& irV S3. ."s &.." i !Sw r. rr SJV mu - Wl' r 7? !. fc??. MU h , n A -; ' 1&. 2. 1 M Ti r-f Vijrv. -'Ves r ' i 'itii -.- w satin sracuia.revrc V-rV -in f ,4lWWWJ.BTSWMAl, C K .aBJUUJnBTEINIIAIf FOblX, BOIMR. IIOSEBT CLARK, Publisher. m. nsit.Y rvTKt.T.iriF.XCICIl. Published ' 's. bm A in Ihn tMr. ntil Hmirf a. RrrM t1 A. kaMMlM t. t.l Altw ai'mwwiwAliig fanrna at Im eenta a srsek. moll fire del- 'Vj,., tan a vastr In advance: GO cents a month. .vf- nairtv tutnitnvitrnjifii Anllitr and M? cents Tear, tn advance. ROTICI TO MJBBCRIBEns-Remlt by check ' hi - - ' i -hKJiu m J W.V.AM VMllfnAr Of ts i r penumcv wucii in w. """T ' " Oka Be precurea prea iu mnwi at the rroetefflce, as second elasa malt sHef Ascaaes, TSB IKTELLIOraCBR, Lancaster, Pa, LAH0A1TKK, PA., December 13. 1889. Mr. CleTcland's Address. Mr. Cleveland devoted his address te the Bosten merchants te the subject of ballet reform, which he vigorously advocated, declaring that the objections te ita methods will fade awny ns hnve these hlch were urged ngnlnst civil eervlce reform. He veutured te say that though net all of these who urged their objections te the popular Australinu system can be fairly charged with being leta of ballet reform, yet It was within their ranks that the enemies of the re form are te be looked for, working Iu dis guise against It. Many persons will think that this was coining mighty close te smoking out the governor of New Yerk, one David D. Hill, who Is largely advertised as n candidate for the Dcmocratie presidential nomina tion, upon which Mr. Cleveland Is gen erally supposed te have n first lien. Governer Hill vetoed a ballet reform bill passed by Iho last New Yerk Legis lature because of certain objections of his own concocting thnt did net have much meat in them te the ordinary mind ; but the governor stoutly pro claimed his devotion all the while te ballet reform. He may regard it ns a beautiful thing abstractly considered, but he'evldently has entirely tee much trouble in clearing the tlcld for Its prnc. tlcal working te entitle himself te the loud laudation of the fervid friends of the reform. And he does net get It. He has net wen the acclaim of the friends of either ballet or civil service reform. Cleveland has, for an cx-prcsldcnt, a remarkably geed standing among the civil scrvlce reformers, who seem te think thnt he did very well for their cause considering the embarrassing cir cumstances surrounding the presidency, and which appear te be quite tee much for his successor in the elllce. If civil service reform had as geed chance of complete fruition as hns ballet reform, its friends might be well content. The popular demand for ballet reform is well nigh unanimous outside the peddling politician; bitt there arc a geed many peeple, whoure net Intetcstcd iu practical politics, who have little appreciation of civil service reform, ns it is prac ticed and preached, and who urge weighty objcetlous against the doctrine; such for instance as its teudlng te create an aristocracy of ofilcc-helilers. Te many people, the eutapllllng of the office holders occasionally see a wholesome performance. But no one thinks it wholesome that the secrecy of the ballet shall net be preserved ; and none ean deny that the only cllectual way te preserve it is in the isolation of the voter whlkUte votes. It is a simple expedient that is necessary te secure the reform, and the only one that will de it. It Is represented iu a law til at has had the vindication of a practical umj for many years; and there docs net seem te be any reason why these who really want ballet reform should net want this law. Bebert Drowning. The death of Itebcrt Browning will of course draw out extravagunt eulogies of a man who undoubtedly pefescBsed great poetical abilities and as certainly ninde peer use of them. He might have been a poet of the messes, for when he chose te be simple and forcible he usually suc ceeded, and he has written lines that de net need careful study te make plain their beauties. He chose te be the poet of the select and studious few and appealed te the curious Interest that tempts men te waste time iu un ravelling piuzles. He wus a profound and keen thinker, but he took little pains te make h)6 thought clear, and It must filter down through ether minds before it becomes actually available te the great mass of Intelligent acting and thinking men and women. Ne poet ver lived who was se much written about and commented ou in his life time. Thousands of readers have wasted millions of valuable minutes in trying te find out just what Mr. Browning meant while he calmly neglected te take the least trouble te make himself clear. Great thoughts, Imagination and artistic sentiment are net enough te make a great poet and because Mr. Browning paid little attention te the musical beauty of his lines and the clearness of his language he can never take rank as a great poet. His writings arc voluminous and his failure te say bet ter what he hnd te say cannot ta chargeS te economy of time or labor, for he gave plenty of both, often repeated himself, and took no pains te condense his work. Perhaps His fortunate that be thus failed te take higher rank as a poct.'ferhls philosophy Is net of a very healthy and cheerful kind. His wife, Elizabeth Barrett, In spired the best of his lines and will long held place as a noble ioet, and the bet ter known and honored. This remark able union of genius assures te both mere lasting fame. The Daft System. The street committee having gene te , Easten te see the Daft system of electric N?ar propulsion that is established thcte, report thntJt worked well, was satisfac tory te the citizens and that the poles and wires were no greater annoy anney annoy anee there than here. All of which we are quite ready te believe. We de net knew of any objection te the Daft system have its wires and poles, and doubtless they arc no werse than the wires and poles we have, save that they add an additional number te them. If the councils think that the system will de and that It will net b3 well te wait for the develop ment of a geed underground conduit system, we will be content. But they should take the matter up ngulu and Kpress their views In the light of the information they have gained since the night when they went head ever heels for the scheme, in n way that seated te people te make the name or the electric system they favored very applicable te their conduct, which was daft Indeed. Be sure you arc rlg'it, then ke ahead, said Daw rnwVnit m'i. -$ adoption by a city of an electric system, tt and theseudlngoutef n committee after wards te tee whether It had dmm 1-tr.l.t it OTNMl cX tbls way of delc' .;, -iSK.jri IT&lslH PTB HTv Dr. Hlgbce. Dr. Hlgbec, whose sudden death baa shocked the community, was a man of great natural feres and mental vigor. Of late years his powers have been checked by the condition of his health 5 and his fame as a preacher has been held In abeyance by his connection with the school department, where his labors were net particularly suited te his talents. He was enjoying his third term or the superlntcndcncy, but beyond the honor and the salary of the ofllce he get llttle satisfaction from It and would doubtless have been a happier and per haps n longer 11 ved man without lta cares. Executive ofllce needs a different and a mere homely talent than that which Is held by the man of brilliant Imagination and words, who shines upon the rostrum but whose light is vainly shed In tlie office. m e SKNATen QioseN wants te colonize the nogre In the Conge free states, whlle Mr. Grady mere practically nccepts the race problem nnd begs Northern patlonce and sympathy with the Seuth In struggling with It. Wiikn Orover Clevcland talks It always pavs te listen, and the firmest, henest member of the party of Dudley, Quay and TVunatimker cannot deny the truth and fslrnrss of his stntcment that political evils "lmve brcn tolerated by rcspectable men who, In weakness nnd patriotic senti ment, have regarded tlicm ns only plmses of shrewd political management," nnd the warmest friends of President Harrison must admit that these evlls " have been nctunlly encouraged by the honors which have been bestow cd upon theso who beast of their use of such ngenclcs In nld of jiarty supreniney." Srmateii Cali.'k resolution requesting the president te nrgotlate for thn purchase oftlie freodein of Cuba can only serve te keep that Irrepressible Cuban question be fore the public. Teer and weak though .Spain hna been, she has nlways shown a firm and ndmlrable determination net te relinquish n feet of Cuban ground without a struggle. AVe may blame her for mis mis gevernment, but alie could forcibly retort In the wune tone, nnd the bollevors In the possibility of averting nil wars by arbltra arbltra tlen have n knotty problem In this great Spanish Island. It Reems plain enough te Americans that Cuba will surely be tern from Spain, but we cannot blame the Spanlnrds for refusing te tolerate, the thought. llnieiiT and wirly Ilka lit newspaper father comes the 18'.) nliunuac or the PJill PJill ndelphla Jiccertl. It hns ninny Illustra tions of the great storm ilibnstcrs of Iho past year, and Is full of useful Infertunium. I.v November we exporled ever four million dollars worth of petroleum, about thrce millions of It being Ulumln.itlng oil and nenrly thrce millions being shipped from the pert of New Yerk. We also ex ported In the month cotton te the value offerty-suven and n half million dollars of which ever fifteen millions wns shipped from New Orleans. Savannah wns the next Inrgesl whipping pert for cotton, her shipments execixliii!; seven millions; next comes Galveston with flve and a half, New Yerk with niore than four millions nnd Charleston with a llttle less than fbur,whll Itlchmend passes the two million murk, The statistics of experts Btrengly Impress the towering commercial supremncy of New Yerk, nnd It lseeitnlnly remnrknble te find cotton from the tar Seuth passing by splendid pertH nnd seeking that distant point of shipment. We find, turnover, lhat inorethnn half our cotton oxperteil is ent te Great Britain nnd trade naturally flews ever the great ocean ferry te that country. The experts appointed te oxnuiiue the new Chestnut street school building report that thore Is no dnnger If the building is used ns wns Intohded when built, mid that lr nn extrn tloer is te be laid nddlttennl Joists should be provided. We publish their reports in full, ns It is well that parents tdieuld be thoroughly satisfied of the substantial character of school build ings, nnscd nslt Is en the reports of archi tects and oxperloncod liullders the report of the property rommlttce of the school beard Justllles the belluf that this new nnd costly structure is firmly nnd streiiRly built. The only fault in the oreotlon suems te have been the putting In of Joists te carry the second tloer celling, which woie of tee long span nnd tee weak te bear the weight of the celling In thelr centre with out bending. This wasn olear fault in the architecture, but It wns net ndnugoreus one, sinee the only treuble It caused wns the unslghtliness of the celling. Wliore Mnrrlnire Is Mude l!ny. In the Ukraine, Ilusslu, the mnldeii Is the ene thnt does nil the courting, wnen she falls iu leve Willi a man she geos te his house and tells him the stnte of her footings. If he reciprocates nil is well, and n formal marrlnge Is duly arranged. If. however, he is uuwllliui;. she remains there, hoping te coax him into a better in mil. ine ioer ioiiew canuei iri.u nor with the least discourtesy or turn her out, for her friends would be sure te nvouge the Insult. His host chnnce tlioro tliero tliore fore, if he is really determined that he won't, Is te leave his home mid stay nwuy as lone ns nlie is iu IU This is certainly it peculiar way of turning n until out of IIOUrO I1IIU IIOIllO. UII II Ml IHllllllllH Ul Dnrlen either sex can de the courting, wlthlhoiittturalresultth.it almost every body gets married. There is net the s.tine rhnhce where the girl has te blde the notions of it hesitating or bashful swuiii. A Wenmu'ii llnttle. The w lfe of Marcus Sisseu, it woodsman living ne.ir Turuwoed, N. Y., hnd n desper ate encounter with u big mule bear n,t Tuesday. Her husband lind been uwny iu the weeds hunting biurs for two days. Atthotlme of bruin's uppcjrnuce Mrs. Slsen wns hnnglmt out her washing in the yard. Suddenly thore was n great e nmo nme nmo lien In the liouse and a terriile barking from u llttle hoiii-e deg. Johnny ran te the deer y oiling nt the ten of his lungs; "Ab'nr, mouilel a big big b'ar 's nrter baby." Mrs. Slsen dropped her work and sizing a kcon-edged nxulreui the wood pile ran Inte the Iieum) lieutlug: "Up the lttdder, Jehunvl imick, get into the Ien I" Johnny hastily scrambled up the ladder and Immediately there liu.in n dosperate b.ittle between Ids inethur nnd the bear. The ferocious brilte, which Mrs. Slusen shw was blcrdlm? from its right shoulder, w here it had doubtless beeu shot by nome htiuter, rose en its html Ick itiul clawed nt her vicieuly. l'orufett moments Iho heroic woman wielded her nxe with goetl ettect, Inlllcting n decn wounds en the brute, but unfortuiuttely noueof them were fatal or disabling. finally, fcnliiiK her strength failing, Mrs. Sibson gae ene long, ngenizlng scream forheli). oho wus answered almost Immediately by the loud baying of hounds. At this moment, bruin, with a blew from one of his great paws, knocked the ax from her hand nod wounded her painfully en her right arm. She sunk te tbe tloer, but before the bear could seize her, ttve huge black hounds, which she knew te be her husband's dogs, rubbed in and tackled the bear. A moment later, herhiuband rushed in and blew the hear's bruins out. When the bear's carcass wan examined it was found that the brave woman had cut it In 10 places with her nxe. It weighed, when dre'jtcd, 210 pounds. HKAltS ON' A HVbT. Thrte Leggeis Kill rivu and a AVemun FlglitH Anether. A terrlble onceuntcr with bears Is re ported from the Thctferd mines, near Montreal. M. Fortler, a French Canadian, and his two brothers were returning home from a legging oxjiedltlon. Snow wns falling heavily, when the attention of the thrce incn was attracted te a huge tree of peculiar formation. On examination it was found te be hollow, with an opening near the ground, One of the men picked 'i BWBaSSi.,?Jlll M rrgrregwvf'MwfWH- us.v.MiiipisAsi-' $ri 1aW jtebj lt with his axe, when te the surprise of all a large black bear erawled out. lie showed light, but was quickly dispatched. In a Tew minutes severs! mere bears ap peared en the scene, and a terrible fight ensued. The men ntUeked the liears with axes which they carried. One of the bears grasped the brother, nnd man and bear rolled evor nnd ever In the snow. Ills clothes were tern Inte shreds and ene of his arms badly lacerated, llruln was finally backed te pieces, mid young Fortler was rnscued, bleeding nnd Insensible Ne less than live bears were killed In the nght IT WAS TOO HOT FOIt HIM. Hett a Weuld-Ue Manlier Wan Put Te Flljrhtbyn Girl. Frem the New Yerk Evening Han. An nnclenl specimen of the genus "masher" enme Inte nn elevnted car yester day. He was rather threadbare but care fully brushed nnd wns tepped en with n shiny new silk hat. With carcml obscr ebscr obscr vntlen he scanned the occupants or the car snd then sat himself down directly op posite an unusually pretty. girl with her lap full or Christmas bundles. lfe smoothed his gloves, nrranged his cult's nnd necktie nnd then Unshed nn Irresistible smlle nt the pretty girl. She looked hastily out or the window. Hy nnd by she lurned her face again, te meet the same breadth of smlle nnd the ryes llxed steadily en her face. She loeKod nnnoyeu. He looked delighted. Her checks grew pink. She had halfa mind te change her seat. Then nil the bravery in her nature mounted te her eyes. Slowly she drew from her pocket n lorgnette, nnd held it with the most dollberato inqulsltlveness up te her eyes. First she scanned the top of his lint, then slowly eh I se slowly let her gar.e creep downward te his face with Its wealth of smlle, her own never changing by Iho quiver of a muscle. Down, down It went, with fixed nnd stony stnre, te the very tips of bis beets. Thore It paused for nn in stant, thou begnn its slew upward march, creeping nleng with the same curious de liberation, very much ns ene would survey a new variety of nnlinnl with n vlew te clnssiflcntlen. When she reached the smlle again the glory of it was dimmed. When she reached the tees they were tlo tle tlo cldedly uneasy, nnd by thn time she was rendv te senn his face en her upward sweep It ioe'kcd very red nnd decidedly uncomfort able. One mere sweeping circuit wns made, nnd the discomfited ''masher," muttering soinethlug nbeut the car's being tee het for him. Hed from the nwful presonce nnd plunged down the stairs into the street belew. Tiiernnrnlru txTuini ninicted with rhcumn- Hum since our druggists lian sold Rnlvutlen Kcw art nwar of the Importance of checking n couch or common reld In the first stage-, 'flint which In the beelniilng would yield te a mild remedy, If nejjlcctcd, seen preys upon the limes. Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup affords Instant relief. It lnn Infallible remedy. l'rlcnMcents k bottle. A Wise Weman Will try nnd prcserve her clinrms. Hlie tuny lack classic outline of form, but she should use 80ZOD0NT, nnd rotalnthe beauty nnd useful ness of her teeth, A fine set of troth Is one of the highest chnrins. HOKODONT will de this work. Won't Ilawlc, Spit, Ceuitli, Ruder dlzrlness, Indigestion, Inflammation of Him cyc, hciidnclic, lnmltudc, Inability te per form mental work mid ludlhpmltleii air liedlly labor, nnd nnney nnd illtKUstynur friends nnd neriuidntnnces ultli your nasal ttvaiu mid of ef rcunle bienlh nnd constant ollert te clean your noxe nnd threat, when llr. csite's " Cnturrh Hcmedy " will promptly relieve you of discom fort and huflcrlug, nnd veur friends of liiedl- lEiistlni;niid needless mmctiens or your inniii wine dlcne? V,HJLw Jlvu oube -1AIITEIVH I.ITTI.K UVEK IJt,L8. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE Hick Ilondnrhe and rcllcte nil the trnublt'H Inci dent te it lilllniiH stnte (if the system, euch as DIzrlneM, Nnuen. llrewslucin, Illatrexi lifter Kntlnir, I'aln In the Hide, etc Whlle their meat rcinurkntile kiicccsk linn heen shown In curing sick: Ilenilnche, yet CATtTKIl'H I.tTTLK UVKU l'H.l5 am C'lually valuable lu Conntlinllen, curing nnd vrercnllng thin annerliiR com cem tilnlnt, v tille they nle correct all dlmirderHnf the uteuiHcli, stlmulntc the liver nnd reKUlate the boweli. r.ven If they only cured Arhe they would be Hlmeit priceless te tlieu who sutler from this dlstrelne cemiiliilnt : lull fortunately their Recxlness does net end here, nnd these, who once, try them will find tliCKa llttle nllls vnluuble lu te mntiy ways that they will net be willing te de without them, llul nfter nil sick head ACHE Is the Imiie of se many liven thnt liere Is where, we make our great beusU Our pills euro It whlle ethers de net,; UAUTKK'H IJTTLK LIVER 1'II.LH nre mtv smnll nnd very easy te lake. One or two pills mnken doi.e. They nre strictly vegetable nnd ir iiurcc. but bv their iroiitlenr- de net srlpe or iiiirce, but by their Kentle nc- tleu ik'ne nil who uec them. In vlnls nt23 cts ; flve ler SI. Held everywhere or sent by mail. CAHTEH MEDICINE CO., NEW VOItK. Small Pill. Small Dem uui;I2-lydoed Small Price. Ulioccllnnrensi MILLER'S IIOUAX HOAl WILL WAHH Clethes nnd eery nrtlcle under the sun. J." MAHT1N & CO. FANCY GOODS ! We have just received a line of Fancy Goods that we have exclusive sale of in this city. Opera Glass Bags, Head Rests, Couch Pillows, Laundry List, Pin Cushions. These goods are kid covered and hand-painted. ART CHINA. Salad Bowls, Tctc-a-Tete Sets, After-Dinner Coffees, Umbrella Stands, Fancy Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fish Sets, Game Sets, Ice Cream Sets, Etc. CUT GLASS. New arrivals. Ne fancy prices. Sugar Bowls, Fruit 13ewls, Oil Cruets, Water Bettles, Peppers nnd Salts, RoseBewls, Etc., Etc. JAPANESE WARE. Art Vases, Tea Trays, Art Lanterns, Paper Cutters, Jap Incense, Rese Leaves Bird Nests. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. yfftntmkv', PatLAMLMiU, Friday, Dec. IS, ISSS. Beginning to-tnerrmv, store eben evenings until Christmas Eve. This is the time when fifteen acres of fleer space counts for your comfort. The ample room allows you te buy here, even in Christmas time, with compara tive ease. . Crowds of course. The Holiday interest attracts many people. 'Tweuld be stupid if it didn't. And is net that a matter of interest ? Wana makcr's without people the very thought is laughable. Yeu wouldn't like it. But there is room enough, come when you please. The easy place te buy cer tain very beautiful Holiday gifts is en the second fleer, Carpet Department. Gleve and Handkerchief Sets in leather and plush, Vienna Olive Weed articles, Photograph Screens and Berlin Iren. The Lew Prices make easy buying. Our policy in Holiday busi ness this year gains power with passing days. Gets better un derstood. Yeu recall it. The stock is very big variety un surpassed by anything in our past, or ether's present. The great added' quantity is te be sold by a schedule of very low prices. We arc retailing great varieties el choice things 01 European make at less than the retail price of Paris, Vienna, Berlin. This fact appears throughout, and is the motive power of tlie growing Holiday trade. Three hints from the yard stuffs : 50-inch-all-wool Dress Cleth, in every desirable shade, at 50c 56-inch-all-wool Dress Cleth, in 30 shades, 75c. 46-inch fine French Serge, 75C Bouthtrest nnd seutheail ef centre. Met's Slippers for gifts. The'prices arc $2 te $4. The leathers are : Alligator, ooze calf, goat, seal, patent leather. The colors are : Slate, rus set, black, red, brown, choco late, mahogany, tan. The variety is complete, the stock great. Market street front, west of .Mnln Aisle. Jehn Wanamaker. r fSvecevice. lirANTED-EVEIlY I'EItHON IN LAN y enster county te knew thut CLAHKK'H Is Ilcndaunrters for CHRISTMASJROCERIES, OUK GOODS ARE THE FINE8T. OUIl I'JUUES THE LOWEST. New Leghorn Citren, ISe per pound. We Just snve yen frnin 7c te 10c per pound en this one nrtlele. Other goods lu the sume proportion. New England Mlnceinent. The finest money ran buy. Try our New Orleans Unking Molasses and Clnrke's XXXX Fleur for baking your Cbrlst luns dikes. Hl'ICKS I Hl'ICES I Blrlctly 1'ure Snlces. So Se So lectedUlnckl'ei.per, a lbs. for 25c. Selected Cln Cln imtnen, 2 Itis, for 25c. Nutmegs, Cleves, (linger. Allspice, Cream Tartar ami Unking Hcnla. All strictly pure goods nt Lewest l'rlces. New Paper Hliell Almonds, 2Scj)cr pound, -8ee our Hueclul llolldnvl'rlee List nt venr doers. Itend It and come at once before the great riif.li -AT- TEA, COFFEE AND CHtOCEtlY BTORE, 12 A H SOUTH QUEEN tjT. Telcnhone, Free Delivery. I'. H. Don't forget our rebste card ; ask for one. $Untv. T EVAN A HONH. Levan's Fleur! MAKES GOOD BREAD AND- FINE CHRISTMAS CAKES. (avviitnc0. CTANDAKDCAMUAUE WOUK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 0,12. 13. 15 MAnKKTBTUEKT.(Keer of the Postefflce), LANCABTEH, PA. De net Full te Cull nnd Bee my Flue Assert mcut of Buggies, Pbatens, Jump Seat Carriages.Etc. 1 have nil the latest styles te select from. I luTi n ery rlne assertincnt of eceiuMmnd work sonic of my own i erk. llottem prices. Call and exninlne. Ne trou treu treu beo te show our work and explain every detail. Ilepulntlng and Repairing promptly und neatly done. One set of workmen cspeclully employed fur thnt purpose. DRUNKENNESS. LIQUOR 1IAMT. In All the World there Is but One Cure, lilt. HAIN125" GOLDEN SI'KC'iriC. it can be glen In a cup of coltecer ten, or In articles uf feed, without the knowledge of the patient, If necessary ; It Is nbseliiiely hurinleks and will rlfrct n permanent and speedy cure, whether the patleut Is a niwlerate drinker or nil alcoholic wreck. IT NEVER FAILS, it owretcs M, iiuletly and with such certainty that thn patient undergoes no Inconvenience, nnd ere he Is uuitre.lilseeinpletu reformation Is cllected, IS puku book of parllculurs frte. CHAH. A. LOCIIER. Druggist, Ne. 9 Eust Klug Ht., Ijincnster, Fa. oct28-eed SUIUJOLDEN LION AND MIAQUERIDA 5c Cigars are hand-made, uud gunrantced ir llauuu Filler, 'rty our hund-mnde 2 ferffs. DEMUTH'B CIOAR HrOltE, alK-tfdlt lit East King Htrret, M ILLER'S BORAX BOAI WILL WASH Viytaca ana every arucic uuu tug sua fire lRtrlttttt rrmvn balm atian nwaer. retrpmrn. X propelled by a teod powder Mower, te the ant eA&ual destroyer of aiw nod ether satall . AtmJlfLBYjnRtjeBTqJRK. ' 4-v iSSWaetKlacMnet. FURNITURE 3T0RE, hM remered te IDS East Klni itrehSThure, nill line of Furniture of every description nt (be lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly nl' tended te. cll end examine our feeds. S-UdH H. WOLF. US Kast Kills Dtrcet. A BKKW. Fall, 1889. Make It the meney-envlnr time of the year, nnd this the place te sere It by iretllnf the best material and most sty lUb Siitligs, Treueriigs uiOiereettli FOR TUB LEAST MONEY. Yen knew the repuUtlen-alsrars reliable. ITlces are lower than ever, styles handsomer, Te these who have dealt here the fennenta peak for themselves. All that Is asked Is trial te please you, and assure you perfect satlinscllen. NOS. 2S4 AND fl WEST KINO STREET. Slt-Smd "TIT" E EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles I WE EXAMINE EYES FREE ! Ten Think Your Eyas Are Geed I If you have them examined you will probably And thai there Is something; wrong with them, and that glasses will be n great help te yen. We use inimitable "D1A MANTA'' lenses, which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. Helld Geld Spectacles, $0.00 1 usual price, ft.OO. Hteel Spectacles, BOe.t usual price, Sl.OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, $4 ; usual price, 910. M. ZIKEMAH & BRO.I130 S. .ninth Street, OITICIANH. PHILADELPJUA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. mvs-lyd N EW LAMfS AND ART GOODS. Call and. See -THE HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR Jehn L. Arneld's Building, NORTH QUEEN STREET. da-tfd R EILLY BROS. RAUB. HOLIDAY HINTS! There Is no Christmas Present mere useful than n set of CARVER. We hnve them In nil prices and styles Stag Hern, Rubber, Cellu loid. carefully selected line of handsome Plush Cases. The Grand Rapids CARPET MWEEPER, noiseless nnd easy running. Bamtprlce as com mon sweepers. Our selection of UMBRELLA HTANDH aud CUSPAD0R8 meet the popular approval. Thn, designs nre unusually fine this year, both In brass und nickel. Weare headquarters en flne TABLE KNIVES und FORKH. The varieties of style Include Celluloid, Rubber and Bllver, Have Just re ceived nn Invoice of tbe celebrated W08TEN HOLM FOCKET KNIVES. 40 AND 49 NORTH QUEEN ST. 9-Next Doer te PosteOlee. mUE PEOPLES UASU STORE. CHRISTMAS. BHRGHINS IN THE HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. Ladies' Hemstitch While, Printed Borders and Open-Werk .Borders, el 6c, 8c, 10c ie 50c. Ladles' Whlle Embroidered, In large assort ment, lOe, 15c, 20c, 25c te Jl 50. Full lines of Gents' Handkerchief, In Plain White Hemstitch nnd Hemmed, fium 5c te60c. Indies' Scalloped nnd Embroidered Silk, In white nnd Celers, atU5c. Usual price has been for these goods 50c. Ladles Scalloped Embroidered, with Deuble Hemstitched, nt 50c ; worth 75c. Indies' Open-Werk and Embreldersd White Silk nt 75c. Sold one week age at II. Gents' Lnrgo-Slie White China Silk Hand kerchiefs nt 37,4c Regular price almost every where 50c. Gent's Japanese While Silk Handkerchiefs nt 60c. Regular price te-day, 75c. Full lines or Ladles' nnd Gent's Silk Mufflers, In Cream, White and Celers, nt unusually low rrlcce. Many of the Bargains abeve cannot be re placed nt the prices uumed. Purchasers would de well te Inspect our stock early. We carry In stock full Hues of Colgate's Celebrated Extracts, TOILET WATERS, COLOGNES, AC. GEO. F. RATHVON, 25 East King Strett, martO-lydR LANCASTER, PA. (goal. T UMBER AND COAL. J TOIIACCOSHOOK8ANDCA8E8. WEST EUN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, by 11.11. MARTIN A CO., n3-l yd 424 Water Street, Lancaster. Pa. OAUMGARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricts Ne. 120 North QueenSlreet, aud Ne. 581 North Prince street. YAKM-Nertu Prince Street, near Reading Depot. auglS-Ud LANCASTER, PA. FINE NEW LIMPS AND Reilly Bres. & Rai, !f!?f, Tmvws "" Vlswklntnr. 8BAMHABUB BUOOsT10K. The enrerlB of ' with antlsMe samrst sSissI AM , auteMel Insures dry ttealefi r&e .cost i times suit In n rtnatalsinstBe. In savlnt ernet or eflvredMUiS nieac nw beat .ma pubUdlsfte - !) ' -- m f im tll mm Vi legnesia secuenu uet Fer Hleem Pipes, Hellers, Brine Wpes, Ktc, and Is for sale only in Lancaster and Lebanon counties, by , CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W.PABOCUianNG3,Prep, NOS. .184 A 1JS MORTH CHRltiTtAN ST., Lanesster, Fa. Price lists and discounts and directions for applying en application. Special terms te the trade. Alse Valves, Pipe, Cocks, Ftttlnin, Etc, at Jobbers' Prices. decfl-tfdB S" TEAM ENGINE AND U0ILKBW0BK8. Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will psy you te call at my Works anil ex amine our Stock of Engines ! Allew us te quote you prices and see our facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 Herse-Power .$ 420 8 Herse-Power 475 8 Herse-Power 62 10 Herse-Power . STS 15 Herse-Power 875 20 Horse-Powcr 1,175 Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. 6 Herse-Power 8 Herse-Power 15 Herse-Power $250 250 275 Boilers, Second-Hand. Five 80 Herse-Power, SO In. Dlam., 16 feet Leng. 22 410, Tubes. Price, J175 and $160. One Beiler, 80 In. Dlam., 1.1 feel Leng, 24 3 In. Tubes 12 feet Leng, with Fire Freut Castings, $125. 1 CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer or Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, Saw Mills, Bark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc. Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Wutcr. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, PKOPRIETOR, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA. Suva, QEALBKIN COATS AND JACKETS. RELIABLE FURST Ne. 39 West King Street. WBEST SEALSKIN COATS AND JACK ETS ON HAND AND CAREFULLY MADE TO MEASURE. CHOICE SHOULDER CAPES AND STOLES ELEGANT MUFFS. e20-2md lUHCIIASE USEFUL OIFfS. As the festive season draws nigh remember that your friends nre the mere happy the mere USE FUL the GIFT with which you present them. Seal Jackets and Seal Sacqees On Hand or Made te Order. Warranted Genuine ALASKA LONDON DYE, MUrrS of cxery deilrable fur, MONKEY, BEAU HEAVER, AHTRACHAN, PERSIAN, LYNX, etc. GENT'S FINE HATS and FUR GOODS at Lew Prices. ROUES, III ANKETS and TOY TRUNKS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. VttOVItCU0. T UTHER B. KAUFFMAN, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eshletnan Law Building, Ne. 43 North Duke MtreeL aprt-lydAw OYSTERS I BEST OYSTERS IN THE IAR ket (.erved in till styles, and meals tall hours, alCHAHLKSB. lOSTER'H, 111 tlie rear of the Central Market. Oysters in the shelter opened tcrvtd te private Limlllcs. Telephone connection. nev?$-2mtut &JS(rtstsfr!r jrttaseaTe tncMYenr Isrlal se f Christmas Mice! Clf. s laWr'' .' .4 China Dishes, Britannia Tea Bets, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Plash Dogs, Stene Dogs, China Mugs, Kitchens, Tey Knives, Ferks and Spoons, BarprlM Bex Tin Dishes, Tin and Iren. Bteves, Scales, Telephones, Bath Tubs, Snow Storms, Magnetic Toys, Iren Banks, Iren Toys, Iren and Tin Trains, Wind-up Engines, Santa Ctaus, Babbits, Horses, BellTeys, Balls, Mechanical Toys, Bicycle Whistles, Watches, Tope, Pianos, Brass aud Tin Walters, Clocks, Steam engines, Magle Lanterns, Printing Presses, Whlsp Helders, Menth Organs, Call Bells, Skeletons, Baskets, Ships, Breems, Guns, Splashers, Knife Trays, Dell Swings, Sail Bexes, Colored Flower Baskets, Desks, Blaskbeards, Cradles, Sleighs, Dells, Drums, Autograph Albums, Around the World VlewJ HtereosceplcVUwif Beeks, Dell Caps. Rocking Chairs, High Chairs, Felding Chain Dell's Carriage Chairs, Boek Racks, Cuspidors, Bed-Roem Salts Bawbucks, Bureaus, Cradles, Tables, Bedsteads, Hebby Horses, Rocking Horses, Harpettcs, Mctallaphenes, Sand Toys, Tree Ornaments, Parler and Table Croquet, I Tree Candles uud Helders, Iren Letters, All kinds of Blocks, Farms, Ten Pins, Games of all kinds, Celluloid Christmas Beeks and Cards, Vases, Glass Baskets, Finger Bowls, Match Safes, Christmas Stockings, Handkerchief and Gleve Bexes, Cellar and Cufl Bexes, Plusk Albums, Old Men and Old Women, Oxydlzcd Toilet Sets, Werk Bexes, Oxydlzed Brush Sets, Express Wagons, Oxydlzcd Shaving Sets, Wheelbarrows, Plush Toilet Sets, Manacura Sets, Smoking Sets, Writing Portfolios, Picture Frames, Scheel Bags, Sideboards, Picture Puzzles, fsllced Birds and Animals. LARGE ASSORTMEN- -OF- Silk and Linen handkerchief: -AND- MUFFLERS. BOSTON STORE LANCASTER, PA. Charles Stamm.l ev gtalc or cntt TT1 OR RENT IN MAHIKTTA. PA A J Large Building, all en ene fleer, suitable for packing tobacco, foundry, or the manufac ture of hollow-ware. The building was row merlv erected for the mnnnfaeture of hollow I ware, but hns been used for the past twelve j ) ears as a tobacco warehouse. It Is the mestl suitable building for the purposes named, lni iiiuiuuiity. juurt'Mi HKOENER A HALDKMAN, Ezccuters of A. Cellins' estate, d7-tfd Marietta, Pa. -OREAT PUBLIC BALE OF VALUABLE JT City Real Estate. O.v Wednespav. December 18, 1880, The undersigned will eirer for public sale nt the! I.eennrd Hetel, en East King street, the fellow-! lug Valuable Rett! Estate lu the City efLancas-l icr, iu wii; ..U.I. AMirvaujr I1LA Diuiu UI1U levelling, en northeast corner of Columbia und College avenues. Ne. 2, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, cottage st le, Ne. IM College nvenuc. Ne. 3, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, cottage style, Ne. 121 College ucnue. Ne. 4, Twe-story and Mansard Reef (Brick Dwelling, Ne. 815 Columbia avenue. Ne. 6, Twe-story nnd Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling, Ne. 2U College acnue. Ne. 0, Twe-story und Mansard Reef Brlek Dwelling, Ne. 217 College avenue. Ne. 7, Twe-story nnd Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling, Ne. Wfl West Chestnut street. Ne. 8, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 641 West Chestnut street. Ne. V, Three-stery nnd Basement Brick Dwell ing, Ne. 14 West JiuiiCs btreet. Ne. 10, Three-story and Basement Brick Dwelling. Ne. HO West James street. Ne. 11, Two-slery Brick Dwelling, Ne. 622 West James street street Ne. 12, Twe-story and Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling en Pine street, first deer south of James street street Ne. 13, Twostery und Mansard Ruef Brick Dwelling en Pine street, fourth deer south of James street. Ne. II, Twe-story and Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling, Ne. 410 North Mary street street Ne. 15, Twe-story llrlck Dwelling, Ne. 615 Spruce street. Ne, It), Twe-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 829 Ceral street. The above houses nre all nearly new, hi excel lent condition and In ftrst-clav, neighborhoods. They will positively he sold and at a great sac rltlce If necessary. Terms of sale will be rc mnrlialily liberal. All who are looking for bar gains In Rent Kstate nre Invited te this the mast attractive K.1I0 of the season. Any or the properties shown hcfnreilny of sale by applying at the office of the undersigned. Fer further particulars see large bills or call at office, hale 10 cominenreut 7 o'clock sharp en Wednesday, December 18. ALLAN A.HF.RR, IM East KlngSU, Agent for Edwin Ebermau B. F. Howe, Auctioneer. T KAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN H. METZLER, Ne. SOUTH DUKE STREET. Real estate bought, sold or cxelmnged. Properties rentednnd rents collected. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance, Leans negotiated. Cafe Six aud Seven Per Cent. Investments. elMyd Vs, V.AJ.i&t V I JErV TOY Sert pen Street,