PT.T" '" ,vn St',?,,H. ijWV WV7' V-4'"" ! If THE fcAKOASmSB PAtt PTOELlJlGjaTcii. WEftftfigDAY. iBMB-'felMll , ti "r j -"if V ,(-'. 5, ' . . i tt"1- ' ''?' 'iiV PSF SU UMT .! mr 5&-t 1i j TO Si Sh U JBERT1T FOR REIDENBACH. ' jfj "flrin. FvrrF. prSISHMEST ftl CRIMES ; j,j L. Ir,, . JIEIE ASBIS 1LLISMS. ? . , r-r. LTlMiilveMera Atiinormev 4.bk.kii ' Tk Net Destro te Ppww tlie ttOM of Bebbery Auntiist nlm. uf'j -...r -r "-.-' '-'- uWI l ,vw .-.. ... - ..' .- ,fiiiiinr trial nn a charge FSSUbeASiAtn,m prison U.b raS c?w. BJ".?L JUL EE "& l.Jt - ,triu princijrai iii:;e v... - 1 4 frkfrii'iKnU atilli-irlltrx wero notified thnl '. Aiiit Iiica T?pldf nlmcli en the clmnte 'fVef mVhwov'rebuery pending ncnlntd, l,lm r,fct Klirin. This afternoon n ictegrniii - sJ"'i;Mi,?i tviiiiiimwincr llin detainer (110(1 nt Jn..-An)v -icnn Tim telrirrani Ktatcd HB l.14 ll.ny.rlmn vrna i-nmillltted DO leniT nKO K'Mhtf Identification was impossible, and ns i. "ri m i.i t. ... .A.nftnllAH fliitrn H'na tin PI .'rki. . m 11 -Vl.Un.l.nil 'u'lmn rw nnmriir ini- iiiiiiii'iiiuiiii. j Columbia Nete. i-3 TwftThn Columbia llllllu- RST irr.iniir,M .t. T.. Vliiknrlen. secrclnry, F i" jS i ii .t-il. mJah fTlila nh i'ftaBcemnicnccu in aum w ...e - S-ocJMlen 1ms nevcr sold out n miwie oer- -SrWcr. Tlie earne may ue cam t m. ' V5 , tIx..i. un.l-itl.'iti .Tnunnll .tnnscn. POCrO- . ; Ulllllfl O 11331VIMHUi'l - wi" - f ' kS. 'tapv. mW The funerals of Mr Amanda C. Milten. K-!'i l... ii. I tt-a Mnrmtrnt SnitllO Vt ill 1)0 V?Sr". held en Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. VvWTliO former from Iter home en reumi fentrcel, and the latter from St. 1'nuVa Lulh- ?." TnV.M ?.. 1. (rlnrnf ull!irit TtlffO. riO. rc """!'.-; "." '',-. '" .- . -,", i;: ,,, .-i't bus. 01 jMiineiui, icu irem " " '" Jxf ledgo room last evening whlle llxlng n ga ' iiltj 'ct and fracturetl in leg- rls ...t. ..rn i.ll.l.,..fivti T.mli. . IH'Ui" "1 ...-..'""' RSfi, Tucsday'n Dally Mji" xr T.iHn Ann. u Ifn nf A. S. VlllcO. t 10 "fe well-known cotton mill overseer, died UiIh ttW forenoon, at licr home, llSHeuth l'rlnce '. street. Fer 2i venrs iiast hiie nad nenn a &S' snO'erer, from rlienmallHtn and It finally cauxcUiieruenin. nne van a iiniiKiucrui h Ooerco Hammend, who formerly resided 'H in this cllv but dlwl someyearsiiKO In Vlr- S clnla. Nhe viw a lifelong member of W Trinity Lutheran church, an oxccllent C Christian womankind ndoveted mother unil wife. Sliehada cloven children, .eight of $k whom are living, viz : Mm. Jehn Ilutchln- K? wu, Charles, who H a woaver in the snme SL mill with hlB father, Herman, with Oliver S&. A IleberU, wlre manufacturer in l'ltts Sa, burg, llarrv.onialtlmere. and MIhxcsMeI- f lie, Hattle, llerile and Walter nt home. The UCCVH9CU tia Ul Uill a UJ Ui;. A Hey's Puliinil Accident. A very painful accident occurred te Mar tin, a 12-year-old son of Win. Kescr, liv ing at Tjtndlsvllle, en Sunday. Whlle the boy was leading ene of the mules te water the animal bocarne unmanitgeitble, mid, turning around suddenly kicked thollttle fellow In the fnce, knocking out four teeth id breaking his nese. Dr. K. II. Wltmcr, ofNell'svillOjUttended the patient. KXCCUtlOllH IhHUL'd. "Kxcctitlens wcre Issued slnce Tuesday neon against the following parties; by If, C Urubnker, nltorney for Ilenry 11. lllsh, against Thes, .Stacks, or Ceney, for $1.7-10 ; by O. 1, llricker, attorney for liarbara ShulU b. Francis Melsky, for $l,H00; ly .J. W, Johiiben, attorney for Annle Xu Hess, against Frank A. Iless, firmer, of - West Lampoter township. The Whlte Slave." At the epera hotiHe hist evening that papular" piny, "The Whlte Slave," was presented at Fulton o)em house te a good geod goed Blzod audlouce. The cemjuny, at whose head is Miss Mnry Xelrnau, was up te the average. Tliey carrj n large quantity of geed scenery. A lle.ttlng wreck en the Mississippi and a rain Hterm aru well pre aiicee. the eempimy , nlgliU Anncsrini for lahcuxy as iiai i.i:h Jerry SuiiKiin Appreprlnted $M In llnr rlsburs unil l'leil te TIiIk City. Jerry JliuigifJupt, -1J known In this com cem n'unlty, W again Itfreui'ib. llelsn hlioe- - maker by trnde, and has been working fur . sonie tltnein HarrKbiirg. On Tiiev!,,y J. ' II. Jvnmel sipive Ditng.iii ?U t" pay rent due, ai'id Utliigiin instead of Inking J te the real estate agent upprejirlntcd the leney te his own use mid lied Irem tlie citr. Complaint was made agitlii'.t htm before Alderman Kinnc.ird, uiul the cliUf of Harribburg icarnllig that Diingnu came te Lnucitster, suit a warrant for Ids arrest te Chief Smeltz. Thy latter placed It in the hands of Ulllccr Crawford, mid that policetnun found Dunlin at the home el bis father I a tlie Seventh ward and arrested hi in. Dmignn was locked up at the sta tion houseaud the Harrlsburg authorities notified. TWO MOI1K Aitni:sTd. Chni-uert With bluallnii ' "Hemy JireN. .v. Onedrt ll"01ll Haul,. Willlaiu Sliaub and James McClure worn arrested en Tue.sday by CenMitblcsHhuub and Klcheltz for participation in the theft of goods fiem itaub'H store, afler the lire. Sh.uib g.ive ball fern hearing befere Alderiiinn Jlnlbach, but McClure was iinable te l'lirnlbh security and was committed te Jail. Shaub was siibpected of this theft several months age, but ut that tliim the authori ties wure unable te fix it upon him. He was employed In hauling away the rub bish and when he thought he was net noticed he would threw a new bheMil, pick or ether arllcle Inte the catt und quickly cover It v. Itli dirt. MeC'Iure wits arrested at Willow Street, and he hud nothing te say about the charge against him. Vm. Beeth, m he was arrcstel nt Win, Oram's house en Monday, where the fctelun (fet pla Pds woie found, was gh en a hearing en Sv r.. ..Tuesday evenlnir. Oram pxencnited lloeth -ilf MllUrrnm nuir rmiiit!ilti. I. 11. n 4lir.fV ,....1 I.a Mv'f'' aldennan dlscharged him from' custody. t'??1 flt-nm. Mhmtti ntlil ffftnra ..'til In. Ii..t en next Tuesday. Alderman lialbnch has In his jio;e;.slon a number of articles believed te be stelen. Among them ure are a pair of heavy May chains, leather halter, bag marked Win. Wosthactfer,and sei moukev wrenches. The owners of. thonbevo can get them at the aldcrmun's oilier. AHOUT A fiY.MNASlU.M. ACorrcsiiendtiitAVlio'l'lilnkMthoCoUeso Should IIuve One At Unco. Atorrespendont of the iNTri.i.iniJNcnn sends the following communication in ro re gard te a gymnasium, which the cellege stands in need ef: Lajcu.vsti:r, Dec. 1, lS'P. Ifanyone thing has b?eu lllub rated In Lancaster durlnir the nast month, it l thn Met that everv liiMitullen of Ieai-n!!i"r must blettlts own limn. In view of the greit number, of colleges ur.d SutiivcrbUies founded in the eastern part of our land, no eue beat of learning can afford te let Its .light sizzle under a buuhel whlle that It Its neighbor stand high en the hogshead at public favor guidlnz pationagelo its doers. The end In view It. the tame, no matter by what means breught: about tvlie.her It be a glee club, alumni dlnneis, lecture abroad by the profciBers, or a vlcteiy in athlctb-H. The city of Imcaster te-Uav Is aware of the fact, mere than ever befere that there is an Institution in IPr )n1d't whose liiterct.i are Identlcal with her own, in whose glory and fame the city hharei, and whoie increased patrenaje inens for her net only an elevated status in the lit rary world, but ndvancenicnt In her interests as well. The (students ut Franklin and Marshall collpge spend annually theuMtids of del- JAWrirbt hem In the city of Imcaster. yiwtry three additional students will bring Wm an nn thnnpniul .lnll,.u a !Whcrcfore, any plan which will Jricroa-e imnuniwiru MiiuonisbUeuld meet with it 51 '7,, """ .;i'i""l "i iue part or me UV -r. . eurii u Bimome isnowutiest, I. c. .the.bulldlnijrcif agyiimafium. Abide from r uuj niVn uviiuih ig meai linviicrru te IAA II. A ti ..rt n .....II A " . the Mine, a well-equipped cvniuaMum awtrrs urtsucr muii in aiiuctl:s in auiictl: hence wiaer auveruse ncnt in rnrn r,.4 hence greater territory from which te draw ikttrenmj, and a larger numberat matricu lated ktudeiiu eacii your. We hone the tUM niwi at Lancaster will prganlxe yeH, M th above when the subscrlp mir wiaa tint r" i ,WAMVM .&WiA . . ' - ' '.V-'S-v!s.fj3 Will Iteld llnrifinct. Tlie meeting of members of Urn old Friendship ftrocemaii.V, held In the beard of irnde roenin, in Kshleman's building last eveiflng, Mm attended by about thirty or the old lire laddies of that organization, 'l-ucsdav or next week will be the one hundred and twenty-sixth nnnlverwry of the com puny, mid nnef ome talk was resolved le prewrly colebrnte it by hold ing n banquet, te wlilch nil the incinbeia of IhS ceminy will be liivllccl. Jehn II. Unumgardner, president, and W. Y. Hnldy, secretary of the company, acted In these positions of the meeting, and the following commlttee wai Bipelntel te make all or er or rniigemont'! for th banquet: Jamei 11. itest, Jainea Fclicnbaitni, Cooper Knight, Danlel J. Trowel, Jr., mid Win. Y. Hnldy, WKATIIKll FOltECASTS. PWabhinotex, I). C, Doe. 4. rer Eastern I'ennsylvanis i Contlnued, cold and cloudy wctther during Wdlnesdny followed by mitrh higher tcm tcm tcm porature en Thursday. Kasterly wind". 1'nllel te Arrive. The illuntratlonsprei arcd in Flulndelphla for this evenlng's iMKU-teitxci-.n mlsaed tlie twin, but a special elltlnn of the paper Will be Issued ut six o'clock, which will contain llicui. Jlcntlm. VltLKii Decembers, 1MB, In thli clty,.Itilln A. T., w he or A. H. Vllltciiitril (lny-scven years, llirce months and klxK-en ilnvs. At rest, Tlie rebitlvM nnil frlcndi of the family are ro re ro siectrully Invited te ntlend tlie funeral from her Inte residence, Ne. II) Keutb I'rlnce street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. InU'rincnt at Woodward Hill, cemetery. IJlrtvhcie. I'bllndelphtn J'rodtice .Mnrl.'ct. rmi.ADEi.i'lUA, Dee. I. Noeti-Klour dull! IVim'a supcrii, 2fi0a2 75; cTtni. ItariAZh; rumll', n 7-V33 UO; roller, i oeH; palvut, II WHS 00. Wheat dull; Ne. 3 Ited. new, K0W)Xci Ne. 1 l'enn'n lied, IOc ; Ne. 2 de. Sic Kerti nrm: Ne. 2, 4lie. Oabi stendvj Ne. 'J White W)4c; Ne. 't mixed !T7ii',.7Ue llrnn steady ; Winter S12WKU3 ft). ll.ilnt liavdiitl; tllW.UIliO ns te nuallty : ttmetbyll(KV$13SJ for rhelcc; mixed, U$1I50; baled rye straw, new, 817. Unlter II nn j IVnn'ii creamery extra 27ej l'enn'n ttrntsexlra niACS. i-;kkm stcsiiy rciiirn iirsis, -.70 ncu ieis, n SJe, ns te mutiny. Cliecse linn ; part sklmi, "QSq full sltlms, aav. i'etrelcani sternly ; refined In bbl. 7 t'. riilnlucs linn ; :;iiic per bus, ns te iiiallly i.erAi. iiousKiieini mahickt. '.Lascahtku, Dee. V.lss). Ilutter whs scarce at this iiinmlne's mnrliet nndtliixn who were Inte In uctllnu'le market iinddldnet liitve liutter eiigiigeil, ttent linme wlllieut any. Chickens were iilenty; turkejs were scarce nnu eggs nigu in price Apple-butter, per qt Apples, per Kpk , Iks-r HUsik. iH-rBi .iiaee ,1'AUIS ,1'ii.ciii .lUltfl'l lteer l(utt per Iti. lleef Dried (pleei'l, per lb lleef Corned, per )f t llecf Krent quarter, ier lb , llccf llliidi)iiartr, cr th, llnlegnii, )er It JlelnKiia (chipped), per Hi,, , Ilutter, per Ilcets (red) per lunicli. Chickens lllve) jier pair.... Chickens (cleaned), jicr piece.., Cup Cheese, per two cups..,...,,,.. Cabbage, per head Cenimeal, per nt....... Celery, cr biincli Cider, )Mr vnllen , Ducks, dressed, pvr pair. Kggs, iier dez Ham (piece), per lb Ham (sliced), per B , Ilnrsn JtudlMi, per bimcli... Heminy, per quart , Ijiiiib, iwrlti , Ijinl.l per R , lAimens, perdez , Mutten, per Hi , ..,,, Onions, per pk Parsnips, per V, pk ,....,., Potatoes per U pic Potatoes, perbiisliel. .,,..,,...., Potatoes (Hwcct) l"er4 peck Purk, inr tb Saner Kraut, perqt KatiKiige (frch), ihtUi Hmeiircnse, per piece..,,.,..,..,... licrnpple, per lb HIilCjS niul Uncoil, per lb Hhuuldcrs. er lb Turkeys, live, each.. TiirkeiB,dreKsed, per tb... ., Tiirnlpi, perjjpk , Veal Htcjitis, lb I3M1I ..7M satM ID 25ti'it fx) fjOffiU) avsiri , fl JVtH IM.1 ...HO' :::::fS hi .15 ja?ai .wen 12415 ll'WlU 10 .. 8(310 810 10 15H20 1WH UJH I'.'Mll ....5 , K 17 12 ..I1.25&2.00 lile t8 IU local tsteelc und HeiiiIh. Iteperted liy J. 11. Leng, l'nr IjisI Milne. Mile. Uincns'lfl iwrcent., 1R10 lim 101 ii " " ii.H mi " I " ' Mcluiel lean ISM HO " 4 " " In 1 or 20 j ears. Ili " I " In 5 or 20 j ears. ll) ' i ' " In in or 2(1 n r. lint " ' " In 15 or 30 years. 100 Maiihcllii tlorevnli lean IUO MISCi:i.I.AXhOV'M HreCKS, 110 Hrt lit) 101 I0.IK nn 102 1 cs 2S IUO 2e 11 2ir..M 210.10 1.03 IS 73 ns mi no ion no f7.W no in Vt IU U) : ia 101 Hi QunrryvlllnU. It - MlllentvlllnHtrcel Car. liniulrc Printing (.'einjuiny ...., ,. Oaillght und Purl Ceiiipiuiy, ,.v ,. OIOM'IIS HOIISC (IHIIIUS)...., Columbia (las OemiKiiiy. 1. Columbia Witter Company. Hiisniiphnniin Iren Cuiiipany .dnrletlii llolleu'.twire Htcvcns JIouse , MlllorsvlIlnNnrmnlKclieol., . Nerlhern Market , limtcrn Market - (las Company llends (5 mr ct. ,. Ml CO lWXIj.. 100 Columbia borough lleuds utinrryviiie it, it. 7 s IL'adliiB A Celumbta It. It. ,Vs. Kdlmn Light Cem puny ... Wnlcrn Mitntut t; M Hmilhcrn Mnrkel. Umcasler City Htreet Uallwny Ce.,.. liist Kud blri'i-t Hallway. ,M. . West Und Htrect llnlltiny UincasterKteam ItadlatorCe Heltetla I-ather Ce., Wntch Factory 0's ................ Lane Client. Ce ,,..,., TITIl.M'IKK HTOI'KS, Lancaster A rmlivlllc - lnuM'ter & I.ltllr Lancaster. Wllllnmsteuii I juiciisier A. Maner Ijtncustcr A Mimhulin. Lancaster A MurletUi. Itnciikter & New Helland lll Hprlm? A Denver Valley- . . . . Ilrldm'jierl and Horseshoe. Jelumblu .V Chestnut Hill Celumbln A Wuslilmiten. Concsteiit A 111k Hprtnj;,. Mnrlcttn A MouiitJev 1U0 1(W r M M M M M Ui M KM 1W W 10.M W.M Ulil 1'15 :ni.W : w M Ut) 2.) H i:i at .V -t 20 20 211 Ijine. Ml. Jej- A KlUatH'thtiiun, . Iiiicnster A Hnsqtic hiiuiui Utiicuster A New Danville. . . Celuinlilii A Marietta Muytewn A KllulM'thteitu ... . Ijiucnster A KiihraUu . .. . . Uinenstcr A Willow Htieel. HtrakbiirK A Millport . Marlettu A May town , HANK STOCKS. Klrst National Dank , Fanners' National ilank Fulton National Dank Ijineaster County National Daiik Northern National Dink,, l'eenles' Nutleiial Dank lt us no 21 Kl 11 2SI (i'J :i.7i 'in Ji ) an ns 20 J IIS l' 125 112 lli 12.1 111 157 ll'i lit lfi III 1JO 1W in (2.W 1) m 100 ft) , loe ft) Id) KM Dank, Mniilulm lim Columbia National Dank 100 100 100 101) 1(0 100 Christiana National Dank. ConesteKii National Dank,,, r.niiRiut .aiieuai liaitK First National Dank, Celiiml First National Dank, NtraMn First National Dank. Murlet Kpiiratti national DaitK-. Leliimliln Htrasliurg. iiiinerin 100 100 1(0 loe 100 ft) 100 III) loe mi First National Hank, Jit. Juy i.iiiiziiiieuai iianK MeimtNllle National Dank Mnnhelni National Dillen .National Dank, Mount Jey .. New Helland National ll.iuk .. .- Gap National Dank (Jimrryvllle National Dank Llliabetlitewu Natlemd Dun Central Nutleiial Dank, Columbia ... ii iue m Hteck .MnrketH. Quotations by Heed, McQranu A Ce., bankers, Laucester, l'a. NEW VOllt I.1ST. 11 A.M. 12 M. Sr.M. caiiHda racinc C. C. C. A 1 Colerado Ceal , Central Paclnc- ., Canada Southern ChL Ht. U A l'bg Den. A Ule a..... Del. L. A W Krle . , Krle 2uds . ... Jer C .., K.AT A N...... .. U Hhere...... ..., Mich. Cea...,.M Missouri I'.fenc-,..., lle-'k. Valley N, P. ; N. 1'. l'ref. . N. West n. y. c ...:.. New F.ngland. .... EastTeuueseec.... . , W.'i 51J IST4 m fl! 4J kiv; ite; i'i'i'i K8, ii'i'i'i 71'' ...... Vt svii Oregon Tiaiiscenriuentul" unutriOiV w, I'aclllc Mai I .- Vil K' reriiilnal 21! aHj -. -. tejl IB, c luij l'J " , VM IliTy KIclimeudTen HL I'HUl. Texas 1'aclHe. Union Pacific m fi Wabash Ceiii...... Wabash I'ref .,., Western U , West Hhere Ikmds id 8! riIII.AI)EU'Jl(A I.Ibf, Ieh. Val. , -l'"M ' I'M bi'A m. n. y. l'tiiia. I'u. It. JL. ..., Deadlnir............ lh. Nar ... UesUjav. l'aw.... P. A H.... N. Cent ..., Peeples Puss-,... Ud t's . i'J ..... 6tf wu MillHHIHUlMHMMIiHU 1 1 ff . O i T.tve (Koek MArXeM. CntCAOO.Dee, 8. ItecelpU., UflOO ; shlnmcnU iW, slendyi beeves, ft 705 15; swr, II iSfrim stockers and feeders. II ftV3 00 renrs, bull and mixed, II 60i42M: Texas call If, II 40(42 DO ! Wettrrn tlnngers, B 73-1 ). Mints Itccelpts,S4.O00! "lilnniriit. S,nO: mar ket steady mixed, nfXk.i 70: brnvy, J3 O 1 70 ; light, ri 5S 70; sltllis, tl M3 fin, Hlieep llccclpt,8,000: shfi innl. ssoe; mar ket strcma nnilt es, tl COJil 2j ; Western woeled f:l7.V5 10; shorn Texntis.KOU H0 iambs, IJW U) 10 Ii0 r hundred welltl. Kast FiinitnTr. Cntlie lleeelpls, M0; ship menu SH0; market steady J prime, tl I0Q1 lj KiMKl.n&0r43H); fair. W 7ft ISO; bull, staus nnd fat rows, II fAsp2M; frnshcutrs, f-dl0; iO curs shipped te Netr Yerk, lle2 ItMielpts, INT); shipments. 1000 market fulrt best llt'lit, Yorkers. IINVul Wit medium and lllit. I'hlladclplitn, IWMI 0 heavy hogs. H WY& W ; roughs, ,K1 "4 1 i ciirsshlpiwd In New Yerk. tneep iiccciiii,)!"1: iupnmi. i; innr ket steady; prime, tywi'iiA .ill! fair te ttemt, fiuliw) ; common, rjWjjSWS lumbf, It Wst OVi. Ornln and 1'rovlnlenn. Furnished by H. K. Yundt, broker. Ciiicaue, Dec i, XO e clock p. in. December 711JJ )'enr; auuary.... H!)i Ft brnary March May Si( June...... ...... July.. ... Crude Oil Consels Winter Wlient Hprliii; Whial (.'ern.. , Oats - llye llarlcy tviiriii ueru iiais. I'erx. i.iini. 3i Ji vyi Q'JO .11 SI 20Ji 0 32 A IK) 51)2 000 0 10 UV,i -iSH V 70 10.1 lleceipts, Cur txiu. 27 an 2VI ir. Head. ... 31100 . liue lteccl pts II eis.. I leci;l lib) -Cattle, . JJuillc. T till: NF.W AMKItlCAN PU..LK. "Blocks of Five." tiii: ni:w yehic m'euld will eivk $100 Te the Persen wliidoes this l'nitleln the Hhort Hhert cstTlme. A Purple for Demecnits, Itepiihllenns and Mugwumps. i:crylHKly fasclunteil with It lit llrstslglit. Call nnd see (U ren hali:at Erisman's Gents' FurnisliingStere, NO. 12 WEHT KINC1 STItKliT. 'HtcLANC'.I "LIVKU PILUS. "" TIIP.(ir.NUINKDIt.C -ci:li-:duatki- LIVER PILLS! READ THIS! Ilcmlng llre.: llKAliHlits. Fern long limn I sum-red Irem theellects of ItidlKi-stleii und sick hendache. und en Irving your Dr. C. MclJine'st.'clebrnted Ler Pills 1 found quick unil satlsnictery re lief. A very few dotes dues the work mid I would net bu without them. U-GO.H.1IA11UIH. Hleux lulls, Dakota. NEVKK KNOWN TO l'AIL. Cure slek hendnche, biliousness, liver coin- plaint, lndlecstleii, lyijieuil, heurtburii, 11111- larla. pimples en the face mid body. Impure. bleed, etc.. by usIiik regularly Dr. C. MelJinn's ueienruteii i.iver rills, prepared only by Klein' Inir Druthers, Pittnliuri;, P0.1 the market Im-Iiik full eflmltutlnns of the niime McLnnc, spelled uiiiereimy'uiii or the sumo ironuti(hitlen. Always leek for the slunatiire of Fleming Dres. nnd 0. Meljtne, l'lttsburic, l'a., en the wrapper. All ethers urn tinrthless when compared with the KiMiulne Mel fine's. noVJO-lycedTli.TlvSAW 3L UMPHltDY'H Dlt. MiniPllltKVH KPIX'IFICHarosclentl KPIX'IFICHaresclentl cally und cnrwfully prepaid! prescriptions; used formally j ears In prlMile practluti with success and ler eter thirty jenrs usiil hy the people. F.tcry sliiKleHiieelllc Is 11 special cure for the dlMtufti iiiimed. ThesDHpeiillcsrure without (trutilnc, pitrn Iiir or rcdiielmr thn syKleui, uiul 11m In fact ami disHl Ilia KOVLKDIUN lti:.Mi:iU OK THE I.ISTOK 1'IIINCIPAI, mes. ruiths. rittciM 1. 1' r.VDItH, Conuesllen, liittammatlen i. mum, unit cover, worm l;e!lc. ., It. CHYINO COLIC, or TeelhhiK or Infants, 4. DIAltUIHEA. of (.'lilldri'ii or Adults. .... 0. DYHKNTEUY, (lrlliif, Dilleus Celic... fl. CHOLF.IJA MOKDUH VeiiillliiB.., , 1 eianiH, t;iuu, iireneniiisM .25 8. NKintALOIA, Toethnclic, Kneeache 25 l. IU:.l).eili:,Hlck Headache, Vertltre... .25 iw. 1 ini-j'.r.i.i, iMlloilsntemiieiu.... 11. MIIPPHIXSEI) or PAINFUL PEIUOIW, 12. WHITKM tee Profuse Perhsls It. CltOIIP.INiiiKh, DllllcuH llrentliliiR tl.HALTllHLlJM, Erysipelas, Eruptions. 15. UIIEDMATI.SM. Hheiiiiiatle Pnfiis Pi I'EVEIl and AOUE, Chills, Malaria 17, Pll.l.-i, I'V.Rder Dlccdlnir ID. CATAltUH. liitluenzii.Ciild In the Head, 20. WIIOOI'INIH'OIKIH, Violent Omnrhs... 21. OENEKAL DEDIL1T liens I'Y.l'hyslcul Wcak- .HI .no 27. KIDNEY DISEAHE 2S. NKItVOUH lli:llll. ITV 4I.IW :). UUINAltV WEAKNESS. Wetting licit, 32. DIHEAHES OF THE 1IEAHT, PlilnlUi' ,00 lien J1.00 Kehl by druijElsts, or will pesliuiul en receipt of price. 1)i;.11usii'kk'.s.Maniiai.(III purcs) rU lily heiiml In cloth and (told, mailed free. IIUMi'lti!Kirt'Mi:iiiciNKCoUX)luttenHt.N.Y (-') SPECIFICH. Tll,Tli,S.ttV DltUNKENNlH". LllHtOUIIAlllT. In All the World there Is hut One Cure. im. HAINI-S' neiiDKN .SI'KOII'IC. It enn be ijlien In n cup of eolIVeor ten, or In articles of loud, wltheiil die knowledKOefllie imtleut. IT necessary ; It Is uhselutely harmless und will ellect a i'riilaliclit and speedy cure, uhether thu patient Is u meiteiatc drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. IT NEVKIt FAILS. It operates mi quietly and with such certainty that thu patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and eru lie Is nwurc, hlscemplc te reformation Is elfected, ii pinto bsik of p irtlculars fiec. CIIAS.A. LuCHEIt. DriiKsist, Ne. 0 East King St., ljineister, l'a. OI12S cod JULY'S CI IE AM HALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Elys Cream Balm Cleanse" the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the f-eres, I let teres the henvcs of Taste and Him II. TRY THE CURE. A jMirtlfle Is applied te each nostril and Is nureenlile. Price!) cents at DriiBglsts: liymull, resUtercd, U) cents. ELY PltOTIIERS. sejilMj dAw Ne. 5(1 Warren St., New Yerk. CWIITSPECIFIOCO. Lingered Between Life and Death. Mrs (l co. P. .smoete, 11 highly cultlMited and Fsllmiiblu ludy of Prescntt, Ark,, writes under ditto of April 2), IsM); " DurliiK tlie suiiimeruf ls.17 my eyes became lntlamed, and niv ilo ile lunch und liter almost IieikIcsiIv dli-erdered. Nethlni! 1 nte ngreed with me. I'ttKik chronic dlurrhreu, und ler senui tli-je my llfu wusde siulrcd of by my family. The leadlnc physi cians of the country weie consulted, and the medicines administered by them iicmt did uny lrnmnent kimhI, and I llngereil betttiHu lite and death, the later being preferable te the agonies 1 was enduring. In May, 1S.SH, I be came disgusted with physlclnus and their medicine. I drepis-d them nil, and depended solely en Swift's sqiccllle (S.s. s.), a lew bottles 01 which mane me criuuuuiiliy well well from then until new," MADE HIS LIFE A DUItDEN. I have had screfulu until it made my life e burden. I wns Inexpressibly miserable, slek, weak, sleepless, and unhappy; desiring that tlie sjiert ilme which seemed te hae been allotted te me en this earth would hasten le an end. 1 tried doctors' treatment unit medicine, and travel, but nene of these did any geed, fur the scruful.t gradually grew wernf, Oiiuphysi; clan, who 1 traveled fur te see, and te whom 1 lsild Sift), gave up the case as bepclc. I then gave up all ether medicines, und took only swirt'sKpcellln (.S. . s.) Four bottles of that medicine cured me, and for the past four years I hute'had as excellent health and I um as free from dlM.aseusun)bisly llvliitf" F. Z. NeiJUtN, Fremont, Nch, Treat Ise 011 llloed unit Hlclu IHhiiswi mailed free, (I) HW1FT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Oa. FpODAY WE Altl ritEADY With ALL X. our Christmas floods .very few we can iln. pilcntu in time for Chrlstmns, Yeu iiiiisIkce tbun closely tereallzHhnwuewniid pretty they are. OurSl Hund-Paluteil Tidies are going rust. e have them new In all shades went liuteu wick later. Cenie leek them eter. MIIH. E.M. WOODWAItD, Ne. '.MUKust Kills St. See our New Shinies In Imported Yarns. Nothing ulcer ler Skirts. WAS OljnLICHALK. JL he'd 'itxids A FINE l)TOKIIOFS. 'ItXids ut Ne. "II I'-l.t l'mlirl.r h rn'i, tin iinrniav. iieivinber a, I83J. lied- cads, lleddlug. Tables, Clialrs. Duekcnie, 1) U, I'nriwu.iiPlm, Jtame, Kltihcn and Oar. urn Utensils, 'Xoels, Ac Positive sale at 1 e clock, H, e. uuiY. J. UUJtBAUJ,'Act, H Stem 3lbertlemen. BfJOLUTELtPOKH ROYAL BAKING POWDER. rillllH powder nnncr Teries. A marvel el pn X rity, ilrenittli and wholcsemeness, Mer economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low lest, short weight, alum or phosphate Powders. Held only in rant, llOYAl, BAKIltO) Pewkkk Ce.. 100 W oil street, New Yerk. uiartl-lydAlyw TJUHK J DICE UK Tl tE UKAI'k! Tart lied and Whlte OALIKOIINIA WINK, 30e per bottle ; VK.QO rr dezpu bottles. ttUllllKK'MLlQUUKHTOItR', Ne. 22 Centre Bquare, Lancaster, Pa, ILLKlfH 1IOKAX KOAP WILL WAHIt Clenics and every article under the sun YHT15IWI lliaTOYHTEItSINTJtKMAlt ket served In all stvlex, and nvaUntnll hours, nt CHAHLKrt K. HOSTKIfH, In the rear of the Central Market. Oysters In the shell or opened served te Jlrlvote families. Telephone connection. nev2(i-2iiidt M ILLElfH DOIIAX HOAP WILL WASH Clethes nnd every article under the sun. DENTIST. II. I). MrCASKEY, D. 1). B. Otllce and Iteshlenec, dl-tfdlt OiiASOE A N. Qderx Sts, HOTEL KOIl IIENT.-THE ST. CHAKLKS . Hetel en Last Chestnut street, In Ihccltv or iJtncnster (npixislte the Pcmisj (vunta rail rend station), Is fur rent for one or mero years from April 1, 1H00. Apply te K.O.E. DATES, li21-lmdU JlTNerlh DukoSlreet. -ITIUllNISHED DOOMS WANTEDTOHENT Ij for a doctor's olllce for about flve days mench 111011II1. Ttvu connecting roenn, must be centrally located nndelegantly furnished, In elnillng beard for three men. Address, FOX A COLE, l.Mtd Ambler, Pn. r I1HE CliettAL SOCII7TY OK CHItlST X Church, West King St., will held a sociable Thursday evening, DcccuiIxtS. The pret;raiiiiiie will consist of choruses and recitations. Cnkcs audcollee wlllbedlstrltiuteO uuii iif tlie even ing. Admission, 10 cents, dJ-2td rpUHNPIKK ELECriON.-AN ELECI'ION X. for a president, ten directors nnd n treas urer of the Ijtncaster. Ellrjibolhtewn A- .Ml.lill town turnpike company, will be held en Mon day, theCtli of January, 1KW, between thu hours of if o'clock In the forenoon nnd 12 o'clock at neon, nt the hotel of David Mliisle, In the bor ough of ML Jey. CHAM. & LONll, iU-2td A 1 1 w Secretary. JJUOCTOK'H OPEHA HOUSE, recter A Soulier Proprietors nnd Mnnngers. Tuesday, WediiCHday nnd Wednesday Mati nee, nnd I, Hartley Campbell's beautiful mele-drama, THE WHITE SLAVE." Prices, 15, 20, 30, H) und 75 cents. Dee. S, (1 and 7, " UNDER Till: LASH." Prices, 15, 20, 0. 60 and 75 cents. d'Wt mitE FOLLOWINU 1'ITTITIONS KOIt A. transferor Liquor l.lcense will be heard en Saturday. December It, lNse, nt 10 e. 111 : Jehn F. WltmeriindJiKi. Iv.Trauckiiritraus fer of Tavern Ltecnse or Jacob W, Dakcr, First ward, Lancaster. Jehn A. Snyder for transfer of Tavern Ll cense of Win. Wenninger, Second wurd. Lan caster. Christian Wnhl for transfer of Tavern License of Abraham Stlirel, Miiuhelm tow nshlp, Ii27,dl,lld II. F. W. UllllAN, 1). C. IJ.S, ,rlLLEH'S DOIIAX SOAP WILL WASH xr. clenics eud evi very article under the sun OHDL10BALE, ON TIIUHSDAY. DECEM 1 ber&th,utNe. lUDerwart street, of I'ouse I'euse I'ouse held Furniture, (loud Elght-Ycar-Old Herse, Wagen, Chairs, Ucds, Ulass nnd Quecnswnre, Stable, te he taken uway. Sale at 1 e'cliwlc. , SUSAN POWELL. JeixL. Haini-.s, Auctioneer. ltd M ARTIN DROS. There's a holiday profusion In tlie store. It shows that glfl-timeli waring. We have been thinking of every de sire Hint stands for your taste. See Our Storm aid Cape Over coats. If you are thinking of Smoking Jackets or Heuse. Coats It will pay you te doclde te see ours. A haiulsome line, J5 nnd up. Whatever you lire likely tocaieforls here in Umbrellas, Gloves, llaudkeichlefs, Muftlers, Neckwear, Fancy Hosiery, Suspenders, In boxes nmUeut, Full Dress Scarfs and Shields, Leather Cuff and Cellar Dexes. All the latest cuffs and ceriVs, full dress shirts, traveling companions, neat leather cases containing' comb, hair and toelh brushes, finest extracts in bottles, cembi, hair fcrushes, hand mirrors nlld finest seapV. These and plenty mere here nre starting the Christinas story. In this holiday display we haven't given up nny Clothing thoughts. Chil dren's, Heys' nud Men's Clothing and Under wear ut prices that are tempting. See Men's Overcoats at Si 60, Hi and 810. MARTIN BROS, NOS. 2fl AND 2S NORTH QUEEN ST. M'.IECECOLLEUE. OF BUSINESS AND Short-Hand. Recerd Dulldlug, 1)17-1)18 CHESTNUT STREET, Ii Philadelphia, Pu. Second, Third and Fourth Floers. Morning nnd Afternoon Sessions every week day except Sunday. Night Sessions, Monday, Tuesday und Thursday Etchings till April 1. Twelte hundred nnd slty.iiliie(12i3))students last ear. Kill I v applications necessary. Send for enrollment blank. Technical knowledge, qualifying for business engage incuts. Full Instruction for cemim relal and general business vocations. Alse Short Hand and Type-Writing. A faculty of mero than n score of practical men who liitve practiced what they teach, DoekkccHrs out of counting houses teaching bookkeeping; lawyers teaching lawand busi ness forms; successful high school principals teaching English brunches; law reporters teaching shert-liitud and type-writing, etc., etc. This Institution has been exceptionally for fer tu lutein the success of the students who hate graduated therefrem." Iiltlce open ct cry week day during business lu.urs una also en Monday, Tuesday and Thurs day Evenings for the Enrollment of Students. Announcements, etc., sent when requested. Visitors always welcome. Address, THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, M. A nugllMJiuMd-S Principal anilFeuuder. TUIILH' SALE OF A TATE. VALUAIILi: REAL ES- O.N SATUllllAY, DECKMllEll 21, Ks'J, Mill be sold at public sale, nt the Railroad Heuse of F A.Shroad.en West King street. In order of the Orphans' Court, Hie following reiil estate, v Iz : ZNe. I, A let of ground situated en the north west side of Fremont strett, en the corner of Cottage alley, containing In trout 20 feet, and In depth te Poplar street 1!M ieet, mere or less, en which Is erected a two-story Frame Dwelling, Ne. M5. Ne. 2, A let of ground sltunledmi the north, west side of Fremont street, between Cottage alley and iJiurvl slifet, containing In front te reet mid extending In depth W fiet mid six Inches, mera or less. Terms will bu made known by HENRV RANSINO, Administrator of Jeseph Reth,decetised. Juki. U II vim.s. Auctioneer. d2-2td.',ll rE.iv7 V UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Dedy Enlarged. Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting adterllso adterllse inent long run In our paper. In reply te In qulrles tve will say that there Is ue evldeuce of humbug about this. On th contrary, tlie ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed, lutcrested itersensmuy gut seated circulars giving nil iwir llciilars. by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan HU, Butlale, N. y.-D,itly Teledo i. fU-lyddw FIRE nat t n nv liULLEIj Item airt!ement0. QNEOKTIIE LADOHBT 'HOLBBALB Candy Houses in the BUte, Heuthivest Cor. Heulliern Market. 12-2wdrt JQ3. M. HUDErt. JUiU.."?-!'iIXKD A FIJfE STOCK OKIM ,i WrE".1 Dor"r,'"eCl'amwgne.Hherrles Hii.1 ,WJn' ?fetcl1 nnA '" Whiskies, Sw?i"1 .".A'?' MrovrnHteuLHIne Haul ccntj no if I anllrernla lltx n4Whlte Wine, W ltOIIRER'S LIOODlt BTOrtR. t)27.1wdlt 21 Centra Square, M1,.'L,;,.lH U9"AX BOAH WIL1, WASH Clethes and every article under the sun. FOllllKNT-FHOM Al'Itlt, Iirr. NEXT, A. First-class DlacksmlUi's Rnep.wlthdsrall- lynfeCSSS?- fi"U'tnK"t H'l-KllW DOItAX BOAP WILL. WASH Clethes and every article under the sun. yrTANTED. A ItESIDKNT AGENT te retiresent In Lnnraster and vicinity ene of the old Mutual Llfe Insurance Companies of ..,-Mv.Murctw, nmnirr irer giving references te " M , V. O. Bex 102, Philadelphia, P li22-lweed I71AIIMER.S WAN1KD TO SUPPLY MILK . at Tim , LANCASTER CARAMEL CO., 02D-tfdAwlt 835 Church St, Ijincestcr, Pa. ,UU GOLDEN LION AND MIA IJUERIDA 6c Clgurs are Imiid-inadc. and nunrnnleprt (Heai tear Havana Filler.' Trv nnr hu, n for 5s. DEMUTH'H CIGAR STORE, als-lfdR lit East King Strei'L fJ)K FULL DAY COURSE. pOO 'U NIGHT SESSION. IXTHF , , KKYSTONE1IUSINEHSCOLLEOE. The lending school in Doekkecpltig, Penman ship, Commercial Arithmetic, Typewriting, , ,, . W.ri.MOSSKK.PTln., tfdA Queen 8L, Lancaster, 1!, riMIOROUUU INSTRUCTION IN ALL X branches pertaining le a business cdttca i'SJ,.?tt,,. LANCASTER BUSINESS COL LEGE, Grant Hall, Ne. HI North Duke street. Day and evening sessions. Instruction Ilrst class only. Course thorough, fitting young men nnd Indies for positions. Hundreds of testimo nials at College Reems for examination. Visi tors always welcome. Address, II. C. WEIDLER, Principal. MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes nnd every article under the sun. DR. NATHORST. riENTlST. m 29 CENTRE SQUARE. I- llllng Teeth nnd Painless Extraction Spe cialties, New Sets made, broken ones mended nnd remodeled. Teeth Inserted without plates and pivoted, etc Yes, everything pertaining te Ikintlstry will receive prompt attention ut very Medcratn Terms. .Remember that Dr. Nolheret Is the ONLY Dentist In this county who Is a Kiiiuuiuu wi ..leuieiuuuM wen as ei neniisiry, an advantage that Is obvious. n10-3indAw IT INK TAILORING I ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE W UUliCiHiM. AT P. WKIKEL'S, sep2N!mdR Ne. 41 West King Street T71ALL AND WINTER, 1S89. Fer the Latest Novelties, Largest and Most Complete Assortment or Knll and Winter Suit Ing, Overceating and Treusering, gote II. GEU 1IAIIT. Noneteeqiiul IL Nene te surpass the make up. The correct Fabric for Full Dress Suits, and the price the lowest, nt H. GERHART'S, Ne. 41 North Queen Street -Only Direct Importing Tailor In the City of Lancaster p. TWISH TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES ON jl salary tO tnktl Chnrtrn fir InV Imultmua hi their homes. Light, very msclnatlng and healthful. Wages $10 jicr week. Rerercnce given. Geed par for part time. Address wlih tamp, MllS. MARION WALKER, nevl-lmdM,W,l' Louisville, Ky. -l-yiLLIAMSON A FOSTER. Hints te Present Buyers ! Hats, Furs, Umbrellas, ' Ladies' Shoulder Cuik-s in Astrnehau Fur. B'ack Hair, Plush and Astrachim Cleth, S3 SO te 813. Menkoy Fur Cellars, SI te $0. Children's Mulls, from nOc Beys'Stitr Kelt Hats, nOc. Geld Cap Umbrellas, H5c. NOTIONS T Imitation China Bilk Tldys, 2-V. Hand-Painted China Silk Tldys, SI 00. Hand Embroidered Tldj s, alt shades, fj ft). A choice selection el Wash and Embroidery ltopeSllk and Tinsel. Chenille Cord and KiilttlugSllk. Plush Ornaments. Chenille and Flush Kilnirc. iJtdics' Stylish Newmarkets, $3, t!, tlO.SIl. Ladles' Silk Plush Jackets, 810 75, 1.' 50, 811 50, 810 no. ' Ladles' Silk Plush Coats, 818, 820, 8ii, 823. Children's Plush Coats, 81, 81 50, 85 25. Children's Knee-Pant Suits, fi, 82 50, 81, 8350. Children's O t el coats, 82, 82 50, 8.1, 8-1 50. Blankets & Comforts REDUCED 25 PER CENT. UNEQUALED BARGAINS ! QUOTATIONS -IN- Next Advertisement. Neckwear for Gents and Heys, IJc te OOc. Gent's Dress Kid Gloves. Gem's Shaving Set In Plush Case. Gent's Smoking Ket In Plush Case-. Gent's Full Dress Slilrls, 81 te 82. aents' Dress Overcoats, 8KS, 81S, 820, $21. Gent's Dress Sack Suits, JS, , Jie, 812. Bays' Dress Suits, ?0, $0 50, 87, Or-NTS- SMOKING JACKETS, .. HOUSE' COATS, ,DRI-SING GOWNS AND HATH ROUES. Children's Shoes, 8 te 10,',nll widths, vrtlli Klne Calfskin Vamps, Tips and Sprlni: llttls, Seft Dongola Tops. A Perfect Klttlns bhoe . md and very serviceable. Price, $2 00. S0k?ii every evening durlns Deeeiuber. ii (t Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, l!A. M.'D NO. 31S MARKET ST.. II AllHLxl'UR'l PA ryt: iEI'HINO SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should have a bottle of R. EAHRNHVS TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly wife. Ne Opiuui or Merphia mixtures. Will re lieve Celic, Grilling In the Dewuls nnd Pnmiete IJ,,irJ5?lLlt Tssetlifuff. lreiared b,v)R.S.l).KAHR NI) A SON, Ilaeerstmtn, Ad. DrngirtsU soil U j 25 ecu is. lYIal het tle sent, by mull It) ccuU. laui-lydeedAvr December Attractions ! ldm tMHtNJnV. N KXT DOOM TO THK COURt JtOUSK. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS HT HHLF Wc liave gene through our immvuse uteck of Centi nnd reduced Uie price i and of their former values. The prawnt backward season has left u with abet 600 gannenU, nnd these must all be sold In the next six weelw. Tills Is a crent e.' pertunity, as the Coats are of this season's vnu cariy wnne me selection is gtxxi. j FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King gUm begyttgmnt. MlLLElfS BOUAX BOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every article under the sun IllECEIVEOYBTERSDirtECT FROM POUT Merris every day, nnd only open them when ordered. 1 cater specially te family orders. C1IAH. EdKEtT. n2ImdB 121) East King BU XMPOnTED AND KEY WEST CIGARS Just received all fresh goods. DEMUTH'S CIGAR BTORE, Established 1770. Ill East King Street alS-tfdll Vf ILLER'H BORAX SOAP WILL WASH -1TX. Cleiues und every article under the rrillW IS OVERCOAT DAY. JI.yn,'K UREASTED PEA JACKETS. ini fllETAILORS, McGRANNANOWLEN. Ne. 130 North Queen St. OR SALE I The three-sterv Uriel; Dwclllnir. Nn. Kit Sert erth Duke Street. All till) mmlern rim. venlcnccs. Apply for terms le WM. D. SPRECHER, n2MwdW4SR 31 East King streeL T 1H08EOKAOU WHO ARE IN NEED OK Beets or Shoes I.00I1 ut this. We have a Men's Calf Heet for tl and a better one at 2 60 and 2 75. They are extra value. Ker a Reet between henvy nnd liehtcall and see our "IIome-Mnde" ntt2"S. Ker Heavy Roots we have them from fi The Home Heme Home Made Roots start at $2.75. These are goods that you can depend upon for service nnd net trash. This Is the first year we have had a Reet made for that price. If you wear one par of them you will always want them, and you will Unci It Is net se hard en the pockctbeok nt the end of the season. We carry n full Una of Heets and Shoes of all descriptions nt bottom prices. A full line of Itubber Roots and Shoes. Custom worn a specialty. Wm. H. Gast, NO. 105 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER iuni-iyavvsi- Vip: EXAMINE EYES KllEE. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE 1 Yeu Think Tour Eyes Are Geed I If you have them examined you will probably find that there Is something wrong with them, and that glasses will be a great help te you. We use Illimitable "DIA MANTA1 lenses, which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculists as the best aids te defec tive vision. Solid Geld Spectacles, $3.00 ; usual price, Steel Spectacles, ISOe.; usual price, Sl.OO. Artificial Eyes Inserted, 8l ; usual price, 10. M. ZINEMAM & BRO.I130 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS. I PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. niTH-lyd A SEASONABLE SUGGESTION. The covering of steam pipes with n reliable material Insures dry steam and -saves fuel and attention; Die cost of the covering being some times made up In a single year In saving of fuel alone. The best .material se far elfered te the public Is the Megnesia Sectional Cevering, Ker Steam rijx-s, Hellers, Tirlne Pipes, Etc., and Is for sale only In 1-anaister und IX'OUIIOU counties, uy CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARKE CUHMINGS, Prep., NOS. 131 Jt 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN Itncaster, l'a. ST., Price lists nnd discounts and directions Ter npplylngen application. Sicclal terms te the trade. Alse Valves, Pljie, Cocks, Kittliigs, Etc., at Jobbers Prices. decft-tfdlt BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as .........vm, A.uunv., jsi,.iMe., t-.iiieM'iiiier Eating, Pain in the Side, Side. 1(1 has been While their most remarkable success shown I11 curing Headaclie, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this unneying com- f'lalnt, while they also correct all disorders of he stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who sutfef from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does net end here, nnd these who once try them will find these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head Is the bane of se many lives that here Is where we make our great beast- Our pills cure It vt hlle ethers de net," CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very (mall and very eusy le take. One or two pills makeadeke. They are strictly vegetable and de net gripe or purge, but by their gentle no tion please all who ue them. In vials at 2i cts : Ave ter II. Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. uuglS-lydeed EXECUTORS' SALE OK VALUABLE CEN li treSnuare Real Estate, These properties will be sold On Tukseay, DECEMllKlt 10, A. 1)., 1889, at the Isipard Hetel, In the City of Lancaster. The uiideilgucd will otter ut public sale the follettlng valuable Real Estate, te wit: Tract Ne. I. being a Let of Ground, en which Is erected a Four-Story Rrlek Stere lilulldlng, numbered 21 Centre Square, containing In front 21 feet, mere or less, und extending In depth U7 Ieet, niuches, mere or less. Tract Ne. 2, being a Ixit of Ground, en which Is erected a Tlireu-Mlery Brick store Building, numbered 2 Centre Square, containing In trout lllfeet, 11 Inches, mero or less, mid extending in depth II feet, 3 luetics, mere or less. ..... - -.., ...... ,.. .. ,u, ... ... wuini, wi, Is erected a Twe-Story and Mansard Reef Brick iruci--e. a, ueingn i.ei or iireunil, en which naee, mnge and all modern improvements and would makua delightful home. The street rail wav misses the deer, anil thn nmi..riv t.ui.. but p yards beyond the city limits the taxes are low. Tract Ne. I, being six lets of ground, situated en the southeast coiner of College avenue and v est U'lnen street, containing in front 132 feet, and extending In depth eastward 122 feet, mere or less, it Rii rlghl te common alleis en east nitil Lrtiilli Tract Ne. S, being a let of ground, situated en the south side of s.itd Wnt I .onion slrtvt, con- tallllllL' 111 front 2! feeL unit el..,.,lln.r I,, ,1m, ii, 1.12 feel, mere or less also it llh right te alley. The iiholuerthcnbotc-mcntloucdstorobulld-lugs are tenanted by first tenants, and they present n most desirable investiiieiit.iiud they will he sold together if desired by the pur chaser. Anyone wishing te view nny of the proper ties can de se by calling en the undersigned. Sale te coininenceiit7a o'clock p. in., vt'heu conditions vtlll bu made known by MARIA IKHTKTi'KR, WILLIAM II. HOSTETTER, FRANK U HOSTKTTKR, Executers of I), B. Hosteller, deceased. Jeet L. llAiMa, Auctioneer, n29d3,,ltxt jitteiiiiiK jtuuse, si mined en inn south Mile of Columbia iivenue, and numbered 3 Cottage Place, containing In front W feet, mere or less, nnd extending In depth 2U) feet, nieru or less. This properly has water, gas. water closets, fur. -'t ft PRICES. manufacture and entirely new styk St., Lancaster, Pa. Irtetu bucrttecment. MILLER'S BORAX BOAP WILL WASH I Clethes and every nrtlcle under thesun.l 3.KNU1NB FRENCH BRIAR PIPES, FINKl JUT Plug Cut Smoking lit Glass Jem nnd Tlnl u"i ucnuinei-cniiiieanu llttKlril TiMiscce.1 , UKAlU'ltl'SCIIiAll STORE. Telephone. Ill East King streeL lS-tfdK rpROUTASHANK. HAVE A PERFECT FITTING SHII Made nnd you will never regret It, at . . .. TROUT A SHANK'S, . nniri Ainnuinciurcrs iinit .Mens OutllttersJ ihj isnriu uuceu street, marat-lydll "Tt"ILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WAR1I iU. Clethes and every article under thesunl T IHE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. SPECIAL DRIVES -IN- FLANNELS One Bale of SCARLET nnd BLUE TWILLED ELANNELS nt 17c j worth 22c. One Let of Vnrd Wide SCARLET iSHAKER KLANNEL nt Sic ; regu lar price, -Be le 60c. One Let of SCARLET TWILLKLANNELet 20c. regular price, 23e. One Let of SCARLET TWILLFLANNELat 2Tjc,; cheap at 30c One Let of SCARLET TWILL FLANNEL at nOc ; worth te-day Sjc. Full Line efKLANNELS generally at LOWEST CASH PRICES. F. 25 East King Street, rear20-lydR LANCASTER, PAl S'1 TEAM ENGINE AND IIOILERWORKS. Steam Engine -AND- Beiler Werk! Visitors te the Pair, It will pay you te call at my Works audi umluueur Hteck of Engines ! Allew us te quote you prices nnd facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 Herse-Power. U Herse-Power 8 Horse-Petter 10 Herse-Power. 15 Horse-I'evt er 20 Herse-Power ....$ Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. tl Herse-Power ... 8 Herse-Power 15 Herse-Power Boilers, Second-Hand Kive 30 norse-Petver, a) in. Dlnm., 10 feet 22 ii ln.Tubes. Price, J175 and tlJO. tlM. 1 One Beiler, .10 In. Dlnm,, 1.1 feet Leng, 21 3 auive a ievi. i.eug, tviin nre rreni Castings, 1125. I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OK ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLI IN THE CITY OK LAKOASTER, PA. BKS'"r.PJ"0!Hry.Iin,.Miii! - " "'"',"'" rJ nw jiiiiu, liars, una Cob Mills, Pumps, etc. Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Ii -(Utl lift l.. Itrx ll'.,l.. VVil U VJ llfc It tllVJ OUR HOT AIR FUR1TA0 ISTHEBE.-,TINTIIE MARKCf. Ilcpairinc Promptly Attended Te I Jehn Best! l'HUl'llIETOH, GEO RATHVO 333 EAST FULT0W STA LANCASTER S-1Z- '. . . ?' j -' llV. x.- --J? M-f. - - .--,-''.' ,.-?!, db Jl 'i tin 2k&BMfc WsriSrsLHy 'J&t ."L &,' tf-b's'MS't -.'; , L u