vri- v-v V-4 tf 1 fTT' 1 -T- tV-. - -ir w Vi A&W IV1 A J t-l'i'T,r . i J .1 ' ' "8 '"ft THE l4AN0AOTIt;lAILT rarrBLMGENOET . WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEB 4, 1889. - l? " - . '"lrp-jfSfF. flACtttriCAIl'rO CH1KAMKN I -De Whose Imitative Autlltte Were Xet Appreciates in etx street. Frem the New Yerk Tribune. " Thnne Chinamen are setting tee thick I Inthla town nltogelher," said a seurvla- I'MM, rea-nesea tramp, aa ne sioea in inn Bowery and acowled up Melt atmet, a few daya age. "See that crowd," continued, "of downright heathen, with' their gam' Wing dens and opium Joints, outlandish fwd and unhealthy hablta, prospering right under the itoaes or American gentle gentle gentle monwhe cannot find ceugenial employ, ment T" . . , , ,. ., ... "Well, they work hard, don't they T" aid a bystander, "and that's mere than you de, and If you should by chance earn any thing, tfiey won't deprive you of it." " Won't they though T Then where'amy heaiiiiriii viiln l" MiliVnd tlie traniD. " the deg that was my only f riend en earth for live years where la he ?" . , " UIVO 11 up, 1W1U U1B ujnvnuuci. "Shet by the Sceps'," moaned the tramp. 11 What's that get te de with the China men T" asied the bystander. " It's a long atery," Bald the tramp, "and rm tee ury te taut." dry te Ulk." 1, I'll pay for the drink," said the Icr, " ir you can convince me that ' Well. tivatanrlnr. the Chinamen were te blame for the 'cept.1 sheeting your deg." " Tbere's no doubt about it," said the tramp, " and this Is hew it happened. The deg was born in San Fransisco, near the Chinese quarter. The 'Jehns' have things even mere their own way there than In New Yerk, you knew, and their fondness for stewed deg makes it unsafe for any canine te dawdle navt a laundry shop In that city. New, Fide was an unusually smart deg, and In my eager pursuit of work he had been led Inte some pretty bad streets, where he had been chased by Chinamen, and had narrowly escaped the pet several time, lie get te knew, some hew, that the 'Jehns' would only eat healthy deg, and after that he would droop his tall, ruule his hair and begin te froth at the mouth as iriie had hydrophobia, when ever one of them took ader him. This dodge always worked well, and he get se thatlie could give an imitation of rabies at a moment's nolice that was even better than the real thing. I used te gather little groups of ether gentlemen, untortunately out of a job temporarily, te enjoy the fun and the deg get se he Used te leek for their applause when the Chinamen turned and lied in terrer from him. " Well, we came along te New Yerk, still In a futile search for work, and had net seen a Chinaman for months till we turned Inte Mett street ene Sunday. When Fide found himself suddenly In the midst of such a crowd of pig tails and blouses, his old habit asserted Itself, lie seemed te really enjoy the chance te" seare that heathen crowd, and he frothed, and yelped, ami gnashed his teeth, and writhed Ills body as he no or did before What a jab bering and outcry thev set up! Threo or four 'oops' answered" their shouts in a twinkling, ns If they were white men, ami began te pep away at Fide with their guns. I tried te grab him up in my arms, but they dragged me hick for a madman, nnd bofero my beautiful pup realized that his performances was net appreciated, he was a goner, anil all en account of them heathen Chituiueu." " If humor, wit and honesty could sae" from the Hit llcsli Is heir te, whotngeod price they'd brim? In the market. Well, twenty-flte cents will buy a panacea .Salvation Oil. A merchant down town sell mera of Dr. Bull's Couch Hrup than ull ether medicine together. It surely must be the bet remedy for u cough, old nnd ether similar aflectlens. Price Sii cents. Perfectly Fiendish. Te be assaulted by the three Imps, dys pepsia, constipation nnd llcr complaint a trio ersatanlcblrth-ls perfectly fiendish. This often happens. The hateful three, hewccr, seen whisk nway te nether Inferno when Hos Hes tettcr's Htemach Hitters Is emplejed te evict them. As a stemachic and nlterntU e of disor dered conditions of the bowels nml Her, It Is speaking within bounds te say that there Is net In existence, n medicine se widely known as this, and few Indeed which hae received such pesltlNG nnd authoritative sanction from the mertlc.il fraternity. The fact that It promptly relieves, then extirpates the three maladies of most common occurrence, ought nnd does make It the most popular of family medicines. But, In addition te that, It has achieved the foremost reputation as a preventive of nnd remedy for chlllsand fever, rheumatism, nervous nnd kid ney trouble. Don't hawk, hawk, blew, split, nnd disgust ever) body with jour oflcnslve breath, but use Dr. Huge's Catarrh Jlcmeity ami enu u. im cis, by druggists, W.ThAW v- gev &ttlc eviTtcttt. s ECU HE A HOME FOB YOUlt FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE ON TIin.MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en iJincaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chettnut nnd Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards, Iren fences, lets 100 feet deep, en West Walnut, between Mary and Pine serects. Twe-story brlcJj dwelling houses, lots-lle feet deep, en West lAinefThtreXt, between Charlotte Charlette ana Mary street. Three-story brick dwelllngheuscs, lets 150 feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front jards, en West Chestnut street, between Pine and Nevln streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North I.Imp, North Mary, between Walnut nnd I-emen, nud Lemen, betw cen Mary and Pine streets. All the above houses nre in geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water In the kitchen, nnd the cellars w nrmntcd te be dry. Call nnd see for yourself, no trouble te show yU" JNO. F. flniEL,p-.,. JACOB OIUEL, ' f Executers. apr20-lyd.M.W.S. 320 North Mary Street. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE BEALES TATE. ON UllUIMBAY, DECKVIBElt 6, 18S1, will be sold nt public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, at 7 o'clock p. in., the following valu able real estate, te w It : Ne. I, the three-story brick hotel nnd large exchange stables, known us the " Western Hetel," situated en the southwest corner of Wutcr and Orange streets, containing In front en Oiunge street 155 feet, nnd In depth along Wnter street 80 feet and 5 Inches te a 9 feet Inch driveway, te be used by this property nnd the adjoining property In common; theme along said difveway westward 70 feet; thciue south 4S feet ; t home west 85 feet; thence north 123 feet. Te ull measurements we udd mere or less. Ne. 2, the two story brick residence and large to-bter brick bnek building and stabling In renr, Ne. 220 West Ornnge street. In front 3i feet if Inches, mere or less; In depth 12S feet, moreorless; thencewestteArcliBlley, te feet by 28 feet wide, mere or less, w 1th right of prop erty te the north te enter thereon. e. 3, the three story brick warehouse, well built, Nes. tJand-il North Wnter street, front lug en Water street SS feel 5 Inches, mere or less. In depth 70 feet, mere or less, with right te 3 feet alley en the south, and a 0 feet 3 Inch driveway In common with properties te north and south. , , Ne. t, the two-story brick residence, Ne. 012 East King street, het and cold water, gas, bath, etc., contains I) rooms, let 25 feet, mere or less, this property in common with ethers; depth i til inn in - it'fi ! mi u ant-v i" s t.. it-stiru u Ne. a, the one-aud-a-linlfsiery frame dwell ing, Ne. 010 East King street, contains rooms, hjarant and mimii In vurd, let 21 feet ti Inches, mere or less, te middle of 2 feet 3 Inch alley, In common with ether prepeity, and depth 1U7 feet, mero or less, te alley. Ne. t), u two-story brick building, suitable for manufacturing purposes, situated till und U1U Eas' King street, containing In front 61 feet 4 Inches, mere or le, nnd In depth lt7 feet, mero or less, te an alley. Ne. 7, a building let, situated Just east of above property, oppeslto prison, East King street, containing hi front 82 feet tl Inches, mere or less, and In depth 1U7 feet, mere or less, te alley. Ne. 8, the one and n-half-sterv Frame Dwell ing Heuse, Ne. 7 Mlddlcstreet.raclngEastKIng street, next te Everts A Overdcer's store. In front SI feet 10 Inches, mero or less ; In rear 28 feet 10 Inches, und In depth M feet, mere or less. Ne. 0, six small tenement house?, situated In rear of 110 nnd 112 Meuth Duke street, known ns "Breneman's court," with 3 feetallejs used In common with ethers running intesnme from Duke und Vine streets. Let upon which they nre built Is 42 feet 5 Inches, mere or less, by 87 feet, mere or less. Ne. 10, the one nnd n-lmlf-stery Frame Dwell ing, 48 and 50 East Vlnestieet. Frent 2! feel 4 Indies, mere or less, depth 74 feet, mere or less, having a a it-ei wiae uuey ie tne cum in com mon Ith ethers,- Ne. 11, the one una n-lmlf-eteiy Brick Dwell ing, Ne. 119 East Chestnut street, Just a-lialf seunre from the l'ennsjlvanln rullreud depot, In front 2ri f'-et. mere or less, denth M feet, mere or less. Ihere U te the cast un alley used In common with ethers. x?. I , tl,, trA4n.f TlrlitV TViralll,. HnnM Ne. 3HHeuth Duke street. Itfrents en Duke street 9 feet, mere or !es,ln depth lUfeet, wllh side yard. .... ruie le cemmenre uv u ciuck p. m.(uu 4 nurs day. December 5th, when conditions will be vnaae srniwn uy A auua, wen l, itAiats, Aucuentvri ,, 3 aHtmcui REMEDIES, Baby One Solid Rash Vcly. MlnAih blotched, malicious. He rwrt by day, no peace by HlBhU Doctors .iri all remedlc failed. Tried Cntlcnrm. Krreet marvelleus, (laved hi life. - Cured by Cuticura Onr eldest child, new six year nf age, when an Infant six months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies rut lint:, we called our family physi cian, who attempted te cure Hi but ttaprcad with almost Incredible rapidity, until the lower portion or the little fellow's person, from the middle of his back down te his knees, was ene solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched, and ma licious. We had no rest at night, no peace by day. Klnally, we were advised te try the CUTt cuba HEMKDiia, The effect was simply mar mar veleous. In three or four weeks a complete cure was wrought, leaving the little, fellow person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opinion, your valuable remedies saved hi lire, and te-day he Is a strong, healthy child, perfectly welt, no repeti tion of the disease having ever occurred. GEO. B.HMITH. At I'y-e t-Ln w and Ex-Prea. A tfy, Ashland, O. Bey Covered With Scbt , Mr boy. nged nine years, has been troubled all his life with very bed humor, which appeared all ever his body In small red blotches, with a dry white scab en them, host year he was worse than ever, being covered with scabs from the top of his head te his feet, and continually growing worse, although he had been treated by two physicians. As a last resort, I deter mined te try the Ccticuiia Kexkdiks, and ant happy te say they did all that I could wish, using them according te directions, the humor rapidly disappeared, leaving the skin fair and smooth, and rtcrfermlnir a llinmuvh pure. The smooth, and performing a thorough cure, Cvticuiia Bkmediks are all you claim for them. They are worth their weight In geld. QEOHUE P. LEAVITT, Ne. Andover, Mass. Cuticura Reselvent The new Bleed Purifier and purest nnd best of Humer Remedle,1ntcrnally,and CtrricunA, the great Blcln Cure, and CtrricunA Heap, an ex quisite Hkln Beautifler, externally, speedily, permanently and economically cure In early life Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, P'mply, scrofulous, and hereditary humors, with less of hair, thus avoiding jenrs or tor ture nnd dlsflgureatlen. Parent, remember this : cures In childhood are permanent. Beld everywhere. Prlee.CtmctrRA.SOe.; Seap, 2JC.J Reselvent, 11.00. Prepared by the Por Per tkh Dnt'O AN Chkmicai, OoiipenATION, Bos Bes Bos eon. WScnd for " Hew te Ciue Skin Diseases," 64 pages, E0 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. RIRV'vlHkln and Scalp preserved and benutl unui a Hed bj- CtrricunA Heap. Abselutelv lied by CirricuiiA Heap. Absolutely pure. HOW MY SIDE AC1IEH. Aching Hides nnd Back, Hip, Kidney and Uterine Pains, Bheumntlc, Sciatic Neurnlglu, Sharp nnd Sheeting l'nlns relieved In one min ute by the Cuticura Antl-1'nln Plaster. 23c. Sanferd's Radical Care for Catarrh. Complete TCxternnl nnd. Internal Treat ment Ter One Dellar. Te be freed from the dangers of sufrocntlen while lying down; te breathe freely, sleep soundly. and undisturbed; te rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and free from pain or nche ; te knew that no poisonous, putrid mat ter defiles the breath and rots aw ay the deli cate machinery of smell, taste, and hearing ; te reel that the sjstcm does net, through Its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that Is sure te undermine and destroy, Is Indeed a blessing beyond most human enjej ments. Te riurchnse humnnltv from such a fate should be he object of all mulcted. But these 'who have tried many remedies and ph)slclaus despair of relief or cure, HANKOiin's rtAPiOAi.CuiiE meets every phnse of Catarrh, fremn simple head cold te the most loathsome nnd destructive stages. It Is local and constitutional. , Instant In relieving, per manent In curing, Rafc, economical and rarely fulling. Simfbrd'H Ilndlcal Cnre Consists of one bottle of the HAniCAT. G'PJiK, onehexnfCATAiiiiHAi.80l.VKNT, and one Iv-i-iieVKit I.NiiAt.KH, nil iwrapped In ene pack age, with treatise nnd directions, and sold by all druggists for 11.00. I'eTThit Dnua &. ClIF.MlCAI, CenPOUATION, Bosten. dl-lmW,8iw Bv0cevie, TlIANKSOIVINOIHOVi:U,BUTOH I HOW thankful the geed people of Lancaster and vicinity ought continue te feel that they have such a store In the community as L'IiAUKE'8, who scores two points I Beth are telling pelnu and need hut little examination. FIRST POINT. jMIIP rW This always does and always will point In a downward direction. SECOND POINT. Here the point Is reversed, net once, hut al ways. THE QUALITY. This point Is upwards. Would you knew the cause T Theu call nt once and see our large and well-selected stock of CMHISTMAM OHO CEUIEH which should claim your attention nt this time. The reason will seen be made clear. Our prices tell the tale. They are lower than the lowest and quality proves It every time, We sell new Ix'ghern Citren nt ISa per pound. All heusewlv es should buy our TELEKATHABOa. The finest quality, perfectly Clean Currants. Bemember we are headquarters for the best quality of New Orleans Baking Molasses, and ulse for the Fleur te bake with. Over four tens received this week, which we have from 43c u quarter sack up. New bhellbark Kernels lu stock, CLARKE'S CHEAT TEA, COFFEE A QKOCERY STORE, 12 AH hOUTH O.UEEN HTUEET. O-Telepliene. A T BUllSK'S. Thanksgiving Groceries. NEW FRUITS-rine Tnble Raisins, Flerida Oranges and lemons, Malaga Grapes, Califor nia Peaches, Hllver Prunes, Apricots, Italslu Cured 1 'runes, Italian New Prunellas, Fine Currant Seedless Bulslns, Citren, Orange and I ,ein en Peel. Nut's New Prunes, Paper She4l-Almends, New English Walnuts, New Brazil Nuts, Choice Mlnee Meat We keep only choice meats. The Yentrcr Evaporated Sugnr Cern, the finest corn In the market. Canned Fruits nnd Vegetables of all kinds. Fine Table Oils, Worcestershire Suuee, Eng lish and American Pickles In bottles. Ednm, Hapsage, Pineapple nnd Verk Htate Cream Cheese, und a thousand ether articles, AT BURSK'S, 17 East King Street, Ne. LANCASTER. PA. A T HEISTS. DON'T FORGET THE BIG BOOK WE ARE OIVINO AWAY. Ask for a card, which wlllexplalnlt. Seecut of the book In our advertisement of te-dav's Examiner. Rend it carefully. Yeu will be three dollars richer. We are spending 11,000 en the book for ou. If you are wlse j oil w 111 profit. READ AND PROCLAIM IT TO THE WORLD, We Are Going te Make Reme Hewl ! Twenty barrels New Orleans Baking Molasses, 5,0,8, 10, U, 11, 15, 10 and 18c a quart. 400 pounds Finest Hhellbark Kernels at .10c a pound, 203 pounds Fines Walnut Kernels nt 22e u pound. Citren Isadvnnclng In price we sell yet at 20c Imen and Orange Peel Is going higher we sell nt 15a a pound. Sugar may go higher hard te tell we sell a White at 7c. bplces and Ex tract nre lower than ever get eurprltes. A let of Fine Bunch Balslns In te-morrow. Finest White Grapes In the city ten barrels. Flerida Oranges were never se line leek nt ours. Just in a let of Duliy's Pure Bweet Cider. An origi nal cask (nOO pounds) of the Finest Paper-Shell Almendsjust In see them ineur window. Five bales New Grenoble Walnuts. Chocolate Drens. ISe and 20c a pound. Fine Mixed Candy, two ana tnrce peunus ierzjc. i ine omu;ueuey. ikc a pound. A big bargnln. Mincemeat, four. three nnd two pounds for 25c, Finn New Layer Figs, two pounds rer25c. finest new Htewlng Figs, three pounds for 25c. Finest Persian and Fnrd Dates. Finest LI lie of Bottled and Canned Goods In the cltv. Swiss, Llmburger, Edam, Kage, Pineapple nnd English Cheese. Purmlsan Cheese, Orated, in bottles, mr Maccarenl try It. Hplced Bolegnn, 12kc. Hummer Bologna, 9c Dried Beef, extra tine, 10c Knuckle Beef, 15c Pitted Cherries, 'Jlcn pound. Mllver Plums, tvv e pounds ffr 25c Gelden Pitted Plums. 18c a pound. Finest Prunes In the city, three pounds for 25c. Twe pounds Prunellas fer25c. Thrce pounds of Apricots. 25c, Three pounds Raisins, 25c. Four pounds Tea Crackers, 25c Twe cans French Pens, 25c, and a thousand Big Bargains. reFst ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE 8TS., Directly Opposite J, B, Martin x Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. SVttcmcye. TT UTIIKR S. KAUFFMAN, - ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Esblemaa Law Building, Ne. 43 North BnkaWtreet. prt-lyd4w rrmuE Dalmatian insect powder, propelled by a geed powder blower, Is the most ettectual destroy er of Hies und ether small Insects, Fer sale AtHUBIY'8 DRUG STORE, MWntKleftiirMb Put J. HARRY ST AMU. New Bosten Stere. Ai Usual I AsUiuall Ai Usual I IN TIME OF NEED WE ARE WITH YOU. We Come le Yeu Te-Day, With GREAT OFFERING BLANKETS, COMFORTS, -AND FLANNELS. At Prices Se Lew In Price. That the Warmest Will Be Wlthlu Reach of All. GRAY BLANKETS, At 75c a pair. GRAY BLANKETS, At 00c a pair. GRAY BLANKETS, At (125 a pair. GRAY BLANKETS, At tl 50, tl 05, f 1 75 te 14 a pair. WHITE BLANKETS, At 75c, tl, tl 25, tl 50 te W a pair. RED FLANNELS I RED FLANNELS t 25c Flannels at IDc a yard, !5c Flannels nt 12e a yard, 2Sc Flannels at 22a a yard. llOc Flannels at 25c a yard. 33c Flannels at 2Se a yard. 37;c Flannels at 33c a yard. 50c Flannels at 37c a yard. Blue Flannels Ge theSnme Way. WHITE FLANNELS I WHITE FLANNELS ! We offer the best and most carefully selected stock of White Flannel ever offered anywhere, viz : 8c Flannels at 0Jc a yard. 10c Flannels at 8e a yard. 15c Flannels at 12c a yard, 19c Flannels nt 15a a yard. 25c Flannels at 20c a yard. 21e Flannels at ISe a yard, Ac, t c Heavy Comforts at 75c, 87, tl, 112.5 te 11 Each. Big Redactions in Dress Goods. 10e Plaids reduced te 9c a yard. 10c Plaids reduced te 8c a yard. 12c Cashmere reduced te lOe a yard. 17c Cleths reduced te 12c a yard. M-DAILY REDUCTIONS will be made In our Dress Goods Depart ment. Bargain Seekers will find It te their Interest te Visit Us Dally. J. j 24 Centre Square. WNEW BOSTON STORE. fUIARLEH SfAMM'S -FOR- TOYS! Se Here Grees T Best Satins, 19c. Black Velvets, 19c. Best Surah Silk, 37c. 40-Inch tl 00 Henrietta, 75c. Plain Dress Silks, 25c. 51-Inch Dress Cleths, 25c. Weel Cleths, 30-Inch, 10c. Deuble Width Dress Ooeds, 5c. 8c and 10c Dress Goods at 4c. Heat Ammonia, 4c a bottle. Pins, 14 rows for lc. tl 00 Comforts nt"5c. 75c Underwear at 50e. 00c Underwear at37c ! 00 Blankets at 91 50. Dark Calicoes, 4c and 5c. Umbrellas, 25c, 50e, 75e. deld Head Umbrellas, 87Kc Deuble Width Skirting' Flannel, 10c. 60c and 75c While Shirts at 37c and 60c. Children's MutTn, 50c. t25 Plush Jackets atflS. Menkey Mull atf-150. Stere Open Every Evening This Menth. Charles Stamm, LANCASTER, PA. BOSTON STORE. Harry H We Must Have Roem hi pii SW, 9t B LANKETS AND COMFORTS. THE COLD WEATHER IS UPON US ! kAltClK QUANTITIES OP BLANKETS COMFORTS At the Lewest Priees, AT 3840 West King St, Lancaster, B ahda Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Km. 33 ui 36 leuth Queen Street, EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Isn't It a raM bur better goods In ene store than you can In another T WhyT ltecnuxc some sell their goods t smaller profits, giving you a better article for your money. We claim te sell goods closer than any ether house In Lancaster. In our last advertisement we spoke about Underwear. Men' White or Colored at 30c. 25c, S7,'- 60c and up. Ladles at 2V 3c, we nnd up New wnllc you mar see the ... .Vl... MJJm ... .. ..tl... B....H. we claim etrercd. Take our ljulles' Vests, stnrtlni g at k, the next grade at otlier stores Is WWeeni 1 or "Se 3e a pair r iiigucr, uuv ler me nuierenre ei ae savini ii or 22e en every pair, nut we can't snenk of 22e en every pair. But we can't speak or Children's, as we have them In Merine, Medicated, Natural Weel, Camel's Hlr, etc, k.iu.ci. n, nn nv n.D ... it. ...vim,., ...iiv4ivi. i.niumi TTtwi. Kill1 HHAWL8 Extra barmVns In Hllmle Hhnwls nt II. II SS. II ftO. t3 nnd un. mention of two numbers In Deuble Hhawls that Black and Blue Plaid at U SO, which Is at least It under price. Anether number Is one nt (ISO, which, we ant sure, you cannot match le quality for less than W, In a great vnrlety of styles. ww run suiv ns In Black Tl nieevnuawis in single ana BLANKETS White and Colored Blankets nt75c,85c, $1,1125,11 S0,tl75,t2,aj,tl,W50,l, H50,t,r),ffl,i7.t9. Everyklndat Iheprlce Is a bargain. COMFORTS-Comforts nl 75c, f 1, (1 23, ft 50, tl 75, 12, fX 23, t2 CO, f3. Our own make. 1 Jtrge rIie at tl CO Is one of our best sellers. FLANNELS Notwithstanding the mild weather we hare selda quantity of Flannels already In Cel ten Flannels nt 5e, 60, 8, 10c, 12, etc: III Weel Flannels, In Orey, nt lOe, 12KC, I5c, 18c, etc; In Red at 12)c, 15c, 20c, 25c and up ; In Navy Blue at 25c, illc, 40d and 50c Embreldcml Flannels for Skirts, in Pure or Cream White, embroidered white ; In Blue Orey, embroidered cardinal ; In Brown Mixed, embroidered brown, nt (land tl 25 tier yard. Elegant quality nnd patterns. STAMPED GOODS-Mtnmped Pillow Shams at 20e and 25e per pnlr. Stamped Linen Wash stand CeversJSc, Bureau Scarfs, 35c, 45eand up. Tidies from be up. Splashers from lOe up. OIL CLOTH We are etlerlng a special geed article lu Fleer Oil t'leth. 2 yards wide, at 50e a yard. Just the thing for uneven floors, ns It Is soft and pliable. All grades from yard te 2 yards wide. Cheap Cocea Rugs at 60e ; worth 75c. PANT GOODS All extra large stock or Panting at 10c. 12V& 15e, 18c, 2lV, 2V.37KC 40e, 4.V. 60e, 05c, 75e and up. Ills only by elTcrlng bargains we are enable te Increase our trade, w hleh we have been doing ever Blnce we started. FEATHERS The host Featliers cheap. A lower grade at 50c. bard Sc Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn. Nes, Ifticitchr. H. Z. RIIOA1W A SON. make nsrirEsxiviEisrxs -IN- IDIAMONDS.I The DIAMOND market hns largely advanced nnd purchasers of llue gems during the pat few years will find Hint their money has been well Invested. Importing lnrgc quantities of Diamonds for many ) cars direct from the close markets of Europe we offer from stock purchnsed before the rise, line gems, nt low prices. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. F LINN & BRENEMAN. OUR STOCK TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, NOW FXIXm & BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. Qtlihtrmmvc. H 1GH& MARTIN. -AT- The finest Huts of Holiday Weeds ever ttliewn by us in IIuv ilaud Decorated China, Japa nese Ware, Royal Worcester, Cut Gless and a general line of Fancy Goods. Decorated Dinnur Beta in China, Percelulu and Granite. Printed Goods in White in the best iiualilie.s. Cliumber Beta In all grades from White aud Printed te JehM Dean's Flneat Decorations, and at prices equal te any. ROCHESTER LAMP! The let Lamp in the mar ket In Stand, Parler, Library and Piane Style. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. Vltotetmn'lte. K OTK. I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kcenigsbuig, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Rust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Ntxt Peer te the Postefflce, JW HUM m 000fe. I Pa Opposite the Cooper Hense. Oppeeite Fountain Inn. llinl fop llm snmn nmnnnt nf ninnev von run our goods at the prices nre the best value ever next graue sec, aim se en, pcrnaps you win sny per pair, se It I and our price te or 7Hc per pair, mere we a. nnlr or vesta that retail at tl. h or everv of every number at Underwear, In Lndlca', Med' We would call special nre way below the regular price. One In a tlreen. ure ueuuie. nneuiacrnnnwis irem weiip OU0, &c. OF- OPEN ib'atcltee. Xy-ATHES. KMERICHN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specs, Kye-O lasso Etc. at uiwuti j-imJr.r. Optical Heeds, TeleerrnnliTIine Dally Every Article lu this Line Carefully Repaired Leuis Weber, Ne. 18K NerUi Qnen St., Hear P. B. R. Station. TEWELER AND ORADUATE OIT1CIAN. GILL, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. F0RTHE HOLIDAYS, Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. Our stock never hb at lnrge and cemplete asnt princnt. Cull and lim-Htlgute. EYFS4 EXAMINED FREU NO DROPS USED. OHAS. S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. N: EW GOODS I SILVERWARE! We Are Constantly Receiving NEW OOODS lu this Llun and (an HIhiw nil Elegant AnsertiiKiit of Flue Warts. Our Five-Piece Tea-Set, Quadruple Plute and Hindsemely Engraved, for s IS. SO, Istlie ll.-M mi'l Prettiest 'ihlngs Made for the ileiiej. Call and See Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OK ORANC1E. &eal. r UMllERANlirOAL. J TOllACCOHHOOKHANnCAHKrl. WIST- EHN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, bv 11. 11. MARTIN A CO, nS-lyd 121 Wnter Hlreet. Luncastt r. Pa. "OAUMUARDNEIW COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. OfFicB Ne. 129 North QueenHtreet, and Ne. 661 North Prince street, Yaude North Prluva Street, near Reading DtpeU Uflft-tM LAMCABTKmPA. Clothing M riUWKATHrON. STORM Coats and Ulsters! This weather suggests a GOOD WARM OVERCOAT. Our Bleck or STOR7V COHTS, Ulster AND SACK OVERCOATS Will be very attractive te you. The Cut nml Finish of these (Inrmetits nre net excelled anywhere, mid Ihe prices are with in your rench. Price Range Frem $8 te $20. A Handsome Due of OVERCOATINO In our MElU'HANrTAILORINO DEPARTMENT at Most Itcatennule Prices. The Fit We'll Uuar antce. Myers & Rathven, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER, PA. L. tIANHMAN A llltO. THE BUSIEST CLOTHIERS. 81MCCIAT.S ! Te demonstrate that L. tIANHMAN A I1RO. can undersell nil ether clothiers, we cmitlnue for len days or mere our extraordinary bargain sale te give people ut n distance n chance te nt tend this great sale and save money. It will pay you te ceinu hundreds of miles for these Great liargalns, WE NAME A FEW OF THE MANY Bargains te Be Had Here. Men's Mellen Cnsslmcrc Punts at II 00 1 worth I2C0. Men's A II-Weel Pant nt tl B0 j worth 3 60. Men's Hlb Diagonal Hulls ai Ulilj wert WOO. Men's Heavy I Jihor 0 crcoets at II 75 1 worth 17 00. Men's Beaver Overcoats at Vi 00 ; worth IIS 00, Men's Chinchilla ONerceut at 13 75: worth III 00. Men's Royal Kersey OvcrreaU at M 50 j worth 11800. Men's English Fur Deaer Overcoats at 18 00 ! worth IS 00. Men's Impertcil Melten Overcoats nt WOO: worth 124 00. Men's Imported Mellen Overcoats, silk lined all through, at 110 50 j worth 12700. Men's All-Weel CUovlel Hulls utKlSO; worth 117 00. Men's Fins Worsted Bulla at 18 25 j worth 121 00. Men's Hterm Overcoats at tl. 1.150, II, ,8, 110 ; worth mere than double the money. Hee our Hey's Overcoats, sixes 13 te III years of age, at U 25, W 50, II, 1.1 50, storm or plain made, worth double the money. Wonderful llnrgalns In Children's Hulls and Overcoats. Hults and Overcoat from UOeund upwards. Don't Miss this Qrcat Meney, Come Early. Mate ; If you Vnlue L Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufitcturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) am KOKTB QVB1X IT.. i. w. court or okaheb, UMCwm.Ti. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In thn city. 4-De cautious und make no mistake se Hint you get te the right place. OPEN EVERY UCMIIF.lt. EVEN1NU DUIUNO DE- GOES MERRILY ON. Slaughter in Prices -OF- Children's Suits & Overcoats. Children's Pleated and Belled Suits, 00c, II 23, II 60, II 75, 12, 12 , 12 50, H, i 50 and up ards. Children's Plain and Cape Overcoats, II, II 25, 11 60, 1175, 12, 12 50, 12 75, II, 1150, II and up wards. Bey's Suits & Overcoats. Hlzes 10 In IK, I.euu Pants, commencing at 12 50, II, W 50, II, II 50 te 112. Overceils, Hires 10 te ltf, J2.I250, 11,131X1,11, II 50,15,10, 47, 18, 10 te 112. Men's Suits. Many Broken HIm, I.ets nnd Patterns. Our Les Is Your (lulu. Beginning ut It up tell) a Hult. Me Auction Goods .or Shelf-Wern Stock. Hpeclal Values at IS, 18, 110, 112, I0. Culnwuy or Prince Albert Ceals. In Hack, MEN'S OVERCOATS. A Mnr cleus Array Our Own Make. I., II 50, tl, 1150, U, II 50. r. til. 7. IH, ill, 110 te til. Hl ilul Vulues ut 15, ft, 110, 112, III. Everything in Fnrnisbings, ONE-PRICE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, north Queen Street and Centre Square, liANCAHTEIL PA. N" OTIOE TO TUEHPAMHEIW AND UVN NE1US. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lauds of the ;eruwall ndHpeedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster ueuntltM, whether Inclesed or, unlnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, ai the law will be rigidly enforced agalust all tres passing en iam tanas ei me uuaenugeeu wu) this; notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN K. PKHUY AL1JKH. lt.rE.nui mtuwun. KDWC. KRKJCMAk, The Cutting in Prices HIRSH& BROTHER'S Cvaeetf vm' (Sutfee . "pF-NNHYLVANIA RAILROAD aCHM 'irf jsin eneei rrera het. W, wm. 6 iii .. ?r..J uAscssns ana leave sum m: , me at Philadelphia as follewm V' .IXSTWARD. LMVM Philadelphia. Laneaatat)! ttZZVSSZSt' lliJ p. D1. s:.i a. m. 4.10 a, m, 7.SI1 SL. In. MantralnyJaMbeyt NaaMallTralnt...;.. Niagara Express Hanover Accem . Fast Llnef,.... .. Frederick Accem,. I.nucaatcr Accem,...,., Lancaster Accem....... Harris!) n rsj Accem.... Colombia Arenm M0 a. M " via Columbia h:3D a. m. 1 a. ;;. HM a. m ;c via Columbia 11:40 a. m. via Columbia twp!. 2:p. BI. ; u:a.m. via MU Jey., x.iv p. m. 4:40 n. m. OQae Harrisbiirg Express..! 5:50 p. m. 11:10 p. mM . ratvill klt.-mT. Lancaster Acce.... ' . m:2Z " " & 0.1SI p, m, iU.VXH IVS1 .Leave Lancaster, 2:20 a. m. 4:45 a. m. S5 a. m MO a. m. 1:56 a. m. M0 a. m. ll'M a. m. 12-.VI p. m. 8:6ft p. m. S.-00 p. in. 4:45 p. m. t:45 p. m. .1:15 p. m. 12J.1 p. in. Arrlva .EAHTWARD. Phlla. Express! KastLlnef. ....m Lancaster A coo SH.IIA1 4a.m. 9M m. mi s WMu.Wfr? Harrlsburg Kxpress... imncaKier Accem... Celnmbhi Aeenm vlaM Ur. Atlanlle Kxpressf...... Heashnre Rinrra... ii: a. m.& .is tV - Philadelphia Accem. V.U. p. ia v.m p. , &4ft svn. nununy man Day Expressf Harrlsburg Accem. Mall Tratnt. .,., Fretlerlck Accem.., -M si.nl. "J Ml n. mr-ti iewv.au si tThe enlv trains whleli run Aaiiv. 4. On Hunday the Mall train wcat runs by way jtti, Columbia. 'SU J. R. WOOD, Oeneral Paasenrer Amn CHAH. E. PUOH. Uenernl Manager. . sfc . . -PHILADELPHIA A READING RAILROA. 1USAU1NU a COLUMBIA DIVISION, -,,?' i vu nnu smr nunany. ciev je, lese, uvwi i leave lAnrasler (King street), as fellows! .i Fer Reading and Intermediate ttelnlx. wmM4J'- days, 7:30 a. m., 12:35, 8: p. m.; Hunday, Mi avH ) Fer Philadelphia, week days. 7:30 a. m am: 2-W p. m.; Sundays. 88 p. m. wit Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dajrV4l 7:!)0a.m.. 12.35. a- n. m. 4J Fer New Yerk via Allentown, week amjra.1 li35p. m. tm Fer Allentown, week day, ?: a. m.,8. sn. i Hnndav. S:M n. m. Fer Pettsyllle, week dayi, 7:30a. m., S: p. MifP Bnnday, 3:55 p.m. ' . JLj ruriieunnun, wees eays, 7.-W a. m nu iut pm.j Hunday, B.-05B. m.SMp. m. &Q - " - " tv.-sj unjei ftW 4uUa 4KDb l-ft mnr liarninnM vimv ftr 7nn m ! 'm Fertiuarryvllle, week day, 9-36 a. M MtVSl TRAINH FOR LANCASTER. ' Leave Reading, week days. 7:20, 115 a. m.(m 5:&5 p. m, i Hnndey, 7:20 a. m.; fl:10 p; m. Vpj Inve Phtladelplila, week days. 4:15. l(Hy m.. 4-wn. m. ,j.?i lnve New Yerk via Philadelphia, week daya. i 7:4Sa.ml:;n.p.m.l2:15iilghU i Leave New Yerk via Allentown, week Oat !?. 4.iJ0 a. m., poe p. in. iiib i Iieave Allentewu, week days, 5:52 a.m.j t.J Leave Pettavlllr, week days, 5:50 a. m.. p. m. jt ' 7:15 p. m. t Hunday, 7:V a. m., 3:45 p.m. Wl 'ave iiamsuurg, week days, 6.26 a. m. ; BbV day, Ois) a. m. Ltve uuarryvllle, week daya, 6:40, 11:41 a. m.h 3.-00 Hunday, 7:10 a. m. A JJ ATliANTlVVlTY DIVISION. "W d aim rteuthVtret whirl """" "" V. Fer AUantle city, week daya, eipnaa,! M0 a. m. Bnd 4 p. m.j Am)mmedaUaii,V. 1 i ... iii. nuu s.ts p. in. ; aunaay, TTprnas . r.w . mi., Anwiuiauiwuua. ensi m Su. 1MB t Returning leave Atlantic city, depot esrnr?i -Atlantic and Arkansas Avenue. Week dayiv ;, ExnreKS 7:' a. m. and Ian. Annnat.? modntlen,8-CCSn. m. and 4:30 p. m. Bundaya i Express, 4 p. in. Accommodation, TM a, aa.:';r and 4:.0 p. in. itf Detailed time tables can be obtained at tlckavX unices. -SZjM A.A.MCLEOD. O. O. HANCOCK. sS 3 WJ & AV4S. U KMVH JU. K,r VIVU I JTMIW W sAfc EI1ANON A LANCASTER JOINT UtfB.i neiMjn.Aj, Arrangements of Passenger Trains enandaAarl ' nusvAi, uvciiiuer lu, uev. NORTHWARD. Iave a.m. i. r. p.m. Sunday. S King Hlreet, Lane. 7.-00 l'S5 t:l Ijancaster.,.. ......... 7.-07 12:4.1 6:3 r.Mt , R saw l:U SS I'eiuintila iz.il Manhelm 7:33 1:30 6.-01 Cornwall 70 1:46 6:38 Arrive ai Lebanon - S:ll 1:58 6:40 HOUT1IWAHD. Leave a.m. t. m, MDanen 7:12 Cornwall 7.-37 ManhelnV. TM Lancaster. Mil Arrive at Columbia 9:27 12M 12:45 1:16 7:14! 7.-30 7e l:l 2.-0-. 2.-00 KlnsBtreet. Lane, M 2.-00 fc A. M. WI ION, Hupt R. 4 C. Railroad. B. M. N EFF, Hupb C. R. H, furniture "-'' ..-nfsmjy W IDMiTER'KllMtSlt. I 1:46 ,'iM, i a.m. r.tt. TM . Mf'l 1:10 4jB'i :s iM-t at Xmm - v & 9M sVM ' J fcfi! Vi-'is lVicimyer- FURNITURE!! Indiiremeiilstluitwlll Induce you le buylfiJV you nut e jour mind en gf; FURNITURE. we want lomaKe roemrorour Holiday Uoeda.f -foeo tins we iiiuke you tne gainers. $pvt Have your dellara by buying the geed. rellabui and that whleh-wtH be the most lasting, whea'-j j you get tnese goeas ut tne tow price we pfler. i-v i Don't threw the chance away. Will shewj vnn a Ann Hue of lfnlldflv nnrwls Miin. V , ... WIDMYER'Sil CORNER OK E. Kine & Duke Sts. T lin PROPER THING TO DIHCU&S! FURNITURE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS There may be a piece 1 suite, you'll have te get anyway, Wfliir nrt nnniifinf tlie hnmfl makinp all liannv. without nn-Sl Cj -- I i J " necessary cost by presenting the Furniture actually needed? You'll find it here at prices te jj meet all purses. Select goods m new. We 11 held them ter yeu.rf OCHS & GIBBS, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 3 1 S. Queen St. F URNITUItn. BRASS AND I RON; FURNITUREI : We nre new selling Rrass and Iren Iledsteada.y a sample of which you will see In oursjeutk jj Window rer a rew an) s. CALL AND BEE THEM. Easels, Tables, &c, in Brui M HEIRITSH Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STRUT,. ' HndertaklnffreciUeapCneMl M Ii AW-' m "4-bi 'JOHA 24 4P f Mi fm fl , , . ..-y?"r ,5-' , jt V:. JL?-