fFW' ,-r 'S , vj i. ? .jsr.. ., , " j " "t . ".- ifr-rir. ' V ..W -. !.'" 'r-" -1 S.'lvVSf?,' .7.J I. . v :- ,rii-v' '"T THE LANOASTBB DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, DECEAtBER 3, 1S&9. TW'. W "h v 1 t , as. x. m . sf t ,m. k' f?s ttil 3ntclli0cuccr. ,t- -ww , . ''V. - -! ! ffiMMutw J. BTE1NM AN, tNCHJJUJ-ABTEINMAN FOLTZ, Milan. OHEKT UWIHK, Publisher. ?lltfc DAILY INTELL10ENCER,-rublUhcd v awry in the year, but Sunday. Served ifc'fcj' Content In thtt city and surrounding tewiM at ten cent a -week. Br mnll five del h- yjHttmtmtlmtAnaeei W centi it month. -ijn .,...-., . WKBIttT INTELLIOENCER-One dollar and jjgfty cents a year. In advance. miCI TO BURSCIUBERS-Renill by cdsck ''sWfMtttefAce order, nnd where neither of ItaiMa be nrecured vend In a rrelstered t the .Foatefflcr, as second class mall Mer; - a fMfca vtra nmt.f.ffitvr?! vn,' - urvmi aa ! k'iA Lancaster, I'e. Pi' mbUfOASTEX, PA., December 3, 1889. y .... ; if The Comity Ileadi. t'Tbc Lancaster county farmers, wctec, JMte at length get uewu te the tllscus tllscus ten of county reada, n (subject that ir, neum uave nnu iiicir niiciiiuui nuu cu- K rgetlc action long age; for it is certainly ft matter that vitally nHVcts their inter- st, which undeniably will be benefitted jr'soetl nnd free reatl. 1 lie meeting K" is "Mm uvlilv nl. which tlin Nlllt- WtjZtl ..,. llbiiiBA lau ft fllll ntin SKWemrl n Inrrrn tiuniliw nf ueilllerH :, lasuvcrcu men upiuium. v vuuiiui. dhj -' that thev all anneared te take held of -., .7 . ... I..l...l 1.. m.arjte Buuji-vi very uiiuciniuiunugiy, ui 7$Lhat they greatly Illuminated It by their ' ,jrc!uarkB. & Mr. liuckwalter. of Sullsbury. cot k-iSrlght down te the meat of tlie matter in '0bM statement that It would pay Win .Aibetter te haul his milk te tlie creamery at 10 cente n hundred pettudi evern geed rfliftnt rnml tlmli nt. 1.1 vn(n. wlilrll lll k 'jJnewgetn for liaullng it through mud. " ,rri.. ...mi,...ii.. ....,... ll. l ,ii... !-. . -. - S fi1 jrivfi.-, iiiuL-iriiiviaui Ifeft it preposition tlmt me mrmiug intcreAtH ! -demand geed hard reads. .'&. tjie next question is as te new nicy aijTre te be best iniide hard nnd geed nnd K .l l I.. .!. I. Ill u .. II.. 'Xl uu 1:$ iu lmj l,lu i'iii. (iiiiu ui mi s4ts: lanncrs who iiciircrcu uicuicivrH rtheuglit that tlie Linens tcr county mn- Scadamlzl reads eru had reads ; whiclt f'a ahews hew much they have leu spoiled '& bv li villi? all tliftlr lives iinen siiuli reads. fe''Therc Is no ether commuultv.unvwIicre Fttfsfethat Isbe well served by inncndiiiiilze.V f'Vi. .1.. - ....... i .. ........ ji',rpjreaus as tuc jicopie ei liaucasicr county. LJ5 ' uave se long cujeyeu incir iKivnu-K,-?&'UgCB that mauy of them fail te roalie p 4i&that they are advantngei ; mid they K.W complain bitterly of (heir tells n-Sraud of their (iiinlilv. If thev did tf1i!$Jhet have them they would be in !" .-i& J, l -i 11 1 i... - ii. i i f .r" UCB1HIII 111 IIIU 1IIUU. 1)111. MM lilt) llillll Ev- reads Which are uikjii every avenue Hint trj.entcre tnin town, the whiter and the would hee empty markets and Tim Inll plinrire nu (lin iiillliiifin vv" "e,i " ' " "" Lg1 f Salisbury found, is amply returned vafet. tojtne Tanner and the merchant In times ?iPjef m,,( nua tuey "U011'11 lc wlsccneugh W&te remember this wlicn in the Reed ftffefweather of the summer they de net need && their winter friend. It is true that our maendnmized reads 'fjtjn, might be better, but they nru doubtless tKsjas geed as tlie trallle upon them pays for, $:irand as their erigiunl semuwhut "faulty '&, construction twrmits them te be made. !-, It is net open te question thai for n ", ci-i uuru reau neiumg can equal tlie .- one covered with broken stones, wheie j atones ere te ie nmi; ami the Harder the 4 bwiuvb iuu uiuiu ciHiiirnii; is ue reuu. K-ft' amvlH(w1 Ira rjiiimlntlitfi .1t,.l. lu tltn i ty&i nifVat lirkH fanlitr-n lw.tl.hni. tim.1. lald. The need is te lay the stones below k'jrttj """' "'ii" luuiui iiiu nuii.iuu mill l gutter the sides te drain away the e?.Lwcri n,ul t cover the surfaee with S'.VSS. l..l 1... 1. 1.. .1 r- . waiiam imita iiiuiiuii very small, eucii a r j rjaa is cheaply nnd easily niade : and ''fi such a read is needed upon every nuiln uue ei travel in tins rien ami great county. Upen this the majority of the farmers will readily agree ; but they nny net sd easily K-e t he should pay the piper. As te even this, limvuvni'. tliem in mi r'r went for u great dld'erence of opinion. r" it must be paid by taxation or tells : and FjM of tells we believe the community gener- mM y " tlec, ll WBS vcri' wcU whcn ll v''i u"n,ul,,,'V l'u"ri iiimiiuuiicruail Mareheuld be built by companies, who took 4SC tne,r compensation by charging these && UW5' 1 iH " ",,r eueugu metueu j nut it is behind (he ucumuu hi u nun u ceuuiy IIH lUL, ray "WDeec pnue itrstretrii V rnnrln llmf mm ln mmln .....1 t. 1... .vVu . iiii U WlHtlU. 411111 IU Mill Iv U e si? them free, ah it enn u'ell nfl'iinl n iln ..-. ii. that no traveller nlinnlil lu ulnmuul in. pf$ teU 8ale within the precincts of tlie iJ-i- vlnl.oet n..l,...ll.....l i.. .. ;3f """' "s""1"""' vuuuij in uie f wneie country. Away with tlieiu ! tk, .Let the farmers cry with a loud fr&t and earnest tone, nuddemnud that the W reads shall be free as well as irend. W. eeethatMr. Ix3vi Heist took the well "worn stand that only the users of the read should pay for it. That doctrine la worn out ; it is the duty of the state te provide geed reads. As we have nftpn nririwl tin..., tu .. ?tLf BHItt MiA.l tf n u)nU.ii.li...J .1 . kgs "0" "" " " "" u"iui.-viuig uejiari- ywr iucuv, iu wiiuMJciiargenu tue reads el tf0 me Biuie sneuiu ue placed. Wa liavu ijgi " buu i wwuni) reau system, kg& which gives us nu occasional geed read, psijr "- K""" BujiurviMjr is iu ciiarge J eui generally bud ones, because the supervisors are generally bad. They may he geed farmers, but they arc bad read-makers, knowing nothing of the business. What we need is a state engi neer, assisted by county engineers, se that the read making nnd laying OUt Shall lie nffpnrlnrl (.. 1... .,,,.?. ;ffi&whe understand it. The cett of tM making the reads should, come out of ; ?? M5 county treasury, nud the cost of the -" read admlnlHtrntlnn mil r i, ..i..i. K paw .. u. W1VJ mum r treasury ; or the whole cost might be E- . t aiainrl&1 r 4ln ne..n. ...lit 1 i . -.p NMU4UVU U lUU rtLlllU Wllllfllll lltVlnilt: g -Injustice te any bectien, Lnncaster EtA unty can never complain of her share BL" . -umiKH, luuugu bjiu ue required ti-"" '" " "".vuiuui jiur reaus out or '."' 'n trcabury. SheisBubstaiiiallyeut W- Of debt. With Olllv n tll-r. mill ... . i Jlet it . ., .. ... w ...... iUA t Uiu ."wree geed outlet Is net found for her ')iSf menev. her nunmlselnnnn ...m i. J$, lag a foolish one. i That Clreat llrltim SjuUlcate. & All will hall with a feclliu. .f ,rrt .-& relief the news that the "greatsyndieate ,'P-eT English capitalists" has at last bought ", pastures new. Fer many weeks this m inisicrieus synuicate lias been brnu-k. ', lag upeu the industries ami resources of this nation. Ceal and iron ere mines, Iren and steel works. fucterli nf .. n kds( cattle by the million, land by the vijunrv jane uave been absorbed, en (WW. by this awful syndicate, and new M last oenics the welcome news that it gene te beutn America. Tlie I.v. WtUOEXCEH n"1 several ether abuer- iy ie observers, have doubted the y or this vast unknown iirit. k'ndlcate, whose purchm-es were , announced ns almet com and never after iipnni r,.... 1trt prowled ns near as Hur-. .Jiere, at the latt tnfuin. It'iKas about "ncceiHpliiliiuL' V the transfer " of it great establishment which was forthwith te boom along grandly te the great delight of thecltl icus. There Is variety as well ns pleas ing news in the latest story of the kind. Geerge llreugham, of Chicago, has sold his meat-packing establishment but het te the syndicate. Who he has sold it te does net nppcnr, hut the story runs thai he Is going te lhtcues Ayres te start a meat canning works for nu English syndicate which has subscribed five million dollars, and is backed by un limited capital. The Seuth American works is net only te rival nud ruin Chi euro establishments e( the kind, but win prepare beer extract strong enough te knock out the famous mcdlclue of Herr Llcblg. If by seme strnuge chance this syndicate story should hnvc a little truth iu It, hew nnd will be the com ments of the Chicago hosts of Maine's Seuth American congress. The Argen tine delegates might well show Interest lu the wholesale massacrelng of the American pig In Chicago If they knew that English capital was ready te help them te build up rival establishment In their own great cattle country. f II Klin In a bit of news that shows litiiiinn niittire in ninny true- lights, grnve and g.iy, mean nnd noliie. Iltptiiln l'eynaitil, n famous high Jumper who Inst summer innde aremarknbtc Jump nt Ceney Inlanil,dietl en Mertiluy in New Orle.tns ft-em Injuries ro re celved en l'rlday. He used no pnracliute In his perfurmnnrs but simply sprang into a repe net. At New Orleans tlie net was damp nnd the ropes taut, se tlinl wliuu He came down through the air from a toner ene hundred and llfly feet high tlie slieWc Induced parulysls. Tlie Ixxly of tlie lumper was visited by thousands ai it lay In tlie (indriinkci's nn Memlny, and boelile tlie celli 11 sat his young nud handseme widow, uliile n coiitrlliiitleu box nt tlie ether side i recited sliewcrH of iiIcUeIh from tlie syuqiiillilrliig IhilerM. Hlie w 111 lise tlie nioney te return te Frnnre and nil the world will seen forget the br.tve young man who innde his living by tensing death. I'eynnud from e.uly clilldlioed hud n jinssleu for leats of dining. Whatever may be said about ll tliere can he no doubt of llie oxTSTenee or a very gcuernl liking for feeing daring deeds nud n circus perfor mance is usually popular in prepci lien te tlie real or apparent peril. Men llke 1'oy 1'ey naud (Mil net fairly be said te risk their livosfer nioney and applauso.fer they often ehoeso their ealllng from a mero len of ilarlng, and tlie "calling" is hi pejmlar de mand. They are tlie btulf that many varieties or heroes are made of and are te be pitied for tlie misfortune that led tlicm fiem worthier ambition. Meuhsa lli.v, the uoleriousTiirkisli bri gand, lias been ncrinitted, ns UMial. Tills Is the man whose Inhuman eutinges lu Ar menia at last pioveked feieign minis minis ters te call the attention of the Sultan, but his nuim-reus trials )ine all been marked by touerl.lng ofwltncsses, undlm is favored by the gevermeut. 'J'he .Sultan has, hew ever, issued orders Dial the Kurd ish brigands shall be punished. Tim Turk ish population hi Armenia slde with the Armenian". Tin: Fleiidu oraiie eiep is expected te be euc-linii smaller than that of last year ; but seventy thousand boxes of line fruit lauded lu New Yerk iu tlie last two weeks. At last the New Yetk fair fund has passed the live million dollar limit, and tlie project will next be heard of hi Con gress, where tlie advocates of Chicago and New Yerk will de bome line squabbling. Oeneral It. 0. Hawkins, one of the com mlssioners te the 1'niis fair, liasjust io ie I timed and gloomily declares himself for Cliicnge, because she has tlie ground and the meney, but he docs net bcltove we can gel up n fair In the time gleu that will be worthy of comparison with the French specimen. ... StcuurAiivTitACV's report will surprise ninny w'liohae been pleased te swallow tlie beasts that hae been published about our new Ntoel erulnern and tliolrmmnmeut. 'l'liey urn excellent hhlps of their kind, but the awakened interest iu tlie navy has been auiiihud with tlie frequent publica tion of their powers nnd performances until they seemed genuine marsels of wnr ships, and with the essein planned and contemplated, boomed te make us quiie strong en tlie bea. Kmiuent authorities have been heard fiem new and then, cau tioning ngiiliihtcrier of this kind, but they were generally regarded as alarmists, and se Tracy's report comes llke :i sudden dush of cold water te shock many fieiu soreiio satisfaction liven If all theships fur which appropriation has been made were new afloat, we would net be worthy of rank ns ttst-ftwill- ness of our cruiser Baltimore he shows te unto been surpassed by tlie Italian crui ser l'icmeiile, which has travelled it llttle fuster than twenty-two knots an hour. There Is ominous silence iu thoiepoit as te that wonderful dynamite slinging Vesu vlus. Ne doubt Mr. Tracy will get a large pile or meney fiir the building of a navy, and he Is an apt pupil of Illsmarck in the trick of scaling casli out of Congiess by magnifying dangers. He gles a sly boost te the subsidy schemes by miggpst miggpst lngthe construction of a line of fast mer chant bhlps, se built n te be available as crulsers. Thofeiroof tlie suggestion is a llttle weakened b. his own statement that we new need te build battle blilps rather than crulsers. " The piopertlou of three cruisers te ene battle ship Is believed te be sound ahd reabonable." We hae tlilitv tlilitv tlilitv one cruisers built and uulliiulzfrd, and only two battle ships under construction, and ene being designed. Seeietary Tracy Is naturally eager te get all tlie glory pos pes pos blbleto be had iu navy building, but he can net tnke irem Mr. Whitney the credit of having gh en "Ufe and elUcieney te the movement for a navy. A Ilrlnllt school Hey. I'rem Tlie lwHtun (Mc.i Journal. Itlsioliuedol'au old-tlme Hath school boy that after the master had given him a geed still whaling, ene day, tlie youngster said te the teacher lu a melancholy and serious toucef Miice : "I thank you, sir." "Thank me! what me you tlianklui! me ,lert.V011 J'eu,,R ntsc.il f'' lupiiid old Master Wlictstone. , 'I,1 thought you did it for my geed, sir. " replied Jeshua. The tone, manner and tlie words made tlie bclioel rear; w hlle the stern old peda peda peda gogue could ihVe no exception te the retort and had te acknowledge its ilghteeusncss ns well ih its wit. ire ceurusKisi i .Mm doc. An old man nained Pi-ck. nu Inuiate of the uluihhoiise lu Milwuukec, believlnc himself te be dying, en Monday confessed te having murdered it btrange woedumu w he i-alksl at his cabin, at Tarreli, Wis., about eight years age and asked Ter bheltcr. Old ycvli b.tys that his bon June assisted him in committing tlie murder, nnd after ward buried the body in the rear ofthe hoube. it was subsequently found by the authorities. June Peek is iu Jail for larceny ut present. Since making the contession the old inen'e health has rapidly Jmpie ed and he will recover. A Pretty Gill KllUd AVhlle Ceustliiff. Jennie Allen, 111 years old. w cat out w 1th a parly or young iioeplo Friday evening te coast en borne el tlie bleep gnule streets or U lei , N. . On the ilrst trip the bobs en which they woreeoabtlng wtre ovcrtuined and the girl was thrown vlolently against the curb. She wus Injured internally, and died en Monday, bhe was u pecullnily bright and liandsome young woman, and a great favorite In the schools. A Vuluable Urvun Desti-eved. A .1,000 pound weight in the town deck at Waterville, Me., fell en the Unitarian church organ, wrecking it, catibing flO.OUO damage. ' Granted By the Sedater. The following letters were granted by the register of wills for the week ending Tuesday, December 3 1 AnwtWiBTiUTtO!. Joel M. Kberlv, de ceased, Isteef Clay tewnshlpi Ellen Elicrly nnd Martin I). liberty, Clay.adinlulstrntnrs. Abrahnm Suter, deceased, Inte of Chester county; Itess C. Cellins, Celcrnln, admin istrator. Jacob Plckel, deceased, Inte of Maner township Jacob V. Wnrfcl anil J. llnrry I'lckcl. Mnnnr, administrators. Harali J. 1'rllr., deccjised, into of Dart township; llcnjamin Fritz, Jr., Hart, ad ministrator. Tmtamkktaht. Mary Cever, deceaseil, late or Ceney township j Jacob C. Kborsele, uonej, oxecuter. Jehn Mcssner. deeenncd, late of Kphrala township; Jacob Messner, Kphrata, ox ex ecu ttir. Ua Id Jakm. deceased, Inte of West Co Ce calico tewnshlpi II. F. Flicklngcr nnd llenrylws, West Cocalico, executers. Hew few there nre wlienre aware That neon thegiinui nnd teeth derny, UnleMllieynrcliriiliel with gren((i mm Willi HOZOIKJNT from dny te day ; Fer thin grrnt dentifrice, wc knew, Will keep them pure nnd white asmieir. Cnsllveness In the forerunner of ninny dan dan Rcretni dlMinwii. Coimttpntleii and dyspepsia fellow It n tlie needle lin pole. jOH(ler 111 Blve Itnniimiiulclttn Inn few days. At all (IriiK Kl'tx. Zleentii. Ail Ice of nn old nurse. The baliy would tm pihvnys lrlirhlai(l elieerfill If nnnccnlenal dose of Dr. Hull it llftby 8)rup c re iijinlnltcrel. Illoeil Will Tell. There la no question nbeut It bleed will tell esHTlnlly If It be Impure bleed, IlleU-lien, eruptions, plmpl mid bell, nru nil ) mpteinn of nn Impure bleed, ihti) te tlie Improper action eftlinlUer. When this linertuiii organ falls te ireierly tierfertn Its function of purlf.vlnjf and i Icnnnlnjf the bloel, Itn purities nre carried te nil parts of the sjstrni, nnd tlie syrupletin nbote referred te nre merely evidence of tlie slnntKloer Nature te threw off the poisonous Kerins. Unless her warning he heeded In time, serious results nre. rcrtHln te fellow, cuhnlimt iTlk' lu llterer kidney illserders, or een In eon een eon siiiiiitleu. Dr. Pierce's (leldeii Medical Ills. eeterv will pretenl mid cure tbese diseases, by nsterliiK Iliu Ilwr tenlienlthy roiulltleii. JI,Tuw iUitititmaltcv'e. I'liii.AiiKi.eiiiA, Tuesday, Dee. 3, IW). Twe of Priestley's Blacks take a down clip toward your pocketbook. Heavy - weight Camel Hair from $1.50 te $1 ; Silk-warp Feule from $1.25 te 75C Plenty mere black stuffs with the prices warped. Here are four qualities Granite Cleth just from the manufacturer : Id-I nrh Me erode for 75c. fO-lneh ft Krnde for Sic. IT-lnrliJI.'J.-, cnele ferjl. IMneli 51 mKmtle for !1 2. 75c black All-wool Diagonals and Serges go from 75c te 65c ; black Whip-cord Diagonals from 1 te 75c. SmallArmure Strijjes from $1 te 75c. Northwest of centre. $20 Robes for 12.50. $22 Robes for 514. 30 Robes for 1 8. That's the pith of the story. Newest and most expensive weaves for handsome dresses. Plush decorations. bjiilhwesl of centre. If you knew what a Heuse Ceat or Smoking Jacket should be, net a word mere is neces sary ; simply see these ; in any case you are net likely te see such high quality and low price going hand in hand. Plain Cleth, Vi. 'iriiiniictl with Italian Cleth, fij W. Trimmed ulth Hntln.SSM. Tilinmtil ilih Quilted Hutln, 9 letli. Japancbe Hill:, (iliiln colors, V. Japanese mile, Mrl pen, U AU. l7er lounging and tumbling about in, the English Plaids and Stripes are best, $7.50 te $16.50. Chestnut street side, west or Mnln Aisle, If we knew a better Lamp than the Rochester we'd put it at the top. We don't. Seft, clear, steady light ; the bright est and mellowest we knew of from eik The centre draft is what does it. Like an Argand burner. Ridiculously simple, and as safe as a lamp can be. Handsome, tee. Ne wonder gas is being crowded out in se many homes. $3.50 te $1 1 2. - Fer a fleer Lamp the Hol Hel lings, of course. There seems te be no getting ahead of their safe and certain up-and-down way. A touch is enough. Second Meer, fourth gallery. Herse Goods are in Holiday shape. We make a specialty of Herse Blankets, Lap Robes, Whips, Surcingles and Halters. A complete, well rounded stock in every respect and Wana maker prices ! Ktnblu lllunliels, !)3j te S. s-quare lllanliels, m z, te JO, Plusli l.iii Itebci, .' te 55.".. W'oeleu l.ip Itebes, S3 te t. IJiDCiiicut, Market street side, Jehn Wanamaker. )cntocfnvniehino (3oebo. e ALU AND BEE -Till ROCHESTER LAMP! Ktxty Cnndle-Ught; Heats them all. Anether I,et or Cheap Glebes for Una and Oil Kte cs. TIIK "1'liItKEUnON " MKTAI. MOULDINU and IlUMIKIl CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them all. ThlastrlpeiitweuiiiallntherK. Keens out the cold. Hleps ntttllng of wlndeuii. hxcluilcs the dust. Keeps out snow mid rain. Ati one cm apply It no waste or dirt made In nppl hK II. Can be titled any where no holes te bore, ready for use. I will net spilt, warp or shrlnk-a cushion strip Is the mMt is;rfect.lAt thetileve, ltcutcrnudllnnse H tore of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., UNCArVTKU 1A. SVtttu-jtcue. J UTHKK 8. KAUtTMAN, ATTOllNSY-AT-LAW. Hecpna Kleer Kshleman Uw llulldlne, Ne. 43 North Kukfl HI reel. upCMydAw 1IUB TO TIlKSl'AbHEllS AND tiUN ,L .NKIW. All persons are hereby forbidden tolrespussenanyortholnnds or the Tern all Jid Hpeedwell estates In 1-elmnen or Lancaster leuntles, whetner Inclesed or unluclesed, cither f!lnV','pes,0iV,r he'Uwr or flshluir, a the law will be rleldly enrerced against all tres- fw uUM of the uuder",nc1 0e S'4.I.-UR9,,F:MAN freeman Aii i:0V. a Kill'.KMAN, AtUjrpy y for Jt. W. Oelemw'i Helrg. H OOD'B SAIMAPARlLtA. What I OUrrh In nn Innammstlen of the mueeat membrane, nnd may affect the hed, threat, temneh, wcl or bladder. Hut caUrrh of Uis head Is the most common, often coming en se pradunlly that It ha a Arm held twfere the na ture of the treuble 1 suspected. Catarrh ll caused by cold, or succession of colds, com bined with Impure bleed. Its local symptoms are fullness and heat Jn the ferchcnd, dryness In the nese and back part ofthe threat, and a disagreeable discharge from the nose. When the disease gains firm held and become rhrenle, It Is Very Dangerous being llnble te develop Inte consumption. The eyes, beceme Inflamed nnd red, there ll throb bing In the temple, ringing noises In the cnr, headache, capricious appetite, and sometimes less of sense, of smell and hearing. Heed's Hnr snparllln l the remedy for this ever Increasing mnlndy. It attacks at once the source of the disease by purifying and enriching the bleed, which, ns It reaches the dellcate passages of the mucous membrane seethes nnd rebuilds the tlssufs, (jiving them tendency te health Instead of disease, and ultimately curing the affection. Beld by all druggists. II ; st x for '. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Ix ell, M ass. KWDOSnSONEDOLIiAn. arpet B AHUAINBt Shirk's Carpet Hall 1 - KOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. Wk II A vk the IiAR wrr and IIBrr Stock tw th Cmr. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. ,1U0ccUttuc0ue. iTIAUTKIt'H LITTLE I.IVEII PII.US. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick Hendaehe nnd relieve nil the tumbles tncl dent le n bilious slale of the system, such ns l)Ulnes, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress nftcr Entlnir, Pnlnln the Hide, .te, Whlle thetrment remnrknlile success, has Iracu shown In curing Headache, jet CARTCIl'B LITTLE I.IVClt PILLS arc equally vnluatile In Constipation, curliiK mid precntlng this iinneylnir com. plaint, whlle they ulse eerreet nil dlsordersef ilie stomach, stlnmlnte the IHcr anil regulate the bends. Eeii If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te thesu who stiller from tills distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness docs net end liere.iuul these who ence try them will find llit.se llttle pills valuable lu se many was that they will net bn willing te de without them. Hut nfter all sick hcud Is the bane or se many lles that here Is wheie we make our great beast. Our pills cure It while ethers de net.' UAKTEIt'M LITTLE LI VEK PILLS are cry small nud very easy te take, One or two pills mnlu'ii (loc. They are strictly epctnble nnd de net urle or puri;e, but by their Kntte ac tion please all who use them. In Inls nt ill cts ; live ler !l. Held every where or sen thy mall. CAKTEIt MEDICINE CO., NEW YOKK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. nutl2-l)ilced DKUNKENNUSt. LIQUOR IIAU1T. Iu All the World tliere Is but One Cure. Dll. HAINES' UOMJUN' SPKaiFIC. II can Imi given In n cup or coilceor tea, or In articles or feed, nltlieuitlm knowledge of the patient, ir necessary ; It Is absolutely harmlens and will ctrect a peimnnent and speedy cure, whether tlie patient Is h moderate drinker or mi alcoholic, wreck. IT NEVER FAILS. It operates se quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, mid ere he Is tiwnre, his complete reformation Is euecu u pace oeok ei particulars irec. uriAH. A. t.UCHER. DruRii'st. Ne. U liist King HI., Lnucaster, 1'a. eclffi-cisl ITtLY'H CREAM HALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Elys Cream Balm J Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Intlnnimntleu, Heals the Heres, Restores the HeiiseM offuste und Hinell, TRY THE CURE. A pnrtlcle Is applied te ench nostril nnd Is agreeable. PrlcehuccntsntDrucglsts; hymall, registered, 00 cents. ELV HROTHERH, scpl 1-1 dJLw Ne. 68 Warren Bt NowYerk. ileixv. EVAN A HON'H. IP YOU WANT TO I1K SURE OK GOOD BREAD. USE Levari 's Fleur! Uniform and Reliable. tfoeto UUt JtOC0. T5AR0: VINS. VISIT STACKHOUSE'S This Week KOll 11IU IIAUGAINS IN Beets Shoes. A Full Line or the Cvlebrated WALKER BOOT! The Hist Beel Made, Call nud ice them, D P. STACKH0USE, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. TRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, propelled by a geed powder blower, Is the most ctleetunl destroyer of flics nnd ether small Injects, Fer sale. At HURLEY'S DRUG STORK, 3fl West Klugd tm t. Catarrli " Fer several years I have bees troubled with that terribly disagreeable dlceaae, catarrh. I took Heed's Barsaparllla with the rerr best re mits. Itenrcdmoef that continual dropping In my threat, and staffed-up feeling, it bes also helpcd my mother, who ha taken It for run, down slate of health and kidney trouble. I recommend Heed's Barsaparllla te all aa geed medicine." Mm. H. D. llr.ATn, Futnaan, Conn. " This certlfle Uial I was cured of a bad case of catarrh by; Heed's Barsaparllla two years age." Wm. II. Netw, East Jefrcrsen, Me. FerBUUeatQoe4 " I have suffered with catarrh In my head for years, and paid out hundreds of dollars formed fermed lelnes, but have heretofore received only tem porary relief. Heed's Barsaparllla helped me se much that my catarrh Is nearly cured, the weakness of my body Is all gene, my appetite Is geed In fact, I feel like another person. Heed's Barsaparllla Is the best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one that has done me per manent geed." Mim. A. Cuknikeiiam, Provi dence, IU I. I Beld by all druggist. II ; six for M. Treparcd only by C I. HOOD t CO., Jewell, Mass. I 100 DOSES ONE DO LI. All Sail. B AIIQAIN8 ! 8vi& &oeb. T HE PEdPLEH UABU STOHE. SPECIAL DRIVES -IN- FLANNELS! One Bale of 8CARLET and BLUE TWILLED FLANNELS nt 17c ; worth Z2c. One Let or Yard Wide SCARLET iBIIAKER FLANNEL nt 33c ; regu lnr price, tSclebOc One Let of SCARLET TWILL FLANNEL nt 20c. regular price, Z'tc. One Let of HCARLET TWILLFLANNELnt 2Ts3.-; cheap at 30c. One Let of HCARLET TWILL FLANNEL at 30c ; worth te-day 33c. Full Llnoer FLANNELS generally nt LOWEST CASH TRICES. 25 East King Street, mnr20-lydlt LANCASTER. PA. Qavbwavc. A,'EW CHRISTMAS HINTS! Thsre Is no mero ucccptuble CHRISTMAS PRESENT for Bey or Olrl than n SLED or PAIR OF SKATES. Woliaves large stock of Ihese goods nt prices te suit nil. Already Christmas Shoppers are making big inroads en our stock of CARVERS. They are most Useful Presents. Our line of UMBRELLA STANDS Is the finest eicr brought te this city. A geed sleck of EXPRESS WAGONS and ROCKING HORSES. Ai-Em-ly Buyers will have the best selectleu. 40 AND 4 NORTH QUEEN ST. IrOpcn Ecry C cuing lu December. TTARDWARE I HARDWARE! If ou want te buy a Useful Christmas Present GO TO Marshall & Rengier's, A II SOUTH QUEEN S.T. There jeu call set CUTLERY, ORANUE WARE, CARPET SWEEPERS, SAD IRONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, AC Steves in Endless Variety, AND A FULL LINE OF General Hardware. MARSHALL &EENG-IER NOi.9 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. fttK-lvd GEO. F. RAMI, Rcillv Bres. (fe Raul), yttcuttttt TTKWRY WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, he removed te IM Eart Klrw street, havlnc a fall 11m of Fureltnre of every description at the lowest prices. Alse UnderUklnc prorepUy at tended te. Call and exnmlnnecrrrKids. aft-tfdH H. WOLF. IM East Klnf Street. n EAL ESTATE AND 1W8URANCK, JOHN H. METZLER, Ne. P SOUTH DUKE STREET. Real estate bought, sold or exchanged. Properties rented and rents collected. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. Leans negotiated. Hafe Six and Seven Fer Cent, Investments. el5-lyd A 8KAHONABLK8UUaEST10N. The covering of steam pipes with reliable material Insures dry steam and sales fuel and attentien: the cost of the covering being some times made up In a single year In saving of fuel alone. The best material se far eflercd te the public Is tlie Megnesit Sectional GeTering, Fer Hleem Pipes, Boilers, Brine Pipes, Etc., and Is for sale only in lncatcr nnd Lebanon counties, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARKE CUMMINQS, Prep., NOS. IM A 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN ST., Lancaster, I'u. Price lists and discounts and directions for applying en application. Special terms le the trade. Alse Valves, Plpe, Cocks, Fittings, Etc., nt Jobbers Prices. decJ-tfdll S' TEAM ENGINE AND liOILERWORKH. Steam Engine AND Beiler Works. Visitors te the Pair, It will pay you te call at my Works and ex amine our Stock of Engines ! - A!!?w,1". le nuole you prices and see our facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. i Herse-Power. t 43-, 6 Herse-Power. ' 473 8 Horsc-1'eM er 625 10 Herse-Power ' 575 15 Herse-Power (,75 20 Herse-Power ,., 1,175 Portable Engines, - SECOND-HAND. 6 Herse-Power 8 Herse-Power , 15 Herse-Power. ... 250 .... 210 .... 275 Boilers, Second-Hand. Kte 30 HorscfPeMcr, 60 In. Dlnni., 1(1 feet Img. 12 lu. Tubes. Price, S173 nnd 8100. One Reller, 30 In. Dlam., IS feet Leng, 21 3 In, Tubes 12 feet Leng, with Flre Frent Castings, 1125. I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, SewMIIIm, Bark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc. Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or ludt rcct, or by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, rilOl'KIKTOll, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCASTER, PA. 3 OUVrttlCC "PURE INSURANCE. Fire Insurance I HERR'S Insurance and Real Estate Agency. " 1 am prepared te Insure all classes ofprepcrty atleMest rates Iu the most reliable com panics. panics. COMPANIES REI'RESi: Guardian or Louden (Capital).... Niagara or New Yerk Londen und Lnnenshlrn Agricultural or New Yerk Greenwich or New Yerk llullale German or New Yerk.,.. United States or New Yerk ...,, Firemen's of Baltimore National of New Yerk.,, Ellel of Bosten NTED. , 85,000,000 no 2,0,l.B 00 2,010,111 00 - 2,0lXUIO 00 , . - 1,105.811 00 i,.irj,a77 00 fri(l,178 00 ... .. 57,115 00 111,11.17 00 37S.7W 00 Rates en dwellings and contents, 50 cents per 110) for 3 3 ears; 75 lents per hundred fur5eurs. Rates en priwi te stables-fl per J100 rer3j ears: 11 50 per J100 for 5 years. Rales en merchandise, 50 cents per 100. Allan A. Herr, NO. 10S 13AST K ING STKKKT. nev 8 3nnl Pii?!10! rpHE NEW AMERICAN PUZZLE. "Bloeksof Five." THE NEW YORK WORLD WILL GIVE $100 Te the Pervni who does this Futzlcln the Short est Time. A Puule for DemecraU, Republicans und MuRiyumps. Eierjbedy tasclnuted nlUi It nt first sight. Call und c It. FOR SALE AT Erismaa's Gents' Furnishing Stere, NO. 13 WEST KINO STREET. J-IIAHRYtlTAltM. New Bosten Stere. As Usual I As Usual! AiUiual! IN TIME OF NEED WE ARE WITH YOU. We Come te Yeu Te-Day, With GREAT OFFERING OF BLANKETS, COMFORTS, AND FLANNELS, At Prices Se Lew In Price. That the Warmest Will Be Within Reach of All. GRAY BLANKETS, At 5e a pair. GRAY BLANKETS, AttWcapalr. GRAY RLANKETS, At 11 25 a pair. GRAY BLANKETS. At 11 50, U 03, SI 75 te (1 a pair. WHITE BLANKETS, At 75c, Jl, tl 25, 11 50 te 18 a pair. RED FLANNELS 1 RED FLANNELS ! 25c Flannels at 19c a yard. 15c Flannels at 12c a yard, 2Sc Flannels nt 22c a yard. :)c Flannels at 25c a yard. 33c Flannels at 23c a yard. 37c Flannels at 53c n yard. 60c Flannels at 37c a 3 ard. Blue Flannels Ge the Same Way. WHITE FLANNELS I WHITE FLANNELS ! We offer the best nnd most carefully selected stock or White Flannels ever offered anywhere, viz : 8c Flannels at 0c n yard. 10c Flnnncls nt, 8c nynrd. ' 15c Flannels nt 12a a Ard. lVe Flannels at 15c a yard. 25c Flannels at 20c a yard. 21c Flannels nt 18c a yard, Ac, Ac. Heavy Comforts nt 75c, 87Ji, Jl, 1125 te 13 Each. Big Redactions in Dress Goods. 10c Plaids reduced te Oc n yard. 10c Plaids reduced te 8c a yard. 12J-c Cashmere reduced te 10c a yard. 17c Cleths reduced te 12e u yard. WDAILY REDUCTIONS will be made In our Dress Goods Depart ment. Hargaln Seekers will find It te their Interest te Visit Us Dally. 24 Centre Square. WNEW BOSTON STORE. .Suva B UY USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Largest Selection OF- LADIES' AND GENTS' GOOD QUALITY AND LOW PRICES. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. CEALSKIN COATS AND JACKETS. H7VyER'S UNEQUALLED Sealskin Coats AND Jackets, ON HAND OR MADE TO MEASURE. CHOICE VARIETY OF ALL KINDS OF SMALL FURS. Ne. 39 West King Street. e26-2mt .r" ""7 ' ,' ', ". " " ".Vi'i'r"- JiUteic. M USICAL INSTRUMENTS. De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu Want a Piane ? Sce W Want nn OrKiin ? bio W 'oedward A- Co Ce Co eodward A Ce. oedward A Ce. oedward Ce. oednard A Ce. oedward A Ce Want a Violin? Bee W Want a Guitar SecW Want a Banjo? See W AVnnt n Comet ? Gee W Want n Drum ? See W oednard A Ce Want n Clarienet ? Hea W oedward A Ce. nut a Concertina? See W Want n Flute? See W Want n Fife? BceW WiintnMundolIne? jrSceW Want nu Aecordeeu ? 'oedward A Ce. oednard A Ce. oednard A Ce, De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu De Yeu 'oeduurd A Ce, oeJnurd A Ce, SceW De jeu wunt nnythlni; en earth lu the musU nil line? Don't rail te see WOODWARD & C0. First, l.uitand All the Time, THE MUSIC STORE, 11 EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. PUKEJUICK OF THE GRAPE. Tlie red nnd white wines which I pur chased en tlie spot where made, en the Rhine lu Germany. Just the thlnic for the holidays, bend In jour orders. I cimruutee It purvnndn COOd medicine fur enfeebled constitution' PETER DO RSIiriMKit, lllrd-lielluiHl, Uinenstrr Ce., la. i 111 call at our hnusn ir nil unl mn i ,,1-w. tul. Orderbiiuy beleitnttheLnncaitcrPeunty J. Harry Stanim, Christmas Furs. "". uiwiuu 'll a - -v tt' ,Utd&M&miiMiZJk& vi .iv.-- Iik $&&