T&l 'JiAiirdASTEIl ftAlLTT JKTOtlilfrimOEB, TUESDAY DBCBMBB 10, 1889: S?JPNft,iS?w 1 ff'M t. r K-i a -1 H. &' K2 if Patljj grtttelltaw.m iMimCW J. BTEINMAN, CHARMM8TE1NMAN P0LTJ5, BdltOT. ROBERT CLMIK, Publisher. CH DAILY 1lNTELLlaENCEn,-PublUhcd rery day in lue year, but Bnn.day. Sencd by carrier In thU city Mid. mrreandlnf town at ten oenUawec. By mall Ave del tan a year In advance; SO cents a month. WEEKLY rNTELUOENCER-Onc dollar nd sllfly cents a year. !n advance. HOTICE TO BUBSCIUBEIW-Ilemlt by dice or pottefflce order, una where ''f ' f these can be procured send In a regHtered aterad'at the INtefflce, m second class wall "ISSm thi nrsLUonren. Lancaster, Pa. I.AJC0A8TBB, PA., December 10, 1B89. They Bury the Ircldent. The Southern people nre lmvlug quHe a mourning time ever the burial of Jef Jef fereon Davis, for whose memory they abound in expressions of devotion. All that titers Is of fragrance te them in Davis memory is that which clings te their lest cause. It wasa failure anil he was a failure; with his burial the whole concern is buried, and the Seuth will linve no further embarrassment from It In the rapid progress It is making toward overtaklngthe North In industry ,wealth and power. Davis ought net te be the idol of the Confederacy that he failed te guide te success. One would think that they would held him accountable for the failure. But the matter was tee big te lay upon the shoulders of any one man, however many his fallings aud great his errors. As Jeffersen Davis, tee, be came the object of the malediction of the republican North, he was driven closer Inte the arms of the Confederate Seuth. Se that it conies te pass that when he dies at the end of a quarter of a century from the great struggle, the Seuth mourns him with an extended show of grief, which has mere or less of substance te it ; and which 1 net made any the less demonstrative because of the snarls of Republican dogs In the North who cannot let their enemy dle without spitting en hlin. Everyone knows that Jeffersen Davis lias drawn en himself the objurgatien of the North only beeause he was the president of the Confederacy. The fact that he was a peer president did net add te this Northern hatred. ,It ought te have made him mera lovely In North ern eyes. But It did net, Just as it does net seem te have niade him less lovely in Southern eyes. The truth seems te be that in the general contemplation the man sccrus te have been lest iu the president. It is net Jeffersen Davis who is te be new burled, but the president of the Confederacy; which the Seuth loves and mourns, and the North hates aud reviles; or at least the sentimental and stupid people In each section. Ve de net think that sensible peeple North or Seuth have any strong emotion ever the death and burial of (he president of the Confederacy. He was a distinguished man and he has a distinguished burial. He was quite as virtuous a man as are the ma jority of the distinguished dead. He had a great calling, aud failed In It. Other wise no stigma attaches te him. He was a rebel; but thatlsnet a personal stigma. All his people were rebels and there is no stigma upon them but their failure. This nation was founded by rebels who escaped the pains and penalties of failure and who exalted their leaders into suc cessful patriots. A Beld rinaaclcr. Mysterious Colonel Lcybeurn beemi te be holding his plaee against great odds as the champion financial sensa tion. The papal secretary of state failed te shake the colonel by denying knewledge of his bank, and te the pope himself vfas applied te by a lhrald cor respondent who telegraphs from Heme that his hellnes contradicts categori cally the rumors that he Is about te start a bank. Telegrams from Londen Bhew a bread smile at the whole story, and yet the American cud of the scheme continues te give signs of vigor ous life. This curious state of affairs is only te be explained by the theory that the colonel had strong financial buppert from unscrupulous men of wealth In "Willi street, which enabled htm te give a hemblauee of verity te his movements for the founding of a bank with a hundred million dollars European capital and the pope's blear ing. The capital, If thcre Is any, will probably turn out te be American and rar below the huge llgure named, while the blessing seems te be nothing but a bold and fraudulent advertisement. The benediction trick did net work ns well iu New Yerk as the foreign oiera eiera oiera ter hoped it would. A Wall btreet man forcibly remarked : " We don't cure in this country whether the money wines from the 1'ejkj or the devil," aud the uelsj about a benediction seemed se strange te New Yorkers that It only ex cited suspicion. The brokers talk of iey iey beurn's scheme with caution, aud many insist that there is something iu it. One man shows a list of railroad bends amounting te thirty millions, aud says that Lcybeurn has contracted for all of them. When he has paid for all of them it will be timetocensidcrberioiisly the depravity of the men of wealth, who employ an agent se given te tricky methods. and picturesque lien. The Men Frem the Seuth. Jehn II. Inman bus long been the chief figure among the galaxy of South ern men who since the war have gene te New Yerk and shown the Inhabitants thereof a notable skill and success lu chasiug the almighty dollar unci becom ing the owners of millions. of them. He has beeu the most picturesque figure of the group nud has been huppesed te have wen his success In the development of the Seuth and in lila kuowledge of her resources and his discernment of her future. But he seems te have used the usual agencies of these who gather great wealth quickly In Wall street channels ; since he Is accused of having used his control of the Tennessee Ceal andiron company te pluck its treasury for his own advantage. Tills company was started some ten or mere years age with some iron furnaces and ere lauds as its basis, ut a com paratively modest capital. It was uur&ed by Inmau und ether Southern men and was In a premising way of growth with the development of South ern mineral vulues. There was another uccessful company that had been the pioneer lu the development of the coal Held ut Birmingham, Alabama. The scheme which Inmau formed was the purchase by his company of this coal company; which was done aud has turned out te have U-en n geed operation; but it was U-ttcr for Inman than for his company, te whom he sold it for live millions In bends und stock after he had.beught It himself for less than one million In cash, lttstruethftt the flve millions In bends and stock wcre worth n geed deal less than five millions in cash, but It is charged that Inman and his associates made ever two millions for their own pockets by their manipulation of this deal. And thecvldcnca seems te be that the South Seuth ern men nre growing strong In North ern wiles as rapidly as their fortunes arc growing te Northern dimensions. A notable thing about the discovery of this heavy burthen which was laid some three years nge upon theTcnucssce Ceal and Iren company is the fact that It did net crush tholifeout of lt;uer does itsec in te haw affected it vigorous growth, since its stock Is quoted at steadily grow ing figures. A concern that cau afford te pay five millions for 0110 million worth of property, that cost Its original own ers less than one - tenth even of the million, is aslandtngadvcrtlscmcnt of the great rapid and growth In the valuojef Southern mineral lauds and the development of thelrwcalth. IlKnK Is sonie consolation for our rainy days. Dr. Tracy, the New Yerk city regis trar of vital statistics, RiyH that the unusual rainfall lias been actually bcneflclal te health. " Never," he says, " has the city been se rainy, and nover has it been te healthful." De it remembered tlintdump, foggy Londen Is clalmeil te be ene of the healthiest of cities. The New Yerk JfernUt says: " We have been spared many of the sovero shocks which, In an ordinary rn rn en, are en used by sudden and great changes of temperature." Faitii euro f.inatlcs have just been hav ing a sad exiKirlonce In Brooklyn, whero the beard of Ueallli has at lust niiiniuatily Interfered te protect the public from thelr dnngereilH operations. It was found that the faith euro nenpln wero visiting dlphllierla patients Indiscriminately and spreadlng the Infection. The leadors wero nrrested and locked iipand thelr hall of meeting was thoroughly fumigated by burning sulphur. Public opinion In Brooklyn Is strongly against them, but this sort of fanaticism usually flourishes under opposition and It can only be hoped thnt It will rapidly wear Itself out by continued fallure ami the plain ovldencos of common seni It will puzzle the bollevors te explain why man should refuse te use the brains se kindly given him and dn nothing but beg for the tliu health that use of them might earn. Ifthe faith euro peeple would act llke in in in ioUlgent being and tnke advantage of medical knewledge whlle praying, nobody would have a word of fault te lintl, but when they recklessly disregard Ihe'plulnest warnings of experience and thervby Im peril the safety of a community they need te be sternly treated. The Brooklyn dis dis elplcs seeiii te have provoked this treat ment and cau net successfully pos as martyrs. Se much has been said of our new cruis ers, that It may be a wholesomo pastime te note tholatesl uchlovemeut'of Great Drltaln In cruiser building. She has Just launched the Dlake, of nine thousand tens displace ment. This Is the hcavlest unarmercd cruiser afloat, and the Chlgace, our largest cruiser, Is Just half her size. As regards swiftness, alie will be superior te every thing afloat, save only a ftnv of the most modern torpedo craft. The DIake will carry a battery of rapid tire guns, und has foiirterpodo tnbes. She will have room for 1,000 ten of coal, which will give her a radius of action of no less than 3,000 inlles at a continuous spoed of twenty knots a spced which she Is cxpocted te maintain for several days If necessary. Her steel deck varies In thlckuess from thrce te six lnche.s, und slie carries two large torpedo beats. Tin: cremation of the dead is steadily though slowly growing te be a familiar Idea, and any great epidemic of a contagious discase would no doubt be marked by en lncrcase in crematoriums llke that noted In Italy, where chelera nrouned thought en the quostlen of sanitary dlspemil of the dead, ,'cience gives the fellow ing statistics as te cremateries : Tiiore are new thirty thirty nlne cremateries In various juris of the world. Italy has twenty-thrce; Amerlen has teu; whlle England', Germany, France, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden have 0110 uplece. In Italy thcre vere two cremations lu 1870 j the number rese te fifteen In IS77, and In lb3 the number was 220. Sliice IWfl, 1,177 cremations hae taken place iu Italy, while the combined number iu all ether countries brings the total only te l.'JCO. ANOTHER l'EKICs HORROR. An Kleotrle Lineman Killed "While lte- ii.ili'luz u Wire Ills Bedy Slowly llurned. Anether New Yerk lineman met his death hut manner similar trrthat by vt hicli Keeks wa killed sevcral weeks nire. As in the case of Fucks, Monday's victim ro re ro celvod n shock whlle rup.dfiii u wire en the top of a ele, and foil across thouhes and was roasted. The latest ictlni of electricity was rotor Clausen, a Dane, 3t years old.u'he was cm cm pleyed by the Xortliern New Ynik Electric Lighting company, lie lived with his young ifa at SKI Kast 130th street. The accident occurred at the corner of Third avenue and Fifty-sixth street. At this corner there is n pole about 30 feet high, Willi two rress pieces. On the top cress piece u number of telcurenli wires nre strung and en the lower oue'thcro are two elcctrie light wires ene of which Is con nected with a lamp in front of ailrug stere. The lamp did net burn en Sunday night, und en Monday the company hent Clausen te icpair the wire. ItYinaubeut hair-past 1 in the afternoon when Clausen climbed the jk1e. lle strad dled the lower eroMxpieee, und began te makn what lepairs ero required. A mini mini beref ohildreu wcre pluylngeu the sldcw eik ut the loot of the pole. Suddenly ene of them, Maiuie D.ihl, alarmed the peeple bv crying "nre." Several persons at ence rushed out of the houses In the lclulty, and found Mamle pointing te the man en the pole. Leeking up a Iiorrlble sight met their gaze. Clausen was lying across the two electric wires: Ids right hand clutched ene of the wires, the ene he had been repairing, and his chin rested en the ether. Smeku and a bluish llaine wero Issuing from the parts of the body which touched the wires, und an odor of burning llesh nlled the air. A lurge crowd seen guthered and looked with shuddering horror upon the awful spectacle. In a low minutes three 'police men reached the spot, und precuiittg u lad der climbed te the reef or the elevated rail road station, which as en a level with the ten of the ole. Themas Smith, a driver, went up te help them. The four tried te get a rope around the body of the lliienmn. and. ut the lirst attempt, Smith received a shock which knocked him sonseless. He was curried te a saloon and seen recovered. The jiollco jiellco jiollce men, in the nieuntlme, hud get the repe around Clausen's body, but wero then con fronted by a new dllllcultv. The man's right hand clutched the who se tightly that the body could net be me ed. One of the men procured en uxe and chopped the wire in half. It was a dangerous thing te de. but fortunately no ene was hurt by it. With a great deal or trouble the body was filially dislodged and dragged from the pole ever en te the reef of the station and then lowered te the slreet. Dr. Daly examined the body and pro-r-euneod lift) extinct. The body was re ro re meved te the Merrlsanla pollce station. An examination showed that the electric light wires had burned the flush oil' the right hand te the bone. The llesh en the right forearm, from the elbow te the wrist, was also burned and Uiieratcd. The Imprint pf the wire was visible hi the chin. The body of the unfortunate iiiuii was stibie. quently removed te his own house en uti order given by Corener Kchultzp. The supposition is that Ciausin must have tern lied upirtef the wire en which the Insulation had worn oil' and received the stiecU, wlucli cuiuc-d bun te fall feiwurd oil the ether wire. JIe was lirebablv killed almost Instantly, The eile untitled the electric light company, and nther linemen were bent te the scene and repaired" the wlre which was responsible for the death. Clausen hed been married only a four months. When his young wife, who Is in delicate condition, was told of his death, she went Inte hysterics, and It is feared the shock may kilt her. ' Ne wonder, a baby pretest ettnlnt smh ilespias pMiptt will kIe It. Dr. llull's llsby Hrnip Is the plciikuntest and MUett remedjr noun for Infant. A person encn bears thn charge of lsxIneM when It Is only n poorly acting liver or a woa wea rled stomach, which Is the cntiie of lit slug- 5UIU1CM. One thus nrr.'rln should useL so se ar and be relieved, l'rlce only 23 centa a pack age. A Wlite Weman Will try and pronerve her charms, she may lack ctossle outline of form, but she should um BOZODONT, and retain ths beauty and useful ness of her teeth, A fine set of teeth Is one of the highest charms. BOZODONT will de this work. A Fair TH1 Is all that Is eked for Dr. Pierce's Oelden MoM MeM MoM leal Discovery Is all bleed tulnU. or nklu dli eiiftCA, eruiHieni. nimuiea ana creiuiuiiv nirr and wiling. It It don't cure, i you riret your AVruAw money uacx. TTIS KINUEll NAIL8C T'ernycarl was anils IS PINUKlt NAILS CAME OFK T'er n rear I was amisted with horrible crte of bleed potion, aud upwards of five months of that lime I wasunabie te de work of any kind. My ringer nails came en" and my hair dropped out, leaving my head as clean and imoeth as If It had been ahaved. I con sulted thn bent local pliynlctuU", anil spent hun dreds or dollars for medicine of dlfTcrent kind, but without receiving the slightest beneflt. 1 wandvlMdnnallylevlalt Het Hnrlngs. This I did, hut becoming dlngunted wftll the tr em inent I mu receiving there, commenced taking Hwlft's Hpcclflc (S. H. H ) The ctrect that H. H. M. had en me wiu truly wonderful. I commenced te recover after taking thfl flrst bottle, and by the time I had taken twolve bottle I was en tirely cured cured by Swift' Bpeelrte (H. 8. 8.) when Uiu world-renowned Het Springs had fulled. WM.H. I.OOMIH. Hhrevepert, La." FOUIt YHAltS ON CKUTCIIKH. Fer fifteen year I was uullctcd with rheuma tlsm, four year of which I wan compiled te go eticrutchcx. Words ere Inadequate, te cxprras the nutlerlngs t endured during that time. Uur tug these nrteen years of exl.ituice (II vran net living), I tried every known remedy without receiving uny benefit. I finally begnn en Hwlft' 8ieciric(H. 8. 8., which from the first gave me relief, mul te-uny I am enjoying thn best of health, and am n well man. 1 candidly bo be bo llevotlmtH. 8. H. 1 the best bleed purifier en the market te-dny. J. D.TAYUin, Cuba. Me. Treatise en llloed and Hkln I)lewn mailed free. MVVltT HI'ECIKIO CO., (I) Atlanta Oa. litacltlitcvtj, A bdauenaum: buoeestion. The covering of xteam pipes with n reliable material Insures dry steam unit haves fuel and uttontlen; the coslorthecoerlnglielngnme ceslorthecoerlnglielngnme coslerthecoerlnglielngnme times mnde up In a single year In unvlngef fuel alone. The best .material e fur ouVicdtetho public I the Megnesia Sectional Cevering, Fer Btcam ripe. Hellers, nrlnol'lne. Etc., and I for mite only In iJincnMer mul Lcbunen counties, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARKE CUMMDJGS, Prep., NOH. IM X 1M NOItTH CHIU8TIAN ST., Lancanter, l'n. Trice UU and dlnceunt and direction for npplyli en Replication. Hpcclal terms te the tiade. Alse Valves, Pipe, Cocks, Fittings, Etc., at Jobber' l'rtcei. decMMK s TEAM ENOINE AND UOILEItWOKKB. Steam Engine AND- Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will pay you te call at my Weikaand ex amine our Bleck of Engines ! . A.!!,"r-,1, ,n nuote you prices mid oe our facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 If orae-Pew cr j 42', tl Horeo-l'oHer... 47." 8 Herse-Power i. fi2i 10 Hore-rowcr 675 15 Hnree-Pewer , . . 75 aHIorae-rencr ,., 1,175 Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. fl Horse-I'ewcr S Horse-I'euer .. 15 lIurM.-l'ever J1V) SWl 'J7 Boilers, Second-Hand. Kive SO Heme-Power, SO In. Dlam., 10 feet lxitig, !,lii,Tiibeii. l'rice,s75nndfiau. One Heller, m In. Dlam., It feet Leng, 21 3 In. 1 uliei 12 feet Umg, with Flre Frent Cantlngi, ia. I CAIlItY THE I.Altar.ST KTOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN Till: CITY OF l.ANCAHTEIt, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines. Mill nnd .Milling .Machinery, SuwMIIU. llurk nnd Cob Mill, Pumpi, etc. Contractor for HU-nm Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Wuter. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IS THE 1IEST INTIIE MAHEEr. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, l'KOPIUKTOK, 333 EAST FULTON ST., I.ANOAKTEil, PA. rplIOUOUOIt l.NSTHUCriON IN AU, JL nriiuclieiiert.ilnlng te a htialueki eduea I'tvi!"1,,1"0. 'ANCAMlEll HUSINhS COL. l.Ulh,(lruntHall,Ne. 31 North Duks street. Day nud etching kcsleii. Iiutruellen Ilrt Cbi?s only. Course tboreiigh, flltlug young men nnd ladle rerpnhltluii. Ifuudred of teillnuk. iiluUiitCollegultCMUusfer vxuiulnutleii. Visi tor iiltta) Mclceinc. Address. II. C. WEIDLEIt. Principal. IJUUEJLlUi: OK THE UHAPK. X The red unit white wines which I pur I'liased euthesixit wliere made, oil the Ithlne lu Oenuuny. Just the thing for the holiday, heed In our orders. I guurantee It pure uud it guel lucdUlaurorcurivbledceiislltnllousi til . PUTEItDOItHIIEIMK.ll, it',,, . '""d-lii-lland, I Jinenster Ce., Pa. 111 call at your heiiMi If ou send me n no. lal. Orders may buletluttheLuncuHtcrCmutf ers may he lett at he Lancaster County lieUte, uiwiuu iVattamahetr'. PHiUADEtrniA.Tuenday, Dec 10, lm. Belinda Is but seventeen, And yet shs knew that If she flaunt Iter painted ran and steals glance At me behind It gorgeous screen, She set my pulse all a-danee. MaryJX wanlttell in Dttembtr Century. This high literary authority emphaziscs what we said a few days since concerning Fans. Flirting behind a $285 fan, or coquetting with a 25 cent one. We provide either extreme and every point in the intermediate state. Northwest of centre, P. S. te our remarks yester day concerning Children's Beeks. Yeu recall the list ? It started with Budge, 10 cents, and ended with Santa Claus Picture Gallery, 40 cents. They are all bound in brilliant bread covers, and illustrated in black and white, average 8x10 inches. A healthy and enter taining let of books. Holiday number of Boek News new en the counters. " Leng looked for come at last." Hew Boek News has grown. The student, the libra rian, the ordinary or casual reader will be profited equally by its perusal. It is the first periodical of its sort in the land giving large knowledge in handy form which no ordinarily informed person can de with out. The large subscription list grows constantly, as de sales at the counter. This num ber is the finest ever issued. Nearly every title in the Re views, Boek Lists, or advertise ments for sale here at fair prices. 5 cents a copy, 50 cents a year. Thirteenth street elde. Jehn Wanamaker. jjqlace of ffaahten. TAt.ACE OK KAHHION. Mere TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS AT THE 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST. In order te jrlve niore room te our dis play of Christmas Goods, we nre obliged te reduce our stock of ether goods. "We therefore call ntteutleu te the Im mense reduction mnde In every depart ment. Ladles' Newmarkets at cost at S2.9S, $3.08, $-1.98, J7.41), $9.08, $12.08, $14.08. Children's uud Misses' Ceatfl ut re duced prices. All our Short Jackets at $2.9S. Hush Jackets, Sacque, Wraps and Medjcskns ut cost. Heys' Suits at reduced prices. All our Children's Trimmed Hats at 7e cents. Bargains lu Ribbons. Come and sec our Satin Hlbbens, Xe. 10, loop edge, all silk, at 0c. Loek at the Hlbbens we offer at 10c. Our Fancy ltibbens at 23c ; worth CO and 75c. Our 1'aucy ltibbens at GOe; worth $1 a yard. 10-Inch riush, at 37c ; lS-lucli Plush, at r0e ; 21-lnch lMush at 75c. H. Children's Seft Felt Hats at 29c. Our whole stock of Beys' Clothing at Reduced Prices. Knee Pant Suits from $1.0Sup ureal reduction iu theFrlee of Cem forts. These goods must be sold. Extra large Comforts at 89, 08c, $1.2-5 and $1.50; worth $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Come and buy them, as we have but a few of each left, and cannot get them for the price any mere. Tremendous Bargains in Hosiery. Ladies' all-wool plain and ribbed Cashmere Hese, down te 17en pair, or 3 pairs for 5()c. Child's tine ribbed all-wool Cashmere Hese, down te 15c a pnlr ; regular price 25 cents. (tent's nil-wool Cashmere Pecks, In natural grey, down te 18c a pair. Infant's all-wool Itibbeu Hese, in black, white aud colored, down te 9c, or 3 pairs for 25c. Ladles' IUIiIrmI Merine Vests, long sleeves, silk faced, down te 25e. Merine Vests and Pants, sold every where at 50c, down te 39c. Cashniere Vests, legular price 75c, down te 50e. Ladies' all-wool Scarlet Vests, regular price isk.', ciewn 10 uyc. Men's extra heavy Scarlet Underwear, regular price 87c, down te GOe. Men's GOe Grey Underwear, down te 37c. Men's Imitation Nnturnl Weel Under wear, with striped cuffs, regular price 75c, down te 50c. Men's Natural Weel Underwear, reg ular price $1, down te 83c. Men's Flannel Shirts, regular price $1, down te S7c ; regular price $1.37, down te $1 ; regular price $1.75, down te $1.23: regular price $2, down te $1.50. Ware offering the Greatest Bargains ever offered in Hosiery aud Underwear. The season is late. Our stock is large. We must sell etV. Come and be convinced of the many Bargains offered at the 115 & 117 North Queen St. i'l'rtrtl Jloticce. "lJ'HrATKOKMIClIAKL DUKItlt, I.ATKOK J:J the City of Umeiister, deceived. I,etteraef udiiiliilslrutloiiHaldentAtehulinrbecn grunted te thn underlined, nil jK-rsenn lndtuted therein ure reuuented te make liniiiedliiti) pnyment.and Ihnoehnvlni: rlulins erdeiimndu t,'jiliit the Mine, will present them without delay for kettleinent te the timltridL'hed, reld Itii; In the City nfI.uiie.iiMi. r. MAHIA llAllttAUA DtJElllt, . Administratrix. J.Ne. A. Cevi.i:, Attorney. muMtdfn TJ HAL I5JTATIJ AND lyauitAycK. JOHN H.JVTeTZLER, Ne. v .seu Hi nuKE stiu:kt. ' Itenl estntn bought, Iseld or exrhantred. rreM-rtle rented nnd rents eolleetcd. 1 ire, Lifeiincl Accident Iiuuruucv. 1.0.111a negotiated. safe Hlx mid Heveu I'er Cent. InvetmenU. elj-lyd Palace of Fashion, 9rs (loe. T HE VKOVVK& CAMM STORK. SPECIAL DRIVES 'it -' -r tv -IN- FLANNELS! One lUle et 8CAM.KT and Ilt.WK TWILLED FLANNEIi at 17c ; worth ISe. One Let of Yard Wide BOAIILKT HUAKKIt FLANNEL at 33e ; regu lar price, 4Jc te DOc One Ixt of BCAIILET WILL FLANNEL at Kb. regular price, 23c. One Let of RCAHLET TWII.LFLANNELat23ej cheap at 30c -, One Let of BCARLET TWILL FLANNEL at 30e ; worth te-day Sc5c Full Llneef FLANNELS generally et LOWE8T CAHII FRICEM. . F. 25 East King Street, marOMydlt LANCABTRR, PA. XITILUAMHON 4 FOSTKK. The Useful Christmas Present. A Gent's Hmeklncr Jncket, Hense Ceat, Blum. her Kebe, Dreulnt; Uewn or Itath Ilehe. The Serviceable Christmas Gift. A Oent'a Storm Overcoat, Dress Salt, English Tep Ceat, Dre l'lmtulecms or Fine Heaver Overcoat, The Acceptable Christmas Offering. A ladled' English Walking Jacket of Im. ported 811k I'liuh, Bilk Plush Kacque, Cleth or Htocklnette Jacket, Child's Plush Ceat, Bey Knea Pant Hulls, Beys' Cape Overcoats. The Welcome Christmas Tribute. AOent'iBlIk Muffler, Embroidered Suspen der, Tcck, Pun", or Feur-ln-Hsud Scarf, Hbav. Ing Set In I'lunh Bex, Toilet Set, Whisk Helder, Nail Set or Smoking Set. The Unexpected Christmas Greeting. Tricot Dress Goods, 34 In., at 12c per yard. Plaids, 39 In., at 20e per yard. All-Weel Cleth, S In., at SJe per yard. Mixed Cleths, 61 In., at 37'.ic or yard. Tycoon Itepps, 10c. Hill Muslin, I yard wide, 7c per yard. Appleton XX, 6JJc per yard. Lancaster Otnghsms, 7c per yard. City Band, 0,'$c per yard. Geed Quality, 0c per yard. The Beautiful Christmas Trifle. A China Silk Tld, embroidered and hand hand palnted.Weshlng Embroidery Silk, Hep Silk, Tinsel, Chciillle Cord, Knitting Silk Araiene, lllbiueneuiid Plush Ornaments. The Old Felks' Christmas Faver. OolderOxydlzcd Hnndle, Olerla Cleth Um brella, size 21, 87c ; SO In., 07c ; 24 In., f LIB ; 30 -In., 61 38. liluck Hair Muff, 25f. Oenulne Menkey .Mu!!',fl, $.100 te fd. Turtles nnd Pocketbooks, Sc, i'c und SOc, CtilldrcnS Trunks, 4J0 te ft. The Premised Christmas Token. Embroidered Plush Slippers, fl.fl 50, f2 00. Light Tan AlllgaterSllppers. Seal Drewn Alligator Slippers. Children's Ilubbcr lloetn, fl, fi Ladles' Itubbcr IloeU, fl SO. Misses' nnd Ilejs' Dress HIioeh. -Oiien every evening during Dcccuiber. Williamson k Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, I'A. AND NO. SIS MARKET ST.. HARHISBURO PA eSlOUV. TT EVAN Jt SON'S. Levan's Fleur I MAKES GOOD BREAD -AND- FINE CHRISTMAS CAKES. SVttOX'iU'UB. Tf UTIIEK S. KAUFFMAN, ATTOUNKV-AT-LAW. S.H-eiut Fleer Eshlemsn Law Uulldlng, Ne. IS North DukeMlrcHit, prt-lydw TTENltV WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, Iibs removed te ltd East King street, having a full line r h urnlture or every dtserlptlen at the ewes! prices. Alse Undertaking premiitly at. tended te. Cull and exumlue our goods. sS-tfdU ii, WOLF. W Eust King HtnL GE RAMON CHInnr9 H HAMJlKTUI. -AT- Tbe flnett line of Holiday Geed ever shown by aa In Hv Hand Decorated China, Japa neae Ware, Royal Worcester, Cut Glass and a general line of Fancy Goods. Decorated Dinner Sets In China, Porcelain and Granite. Printed Goods In White In the best qualities. Chamber Bets In all grades from White and Printed te Jesse Dean's Finest Decorations, and at prices equalD any. ROCHESTER LAMP! The best Lamp In the mar ket In Stand, Parler, Library and Piane Style. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. J. B. MARTIN CO. LAMPS! LAMPS! We have made heavy pur chases in" Lamps, and have a very large line te select from, at' away down prices. Rochester Stand Lamps. Twenty-five different Patterns from $3.50 te $12.50. . Bisque Stand Lamps. New designs, all with the Patent Duplex Burner, from 75 te 50c each. Piane Lamps. With Silk Fringed 'Shade. One number of Piane Lamps we are offering at $10.00 each; is the greatest bargain, ever offered in these Lamps. Hanging Lamps. A complete stock from $1.50 te $12.50 each. Every Dinner Sett in stock has been reduced te make room for Holiday Goods. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. ffvu tfjoeh. B AltdAINH IN DBV GOODS. BARGAINS -IN- Dry Goods -AT THE New Yerk Stere. Plain Celers lu Deuble Feld CLOTH SUIT 1NUH. A Uuritttln ut lc a yurri. S8.Inch WOOL CLOTH HUITINQd, In Pliilu and M I xed Celers. A Bargain at 2Sc a yard, 8IDEIIANI) CASHMERE. All Celers, 38 Iuches Wide, Very Cheup at 23e a ) aril. MIXED THICOT HUITINfJS, W Inches Wide, Heavy Weight, u llargalu ut iJau yard. ALL-WOOL TItlCOT SUITINGS, 40 Inches Wide, latest Shades, S7Xc n ynrd ; never told rerles than 60c. Bilk and Weel 40-Inch PLAID AND HTUIi'K NOVELTIES, 3c; reduced from 00c. ALL-WOOL CHESTER CLOTHS, M Inches wide, Elefuut Finish, Rest Shades, Wr a. yurd. 45-Inch FfNE HENRIETTAS, Celers and Illuck, Siieiier Quality, a Uargaln ut3Ctt yard. Special lUrguiiui In STOCKrNETTE JACK ETS at 11W.il und e Each. SEAL CLOTH JACKETS at 91, W te 15 Each. TRTatt Sc Slxaxia Nes. C, 8 & 10 East King St HlMlATGOOKS fletifeau c0b. s J. HARRY 8TAMM. Santa Clau WILL VISIT OUR STOEI PAPAS AMD MAMMAS ARE lNVIT INSPECT OUR STOCK BEFORE HE COMER. lew Bosten Stc 24 Centre Square. J. HARRY STAM We have Toys of oil descriptions at the est frlces erer offered In Lancaster city. Wax Dells, Bisque Delts, Kid Delii COO Fine Dells at Sc each. Trains of Cart run by (team. Steam Engines. Elastic Locomotives. Machine Short, Mechanical Toys. Running Turtles. Running Roosters. Running Crocodiles. Musical Banks. " The Four Jelly Clowns." Tops, Tops, Tops, Scheel Companions. Desks, Metolephoncs. Pianos, Dell's Cribs, Dell's Chain, 'Extension Tables, Felding Chairs. Watches, Prattling Beeks. Meuth-Organs, Herns, Trumpets. Ships, Ships, Ships, Blackboards, Drawing Slates. Drums, Drums, Drum?. Nest Blocks. Soldier Beys' Outfit, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, I Linen Hankerchlefs, Silk Ilaiidkercbli' Mufllers at Lewost Prices evor knewi NOW IS-THE TIME, AND HERE IS V CHANCE. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. 24 Centre Square J. Harry Stam ij goet anb gjhece. B HGAIN8. xnsrr STACKHOUSE This Week FOR HI BARGAINS IN Beets & Shee SHIM A Full IAU e of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The Best Beet Slade. Call nnd tee thd D P. STACKH0U: Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. H OLIDA V SLITTERS. Grand Dispu OF- I always had ene of the Largest Lines and J B,ntnitilji nt Men's, flnvu' and Youth's Hell Slippers, but the Line and Assortment I beul for this season surpasses all theso of the pas 1 linvn Man'. K'mlirnlilei-Pll HllDDCrS UKUC.1 A Line of Men's. Ladles', Misses', Bey's il xeutnsaiDvc. , ,. ti.a HenrtwmNi 7.Kllnnprs In thecltv. inivit. ,iii. uiiniv.r In rv lari;e euatitltli am enabled te sell at 75e. It Is u regular f Hllnnnr unci uirilflbSPS III Stvle and OUHllty I you will see marked eUowheie at the sa A full line at fl In Light and Dark Celers, Ilarvards.EveretUnndpperua. Mir 1 1 "', nnrlr ..lienllln Embroidered 81 pers you will net tee marked ebewliere 1 tnan i 60. Handsome line ntfl SO and $2 00 have net arrived yet : expect them dally. Men's Patent Ixither Oxford, f 1 60 and fJ lln.l,i ut tJ An. I Vmith's nlllt Mlilkul1 ill :s i Lnrgest UlspUy in City can be seen inii large winaew. The One-Price Cash Heusj Chas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader Lew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES N03.3 & 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. NOTICE Mtere open Evening of DecerabiJ If Wnii h Holiday Sips! " "V i.V'4.5 1. .. 'K. s..j' s. - f -U2. .i'irJ ,"K-- ,, i