, u V-'-rrt-j the Lancaster daily intelligencer, Thursday, November 21, isse. r ,ji. a & '? -3 re ii & PT H -? l? , ;s. rs- m?' ? f fcf- ,i VSi re S.T- CMDRKW J. BTKINMAN, CHARLES BTEINM AN FOLTZ, Editor. KOBEIIT CLARK, Publisher. tMI. tiAlLY lNTELLtaENCER.-Pubtlshed erery dayln the year, but Sunday. Served by carrier in Ihla city nnd surrounding towns at tn cents n week. Ity mnll five del tan a year In ndrance ; Ge conUe month. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER-One dollar and flfly cents n year, In advance NOTICE TO SUBSCRtBERS-Remlt by check or postefflce order, and where neither of these can be preenred send In a registered letter. Batared at the Postefflce, a iiecend class mall Blatter. ABDEBHU, THE IMTEtUOENCEB, Lancaster, Pa. LAHGASTER, FA., November 21, 1889. The Memery of Sutler. Wc nil knew that It was en the ranch of Jehn A. Sutter that geld was first found in California, and that the dis covery caused the land and the house of Suttcrte be descended upon by an In vading horde of geld seekers te the end that the owner was driven out of bl possession nnd that he re turned te the quiet village of Lltltz, nearby us, where he ended his flays a few years nge. He was a man of much Information and ability, and the great drama in which lie was se con spicuous n figure did net have a fitting result in the Impoverishment in which it left him. He was distinctly dispossessed, the law being of little ac count against the force of circumstances which overwhelmed him and It. Mr. Butter had had it valid claim against the geveriflnent for redress, and we bo be bo llcve that nfter many years lie get some 3rt of coinjciisntIen ; hut his redress was In no way commensurate with his injury; nor did it rise te the.-1 level of his prejcr chum fyr-llhe hospitality he extended te thc.lhvadlug company that very seen eat him'eut of his house nndhemr; besides taking the geld CrrjRj his land. Geed Captain SuU "teThas gene, but the land remains at Sacramento, upon which steed his set tlement and ids fort, of which the remains, wc believe, are yet standing. And new Sacramento wants te possess them and te restore the fort, and te erect a monument te mark the memorable Bpet. But the ground is owned by a Chicago mau, who Is deaf te the repealed requests made te fix a jirlce upon his property, nnd lets it He In pasture. An indignant journal of the town pro poses that when the streets are cut. through, n stone lx placed at the lnter lnter nectlnn te mark the spot where Jehn A. Sutter raised the American flag ami gnve pheltcr te theearly pioneers of California; aud en that stbnc, it says, let there be inscribed " the fact that a certain cltUen of Chicago, stubbornly refused te sell the historic spot te the people for a reserve at any price." The Jew Yerk Sun mildly suggests that this mau is n "hog" aud declares that the Chicago journals that are se fend of extolling the civic pride of Chicago as exhibited in the spirit witli which it enters into the world's fair project, had better induce the citi.en thus mentioned te permit the preserva tion of Sutter's fort at Sacramento as a historic pleasure ground for the people. It is easily seen, of .court, that world fair malice inspires this suggestion of the Jfew Yerk te the Chicago journals, and Captain Sutter and the present owner of the Sutter ranch are hauled n te point the gibe. But we are moved te rise te the defense of the Chicago owner of the old Sacramento fort and te the suggestion that perchuuee he may thiuk that they, who cared se little for its original owner in his life time aud who were Blew te compensate him for the In jury that came te him through the gol den flood that created Sacramento, have little claim te demand romi-mIeu of the ground te erect thereon a mon ument te a historic fact that sheds no lustre upon the fume of the settlers. It may be that the Chicago man te-ents the treatment of Sutter ; or it may Ih that he would save Sacramento from re storing the fort that would ever lie a re minder of the wrong done its original builder. Evidently there is fcemethlng ether than the greed for geld that sticks , in his craw and forbids his entertaining the 9fler te sell his meadow for money. The death of Mr. Cawidy stalled the orators te his memory into moralizing upon the habit of humanity te only waken up thoroughly te the conception of the value of the life they mourn after It has fled from among us. There has been u unity of expression of admiration for Mr. Catsidy's character and tuleuts, new (hat he is dead, that was net heard whlle he lived and when it would have brought Jey te bis feeul and perhaps added years te his life. And fe new this nrdent desire of Sacramento, te commemorate the hos pitality and sacrltlce of Captalu Sutter, after he had been long left In obscurity te die, remluds us hew much better It would be if we could spare a little of the exuberant applause of the future te the deeds aud the men of the present. "Doubtless it will ever be te. ltncels death and tlme te mellow memories and te put upon record the real peutinieuts of the human heart. Feet Ball. The college feet ball team Is rushing right into the hearts of tltc citizens. It is u noble game when played with chivalrle temper,and quite interesting te fee young men quarrel by the hour without ever fighting! In these jwaccful days an occasional return te barbarism is stimu lating, and the usually harmless com bats of the feet ball Held develop lottr lettr rge, muscle and self-control; likewise fun. The aggrieved party In a feet ball quarrel is much tee who te take the ad vice of the email boy who lustily shouts "hit him In the mouth !" The aggrieved party reflects tlmt such action would spoil the game aud that he will very aoeu have a chuuee te express his wrath by violently mauling his opponent in the next scrumble. Ah the game nears its end nnd the contestants U-coiue weary the amusement develops unsuspected beauties. It frequently happeiis that a gentleman with the ball emerges from the crowd of players with one of the enemy atleetlonetely embracing him around the neck. They sauutcrall' together in search of a ueft muddy spot and here they He down and the rest of the players climb en ten and strike attitudes. Tim unmin. W aedreferce.attired lu cuir,canoandether ;a clothing, then advauce aud ilts,elvu the tableau in a few well chum words, W wuercujiuii muy ure reuuuiy auuscU in tbe remaining dictionary. The players then form anew (heir Hum .,f l..,m,. ...,.i ?,Jve another scramble, highly pictur- a- vque, vigorous and exciting. Earlier , tf In the giuue thtie qualities are even uieru prominent, and the running, dodg dedg Ing, quarreling aud miscellaneous strug gling are quite charming, but It takes the flnnl straggles te draw out evidences of carefully concealed nfTcctleu, like the deliberate embracing of the players with the ball. It lift noble, manly game, and a gentle one withal, though It may net seem se. The youths who therein batter one nneihei- have the kindest feelings after It it ever, and would Ihj very sorry te really hurl opponents dur ing tlic struggle. It takes it geed deal te really hurt n feet ball player. Ge and see Just hew much and you will Iks nslimned te groan the next time you fall down a flight of stair. Seriously, feet ball is a line game, and our home col lege has n line let of players. May they win plenty of glory and retain thclrsev eral skeleton Intact. m Ni:ws from llrnzll I nil of tlie snine peaceful tone, but It must be reinuniliercd that these In power thorn have rontrel of the cables ami tlie ether side Is yel te be heard from. It Is reported tlmt tlie secretary of tlie navy Inn telegraphed te Admiral mills, of (he Seuth Atlntitltiqundroii,lhntllioTnlla Atlntitltiqundreii,lhntllioTnlla Atlntitltiqundroii,lhntllieTnlla pooMi nnd flnlcnn should be sent te Jlrnzll te leek after American Interests. Jf It should happen tlmt American Interests really need looking aflcr tliese ships can net mnke much of a (1st nt It. Tlie Talla poosa Is a woeilen paddle-wliccl steamer smaller limn the dispatch beat Delphin. She carries six howitzers. Tlie (Iiilcna Is weed, somewhat larger nnd a screw stcuiner, but her eight guns are mostly smooth bere. It would seem much hotter te send onueftho new ships down there, but the only ones mailable nt ence nre tlie four of the squadron of evolution Just stnrtcd en their grand pnrnda. They nre te go from Bosten te Portugal, which kingdom by the way Is trembling loe badly ever the ilrnrlllan rnvnhitlrMi- te silicerely welcome the strong fleetef this republic. It would spcju. nulrli hotter te send the squadron of evolution te Brazil, where If everything gees well they could gie a precr greeting te the new republic, and If any trouble should nrise they would In In splre respect. Tin: efforts te nrove an alibi In the Crenln cose vvore greatly weakened by the failure of an luiertaul witness en Tiiesday, nnd the course of tlie dofenso en Wednes day docs net scein te have helped thcin te recover. An alibi is u very geed thing for ilofenso, but n complute and open break down of an attempt te preve one Is n much better thing for the prosecution. It revcalH an Intent te mislead Hint must lessen the value of all ether testimony for ilofenso. On Wednesday ovhlunce was offered show ingthnt IlCKgN, ene of the prlsoneis, hud called en Presldeul-elcct Unril.sen te urge tlie appointment of a filcnd te elllce. Tills hail nothing te de with the rase, hut It u its explained that the defense desired te show the chnrnctnr of llcggs' association with public men. It serves better te show the )lnd of meti that sonie public men allow tlimnselves te be annoyed ly, and this long rauge cll'ert te bring In tlie nanus of the president does net rlevntu Mr. lieges n bit. Tin: Philadelphia ivwi has this te say about ex-1'resldent Cleveland's speech te tlie New Yerk business men: "It was a lip-top speech and contained a heap of sound, political souse, hut it will net pro pre vent the newspaper eignns of Mr. Cleve land's party Iren) continuing te abuse President Harrison for appointing Mr. Wnnumnkcr te the olllce of postmaster general. " ev let tlie Y go out among the business men of Phlhidelplila nnd find Just hew many of them consider Mr. Wanauuiker the highest type of a cabinet elllccr. .Mr, Clevcluud did net ud ud vlse the bnsliiess moil te buy olllce with n campaign fund. In tlie Timet trial lu Londen en Wed nesday Sir Henry James rofencd te tlie flight of Patrick Kgiiu as proof of criminal conduct and tuiid tlmt thorn was oilier proof of bin association with the l'lioenlx park murdorers. Mr. Kgnn Is new United Slates envoy te Chill, having been given that high efllca by President Harrison and .Sec retary lllainc. Tin: mayor of New Yerk appointed seveu school commissioners en Wcdnoa Wcdnea diy, and ns usual two of them worn women. There seems te be no geed ic.i ic.i seu why women should net have place en school beards, which nre supposed te held aloof from politics. Thuy ceitalnly should be ns well llilcd ns mun for overseeing the education and training of cbiblicn. Tm: departure of the squadron of evolu tion does net le.ie our home waters much of a navy. The North Atlantic squadron is new mnde up of the Delphin, Kc.irs.irge nnd Ynnlle. The two last aru wooden ships, slew and Kerly armed and the Delphin docs net claim gie.it fighting ability. STANI.KY IIKACIIIN SUMVAI'WA. Captain Wlssmuuu Teleueniilm Tlmt the lUplerer Arrived November l(). Captain WIssiuuuu telegninlis that Henry M. Stanley nrrled nt Mpwnpwn en November Id. Captain WlHsinaiin's dispatch concerning .Stanley Is dated nt -inzibar en Wednes day, ltcsides Ktnnley, nil the European members of the oxpedltleu nnd Sehlne and Ilell'inanaiul otber missionaries have nrrlved nt Mpwupwa. All nre well. Cap. tain Wlssuuun expects the parly te arrive at ll.ignnioye en Deceiuber 1. Tlie llerllu Jleieltauseiiier has n disjutch from Captain Wissiiiaiin dated Mpwapun, Octeber f!l. The dispatch says: "1-Vuref Stanley's niei and one of Kinin'.s holdlers have nrrlved huie. They loll Stttiitey at Noukmimieu August 10, and camebv w.iv of Nocmbe mid Mweiiowerl north te Ugoge In thirty-threo d.ivs, including uine dii en which they resttsl. Kuilu and Casaltl had SOU Seudanese soldiers ami many ether folleweis with them. Tliey hnd lu their possesslon a large quantity of Ivery. Stanley had a foive of S10 Zan.lliarlH, and wns acvompanled by Ids lieulenatils Nelsen, Jcphsen, Stairs, l'arUe, Ilennyaud William. Tlie expedi tion struck camp an seen .isthouiescngoiH started. Kniln nnd Stuuley 'repcitedly feucht and repulsed the MahdUts, ciptur Ins: the Mahdi's grand baiiuer. Auuijeritv of Kinln'M seldieis rel'iibed te fellow him southward, asserting that tlu'lr way home did net He lu that direction. Einiii left two Egyptian elllccrs In charge of stations. The messengers have no Unowledge of the Scneussl or of events In Khartoum and Abyssinia. " Mct'iir-tliy Whip, Kellehee. A light te a linish between Hilly .Mc Carthy, champion middle-weight of" Aus tralia, anil Dennv Kellelier, of llosteu. for a pm se et l,soe, took pluce at the rooms et the r,ilifrnui Athletic club, San Tran-cIsj-e, We.luewl.iv ulglit. McC.ulhy leek the nguresslve when tlme was called and fercisl Kellelier about the ring with his vicious swings. In the third round he knocked Kellelier down with ilulit-h.iuiler as the hitter breke Kreund, which he frequently did. Kullo Kulle lier'sllp waweut In this round. Kellelier was knocked out In the twcntv-llrst round. President Fulda, of Iho California Ath letic club, Wednesday night put before the club n preposition te match Jehn 1 Sulli van and PUer Juekscn te tight In the club's rooms Ter the weild's championship ,imj ,v motion that tbe-ilub ut up n imrse of $10, 00) was seeonded and earried bv an uluiest unanimous vote. ltelerivd te Mr, Itlulue. 1 ruin HieN, V.Huu. Here are a few dates of iuturest : IV.-X!10 !!,,.,u"'! Mle of America. 1K!I. The UulUsI Match of Mexico. !"!:!""!! !' ,,,'".,U,J l,tuU'" of 'i"uibi. Iriil I he InlUil Mates of Vi-nexucln. 1WJ. The UulUil hUK of llrarll. Will thcre eer be the t'uited Stutes( f North and Seuth America, and hew mjuii ? -- Twe i;ien Itaunih Held Olllee. (Jreeu II. ituinii, Jr., son of the commis sioner of pousleus, has been npiointed assistant chief clerk or the )ensleii bureau, ylce ltccds, reslgntsl. Tlie uoiuiulwileiier he4 createl a new division, te be known as the anpelutiucnt division, of which his feeu will have charge. THE MORMOXIXVF.8TIOATION. A Wltnena ItcfiiMca te Tell Hew Slany Wlrr-H He Hnd. Investigation ns te the oaths taken by the Mormons In the r.ndowment llouse and the general tciulency of the teachings of the church In reganl te the govern ment was resume! in Salt lyike City en Wednesday, C W. Pcnrose, editor of the A'nc. and enn of the Mermen leaders, who en Tuesdny refused Ui answer a ones ones Hen ns te hew many wives he had ami was given until next morning te de se or go te prison, was tlie first witness called. He iikiiIii llatly (Us'lluisl te niiswer, l.o l.e grand Yeung, una of the church nttorneys, said the witness wished te put In a written klateinrmt nxelalnlnir his nosltietl. Mr. Yeung called the court's iittcntlen te Hie fact that President Cleveland Imd gnintcd the witness amnesty, nnd he therefore thought the court had no right te compel lit in te answer the question ns te what the witness lml done In the pist. The ques tion wnsdlscussel nt length by the attor neys, but the court slid the witness was squarely lu contempt, and would be com mitted te the penitentiary until he purged himself. It was further stnted that hero here nfler In tlie Investigation, any wltness who declined te answer, slid did net put his declination en seme legal ground, would be compelled teanswer. The commitment was net obevcil. l'otireso had n long consulta tion wllli President Woodruff and General Cannen. In the afternoon he was taken te the penilentlary. He will file n statement with the court. Tlie safest nmt most reliable remedy for the UMinl dlnenu-s of the Imliy Is lr. Hull's Hnliy Hiu p. It cenUilns nothing Injurious, l'rli'e 25 cents n lieltlc. ir you the In n low, nmrshyillpitrlct, where thu mlnsiiwt nrinlng from derjiylnir segetable matter, pollutes the atnieplierc, the iim of Uixniler Ixcerneii nn iilioliile neresslty. ft ilrles miilsrlu from the sjstem at once nnl ciixts only Zi cent. Or plain, or bountiful, tbe while, Nelady can atrerd te smile, Unlss her leth nre llkn tlie snow; Anil If Khn fall In this, And can't afford tomnlleor kls, Hhe mutt ue SOZODONT, t trew. Man wants hulllttln lierolielew, I tn I wauls that llttle strong. This Is eupcclally true of n purg. The nverftgn man or wnniim dws net precisely linukcr for It, ns ii rule, but when tnlien, wlnlies It te be prompt, sum and ftfcellvc. Dr. I'lcrce's I'lenii nnt PiirgatlNe I'ellits leave nothing te he de sired In polutef ctllcncy, nnd yet their action Is totally from any unpleasant yinplem. or ills ills agncntjle nfUT cllfcts, Purely rgotnble, per fectly harmless. W.ThAw s 'WIKTHPKCIFICCO. Lingered Botween Life and Death. Mrs tlce. P. Hmoetc, n highly cultivated and ifitlinutilolndyef Prescott, Ark,, writes under datoef April 20, ISfiD: "Daring Hie summer of 1KS7 my eys l)ccnm Inflamed, and my sto mach und liver almost heismexly illi-enlercd. Nothing Inte agreed with inc. I took chronic dlnrrhrva, nnd ler nemc tliae my llfe wns de spaired of by my family. Thu lending physi cians of the country uoie consulted, and the medicines administered by them never illit any liermanent geed, and 1 llngeleil between lite anil death, the later being preferable te the agonic 1 was enduring. In May, IKSS, 1 hc hc came disgusted with ptijslcliiiis and their iiihIIcIiics. 1 dropped them nil, mid deiwndcd solely en riwiri's hx.clflc(rt.r. H.), n few Letties of which mnde me pcrmniienlly well well from then until new." MADU HIS bin-: A IIHUDKN. I have had scrofula until It mnde myllfua burden. I was Incxprcrsllily mlsuriitile, nick, weak, sleepless, and unhappy; di siring that the short time which seemed te hnvn been allotted te me en this earth would hasten tenn cud. 1 tried doctors' treatment nnd medicine, and travel, but noun of these did nny geed, for Iho scrofula griidunll grew worse. One physlj clan, who 1 traveled far te see, aud le wlieinf paid SIM, gave up Iho cnie us hepele.SK. I then gave up nil ether medicines, nnd took only Hwirt'sHK'cltle (M. H. H.) Four bottles or that medlcluu cured me, anil for the past four ears I have had ns excellent health unit I am ns free fiem disease as nnyhndy living " F. Z. Ni:i.seN, Fremont, Neb. Trcntloe en Illoed ami HUln Diseases mailed free. (I) HWIFT HPI'XH'IC CO., Atlanta, Un. 1,1'rtnatitrthcr'e. I'Mli.AlO'i.i-iuA.TIiurvtiiy, Nev. 21, 1NU. A happy family goats, alli gators, and seals. Or they were happy before men claimed their cuticle for footwear. This concerns Men's Slip pers. They touch the library fender of a Winter's night ; they touch Christmas thoughts. Coats. Opera or Toilet, maroon, patent leather trim ming, $2 and $2.50 ; also ma hogany goat, plain finish, at 2.25. Alligators. Would have The real sort, crushed your bones with their long jaws be fore they .surrendered te fate. Yeu think you are even as you rest jeurself in beautiful Alli gator Slippers. Brown, slate, russet, chestnut, mahogany ; goat or patent leather trimmed, Real Scats. Brown and rus set, $3. Patent Leather Dancing Pumps. Men's $2.50, Beys' $1.75, Youths' $1.50. With a forward glance te the 1 lelidays, we remind you that the great stock of Men's Slip pers is here. Market strict side. All about the ieurtli aisle north of Transept. Te the west, Novelty Dress Robes at great reductions. Ne need te print a word of that you knew it already. At the east the power of 50 cents reigns supreme in the Almas, Sebastopels, and Raye Seleils. Yeu knew that tee. But lying brightly between and waiting for your coining is the region of 75 cents and $. Listen te the tale. It has three parts. First Six styles wool with silk, elegant stripes. At 75 cents tc-day, $1 yester day. Second The same price tumble with four styles fine All-wool Serge, solid sideband. Third Weel Serge, melange border, and plain with striped combination, many styles, that were $1.25 yesterday, are 75 cents te-day. And they are all choice Trench and German. I low they brought ethers down from $1.25, $1.50, and $2 te $1 must wait another day, unless you buy them unher alded meanwhile. Seuth of irnUi'. A surprising short time be tween the thousand dozen lets of these Bohemian Napkins. It is touch and go with them, sure enough. Twenty-three inches square, full selvedge, and the dozen price $1.10. Keuthwcst of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. II OOD'8 HAllflArAMI.bA. Catarrli in Is n cemplnlnt which Brfcctn nearly everybody, mera or leu. It originate In a cold, or tucecv nlen of celdn, combined with Impure bleed. Dlsajrwaible flew from the nose, llckllnir In the threat, ofTentlve breath, pnln ecr and between the eyes, ringing nnd bursting nelics In the enni, nre the mero common symptoms. Cnturrh Iscurcdby ilecsl's Hnrsaiiirllla, which strikes dlnsjlly at lis ceumi by remevlnu nil Impurities from the bleed, buUdlnc up the illnciucd tlnue mill kIvIhk binltby tene te thu whelssyttcm. Itiiiidrcdiief tettlmeiilnls preve beyond rpus rpus lien that u positive cure for catarrh Is found In HOOD'S SAR8APAEILLA " Ter 23 years I have been troubled with nt tnrrh In the head, Indlgetlleu, and nenernl de bility. I concluded te try n bottle of Heed's Hnmnparllla, nnd lldld room muili rwhI that I continued Its use till I have tkenncbettles. Mybfiillh has greatly lmpreisl,nd I feel like n (tlrrerenl weiniui." Mss. J. II. Adams, 8 ltlch ltlch inend Hlreet, Newark, N. J. N. 11. If you have decided te tnke Heed's rJnonpnrlllndenolbn Induced te buy any ether. Held by nil druggists. SI ; six for S3. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD 4 CO,, I)ivcll, Mass. 100 DOMKS O.NK DOI.I.AIt. Jlru N KXT DOOItTOTHK COUKT HOUHE. Bargains ! Bargains ! ' We are etlcrlng many Ilargulns this week In DRESS GOODS, Ladles' and Children's Coats, lllaukcts, Mutra, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Comets, etc., etc Among thespcclalllcs we will mention : ItcmnnnU of blenched and Unbleached Tnble Linens n Wc CerM-t for 38e ; Children's Corset Wnlsta, 'i'xs ; Nankeen Cotten Flannels, 9c j another ceke Unbleached Cotlon Flannels nt 5c; 60 dozen acrmnn Linen Napkins nt 75c, worth SI ; 23 dozen Bceteh Linen Napkins, dinner sire, SI 23, worth S2 J Utnck All-Weel Hcnrletln, 13 Inches wlde, at 75c, a SI quality ; Illnck All-Weel Henrietta, 40 Inches wlde, SI, the SI Sfi quality ; Colored Hen rlcltns, m Inches wide, nt37Jej Indigo lllue Prints nt6Jfc, 4-IItlll Muslin nt 8c: Beautiful Crel tonnes at 10c, wero 12Kc ; Men's Colored Bhlrts and Drawers at 23c, worth 37Je ; Htampctl Pillow Hlmmsef best muslin only 25c; Ht imped llurcnu and Sideboard Cevers, 2.5c, 33c, 45e nudSOc. -Corne when you will you will always find Bargains here. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. sv , ETZOEH A HAUC1H.MAN. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- METZGER & .Inst 0) enel u Large nnd llntulsoine Assortment of LADIES' nnd CHIL DHEN'S COATS ut tlie Lewest Prices. I'm ticulur Attention Is culled te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, mnde expressly for us by tlie Ik-st MnnufnctuicrH. Fer Style, Beauty nml Finish Cannet be Excelled. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OIM'OSITK THK B .mid & Mcelrey. TBiLRjD & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Isn't It n fact, thnt for the snme amount or money you can buy netter goods In one store tliiin you can In another ? Why ? Ilecnuse snme sell their geiHls nt smaller pretlts, giving you a bctUr article for your money. ve claim te sell koeiU closer than nny ether lien) In Luniaiter. Ineur last advcrtl-omentMe spoke about Underwear. Men's White or Colored ntaX'i)C, 37Jc, fide nnd up. lidlennt 2."e, 39c, 59eand up New wnlloyeu may see the same priced goods nt nny ether store, m claim our goods at tlie prices nre tlie test value ever eircred. Take our I Jitllcs' Veils, starting nl 'J.3C, next grnde. 10c, nnd se en, perhaps you will sny the nest grade at ether stores lstfTSfcrach or 73c per pair, se It Is, nnd our price iiOc or 78c per pair, lie n pair hlgher.but for the illlli'icni'f of 3e mere ue kIvc.veii a nnir of rtK that retail at Sl,a saving of 2.'e en eery pair, liiitvnmn't speak of every number or Underwear, lu Ladles', Men's or Children's, as me have them lu Merine, Medicated, Natural Weel, Camel's Hair, etc. SHAWLS Extra bnrgnlns lithlngluHhaulsiittl.il 25, 81 CO, f2 nnd up. We would call special mention of two numbers In lieuhle wlmls thutnre. wny below the regular prle. One In a ureen, Illnck and lllue Plaid at f.160, which Is nt least 81 under price. Anether number Is onent 81 60, wiiicn, wn nre sure, you cannot milieu in quality ier lens man &, in n great variety ei siyics. Ilargulns In lllack Thibet Hhawlslii single nnd double. Shoulder .Shawls from 10c up RLANKirm White nnd Colored Illnnkets nt 75c, Mc, 81, tl 2a,81 CO, 81 75, f.'.rJSJ, 83,8350,81, 81 5, 85. fH, 87, 8U. I'ery kind nt Hip price Is n bargain. COMPORTX-Comferta lit 75c. 81. 1 Si. 81 60. SI 75. K. 8225. 82 60. S3. Our own make. Larife iilie nt 81 50 Nene of our licst sellers. I'liANNULM Notwithstanding the mild weather we have sold a quantity of Flannels already lu Cotten l'lnmicUat 5c, J(c, S, 10c, 12W.r, etc.: In Weel Flannels, In (Irey, at loe, 12kc, 15c, 18c, etc.; In Rd nt 12!c, 15c, JX'.'-Vimil up; InNiivy lllnent Sic, 31c, 10c and GOc Kmbrefitercd Fliiunels for rjlslrl. In Pure erOream White, embroidered white ; In lilue llrcy, cinbreldcred cardinal J In llrenn Mixed, ouibreldcied brim n, nt 51 nnd 8125 per ynrd. Klegaut quality aud patterns. HTAMPClKJOODrt Hlnmped Pillow rJhniiisnt'JUi nnd 25c per pair. Stamped Linen Wash stand Cevers, 25e. IturenuMearfs, i!5c, licnnil up. Tidies from 5c up. Hpliishers from 10c up. OIL CLOTll We nre ettering u sim'cIiiI geed article III Fleer Oil Cleth, 2 ynrds wide, at 50c n ynrd. .lust tlie thing for uneven doers, as It Is soft and pliable. All grades from ynrd le 2J yards wide. Cheap Cocea Rugsal50c; iertli75c. PANT HOODS All extra large stock of Panting nt 10c, 12'c. 15c, ISc, 20c, 25c,374c, 40c, IV, 50c, fi5c, 75ennd up. It Is only by ettering bnrgalns we urecnnblc te Increase our trade, which woluive neen lining ever sinee vvu sinrieii. rUaTHKRH Tlie best Feathers cheap. A bjlrid & Mcelrey, 33 and 35 Sedth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Inn. Nes, JLUntclu'e. H Z. RUOADS A HON. Visitors Are Invited te Our Art Roem ! OUR IMPORTATIONS INCLUDE PAINTINGS AND STATUARY, lmON'ZUS AND MUSICAL llOXICS, PANS AND I.ICATHKU GOODS, l-'RL'NCH CLOCKS AND CAN'DPLAlHtA. Paintings by modern nrllsts. llrenrcs tlmt wen In the Paris Salen. Musical liexes, the finest fieiieva weik. l'nus ofencplecolncc, hand painted. French Clocks, quarter hour strike. Oiudcla Ina lu Oeld, Silver, Onyx and llrenc. lliijers of Wedding or Holiday (lifts will iilcavu call nnd lenrn eurprlccs. -Watches, Clocks, Jewelry und Musical llexck repaired. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEWELERS, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. 1? JiLINN A1URENEMAN. $.100. BLOCKS OF FIaZE. AMCS13 YOPRSULF AND MAK11 MOXKY. Tin' New Yerk World will give $100 te the pors-en who will de the I'tuzlc in the nhortest time. The LnneuHter 1nti:li.iei;nci:u will pity 20 te the jeien in Litncnster County who will ile tills Pttzzle it: the i-hertest tinie. SOLE AGENTS. PRICE, 10 CENTS. tnothitte i sici:w. Fall, 1SS9. Make It the money-saving time of the ear, and this the place le yaw It by getting Urn best material und most st llsh Suitings, Treuserings and Overceatings FORTH K LKAhT MONEY. Yeu knew the reputation -ulns nllahle. Prices nnj lower than ever, st) Ics handsomer, ipialllv liner. Te theM who liave de.il! here the garments jieak fertheinselvcn. All lli.it Isasked sa trial le please jeu.and assiirojeu srfecl b.illsfactieu. NOS.-J.tl ANDIBUWCST KING STKKOT. liklmd O K.NIIV WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, has remevisl te 13fl Fust King street, huvlngn full line of Furniture of every description at the iewciii. pnctsi. aise unucruiKing promptly tli luuuisi ut, iuii uuu tJXHIUlllU uur giieus. S-tfdR JJ, WOLF. ISA East King HU4 tlie Head Uangcreua tendencies characterize that very common affection, catarrh In the head. The foul matter dropping Inte the bronchial tubes or June Is very liable te lend te bronchltlter rentimiitlnn. As catarrh originated In Impu rities In the bleed, local applications can de but llttle geed. The common sene method of treatment Is te purify the bleed, nnd for this ftirpese there Is no preparation superior le loed's Hnrnapnrllla. The iKiwerfnl action of Ihl medicine upon the bleed expels the scrofu lous tnlnt which leeds nnd simtnlns mtnrrhal disease, whllelt tones and builds up the affected membruue. CUBES CATARRH " I had the worst symptoms of chronic ca tarrh for two yearn. He troublesome was ft that I could net smell nor taste. I found Heed's Harnaparlltn n speedy cure, nnd I am new frce from this nwful dleasc." J, II. Hammis, Kay Hhere.N. Y. " Fer several years I hnd n catrrlisl nfTectlen lu my threat, nnd had tried several medicines lint could find nothing te help me. I must say I was very mtirh benefitted by using Heed's HarsapnrlUn," KM AS V. DEVitir-s, Omaha, Neb Held by nil druggists, ft ; six for S5. Prepared only by U. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 DOHKH ONE DOI.I.AU (Scotia. WF HAUGHMANS. COOPKR HOUSK.) loner gnideatSOc. Jlcutietvu. 1 CENTAL ROOMa. R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. UltAUI'ATK IN DeNTISTIIV AMI AN.MrilETU'H. Olllce und Residence, hOlTTHE.ST COR. OKANIIK AND NORTH QUEEN bTRF.Ers. Prompt Attention. Chuigcii Reasonable. All Werk Warranted, f lei'iLs-S a. m. te t p. in. Week Days. keptMSiudAw minccllaiu'iiun. s'rnm: nii'ivEit into in eiw pianos 1 ure unsurpassed uv any oilier pianos e iuW icr r..'ll MIIIa V.. f.a tfi. llieouere iiioiuiei, ii, u. Miren. e. ll EaM ., vrir.f , .ttl .V V.W.. i'irie .1,1. i-i .N kt Klugbl., Lancaster, Pa, K ANb.Vi Investment Company, 1'ndi-r KinicrvUIeii of Hank ComiiilleiK'rs. Capital S."),iii) Kutplin .. 1U0,IU) V mllv Ideil earnlngk. US.I.VS htiK-klieldcn.' liability.- . .. 500.0U0 Investments from fO te rJU). JOHN II. M J TZLER, Agtnf, ectli-lyd Ne. U heulti Duke UI. 9V0Cttlt9. ILAKKES SPECIAL BAIU1AINB. Tbe Greatest Offer On Earth! Highly Important te Scheel Teachers I Re member, the teachers who leave town without calling en CLAIIKE, the Tea, CeiTee. and Oro Ore ceryman, of Lancaster, will regret; It all tin da)s of their lives. Especially when theysee the beautiful presents secured by their neigh bors who lisve called. Our offer te teachers and nil who call nre Iho greatest ever heard of since Adam dwell In Paradise. ltcmembcr our stock of Tens, Coffees nnd Uro Ure curies Is the largest nnd most complete of nny house In the stele. Prices always the lowest nnd quality precs 1L Best New Leghorn Citren, lse B. Telekn Telekn thnres, Perfectly Clean Currants und Sultana ltnlslns ready rer Immediate use, for sale by us. Fruit PiHldlne.Hcn prick ; 7 packs ferSOe. Fin rstllnc of Hmekcd Fish 111 the city. Clscecs, Klpnnrd Herring, (Salmen nnd Hen Herring. Cheapest .Sugars In thn city. SAMUELGLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE AND (1ROCKRY HTOllE, 12 A 11 BOUTH QUEEN STREET. -Telephone. T BUltHK'S. Fresh Goods from the Mills. Choice New Iluckwhent. Alse Bclf-Rnislng Buckwheat. Schumacher's Fresh Avena or Rolled Oats. Schumacher's Oat Meal. Schu macher's Farina nnd Oranulated Cern Meal. Cracked nnd Rolled Wheat by the pound. Whenllett, a new nnd flne article for the break fast table. SUGARS ALMOST STRUCK BOTTOM. Down from the highest, from two te thrce cents n pound. Yeu enn't leek for them much lower. Uranulnted nt 8c Is reasonable. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS In grvnt variety. Alse Canned Goods of nil kinds, BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. l'A. T REisr. Given Away Free ! " Our Family Physician." A plain, practical and reliable, gulde te the detection nnd treatment of dlsenscsjcommen te this country. Designed for use by people who have net made thn practice of medicine a study or abuslncM, and who nre net supposed te be familiar with technical phiwcs and names, but wnnt Information In plain English. Price, $3. Auk for a card, buy ivventy dollars worth of Groceries In ninety days. The amount of each purchase will be cancelled as goods nre bought en this curd, nnd when nil the figures, repre senting (20, ure purchased, 5 oil get the book. An Immense Stock of Groceries. Twenty barrels of the Rest Ijist Year's Crep New Orleans Unking Molasses, 5. 0, 8, 10, 12,11. IS, 18 nnd 18c u quart. A big let of One-Pound Comb Heney, lSc n pound, Hl.xty gallons of Finest New Yerk HUite Heney nt 15en pound, two pounds for S5c. A let of Mlncenientnt8c, 10c, undVery Finest at 12c n pound. Finest New Killing Picnic Hauls reduced te 8c n pound; Hummer llelngnn, Pc. Dried Ileef, Oc and 10c. Finest Extra Dry Knuckle Dried Jiecf, lac a pound. Granulated Cemment, te n quart. Six pounds rrch Wheat Germ for 23c Hlx pounds Rolled Oats, 25c. Self-Rnlslng Ruck wheat. 10c nnd 15c n jvick. Thrce pounds Finest New Figs, 23c. Twe pounds Finest Prunellas for 23c. Thrce pounds New Apricots for 2.3c. Hlx, four, three and two pounds Prunes for 23c. Cerallne, 5c and 10c a pack. New English Cur- rnnis, inree peuniis ier zec ive peunas Peaches, S3c. Thrce pounds Evaporated Ap ples, 25c Twe pounds Rest Evnporeted Un pnred Peaches for 23c. New Citren, 20c. Lemen und Ornnge Peel, 15c n pound. New Pitted Cherries, 20e a pound. Twelve Flne Four-Inch Wax Candles for 15c. Three-pound can New Apricots, 23c. Twe cans Finest French Pens, 23c. Four pounds Thick or Thin Wnter Crack ers for 23c. Nlcnacs, three pounds for 25c. NIc tints, ilve pounds for '23e. Ginger Hnnps, three pounds for 23c. Caustic riedn, 6c n pound. Ma laga Grapes. Persian nnd Ferd Dates, Flerida Oranges, New Nuts, Fresh Candles, Lima leans, Buckwheat, Ilemlny, l'cnsjBplIt Pens, Lentils, Ac. The finest lines of Hmeked Clscecs nnd Hugnr-Curcd Herring, Codfish nnd Mack erel In the city. reFst ! M'HOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE BTS., Directly Opposite J. II. Martin t Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer toHerm Hersw Hetel. Cix'U (Gcn.ib T 11. MARTIN CO. CONNEMARAS, NEWMARKETS, IRISH PEASANT COATS, STONINETT JACKETS, SEAL PLUSH GARMENT, STOCKINETTE JACKETS, Well made and excellent ma terial, from $3.25 te $5.00. Fine Steckinette Jackets from $5.00 te $10.00, are bound with silk braid, have bell sleeves and are very desirable. Ladies' Plush Coats, Ladies' Plush Jackets, Ladies' Plush Medjeskas, Ladies' PlushWalking Jackets are made from Walker's Cele brated Plush, and every gar ment guaranteed te give supe rior wear. Cut prices in Corsets te-morrow, Friday, also Saturday, we will sell Dr. Warner's Flexible Hip, 79c. Dr. Warner's Ceralinc, 79c. Dr. Warner's Health, $1.05. lialPs H. P. Corsets, 75c. Ball's Circle Hip Corsets, 75c. Ball's Sateen Corsets, $1.00. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. (iMeitv. EVAN A bON'H. Levan's Fleur! Uniform and Reliable. i &vf Ooeb. w ILLIAMSON A FOSTER. Wc have the very latest styles Hoyi' Cntwjl V.UHI DllllA, fill, fl, Vi. Reys' Dress Hack Ce.it Bulls, 11, r, 110, $12. Heys' Hclioel Overcoats, n nnd J3 SO. Reys' Dress Overcoats, t- W, 17 te $18. Men's Montjernnc Hen verl)vimuUi.tK. Men's Fur Reaver Overcoats, w, SIO, 111, 114 Men's Reefer Jackets, S3 50. M, $3, tO. Working 1'nnU, 7fte. Children's Fancy Worsted Hulls. JS, 7, H. Children's Overcoats, 12, ti 50, 13 GO. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFUNEQUALLEt RAROAIN8IN Blankets and Comforts Prices thnt are 20 per cent, below regul figures. Flannels nnd Canten Flannels at low den prices. THE RIBBON SALE Having secured n few mere special leU will enable us te continue the sale one week longer! mines ! i no I'lusu i;nnis aim jncxeis nna Aieiijesiins or Ucnultie imiiertcd 1'lut.h, HO 75, 5IZ, I1, tioeo. Ladles' Cleth Newmarkets, te 60 te 120. MEN'S TODERWEAR Flne Natural Shirts nnd Drawers, 75c te each. Flne Whlle All-Weel Shirts nnd Drawers, (1 te n CO. Men's Scarlet Weel Shirts and Drawers, 75e te (I each. Men's Merine Shirts and Drawers, white, gray nnd red, 2'ic, S8c, 60c. Men's Night Robes, plain nnd fancy fronts, EJUC lO 54 w. HATS, FURS AND UMBRELLAS. Lndle9' Shoulder Capes, Astrnchan Cleth,! Pointed Frent with Pocket, Se. I Plain CaH-s of Astrnchan Fur, SIO ; wlthl i allien rrem, sia. Plush Capes, Se te SO 60. Rlack Hair Capes. S-1 60. Menkey Fur Cellars, SI lefi. Children's Mull's from 60c. Celd Cap Umbrcllus, warranted fast black,! Heys' Stiff Hats reduced from SI te 50c. Heys' Plush Cups with bands, 60c. Heys' Cleth Caps with bands, 35c. Heys' Flne Dress Shoes 81 50. Ladles' Dress Ilutten Shoes, S2 50. Misses' Dress Rulteu Shoes, S3. Men's Strem; Heets. S2. Ijidlcs', Misses', Heys' nnd Slen's Rubber I iioeis nnu uv crsnecs. Williamson & Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. Branch Stere, NO. 318 MARKET STREET. IIARRIS- nuitri PA. lEW BOSTON STORE. GO TO THE -reit- BARGAINS ! THERE 111 NO PLACE LIKE NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, If Yeu Care te Save Meney. EVERY DAY HRINGS CS NEW CUSTOMERS. Because our Lew Prices nre spreading our fame abroad. Everybody Interested In savlnu money should visit our store. Words nre Inadequate te descrlbe tlie mag nlllccnt opportunities for fnvlng money ut our establishment. He wlse I Pay us nn early visit. We Open Te-day a New Line of Fancy Werk Supplies, Viz: Flush Halls. Plush Flowers. Faucy Cords, Manner Reds. Spider Wcln, Chenilles, Brass Ornaments, Tinsels, Te el Racks, Plushes, Satins, etc. Don't Miss the Place, IT'S AT 24 Centre Square. BARGAINS IN WOOLEN HOSIERY Children's Woolen Uoie nt 8, 10, 11!'$, 15, 17, 'JO, tS cents, etc. liiris vv H)i nese in ii, 17, ju, -it cents, eic. ladles' Weel Hoe nt 12) 17, 30, S" te 60 c 1 cents a pair. HIG UAItOAINS IN Plush Coats, Stockinet! Coats and Sbawls. XMUZKHAIUIAINS INT lllaukcts, Comforts, Flannels, Skirts, Skirtings, Shirtings, Pant Goods, Cotten Flannels, etc. WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN Dress Goods ! SMnch Heavy Cleths at Kc a yard, ttvlui'h Fine Cleths at t!5e a jar.l M-Inch Cleths nt I5e .i vard. 1W Styles Drcs Goods at 5c, 7c,sc,0.-, 10c, liljy, 15c, 17c, 'Ale, SV, U5c, .15c, i")c te SI 50 it j aril. J. Harry Stamm, 24 Centre Square. HiaiwHester NEWBOSTON STORE