v;.r V'"''"''! f Xr "?' " ;r -r . . ',-. T r 1 .j, i X j. I Sit W , 1 ( . ) V) J- I -f j j T . ' . ,j- 3 r f ' J- I ' ' . t " 1. .. " ' - -. . - . .. f e. . ,.... r XitRi-A .jjJJLWa W fejMflU ?L J T4-' i'U 'KMVMt. ( s v' A ' Vi 1 m T UAlliX URXJBlililJBi;Xl, riiVMwai, -mV.riM13JCK 38, 1889. Zyt- A r - - V- ' v t -fc - - i.Uk TBI f -- !,)"- HOMROPATHIC SOUP. - TakaareMn'stec, Mind, the drnraitlck merely. Put It 111 a tub rilled with water nearly; Bet Iterater doers tn'.a plan) that' shady; Let It stand a week t Three days, If for a uiy Drep a spoonful of It Innflve-palt kettle, Which may be made of tin Or any baser metal t Fill the ke:Ue nr, BetUonabelllnn, Bklm the liquor well Te prevent It oiling ; One atom add or salt. Fer the thlck'nlng one rloe kernel, And use tellfiht the flre The Hemtvpnthle Journal. Let the liquor bell tlairnn hour, no longer J lf'lls font man Otcetirse jeu'll makertslrenger: Should ) ou new desire That the soup be flaTery, Btlr It ence around With a itulk of savory. When the broth li made Nothing can excel lit Then, three time a day, Let the patient smelt It. If he chance te die t Bay 'twas nature did It) If he chance te live Ohe the soup the credit. -Frem the EtUnburgh Mtdlcal Review, lis;. The Sent or Pain and Pleasure, The nervous system, often suffers u diminution of vigor, and causes mental annoyance, mid cenixwltle disturbance, without disease In the senserium Itself. It acta aa mere reflector, In many cases, of Inaction In the stomach, and consequently of Incomplete assimilation of the feed by the bleed. This of course weakens It, in common with the rest or the tissues, and ren ders It less ablete bear without suffering an or dinary strain that would make no Impression upon strong nerves. Te supply n deficit of strength) and remedy a supcrscnsltlvcness In the nervei Incident te n lack of cer, Hostet Hestet tcr's Htemnch Hitters Is far better adapted than nnv mere ncn Ine or slmple tonic, since the oil eil sprlnz or Its use, complete digestion, IsUioMk IsUieMk IsUioMk erous nnd early parent of ncrve force and quiet ude. Malnrlnf attacks, rheumatism, bowel, liter nnd kidney complaints succumb tethe Bitters. n2ltedecl The opinion of an old and well-known mer chant Is gl en In n low words, viz: " I think Dr. Mull s Cough Byrup Is the best cough medicine that Is made." LUTHER n. BLACK, Selinn, Ind. "Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth In strange eruptions," nnd the result of It all Is pain. New Salvation OU will send this very pain te the right about ut the trifling cost or only 25 cents. " Special Hetlcce. A fenfb Investment. Is one which Is guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory result, or In case or failure a return of purchase price. On this safe, plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle or Dr. King's New Disco cry for Consumption. It Is guaranteed te bring relief In every case, when used for any affection or Threat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, inflammation or Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., clc. It is pliasnnt and agreeable te , taste, perlectly safe, nnd can nlwnjs lie de pended upon. Trial bottles tree ut it. B. Coch ran's Drug Stere, 117 nud 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, In. (1) Mothers I Metlu-rw ! ! Mether t t I Are you disturbed nt night and broken or your rest by a sick child sutTcrlng and crjlng with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 7 If 10, goat once and get a bottle of MRS. W INK LOW'S BOOTH I NO HYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake nbeut It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell jouulence that 11 will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief nnd health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cnees and pleasant te the tuste,,and Is the prescription of one of the eldest nnd best female physicians and nurses lu the United States. Held everywhere, 25 cent a bottle. une251ydAw ' JIuckleu'B Arnica Salve. THIS BEHTHALVBlnthewerld for Cuts, Bruisea Beres, Ulcers, Belt llheum, Fever Beres, Tetter, Chapped lipids. Chilblains, Cerns, nnd all Hkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed toglvoper teglvoper toglveper feclNutlgfactlon, or money reminded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queeit street, Lancaster, Pa. une27-lyd Kpecli. The transition from lone, lingering nnd pain ful sickness te robust health marks an epoch in the life or the individual. Much n rcmnrknble event Is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has been nt tallied Is gratefully blessed. Hence It Is that se much Is heard lu praise of Electric Bitters. Se many feel they oue their restoration te htaltfi, te the use of the Grtnt Altera! I e and Tonic. If Leu are troubled wltli any dlwase of Klilnejf., Iver or Stomach, of long or short stumllng, you will surely Unit relief b use or Electric Bit ters. Sold nt We and Jl per bettleat II. B, Coch ran's Drug stoic, 137nnd 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, 1'u. (1 ilttOUVrtUCC -piIUE INSURANCE. Fire Insurance I HERR'S Insurance and Real Estate Agency. cr I am prepared te Insure all classes of propel ty at lowcet rates In the most reliable companies. COJIPANIES REPRESENTED. Onanllan of Londen i Capital) J.i.000,000 00 Nlagurn or New Yerk 2,ia),mae Lomleu and Lancashire 2,0IU,UI1 00 Agricultural or New Yerk 2,000,119 00 UrcenvvlchefNvw Yerk 1,XJ,M1I 00 BuMule German of New Yerk 1,3:12,177 00 United Butcs or New Yerk iH,178 00 I'lreuun's of Baltimore &S7.I15 00 National or New Yerk 411,I7 00 Eliet or Bosten , 37(1,71!) 00 Hates en dwellings and contents, M cents per flOOfer J enrs; 73 cents per hundred fer5curs. Rates en prlv ute stables tl per l00fer3j ears; II 00 per J100 for 5 J ears. Bates en merchandise, GO cents per S100. Allan A. Herr, NO. lOSKASTKINGSTltCKT. nev 8 3nid (ellCnCB. OF BUSINESS AND Short-Hand. Recerd Building, n 17-1) is CHESTNUT STREET, riiuaaeipniu, in. Second, Third and Fourth Floers. Mernlngnnd Afternoon Sessions every vretk day except Hunday. Night Sessions, Monday, Tuesday nud Thursday Evenings till April 1. Twclve hundred and blxtj-iilne(lja)) students last year. Earl V applications necessary. Send for enrollment blank. Technical knew ledge quellllng for buslncfrs engagements. Full Instruction for commercial and general business vocations. Alse Short Hand and Type-Writing. A faculty of mere than n score of practical i men who have practiced vt hat they teach. Bookkeepers out or counting houses teaching bookkeeping; lavvvcrs teaching law and bust-nct-s forms : nicces"ful lilgli school principals teaching English brandies-; law reporters teaching thert-hand and t pe-wrlllng, ekv, etc This Institution has been exceptionally for fer tu mteln the sin cess of the students whehave graduated tlicrerrem." lilllce open every vveek day during huslutss hi.urs and also en Monday. Tuesday and Thurs diy Evenings for the Enrollment of Studenls. Anneuiiccnient", etc., sent when rtsiuested. Visitors nlw a s welcome. Addnss, THOMAS MAY PE1KUE, M. AH auglO-mMd Principal amlFeunder. (Seal. OEIBCE COLLEGE. PEIRCE dfi t nnn HUH TUM1IERANDCOAU J lOHAtVOHHOOKSANDCAHEB. WEST ERN HARD WOODS. Wholesale nnd Retail, by , 11. II. MARTIN A CO, iit-ljT til Wattr btrcet. iJiucaster. l'a. T3AUMGARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orrtcis Se. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne. ('A North I'rln street. VAnns North 1'rinte Street, near Itcadln; Depot. l4U;l5-tT4 LANCVHTER. TA. rw riNecn KAits cam or ni uuaAi mm it II ifri4 auttesfthe best local physicians, mm! (peat km area or aeHara for medicine of aimreai nw, but wlthent receiving Iks rilghtMt bMMat. I wa advised Baally te visit Het MprlBf. .Tali I did. but becoming distrusted with the treat ment I was receiving there. cemmnced UklBg rSwm'iHpecllle(8.H.S) The effect that 8. B. It had en me waa truly wonderful. I cemraeaeed te recover after taking the first bottle, ard by the time I had taken twelve bottles lwaaea ttrely enred-cared by Swift's Specific (B. . B.) when the world-renowned Hei Hprtngs had railed. WM.H.LOOM13. Rhrevepert, t." FOUR YEABS ON CRUTCHBB. Fer fifteen years I waa afflicted with rheoma rheema linn, four years of which I waa compelled te go en crutches. Words are Inadequate te expresa the sufferings I endured during that time. Dur ing these fifteen years of existence (It waa net living), I tried every known remedy without receiving any benefit, I finally began en Hwlft BpecMc (8. B. 8.). which from the first gave me roller. and te-day I am enjoying the beat of health, and am a well man. I candidly le lleve tliatH.B.. Isthe beat bleed purifier en the market te-day, l.T. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me. Treatise en Bleed and Hkln Diseases mailed free. JW1FT HFKCIF1C CO., (3) Atlanta la. fpEETHlNU 8YRUP. TO MOTHERS. Everv babe shenld have a bottle of DR. NO BYRUP. Perfectly FAHBNEYH TEETHINO BYRUP. safe. Ne Ontum or Merahlamlxtnra NoOptumerMorphlamlstnrea. Wlllrt- llevc Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DllS.D. FAHR NEYASON, Haccntewn, Md. DrugglsU sell It; 25 rents. Trial betUe sent by malflO ceuU. lant-lydeedAw "ITILY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVIR. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Beres, Restores Uie Benses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable PrlcebOccntantDrugglsU; by mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-lydAw Ne. 5e Warren HU, New Yerk. KZveccvie. tJMl ANKSQIVINQ AND CHRISTMAS WILL' JL seen be upon us, nnd we would respect fully ins I te all levers of geed things te cull and sec our cholce and well-selcctcd stock or Thanksgiving and Christmas Groceries, Ac. Remember we are headquarters for the Ingre dients te bake your Christmas rakes. TELEKATHAROB The finest quality per fectly Clean Currants, which Marlen Harland says Is the Boen or Beens te Housekeepers. Alse perfectly clean Seedless Kttlslns, new Leg horn citron, 18c per pound. Mrs. B. T. Herer, principal Philadelphia Cook ing Scheel, highly recommends the brands of Mlnce Meat, the Table, Oil find Oil Sardines that are te be found in our stock. Just received a fresh supply or the following Choice Checse: Llmburgcr Cheese, 12Ke lb; Edam, with and without tin roll : Fancy Swiss Cheese, 22c lb ; RegucfOrt Clicese by tbe pound ; Ncufchatcl Cheese, strictly pure and fresh, at fksenke; English DuIry.Bupsage.l'lncappleand the finest Full Cream Cneese J ou ever ate. Important le nil holding Coffee and Tex Checks or Ticket. Plen.se. bring them In at jour earliest convenience nnd hnve them ex changed, and ask for our new tickets which we give vvltli cier tiling you buy, sugar excepted. SAMUEL CLARKE'S TEA, COFFEE AND GROCERY STORE, 12 & It SOUTH QUEEN STREET. 4)3-Rargalns In Ham and Dried Beef. , w-Tolephene. TBUllBK'H. Thanksgiving Groceries. NEW FRUITS-rine Tnble Raisins. Flerida Oranges and liCinens. Malaga drapes, Califor nia Pcuches.Bllver Prunes, , Apricots, Italsln Cured Primus, Itnlliirt New- Prunellas, Finn Currant Seedless Rnlslns, Citren, Orange nnd Lemen Peel. NUTS New Prunes, Paer Shell Almonds, New English Walnuts, New Brazil Nuts. Cholce Mlnce ileal We keep only choice meats. The Yentzer Evaporated Sugar Cern, the finest corn In the market. Canned Fruits nud Vegetables or nil kinds. Fine Tnble Oils, Worcestershire Sauce, Eng lish and American Pickles In bottles. Edam, Sapsoge, Pineapple, and Verk State Cream Cheese, and n thousand ether articles, AT BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. T HEIST B. DON'T FORGET THE BIG BOOK WE ARE GIVING AWAY. Ask for n card, which will explain It. See cut or the book In our advertisement or te-day's JUnminer. Read It carefully. Yonalllbethreo dollars richer. We are spending $1,000 en the book for ou. If yen arc wisojeu will profit. READ AND PROCLAIM WTO THE WORLD. We Are Going teUake Reme Hewl ! TTvicnty barrels New Orleans Baking Molasses, 0,8,10, 12, II, 15, 10 and 18c a quart tOOpeuuds Finest Sbellbark Kernels t u pound, 200 pounds Fines Walnut Kernels at -2c a pound, citron Is advancing in price we sill vet nt 30c. lx-'meii and Orange- Peel Is going higher he sell at l.rie a pound. Sugar may go higher hard te tell we sell a White at 7c. Spices and Ex tracts ure lower than ever get our prices. A let of Fine Bunch ltulstns in te-morrow. Finest White Gracs In the city ten barrels. Flerida Oranges were never se line leek at ours. Just In a let of Dufly's Pure Sweet Cider. An origi nal (ask (W0 pounds) of the Finest Paper-Shell Almonds Just in see them inourwiiulew. Flve bales New Drenebla Walnuts. Chocolate Dreps, 18c and 'J0c a pound. Fine Mixed Candy, two und three pounds for 23c. Flue Combllleney. 18c n pound. A big bargain. Mincemeat, four, three nnd two pounds for 25c, Finn New Layer l'lgs, tw e pounds ter 25c. Finest New Stewing Figs three pounds for 25c Finest Persian and I'tird Dates. Finest Line of Bottled and Canned Geed In the city. Sutss, Llmburgcr, Edam, Sage, I'lneapplennd English Cheese. Parmlsau Cheese, United, In bottles, for Mnccnrenl try It. spiced Bologna, 12Kc. Summer Bologna, Oc. Dried Beef, extra fine, 10c. Knuckle Beef, IV. Pitted Cherries, 20c u pound. Silver Plums, two pounds for 25c Ueldcn Pitted Plums. ISc a pound, Elliet Prunes In the city, three pounds fur25c Twe pounds Prunellas for 25c. lhree pounds or Apricots, 25c. Three pounds ItaUltis, 2'ic Four pounds Tea Crackers, 25c. 1 e cans French Pens, 25c, and a thousand Big Bargains. reIst ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINU AND PRINCE BTH., Directly Opposite J, B. Martin & Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serre Herse HeteL (SltWirtQCS. OTANDAHD CARRIAGE WORK. EDrV. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 0,12, 43 Att MARKET HTREKT. (Rear of the l'ostefflce), LANCAbTER, 1'A. De net Kail te Call and Kee my Flue Assert ment of Baggies, Phaetons, Jump Seat Carriages,Etc. I have all the latest styles te select from. I Intro a ery fine us&erlmcnt or second-hand work Mime of my own work. llottem prices. Call and cxnmlne. Ne trou ble te show our Merk and exp.nlnci cry detail. Rejialnllug and Repairing preuilly and neatly done. One set of workmen especially euiple)ed for that purpose. -LOSING OUT HALE. Carriages, Baggies, Wagons, AT Gee. Weber's Coach Works, CHRISTIAN HTREET. (Uetwecn Orange and Chestnut Htreets.) Consisting e Jumi-Heal Carriages, two Hour Heur Hour Pest Jenny Llnds, two SlcCall Wagons, Boconrt Beconrt Bocenrt lliuul Tretting lluggy, nnd several light i'lat fiirni Wngens that lTill carry from 100 te 3,000 pounds. Alse a fuw Flue Sltlglit. Call Early for llnr gains. augaetfd T-erajreftrl m UHIetc4 wittt swrrW; ease of bleed peteen, ut spwanU of Jra months of that Uawl ma anftbte tqe work of any kind. My llnMr flhl cmmew !, hair dretnied oeUvln nFlMMI M " M HSfH. M COB" fTlHK QREAT MONEY JSAVINO STORE. 1NEW BOSTON STORE'S BARGAINS 1 1 XYe. 24 Cmntrm qviJurc,, THECREHTMONEYSHyiNC STORE. 1 i Bargains I Bargains I Bargains I HilkMlltaBtaUeapatr. Woof MRU at , liX, IS, IT, , , 8S, S7K and SO cents a pair. Jet sey Gloves at IT, M, It, RU andeOcUa pair. Ribbons at I, 2, 1. 67. T.l, , 10. 12 IS, IT, & V&StmZZi at 4. B, . T, . 9, 10. U.S. 15. 17. and Scu a yard. .... Outlined Linen In Large Variety at Lew Prices. Vltittawatre. H IGH MARTIN. Useful and Ornamental Articles that would grace the Dining Table or would be a valuable addition te the Brlc-a-Bracefeven the most fastidious. We can't describe them. It's your privil ege te examine them. If you don't, you will miss a sight at the beautiful as well as the opportunity of possessing it. Havliand's Decorated China has prominence always. Many New Arti cles, Designs and Decorations mere beautiful than ever. Royal "Worcester In New Designs and Shapes. Japanese Ware in Large Varlcty-uud Styles. A host of ether articles of Fancy Goods," equally handsome. Persons selecting presents (weddluger otherwise), will re grot, if purchasing before examining our assortment. Remember, all are wel come. Goods exchanged if net satisfac tery. l HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. eVuvnitttvc. w IDM xER'B CORNER. TSTidixiyer- FURNITURE! Inducements that will induce jeu te buytr you have your mind en FURNITURE. We want te make roemlor our Holiday Goods. Te de this we make you the gainers. dae your dollars by buying thegoed, reliable, and tbatlwhlch will be the most lasting, when you get these goods at the low price we offer. J)en't threw the chance away. Will show you a fine line of Holiday Goods cheap. WIDMYER'S, CORNER OV E. Kind & Duke Sts. kCHS A GIBBS. I THE LADIES' PARADISE ! ' A fitting name for the place where such an exquisite collec tion of the designer's fancy, the upholsterer's taste, and the cabinet maker's art is shown. The name is verified by the apparent delight of the Ladies at the beauty and low prices of i our goods. We have the latest novelties in Furniture, and are offering very tasty suggestions for Wedding and Holiday Presents. Net tee early new te make selections. OUHb & Ullilib, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 S. Queen St. TlURNITURE. BRASS AND IRON FURNITURE! We are new selling Ilrass and Iren Redslcuds, a sample of which )ou will see In our Keuth Window for a few dn) s. CALL AND faEETUEM. Easels, Tables, &c, in Brass. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, UudertaklngrectUeipmoualaUenUeu. Y W 9n rieeea Lined Hete at JOca pair. nut lllark linen at g. 10 snd 12U r ts k ntlr. Chlldren't Weel Hene at , 10, 1 IX, 15, U. l, and M eta a Mir. Laaiea' wool I H eneat 12,17, 30, Zi,,n7H and 00 eu a pair. Handkerfhlers at 1. 3. J. 4. 5. 8. 10. 12U. IS. 17. 90. S5 eta, etc umbrrllaa with geld tipped handles nt II each. Flannel Skirts In Variety at Lew 1-rlces. J. HARRY STAMM, Sr RUG The Rug has become a popular feature in Furnishing. WE OFFER THIS HEABON A HANDSOME STOCK OF MATS, RUGS AND ART CARPETS. NOVELTIES OF SPEC(ALMERIT ! WILTON RUGS AND MATS, ' DAOA8TAN RU08 AND MATS, " ( ! MOQUETTE RUG8 AND MATd, - IMPERIAL SMYRNA RUGS, ALL SIZES, ORIENTAL SMYRNA RUGS, ALL SIZES, HANDSOME SMYRNA CARPET RUGS IN SIZES 6x0, 7x10, 8x12, Ox H. KENSINGTON ART CARPETS, PELT SQUARES. Most Attractive Novelties I JAPANESE WOLFSKINS FOR RUGS, SHEEPSKIN MATS, WHITE WOLF SKIN RUGS, . .OREY WOLF SKIN RUGS, ; " '- "..s BLACK WOLF SKIN RUGS, JAPANESE wWiBKlN RUGS WITH BORDERS, (the latter are voryclTeCuVO.-), SHEEPSKIN MATS, ALL COLONS. Wesuggest the above Rugs, Mats and Art Carpets for Christmas and Holiday Gifts. VI,' , ' . Hager & Brether, 26, 27, 29, 31 West King Street. M: ETZGER A HAUGIIM AN. METZGER & Ladies' Seal Plush Coats, MODJESKAS AND JACKETS Excel all ethers in Beauty and Finish. Everyone that sees them says se. Metzger & Haughman, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) tj arda Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 30 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn, , EXTRAORDINARY VALUES-Isn'tlta fact, that for the sairie amount or money )en can buy better goods In one store than en can In another T Why 7 llecause some sell their reeds at smaller profits, glvlnit you a betUr article for your money. We claim te sell itoeds closer than any ether house. In I-anceNter. I u our last advertisement we spoke nbeut Underwear.! Men's While or Colored nt 20c. B5c. Slftc, Uks and up. ladies at 25c, Mc, Wc and up New wnllaynu may seethe same priced Koeds at any ether store, we claim our goods nt the prlixs are the best value ever eircred. Take our Ladles' Vests, slurllng at 25e, next grade Wr, and se en, ptrhnps you will say the next grade at ether stores Is. fTUceacli erTSu per pair, se It Is, and our price M)c or 78c per pair, 3c a pair higher, but for the dlm-rcnce or Se mere woglvcyeua pair of mlH that retail atfl.a saving or !u en every pair. Out we en n't sneak of every number of Underwear, lu Ladles', Men's or Children's, as we have them In Merine, Medicated, Natural Weel, Camel's ilalr, etc HIIAWIi-Extra bargains lu Hlngle Hhnwls at II, tl 25, II GO, U and up. We would call special mention of two numbers In Deuble Hhawls that are way below the regular price. One In a Green, Black and Blue I'lald at HW, which Isallcasttl under price. Anether number Is one nt II 60, COMFORTK Comforts at 75c. tl. II 25. II HO. II ill i iju isnue mi our uesi. sellers. KLANNELH Notwithstanding the mild weather we hne sold a iiuantlty of Flannels already an r muntiiHiuc, u-,i, n, jyc, uyx, eic.: hi n oei riannris, in iirey, aiiuc, 1SJ4C, loe, lc, etc: RlWAr. 15c.iC.S5candun: InNnvy ll!ueat'ic.31c. 40c and liec. Embroidered Khinnils ferHklrU, In I'ure or Cream While, embroidered HTAMl'EDOOQDt-Htampedi'lllowHhamsataOeand 25e jer iMtlr. Htamiicd Linen Wash, stand Cevers, 25c. liureau Hcarfs, 35c, 15c and up. Tidies from Ge up. Hplashers from 10c up. OIL CLOTlI We are offering a special goedartlcle In Kleer Oil Cleth. 2 yards wide, at &0c a yard. Just the tiling fur uneven flours, as it is sort aud pliable. All grades from J yard te 2 yards wide. Cheap Cocea Rugs at 60e; worth 75c. PANT GOODS An extra large stock or Punting at 10c, 12c. 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, Sl'ic, 40c, Se, SOc, f5c, 75a and up. It Is only by offering bargains we aruenable te Increase our trade, which we have been doing ever since we started. FEaTHER.1 'Ibebestfreathersrheap. Alewer grade at 60c. Sc Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. JUatchc0. H Z. RIIOADH & HON. CARVING BETS, GAME CARVERS IN CASES, REEF CARVERS IN CASES, CARVERS AND STEELS. WE OFFER CARVERS WITH SILVER HANDLES, PEARL HANDLES, IVORY HANDLES, RUCK HORN HANDLES. CELERY STANDS, UREAD TRAYS, OLIVE DIS1II. H. Z. RHOADS & SON JEWELERS, Ne. 4 WEBT ING BT., LANCASTER, PA. With all this Mild Weather wa are having large sales of BliANKKTS AND COMFORTS. " Redactions " In price are unnecessary, s our price have always hern tower than the Bham.Pretentleut Reduction that are being made around this town. Our Price are Right! Right Is Might, That's why we say buy here. tSoeb). SHLE te mil f real clvv' , i' HAUGHMAN. 75. 1. 12 25. 12 60. tl. Our own nrnkn. I jin-u slm while; In lllue Orey, embroidered cardinal: In Opposite Fountain Inn. -LJX3Z. tfalur ef Jfchteit. -. II ...,. , XJALACK OF KA8UIOM. Pate of Fashion ! 115AKD1171t. QUEEN ST. SPECIAL SALE OF KtyCeatsT One let of odds and ends Black Steckinette Jackets, worth from $5 te 56, at $2.98. One let of Steckinette Jack ets, all wool, heavy weight, in all sizes, $2.49. One let of tailor-made, worth from $7 te $10, at $4.98. One let of Ladies Tailor made Cleth Jackets, in stripes and plaid, actual value 55, at $2.98. Special sale in Children's and Misses' Coats. We have closed out the entire stock of a largci New Yerk manufacturer of Children's Coats, and arc en abled te offer extraordinary bar gains in Children's Coats from 4 years up te 14 years. Coats worth $5, at $2.50. Coats worth $10, at $5. It will pay you te come te take a leek at them. A full line of Ladies' New markets, in stripes, plaids, plain colors, from $3.98 upwards ; all new choice goods. Ladies' Astrachan Shoulder Capes, at $6.50 and $8.98. Ladies' Menkey Capes. Ladies' Seal Capes. Ladies' Hare Capes. Seal Plush Capes, at $9.98 and $15.98. Seal Plush Medjcskas, at $12.98 and $14.98, and upwards. Ladies' Seal Plush Wraps, $1 1.98 and ufawards. Ladies' Short Seal Plush Jackets, at $8.98, $10.49, $l 1-98, $12.98, $14.98, $19.98, and up wards. Medium length Coats, Seal Plush, $14.98 and upwards. Plush Sacques and New markets at all prices. Children's Plush Coats, in cardinal, navy, gebelin, brown, mahogany, green, from $3.50 up te $10. Beys' Suits, $1.49 and $1.98 upwards, Beys' Overcoats, from $2.98 upwards. Beys' K'BGP Pants from 25c te $1.25. Vs. 115 & 117 North Queen Street. ftUatchce. VirATIUM. 7S7VSERIC:KN Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Hnees. Eye-Olasse Etc, ai lAjwufii: I'liiucn, Optical Uoeds. Tcleirranh Time Pally, Kvcry Article In this Lliie Carefully Repaired, .Leuis Weber, Me. lOtXNert&QueenRt., Near P. H.R. Station, TKWKLEU AND GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL Jeweler and Graduate Optician, TEHCHERS Are InvlleU te examine, our new and elegant line of LAOIKH'ANI) OENTH Watches, Silverware, Jewelry, &c, EXAMINATION OK KYEMI'IUSE. NO DK01H U8ED. CHAS."S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCAUTEH. I'ENN'A. N KV OOOIJS I SILVERWARE! We Are Constantly ItccelWng NEW aOODl In tills Llneaiiu canHliew nn Elegant Assortment of Kine Wares. Our Five-Piece Tea-Set, Quadruple Plate anil Handsomely KngraveJ, for I M.fiO, Is the Ileal and lrrcttkt Tlilngi Made for Hie Meney. Call and See Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COKNEU OK OHANUK. !itlU rplIE NEW AMEIUCAN riUZLE. "BloeksofFive." THE NEW YOIIK WOULD WILL (IIVU $100 Te the 1'irsen hoilers this I'utxlvlii the HlierU eatTluic, A I'uzxle for UeiuecraU, Itepubllcuiis and Muzwuiiin. Kcnbedy fjscluuted with Itnt Jy ill. flmtslKlit. Cull and see FOR HALE AT- ErUman's Gents' FurnishingStere, NO. 43 WUST K1NQ STIUXT. . "wbsib -. -.-m -lw s it Palace of Fashion, IZvavtlcv jtttt. j?V PENNSYLVANIA TtAILHOADBClUOl III IIVt frvtm Maw til IMa) . - riTentl'lilliirtelphlMui fellows I , , Ijsistw' tWESTWAUD. PaelfleKjipreMt-... Wew ExpresstL Way lhnvetiiert PliUrtdelpUla. jiip. ra. i-:n a. m, 4.V a. ra. 7KM n. m. A. I tst MaiiiralnvUMUeyf .,.. ATiwi, jiuinT.i.. via Columbia 2 gMitgitni express.. Hanover Aceem.... Fast Line K.M1 a. m. rta Columbia I ll.lf) n. tn. via Columbia Uinti Frederick Accem...,., xiiiiwiicr Aecem.u , Lancaster Aocein.... Harrlshiinr Accenu., lellimhlA AlVNinl. iii4.in.re. Via ML Jey.. x.u p. in, i:Wp. m. 5 'O p. m. 9-W p. m. 7.BP.1 Ilarrtsburv Express.. fUll HL 1 lllW B. I Lancaster A cee...... .KAMTWAltD. Phlla. Eipressf. FastLlnef . Lancaster Aeee llarrlsburg Kx press nncwMcr Aewim lVlll,,nlil A M.n. (VWBw'I Ar.in Arrtt Leave Mncaster, 2.0 a. m. fM a. nt. 6T a. m t:10 a. m. BA a. m. Minn. m. llsr, n, m. USA p. m. Mp,m, ifflp, m. AM p, ra. btl p. ra. M5 1. in. 12.M p. ii. 4Jlsvi Atlanlln Kiiir,.r"'" Hoashere Express...... ThllndelnliU Accem.l Hunday Mall.... ,.,., HarrlsbiirK Accem..J nmi iTaiur Kreilerlck Aeceni.. tTheenly trains which run nany. Oil Hmidfl V Lhn Mall Imin vrejit rnrts hm Columbia - -. ,, 7J J. K. JVf)OP, flencral I'n.wnirer AiuA kSk K. I'UOH. Ueueral Manager. $ CltASA 1 THILADKLPHIA ft HE AOINO llAILROi X .. li, , ncvuinu IAJLUMU1A in VJSlUfT, ;'.. , On and after Hunday, Nev 10, 1(W, . Fer Itendlni; and Intermediate mints, ' days, 7110 a. m., 12.85,3.48 p. m.i Sunday,! Fer Philadelphia, week days, 7J0 a, rn., J p. m.; Htinilays, 8 W n. 111. rornevr Yern via l'liliaaelphla, week 1 i-.tj a. 111., I...H, a.s p, m. m Fer New Yerk via Allcntewn, week ( W:M p. m. Fer Allcntewn, week days, 7M a, m.,WIVTl nwtmmj t eiXM h jii w m Fer Petuvlile, irwlc dey, 7;30n. mfi 8:19 p. MdtJ """"7 .U"PM Fer Lebanon, woeic darn, J Hm I.1BJ a in- i.c:nsa. rlrt - iftlec a p. m, Fei u-,....r cste ..te .' "- ', Fer Ilarridburr, M'wK d,ja, 7.-00 .ia., niiuuHV. bib h. in. ii:.-n il. in. bt'l't tu m. i Hundav. H-Of. n. tn. Fer Quarry ville, wok dayn, D25 i Min n. m. Hmtnttv. ninn fn .,-Y r. .. t r,....U.j, V..W , '"v" TIIAINH FOR LANCAHTER. $?& jfavv imuiiiK wpe uitjii, iVM ii;oea ; vrfu 't in. . nviimnj, ,a;iv. uii i.IVI Us Ills Leae riilladelphla, week dajs, 4.15, lft I ui., .W 1,1. . . . p- . ijcave rew Yerk via l'liliaaelphla, weekd 7: a. m., trw, p. m. iz.n nlil. v. iaeew xeru via Allcntewn, week fiva.m..i.'wp. in. ,v, iA-HteAiiviiNwu, wdck uays, ehw n. m. Leave Pettsvllle, week day, SJ0 a. tru, Iao Iebanen, week days, 7:13 a. m.,,M Leave Ilarrlsburc, week days, eaSa. m.; K, fcHt fa aj - Ave tluarryvllle, week days, e-,tt, lL-4f a.1 8.-00; Bundar, 7:10 a.m. fx atLantie ijity mvtHtnv. ss? Leave Fhlladelplila, Chestnut street ' aim neuui sireei wnarr, ,, Fer Allantla City, week davs. exn tea a. m. and 4-00 p. m.; Accoramedatl 7su a. m. ana su p. m. : tsunaay, Exp y.w a. m.. Accommodation, g.-oe ' a. nu. p.ni. .. . fi iieturninir leave Auantie uty, aepet eon Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Week day Express 7:J0 a. m. and 4 t. m. ,AeM MSyUllAH SJVla SM SHll A Ifl . k " 73 ...vAu.i.viyWiiv..ii. nuu . if. M "nMr Wiri-s M IJ IU AlyVVIUIUVUUllVMi feOV rstsWj and 4-80 p. in, J . if ueiailea lime wines can no obtained at UOWri enirev. ji, A. A. McLKOD. C. U. HANCOCK. Vice Trea. A Ucn'l M'er. Oen'l Vam't AU " LEIIANON A LANUAHTElt JOINT IIAILKOAD. Arrangemenls of Iameniter Trains en mm Hunday. November II). 1MB. . - , NOKT1IWAHU. BO Leave A.m. p.m. P.M. A.M.'r, King ntreet, Lane. 7.1x1 i-ia a vs s.-et Columbia .....-, lS'll -1 Manueim.. 7..ti i.-ju o.eii kwui uerawaii T.tu VM B.J8 KIT s2 Arrive at y, uuuaueu mil ist ww kebi -raa uiiitriiWAiin -,' Iave a. x, r. K. v. u, a. . Ibnnen .7:13 12-no 7:14 TMf- uernwan.... .... 737 ix: 7K Kwrai Hanhelm1. 7:f 1:10 7:M fc J Lancaster SM Vja Ull Arrive ai, t - ' lyOiumeia v:zi sui y King nireei, uine. ee cw or mm. B. M. NEFF. Hupt. ti. It. It. tEettts J.u MAKTIN A CO. 'M OVERSTOCKED 9 -IN- &? LADIES', MISSES' AN! (tit, CHILDREN'S COATS. W ?J On account of the rnkl weatner tnese uarments nav net been selling as rapidlv a tlicy should, and we have let large a stock. , 51 A heavy reduction in th price of every Garment in s(eckJ including all the Latest NeveI3 ties. ijsu DIRECTOIRE NEWMARi KETS, Reduced from is 14.00 te 12.00 ' u $12.00 te $9.75Sf; " " $10.00 te S7.75. Newmarkets with bell sleevesi. angel sleeves, in plaids, stripes and solid colors, reduced frei $17.00 te $15,00 i t a -w-i In in rr i"t'w '" T-.w ,, $12.00 te $ 9.75 $ 8.00 te $ 6.75 $ 6.50 te $ 5.00 y-rk""fc " W WW"'-- W A ilFTfW Nil Mali vlafc IL-4JI M0t,'K lULlS.Iilli lli ALh.HlS.iM ,, Reduced from $8.00 te $7.00 " S&.50te5.50cMl " 6.00 te 4.751 " 5.00 te 4.25 Misses' and Children's Cene- initial, xcwiuairktjLa, man i tursa irifr I flirt T ifrtc,- rMrtirlficS till!., Ill VUV .".J' i.w.w.v.vHj and everyone reduced. T. B. MARTIN & CO.. Cor. West King & Prince Stsl Lancaster, Pa. ' pT""M"iMMf1lTT jdouacfuvuiehiun Ooeb. O ALL ANU BEE A4 THE "41 ROCHESTER LAMP I, Hlxty Candle-Light! IlcaU them alL 'th Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for OasandOst nieris. w, ' TUE'TEnFECTlON" JiJ MEI'ALMOOLDINO and ItUBBEIl CUSJUOiff Weather Strip. ; iii. 11,. u all. ThlsstrlnoutwearsalleUie i.......,,, 11, n reld. Htonaruttllniref wlndewsLi i....Ii,hu. iiiniluat. Ktt'iia out snow and ratsk. Au one can apply It no waste or dirt uiadersvV aniuylniT lu tnnuemivu uiiywuvrv v uuis p te iMire, ready for use. I will net split, warn of IinnV 1 IIHIUUH V1 11 IUW m'V jj Tf 1 tl.emet ueuieruuu ivituge overuui Jehn P. Seaaum & SentV: 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LVNCAtfTKR VA.'t mmn.' tl I I1IITI1 N INSkCTT 11WI A..iiwjM5tf-9,2fs-lsaJi most euecuiHi uituv,,v . .... ... lusccfJ. rorsnie AtMUBIV'S DRUO 8TOML m nw"ijn 1 - t V. . - 'tV HtJ?-. .'l'- geS ZtZtZAfrK-!ti.Z . -V-