fwfTp w? "xv 77?jp;i,!tw rfrve n AS ' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTCELIilGBNOEK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1889. ! -'?:; i Judate TUui-maa" Datuchter Marries. MIm Marie P. Thurman was married In Ban Diege, Cat., en Saturday night te Mr. Titos. 8. Olflhrd. The bride In the daughter of Judge Allen O. Thurmnn, and figured conaplcueiuly last week In a divorce csme 'In which a decree was Issued lu UieSau IMege superior court severing (he bends which united nor with Lieut. William 8. LCowles.ertlio U. 8. navy, new commander of the District. Since the divorce the bride h'asluslsted en being cel led MlssThu mutt. t ji is saia tn.-n ene una ecun niiRaKeu w un tbrd for several months. GUTenl Is several year her Junier. Wee of a Thoughtless Mether. Corener KlmrVlnes. of Korrlstewn. held an Inauest In the case ofOeoreo E a six- year-eld son of Matthew Rold, of West Conshohocken, who en Saturday night walked lute a cistern in the family's baek kitchen, which the boy's mother had thoughtlessly left nncovfred. The boy being missed from hts home, and a search' proving ffultlesi, ine cisiern, containing 10 feet of water, was explored, and the body brought te the surface. Therorener's Jury rendered a verdict In accordance with the facts. tl U nsnr Inn Intfl te mend a (Drained AnklP. swollen limb. atlrT neck, or any pain or ache, If you but iim that sovereign remedy.eatvaucn Oil, the greatest cure en earth for pain. jPrlce ite cent. . . . , . .. ...... . . "He U well paid inai it wen snusnea. inn ti what a happy man up-town said, when he threw awn v Ids erdtur bottle alter hehadcuml hM cold with Dr. Mull's Cough Byrup, the favorite. Perfectly Flendisu. Te b maul ted by the three Imps, dya. pepsla, constipation and liver complaint a trloersatanlcblrtn-ispcrrecuy nenaisn. iun often happens. The hateful three, however, seen whisk away te nether Inferno when Hos teller's Stem icu Bitters U employed te evict them. As a stemachic and altoratlveef diser dered condttieus of the beweli and liver, it Is speaking within bounds te say that there Is net In existence a medlclne se widely known as thin, nnrt fnur Indnnd which tmve received such positive and authoritative s motion from the msdlsil fiatcrnlty. The feet thai it promptly relieves, thou extirpates the three maladies of most comreou occurrence, eueht and docs make It the most popular or family medicines, llut. In addition te that, Ithasachteved the foremost reputation as a preventive of and remedy for chlllannd fever, rheumatism, nervous aud kid ney trouble. e The brunt h of a chronic eatarrh patient is cftcu se offensive that he becomes an object of dUgmL After a time ulceration sets In, the spongy bones nre attacked and frequently en tirely destroyed. A constant source of discom fort is the dripping or the purulent secretions Inte the thre-it, sometimes producing Inveterate bronchitis, which In its turn has been the cr- cltlns canto of pulmonary disease. Iho bril liant results which have nttcudcil Its usofer years past properly designate Ely's Cream llulin as by far the best and only euro. Special Jloticce. Mothers! Mothers ! t Mothers t ! t Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sullerlng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, gout once and get a bottle or M 113. WINB LOW'8 SOOTHING SYKUI. It will relieve the poof little sufTerer Immediately depend upon It; theiels no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has eer used it, Who will net tell you nt once that It will regti latn the bowels, and gl e rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It In perfectly safe te use In all cases and ......-. . . .l.n .a.n n,,H Id (111. ,rr.B.1,l ,t I ,. tt pilUNIllt IU 111,7 Ul.Wi ,,,. is uiu ii.w-iiiiiuii ... one of the nltlrit anil liest female physicians and linrHcs III the United Hlutea. Bem everywncre, 2&renli a bottle. luneffilyd&w lluoklen's Arnica Snlve. TitF.llESTHAi.VK In the world for Cuts. Bruises I Beres, Ulci'rs, Snltlthciim, Kevcr Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hklu Kriiptlens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per- Lancaster, i'a. iune27-lyd The Verdict Unanimous. W.I). Suit. Drusrclit. Btmms. Ind.. testifies ' I can rccemmenil Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bsttle sold has given relief In every case. One man took six bottles and cured of ltheutnatlsm of II) years standing.' Abraham Hare, druggist, firms : " The best selling I hanrilnri In mv 9fl Vftnrnrfl: i : " The best selling medicine I have ever lied In my 20 years' experience, Is Electric Bitters." Thousands of ethers have added their testimony, se that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters de cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Bleed. Only a half dollar a bottle at ll.il. Cochran's Drug Btere,137 & 138 N. ijuccn Ml., Lancaster, ra. A Womea's Discovery. " Anether wonderful discovery has been made and that tee by u lady In this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon licr and for seven years Bhe withstood Its severest tests, but her vital Organs were undermlnd and death seemed imminent. Fer three months she ceuzhed In cessantly and could net sleep. Hhe bought of us n bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Cen sumptien ana was se mucn reuevcu en tuning firsUdese that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. c. Ham rick it Ce., of Hhelby, N. C- Get a free trlnl hot het float H. 11. Cochran's Drug Htore, 187 klJJN. Queen St., Lancaster. I'a. gev Srtlc ev flcnt. s ECURE A HOME FOIl YOlll FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOU SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TEIIMS. A. Two-sterv brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster avenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twa-tery brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets Hi feet deep, en North I'liie, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front I yards, Iren fences, lets u loci uecp.en nc I v Valuut, between Mary und I'lne sereets. Twotery brick dwelling houses, lets in feet deep, en ep, en West Lei ailury streets. Iximeu street, between Chnrlotte un Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets 1.10 feet deep, w Ith nil the modern Impreveii-ent, front yardH.seu West Chestnut street, beta ecu l'lne and Ncvln streets. Alse houses en Enst Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut und Lemen, unu lA'incm, between Mary and I'lne strevbi. All the above houses arc in geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In nil the rooms, water In the kitchen, und tlie cellars warranted te be dry. Cull und see for ) eurtelf, no treublu te show yc" ivn v flTltn.l. JACOB UR1 ' KL. J Executers. nprW-lyd.M.W.S. sa North Mary Street. Carxct0C0. eTANDABDCAUKIAUB WOKK. ED'W. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 0 42.tS MARKET STIIF.KT. (Hear of the 1'ostefflce), LAXCA8TEB, I'A. De net Full te Call and See my Fine Assert went of Bogles, Phaetons, Jump Seat CajTlages,Etc. I have all the latest styles te select from. I have a very Mno assortment of second-hand Bettem prices. Call and examine, e trou ble te show our work and exp.uln every detail. Ilepalnting and llepairliig promptly und neatly done. One set or workmen especially emplued for thut purpose. -S LOSING OUT HALE. Carriages, Baggies, Wagons -AT- Gee. Weber's Coach Works, CHUIST1AN STHEET. (Between Oruuge and Chestnut Streets.) CenslKttu? of Jurnp-Seat Carriages, two Four Feur Four l'estJenny"Llnd,rlioMcCull W agiins, horpijd herpijd Hand Tretting Buggy, and heverul light 1'lat 1'lat ferm Wogens that w 111 curry from I,KW W 3,0u0 pounds. Alse a few Flue Sleighs. Call Early for Bar sains. Miisvtfd (Cenl. T UMIll Jj TOE KRN HA UMBER AND COAL. TOUACCOHUUlvHAiiim;.nii. t--5i- IARU WOODS. Wholesale ana Ileum, l,y T . J1AU11.1 KtO j nS-lyd 121 Water Street, Luucarttr. I'a. -rAUMGARDNniia COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orriers Ke, 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. 01 erlli i-nnoe iuwk Yabim North Prince Street, near Reading IdfU-UU Ha.wx9a. .. .&. i ivmeTvn m TT1S rlNGEIl NA1L3CAME OFK "Ferayearl was afllleted with a horrible rase of bleed poison, and onwards of five months of that time I was unable te de wsrk of any kind, Mv Mmrer nails cams off and my hair dninned out. Icavlnr my head as clean ftniliwnuuiu ir.ft-!iAil mouth as lt.lt shad Tee shaved. Icen- suited the best leeal pirslcle, arm sswnt hun- (ireqs oraeiiars mr mrainner or nirrereni Kinas. but withent receiving the slightest benefit. I was advised Anally te visit Het Hprings. This I did. but becoming disgusted with the treat ment 1 was receiving there, commenced taking Hwlft'a Hpeclfle & H. H ) The effect that H. M. H. had en met was truly .Wonderful. I commenced te recover after .taking the first bottle, and by the time I had taken twelve bottles 1 was en tirely curcd-curcd by Swift's Mpcclfle (8. 8. H.) when the world-renowned' Het Hprlngs bad failed. WMj!IIXOMiR, , HhrevetKirt, La." FOUR YEARS ON CRUTCH El. Fer fifteen years I wss afflicted with rheuma tism, four years of which I was compelled te go en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express the sufferings I endnred during that time. Dur ing these Orteea rears et.sxlstenca(lt,was net IIVII turl. I IriM everv tried every known remMyJwItheut , receiving any jbentflC ypenenu l. H.l.srhli I Anally began oil Bwlft'a! ftacine(i,ti.R.),whlchfmm the nennnTsveme reiipi. mnu umut a Km eniuTi te-day I am enjoying the best of health, and am a well man. 1 candidly be lieve was is. n. n. is me Dest nioea punner en the market today. J. D. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me. Treatise en Bleed and Rktn Diseases mailed frea . bWlKT HPECIKIC CO., (3) Atlanta Oa. rpKaTTHUsO BTKCP.' l TO MOTHrERS) Eyrry bsbe should have a bottle of DR. rAHltNEY-H TEETHING 8YKU1'. ,7rfecUy safe. -NoOptumerMorphtamtxtures. Wlllrt Ileve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and rromete Dimcult Teething. lTepared bv DIUs. D. f AHB NI1Y ASON, Hagecstewn, Md. .Druggists sell Uiaaesnta. TrhUbetUessat by asalfW cents. Tt (j,i ulJ ' .ilaaMydetidAw Undeveloped parts Of th the Human Bedy Entarred. Develebed. Htrcngthened, etc. Is an Interesting advetilse. ment long ran in our paper, in reply le in quiries we will any that there Is no evidence of qulrlea we will any that uumuugaueutinis. en me contrary, the ad- humbug about this. On the contrary. ver Users are very highly indorsed. Interested Persons may eel sealed circulars srl vln all nr. tlculars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., ,&. Swan SL, Buffalo, N..X.Jte4tu Teledo Bet.f , ' , J Tni-fydAw TfltiY'S CREAM BALM. , lJ CATARRH, HAYjFEVER. Ely s Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and lutlummatlen, Heals the Beres, Restores the Senses ofTaste and Smell. . TRY THE OURE. A particle Is applied te eech nostril and Is agreeable. 1'rlrenOcviitsutDrugglsts; by mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lydAw Ne. 60 Warren 8t.,New Yerk., Breccric. rpHANKsaiVINaiSOVER,BUTOH! HOW X thankful tlie geed peeple of Lancaster and vicinity ought continue te feel that they have such a store In the community as CLARKE'S, who scores two points I Beth are telling points auil need but little examination. FIRST POINT. fjjjfJP????????? ' -.ri..i mr. Thl fllwilVH f1(Mu mill nlwnva trill nrilnf It, n downward dlrectieu. SECOND PblNT. Here the point Is reversed, nottmce, but al ways. THE QUALITY. This point Is upwards. Would you knew the cause ? Then call at. ence and sce our large and well-setected stock of CHRIHTMAH UltO-CKltlK-S which should claim your attention at this time. The reason will seen be mude clear. Our prices tell the tule. They are lower tliun the lowest and quality proves It every tlnio..We sell new l.egherii Citren utlSe. perluiuntL .All housewives should buyeurTELKKATUAROS. The llneat quality, perfectly Cleuni Currants. Remember wet are .headquarters for thq best quality of New Oilcans Baking Molasses, and ulse for the Fleur te bake w 1th. Over four tens received this week, which we have from Vmi quarter sack up. New Bhellburk Kernels lu stock. j CfjARKE'S GREATTEA, COFFEE GROCERY STORE, 13 A M SOUTH QUEEN STREET. AsT-Telephene. A TBUltSK'S. Thanksgiving Groceries. NEW FRUITS-FIne Table Raisins, Flerida Oranges and Lemens, Malaga Grapes, Califor nia Peaches. Silver Prunes, Apricots, ltalsln Cured Prunes, Italian New Prunellas, Flne Currant Seedless Raisins, Citren, Oratige and Lemen Peel. NUTS New Prunes, Paper Shell Almonds, New English Walnuts, New Brazil Nuts. Choice Jllnce Meat We keep only choice meats. The Yentzcr Evaporated Sugar Cern, the finest corn In the market. Canned Fruits and Vegptables of nil kinds. Flne Table Oils, Worcestershire Sauce, Eng lish and AmcrlcuiiPlckles In bottles. Edam, Sapsjge, Pineapple and Verk State Creum Cheese, und a thousand ether articles, -AT- BURSK'iSj r Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. T HEISTS. DON'T FORGET THE BIG BOOK WE ARE GIVING AWAY. I ' AMc for n card, which will explain It. Sep cut of the hook in our advertisement ofte-d's Eznminer. Reud It carefully. Yeu will be three dollars richer. We are spending 51,000 en the hook for ou. If ou are wUe yej will profit. READ AND PROCLAIM IT TO Til E WORLD. We Are Going te Make Reme Hewl ! Twenty barrels New Orleans Baking Melancs, S.0,8, 10, 12,11, 15, 10 and IScaquarU 400 pounds Finest shclluark Kernels ut 30c a pound, SCO pounds Fines Walnut Kernels at 22c a pound. Citren Hadwmiingln price we sell yet ut 20c, L"ineu and Orunge Peel Is going higher we sell nt 15a u pound. Sugar may gehlgher hard te tell we bell n White at 7c. Spices nnd Ex. tracts are lower thiuv eer get eurprlcc. A let of Fine Bunch 1tuilus In te-morrow. Finest Whl te GraK8 In the city ten barrels. Flerida Orunxes were never se tine leek at ours. Just In irlet of Duffy's Pure Sweet Cider. An origi nal cask (800 pounds) of the Finest Paper-Shell Almendsjusl In see themlnourwlndew. Flo b.xles New Grenoble Walnuts. Chocolate Dreps, lt-a and 20c u pound. Fine Mixed Candy, two and three pounds for 25c Fine Comb Heney. 13e a pound. A big bargain. Mincemeat, four, three und tue pounds ler 2.'k Finn New Layer Figs, two pounds for 25c. Finest New. Stewing Figs, three pounds for Bc Finest Persian and Fard Dates. Fluent LIuoef llettledand Canned Goods In the tltv, HuUs, Llmburger, Edam, Sage, Pineapple and English Cheese. Purmlsan Cheese, Orated, In bottles, for Maccarenl try it. Splced-Rolegua, 12Kc. Hummer Bologna, 9c. Dried Beef, extra flue, 10c Knuckle Beef, 1!)C. Pitted Cherries, 20c a pound. Silver Plums, two pounds for 25c -Gelden Pitted Plums. 18c a pound. Finest Prunes-In the city, three pounds fer25c Twe pounds Prunellas for 25c. Three pounds of Apricots, 25e. Three pounds Italslns, 2c. Four pounds Tea Crackers. 25c. Twe cans French l'eas, 25c, and a thousand Big Bargains. ' (WnOLE8ALB'AND RETAIL GROCER?" COHNElt WEST KING AND PRINCE STS., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ca's Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer tnSerre' Herse nntel. Joitecfuvnieltinn Ooebe. "1ALL AND SEE THE ROCHESTER LAMP! " Sixty Candle-Llglit; Beats them all.1 f Anether Let of Cbenp Glebes for Gas and OU Steves. THE "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsstrlpoutwearsullethers. Keeps out the cold. Ste rattling of wlnduws. Kxciuaes ineausu Keeps out snow ana nun, Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made lu applying It. Can be ntted any where no holes te bore, ready for use. Iiwill net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip is (he must perfecLIiAl tht Bteve.Heater and ltangs Stere of Jehn P. Scliaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., L.NOATKK P. W .VNTED. A RESIDENT AGENT te renresent lu lane aster and lcinlty eus of the old Mutual Llfe ln.urauce Companies of MattuihUketU. Answer giving reference te "M,'P.O.Bejtl,W2. n2Ud 1'iaiadelphU, i'a, Clothing M atHATHTOS. STOR7VY Coats and Ulsters! This weather suggests a GOODWARM OVERCOAT. . Our Stock or STORM COHTS, TJlter AND SACK OVERCOATS Will be very attractive te you. The Cut and Finish of these Garments are net excelled anywhere, and the prices are with In your reach. , Price Range Frem $8 te $20. A Handsome Line of OVETteOATINO In our MERCHANT TAILOKINO DEl'AUTMKNTut Most Reasonable Prices. The Fit We'll Guar antee. Myers & Rathven, RELIABLE OLOTHZEBS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET ? ' LANCASTER, TA. T GANSMANABUO. THEIBU8JE8T CLOTHIERS. . i . SPECIALS 1 Te demonstrate that L. OANHMAN A- BRO. can nnderssll all ethor clethlerj, we continue for ten days or mers our extraordinary bargain sale te give poepla at a distance a chance te at tend this great sale and save money. It will pny you ta rbme hundreds of miles for these Great Bargains. WE NAME A FEW. OF THE MANY Bargains te Be Had .Here. Men's Melten Casslmcre Pants at f 1 00 ; worth t2G0. Men's All-Weel Pant at $1 60 j worth 3 CO. Men's Rib Diagonal Suits ut (.125; wert $900. Men's Heavy Laber Overcoats at 11 75 ; worth 17 00. Men's Beaver Overcoats nt t3 00 ; worth S15 00. Men's Chinchilla Overceuts ut $175; worth $W00. Men's Royal Kcrsey Overcoats nt fO 60 ; worth 1S00. Men's English Fur Beaver Overcoats ut 88 W ; worth 122 OJ. Men's Imported Melten Overcoats at 19 00; worth $21 oe. Men's Imported Mellen Overcoats, silk llnnl all through, at $10 M ; worth $TJ0. Men's All-Weel Cheviot Suits at $060; worth $17 00. Men's Flne Worsted Suits at $3 23; worth $2100. Men'sRterm Overcoats at $3, $3 60, $1, $0,$8, $10 ; worth mere than double the money. See our Bey's Overcoats, sixes 13 te 10 years of age, at $2 25, !N 60, $.1, $3 GO. storm or plain made, worth doeblo the money. - Wonderful Bargains In Children's Suits and Overcoats. Suits .and Overcoats from 90a and unirunli. Don't Miss this Great Meney, Come Early. Sale ; If you Value L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) ' 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., g. W. CORNER Or OBANOB. LANCASTER, FA. JO Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In therltr. j9-Bu cautious and make no mistake se that you get te the right place. H IlWU A BROTHER. A LEGITIMATE MARKDOWN IN When we make a Cut In Prices It does NOT mean empty words, but making already low prices still lower. Men's Overcoats. 131 Blue, Black and Brown Chinchilla Over coats our ou u make were $7 'ii, new H 9H. 107 Blue, Black and Brown Beaver Overcoats well made und trimmed reduced from $7 44 te $188. -SPECrAIr-H Black and Brown Fur Beaver Overcoats, with or without binding, wlde-wale Hulng were HOW, new $9 93. Men's Suits. 43 Plaid and Striped Suits, Sack or Cutaway Coats, Dearborn Cassiiuern wtre $860, new $5 73.t' ' "t Suits, Seven Patterns, Sacks or Cutaways, All-Weel, Our Own Maki wtre $10 94, new $7 97. 328ults, Five Puttcrns, Sacks and Cutaways, All-Weel were $1160, new $9 88. Bey's Suits and Overcoats. Were PI 50. New $2 19. Were $5 00, New S2l. Wro$0W,NewM71. Were $10, New $3 93. CHILDREN'S SUITS AND OYERCOATS. Were $1 , New 97c. Were $2 00. New 81 4. W r U 25, New $2 48. WersttW,New$31S. UNDEUWEAIl, NECKWEAR, HOSIEHY, SHIRTS, GLOVES, AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. SEE THIS Genuine Markdown. OXE-PRICE CLOTHING AND KURNKHING HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. XTOl'lUE TO TRESPASSERS AND ((UN 131 NERH. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespaui en any of the lands of the Cornwall .aid Speedwell estates In Lebanon or Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or uulncl(ed. either whether Inclesed or uulncliwed, either for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law win ee rigiaiy enioreea against uu ires rigidly enforced egultut all tre. pnasmgenul ild Una i lands ui the uuaersigneu arte IUI hla notice. WM.CUI.KMAN KltEEMAJI K. PERCY AL1JEN. JCOW.CrRKKMAN, AUenMfi tm H. W, OaUnM'a Haln. KM BROTHER'S 9m jy EDUCED PRICES OH DHBBfl GOODS. JLW w Hager & Wet 37tf c. RWO PB ON DRESS WE ! ALIr-WOOLHAtHT CLOTIW, ALL-iyOOL CHEVIOTS, ALL-WOOL PLAIDS. ALL-WOOL SERGES, ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS, ALL-WOOL HABIT CLOTHB, ALL-WOOL PLAID CLOTHS, ALL-WOOL STRIPED CLOTHS, ALlUWOOL SERGE WITH SIDE HANDS, FRENCH CASIMIRS, ENGLISH SERGES, FOULE PLAIDS, STRIPED CASHMERES, c-4HAnrr cloths, Fer$l,00 fl-4 STRIPED CLOTHS, (1-4 HROAD CliOTlfe, FRENCH WniPCORDS. 4(I-INRH WOOL HENRIETTAS. Cleakings. (M cnEVIOTS,:1.25 te 2, fl-4 VELOURS, 11.50 te 0, fl-4 TWEEDS, 91.60 te 3.50, 0-4 ENGLISH REAVERS, f2 te $1. 0-4 CHECK DEAVERS, ( 1.25 te ?2.G0. Blaek and Colored Astraehans. HAGER & 25, 27, 29, 31 West King Street. B1 ANKET8 AND COMFORTS. THE COLD WEATHER IS UPON US ! LARGE QUANTITIES OV BLANKETS' pf COMFORTS At the Lewest Priees, - AT 3840 West King St, Lancaster, N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT DOUBE. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS - AT HHLF PRICES. We have gene through our imnicnse stock of Ceata and reduced tlie prices I nttd J of their former value. The nrcsent backwurd season hit left ui with about 600 garments, and these must all be Beld lu the next six weeks. This Is) a grant op pertunlty, as the Coats are of this bcoseu's rnunufuolure nnd entirely new style Call early while the selection H geed. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. B ARDA MCELROY. BiLRD Sc Mcelrey, Net. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Im't It n fact, buy uetter jroedi In onsitere than you can In another T WhyT Bccauiw emu Kill their xoed at smaller pretlta, glvlnic you a better article fur your raoney. we claim te iwll koeU cleacr than any ether heuiie In Lancatr. In our lastadvcrtlMiinantwe upeke about Underwear, lien'i Whlta or Colored at 20c, 25c, S7K 60c and up. Ladle at 2Sc, itOc, Ka and up New Willie you may cee the tinme priced goods at any ether tore, w claim our geed at the prleei are the beat value ever eflerca. Take our Uiille' VcnU, itarllDK at 25c, next KredeWc, and te en, perhapa you will my the next crude at ether vterca It S7!4c each or 75e 3c a pair higher, but for the dlflerence of 3c mere we give you a pair of vetU that retail at II, a saving of 22a en every pair. But we can't apeak or every number or Underwear, In Ladlu', Men' or Clilldren'R, at we have them In Merine, Medicated, Natural Weel, Camel' Hnlr, etc. HIIA WLH-Extra bargaliui In Hlngle KtiuwU ut II. II 25, f 1 60, 12 and up. We would call ipectal mention of two number In Deubla Hnawlii thut nre way below the rrgularprle. One lu a Orren, lllack and Blue l'lald at tu0, which Itotleettfl under prlre. Anether number It one at ft CO, which, we nre ture, you cannot match In quality ler lem than K, In u great variety of ttylet, UargnlnK In Blnclc Thibet HhawU In tingle and Ueubfe. Hbeulder Hhnwlt from 10c up. pair hlKhar, but for the dlflerence of 3c lll.A.NKKm While ana colored iiiankeu HuO,3.M,7.t9. COMKURTH- Every kind ut the nrluv.1t a COMKURTH-CumfurU at 75c, JI, II 25, II 60, 1 at II 60 Itene of our bout scliert, FLANNELS Netwlthttandlng the mild, weather we have told n quantity of Flanneli already In Cotten Klannclnnt&c.OVic, , 10c. Vi'Ar, etc.: In In Red at 1 . . . ... , .w Ar "-.-.. ; i- i. ityr, loc, axvxiaiiu up; in pihvy iiiue V Blue ferHklrU, In 1'ure or Cream White, embroidered lirUWU .MIAVII.CIIIUIUIUCICU utUlTU.llh.l.lIU ,1 HTAMfED OOODH Htamped I'lllew riUHina ttand covers, ac iiureuu ncurrt, aec, ec anu up. oil ciArit we are eneriug a upeciui goea yard. Juat the thing for uneven fleer, aalt la vnnlk wide. Clieun Cocea Ruea at 60c : worth 75c. l'ANT GOOD-An extm UirKe ateck of I'antlng nt 10c, 12Jc. 15--, We, 20e, 25c, 87Uc, )e, 45c, flOe, fi5c, 75: and up. 1 1 la only by offering burgulna we ure cuuble u lucruate our trade, M hlch we have been delnirecratnce weatarted. PKiCniKlUi The bent Feather cheap. A lower grnde at 60c. bard Sc Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street: Opposite Fountain Inn. i : F i.INN t BRENEMAN. OUR TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, NOW FLINN &. BRENEMAN, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEtJ ST., LANCASTER, PA. Carpet flrtJU IAROAINB! Shirk's Carpet Hall I - Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ice. W II avb tub Lament awd Kkijt Hteck iw tub Citt. H. S. SHIRK 5t SONS, Cor, West King and Water BU., Lancaiter, Pa. eteftbsK Brether. -,t Shaw-ls. I1LACK CASHMERE Squarr Srawls, BLACK CASHMERE LONG SHAWLS, BLACK MERINO LONG SHAWLS, WOOL IJOHQ SHAWLS, AVOOL SQUARE SHAWLS, BROOKE SHAWLS. BROTHER, .jj.-'i i m - Pa., Opposite the Cooper Heuse. Opposite Fountain Inn. that for the nme amount et nioneT you nan per pair, te It U, and our price We or 70 per pair. mera wa give you a pair of vetU that retail at II, a at7uc,SJc,ll,ll25tlbO,17!,tAI2Z,3,3H),fl, burifalii. 7."., 12, ti 25, 12 OO. W. Our own make. Large tin Weel Klannelt. lu Urev. irey. at lu 0c 12c 15c. Ue. etc.: . . ... ..- ut 25c. Sir. 40c und Me. Cm ut -jee, aic, 4UC una Iwc. Cmbrolilcred Klaiiuelt white; In Blue Urey, embroidered cardinal: In , JIT IttlUi C Elegant quality and pattern, at 20e and 25c Per r pulr, Utumped Linen Watb. Tidiet from 6c up. Hp npminera rmm iuc up. article in Kleer Oil CI aeft and pliable. All gradca from K yard te 2 inn, ynrua wiue, at our a OF- OPEN -ARUAINbl FOR ttatacc of $aMeiu "DA! LACEOFKA8U10.N. ' GREAT REDUCTION SALE -OF BOYS' CLOTHING AT THK 115 & 117 North Queen Street. A Tremendous Stock of Beys' Knee Pant Suits te Be Sold at a Sacrifice. Thepoeds must be sold at once. The season has been un usually warm.and we de net care about carrying any of these goods ever until Spring, se we have decided te sell at once, and the price must de it. This sale will last for an unlimited time. Read What We Offer. Beys' Suits reduced from $1.75 te P'& 2.49 2.73 2.98 348 3.98 4.49 4.99 549 6.98 7-49 7.98 8.49' 8.98 9.98 1.98 2.29 2.49 2.69 2.98 349 3.98 4.29 4.98 5-49 5.98 5.98 6.49 7-49 Knee Pants reduced from 25c te 19c 38c 49c 1 69c 75c 88c $1.00 $1.25 29c 39c 54c 63c 77c 84c 99c Pate of Fashion ! 115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST. IPatchc. vrrATiiKs. HTCERICKN WUhe., t1gSfi!' Optical Geeda. Telegraph Tims Dally. Every Article In thla Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, We. llK erUi Qmara it.. Xnx r. B. B. lUUea N EW GOODa I SILVERWARE! We Are Cenalantlr Receiving NEW O00D3 In thla Line and ran Mhew an Elegant Aatertinen t of Kine War. Our Five-Piece Tea-Set, Quadruple Plate and nandaemely Engraved, for IH.flO,Ut!iu Heal and I'rettlmit TUIega Made for the Meney, Call and See Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. Vhotettvaph: TOOTB. I JUST RECEIVED FROM HcBuigstag, Prussia, Twe Baekcnmnda made eapedally for Beat and Tbrea-ijuartin-Length Photegrapua. 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te Xhm rosteffloe. Sniitru. -TvENTAL UOOMH. R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. OKADUATK IK DKNTUTHY AMD AMXaTUETICS. Office and Realdence, BOUTI1EAHT COR. ORANGE AND NORTH QUEEN HTRKETB. Prompt Attention. Chargea Reasonable All Werk Warranted. Heck. 8 a. m. te 8 p. m. Week Daya. eepV-tfmdAw TrvENTIHTRY. " 3 Year Practice In On Office." J. B. MeCASKBY, NO. 11 EAST KINO STREET, Over First National Bank. Detitlatry In all tta brunchea. una acminiaierea. 11X.-111 exuuciru abaelutely without, palu. All work wnrranted. elMindMJ-lJtw TE8HE J ONES A CO.. J Manufacturer CONFECTIONERS' FINE PAP at IIOXEH. The meat beautiful line In SSI. Pa. WrlUtordeecrlPtWeerlcelUL al.7teed Pake of Fashion, tivavtltr' gwi. "PENNSYLVANIA RAtLROADSCUED JT In etrect from Nev. 10, 18W. rlveati'hiladclphlaM follewii Leave fWE8TWARD. PacineKxprenst ., SSS,tfxpreMt- Way Paaaengerf....., Lava Philadelphia. Lancaatef) jiiip. m. 4: a. ra. 4:30 a, m. 7HXI a. tn. ae a. m. .-SBaVaa. eiavta 8-Jla.aa ftVI a. ar. fsmsasjsfn via Columbia Niagara Kxprew....... Hanover A coem, ....... Kaat Llnef frederlck Accem...... lAucaatcr Accem.. Laneaater Accem...... HarrUbnrg Aeeem... Columbia Accem...... Harrlabnry Exprcsa.. Weatern Eiprnatt , Laaceater Aoeo.... K'aa ft. tn. 1W6 a, . llflOa-m via Columbia 11:40 a. m. via Columbia ll: a. in. 3Kp. m. 8:10 p. in, 2:40 p.m. t-W p. m. 8:80 p. m. 7:48 p. tn. 7p m. 11:10 p. m. iVtW n. m. via Mt. Jey.... keu p. ni. 4:10 p. m. i-fifi p. m, t:ae p. m. Ar.CelAM Lrave Lanraater. 830 a. m. 4:1.1 a. tn. es a. m 8:10 a. m; lUr. m. we a. m. llSa. m. 12M p. m. S:M p. bi. 8:09 n, nt. Arriva .KARTWARD. rniia. kxi raalLlniH iSttt, m. Laneaater Am. Harrlabunt Kxpi-eaa.. Laneaater Aeeem..., Colombia. Aecem.. Atlantte Kxpreaaf Reaahera fexpnuw...... Philadelphia Accem. Hunday Mall ,.... Day Kiprmt., Harrlaburg Acoein... 4:48 p. re. 1 e u n. m. aaau irminr-. :S5 p. m. Krederick Accem 12&I p. m. The only tratni which run daily. On Hnnday the Mall train weat run by war Columbia. aarsstt 8:18 p. m ntf I s.-p.m. 1 fcsep.'a. ;b- J. It. WOOD, nenernl Paiaenrrr Agen, w CnAaE.l'UUU.UeiiernlManar. ' " ' " ' ' ffl ' PHILADELPHIA A READING RAILROAm RKAilNQ A OOLUMUIA DIVISIOIT. . On and after Bnnday, Nev 10, 1880, t train leave lAnceater (King afreet), a follewi: t Fer Reading and Intermediate pelnta, Weel day;, 7:30 a. m., 12JB, 1:48 p. m.; Bundey, 8jB& a. m., viea p. m. rerPnlladelphla.wMkdaya, 730 a. m., UfK, ):48p.m.;HnnSaya,tUn.m. FerNew Yerk via Philadelphia, week day. 7:80 a. m., ItSl, 8:48 p, in. Kpr New Yerk via Allentown, weekdaya. 12:35 p. m. . Fer Allentown, week daya, 7:M a. m.,48 . w j Duuuai fv rw in r or iuiui vtue. 'or Pettavltle, week day, 7J0e. m., 8:48 p. m Bnnday. 8:55 d. m. 1aat .aahaa M -amahAaa ilam w anvtinvM, wi. ua j m, 70 a. m.. 136, 5.15 p. m. t Hiinaar, Bnn a. tn. 3:55 p. m . III. I nuUIMli KUJB. Ill.KiU UL III. kIt J Fer liarrtabiinr. m1 riava. T-nn a. M lM 4,Ki VS. p. m. j Sunday, 8.-OS a. m. ' , fm IUI rnaiinaHttViiia aauai iimua n.1: a -, aum r... - 8.00 p. m. ; Hunday, 5:10 p. rn. ft -J TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. S&3 Leave Reading, week dnj-a. 7:, IVMti. m., il 5:55 p. m. l Hunday, 7:20 a. m.j 8:10 p. rn. ff M ueaYv i-uiutueipuia, itoek eaya, via, tatveav . .v; II,, IAV N III. j'l licave New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dan. S-Vd i.m., 1:80, p. m. 12:15 nlKht. 4.' lave New Yerk via Allentown, week daya ?$-& km n. limn .m w .3 a l,cave Allentown. week rinra. SM a.tn i-M" ',', Kra' . . ..... . lieavs jienanrm, ween eaya. 7iu a. m., J;, 7:15 p.m.: Bnnday, 7:55 a. nt 845 p. in, Leave llarriabuiv. week dava. Afi a. m. Hiiar day, 8:50 a.m. . ' 4Pj ieave uuemrviiie. weeK aava. nL ii;aa a. mi.. .; h flWl . U..H..AM ..IA. M ' ' ' ATLANTIC Oil Y DIVISION; ' . .' tieav Philadelphia. Cheaumt ttreet wharf.i and Menth atreet wharfc '"A Vnr Allanlln nilv. waV Amyrm ... -7.- KSSii a. ui. and im p. in.) AcHniwodaUen,i'" 7a, nt. and l-ja p. m.j Sunday, Expreaal'lf' v.w u. iu, AtaaHuiuuuauun, enai a. m.. ,, 4:86 i, !". . . .. . " AS iteturning leave Auanue city;' depot corner, i" AuanueanaAraanaaaAvenuea, weeKeaya. ;j; Kxpreaa 7:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. Aeeem " modatlen,8Ma.m. and 4:80 p. m. Hundaya sS Exnrem, t p. m. Acoemmodatlon, TM a. m. lit and 40 p. in. j lieuuiea ume uuica can de oeuunea ml HCJte. j,-; IMUVOH' . A.A.McLEOD. C.O.HANCOCK. VIeel'rca.AUen'IM'ar. Geii'll-awy Agl. f BBANON LANCASTEH JOINT JUNE f 4 IVAlUnUAV, . . " ' V ' y Airangenirniaei i-aMwnger l raina en ana arwr ? i HU'TOAT, November 10, I888L m j NORTHWARD. IrfBVe A.M. F.W, r. M. King Mtreet, Luna. 7.-0U 12:83 635 LancMter..., 7,-07 18:48 0:83 Hnnday.lfe m L.M. P.f,'"l A. 8.-0B Km.i" ceiumnia... iz; Manhatm.. .... TM 100 6.-01 t:4a Cornwall..- 7M LM t-M 9-.1T Arrive at Lebanon... 8:11 1M 6:40 tM HOUT11WARD. ' )M" . .1 "w e 'feUi' . . Leave a.m. p.m. p. at. a. m. j. ijcoanen ..... 7:u iz:w 7:1s TM Cornwall...-...,.....,, 727 13.-45 7:38 8:10 Manhelm'. TM 1:16 TM 8:40 Laneaater............ .837 1:38 808 B-.U Arrive at Colombia r27 tM .hMff . . -q&fl KlngHtreet, Lane. 8i3a 1 S.-U0 (rx a,ia A. M. W1LHON, BupL R. 4 C. Railroad. r'u ak . nurr, nupu u. k, ti. Suvnitxwt. XITIDM fER'B COnNEK. ' IHTitimyer- FURNITURE I Hi Iuduoemeuts that will Induce you te buy if. $-1 yea have yeurmlud en 3J FURNITURE. W want te make roemfor our Holiday Geed a. ,M'i re de thla we mitke you the geinera. jk Te de Save your dellara by buying the geed, rellabla je, 1 auu uiu wuiun will iw vuv mm. ina.ing. vflia you get thcae goeda at the low price we ener. Don't threw the rliance away. Will (bow you n Hue line or Holiday Uoeda cheap. WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF- . King Sc Duke Sts. fTVIE PROPER TIIINQ TO DISCD&S f FURNITURE HOLIDAY Girrs FOR There may be a piece of suite, you'll have te get anyway. Why net beautify the home, making all happy, without un necessary cost by presenting the Furniture actually needed r You'll find it here at prices te meet all nurses. Select eoeds new. We'll held them for you. $j OCHS & GIBBS, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 S. Queen St. F URNITURE. BRASS AND IRON FURNITUREl We are new telling Drau and Iren IMateada, u auniple of which you will ace In our Seuth Window for a few daya. CALL AND BEE THEM. Easels, Tables, &c, in Brass. HEINTTSH'S V Furniture Oepetj ; Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. Undertaking recelvca perkeual aMeaUew, . J? 1 ' : i A f JB n ml 4 '.' ;3 3 ;: m .! CJ ? t rHAC'tS M t. "s! ,1 . ill Vr-i m t M w . a. V "V . -J . -"- ' r kiMJLJnXAii' 4-iiW ! j-.VT" rn jttd. 8"V-a f -. f m.'- C wBttf i .,