunzj cents. New Citren, 18c per pound, nrwennut nnd Almend Macaroons. Hhcllbarknnd WtilnutKeriieN.Siie per peundl Oranges nnu juiiuinas, iscn oezeii up. I Extra Flue Craubcriics, 10, 12$, 13, li cciim perquari. SUGARS I SUGARS! Confectionery, New Orleans and Dark Urewn BiiKur leriniKiiiK your uiuger iki's. Trv our XXXX Fleur nt bOc imt imartrr. nnd New Orleans linking Molasses, tlie llueat In tlid worm, ni i.ewc!i i-rices. CANDIES! CANDIES! OMi 7, 8J, , 10, 15 te 23 cents per pound. Ppe elnl irlreh te ftelioels. LoekatourCHItlSTMASGREKTINOCurdsJ The rlnest ever given uvwiy lu Ijiiicnstir. Just! the thing te decornte sour Christmas Tree! with. AT CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE KrOItE, NOS. SOUTH QUEEN brilELT. 13 & 111 Telephone, Free and Prompt Delivery. r. H, Plenty of extra help te wait en you all. Ne Delay. A T UEIST'M. Cards, Cards Given Away Free, FROM NOW ON UNTIL CHRIS TM AS. Tnev nre handsome. See them In our win. dews. Wc never ln est 111 traihy cards, neither lnuensk veu te imrcliiise imy thing In order te get one; but we expect ever body te ask for tlie Lara. 1111s is iiioeiuy way lugeiu. READ ON 1 READ ON ! Fifty barrels of Candy ever 13.0D) pounds! Think or It ! 5 lbs for 2.V, t tb ferJc ; 3 CM for S5e and 2 fcs ferSSe; nlse Extra Fine Candy at l.v-lRn nnd 25e tier lb. I'lne Clioeelalo Ilrunsat IRe and Candy 25e per 16. We hne the Finest S Bis for 2.5c In the city, MUSCATEL AND HUNCH RAISINS. The Finest Loese Muscatel Raisins we ever saw, 2 lbs for 25c, Tlie Uest Hunch ltaUlns In the cltv, 2 lbs for 25c. Kine Fancy Cluster Ralslus'frem 15c te 35e per lb. DATESAND FIGS. A big let of Fenian Dales at t Bs ferS-V. Fine Ijiver Figs at l.' lcr B. New ISag Figs at S lbs for 25c Finest C'r,v stalUed Hgs ut 15c ir lb. Adrlve leans of lllackberrles foriie, ORANGls. Fifty boxes of Fine Flerida Oranges nt 20c, 25c. 30e uud 35c jer dez. NU1S. Eight hundred pounds Finest French Prin ces Paper-Shell Almonds, 2,tJ0 lbs Urecnebla and French Walnuts, Pecan tuts. Filberts, Mixed Nuts, Taragetut Almonds, bhellburk unu Walnut Kernels, etc. BUGAR-COATKI) lOPCOItN. , - Flve barrels Sugar-CiMtcd Popcorn nt 80 er quart. Fine line of Fancy Crackers. Nlcnaes and Ginger Snaps, M Ebs for 25c. HILVLR hrAlt UAKINU POWDEIt. With eery ;,-lb box 11 1 15c box you get nllcaii tlful Present FI110 Viiseb, I'ltihers, Sugar Hew Is, Ac lv nil means ask font box and have n chance, Wlllenlj oirertlie Presents during Holiday season. Cranberries, White Onijics, Apples, etc. Mlncunuit at !, 10c, und Atiueic's Finest, Tlie Finest Line of Evaporated California Trulls in the market. Loek ut our lniiiiene display of everything that Is geed. ".ou can't ntlerd te purs us by. WeMouldnetnltenipttovvrltonp nil me have you must sec Seventeen pollte clerks and four errand bes te give ou ull the attention jeu want. Loek for the Illg blgu ucre the jiavL'llieev , uu nut , IIIIS3 u. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tlllOCEH, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRINCE HTS., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, uud Next Doer te Serrel tlorse Hetel. TESSE JONES A CO., tl Manufacturers CONFECTIONEKS' FINE PAl'KU HOXES, The mol bcuutlful line lu Oie United Slates. til5 Commerce HU. Philadel phia l1. Writ for descrli)UYO pries tut, Jnnl-7Ue4 Holiday Specials t-SJY-X''. &MggS&atap'ii i,k -V A