Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 25, 1889, Image 1

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Volume xxvi no.
'Three Men Eater the Distillery of Jaeeb
F.i$hacfTBr,aHdAfterrnlaK a Black-
Jack Upen the Distiller steal S0.
The eastern section of the city seems te
be a favorite stamping ground for tramps
and ether"- hard characters at present.
Around the rescr coir and along Eist Kir g
Orange and otberVreets, tough looking In
dividuals, net only strangers but men who
live here, can frequently be scen standing
about In bunches The reason given Ter
this Is thct the tramps naturally gather
around the neighborhood of the almshouse
nnd they are daily being discharged from
the tall.
Thpre has been considerable thievlnglu
the Enst Eud and ene of the persons who
has suffered te a considerable extent la
Jacob F. Shacffer, who has a distillery nnd
liquor stere en the south side of East King
street at the corner of Franklin. Several
utiles Air. Shacffer's distillery has been
cnwriii auu Touuea or money anil liquors,
but only once was he able te catch the
thief, lie proved te be a Lancaster man
and he trot a aoed term in Jail sema1' titne
age. On Saturday evening the place was
. again robbed and the affair was one of the
boldest nnd most desperate outrages of the
kind tint has been per pet rated In this city
for Heme time. Abraham lireillgan. an
old man. who lives en Ann street, is Mr.
Shaetfers distiller, and he hiiMRnln rhnrini
of the distillery and liquor store, where he
remains nil day. On Saturday evening
aueui u e cieck ne was getting ready te go
.- .. . v ... r .
home aad hud lust locked the deer of
store en the Inslde when he saw tlirenuh
the window three men walklug up and
down the pavement in Trout. Finally
they canto, te the u Indew and he nsked
thorn irthey wanted anything. One said
that they desired te pun-huse seme whisky.
Mr. ltrcltigau epened the deer nnd admit
ted the trio. He went beck te the rear of
the stere te draw the liquor, which they had
bargained for, from a barrel. One of the
men followed him and the ethors steed in
the front part of the store. Urcltigan
steeped te draw the liquor from the barrel,
and while he was in that position the man
who had geno back with him struck him a
ternble blew en the back of the head with
a billy or seme ollier weaKn, and as
be was falling struck him abeve
the right oye, cutting It badly. Mr.
Bieitigan fell heavily te the Meer, and In
se doing scrutched his terribly. He
was unconscious for a short lime, and when
he recovered the men had lied. He get his
pistol and started out In search of thorn,
but without success, as they had disap
peared. He examined the stere and found
that the thieves had robbed the money
draw er of between 815 and S20. They took
with them the sllde which was Inside el
the drawer and held the money. Hud they
been earlier they would have secured mere,
as Mr. Urcltigan had taken $37.50 from t he
drawer and placed It In his pocket. The
thloves evidently did net think of examin
ing his clothing, as he lay en the fleer, but
wcre in liaste te get away with what they
had secured from the drawer.
The thieves were seen lurking nbeut the
distillery for seme tiine bcfoie they at
tacked the distiller. They walked up
Frunklln street, coming from the diroctieu
of the Concstega. Alter cemmltlng the
robbery they were seen rnnniugaway from
the distillery by several boys who saw ene
of them with pait of the motiey drawer.
They ran down Franklin strent, between
the reservoir and prison, towards Orange
street, and were seen out ofslght.The iteys
suspected something was wrong and upon
going into the liquor stere found ut.
Mr. IJreitigan was covered with bleed
which was flowing from cuts en his head
inade by the blllv, and ene of his oyes was
almost swelled shut. He was taken home,
where his wounds wero dressed.
Mr. Shadier was notified of the robbery
nnd he went te the-statien heuM and told
the police. Sergeant Hartley and Ofllccrs
Stormfeltz. Heiss and Samson went In
search of the men, but could net llnd them.
"Mr. ISreltljian said ene was a stout, el
built man, about 5 feet !) inches high, aid
had uii whiskers or moustache. The ethers
w cre smaller men and the ene that struck
him hnd a very small face. The ollleers
wero given as geed a description of tliu
men as Urcltigan was able, 'and they kept
en the lookout all of Saturday night.
Ou Sunday morning Mr. Urcltigun saw
a man passing his house who he
thought was ene of the party who
had attacked lilm. He was a young
man and when he looked at llreitigtin he
laughed. The old man uotilied Constable
l'rice. who locked the fellow up and Mr.
Breitigan positively identified him ns ene
of the party who had been at the distillery.
The man gave ids nameus Jehn Uolnier,
and he had two companions with him just
before his arrest. When they saw him
s taken they disappeared. Helmcr is a
Ktrimger and leeks something like a tramp.
After this arrest Constables JukeSlmub,
Prlce unrTotheis begun arresting every
tramp that they tame across mid
by Sunday eveuiiig they had the big cells
et the station liouse almost full. They
wcre caught en the oahteru outskirts of the
city towards the Couestoga rallreul bridge.
Mr. lircltlgnn took a leek at all of them,
but was unable te Identify anyone but
Hehner. no was pesitive in regard te
him. Twe men who answered the descrip
tion of the ether pair of thieves are said te
have bearded a freight train at 51111 creek
and goneeast en Sunday.
Mr. Schacflcr made complaint before
Alderman Dcen against three unknown
men, charing them with larceny, and ene
with assault and battery uud carrying con
cealed wenjHins. The men who were ar
rested yesterday, In addition te Jehn
Helmcr, gan their names as: James. Mcv
Gee, Samuel Watsen, Jacob (Illmerc, James
Olc.isen, diaries Edwards, ltichard Carrell
nnd James Conners. The majority of
these-awere captured by Olllccrs Dcen
and Crawford who followed home
of thorn all the way te Wltiners
Station. They handed all ever te the
constables, and Aldcimun Deen committed
them for a hearing. It may be that one or
two of thorn wcre at the distillery nnd as
sisted in the larcay. l'orsens who saw the
men hanging around the distillery ou
Suturdny will takga leek at the let held
by Alderman Dcen w lien thcre Is a hear
ing. In the mxaptime all Iho ovldenco
obtainable will be received. It Is said that
ene of these who attacked Ilreltcgan hnd
ou light pantaloons, which he afterwards
changed, as is supposed, se he could net be
Identitled. The olllcers have a pair of
light antaloens, which they found In
possession of ene of the bums.
Twe lle.vs Who Stelo l'ref. Gleasea'd
Property Arrested Everything
The young rascals who robbed Prof.
Clloaseti and his men at the King street
rink have been discovered. Their guilt
has been established beyond a doubt, and
they stand a flne cliancu of going te jail or
spending some tiiue in the reformatory
school. On Saturday Neclal Ollieer Gill,
nfter arresting four boys, procured n search
warrant. He went te the house wliore
Jehn Morrlssey, ene of the iieye, lived en
Seuth 1'riiice street. He made thorough
search and found n pair of pantaloons
nnd the re elver that had been stolen from
the rluk. After llmllng these he took
them te the station heuse and Mie)vcd thorn
te Morrlssey. The young fellow weak
ened at ouce and confessodto overy thing.
He said thatlie nnd Jehn J. I.ulz hud com
niitted the theft nlone, nnd that the ether
boys under arrest wcie innocent of every
thing. He Kild that I.nU had the
remainder of the stolen property. 4. ill
took out a search warrant for I.utr.'s
heuse ou Maner street. Ukii making the
search he found l'ref. Uleawn's rille, the
clothing nnd In fact everything oho that
was stolen that Merrlssey did net hive.
The boys will have a hearing en Tuesday
evwUug-hcfure Alderman HrrMiey, and
oue of l'ref. Uleuseu's men has remained
ever te prosectito them. They Consider
themselves very fortunate In recovering
all of their goods. It is likely that I.utA
nnd Merrisey will be the only enes held
en the charges.
Thieves Erlchtencd Otr.
On Saturday miming early thieves at
tempted te rob the house of William Win-
wer, who resides of Ne. 814 North Mul
berry street. They forced open the front
deer and although there is no doubt that
they entered nothing was stolen. A let of
bunted matches were fcraad en the He r la
tue morning and the deer waa standing
wlde open when the family anwe. Wei Wei
llngten Rhodes Urea nest deer te Mr,
VVlnewer and keeps several dogs- During
the night they made se muck noise thai
Mr. Rhodes was obliged" te go down and
quiet them. It Is believed that they fright
ened off the thieves.
Jamea Ijrneh Arrested The Evidence
fointtnxte Ilia emit.
James Lynch, colored, was arrested en
Saturday evening by Chief Smelts and'
Ofllccrs Crawford and Deen en a warrant
issued by Alderman Deen. He is charged
with the felonious entry of the coffee roast
ing establishment of Mrs. Clara It. King,
en East Mifflin street near Lime.
This place waa entered twioe in aa many
weeks. The flrst time a pair of gum beets
and seme wasted coflbe were stelen, and
the second, Wednesday night, about thirty
pounds of ceffee wero taken. The entrance
ou last Wednesday night was efTocted by
climbing te a shed in the yard and open epen
inir the window en the second fleer.
Clese te the shed waa a, bed of mortar,
which the tiller did net notlee 'and he
.stepped Inte It, leaving the imprint of a
gum beet. Suspicion was directed against
Lynch, who works at the Lechnr stables
en the opposite side of the alley, and a
search warrant was taken out.
The efllccrs found In the stable where
Lynch is employed a gum beet with mor mer
ter en it. This beet had a peculiar heel
and the imprint In the mortar bears the
same imprint as the beet found in Lynch' s
The gum beets which the officers found
at Lynch'i, it is said, are claimed by an
empleye of Mrs. King as the enes stolen
when the first theft was commited.
The efllccrs also found four flvo-peund
bags of cetfee en Sunday In the gravevard
adjoining Mrs. King's cofleo heuse. They
were secreicu near me cnapei. airs. King
has identitled these bags of cofleo as her
' Lynch furnished ball for a hearing, and
claims that he will be able te establish his
Innocence. "
Supposed Stelen Jewelry.
At 0 o'clock en Sunday morning, a tele tele tele
phone inossage was roceivod at the station
heuse that a gang ei tramps at the corner of
Ann and Chestnut streets were displaying
watches and Jowelry, and offering them for
sale at such prices as would indicate that
they were stolen. Ofllcer Oardner was
sent out, and thorn Officer Crawford and
Censtable Prlce Joined him. They saw
three men thcre, arrosted them and took
them te the station heuse. They gave the
names of James Bartley, William J. Ityan
nnd J. Williams. In James Bartley's pos
session was found a handsome cameo ring,
and In Ilyan's a geld band ring. Thore
were no watches In the possession of any
of them. The authorities of neighboring
cities will be communicated with, te ascer
tain whether any rings have been stolen.
l'nrent Day nt Xeflbvllle.
A very large attendance was had at the
Ncflsville Union Sunday school en Sunday
afternoon, the occasion being " Parent
Day." The oxercisos were very interest
ing, and listened te with marked attention.
Following is the programme :
Scrlnlure readincr and prayer, Itev, J. H.
Estcrline; simring by the school, " Who is
this that wultctb;'' quurtctte, "Onward
Christian Soldiers,," Misses Herring und
Sprague, Messrs. Shcely and Smith: rcclta?
tien. "LittleMaud," Miss AnnleV, Hurst;
duett, (organacce'tnpanlmont,Mrs. Snyder)
Misses Herring and Sprague; address,
Itev. W. H. Lewars; sole, "Come Unto
Me," (organ accompaniment Prof. Zellcrs)
Mrs. W. 11. Lewurs; address, Hev. J. H.
Estcrline; violin sole, B. Frank Wentz;
benediction, Hev. Lewars. The oxercisos
wero inlcrsporsed with music by the or
chestra which was comiiescd of the follow
ing members: Organ, Miss Wechter,
violin, It. F. Weulz; trombone, Edwin
Murr; ulte, W. L. Souders: cornet, Dr. E.
II. Wltmer.
A Murdered .Man's Uedy Passes Through
The body of Stephen L. Pettus, the man
who wns shot and killed by Mrs. South Seuth
worth, in NowYerk.on Wcdiicsday,passed
through Lancaster in the 11:10 train Satur
day night. It was enclosed In a cedar box,
and was en the way te Kontuckyfer burial.
Merris Gcrshel, tobacco dealer of this
city, was in New Yerk en Friday, when
,vhen the sheeting occurred. He was In
the same stroet and within a short distance
of the place where Mrs. Southworth killed
the man. Mr. Qershel heard the shot ilred
and saw tbe 'crowd running te the place.
Hb stepped te call upon a friend befere
te idling the spot, and in a short tiine
learned that Pettus had been ktlled.
Twe Fires In Philadelphia.
.(annoy t Audrews' vliolesale grocery
heuse In Philadelphia was burned en
Sunday morning, causing a less which
will exceed $100,000, covered by insurance.
Assistant Foreman James McCucn, et
cugine Ne. 3, was killed during the lire
by falling walls. Several ether iiremeu
were injured ; Burning pepper nearly
blinded them. Other losers by tbe fire are
Bonner Themas, $10,000 ; W. II. A C. W.
Allen, $2,000; David Schull A Ce., $1,000.
The shipping and receiving wareheuse
occupied by Shurpless Urothers and owned
by the Ilugbes estate en Jayne street,
Philadelphia was destreyed by tire en Sat
urday evening. Less, en building, $15.000 ;
en stock, $7,000. The tire spread te adjoin
ing prepcrtics,and among ether losers by
fire, smoke and water are J. 11. Maxwell,
htutloner, about $10,000 ; Oak ford A Sens,
hatters, $1,000 ; Geergo Kelly, nearly $3,000;
Mury A. Jenes, drcssmaker, $1,000; M. C.
Jeidau, cloaks, ?1,000.
Ouce n Itestdent of Mt. Jey.
Isaiah Aniba, a watchman for the Corn
wall A Lebanon railroad at a street
crossing at Lebanon, mysteriously dis
appeared from his pest of duty last Tues
day. His body was found In the Qultta
pahllla creek ou Saturday. He foil into
the stream, which was much awollen at the
time, and could net cscape or glve an
alarm. Aniba was a resident of Alt. Jey
for many years. Until four or flve years
age he traveled through this and adjoining
counties, giving exhibitions with the
magie lantern. He wasalsea temporauce
lecturer, his audiences in the main being
drawn from villages. He leaves a wire,
two sons and a (laughter. They rcslde in
Philadelphia. Aniba and wife lived apart
the iust few years.
Using Cern Fer Fuel In Kansas.
The farmers around Hiawatha, Kan.,
are burning corn for fuel, finding It
cheaper than coal. Cern Is sold en the farm
at 'M cents per bushel, while the average
price of coal delivered at the farm ranges
lrem 21 te 21 cents per bushel. The
Farmers' Alllauce brought the attention of
the farmers te the rolatlve nricesef the two
commeditlos,und advised that half the corn
crop be used as fuel, thus advancing the
firice of the ether half und saving money
n their fuel bills. The farmers have beg
te act en this advice.
A Hey Scalded.
Sunday evening William, a son of Jehn
Sechrlst, of North Water strect, aged 13
years, was badly scalded. He was playing
around the elfvtrlu light station, en Con
cord alley, when a man came out with a
bucket et het water which he accidentally,
or purposely, threw upon the boy. Iln
was terribly scalded nlieul the back and
when his pantaloons wcre taken off a great
part of the skin came with them. Dr.
Kinanl attended him.
Arrested In llurrlnhurif.
Seme days age Adam Wlse, a cigar
maker, who liad been working at Itoths Iteths Itoths
vllle, stele an overcoat there and fled te
this city. After selling the coat te Henry
Demau he left for Philadelphia te enlist in
the regular army. The coat was recovered
bv the owner and turned ever te him.
Werd was received from Ilarrlsburg te.
dv that Wise was arrested In thai city,
.Saturday eenlig, by Oflicer "Vingst. and
is held te await Lancaster eillcers.
-J- - - '
And a Number of Surety of Peace suits
Are Alse Dispose Of-The rtrst
Week ,Of Common Ples.
Court met at 2:30 o'clock enSatnrday af
ternoon, and the hearing of desertion and
surety of the peace cases was resumed.
Andrew Bmamgart, German, who had
field for pasture adjoining Shoenberger's
park, charged Themas B. Shields
with having threatened te kill him. The
difficulty between theso parties oc
curred last July. The only testimony bear
ing en the case was that Shields told
Braumgart te come into a shed and he
would kill him. Braumgart declined the
Invitation and was net killed. The court
did net thnk Andrew was in any danger,
and dismissed the complaint with each of
the turtles te pay half tbe costs.
The desertion case against Menreo Mel
llnger was continued until the December
adjourned term. He was sued several
months age and claimed that his wife and he
settled their differences, he agreeing te pay
'httrfOOitifullfer all claims against him,
and that he had dotie se. His wlfe was net
in court and she will be sent for nt the ad
journed term.
Win. Hummel 1 wait prosecuted nevcral
months age for threatening Geergo M.
Baker. The prosecutor has absconded
from the ceuntyjand the court directed the
complaint te be dismissed with prosecutor
for costs, and that a process be issued for
, Jacob Heuny, of Manheim, was charged
by his wlfe with dosertion. She claimed
thnt no left her and took with him all the
furniture In the heuse.
He claimed that she struck and auusea
him and that he lea his home te
avoid trouble. The court directed him te
pay $2.60 per week for the maintenance of
bis wife and the costs of prosecution. Jacob
went te Jail.
William Prlce, censtable of the Second
ward, was charged by his wlfe Moggle
with failure te support her. She claimed
that she worked In the cotton mill and
that he contributed very little towards her
support since last May.
The defendant said he was wilting te sup
port his wife, and had offered te rent n
heuse and go te housekeeping, but bIie re re ro
fused te loave her mother's heuse. The
court directed him te pay $2.00 per week
as long as they remain apart.
James Legan prosecuted Jehn Bngnell,
of Columbia, for threatening him, but us
James wassent te jail earlier iu the weck
for felonious assault and battery, uud can
not harm any ene for the next sixteen
months the case was dismissed.
At the last term of the court Gcerge Gar Gar
ber premised te provlde a home for his
wife. Instead of doing se he Bklppcdawuy.
The court's process w ill bring him buck.
Daniel Frey preferred a surety of the
poace case against Christian Eckert. Frey
lulled te appear te prosecuto the case and
tbe court issued a process for hlnf.
F. H. Hornetser, who tends the tellgate
en the Litltz turnpike, preferred a charge
of false pretonse against Jeseph Jeseph.
He failed te appear, although subpumacd,
and was brought befere the court en nn
attachment. He had no oxcuse te eiler
for falling te attend court and a line et $10
and costs was lmposed.
A. L. Skllcs, for committing an nssault
nnd battery en G.L. Edwards, was ilned,$5
and costs.
cubhekt b6siVess
The lavern lioen'so of"F. M. Teuibi'was
transferred te Peter 1C. Wolpert, and the
brewer's license of Casper Kehlor te Frank
M. Toufel and Christian Wiseman.
Emma J. Carberry, city, whs divorced
from her husband, James Carbcrry, en the
ground ofadultery and desortlen.
A Whele Family AnVclcSTey Gas Frem
n Furnace.
Ou Saturday night or Sunday morning
Mitchell and family, who rcslde nt
Ne. 701 North Queen street, mnde a narrow
escape from suffocation by-ceul gas. Dur
ing the night u pipe leading from thu
furnacein the cellar bocame disjointed aud
the heuse was seen filled with gas, up stairs
as well as down. Very fortunately Mrs.
Mitchell aweke nnd when she did she
noticed the gas. She was very dizzy nnd
when she attempted te get up she fell back
upon the bed ;"she Anally awakened her
husband and he was also affected. The
room of Harry and G race, the two children,
which Is next te that of their parents, was
opened aud they wero ulse found te be In
danger. Dr.Mahlenberg was sent for and he
attended the family. They wero sick all day
Sunday und had it geno a llttle longer
seme of them might have been dead,
A Dead-Uent In Trouble.
William Sunferd Is a young man who
has been in treuble quite frequently dur
ing his residence of about u year in this
city. Much of liis tiine he has spent in jail.
When he cauie here he was taken care of
by seme religious folks. He pretended te
be very geed, but In a short time was ar
rested for larceny and sent te Jail. One of
ids specialties is beating hotels and beard
ing houses. Ha Is iu the habit of going
te these places and after bearding
sometlmo gets away without p-iylnghls
bills. He has a nerve that is wonderiul
and can tell the straightest kind of a tale te
beat a man. He Is new in jail en charges
of defrauding a ho!e--koopor and larceny.
He beardod at Fiery's hotel, ou East
Chestnut street, for sometlmo and when
he left he stele a pair of shoes aud a vest
belonging te another boarder. Complaint
was made against him before Alderman
Dcen and he was arrested at the Flery
hotel. He returned when he found that
suits had been entered against him and
tried te settle the cases. Censtable Yoisley
arrosted him iu the liotel und he was com
mitted for a hearing.
l.tsteT Uiielntine.I Lettors. ,
List of letters ndvrrtlsed at the posteflico
at Lancaster, Pa., Nev. 25, I860. Free de
livery: Ladies' IAt. Mrs. Appleford, Mrs. Joe
Beullc, Mrs. Martha Beiglcr, Miss Liz7ie
Markly, Mrs."KutIeS. Lawrence (2), Miss
A. Lcumau, Mrs. F. P. Spaulillug, Mrs.
Fred'k P. Spauldlng (for.), Miss Stephen
son. Oeura' LUt.-S, O. Baker, H.SI.Caldwell,
Henry Cleysen, Monsieur S. Dcvisme,
(for.), Dr. llenlaniin Frantz, Manager His
Natural Life Ce., Chas A. Howe, Sain'l.
Jacksen, Frank Jhems (for.), Mr. Keens,
Jac. Leeds, E. Reynolds. Win. Schwitzcr,
Fred. Seh nor, Henry Bteffy, Win. 11.
Yeung Uorkheefor'a Funeral.
The funeral of Jeseph Ilerkhecfer, the
yenng man who committed sulclde en
Friday evening by sheeting himself, took
place en Sunday afternoon from the un
dertaking establishment of Ames C. Hote,
en North Queen street. Thore was quite a
large attendance and among theso prosent
wero the empleyes of Illckcr's brewery,
Hebel Ledgo of Odd Fellows und Woven
Wise Men. The services in the under
taking room wcre conducted by Itev.
Selbcrt, of the German Itofermod church,
and the Interment was inade iu Lancaster
Wilt Tnke Hetel VeWiniu.
Jehn A. Snyder has purchased the fix
tures of Hetol Veteran, en North Queen
struct, from William Wenninger, and w ill
take iwssosslen en next Monday. 'I his
property Is owned by Mr. Snyder and in
the early part of the year he will commence
tbceroctleu of an entirely new building.
Leen Abbett's Plurality 1 1,'i.VJ.
Thecortifled returns of the election iu
New Jersoy show a plurality for Ahbctt,
for governor, of 11,253 uud a total 1'rohlbl 1'rehlbl 1'rohlbl
tlen ete of 0,853. Abbett has a majority
ever Grubb and Lament of 7,400.
Leaves a Small Estnte.
Lewis C.Cassidy't estate la valued at
$76,000, He did net make a will. .
PA., MONDAY, NOVJilBER 25, 1889.
The Jtatnd Chancing Hliu On A Sjjpday
Scheel Ctdebrntten.
"" Euzabkthtew.v, Nev. 25. The band
fair opened in llerst's hall en Saturday,
nd the attendance was encouraging. The
various tables, and stands, which are con
veniently arranged, are laden with ali
kinds of articles. The following articles
are te voted for and chanced eff: horse,
hanging-lamp, ten of coal, barrel of flour,
geld and silver watch j also, a large variety
of ether things.
On Sunday, Rev. Goe. S. Seaman will
prsach bis fcrewell sermon In the Luth
eran church.
The programme for the 50th anniversary
of the Lutheran Sunday school, te be held
en Thanksgiving evening, has been Issued.
It consists of duels, soles, addresses, Ac.
Rev. II. N. Fegley, of Alechanlcsburg,
Cumberland county, wilt deliver the
annual address.
Mr. Edgar C. Breneuinn, of Lancaster,
Sxnt several days Iu town.
Mr. Jacob Stautler had the pavement In
front of J. Fisher's Jowelry stere relald.
Rev. Goe. 8. Seamau nnd family spent
soveral days at Hamburg, Berka county.
Miss Annie Hlestand, of Marietta, spent
soveral days in town with the Misses Leah
and Martha Wermley.
Lengenecker A Bausman sold a let of
flne cattle at the stock yards en Saturday.
Next Saturday Keller AAllwIne will sell
stork at the same place.
Miss Blanche Smith la visiting Mrs.
Milten Krause.
A Muslcale.
The second muslcale of the season was
given In Mr. Walter Bausman's parlors en
Saturday afternoon. The pupils ncnullted
themselvcs te the satisfaction of the com
pany gathered te enjey probably the host
of the extraordinary pregrammes always
provided feri theso occasions. Here are
the masters and their themes which en
gaged attention at recital Ne. 37 :
Cnlkln-Iterfit lleurrr.
T. nenlieur. .- Hener's WiiUiiward.
II. Tretere .-...-.." In Old Mndrlil."
Hclmbert Hchcrze.
Sn. liyiiM - ..'Sweetheart."
b. L-ivIIla ." Meeting and Tartlnir."
each nt tt Cot tone Fair.
Clednrd .Chevalier Fantasln Etmte,
(a, Eilgnr Hherwoeil.........ChunMin d' Amour
b. Clinmnnds.... Iji Mntlrlgul,
u. iu ftevm.. ,.iiie MinmcrBiMiB.
ua. ........wniimiic.
Lassen ....Twhb n Dream;
Mnbcrbier , Xprlnitttmd,
Clienln. On. 47 llniiads In A Int.
Mattel " Ix-ave Me Net. Dear Heart."
Iiehm, Op. 250, Ne. l. Waltz and Finale
Prof. Glcasen, who had quite a success
ful week here, clesed his engagement en
Saturday night. He hud another large
nudlenca nnd he handled horses In his
usual easy style, tle went from I-ancanter
te Ensten and will go thence te Hcranten
and Wllkcsbarre.
Dan Masen's "Clenn Sweep" company
had anether large audlonce ou Saturday
ovening and the company again gave the
best of satisfaction.
Siimuel Overly had a hearing this morn
ing en a charge of surety of the peace,
brought by his wife, and Alderman
Uorshey held him in bail for trial at court.
Henry old offender, was sent
te Jail for 20 days by Alderman Halbach.
Pension has been granted Jehn Sawyer,
of this city.
Itev. Dr. Stahr, president of Frunklln
nnd Marshall college, delivered the sermon
at the corner-stono laying of St. Andrew's
Itofermod church, Reading, en Sunday.
Hew Thuy Secured an Overcoat.
B. F. Cochran, of QuarryvIUe, rcjerled
nt the station heuse ou Saturday evening
that he had been robbed of au,evurcfut.
He bought It in the morning at If irsli,, t
Hre.'s and left It nt Hetol 'VuteranltinUl lie
was ready te go home. Towards evening
a man with slde whiskers and meustnehn
aud wearing dark clothes called nt Hetel
Veteraii nnd asked for the package left
thore by Mr. Cochran. IIoNIeseribcd the
package, told what It coutalued and said lie
w as te take It te the Loeimrd hotel.
While this conversation was going en a
tall man with red whlskers aud a eoinpin eeinpin eoinpin
len of the above paity was nt the deer nnd
after the pack age was given te the party
who asked for It, both men left. Shortly
afterwards Mr. Cochran culled for his
packageaud wasgrcatlysurprised when he
learned that it was net there. He said that
he had net given orders te auy persen te
get the package. The thell w us reperted te
the station house nnd n descript ion of the
thloves furnished te the elllccrs.
The Fleet-Foetod Witness.
Samuel Graham, of Bart township, a
witness in the Rice fjeetinent case, was
brought into court ou an attachment. This
is the witness Sheriff Burkheldor tried te
get during the trial, but he was tee float of
feet. Graham's statement te the court ou
Saturday nftorneon was that he bad net
been regularly subpoenaed iu the case, uud
in his statement was coriehorntcd by his
wife. The court continued the hearing
until next Saturday, when the party who
claimed te lme fcubecnaed him will be In
court. In the lneuutlme he was held In
$100 bail for his nppcaronce at that time.
Put Cberi'3 's Teuiii.
Pat Cherry, tbe hack driver, thought be
lest a (cam by theft ou Saturday ovening,
but fortunately for him he was mistaken.
He was at Mr. B. J. McGrauu's rosldcnce
and while in the heuse his herse leek a no
tion te exerciso himself, When Put get
through witli his business und went for his
team it was gene. The less was reported
at the station heuse and the entire city
police force was instructed te be en the
lookout for the team. It was found late
en Saturday en the read leading te What
Glen, by agate koepcr en tiie New Hol Hel
land pike, and returned te its owner.
The Duke Strect l'uvoiueut.
The laying of the ashpalt blocks ou Duke
street is progressing very well, notwith
standing the contractors had been mi mi mi
forttiuute In having sumo of the worst
weather Imaginable. The job, or nt IcuHt
what Fritchey A lllndeu have, will be
finished In a few days. On Saturday the
last bloeks wcre laid between the streetcar
tracks nri'd the cars are new running as
usual without theso annoying transfers.
Passed the Examination.
A list of men who have passed the civil
service examination for positions in the
railway service iu Pennsylvania is pub
lished te-day. Theso of Lancaster city
with their rating are : Edward II. Gasten,
81; Harry I). llolUhue, 81; Harry L.
Zeek, 78. Mr. Gasten is net exactly a
rcsident of Lancaster. He cemes lrem
Watsoiitewn, but is new employed as u
clerk in the Adams Exprosscempany here.
llltten lly it i)eg.
Gcerge Smith, a boy In the employ of the
Union News company, was out selling
pajxirs yesterday when he wus attacked by
u deg. IIe was w diking along West Lemen
street when the bundle of ixtpers he was
carrying fell from his hand. When he
steeped te pick them up a deg Jumped at
him, biting him badly in leth hands.
A Iliinoe-Stooror Get Eluht Yters.
Frank A. Ahlrlch, convicted of
"bunceing" Jehn K. Lommeii, a well
known merchant of Pittsburg, out of $10.
000, was en Saturday bcntcnced te eight
years' Imprisonment in the Western
Union Vetemn Legien at Church.
The Union Veteran legion attended ser ser
fceat the First M. E, church ou Duke
street ou Sunday e cuing. The church
was crowded from the altar te the rear
deer und many were obliged te le.ive, net
being able te get into the building. After
an aulheni "light e VullantSoidlers," by
the choir, Itev. Dr. S. M. Vernen preached
a sermon from the text "I have fought u
geed light." It was au eloquent, practical
WAsniifOTQjr, D. C, Nev. 25. Fer
Eastern Pennsylvania s Light rain;
no change iu tcinperuture; south
westerly wlutls.
Ills Eight !. Crushed Se That Amputa
tion la Necessary A Lad's Hand
Crushed lly Dough Rellers.
Columbia, Nev. 23. A sorleus Mfjflcnt
happened yesterday afternoon stE A.
King A Ce.'s bakery te Den). Green, aged
15 years, employed at the place. The boy
carelessly placed his left hand en the
re vorslble dough breaker and bis hand was
carried under the rollers. Fortunately the
machine was net in use and the rollers
wero set high or the hand would have been
tnru oil'. The hand was mashed, but no
bones wero breken. The bev tried te pull
his hand out with the right hand, which
was also slightly Injured. A workman
heard his cries and the niachiue was
stepped. Dr. Llneuwcaver attended te the
J. Calvin Zohn, cigar manufacturer of
Lltltz, full from a passenger train en the
Reading A Columbia railroad bore ni 12:40.
It is supposed that he Intended te walk
from ene car te anether. His right leg was
crushed abeve the ankle. Amputation Is
found necessary. He was sent te his home
en a special engine. Dr. Illnkle attended
him. He is about DO years of age, married
aud has oue child.
A meeting of the Kccley Ktove company
directors was held last evening, aud 11. ll.
Themas was electcd general manager of
the company, Mr. Themas Is thesevretarv
of the National Steve association, and wlil
nssume Ills duties en February -int.
Right Rev. N. S. Rullseu, D. D., assistant
bishop of Central Pcnnsylvanla,wlll preach
en Sunday ovening In St. Pant's P. E.
church. Therite of continuation will be
administered by Bishop Hnllseu nt the
same service.
The closing exercises of the73d anniver
sary of MU Zleu A. M. E. church will be
held en Sunday. Rev. S. D, W. Smith
will preach nt 10:30 a. in., Rev. Goe, Wells
Ely, of the Prosbyterlau church ut 3 p. in.,
anil Rev. W. II. Heard, presiding eldor of
the Lancaster district, at 7:30 p. m. The
Sunday school jubilee will be held nt 1:30
p. in.
Fifteen members of Riverside lIome.No.
27, went te Lancaster Inst evening In pay n
fraternal visit te Fulton Heme, Ne. 'JO.
The visitors had a pleasant time, and were
glveti refreshments at Miller's hetel.
Gen. Welsh pest will held a special moot meet
lug this ovening te make arrangements for
the reunion nt Yerk en Thanksgiving Day.
"Colleen Jlawn" was presented In the
niwrn heuse Inst evening by the Seymour
St rat ten company. "The Danites" will be
given te-night.
The "festival of the seasons" In the ar
mory is tin ntlractive place.
German's minstrels will appear In thu
opera heuse en Tuesday night. The com
pany is an excellent one.
B. Frank Heiso, Jes, Illnkle and S. P.
Wuyne have returned fieni thelrgunnlng
trip te Virginia, Plenty of bad weather
and no game.
The Yeung People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the Second Street Lutheran
church held a social meeting last night nt
the home of the Misses Hardy, en Third
st root.
The May Rose Pleasure society wns or
ganized last evening, with the following
eiiicpm : I'roKitiein, aiiss amnie MocKiey;
vled.nrosident, Samuel Arms ; secretary,
Miss Mnggle ir.
iMnggie i).-iir.; treasurer, xneouero
Dewers. The society is composed of 10
siViiasitna Aurl tt'lll mwt ni Ij'vIiIai f
iples, and will meet every Fridnycven-
, ' 'V. .
Chas. Themas presented 'theJluck I"ab-4
t club with a handsome hanging lamp
last evcnlnir.
II. W. Slegelmllcli has sold his bnkeiy
te a Mount Jey party and will lake charge
of his father's hotel en Monday.
About two years age Ficd. Lobergorit
was robbed of seme jewelry uud the thief
escaped. On Fridny Ollieer Wittlck ar
rested Samuel Jehnsen In Lancaster,
charged with the eflensa Jehnsen is also
wanted In Chester for robbing an Icemaii
of? J). He wus placed In jail uud will be
given n hcailug before Sipilre Evans next
The Mlulsterlal association will be as
sisted In their lecture ceurse by the public
school teachers. Will Carlcteu will open
the ceurse aud will probably be follewod
by Rcproscutatlve Hear, of Michigan.
The young folks et the Lancaster church
presented "Tem Thumb's Wedding" In
Mt. ion A. M. E. church last night te a
crewded heuse.
The Second street Lutheran church will
bold an oyster supper iu the armory next
They Htenl a Number of Valuables Frem
l'ref, GIouheii und ills Mini.
Prof. O. It. Glcasen, the popular horxe
trainer, who is new giving exhibitions nt
the.Laucaster rink,wustlie victim of thieves
last night and he und soveral of his men
suffered from IhelrdopredatleiiH.; The boys
who did the stealing belong te u gang who
leuf around the rink, despite the efforts
of the managers te keep them away.
This morning when Prof. GIcuheu's men
went te the rink they made the discovery.
In the dressing room in Iho front of the
house, which wus formerly n slde ontrance
te the place when it wus used us a theatre,
steed n trunk, which was owned by Nor Nor
eon Smith, Prof, aicaseu's first assistant.
The lock had been pried from It mid the
following articles stolen : A flne overcoat
valued at (M0 and a Smith A Wessen re
volver wertli ?1'A belonging tq Mr.
Smith and n lull suit of clothes
of Geergo Evans, another empleye
of Prof. Glcasen, who kept things in
Smith's trunk. A Celt's lightning repeat
ing rllle, belonging te Prof. Glcuseu, was
also stolen from u case In which it wus
kept, iu the sumo room. This rifle the
professor hud made especially for himself
In New Yerk and used It for sheeting
glass balls, while giving exhibitions in the
summer. IIe valued It nt ?50 and docs net
think that there Is another gun llke It in
thu city.
Au examination of the building showed
that an entire sasli In the western slde of
the building nt the stage had been broken
out. 'ihe window Is seme distance from
the ground, but the tracks Immediately
under It showed that several persons had
coine out et or gene into ll. n is iionevou
by seme that thieves entered the building
while last night's performance was
going ou, uud secreted thoinselves
between the pieces of scenery en
the stage until after Prof. Glcaseu's
men hud loll alter which they committed
the theft nnd went out by the window.
Some think, lieweer, that they entered
and left the building by the w Indew. The
thloves, whoevcr they were, wero well uo ue uo
miuluteu with the rink aud knew where
Prof. Glcasen kept everything. Thuy did
net break into the ticket ofllce w hore Prof".
Gleasen'H trunk full of bits, bridles, books.
Ac, was kept, because they did net wuut
that kind of articles.
Complaint was made before Alderman
Hershey against a number of boys und
Special Ofllcer GUI arrested Jehn J. LuU.
Harry Stevens, Walter Clemmens uud
Jehn Morrlssey, four boys who make the
rluk their hcauuuurtcrs. They were held
en charges of felonious entry und larceny.
Iu Lutz's heuse a geed hat which had been
stolen from the rluk oue day this w eek
wus found. Yeung Stuvcus gave ball and
denied everything but blamed Lutz and
Morrlssey for being the guilty ones.
The Ames I'uiik Properties.
Susan A. Fuuk aud Samuel Grefl, ad
ministrators of Ames Fuuk, deceased,
through Jehn Rebutaii, auctioneer, etfereil
the real estate of decedent at public sale ou
Saturday afternoon ;
Ne. 1. A let ofgreund flouting ou Mari
etta avenue, 18 feet 5 inches, una extending
in dentil 111 feet, with two-story nnd man
sard brick liense, wus sold te Charles R.
Kline for 81,225.
The larm preperty was bid up te f315
per acre, and the sale of this and a let of
ground adjoining the farm was ndjourued
until next Saturday, wiieq tliose projiertio
will be bold.
A Number or Properties Dispened of nt
the Court Heuse.
Sherlff Uttrklmlder told Iho following
properties at the court house en Saturday
A let of ground fronting 40 feet en ihe
Lancaster aud Philadelphia turnpike a
short distance from the city limits) and ex
tending In depth 235 fect, with double two.
story brick heuse and ether Improvements,
as the preperty of Clcmentlnn E. lunian
and Win. II. Innian, te P. D. Iluker for 31,
subject te mortgages aggregating Ji,0."i0
nd accrued interest.
The following properties of Jehn flock fleck
ringer: Ne. 1, One-hnlf aero of ground In the
borough of Adnmstewn. with frame dwell
ing heuse nnd frame stable.
Ne. Z A let of ground Iu the same
borough containing 80 perches, without
Improvements, te Samuel 11. Miller for
The following properilos of Juntos Bry Bry
seu: Ne. 1. One and throe-fourthi acres bf
land In Enhratu tewnshln. with Improve
ments, te Calhnrlne Dry son for fjssoe.
Ne. Z. A let of ground In the vlllage of
x-.iuniut, wuu uricK ceiinge anu oiuer im
provements, te same fur IAWX).
Nn. 3. A let of ground iu tbe same vil
lage, without Improvements, te Edward
Ne. 4. Twe Iwo-story brick heuses Nes.
218 and 210. New Helland avenuc, with leta
ofgreund thereto belonging, te Cathariue
Dry son for $500, subject erjt500.
The following properties of Ann Kngorer:
Ne. 1. Three let of ground In Marietta,
with Improvements.
Ne. 2. A let ofgreund In same borough
SO feet front by 200 feet deep.
Ne. 3. A let ofgreund In same borough
40 by 200 root, te Win. II, Reland for fC01.
A tract et M acres of land In Cenny town
ship, with two-story frame heuse, barn uud
tolmcce shed, as tiie proerty of Jacob
llrubaker, te Rebert Sanker for 9J.605.
A tract of three acres and 107 perches of
land lu East Earl township, with frame
dwelling heuse and stable, ns the prewrty
of Jeminn A. Haller und her husband
Samuel Haller, te Solemon Lossley for
f550 mi b ect te a mortgnge of f 1,100.
The corporate franchises of the Mt. Jey
Gas com puny, te the Ixiwe Manufacturing
company fer$t.
A let nf ground 85 by 122 feet, with gas
works thereon located te same purchaser
for?l. l
The Antt'Quayttes Angry.
The news of the appointment of Majer
Grlest wns first mnde known te the poeplo
of Lancaster by the 1nti:i,meenci:u. It
was placed en Iho bulletin beard, but
neither of the Republlcun ulliccs suw lit te
mnke the matter public.
The nppolntment was net much of a sur sur
prlse te the poeplo here ns It wus generally
believed thnt it would be made alter
Grlest had received the endorsement of
Congressman llresius. The ether candidates
glve u p the fight ut that 1 1 me. The appoint
incut la vary distasteful te the untl-Quay
men aud they were very angry when the
iiewh reached Luncnster te day. They
declare that nothing will be left undone te
dofeut Breslus fur a second term nnd they
have soventl men In training te run against
him. This is a victory for Orient aud the
congressman ever both the Republlcmi
pnpers who have been koeplng their pens
oil until alter the nppolntment wns made.
The news was very wnrmly roceivod by
the army of men In this city who are
anxious te sorve as letter carriers nnd
clerks, uud are id ready stirring themselves
about very llvely and petitions " will be
flying In (he ulr" by Monday.
tUJJy Dncev. of New Yerk, lu San Fran
cisce luKrrtfgrnvJmecJreri ecttsXprnmy Pan
forth, of Uosten, In the tenth retiiui.
James: A. Smith, of St. I-euls, president
of un ice and fuel company, has dis
appeared with 8i)0,0W of 6ther pcople's
Counsel.'for Hannah 11. Southworth, who
murdered Stephen L. Pctlus In New Yerk
en Friday, says her dorenso will be In
sanity. Amended bills In equity have been tiled
In the U. S. circuit court of California
against the Southern I'aclllu railroad, te
annul patents te laud given by the gov
ernment. The bills rpiostlen the validity
of the organization of the railroad us a cor
poration, The llerliti Xutleual Gcitclte says that a
plan exlsts for the betrothal nf the cznra
witch nnd Princess Margaret, of Prussia,
liocniierer,HMstor, but It Is net likely te
be realized. The czarina uud Empress
Frederick, the r-uper says, nre I'avorable te
such nn alliance.
A sieclal rrem Ispemlng, Mich., mm
A let of two hundred pounds of quartz
carrying geiu nv ruiu ui tnyrve iur ion whs
tnkau from tlieinaln (.huftofthe Michigan
geld mlue lust night. Assays of three
samples of quartz, from the Michigan give
821,020.17, J.rl(550.02 und $110,058.50 Pr ten
rcsKictlvely. The latter is (he richest
geld-bearing rock ever .taken from an
American initie.
Meetings In Kilkenny and Waterford,
Ireland, will be held te-morrow in mem
ory of Allou, Larkiu and Gould, who wcre
hanged for killing a policeman lu Man
chester In 1857. Pollce have bconjerdcrod
te dlsporse meetings.
A decision lus been rendered under
which Eatl of Elision, eldest seu of Duke
of Oration, Is allowed te bring criminal
suit against the Aei th Londen J'rcii for al
leging Hint his lordship wus implicated in
the commission crimes in the
West End.
News has been received iu Zunzlbarcou Zunzlbarceu
firming the reports of the massacre of Dr.
Peters uud all but flve moinbers of his ex
pedition. Anether dispatch says Dr.
Peters und ills parly have established a fort
at Mount Kcnla.
The will of the late Jehn 11. Khocu Khecu Khocu
berger, of Pittsburg, glve $00,)0 for
u memorial hospital te occupy eight
acre near the Allegheny ccmotery.
8100,000 te the Ephcepnl dloccse of Pitts
burg, and $100,oue te Trinity Episcopal
church conditioned en the ubolltleu of pew
rent, und the Institution of dally morning
and evening services.
UteUleu Against the 1 toad tug Itullread.
Pjmladkm'IUA, Nev. 23 Jndge Thayer
this morning delivered an opinion in the
bill In equity of the city of Philadelphia,
against the Piiiludelphiu A Reading rail
road company, lu thu matter of the tor ter
mina! read, und lie decided against the
Reading, although urging councils te glve
It u show If it will comply with tiie regula
tions ImjMjsed by the city.
Mysteries of Full-Held.
Thore is u geed of excitement lu the
lewer end of the county ever the dopro depro dopre
datlonsuud small robberies lu the neigh
borhood of Full field. Frank's stere at
Lylcs was entered net long age and sev
eral pairs of overalls stolen were found til
a field near Fuirfleld. The stere of Hiram
Wilsen A Seus at Wukefleld has nlse been
entered and thore have been many small
robberies ut neighboring farm houses. The
cellar of Mr. N. N.llenscl has been entered
every week nnd plea and ether previsions
cartfed oil". Suspicion rests upon three
mysterious men with no vlslble means
of support who have been living
in uu old sihoel heuse ut Fair
Held. One of them was fermerly o.n e.n o.n
pleyed for a short tlme lu McSpariun's
cannery but claims te be n literary man,
oxpert In the mixing of udvcrtlsemeuts
uml literature In a story new appearing
iu the Xew L'nt he ud ertlscs Mr.McSpar
mn's cannery, and received ten dollars for
Tim ioeple of tbe neighborhood npponled
te the Lonstable te search the school heuse
and en Thursday he made a thorough ex
amination, but feuud no ovhlenco against
the men and the mystery remains uu-solyed.
He Serves Several Term M
Htntes senator. Frem Ohie 4fl
Recently as Minister te
- r i i
UnuHsrxs, Nev. 25. Hen. Ge
Pendleton, into Unlfed States, mini
ijuiuii, uh in mis civ lasi mam. t
Geergo 11. Pendleten, or Cincinnati
""in !- vriiiuiiiiiuvi, viiiu j receitcu f
demle education lu the schools of
natl nnd afterward ItrKurnnc; studls
was an in i ueu ie me par, t , 7"
ever slnce the nrnctlce at Clnemil
a member of the state Senate of
1851 and 1855 ; was a representative!
wuie in me xmny-nnn,. Tiiirty-i
Tlilrty-soventh, and Thirty-eighth '
Sresses; was me Democratic,'
nte for vice president en the ticket I
ey ucorge ii, mcuieiinn in jjjw s
Democratic candidate for Kovcrne
in 1SC9 1 was elected te. the Unite
Senate nsn Democrat, te succeed
Matthews, Republican, aud toeXt
scat Atarcii IP, 1870. His ter
sorvlce expired March 3, 1883. lis
appointed envoy extraordinary and I
ter plenipotentiary te Germany by
unni iiievcianu, anu iiuring ins ser
Herlin was octlve and efficient In en
the nrbltrnry ceurse of Germany
German Americana vlsUlntf flirt
laud. He had n stroke of paralysis .
a year age. j
Who Have Heeu Apiielnted'
tfnder Collentnr Frlilv. '
Collel'ter Frldy announced thofelj
apjiolntmettls nt neon te-day f fi '
imcnstcr County eutside a
Vincent K, Alexander. Little -
Tiies. McGewnn. Sudsburv : V.t'A
Strlnc, Columbia, and Moses M, W
list Earl. Ofllce deputies, Je
Murkle, Lancaster city: Jehn
Zellers, ait. Jey. -s !?
Yerk Ceuutv Outside denutlc
Cornelius Llggltt. Win. O. Yeung, Ml
einysur. vuyt, jenu tv Jiinnieu i.c
nlllen U'nlu,, . it
Cumberland and part of Yerk i
liailK. , ,- '
Frunklln nnd Fulton-Hiram' fiTl
Mlflllii, JuulaUi, Perry, Snyder and
of Duuphln-A. C. Strode. k ' ,
l-ari ei uaupuin ana. liCuanen
Cenklln. s V.&$
There are still three nppelBtments:!
mnde for the ofllce in this. eitr'aM
ether appointments te he announced
ine principal uepuiy ler inrir, pnn
deputy for llcdferd, lllalr and Huntls
and for Adams and part of Yerk oeua
Collector Frldy has also sent te.
secretary of the treasury forlsppelr
the iiatues or several gusgersand"
keener. Iln Would mil trfvaiilia 11
publlcatleu te-day, but it Is knewrft
uiianes iveiw, unrriseii tiinpieana
P, L. Sprechcr ere among the lucky
noverai npimimees wero lermeny i
the rovenuo service. .Ampng-tbee
be named Jehn B. Miuklev. Charles 1
Harrison Hlpple, Capt, HprochersiKll
KU'wiwnn. " - a
were strenuiv endorsed fer..Uei
te which they were appointed and I
ability te fill the same, , ?'&
A., J. Dunlap,. Democrat, who wi
comnetant ofllce denutv iinderc'C
W 1U iAtt tBT mwl 1 TtiJhl kMllki
resignation te Collector' Frldy te-
take eOcct en next Saturday. Mr.1.1
has accepted the 'position of tbepk-i
ier i'v a. uicicer, nrewer.."r. vi
would net have been remevad-bt.
lector for sotnutlme yet. had he deslf
stay, but as Mr. Itlcker offered hlm -
position, which is a geed one. ha
le take ft. ?-ft.-
iMu nujiur jvmnxxue?
Hxmuul Monsner, or lCphrat.Tev
.. ., ....M. ...... i, ., . . , . .
Found Deiid In Ills Hed et Mem1
Samuel Messner, an old resident of
rata township, died veryv suuiieniy
home between ninkfctnwn andyMs
ili.ln f f m S. n A I..4..I
ng te Lancaster te attend te semel
in ess connected with the estate efJ
Messner, his brether, whrf was burled J
iuenuay. lie was a wiuewer, u;ari
iiuviiiu uieu Huvenii. yvuin Mge, iiiiu.
uerniiiir ills housekeeper arose eartl
prepare breakfast. She called 'him i
received no response the. nrst,.l
She call hint again viater but,,,, a
did net answer his roemwai
nnd he was found dead lu bed.- At
Is sunDosed te have been the 'cause
old gentleman was in geed; health
HpliHs "last night, when be rethwlr-l
Messner wus 75 years of agfl;b Wl
weaver by trade but Mho fermtd ten'1
twolve acres of land. Uawas'a" lire
Domecmt. a iroed citizen and was":ln.
clrcumBtuncea flnunclallv. Itevleaves
son. Cerenor Heuamnn waa notified off
death this morning und he left' te heltj- j
Deatli audDurlal of An Old Ldy:
The body of Mrs. Martraret Denis.1'
died at the rosldcnce of her son-In-1
Jehn M. McCu ev. at Ne. 18 EsM 1
street, this city, wns tuken le NewPr
iicuce ier uuriai uus inenuiiK. eer
worn conducted lu the Reformed chun
Rev. Seuder, nnd the interment $i
made lu the grnveyunl of the 'cbl
Tiie deceased was eighty-four years of l
ami was tnu mother or Aurnuam ua
the well known blacksmith at
1.n.,lrlni..i A,ltl,tti wlir. 1ltAtf llt
same neighborhood, ami Adam, 4
llodferd. Her ilauiditurs are Mrs. Jeb
I'ulKley. Mrs. Jehn M, MiCulley and M
William McMlchuel, of this city. i
' )
Death of Ml Aired laid J'. '
Margaret Grlfllths, a lady who was Of
60 yearn of uge, died ou Sunday at tbe ra
dence of Stephen Uillesptc, in Jilra-
Huud. She wus a member of the Frfc
church and lived lu the noltrhberho
lllrd-ln-IIaml for many years. She
two ncphews in the west. jgj
Numerous Chunrcx Aualust S. L. Des
Samuel L. Denny, wlie was. icturuetLfi
court en i riuay ier iieirauuing jevumm i
Nuuuoimicher, of MillcrsvUle, out of Ml
by selling them a patent right which t
liail Ul'ieru heki ie uneiiiur m.v,iuiu,
ceued the imeiiey rer it.n waniei ou i
iirnl ciiarircs. felnce his departure f
Lancaster county, Dunny has bcenri
author of several libelleus clrea
which he sent into Lancaster coos
for the imrnose of inlurlng Israelii.
dls. w liem he ulse cheated. The grand lu
have found true bills of charges prelarr
by Mr. Lnndls, of llbel and iierjurr U
Indictments), uud if Denny ever visits J
caster county he will be glveu a war
reception by the niwve named prosecute
and ethers whom he has defrauded. DetH
Is suptesud te be iu Mlnuoseta, but Is ,t
T..M .... .... ... l.n until tm . 1
XV'l.lln I., rnll IT.. W(ltt lTMliMMl.
,...w ..ww.. --' . -- ' -
Samuel Overfy, junk-dealer who llvta,
lafuyotte sireci, was uuioriunuie um
during the week te get In tronbla.en
count or n law Hint inav e imu ntm
wlfe. Wlille he wns in jail he sys
Hurry und FninK hliauu, nis iwe,
i.miiin rnliliixl hliu. Thev stele i
100 pounds of rags, a curry oemby.
brush, ucieeic, razor umi n im
ti.i.w.M utinii of which were taken I
trunk which they breke open, W
Overly get out of Jail he (nude the
revery, and tins morning no inaue.
plalut ticfore Alderman Hershey.
wurruui was uituii iu utui-vi urtiumu, -
arrested Frjnk uud leekml him up W
Harrv heard that he was wanted be
away but w Hi likely be picked up we
Executions IsauHl.
The following exocutletpj hva
Issued slnce Sitnnlay nt 1 o'clock; A
Aldus U. Iterr, noime iuniiHiw
82,050; Kleffer A Ilcrr, J-,W'
Cockle, grocer,
Hfthnslewn, 1300.
Suniucl-' J
,, ll'l
InJtir&zr &
. ,.J"
-v. .l-
V-i tftV'