WTW -M "'. " ", .. . t?i E.:& 4 . i &i U&f M. m : '. & XV i n. ,r F w kt EV p'j. & w BS ttt IM ifta S&.. aw&; , iV' y- m frfti f V 'fif ;Ci E- .y?H.. ... - . j.v .. , wmmatutammmmK ,,v m.m 9rtifiifrttct. .U ,f IlZl iltDMCW J. STKUttt AK, CMARLBSSTMNMAJiFOLTt, Editors. ROBERT CLARK, ufalher. , fMB. DAILY INTELLIGENCER.-Published twr 4a in the year, bat Sunday. Served by darters In this city and umrandlnf town at ten canta week. By mail five del tan k yaw (n ndvutM ; M eeata roeaUu WBKLT TNTELLiaitNCEB-One dollar nd ftyewiUn yew, In advance, t . . NOTICE TO BUmCRIBEKJ-Remlt by check . ... .Mt whr tiellliivr nf Umm eta t procured Med In reg.itered tetter Baterad 'at lh .Fostefflc, ai second class mall auttef. AO0MM. THB nCTELLIOENCM, Lancaster, I". LiOABTiat, PA., December 9, 1889. OTcrhead 'Wires. The objection which our people reason ably entertain te overhead electric wires seed net be encountered in an efficient system of propulilen ; because there is nothing In the nature of the meter that requires It te be transmitted by overhead wires rather than in underground con duits. It is net a matter open te dispute that overhead wires of every kind are an encumbrance and a danger upon the treets of a city. They are in the way of firemen and the poles are In the read of the people When they are charged with electricity they become a great additional danger ; aud even the inno cent telephone wire becomes the agent of death when crossed by the heavily charged wires of the electric light, as abundant illustrations hnve lately proved. Inthe advanced condition of our civ ilization we de net let destruction of life stand In the way of a material improve ment. Ne one suggests the banishment of the electric light because it is dan gerous. These who cheese te use it may de se, and these who manufacture it may lawfully transmit it, whatever slaughter they commit in doing it. We believe, however, thatwhlle these dangerous agencies of modern invention are permitted and even encouraged by public sentiment, it demands that their danger shall be made as little as possible ; and that it is net properly held te be obstructing the wheels of progress te demand that they shall be run witli the greatest regard for human life. Population has net yet become se great that the slaughter of men Is considered a benefaction te the race. Theoretically life is vuluable and its spoliation Is a crime ; though practically and In A'Jew of the' impunity with which railroad managers kill brakemen by lack of au tomatic couplers, and electricity makers slay their linemen by the failure of the insulation of their wires, the law has become a dead letter in these whole sale slaughters. Ne geed reason can be given why a railroad manager who permits a man te be killed in ceupltug cars should net be adjudged guilty of manslaughter ; since there are abun dant means for coupling cars without ordering men te go between them te de it. 80 the manager who sends a killing electric current through an unprotected wire is guilty, under the dcflnltleu of the law, of manslaughter, If by his negligence a man is slaiu. Ne railroad or electrin light manager has ever been punished, though the deaths by their orders have been many. The law 1b suspended for their benefit. The people who get between cars and upon electric wires must leek out for themselves. Aud te that end we counsel the coun cils of this city that they leek into this matter of electric propulsion of street cars; that they suspend their hasty ac , tien authorizing the erection of poles and overhead wires, until they can determine whether they afford the best means of doing the work. It may be that they de. It is said that the elect ric charge they will carry will net be u dangerous one ; but It Is better that they should be buried out of sight if it may Iks done. And we print clsowhere a detciiptleu of a method by which It is said that it may be done. A Difference In the Hurrr. Reading has sensibly concluded te manufacture her own electric light which she finds she can de ut a far less price I 1 than she pays for it uew. , Jjim caster found out the same thing some tlme age when she had nn expert examination inade of her water power, and an estimate of the cost of utilizing it for her electric light ing. What has become of this mutter in councils? There does net seem te te have been the same haste te Inaugurate this change us there was te establish the poles aud wires for street car propulsion, and yet it was quite as wise a movement, if net a wiser one. When Councilman Altick obtained se faverable a report from the engineer who made the examination Inte the capacity of the water power owned by the city te supply its electric light, aud the small cost at which the plant would be established and the greut saving that would result in the cost of light lug the city, we expected that councils would promptly take measures te carry se well appearing a project into effect. Hut the report still remains without action upon it. It sleeps the sleep of a project that has no one te bull and bother it. There is no money te Iks made out of it by unyene but the city, and there Is no sufficient reason v by councils should fret about saving money for a town se rich as Lan caster that can afford every luxury she wants ut the highest price, and that employs u street committee that covers the street with soft stones iu the summer and digs them out from the resultant mud in the sprlug. He Did Xet Act as He Talks. Secretary Procter is net happy in his reply te the notification from the mayor of New Orleans of Jeffersen Davis death. He re fiwed te put his Hag nt half-mast therefer, as has been done with every ether secretary of wur, of whatever merit j aad there have been some who have had mighty bad records after tlipy left the office. Ktill the flag was half masted for them, because it was the rule; and the rule required it te be done for Jenerson Davis, who was at least an honorable and virtuous mun, If the chief of the rebels. And as a geed ninny of these rebels have had flags lowered for them since the rebellion, it is net clear where fore the official head of the Confederacy should have been tee bad for the grace. It does net matter much that the lag was net lowered. Hut if Sec retary Procter had desired te act M he says? he did, and wished te de nothing tbut would be unusual, he should have half-masted a flag that u screUry's death has always, heretofore, half-masted. He writes much like an old woman when he says te the mayor , , tf New Orieanj that he really hopes he THE does net hurt anylxxly's feeling and that he wants te keep things moving along quietly and (e let by-gene be forgotten. And se he doe what has never been dene before and makes n successful efl'ert te stir up the feelings of the past. Tub kkwv Hint American ni1slennrles were making efforts te bring Moussa Hey Injustice. Is swiftly followed by information that I10 has nrrhed there. This brut'.il Turk Mi brigand, whose great wealth and strong following long enabled hi m te rob, burn and murder the Americans, has at list been exiled te Syria. Tunnc Is said te be a strong resomblance between Congressman Goodnight, of Ken Ken tueky.and our own holy Jehn WAnamaker, and the former has been ailvlsed te go te the Appointment clerk and onlerpoitofllcoH for his friends Just as if he were Mr. Wanamakcr. Ooednight however, Is as great a Sunday school man as the postmaster general and gravely de clines te de anything of the kind. The story runs that the Kentucky man Is se much like, Mr. Wanamaker that he Is often stepped en the street by parties m ant ing postefllcen. If Inte In the day he could often easily dismiss tliem, and yet loave undisturbed the Impression that he was the great Jehn of the clothing house Te the quorles " Are you willing te oblige 1110?" or "Are you Mr. Wanamakcr?" he might reply veraciously, " I am. Oood Oeod Ooed night!" Tun subterranean lake, long siipiwsed te be hidden net far under Lancaster, has net yet been tapped by the two thousand feet well of the 1'enn Iren company, but at Pottstown the Phoenix llrldge company have found a lake of warm water nt a depth of only a hundred foci. The tcm tcm tcm porature of the water Is sixty-five degrees. Geologists have hinted the oxlsleneo of the Lancaster lake, but they nover gave any reason te suspect a wnrm water tank under Pottstown. It is ovldent that the gucssei of geologists are net worth much mero than these of ordinary mortals, aud the only way te find out i lint Is under us Is te go down and bee. Pottstown soeuis te have captured a pet mnrvel vhlch I.nn caslrlnns had been inrule te bullet 0 would be found hore, but e may have the gratification of a bigger wonder when we ile strike wnter, as w 0 must go se intuit doepor for it. Llttle Pottstown, by the way, shows com mendable enterprise In sotne things, and deserves subtorrnuean blesslugi in return. " Frequently men are Injured about the public works, and either the old stretcher Is called Inte use or otte of the haekscallcd for te convey the unfortunate home." A flre company has resolved te buy nn am am bulance which will answer telophnne calls fiem any part of the boietigh. " TI10 ser vice will be frce te all w he cannot afford te pay for it, and the expenses attending it will be raised by prlvnte subscription. After the Pottstown hospital Is established thoatnbulance sorlce will be worked in connection with It." Pottstown villagers might be surprlsed te learn that In wealthy, prosperous Lan caster there is no nmbulnnec, though the Intjsixieexcku has a slew ly growing fund with which 0110 will be bought. ' "Wis Incline te the opinion that the county commissioners have the best of the mayor upon the agitated question of courtesy. A ckutaix Colonel Lay burn has been startling New Yerk with claims of the sup port of the pepe In a vast banking seheme. He ropresonted that branches of the bank were already established in Italy, France and England. Te glve his claims an ap ap ap poaraure of reality he paid a consUleralilo sum for a chatter In New "Yerk, and took the reftiHal of en oftlce at high rent. The New Yerk HcraUl cabled te Heme inquir ing about the matter, anU the secretary of state of the Vatican declarcd that nothing was known thore of any great church bank. Archbishop Cor Cer rigan and ethor high authorities of the church in this country, brand the wltole thing usa fraud, but strange te nay, the colonel Is quite calm ttnder tire. He still insists that his company 1m all right, and showed no dismay at the telcgram from Keine. He says that the matter was secret, and the socretaiy of state would naturally knew nothing of the lutik until founded. He points te the benediction of the pepe bearlng the seal of Caidtual L.iureu7l and asks whether he forged the document. It would be pretty safe te say that he did, but he is certainly a cool and bold operator and for that reason it Is the mero fortunnte that he lias been smotliered se early In his cureer. He is said te have peculiar gifta for cntnrprlses of this kind, is sttave and plauslble, quick in ids answers and w oil iuformed. Itascals of this grade nre tuore te be feared than all the burglars alive. TIIK YVOItLD'M l'AIK. The lInu Aki-ihmI Upen for un KxrmMtleu In Wuvliluifteti. The national beard of promotion, In charge of the Threo Americas exposition me cineut, have agreed upon the fellow lug bill, which was te-day lntiedueed iu both the Senate and llouse : A bill te provlde for a Threo Ameilcas and world's exposition at the national capital In 1W2. He it enacted bythoScnateand Heuse of Representatives of thu United States of America, In Congress assembled. That a Three Americas and world's ovpesltlon be held nt the national capital In lyj'j, in commemoration of the -Hnith itmilverMiry of the dlsee ery of America by Christopher Celuuibun, and that the prosldent of the United States appoint a go orunient beard of iiiue dliocters te fermulate and super intend the execution of a plan for such exposition. Section i That said plan shall Include: A Three Americas museum, te leuialii as a momeilnt building, iu commemoia cemmemoia commemeia tlou of that great historical oeut, and as aropesltoryoftho antiquities mid history of the Western hemisphere. A Threo Americas building for an ex hibit of tlm representative resources, arts industries of the 18 American bister re publics, the Dominion or Canada and the West India Islands. A state and toirlterial building for en exhlbit of the ropresentnlhe reseurces, arts and Industries of the 40 states and territories or the United Stntes. A building for an exhibit of wetklng models of great American Inventions. A building for a temperarv exhibit of the representative reseuices, arts and ln ln dUBtrlesefall nations ethor than American. A statue or Christopher Columbus, te be unveiled w Ith appropriate ceremonies en the lt:th of Octeber, lyj. Section 3. That the president or the Unlted States, through the department of state, shall make proclamation vetting forth the dates ut which the exposition shall openand close, and inlting the partleliu partleliu tlen of all nations of the world, and uli states and teriiterles of the United States. Section 4. That the president of the United Htates especially invite the prexi. dents of the eighteen American blster re publics, the king or Italy, the queen of Sjmin and the presidents nnd reigning sov ereigns of all ethor nations, te isltthe Unlted States in lb!i nnd Jein with him in the ceremonies attending the unveiling of bald statue of Christopher Columbus. Section 6. An insurance of $15,000,000 of the bends of the District of Columbia is hereby outheiizcd, or se much thereof us may be found necessary for the puriioke. te bear such rate or Intere.t and te inature at such tlme as te Congress shall seem best te Ixi Held at net lcs than part the proceeds te be paid into the treasury or the United States as a fund for thu expense of hold ing said exjiosltlen at the national capital : any unexpended balatue thereof, together with the reeelpjuver and above the ox ex ox pensesofsald exposition, tebe pluced te j 10 credit of the District of Columbia for the liquidation of any Indebtedness of said district. t a TEitniPLK citahgi:. Uie Mluueanellu "TrlbuneW Ux-Cush- ler Suspected or JIuvluu: l'lred the UulldluB. A special te the St. Leuis Jtepullie from St. i'au), Minn., says 1 Charles B,, Ontreui. IiAKOABTER DAILY until lart Friday night, cashier nnd book keeper of the Minneapolis department of the Bt Paul Vleneer Pre is suspected of having started the fire which burned the Minneapolis Xri&ieie building, and resulted iu the death of seven men. He is charged en Friday night procedlng the llre with having stolen 2,'.S00 of the funds belonging te the lSencer iVcjt. He admitted his guilt, and refused te help his employers In straightening out the books. The rumor was seen abroad that Ostreni had fired the Tribune building te hide the evidences of his guilt. He was ledgod in jail, but stoutly denies his guilt. With tears streaming down his checks, Ostretn Said : " I knew It leeks as though I were guilty of the awful orlme new charged against 1110. but as Cled Is my wit ness, I am net. I think I can prove a clear alibi en that dreadful night. I knew that my peculations would seen be discovered, and I had doternitnod te loave the city. I went te the depot for that purpose, but con cluded It would be botter te stay aud face my troubles. I went from the depet te my home, at nine o'clock, first stepping nt tlie thoatre, where I ex pected te find my wlfe, but did net see Iter thcre and went en home. It Is trite I left my books out of the safe the night of the tire, which looked bad for me, its thelr destruction would destroy the ovidenco against tne, but I did net llre the Tribune building." Detectives have been watching Ostretn two weeks prier te the flre and tuny knew something of his whorcabeuts en that fatal night. Ills downfall Is due te gambling. He married a young girl about three months age. a rmr. escape net itrkd. The Associated Press sent out from Minneapolis a week age the substance of the resolutions of the local typographical union designated by name (ion. A. II. Nottleton as the owner of the burned build ing, and as consurable for neglecting re peated requests of occupants for additional llre escapes. A later personal explanation from G011. Ncttlcteit did net reach all points In tlme for publication. The struc ture was built nnd e nod by a corporation of which tien. Nottleton was fortnerly a member and ofllcer, but he ceased te have any lnterest in or control ever the corpora tion and building mero than two years age. The corenor's jury find that ene committee of the lnber Union conferred with the com pany semn four years age in regard te flre escapes; that seen theicafter an additional folding iron ladder cscape was put in the Tribune composing room, en the soventh lloer, and that, this escape was In the build ing en the night of the llre, but was net known and net used. This additional llre cscape has bcen found among the lulus since the lite. A M'Iimj Weman Will try niul prmerve her charms. She may lack classic outllne of form, but she sheulil use HOZODONT, ana retain the beauty nnd useful ness uf her teeth, A fine set or tenth Is one of the highest charms. HO.ODOST will de this Werk. " The iwcptPRt thin? that cter grew bealilesn luununOoer" was llttW.Muy, until she took te hnvltiK heudnclirs. Ter n tlme she lint lirr lienuty, hut one lirlKht Jay her l'apa bought a bottle or Halvnttnn Oil, nnd te I shuU ns root unci pretty ns ecr. Time Is money, but health Is hnpplneM. If yen have n bad eeltl or cough use Dr. Hull's reuKh Hyrup. It will cuie you eery time. !VUe23 tents. AlTutrTiUl Is all thnt Is niked for Dr. Pierre's (lelilcn .Med leal llceery Is all bleed taints, or skin ills- eucs, eriipiieus, punpies ami seronueui sores ' and swelling. f it don't ture, en Vet jour money duck. .M.llllVW lticiitl Jtetlcca. Mothers t Mothers t t Mothent I I t Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If e, gout once and getabottle of MILS. WINB LOW'H SOOTHING BYKUP. It will relieve the peer little BUffcrer Immediately depend upon It; thore U no mistake about It, Thcre U tint a mother en rurlli who lias ever used It, who will net tell you at ouee that It will regu late the bowels, nnd gli e rest te the mother, and relief nnd health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all rases and plrnsaul te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female phi slelans and nutsfs In the United States. Beld everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. une251ydA,w Uunklen'H Arnlcn Halve. Tnic nr.sTBAi.VKtti the world ferCuts.Trulsea Beres, Ulcers, Halt Hheum, Fever Meres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, nnd all Hkln Kruptlens, nnd pe"ltlvly cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te glve er fect KiitlHfuctlen, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 und 139 NerUi Queen street, inutusicr, ra. uue.7i)a The Verdict tJnnnlmeiiH. V. D.Sult, Druggist, Hlppus, Iiul., testitles " I ciiii reieininend lJIcetrle Hitters ns the cry best remedy. livery bettle sold has glen relief tueery cuic. One man took Mx bottles and cured of ltheuinatlsm of 10 tears standing." Atiraham Hare, druggist, HelKllle, Ohie, af firms: "The best wiling medlrltie I haeever handled In iny 20 ears' cxperlcnre, Is nieelrle Hitters.'' Thousands of ethers lineiiilded their testimony, se that the crtllct Is unanimous thntKleotrle Hitters de cure all diseases of the Iilvrr, Kldnets or Bleed. Only n half dollar a bettle ut II. A. Cochran's Drug Btere, 137 A IDU N. Queen HU, Lancaster, Pa. A. "Vt'emnn's Disco veiy. " Anether wonderful dlsce ery has been mnde nnd thnt tee by n lady in this county. Disease fastened Its clutches upon lid' nnd for seven j ears she withstood Its severest tests, but her Itul organs Mere undenulud and death seemed Imminent. Fer three mouths she coughed In cessantly nnd could net sleep. Bhe bought of us u bottle of Dr. King's New IHscesery for Con sumption nnd wns se much rellou-den taking first deie that khe slept all night and w Ith one bottle has been miraculously cured. Ilcrnnine Is Mrs. I.uther Iattr." Thus write W. C. llam rlck A Ce., of Mielby, N. C Oct a free trial beu tie at II. It. CiKhran's Drug Btere, 137 A.13UN. Queen Ht., Ijiuuister, Pa. f-lAKTCU'H LITTLE LIVLTl PILLB. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE Sick Ueadnche nnd relieve all the troubles Inci dent tu a bilious state or tlies stem, such as Dlzztuesi, NaiiM?a, Drowsiness, Distress after lilting, I'alulu the Side, .tc While their most remarkable success bus bicn shown Iu curing sick: Headache, jet CAHTHlTH MTTI.U I.IVl'.Il PILLS lire equally -valuable Iu Constipation, curing and preventing Hits annoying torn tern plain!, Mhllc they ulse correct nil dlsorderser ihe stemal h, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, i:cnlfthcj only cured HEAD Ache they would be nhnest priceless te theso who sutler from tills distressing cemplilut; but fortunately their giKxIius does net end here, nnd these who ouce try them will find three little pills valuable In se many wavs that they will net be willing te de without them. Hut aflernll stck hem! ACHE Is the bane of se many lives that here Is where wemakeeurgrcat beast. UurplIUcure It while Ulllllft MM IIU., L,.vui i.h .1 i.iiit.1. 1,1 i.h ri 1,1.x urc i cm- small und very ruxy te take. One or two nil ...ulri. ai itr..1 Tli.i . . ...l.illn . ... Is .I.H..V .. ...h.v. ...t-j nic Bl.llij VI'KC'lllUlUU de net grliw or purge, but by their gentle Hen please all who use them. In vial at 'J5 r M V e ter II. Sold u erv w here or sent by mall. C.VIITCII MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. unglj-lydeed Small Price. DUUNKE.NNi:sH. LIQUOR HAUIT. Iu All the World there Is but One Cure. DH. HAINlSi' GOI.DIIN SIMX'Il'IC. It can be given Inn cup of cnfleenr tea, or Iu articles of fixtd, without the kuowliHlgeertho lath nt, Ifiiceessnry ; It Is absolutely liarml'ss and villi t-tiect a jMrimiurnt andsiK-edi curs, whether the patient Is n moderate drinker or un nlcohello wreck. IT NKVER KAU.S. It eicruU's se quietly and with such certainty that the patltnt undergoes no Inconvenience, find cre he Is nwnre, his ixnnplete reforiuutien Is effe-ted. 4:1 fiage binik of luirtlculurs free. CIIAS. A. I.OCHLll. Druggist, Ne. U 1 Jist King St., I-uueasUr, Pa. ect2s-eKl rpIIOUOUllIt I.NhTRUCl'IO.N Js lAt 1 branches ticruilulng te a buslines educa educa Iteil at the liA.NCAHl'lUt 11US1N1XS COI, LEGE, (Irani Hall, Ne. ill North Duke street. Day und evening sessions. Instruction llrst c lues only. Course thorough, fitting j euug men and ludlesforiHMltleus. Hundreds ofusllmo efusllmo ofusllme tiluls nt College Itoeuis for exumtuutleu. Vl. ters iilwuj s welcome. Address. H. C. WEIDI.EIt, Principal. .ttovneue. J" UT11KU S. KAUKFMAN, ATTORNEV-AT.LAW. INTELLIGENCER, Uttitttrtmaltct''0. PHiLADKM-ntA, Monday, Dec 9, 1SSV. The leadership of childhood comes with increasing force each Holiday season. The child leads you, and drives us, in Holiday business. Read the testimony of the Beeks te this truth in the vast stock prepared for all the steps of child life, from the wee toddler te the al most man or woman. And se little money will de se much. The eloquence of the following list is in the di minished prices. The power of this cheap selling is in the great buying, and that's your power. The power upon which we have wen for you the battle of the Boek prices. Ilttdce ine Toddle, . 10c Jack In the Ilex 15a Mamma's Htery , 15c Out In the Meadow . IV) The Ilaby Klepliunt 15c A Winter's VVulk 15e Five Little l'epperg IHe Hnarkles isec Yeung Days We Children's Helldsjs ... le I.lttloKelk'sl'lny bay .. IWe Cheerful lluys , 22a Delight of Childhood VU Told by the Klrmldc 25e Children's Delight - 23c 1'Jny Day Zie In Picture lud 2Vs Delightful Hours 25c Cheerful Hours .... 25e Hiinday Chat . 2be Chlt-Chat 25e Geed Cheer for 1800 30e J.ttlle People's Htery Heek 0e Jey Days mid IMay Days 40c wuii Adventures 40e Our Heys and Girls 40e Hlery Time 40e Ban la Clans Plcture Gallery 40c Thirteenth street side. Three hundred and ninety feet of Handkerchief counters new and there II be a hun dred feet or se mere in a few days. We were never before se well pleased with the goods. Short of nothing ; prices as they should be. The Handker chief hurrah, Transept and Main Aisle, voices the stock. Monumental, p i c t u r e s q ue, graceful. Eleven long counters this morning, and something es pecially price - interesting at every one. Only time for a quick glance new. In Linen Department : 1 Women's llnndkerrhlcfs. All kinds In full assortment. The special bargain here Is an Inltluled Handkerchief nt 12)c. 2 Women's Handkcrchle's. '1 he special bnrgnln here Is a very fine Scalloped nnd Embroidered Handker chief nt 81 60 and 1 50. 3 All kinds of Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mufflers. The special bargain : A Japanese Silk Muttler weighing ounces at50e from $1- nnd plnln white Jup Handkerchiefs atiiOc from 50c. 4 Men's Initialed Handkerchiefs. The leader u 25e Handkerchief worth the money without the Initial, 5 Nen's Plain Whlte Handkerchiefs, hem stitched and hemmed. The special bar gain VI te a. dozen or 11 2." half dozen (In boxes) that compare w 1th any 85 u dozen goods you knew of. (J-Plaln White Handkerrhlirs, with print cd borders. The special bargain nn ex tra quality nt 12c. At Chestnut street side : 7-SIIk Handkerchiefs, nil kinds nnd quali ties. The special bargain a Urecudcd Silk ntfOc from 75c. 8 Women's embroidered, scalloped, diced, printed, hemstitched, sepuintely nnd combined. The special bargain u Hem stitched and Embroidered Initial ut2jc. 0 aniens 8. The sjieclnl bargain beluga Plain Whlte Hemstitched, lk-lnch hem, nt SI a dozen. ' 10 Men's Handkerchief. Finest In FJIIk or In Linen from Londen and Paris. At Market street side : 11 Men's Handkerchief of all sorts from 120,e the finest wehaie. The speUnl thing Is a Printed Hemstitched, puru linen of ceurse, at l-JJe. Jehn Wanamaker. gev &alc ev Stent. ilEcuni: a home feu yeuk pamily. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOK SALE ex Tin: MOST uueral terms. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en 1-ancnster avenue, between Wal nut and liCmen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front v arils, Iren fences, lets 150 feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Pine scrcels. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 141 feet deep, en est Lemou street, betw ecn Charlette and Mury streets. Three-sterr brick dwelling hnm.es, lets 150 feet deep, with nil the modern Improvements, front j ards, en West Chestnut street, between Plue und Nev In streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut und Ia-iiieii, and Lemen, between Mary und Pine streets. All the nbove houses nre In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In nil the rooms, water hi the kitchen, and the cellars warranted te be dry. Cull und see for yourself, no trouble te show vObrioXVMecuters. aprS0-l)'d.M.W.S. KW North Mary Street. glOHV. T EVAN A HO-VS Levan's Fleur! - MAKES GOOD BREAD -AND- FINE CHRISTMAS CAKES. &eal. T- ITMltlMr i'lirviii. J J UOHACCOSHOOKSANDCA8ES. WEST. I.HNHARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail u' , H. H. MARTIN 4 CO , n1-l d 424 Water Street. Ijmear ter. l'u. rAUMUAHDNKRS COMPANY. COAUtDEALERS. te?NrfFre,;1r;Q"eC,l8,re, " N Yakim North Prince Street, near Reading autflMfd I.ANflAHTKll.PA. TTENRY WOLK," ' ' FURNITURE STORE, has removed te ISO East King street, having a full line of Furniture of every ilescTlptlen ut iIih lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at, tended te. Call and examine our goods. 8-UUH U, WOUT, m East Eu Htmu MONDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1889. ffatrfentnvf. R EILLY 11ROM. 4 tlAUn. N J :t 7 V HOLIDAY HI NTS ! f mm,' .v There Is no Christmas Present' mere useful than n set of CARVE US. We have them In alt prices nnd styles Stag Hern, Rubber, Cellu loid. A carefully selected Una of handsome Pluih Cases. The Grand Rapids CARPET SWEEPER, noiseless and easy running. Bame price ae com mon sweepers. Our selection of UMBRELLA STANDS and CUHPADORH meet the popular approval. The designs are unusually fine this year, both In brass and nickel. We are headquarters en flncTADLEKNIVES and FORKH. The varieties of style Include Celluloid, Rubber and Silver. Have Just re ceived nn Invoice of the celebrated WOHTKN HOLM POCKET KNIVES. 40 AND 4U NORTH QUEEN ST. i-Next Doer te Postefuce. H AHDWARB 1 HARDWARE! If you want te buy a Useful Christmas Present OO TO Marshall & Rengier's, 0 .t 11 SOUTH QUEEN ST. Thcre you can get CUTLERY, GRANITE WARE, CARPET SWEEPERS, HAD IRONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, C. Steves in Endless Variety, ANDAKULLLINEOP General Hardware. MARSHALL &RMaiER NOS. 9 11 SOUTH QUEEN BTREET. febs-lyd fJrjj (Doebtt. T UE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. SPECIAL DRIVES -IN- FLANNELS! One Hale of SCARLET nnd HLIJE TWILLED FLANNELS at 17c ; worth One Let of Yard Wide S O A R L E T fSII AKER FLANNEL at 33c ; regu lar price, 45e te 50c One Let of SCARLET TWILL FLANNEL at 20c. regular price, 25c One Let or SCARLET TWILLFLANNELat 25c.; cheap nt 30c. One l,et of SCARLET TWILL FLANNEL at 30c j worth te-day 35c FullLlneerFLANNELS generally nt LOWEST CASH PRICES. . F. 25 East King Street, inartOlydR LANCASTER, PA. Y AROAINS IN DRY GOODS. BARGAINS -IN- Dry Goods -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. Plain Celers In Deublo Feld CLOTH BUIT INGS. A Uargalu at I.'Ke a j ard. IB-Inch WOOL CLOTH SUITINGS, In Plain and Mlsed Celers. A Uargaln nt 25a a yard. HIDEHAND CASHMERES, All Celers, 8 Inches Wide, Very Cheap nt 25e u jard. MIXED TRICOT SUITINGS, 51 Inches Wide, Heavy Wtlght, a llargalu ut 25au jard. AI.I,WOOI, TRICOT SUITINOS, 40 Inches Wide, Ijitest Shades, 37Ke u yard; nevir sold for less than OOe. Silk aud Weel 40-Inch PLAID AND STRIPE NOVELTIES, 372c ; reduceil from S0c ALL-WOOL CHESTER CLOTHS, 64 Inches w Ide, EUgaut Finish, Rest Shudes, U)u a urd. 4Mnch FINE HKNRIETTAH, Olers und lllaclt, Superior Quullty, a llarguln ut 37)e a jarit. SfK-elal llargalns In STOCICINITE! JACK ETS ut $-150, 1 und $5 Each. SEAL CLOTH JACKETS at SV, Jul te f 15 Each. Rely Bres. fe Raub, GEO RAMI N03. 6, 8 &, 10 East Hag St &0l attb $lt0c. B ARGAUfS. STACfCHOUSE'S This Week FOR BIO BARGAINS IN Beets &Shoes. A Full Line of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The Beet Beet Made. Call and see them. D P. STACKH0USE, Nes. 28 and 80 East Xing Street, LANCASTER, FA. s HOES FOR SENSITIVE FEET I Old Ladies' Heme Comfert ! Fer sere and tender feet ; pliant and elastic ; comfortable te every part of the feet without pressure. The soles are se constructed that they easily adjust themselves te the bottom of the feet, and the scams de net bind the joints. The upper leather is of Purl Kid, specially tanned for this purpose, and of sufll clcnt, protection te wear out of doers. A been of comfort for old ladles, or these troubled with rheumatism or the swelling of feet aud ankles. This Shee is neat and tidy in ap pearance Just what every lady needs when she is tired nnd wants something te rvst her feet. Widths li teE. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 NeRrn Queen Btreet, Lancas ter. Pa. H OLIDAY SLIPPERS. Grand Display OF- I always had one of the Largest Lines nnd As sortments of Men's, Reys' ana Youth's Holiday Slippers, but the Line and Assortment 1 bought for this season surpasses all these of the past, I have Men's Embroidered Slippers at 49c A Line of Men's, Ladles', Mieses', Rey's und Youth's at 69c. The Handsomest 75c81lppers In theclty. By buying this Slipper In very large quantities I am enabled te sell at 75c. It Is a regular SI 00 Slipper and surpasses In style and quality any jeu will see marked elsewhere at the tame price. A full line at II In Lluht and Dark Celers, In Han ards, E eretts and Operas. My II 2j Dark Uienllle Embroidered Slip pers yen will net see marked elsewhere less than II 60. Handsome line at 11 SO and 12 00 lme net all arrived yet ; expect them dally. Men's Patent Leather Oxfords, 11 SO and 12 00 ; Rey's, 1 SO, and Youth's and Misses', II - Largest Display In City can be seen In my large window. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader or Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS.S 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. NOTICE Htere open Evenings of December. lSrUVrt,tCC "TJHRE INSURANCE. Fire Insurance 1 HERR'S Insurance and Real Estate Agency. I am prepared telnsurenll classes of property at leucstraUs In the most reltable companies. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. (luardlan of Londen (Capital)... 13,000,000 00 Nlamira of New Yerk. , v,;hj,i -u uu , 2,019,U91 00 . 2,000,419 00 . 1,405,811 00 , 1,3.12,377 00 , (Ksi.178 00 , fiK7,115 00 . 4H.!7 00 Londen and Lancashire Agricultural of New Yerk Greenwich of New Yerk lUirTule German of New Yerk , United States of New Yerk , Firemen's of Baltimore National of New Yerk Eliet of Bosten 378,749 00 Rates en dwellings and contents, 60 cents per 1100 for 3 j ears j 75 rents jwr hundred fer5 j cars. Rates en prl ate sutbles-tl per 1100 ferS) ears; II 50 per J10O for 5 ears. Rates ou merchandise, GO cents per 1100. Allan A. Herr, NO. 108 r.AST KING STRKUT. nor 8 3md URE JUICE OK THE GRAPE. The red and whlte wines which I pur chased en tlie spot where made, en the Rhine te Germany. Just the thing for the hellda) s. Send In ) our orders. I guarantee It pure aud a geed medicine for enfeebled constitutions PETER DORSKEIMEH. Blrd-ln-ilaiul, Lancaster Ce., Pa. Will call at jour house If you send me a pos tal. Orders may be lertattheLuucusterCeunty Heuse. nll-lmd TO EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN H. METZLER, Ne. SOUTH DUlvE STREET. Ileal estate bought, sold or exchanged, Properties rented and rents collected. Fire, Life and Accldtnt Insurance, Leans negotiated, title six uud He en Per Cent. Investments. ela-lyd Holiday Slippers! SeUtmy (Oeutnr. J HARRY STAMM. Santa Clau WILL: VISIT OUR STORE. TAPA8 AND MAMMAS ARE INVITE! I.VRI'ECr OUR STOCK BEFORE HE COMES. 24 Centre Square. J. HARRY STAMI We have Toys of all descriptions at the 1 est Prices ever ettered In Lancaster city. Wax Dells, Rlique Dells, Kid Dells. COO Fine Dells at Gc each. Trains of Cars run by steam. Steam Engines. Elastic Locomotives. Machine Sheps. Mechanical Toys. Running Turtles. Running Roosters. J Running Crocodiles. Musical Ranks. " The Four Jelly Clowns." Tops, Tops, Tops, Scheel Companions. Desks, Mctclcphencs. Pianos, Dell's Cribs, Dell's Chairs. Extension Tables, Felding Chairs. Watches, Prattling Beeks. Meuth-Organs, Herns, Trumpets. Ships, Ships, Ships. Blackboards, Drawing Slates. Drums, Drums, Drums. Nest Blocks. . Soldier Beys' Outfit, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, Linen llankerchlcfs, Silk Huudkerchlel Mufflers at Lewest Prlcas ever kneunj NOW IS THE TIME, AND HERE IS CHANCE. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. Sew Bosten Stei 24 Centre Square J. Harry Stami 3,tUUitc6. -vy-ATiiEs. HMERICKN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Specs, Eye-Gle Etc., at LOWEST PRICES. Ontlcal Goods. Teleeranh Tlme Dally. Article In this Line Carefully Repaired Leuis Weber, Ne. 1S9K North Queen St., Near P. R. R. Btal -CWR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Herr.Jewelei FOR Holiday Gifts ! WATCHES, JEWELRY AMD NOYELT A Nice Line of DIAMOND GOODS In Ha Ear Rings and Combination SU.h at lowest rmciis. Walter C. Hei Ne. 101 N. Queen SI CORNER OK ORANGE. CieUciH'a. iEIRCE COLLEGE. OF BUSINE AI)'1 Short-Han Recerd Uulldlnd 1)1 7-018 CHESTNUT STR1 PliiladelpUla, I'l Second, Third n Fourth Floers, Mern In ir and Afternoon Sessions eery v day except Sunday. NIkIU Sessions, Men Tuesday and Thursday Eventnirs till Anrll Twelve hundred und slxt-ulne(l-tiO)stud iasiear. ririvappucaiieus mccssury. fortiirellmentblnuk. Technical kiinulndL'O nualllvlm: for bust engagements. Full Instruction furiemtnei and general buslnem vocations. Alse SI; Hand andType-Wrltlne. A faculty of mero than u scoreofpraci mpii whn lin nrurtlced what thev teach. loekketiers nut of counting houses tcaci uoeKKecpini; : lawjers lemuuiK iuw nun i ness forms; Miccest-rul high school prlncl teaching English branches ; law repeq teaching short-hand and type-writing, etc., This Institution has been exceptionally tu late In the success of the students whel graduated therefrem." lK.urs and also en Monday, Tuesday and Till dy KvcuinKs wr lue cnreiiiuejii. ui muueiii Announcements, etc., sent when requesj Visitors niwaj s welcome, uuress, THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, M. A., euehMlmMtlS Principal andl'eundi - gcntletvu: TvENTIbniY. ) " 26 YearPractlce In One Office." , J. B. MeASKE" NO. 1 1 EAST, KINO STREET, Over Klrst National Bank. Dentistry In 1 hninrht.fi. Gas administered. Teeth extmi absolutely without pala. All work warran, WA-WIIIM!. New Besk Se FETCH I III I uuu ', "18. 'ss 'S2&?& -.SAi' faiiiiU i fa vMWt'?v &&. h A' PWf,