(WTWSb n'Tff -i' a in i T 4 I, -in.'' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1889. " K . 1- 5 - u. : KP M. l? & s r& r LI' 'X . ;i' !V;aA 4 A iSV e STRUCK BY A TRAIN. FORMER COLCWM MAIMER IN READ1X0 OX SOXBlY. nl Lft Lc Crnafcefl-Conaucter How Hew ard Injured by a Switch Lever Striking nil Fnce. Columbia, Dec. 10 A serious ami per hap fatal accident happened yesterday -.. at k-m o'clock te Utli Marks. abrskeman en thoIleadlnR A Columbia railroad. He formerly lived In town and - iitrn nnullnir andlCelninbla. He nX LbMcrttcM r.rtnJLTZlTS. entlne at the Olcy street bridge, Rending. The engine nnd tliree cars passed ever his right leg below the knee, the left htel was badly crushed ana no was euibtwiwj.ii- iurcd. llewns roineved te the Rending inspllnl, and his condition Is very aorleUs. He lives at Reading and Is employed en the Schuylkill branch. Marks has a wlfe and two amaU children. Charles A. Heward, conductor en the Columbia Pert Deposit railroad, met with a painful nccldent yesterday at I'erf.v Vllle. He was settlna u switch and the lever struck him n terrible blew In the face. He was knocked down, receiving a very painful wound alongside of ll.e noe. The rasldents of town wero startled from their slumbers at 5 o'clock this morning by the prolonged wlilstllngatllioCeliitnbla relllbir mill. Whistling or this character is usually taken as a signal of flre, nnd as the nolse continued for overanhour people arose, dressed themselves nnd started out te find the cause. They round that tlie whistle had slipped tta cable nnd desptte the efforts or the mill men the whistle kept en sounding. , Dr. Ames W. Regers Is moving Inte his new residence cu Locust street te-day. A large derrick used by the P. R. It. at lbs weik en the new tiding en North Secend street fell down yesterday ijltor ijlter ijltor neon. One of the Umbers roll en n large Iren pine, breaking off about two feet. Kred. O. Jehns has resigned his position as chief clerk in the store of L. v. May. JIe has been illh Mr. May Ter the pant seven years. He will tnke charge or the whelesale store or W. A. King fc Ce., nt Lancaster, nbeut the mlddle or January. Misses L'lla and Llr.zle Myers. or Mo Me fhanlcsburg, nre vIsltlngMrs. A. C. Silver, en Locust street. A collection U being ralst-d for the relief of Abram Wnrfel, who had his feet cut off en the Pennsylvania railroad en Saturday. The annual banquet or the Artisan Order or Mutual Protection will be pre- Eired by the ladles of tlie Secend Street utheran church. The Metropolitan band will go toMount teMount toMeunt Vllle te-night te attend tlie baud fair. On Saturday, Decomber II, the band will go en a visit te Maytown. Gcerge W. Scnroedor has been clocled a plpeman of the Vigilant lira company. Mrs. S. O. Reath ntid danghter are en a visit te Mavtewn. Themas Jllnklc has returned from Pitts burg, where he has been working. His brother Jatnes also returned, but hasgoue en a trip te Flerida. Council will meet in regular session this fiVfltlllllf The pay car of the Frederick division will be iu town en Wednesday. An Imnertunt meeting or IMcoeln Coun cil, Daughters or Pocahontas, will be hcldj en weanesuny evening. A DRAMATIC JSNTERTAIXMEJfT. The Lloderkranz Draw a Very I-nrse Audloneo te Their Jlall. Te usher In the tenth winter season In a befitting manner, the Lancaster Lledor Lleder kranz arranged a dramatic entertainment, which was followed by a soclnble en Mon day ovenlnp, which w.tsattnndel by far the largest assemblage that popular singing society ever drew together. As early as filirht n'rlm-k everv nvallable seat in the hail was taken, and when, twonty.inlnutes later, Oresh's orchestra which had been onlarged for the occasion pealed forth the melodious strains of C. Mueller', overture. "The Contest," an audience had gathered which crowded the room te the doers. The porfermanco or a German comedy lis one act and flve scenes entitled " Prlde Will Have a Fall: or, The Jelly Tlnker." was hlghlr cnjoyable nnd held the Interest of the audience te I he end. The various performers acted their loles qulte credita bly. The story or the comedy, simply told, was somethlng llke this: A young nnd rising merchant, Emit Miller, betrothed te Jlcrthrt (Miss Julia Peters), the daughterer a privy counciller, who are ns thick as tiles iu Germany, en returning from a lengthy business trip lluds that the Jady of his heart has nut en Trench airs nnd leeks down upon licr ardent lever us beltig tee lowly te wee for her hand. She declares she will marry only nn earl or a duke, and no oue uIne. Jlinil Is almost heart broken ever this unexpected disclosure, but, nftcr seme rollectlon llnds u way euter the dlQlculty. Meeting uu old acquaintance, a jelly pemiubulatlng tinker whom he has bvfrleiidetl various. timeshe ixurs out the story or his wee te him and induces the tinker Haiti (Mr. Victer Reth) toassiune thognlse of n ecu ill. make leve te his lady nnd win her for hltn, Quite naturally the uncouth tinker feels nut of filsce lu'lhe elegant dress of a count, and lie eusulng sevne betuecn JJertha, her mtn hervant JeAniin, (Mr. Wui. V. Freiberg), hlnself and valet (Mr. Edw. Xeln)j- wlte nets ns his prompter, were Indeed ludicrous. Finally the tinker, feeling qulte weary, dlscloses te Mcrtlux the true situation, who, however, believes him te be Jesting nnd nsks of him te take her te his castle nnd neble relatives. The last scoiie roprceiHed the camp of the tinker's chums, ull queer looking knights of the "read, "who sang a chorus in, geed tvle. The tinker nnd bts-bridp, whosneves have new opened and who niHs'hoFfeoUsh' step trem tue uouem ei nor ncari, appears among tbeni. JJmil, the discarded lever of litrtha, new steps out from ninpng the followers or an, the tinker, tells her or his little trick, convlui'es her that nil was shuni, presses his suit with mere rer or than ever, nnd the curtain rails en a happy, loving couple receiving the congratulations et liana and his band. The whele wound up with a tableau. Between each scene the orchestra played a selection. The costumes in the play were appropriate, and canie partly from the establishment of Mrs. Llller. Alter the performance, which lasted nn hour anil a half, the hall was cleared for the dancers, mid geed clieer reigned both up mid down btnlrs until the 'wee small hours of the morning. The Llederkrnnz society can Justly be proud of the unprecedented success ncli!ercuby this dramatic cntertalnment. s HIS PERSONAL EVf ATE. Clement B. Gritbb Ioaves Bend mill Stocks Vnlned nt 81)00,000. According te the appraisement or the personal effects or the late Clement 13. Grubl) their value is placed at 006,S21.3S. The Items are as follews: $100,000 Philadelphia and Rrle railroad company mortgage 5s, 101,4503 ; 8100,000 United states government bends, Sr, $157,000; 100,000 Pennsylvania State lean 4s, 121,000 ; $50,000 Philadelphia A Keadlnfr railroad ceuipany 7s, &UI.O00; 950,000 Philadelphia, Geruiantewii A Chest nut Hill railroad company 4s, 50,000 ; 9V),000 Philadelphia Traction com pany 4s, ; (15,000; 115,000 Colehreok Valley railroad company 5s, $15,000 j 910.000 Pennsylvania Investment com pany, 910,000; ;ie,500 mortgae en diocesan hcUoel, Heading. Pa., 10,500; 2,923 shares Pennsylvania railroad com pany, 9151.910; 412 shares United Com panies of New Jersey, 9100,770; 100 shares or First Xatietial bank or Iancaster, 920,500; 400 sharea Wilmington und Northern railroad company, 93,100: 1.000 shares Lancaster Hetel company, fl,000j 140 shares Chestnut Street National bank, 910,800; 00 shares The Trust, Kafe De posit and Title Insurance Ce., ltcudliitr, Pa., fl,000 ; balance lu bank, 9lH,22tJ.3s ; total, 9W8,52I.3-S. XINDNES3 'XO AN OLD NITHSE. A Lancaster Lady UefUsc-s te Prosecute a Crazy Demestic A dtsiatch te the J'ren says ; Jehn A. Wftlmer, the Iren manuracturer und Ids wile, of.Lcbfmen, Pa., arr.ved In Pitts- Iwrg uu Monday te respouse in a telegram - Ireiu Inspector McAIeese.baylng that Win Hi Hobiiikeu, their thlevlng deuiestle, was under arrest, Winnie, when she lell there some time ero, took a number or valuable articles which jdld uet Ixilenjr te her. Mrs. "Wcliuer Identified seme of the ni tides in the trunk which the pollce teuud with Ml Winnie. 'Iliere were also two big Iruuks of koeU lu Allegheny which tlie police en Monday 'afternoon brought ever. Mr. Weitner, hpHtiver, felt se kludly -.. ii. nntnMul trntn.ti tlint she refused. te prosecute, but preferred toileaomothlnB te innke her jnore comfortable tlie rct of .hetllfcu -HhoMVsuheln satisfied tlint tlie woman's mind is nirecied. Mr. """ wns a Mlm Wiley, of Lancaster, nnd the Robinson woman, vhe Is well ort In ears, nursed her from childhood, .hcn'ahft married Mr. Weltner, 3llnnle 11 ed with them until a short time age, when luey sent her home te lHttabunr. Having sectued n portion of the stolen valuables, Mr. nnd Mrs. Welmer secured the roleaso of their old servant, who ic turned te her brother' heuse rejoicing. Whose Menm la It f Early Inst evening William Wiley went te the stMlen heuse with a lionte and buggy, which he said he had found run-nine- inose at Dnke and North streets. A number of llttle boys In that vicinity said "int darlw the anernoen they sawan old man in tlie uuggy nnn no 'ii""i) the horse. Finally ha was thrown out aim the animal get away from him. rhe team wns taken te the livery stnblp of Ldwnra Hnrtnwn, In the rear or the Orape hotel, whero It wlli;be kci t until the owner calls Ver IU Mr. llartman thinks the te am belongs te a Columbia llvery stnble. The horse is a ly and rather small. The buggy Is a goetl ene nnd has been dene up? The maken. namei en tae buk are " D. Rupp & Seu, Columbia, When found the blankets, whip and overytli ng wero In the bucgy. The belief Is that the team was hired In Columbia by seme men who are en a drunk here. LIMITED LOCAL. The banquet of the Friendship l'lre com pany will takotilace this ovenlngnt Lcldor Lclder kran hall, and there la no doubt 11 will be a very pleasant affair. Frank. 11 Jenes, of Lebanon, conductor of Rebert L Celeman's train, was In this (!, t-ilatr vllllnir frleudi. Miss Annie Oraliam and Miss Mary Sliownlter, orCeliinibla, srespendliigii few days with Miss Katie- LitW, Ne. 319 erth Mulberry street. WEDDED AT A- HOTEL. A Mt. Jey CoiipleCoinotoLnncntor te Tuko Thel r Vows. 1 This nflorneon n very pretty wedding leek plnce at Hetel Lancasler. The partles who wero united In the holy bends wero J. FrnnkOanlz and Miss Sallle Orayblll of Mount Jev. The coremony took plaee in the Isrge tarlerH or the hotel, which had been beautifully decora ted with flne plants, cut flowers nnd a pyramid of fruit. Tite elUcliitlng clergy man m Rev. Umlenhen, pas'.or or the Lutheran -church nt Mount Jey, nnd hnir-past two o'clock was the hour. After tlie ceremony the brlde nnd groom villi their friends sat down te an elegant dinner prepared in Mr. Snyder's host style. These nt the table, OXt'ltlSlVO OI 1110 llOWiy Ilinuu lllllll mm wuu, were llev. Umbonhen nnd wire. Simen R. Snvder and Mire, II. C. Sheck nnd wlfe, 7m W. Keller nnd wlfe, Jehn llreneman, MIosMlnnle Frank, Hurry L. Stager, Dr. 8. P. Lylle, MIssMamleKiintr, Dr. James P. Znlgler, nnd Jehn M. Snyder. Alter the wedding the ceuple went ljist by Day RxpreBs en it trip te Philadelphia nnd New Yerk and they will visit Niagara Fatls bofero they return. The groom Is a well known butcher nnd liveryman of Mt. Jey iind-the brlde Is a daughter or Henry Graybll), hotel-keepor. A Vonlsen Set-Out. William Halz. Iho geulal proprietor or the MeOrunii heuse en North Queen street, received a deer from n friend up the state recently. Last evening he guve a vonl venl vonl seu set-out te his friends nt the hotel. A large number had been invited, The heuse was crowded, but there was enough for everybedy. Net only was the vonlsen dene up;in tlie best of style, but the tables were provided with all kinds of the finest odlbles, nnd It wns a royal enter tainment. HcBtatry,Clerk at the 1'ostem.co. Hernce E. Konnedy, brother or O. C. Kennedy, wns te-dnv nnpolnted registry clerk ntthopestolllcoby rosimasierurieM. He tnkes the plnce or li. N. Wlnower, who has filled that position with credit the past few years. Valuable Propertlos te IJoSeld. This evening, Joel L. Iliitncs, uuctloncer, will sell the yaluable buslucsa properties In Centre square belonging te the otUvlebrD.ll.Uoslottcr, deceased. TiIK Ladles' Fair for the benefit of the Mite society of St Paul's M. E. church, Seuth Queen street, will opeu February 15, at Iteberts"Hnll and clew February 22, 1MX. Oke, s. Nennecic will remevn Ills Doerem Cnrrlnge WorksKJlheconiorof Dulteaiul Vine streets en Monday, Dec. 10, 1S33. Usvvlrtnc0 bcniteKKEit HoerKii. On Tuesday, Dei em ber 10, nt Hi. James church, by the llev. Mont gomery It. Heeper, usslstad by the llev. Fran cIh E. Scnroedor, Allee MenlKOinery Heiikt te Henry Muhlenberg hohreeder, belli or Lunrat trr. ' 11 ileal he. Kecie. December 0. 16S0, In Bullions, Uur baiu C. Kuutllg, ulfu of J)r. 11. K. Kundlg, The relative and friend of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, en Wednesday nfloriieou ut 2 o'clock, at the Luii. dlsvllle Meeting Heuso, Interment ut the uboe Meeting Uouee. EtliEl. December 0, HJSU, In this lt, Frank Elbul, InliUlirty-suMiith )cur. The relatives and friends of the family nig re spectfully Incited te attend the funeral, from the resldonce of his brother, Jehn Elbel, Ne, Ut East Orange street, en Weduevday uie.nlng at 8:J0 o'clock. IUhiuIeiu Mass nt St. Antheny's church uty o'clock. Interment nt St. Antheny's Miineterv. -j x P-nNmw. December 9, 11), In thN city, lMwln Prtifttf Uu. fieti or llimlel mid TCuMln Nlmii. hi lilu third year. , The rclutlve"Btld-frlcndrs.er th'e family ere re spectfully Invlted te attend the funeral, from his parent' residence, Ne. 207 North Lime street, ou Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment nt Woodward Hill cemetery. Ulrtvhcte. l'lilliulelpliln IVoiluce Slnrliet. l'nn.Aii:r.rillA', "Dec, If. Noen-Flour calc ; IVnn'a supers, 2 002 70; clni. 'JsVA-l'JTi; family, 8 743 0; relltr, 4IXai25; pulcut, llfAittOO. wheut nrm ; ke. a iicn, new, 71vjtvj:c i"j we. i retina lieu, we j n. . no, en: Cern kteady; Ne. 2, new, J.tJkk' 4. Oat Arm; Ne. 2 Whlte 30ic; old, 113 Ne. 2 limn steady; Winter I2 50313 W. ', t Baled havilull; fll&XniHUO as te qnnlltv; timothy II 0O$13 60 for choice; mixed, HailW; buled rye straw, new, tltlW. Butter quiet; I'enn'u creamery extra 27(5280 ; IVnn'a firsts extra 3K437. Eggsdull; I'cuu'u UrsU, 'JUc ; lielil'lets, 1SQ 23c, as te quality. Cheese kteady ; part sklnis,708K ! h'H skims, Petroleum steadv; reflned lu libls., T. 50. Potatoes tlrm ; iUjCOe iwr bus. us te quultty. y f Stoek Markou. Quotations byltevd, MiOrauu Ji Ce., bankers, Lancaster, 1'a. mew luitx I.IHT. 11 A.M. 12 M. sr. it. Canada I'aclflc ....... C C. C. 4 I Colerado Ceal .....,..... Central Pacific ... Canada Southern Chl.SU U 4 l'bg....... . Den. ii Rie U Del. L b W -. Crl0 SfHSI(tMt Erie im!..'... .:.'.....x. JerO - -....-.. K. 4 T . Leu. A N - U Hbere.... - M lcb. Cen Mlsseurt I'aclflc-, . Heck. Valley....- N. V. N. V. l'ref N. Wetl , N. Y. O . New England. ...... East Teuuxmee............ Omaha....-....... Oregon Traiiwet!llucuUil. Ontario W....... -. .. ruclflc Mall Richmond Terminal...-.-., St, Faul.-. -... ,X.-..i. Texas PaclCu - . Union l'aeiae.......-.... . Wabash Cem ... Wabash l'ref-. ...-..,- Western U -.... West Shere Bends-.-. .... rilll.AUKt.t'llIA 1 1ST. Ieh. Vai. .. B, N. Y. l'lilla,-. -. 63)1 &l HO liejf :"."...' "wi 107)3 107JJ irj'i w), ink inJJ 107 107 4Vi rtfl ,' S2) WjJ , iv my, 0 20 ihji 15H i siQ i)J nil Hi efrj; 70 lll'i 107 tay. i Sl!2 53W 63 ae i- a an 27" ra. 11. ;(....., Itoedlng IU. Nuv... .., Hestenv. i'nwi., & R - N. Cent...... ... Peeples 1'uks-.., - 'M w.i ivik s s. uu.. ThoLlve Stoek .Murl;ct. I.Ancastku, I'a., Dec. 10. The receipts eriive stock at the yurds of James btevrurt S. bon. the itt week werv 1,475 cattle, S00 liei. The sales at Stewart's yards were 800 cattle The .nil at Menter's yards were 275 entile nnd 1U0 hoes. And nt Levi Sensenlg s yard TOO entile nnd 100 hogs. . ... The prices wcret Blockers, me !. 1 lbs adders. 3 l)0tf3 in j butchers, U ' nceerdlnp. te quality. , ' Hogsseld ullUIOui 63100 5. Live Stock Market StecK ajnrKeui. .-HocelpU, VijOM : shipment eves, lA , h40 00? steers, tcrs nnd feeders. 12 00 J fcS CiticAne, Dee. 0, It ijmi ilull! beevra. AtS A'A M r& aKjWAa mt "' iir" ."iv-iiSiVWi-. i.i. cow. nun una miieii, ""tri... .X v ...., II 503 9S t Western ltnerp, 2 W Hogi-neelpUi.s7.eac): hlpraent.0,000t mar- sse: iiRufeani.kip,lieiJ. Bheep-neeelpts, ,! .hlr.nijnl. aoet marj inM4 i IhernBiaiuCB 031 M Umbs.1600 te W&i per tin nil red weight. EAST I.tOKKTV.-CntlIe-IUlpts.nT2nt ship, mrnutnoe; mnrUrt slew j prime, II ai MS BOOl.l3 7(w!l0()! fair. W 8OWK0S bull, stales Slid rat cows, II fi02 -V, fresh cows, r3W;ne cars shipped te Wew Yerk. Hmrs Ilccclpu. WHO. shlpmenU. 0 mnrkclslew; best light Yorkers, ttS 75 s rnertlum nnd ll(rht Phlladtlphln. W heavy hogs, axt3 90 s roughs, 33 ,4 ; no curs shipped Ui New erk. Hhriplecelpts,oire! shipment. S800j mnr kt llrmi prime, 15 nv5 25: fair te OTed, tl2V374 : common, tX 00300: lambs. It 000 623. Item ucHlflcmcnte. pUUE J U1CK OF THE OltAl'E. Tartned and Whlte CAMFOnNIA WINE, DOe iwr bottle S KLOil lxr Mown beltlri. 1 'llOIIllEBSLKiUOllHTOIlE. Ke. 21 Centre Hqusre, - Lancaster, Pa. MIM.KIt'H HOflAX BOAP WILL WAHH Clethes and cx-cry article under the sun. ry it. MtJMM, lieucm: HEC,peMMhnY ItT Hue, I'lpr Hetdsleck. nnd nit the lead hill brands of t''erclKt;''nnA,ArirH Ne. 29 Enst KIhb Htrcet. SlUAYEI) AWAY FltOM NO. 41 WEHT Vine slreet en Sunday evenln Inst, n very small 'Inn Terrier with iinrnippcd cars and nill tail. A sulUible reward will be given for lis re cevery. ltd rtOTO RI'.IOAItrB OLD WINE STORE fOT fur N. );. Riiiii,.lanialcn Rum and Brandy fur Christinas. NO. 29 EABT KINO STREET rnllK APPLICATION OF K. P. BOHT1CK 1 for transfer of Tavern License of Clark lWtlrk, Fulton township, will be heard en Monday, December an, lmi), at 10 a. m. dlNJtw F. W. URBAN, U. C. Q.B. lt(K)TIN( MATCH FOR A FINK LOT OF Turkeys at !i:literineli's Orevllle Hetel, en the llarrlburir pike, two miles west of Ian caster, Friday, December 13, lyt. The public are Invited. dlMtd -T"OTICE.-FOR A CIIRIbTMAH OR A n Canary Bird sinking nlvtnVM reenllh In mind Ibn elver. JOHNKCHAEFFER. dlOTuAF Ne. J West King SU SURC 6e( ir II ,UR GOLDEN LION AND MIAO.UERIDA e. cigars are nana-inaue. ami guaranicea Havana Filler. Try our hand-made 2 ferffs. DEMUTim CIGAR STORK, alS-tfdR IU Kast King Street. SALARY, 110 EXPENSES IN AD vnnee. aIiewchI each month. Steadv employment at home or traveling, run solicit ing. Duties delivering nnd making collections. Ne Postal Cards. Address w lib stamp. If AFEK CO., I'lqua, OUIe. ni-2nidTu.ThAS MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes nuil every article under the sun C OAL $3.G0 TRY OUR $1.00 $3.50 NUT $4.00 $3.60 GOAL $4.00 Qoe. Sehulmyer, d7-7tdTil.Th,S NO. 22 EAST KINO ST. $35 FULL DAY COURSE. JiaO NlUHTHI'SJ'JIO. IV THE KEYHTONE BUSIN KH COLLEGE. The lending school In ltoekkocplng, Penman ship, Cemiucrilul Arithmetic, Typenrttlng, elC" W. D. MOBHEK, Prln., Ne. 10 North Quecu St., Jjiuciuiter, Pn, tfdAw MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes nnd every article under the sun. -IIALL AND WINTER, 1MI'. Fer the latest Novelties, Largest and Most Cotnplele Assortment of Fall and Winter Suit ing, Overceating and Treusirlng, gote II. QER HART. Nene te equal It. Nene te surpass the make up. The correct Fabric for Full Dress Suits, and the prlce the lowest, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 13 North Queen street. M-On!y Direct Importing Tailor lu the City of IJUiciiHter. R TTtOR RENT-FKOM AI'RtL 1st. NP.XT, 2. Fhst-cliiHS Blacksmlth'H Snep, wlthdiveli lug Heuse, sltuatediitUreenliiud Mills, lu Kast Uunpctir township. Apply te KHZAllimi U. E. BATES, ell-tldlt 411 North DukeSU, Ijinnistcr, l'n. MILLER'S BORAX BOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every article under the sun. )" NATIIORSI'. DENTIST. SDCESTRE SQUARE. l'llllnu Teelh nnd I'lilnluis ExtrnRtleii Hiik. claltles. New Sets made, broken ones mended and remodeled. Teeth Insorted without plates mid pivoted, etc. Yen, everything pertaining te Dentistry will receive prompt attention at ery MoikT"t"Term. Remember that Dr. Nathernt lstheONLY Dentlet In this county who Is u Rnidunleef MmlldnmiH well as of Dentistry, an udvantnife that Is obvious Ii30-8iud4w irANTED-nVERY PERSON IN LAN V caster county te knew thul CLARKE'S Is ltendquurtcrs for CHRISTMASJROGERIES, OUR OOODS ARE THE FINEST. OUR FR1U!MTIII-;L.A'KUT. New leghorn Citren, IKijper peu'nd. Wajust sae you from 7utolCeper iieuiid en Oils ene article. Other itoeds lu the tninn proportion. New England Mluceme.it. The fluent money can buy. Try our New Orlenm linking Molasses nnd Clarke's .XXXX Fleur for bukliig jour Christ mas Cukes. WPICKSt SPICES! Strictly I'ureSplecs. Se lected Black Pepper, 3 ttr. furSVv Selected Cin namon, 2 tt, for 23c. Nutmegs, Cleves, Dinger, Allspice, Cna in 'l'n r tar and Bulling Seda. All strlclly pure poeds nt Lewest I'rlces. New I'uperrlhell Almonds, 2Se ici pound, aS-Beeeur Special Holiday Prlce LMnt jour doers. Read It and cemu ut once before the great rush - , H AT i TEA, COFFEE AND flROPERY SIORE, 12 411 SOUTH QUEEN ST. Telephone. Free Delivery. P. .-. Don't forget our rebate curd; nk for en a. W1 DTII 11 TO i: f In tliU line nothing litis been bllghtt'il. We gunrtmtce goeil enk sole leatjjur for the outer sole ; geed oak sole leather for the middle sole : geed enk sole leather for the Inner sole, nmklng geed solid eeles ; belu leather heels nnd sole leather coun ters that will wear hour, days, weeks nnil months longer than many hhoeH bold nt like prlce else where. All parts of the upper are htitclied and held together In the strongest possible manner, tanking a shoes that combines beauty, neat ness and utretigth. Are intule en reasonably bread, wjuare tee, lust, n neuby htyle for middle nged anil young men. The uppers are Walker, Oukley k Ce., Chicago, oak tanned Calfskin, one of the best wenrlng brauds of leather la the market. Vumpg are whele cut, practically bcumless. Trk-e, $1.00. SKAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Btreet, Lancas ter, Pa. Mens Calf Congress! Stem 3lfeevttemrtt. BoF.rweH'fl CAimiAaK werkh will remove te the renier of Duke and Vine streets, Monday, Dec. 16, im. UEO, H. NOHDKCK, Prep. FOn KENT-FOrt FAinn, Ac-Tlie Finest nnd Lariresl llsll In the city. Centrally located, formerly Doersom's Carriage Blmw lloerat, lMnnd l'A Kst King street. Alse the IsrcsAictery In therenr, nn Mirriln street. In quire or OHO. B. NOIWECK, Proprietor Docrsem's Carriage Works. decMtdlt U8T ItKCKtVEl) A FINK HTOCK OF IM- ported nnd DmestleChsmrmnc,Bherrles and Fert Wine, Hootch and Irish Whiskies, Scotch and Has Ale, Brown Bteut, Fine Hati- terns Wines. (Jsllfernla Bed sndiW lilts Wine, SO ernu a oeiue, KOIlItF.nS LIQOUn BTOtlF, lwdll 2l Centre Bqtiarc. n27. riSIIK NI-AV NIITH. ILAIHINH AND NEW X KrnlU are Just arriving for the Holiday ng te phla trade. I am In Philadelphia te-lny buylne Christinas stock, new. nas-lmdn K'eryiiiine win ixiirmnanu CllAH. W. IXJKF.BT, 12KatKlngBI. .nEMK DK MENTIIK, CIIAIITREUHBR J flencdlrtlee Absinthe and ether Imported Liquors and Cordials. AtllEIUAKTB, Ne. 29 West King BtrecU M KAT1NO AND DANCINO AT M.NNER- O cher Rell. Wednesday Night. Grand Oh- mciuiay mgni ivNIrht-tlac sUclelUee. BaturdnyNlght Bn rtace. Bteey's oil orchestra. d9-2td FHANK 1IIALKOWBKI, Manager. FECIAL (IllEAT WESTERN CHAM FAONH. tlie nncst Champnirna produced the United States, . At RF.IUAllTB, HD.Sf cst iving mrrvh TOR C1IBIHTMAH MAK1NO I T"ry enr Fresh Ground Bplccs, Rosewaler and Flavoring Extracts, New Heedless Raisins and Currants, cleaned ready for use, I6men and Orange Feel, Finest N. u. Baking Molasses, Bak ing Butler, KOed and sweet, Llmeil Kegs, Hlicll bsrks and Hliellb.rk Kernels. Prices reasona ble. We will be glad te nil your orders. GEO. WIANT, nSMmdM.F,B 113 West King Btreet. G1 0 TO IlKIOARl-8 OLD WINE BTOllE rf for Irish nnd Scotch Whiskies or tlis nncst Importations. NO. 20 EAST KING BTREET. rtniiKY CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN X Euual Billy Walts's Havana Filler Clca at NOS. 5 Jk 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. decMmdM.Tu.Th ar, M. ILLER'B BORAX BOAP WILL WABU Clethes ana every article under tue sun. i ii ii i i i i ...I M ART1N BROS. Tilts remark win maduby "Hew Big a lady In n crowd of buyers at our Handkerchief ceun Values Draw." ter. This department" Is short of nothing. Six Hand kerchiefs, 20-lnch square, Whlte Hemmed Cambric, Via j Fine All-Linen two for 25e, up te SOxW, Heavy Japanese Silk, wltb two-Inch hemstitch, 1223. Handsome embroidered nnd figured bor der Belfast Llnen and Hemstitch Handker chiefs, II GO te 1275 per half dozen, In boxes. Such a Christmas Present touches the senses throughout the year. Suspenders In boxes nnd out, 25c te 12 60 a pair. Men's and Bey's Neckwear, Cellars, Cutrs and Gloves; am Interesting gathering; slzes and styles te suit all. Night Bhlrts-SOc, 75c, II, II 23, II 50, 12. Best Muslin, Canten Flannet and Natural Weel. Platn and Embroidered. The reason our Prices are Lewest In Clothing Is: When you're In our Clothing Department; there's only a deer between you nnd our work rooms and the makers of Clothing. Clothing for Men nnd Beys, Ready-Made or te Measure. Ample Stock of the licit. Prices always Least. Some Rare Values lu Men's Dress Overcoat, and Storm Coots at 110, 113, 118. Bee our te uu BmeKlng Jackets nnd Heuse Coats. MARTIN BROS, NOS.2H AND NORTH QUEEN BT. HIRS1I A BROTHER. OPEN EVERY EVENING DURING DECEMBER. -i'.V t j t j; t SUBSTANTIAL ARE BEST APPRECIATED BEUAUSETIIEY ARELASTINU. V , Nuthlniicnu be mere nceepluble le n husband or son, fulher or brother, than u geed substantial Suit or Overcoat, SUCH AS ARK SOLD BY US. An Elegant Suit for a aeiiilctiinn In Hack' Cutaway und Prlnea Albert CeuU, at l, 85, til, ii, 510, !2, JU, f 10 te LU Fer a Youth 10 te 18 Years Old-at J2 60, S3, M50,H,, t),t7,tStetl2. Fer a Child I le 14 Years 81,51 5 , ti,t2lb, 'l, R be, Jl, id und upuiirds. AN EXTRAORDINARY LINE OF OVERCOATS! Dress and Slerm Overcoats for Men In Mel tons, Kereeys, Chlnehillus, lleiners, HIU-Faied, HiitlnHleove l.lnlns, Silk VeUel Cellars, Strap rk-ams, St)llshintrNeel,ut V, 7, rS.SlO.Sl.', lit, till, Jlf, 18, SJI. In Youths' Slie 12 te IU Years-!2K,8S,$I, 85,S7,$$,.10,tl2. Fer Children's Slzes-A te 12-In Cape and Norfolk lleltcd Ouri'euU. ChevleU Hand Hand Hand kome Buckler. Suiwrler Flttlns, !UI. T-, f-W. JJ, U 60, II, U 60, H 75, J5 te f ). S-SIIk Handkerchiefs, Silk aiufuer. Silk Suspenders, Kid Gloves, lined nnd uullntd, Neekneiir, all styles, 2'w und fK Undemenr Red, White, Grey. Knit Juckets nndStockl nndSteckl nndStockl uctleCuitM. See Us for Christmas Gifts. ONE-PRICE CLOTHINQ AND FUKNISH1NU HOUSK, North Qneen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTKR. PA. ITTE EXAMINE EYES FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE 1 Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I If you hae them examined you will probably find that there Is somethlnKwreuK with them, und that k'luMX w HI be u Krcat help te j ou. We use Inimitable "D1A MANTA" lenses, which are made only by us, nnd recommended by leudlui; OcullaU us the bi.t ulds te defec tive vision. Solid Held Spectacles, $3.00 ; usual price, S.OO. BlcciHpccincles, noe.t usual price, 91,0(1 Artltl iciau Ees Inserted, 1 j ukual price, $10. ZIREMAN BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street. i. i 1'HILADEU'HIA. OPTICIANS. Between Chestnut and Waluul Streets. Oiimiis Ms eiRSHd BROTHER'S infc-lyd Item ytrltlrmntr TUDOEfl HAVE LONO BINCE DECIDED J that Dllly Walts' Cigar Is tb Best In the State. Fer snle at .. ,. NW.ft4103NOBTUlUEENt5T. ' dcJ-GmdM,Tu,Th,8 -1ALIFOKNIA RRD AND WHITE WINES. irem .apa vansy, uii.. at jreanna AtUEraABT-B. Ne. East King Btreet. prices, rPUE LATEST FAD. X Deuble-Brensted Jackets. McURANNA NOWLEN.Tha Tailors, Na 138 North (luccn BU -Oren Every Evening. A BK YOUR DEALER FOR PRIDE OF THE WEST FLOUR 1 70c. a Sack. The best In the market for the money. d7-2wdR C TREAT PUBLIC BALE" 6F 'VALUABLE X City Real Estate. OX WEDNESnAY, Decbhukr 18, 1M0, The undersigned will offer for public sale at the penpard Hetel, en Kast King street, the fellow- Ing vs al liable Real Estate In th. City of Lan ter, te wit : . Ne. 1, Three-story Brick Btore and Dwelling, en northeast corner of Columbia and College avenue. Ne. 2, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, cottage style, Ne. 113 College avenue. Ne. a. Twe-story Urlck Dwelling, cottage style, Ne. 121 College avenue. Ne. 4, Two-tery and Mnnsard Reef I Brick Dwelling. Ne. B13 Columbia avenue. Ne. 6, Twfrstnry and Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling, Ne, 213 College avenne. -Ne. 6, Twe-story and Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling. JJe. 217 College avenue. Ne. 7,' Twe-story and Mansard Reef Brick Dwalllng, Ne. Wa West Chestnut street. Ne. 8, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 848 West Chestnut street. Ne. e, Three story and Basement Brick Dwell ing, Ne. 514 West James street. Ne. 10, Three-story and Basement Brick Dwelling. Ne. 510 West James street. no. ii, iwo-siery uricic Dwelling, ne.cz: west James street. Ne. 12, Twe-story and Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling en line street, first deer south or James street. Ne. 13, Twe-story and Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling en Pine street, fourth deer south of James street. Ne. 14, Twe-story nnd Mansard Reef Brick Dwelling, Ne. 4 W North Mary street. Ne. 15, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 815 Bpruce street. Ne. 10, Twe-story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 829 Ceral street. The abeve houses are all nearly new. In excel lent condition and In find-class neighborhoods. They will pesltlt ely ha sold and at a great sac rifice If necessary. Terms of salel will be re markably liberal. All who nre looking for bar gains In Real Estate are Invited te this the most atlractlve sale of the season. Any of the properties shown beforeday of mile by applying at the ofllce of the undersigned. Fer further particulars see largebllls or call at office. Bale te commence nt 7 o'clock sharp en Wednesday, December IS. ALLAN A. HF.RR, 104 East King St., Agent for Edwin Eberman B. F. Rewk, Auctioneer. -1IIAIU.VM 8TAMM. TOYS China Dlshei, Britannia Tea Sets, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Flush Dogs, Stene Dogs, China Mugs, Kitchens, Tey Knives, Ferks and Spoons, Surprise Bexes, Tin Dishes, Tin and Iren Steves, Scales, Telephones, Bath Tubs, Snow Storms, Mngiietlc Toys, Iren Banks, Iren Toys, Iren and Tin Trains, Wind-up Engines, Sauta Clans, Rabbits, Horses, B:ll Toys, Balls, Mechanical Toys, Bicycle Whistles, Watches. Tops, Pianos, Brass and Tin Walters, Clocks, Steam Engines, Msgle Lanterns, r Printing Presses, Whlsp Helder, Meuth Organs, Call Bells, Skeletons, Baskets, Ships, Breems, aims, Splashers, Knlfe Trays, Dell Swings, Salt Bexes, Colerod Flower Rnskctx, Desks, Blackboards, Cradles, "Sleighs, Dells, Drums, Autograph Albums. Around the World Vlews, Stereoscopic Views, Beeks, Dell Cups, Rocking Chairs, High Chairs, Felding Chairs, Dell's Carrlnge Chairs, Boek Racks, Cuspidors, Bod-ReoinSults H-urlmclts, Bureaus, Cradlei, .Tublcs, Bedsteads, Hebby Horses, Rocking Horses, Hnrpcttcs, Mctalln phones, Sand Te) , Tr.c Ornaments, Parler audTable Croquet, Tree Candles anil Helders, Iren Letter, All kinds of Blocks, Farms, Ten Plus, t Uamcsef nil kinds, Celluloid Christmas Beeks and Cards, Vuses, Glass Raskets, Finger Bowls, Mattu Safes, Christmas Stockings, Handkerchief aud Gleve Bexes, Cellar and Cull Bexes, Flush Album, , Old Men nnd Old Women, Oxydlied Toilet BeU, Werk Bexci, Oiydlzed Bruih Sets, Express Wagons, Oxydlzed Shaving Sets, Wheelbarrows, Plusu Toilet Pets, Manacure Sets, Smoking SeU, Writing Portfolios, Picture Frames, Scheel Hugs, Sideboards, l'lcture Puziles, Sliced lllrds and Autmitls. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF- Silk and Linen HANDKERCHIEFS -AND- MUFFLERS. BOSTON STORE, L J 35-37 LANCAbTER, PA. Charles Starnm. It pen tat L X vt IS- Hn 3llitriltmffni. TTILINN A BRENEMAN. What Hinn & Breneman Dells and Dell Carriages, Bteara Engines, Magle Lanterns, Magnetic Toys, Printing Presses, Teel C.'iel, Building Blocks, Feet Balls, Mechanical Toots, Fine Lamps, Carvers, Nut Picks, etc., A. NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN (SUITABLE XMAB GIFTS. X" Hager & H Heuse Ceats,Batli Robes & The Hclghtli of Comfert, Warmth Neckwear. Beautiful and Exclusive Novelties In High Class Neckwear, I'uir, Toek, Feur-lii-Hund Shapes, at f 1, $1 25, $1 SO nnd II 73. Lnrge Lines of Neckwear, Latest Effects, New est Shapes, at 25c and 50c Handkerchiefs. White Hemstitched nnd. Tape Berd. Hand kerchiefs, (all linen) K In., 1 In. and )' In. hems, 12HC 23c, S7Jc, 60c. 620 and 75c Entirely New Efrects In Colored Berd. Hnnd kerchiefs at 12c, 25c and 80c All-Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, 35c. Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs In White and New Berd. Effects, at 31c, 40e, 500,750,11, 1 1 25 and 1 GO, Gloves. Special Bargains lu Heavy Steckinette Gloves, Kid Lined Fingers, at SO; worth 60c. Heavy, Ltncd Astrakhan, Jersey and Scotch Woof Gloves, at 60c. Fine Line Astrakhan Fur Tep and Lined Kid Qloves, nt f 1, $1 25 and $1 60. HAGER & 25-31 West King MILLER'S BORAX BOAP WILL WASH Clethes nnd every article under the sun. s: ENUINE FRENCH BRIAR PIPES, FINE Plus Cut rtmeklnsr In (llass .Tnra nnd Tin exes, Genuine 1'erique nnd Turkish Tobacco. 1IM1U1UH ;iUAll HTUllG, Telephone. lS-tfdlt - U4 East King street MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes ande ery article under the sun. MILLhR'S BORAX SOAF WILL WASH Clethes nnd every artlcle under the sun OYSTERS 1 BEST OYSTERS IN THE MAR ket served In ull styles, nnd 'meals at all hours, ut CHARLES E. HOSTER'S, In the rear or the Central Market. Ojstcrs In the shell or eiened Honed te private families. Telephone connection. nev2-2mdll OILLYWAIT7. HAS THE BEST TWO FOR jl ec anu tie uigars in tne Htnte, at NOS. 6 4 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. M,Tu,Tli,H dec5-0md MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every artlcle under the sun XT0TEL KOU RF.NT.-THE ST. CHARLES XI Hetel en liist Chestnut street, In the city or Ijincnster (opposite the l'enusjhnnla rail road station), Is for rpnt for ene or mere years from April 1, lau. Apply te E. O. E. BATES, n21-lmdR 413 North Duke Street, 1" AUME1US WANTKD TO SUPPLY MILK AT THE T vrtAOTLMf fueiiirmn 441iswm-xuih VfS.akfV411-dkJ v.( e29-tfdwR its Church St., ljincaster, Pa, TM PORTED AND KEY WEST CIOARS Just received all fresh goods. DEMUTH'B CIGAR STORE, Established 1770. IU East King StreeL mUMfdR MILLER'S BORAX KOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every artlcle under the 1? INETA1LORINQI JVLL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS, AT P. WEIKEL'S, 8ep21-'lnidR Ne. 41 West King Street. BEST 6e HAVANA FILLER CIOAR IN the city, at BILLY WAITZ'H, Nes. 5 it 103 North Quecu St. dec5-9mdM,Tu,Th,S 17A OR RE NT-IN MARIETTA, PA.-A Lurge Building, ull en one Meer, suitable for packing tobacco, foundry, or the manufac ture of hollow-ware. The building was for merly erected for the manufacture of hollow, ware, but has been used for the pasttucUe yearn us a tobacco warehouse. It Is the most suitable building for the purposes named, In the county. Address HEOENERAHALDEMAN, Executers of A. Cellins' estate, !7-tfd Marietta, Pu. rmOL'Ti SHANK. Nothlng'BIere Appropriate for u On latines Present than n nalr of uuil MAKE of Perfect Fitting SHIRTS. Thu finest llneef Neckwear, Kid Uleves, Umbrellas, Slllc and Linen Hand- kerchiefs. Ac. Come early and cet first nieir and hue them put oslde. ,, TROUTASHANK'S, Shirt Manufacturers and Men's Outfitters. 110 North Queen street. inaritHyiiH T7IXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE CEN li tre Souare Real Estate. Thce prewrtles will be sold Os TDBSDAT, Decemiier 10, A. D., 1889, et the Leepard Hetel, In the City of Lancaster. The undersigned will eirer ut public bale the following valuable Heal Estate, te It: Tract Ise. 1, being a Let of Ground, en which Is erected a Four-Story Brlek Stere (Ilulldlug, numbered 21 Centre Square, containing In front 21 feet, mere or lea, and extending lu depth t!7 feet, 5 Inches, mera or less. Tract Ne. 2, beluga Let of Ground, en which Is erected a Threo-htery Brick btore Ilulldlug, numbered 20 Cent's Square, containing In front 13 feet, 11 Inches, mere or less, und extending lu depth 41 feet, 3 Inches, mere or lets. Tract Ne. 3. being u Let of Ground, en which is erected a Twixitery and Munuml Reef Brick Dwelling Heuse, situated en the south side of Columbia UNcuue, nnd numbered 3 Cottage Place, containing In front tsj feet, mera or lew, and extending lu depth 200 feet, mere or les, Thts property has wuter, gas, water closets, fur nace, range and ull modem Improvements, and Mould make a delightful hume. The street rail way pnhse the deer, and the property being bul2a yurds beyond the city Ilmlu the taxes are low. Tract Ne. 4. being six lets of ground, situated en the southeast corner of College uenue and West Lemen street, containing In front 132 feet, and extending In depth castuurd 1J2 feet, mere or less, ulth rlghlAlu common alleys en cast and seuUi. Tract .Ne.5, being a let of ground, situated en the south side of said Wct Lemen street, con taining In front 22 feet, und extending In depth let! feet, mere or leys u1m with right te alley. ThouheleorthuaboMMuentloiicdNtorebulld. Ings ere tenanted by tlrit-cluw tenants, and they present a most dislmble Investment, and they will be sold together If desired by the pur chaser. Ah) ene wishing te view any of the projer prejer tles vun de se by lulling ou the undersigned. Sale te commence at 7:30 o'clock p.m., u hen conditions w 111 tie made known by MARIA HOSTETl'F.R, WILLIAM II. HOSTKTTEU, FRANK L. HOSI'ETTEH. Executers of D. 11. Hes tetter, deceased. Joel L.1Uiks, Auctioneer, nJWJ.O.lOd Timely Suestiens for Suitable Xuias J Haveier Beys and Tree-holders (New), Savings Banks, talced AJBtmets, i Ezptess Wagons. Velocipedes, Girls' Tricycles, Bleds an for Wedding and Chris tmasFrcsents. ST. LANGA8Tf3VPA.' Brether. Dressing Gowns, $5 1 and Elejance for Heme Wear. Angera Weel Oleves et $1 23, tt 60 ml Special value In Kid Gloves, New 75e : worth SI. Kid Gloves for SUect or Driving ana ii -.a. , Qcnt's Imterled Kid Gloves, Cj Corded Backs, ntK. White and Pearl nhades In Kid and f 1 50. Underwear.! Special Values In Men's Qrey, VI Scarlet Underwear at 25c. 50c and 75c. All the Fine Grades of Underwent! men, Lamb's Weel, Sanitary Wools and Ribbed, All Grades of Bajbrlggan, .Merine K Hese, 12ie te 75c. Values In Flaunel Shirts at 60c, 8i UplOfJOU. Cardigan Jackets, all qualities, prices. Full Dres,8hlrU In New I'lque, Sad and Embroidered Effects, at SI 25, f 1 M Cholce Line of Imported SuspendJ II and SI 25 up te $2 50. Special Vulucs In Suspenders, l2)d nnu-jc BROTHE St., Lancaster, Pa. TuT $tcn e&tjcrtiecmcni -VNEOFTHE LARGEST WHOLESALE Candy Houses in the Southwest Cor. Southern Mark d2-2wdlt JOS. II. H TSEST TWO FOR FIVE CENT. CK X the city, at BILLY WAIT! Nes. C Jc 103 North Qui ucce-e.maji,TU,iii, 11fTLLER'S BORAX SOAP WILlJ XjJl. Clethes and cery urtlcle under QCENES IN MANY LANDS. 2,000 VIEWS. 2,0 Under the Most l'snvcrful Incandescei Sights and Scenes In Jeurnev Ov ! iiiiiLh. urapuic Ucvltatlens by the Orator, GEO. NICHOLS. Mechanical Changes, Scenic Silrprb lerieuiunu i.at'enuury. ruinous l'n IB I COURT HOUSE, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVE UfcCUMIJKIl. 13 und 11 Tickets, 25c j Children, 15c. dec N EW LAMPS AND ART QOODH. Call axidL Se -THE FINE If lift -AND HRT COODS ON SECOND FLOOR MnL.Arneld'sBuild NORTH QUEEN STREET. R LILLY BROS. A RAUlt. HOLIDA HINTS Tliere Is no Christmas Present mere u, than a set of CAB. VEILS. We have them prices and styles-tag Hern, Rubber, C leld. A carefully selected Hue of huud Plush Cuses. ' The Grand Rapids CARPET BWEE1M linl.nlbl. mill Alls., -lln.ilr .. Un.a.M ..I...!l moil su ecH'i s. I Our selection of UMBRELLA STANDS 1 CUSPADORS meet the popular approval. designs are uuusuully line this )cur, bet) bruss and nickel. Weare hcndquiirlers en flneTABLE KNH l and FORKS. The vnrietlei of stjle Inct Celluloid, Rublier and Silver. Have Just celcd nn Invoice of the celebrated WOST HOLM POCKET KNIVES. Reilly Bres, d Rail 40 AND -it N ORTII QUEEN ST. 44-Next Doer te Postefflcc, t "- '- .u ir ' i . - J iV .tt iJitae.- -teiicMiusfsfcAii,. JU si3iw ytttZ.