Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 21, 1889, Image 1

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je Itarifcisttf
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i inmiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiihii
rer a Hundred Dellar ana a oeia
Patch Taken Frem Geerge uettshue.
Some time between 12:30 and 4 o'clock
la morning the bearding house of Harry
. Dlffenbach, at Lemen and North Queen
eet, was entered by thieves. The en-
tnce was effected through the deer en the
imen street side of the building. The
loves turned the key, which was en the
slde of the deer, by means of a pair of
ppers. They hurried through me tuning
em and then went up stain. Geerge
eltshue, a beiirder at the house, occupied
nom en ine nocena noer. ue lecnea nis
or when he retired. leavlns: the key upon
e inslde. The thlovea turned this with
ppers and went Inslde. Mr. Ileltshue's
ethlna-was en a chair, and in the nanta-
ens was a peck et book containing some-
ing evor 8100 dollars in meniy. mil tnf y
ttn tniffillibK U'ltll VAPIf valllet.lA IVAlfl
atch whlch'wes in Mr. ileltshue's vest.
The thelves seetn te have ransacked the
hole heuse and they were experts In
lening doers with keys in the Inside of
m locks. Iii this wav thev enened the
vein of Mr. DllTenbach, stealing about 115
i money that he had in bis doming, The
ckctLoek,whlch was old, was left behind,
rs. Dlllenbach's watch and ether
welry wero In the room, but they
ere riot touched. The thleves tried nearly
L-nrv deer In the houge with thelr nl eners.
hey wero tinable. te catch soveral of the
eye with the nippers and seme they
UHhed in. They tnadn n desperate effort
get into the room of Calvin Tsliudy, but
irtunately tliat gentleman had taken the
rocuutleu before going te bed te turn the
ead latch, semethiuir thathe had net ilone
efere for some time. The key of I. K.
larrls' deer was pushed In and marks en
nuniber of ethers show that they wcre
import-d with.
iwr, nciisniie went 10 ins room uneui
1:30. but did net retlre until after mld-
Ight. Mr. Diffenbaeh hadproceeded him
ut u Hhert time. Thlsmerulnir when Mr.
H ffenbAch urose at uu early heu r he missed
is money lit n snort time. At nrst ii6
bought ills wife had taken it in charge te
my Christinas things. In a Joking way
e Rjkcd her about it. but she said that she
:new nothing about it. lie seen found
pen making uu examination that he hed
icon robbed, and he had scarcely niade the
llscovery whnn Air. neiisnue cams te ins
oeinand told him of his less. ZZZ2
Mr. lielmier. ene of the boarders, arose at
o'clock this niernlne te no te the railroad
Itatieu nud upon his return did net again
I'e te bed. The supposition is that the
lliefl was conitnllteu Lolween tlie tune Mr.
Meitshue retired and Mr. Behmor get up.
The thud was renorted te Chief Hineltz
lind homnde a thorough examination of Ilt3
ireinises. The tliloves loll no cute te tneir
Hew the Line In Reading la Bound By
nn Ordinance
Kiiiteim iNTKLUQKNCEn There is in
Reading, Fn., a llue of electric railway
hailed the East Reading Railroad company.
frills line have bcen running their olectria
L-ars from the corner of l'Jlu stroet and
ll'erkloinen avonue te the lilack Bear Inn
lin Exetur township. This line Is thus on en on
Itirelv in the outskirts of the city.
Wlshln? te extcud it into tne ncart or ine
city Uiey induced the city councils te pass
'an ordtnance in September last, granting
this privilege. In looking ever this erdi
nance 1 nouceu mat among eiucr unnga it.
requires the company te lay their tracks
nt grade, but its rail shall be a flat L, and
hum net less than ftve inches en the sur- thereof. That Its company must
immediately upon the construction
of" the track pave the satne botween
the rolls nud outslde thereof te fie
limits of the sills, and where equilateral
turnouts nre used the streets shall be paved
by them the full width between the curb
lines for the cntlre length and fifty feet be bo be
yend the oxtrenie ends of such turn
outs and where lateral turnouts are
used the paving shall be laid te the curb
line only en the sides the turnouts are
located and for the saine length as above
prescribed for the equ Hat oral turnouts. It
lurther requires that in certain named
streets this paving Is te be of asphalt blocks
and in the lest of the streets te be occupied
by this electric line of cars this paving is
te be of belcctcd hill Mone or cebble stone,
atid that the said company shall at all times
keep said paving In geed order, and the
said leuipauy shall also construct iron top
box culverts along the said reute of such
dimensions and at such )eiuts as the com
mittee en high ways and pavingjnay direct;
the construction of -said railway and cul
verts te be under the supervision of bald
The Maid railroad company is authorlre 1
te iimj electric, power for the propulsion of
its cars evor me route grnnieti uuu ier vnui
purpose they are granted the right and
privilege of erecting painted ornamental
iron poles, and te be placed at such points
unci of such dimensions as shall be ap
proved by the conmiittee en highways and
paving, and te be placed upon both curb
lines for the support of overhead electric
wires. The ordinance also provides that
tliev nre net te be allowed te use any ethor
motive power ether than electricity or
horses, ami provides also that no coal or
freight cirs shall be allowed te pass evor
jhe i onto granted.
Section 5 provide that the city of Road Read
Jng (.hall have the right te make repairs or
Improvements en the streets and te lay
water, gas or ether mains, or construct or
recensti uct sewers and te open if nncessary
the portion of the street! occupled by the
tracks of this company, and It shall maKe
no obstruction while such repairs or im im im
urovfiiieiits are In progress, and If said
Jracks are te be moved or raised during
puc'h Improvements the oxpenses thereof
us well as any damages dena te or by the
tracks shall be berne by the railroad com-
bec'tien li provides that said railroad
Mnininv shall nav the cltv annually for
Ilia first live years ?3 per car for the
averitge numboref ears run evor the reute
and annually thereafter 510 per car.
Section 7 provides that the railroad com
pany shall llle with the city clerk a written
tcoptnnce, under the oerrioruto seal of the
company, or the previsions of this ordi
nance, and this must be douewlthln fifteen
Thinking that these extracts might be of
interest te your teaders, new our city
fathers nre preparing an ordlnance for our
olectrle cat Huh, I bend this lelter te you.
L.vsCA!Ti:it, Dec. 20. Q.
Koutliefu Coutenarlau.
Mrsf. Mary Brunner, who resided with
lier son-in-law. Christian Kegorise, be
tween Ilockersvlllo urd Cauipbollstewn,
Dauphin county, died en Thursday night.
It Isttelieved that Mie was the eldest person
In Pennsylvania. Her age was lej years.
On the Decision of her last birthday anni
versary, en May 17 last, slie was in
excellent spirits, bright and very oc ec oc
tlve. .Slie had no ailments, enjoyed
a hearty tliree times u day,
Tosted w'ell and slept overy night from
7 p. in. te 0 a. in. bhe has smoked her
pliie for 50 years, and often remarked that
hlie thought the use of tobacco prelonged
her life, hhe was born In Eist Cocallce,
inrastircniinlv. Mav 17. 17b7. nnd ut the
egj of 10 was inarrlottte J. Ilrunner, who
djwHO years age. Mrs. Brunner was un
able te fwd. She lived for ever W) years In
the iHlghboTheod where Mie died, Slie wus
the mother of 11 children, eight of whom
urn living, rn 1 she leaves 35 grandchildren
mid 123 great gran In'illdren. Of her eight
survlvliitidUl!lrcnthe eldost-is SO unci the
youngest 01 years old. In her younger
davs slie w orked hard, laboring In the har
vest fields and doing a man's work.
Death of All Aired Wemaii.
Mra. Clara Lauman Lankford, aged 81,
died from paralysis In Mlddletewn en
Tuesday. In 1S55 she was married te Jehn
I jmkferd, of Columbia. Three years later
lier husband died. Mrs. Oramm, of Baln
brldge, it a sister of deceased.
Eratl Eteine Returns te Johnstown With
Fortune mad Heard Notteln of
the Floed.
A short time bfore the terrible flood
which almost wiped Johnstown out of ex
latenas Emil Eteine left Cambria City for
hla native town or Creenvllle, net far from
Htraatburg, In Alsace-Lerraine, te recnlve
a eemferuble fortune which he had in
herited from a relative. Eteine had been
working a a puddler at the Cambria Iren
werke for about two years previous te his
departure for the continent.
He left a family consisting of a wife and
five children behind him. When the law
suit had been settled In hla favor and he
had come Inte possession of the property,
which waa principally real estate left te
him, he put it up at public sale and re
ceived about t20,000 for it.
With New Yerk exchange for that aura
In his pocket he again embarked for thla
country about three weeka age, aa happy
and contented as a man well could be ac
customed te earning hla bread by the sweat
of hla brew, who sees a Ufa of compara
tive luxury and ease before him. He In
tended te go Inte some business in Johns
town. He reached Pittsburg In the forenoon,
and bearded the Johnstown accommoda
tion at 1:20 p. m., which took him te the
place where he had left these dearer than
all the money in the world. He relates the
rest of hla story as follews:
"When I get off at the Pennsylvania rail
road station I turned back te one of the
depet men and Inquired of him hew far I
had yet te go te Johnatewn, aa I had get
off at the wrong station, and hew seen the
train left for that town. The man looked
at me for a moment as though he thought
I was net quite right In my mind and
asked me wliether or net I could read the
sign en the station beuse. I looked up
and there It was plain enough, in large
white letters en a black ground. While I
looked at the sign In a dazed sort of a way,
another man, who had overheard the con
versation, stepped up te me and said : 'I
guess yeu're a stranger here, or have been
In Johnstown bofero the Heed. It's quite
changed new. I would net have known It
myself lr I had been away for six
months.' "
" Aa the man spoke I felt as If seme one
had punctured my heart With a aharp
knlfe and I fainted dead away. When con
sciousness roturned I was in the waiting
room of the station house and some
persons were rubbing ray temples wttli
vinegar and making me Inhale it. Then I
went out te find my wife and children,
but somethlng told me that they were dead.
" The part of Cambria City where steed
the house In which I left my family was
completely swept away. I made Inquiry
for forty-eight hours, during which tlme
I had net a morsel te eat or a wink of
sleep, but all in vain. Nobody knew what
had become of my family, and the people
could hardly understand my sorrow and
frief, having suffered se much themsolves.
was told that nearly all the peeple of
Cambria which luhabltated that section
where my house had steed porished. I am
net going te remain in this country.
Everything reminds me of the terrible less
I have suffered.
" I am going te New Yerk te-night, and
from there across the ocean back te my
birthplace, where I will live the rest of my
davsln sellttitdeund sadness."
It was evident from the appearance of
Mr. Etlene that he suffered great mental
pain. Ills face was haggard and his eyes
had a dreamy, tar-off leek as if he hail lest
all Interest in everything connected with
this world.
Christmas Day at Old Trinity.
Trinity church Is preparing te colebrate
the Christmas festival of this year with
decorations .and music that will surpass
any that Its venerable walls have ever seen
or neard. The service at 10:30 en Christ
mas morning will be preceded by a rendi
tion of Stalver's " O Zleu that bringest
geed tidings," and Gounod's " Hely, Hely
Lord," will immediately fellow the litur-
fical worship. The magnlflcent " Festival
'e Deum" of Dudley Buck will come be
tween the epistle and gospel lessens ; the
carol " Christ Is Bern Indeed," for male
auartette and chorus, being reserved until
urlng the offertory. Then aftortbosor aftertbosor aftortbesor
vlce has been concluded with the boned lo
tion, the beautlful and appropriate " Praise
Ye the Father" will be chanted during the
dismissal ; all these solectleus being sung
by the full choir, supplemented te 18
trained veices, and accompanied by harp
and organ. On Christmas evening at 7
o'clock the festival sorvice of the Sunday
school will be held, at which the anthems
and carols will again be superb.
The Senate en Friday continued the
neir.i latlen of Ellwood Qriest, Lancaster's
The ponslen of Ephralm droeuawult,
Lancaster, has been increased.
William Wilsen, a bum, arrested at the
Pennlvanla railroad station fordrunkon ferdrunkon fordrunken
ntuis and disorderly conduct by Constable
Price, was sent te jail te-day for Hve days
by Alderman Burr.
Jimmy Dennelly has a peculiarly made
motto in his saloon en East King street.
It has the words " Merry Christmas," and
between thorn is a beautiful shamrock.
The loiters are made of colored sawdust en
Hastebeard, and they are very pretty, ro re
ecting credit ujieii Lew Is Heffman, the
maker. The whole room is beautifully
The number of applicants for the coal te
be distributed by the Buchanan-MoKvey-Itoynolds
relief commlttee of councils te
neon te-day was 357.
The mayor had four ledgors before him
this morn in ?. They were discharged.
Jehn Mannerlng, known in police circles
as "Sailor Jack," was sent te jail for 30
days this afternoon by Alderman Barr.
Jack is an old offender. He will get drunk
when he has money.
The flne weather and warm sunshine of
te-day brought out a straw hat. It was
worn byayeuiiR man from the country
who also wero a heavv overcoat.
Mr. C. W. Wilsen, superintendent of the'
l'ruuentlal insurance company ler me
Lancaster district, was summoned from
Yerk by wire this morning and presented
with a geld-headed umbrella by Assistant
Superintendent Queen and his staff of
agents, Mr. Wilkinson making the presen
tation. Arrested for Lareeny.
Reuben Bewdor, a young man living in
the southern part of city, was arrested this
morning by Officer Crawford, en a war
rmt issued by Alderman Halbach. Ue la
a-cused of being one of the party who
stile numereus articles from Rellly Bres,
t Raub's store. The information en which
Bewdor was prosecuted was furnished by
William Oram. He says he has te suffer
for his part in the transaction and be Is
dctormiued that everybody else who were
parties te the thelts shall also suffer.
Dereas Donations,
The ladles of the Union Dorcas society
acknowledge the fellow donations : Mrs.
Dr. Klnzer, $2 : Mrs. II. II. Swarr, 91 j Mrs.
Elian Swarr. $1 : MKs Mary W. Itussel. (1;
Miss K. White, l ; a friend through Mrs.
M. O. Kline, 910; A Herr Smith, esq., $10 j
C. Widmyer. 91; Mrs. II. P. Carsen. $1 ;
Mrs. Sarah Rengier, 91; II. W. II., 910;
Mrs. S. II. Reynolds, J3; Mrs. Clara
Fahnestock. 81 ; contributions from Mag Mag
uzliieclub, 9103 ; Williams juAFoster.J'J.isO.
Struck Ills Wllb.
Jehu Qulnn, who frequently has treuble
with his wife when he gats drunk, was en
the rampage again yosterday. He went te
his home en Kast Strawberry street and
struck his wlfe. She Is very quick te ap
peal te the law and she at ence went te the
office of Alderman Spurrier and sued him
for assault and battery. He was arrested
by Constable Klcheltz and held for a hear
Twe silver llat-H Leut.
Twe silver bars, worth 910,000, were le t
off a truck In New Yerk en Friday while
111 transit from the American Kxchange
National bank te the Cunard steamship
deck. A lead of 9100,000 worth of silver
was being sent te the steamship Umbrlafer
bhlpment te England, when two of the bars
were mlssad. At their Intrinsic value the
ban should each weigh mere than a ten.
The v are marked P and A, Ne. 9,677, and
Z and F, 9,086. The name of the truck
driver Is Kred. Barten.
Jehn If. Balr, a Tobacco Man, Fnlla
Through an Elevator Openlna-Ula
Skull Probably Fraetared.
Thla forenoon Jehn H. Balr, agent for
David Lederman A Sen, leaf tobacco
dealers, met with a very serious
accident at the wareheuse of the
Arm en North Charlette street. He
waa en the first fleer marking some
cases when he fell through the elevator
opening te the basement, a dlstance of tan
or twelve feet. He does net knew exactly
hew the accident occurred himself, but
aays that suddenly everything becamedark
In front of htm and he foil. When found
he waa sitting en a box with the bleed flow
ing from his mouth, nose and ears. He
was taken te the house of Henry Lefevor,
Ne. 420 North Prluce street, where he
beards and Dr. II. F. Eberman attended
him. Hels net certain as yet that the
man's skull Is net fractured, and the
Injury Is n serious ene. Mr. Balr resides
at Petersburg, and he li a he.ivy man,
weighing about 200 pounds, se that the fall
waa a bad one.
ccmbehlanp's tramps.
The Prison Full of Men, Women and
Children Suggestions or the
Charity Beard.
The following open letter was addressed
te Hen. W. F. Sadler, of Cumberland
county, who will bring the matter befere
the grand Jury in February :
Beaiiii or PimLieCiiAiiiTir.s, 1221 Chest
nut Btreet, Philadelphia, Dec 10, 1889.
Hen. Wilbur F. Sadler, presiding Judge of
Ninth district, Pa. Dear air: On the 10th
Inst. Dr. O'Neal and I paid our annual
official visit te the jail of Cumberland
We would be derelict In our duty did we
net call your attention te the condition In
which we found the Jail.
The sheriff informed us that he held as
prisoners ten convicts, six awaiting trial,
and 175 tramps. The latter class are con
lined In the cells en the ground fleer (17 in
number), and in two cells en the upper
tier. They are allowed te use the cot rlder
which is common te both tiers of cells.
Each cell is IS feet long, eight feet wlde and
ten feet high. There are thus 175 prlsoners
confined In 19 cells, or an average of ever
nine te each cell. They are oemnosod of
men, women and cht'.dren. llale and
females, without guatds or attendants,
were promiscuously horded togethor. We
doubt if in the civilized worlds mere de
moralizing state of affairs could exlst. As
the wlnter advances it is likely te grew
dally worse, as the number will steadily
increase until the opening of the coming
The act of 1870 makes It the duty et the
custodian of any such person te provide
work for overy vagrant net disqualified by
sickness, age or casualty. The violation or
neglect el the previsions of this section Is
made a mlsdomeauor, puulshahle by flue
and lmprlsonment.
Tt Is violated and nesloetod. and the law
of the state epenly defied. It Is a valu
meckery te have moetlngs, as we new de,
held te pretest against eutrages en Siberian
convicts when, In our own midst, at our
very doers, such a condition of affairs
Surely the citizens of Cumberland county
will net be satisfied te allow this pest liole
te remain lenger under their very oyes, en
the main street of their principal town, a
disgrace te the civilization of the age.
We call your attoutien te this matter,
confidently believlng that you will lay the
whole subject bofero your grand jury, with
such Instructions as will secure an ubato ubate ubato
ment of the terrlble evil
With the highest respect,
Cadwaladeu Binni.u,
General agent and secretary beard of pub
lic charities.
I cordially unite in theabove recommen
dation. Maiii.en K. Diciunhen,
President beard of public charltle.
The first section of '.his law doflnes who
are vagrants,
The second section makes It the duty of
any constable or police offlcer te appre
hend and take all vagrants bofero a justlce
of the peace or magistrute, who shall ox ex ox
amine the parties se charged with vagrancy
and, found te be guilty, shall commit them
te labor en the county farm, or upon the
read, or shall commit them te any liouse
of correction, peer house or common Jail
In a term of net less than thirty days, nor
mere than six months as in the Judgment
of said magistrute bhull be deemed most
The third section of said act provides that:
It shall be the duty of the custodians of any
such vagrant te make active efforts te pro
vide work for overy vagrant committed
under the act, and net disqualified by sick
ness, etc.
And whenever labor cannot be previded
in the place te which any vagrant is com
mitted, it shall be lawful for such custo
dian, and It is hereby declared te be the
duty, with the approval or the beard of
dlrectors,eversoors or commissioners of the
peer te contract wun tne proper auiiienuus
of the township, borough, city, county or
ethor persons te de any work or labor out eut out
sleo of the place of commitment ; and when
any vagrant Is committed under the provi previ
sions of this act te the custody of the super
visors, or stroet commissioner or overseers
of the peer of an v township, borough, city
or county, it sh.ill be thelr duty te provide
for him comfortable lodgings or quarters
either In a station house 01 In ether
Fer years that county has been disgraced
by these worthless vagabonds. The cenn
stables are making a great deal of money,
while the committing magistrates net only
commit the tramps, but take them te the
county Jail and receive the 25 cents fee.
At the February term of the court It Is
Muted that seme prevision will be made,
through the efforts of Juilge S idler, te
change this condition of affairs.
A Large Number of Articles Chuneed
Off The FulrtoCless en Monday.
There was another large crowd at St.
Jeseph's church fair en Friday evening.
The following wero the wlnners of the
articles chanced eff:
St. Jehn's table: SUver cake basket, W.
II. Schaeffer; knlfe and fork, M. Gaus;
tidy set, Ireua M. Dyer ; table scarf, C. J.
Rethwellcr, plush banner, Maggie Coeuun;
waste basket, Mrs. I). Moeuoy; wisp,
Mary German; vases, Jehn Blsslnger;
bird and cage, Geergo Frltch; wins set,
Mrs. F. Bruederly ; table cover, BenJ.
Wlomer; child's dress, Mary A. Wolf;
lambrequin, Mrs. Jehn Klrsch; toilet case,
Lee Hauser.
Altar Table : Silver knife and fork, Jehn
Spaugler; plush cushion, Mrs. It. (Otte ;
pickle stand, F. Darencamp ; lamp, F. L.
Krauskop; llower crcis, B. Cless; oil
painting, Henry White.
Mlutnn. Trillin Tnii nfwuil. f'lulii .Trnimt f
boy dell, J. F. Flick; infantj enpe, Mr,
Werbel; pillow shams, Louisa elnrlcli;
rug, Levl Miller; cape, Lille Elliett;
water font, Mrs. B. Tlick : lamp, A. Kline ;
barrel of Heur. Mary Wacker ; cushion,
Sarah McCermlck ; cushion, Peter Wea
ver, hand painted table cover, Sephia Ber-
Ber .
Confectlonorv : Cakes wero wen by Goe.
Riddle, C. V. Wacker, Sue Draude ; bird
add cage, W. Shirk.
The remaining articles will be chanced
off this and Monday evening, and also en
Monday evenlntr the articles te be voted ier
will be awarded.
Father Christ was presented witti an
easy chair last evening. The gift was from
the comiulttfe of arrungoineiits. Father
Schmidt made the presentation speech and
the chair was received by Father Christ.
Held Fer Trlul.
Harry Stolger, the young man who struck
Clara Maney en the head with a bteve lifter
en Monday evening, causing a ery ugly
wound, was heard before Alderman Spur
rier last evculng. Fer being drunk and
disorderly lie was sent te Jail for 10 days
and be was conimlUed for trial at court te
answer the ebarge of felonious assault and
A Siieclat ICeurt te Finish District At-
terney Weaver's Cases.
An adjourned quarter sessions court, te
finish the casea returned during District
Attorney Weaver's term, will be held the
week beginning Docetubor 30. The fellow
lug Is the list :
Monday, Docember 30. Thes. R.
Redgors, Harry Q. McNally, negligence;
Andrew Kane, Abram Stfffel, violating
liquor law ; Win. O. Reese, fornication
and bastardy ; Harry Hildebrand, Tidal J.
Morgan, assault and battery; 8. 8. Kber Kber
selc, false pretense; Geergo Robinson,
felonious assault and battery; James Dry
son, felonious entry ; Martin D. Uess, A.
O, Speldcl, embezzloment.
Tukseay, Dec 31. Annte Kaul, assault
and battery; J. I. L, Lied, larceny as
balloe ; Edward Rolmsnytler, fraud ; Adam
R. Brown, false pretense; Mlchael Burke,
felonious assaulland battery; Harry Peutz,
defraudlng bearding lieuse keeper i Harry
Geed, aggravated assault and battery : Sim
Simen, peddllng without llconse; II. F.
Orovectal., larceny; 8. M. Paschal ct al.,
TutmsnvT, January 2. Jehn J. Kern,
false protenso ; Kiles Snyder et al., violat
ing fish laws.
HATUitnAY, January 4. Daniel Bross Bress
man, O. Lckert, T. J. Mergnn, Klmer Her
shock, surety of peace; Menreo Melllnger,
Isaac Zecb, Samuel Shirk, desertion.
Death of Mrs. Jnna It. Hterrett.
Mn. Jane H. gtsrrelt, aged 02, wife of 8.
P. Sterrelt, died in MarletU en Thursday.
Slie had been bedfast since May last,
suirerlntr from llver and kldney dis
ease. The Marlettn 7mcs aaya :
coased was born In this nlace and lived
here all her life. Slie has been a consistent
member of the Presbyterian church of
Marietta evor slnee she was thtrtoen years
old, and was ene of the most actlve work
ers in that church. It was largely by
her activity and energy that the
church debt, contracted when the
church was remodelod, was paid off.
She was a faithful teacher in the Sabbath
school for mere than thirty years, and was
always greatly beloved by her pupils. Bhe
was n woman of strong character and do de
elded opinions, and a person who will be
much missed In this community. Slie was
a great friend te the peer and needy. A
husband survives her. Barr Snangler Is a
brether of the deceased. The funeral will
take nlace next Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock from her late rosluence."
It I'lHs the Town With a Crowd of Pec
pie Bent Upen Business.
The clear np of last evenlug seems te be
mere permanent than theso we have had
receutly, and te-day the weather Is about
as flne as could well be expected. The sun
canto out bright and early and the air Is
almost us warm as suinmnr. In fact the
only complaint Is that It is tee warm.
The change has had a wonderfully
geed effect upon business, which has
brightened up with the weather. The town
Is filled with peeple and the streets and
stores have been crewded all day. The
trains te the city wero all full te-day, and
the crowd that came off the ene from
Quurryville at 7:30 reminded ene of a big
holiday. Notwithstanding the terribly bed
reads a great many people dreve te town,
and in many places the streets are crewded
with vehicles of different kinds, while the
hotels are very full. The men with the
Christmas trees In Centre Square have been
doing it thiivlng trade, and these who
thought that they would be left, en account
of the bad weather, are sure thut the sun sun
shlue will help thorn out.
Issues C ranted te Determine the Owner
ship of Property Leviod Uikiii
by the Sheriff.
Court heard arguments this morning of
a number of cases In the common pleas and
quarter sosslens court and In addition the
following current buslness was transacted :
Issues were granted te dotermlno the
ownership of personal preperty levied
upon by the slierlff between the following
parties: Charles II. Wettlg vs. David B.
Lamlls ; Susan A. Smith vs. Jehn Hllde
brand ; Sal He K. Llntner vh. Isaac (J roll' j
Hcnrielta Llntner vs. Isaae Oroff; H. T.
KlolTer vs. Sarah A. Herr and M. Llzzle
Herr; Auiile M. Brouuer vs. Heury Gout
nor. Frank Shlll.Mary Vlgtneltand Benjamin
Breueman, who served tonus in Jail for
costs, wero discharged us Insolvents.
Niuojudginents were entered for want of
a plea, appearance and affidavit ofdefoiiHO.
Llzzle M. Wersdell, Marietta, was di
vorced from her husband, Wm. M. Wors Wers Wors
dell, en the ground of adultery.
In the suit of Samuel J. Demtith's execu execu
eors vs. the county of Lancaster, the rule
feru new trial was discharged.
A Ltieky Insurunoe Company.
Early en Sunday morning, 15th inst.,
the small barn en the farm of Mrs. Sarah
J. Fritz, deceased, in Sadsbury township,
six miles south or Christiana, was discov
ered te be en 11 re by the tenant furmer, Mr.
Heury Hewett, who, with the assistance of
me neighbors, succeeucu in gelling out an
the live stock, nnd saving the corn crib net
Hve feet away from the barn. The build
ing, as well as the contents, was Insured
hi the Agricultural Mutual Flre Insurance
cempiaiy, of Lltltz, Pa. The damage was
uppralsodat9250eti the building and 9200
en the contents. This was the first fire for
tills new company, which was started but
oue year age.
8ale or Market Stalls.
The market commlttee of councils to
day sold the stalls in the Central market
house and geed prices wero realized. Fer
a few of the deuble butcher stalls there
waa competition and the present holders
wcre obliged te bid $100 te get thorn. The
fanners' stalls wero stall ,h1 at 925, and some
sold us high us 919. The amount realized
by the sale wus (1,751 und there Is only
oue Micaut stall a baker's. Market will
be held en Tuesday en account of Christ
mas coming en Wednesday, and en Tues
day morning the curbstone privileges will
no sold.
They Will Illde In the Weeds.
Lancasteris i su illy full of drunken men
en Suturday excnlng, many of whom are
willing te listen te any -suggestion that will
prevent their nrrest. A man who has fre
quently wrestled with "lugs" told an I N
ii:i.l1(u:nci:ii reperter this morning thathe
has a new wuy of getting uway from the
irellcn. When he finds they are after lilm
no intends te hide In the weeds lu Centre
Square. Anether nun who knows, nays if
hu seeks renige there, the constables will
he hunting him with a. gun and deg and
run a eIiit If necessary.
A New Mull Reute.
A new mall reute lias been granted by
the pestmu.tcr general from Weaverlaud,
via Martindule, Ilalmstewn and Murrcll,
te Enhratu. This route supplies tliree new
etllces with dally mulls, besides crossing
the Terre Hill and Liucaster reute at
Martludale, w hleh Is also the starting point
of the Murtludaleund lllrd-lii-lluud route,
relieving the Lancaster elllcu or qulte a
number or local county mulls.
A Suci'OHnit Hull.
I,ast evening Prof. Helt, the dancing
Instructor, gave n ball ut Eshlciuun'M hall,
There was u large ntlomlunce and the
promenade was led by Harry Ferroy and
Miss Ella Shertzer. Everybody had it
dellghtrul time.
Shoetlni; ut Turks.
There was u sheeting match at Kuapp's
Villa vesterdayaftorueon which wus largely
atteuded by gunners or tills city. There
A.s seme geed sheeting and it line let or
turkeys were wen by ditturent parties.
Death of. Mrs. Juoeh Engle.
Frent the Mt. Jey Herald.
Mrs. Jacob Engle, of Diyteu, Ohie, died
en Meudav of last week, aged 80 years.
She was the mether of 8 children. 01 grand
children and M grout grandchildren. She
had many relatives by bleed and marriage
lu this vicinity,
i i i ay ii i
Suporluteudent Heffman Olven a Flue
Umbrella and Teachers Alse Receive
Presents Tliloves Enter a Heuse.
Cet.t'MMA, Dec, 21. The public schools
closed yesterday forthe holidays, and will
remain closed until January Oth. Super
intendent Heffman, ssslsted by his efuclent
corps of toachers, ns welt as the pupils,
used their best efforts te make the occasion
an enjeyable ene. The preparations for
the exercises wero extensl ve and elaborate,
and wero madecntlrely out of study hours.
There was a gonerous rivalry among the
several departments te otler the host on en on
tertatnmetu, but all acquitted them
selves se creditably It would be lm lm lm
posalUle te de mere than te refer
te the exercises as n wliole. In all the
schools visitors wero present In goodly
numbers and they enjoyed the exercises
of the pupils. In nearly all the schools a
Christmas troe wits erected, whlle In seme
approprlale mottoes and overirroons wero
the docerattons. Music, recitations and
readings bearing en the Christmas season
wcre the llterary feature! of the pro pre
grammes and all the pupils did well. At
the high school the "High Scheel Bell"
was the special feature of the pregramme.
The teachers were roineinbered by their
pupils with pretty gifts, and the teachers
presented Suiwrinloudeut Heffman with a
flne umbrella.
Robbers ontered the bearding heuse of
Daniel Brown, en Walnut stroet above
Fifth, alieut two o'clock this morning by
prying open the fienl shutters. They made
a search of the heuse and socurodtwoovor securodtwoovor socuredtwoovor
coats, a pair of gloves and hat. The rob reb rob
bers ontered the room of William Lucas,
when the occupant was awakened by the
overturning of a chair. The men Imme
diately Hed and ene foil partly down a
flight of stairs In his efforts te escape.
Thoytwere chased by Mr. Brown and a
boarder but oscaned.
A threo-y ear-old son of William Blllctl
dled this morning from croup, uller a brier
lllness. The funeral will be held en Tues
day aftornoen at 2 o'clock from the heuse.
The MetreiKilltan baud will go te May
town te-night te play at a fair.
Dr. I). Emmet Welsh, of Grand Rapids,
Mich, is visiting In town.
A peer heuse greeted the "Twe Barueys"
in the opera heuse last night.
Clarouce Stener, or Swarthmore, is home
for the holidays.
A public sale of real estate will be held
at the Franklin heuse te-night.
Ofllcer Wlttlck noticed a man In town
yosterday whose rosemblanco te the miss
ing Jeseph G. Dilmaii, of Philadelphia. Is
vcrv striking. The olllcer went for him,
but'he proved te be Themas Barry, mana
ger orthe Harrlgan " Twe Barneys " com
pany. Explanations followed and the mau
and the ofllcer enjoyed the Joke.
Mrs. Chas. E. Wiinii lett this morning
for Alexandria, Va.
Frank Heckler, of the Philadelphia Col Cel Col
lege of Pharmacy, Is home for Christmas.
Sunday will be the seventh anniversary
of Rev. Goe. Wells Ely's pastorute with the
Prosbyterlan church. The day will be ap
propriately ebserved.
The fcrvlces In Trinity Refermed church
en Sunday will commemorate the sixth
anniversary of Rev. J. II. Pannobecker's
pastorate with this church.
Officer Wlttlck brought Adam Wolse
from Jail this morning und gave him a
hearing bofero Squire Evans for robbing a
house near Lltltz. He wus committed te
Jail for trial.
' Onoet The Finest. "
fjist evening there wus a small audience
at Fulton opera heuse te witness the play
"One or The Flnest," which Gus Williams
made mere or less popular. The company
playing it new Is under the management
or E. J. Hassan. The play lias been greatly
altered, and although the lilet Is the same
there nre new features. The pilnclpal of
these is a tank full or real water and Hve
children. The tank Is creditably supported
with Edwin M. Ryan u very clever ucter,
as Jehn Mtihltr,ie happy nnd big hearted
policeman. The seonery Introduced in the
ploce Is vcrv geed. It will be played
again te-nlgbt.
A Sudden Deatb.
Jeseph Wilsen, nn Iniunle or the county
almshouse, died very suddeuly last eve
ning. He was seen te rail out or bed about
eight o'clock nnd before anyone reached
him he was dead. Corener Ileiiaiiiau held
un Inquest and the verdict was death from
apoplexy. Wilsen was 60 years of age.
lie came ft-eui the lower end or the county
and hud been an lnuiatu or the ulmshouse
for three vcars.
Thojurera who were summoned by the
'coroner were B. F. Weaver, Geergo Kit Kit
terus, S. O. Shaub, James Kennedy, Geergo
S. Blair and Charles Berlenz.
Admitted te Practice.
I). F. Magee, or White Reck, Llttle Bri
tain township, a student or Jehn A. Ceyle,
esq., was ndmltted te the practlce of law In
the several courts of Lsncaster county this
morning, en motion or his proceptor. Mr.
Magce was examined en lriday evening
Bndpasscd a very (.rodltuble examination.
Hels well known In the southern section
or Lancaster county, Is a rerclhla and elo
quent speaker and will build up a large
Thn Goods Net Found.
There Is no cine as yet te the tliloves who
robbed the cigar factory of II. L. Stchtnan,
at Rohrorstewn, en Thursday night. Con Cen
stablo Ruth yesterday searched the beuses
or several portions lu the neighborhood,
but nothing was found. There seems te be
an Impression, with geed foundation, that
the goods came te this city.
Shet Tlilrty-Tlireu ltiibltn.
Ed. Dolsley and Jacob Wolfer, or this
rlty, and Charles Franclsciis, or Columbia
ull well known gunners, returned hut
evening from a gunning trip down the
country. They found that rabbits ure fust
disappearing und the season for geed gun
ning is evor. They killed thirty-three rab
bits, however.
Tim Boek l'lend.
The book fiend did net put lu un appear
ance ut the Mulberry street schools sluce
Friday hoeu. He was expected last night
but diil net show up. The total numboref
books ruined by this vandal Is evor four
hundred. The text book committee Is still
en the lookout for the guilty party and
hope te be able te secure his arrest,
Sold u Geed -Mure.
Jehu Schaum, or the City hotel, te-day
sold his well-bred throo-year-eld niare te
Henrv Martin, en prlvute terms. She Is by
old "'Shamrock," of Soedwoll rami und
out of the sorrel mare "Nell," by Mam Mam
brlne Pilet. Mr. Mchauiii purchased her
treiu C., or Wltiuer,
Heiivy Expruus Business,
About the busiest men lu town te-day are
theso or the Express companies. Although
It Is yet several duys beiure Christmas a
great many persons ure already receiving
and sending maiiv iiresents, und thestacks
or small 'lackugu lu the expicss ollleesure
A Lurue Turkey.
The largest turkey in any eMhe markets
te-day wus ene thut wns purchased by
Jehnnv Schaum, of the City hotel. He Is
u young bird und weighs -te pounds. Mr.
Kchaiini bought him ut a reusonablefigure,
but after he had bcen sold the countryman
was offered some very fancy prices.
Sued for Damnires.
P. I), Ilaker.uttorneyfor Henry J. Kegel
enter suit lu the ecurt of common pleas to
day for dainaues against Edward A. Run
Mug. Plaintiff ullcges that he leaned his
herse te me uciunuaui unit nun utreugii
his overdriving and net using preimr care
the horse was Injured te the extent efJlW.
Governer I,ewry Asked te Remit the
Imprlsenmunt, Hut He lienises.
Alter deliberating for ftve hours the jury
which tried Jake Kllraln at Purvis, MlssT,
last Saturday, brought In a verdict of net
guilty of prize fighting, but guilty or assault
and battery. Judge Terrel In sentencing
him said that he had round him a gentle
man and sympathized with him, but the
facte were against him and he sentenced
him te pay a 9200 fine and te serve a two
months' term in the county tail. It Is said
that there Is no Jail in Marlen county,
and that Mr. Rich, who Is en Kilrsln's
bend, and who has proved his friendship
en previous occasions, has a contract for
the hire, rare and custody of all able
bodied prisoners committed te tall In
Marlen county. Mr. Rich says If Kllraln
and Sullivan serve a term he will arm them
with guns and provide them with geed
mounts, se that they may employ thelr
tlme sheeting and fishing te supply his
table. The)' would become members of
his family. Whlle togethor the men might
train each ethor and koep thelr hosts
amused by sparring bouts. The sonten e
was lighter than Kllraln anticipated when
he started south te stand trial. The lines
of Fitzjvatrlck and ether alders nnd abet
tors wero remitted. Kllralu'a ceuii e' took
nn anneal and Cel, lllnten. Mr. Rich and
Mr. F. Whlte furnished ball In the sum of
91,000 for him.
Murray F. Smith, of Vleksburg, went te
Jacksen, Miss., en Thursday evening ac
companied by ; Jake K 1 -nln.te afck aoverin r
Lewry te remit the lmprlsonment Imposed
en Kllraln upon his paying the llue of 9-00
and all costs.
After heurlug all that Kllraln vnd his
counsel hud te say, Govorner Lewry re
piled that It wns net the mere fighting or
the two men, but the insult and indignity
offered te the peeple or the commonwealth
in the fiice of his proclamation and the
calling of troops te prevent It.
lie said : "I acquit Hiilllvnn and yourself,
Mr. Kllraln, or any Intention te defy the
laws or Mississippi, but you wero Instru
ments In the hnuds or ethors, and without
Inquiry or looking te results you obeyed
the directions of your associates and Ha
imiutly violated n stieclal statute. Mr.Sul
llvau was convicted nnd sentenccd te oue
year In the county Jnll. Yeu wero mere
fortunute and for seme unexplained reason
or action or the Jury you wero convicted or
the losser offeuso assault nnd battery
and soiitencod te sixty days lu jail nnd 9200
llue. I full te see the reason why you
should be rollevcd of lmprlsonment und
your successful antagonist stand committed
for twolve months.
"I cannot Intorfero In the matter, but In
Febmary, when your cases are detormlned
by the supreme court, IT auirmcd, you can
then make your appeals te my successor.
There wero ethor participants In the light
mere guilty than either Sullivan or your
self." TROUBLE FOR Ills MOTIir.H.
Wnyne W. Wilsen's Kxtravniiance Costs
Her Considerable Meney.
The Lebanon Tuna says Wayne W.
Wilsen was net tnember of the l-olmnen
bar, and that he would have bcen rcjocted
had he applied foradmlsslen.
"Jacob K. Holneitil, eiq , attorney for
Ellzabeth Wochter, an aunt, lias had issued
nut of the ceiitt of common pleas or tills
count v n H fa against Wilsen for 9.VJ0,
Sherllf Miller will sell his team at the llv llv
ery Mable of Eckert A. Bre. oil the 20th
" C. R. Lantr, esq.. who has made an
examination el tbe91.IW note endersed by
thn mether and undo or Wilsen te the
lady at Stevens, Lnncaster county, finds It
te boa waiver of the f-!(0 exemption law.
This will take ull the preperty owned by
the mother te nay It.
"Mr. Ilelno'hlyeiitorday aftornoen again
visited Lancaster te have an intervlew with
Wilsen. The imrpose or the soeend visit
was te have Wilsen dollver up important
pupers In his trunk at the City hotel, this
city. Mr. Reldel, the landlord, rerased te
allow the trunk le boeponod and searched,
and Wilsen hud te be seen te get at the
valuable papers.
"The mether of Wilsen accompanied
Mr. ReliKvhl from Whlte Oak, but Wilsen
hlinseir wus net round. Arrangements,
however, wero made by which a party will
arrive lu tliU city this morning, pay the
heard at the City uoUI,get possession orthe
trunk and deliver te the parties ontitied
thereto the vuluuble title deeds or which
Wilsen hail beceme possessod."
Oue Guilty ofMunler und EluhtofMuti EluhtefMuti
elntmhter. Bai.timeiii:, Dec. 21. The Jury In the
Navassa case us te the murder of Themas
N, Fester rendered the following verc let:
Henry Jenes, guilty of murder In
first degree! Ctesur FUher, Edward
Smith, Charles II. Siiilth,-illas Jehn Ward,
Alfred Jenes, alius "Texas Shorty,"
Edmund Francis, alias Blue Ball,
James Jehnsen, alias Tem Welsh,
Alfred Brown and Ames Lee, guilty or
manslaughter ; James Phillips nud
Moses Williams, alias " Dakota," net
guilty and net agreed as te Juntos
Tosker, Geergo S. Key, Chnrles II,
It. Davis, alias Poiupey. Stevo Peters, Jas.
II. Robinson, alius "Snow," Edward
Woodferd and Nerman Woeslor, alias
" Juggler." GoergeS. Key was convicted
of minder en the first trial, and was only
tried the second tlme as a matter or form
as accessory te the murder of Fester.
Part of Dillen's Beat Found.
Nuw Yenir, Dec. 21. A woek age Friday
hut Dave Dillen, a battery boatman, who
was at ene tlme the champion oarsman of
Australia, disappeared In his beat down
thn bay. The line with which his beat had
been fastened te a bark parted and It Is
supposed he wus blown out te seu. This
morning the Ashing schoenor Commedore
arrived iiere having en beard the after hair
or Dillen's beat. It was evldently cut in
two by a steamer's bow. It Is suppesed
that Dillen wus run down In the dark, and
llttle hope is entertained or his oscape.
Killed lly un Explosion.
Amiikvim.k, N. C, Dec. 21. The gasom gasem gasom
ter of the city gas works exploded about
daybreak this morning whlle men wero
engaged in repairing It. William Gates
and Lewls Guthrle were Instantly killed
und two ethers Injured.
The Bess Iltiuter.
Wurrcn Ilume, who stauds at the heud
ofthehuntorsortho Adirondacks, Is new
sixty years of age. Hu te iimeiiecd hunt
ing when twolve, und much or the tlme
fcluce has made It a profession te hunt and
trap for market. He has killed evor L000
dour und K0 beats, bethies great numbers
of welves, martens, otter aud ether ftir
bearlng animals. Mr. Hume says his best
day's hunting was te kill, dress und hang
nit seven deer. This he has dene en two
dlllorent occasions. Mr. Hume estimates
there nre new lu the Adircu luck forests
35,000 deer und 4,000 bears.
A Fex Chusu en New Year's tiny.
David Geed, or Martlcvllle, captured
u lurge red fox last week en
SvenceiJs hill. The unlmal Is uew
belng put Inte conc'ltlen ler u chase,
which will be held ut Mr. Geed's hotel
t'ie afternoon New Year's Day.
Wuut Divorces.
SiibKcnas In dlvorce were Issued this
morning lu the following cases: J. A.
Peeples vs. Rebecca A. Peeples, cruel
treatment; Ella S. Heagy vs. Martin
Heagy, dosertlon; Hurry Holseniian,
Stelon or Tnkeit by Mlstuke.
Austin Sherlch, of Muuer township, left
a basket containing Christmas goods und
a photograph of his seu In the slde room or
the Coener heuse this morning. When he
returned befere iioen It was geno.
A Proposed New Lodire.
A preliminary meeting will he held in
Odd Fellows hall, New Helland, en Mou Meu
duy evening, Ier the purpose orergatilrlug
lUO tUiriOUU vruureuua ut aunuw
A Cabinet Council Abandoned Because
erTbeir Indisposition A Rumer That
De Fouscce, of Brazil, Is Dying.
TAnts, Dec. 21. President Carnet is suf
fering from an attack of Influenza new
prevailing throughout Europe. Owing te
his Illness and te the fact that M. Tlrard,
prime minister; M. De Freyclnet, mlnli mlnli
terefwar; M. Spuller, mlnlster of foreign
affairs, and M. Faye, minister of agricul
ture, nre suffering from the same coin
plaint, a cablnet council which wen te have
beeu held te-day was abandoned.
Brazil's Chloremoor Dying.
Londe.v, Dec. St. A private cable dis
patch received here from Rie Janeiro
states that Marshal Deodora De Fonseea,
chief of the previsional governmont of
Brazil, U dying. The question as te who
will suoeaed him Is engaging sorleus atten
tion. It Is bel loved that a change In the
ministry which would lollew Marshal De
Fonseca's death would lead te sorleus com
plications. Ue Annoyed the Wrenir Weman.
Peutlanp, Oregon, Dec. 21. Yosterday
Mrs. Margaret Tayler, living near Cottige
Grove, Line county, shot and killed
Marien P. 'Martin, aged 70 years and an
old pioneer. The women claims Martin
came te her heuse during the absence of
her husband and attempted te outrage her.
She procured n pistol nnd repeatedly
warned Martin te leave He refused te de
se and she thou fired two shots at Martin's
heud, producing Instant death. After
thorough examination the coroner's jury
exonerated the woman from all blame.
Martin Is the father or grown sons and
daughters. A row years nge he treated his
wlle se brutally that she committed suicide
te cscnpe his cruelties. Publle sentiment
Justified the killing.
Death oTPeter McQoehau.
Chicago, Dec. 21. Petor McOechan died
yesterday at the county hospital of pneu
monia, aged 20. McGoehan was the athle athle
tle Philadelphia blacksmith who was ar
rested as n suspect shortly afterthe disap
pearance of Dr. Crenln. The Phlladel
phlan was strongly believed for a tlme te
be ene of the men wanted by the prosecu
tion, but was reloased. He had lean lying
111 In the hospital for several duys.
An Iown Town Dumnged by Flre.
Masen City, Iowa, Dec. 21. Flre last
night dostreyod the business portion of
Swaledale, a prosperous town 10. miles
south of this city. The Are originated la
the grocery store of Carr Bres, during a
heavy snow storm nnd destroyed the entire
block. Wotnen nud children inthelrfllght
were tlrlven by fire Inte the snow In their -bare
feet nnd night dresses and suffered
serlnusly In many cases. The less is about
920,000, with 912,000 Insurance.
Colobreok furnace Ne. 1, near Cornwall,
resumed this morning. The widows and
children of the six men kllled at the furnace
several woeks age nre being well taken
euro or by Rebert II. Celeman. All of
Celeman's furnaces six ure new In opera.
The'.UnltfHl Slates squadron of ovelatlon
has arrived at Llbsen.
The bodles of five of the thirteen missing
Dersens from the wieck of the steamer
Cleddy wero washed ashore en the Isle of
In Londen beet and shoe manufacturers
have locked out thelr empleyes, throwing
0,000 persons out of work.
The Heuso resolved te request the United
States treasurer te receive speclsl deposits
In the oHlce orthe sergcant-at-arms.
The spanker announced committee ap ap
ivelntmcnts. Pennsylvniilans receiving
chairmanships nre: Bingham, postefilees
and postreads; McCermlck railways and
canals; Dnlzell, I'uclflu t railroads, Sorau Serau Sorau
ten, expenditures In treasury department
Yardlej expenditures In wardebt; O'Neill,
Three of the head men of IHisliirl, the
...uu .,,, nuuiiwwui.,.!, -n...... . JSWJ
A .Hilt . I ... lnrt.l . I. A rf I .arm I nil. t tlA vJj4
Germans, wero hanged ut Bagamoye. vp-ffl
The Pun Amerlcau doleitates stepped at ,&f
Edgumoer near Wilmington en their Way
beck te Washington.
Mr. William O'Brlen's motion for a new
tilal against Lord Salisbury for slander In
accusing him of inciting murder and rob
bery, has been denlcd.
At Tem's Rlver, N. J., the mixing house
of the United States Dynamite company
was burned, and several hundred pounds
of dynamite wns slowly consumed Instead
of exnledlnir. William Thompson was
burned te death, and Rebert Madkin des
perately wounded. Less, f 1,000. . .,
A Pussanger Strikes a Fretght Train.
HrrrnM;iii:ii, Pa., Dec. 21. A dlsastrerN
wreck occurred en the Lehlgh Valley rail
road, nt Laury's Station, about 6:30 this
morning. The oust bound Buffalo Ex
press, maae up or four express cars, three
passonger coaches, and two Pullman sleep
ers, whlle runnlnir at the rate of forty
miles an hour, dashed into the rear end of
a freight train entering it slde track. The
onglne turned ever en Its slde, and Engl Engl Engl
noer Menreo Music, of Seuth Easten, was
pinned by the legs under theboller. He
was gotten out tliree hours afterward. His
Injuries will, It Is bollevod, preve fatal.
Fireman Irwin Gedley Jumped and was
out about the head and face. The platform
orthe passenger cars wero brokeu, but no
passengers were hurt. A dozen freight
cars were demolished. The flagnnn of the
freight train disappeared after the acci
dent, The Third Victim.
Dktheit, Dec. 21. Edith Wheeler died
last night, making the third victim se Its
from the Tilden school lire. On Thursday
evening thirty children orthe public school
were rehearsing Ter a Christmas cantata
which was te have bcen produced for their
school mates und friends, costumed It
gauzy stuff and cotton battlug. About
twenty or them remained until 5 o'clock,
when they were making the final rehearsal
or a chorus. One or tlieui held a caudle
clese te the accompanist that she might the
mere easily read her uotes lu the growing
darkness, when one or the children,
who was swinging a waud, accidentally
knocked the candle out of its holder's
hand against the dressei of the nearest
i... tvun r.'wtnmiw nt the children -$v3
took fire Instantly and before the teachers i
could put out the flame sixteen of the ,J
pupils were badly burned. Twe died M
vestcrdav. 3kw
" ivimsmiiiiw culortalned for many or v
ii.. ...i... nu ii (a ifMirnrel that tliev inhaled ,'vJ
smoke very freely, and the extent of their $&S
internal Injuries irem that causocaunet be jjJ
ascertained. ua
n Washington, D, O., Dec. 2L Fer
Eastern Pennsylvania ; Fair, colder :
J northwesterly winds. $j
Doe Ctui Huudle a Guu. ff-Jf
Frem the Mldilletewn Journal. K J
Dr. J. W. Nelsen returned te town ew, ,
Tuevlay evening from his huutlng eg-
podlilen. He was wry successful, gettiaf
300 partridges. r
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