rvi' rF.-v,nf ta tblSMK DAILY nmSLLIOByOBB, ' WEDNESDAY. PBOBMBBB 11. 1889. 5 ' r. ' i lU ,x fa ,. ..w il: r- t lK & ii fr K' i- r'V x? ML. bt m ? Lfe m '.it fc-il' hf 1 istf. ' .-. rfS s. r MS ' tff 17? fcWfri ;.? 5T :Pi urr ft m- L?tf- i' w b iv? w .jri E.' &. SMEYCH'S SAFE CRACKED. TllttM TAKE IT FMX IIS HAL WFICE It IWEfsV STWE 1)1IIY, Dollars Taken Frem It, Bt Vnlu- " able Papers am UadlatwrbM rollce lnretlRatliic the Beld Robbery. Thfttc LenUrnrMlttrnnllimiiti. tilt, burglar. 4 -- .."..- "" .....' .. .-..J- ivt t Ma be ueen tieing as wcu in ifliw vi Lij. .IMV ncroiOHire, eni ibsi niKin nu bi-vimv-i ff ".te ake from his slumber. A mpstdarlnn 1 " Imwlnrtr tnnlc tdsee at IllO PCMl OIIICO el :.HIyteKh?ffii??JL, un exircme cna ei m" - " " twen the Quarry vllle railroad ami the nut. HI ofnee 1 In a brick bulKliiig near the old Miller soap works. Heme tlme during tlie nlglil thieves visited thoeniro and with an instrument, like a jimmy, trld enen Ibe front deer. Tbey bout tfie belt In tbe lock ie badly that Ihpy had no trouble In opening Ibe deer. This morn ing when Mr.Hme.vch came le the ofllce he found the front deer open and a small safe, which had always steed In the corner, gene This safe was about 21 feet hlRh and eighteen Inches wide It was an old ene and weighed ever BOO pounds. Mr. Smeyclt reuld bee no ' marks en the ground as though the aafe had been rirnraed away. He niaile ait ex amination or the premise and found that his wheelbarrow had becmatelcn. Hent ence conclude! that the Ibloveu had wheeled his safe away, and he ns right, as It wis nflcru nnls round in S. J. Owens' Btoue qnarrv in the old Kchoonbor Kcheonbor Kchoenbor gcr patk, about two squares away from the coal office. The thieves had a Jeb that was bv no means an easy ene te move the safe, The wheelbarrow track showed that tbev first leek the safe up the hill towards Water street. They turnout into the large gate of Manen'a boiler works and passed down through the yard and along the gas riln which. Jlny rresscd en a small bridge. TlKl'earhed the Mone quarry by a Aery-reugh toule. They went up the hllLhnd'lialled ul the top or Ibtf ffdarrv bank where they dumped the safe oil". It fell down Inte the quarry a distancoef about Iwolve feet, landlnjr en ten efa pile ofstenos, where It was found when tbe safe was discoeroil the deer wasell'.havlng-lieen broken bylbolhlexes, who te de tha work used an elgbtcon elgbtcen elgbtcon peuml sledpe and a crew bar, which were found near by. Where theso uune from no ene kiisws. Anether mysterious artlcle wasva becr keg th.it steed near by. All the money that the thioves obtained for for their work w as f 10, which was In small change Mr. Kiieych is net In iliehnblt of leaving much meticy in tlie safe at nlglil; usually takes It te bink in the afternoon. Hlsboeks private iiaper, Ac,, w cre scattered around, and although they wcre covered with mud and dirt uone of them wcre stolen, for which Mr. Smcycli Is very lhankful. Who the thieves were no ene knows as yet, but the pelice are investigating the matter. There are a number of men rlgth in that section of the town who are clever and bad enough te commit a crime of this kind, but which enes did it Is u question Frem Uie amount of labor dene it Is pretty certain that there wcre two or three In the party. IIUSIXES3 1IKFORK COUNCIL. Jlepertis nfritnndliiK Commlttees-enicerM otCerluthlan Chapter .elected, Cei.t'MiUA, Dec. 11. Council met last evening. All members wcre present, ex cepting Mr. Kinii, The flnance commlttce reported as fol fel fol eows: Ilal.ince at last report, 8l,fKS.tM): transient market rent, (I10.M); auditorium, $28T! piano. f2.75; Mere rents, $115.8.1; taxes, Boyd collector, 18SW, fJXt; taxes, lleyd collector, 1880, SJiHtj Columbia IVntcr company, S'J; total, $5,.r05.3l; orders p.iiil uuring the month, f2,10.. I"; b.iliince in the treasury, J.J.WCI.S7. The light and water commlttce rcpoited that the clcctriu lights are working as usual, mid all water plugs have been placed in geed condition. A check was re ceived from Jes. I'erMttet for $7.'Jrt for piK sold him. The property commlttne reported that they had placed iusurauce en the openi house as ordered. Thechlef burgess rojerled Mint the flre alarm under his charge was progressing and that he expected te hae It ready ii a short time. Collocter lleyd submltted his roiiert, and en motion, nller the pa mcnl of $115.00 the collocter -with his boiulstucn'are rolensed for the tax dunlicitu ler 1K&. Tlie fcolldter was ordered te outer up (he liens properly in fnver ofthe borough. The contract for grading lMnne streel was awarded te Jehn McAfee at the follow ing prlces: Earth, 11 cents; lock, t." cents. The highway com mittce wus authorized tohaveastouo culvert, of proper dimen sions, constructed near the southern ter miuus ofl'l.tue street and the work will he dene as seen as practicable. Itluuttsu strcet, from Kigtith te Ninth, was ordered te be macadiiuiired and Eighth fclrect, from Walnut te Cl'stniit, be completed ; also repairs te North Third fctrcct. The highway coiiimlltse wus iiihtiucted te open 1'J.iue htrccl through te Maner street. A committee of three was appointed, with tha president and solicitor, te go te the efllciaLs of the Pennsylvania ralliead company at I'filladclphla, und see w li.it can be dene in recant te an overhead bridge. The commit tee consists of Messrs. Heniiftt, sn An order was srranted for cnuneii luturnst for SM3, aud for the sinking fund for $00.01. - Bills wero read aud ordered te be paid amounting te $1,381.07. Tlie following ofllrera were elected last evening by Corinthian chapter. Ne. iSJI, F. A A. M.j Most excellciiv high priest, Rebert S.Cenkliu; king, A. W. llogers ; scribe, Jl. F. Ycrgey ; secretary, Andrew J. Kaunniiin: trcasuicr. C. 11. l'fahler W trustoe, T. M. Uvingsten, Jehn A. Sladc, J- F. I. 1). Miller; representative, Jehn Wcs f terman. , IiUiidis M. Wunbauch arrived at his ma. ,t jerity yektenl.iy, and in honor of the e uut ciutertuluc-d thq members of the Aurera S?-' FilM1nl ,.llll lnut mrfttnr Tim mninliAiu Secial club last evening. The members enjoyed an cleguut supper ut the club rooms. August lUmbler, a farm hand fur Jeshua Seurbccr, living near town, met with a serious accident Inst evenlug. lle was cutting hay in a cutting machine w lien the Index linger or his left hand get in lliu machinery uiul n tioilleu entirelv cut oil". Dr. Livingston attended the injury. The remains or Geergo S. l'alterscu w ero uikpii ie uoaiesville tuts morning for Inter ment. The through mssentwr tmlns ini..ixl through town last night en acceuut el a vrfwk nti flirt VnHlntf.i r.tn(r.1 nil.. .... A President Harrison was en ene of the VA ' trains. , S.nn'1 It. Merris, uf ilarrNliunr. will i'nve te town, having boeu transfurrel en i! S,.6l'.11' Il-te nm between Columbia and ' KU1IUUC111I1IU. i . 'L JOUllllrill AImi llfite.lv. 1 tf Frem Die Lebanon Time. '? Cel. A. Frank goltzer, senior counsel for "'ft Ihe Lebanon Electric railway, visited Lau- j- mwrwi wcek ie consult wim waiter m. rrauKiiu, esq., as te the construction of mi 'J-electrle railway in this city. I'.irtorthe s'-;svndicate which ha elilnlnn.l tlin rram-liUn fS,toceiistructa railway in this city are in- a,w,CTivu hi iiiu cuusiruciieu ei me railway i 1 .AH. 1 Mil... .i . ..' . nj."-i, aiiuuuy councils promptly r branch will tte built le the park. gvr 11 .! "i AirtlUfc UUIllO. . AmT,a. 11. . . t, u iihuu vreiucr, proprietor or tue Globe r,IieieJ, lias a let of game in his jwsscsblen wmcnj caicuiatea lomalteainau smile. j.vTJiey include soventeon rabbits, tweutv- ,i three partridges, and a line fat pheasant. ,ney wero snot near lciizaoetiitewti by mt. crcmer ana Abe Keller yeslenhiy. In 'Addition te this traine Mr. Crunmr linn llirrn ; .ine salmon which are all ve in a water tank H-ill his yard. Tney wero cauuht bv Harrv -iWwti, hotel keeiier at Washington ber- miBb, who seut thorn te Mr. Cremer. Onn tMrtgnsCtieunds, anetheHJ, ami a third 3J. !'. fttatt'K m. r3tAU- Umnlm. A woman en Seuth Beaver stroet thiiiks lia ibe etuunpleu cigar smeker, Ist Wing two 41 Inch cigars were smnle.! t fcwr in 71 minutes; the first In 1 and t'.ie wuiej umiuiui. ArrangomeiU are t niaOe te have a public contest be ihWMlilaliiiii. fur a mi ! n, ItWflVUire. The woman declares she can .grantalthe lranchlses for the erection of SHIln Ffm AlnalaL.tl.. 11.1. .. 1 vIZr .. B"-s;nn:ii,y, xiiu roaes new in Jtfce city have been consolidated nnd only "tee raUlim of iiel.-H -uln i.n ,lnnu. a L.n-j, f ppe lu UMi llve hours at a lime. TTIIE rAllMKns' 1NTT1TUTK. rroKrnnitne ofthe Venrtli Annual Meet liiffln This City. Following Is the orjler of business of the rarmers' Instllute le Ih held In the court honse In Ihlsj cltv en January 8 and 0. 18W. On Wciluesday morning, January 8th, at 10 o'clock, the society will meet and organ I re w Vtlnclay nftcriioeu they w 111 meet al It30.i-Addres of welcome, byJCnhln (Viener, nimiilkarer thd Hlalo'Heanl ofAg efAg ofAg rlculturei " nsiierlinente In Farming," by II. (1. nnrii, West Willow ; "Bclcnce en the Farm," by Dr. K. O. l,yte, prlncinil Htate Norms! PchcMil.Mlllersvnlet "Heuse held Help," by Miss limia Me!SKirrnn, Iiiinisister cenntv ; questions and an ft w cm. Wednesday Evening. Music by the Nermal Scheel Olee club ; " l)e Birds Aid the Farmer?" by Dr. 11. II. Warren, orni thologist, West Chester J music t " r.lc mtntn of Success In Farming," by 1'ref. David Wilsen, l'erl lteyal, Juniata county; music ; questions and answer. Tluirmlav Mnrnliii!. "Milk Adulters- lien and Milk Inspection," by 1'rer. C. . Cochran, West Chester; "County Fairs," by Jehn C. Mnvllle, flap s "Clever as a Fertlllrcr," by Henry M. F.ngle, Marietta, ImcasKr ceunlvj "Wlnter Kvcnlnes en the Farm," by Win. II. llreslus, Liberty Square t questions and answers. Tliurwtay Aucrnoeii. .umu iy r mnit llil ami Marshall isillcge gleerlubi "Intel lectual Doelepmcnlol Farmers' Sens and Daughters," bv Jhium O. McHparrati, (Ireene; "AFewl'acts Ceneenitng Agrl culture In Eureiw," by J. I'. Wlckcrshum, Iincaster; "I'etatueannd Petate Culture," by 1'rer. .S. II. Helges, Cumberlnnd reunty: "Onler and Convenience en the Farm," bv Win. Chandler, laiirastcr county; inusld ; questions and nuswera, qillMTI05H foil iuscI'hsie.n:. lfllme))crinllH, the fullewlng questions wll, no uiscusscu, ie oe inKCIl lip en motion : J Hew can the manner of furmln;; In Lan caster eounty'be se ilinugcd as te make it jiieig prohtubleT liy is icciuug cainu lunt ,riiiiiauiu in lniica'slcrisiUiily than feimcrly? What hits caused the depreciation .In valuoef our tteurlng mills? , f j Hewcannn enlmrd be made "u nierft profitable appendage te a rarin? Careaud tieatmcut of farm iiulmals In winter. .Small farms or large ones? Can heels for making sugar be profitably grown in Lancaster county? Iihoreu the farm. Can Interior fences be dispensed with? Should the questions recently addressed te farmers by the state bureau of Industrial statistics be fully answered? , Secretary Edge, of Harrisbuig, Dr. llo lle land, of Yeik, 0. It. l.antr, esq., Lebanon, nil members of the htate beard, are ex pected I e bepicseut and take part in the dlsciisNluus. Invitations have becu ex tended also te D. II. llransen, esq., of Chester county, and the members of tlie Fulton Farmers' club, or lmcastei county. LIMITKO LOCALS. Tlie market commUteo of councils mcti en Tuesdaj' afternoon and fixed Dccomber 21 and "I, usthe dates for the sale eT the stalls of the Cenlrnl market and curbs. The Kile w 111 begin nl 8 o'clock en each of Unco dates. In the absence of Mayer Kdgei ley, AldeM man llalli.ieli held court tills morning. Win. Overly, arrested for druiikomiess and disonlerly conduct, was sent te Jail for IS) days. One ledger was discharged. Thc-two-steiy brick dwelling house Ne. SSI Hast (lermaii street, the property or I). M. Moere, of Yerk, Pa., was Held jpstor jpster duv by Jehn 11. Mcller te Mrs. Lydla A.'llveily, ferM,iri0. William llariiheld says Hint he wiih net n candidate for nor did he receive a watch at the Iroquois baud lair, us stated III hist night's p.qxir. Alderman Dccti thinks the rabbit season Is about ever. Ilennd his hiothcrjl'hemas aud William, weiiteut'giiunlug vesteiilay, and they Killed liut lle of the llvely uif. m.ils. Porsenswho gun for pirtrldgus should bear In mind that the Heasen will be ever for them en next Sunday. After that the law pretcctH them. ' Thisafleriioen the little boys of the Chil dren's Heme weie brought down town by a coupleof ludlcs and (worn given an op ep op pertunlty or taking a leek at the ('hiistmas prcpanitleus. A Freight-Train's Accident. This iirtorlieonwo freight cars attached te the train drawn by engine Ne. lail, going east, Jumped tlie track ut thu e.iht end of Stewart's stock yuid siding In tills city. The tracks wcre blocked and It was found niH.esi.iry te run Fast.Lluc, due hem at 15 o'clock, I tick te the cut oil' en which it was run te Ilillervilleand thou hacked te Lancaster. The train was about a half hour Inte leaving heiu in cotiscqiiencc. - i'iill7Ml liy thu.Shei'lir. The persenal property of Henry Musscr, of Kjihrata township, sold '0' 'I'1' shorifl'en TueMluy, realized ?1,IS5. The wile or the i-link or Aldus (!. llerr h.tH been ceuuludcd. The amount lcallv-ed from tills sale was fclilli, Oi'iiuti'il l'i'iiKlen. Jehn W. (illlesjile, of this city, has been granted pension. " ! , H TurhK lll Im a fii neleiil, ifieraryiind relfce socluhle te-morrow fllmrsilH)) iiuilng, nt thehiitiila scIkkjI of the I'inaiiiu I, Cor. l'hui ami Walnut streets. All arc Invited. GUAM) mictien .ilu to-iuerrnw. iiflcriKsiu at" mill cvi'iiliit; nt 7.30, l,y auitten or hlgli-claia iilultiK, I'ligrav liiK, etc., hi latent it le frames, i:er) lliint; te gout any price. Unites especially hiUicd le tills Mile. ItlUiFOItllH, ll'." .North ijiueu hliut. ltd '- i i . , JlflttllO. AM!IHM.-IKH. 11, lb4D, .Miss L. 1). Alikrlin, il.niKlitcr of the Inte Jesluh Anlirliii, lu her Midi ir. ,Therclathes and friends am rescetriilly In ltel teiitlviul lliiifiuicriil serlccs,nt tlie rcM rcM ilcuccer It. M.HIajinnker, Ne. 610 North lmlie street, en Friday iiienilni; ul 11 n'deck. Inter. Iiienl ut 1'reslijtci Ian iviuclerj, Puruilln-, l 1:110 o'clock p. in. 'Jid alnrlictn. Phlhidelphlu l'roiluee Market. 1'iill.Aui.i.iiiiA, J)s-, It. NiM,nl''leiirMi-ak; IViiu'u kiiisrs, 2 bVv'J 75 ; xtrn. JiOa.S'Jj; r.iiully, :i -ii-i W; lellei, 37533W; patent. Wheat ' firm ; Ne. S Hed, new, r.i';a(0e; Ne. 1 IVuu'ii lleil, WKi; Ne. a tin, HTe, Cern linn; Ne. if, new, !Aj,lle; old, ll( Oats (Inn ; Ne. 2 White .11c. ; Ne. if mixed lie Hnin steady; Winter JlSOftalS 60. ltaleil li.ivdnll; SllSOjfll (HI us te quality ; llnielliy HUIJOO for clielce; mixed, IKllW; baled rje straw, new, SIS 60. ' Heller dull ; Peiiu'a creamery extra 27(S'.Sc; l'eim'a firsts extra ftus.7. lgsweak; Peun'u l)rtH-. Vi.. ; held lets, lsg SJe. us te ipinllty. CIicvm) steady ; urt skims, 7ftSJe full sl'lum, l'ctreteinniiilet; retlueil In tibK, IT 60. I'elatH.'S llrm ; :ws.U)c is.-rtius.iis luiiuallly. Llve Sleck .MiirUetM. CilliUUu.lkv.V. Itceclpts, If.ia); slilpineuU l.iw); lower; 'leee, fi UVitl Ul; stistrs. tJ HaaiM ; etiK'ktrs and fuslera, it IsKjJ lU; reii, liutlniid Hilled, ?l -JlitJW: Texus entile, 11 .'A2 W : Western hangers. Ti 75fr4 10. Hogs lleeelits,i0.iui; Klilpmeim.. l.one; mar ket lower; iiiImsI. f.1 &)j 73: limvy. H 15 &37U; DKlit, SlfjOtitT'i: skips, J 1 00 I. '!0. Hlirep IteivliHH, 8(100: shli.meiits, 'juoe; uuir-kelsli-.idy; iialUis.fc.'Wiail 10; Wileru woeled (I IWitS II ; slieruTexsns,;l 001 W; laiiihe.lSOO UWJ."ht luindriHl relglit. Last I.mKitrv. Cattli lleeelpts. 200: ship, nielli" :;sj ; market sternly; prime, tl Wmt -M'. KWMl.iSHki'iUf. fair. 5J 71.I2J: bulls, slugs mill fat cows, (160,275; liesli iehs, fJAile; no eiirHshlpiuHl te New Yerk. Hogs Receipts, 17U0; shipments, 1KO market Mew ; IkrI llchl Yorkers. II Mas 70; nislluiii and light Philadelphia, flUlVlTO: heavy liegs, tllsvsatie: roughs, Msjj 75. liecursh!pcd le New erlt. Hhee Ueia-lpts,.KU: slilpmeiiU. lfieO; mar. kct slew; prime, 13 ttMUS 2i: fair te gissl, Jl'iVtf 173 ; 101111110:1, iJwxUO: lambs, fl Uku tlram aud ITovIhIeiih. - I'uruUlusl by H. K. Yundt, llreker. UlllOARe, Dee. 11, 10 e ihx k p. m. w null liirn Dais. Turk. 1 jinl. IVst-llltier , Year 7SM 32)j aijs a K Junuary ....,.... T'J 1'cbruaryM. - ..... .... Murrli ..., si April .. h2'J Muy Kl i June ...... July-....- Crude Oil .., Consels , Winter Wheat ....... Bprlng Wiicat... ....... ()rn....... m Oats..... ........ I Uy ! mm at Hurley.....-...,...- 3lj 21 , HI ltecc-qiUil ' 'Jiti 5 10 U .15 U JO .... IttiJi 'Car"i"i"il 20 tO 21 1 1 Head. 13,CU9 KeclpU Iles..... Z.IU.cclits-t'slllc:,, ,..,,., Mtoek Markets. QuoUtlesi by Ilccd, JlcOrann 4 Ce., bankers, Laneaiitw, n. . RRW YORK I.IST. II A. m. 12 M. I P. M. tanmia Pacific. .....,. .., ... ... C V. V. l. Colerado Oot.......,... Oentntl Pacinc Canada Hetillirrn....... Chi. HI. U A ll)B-. Ilcn. A Hit) 0............ IM. U ft W,.,..'..,.. Eric 2nd,, ...-... Jer C . ..,...m 1,11. !.. i$H ' Mj 'ail "n'Ci 1W mi tte hiietc ....-...... imy. I(1TJ m 'ifii Mien. cX3ii ............ MlMeiirl IVclllcu...., . CH! Herk. Valley .m..i . .. N. V. .,.. - mi N. P. Prcf.. TIM IS. wesu. inn XS. Y. O HlhM...H.I..HI..IHMI flit New Kniilsnil.,, U KantTciiiiCMC..... ..... . ... J.Vt? vr, W uinann ... wh Ortscen TratiM-entlnrnlAl... ...... 5 Vi" fliiLnrleA W. Pnclfla Mull....... ............ Itlclimend Tcrmliml HI, Paul .............. Texas l'nclrlr. Union l'nclrlc WnlinMi Cem.. Wabash I'rrf-.., Wrtilrrn U WestHliere tlemln.. ...... riin.ADKi.riiiA I 1ST. Ili. Vftl ,.. ...... II. N. Y. A J'lilln .. Pa. V. ll. Itmidlng l-h. Nav Ilenumv. Pass P. It N. One. ....... Peeples 1'hm- lUliH'n... Oil.-... :. r2 iji SO s H.V! SOJC 20.1-10 20 l-lfl tan ifi lcm gHiucvtlecmcu0. A 11HOLUTKLV PIIIIE. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. THIH powder never varies. A marveljif pu rlty, strength mid wliotrsemeticsi. Mere eeonemluil than Hie ordinary kinds, and run run net be sold In roiniielltleu ulth the multitude of low test, short wdKht, alum or phosphate Powders. Hulil only in emu. lleVAl, 11AK1NO I'ewiiKK Ce.. 100 Well street, New Yerk. uiar2Myd.Vlyw punHJUicnorTHEeitApE Tarllteil and Whlte"c7L!H01tNlA WINK, neener liellle: H.m is r dereu hellliw. ItOHIlIUlHLKtUOKHTOIIE, Ne. 22 Ccntre Hutiarc. Ijaneasler, Pa. IVT'LL'TirH ItOltAX HCJAIMVILl, WASH jLtJ. Clethes nnd every artlilti under Ihesiin. CT iT. "n7MT7 lienriliTfiLc, lHiMflldtv I. See, Plis-r lleliNleck. and all Ihe lead liiK brands of rereluu ChamiKiznes. Al HKIflAHTH, Ne. SUist King Htreel. C10TO llKlflAUTB OLD WINE MTOHE 1 "for N. i;. Hum, Jamaica Hum mid llrandy NO. 211 EAhT KINO HTIlEirf. IITAM'KII-A H1TUATION TO DO (JEN- it W eral hotiM'Herk. Apply at ltd THIH OKKICI SHOO'JTNd MATCH KOIt AKINHLOTOK Turkeys at Kchterniuh's Orelll Hetel, en tlicllarrlthiirir pike, tuonillen west of I.ni enster, Friday, Dieeinber 1.1, IDSP. The pulille are luvlteil. dle-Jtd UHUOLDKN LION AND MIA QL'filHDA tic uik'iirs are uuiiu-maiie. ami Kuaranieeu t;leai car lliiMUiu Killer. Try our liuncl-mnde 2 rerfis. DEMUl'll'M ClOAH HTOKE, nlH-lMIl Ut Eust King HtrccL M ll.l.ril'H IIOIIAX bOAP WILL WAHII ( 'lellies nnd ucry artlcle under the sun AirANllil' A MIDIH.lAOKI) LADY POlt W ltd 1 'K i: AHT till l'l'NUTHT. itiuwit'iil IwtitLiitfdr Ir ADiilvitl 1JIOH ltr.NT-KKOM Al'ltll, 1st. NEXT, " Klrst-elasslllaeksmllh's (uiei.wlthdweh- iil' Heuse, situated at (Jrccntaud Mills, lu East ljiinpeier lewusnip. rtppi.v m , 1 ELI7.Allrh,ll(I.E.UATBHt , eH-tldll 111 North Ihike.St.. Uineiisler. l'a. MILl7i:il'H 1IOU AX. HOAP WILL WAHII Clethes and eeryurtlcle under Ihe sun. 1? AltMEIUi WANTED TO HUPPLY MILK AT T1IK lAU-lfdAn K !Ci', Church HI., 1 jincai'fer, Pu. ILLKli'S HOILVX HOAP WILL WAHII Clelhisitnd eeiy article under the sun. 1"jieiihale1 The thrte-stery llrlck Dwelling, Ne. Kil North Duku sheet. AH Uie modern con cen venlemvi. ApplJ furteriufte wm. n.HPitmiLit, iriMndWAHH SIDist Klngstnel. KINDLIN'fl WOOD. Ivlndlliu; Wissl for sale cheap. In I'lin-dlis- I fii'l linir. Cull ul IIAlLMttAltllNEIt, EUEHMAN A COH dev7-5tdll-HW Lumber Yard. r KN1J1NK kiTknciTiiuiaii pipix. pine J Pluir CiitHiueklin: lu Oluss .IiiisuiidT'lu Ile.t', Ui'iinliH IVrliiueand TurkUh Tobiiree. IJKMUTirHCIOAKNrOKE. Telephone. 11 1 East Kins street. alMldlt MlLLi:il'H IIOIIAX HOAP WILL WAHII Clelhesiiud eeiy article uudir the sun. YMPOUTED ANllKHY WESsT, CIUAltiT Just lecelved all fresh giusls. DEMUTUH ClOAH HTOItK, r.stnlll.slicd 1770. Ill llHl KlugBtrecL alb-tfdll Mll.LI'.ll'H IIOIIAX HOAP WILL WAHII Cluthesand eeryarllile under the 'TTilNETAILOitlNU! ALL THE I ATKsr NOVELTIIX IN PINE WOOI.KNH, AT i: WEIKEL'B, Ne. II West KlngHtreel. scp2Wlindll rALI Vj dl prices, ALIKOUNIA ItED AND WHITE WINKH. leeiirnni jai valley, i in., in insmeeii .l IU.lll.Mll .-, Ne. 21 East KlngHtrcct. 1"iuocreit:H ei'i:it. net .-i.. PriH'ter ,t Heuller 1'ioprleters mid Managers. Wednesday, Ike. 11-One Night. IIOYT'H"AHOLEIN THE HUOUND." A H.itlre en Uie Itiillreiuls. Produced with Eu tirely New MuhIu. l'rlces, 2.V, 35c, COc.'Scund Thursdiiv, Dec, U-Helier: Miintell lu " MON llAllh." Prli-es,25i-,a-K!,Wi',7oeandtloa ltd -lt. NATIIOILST. DKNTIHT. J7 KICUNTHEbOUAII 2JCENTHE bQUAHE iiiing iceiu nun rainless i;trueiieu hihv Inli.ss l:triirtlen Kiuv claltles. New bels made, broken ones mended nnd remodeled. Teeth Inserleil without plaits und nit eteil. t te. Yes, erj thing l'rtalnliig lu Dentistry will ivcilxe prompt attention at cry MeiU rain Ti rins. ltemeiulier Unit Dr. Natherst IstheONLY Dentlst hi this county nhelsa graduate of Medicine at well as tit Dentistry, nil adtanlagethat Is obvious n:-.lmdAw "iTIHPATE OK ntTTlliaiTcKOOtw! LATE OK JjJ the -lty of 1 jim-iister. deceased. Ix'tters IcMiiniPiitary en said elnle hating been rantd te the undersigned, nil ihtmius In ibled Ihrrete arc reiimstcd te make Imnii'. dlale. ixi.Miicut, and lhise hating i lalms or di'iuauds ngaliiht Ihe same, will present them tiltheuliU'lii) ferselllenieut tolheunderslgueil, renldlnzut Ne. 211 North Mulberry street, I Jin caster. Pu. JOHN PHILIP WOI.l'. C. O, Hahsi.i:i:, Ext filler. Attorney. decll,l8JlHJiml,llll' i.vTi.'ANirwiNTiirirnsn r Fer the Uitest Neteltles, Lurgisl and Most Complete Ax.urliucnt of l'nll and Winter Hult Ing, OttTceattng and Treusering, gote ll.OEll 11 AHT. Nonetneiual II. Nene tesurpiss Ihenuike up. The cerrts't Fabric for Pull Drc-s Hulls, and tlie prien the low est, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 11 North Queen .Street. i-Only Direct Importing Tailor In the City of Uiunislcr. It rniu: peliaiwinh pTrrifiiiNH ' you. L Iruuvierer Lbpier Lleeusv will Ihi heard eiiHilurd.it, December II, IsM). at 10 a. in ; Jehn 1-'. WltmeriiudJne.K.Triiufk foritraus feritraus foritraus rerefTutcrn License of Jacob W. linker, First ward, Lancaster. Jehn A. hut tier for transfer of Tavern 1.1 1.1 iiuse of Win. Wenninger, Second ward, Uut caster. Christian Wuhlfer transfer of Tut iru License of Abraham HIIIU'I.Mauhctm Iminslihi, n'.7,ill,IUI II. F. W. UUIIAN. II. C. Q. H. BUHDEITE HAYHTO YOUNO MEN "Someday jeu will knew thul about all that Is geed, noble and pure lu your llfejeii d mtv from your mother, sSter, or some ether unit's sliiler." "What will you tend hernt this Christinas tlmeT Youemuiet let It .ikswlth. out some recognition. We hate a full Hue of woman's most letcd treusuies lu silk, teltvt, PhKh. telluleld and lurehuient. Something for ctfrj one down the tihole line of retinites, huluding your metlicr-ln-law (te be) If jeu will. Yeu will wonder lit tliu!liw prices en all eurgisKls. Will tell jeu why afli-r Christinas, 'til Jourepportutilt)- new. ' ,.,,e MUH.liM.WOODWAHD. WAH ' Ne.20:iEastKi)i'BI. Stent glfcttertUcmeut. DOEHHUM'H GARlltAOK WOllKfl, WII.L remove te tly cornerof Duke ana lne street!, Mondar,SeC 10, 1SW. U1X). H. WOKBBCK, I'mn. FOIl ttENT-POIt.FAiliB, ACThe Klnwt and Imrml Wall in tlM .cltyi Ucntrnlly located, fenriprly Docmem's Carriage Mmw I loom". IWandlW Kt Kin utrwt. AIethe larire factory In thenar, nn AHrnin irisL In- oulreof ' mm. H. nuiiucA'-H, I'roprleter Deciwiin's Carriage WerKf. rtccCtdH I1 II JUHT IlECEtVlUl A PINE HTOCK OPIM rirlcanal)iiiciitlcaisinmgne.HI;cMles and INirt Wine, Hceleli and Irlsli Whiskies, Heelch and Mnw Ale, Piewn Hlnat, Pine Ssu terne Wlnm. California Ked snuiWhlte W Ine, 00 centsn bottle. . . , ,... .. rrZ7-lwdn , SI Ceiilre Bipiare. rPHK NKW NUTH, HAIHINH AND NKW X KriillsareJuHsrrlMiiR for the Holiday trade. I am In Philadelphia Irwlay hityliuj Christmas sleck, Kerrtlilii will Jm frr-jli and new. CltAH.W.KCKK.IlT, iiWlmdlt IZIKnstKlnHt. e ItEMB I)E MKNTIIK, fllAllTllKOMHE llennllcllnc Abslnllicand ether Imported IJqiiers and Uerdlat. At KKIOA IIT W, Ne. gaWcstKlugHtrecl. Cil'l KCIAL OltEAT WEHTEIIN CHAM- reduped ITU. J5 1'AHNE. the finest Chaiiijwirtie prrsm lu the UnlUsl hlates, At ft El (I AllTM, Ne. 20 liist K In ntree ntreet. $35 KU,JjI,AY,,Mi1TciIITHEHHIOII. i Tiir KEYHTONE IIUHINICSHCOLLEOE. The leading schiKil lu ItoekkieplnB, Penman ship, Commercial Arithmetic, Typcwrltlnir, W.D. MOH.SEIt.Prln.. Xe. 16 North Queen HL, fnneaster, ra, UdAw rpltOCT A HHANK Nelhlnn Mere Appropriate for a ChllMmnS Prewntlhnnnlrnr OtJll MAKE of rerfeel Killing HIIIUTH. Tin. niwl llnenr Neckwear. Kid Ulew f ,.l.-nll..a Ulllr mti 1.1, n lltlfid. liir-lilers. Ae. 3uinu earlv and et first plelc n. Ulll.nriiim, ..... .... ... .. ........ end have them pulaslde. .,. TIIOUTAHIIANK'H, Khlrt Manlifscturers and Men's Oulnttets, 110 North Queen sHrel. man-lydll t M AltTIN lillOS. TllMtheiiRlit shows Itself umeng the ChrMtnas sho she pers. Much space In the store has been Klven le the spread of thee Jey making thing". Making Somebody Happier. Activity at our IlandkcrchlcfCeiiuter. (lay- cty,Hlle. Nralucssnnd the Prices make Oils Handkeichtcf flutter. 22-1ik1i Whlte Hem stitched llandkerehlcrs, 20c. Men's lllack Jn Jn panese Bilk Handkerchiefs, site ndiSn, for full dress, and enough mere te write uchaptcn meke the selei Hen you should see. A Ksl hol iday tsirt Ter a gentleman Is a Hmeklng Jacket or Heuse Ce-it. A big range of stjles, snl 111 bound, handsomely finished, M. English l'lalds, M, K, JI0. Iidles', aentlemeii'a, Hey's and Olrls' Unibrcllas Nulural Htleks, Oeld and Silver Caps. You'll be surprised hew much st) la and gisslness combined jeu can get In an umbrellla at Tee. Il7e, Jl 17 and SI 00. Finest Umbrellas, J.1, Jl, JA. Novelties In Neckwear. New Idea Just In. The latest, the" Ascot," lsn scarf Hull can be lied le make either Tcck or Puir shape. Novelties, fiOc te fl M). Traveling Companions In Writing Tablets and Toilet Cases. Purses, Perfumery, Itrushes and Toilet Articles. Blerm Ceals, Dress 0erceats and Hulls for men nnd heys make substantial pres ents. A handsome line In this aelhu holiday display. MARTIN BROS, N08.26 AND2SNOHTH QUEEN HT. 11 EILLYimOi.itnAUI!. HOLIDAY There Is no Christmas Present mere useful thannsetefCAUVEllH. Veiue ttiem In nil prices nnd styles Stag Hern, ltubbtr, Cellu loid. A tarcAilly selected line of haudsoiue Plush Cases. " The Oriiud lUplds CAIH'ET KWEHPEII, noiseless and easy riiiinlt.g. Kama price as com mon sw eepers. Ourseketleu or UMI1UELLA STANDS and CUBPADOHH imet the popular uppreMil. The designs are unusually line this jear, both In brass and nlrkcl. Woare lieadQiiarteis en flueTAllLEKNlVES mid FOHKH. The arletleii of st Je, Include Cilluleld, Itulibcr and Hllcr.T Havejust rc cehed nn Inxelce of IhecclebniUd WOSTEN I10LM POCK El' KNIVES. 40 ANI1 it NOHTII QUEEN .ST. S-Nest Disir in Poslelllce. 33 AllO.VINS IN DHY GOODH. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Grand Display -OF- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -AND- NEW YEAR'S GIFTS AT THE New Yerk Stere. Thousands iifnrllilc kncclallj' sidled le make your friends happy, KLU J N 1' PLUHH TOILET CAHES, AVOItIC IIOXIS, MANlCUllKHiny, BMAVINOHirrS, COLLAR AND CUFF 110XKS, HANDKEUCHlEFand OIAIYK HOXES, TOYS, GAMES, llASKirr,S, DOLLS! DOLIJJ1 HUNDREDS OF WAX DOLLS, 11ISQUE DOLLS, WAHHAHLE DOLI.s, DUELED IXlLIJs, JOINTED DOLLS, DOLLS of All Bins and Ages nt the Lewest Known Prices. Pll-rtlltE IIOOKH, hlWKY ROOKK, ILLUsTltATlID HYMNS, CHUlSTMAHCAHDH, Thuiisauds or HOUND IIOOKH ut Hair Usual Prices IIOOKH Ol" POETRY, ADVENTURE, PIO- TION,llIOait.VPIiy,IlIST01tY,AC. hi i m Rcillv Bres. fe Raub, MVsitt &c Shand Ji03.C;? 410 East King St Item fceiHUfmettt. of BOPTHK LAROI5ST WHOLESALE Candy Hoemi in the 1UU, Beuthwest Cor. Smilhern MarkrUt d2-2wdlt f- JOS.H.HUBEH, MILLKIl-8 BOItAX HOAP-TILl, WA8H ClbeaB,?verrartlcl under (kemn THEIiATEBTFAU. . Deubte-Bresjited Jaekets. . McORANN NOWLEN.The Tailors, Ne. 139 Nerlli Queen Mt. M-Opcn Evtry Evening. A K YOUIt DEALEIt FOB PRIDE OF' THE WEST FLOUR ! 70c. a Sack. The best In the market for the money. d7-2wdil CIO TO KKIGARrH OLD WINE HTOttE IT for Irish and Hcetch Whiskies of the finest Importations. . ... ...... NO. 29 EAST KINO BTItEET. -lI.LWf8 llOItAX HOAP WILL WAHII Clethe and every artlcle under the sun OYHTE118 1 MOT OY8TEIW IN THE MAIl kcl served in all styles, and meals at all Hours, at CIIAIILEH E. HOHTEIVH, In the fear of the Central Market. Oysters In the shell or eisMicd served te private families. Telephone connection. nevjvanan ' ILLlSft'H nOttAX BOAP WILL WAHII Clethes and every article under the sun TTOTEL FOB IlENT.-THE BT. CIIAIILEH Jt. Hetel en East Chestnut street. In the city of Lancaster (opposite the Pennsylvania rail road station), Isferrcnt for ene or mere years freniApr.ll.lH10. Appljr & , n21-lmdlt 4 North lluke Btrcel. rmriLLEIfH BOUAX BOAP WILL WAHII 01JL cl Clethes and every article under the sun. 1AUOAINB. HOLIDAY BARGAINS! If Yeu Are Thinking About Making Christmas Presents, Htep and Examine our Line of New, Fresh HOLIDAY SHOES AND SLIPPERS, Entlrely Nctv Designs In Ladles' and .'Men's Fancy Hllppers; Bilk. Chenllle and Embroi dered, In I,ew and Medium Prices. Wobetj the knee te no competitor, for our Assortment Is the Largest and Prices the Iiewest In the city. D P. STACKH0USE, Nes.28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. J," MARTIN A CO. HEADQUARTERS -reR Holiday Goods ! TOYS, NOVELTIES, i china; glass; . , - - , DECORATED WARES,' &c. Every Department Complete and Prices Correct. LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. i i 1 i ir Stere I J. A rvisit te en Svill lti- terest you. Bring the Little Heiks -te see the Toys; Make your purchases ribv. Yeu have a better selection, and we will deliver the goods any time you want. Every day brings something new. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. T HE PEOPLE'S CASH hTOHE. CHRISTMAS. BHRGK1NS -IN THE- HANDKERCHIEF DEPARTMENT. 1 .ailles' Hemstitch While, Printed llerders and Open-Werk llerders, at 5e, Me, 10c te fiOc. I Allies' Whlte Kinbrnldernl, lu large awiort awiert nient. 10c, 15c, 20c, 25e te St M. Full lines of Gents' Handkerclilefs, ,In Plain White Hemstitch and Hemmed, from Be te 60c. Indies' Hoiilleisd and Embroidered Bilk, lu Whllcaiid Celers, nt'25c. Usual price has been for these goods 60e. UidlesBcolleiHxl Embroidered, ttlth Deuble lli'iintllilied, nl doe; worth 7Vv Ladles' Open-Werk and Kmbroldered Whltn Silk ut 75c. Sold ene week age at SI. Ueuts' Uirge-HUe While Chlua Bilk Uamt kerchief ntOTJSc Regular price almustcterj it here Hk!. dent's Juisinese While Bilk Handkerchiefs at rV. Regular price lu-day, 75e. Full lines or Eudlcs' and (Jent's Hllk Milliters, In Ciram, Whlte and Celers, ut unusually low prices. Many ofthe ilargaliis abete niniiel be re placed at the prices iiuined. Purchasers ueuld de ell te hispid ourteck e.irlj-. Wee.irry In stock full Hues of Colgate's Celebrated Extracts, TOlLKf WATERS, COLOQNia, Ac. GEO. F. RATHV0N, 25 East King Street, mar-JO-l dlt LANOAbTEU, 1'A. lem 9lMirtlvmttt. P HbMTHEOttEATFIREIN BOSTON. WET CQODS - FnoM - FneM CALICOES, MUSLINS. CANTON FLANNELS,BLANKETS, Ac., Aq, -AT- METZGER&HAUGHMAN! Te-morrow (Thursday), Dee. 12. NJ KXT DOOHTOTHE COURT HOUHK. We threw en our counters liMlsy ever n hundred Remnants of DRE8 GOODH, runnlBf J length from One te eight yards ana all qualities Onlv a few dan mere until Christmas, and In we arc offering at a reduction Ladles' aud Children's Linen, Damask and Huck Tetvcls, 12)c, Pine Damask Towels, Fine Linen Table Hctts, Fine Tal Linens from 18c, te II 23, Ladles' Fur Muffs, white and lied Blankets, Ladles und Children's Cea Fine Breche Shawls, Fine Woolen 8lmwl, II te $7, all sl.-es Smyrna Hugs, 50c te fs), Fancy Tal Cevers, Ladles' Bklrts and HklrUngs, New Pansy Oletes, Piane Cevers, etc., etc. Alse, Four Lets of H1LK RIBBONS sacrificed al lie n yard ; Let I, at 10e a yaid. FSHNESTOCK'S 35 and 37 East King; Jtctu 3bucrtlctncut. FOR CHRIHTMAH OIFT8.-LADIEH' AND aentleincn's Cellar and Cuff Ilexcs, Card Cases, letter Ceses, Manacureund Worklleses. Hhating nnd Hmeklng 8c t.. Pocket nnd 11111 Heeks, Cigar Cases, Fancy Thermometers, llo lle lienilun nnd llemi Ware, Hrlc-a-Urac. Reck bottom prices rule. FRAILEY'H EABT END PHARMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market,) Cologne, Flerida, Violet and Lavender Waters In Fancy Cut and Etched lietlles at the 1ewTst Prices. M,W,Ffl.w . F URNITURE. OUR NEWESTTH1NO IB IN THE North Window FOR YOUR INSPECTION. If you trill call In ns you pass or even go out r the wav a I Ittlc te leek at our display en the FIRST FLOOR, we feel It will repay you. We ask no ene le purchase unless thry'se de sire. We suggest as SUITABLE HOLIDAY GIFTS PLUSH ROCKERH from 3M Upwards. RATTAN GOODH of All Kinds. PARLOR BUITES AND DIVANS. FOLDING I1ED3. 11HABH GOODS, Ac heinFtsh's Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 ft 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. w ILUAMSON A FOSTER. The Serviceable Christmas Gift. A Gent's Storm Otcrceat, Dress Suit, EnglUh Tep Ceat, Dicss Pantaloons or Flue Heater Otcrcisil. The Acceptable Christmas Offering. A LiulUs' English Walking Jacket of Im ported Bilk Plush, Silk Plush Bucque, Clelh or Steckinette Jacket, Child's Plush Ceal, llejs' Knee Punt Bulls, Hojs'CupeOtorcoats. The Welcome Christmas Tribute. A Gent's Silk Mufller, Embroidered Suspen der, Tcck, Putt, or Fuur-ln-Hiind Scurf, Bluiv lug Bet In Plush Uox.Tellet Set, Whisk Helder, Null .Set or hmeklng Set. The Unexpected Christmas Greeting. Tricot Dress Goods, 3(1 In., nt 12c cr yaid. Plaids, m In., at 20c jier j aril. All-Weel Clelh, 30 In., at 3'si per ynrd. Mixed Cleths, 61 In., ut37Vcper J aril. Tycoon Repps, 10c. Hill Muslin, 1 jard wide, 7,e per jurd. Applelun's XX, 5);c per yard. Lancaster Glnghame, 7c per aid. City Ilrand, fle per j'urd, Geed Qualltj-, 5c icr jurd. The Beautiful i Christmas Trifle. A China Silk Tld ' .'mliielitfrnl and hand" pnlnled.WushlngEmliruldiry Bilk, Repe Bilk, Tinsel, Chenille Cord, Knitting Silk Anizene, Rlbiizcneaiid Pluth Oruumenls. The Old Felks' Christmas Faver. GolderOxydlzed Handle, Gleria Cleth Um brella, slze 21, 87c; 2(1 In., 117c; 24 In., JUS; 30 lu., !1 S8. llluckllttlr Mulls, 2's?. Gcniilne Menkey Muir,3-1, SIM te SO. Pursis and Pocketbooks, 6e, 'iV and SCc, Children's Trunks, Pin te SI. The Premised Christmas Token. Embroidered Plush Slippers, SI, SI E0.S2 00. Light Tun Alllguterbllppers. Seal Itrewu Alligator Sllpiicrs. l Children's Rubber Heets. SI, n Ladles' Rubber Heets, SI SO. Misses' and llejs' Dress Shoes. The Useful Christmas Present. A Gent's Smoking Jacket, Ifmise Ceat, Slum ber Rebe, Dressing Genu or Hath Rebe. WOpcuct cry evening during December. Williamson 16 Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. AND NO. 314 MARKET ST,. HAKIUSlHJHU IA it Y - - te: GAiisr from Oe le the finest, order te close many lets ofceods In that th Weel Cups, Htlk Handkerchiefs and Muffle Bustles New Rurhlngf , Ladle and Chlldrei Let 1, 6c at a yard ; Let 2, at 9c a yard ; Let St., Lancaster, Pa. tctu 2V&tcrtt9ciuct0. 1 FILLER'S BOUAX SOAP WILL Wi JJA. Clethes nnd every artlcle under the sul TIJK EXAMINE KYEB FREE. Spectacles, h WE EXAMINE EYES FREE Teu Think Your Eyes Are Geed ! If reu have them examined veu will orebab And I tint there Is something wrong, with thei and that glassc will be a great help te you. We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA"lens which nre made only by us, and rccemmeudt Dt- icauiug ucunsis as me eci aius ie ecie llve vision, . Solid Geld Spectacles, U.OO ; usual prlc S5.00. Bteel Snectacles. fifle.i usual nrlce. SI. OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, S1 ; usual price, Bit H. ZINEM1H & BR0.130 S. Ninth Street OPTICIANS. 1 PHILADELPHIA. I Between Chestnut and Walnut Btreets. mtS-lj k.. . N- EW LAMPS AND ART GOODS. Call and See -THE- FINE NEW LIMP! -AND- HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR Jehn I. Arneld's Buildim NORTH QUEEN STREET. dS-tfd OTBAM ENGINE AND HOILURWORKS. Steam Engine -AND Beiler Works. Visitors te the Faiiv ' It will pay you te call tit my Works and ex amine our Stock of Engines ! Allew us le quote you prices and see facility for turulugeut work. FAR ,; Portable Engines. t Horse-Poner I 4M J tlllorse-Pevier ...,... 475 (II jiorsc-i'encr. 6J5 I 101Iorse-Peer 875 15 Ilorse-Peiier 875 III 20 Herse-Power.. 1,175 1,1 Dnrtahle P i-ie-i nee l wi "iw .e,nive bECOND-IIAND. 0 HorstvPeHer 8 llorse-I'oner 15 Horse-Pew cr .52.10 .. STO ..75 Boilers, Second-Hand. Flo 30 Herse-Power, W In. Dlam., 10 feet Leng, 22 W, In, Tubes. Price, S175 and S150. One Reller, 30 lu. Dlnm., 13 feet Leng, 31 3 In. Tubes 12 feet Leng, ullli Flre Frent Castings, S125. I CARRVTIIELAHGESTtTOCKOF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITV OF LANCASTER, TA. ' t . Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, Saw Mills, Rurk end ' Cob .Mills, Puuii,' tic. f Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Wuter. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IS THE HE&T IN THE MARKET. Itepairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, I'KOPIUKTOR, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LiANOASTER. 1A. & y.. i hi I! ri" i it tk$l. - -'ffri;, Vf rff'TtPffluMr- L . n tf u,aa.H. frrfst- t