1-"rA " -i -7 VivW: .--fVV v'4 '":) PTI,".'T iaV,,,iJM . ... "I. If c t v-- -.' ., .. ; v " i-t-v rfi!- f PT 'I "!. frWWl ,'., ' ""V,, X. THE IiANCASTER BAULY INTELLICrEKaRB, s FRIDAY, DEOEMBEK 20, 1889. ? s 'vW ' ij t.) . intrt t te? , !. f' ,V , iiVsrti.' it ii i mill ii mil i su "X IJt ' M 1 'I f' : itlfc I nUllfahnctv iv?a -- -" W J.STKINMAN, ) LMlJMSTEIMMANPOLTZ,Kdltn. , y,r - Ka"r CLARK, Publish. t rt 'bAily iKTEnuaENCEit rnwiihed stesrr W in the year, but Banday. Berved ter Barrier In this city and surrounding S-i tawns at ten eeate a week. Br mall Ova del- ' (an aytarmauTiuiee; wewiuaaiuuuj. 5; l . . On.. ' SICKLY nfTELLIGENCK" One dollar And mttt m year. In nd one MrtcK te BurtscllIBERS-Remlt by cheek t- r postefflee order, and where Dellhcr of t fttwai M precurea sena in m regiswrea a? blasts. fcMtcil t tbs.roswiTiee.asseconaeiassmaii matter. ;.;... Abdmsb, THE IHTELUOEIfCSR, Lancaster, ra. 3ASTEB.PA., December 20, 1889. f.,5f Tbc Gewca Mystcrr. f '"At last a brother of tbe late Mr. Gewcn 1. riven evidence of tbe conviction that tint finally prevail with all who knew 1 well and have tbe independence te f,; Uaagrec with tbe general cry of suicide. Henry G. Gewcn, or ftcw lone, writes '"e tbe Philadelphia Times and emphntl .'allv contradicts the statement appear- K .tef iu that paper that the family of i1 Jfranklln 13. Gewcn bad accepted the nsllMefy of suicide. Ne doubt a crcat 5.1 fsfciny ether published statements with elamra te tbe case have as little feuuun- Uta. It is quite possible that In spite of Surprising reporters tbc public bes net a given Important facts which the vWweUvea cheese te keep te themselves. ,T1 experts who went down te "Wash "Wash iwten t&lklncBtremrlv ncalnst suicide . kave succumbed se promptly te that theory, and given Mich trifling reasons - Jbrtuelr collapse tliat it tnusl be assumed ithev knew mere than they care te tell. 1 JM they bave clues te a murder they must K 1m vM. elnnrtnr nnd If tlm t.iulAr 1c K Iff "J ...W.N...., ...... .. ...u ...,. -,...t irvcr Buivuu it win uu uy uiu luuiagruiiuu 1 ,vr confession of the criminal. It 1" " r f-ftArafam miHn In llm nnW nf tlilmr Ia rr:: "::.:-,:....: ;:-. :. :,. ,?,:: fAbe expected that detectlet should t; fes pains te glve the murderer a poi IHU me ;of security that may develop careless- i ag'ness, Over and ever nimin has this yjbeeu done, and pollce records and gvnovel- t are full of instances of isnysterlcs as deep us this brought ,; nnany te ligu. by beiiif- lirst plunged ? 4n lvil1a 1.11..t. 1... ...&. .rwlt... .La w J."" niuimi vuiihwm wj ueu.tillll lliv 'puuuc 10 swauew some cquauy increui- RVybw lueery. Jjut Mr. ueweira family ';, . can net let tne stain or suickle rest even r! temporarily en his name. Hener is .mere precious tnau vengeance. These he really knew him must recognize In sthe fact of his heavy life Insurance 1111 ;- i , i. i.. . . (tj-s jtirguiucui. iijitiusi. N-'ii-jnuruer, auu inusi & .svgTcc witu ins uremer mat some tangi- ;"'; ifclfl pvirlitnM nF utlltilnl Infrttif lnff In. prhlm is needed te break down their fulth f& 2 In tA ltnnrMHilvIn nMtlltti ti a vn..t 1.a fc VWU UUUVtUUlVViUUlUj, UA UUiUSb UVUU1- nhlnlire . S ftw it xieirejiung- impnuencc. '.,. axiu jTiiiiauujiiuiii jrituircr cuueri.'iwv explains what it knows about " Eettlng ,thebcstef men" for publle place", nnd j-jwveals an amazing stock of wisdom. It --starts out with warm commeudatlon of , JU KM.l.i. ... T .1.. rr T it i. JVUO BJUJUIULUIUUI, Ui dIJUU 11. IjItlUlll, 111 wthls county, as superintendent of the reensus for the Second district, declaring jifihat It is ' In the Hue of that wise public W'ind tmrly policy which lias recently r$3 governed tbe nppeintment of public olll elll fcveera and the selection of party candidates ;'in mis sutie." uur esieemeti couiein ceuiein couiein "perary tlie Examiner prints this and ;gebCCves that "inasmuch nz fbe said (a? Jehn H. liandls ran twlce fur ilii ntnln fekSenate In the Southeru district of this K-eeunty and was defeated, there may be Lj'feme xople iu tills bailiwick who may . (ip nor, agree wun me unquircr." ''SKjr- The) who remember the brilliant dc- fefcau achieved by "Statesman" Landis IC'sMS wnii ucuaies during 1110 prctiucntiai ',&" campaign will be inclined te suspect P'i& that souie one has been playing a prae- t5 ileal Joke en tlie great liess Quay nnd ' -M T hi X1.1I.1.1M1.IA nPA.. Tr.l. 11 T .... tBcli8, Ironically called "stutcsmau," is -M-tEe orator who gravely attempted te '; con vi uw ie mrmcrs 01 i.ancasier jg? county that by the tariff en gralu they :i,yeacn received from the government & neveral thousands of dellara annually, ''W"xrhcrc&t. the school bevs znnw (lint xjtZ' ' - f grain Is exported and needs no protce tien. The Inauircr iroes en In tnlk nlmni llm s 'jSi'Vlnd of nartv lonilersliln Hint mi flryf bjmte men iu tirst cluss places and " brings We ine cuurucicr, lmcmgcnce auu moral fzk'S force of the nartv te the front, and marks J' the diffurence between party leadership 3,sr ana tne rule or a political bow." Survey 'as the eQlccs from the bichest downfrem F,'iE Jehn Wanamaker te Jehn Laudls and fejgg, consider the sublime effrontery of these -,.. T remarKH or utvm unav'a nnrnn. &' Ne wonder our local contemporary ' vff lilla mai. nU I. mMi a.w ...hi... ...... :.'' '"fc w. l.l.f. 1T....U IUU IU1I13 1IU11I i&- the contemplation of the Laudls bur- c" lesque te proclaim that, "the most 10 pU freshlug bit of impudence Is found in Wty; the following takeu from 'BesV Quay's lVs .'letter in explanation of his action in the We have it, then en Republican au thority that this comment en the ap pointment of Laudls is n refreshing bit of impudence The " most refreshing " Impudence referred te is Quay's stotc stetc jnent that there Is less besslsm iu renn sylvaniaat present than at any time iu the last half century. Truly our Republican friends me In danger of sad confusion of mind beU cen the conflicting assurances of party authorities. They had better beceme .Democrats, for then they will at least knew that they belong te n party aud net te a bes3. Amerleau Alliance. s ine imperJallst manifesto recently Is- 3ff sued by the deposed prime minister of i """" utuwu u siiurp reply irem ' r-w muiui.a. iuu iiil:m:iil uiiiiihirr ni Kbit nJce,wbe denies that troops were held fc'-f $&? te sheet the prime minister when r'Cl VkHap BrM.1 .,.! .. .1.... it. . . . VC.' . . "v"' """ mui. me imperial ,-iuiuj.ni ui ar was net a traitor te Dem 'A,Jreare, inese aenials iiiL'ht linvr. i.... 'f'$ pecteJ, but the fiuuucler of the rcpub- $ 'European powers may Interfere in tbe Th concerns of Brazil. This be finds nuiin '.'ll ''alculeus becaube "the ceutiueutal ppl-"ft'-icy of the AVestern Ilemlsphcre was een Jn tlie history of Mexico, nnd in "' virtue of that policy It Is a slmple fact & l.l 1) II I- I.. ,! I.. . . . '- ,"j wiu jjiniii n in uiiuiujivc aua (leicusive .j 'allfance with all America." 'Ibis is very k x ue ,uuounKe auu uriinaut eneugb te Wit' Buke Mr IMalne envious. It is a bold and l' ft'- UniAlv uunrtlmi r.t II. .,.ll.,.. ! T II & - WW..V... ... WJ ibiiuuvpui iriuu :?Je the support of the United States iuu cvcui or .European Interference, Mt must have decided effect in dis- -'ug any sneaking tendency Mich Interference, fccuer 3-K?Iamatien that Brazil JH;'w1!f, America" for support h. w.. SSuJuterference, miut tUecalfofthe.PUblIu opinjeu - 'e Patagonia, '' American Tlie mayor disposed w"41"" drunk this morning. A. atatea docs net show signs of sympathy, the delegate are net men of the kind that deserve the banquets and honors they have Absorbed. The Brazilian financier says that de crees of religion freedom and civil .marrlagejvJll be Issued and that a con cen con atitutien abd electoral law are Ixslng framed while tranquility and prosperity prevail, but news from ether sources shows the capital In a state far from tranquil, and advices from Brazil will be closely watched until for eign thrones atop rocking from the shock of this revolution. m Tne Xew Yerk Dramatic Mirror, which Is a leader among papers of its kind, is re ceiving great credit en overy hand for its beautiful Christmas number. It Is of forty two pages, with beatitlfulty lithographed cevers, en one of which are portraits of Joe Jeffersen, Billy Florence nnd Mrs. Jehn Drew In the characters they nssunie in "The Kivals." The nmnber Is lllled with interesting reading inattoref all kinds, and the pictures of famous stage pcople and ethers are oxcellont. It is the best helldny number the Mirror, m lilch by tlie way has jUstcclebrnted its twonty-seeoud birthday, lias ever Issued. Tub r.ATn Dr. lllgbre In his last annual repert as superintendent of public In struction has touched upon a subject that must be glven close coiisMeratlon by di rectors. Ills statement tlmt teachers nre net given thoceinjionsallon tlmy arocnlitled te gains weight from the fact that tlie avcrnge for male tenchers is thlrty-nlne dollars monthly and for fomnle only thirty dollars. In this county, where school tenchers nre paid mero than the nvcrage, tlie teachers complain that they nre underpaid nnd thelr claim is well siipjxirted by the stnteincnt that smne of the most successful tcachcis hnve been driven from the profession by the mengre re numeration. As the Inte superintendent says: " Directors mid parents must ronl renl ronl Ize the vast iniportnnceof our schools and the great responsibility of our (enchers, nnd rofuse te nmke the multer of solectlng them nothing mero than the employment of the choapest candidates Iu thomarket. " l'ublle nentlment, Dr. Illglioe contended, must be arotised te pievcnt Injury te pub lic school Interests. The st.ite appropria tion having been deubled In four years the stiporlnteiideut bclleNcd his demand te be opportune. ... Tin: Chrlstmnsuuniboref thn Itofermed Chinch Mtatcngrr appears with thonitls thenitls tln cover deslgucd by Mrs. L. M. U. Klofer, efthls city, and within there is the beauti ful head of nn ungel, drawn by the snme artist. Mr. Stanley L, Krohs, of the som sem lnary, Ins nil nrtlcle en congregiitlonid singing. A BI.IVD scirMreit. A Mnrvel of the Triumph or Other Henscs 'X'hnn Seliif. Oorrtjpendcnco New Yerk Star, Vltlal, the lillnd sculptor, Is ene of the wonders of the Frenrli capital. He hns been blind slnee his twenty-llrst ye.ir. Wu canquite cully uuderstnud hew n blind farmer would cultlvnte thn ground with n plow, spide nnd lien j hew he would feel nreuild the tonderplants and gently Iedku the dirt from thelr roots, or hew the blind Jlirmlngham (Ala.) miner tells, with thosensoof touch nlone, the dlioctien and te what depth te drill the holes before putting In n blasts but the work of Vlilnl stsiids out In bold rrllef, unique, wonder ful and Incomputable. Te be a sculptor It is gonernlly supposed Hint ene must hnve the " mechanic's oye" nnd the nitlst'it tastenini persplcnlty. The latter faculties Vidnl has te nil oxceptlounl degroe oveu mero ncute, he bollevcs, than If tlie former wete net lest te hlni forever. Dy slnuly passlughlHhaud ever nn object 'he notes Its exturnnl proportions, and liultntes thetn in clity In a tuatiner which utrlUes the boheldor dumb llh surprint, A deg, horse, huinnn face, or anything nllve or dead, he modeU with as miiuh e.ise ns nuy of the dozens of l'nrislan sculptors who still letuiii the faculty efslght. Frem 1S."5 te 1S75 Vtdnl rucelved mero medals tlinn nnvethnr oxhlblterof works In the Paris ait oxhlbltlen. Many of his works, nrnde in tliosulltuileof his pqrnctunl midnight, aie new en the shelf nt tlie grcnt exposi tion, whero the blind wonder contends In f iundly rlvaliy with his less unfortunate brother nrtlsts, JIe nev'cr cninplalns, Is ulwiiys genial and fostive when nnieng IiIeikIm, wlienlwiiys speak of him nnd te hltn as though he could see, nuilwell niny they de se. for he Is ene of the host nrt critics In I'ii r Is. iUS3 as a itivrmuvint. A hpertsmnii's Cut Hint Answer the l'lii'iioses et'u Hint l)e(c. .Stephen L'lgabreadt of Depiuivllli', X. V., is the owner of n line uialtcse cat thut Is unusually Intelligent nnd has developed te a leinarkablolegreo traits that nre seldom found in thn eat htuilly. The most peculiar thing about this pellicular Tlietnm Is his love for n gnu, n love which bocniue te manifest Itxelfabeut threo years njre. The cni llrstbenn te fellow his owner te the weeds nnd fields iu f-earch of birds, nnd Mr. Kignbreadt, noticing his liking for the sport, took sotne pains te develop the hunting Instinct and nmke Temmy useful. The cat was easily tnuglit, nnd n low lessens suluced te mnkehlin a trustworthy retrlevcr. As seen as the gun was dis charged he would go scurrying about in search ofthe gaiue. If he leuud the bird or sipilrrel he would selze It nnd bring it In, niter which he would begin te purr and rub his head against his master's lt'gs, ns though trying te show his prlde nnd satis faction nt the lesult. Iutlinohe begnn te Hcquire the knack of llushing the game, and Mr. l'lgabreadt has carried home many it flue, plump part rid go that had hopped up en the lower limbs of souie tiee Juki te get out of Temmy's wuv. This sort of thing has geno en until the ratlsnn enthuklastie hunter, nnd no deg shows livelier manifestations of Jey w hen a nun is iu sight. If theeat hnppeiis te be seu ud asleep en his rug behind the ntoe the words, " Temmy, let's go nnd get a bird," reiibO hlui nnd start him out of the hotuelllvon flush. Fer two or three years Mr. Ulgabreadt hns hung his gun en lfneks in ene ei me rooms ireciueuieu uy tne cut, who new watches it with n koen eve. It It Is out of Its accustomed place Temmy makes n terrible fuss. The ethor day, ubt te oee what thu eat would de, he put lilin out ofthe heuse, removed the gun, and Mjcreted himself. His wife then brought Temmy back into tlie room. Tlie eat nt ence missed the gun nnd his mnstnr nnd went tearing nbeut In search of them. Temmy pay but little attention te rats nnd mien, but hn would rather fellow a (run than eat his dinner. Ills owner thinks heiividsin wignclty nil ether cats In the country nnd would net part with htm for thoprlceofa goed-sUeu Jellurseu county farm. l'leiiH Afghan Pollueinrii. Frem the bt. Jmues aaiette. A conscientious and palutlnklng ruler In his wuy Is our frlcud and ally the Ameur Abdur Rahman, and a volume of pollce regulations, lately published, bv oider, nt Cabul, shows plainly that he devetes very particular attention te the detnilN ordomos erdomos ordemos tlo government. OireiiH"sugulnst rolllen are te be dealt w lth no less rigorously than breavhos'ef the peace, bheuld some uroco ureco uroce less Afghan emit te bow his head with due revoreucent tlie hour efpravcr the police officer mun remonstrate with him, gentlv nt first, but If need be, with sternness. If the- offender Is liardcnwl, the policemen "Mieuld frown upon hlui, and speak te him In hari.li terms such ns 'Oh foolish maul Oh stupid man I 'but net In stronger langiiase than llils." .Should remou remeu remou fetruneeproxo unavailing, the pollce may use lorce te compel the man te bow down, threaten ii heating, ndmlnlster the mine ml as a last resource, Inveke the aid of military. In the latter cxent the case must Le reiwrtwt te his hlghness the Anieer, w he " will de the rest." u would almost wem as If AlHlur Rahman were trying te walk In the footsteps of the famous Shah Murad of Bekhara. Shah Mu mil's police etllcers used te upend most or thelr time drU ing the poeplo te prayers. They were instructed te walk about the streets with Httle books, out of which they were te catochise the casual wayfarer: and whoever ttvjled te glie satisfactory aii.wei ou points of religion would be bfittvu then und there. Even In regaid te ordinary offenses it is enacted in the Cabul polled cede that u scourgieg must be laid en with pious ejaculations. The scourge Itself mnst b iitftdeef three strips el leather' taken re spectively from the camel, the cow and the shoep the handle being of olive-weed. The police officer Is oxbertod.to'feel com passion for the offender, since all Mahome Maheme tans are of ene Uesb. Bie should guard himself sgstnst vainglory, nnd take no thought of his own high station of super iority te the offender, for by such means the uevll enters Inte men's hearts te nuke thorn arrogant and conceited. The nsa of strong language In ths streets must be promptly punlshed. Vituperation of a syud (ene who claims doseent from the prephet Mahomet through his daughter Fall ma), or a man of learnlng, or a clvie gray beard, ronders the culprit liable te a tine of fifty rupees and twenty lashes. The use of Illegal weights, the adulteration of ghee (clarified butter): misbehavior In thn mesque, are nil mentioned In the list of cognlsnble offensen. If a man kissesa woman who is net his wife he is te be beatcn with twenty lsshes and locked up for father Inquiry. Net the least notable, part of ths Cabul poHce cedo deals with the conduct of the police officers them selves. They must be monef plety. They must nover use threats which they de net Intend, if nocessary, te fulfil. They must avoid idte conversation with the poeplo, and nre net te be tee inquisitive, for this Is centary te the precepts of the Keran. The Shortest Graea. A writer in "Notes nnd Quartes" asks: " What Is the shortest grace before meatT " and the Albany Journal, replylng, says: "We de net knew! but ene vacation, during bop harvest in this stnte, we had occasion te pass n neon hour where the pickers were eating their cold dinner and iieird adoveut Irish mother, ns she and her Httle ones finished thelr meal and re covered the basket, exclaim: 'Thank Ged fur such a dinner 1' That was short, hearty nnd te the point. If she had madn nny similar remark nt the beginning ofthe meal It probably was 'Thank Ged for such an appctltel'" He "Vn Married Hut Onee. Tlie following letter lias been rocetved In Han Diege, Cul., from Themas Scott Glf Glf ferd, who married Judge Thu r man's daughter, dated nt I'nsennda, December 17: " llefore leaving for the Alame mines al low inn te Inform you and the public In a truthful umnner that 1 was nover mnrried In my life but once, and that was en the .'(Oth of Novembor, te Mrs. Mary Thurman Cowles, who Is new nnd will always be my sole and only wife." Kid of a Had citizen. Professer 1'. J. Cariulehael, superinten dent of the Bast Bevoland (Ohie) public schools, has confessed te writing obsceno letters te the young pupils of the schools. Itls claimed they were wrltten te boys with girls' names signed te thorn, nnd te girls with boys' names signed te them. A committee of cltUens nfter Investigating the matter confronted Carmlehanl with the rharge, and gave hlui twenty-four hours te leave town, which he gladly promlsed te de. ... Obituaries or tlie Future. Frem theHjirlngllnld Union. When cremation conies te be the fashion, OHiiHii uoaelo te de nn something llke this style reurnary y, issr, i;re- l Novembers.), IU10, M hueJ. April 17, 190'J, Crcni-J Onjoftheinestu-cful articles Hint we knew of H tlmt fnineus hou'clield rciue.lv for the linhr, Dr. Hull'- Iiaby Myrun. It costs 25 eentu u bcttle. Joenecnn adequately decrlbe thesiilTerliiRS Impnerl bydyHrvpsla. It darkens life's patli waynnclinnkcs exl-tonce nlmust niilienriible J hut Lnxader will net only nllnvlntu tlie tor ter tor turei of dyspepsia, but will euro tlie UlKcaie. l'rkoealy 2i inita. Say, iriAlitnn, with the inven hair, He bean tl fill nnd lltlie unit tnll, With eyes ke bright nnd cheek- se fair, Wliy let jour leelli destroy It all T Ter they nre dark, and feel the want Of a soil brush mid HU.UDUNT. A (Jura or Ne l'ny Is Ktinrnntrpil te ttinse who me Dr. l'lorce'n (lelitcn Medical r)ceery for eaturrh In lh hcail, or for lirimcliltli or threat nftrctleii-, or cenniiiDptlnn (wlileh 1 Iting Korelnla) 1( taken In lliiiniind i!lcn a fair trial. Menoy promptly irturiKd If It decn net cure. K,S.tw jqrOOD'H HAIIHAI'AIIILU. TOTALLYHELPLESS rrem Solntle IthniimntlHin Wholly Cnrtsl by Iloed'x SiirHiipurlllu. The fact tlint rheiiniutlam l eatiHed by nccti nccti iiiulatlen efncld In the bleed, nnd tlie fact that Jtixul'ii Hnrsapnrllln has wonderful wer In jmrlfylnc tlie bleed, explain Hie xuccesi of Iloeii'g Hnr-nparllln In curing tills disease. " In May, ISil, I was taken with mlatlorheii mlatlerheii nialNm In my leys and iirms. It entirely pro pre M'ntcd me from werltlns, nnd I was confined te my bed entirely helpless. bad medical at tendance, nnd hi Aiiicust, I wns Just nble. te moo nrennd. I win reduced ten incioskole incieskole incioskele ton nnd my nppetlta wns entirely gene. It wns tlietisht by nil my friends that I could net po--Mblyllve. I took almost everything I could hear of, but with no geed results, durlni: Hint winter. One day, reading nbeut taking Heed's Karnnparllla In Murch, April mid Alay, I con cluded te try it. One bettle i;nve me se much roller that I took four bottles, nnd slnccthenl hnve net been troubled with rheumatism, nnd myKcncrnl health hns never been better. My iippdltele lnerenlni;aiHl Iain Kulnlnln flehh. 1 attribute, my whole. Improvement 'Je taking Hoe.l's ftinuiparlllu, nnd I rnrucktly roconi reconi roceni luend It te nit who are troubled with like dls- wire. I consider It the urcntest medlelneeer put up." Wu. F. Tam.eii, Emorluin,Ciuiie Emerluin,Ciuiie Emorluin,Ciuiie reu Ce., Peen. " 1 hereby certify te the foregoing fncle ns stated." Jonathan Gin com, Jullce of the 1'uacc, Uinperluiii, lVim. HOOD'S SAUSAl'Altll.LA Sold by nil druggists. l ; fcl.v for 5. l'repared only by 0. J. HOOD . CO., Lewell. Mum. niuuelisO.Ni: 1)01, 1, Alt. (2) e MiTKit's i.rrn.K I.I VUK TILLS. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE Slek llenilnehe and relieve nil the tumbles Inci dent te a bilious Blnte of the njulein, such ns 1 Itlliess, Nnukpa, Drowsiness, )ktrvi.s lifter 1-ntliie. I'ljlu In Hie Hlde, .te. w'blle their iiiet reuuirkuble micccn ha been tliewn Iu curing sick: Headache, jet CARTnit'S LITTM2 l.IVKIl l'll.l me finally vnlunblq In Constipation, curing nnd prcientlng this nniieylng com plaint, whlle they also correct nil dlHordnrsef HieMeiiiatli, Klltmilale ibu Iher and regulate tliobeiuls. Umu if they only cured HEAD Aehe they would be almost prleile-s te these who miller treni this dlalreh.lng ceinpluliit ; but fortunately their goednon docs net rni hcre.nmt tho-e who eticp try them will (Hid Hieke little pills Miluable In no ninny nna Hint m,?a,Aer,d,.kt.ldUl'S ' "'"-. ACHE Is the bane of -e many lives Hint here la where we make our gnat bensU Our pills cure It while CAlU'l'll'S 'i.ITTI.n I.lVRll l'li.r.Q . ... small nnd ery easy te take. One or two pills makuiidpsc. They nre Urletly egetnblennd donetgrliw or purge, but by their gentle uo ue uo tlen please nil who Um) them. In MaUnt U5cu: live ler fl. toldecrywliurcereutliy mall. CAUTEIt MUUICINE CO., HCW VOltK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. uiUli-bdisst DUU.VKINNIhS. ' "" "" I.IQUOltHAIHT. In All the World there Is but One Cure. 1U. HAI.VCS GOUDK.V .Sl'lX'II'IC. c.an '? ylT? in a cup of eotreeer ten. or In articles of feed, without the knew ledge of the ii! i w tilf ,!r'e,"-ar- i It It nbKeltitely harmless nnd will etltct it permanent and siiecdy cure, whether the patient U n iiiixlerau'drliikerer nn ulcohello wreck. IT NKVI'lt FA1US It elenitis se nulctly and with tucli rertnlnty that the patient undergoes no lnoencnlcnce. and . i re he Is iiwitre, hlseomplete re'oriiiulleii Is HItcted. 4puee book of lmrtlculnrs free chas. .v. i linn-Mi ii.;.v.i.. Ne. l"at King bt., Jucutcr, t'a. octed rtttiattu. IVlt. XAlIIOIWr. UKNTIHT. Ji. -. '-"KCHNTHK KQUAUK. eiii'i'i""6 T'C"V.. a"a "'"'' Kxtrnctlnii He cla ties. ISew-HeU mude, broken enei. mended . n! ,r.f!!U?'lt1' f?'tl, "'wr'wl without I'lnu-s lwiruiiln-S V' c'''y"n8 rsrtuliinK te itii, iJ -r "l mc':e Prompt attention at ?ry !i.!i . . V..,'?i,,l"l ln lM county who Is u graduate of Medlcleeas well at or Dentistry, an udrsBtag that is obvious. nwludiw s re " , - s -j . 'm'.r s-r Stere J'fitn y evenings. Hit Christinas ilSee. t , j 7,Csoe pieces wear tecki, hands regular goods for 5ec- Men's Neck puffs, feur-in-fi and f,i.ns Chestnut strest sld, west of Main Aisle, Menkey, Fex, and every ether popular fur. In all the shapes, little or big, that you want for presents. Beaver Driving Gloves, buck palms, $4 te $ie ; Mufflers te match, $5 te $8 ; Wristlets, trimmed and solid, $1.25 te $3.50. Children's Muffs, $1 te $ 5 ; Cellars, $1 te $3. Women's Muffs, $1 te $30 ; Beas, $3 te $25 ; Shoulder Capes up te $75. Marie An toinette Cellars (the novelty just new), $15, with Muff $25 both et marten, Hecend fleer, Chestnut ttreel tide. Four elc- atert. Silk, Plush, and Satin Tea Gowns that have been 24 te $70 arc $20 te $55. Seme Gingham Wrappers have taken the same kind of tumble. Second fleer, Chestnut street. If your gift-choice is Geld Spectacles or Eye Glasses, we'll change the lenses te suit after Christmas without extra charge. Either a Graphoscepc, a Kodak Camera or an Opera Glass will fit in almost any where. Near Juniper street entrauce. A $6.50 Bey's Suit for 4.75. A Cape Overcoat for man or boy, or a man's sturdy Suit, $ie. There's Christmas cheer in such prices. Thirteenth and Market streets. Our Boek Catalogue (free te any address, or can be had for the asking in the Boek De partment) is an 80-pagc classi fied list of the leading books in the store. If you knew books and authors, and have this Catalogue in hand, your pick ing is easier, and it gives you the publisher's price and the Wanamaker price side by side. Boek News makes your cheesing safe whether you knew books or net. The De cember number (116 pages, 5c) tells of every Holiday book and gives 60 pictures from them. Near Thirteenth street entrance. Toys as if the season were just commencing ! W h a t heaps ! What freaks ! Like a glimpse of fairyland for the youngsters. Net all for harle quin ; in many a sugar coating of fun hide chunks of wisdom. Basement, northwest of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. Cili 0 cc U rm co u 0 MII.I.EIl'H HOItAX SOAI' WII.I. WASH Clethes nnd e cry nrtlcle under the nun 'I71OU IIEADqUAIlTr.lt.H- .s' a. u.it. or ai li. K. of CI. K.. I. n. n. M.. II IT A t : O. 6. of A., I. O. O. K. i:iks. Chnrinsnnd'1'lnii, g'ot'e K.RIMMAV'.M Ne. 42 West King Street, rpitUK DALMATIAN 1NHKCT l'OWDHIt, X propelled by a geed powder hlewer. Is the most cfUvtual destroyer of flies nnd ether small Insect. Fer sale. AtUUIILKY'S DIIUO 8T0UK, 8 West King Street. J3 KAL ESTATE AND JNSU11ANCE. JOHN H. METZLER, Ne. 0 SOUTH DUKE STUEET. Heal estate bought, told or exchanged. rrepcrtlcH rented nnd rents collected, h Ire, Life and Accident Insurance. Leans negotiated. Hani hlx nud a en ler Cent. Investment. e!I-ljd T E1I.LY I1U03. & n.VUIl. The glad ChrUtmis Heaoen Is fust approaching. 1 1 It the time te make ethers happy y WU HAVE A LAnQELISTTO SELECT ntOM. IT INCLUDES: Can lug K11I vis and Ferks, with or without steels. Wu also have them In handsome plush orUnthcrcttecas. 1'ecket I'nlvn, Trult Knives nnd Nut t'lcki, ( 1 th or w Itheul plush caw), Chlldi en's Knl e, l'erks and Spoons. Scissors, single or In cases, fins Tnlile Cutlery Iu sliver plated Knhcs, Ferks nnd Spoons. Umbrella Btnnds, Cu-paders (nlekel.bras and brenre), Carpet Sweepers, Teel Chests, Ulrd Cages (painted, bran and deld llrente.) Sleds, (lalleplne Horses, Andirons, Clethes Wringers, Patent Heailers and Turkey Fans. Skates in fifteen stjles; alt kinds of plain and nickel-plated Leer Skates j several styles or Ladles' Skates. Christmas Tree UeUlern, 10 AND i'J XOKTII QUUKN 81'. S-Ncxt Doer te Fostefflcv. XTO-riCK TO TltESFASSEItS AND HUN ,l-"l XsMtH. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Xiruwall ..ndHiieedwetl estate In Lebanon or Lancaster ueuntles, whether Inclesed or untnekwed. either for the i LllO liliriMfeA nf bliivitltif. .ir tlk)i(,. uu .1 law will be rigidly enforced airalnst all ire tres- .."...liiuiiTOumimi 01 uie uuaemguea arte uts notice. Wit. COLEMAN KUEUMAN IC 1'EHGV ALDEN, . A KDW. a FKKJCMAN, Atterny ter K. W. Oeltaun't Htlrt. V CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! Rwlly Bres. & U, ylg 0fMMmn. ALACK OF FAHHIOA. 115 AHD 117 K. QUZEir ST. Every evening at , 7 o'clock Santa Glaus will trim the Christ mas tree in our Shew Window. p Bring your Children down te see him I Netice! Te prevent the great crowd wc request parents te come along, as children net ac companied by an elder person will net be permitted te stand in the vestibule. At the same time ceine and see our truly grand display of Christmas Goods. Everything that is suitable for a Holiday Gift. ' ' ' Plush Albums, 50, 75, 87c, $1, up te $5 apiece. Plush Toilet cases, 98c, $1. $1.25 te $9 apiece. Shaving Sets, $1.50 te $5 apiece. Plush Werk Bexes, 25, 50c, $1, te $4 apiece. Manicure Sets, 98c, $2, te $4 apiece. Plush Cellar and Cuff Bexes, 98c te $4 apiece. Plush Handkerchief and Gleve Bexes, $1.25 te $4 a set. Plush Picture Frames, 25, 49 and 79c. Plush Whisk Breems, 50, 75c $J te $2.50. Plush Mirrors, 25, 50, 75, 98c and $1 apiece. Fancy Baskets, 10, 19, 25, 37, 50c te $1.75 apiece.. Bronze Vases, 18 and 25c. Papeteries, 15, 23 and 31c. Writing Maps, 1 8c. Space will net permit te enumerate one-tenth of the many nice articles and their low prices, but we invite everybody te come and leek at our goods. We call a special attention te our large and varied stock of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Handkerchiefs. Positively the best and largest assortment ever brought te this city. Alse make a special mention of our elegant line of Plush Ornaments, comprising almost any desirable style of Plush Balls as ornaments, at the low est possible prices. Give us a call. PALACE OF FASHION. 115 & 117 North Queen St. i?vi Goeitk. T HE PEOPLE'S CASH STOUK. CHRISTMAS. BKRGKINS -IN THE- HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. ladles' Hemstitch White, Printed Ilerders nud Open-Werk Uerdcrs, ut 5c, 8c, 10c te 60c. Indies' While Embroidered, In larzentsort larzentsert ment, 10c, 15c, ale, S3e te f 1 00. , Full lines of Oents' Ilnndkerchlefs, In Plain Whlte Hemstitch and llemmed, from 6a te 60c Ladles' Scalloped nnd Embroidered Hllk.ln lilte nnd Celers, nt2ic Usual price has been for these goods uOc Ladles Scalloped Embroidered, with Deuble Hemstitched, at OOe ; worth 75c. Indies' Opcn-Werk and Embroidered White Silk at 75c. Beld one week age at Jl. GenU' Lnrge-SUe White China Silk Hand kerchiefs at 3e. Ilegular price almost e ery M here 60c. Gent's Japnnese Whlte SllkHandkerchlefs atOOe. Itegular prlce te-ilay, 75c. Full lines of ladles' nnd Gent's Silk Mufflers. In Cnam, Whlte nnd Celers, at unusually low prices. Many of the Dnrgalns nbove cannot be re placed nt the prices mimed. Purchasers would de well te Inspect our (deck early. We carry ln stock full lines of Colgate's Celebrated Extracts, TOILET WATERS, COLOGNES, JLc. GEO. F. RATHVON, 25 East King Street, inarSO-lydll LANCASTER, PA. lmtr. L EVAN A SON'S. Levan's Fleur 1 MAKES GOOD BREAD -AND- FINE CHRISTMAS CAKES. Tl KNUr WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, T Palace of Fashion, lias removed te 138 East King street, having a full line of t urul ture nf every description ui the low et prices. Alse Undertaking promptly ut ut tendel le. Call and examine our goods. atWdlt II. WOLK. PVI Kat Klnif Wlrt TESSEJONESACO, . .Mannfaeturers CONFECTIONERS' FINE .-MP,1. VyZ1?' '."A"0"1 fceuutirul hue in the United States. HIS Commerce BU.I'iilladel. Pjua.M.UW4lt fer'1'cr",tlve Utfc HR(kcMMtnn HEAHOMABLB 8 m 4 ThtMOTMInc r Mem ptM.I-Hb roltebto maini4 nnmerf ItetMieurittii-Mttl -w-nn ruei aea thaccmUnc betnt eme- tlmtsiinaMu la ritria stvvlna of fuel MOftt. 1Mb pnblle ti the rial wa mr wwiutt leUM I Mgnesii Sectional ieTcrin Ter BUm Pipe. Betlen, Brine Pipe. Kh!., ndtiforwteoalrm Itncssiter and LebMen counties, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W.PAME CUMMINOS.Pwp. I NOS. 1M m NOBTH CHRISTIAN ST.. Lanemtter, Fa. Price IUU and dlseeunU and directions for ftpplylnf en application. Special term te tbe trade. "AUMjValTe, Pipe, Cooki, Pittlna, Etc, at Jobbers' Prlee. decS-tfdB CTEAH KMUINB AMD BOILERWORKB. Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will pay you te call at my Works and ex amine our Stock of Engines ! Allew us le quote you prices and facility for turning out work. see our Portable Engines. 4 Horse-Fewer..... ,.. f 425 6 Horse-I'ewcr.... 475 ,5 Herse-Power ; KB 10 Herse-Power 675 15 Horso-Fewer f. 875 SO Herse-Power ...,. . 1,175 Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. B Hene-Power ..$2S0 8 Herse-Power. 250 16 Herse-Power 275 Boilers, Second-Hand. Five ! Bene-Power, 60 In. Dlam., IS feet Leng, - 22 4im, Tubes. Price, 1175 aud 1160. One Heller. ISO In. Dlam., IS feet Ixmir, 21 S In. Tubes 13 feet Lene;, with Fire Frent Castings, fl2S. I CARRY THE LARGEST S10CK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and JtlnliiB Machinery, SawMIlln, Hark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc. Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IB THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, PROPRIETOR, 333 EAST FULTON ST., J.ANCASTER, PA. ejure. s EALSKIN COATS AND JACKETS. CHOICE FURS -FOR- Christmas 7 SEALSKIN COATS OR JACKETS. WHOME-MADEHHOULDER CAPE, COL LAR OR MUFF. e2S-2md JUittce. fllUUSTMAS PRESENTS. Christmas Presents AT Reigart's Old Wine Stere, NO. 20 EAST KINO ST. 1IOUCHE SEC. EXTRA CHAMFAUNE. WINE IN 11ASKETS, at JH for Pints umlSlOW for Quurts. Ousenier Celebrated Cordials In llaskets, as fellows : IHJmi.4 Half Litre Bettles rtfl In VnlUe, 8 Quart Uettltw sjtt) In Compese, 4 Quart llettles . 00 sra-Tlie above Wine and Cordials are tlie Fin est Produced In France. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt. ffieiil. J" UM11EII AND COAL. ri'1'J,.UAC(-ir!'5H.OOKHAJ'''J CASES. WEST UN HARD WOODS. Wholesnle and ReUII, ,li..h .,. . B-1'-MARTIN 4 CO.. lU-Iyd CI Water Street, Luucatter. I'a. OAUMQARDNEltS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Ofkic-s Ne. 129 North QueenBtrcct, and Ne. 661 North Prince fctreeU YAiuxi-Nerth Prluve Street, near Reading Depot. auglS-Ud LANOABTKR.rA, Bvccvic. jiciater Fruits, Hats, Confections, Etc., . ,FOR THE HOLIDAYS. A larje and especially selected stock of new ' (oeds. Ws i have benht the freshest the market affords. Early calls will sare you much annoyance and Insure special satisfaction. We hare prepared largely and handsomely for yen. We cannot lre detnlls here. See our special price list at your doers. Every line should be read. It will pay you handsomely. Our Baking Butter Bells without much cracking up. Yeu should take a leek at It before baying elsewhere. Leu of new goods never before seen ln this part of the country. We earnestly request that all levers of geed thing-, such bs tablelnxurles, call seen anil examine our goods and learn our prices. , . Sbellbark Kernels. 20 cents a pound ; Walnut Kernels, 90 centa j New Citren, only IS cents. Candles at prices lower than the lowest. Strictly Prime Spices at lowest prices. Three pounds selected Pepper at 25 cents; 2 pounds Cinnamon at te cents. Don't forget enr New Orleans "taking Mo usses, the finest in the world. Alse New Or leans Sugar. Clarke's great XXXX Fleur, In linen sacks, at 80 cents per quarter. Is what you want for your Christmas cukes. AH ether geed brands In stock. tsoek out for our Christmas Card, ene of the flnest ever given nwayj retails right In the town from 25 te 35 cents apiece. Samuel Clarke's TEA, COFFEE AND GROCERY STORE, 13 AH SOUTH QUEEN ST. P. S. Ask for our Rebate Card. Telephone. Fer Fine Flerida Oranges, Fer Fine Bananas, Fer Extra Choice. White Orapes, Fer Fine Table or Cooking Raisins, Fer Fine Layer Figs, Fer Candles of all kinds, Nuts, NuU of all kinds, Fer Fine Canned Goods, Fer Plckles, Sauces, Ketchup, etc., ForFlneOllvcs or OlIveOUs, Fer Plum Pudding, Fer the Finest Coffees nnd Teas, Fer Choice Cranberries, etc., TO HE WELL SUPPLIED WITH GOOD GOODS FOR YOURHOLIDAYTAHLE, GO TO BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. r-Telephone connection. ev SMlc ev glent. 13UHLI0 SALE OF , FARMERS' AND Hoteliers' Stalls will be held In the Farm ers' Southern Market Heuse en Saturday, De cember28th, nt9 o'clock a. m. The minimum price for Farmers' nnd Truckers' Stalls hns been fixed at the low rate efH per annum ferTucsday market, and 17 for Saturday morning and after noon markets Inclusive. Hutchers' Walls in the hame proportion. By order of the Heard. d 190,28.27 H. L. FRAILEY, Secretary. TUBLIO SALE OK MARKET STALLS AT I the New Centrnl Market, en SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1SS9, at 8 o'clock a. m., will be sold at public sale, en the premises, nil the Stalls In the New Central Market Heuse: also, en TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24.18S9,at 8 o'clock a. m., will be (-old at public sale, all the Market Curbs In Centre Square, Wist King, North Queen, East Klnenml North Duke sticcts. By order of CI IT MARKET COMMITTEE. dt3,17,20dAdll,18w I J! OR RE NT-IN MARIETTA, PA.-A Large Hullillng, nil en ene iloer, suitable ler packing tobacco, foundry, or the munufac munufac tnre of IiolIev-Arc. llie building wns for merly erected for the manufacture of hollow ware, but has been used for the past tnelve years as a tobacco warehouse. It Is the most suitable building for the purposes named, In theceunty. Addrecs HEOENER A HALDEMAN, Executers of A. Cellins' estate, d7-tfd Marlcttu.Pa. "Ii EAL ESTATE OFFICE. HERR'S 6ENERALREALESTATE0FFICE, HOUSES,BUILDINOLOTS,FARMS,MILLS, Ac, for kale. Greut bargalus. Cull for our new Cataloguejust out. HOUSES nnd BUSINESS PROPERTIES ul wn) s en hand for rent. RENT COLLECTED - Properties, taken charge of, collection of rents, payment of taxes, repairs, etc., attended te without treuble or an noyance te owners. MONEY TO WAN ON MORTOAOES.-Fer these liuvlnj meney te Invest we have first class mortgages en hand and tlie beu of facili ties for Investing. TITLE PAPERS prepared and lilies carcf illy examined. Allan A. Herr, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT NO. 10S EASTKIXQ STREET. nev 8 lind Jrtlltpe. N EW I.AMP.S AND ART GOODS. Call and See THE -AND- KRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR SEASONABLE GOODX ATA CLARKE' AlUmWa'S. Holiday Specialties ! FINE NEW LAMPS JotaLArneld'sBuilding', J NORTH QUEEN STREET. 10-tfd "1ALL AND SEE Till ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Llght; Heats them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and Oil HUne. THE "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING aud RUH11ER CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them all. Thlsstrlpoutwearsallethers. Keens out the cold. Steps rattllni; of ulndetr. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow nnd rain. Anyone cau iipply It no waste or dirt made In applying iu Can befitted nurwbere no holes te bore, ready for um. I will net split, wurp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfecu,'At tbe Steve, Heater and llau;e Stere of JehiiP. Sehaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER FA. ' Hil I' sl te tell and tlie mayo. ! TO J'Hi w . ., LAl'rJjr JmA,, " s &&&&& x gyrVgr