i tnltf'1 V n THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1880. - L . XIWi .tf B y? m f r.. 'I 9ttll )sitcUt0euccv , ! ,V fAM JW BTBWM AW FOLTT, Wlten. .. ' K - annun r.4ir i-.i in OMRT CfcAKK, FaMMMr. 2V .'.iM Att,Y lNTLLlOKNCKR.-rnbllhed Jit- ' .1... .... lb. ....-...- C... Fv vinj nuin lav mri duieui unrt ran T'V kfewrim In this city and iurreundlng "! tettM ai ten cenU i wee. By mall nve deb jS. tateftrcarln advance) SOccnUamenth. 7 tj ITMMUjT INTELLIUKNCKR-Onc dollar and SSfi"-? tftjr tenia a year. In advance. .HOTiaETO BOHSCRIIIERS-Rcmlt by check fc tfWfW MrieMce order, and where neither of procured Rend In a registered at Uw .tVmtefllce, ai second class mall W TIB nmiXIOEHCSR, Ijancastcr, Pa UX0AITXK,FA., November 25, 1889. CoMrrmtnUtlew and Hrmiiathr. ?- We extend our conuratiilntiens te the AW jfnnuitcr and our avinnathv te llieir- "Vv - Amfivr anil AVie XVn tmnn tlift nnnelnL. VJ wntfif UTr. nrlnal. na tw-iutiiifiwfnr fif tlin jAvr, town. The weekly Journal lm knocked )$ jft Ita two dailies ns tlic representative q - f ine naminisinmeu-Heimmicnn hch- 'd-ioriearhiolurnctits of the iKislofilce for itself. If the claim or the unity llcntib Itcan organs, that they represent, the popular sentiment of their party in this county, be true, it simply allows that the administration Itepublicnu and tlie popular Republican opinion docs net agree in this part of the country ; which is something that we arc net prepared te deny, being quite outside of cither congregation ; and which we are uel disposed te deny, In view of thcutcndy state of contention ever the spoils of office which troubles the Itepubilcnu party of Lancaster county. It lias net been known te hiive dwelt in unity since the memory of mnii. We are unable, eurwlvcs, nH etUsidci-H engaged In the coiitetuplatleu of the elevation of Majer Oricst te thodlstrllm thedlstrllm thodlstrllm lien of the mall matter of (Ids iKwtefllOe and the reception of the three thousand dollars per annum, mere or 1cm, appro priated te the ploce te we anything thai should be unsatisfactory te the Repub lican portion of this community, whose faithful partisan thu major hrw been during all the years of his life; and we are sure that the Democratic portion of the community, with that geed wuihe and fairness which cluiraelcrlreH their party, will net lucline te condemn (lie new postmaster until he has been tried and found wanting, his Republicanism being the only thlugcondemuable about him that is new en record, and that being a vice common te all the candi dates for the place. We may say, therefore, that Mr. Grlest's appointment is satisfactory te the Democratic people hereabouts. It Is also satisfactory te the Prohibitionists, of whom his journal has been the organ. It te satisfactory, of course, te the Re publican section represented by Con Cen greasman Uresius, who knocked this persimmon down; and te the adherents of Quay who shoved up the eongiw? eengiw? man's pole high enough te reucii thu fruit. The disgruntled element is the anti-Quay force, or which the J-lmmlntr Is the organ, with thu Jfau Km nHu battery of Hying urtlllery this time in conjunction. The inellecHveiiess or the Are of this force and its newspaper butteries, in bringing down the offices, is very apparent, new that the postelllcu has gene with the collccterehlp te the ether side, it leeks as though virtue was te be Its only jrpward during this administration. "And as t'h next one IsTiTbe Democratic, there is every opportunity ell'ercd te show in the future their starving devo tion te their party; that has as its only hope of relief the county eillecs, for which in their hungering extremity their struggles may be expected te Le desperate. Tramps mid Feul Tnnclers. The depredations of tramps in tills county and the story or their eongieKs at Wilkcsbarre and general activity throughout the country ure quite re markable in view or the near approach of winter, the miserable weather for tramping and the general revival or industries giving employment. An An other remarkoble thiug is the readi ness of many of the tramps te "'" IHIIV lUl'.V IlieillSOIVI-4 fini ie oiame ier their misery. The t tramp evil seems te hs growing year by year, and in spile of the rapid growth of hostile public sentiment which makes it mere and mere difileult for them te k'g a living, and makes it impossi ble for an hene$t, thrifty man te travel en feet without being new and then mistaken for a worthless and dangerous "knight of the read." If the tramp evil continues te grew It may become nccchhiiry te adept a na tional and state passport system, se that respectable travelers may net Ihi victims of outrageous injustice similar te that inflicted upon the peer Germans who were arrested near I.ancnster.Kome years age, and summarily consigned te jail for years in deference te popular indig nation against tramps. It will lie remembered that the unfortunate men weroshewu te be iunecent and resiieet able immigrants in search of work, aiid that the disgrace se preyed upon the mind of one that he became Insnne and died In prison. It may Ihj hoped that future measures for the diwniraecment of tramps will net ! marked bv sickening injustice of this borf berf and it is becoming evident that severe treatment by local authorities only drives the tramping crowd mere rapidly from place te placc.and that soine mere general nnd radical plan will have te be adopted. The tramp evil is quite worthy the attention of the state legis latures and they need net await thu solution of the question of cause "Whatever produced him, the tramp is herc,aud must be dealt with sternly, but with care te protect and net punish the occasional harmless feet traveler. Railroad flights lu Cities. Judge Thuycr decides that the Read lug railroad company has mi right te build an elevated railroad across thu streets of Philadelphia without the con sent of the elty ; he seems te euy u,at u mayde se v.-lth suuh consent. He finds thnt the Reading has net been idven iiw. same right te cress and occupy city streets as has been given te the Penn sylvania railroad, by certain social acta rclatlve te that corporation, which were net extended te the Reading; certain ether acts relative c te the Pennsylvania, w'c're extended te f Jle Reading, but they only gave the ,y power te cress reads and ways. The Judge , , kekk that the strict construction f f i. p . laws granting privileges te corporations, ? p b"c l required, forbids const ruing the " uvruss a reau ie include the mlit s (oereM a street, 45'rb Pennsylvania railroad has uet the Htbt.te build elevated railroads alemr Mjjtwjts fu a elty, we understand Mi1Taayr te tmy, becauw the law authorizing railroads ,le elevate their reads requires them te eb'talh the city's consent ; though he Nmw te held that It has, the right te cress city streets ai grade, which the Reading has net, without such consent. "We doubt, however, whether stlch right could le exercised in this condition of crvllixatieu, whatever privilege ancient laws odorous of bribery may give. The Judge hecnis le declare that the law authorizing rail roads le vacate, change or ele vate their reads, with the city's con sent, gives sufllclcnt authorization te n railroad te extend Its read In n clty,wlth the city's consent, without further leg islative authorization ; though this docs net seem te us te be as clear as It might 1)0, and that, perhaps, thu Reading elevated may finally l de clared te need further authoriza tion from the stale as well as the city. Thai It needs at least the city's authorization has seethed te us very clear ; nnd we have net been able te understand hew the learned rpunscl of the rend could ever have sup posed that the law would authorize their corieralloii te occupy nnd cress the city streets without Its license. It only shows hew apt lawyers arc te we the law as they want It te lie. Tke Mentana Mudillr. Tlie situation lu Mentana finds the Democratic governor recognizing aDemo aDeme cratlc I ieusc,and a Bennie evenly divided with a Republican lleuteiiantgovernerln the chair, who Is Incapable of using his casting vote te recognize the Republi can Heuse, by reason of the failure of the Democratic members te appear in the body and give It n quorum. The Republican representatives stay out or the Democratic Heuse and nrguulr one or their own, wltli tlie aid or the mem bers from the Bilvcr Hew district, who hnve thu certificates of the state boa id of cunvasscrs. The Democratic Heuse is organized with the Bilvcr Rew members who have the ceitillcales of the county canvassers. Tlie Democratic iiienilsjrs will net appear in thu .jnnte until the Republican members appear in the Heuse; nnd II does net. appear that theru can be any organization of the legislature until the Republicans sur render their position, os the Democrats have the lawful command of tlie situa tion. It Is a foolish position which the Re publicans hnve taken, te bring about this deadlock. The proper place for deter mining the .Sliver Hew contest Is in tlie Heuse ; and the prima facia right te sca'.s, there Is in these who held the certificates of thu county Ismrd of canvassers. And even though tlie Republicans honestly think otherwbe, it is evident that they cannot maintain tlielr position against an evenly divided Senate, and a Democratic governor holding the contrary ; and that a grace ful yielding te thu force of circum stances lu their wisest course. Tim: copious inlns which liuvu fallen upon llie iiuicadninfacd streetsef llilsctly Imvu cniihed inliilatiire quagmires in many places. Water acts curiously upon tlie alleged stones fieni Eugle's quuiry. Tlie fuvorlte street building ninterlnl of tlie street eoiiiiulttue dissolves In no nlitutien (piltens lendlly ns tlie limestone alter it is (Iniwii from a kiln. Ne wonder tlie ginnd Jury indicts tlie city for niniiiliiliiliig mil-, sauces. , . Mn. M. W. imwuv, erSyr.-UNii, N. A., hii5.pntcuU:vl nu uleelriu rol'rlgerutor, hut AWciifC is rather skeptical as 10 Its practical value, it works en tlie principle lint a current passed In tlie proper direction across tlie Junction of two dissimilar metals cools tlie Joint. Met or the great inventions or recent years hnve resulted from eirerls te use well-known principles like tlili, which sclentiHc men hnve long contemplated as interesting facts without evor dreaming or trying te use them. Whether Mr. Ilewey succeeds or fulls lie is working in thu right way, and many an inventor lias found his forttiue by keeping n sharp lookout along the well beaten paths of science. An Australian lupcr announces thai en (he plains of Northern Australia thore are vast benis of hutlaleus, careering in wild slainiKMles, mid wallowing in shady jhmiIs, buthtruugote say their existence Is almost unknown te Australians who of course will new proceed te exterminate them. The animals are iiinsslvennd heavy, with splendid horns, and all'enl sHrt of a sutll cieutly dangerous nature te possess cliaruis for the most daring huulur, a wounded bulVale belug one of the most dangerous animals known, ills weight, prominent horns, and splendid courage making him as well respected as sought after. The llrst buffaloes were) lauded lu North Australia about lKJi, and a few that escaped Inte the wlUiorness wero the ancestors or tluise wild holds. Kugllsh writers who liave been taunting our government for permit ting tlie extinction of the butfale u 111 new have a eliauce te urge their own govern ment te preserve thu Australian vailety. Tin: tiumps are said tu liae held a con vention at Wilkosburre en Saturday, but accounts or thu gatlieilug indicate that it only happened that Ihlrty-elght "knights of thu ioad"g.ithered for shelter in an old coal bre-iker. Tlie roll of "delegates" Is pub lished and among tliein as J, (.'. Dun Dun nelly, u ee.ich trimmer, of Lancaster. The convention must have been a line bur lesque of uiuie learned and serious bodies, but they gravely discussed the causes and remedies of the tramp ell. Delegates variously answered the question "why am I a tramp," many of them blaming whisky, but mom frankly admitting a strong dislike of work and loudness fur reaming. Hut when ene of the delegates nrose and icuinrked that it must be ac knowledged that the Amcilcau tramp was the outcome of strong drink ami slothful slethful slethful ness he was fmluiisly hissed and lesohi lesehi lesohi tiens were adopted blaming millionaires grasping monopolies and liupiewsl ma chinery. ItwasalRoiesehedtli.it tramps should stand together for their ew u pro tection, A mlnuilty or livede voted that the tramp had only himself te blame for Ids misery. Ai:itONAUT VAN T.VVSKl, I.OsT. He Dreps Inte llie racllli- and h I'l-elm- lily l.utcu by bharks. Prof. Van Tassel, an aoreunul, met a horrible, death lu Honolulu en the K'tli Inst. He nude an ascension en that duv, and en coming Jdewn in his jiararlinte fie fell lu the water and was nover again scen. The occasion wuh the king's birthday. Thore was a grand oelebration, and tfie festivities wero te conclude w ith an ascen sion and leap. Shortly herore 3 o'clock A'nn lassel outcied Ids balloon alone, alter all necessary prestatiens Jiad been niada llie conditions were l.ior.ible furhls land ing en the Island, and when the balloon shot upward hu shouted te Ids brothers that he would land net moie than half u mlle from the starting point. The balloon aBcended steadily te the height en.UUO feet when It was caught by a breeze bleivini? seaward and carried ever the water. The aeronaut evidently saw that he must Inevitably fall Inte tlie water, and these who wero ivntch lug saw that lie was hur riedly making preparations ferthedescent. Suddenly the parachute was let loose and the bag of gas shot up lu the air. Tlie parachute opened ulcely, and the man de scended gracefully Jnte the water about two miles elf shore. That is the last that has been scen of him. Tite steainer Zoa Zea laudia was leaving the harbor id the time, and Ihose ea beard saw Van Taaael in the, water about a mlle distant. Twe beats were Immediately lewered and were seen en the spot were the man was last seen. They could And no trace efhlni. The parachute had sunk In the water from the weight of Its (mine, nnd thrcoer four monster white sharks wnve scen near by swimming about. They fol lowed the beats back te llie steamer. There seems no doubt that the sharks ninde away with Van Tassel. He was n daring swimmer, nnd under ordinary clr clr ctiintutuces could net have reword tofero the beats reached him. Ven Tassel was well known throughout tlie United HUtes, having mnde nmny successful ascensions anil parachute descents. He wasawive of New Yerk, ferty-three years old. .'ii . Tartar Are Imrnnrlcs en llie lectli ; at Ant creamy, then crimty, then rcmovnlile only by the licit tint. It lismfiis llie tfstli, mid makes the gum tenilcr. IKm't permit II teKnthrr; iimiHOZO 1K)NT, and kcep the month clean anil the U-cth he.dtliy. . O ye Keilnnnnds and epicure, wherun riot In revelry, Ie-iiIrIiI, to-tnerniw will liain n frarful eckeiiliiK forieii. Arm yeurnelvciiwUli lxa lxa iler, tliolurulllblerPRtilnter of the liumnii sy lem, anil you will net "reckon without your hexu" reepte. learn wlwlem by exposure. A mn tidier wakes up his second hiiby le sec It laticli but nhrny kce Dr. Itiill' Ilnhy Hyrup tinnily, Jehn Smith Is the hnpplest man that I knew, lluluaxu'lhu blue, iheugli, net three months nce? "My wife's rtuinhiK down Just ns (list as she enn, Anil the doctors can't help her," nml then tills PMr mnii AlmoaterleilaKhnlheiiKhlof thcHHir, RiilTrliiK wife Whesvcmcil te ls lehi(t her held iien life. "Hmllh, I knew Just hew you feel," snhl n friend te ivlietu he told his sad story. "My wife, was troubled precisely ns yours l. I don't litstuiiderstiind It, hecnuse I'm net a woman, hut her hack pained her, mid shecetii)hilinsl of ctralnK-.lnHii fis'llngs, nnd a pencral wenk nrsM, nnd I knew Hint she had some of Ihose cl Inclines women Hrcnulijcct te. nnd had 'em hnd lis). I rend nheiit Dr. Pierre's Kiivnrlle l're l're fcrlpllen onedny, mid llie first tlnint wn nt IhedriiKslore I hetinlit n hettln of It nnd tisik home le her. It worked wonders. Inn short tlliii'fttinhnldshu felt like nnethcr wemiin, nnd slis tipcnii te hope Hint there was relief for her nriernll. Win kept en Inking the medldnefer n time, nnd new he's well Oct u bottle, of the ' Prescription ' nnd try It en your wife." " I will," Mild Hmllh. And he did, nnd It cured her nnd that's why he's se happy te-dny. .M.'l'u&w iUattamithcr'e. I'uil.AliRLrilM, Monday, Nev, 23, 1W.I. Black Dress Goods. Sharp price-cut in staple stufis. Many of them among our most desirable fabrics. Be sides these named there are single pieces and small lets at littler prices proportionally. Plain weaves : All-wool Caim 1 llnlr laiurli, 75c from l. llMneh.fl from SUA All-wool Whlpenrd Diagonal IO-lncli,Tjn from (I. IS-liich,!12.'freiu175. Hllk-und-woel Koule 10-lricli, 7ei from "i"). IJ-lnch, tl Si from Vi. Hllli-nnd'WiKil Dmpd'Alinii 42-lnrli, JlWlfremS. Hllk-mid-uoel Crcisi Cleth 4'MihIi,S1 frnmtire. IMiicli.SI WrremS-.'W. Fancy weaves : AII-wiMil Armurn HlrlH's 7.Fc from tl. All-wool .Satin Hlrlpe Cord 7.H!lreiii tl ',. All-wiKil MnhnlrC'iirl 5ifreiii tl. Melialr HtrlH3 Camel llnlr 750 from tl. HIIU Cinlirelilereil Cnshmere 75a from tl. 81 rrein r.'. All-wisd Un)oDeiilile tl from jr. AIL 'ivii.l MeMalrHlrlive- ti irem ei ij. All-ue.il Mehnlr I'lnhl JllremtlW, All-wool Hallu-.trlpedMs''rellcnux SI V.eOIVvi Nertlinestiifrfntrt'. The sensational Dress Goods bargain of the season Printed Weel Flannels, 27 incites wide, 50 styles, iSc a yard. Before Saturday the price was 37 c. Anether surprise fS-incli Alltvoel Tricot and German Silk-mixed Plaid, j'yic Reg ular 50c goods. Dress Robes at fragment prices $6 te $40 that have been $10 te 58. Only pointers there are scores behind every yard and every pattern. Southwell and sniithenst of centre. Overcoats of Carr's milled Melten, $37.50. tip-top of quality and treble The style. Other sorts down te $8.50, Men snits and Beys' SntTs just as price-attractive. Market street side. Of course there's a bustling in the Carpet Stere. There must be with 52.25 Axminsters at $1.65, 2.25 Wiltens at 5 1.70, S5C Tapestries at 75c, And Smyrna Rug Carpets a quarter off in price. rVeeiid Meer, .Market slreel side, 1'eiir ele vators, Jehn Wanamaker. eSleitv. "J KVAN A KON'.S. Levan's Fleur! Uniform and Reliable. r wish TO KMPI.OV A l'KW liAIUlXON le tnke charge of mv IimkIiici.m nt L wilary le im-ir iieme. i.igm. very mhcluntlng nml henlthrul. Wugci. 10 iht week. Hefcreiice Klieu, Uoed imy for iiarl time. Address with lump, MILS. MAltiUN WAI.KKIt, neM-liudM.W.l' Louisville, Ky. jVknuy q.7, ' FURNITURE STORE, Ims removed te 138 Dint King street, having a full line of Furniture of every description nt llie lowest prices, ,Y1m Underlaklng promptly ut tended 10. Call und exnmlun our ctHxls. aS-tfdU II. WUI.K. m fc'ast King Htreet A HKUW. Fall, 1889. Make it thu ineuey-savlug tlmoef thejear, und this Hie place te save It by getUng the best material und most ttyllsh Suitings, Treuserings and Overceatings FOR THU hKASTMONKV. Yeu knew the reputation always reliable. Prices are lower thun ever, styles handsomer, quality finer. Te llioee who have dealt here the gitruHmta srssik for themsclxes. All that lukcd Is a trlnl te please you, und ansuroyeu jicrfect satUfuctlen. NOS.23 AND2W WIST KINO STItEET. Hlhiwil H OOD'H EiAMAFAHILf.A. ISTliatvXtt Calarrh Ii an Inflammation of the maeana membrane, and may affect the bend, threat, stomach, bowels or bladder. Hut catarrh of the head Is the most common, often routing en he gradually that It tins a firm held before the na ture of the trouble Is stnKctcd. Catarrh Is caused by n cold, or siicccsilen of colds, com bined with Impure bleed. Its local symptoms arc fullness nnd bent In the forehead, dryness In the new) nnd back part of tlie threat, nmln dlsagrcenbla discharge from the nose. When the dlscasa gains a firm held nnd bcceinM chronic, Ills Very Dangerous being Unfile te develop Inte consumption. The eyes trccema lnflsmel nnd red, there Is throb bing In the temples, ringing noises hi the ears, headache, capricious appetite, nnd sometimes less of sense, of smell nnd hearing. Heed's Bar sapnrllla Is the remedy rer this ever Increasing mnlndy, It nttnrks nl once the source rT the. disease by purifying nnd enriching the bleed, which, as It reaches the delicate pnssnges of the mucous membrane seethes nnd rebuilds thn tissues, giving them tendency te health Instead of disease, and ultimately curing thu nOcctlen. Beld by nil druggists. II j six for IS. prepared only by C I. HOOD A CO., IOivell, Mass. 100 1KWIM ON K DOU.AIt. Carvct "T AlttlAINH t Shirk's 00 - KOIV Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. Wl H AVK TIIK LA BO EST AUD IIBBT BTOCK IK TH CITT. H. S..SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. litcMcrtl. "lAKTEH'S LI1TLK l.IVKIl 1'ILL.I. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Kick Hcndnchnmid relieve all the tumbles Inci dent te u bilious slnle of the system, such ns Dizrlnrss, Nausea, Drew'slnesx, Dlxlress nftcr KalliiK, I'ulu lu the Hide. .( c. While their most remarkable success has been shown lu curing sick: Headache, yet CAHTKH'H LITTLE LIVER PILLS ure equally valunlile In Constipation, curing nnd preventing this nnuevliig com plaint, ulillu they nlse leneet nil ilisiirdcrsef tliOKtemaeh, Rilinulate tlie liver anil regulnte thu beiicls. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te Hiefu who stiller from this dliilrevilmr complaint; but ferlunately their goodness cUhs net end lien1, vnd theso who ence try them will llnd these. 1 1 1 tie pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them, lint after all nick head - ACHE Istholmnnef se miiiiy lives thai here Is whrie we make our great beast. Our pills cure It wlille ethers de net.; CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PI L1.S nre very small nnd very e.iy le take. One or twepillN malic a done. They are strictly vegetable and donelgrlpo or purge, but by their gontle no tion pleaseall who use, them. In vlnlantcts; flve ler tl. Held every where or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORIC. Small Fill. Small Dose. Small Price. nugi: lydced V "" iNnEVEL()I'r.l PARTS Of thu Human IIimIj" Enlarged, Developed, Htrt-'nKthcncd.clc., Is uu lutcrextlng ndverilso ndverilse ndverilso ment long run lu our paHT. In icplv te In ciilrlesw will say Hint there is no evidence of humbug about this. On thu contrary, thu ad vertisers nre very highly indorsed. lntcn"Ucd persons limy get seami circular giving nil par ticulars, by wrlllng le the ERIE MEDICAL CO., Q ttwnn HI., llullale, N fkitlu Tv fjl-fvd.l jiec. Hw (Javut itvc. t;jFardvareT HARDWAREI The Largest Assortment of Steves, Ranges, Heaters, L Aertmen Ranges, Cook AND PARLOR STOVES IN THE CITY, AT Marshall & Eengier's, 0 it II HOUTH QUEEN fcT. Alse, an Immense Hteelt of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OIJNS AND CUTI.KltY, CARI'ENTERH TOOLS AND IIUILDINU HARDWARE REST MEADLIOHT OIL INTHE MARKI7T. Marshall"! rengier, HOH. I) A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. febS-lvd JU'ittietvit. -ENT.LROOMrl. R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. OUAHUATK IN DKNTISTIIV ANI AN.V.STIIKTICK. Olllcnand Residence, SOUTH EAfeT COR. ORANOE AND NORTH QUEEN rtTHKinV. l'reinpt Atlentlen. Charges Reasonable, All Werk Wiirrnnteil. Ilemts-S 11. 111. te 8 p. in. Week Days. sc(M!mdAw yENTI8TRY. " 20 Years Practice lu One Oillce." J. B. McCASKEY, NO. 1 1 EAST KINO HTHKKT, Over Klet National Rank. Dentistry In all It hruuehcx. OaMidmlnislcrtHl. Teeth extruclcd absolutely without pain. All work warranted. ul4iiiidM,H.Vw iHiotenvrtpJin. ROTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made esieclnlly for IUn.t and Three-tiunricr Leiigth l'hotegniphs. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Vostefrlce, Jan7-fimd -VrOTiCK Te TIIKSl'AKSKHH AND OUN .1 NKRS. All iXTseusnra hereby forbid Jen te trcupufcs 011 uny of the lands of the Cornwall .aidSiecdwt)letatesln Ilianen or Lancaster ueunucs, whether Inclesed or uiiIucIemsI, cither for tlie pnriMfcu of nhoetlng or fishing, ns the win uu rigiaiy euierceu. nguiusi uu ires, lug en said lauds of the undersigned arte WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN It. I'l.HUl AI.UtJM, EDW.O. FREEMAN, Attorney for U. W. Celeuuui' lielrs. Catarrh Fer several yea'i I hay been IreuMed with ii ireubled with Hiat terribly dlsagraaabla dlwa catarrh. I took Heed's Hamiparllla With the very best re sults. Itcuml meef that continual dropping In my threat, and stnffed-up.iatlliig. It has nlse hells d my mother, who has taken It for ten down stale of health and kidney trouble. I recommend Heed's Barsanrllla te all as a geed medicine." Mrs. H. D. Heath, I'utnsin, Conn. " This certifies that I was cured of a bad case or catarrh by Heed's Harsapnrllln two years age." Wm. If. N6rm, East Jeffersen, Me. Fem&ne&tOoed I have suffered with caUrrh In my head for yen rs, and paid out hundreds of dollars for med icines, but have heretofore received only tem porary relief. Heed's Rarsanarllln helped me se much thnt my catarrh' Is nearly cured, the weakness of my body Is all gone.myappetlte Is geed In fact, I feel like nnethcr person. Heed's Hnrsaparllln Is thn best medicine I have ever taken, and the only ene that tins done irle per per per mnnenlgoed." illis. A. CUMninilAM, Provi dence, It, I. Held by all druggists, f 1 ; six for 15. Prepared only by a I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 DOHKH ONK DOLLAR &L T AKQAINB I Carpet Hall ! PrU O5o0be V-KIV YORK STORE. Dress Goods, Dress Goods. Watt Sc Shand Oiler Te-Day nnd Next Wck some of Qrcatcst llargulns Ever Shown In New Seasonable Dress Goods. Hem Is u Fine Heavy-Weight ALL-WOOL KUITINO, lu All Celers nnd Ureyund Ilrewn Mixtures, 40 Inches wide, at 37Jc n j nrd ; nui er sold lieferc for less than MV. ALI-WOOL FLANNEL SU1TINO, Superior Qunllty, All Celers, yard mid n-half wide, Men yard. CASHMERE HENRIETTAS, Inches wide, ntirfjjenynrd. A Full Line of Celers hi our Popular ALL WOOL HENRIETTAS, 40 Inches wide, 00c n yard ; no lieltcr sold for fl.10. COMBINATION DRESS GOODS, Fifty New Styles In Our Elegant Ombre Stripes and Plaids, All-Weel. 40 Inches Wide, ONLY BO CENTS A YARD. Best Value te be bad for the Meney, AT THE New Yerk Stere. 0,8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. ittueic. 3 ONTMIS3 IT I RARE BARGAINS. A (Irani! DUplnv of the Ment Popular nnd Meet Reliable Pianos and Organs Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., All should examine them, for sooner or later you will want one, and ene that will give you sutUfuctlen. We positively guarantee satisfac tion In every particular for six yearn, and sell en the cuslcRt terms live dollars n month. Think eflt from ene totweyenrsto pay for III Kimv juiirHUf tveu., Ikr. ei ilr.,i in.,., u. t ... . ' lllllll JOII.MiU.I .vtu,, II West King St,, Ijincnstcr, Ii. d-IIaud Plaues und Organs taken uiHydAw P.S.-Seceiia lu Exchange. (garycte. -VNE PRICE! ONE llUSINIiSK I SHAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 EAST ORANGE ST. CARPETS ! ALL GRADE! CHOICE PATl'ERNH 1 nTTRTATNR ..'.' J'alerlall All --. .. . ,,V Clnds I Popular Price I BUGS! UEAUTIFUL! CHEAP! ART SQUARES ! LARGE ASSORTMENT! Oil Cleths ! Lineleums ! And Every thing Kept In n Flrtt-Clnss Carpgt Heuse. miy'.IHyd Jlmlivcllrte. TTMIIRELLA HEADQUARTERS. It U time for nil who contemplate making presents te their friends nt the Joyous Christ mas season te ls putllngoiiTHEIRTHINK putllngeiiTHEIRTHINK INU CAISand making out their lUt of wants; for there are but four weeks lu which teget every thing In shiis. Whin nt this pleasant likt-iuuklng bear In mind "that Iheru can hfl no mere acecptalile preM'nt thought of than A Nice Umbrella. Such a gift U w Ithln the reach of nil, for they can be bad nt any nnd all price. Our line Is large and varied mid our prices Ien est te Ih had anywhere. Come sec whnt we haw te eiler j en. YOURS FOR UMBRELLAS, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 11 EAST KJSU &T1IKET. eMaid ''WtitnH0r. f AROAllfM. V ? ' XrflSlT STACKHOUSE'S ThisVeek feh ma bargains in Beets &Shoes. A Full Line of Ilia Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The Best Beel Made. Call and cee them. D P. STACKH0USE. Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCA8TER, PA. H ERE.JN ACCORD WITH PROMISE I VERY CHEAP SHOES! Fer Ladles' nnd Mlhws' wear. In &nulc, ninku ntul llnish, even up te our est expectation, uye', even better. The maker liiw hurried tlicmen : the prom prem ise made n day or tWtt tee tri "describe them can be kept. Stylish' ni?d attrac tive In appearance, well mail (rimmed, and llnlHlied. mid the' inatcnal i.n them decidedly belter thuii that In any make of shoes Beld in Lancaster at similar prices. The MIwch Short hnve Pebble Grain and Kid Upjicru, Htrenrrly stltch6d and fitted, well lined ; Milid leather Inner and outer Heles j heels neatly made sole leivthericeuuturs te ,glvei strength te nnd preserve the heel shape Nicely iin ishcil. drcsJsy, and duraule. Sires 11 te Jl. The price la very low, and is sure te brinp buyers this way $1.00 per pair. Within a fertnighl we shall Imve the same grade at same prices in spring heel shoes for Misses' wear. The Ladles' Shoes are marked te sell at $1.00, have Imitation Bright Pebble Geat Upjiere, clean, smooth und stylish looking. The cheapest shoes in town. Anether line at $1.25. Seft Gleve Grain Shoes te cover the corn thnt istiugs or the bunion that aches. Very easry nnd comfortable en the feet. Solid leather throughout, shapely and service; able. Bright Dongeln Kid Butten Shoes, stylish nnd attractive in appearance, at f 1.25, and real handsome looking shapes in a belter grade, of Dollgela Leather, opera tee styles, at $1.50. Ladies wishing footwear cemb'inlpg style and durability with economy lu expenditure, should net full te bee these. They're bargains, indeed. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter. Pa. i..il. -auLMjacr: itV0. - F URS. Christmas Gifts IN Choice Furs -AT- AMER'S, Ne. 39 West King Street. A Full Line of BcnUkln Ceahflind Jackets, ull sl.es und lengths. Shoulder Clipes lu Genuine Seal, Persian Lamb, AKlrnchnn, Menkey, Jienver, Otter, Ceney nnd Hare. Mulls of ull kinds rrein Due up. Sealskin Garments carefully lnude te measure. Satisfaction guaranteed. e'Jd-Siud y OOK UP YOUR PIH-SENTH EARLY'. LAItaU UIHPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS! A NVOItDTOLAUlICSI He very careful In selecting your FUR8. Don't allow yourself te be Inlien lu by shoddy goods und shoddy prices. They won't wenr und jeu will be sorry ll-?-mi piirchahn thein. (1001) (1UAI.ITS AND RKAHONAHLE PRICI.Sgu baud In hand wllh us, und we will guarantee st le, durability nnd Ml. Our sleck comprises LADIIX' 8EALCOATH, FI NK UAPIvS, M UFF8, 1IO.VM and FUR TRIM- H liSiJ'. YOUXO MUX, A'PTKNTION! A nice, stylish HAT of coedouulitvnt n fair rice Is u hat en urn liniklng for. Think of II. . tlncDRIiss FURSTIFF HAT ferSlOO: nn cctni flncoue ene for 82 GO. We giiurauteothee Hats te he ns geed any Hats jeu ever bought for S2 und S-l. HATH of cery description for young nnd old. SIKS'H FINE FIIRH, R011IX, CILOVES, TRUNKS ANDTRAVELINU I1AUS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, I.ANCASTKR. PA. ev tnU ev t"uut. JDUIIL1C SALL HI- A NEAT HOTEL j. iTojieriy. O.N Tl'UllAt ,.Nu I'.MIIIMI 2l), 1SS0, Mill he sold nt public sale, nt the leopard hnltl, East ICIngstris.-t. Iinciister city, Pn thaTno thaTne thaTno hter) Ilrlck Hetel nnd llrlck ami Frame Hack building, Ne. udii Rockland street. Let It) by 200 feet, nnd extends te u ten feet wide alley. This Is n licensed house nnd has been doing n geed business Ter tueruthaii tent.-lle c.irs. This Is u raru opportunity le engage In thn saloon business wllh rumpnrnthcly llttle ex pense. Sale te connuence nt 7:30 o'clock p. in., en Tuesday, November 2(1, when terms will be Hindu known by ANNA M. KUHLMAN. Juki. U H.umsj, Auct. n22-ltd CECUREATlOMP. FOR YOUirFAMILYT Secure a Heme for Your Family. VOU SAIiE ON THE MOST MUKKAh TEH.MS. Twe-story brick duelling houses, let 120 leeieeep, en uincnsicr iiNcuue, eclween Wul nutuud lA'iueilstieets. Twivstery brick dwelling house with man- snru roei, percur in ireui, ion niiwi eeep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick duelling houses with front yards. Iren fences, let loll feet deep, en West Wnlnut, between Mnry mid Pine sercets. Two-ktery brick duelling houses, lets Hi fis?t deep, en W est !cmen strtxd, bvtu ecu Charlette uud Mnry streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, luls rdfi-cl deep, with nil the mixleru Inipruumentji, front jnrds, en West Chestnut street, bctu ecu Pine uud Nevlnstieets, Abe houwsen liist Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and U-men, nnil Union, between .Mary nnd Pine streets. All thonbeio beuse am In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In nil thu rooms, wnter lu the kitchen, nnd the cellurs warrnulcd te be dry. Cull and see for yourself, no trouble- te show you. J.NO. F. HIKL,1 ,..,, JACOliaillKL, l-"cuters. aprte-lyd.M.W.S. 320 North Mary Street. ttormue. -- UTUER B. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Hccend Fleer Kshleuiau Law Bulldliig, Ne. U North Uuku utrccL uprSS-lyddrw ii Ctethitig T ?PAN8MAN BRO. -4 BAH0A1N8 EXTrtAOIlDINAttY FOB niuvXTKM IIAYr. n".' SiSPlSMr "" "" te ta px""cU' MENH.UOYB' AND CHILDREN'S Overcoats and suK Olir ItnmntlaA tttw.lr nfrindiln. ..ImI. move, and nt once tee, at lhc'lgget crtl Ilclew wc quote only a few of our ruU for I HIV. Men' Overcoat at tl 1r i worth ft. Men' Overcoat nl KM; worth W. Men' OvemmU nt tl worm si" Men's OvercuatA, Chlnchllln, at W75( wrl Men' Overcoat, Klne Heaver, SIM: Men' Oyercent at r, W, 18 and 110. Wd uuy iioiiiue me money. lk)V' Overcoat nl ililn. f I -. f I M 1 I WhelcRnle manufacturers ask 00 per cent, i Men' Hulls nt K ! worth J5. Men' Hul Untrti'i; worth l. Me.i' Hull nt U fiO ! worth til. Men' Hull at te: worth tilt. Men Hull nt7 00 1 worth K2. Men'uHultnnt 80; worth t27. Men' Hull nt 11023; worth K0. CIllldren'M Innt nt.Orfa Men' 1'nnU nt MV-. Kie. T.V. il. tl M. M. M f Be your purse deep or shallow our ateck al iiiu-resi you. nvery priee i nere ana I value they represent nre heiunt. I Nethlnc here pretend te Ims what It la I nnreu noKiicu-wernornuction irasn, OUH uur own Jjuucnsicr ninKC. L. Gansman & Br Tailor nnd Manufacturer of Men', Bey' I r'hllflr.Ml'a I ?lnf hlntr lPvfltfatvA I I and IS N0ETH QUSXM ST., .W.COElTEROPOBAHaB. LaNCASTBB.1 49-Net connected with any ether CleU Heuse In the clLv. -lle cautious nnd make no mistake ei you get te the right place. VTYKKS A KATHFON. ALWAYS RELIABLI Every man who buy Clothing ought te knew by this time that enr's I nlwnys "RELIABLE." There' noqncslleiitn:;, no reeling of doubt en the part of our custo mers when they nre nbeut te pur chase. If they bnve been wlde awnke they won't hesitate. Then, tee, you're dealing with the Manufacturer direct. There' uuadvniitugc. He knows, what he enn premise lu value ; he knows .whnt he 1 glvlug you In workmanship. He's the man, tee, that ha bought his goods from first hand and don't exix-ct you te pay mere than one pmlll. Prices Lew Myers & Rathvei RELIABLE OLOTHIEAS, NO. 17 EAST KING STRE LANOASTEH, PA. Tl I1WH it RUOTUEK. WE ARE AHEAD OFTHECOLU WAVE WANT TO PREPARE "YOU " FOR IT. Men's, Beys' and Children's Heavy Weight Suit! AND Overcoats. Men's Overcoats. Extrnnu.ilHIes, Ijiucasterninde,well trimniBP nml il.iiuli.ul e .,) i en i.. ... .,.,-.t.n. ..,..... 1IOIIL. ., - " . ff-V. 1,, JtCatVI. V.flllll.lJlil! las, Cusslmeres, Meltons, Kersevs, MentngnnSn nnd Fur Heavers. The tame In Rey's, sizes 13 B I 19, ? Il 91. Men's Suits. l,t nitLlniiinm tfp.. .,.! .,. n .. I ... .. .. screws, Wlile Wales and Hairlines. In Curl w.ns, HiieKHer lTlnce Albert Ceals. Our ev well-known make, CI te SJ0 u Hull. Hainei neys, sires ill te 18, f2 5 te J12. Children's Suits. " Sizes I te II, 81 te $S, In Pleated und Hclb Coats, hnudsemcly muue. It Is n pleasure show them, Children's Overcoats. Hires a te I, SI le J9, lu Cupe mid Norfolk Ovd cutis, llie most stxlish deslg gus. Oe net fal te hce them Children's WnUts in Flannel and Percale. We sell the Famous "MONOGRAM WAISTS. .UNDERWEAR In Red, Wlille and Grey, 20 .., u3C, 1HC, iAK, OC, ?l, 91 UU IO 3- CUCI1. NECKWEAR, extraordinary fine quitlltlc nl .ue nuu ix. HOSIERY, Cotten or Weel, from 5c a pa ie aw. HHIRTS, Flannel, White or rcreale. An E leirniit Line of DRESS OLOVKH If Lined or Unllncd Kids, with or without Fituj lops, aise in jiuck, enecp, wool nnajcrseyi S-Step In and Inspect our stock. ' si ONE-l'BIGK CLOTHING AND FUKNISUINQ HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square I.AXP.4RTEB. TJl .n'l ituiu: JL'ICi: OF THE ORAPH. pril I purl,. A. The led uud white Mines which chased en tlie sjvet where, made. .Y.I .1... til. I nci J 111 Germany. Just the thing for the holidays.' fenu in your erutrs. i guarantee it pure ana HIRSH&BROTHER geed medicine for enfeebled constitution. ln)l I'irrER neitsiiEisiER. Illrd-ln-llanil, Lancaster Cii., la, Will cnll nt your heueu If 3 en send 1110 a 1 tnl. Orderi. may be left ut the Lancaster Count Heuse. Ull-liad ins eca ?AI i'J. . 'Jhrk. , ... ..-t- ... h SPJsjrsi"y?j"; .:r.vi" r- k ,ik & &&: J34ai?Wa' 'lf -, z'A$&&l&&k '. . -n r iTSd-'t . S-J' I-. v...iis V 1